Theory BigStep

(*  Title:      JinjaDCI/J/BigStep.thy

    Author:     Tobias Nipkow, Susannah Mansky
    Copyright   2003 Technische Universitaet Muenchen, 2019-20 UIUC

    Based on the Jinja theory J/BigStep.thy by Tobias Nipkow

section ‹ Big Step Semantics ›

theory BigStep imports Expr State WWellForm begin

  eval :: "J_prog  expr  state  expr  state  bool"
          ("_  ((1_,/_) / (1_,/_))" [51,0,0,0,0] 81)
  and evals :: "J_prog  expr list  state  expr list  state  bool"
           ("_  ((1_,/_) [⇒]/ (1_,/_))" [51,0,0,0,0] 81)
  for P :: J_prog

  " sh C = Some (sfs, Done); new_Addr h = Some a;
     P  C has_fields FDTs; h' = h(ablank P C) 
   P  new C,(h,l,sh)  addr a,(h',l,sh)"

| NewFail:
  " sh C = Some (sfs, Done); new_Addr h = None; is_class P C  
  P  new C, (h,l,sh)  THROW OutOfMemory,(h,l,sh)"

| NewInit:
  " sfs. sh C = Some (sfs, Done); P  INIT C ([C],False)  unit,(h,l,sh)  Val v',(h',l',sh');
     new_Addr h' = Some a; P  C has_fields FDTs; h'' = h'(ablank P C) 
   P  new C,(h,l,sh)  addr a,(h'',l',sh')"

| NewInitOOM:
  " sfs. sh C = Some (sfs, Done); P  INIT C ([C],False)  unit,(h,l,sh)  Val v',(h',l',sh');
     new_Addr h' = None; is_class P C 
   P  new C,(h,l,sh)  THROW OutOfMemory,(h',l',sh')"

| NewInitThrow:
  " sfs. sh C = Some (sfs, Done); P  INIT C ([C],False)  unit,(h,l,sh)  throw a,s';
     is_class P C 
   P  new C,(h,l,sh)  throw a,s'"

| Cast:
  " P  e,s0  addr a,(h,l,sh); h a = Some(D,fs); P  D * C 
   P  Cast C e,s0  addr a,(h,l,sh)"

| CastNull:
  "P  e,s0  null,s1 
  P  Cast C e,s0  null,s1"

| CastFail:
  " P  e,s0 addr a,(h,l,sh); h a = Some(D,fs); ¬ P  D * C 
   P  Cast C e,s0  THROW ClassCast,(h,l,sh)"

| CastThrow:
  "P  e,s0  throw e',s1 
  P  Cast C e,s0  throw e',s1"

| Val:
  "P  Val v,s  Val v,s"

| BinOp:
  " P  e1,s0  Val v1,s1; P  e2,s1  Val v2,s2; binop(bop,v1,v2) = Some v 
   P  e1 «bop» e2,s0  Val v,s2"

| BinOpThrow1:
  "P  e1,s0  throw e,s1 
  P  e1 «bop» e2, s0  throw e,s1"

| BinOpThrow2:
  " P  e1,s0  Val v1,s1; P  e2,s1  throw e,s2 
   P  e1 «bop» e2,s0  throw e,s2"

| Var:
  "l V = Some v 
  P  Var V,(h,l,sh)  Val v,(h,l,sh)"

| LAss:
  " P  e,s0  Val v,(h,l,sh); l' = l(Vv) 
   P  V:=e,s0  unit,(h,l',sh)"

| LAssThrow:
  "P  e,s0  throw e',s1 
  P  V:=e,s0  throw e',s1"

| FAcc:
  " P  e,s0  addr a,(h,l,sh); h a = Some(C,fs);
     P  C has F,NonStatic:t in D;
     fs(F,D) = Some v 
   P  eF{D},s0  Val v,(h,l,sh)"

| FAccNull:
  "P  e,s0  null,s1 
  P  eF{D},s0  THROW NullPointer,s1"

| FAccThrow:
  "P  e,s0  throw e',s1 
  P  eF{D},s0  throw e',s1"

| FAccNone:
  " P  e,s0  addr a,(h,l,sh); h a = Some(C,fs);
    ¬(b t. P  C has F,b:t in D) 
   P  eF{D},s0  THROW NoSuchFieldError,(h,l,sh)"

| FAccStatic:
  " P  e,s0  addr a,(h,l,sh); h a = Some(C,fs);
    P  C has F,Static:t in D 
   P  eF{D},s0  THROW IncompatibleClassChangeError,(h,l,sh)"

| SFAcc:
  " P  C has F,Static:t in D;
     sh D = Some (sfs,Done);
     sfs F = Some v 
   P  CsF{D},(h,l,sh)  Val v,(h,l,sh)"

| SFAccInit:
  " P  C has F,Static:t in D;
     sfs. sh D = Some (sfs,Done); P  INIT D ([D],False)  unit,(h,l,sh)  Val v',(h',l',sh');
     sh' D = Some (sfs,i);
     sfs F = Some v 
   P  CsF{D},(h,l,sh)  Val v,(h',l',sh')"

| SFAccInitThrow:
  " P  C has F,Static:t in D;
     sfs. sh D = Some (sfs,Done); P  INIT D ([D],False)  unit,(h,l,sh)  throw a,s' 
   P  CsF{D},(h,l,sh)  throw a,s'"

| SFAccNone:
  " ¬(b t. P  C has F,b:t in D) 
   P  CsF{D},s  THROW NoSuchFieldError,s"

| SFAccNonStatic:
  " P  C has F,NonStatic:t in D 
   P  CsF{D},s  THROW IncompatibleClassChangeError,s"

| FAss:
  " P  e1,s0  addr a,s1; P  e2,s1  Val v,(h2,l2,sh2);
     h2 a = Some(C,fs); P  C has F,NonStatic:t in D;
     fs' = fs((F,D)v); h2' = h2(a(C,fs')) 
   P  e1F{D}:=e2,s0  unit,(h2',l2,sh2)"

| FAssNull:
  " P  e1,s0  null,s1;  P  e2,s1  Val v,s2  
  P  e1F{D}:=e2,s0  THROW NullPointer,s2"

| FAssThrow1:
  "P  e1,s0  throw e',s1 
  P  e1F{D}:=e2,s0  throw e',s1"

| FAssThrow2:
  " P  e1,s0  Val v,s1; P  e2,s1  throw e',s2 
   P  e1F{D}:=e2,s0  throw e',s2"

| FAssNone:
  " P  e1,s0  addr a,s1; P  e2,s1  Val v,(h2,l2,sh2);
     h2 a = Some(C,fs); ¬(b t. P  C has F,b:t in D) 
   P  e1F{D}:=e2,s0  THROW NoSuchFieldError,(h2,l2,sh2)"

| FAssStatic:
  " P  e1,s0  addr a,s1; P  e2,s1  Val v,(h2,l2,sh2);
     h2 a = Some(C,fs); P  C has F,Static:t in D 
   P  e1F{D}:=e2,s0  THROW IncompatibleClassChangeError,(h2,l2,sh2)"

| SFAss:
  " P  e2,s0  Val v,(h1,l1,sh1);
     P  C has F,Static:t in D;
     sh1 D = Some(sfs,Done); sfs' = sfs(Fv); sh1' = sh1(D(sfs',Done)) 
   P  CsF{D}:=e2,s0  unit,(h1,l1,sh1')"

| SFAssInit:
  " P  e2,s0  Val v,(h1,l1,sh1);
     P  C has F,Static:t in D;
     sfs. sh1 D = Some(sfs,Done); P  INIT D ([D],False)  unit,(h1,l1,sh1)  Val v',(h',l',sh');
     sh' D = Some(sfs,i);
     sfs' = sfs(Fv); sh'' = sh'(D(sfs',i)) 
   P  CsF{D}:=e2,s0  unit,(h',l',sh'')"

| SFAssInitThrow:
  " P  e2,s0  Val v,(h1,l1,sh1);
     P  C has F,Static:t in D;
     sfs. sh1 D = Some(sfs,Done); P  INIT D ([D],False)  unit,(h1,l1,sh1)  throw a,s' 
   P  CsF{D}:=e2,s0  throw a,s'"

| SFAssThrow:
  "P  e2,s0  throw e',s2
   P  CsF{D}:=e2,s0  throw e',s2"

| SFAssNone:
  " P  e2,s0  Val v,(h2,l2,sh2);
    ¬(b t. P  C has F,b:t in D) 
   P  CsF{D}:=e2,s0  THROW NoSuchFieldError,(h2,l2,sh2)"

| SFAssNonStatic:
  " P  e2,s0  Val v,(h2,l2,sh2);
    P  C has F,NonStatic:t in D 
   P  CsF{D}:=e2,s0  THROW IncompatibleClassChangeError,(h2,l2,sh2)"

| CallObjThrow:
  "P  e,s0  throw e',s1 
  P  eM(ps),s0  throw e',s1"

| CallParamsThrow:
  " P  e,s0  Val v,s1; P  es,s1 [⇒] map Val vs @ throw ex # es',s2 
    P  eM(es),s0  throw ex,s2"

| CallNull:
  " P  e,s0  null,s1;  P  ps,s1 [⇒] map Val vs,s2 
   P  eM(ps),s0  THROW NullPointer,s2"

| CallNone:
  " P  e,s0  addr a,s1;  P  ps,s1 [⇒] map Val vs,(h2,l2,sh2);
     h2 a = Some(C,fs); ¬(b Ts T m D. P  C sees M,b:TsT = m in D) 
   P  eM(ps),s0  THROW NoSuchMethodError,(h2,l2,sh2)"

| CallStatic:
  " P  e,s0  addr a,s1;  P  ps,s1 [⇒] map Val vs,(h2,l2,sh2);
     h2 a = Some(C,fs); P  C sees M,Static:TsT = m in D 
   P  eM(ps),s0  THROW IncompatibleClassChangeError,(h2,l2,sh2)"

| Call:
  " P  e,s0  addr a,s1;  P  ps,s1 [⇒] map Val vs,(h2,l2,sh2);
     h2 a = Some(C,fs); P  C sees M,NonStatic:TsT = (pns,body) in D;
     length vs = length pns;  l2' = [thisAddr a, pns[↦]vs];
     P  body,(h2,l2',sh2)  e',(h3,l3,sh3) 
   P  eM(ps),s0  e',(h3,l2,sh3)"

| SCallParamsThrow:
  " P  es,s0 [⇒] map Val vs @ throw ex # es',s2 
    P  CsM(es),s0  throw ex,s2"

| SCallNone:
  " P  ps,s0 [⇒] map Val vs,s2;
     ¬(b Ts T m D. P  C sees M,b:TsT = m in D) 
   P  CsM(ps),s0  THROW NoSuchMethodError,s2"

| SCallNonStatic:
  " P  ps,s0 [⇒] map Val vs,s2;
     P  C sees M,NonStatic:TsT = m in D 
   P  CsM(ps),s0  THROW IncompatibleClassChangeError,s2"

| SCallInitThrow:
  " P  ps,s0 [⇒] map Val vs,(h1,l1,sh1);
     P  C sees M,Static:TsT = (pns,body) in D;
     sfs. sh1 D = Some(sfs,Done); M  clinit;
     P  INIT D ([D],False)  unit,(h1,l1,sh1)  throw a,s' 
   P  CsM(ps),s0  throw a,s'"

| SCallInit:
  " P  ps,s0 [⇒] map Val vs,(h1,l1,sh1);
     P  C sees M,Static:TsT = (pns,body) in D;
     sfs. sh1 D = Some(sfs,Done); M  clinit;
     P  INIT D ([D],False)  unit,(h1,l1,sh1)  Val v',(h2,l2,sh2);
     length vs = length pns;  l2' = [pns[↦]vs];
     P  body,(h2,l2',sh2)  e',(h3,l3,sh3) 
   P  CsM(ps),s0  e',(h3,l2,sh3)"

| SCall:
  " P  ps,s0 [⇒] map Val vs,(h2,l2,sh2);
     P  C sees M,Static:TsT = (pns,body) in D;
     sh2 D = Some(sfs,Done)  (M = clinit  sh2 D = Some(sfs,Processing));
     length vs = length pns;  l2' = [pns[↦]vs];
     P  body,(h2,l2',sh2)  e',(h3,l3,sh3) 
   P  CsM(ps),s0  e',(h3,l2,sh3)"

| Block:
  "P  e0,(h0,l0(V:=None),sh0)  e1,(h1,l1,sh1) 
  P  {V:T; e0},(h0,l0,sh0)  e1,(h1,l1(V:=l0 V),sh1)"

| Seq:
  " P  e0,s0  Val v,s1; P  e1,s1  e2,s2 
   P  e0;;e1,s0  e2,s2"

| SeqThrow:
  "P  e0,s0  throw e,s1 
  P  e0;;e1,s0  throw e,s1"

| CondT:
  " P  e,s0  true,s1; P  e1,s1  e',s2 
   P  if (e) e1 else e2,s0  e',s2"

| CondF:
  " P  e,s0  false,s1; P  e2,s1  e',s2 
   P  if (e) e1 else e2,s0  e',s2"

| CondThrow:
  "P  e,s0  throw e',s1 
  P  if (e) e1 else e2, s0  throw e',s1"

| WhileF:
  "P  e,s0  false,s1 
  P  while (e) c,s0  unit,s1"

| WhileT:
  " P  e,s0  true,s1; P  c,s1  Val v1,s2; P  while (e) c,s2  e3,s3 
   P  while (e) c,s0  e3,s3"

| WhileCondThrow:
  "P  e,s0  throw e',s1 
  P  while (e) c,s0  throw e',s1"

| WhileBodyThrow:
  " P  e,s0  true,s1; P  c,s1  throw e',s2
   P  while (e) c,s0  throw e',s2"

| Throw:
  "P  e,s0  addr a,s1 
  P  throw e,s0  Throw a,s1"

| ThrowNull:
  "P  e,s0  null,s1 
  P  throw e,s0  THROW NullPointer,s1"

| ThrowThrow:
  "P  e,s0  throw e',s1 
  P  throw e,s0  throw e',s1"

| Try:
  "P  e1,s0  Val v1,s1 
  P  try e1 catch(C V) e2,s0  Val v1,s1"

| TryCatch:
  " P  e1,s0  Throw a,(h1,l1,sh1);  h1 a = Some(D,fs);  P  D * C;
     P  e2,(h1,l1(VAddr a),sh1)  e2',(h2,l2,sh2) 
   P  try e1 catch(C V) e2,s0  e2',(h2,l2(V:=l1 V),sh2)"

| TryThrow:
  " P  e1,s0  Throw a,(h1,l1,sh1);  h1 a = Some(D,fs);  ¬ P  D * C 
   P  try e1 catch(C V) e2,s0  Throw a,(h1,l1,sh1)"

| Nil:
  "P  [],s [⇒] [],s"

| Cons:
  " P  e,s0  Val v,s1; P  es,s1 [⇒] es',s2 
   P  e#es,s0 [⇒] Val v # es',s2"

| ConsThrow:
  "P  e, s0  throw e', s1 
  P  e#es, s0 [⇒] throw e' # es, s1"

― ‹ init rules ›

| InitFinal:
  "P  e,s  e',s'  P  INIT C (Nil,b)  e,s  e',s'"

| InitNone:
  " sh C = None; P  INIT C' (C#Cs,False)  e,(h,l,sh(C  (sblank P C, Prepared)))  e',s' 
   P  INIT C' (C#Cs,False)  e,(h,l,sh)  e',s'"

| InitDone:
  " sh C = Some(sfs,Done); P  INIT C' (Cs,True)  e,(h,l,sh)  e',s' 
   P  INIT C' (C#Cs,False)  e,(h,l,sh)  e',s'"

| InitProcessing:
  " sh C = Some(sfs,Processing); P  INIT C' (Cs,True)  e,(h,l,sh)  e',s' 
   P  INIT C' (C#Cs,False)  e,(h,l,sh)  e',s'"

― ‹ note that @{text RI} will mark all classes in the list Cs with the Error flag ›
| InitError:
  " sh C = Some(sfs,Error);
     P  RI (C, THROW NoClassDefFoundError);Cs  e,(h,l,sh)  e',s' 
   P  INIT C' (C#Cs,False)  e,(h,l,sh)  e',s'"

| InitObject:
  " sh C = Some(sfs,Prepared);
     C = Object;
     sh' = sh(C  (sfs,Processing));
     P  INIT C' (C#Cs,True)  e,(h,l,sh')  e',s' 
   P  INIT C' (C#Cs,False)  e,(h,l,sh)  e',s'"

| InitNonObject:
  " sh C = Some(sfs,Prepared);
     C  Object;
     class P C = Some (D,r);
     sh' = sh(C  (sfs,Processing));
     P  INIT C' (D#C#Cs,False)  e,(h,l,sh')  e',s' 
   P  INIT C' (C#Cs,False)  e,(h,l,sh)  e',s'"

| InitRInit:
  "P  RI (C,Csclinit([]));Cs  e,(h,l,sh)  e',s'
   P  INIT C' (C#Cs,True)  e,(h,l,sh)  e',s'"

| RInit:
  " P  e',s  Val v, (h',l',sh');
     sh' C = Some(sfs, i); sh'' = sh'(C  (sfs, Done));
     C' = last(C#Cs);
     P  INIT C' (Cs,True)  e, (h',l',sh'')  e1,s1 
   P  RI (C,e');Cs  e,s  e1,s1"

| RInitInitFail:
  " P  e',s  throw a, (h',l',sh');
     sh' C = Some(sfs, i); sh'' = sh'(C  (sfs, Error));
     P  RI (D,throw a);Cs  e, (h',l',sh'')  e1,s1 
   P  RI (C,e');D#Cs  e,s  e1,s1"

| RInitFailFinal:
  " P  e',s  throw a, (h',l',sh');
     sh' C = Some(sfs, i); sh'' = sh'(C  (sfs, Error)) 
   P  RI (C,e');Nil  e,s  throw a, (h',l',sh'')"

lemmas eval_evals_induct = eval_evals.induct [split_format (complete)]
  and eval_evals_inducts = eval_evals.inducts [split_format (complete)]

inductive_cases eval_cases [cases set]:
 "P  new C,s  e',s'"
 "P  Cast C e,s  e',s'"
 "P  Val v,s  e',s'"
 "P  e1 «bop» e2,s  e',s'"
 "P  Var v,s  e',s'"
 "P  V:=e,s  e',s'"
 "P  eF{D},s  e',s'"
 "P  CsF{D},s  e',s'"
 "P  e1F{D}:=e2,s  e',s'"
 "P  CsF{D}:=e2,s  e',s'"
 "P  eM(es),s  e',s'"
 "P  CsM(es),s  e',s'"
 "P  {V:T;e1},s  e',s'"
 "P  e1;;e2,s  e',s'"
 "P  if (e) e1 else e2,s  e',s'"
 "P  while (b) c,s  e',s'"
 "P  throw e,s  e',s'"
 "P  try e1 catch(C V) e2,s  e',s'"
 "P  INIT C (Cs,b)  e,s  e',s'"
 "P  RI (C,e);Cs  e0,s  e',s'"
inductive_cases evals_cases [cases set]:
 "P  [],s [⇒] e',s'"
 "P  e#es,s [⇒] e',s'"

subsection "Final expressions"

lemma eval_final: "P  e,s  e',s'  final e'"
 and evals_final: "P  es,s [⇒] es',s'  finals es'"
(*<*)by(induct rule:eval_evals.inducts, simp_all)(*>*)

text‹ Only used later, in the small to big translation, but is already a
good sanity check: ›

lemma eval_finalId:  "final e  P  e,s  e,s"
(*<*)by (erule finalE) (iprover intro: eval_evals.intros)+(*>*)

lemma eval_final_same: " P  e,s  e',s'; final e   e = e'  s = s'"
(*<*)by(auto elim!: finalE eval_cases)(*>*)

lemma eval_finalsId:
assumes finals: "finals es" shows "P  es,s [⇒] es,s"
  using finals
proof (induct es type: list)
  case Nil show ?case by (rule eval_evals.intros)
  case (Cons e es)
  have hyp: "finals es  P  es,s [⇒] es,s"
   and finals: "finals (e # es)" by fact+
  show "P  e # es,s [⇒] e # es,s"
  proof cases
    assume "final e"
    thus ?thesis
    proof (cases rule: finalE)
      fix v assume e: "e = Val v"
      have "P  Val v,s  Val v,s" by (simp add: eval_finalId)
      moreover from finals e have "P  es,s [⇒] es,s" by(fast intro:hyp)
      ultimately have "P  Val v#es,s [⇒] Val v#es,s"
        by (rule eval_evals.intros)
      with e show ?thesis by simp
      fix a assume e: "e = Throw a"
      have "P  Throw a,s  Throw a,s" by (simp add: eval_finalId)
      hence "P  Throw a#es,s [⇒] Throw a#es,s" by (rule eval_evals.intros)
      with e show ?thesis by simp
    assume "¬ final e"
    with not_finals_ConsI finals have False by blast
    thus ?thesis ..

lemma evals_finals_same:
assumes finals: "finals es"
shows "P  es,s [⇒] es',s'  es = es'  s = s'"
  using finals
proof (induct es arbitrary: es' type: list)
  case Nil then show ?case using evals_cases(1) by blast
  case (Cons e es)
  have IH: "es'. P  es,s [⇒] es',s'  finals es  es = es'  s = s'"
   and step: "P  e # es,s [⇒] es',s'" and finals: "finals (e # es)" by fact+
  then obtain e' es'' where es': "es' = e'#es''" by (meson Cons.prems(1) evals_cases(2))
  have fe: "final e" using finals not_finals_ConsI by auto
  show ?case
  proof(rule evals_cases(2)[OF step])
    fix v s1 es1 assume es1: "es' = Val v # es1"
      and estep: "P  e,s  Val v,s1" and esstep: "P  es,s1 [⇒] es1,s'"
    then have "e = Val v" using eval_final_same fe by auto
    then have "finals es" using es' not_finals_ConsI2 finals by blast
    then show ?thesis using es' IH estep esstep es1 eval_final_same fe by blast
    fix e' assume es1: "es' = throw e' # es" and estep: "P  e,s  throw e',s'"
    then have "e = throw e'" using eval_final_same fe by auto
    then show ?thesis using es' estep es1 eval_final_same fe by blast

subsection "Property preservation"

lemma evals_length: "P  es,s [⇒] es',s'  length es = length es'"
 by(induct es arbitrary:es' s s', auto elim: evals_cases)

corollary evals_empty: "P  es,s [⇒] es',s'  (es = []) = (es' = [])"
 by(drule evals_length, fastforce)


theorem eval_hext: "P  e,(h,l,sh)  e',(h',l',sh')  h  h'"
and evals_hext:  "P  es,(h,l,sh) [⇒] es',(h',l',sh')  h  h'"
proof (induct rule: eval_evals_inducts)
  case New thus ?case
    by(fastforce intro!: hext_new intro:LeastI simp:new_Addr_def
                split:if_split_asm simp del:fun_upd_apply)
  case NewInit thus ?case
    by (meson hext_new hext_trans new_Addr_SomeD)
  case FAss thus ?case
    by(auto simp:sym[THEN hext_upd_obj] simp del:fun_upd_apply
            elim!: hext_trans)
qed (auto elim!: hext_trans)

lemma eval_lcl_incr: "P  e,(h0,l0,sh0)  e',(h1,l1,sh1)  dom l0  dom l1"
 and evals_lcl_incr: "P  es,(h0,l0,sh0) [⇒] es',(h1,l1,sh1)  dom l0  dom l1"
proof (induct rule: eval_evals_inducts)
  case BinOp show ?case by(rule subset_trans)(rule BinOp.hyps)+
  case Call thus ?case
    by(simp del: fun_upd_apply)
  case Seq show ?case by(rule subset_trans)(rule Seq.hyps)+
  case CondT show ?case by(rule subset_trans)(rule CondT.hyps)+
  case CondF show ?case by(rule subset_trans)(rule CondF.hyps)+
  case WhileT thus ?case by(blast)
  case TryCatch thus ?case by(clarsimp simp:dom_def split:if_split_asm) blast
  case Cons show ?case by(rule subset_trans)(rule Cons.hyps)+
  case Block thus ?case by(auto simp del:fun_upd_apply)
qed auto

shows init_ri_same_loc: "P  e,(h,l,sh)  e',(h',l',sh')
    (C Cs b M a. e = INIT C (Cs,b)  unit  e = CsM([])  e = RI (C,Throw a) ; Cs  unit
           e = RI (C,Csclinit([])) ; Cs  unit
            l = l')"
  and "P  es,(h,l,sh) [⇒] es',(h',l',sh')  True"
proof(induct rule: eval_evals_inducts)
  case (RInitInitFail e h l sh a')
  then show ?case using eval_final[of _ _ _ "throw a'"]
     by(fastforce dest: eval_final_same[of _ "Throw a"])
  case RInitFailFinal then show ?case by(auto dest: eval_final_same)
qed(auto dest: evals_cases eval_cases(17) eval_final_same)

lemma init_same_loc: "P  INIT C (Cs,b)  unit,(h,l,sh)  e',(h',l',sh')  l = l'"
 by(simp add: init_ri_same_loc)


lemma assumes wf: "wwf_J_prog P"
shows eval_proc_pres': "P  e,(h,l,sh)  e',(h',l',sh')
   not_init C e  sfs. sh C = (sfs, Processing)  sfs'. sh' C = (sfs', Processing)"
  and evals_proc_pres': "P  es,(h,l,sh) [⇒] es',(h',l',sh')
   not_inits C es  sfs. sh C = (sfs, Processing)  sfs'. sh' C = (sfs', Processing)"
proof(induct rule:eval_evals_inducts)
  case Call then show ?case using sees_wwf_nsub_RI[OF wf Call.hyps(6)] nsub_RI_not_init by auto
  case (SCallInit ps h l sh vs h1 l1 sh1 C' M Ts T pns body D v' h2 l2 sh2 l2' e' h3 l3 sh3)
  then show ?case
    using SCallInit sees_wwf_nsub_RI[OF wf SCallInit.hyps(3)] nsub_RI_not_init[of body] by auto
  case SCall then show ?case using sees_wwf_nsub_RI[OF wf SCall.hyps(3)] nsub_RI_not_init by auto
  case (InitNone sh C1 C' Cs h l e' a a b) then show ?case by(cases "C = C1") auto
  case (InitDone sh C sfs C' Cs h l e' a a b) then show ?case by(cases Cs, auto)
  case (InitProcessing sh C sfs C' Cs h l e' a a b) then show ?case by(cases Cs, auto)
  case (InitError sh C1 sfs Cs h l e' a a b C') then show ?case by(cases "C = C1") auto
  case (InitObject sh C1 sfs sh' C' Cs h l e' a a b) then show ?case by(cases "C = C1") auto
  case (InitNonObject sh C1 sfs D a b sh' C' Cs h l e' a a b)
  then show ?case by(cases "C = C1") auto
  case (RInit e a a b v h' l' sh' C sfs i sh'' C' Cs e1 a a b) then show ?case by(cases Cs, auto)
  case (RInitInitFail e h l sh a h' l' sh' C1 sfs i sh'' D Cs e1 h1 l1 sh1)
  then show ?case using eval_final by fastforce


subsection‹Init Elimination rules›

lemma init_NilE:
assumes init: "P  INIT C (Nil,b)  unit,s  e',s'"
shows "e' = unit  s' = s"
proof(rule eval_cases(19)[OF init]) ― ‹ Init › qed(auto dest: eval_final_same)

lemma init_ProcessingE:
assumes shC: "sh C = (sfs, Processing)"
 and init: "P  INIT C ([C],False)  unit,(h,l,sh)  e',s'"
shows "e' = unit  s' = (h,l,sh)"
proof(rule eval_cases(19)[OF init]) ― ‹ Init ›
  fix sha Ca sfs Cs ha la
  assume "(h, l, sh) = (ha, la, sha)" and "sha Ca = (sfs, Processing)"
   and "P  INIT C (Cs,True)  unit,(ha, la, sha)  e',s'" and "[C] = Ca # Cs"
  then show ?thesis using init_NilE by simp
  fix sha sfs Cs ha la
  assume "(h, l, sh) = (ha, la, sha)" and "sha Object = (sfs, Prepared)"
     and "[C] = Object # Cs"
  then show ?thesis using shC by clarsimp
qed(auto simp: assms)

lemma rinit_throwE:
"P  RI (C,throw e) ; Cs  e0,s  e',s'
    a st. e' = throw a  P  throw e,s  throw a,st"
proof(induct Cs arbitrary: C e s)
  case Nil
  then show ?case
  proof(rule eval_cases(20)) ― ‹ RI ›
    fix v h' l' sh' assume "P  throw e,s  Val v,(h', l', sh')"
    then show ?case using eval_cases(17) by blast
  case (Cons C' Cs')
  show ?case using Cons.prems(1)
  proof(rule eval_cases(20)) ― ‹ RI ›
    fix v h' l' sh' assume "P  throw e,s  Val v,(h', l', sh')"
    then show ?case using eval_cases(17) by blast
    fix a h' l' sh' sfs i D Cs''
    assume e''step: "P  throw e,s  throw a,(h', l', sh')"
       and shC: "sh' C = (sfs, i)"
       and riD: "P  RI (D,throw a) ; Cs''  e0,(h', l', sh'(C  (sfs, Error)))  e',s'"
       and "C' # Cs' = D # Cs''"
    then show ?thesis using Cons.hyps eval_final eval_final_same by blast

lemma rinit_ValE:
assumes ri: "P  RI (C,e) ; Cs  unit,s  Val v',s'"
shows "v'' s''. P  e,s  Val v'',s''"
proof(rule eval_cases(20)[OF ri]) ― ‹ RI ›
  fix a h' l' sh' sfs i D Cs'
  assume "P  RI (D,throw a) ; Cs'  unit,(h', l', sh'(C  (sfs, Error)))  Val v',s'"
  then show ?thesis using rinit_throwE by blast

subsection "Some specific evaluations"

lemma lass_val_of_eval:
 " lass_val_of e = a; P  e,(h, l, sh)  e',(h', l', sh') 
   e' = unit  h' = h  l' = l(fst asnd a)  sh' = sh"
 by(drule lass_val_of_spec, auto elim: eval.cases)

lemma eval_throw_nonVal:
assumes eval: "P  e,s  throw a,s'"
shows "val_of e = None"
proof(cases "val_of e")
  case (Some v) show ?thesis using eval by(auto simp: val_of_spec[OF Some] intro: eval.cases)

lemma eval_throw_nonLAss:
assumes eval: "P  e,s  throw a,s'"
shows "lass_val_of e = None"
proof(cases "lass_val_of e")
  case (Some v) show ?thesis using eval by(auto simp: lass_val_of_spec[OF Some] intro: eval.cases)
