Theory Isa_COL

 * Copyright (C) 
 *               2019      The University of Exeter 
 *               2018-2019 The University of Paris-Saclay
 *               2018      The University of Sheffield
 * License:
 *   This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
 *   of the 2-clause BSD-style license.
 *   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

chapter ‹The Document Ontology Common Library for the Isabelle Ontology Framework›

text‹ Building a fundamental infrastructure for common document elements such as
      Structuring Text-Elements (the top classes), Figures, (Tables yet todo)

      The COL provides a number of ontological "macros" like "section*" which 
      automatically set a number of class-attributes in particular ways without 

theory Isa_COL   
  imports  Isa_DOF  
  keywords "title*"        "subtitle*"      
           "chapter*"      "section*"    "paragraph*"
           "subsection*"   "subsubsection*" 
           "figure*"       "listing*"    "frame*" :: document_body


section‹Basic Text and Text-Structuring Elements›

text‹ The attribute @{term "level"} in the subsequent enables doc-notation support section* etc.
we follow LaTeX terminology on levels 
             part          = Some -1
             chapter       = Some 0
             section       = Some 1
             subsection    = Some 2
             subsubsection = Some 3

for scholarly paper: invariant level > 0. ›

doc_class text_element =     
   level         :: "int  option"    <=  "None" 
   referentiable :: bool <= "False"
   variants      :: "String.literal set" <= "{STR ''outline'', STR ''document''}" 

doc_class "chapter" = text_element +
   level         :: "int  option"    <=  "Some 0" 
doc_class "section" = text_element +
   level         :: "int  option"    <=  "Some 1" 
doc_class "subsection" = text_element +
   level         :: "int  option"    <=  "Some 2" 
doc_class "subsubsection" = text_element +
   level         :: "int  option"    <=  "Some 3" 
doc_class "paragraph" = text_element +
   level         :: "int  option"    <=  "Some 4" 

subsection‹Ontological Macros›

MLstructure Onto_Macros =
local open ODL_Meta_Args_Parser in
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(* Ontological Macro Command Support                                       *)
(* *********************************************************************** *)

(* {markdown = true} sets the parsing process such that in the text-core markdown elements are
   accepted. *)

fun enriched_text_element_cmd level =
   let fun transform doc_attrs = case level of 
                  NONE => doc_attrs 
                | SOME(NONE)   => (("level",@{here}),"None")::doc_attrs
                | SOME(SOME x) => (("level",@{here}),"Some("^ Int.toString x ^"::int)")::doc_attrs
   in Monitor_Command_Parser.gen_enriched_document_cmd {inline=true} I transform end; 

fun transform_cid _ NONE X = X
   |transform_cid _ (SOME ncid) NONE =  (SOME(ncid,@{here}))
   |transform_cid thy (SOME cid) (SOME (sub_cid,pos)) =
                             let val cid_long  = DOF_core.get_onto_class_name_global' cid thy
                                 val sub_cid_long =  DOF_core.get_onto_class_name_global' sub_cid thy
                             in  if DOF_core.is_subclass_global thy  sub_cid_long cid_long
                                 then (SOME (sub_cid,pos))
                                 else (*  BUG : check reveals problem of Definition* misuse.  *)
                                        error("class "^sub_cid_long^
                                              " must be sub-class of "^cid_long) 

fun transform_attr S doc_attrs =
    fun transform_attr' [] doc_attrs = doc_attrs
      | transform_attr' (s::S) (doc_attrs) =
          let val (name', value) = s
              val doc_attrs' = doc_attrs
                               |> map (fn (name, term) => if name = name'
                                                          then (name, value)
                                                          else (name, term))
          in if doc_attrs' = doc_attrs
             then transform_attr' S doc_attrs' |> cons (name', value) 
             else transform_attr' S doc_attrs' 
  in transform_attr' S doc_attrs end

fun enriched_formal_statement_command ncid (S: (string * string) list) =
  let fun transform_attr doc_attrs = (map (fn(cat,tag) => ((cat,@{here}),tag)) S) @ 
                                      (("formal_results",@{here}),"([]::thm list)")::doc_attrs
  in  fn margs => fn thy =>
          Monitor_Command_Parser.gen_enriched_document_cmd {inline=true} 
                                    (transform_cid thy ncid) transform_attr margs thy

fun enriched_document_cmd_exp ncid (S: (string * string) list) =
   (* expands ncid into supertype-check. *)
   let fun transform_attr attrs = (map (fn(cat,tag) => ((cat,@{here}),tag)) S) @ attrs
   in  fn margs => fn thy =>
         Monitor_Command_Parser.gen_enriched_document_cmd {inline=true} (transform_cid thy ncid)
                                                                            transform_attr margs thy
end (* local *)

fun heading_command (name, pos) descr level =
  Monitor_Command_Parser.document_command (name, pos) descr
    {markdown = false, body = true} (enriched_text_element_cmd level) [] I;

val _ = heading_command command_keywordtitle* "section heading" NONE;
val _ = heading_command command_keywordsubtitle* "section heading" NONE;
val _ = heading_command command_keywordchapter* "section heading" (SOME (SOME 0));
val _ = heading_command command_keywordsection* "section heading" (SOME (SOME 1));
val _ = heading_command command_keywordsubsection* "subsection heading" (SOME (SOME 2));
val _ = heading_command command_keywordsubsubsection* "subsubsection heading" (SOME (SOME 3));
val _ = heading_command command_keywordparagraph* "paragraph" (SOME (SOME 4));


section‹Layout Trimming Commands (with syntactic checks)›


val scan_cm = Scan.ahead (Basic_Symbol_Pos.$$$ "c" |-- Basic_Symbol_Pos.$$$ "m" ) ;
val scan_pt = Scan.ahead (Basic_Symbol_Pos.$$$ "p" |-- Basic_Symbol_Pos.$$$ "t" ) ;
val scan_blank = Scan.repeat (   Basic_Symbol_Pos.$$$ " "
                              || Basic_Symbol_Pos.$$$ "\t" 
                              || Basic_Symbol_Pos.$$$ "\n");


val scan_latex_measure = (scan_blank
                          |-- Scan.option (Basic_Symbol_Pos.$$$ "-")
                          |-- Symbol_Pos.scan_nat 
                          |-- (Scan.option ((Basic_Symbol_Pos.$$$ ".") |-- Symbol_Pos.scan_nat))
                          |-- scan_blank
                          |-- (scan_cm || scan_pt)
                          |-- scan_blank
                         ) ;
fun check_latex_measure _ src  = 
         let val _ = ((Scan.catch scan_latex_measure (Symbol_Pos.explode(Input.source_content src)))
                     handle Fail _ => error ("syntax error in LaTeX measure") )
         in () end

val parse_latex_measure = Parse.embedded_input >> (fn src => (check_latex_measure () (* dummy arg *) src; 
                                       (fst o Input.source_content) src )  )


setupDOF_lib.define_macro bindingvs  "\\vspace{" "}" (check_latex_measure) 
setupDOF_lib.define_macro bindinghs  "\\hspace{" "}" (check_latex_measure) 
define_shortcut* hfill  ‹\hfill›

text‹Tests: vs‹-0.14cm›

MLcheck_latex_measure @{context} (Input.string "-0.14 cm")
define_macro* vs2  ‹\vspace{› _ ‹}› (check_latex_measure) (* checkers NYI on Isar-level *)
define_macro* hs2  ‹\hspace{› _ ‹}› (* works fine without checker.*)


define_shortcut* clearpage  ‹\clearpage{}›
                 hf  ‹\hfill› 
                 br  ‹\break› 

section‹ Library of Standard Figure Ontology ›

datatype placement = here  |  top  |  bottom  

ML‹ "side_by_side_figure"  |> Name_Space.declared (DOF_core.get_onto_classes context
                           |> Name_Space.space_of_table)›

datatype float_kind = listing | table | graphics

doc_class float        = 
   placement           :: "placement list"
   kind                :: float_kind
   spawn_columns       :: bool <= False 
   main_caption        :: string <= "''''" 

doc_class figure       =  float +
   kind                :: float_kind <= graphics 
   file_src            :: string
   relative_width      :: int 
   relative_height     :: int 
   invariant fig_kind  :: "kind σ = graphics"

doc_class listing      =  float +
   kind                :: float_kind
   invariant fig_kind' :: "kind σ = float_kind.listing"

(* obsolete 
doc_class side_by_side_figure = figure +
   anchor           :: "string"
   caption          :: "string"
   relative_width2  :: "int"  (* percent of textwidth *)    
   src2             :: "string"
   anchor2          :: "string"
   caption2         :: "string"



MLfun setup source =
  ML_Context.expression (Input.pos_of source)
    ( "Theory.setup (" @ ML_Lex.read_source source @ ")")
  |> Context.theory_map;


subsubsection‹The Figure Content Antiquotation›
text‹The intermediate development goal is to separate the ontological, top-level construct 
figure*›, which will remain a referentiable, ontological document unit, from the more versatile
‹import› of a figure. This opens the way for more orthogonality and abstraction from the LaTeX 
MLtype fig_content =   {relative_width  : int, (* percent of textwidth, default 100 *)
                      relative_height : int, (* percent, default 100 *)
                      caption         : Input.source (* default empty *)}

val mt_fig_content = {relative_width  = 100,
                      relative_height = 100,    
                      caption         = Input.empty }: fig_content

fun make_fig_content (relative_width, relative_height, caption) =
   {relative_width = relative_width, relative_height = relative_height, caption = caption}

fun upd_fig_content f =
  fn {relative_width, relative_height, caption} =>
    make_fig_content (f (relative_width, relative_height, caption))

fun upd_relative_width f =
  upd_fig_content (fn (relative_width, relative_height, caption) =>
    (f relative_width, relative_height, caption))

fun upd_relative_height f =
  upd_fig_content (fn (relative_width, relative_height, caption) =>
    (relative_width, f relative_height, caption))

fun upd_caption f =
  upd_fig_content (fn (relative_width, relative_height, caption) =>
    (relative_width, relative_height, f caption))

val widthN     = "width"
val heightN    = "height" 
val captionN   = "caption";

fun fig_content_modes (ctxt, toks) = 
       let val (y, toks') = ((((Scan.optional 
                           (   (Args.$$$ widthN |-- Args.$$$ "=" --
                                >> (fn (_, k) => upd_relative_width (K k)))
                            || (Args.$$$ heightN |-- Args.$$$ "=" --
                                >> (fn (_, k) => upd_relative_height (K k)))
                            || (Args.$$$ captionN |-- Args.$$$ "=" -- Parse.document_source
                                >> (fn (_, k) => upd_caption (K k)))
                      ))) [K mt_fig_content]) 
                      : (fig_content -> fig_content) list parser)
                      >> (foldl1 (op #>)))
                      : (fig_content -> fig_content) parser)
        in (y, (ctxt, toks')) end

fun get_session_dir ctxt path = 
         Resources.check_session_dir ctxt 
                                     (SOME (path))  
                                     (Syntax.read_input ".")
          handle ERROR s => (if String.isPrefix "Bad session root directory (missing ROOT or ROOTS): " s 
                             then get_session_dir ctxt (Path.dir path)
                             else error s)

fun get_document_dir ctxt =
      let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
          val sess_dir = get_session_dir ctxt  (Resources.master_directory thy)
      in  Path.append sess_dir  (Path.explode "document") end;

fun generate_caption ctxt caption = 
              val cap_txt= Document_Output.output_document ctxt {markdown = false} caption
              fun drop_latex_macro (XML.Elem (("latex_environment", [("name", "isabelle")]),xmlt)) = xmlt
                 |drop_latex_macro X = [X]
              val drop_latex_macros = List.concat o map drop_latex_macro;
      drop_latex_macros cap_txt

fun process_args cfg_trans =
  let val {relative_width,relative_height,caption} = cfg_trans mt_fig_content
      val _ = if relative_width < 0 orelse relative_height <0
              then error("negative parameter.")
               else ()
      val wdth_val_s = Real.toString((Real.fromInt relative_width)
                         / (Real.fromInt 100))^"\\textwidth"
      val ht_s= if relative_height = 100
                then ""
                else "height="
                     ^ Real.toString((Real.fromInt relative_height)
                         / (Real.fromInt 100))
                     ^ "\\textheight"
  in (wdth_val_s, ht_s, caption) end

fun fig_content ctxt (cfg_trans,file:Input.source) = 
       let val (wdth_val_s, ht_s, caption) = process_args cfg_trans
           val arg_single  = enclose "[" "]" (commas ["keepaspectratio","width="^wdth_val_s,ht_s])
           val arg    = enclose "[" "]" (commas ["keepaspectratio","width=\\textwidth",ht_s])
           val _   = Resources.check_file ctxt (SOME (get_document_dir ctxt)) file
           (* ToDo: must be declared source of type png or jpeg or pdf, ... *)
       in if Input.string_of(caption) = ""  then
                   |> (Latex.string o Input.string_of) 
                   |> Latex.macro ("includegraphics"^arg_single)
                   |> (Latex.string o Input.string_of) 
                   |> (fn X => (Latex.string ("{"^wdth_val_s^"}")) 
                                @ (Latex.macro0 "centering")
                                @ (Latex.macro ("includegraphics"^arg) X)
                                @ (Latex.macro "caption" (generate_caption ctxt caption)))
                   |> (Latex.environment ("subcaptionblock") )
(* BUG: newline at the end of subcaptionlbock, making side-by-side a figure-below-figure setup *)

fun fig_content_antiquotation name scan =
  (Document_Output.antiquotation_raw_embedded name 
    (scan : ((fig_content -> fig_content) * Input.source) context_parser)
    (fig_content : Proof.context -> (fig_content -> fig_content) * Input.source -> Latex.text));

fun figure_content ctxt (cfg_trans,file:Input.source) =
  let val _   = Resources.check_file ctxt (SOME (get_document_dir ctxt)) file
      (* ToDo: must be declared source of type png or jpeg or pdf, ... *)
      val (wdth_val_s, ht_s, caption) = process_args cfg_trans
      val args = ["keepaspectratio","width=" ^ wdth_val_s, ht_s]
                 |> commas
                 |> enclose "[" "]"
  in file
     |> (Latex.string o Input.string_of)
     |> Latex.macro ("includegraphics" ^ args)
     |> (fn X => X @ Latex.macro "caption" (generate_caption ctxt caption))
     |> Latex.environment ("figure")

fun figure_antiquotation name scan =
  (Document_Output.antiquotation_raw_embedded name
    (scan : ((fig_content -> fig_content) * Input.source) context_parser)
    (figure_content : Proof.context -> (fig_content -> fig_content) * Input.source -> Latex.text));

val _ = Theory.setup 
           (   fig_content_antiquotation bindingfig_content 
                                         (fig_content_modes -- Scan.lift(Parse.path_input))
               #> figure_antiquotation bindingfigure_content
                                         (fig_content_modes -- Scan.lift(Parse.path_input)))

MLfun convert_meta_args ctxt (X, (((str,_),value) :: R)) =
     let fun conv_int x = snd(HOLogic.dest_number(Syntax.read_term ctxt x))
                          handle TERM _ =>  error "Illegal int format."
         (case YXML.content_of str of 
             "relative_width" =>  upd_relative_width (K (conv_int value))
                                  o  convert_meta_args ctxt (X, R)
          |  "relative_height" => upd_relative_height (K (conv_int value))
                                  o  convert_meta_args ctxt (X, R )
          |  "file_src"        => convert_meta_args ctxt (X, R)
          |  s => error("!undefined attribute:"^s))
   |convert_meta_args _ (_,[]) = I

fun convert_src_from_margs ctxt (X, (((str,_),value)::R)) = 
          (case YXML.content_of str of 
             "file_src" => Input.string (HOLogic.dest_string (Syntax.read_term ctxt value))
           | _          => convert_src_from_margs ctxt (X,R))
   |convert_src_from_margs _ (_, [])     = error("No file_src provided.")

fun float_command (name, pos) descr cid  =
  let fun set_default_class NONE = SOME(cid,pos)
         |set_default_class (SOME X) = SOME X 
      fun create_instance  (((binding,cid_pos), doc_attrs) : ODL_Meta_Args_Parser.meta_args_t)  =
               {is_monitor = false} 
               {is_inline = true}
               {define = true} binding (set_default_class cid_pos) doc_attrs
      fun generate_fig_ltx_ctxt ctxt cap_src oid body = 
        Latex.macro0 "centering" 
        @ body 
        @ Latex.macro "caption" (generate_caption ctxt cap_src)
        @ Latex.macro "label" (DOF_core.get_instance_name_global oid (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
                               |> DOF_core.output_name
                               |> Latex.string)
      fun parse_and_tex (margs as ((binding,_), _), cap_src) ctxt =
        let val oid = Binding.name_of binding
          (convert_src_from_margs ctxt margs)
          |> pair (upd_caption (K Input.empty) #> convert_meta_args ctxt margs)
          |> fig_content ctxt 
          |> generate_fig_ltx_ctxt ctxt cap_src oid
          |> (Latex.environment ("figure") )
  in  Monitor_Command_Parser.onto_macro_cmd_command (name, pos) descr create_instance parse_and_tex

fun listing_command (name, pos) descr cid  =
  let fun set_default_class NONE = SOME(cid,pos)
         |set_default_class (SOME X) = SOME X 
      fun create_instance  (((binding,cid_pos), doc_attrs) : ODL_Meta_Args_Parser.meta_args_t)  =
               {is_monitor = false} 
               {is_inline = true}
               {define = true} binding (set_default_class cid_pos) doc_attrs
      fun parse_and_tex (margs as ((binding,_), _), _) _ =
        let val pos = Binding.pos_of binding
          ISA_core.err ("Not yet implemented.\n Please use text*[oid::listing]‹› instead.") pos
  in  Monitor_Command_Parser.onto_macro_cmd_command (name, pos) descr create_instance parse_and_tex

(* *********************************************************************** *)
(* Ontological Macro Command Support                                       *)
(* *********************************************************************** *)

val _ = float_command command_keywordfigure* "figure" "Isa_COL.figure" ;
val _ = listing_command command_keywordlisting* "listing" "Isa_COL.listing" ;  (* Hack ! *)

(* Under development *)

text‹Tables are (sub) document-elements represented inside the documentation antiquotation
language. The used technology is similar to the existing railroad-diagram support 
(cf. 🌐‹›, Sec. 4.5). 

However, tables are not directly based on the idiosyncrasies of Knuth-based language design ---

However, tables come with a more abstract structure model than conventional typesetting in the 
LaTeX tradition. It is based of the following principles:
   The core unit of a table is a ‹cell› having a ‹configuration›, i.e. a
    number of attributes specifying its width, height, borderline, etc. 
    A cell may be ‹elementary›, i.e. containing structured text or ‹compound›, 
    i.e. containing a sub-table.
   A ‹table› contains either a list of ‹rows› or a list of ‹columns›, which are both
    lists of cells.
   The tables, rows and columns posses own configurations.
   Concerning the layout, ‹propagation›  laws of configurations control that 
    information flows top-down from tables to rows or columns, from rows/columns to cells,
    from left to right within rows and from top to bottom in columns; propagation produces
    the desired presentation effect of tables that cells appear somewhat uniform in it. 
   Since rows are lists of cells, configurations are also a list of attributes.
    Attributes of the same kind may appear repeatedly. If the sub-list of attributes 
    of the same kind is shorter than the list of cells it is referring to, than
    the last element in this sub-list is duplicated as many times as necessary. This feature
    of configuration propagation is called ‹filling›.
   Lists of rows and lists of cells consists of the same number of cells.
   Since propagation and filling induce a congruence relation on table trees, a normalisation
    process is a necessary pre-requisite for the compilation to LaTeX.


fun mk_line _ st2 [a] =  [a @ Latex.string st2]
   |mk_line st1 st2 (a::S) = [a @ Latex.string st1] @ mk_line st1 st2 S;

(* tab attributes for global setup *)

type cell_config =   {cell_placing    : string list, 
                      cell_height     : string list,
                      cell_width      : string list,
                      cell_bgnd_color : string list,
                      cell_line_color : string list,
                      cell_line_width : string list}

val mt_cell_config = {cell_placing   = [],
                      cell_height    = [],    
                      cell_width     = [],    
                      cell_bgnd_color= [], 
                      cell_line_color= [], 
                      cell_line_width= [] }: cell_config

fun upd_cell_placing key 
            {cell_placing,cell_height,cell_width, cell_bgnd_color,   
             cell_line_color,cell_line_width} : cell_config = 
            {cell_placing   = cell_placing @ [key],  cell_height    = cell_height,    
             cell_width     = cell_width,            cell_bgnd_color= cell_bgnd_color, 
             cell_line_color= cell_line_color,       cell_line_width= cell_line_width } 
            : cell_config

fun upd_cell_height num 
            {cell_placing,cell_height,cell_width, cell_bgnd_color,   
             cell_line_color,cell_line_width} : cell_config = 
            {cell_placing   = cell_placing ,  cell_height    = cell_height @ [num],    
             cell_width     = cell_width,     cell_bgnd_color= cell_bgnd_color, 
             cell_line_color= cell_line_color,cell_line_width= cell_line_width } 
            : cell_config

fun upd_cell_width num 
            {cell_placing,cell_height,cell_width, cell_bgnd_color,   
             cell_line_color,cell_line_width} : cell_config = 
            {cell_placing   = cell_placing ,   cell_height    = cell_height,    
             cell_width     = cell_width@[num],cell_bgnd_color= cell_bgnd_color, 
             cell_line_color= cell_line_color, cell_line_width= cell_line_width } 
            : cell_config

fun upd_cell_bgnd_color str 
            {cell_placing,cell_height,cell_width, cell_bgnd_color,   
             cell_line_color,cell_line_width} : cell_config = 
            {cell_placing   = cell_placing ,   cell_height    = cell_height,    
             cell_width     = cell_width,      cell_bgnd_color= cell_bgnd_color@[str], 
             cell_line_color= cell_line_color, cell_line_width= cell_line_width } 
            : cell_config

fun upd_cell_line_color str 
            {cell_placing,cell_height,cell_width, cell_bgnd_color,   
             cell_line_color,cell_line_width} : cell_config = 
            {cell_placing   = cell_placing ,         cell_height    = cell_height,    
             cell_width     = cell_width,            cell_bgnd_color= cell_bgnd_color, 
             cell_line_color= cell_line_color@[str], cell_line_width= cell_line_width } 
            : cell_config

fun upd_cell_line_width num 
            {cell_placing,cell_height,cell_width, cell_bgnd_color,   
             cell_line_color,cell_line_width} : cell_config = 
            {cell_placing    = cell_placing ,   cell_height     = cell_height,    
             cell_width      = cell_width,      cell_bgnd_color = cell_bgnd_color, 
             cell_line_color = cell_line_color, cell_line_width = cell_line_width@[num] } 
            : cell_config

(* global default configs *)
val (tab_cell_placing, tab_cell_placing_setup)
     = Attrib.config_string bindingtab_cell_placing (K "center");
val (tab_cell_height, tab_cell_height_setup)
     = Attrib.config_string bindingtab_cell_height (K "0.0cm");
val (tab_cell_width, tab_cell_width_setup)
     = Attrib.config_string bindingtab_cell_width (K "0.0cm");
val (tab_cell_bgnd_color, tab_cell_bgnd_color_setup)
     = Attrib.config_string bindingtab_cell_bgnd_height (K "white");
val (tab_cell_line_color, tab_cell_line_color_setup)
     = Attrib.config_string bindingtab_cell_line_color (K "black");
val (tab_cell_line_width, tab_cell_line_width_setup)
     = Attrib.config_string bindingtab_cell_line_height (K "0.0cm");

fun default_cell_config ctxt = {cell_placing    = [Config.get ctxt tab_cell_placing],
                                cell_height     = [Config.get ctxt tab_cell_height],    
                                cell_width      = [Config.get ctxt tab_cell_width],    
                                cell_bgnd_color = [Config.get ctxt tab_cell_bgnd_color], 
                                cell_line_color = [Config.get ctxt tab_cell_line_color], 
                                cell_line_width = [Config.get ctxt tab_cell_line_width]}
                              : cell_config

val _ = Theory.setup(   tab_cell_placing_setup
                     #> tab_cell_height_setup
                     #> tab_cell_width_setup
                     #> tab_cell_bgnd_color_setup
                     #> tab_cell_line_color_setup
                     #> tab_cell_line_width_setup

(*syntax for local tab specifier *)
val cell_placingN    = "cell_placing"
val cell_heightN     = "cell_height" 
val cell_widthN      = "cell_width"
val cell_bgnd_colorN = "cell_bgnd_color" 
val cell_line_colorN = "cell_line_color"
val cell_line_widthN = "cell_line_width" 

val placing_scan = Args.$$$ "left" || Args.$$$ "center" || Args.$$$ "right" 

val color_scan   =   Args.$$$ "none" || Args.$$$ "red" || Args.$$$ "green"                   
                  || Args.$$$ "blue" || Args.$$$ "black"

fun lift scan (st, xs) =
  let val (y, xs') = scan xs
  in (y, (st, xs')) end;

fun tabitem_modes (ctxt, toks) = 
       let val (y, toks') = ((((Scan.optional 
                           (   (Args.$$$ cell_placingN |-- Args.$$$ "=" -- placing_scan
                                >> (fn (_, k) => upd_cell_placing k))   
                            || (Args.$$$ cell_heightN |-- Args.$$$ "=" -- parse_latex_measure
                                >> (fn (_, k) => upd_cell_height k))    
                            || (Args.$$$ cell_widthN |-- Args.$$$ "=" -- parse_latex_measure
                                >> (fn (_, k) => upd_cell_width k))    
                            || (Args.$$$ cell_bgnd_colorN |-- Args.$$$ "=" -- color_scan
                                >> (fn (_, k) => upd_cell_bgnd_color k))
                            || (Args.$$$ cell_line_colorN |-- Args.$$$ "=" -- color_scan
                                >> (fn (_, k) => upd_cell_line_color k))
                            || (Args.$$$ cell_line_widthN |-- Args.$$$ "=" -- parse_latex_measure
                                >> (fn (_, k) => upd_cell_line_width k))
                      ))) [K (default_cell_config (Context.the_proof ctxt))]) 
                      : (cell_config -> cell_config) list parser)
                      >> (foldl1 (op #>)))
                      : (cell_config -> cell_config) parser)
        in (y, (ctxt, toks')) end

datatype table_tree  = mk_tab    of cell_config * cell_group
                     | mk_cell   of cell_config * Input.source
   and   cell_group  = mk_row    of cell_config * table_tree list
                     | mk_column of cell_config * table_tree list

val tab_config_parser =  tabitem_modes : ((cell_config -> cell_config) ) context_parser
val table_parser =  tab_config_parser -- Scan.repeat1(Scan.repeat1(Scan.lift Args.cartouche_input))

fun table_antiquotation name scan =
  Document_Output.antiquotation_raw_embedded name 
    (fn ctxt => 
      (fn (cfg_trans,content:Input.source list list) =>
          let val cfg = cfg_trans mt_cell_config
              val _ = writeln ("XXX"^ @{make_string} cfg)
              fun check _ = ()  (* ToDo *)
              val _  = check content
          in  content 
              |> (map(map (Document_Output.output_document ctxt {markdown = false})
                  #> mk_line "&" "\\\\"
                  #> List.concat )
                  #> List.concat)
              |> XML.enclose "\\table[allerhandquatsch]{" "}"

fun cell_antiquotation name scan =
    Document_Output.antiquotation_raw_embedded name 
    (fn ctxt => 
      (fn (cfg_trans,content:Input.source) => 
          let val cfg = cfg_trans mt_cell_config
              val _ = writeln ("XXX"^ @{make_string} cfg) 
          in  content |> Document_Output.output_document ctxt {markdown = false}

fun row_antiquotation name scan =
    Document_Output.antiquotation_raw_embedded name 
    (fn ctxt => 
      (fn (cfg_trans,content:Input.source list) => 
          let val cfg = cfg_trans mt_cell_config
              val _ = writeln ("XXX"^ @{make_string} cfg) 
          in  content |> (map (Document_Output.output_document ctxt {markdown = false})
                          #> List.concat)

fun column_antiquotation name scan =
    Document_Output.antiquotation_raw_embedded name 
    (fn ctxt => 
      (fn (cfg_trans,content:Input.source list) => 
          let val cfg = cfg_trans mt_cell_config
              val _ = writeln ("XXX"^ @{make_string} cfg) 
          in  content |> (map (Document_Output.output_document ctxt {markdown = false})
                          #> List.concat)


val _ = Theory.setup 
           (   table_antiquotation  bindingtable_inline 
            #> table_antiquotation  bindingsubtab table_parser
            #> cell_antiquotation   bindingcell   
                                    (tab_config_parser--Scan.lift Args.cartouche_input)
            #> row_antiquotation    bindingrow  
                                    (tab_config_parser--Scan.repeat1(Scan.lift Args.cartouche_input))  
            #> column_antiquotation bindingcolumn 
                                    (tab_config_parser--Scan.repeat1(Scan.lift Args.cartouche_input))




section‹Some Rudimentary Tests›

text@{fig_content   [display] (height = 80, width=80, caption=‹this is termσi+2 …›) 
text@{table_inline  [display] (cell_placing = center,cell_height =‹12.0cm›,
                                 cell_height =‹13pt›,  cell_width = ‹12.0cm›,
                                 cell_bgnd_color=black,cell_line_color=red,cell_line_width=‹12.0cm›)cell‹dfg› col‹dfg› row‹dfg› @{cell (cell_height =‹12.0cm›) ‹abracadabra›}›
           ‹1›  ‹2›  ‹3σ››}
      cell‹dfg›  @{row ‹is technical› ‹ σ * a4}


text‹beamer support›
(* Under development *)

doc_class frame =
  options :: string
  frametitle :: string
  framesubtitle :: string

MLtype frame = {options: Input.source
              , frametitle: Input.source
              , framesubtitle: Input.source}

val empty_frame = {options = Input.empty
                   , frametitle = Input.empty
                   , framesubtitle = Input.empty}: frame

fun make_frame (options, frametitle, framesubtitle) =
  {options = options, frametitle = frametitle, framesubtitle = framesubtitle}

fun upd_frame f =
  fn {options, frametitle, framesubtitle} => make_frame (f (options, frametitle, framesubtitle))

fun upd_options f =
  upd_frame (fn (options, frametitle, framesubtitle) => (f options, frametitle, framesubtitle))

fun upd_frametitle f =
  upd_frame (fn (options, frametitle, framesubtitle) => (options, f frametitle, framesubtitle))

fun upd_framesubtitle f =
  upd_frame (fn (options, frametitle, framesubtitle) => (options, frametitle, f framesubtitle))

type block = {title: Input.source}

val empty_block = {title = Input.empty}

fun make_block title = {title = title}

fun upd_block f =
  fn {title} => make_block (f title)

fun upd_block_title f =
  upd_block (fn title => f title)

val unenclose_string = unenclose o unenclose

fun read_string s =
  let val s' = DOF_core.markup2string s
      val symbols = s' |> Symbol_Pos.explode0
  in if hd symbols |> fst |> equal Symbol.open_
     then Token.read_cartouche symbols |> Token.input_of
     else unenclose_string s' |> Syntax.read_input

val block_titleN = "title"

fun block_modes (ctxt, toks) =
  let val (y, toks') = ((((Scan.optional
                     ((Args.$$$ block_titleN |-- Args.$$$ "=" -- Parse.document_source
                          >> (fn (_, k) => upd_block_title (K k)))
                      ))) [K empty_block])
                : (block -> block) list parser)
                >> (foldl1 (op #>)))
                : (block -> block) parser)
  in (y, (ctxt, toks')) end

fun process_args cfg_trans =
  let val {title} = cfg_trans empty_block
  in title end

fun block ctxt (cfg_trans,src) =
  let val title = process_args cfg_trans
  in Latex.string "{"
     @ (title |> Document_Output.output_document ctxt {markdown = false})
     @ Latex.string "}"
     @ (src |> Document_Output.output_document ctxt {markdown = false})
     |> (Latex.environment "block")

fun block_antiquotation name scan =
  (Document_Output.antiquotation_raw_embedded name
    (scan : ((block -> block) * Input.source) context_parser)
    (block: Proof.context -> (block -> block) * Input.source -> Latex.text));

val _ = block_antiquotation bindingblock (block_modes -- Scan.lift Parse.document_source)
        |> Theory.setup

fun convert_meta_args ctxt (X, (((str,_),value) :: R)) =
    (case YXML.content_of str of
         "frametitle" =>  upd_frametitle (K(YXML.content_of value |> read_string))
                            o convert_meta_args ctxt (X, R)
       | "framesubtitle" => upd_framesubtitle (K(YXML.content_of value |> read_string))
                              o convert_meta_args ctxt (X, R)
       | "options" => upd_options (K(YXML.content_of value |> read_string))
                        o convert_meta_args ctxt (X, R)
       | s => error("!undefined attribute:"^s))
  | convert_meta_args _ (_,[]) = I

fun frame_command (name, pos) descr cid  =
  let fun set_default_class NONE = SOME(cid,pos)
         |set_default_class (SOME X) = SOME X
      fun create_instance  (((binding,cid_pos), doc_attrs) : ODL_Meta_Args_Parser.meta_args_t)  =
               {is_monitor = false}
               {is_inline = true}
               {define = true} binding (set_default_class cid_pos) doc_attrs
      fun titles_src ctxt frametitle framesubtitle src =
        Latex.string "{"
        @ Document_Output.output_document ctxt {markdown = false} frametitle
        @ Latex.string "}"
        @ Latex.string "{"
        @ (Document_Output.output_document ctxt {markdown = false} framesubtitle)
        @ Latex.string "}"
        @ Document_Output.output_document ctxt {markdown = true} src
      fun generate_src_ltx_ctxt ctxt src cfg_trans =
        let val {options, frametitle, framesubtitle} = cfg_trans empty_frame
          let val options_str = Input.string_of options
          in if options_str = ""
             then titles_src ctxt frametitle framesubtitle src
             else (options_str
                   |> enclose "[" "]"
                   |> Latex.string)
                   @ titles_src ctxt frametitle framesubtitle src
      fun parse_and_tex (margs, src) ctxt =
        convert_meta_args ctxt margs
        |> generate_src_ltx_ctxt ctxt src
        |> Latex.environment ("frame")
        |> Latex.environment ("isamarkuptext")
  in Monitor_Command_Parser.onto_macro_cmd_command (name, pos) descr create_instance parse_and_tex

val _ = frame_command command_keywordframe* "frame environment" "Isa_COL.frame" ;
