Theory Alternative_Semantics

theory Alternative_Semantics
imports Semantics
context begin
(* the first thing (I think) we have to do is alter the Seq rule / merge it with NoMatch.
 Its properties make it hard to work with… *)
private inductive iptables_bigstep_ns :: "'a ruleset  ('a, 'p) matcher  'p  'a rule list  state  state  bool"
  ("_,_,_ _, _ s _"  [60,60,60,20,98,98] 89)
  for Γ and γ and p where
skip:    "Γ,γ,p [], t s t" |
accept:  "matches γ m p  Γ,γ,p Rule m Accept # rs, Undecided s Decision FinalAllow" |
drop:    "matches γ m p  Γ,γ,p Rule m Drop # rs, Undecided s Decision FinalDeny" |
reject:  "matches γ m p   Γ,γ,p Rule m Reject # rs, Undecided s Decision FinalDeny" |
log:     "matches γ m p  Γ,γ,p rs, Undecided s t  Γ,γ,p Rule m Log # rs, Undecided s t" |
empty:   "matches γ m p  Γ,γ,p rs, Undecided s t  Γ,γ,p Rule m Empty # rs, Undecided s t" |
nms:     "¬ matches γ m p  Γ,γ,p rs, Undecided s t  Γ,γ,p Rule m a # rs, Undecided s t" |
(*decision: "Γ,γ,p⊢ ⟨rs, Decision X⟩ ⇒s Decision X" |*)
call_return:  " matches γ m p; Γ chain = Some (rs1 @ Rule m' Return # rs2);
                 matches γ m' p; Γ,γ,p rs1, Undecided s Undecided; Γ,γ,p rrs, Undecided s t  
               Γ,γ,p Rule m (Call chain) # rrs, Undecided s t" |
call_result:  " matches γ m p; Γ chain = Some rs; Γ,γ,p rs, Undecided s Decision X  
               Γ,γ,p Rule m (Call chain) # rrs, Undecided s Decision X" |
call_no_result:  " matches γ m p; Γ chain = Some rs; Γ,γ,p rs, Undecided s Undecided;
                    Γ,γ,p rrs, Undecided s t  
               Γ,γ,p Rule m (Call chain) # rrs, Undecided s t"

private lemma a: "Γ,γ,p rs, s s t  Γ,γ,p rs, s  t"
  apply(induction rule: iptables_bigstep_ns.induct; (simp add: iptables_bigstep.intros;fail)?)
  apply (meson iptables_bigstep.decision iptables_bigstep.accept seq_cons)
  apply (meson iptables_bigstep.decision iptables_bigstep.drop seq_cons)
  apply (meson iptables_bigstep.decision iptables_bigstep.reject seq_cons)
  apply (meson iptables_bigstep.log seq_cons)
  apply (meson iptables_bigstep.empty seq_cons)
  apply (meson nomatch seq_cons)
  subgoal using iptables_bigstep.call_return seq_cons by fastforce
  apply (meson iptables_bigstep.decision iptables_bigstep.call_result seq_cons)
  apply (meson iptables_bigstep.call_result seq'_cons)

private lemma empty_rs_stateD: assumes "Γ,γ,p [], s s t" shows "t = s"
  using assms by(cases rule: iptables_bigstep_ns.cases)
private lemma decided: "Γ,γ,p rs1, Undecided s Decision X  Γ,γ,p rs1@rs2, Undecided s Decision X"
proof(induction rs1)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by (fast dest: empty_rs_stateD)
  case (Cons a rs1)
  from Cons.prems show ?case 
    by(cases rule: iptables_bigstep_ns.cases; simp add: Cons.IH iptables_bigstep_ns.intros)
private lemma decided_determ: "Γ,γ,p rs1, s s t; s = Decision X  t = Decision X"
  by(induction rule: iptables_bigstep_ns.induct; (simp add: iptables_bigstep_ns.intros;fail)?)

private lemma seq_ns:
  "Γ,γ,p rs1, Undecided s t; Γ,γ,p rs2, t s t'  Γ,γ,p rs1@rs2, Undecided s t'"
proof (cases t, goal_cases)
  case 1
  from 1(1,2) show ?case unfolding 1 proof(induction rs1)
    case (Cons a rs3)
    then show ?case
      apply -
      apply(rule iptables_bigstep_ns.cases[OF Cons.prems(1)]; simp add: iptables_bigstep_ns.intros)
  qed simp
  case (2 X)
  hence "t' = Decision X" by (simp add: decided_determ)
  from 2(1) show ?case by (simp add: "2"(3) t' = Decision X decided)
private lemma b: "Γ,γ,p rs, s  t  s = Undecided  Γ,γ,p rs, s s t"
  apply(induction rule: iptables_bigstep.induct; (simp add: iptables_bigstep_ns.intros;fail)?)
   apply (metis decided decision seq_ns seq_progress skipD state.exhaust)
  apply(metis call_no_result iptables_bigstep_ns.call_result iptables_bigstep_ns.skip state.exhaust)
private inductive iptables_bigstep_nz :: "'a ruleset  ('a, 'p) matcher  'p  'a rule list  state  bool"
  ("_,_,_ _ z _"  [60,60,60,20,98] 89)
  for Γ and γ and p where
skip:    "Γ,γ,p  []  z Undecided" |
accept:  "matches γ m p  Γ,γ,p Rule m Accept # rs z Decision FinalAllow" |
drop:    "matches γ m p  Γ,γ,p Rule m Drop # rs z Decision FinalDeny" |
reject:  "matches γ m p   Γ,γ,p Rule m Reject # rs z Decision FinalDeny" |
log:     "matches γ m p  Γ,γ,p rs z t  Γ,γ,p Rule m Log # rs z t" |
empty:   "matches γ m p  Γ,γ,p rs z t  Γ,γ,p Rule m Empty # rs z t" |
nms:     "¬ matches γ m p  Γ,γ,p rs z t  Γ,γ,p Rule m a # rs z t" |
call_return:  " matches γ m p; Γ chain = Some (rs1 @ Rule m' Return # rs2);
                 matches γ m' p; Γ,γ,p rs1 z Undecided; Γ,γ,p rrs z t  
               Γ,γ,p Rule m (Call chain) # rrs z t" |
call_result:  " matches γ m p; Γ chain = Some rs; Γ,γ,p rs z Decision X  
               Γ,γ,p Rule m (Call chain) # rrs z Decision X" |
call_no_result:  " matches γ m p; Γ chain = Some rs; Γ,γ,p rs z Undecided;
                    Γ,γ,p rrs z t  
               Γ,γ,p Rule m (Call chain) # rrs z t"

private lemma c: "Γ,γ,p rs z t  Γ,γ,p rs, Undecided s t"
  by(induction rule: iptables_bigstep_nz.induct; simp add: iptables_bigstep_ns.intros)
private lemma d: "Γ,γ,p rs, s s t  s = Undecided  Γ,γ,p rs z t"
  by(induction rule: iptables_bigstep_ns.induct; simp add: iptables_bigstep_nz.intros)
inductive iptables_bigstep_r :: "'a ruleset  ('a, 'p) matcher  'p  'a rule list  state  bool"
  ("_,_,_ _ r _"  [60,60,60,20,98] 89)
  for Γ and γ and p where
skip:    "Γ,γ,p  []  r Undecided" |
accept:  "matches γ m p  Γ,γ,p Rule m Accept # rs r Decision FinalAllow" |
drop:    "matches γ m p  Γ,γ,p Rule m Drop # rs r Decision FinalDeny" |
reject:  "matches γ m p   Γ,γ,p Rule m Reject # rs r Decision FinalDeny" |
return:  "matches γ m p   Γ,γ,p Rule m Return # rs r Undecided" |
log:     "Γ,γ,p rs r t  Γ,γ,p Rule m Log # rs r t" |
empty:   "Γ,γ,p rs r t  Γ,γ,p Rule m Empty # rs r t" |
nms:     "¬ matches γ m p  Γ,γ,p rs r t  Γ,γ,p Rule m a # rs r t" |
call_result:  " matches γ m p; Γ chain = Some rs; Γ,γ,p rs r Decision X  
               Γ,γ,p Rule m (Call chain) # rrs r Decision X" |
call_no_result:  " Γ chain = Some rs; Γ,γ,p rs r Undecided;
                    Γ,γ,p rrs r t  
               Γ,γ,p Rule m (Call chain) # rrs r t"

private lemma returning:  "Γ,γ,p rs1 r Undecided; matches γ m' p
     Γ,γ,p rs1 @ Rule m' Return # rs2 r Undecided"
proof(induction rs1)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by (simp add: return)
  case (Cons a rs3)
  then show ?case by - (rule iptables_bigstep_r.cases[OF Cons.prems(1)]; simp add: iptables_bigstep_r.intros)
private lemma e: "Γ,γ,p rs z t  s = Undecided  Γ,γ,p rs r t"
  by(induction rule: iptables_bigstep_nz.induct; simp add: iptables_bigstep_r.intros returning)

definition "no_call_to c rs  (r  set rs. case get_action r of Call c'  c  c' | _  True)"
definition "all_chains p Γ rs  (p rs  (l rs. Γ l = Some rs  p rs))"
private lemma all_chains_no_call_upd: "all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs  (Γ(c  x)),γ,p rs z t  Γ,γ,p rs z t"
proof (rule iffI, goal_cases)
  case 1
  from 1(2,1) show ?case 
    by(induction rule: iptables_bigstep_nz.induct; 
      (simp add: iptables_bigstep_nz.intros no_call_to_def all_chains_def split: if_splits;fail)?)
  case 2
  from 2(2,1) show ?case 
    by(induction rule: iptables_bigstep_nz.induct; 
      (simp add: iptables_bigstep_nz.intros no_call_to_def all_chains_def split:  action.splits;fail)?)

lemma updated_call: "Γ(c  rs),γ,p rs z t  matches γ m p  Γ(c  rs),γ,p [Rule m (Call c)] z t"
  by(cases t; simp add: iptables_bigstep_nz.call_no_result iptables_bigstep_nz.call_result iptables_bigstep_nz.skip)
private lemma shows
      log_nz:     "Γ,γ,p rs z t  Γ,γ,p Rule m Log # rs z t"
and empty_nz:   "Γ,γ,p rs z t  Γ,γ,p Rule m Empty # rs z t"
  by (meson iptables_bigstep_nz.log iptables_bigstep_nz.empty iptables_bigstep_nz.nms)+
private lemma nz_empty_rs_stateD: assumes "Γ,γ,p [] z t" shows "t = Undecided"
  using assms by(cases rule: iptables_bigstep_nz.cases)
private lemma upd_callD: "Γ(c  rs),γ,p [Rule m (Call c)] z t  matches γ m p 
   (Γ(c  rs),γ,p rs z t  (rs1 rs2 m'. rs = rs1 @ Rule m' Return # rs2  matches γ m' p  Γ(c  rs),γ,p rs1 z Undecided  t = Undecided))"
  by(subst (asm) iptables_bigstep_nz.simps) (auto dest!: nz_empty_rs_stateD)
private lemma partial_fun_upd: "(f(x  y)) x = Some y" by(fact fun_upd_same)
lemma f: "Γ,γ,p rs r t  matches γ m p  all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs  
  (Γ(c  rs)),γ,p [Rule m (Call c)] z t"
proof(induction rule: iptables_bigstep_r.induct; (simp add: iptables_bigstep_nz.intros;fail)?)
  case (return m rs)
  then show ?case by (metis append_Nil fun_upd_same iptables_bigstep_nz.call_return iptables_bigstep_nz.skip)
  case (log rs t mx)
  have ac: "all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs"
    using log(4) by(simp add: all_chains_def no_call_to_def)
  have *: "Γ(c  Rule mx Log # rs1 @ Rule m' Return # rs2),γ,p [Rule m (Call c)] z Undecided"
    if "rs = rs1 @ Rule m' Return # rs2" "matches γ m' p" 
       "Γ(c  rs1 @ Rule m' Return # rs2),γ,p rs1 z Undecided"
    for rs1 rs2 m'
  proof -
    have ac2: "all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs1" using log(4) that
      by(simp add: all_chains_def no_call_to_def)
    hence "Γ(c  Rule mx Log # rs1 @ Rule m' Return # rs2),γ,p rs1 z Undecided"
      using that(3) unfolding that by(simp add: all_chains_no_call_upd)
        hence "Γ(c  Rule mx Log # rs1 @ Rule m' Return # rs2),γ,p Rule mx Log # rs1 z Undecided"
      by (simp add: log_nz)
    thus ?thesis using that(1,2)
      by(elim iptables_bigstep_nz.call_return[where rs2=rs2, OF matches γ m p, rotated]; simp add: iptables_bigstep_nz.skip)
  from log(2)[OF log(3) ac] show ?case
    apply -
    apply(drule upd_callD[OF _ matches γ m p])
    apply(erule disjE)
      apply(rule updated_call[OF _ matches γ m p])
      apply(rule log_nz)
      apply(simp add: ac all_chains_no_call_upd)
    using * by blast
  case (empty rs t mx) text‹analogous› (*<*)
  have ac: "all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs"
    using empty(4) by(simp add: all_chains_def no_call_to_def)
  have *: "Γ(c  Rule mx Empty # rs1 @ Rule m' Return # rs2),γ,p [Rule m (Call c)] z Undecided"
    if "rs = rs1 @ Rule m' Return # rs2" "matches γ m' p" 
       "Γ(c  rs1 @ Rule m' Return # rs2),γ,p rs1 z Undecided"
    for rs1 rs2 m'
  proof -
    have ac2: "all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs1" using empty(4) that
      by(simp add: all_chains_def no_call_to_def)
    hence "Γ(c  Rule mx Empty # rs1 @ Rule m' Return # rs2),γ,p rs1 z Undecided"
      using that(3) unfolding that by(simp add: all_chains_no_call_upd)
        hence "Γ(c  Rule mx Empty # rs1 @ Rule m' Return # rs2),γ,p Rule mx Empty # rs1 z Undecided"
      by (simp add: empty_nz)
    thus ?thesis using that(1,2)
      by(elim iptables_bigstep_nz.call_return[where rs2=rs2, OF matches γ m p, rotated]; simp add: iptables_bigstep_nz.skip)
  from empty(2)[OF empty(3) ac] show ?case
    apply -
    apply(drule upd_callD[OF _ matches γ m p])
    apply(erule disjE)
      apply(rule updated_call[OF _ matches γ m p])
      apply(rule empty_nz)
      apply(simp add: ac all_chains_no_call_upd)
    using * by blast
  case (nms m' rs t a)
  have ac: "all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs" using nms(5) by(simp add: all_chains_def no_call_to_def)
  from nms.IH[OF nms(4) ac] show ?case
    apply -
    apply(drule upd_callD[OF _ matches γ m p])
    apply(erule disjE)
      apply(rule updated_call[OF _ matches γ m p])
      apply(rule iptables_bigstep_nz.nms[OF ¬ matches γ m' p])
      apply(simp add: ac all_chains_no_call_upd)
    apply safe
    subgoal for rs1 rs2 r
      apply(subgoal_tac "all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs1") (* Ich kann auch anders. *)
       apply(subst (asm) all_chains_no_call_upd, assumption)
       apply(subst (asm) all_chains_no_call_upd[symmetric], assumption)
       apply(drule iptables_bigstep_nz.nms[where a=a, OF ¬ matches γ m' p])
       apply(erule (1) iptables_bigstep_nz.call_return[where rs2=rs2, OF matches γ m p, rotated])
        apply(insert ac; simp add: all_chains_def no_call_to_def iptables_bigstep_nz.skip)+
  case (call_result m' c' rs X rrs)
  have acrs: "all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs" using call_result(2,6) by(simp add: all_chains_def no_call_to_def)
  have cc: "c  c'" (* okay, this one is a bit nifty… *) using call_result(6) by(simp add: all_chains_def no_call_to_def)
  have "Γ(c  rs),γ,p [Rule m (Call c)] z Decision X" using call_result.IH call_result.prems(1) acrs by blast
  then show ?case
    apply -
    apply(drule upd_callD[OF _ matches γ m p])
    apply(erule disjE)
      apply(rule updated_call[OF _ matches γ m p])
      apply(rule iptables_bigstep_nz.call_result[where rs=rs, OF matches γ m' p ])
      apply(simp add: cc[symmetric] call_result(2);fail)
      apply(simp add: acrs all_chains_no_call_upd;fail)
    apply safe (* oh. Didn't expect that. :) *)
  case (call_no_result c' rs rrs t m')
  have acrs: "all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs" using call_no_result(1,7) by(simp add: all_chains_def no_call_to_def)
  have acrrs: "all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rrs" using call_no_result(7) by(simp add: all_chains_def no_call_to_def)
  have acrs1: "all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs1" if "rs = rs1 @ rs2" for rs1 rs2
    using acrs that by(simp add: all_chains_def no_call_to_def)
  have acrrs1: "all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs1" if "rrs = rs1 @ rs2" for rs1 rs2
    using acrrs that by(simp add: all_chains_def no_call_to_def)
  have cc: "c  c'" (* okay, this one is a bit nifty… *) using call_no_result(7) by(simp add: all_chains_def no_call_to_def)
  have *: "Γ(c  rs),γ,p [Rule m (Call c)] z Undecided" using call_no_result.IH call_no_result.prems(1) acrs by blast
  have **: "Γ(c  rrs),γ,p [Rule m (Call c)] z t" by (simp add: acrrs call_no_result.IH(2) call_no_result.prems(1))
  show ?case proof(cases matches γ m' p)
    case True
    from call_no_result(5)[OF matches γ m p acrrs] * show ?thesis
      apply -
      apply(drule upd_callD[OF _ matches γ m p])+
      apply(elim disjE) (* 4 sg *)
      apply safe
        apply(rule updated_call[OF _ matches γ m p])
        apply(rule iptables_bigstep_nz.call_no_result[where rs=rs, OF matches γ m' p ])
        apply(simp add: cc[symmetric] call_no_result(1);fail)
         apply(simp add: acrs all_chains_no_call_upd;fail)
        apply(simp add: acrrs all_chains_no_call_upd)
      subgoal for rs1 rs2 r
        apply(rule updated_call[OF _ matches γ m p])
        apply(rule call_return[OF matches γ m' p])
           apply(simp add: cc[symmetric] call_no_result(1);fail)
         apply(simp add: acrs1 all_chains_no_call_upd;fail)
        apply(simp add: acrrs all_chains_no_call_upd)
      subgoal for rs1 rs2 r
        apply(rule call_return[where rs1="Rule m' (Call c') # rs1", OF matches γ m p])
        apply(rule iptables_bigstep_nz.call_no_result[OF matches γ m' p])
           apply(simp add: cc[symmetric] call_no_result(1);fail)
          apply (meson acrs all_chains_no_call_upd)
         apply(subst all_chains_no_call_upd; simp add: acrrs1 all_chains_no_call_upd; fail)
        apply (simp add: iptables_bigstep_nz.skip;fail)
      subgoal for rrs1 rs1 rrs2 rs2 rr r
         apply(rule call_return[where rs1="Rule m' (Call c') # rrs1", OF matches γ m p])
         apply(rule call_return[OF matches γ m' p])
            apply(simp add: cc[symmetric] call_no_result(1);fail)
           apply blast
          apply (meson acrs1 all_chains_no_call_upd)
         apply(subst all_chains_no_call_upd; simp add: acrrs1 all_chains_no_call_upd; fail)
        apply (simp add: iptables_bigstep_nz.skip;fail)
    case False
    from iptables_bigstep_nz.nms[OF False] ** show ?thesis 
      apply -
      apply(drule upd_callD[OF _ matches γ m p])+
      apply(elim disjE)
        apply(rule updated_call[OF _ matches γ m p])
        apply(rule iptables_bigstep_nz.nms[OF False])
        apply(simp add: acrrs all_chains_no_call_upd)
      apply safe
      subgoal for rs1 rs2 r
        apply(rule call_return[where rs1="Rule m' (Call c') # rs1", OF matches γ m p])
         apply(rule iptables_bigstep_nz.nms[OF False])
         apply(subst all_chains_no_call_upd; simp add: acrrs1 all_chains_no_call_upd; fail)
        apply(simp add: iptables_bigstep_nz.skip;fail)
lemma r_skip_inv: "Γ,γ,p [] r t  t = Undecided"
  by(subst (asm) iptables_bigstep_r.simps) auto
(* why did I do all this? essentially, because I thought this should be derivable: *)
lemma r_call_eq: "Γ c = Some rs  matches γ m p  Γ,γ,p [Rule m (Call c)] r t  Γ,γ,p rs r t"
(* and yes, there is a more general form of this lemma, but… meh. *)
  apply(rule iffI)
    apply(subst (asm) iptables_bigstep_r.simps)
    apply(auto dest: r_skip_inv)
    apply(cases t)
     apply(erule iptables_bigstep_r.call_no_result)
     apply(simp add: iptables_bigstep_r.skip;fail)
    apply(erule (2) iptables_bigstep_r.call_result)
  by -

(* we can make the same formulation for the original semantics if we tread a bit more carefully *)
lemma call_eq: "Γ c = Some rs  matches γ m p  r  set rs. get_action r  Return   Γ,γ,p [Rule m (Call c)],s  t  Γ,γ,p rs,s  t"
  apply(rule iffI)
    apply(subst (asm) iptables_bigstep.simps)
    apply (auto)
     apply (simp add: decision)
    apply(erule rules_singleton_rev_E; simp; metis callD in_set_conv_decomp rule.sel(2) skipD)
  by (metis decision iptables_bigstep.call_result iptables_bigstep_deterministic state.exhaust)
theorem r_eq_orig: "all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs; Γ c = Some rs 
   Γ,γ,p rs r t  Γ,γ,p [Rule MatchAny (Call c)], Undecided  t"
  apply(rule iffI)
    apply(drule f[where m=MatchAny, THEN c, THEN a])
    apply (metis fun_upd_triv)
    apply(subst r_call_eq[where m=MatchAny, symmetric])
    apply(erule b[THEN d, THEN e, OF _ refl refl refl])
lemma r_no_call: "Γ,γ,p Rule MatchAny (Call c)#rs r t  Γ c = None  False"
  by(subst (asm) iptables_bigstep_r.simps) simp
lemma no_call: "Γ,γ,p rs, s  t  rs = [Rule MatchAny (Call c)]  s = Undecided  Γ c = None  False"
  by (meson b d e r_no_call)
  (*by(induction rule: iptables_bigstep.induct; clarsimp) (metis list_app_singletonE skipD)*)

private corollary r_eq_orig': assumes "rs  ran Γ. no_call_to c rs"
  shows "Γ,γ,p [Rule MatchAny (Call c)] r t  Γ,γ,p [Rule MatchAny (Call c)], Undecided  t"
(* if you really like symmetry *)
proof -
  show ?thesis proof (cases "Γ c")
    fix rs
    assume "Γ c = Some rs"
    moreover hence "all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs" using assms by (simp add: all_chains_def ranI)
    ultimately show ?thesis by(simp add: r_call_eq r_eq_orig)
    assume "Γ c = None" thus ?thesis using r_no_call no_call by metis
(* btw, we can still formulate a seq rules, but we have to tread a bit more carefully *)
lemma r_tail: assumes "Γ,γ,p rs1 r Decision X" shows "Γ,γ,p rs1 @ rs2 r Decision X"
proof -
  have "Γ,γ,p rs1 r t  t = Decision X  Γ,γ,p rs1 @ rs2 r Decision X" for t
    by(induction rule: iptables_bigstep_r.induct; simp add: iptables_bigstep_r.intros)
  thus ?thesis using assms by blast
lemma r_seq: "Γ,γ,p rs1 r Undecided  r  set rs1. ¬(get_action r = Return  matches γ (get_match r) p)
    Γ,γ,p rs2 r t  Γ,γ,p rs1 @ rs2 r t"
proof(induction rs1)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Cons r rs1)
  have p2: "rset rs1. ¬ (get_action r = Return  matches γ (get_match r) p)" 
           "¬(get_action r = Return  matches γ (get_match r) p)"
    by (simp_all add: Cons.prems(2))
  from Cons.prems(1) p2(2) Cons.IH[OF _ p2(1) Cons.prems(3)] show ?case 
    by(cases rule: iptables_bigstep_r.cases; simp add: iptables_bigstep_r.intros)

lemma r_appendD: "Γ,γ,p rs1 @ rs2 r t  s. Γ,γ,p rs1 r s"
  proof(induction rs1)
    case (Cons r rs1)
    from Cons.prems Cons.IH show ?case by(cases rule: iptables_bigstep_r.cases) (auto intro: iptables_bigstep_r.intros)
  qed (meson iptables_bigstep_r.skip)

corollary iptables_bigstep_r_eq: assumes "rs  ran Γ. no_call_to c rs" "A = Accept  A = Drop"
  shows "Γ,γ,p [Rule MatchAny (Call c), Rule MatchAny A] r t  Γ,γ,p [Rule MatchAny (Call c), Rule MatchAny A], Undecided  t"
(* if you really like the way we do our analyses *)
proof -
  show ?thesis proof (cases "Γ c")
    fix rs
    assume "Γ c = Some rs"
    moreover hence "all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs" using assms by (simp add: all_chains_def ranI)
    show ?thesis
      (* if this proof breaks, don't fix it. say 'meh' and re-prove this as a corollary of r_eq_orig''' with a stronger assumption *)
      apply(rule iffI[rotated])
       apply(erule seqE_cons)
       apply(subst (asm) r_eq_orig'[symmetric])
        apply (simp add: assms(1);fail)
       apply (meson assms(1) b d e r_eq_orig' seq'_cons) (* holy shi… *)
      apply(frule r_appendD[of _ _ _ "[Rule MatchAny (Call c)]" "[Rule MatchAny A]", simplified])
      apply(subst (asm) r_eq_orig')
        apply (simp add: assms(1);fail)
      apply(subst (asm) r_eq_orig'[symmetric])
       apply (simp add: assms(1);fail)
      apply(subst (asm)(2) iptables_bigstep_r.simps)
      apply(subst (asm)(1) iptables_bigstep_r.simps)
      apply auto
         apply (metis append_Cons append_Nil assms(1) decision matches.simps(4) r_call_eq r_eq_orig' seq)
        apply (metis all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs calculation iptables_bigstep_deterministic option.inject r_eq_orig state.distinct(1))
      subgoal using all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs calculation iptables_bigstep_deterministic r_eq_orig by fastforce
      apply(subst (asm) r_eq_orig[rotated])
      subgoal using all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs calculation by simp
      apply(erule seq'_cons)
      apply(subst (asm)(1) iptables_bigstep_r.simps)  
      apply(insert assms(2); auto simp add: iptables_bigstep.intros)
    assume "Γ c = None" thus ?thesis using r_no_call no_call by (metis seqE_cons)

(* now, you don't like that no_call_to assumption? this one's for you: *)
lemma ex_no_call: "finite S  c. (rs :: 'a rule list)  S. no_call_to c rs"
(* If you want, you can put in ‹ran Γ› for S. *)
proof -
  assume fS: finite S
  define called_c where "called_c rs = {c. m. Rule m (Call c)  set rs}" for rs :: "'a rule list"
  define called_c' where "called_c' rs = set [c. r  rs, c  (case get_action r of Call c  [c] | _  [])]"
    for rs :: "'a rule list"
  have cc: "called_c' rs = called_c rs" for rs
    unfolding called_c'_def called_c_def
    by(induction rs; simp add: Un_def) (auto; metis rule.collapse)      
  have f: "finite (called_c rs)" for rs unfolding cc[symmetric] called_c'_def by blast
  have ncc: "no_call_to c rs  c  called_c rs" for c rs 
    by(induction rs; auto simp add: no_call_to_def called_c_def split: action.splits) (metis rule.collapse)
  have isu: "infinite (UNIV :: string set)" by (simp add: infinite_UNIV_listI)
  have ff: "finite (rs  S. called_c rs)" using f fS by simp
  then obtain c where ne: "c  (rs  S. called_c rs)"
    by (blast dest: ex_new_if_finite[OF isu])
  thus ?thesis by(intro exI[where x=c]) (simp add: ncc)
  (* stupid way of proving something, once again… *)

private lemma ex_no_call': "finite (dom Γ)  c. Γ c = None  ((rs :: 'a rule list)  (ran Γ). no_call_to c rs)"
(* I want a corollary, and I need something a tad stronger… *)
proof -
  have *: "finite S  (dom M) = S  m. M = map_of m" for M S
  proof(induction arbitrary: M rule: finite.induct)
    case emptyI
    then show ?case by(intro exI[where x=Nil]) simp
    case (insertI A a)
    show ?case proof(cases "a  A") (* stupid induction rule *)
      case True
      then show ?thesis using insertI by (simp add: insert_absorb)
      case False
      hence "dom (M(a := None)) = A" using insertI.prems by simp
      from insertI.IH[OF this] obtain m where "M(a := None) = map_of m" ..
      then show ?thesis 
        by(intro exI[where x="(a, the (M a)) # m"]) (simp; metis domIff fun_upd_apply insertCI insertI.prems option.collapse)
  qed (* hm, thought that would give me what I want… *)
  have ran_alt: "ran f = (the o f) ` dom f" for f by(auto simp add: ran_def dom_def image_def)
  assume fD: finite (dom Γ)
  hence fS: finite (ran Γ) by(simp add: ran_alt)
  define called_c where "called_c rs = {c. m. Rule m (Call c)  set rs}" for rs :: "'a rule list"
  define called_c' where "called_c' rs = set [c. r  rs, c  (case get_action r of Call c  [c] | _  [])]"
    for rs :: "'a rule list"
  have cc: "called_c' rs = called_c rs" for rs
    unfolding called_c'_def called_c_def
    by(induction rs; simp add: Un_def) (auto; metis rule.collapse)      
  have f: "finite (called_c rs)" for rs unfolding cc[symmetric] called_c'_def by blast
  have ncc: "no_call_to c rs  c  called_c rs" for c rs 
    by(induction rs; auto simp add: no_call_to_def called_c_def split: action.splits) (metis rule.collapse) 
  have isu: "infinite (UNIV :: string set)" by (simp add: infinite_UNIV_listI)
  have ff: "finite (rs  ran Γ. called_c rs)" using f fS by simp
  hence fff: "finite (dom Γ  (rs  ran Γ. called_c rs))" using fD by simp
  then obtain c where ne: "c  (dom Γ  (rs  ran Γ. called_c rs))" thm ex_new_if_finite
    by (metis UNIV_I isu set_eqI)
  thus ?thesis by(fastforce simp add: ncc)
lemma all_chains_no_call_upd_r: "all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs  (Γ(c  x)),γ,p rs r t  Γ,γ,p rs r t"
proof (rule iffI, goal_cases)
  case 1
  from 1(2,1) show ?case 
    by(induction rule: iptables_bigstep_r.induct; 
      (simp add: iptables_bigstep_r.intros no_call_to_def all_chains_def split: if_splits;fail)?)
  case 2
  from 2(2,1) show ?case 
    by(induction rule: iptables_bigstep_r.induct; 
      (simp add: iptables_bigstep_r.intros no_call_to_def all_chains_def split:  action.splits;fail)?)

(* in a sense, this is code duplication with Ruleset_Update, but it's different enough that I can't use it. *)
lemma all_chains_no_call_upd_orig: "all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs  (Γ(c  x)),γ,p rs,s  t  Γ,γ,p rs,s  t"
proof (rule iffI, goal_cases)
  case 1
  from 1(2,1) show ?case 
    by(induction rs s t rule: iptables_bigstep.induct; 
      (simp add: iptables_bigstep.intros no_call_to_def all_chains_def split: if_splits;fail)?)
  case 2
  from 2(2,1) show ?case 
    by(induction rule: iptables_bigstep.induct; 
      (simp add: iptables_bigstep.intros no_call_to_def all_chains_def split:  action.splits;fail)?)
corollary r_eq_orig''': assumes "finite (ran Γ)" and "r  set rs. get_action r  Return"
  shows "Γ,γ,p rs r t  Γ,γ,p rs, Undecided  t"
proof -
  from assms have "finite ({rs}  (ran Γ))" by simp
  from ex_no_call[OF this] obtain c where c: "(rsran Γ. no_call_to c rs)" "no_call_to c rs" by blast
  hence acnc: "all_chains (no_call_to c) Γ rs" unfolding all_chains_def by (simp add: ranI)
  have ranaway: "rsran (Γ(c  rs)). no_call_to c rs"
  proof -
    { (* hammer *)
      fix rsa :: "'a rule list"
      assume a1: "rsa  ran (Γ(c  rs))"
      have "R. rs  R  Collect (no_call_to c)"
        using c(2) by force
      then have "rsa  ran (Γ(c := None))  Collect (no_call_to c)"
        using a1 by (metis (no_types) Un_iff Un_insert_left fun_upd_same fun_upd_upd insert_absorb ran_map_upd)
      then have "no_call_to c rsa"
        by (metis (no_types) Un_iff c(1) mem_Collect_eq ranI ran_restrictD restrict_complement_singleton_eq)
    thus ?thesis by simp
  have "Γ(c  rs),γ,p rs r t  Γ(c  rs),γ,p rs, Undecided  t"
    apply(subst r_call_eq[where c=c and m=MatchAny,symmetric])
    apply(subst call_eq[where c=c and m=MatchAny,symmetric])
     apply(simp add: assms;fail)
    apply(rule r_eq_orig')
    apply(fact ranaway)
  thus ?thesis 
    apply -
    apply(subst (asm) all_chains_no_call_upd_r[where x=rs, OF acnc])
    apply(subst (asm) all_chains_no_call_upd_orig[where x=rs, OF acnc])

