Theory Std_to_Inca_simulation

theory Std_to_Inca_simulation
  imports Global List_util Std Inca

section β€ΉGeneric definitionsβ€Ί

locale std_inca_simulation =
  Sstd: std
    Fstd_empty Fstd_get Fstd_add Fstd_to_list
    heap_empty heap_get heap_add heap_to_list
    uninitialized is_true is_false
    𝔒𝔭 𝔄𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔢 +
  Sinca: inca
    Finca_empty Finca_get Finca_add Finca_to_list
    heap_empty heap_get heap_add heap_to_list
    uninitialized is_true is_false
    𝔒𝔭 𝔄𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔢 ℑ𝔫𝔩𝔒𝔭 ℑ𝔫𝔩 ℑ𝔰ℑ𝔫𝔩 𝔇𝔒ℑ𝔫𝔩
    ― β€ΉFunctions environmentsβ€Ί
    Fstd_empty and
    Fstd_get :: "'fenv_std β‡’ 'fun β‡’ ('label, ('dyn, 'var, 'fun, 'label, 'op) Std.instr) fundef option" and
    Fstd_add and Fstd_to_list and

    Finca_empty and
    Finca_get :: "'fenv_inca β‡’ 'fun β‡’ ('label, ('dyn, 'var, 'fun, 'label, 'op, 'opinl) Inca.instr) fundef option" and
    Finca_add and Finca_to_list and
    ― β€ΉMemory heapβ€Ί
    heap_empty and
    heap_get :: "'henv β‡’ 'var Γ— 'dyn β‡’ 'dyn option" and
    heap_add and heap_to_list and

    ― β€ΉDynamic valuesβ€Ί
    uninitialized :: 'dyn and is_true and is_false and

    ― β€Ήn-ary operationsβ€Ί
    𝔒𝔭 :: "'op β‡’ 'dyn list β‡’ 'dyn" and 𝔄𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔢 and
    ℑ𝔫𝔩𝔒𝔭 and ℑ𝔫𝔩 and ℑ𝔰ℑ𝔫𝔩 and 𝔇𝔒ℑ𝔫𝔩 :: "'opinl β‡’ 'op"

fun norm_instr where
  "norm_instr (Inca.IPush d) = Std.IPush d" |
  "norm_instr Inca.IPop = Std.IPop" |
  "norm_instr (Inca.IGet n) = Std.IGet n" |
  "norm_instr (Inca.ISet n) = Std.ISet n" |
  "norm_instr (Inca.ILoad x) = Std.ILoad x" |
  "norm_instr (Inca.IStore x) = Std.IStore x" |
  "norm_instr (Inca.IOp op) = Std.IOp op" |
  "norm_instr (Inca.IOpInl opinl) = Std.IOp (𝔇𝔒ℑ𝔫𝔩 opinl)" |
  "norm_instr (Inca.ICJump lt lf) = Std.ICJump lt lf" |
  "norm_instr (Inca.ICall x) = Std.ICall x" |
  "norm_instr Inca.IReturn = Std.IReturn"

abbreviation norm_eq where
  "norm_eq x y ≑ norm_instr y = x"

definition rel_fundefs where
  "rel_fundefs f g = (βˆ€x. rel_option (rel_fundef (=) norm_eq) (f x) (g x))"

lemma rel_fundefsI:
  assumes "β‹€x. rel_option (rel_fundef (=) norm_eq) (F1 x) (F2 x)"
  shows "rel_fundefs F1 F2"
  using assms
  by (simp add: rel_fundefs_def)

lemma rel_fundefsD:
  assumes "rel_fundefs F1 F2"
  shows "rel_option (rel_fundef (=) norm_eq) (F1 x) (F2 x)"
  using assms
  by (simp add: rel_fundefs_def)

lemma rel_fundefs_next_instr:
  assumes rel_F1_F2: "rel_fundefs F1 F2"
  shows "rel_option norm_eq (next_instr F1 f l pc) (next_instr F2 f l pc)"
proof -
  have "rel_option (rel_fundef (=) norm_eq) (F1 f) (F2 f)"
    using rel_F1_F2[unfolded rel_fundefs_def] by simp
  thus ?thesis
  proof (cases rule: option.rel_cases)
    case None
    then show ?thesis by (simp add: next_instr_def)
    case (Some fd1 fd2)
    hence "rel_option (list_all2 norm_eq) (map_of (body fd1) l) (map_of (body fd2) l)"
      by (auto elim!: fundef.rel_cases intro: rel_option_map_of)
    then show ?thesis
      by (cases rule: option.rel_cases;
          simp add: next_instr_def instr_at_def Some list_all2_conv_all_nth)

lemma rel_fundefs_next_instr1:
  assumes rel_F1_F2: "rel_fundefs F1 F2" and next_instr1: "next_instr F1 f l pc = Some instr1"
  shows "βˆƒinstr2. next_instr F2 f l pc = Some instr2 ∧ norm_eq instr1 instr2"
  using rel_fundefs_next_instr[OF rel_F1_F2, of f l pc]
  unfolding next_instr1
  unfolding option_rel_Some1
  by assumption

lemma rel_fundefs_next_instr2:
  assumes rel_F1_F2: "rel_fundefs F1 F2" and next_instr2: "next_instr F2 f l pc = Some instr2"
  shows "βˆƒinstr1. next_instr F1 f l pc = Some instr1 ∧ norm_eq instr1 instr2"
  using rel_fundefs_next_instr[OF rel_F1_F2, of f l pc]
  unfolding next_instr2
  unfolding option_rel_Some2
  by assumption

lemma rel_fundefs_empty: "rel_fundefs (Ξ»_. None) (Ξ»_. None)"
  by (simp add: rel_fundefs_def)

lemma rel_fundefs_None1:
  assumes "rel_fundefs f g" and "f x = None"
  shows "g x = None"
  by (metis assms rel_fundefs_def rel_option_None1)

lemma rel_fundefs_None2:
  assumes "rel_fundefs f g" and "g x = None"
  shows "f x = None"
  by (metis assms rel_fundefs_def rel_option_None2)

lemma rel_fundefs_Some1:
  assumes "rel_fundefs f g" and "f x = Some y"
  shows "βˆƒz. g x = Some z ∧ rel_fundef (=) norm_eq y z"
proof -
  from assms(1) have "rel_option (rel_fundef (=) norm_eq) (f x) (g x)"
    unfolding rel_fundefs_def by simp
  with assms(2) show ?thesis
    by (simp add: option_rel_Some1)

lemma rel_fundefs_Some2:
  assumes "rel_fundefs f g" and "g x = Some y"
  shows "βˆƒz. f x = Some z ∧ rel_fundef (=) norm_eq z y"
proof -
  from assms(1) have "rel_option (rel_fundef (=) norm_eq) (f x) (g x)"
    unfolding rel_fundefs_def by simp
  with assms(2) show ?thesis
    by (simp add: option_rel_Some2)

lemma rel_fundefs_rel_option:
  assumes "rel_fundefs f g" and "β‹€x y. rel_fundef (=) norm_eq x y ⟹ h x y"
  shows "rel_option h (f z) (g z)"
proof -
  have "rel_option (rel_fundef (=) norm_eq) (f z) (g z)"
    using assms(1)[unfolded rel_fundefs_def] by simp
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding rel_option_unfold
    by (auto simp add: assms(2))

lemma rel_fundefs_rewriteI2:
    rel_F1_F2: "rel_fundefs (Fstd_get F1) (Finca_get F2)" and
    next_instr1: "next_instr (Fstd_get F1) f l pc = Some instr1"
    "norm_eq instr1 instr2'"
  shows "rel_fundefs (Fstd_get F1)
    (Finca_get (Sinca.Fenv.map_entry F2 f (Ξ»fd. rewrite_fundef_body fd l pc instr2')))"
  (is "rel_fundefs (Fstd_get ?F1') (Finca_get ?F2')")
proof (rule rel_fundefsI)
  fix x
  show "rel_option (rel_fundef (=) norm_eq) (Fstd_get ?F1' x) (Finca_get ?F2' x)"
  proof (cases "f = x")
    case True
    show ?thesis
      using rel_F1_F2[THEN rel_fundefsD, of x] True next_instr1 assms(3)
      by (cases rule: option.rel_cases)
        (auto intro!: rel_fundef_rewrite_body2' dest!: next_instrD)
    case False
    then show ?thesis
      using rel_F1_F2[THEN rel_fundefsD, of x] by simp

section β€ΉSimulation relationβ€Ί

inductive match (infix "∼" 55) where
  "wf_fundefs (Fstd_get F1) ⟹
  rel_fundefs (Fstd_get F1) (Finca_get F2) ⟹
  (State F1 H st) ∼ (State F2 H st)"

section β€ΉBackward simulationβ€Ί

lemma backward_lockstep_simulation:
  assumes "Sinca.step s2 s2'" and "match s1 s2"
  shows "βˆƒs1'. Sstd.step s1 s1' ∧ match s1' s2'"
proof -
  from assms(2) obtain F1 F2 H st where
    s1_def: "s1 = State F1 H st" and
    s2_def: "s2 = State F2 H st" and
    ok_F1: "wf_fundefs (Fstd_get F1)" and
    rel_F1_F2: "rel_fundefs (Fstd_get F1) (Finca_get F2)"
    by (auto elim: match.cases)

  note rel_F1_F2_next_instr = rel_fundefs_next_instr[OF rel_F1_F2]

  from assms(1) show "?thesis"
    unfolding s1_def s2_def
  proof (induction "State F2 H st" s2' rule: Sinca.step.induct)
    case (step_push f l pc d R Ξ£ st')
    show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof -
      let ?s1' = "State F1 H (Frame f l (Suc pc) R (d # Ξ£) # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_push rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f l pc]
        by (auto intro!: Sstd.step_push simp: option_rel_Some2)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2 by (auto intro: match.intros)
      ultimately show "?thesis" by blast
    case (step_pop f l pc R d Ξ£ st')
    show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof -
      let ?s1' = "State F1 H (Frame f l (Suc pc) R Ξ£ # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_pop rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f l pc]
        by (auto intro!: Sstd.step_pop simp: option_rel_Some2)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2 by (auto intro: match.intros)
      ultimately show "?thesis" by blast
    case (step_get f l pc n R d Ξ£ st')
    show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof -
      let ?s1' = "State F1 H (Frame f l (Suc pc) R (d # Ξ£) # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_get  rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f l pc]
        by (auto intro: Sstd.step_get simp: option_rel_Some2)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2 by (auto intro: match.intros)
      ultimately show "?thesis" by blast
    case (step_set f l pc n R R' d Ξ£ st')
    show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof -
      let ?s1' = "State F1 H (Frame f l (Suc pc) R' Ξ£ # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_set  rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f l pc]
        by (auto intro: Sstd.step_set simp: option_rel_Some2)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2 by (auto intro: match.intros)
      ultimately show "?thesis" by blast
    case (step_load f l pc x y d R Ξ£ st')
    show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof -
      let ?s1' = "State F1 H (Frame f l (Suc pc) R (d # Ξ£) # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_load  rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f l pc]
        by (auto intro!: Sstd.step_load simp: option_rel_Some2)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2 by (auto intro: match.intros)
      ultimately show "?thesis" by blast
    case (step_store f l pc x y d H' R Ξ£ st')
    show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof -
      let ?s1' = "State F1 H' (Frame f l (Suc pc) R Ξ£ # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_store rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f l pc]
        by (auto intro!: Sstd.step_store simp: option_rel_Some2)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2 by (auto intro: match.intros)
      ultimately show "?thesis" by blast
    case (step_op f l pc op ar Ξ£ x R st')
    show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof -
      let ?s1' = "State F1 H (Frame f l (Suc pc) R (x # drop ar Ξ£) # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_op rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f l pc]
        by (auto intro!: Sstd.step_op simp: option_rel_Some2)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2 by (auto intro: match.intros)
      ultimately show "?thesis" by blast
    case (step_op_inl f l pc op ar Ξ£ opinl x F2' R st')
    then obtain instr1 where
      next_instr1: "next_instr (Fstd_get F1) f l pc = Some instr1" and
      norm_eq_instr1_instr2: "norm_eq instr1 (Inca.IOp op)"
      using rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f l pc] by (simp add: option_rel_Some2)
    then show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof (cases instr1)
      case (IOp op')
      hence "op' = op" using norm_eq_instr1_instr2 by simp
      let ?s1' = "State F1 H (Frame f l (Suc pc) R (x # drop ar Ξ£) # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_op_inl next_instr1 IOp β€Ήop' = opβ€Ί
        using Sinca.ℑ𝔫𝔩𝔒𝔭_correct Sinca.ℑ𝔫𝔩_invertible
        by (auto intro: Sstd.step_op)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 step_op_inl next_instr1 IOp β€Ήop' = opβ€Ί
        using  Sinca.ℑ𝔫𝔩_invertible
        by (auto intro!: match.intros intro: rel_fundefs_rewriteI2[OF rel_F1_F2])
      ultimately show "?thesis" by blast
    qed simp_all
    case (step_op_inl_hit f l pc opinl ar Ξ£ x R st')
    show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof -
      let ?s1' = "State F1 H (Frame f l (Suc pc) R (x # drop ar Ξ£) # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_op_inl_hit rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f l pc]
        using Sinca.ℑ𝔫𝔩𝔒𝔭_correct
        by (auto intro: Sstd.step_op simp: option_rel_Some2)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2 by (auto intro: match.intros)
      ultimately show "?thesis" by blast
    case (step_op_inl_miss f l pc opinl ar Ξ£ x F' R st')
    then obtain instr1 where
      next_instr1: "next_instr (Fstd_get F1) f l pc = Some instr1" and
      norm_eq_instr1_instr2: "norm_eq instr1 (Inca.IOpInl opinl)"
      using rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f l pc] by (simp add: option_rel_Some2)
    then show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof (cases instr1)
      case (IOp op)
      hence "op = 𝔇𝔒ℑ𝔫𝔩 opinl" using norm_eq_instr1_instr2 by simp
      let ?s1' = "State F1 H (Frame f l (Suc pc) R (x # drop ar Ξ£) # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_op_inl_miss next_instr1 IOp β€Ήop = 𝔇𝔒ℑ𝔫𝔩 opinlβ€Ί
        using Sinca.ℑ𝔫𝔩𝔒𝔭_correct
        by (auto intro: Sstd.step_op)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 step_op_inl_miss next_instr1 IOp β€Ήop = 𝔇𝔒ℑ𝔫𝔩 opinlβ€Ί
        using  Sinca.ℑ𝔫𝔩_invertible
        by (auto intro!: match.intros intro: rel_fundefs_rewriteI2[OF rel_F1_F2])
      ultimately show "?thesis" by blast
    qed simp_all
    case (step_cjump f l pc lt lf d l' R Ξ£ st')
    show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof -
      let ?s1' = "State F1 H (Frame f l' 0 R Ξ£ # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_cjump rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f l pc]
        by (auto intro: Sstd.step_cjump simp: option_rel_Some2)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2 by (auto intro: match.intros)
      ultimately show "?thesis" by blast
    case (step_call f lf pcf g gd2 Ξ£f frameg Rf st')
    then obtain gd1 where
      F1_g: "Fstd_get F1 g = Some gd1" and
      rel_gd1_gd2: "rel_fundef (=) norm_eq gd1 gd2"
      using rel_fundefs_Some2[OF rel_F1_F2] by blast

    have same_fst_label_gd1_gd2: "fst (hd (body gd1)) = fst (hd (body gd2))"
      using wf_fundefs_imp_wf_fundef[OF ok_F1 F1_g, unfolded wf_fundef_def] rel_gd1_gd2
      by (auto elim!: fundef.rel_cases dest: list_all2_rel_prod_fst_hd)

    show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof -
      let ?Ξ£g = "take (arity gd1) Ξ£f"
      let ?lg = "(fst (hd (body gd1)))"
      let ?s1' = "State F1 H (frameg # Frame f lf pcf Rf Ξ£f # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_call rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f lf pcf]
        using F1_g same_fst_label_gd1_gd2 rel_gd1_gd2
        by (auto intro!: Sstd.step_call
            simp: option_rel_Some2 allocate_frame_def rel_fundef_arities rel_fundef_locals)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2
        by (auto intro: match.intros)
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
    case (step_return g lg pcg gd2 Ξ£f Ξ£g framef' f lf pcf Rf Rg st')
    then obtain gd1 where
      F1_g: "Fstd_get F1 g = Some gd1" and
      rel_gd1_gd2: "rel_fundef (=) norm_eq gd1 gd2"
      using rel_fundefs_Some2[OF rel_F1_F2] by blast
    obtain instr1 where
      next_instr1: "next_instr (Fstd_get F1) g lg pcg = Some instr1" and
      norm_eq_instr1_instr2: "norm_eq instr1 Inca.IReturn"
      using step_return rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of g lg pcg] by (simp add: option_rel_Some2)
    then show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof (cases instr1)
      case IReturn
      let ?s1' = "State F1 H (framef' # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_return next_instr1 IReturn
        using F1_g rel_gd1_gd2
        by (auto intro!: Sstd.step_return simp: rel_fundef_arities rel_fundef_return)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2 by (auto intro: match.intros)
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
    qed simp_all

lemma match_final_backward:
  assumes "match s1 s2" and final_s2: "final Finca_get Inca.IReturn s2"
  shows "final Fstd_get Std.IReturn s1"
  using β€Ήmatch s1 s2β€Ί
proof (cases s1 s2 rule: match.cases)
  case (1 F1 F2 H st)
  show ?thesis
    using final_s2[unfolded 1]
  proof (cases _ _ "State F2 H st" rule: final.cases)
    case (finalI f l pc R Ξ£)
    then show ?thesis
      using 1
      by (auto intro!: final.intros dest: rel_fundefs_next_instr2)

sublocale std_inca_simulation:
  backward_simulation where
    step1 = Sstd.step and final1 = "final Fstd_get Std.IReturn" and
    step2 = Sinca.step and final2 = "final Finca_get Inca.IReturn" and
    order = "Ξ»_ _. False" and match = "Ξ»_. match"
  using match_final_backward backward_lockstep_simulation
    lockstep_to_plus_backward_simulation[of match Sinca.step Sstd.step]
  by unfold_locales auto

section β€ΉForward simulationβ€Ί

lemma forward_lockstep_simulation:
  assumes "Sstd.step s1 s1'" and "match s1 s2"
  shows "βˆƒs2'. Sinca.step s2 s2' ∧ s1' ∼ s2'"
proof -
  from assms(2) obtain F1 F2 H st where
    s1_def: "s1 = State F1 H st" and
    s2_def: "s2 = State F2 H st" and
    ok_F1: "wf_fundefs (Fstd_get F1)" and
    rel_F1_F2: "rel_fundefs (Fstd_get F1) (Finca_get F2)"
    by (auto elim: match.cases)

  note rel_F1_F2_next_instr = rel_fundefs_next_instr[OF rel_F1_F2]

  from assms(1) show "?thesis"
    unfolding s1_def s2_def
  proof(induction "State F1 H st" s1' rule: Sstd.step.induct)
    case (step_push f l pc d R Ξ£ st')
    show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof -
      let ?s1' = "State F2 H (Frame f l (Suc pc) R (d # Ξ£) # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_push rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f l pc]
        by (auto intro!: Sinca.step_push elim: norm_instr.elims simp: option_rel_Some1)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2 by (auto intro: match.intros)
      ultimately show "?thesis" by blast
    case (step_pop f l pc R d Ξ£ st')
    show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof -
      let ?s1' = "State F2 H (Frame f l (Suc pc) R Ξ£ # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_pop rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f l pc]
        by (auto intro: Sinca.step_pop elim: norm_instr.elims simp: option_rel_Some1)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2 by (auto intro: match.intros)
      ultimately show "?thesis" by blast
    case (step_get f l pc n R d Ξ£ st')
    show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof -
      let ?s1' = "State F2 H (Frame f l (Suc pc) R (d # Ξ£) # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_get rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f l pc]
        by (auto intro: Sinca.step_get elim: norm_instr.elims simp: option_rel_Some1)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2 by (auto intro: match.intros)
      ultimately show "?thesis" by blast
    case (step_set f l pc n R R' d Ξ£ st')
    show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof -
      let ?s1' = "State F2 H (Frame f l (Suc pc) R' Ξ£ # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_set rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f l pc]
        by (auto intro: Sinca.step_set elim: norm_instr.elims simp: option_rel_Some1)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2 by (auto intro: match.intros)
      ultimately show "?thesis" by blast
    case (step_load f l pc x y d R Ξ£ st')
    show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof -
      let ?s1' = "State F2 H (Frame f l (Suc pc) R (d # Ξ£) # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_load rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f l pc]
        by (auto intro: Sinca.step_load elim: norm_instr.elims simp: option_rel_Some1)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2 by (auto intro: match.intros)
      ultimately show "?thesis" by blast
    case (step_store f l pc x y d H' R Ξ£ st')
    show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof -
      let ?s1' = "State F2 H' (Frame f l (Suc pc) R Ξ£ # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_store rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f l pc]
        by (auto intro: Sinca.step_store elim: norm_instr.elims simp: option_rel_Some1)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2 by (auto intro: match.intros)
      ultimately show "?thesis" by blast
    case (step_op f l pc op ar Ξ£ x R st')
    then obtain instr2 where
      next_instr2: "next_instr (Finca_get F2) f l pc = Some instr2" and
      norm_eq_instr2: "norm_eq (Std.IOp op) instr2"
      using rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f l pc] by (auto simp: option_rel_Some1)
    thus ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof (cases instr2)
      case (IOp op')
      then have "op' = op" using norm_eq_instr2 by simp
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "ℑ𝔫𝔩 op' (take ar Ξ£)")
        case None
        let ?s2' = "State F2 H (Frame f l (Suc pc) R (x # drop ar Ξ£) # st')"
        have "?STEP ?s2'"
          using None IOp step_op β€Ήop' = opβ€Ί next_instr2
          by (auto intro: Sinca.step_op)
        moreover have "?MATCH ?s2'"
          using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2 by (auto intro: match.intros)
        ultimately show ?thesis by auto
        case (Some opinl)
        let ?F2' = "Sinca.Fenv.map_entry F2 f (Ξ»fd. rewrite_fundef_body fd l pc (IOpInl opinl))"
        let ?s2' = "State ?F2' H (Frame f l (Suc pc) R (x # drop ar Ξ£) # st')"
        have "?STEP ?s2'"
          using Some IOp step_op β€Ήop' = opβ€Ί
          using Sinca.ℑ𝔫𝔩𝔒𝔭_correct Sinca.ℑ𝔫𝔩_invertible next_instr2
          by (auto intro: Sinca.step_op_inl)
        moreover have "?MATCH ?s2'"
          using ok_F1 step_op IOp β€Ήop' = opβ€Ί Some
          by (auto intro!: match.intros intro: rel_fundefs_rewriteI2[OF rel_F1_F2]
                simp: Sinca.ℑ𝔫𝔩_invertible)
        ultimately show ?thesis by auto
      case (IOpInl opinl)
      hence "op = 𝔇𝔒ℑ𝔫𝔩 opinl" using norm_eq_instr2 by simp
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "ℑ𝔰ℑ𝔫𝔩 opinl (take ar Ξ£)")
        case True
        let ?s2' = "State F2 H (Frame f l (Suc pc) R (x # drop ar Ξ£) # st')"
        have "?STEP ?s2'"
          using step_op IOpInl β€Ήop = 𝔇𝔒ℑ𝔫𝔩 opinlβ€Ί True
          using next_instr2 Sinca.ℑ𝔫𝔩𝔒𝔭_correct
          by (auto intro: Sinca.step_op_inl_hit)
        moreover have "?MATCH ?s2'"
          using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2 by (auto intro: match.intros)
        ultimately show ?thesis by auto
        case False
        let ?F2' = "Sinca.Fenv.map_entry F2 f (Ξ»fd. rewrite_fundef_body fd l pc (IOp (𝔇𝔒ℑ𝔫𝔩 opinl)))"
        let ?s2' = "State ?F2' H (Frame f l (Suc pc) R (x # drop ar Ξ£) # st')"
        have "?STEP ?s2'"
          using step_op IOpInl β€Ήop = 𝔇𝔒ℑ𝔫𝔩 opinlβ€Ί False
          using next_instr2 Sinca.ℑ𝔫𝔩𝔒𝔭_correct
          by (auto intro: Sinca.step_op_inl_miss)
        moreover have "?MATCH ?s2'"
          using ok_F1 step_op β€Ήop = 𝔇𝔒ℑ𝔫𝔩 opinlβ€Ί
          by (auto intro!: match.intros intro: rel_fundefs_rewriteI2[OF rel_F1_F2])
        ultimately show ?thesis by auto
    qed simp_all
    case (step_cjump f l pc lt lf d l' R Ξ£ st')
    show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof -
      let ?s1' = "State F2 H (Frame f l' 0 R Ξ£ # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_cjump rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f l pc]
        by (auto intro: Sinca.step_cjump elim: norm_instr.elims simp: option_rel_Some1)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2 by (auto intro: match.intros)
      ultimately show "?thesis" by blast
    case (step_call f lf pcf g gd1 Ξ£f frameg Rf st')
    then obtain gd2 where
      F2_g: "Finca_get F2 g = Some gd2" and
      rel_gd1_gd2: "rel_fundef (=) norm_eq gd1 gd2"
      using rel_fundefs_Some1[OF rel_F1_F2] by blast

    have same_fst_label_gd1_gd2: "fst (hd (body gd1)) = fst (hd (body gd2))"
      using rel_gd1_gd2
      using wf_fundefs_imp_wf_fundef[OF ok_F1 β€ΉFstd_get F1 g = Some gd1β€Ί, unfolded wf_fundef_def]
      by (auto elim: fundef.rel_cases dest!: list_all2_rel_prod_fst_hd)

    show ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof -
      let ?Ξ£g = "take (arity gd2) Ξ£f"
      let ?s2' = "State F2 H (frameg # Frame f lf pcf Rf Ξ£f # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s2'"
        using step_call F2_g rel_gd1_gd2 rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of f lf pcf]
        using same_fst_label_gd1_gd2
        by (auto intro!: Sinca.step_call elim: norm_instr.elims
            simp: option_rel_Some1 rel_fundef_arities rel_fundef_locals allocate_frame_def)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s2'"
        using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2
        by (auto intro: match.intros)
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
    case (step_return g lg pcg gd1 Ξ£f Ξ£g framef' f lf pcf Rf Rg st')
    then obtain gd2 where
      F2_g: "Finca_get F2 g = Some gd2" and
      rel_gd1_gd2: "rel_fundef (=) norm_eq gd1 gd2"
      using rel_fundefs_Some1[OF rel_F1_F2] by blast
    obtain instr2 where
      next_instr2: "next_instr (Finca_get F2) g lg pcg = Some instr2" and
      norm_eq_instr1_instr2: "norm_eq Std.IReturn instr2"
      using step_return rel_F1_F2_next_instr[of g lg pcg] by (auto simp: option_rel_Some1)
    thus ?case (is "βˆƒx. ?STEP x ∧ ?MATCH x")
    proof (cases instr2)
      case IReturn
      let ?s1' = "State F2 H (framef' # st')"
      have "?STEP ?s1'"
        using step_return next_instr2 IReturn
        using F2_g rel_gd1_gd2
        by (auto intro!: Sinca.step_return simp: rel_fundef_arities rel_fundef_return)
      moreover have "?MATCH ?s1'"
        using ok_F1 rel_F1_F2 by (auto intro: match.intros)
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
    qed simp_all

lemma match_final_forward:
  assumes "match s1 s2" and final_s1: "final Fstd_get Std.IReturn s1"
  shows "final Finca_get Inca.IReturn s2"
  using β€Ήmatch s1 s2β€Ί
proof (cases s1 s2 rule: match.cases)
  case (1 F1 F2 H st)
  show ?thesis
    using final_s1[unfolded 1]
  proof (cases _ _ "State F1 H st" rule: final.cases)
    case (finalI f l pc R Ξ£)
    then show ?thesis
      using 1
      by (auto intro: final.intros elim: norm_instr.elims dest: rel_fundefs_next_instr1)

sublocale std_inca_forward_simulation:
  forward_simulation where
    step1 = Sstd.step and final1 = "final Fstd_get Std.IReturn" and
    step2 = Sinca.step and final2 = "final Finca_get Inca.IReturn" and
    order = "Ξ»_ _. False" and match = "Ξ»_. match"
  using match_final_forward forward_lockstep_simulation
    lockstep_to_plus_forward_simulation[of match Sstd.step _ Sinca.step]
  by unfold_locales auto

section β€ΉBisimulationβ€Ί

sublocale std_inca_bisimulation:
  bisimulation where
    step1 = Sstd.step and final1 = "final Fstd_get Std.IReturn" and
    step2 = Sinca.step and final2 = "final Finca_get Inca.IReturn" and
    order = "Ξ»_ _. False" and match = "Ξ»_. match"
  by unfold_locales

