Theory ArcExt

theory ArcExt
imports SubRel

section ‹Extending rooted graphs with edges›

text ‹In this section, we formalize the operation of adding to a rooted graph an edge whose source 
is already a vertex of the given graph but not its target. We call this operation an extension of the given graph by adding 
an edge. This corresponds to an abstraction of 
the act of adding an edge to the red part of a red\hyp{}black graph as a result of symbolic execution 
of the corresponding transition in the LTS under analysis, where all details about symbolic 
execution would have been abstracted.  We then state and prove a number of facts 
describing the evolution of the set of paths of the given graph, first without considering 
subsumption links then in the case of rooted graph equipped with a subsumption relation.›

subsection ‹Definition and Basic properties›

text ‹Extending a rooted graph with an edge consists in adding to its set of edges an edge whose 
source is a vertex of this graph but whose target is not.›

abbreviation extends :: 
  "('v,'x) rgraph_scheme  'v edge  ('v,'x) rgraph_scheme  bool" 
  "extends g e g'  src e  Graph.vertices g 
                   tgt e  Graph.vertices g 
                   g' = (add_edge g e)"

text ‹After such an extension, the set of out-edges of the target of the new edge is empty.›

lemma extends_tgt_out_edges :
  assumes "extends g e g'"
  shows   "out_edges g' (tgt e) = {}" 
using assms unfolding vertices_def image_def by force

text ‹Consider a graph equipped with a sub-relation. This relation is also a sub-relation of any 
extension of this graph.›

lemma (in sub_rel_of)
  assumes "extends g e g'"
  shows   "sub_rel_of g' subs"
using assms sub_rel_of by (auto simp add : sub_rel_of_def vertices_def)

text ‹Extending a graph with an edge preserves the existing sub-paths.›

lemma sp_in_extends :
  assumes "extends g e g'"
  assumes "Graph.subpath g  v1 es v2"
  shows   "Graph.subpath g' v1 es v2"
using assms by (auto simp add : Graph.subpath_def vertices_def)

subsection ‹Extending trees›

text ‹We show that extending a rooted graph that is already a tree yields a new tree. Since 
the empty rooted graph is a tree, all graphs produced using only the extension by edge are trees.›

lemma extends_is_tree :
  assumes "is_tree g"
  assumes "extends g e g'"
  shows   "is_tree g'"
unfolding is_tree_def Ball_def
proof (intro allI impI)
  fix v

  have "root g' = root g" using assms(2) by simp
  assume "v  Graph.vertices g'"

  hence "v  Graph.vertices g  v = tgt e"
  using assms(2) by (auto simp add : vertices_def)

  thus "∃!es. path g' es v"
  proof (elim disjE, goal_cases)
    case 1
    then obtain es 
    where "Graph.path g es v"
    and   " es'. Graph.path g es' v  es' = es"
    using assms(1) unfolding Ex1_def is_tree_def by blast
    hence "Graph.path g' es v" 
    using assms(2) sp_in_extends[OF assms(2)]
    by (subst root g' = root g)
    have " es'. Graph.path g' es' v  es' =  es"
    proof (intro allI impI)
      fix es'
      assume "Graph.path g' es' v"
      thus "es' = es"
      proof (case_tac "e  set es'", goal_cases)
        case 1
        then obtain es'' 
        where "es' = es'' @ [e]"
        and   "e  set es''" 
        using Graph.path g' es' v
              Graph.sp_through_de_decomp[OF extends_tgt_out_edges[OF assms(2)]]
        by blast
        hence "v = tgt e"
        using Graph.path g' es' v 
        by (simp add : Graph.sp_append_one)
        thus ?thesis 
        using assms(2) 
              Graph.lst_of_sp_is_vert[OF Graph.path g es v] 
        by simp
        case 2 thus ?thesis 
        using assms 
               es'. Graph.path g es' v  es' = es Graph.path g' es' v
        by (auto simp add : Graph.subpath_def vertices_def)

    show ?thesis by auto

    case 2

    then obtain es 
    where "Graph.path g es (src e)"
    and   " es'. Graph.path g es' (src e)  es' = es"
    using assms(1,2) unfolding is_tree_def by blast
    hence "Graph.path g' es (src e)" 
    using sp_in_extends[OF assms(2)] 
    by (subst root g' = root g)
    hence "Graph.path g' (es @ [e]) (tgt e)" 
    using assms(2) by (auto simp add : Graph.sp_append_one)
    have " es'. Graph.path g' es' (tgt e)  es' = es @ [e]"
    proof (intro allI impI)
      fix es'
      assume "Graph.path g' es' (tgt e)"
      hence "e  set es'" 
      using assms 
            sp_ends_in_tgt_imp_mem[of e g "root g" es']
      by (auto simp add : Graph.subpath_def vertices_def)
      have   "out_edges g' (tgt e) = {}" 
      using assms 
      by (intro extends_tgt_out_edges)
      have " es''. es' = es'' @ [e]  e  set es''" 
      by (elim Graph.sp_through_de_decomp)
      then obtain es'' 
      where "es' = es'' @ [e]" 
      and   "e  set es''" 
      by blast
      hence "Graph.path g' es'' (src e)" 
      using Graph.path g' es'  (tgt e) 
      by (auto simp add : Graph.sp_append_one)
      hence "Graph.path g es'' (src e)"
      using assms(2) e  set es'' 
      by (auto simp add : Graph.subpath_def vertices_def)
      hence "es'' = es" 
      using  as'. Graph.path g as' (src e)  as' = es 
      by simp
      thus "es' = es @ [e]" using es' = es'' @ [e] by simp
    show ?thesis using 2 by auto

subsection ‹Properties of sub-paths in an extension›

text ‹Extending a graph by an edge preserves the existing sub-paths.›

lemma sp_in_extends_w_subs :
  assumes "extends g a g'"
  assumes "subpath g  v1 es v2 subs"
  shows   "subpath g' v1 es v2 subs"
using assms by (auto simp add : subpath_def sub_rel_of_def vertices_def)

text ‹In an extension, the target of the new edge has no out-edges. Thus sub-paths of the 
extension starting and ending in old vertices are sub-paths of the graph prior to its extension.›

lemma (in sub_rel_of) sp_from_old_verts_imp_sp_in_old :
  assumes "extends g e g'"
  assumes "v1  Graph.vertices g"
  assumes "v2  Graph.vertices g"
  assumes "subpath g' v1 es v2 subs"
  shows   "subpath g  v1 es v2 subs"
proof -
  have "e  set es"
  proof (intro notI)
    assume "e  set es"
    have "v2 = tgt e"
    proof -
      have "tgt e  subsumees subs" using sub_rel_of assms(1) by fast
      have  "out_edges g' (tgt e) = {}" using assms(1) by (rule extends_tgt_out_edges)
      have " es'. es = es' @ [e]  e  set es'" 
      using  assms(4) e  set es
      by (intro sp_through_de_decomp)
      then obtain es' where "es = es' @ [e]" "e  set es'" by blast
      hence "tgt e = v2  (tgt e,v2)  subs+"
      using assms(4) by (simp add : sp_append_one)
      thus ?thesis using tgt e  subsumees subs tranclD[of "tgt e" v2 subs] by force

    thus False using assms(1,3) by simp

  thus ?thesis 
  using sub_rel_of assms
  unfolding subpath_def sub_rel_of_def by auto

text ‹For the same reason, sub-paths starting at the target of the new edge are empty.›

lemma (in sub_rel_of) sp_from_tgt_in_extends_is_Nil :
  assumes "extends g e g'"
  assumes "subpath g' (tgt e) es v subs"
  shows   "es = []"
using sub_rel_of assms
      sp_from_de_empty[of "tgt e" subs g' es v]
by fast

text ‹Moreover, a sub-path @{term es} starting in another vertex than the target of the new edge 
@{term e} but ending in this target has @{term e} as last element. This occurrence of @{term e} is 
unique among @{term es}. The prefix of @{term es} preceding @{term e} is a sub-path leading at the 
source of @{term e} in the original graph.›

lemma (in sub_rel_of) sp_to_new_edge_tgt_imp :
  assumes "extends g e g'"
  assumes "subpath g' v es (tgt e) subs"
  assumes "v  tgt e"
  shows   " es'. es = es' @ [e]  e  set es'  subpath g v es' (src e) subs"
proof -
  obtain es' where "es = es' @ [e]" and "e  set es'" 
  using sub_rel_of assms(1,2,3)
        extends_tgt_out_edges[OF assms(1)]
        sp_through_de_decomp[of e subs g' v es "tgt e"]
        sp_ends_in_tgt_imp_mem[of e v es]
  by blast

  have "subpath g v es' (src e) subs"
  proof -
    have "v  Graph.vertices g" 
    using assms(1,3) fst_of_sp_is_vert[OF assms(2)] 
    by (auto simp add : vertices_def)

    have "SubRel.subpath g' v es' (src e) subs" 
    using assms(2) es = es' @ [e] by (simp add : sp_append_one)

    show ?thesis 
    using assms(1) sub_rel_of e  set es'
    unfolding subpath_def by (auto simp add : sub_rel_of_def)

  show ?thesis by blast
