Theory Union
section ‹The union of classes\label{s:union}›
theory Union
imports R1_BC TOTAL_CONS
text ‹None of the inference types introduced in this chapter are closed
under union of classes. For all inference types except FIN this follows from
@{thm[source] "U0_V0_not_in_BC"}.›
lemma not_closed_under_union:
"∀ℐ∈{CP, TOTAL, CONS, LIM, BC}. U⇩0 ∈ ℐ ∧ V⇩0 ∈ ℐ ∧ U⇩0 ∪ V⇩0 ∉ ℐ"
using U0_in_CP U0_in_NUM V0_in_FIN
by blast
text ‹In order to show the analogous result for FIN consider the
classes $\{0^\infty\}$ and $\{0^n10^\infty \mid n \in \mathbb{N}\}$. The
former can be learned finitely by a strategy that hypothesizes $0^\infty$ for
every input. The latter can be learned finitely by a strategy that waits for
the 1 and hypothesizes the only function in the class with a 1 at that
position. However, the union of both classes is not in FIN. This is because
any FIN strategy has to hypothesize $0^\infty$ on some prefix of the form
$0^n$. But the strategy then fails for the function $0^n10^\infty$.›
lemma singleton_in_FIN: "f ∈ ℛ ⟹ {f} ∈ FIN"
proof -
assume "f ∈ ℛ"
then obtain i where i: "φ i = f"
using phi_universal by blast
define s :: partial1 where "s = (λ_. Some (Suc i))"
then have "s ∈ ℛ"
using const_in_Prim1[of "Suc i"] by simp
have "learn_fin φ {f} s"
proof (intro learn_finI)
show "environment φ {f} s"
using ‹s ∈ ℛ› ‹f ∈ ℛ› by (simp add: phi_in_P2)
show "∃i n⇩0. φ i = g ∧ (∀n<n⇩0. s (g ▹ n) ↓= 0) ∧ (∀n≥n⇩0. s (g ▹ n) ↓= Suc i)"
if "g ∈ {f}" for g
proof -
from that have "g = f" by simp
then have "φ i = g"
using i by simp
moreover have "∀n<0. s (g ▹ n) ↓= 0" by simp
moreover have "∀n≥0. s (g ▹ n) ↓= Suc i"
using s_def by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
then show "{f} ∈ FIN" using FIN_def by auto
definition U_single :: "partial1 set" where
"U_single ≡ {(λx. if x = n then Some 1 else Some 0)| n. n ∈ UNIV}"
lemma U_single_in_FIN: "U_single ∈ FIN"
proof -
define psi :: partial2 where "psi ≡ λn x. if x = n then Some 1 else Some 0"
have "psi ∈ ℛ⇧2"
using psi_def by (intro R2I[of "Cn 2 r_not [r_eq]"]) auto
define s :: partial1 where
"s ≡ λb. if findr b ↓= e_length b then Some 0 else Some (Suc (the (findr b)))"
have "s ∈ ℛ"
proof (rule R1I)
let ?r = "Cn 1 r_ifeq [r_findr, r_length, Z, Cn 1 S [r_findr]]"
show "recfn 1 ?r" by simp
show "total ?r" by auto
show "eval ?r [b] = s b" for b
proof -
let ?b = "the (findr b)"
have "eval ?r [b] = (if ?b = e_length b then Some 0 else Some (Suc (?b)))"
using findr_total by simp
then show "eval ?r [b] = s b"
by (metis findr_total option.collapse option.inject s_def)
have "U_single ⊆ ℛ"
fix f
assume "f ∈ U_single"
then obtain n where "f = (λx. if x = n then Some 1 else Some 0)"
using U_single_def by auto
then have "f = psi n"
using psi_def by simp
then show "f ∈ ℛ"
using ‹psi ∈ ℛ⇧2› by simp
have "learn_fin psi U_single s"
proof (rule learn_finI)
show "environment psi U_single s"
using ‹psi ∈ ℛ⇧2› ‹s ∈ ℛ› ‹U_single ⊆ ℛ› by simp
show "∃i n⇩0. psi i = f ∧ (∀n<n⇩0. s (f ▹ n) ↓= 0) ∧ (∀n≥n⇩0. s (f ▹ n) ↓= Suc i)"
if "f ∈ U_single" for f
proof -
from that obtain i where i: "f = (λx. if x = i then Some 1 else Some 0)"
using U_single_def by auto
then have "psi i = f"
using psi_def by simp
moreover have "∀n<i. s (f ▹ n) ↓= 0"
using i s_def findr_def by simp
moreover have "∀n≥i. s (f ▹ n) ↓= Suc i"
proof (rule allI, rule impI)
fix n
assume "n ≥ i"
let ?e = "init f n"
have "∃i<e_length ?e. e_nth ?e i ≠ 0"
using ‹n ≥ i› i by simp
then have less: "the (findr ?e) < e_length ?e"
and nth_e: "e_nth ?e (the (findr ?e)) ≠ 0"
using findr_ex by blast+
then have "s ?e ↓= Suc (the (findr ?e))"
using s_def by auto
moreover have "the (findr ?e) = i"
using nth_e less i by (metis length_init nth_init option.sel)
ultimately show "s ?e ↓= Suc i" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
then show "U_single ∈ FIN" using FIN_def by blast
lemma zero_U_single_not_in_FIN: "{0⇧∞} ∪ U_single ∉ FIN"
assume "{0⇧∞} ∪ U_single ∈ FIN"
then obtain psi s where learn: "learn_fin psi ({0⇧∞} ∪ U_single) s"
using FIN_def by blast
then have "learn_fin psi {0⇧∞} s"
using learn_fin_closed_subseteq by auto
then obtain i n⇩0 where i:
"psi i = 0⇧∞"
"∀n<n⇩0. s (0⇧∞ ▹ n) ↓= 0"
"∀n≥n⇩0. s (0⇧∞ ▹ n) ↓= Suc i"
using learn_finE(2) by blast
let ?f = "λx. if x = Suc n⇩0 then Some 1 else Some 0"
have "?f ≠ 0⇧∞" by (metis option.inject zero_neq_one)
have "?f ∈ U_single"
using U_single_def by auto
then have "learn_fin psi {?f} s"
using learn learn_fin_closed_subseteq by simp
then obtain j m⇩0 where j:
"psi j = ?f"
"∀n<m⇩0. s (?f ▹ n) ↓= 0"
"∀n≥m⇩0. s (?f ▹ n) ↓= Suc j"
using learn_finE(2) by blast
(less) "m⇩0 < n⇩0" | (eq) "m⇩0 = n⇩0" | (gr) "m⇩0 > n⇩0"
by linarith
then show False
proof (cases)
case less
then have "s (0⇧∞▹ m⇩0) ↓= 0"
using i by simp
moreover have "0⇧∞ ▹ m⇩0 = ?f ▹ m⇩0"
using less init_eqI[of m⇩0 ?f "0⇧∞"] by simp
ultimately have "s (?f ▹ m⇩0) ↓= 0" by simp
then show False using j by simp
case eq
then have "0⇧∞ ▹ m⇩0 = ?f ▹ m⇩0"
using init_eqI[of m⇩0 ?f "0⇧∞"] by simp
then have "s (0⇧∞ ▹ m⇩0) = s (?f ▹ m⇩0)" by simp
then have "i = j"
using i j eq by simp
then have "psi i = psi j" by simp
then show False using ‹?f ≠ 0⇧∞› i j by simp
case gr
have "0⇧∞ ▹ n⇩0 = ?f ▹ n⇩0"
using init_eqI[of n⇩0 ?f "0⇧∞"] by simp
moreover have "s (0⇧∞ ▹ n⇩0) ↓= Suc i"
using i by simp
moreover have "s (?f ▹ n⇩0) ↓= 0"
using j gr by simp
ultimately show False by simp
lemma FIN_not_closed_under_union: "∃U V. U ∈ FIN ∧ V ∈ FIN ∧ U ∪ V ∉ FIN"
proof -
have "{0⇧∞} ∈ FIN"
using singleton_in_FIN const_in_Prim1 by simp
moreover have "U_single ∈ FIN"
using U_single_in_FIN by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using zero_U_single_not_in_FIN by blast
text ‹In contrast to the inference types, NUM is closed under the union
of classes. The total numberings that exist for each NUM class can be
interleaved to produce a total numbering encompassing the union of the
classes. To define the interleaving, modulo and division by two will be
definition "r_div2 ≡
(Pr 1 Z
(Cn 3 r_ifle
[Cn 3 r_mul [r_constn 2 2, Cn 3 S [Id 3 0]], Id 3 2, Cn 3 S [Id 3 1], Id 3 1]))"
lemma r_div2_prim [simp]: "prim_recfn 1 r_div2"
unfolding r_div2_def by simp
lemma r_div2 [simp]: "eval r_div2 [n] ↓= n div 2"
proof -
let ?p = "Pr 1 Z
(Cn 3 r_ifle
[Cn 3 r_mul [r_constn 2 2, Cn 3 S [Id 3 0]], Id 3 2, Cn 3 S [Id 3 1], Id 3 1])"
have "eval ?p [i, n] ↓= min (n div 2) i" for i
by (induction i) auto
then have "eval ?p [n, n] ↓= n div 2" by simp
then show ?thesis unfolding r_div2_def by simp
definition "r_mod2 ≡ Cn 1 r_sub [Id 1 0, Cn 1 r_mul [r_const 2, r_div2]]"
lemma r_mod2_prim [simp]: "prim_recfn 1 r_mod2"
unfolding r_mod2_def by simp
lemma r_mod2 [simp]: "eval r_mod2 [n] ↓= n mod 2"
unfolding r_mod2_def using Rings.semiring_modulo_class.minus_mult_div_eq_mod
by auto
lemma NUM_closed_under_union:
assumes "U ∈ NUM" and "V ∈ NUM"
shows "U ∪ V ∈ NUM"
proof -
from assms obtain psi_u psi_v where
psi_u: "psi_u ∈ ℛ⇧2" "⋀f. f ∈ U ⟹ ∃i. psi_u i = f" and
psi_v: "psi_v ∈ ℛ⇧2" "⋀f. f ∈ V ⟹ ∃i. psi_v i = f"
by fastforce
define psi where "psi ≡ λi. if i mod 2 = 0 then psi_u (i div 2) else psi_v (i div 2)"
from psi_u(1) obtain u where u: "recfn 2 u" "total u" "⋀x y. eval u [x, y] = psi_u x y"
by auto
from psi_v(1) obtain v where v: "recfn 2 v" "total v" "⋀x y. eval v [x, y] = psi_v x y"
by auto
let ?r_psi = "Cn 2 r_ifz
[Cn 2 r_mod2 [Id 2 0],
Cn 2 u [Cn 2 r_div2 [Id 2 0], Id 2 1],
Cn 2 v [Cn 2 r_div2 [Id 2 0], Id 2 1]]"
show ?thesis
proof (rule NUM_I[of psi])
show "psi ∈ ℛ⇧2"
proof (rule R2I)
show "recfn 2 ?r_psi"
using u(1) v(1) by simp
show "eval ?r_psi [x, y] = psi x y" for x y
using u v psi_def prim_recfn_total R2_imp_total2[OF psi_u(1)]
R2_imp_total2[OF psi_v(1)]
by simp
moreover have "psi x y ↓" for x y
using psi_def psi_u(1) psi_v(1) by simp
ultimately show "total ?r_psi"
using ‹recfn 2 ?r_psi› totalI2 by simp
show "∃i. psi i = f" if "f ∈ U ∪ V" for f
proof (cases "f ∈ U")
case True
then obtain j where "psi_u j = f"
using psi_u(2) by auto
then have "psi (2 * j) = f"
using psi_def by simp
then show ?thesis by auto
case False
then have "f ∈ V"
using that by simp
then obtain j where "psi_v j = f"
using psi_v(2) by auto
then have "psi (Suc (2 * j)) = f"
using psi_def by simp
then show ?thesis by auto