Theory Implicational_Logic_Natural_Deduction

theory Implicational_Logic_Natural_Deduction imports Main begin

datatype form =
  Pro nat () |
  Imp form form (infixr  100)

primrec semantics (infix  50) where
  I  n = I n |
  I  p  q = (I  p  I  q)

inductive Calculus (infix  50) where
  Assm: p  set A  A  p |
  ImpI: p # A  q  A  p  q |
  ImpE: A  p  q  A  p  A  q |
  ImpC: p  _ # A  p  A  p

abbreviation natural_deduction ( _› [100] 100) where  p  []  p

theorem soundness: A  p  p  set A. I  p  I  p
  by (induct rule: Calculus.induct) auto

lemma weaken': A  p  set A = set B  B  p
proof (induct arbitrary: B rule: Calculus.induct)
  case ImpC
  with Calculus.ImpC show ?case
    using list.set(2) by metis
qed (auto intro: Calculus.intros)

lemma weak: A  p  q # A  p
proof (induct rule: Calculus.induct)
  case ImpI
  with Calculus.ImpI show ?case
    using insert_commute list.set(2) weaken' by (metis (full_types))
  case ImpC
  with Calculus.ImpC show ?case
    using insert_commute list.set(2) weaken' by (metis (full_types))
qed (auto intro: Calculus.intros)

lemma add_assumptions:  p  A  p
  by (induct A) (simp_all add: weak)

lemma weaken: A  p  set A  set B  B  p
proof (induct A arbitrary: p)
  case (Cons q A)
  moreover from this have A  q  p and set A  set B and B  q
    by (simp_all add: Assm ImpI)
  ultimately show ?case
    using ImpE by blast
qed (simp add: add_assumptions)

lemma deduct: A  p  q  p # A  q
  using Assm ImpE list.set_intros(1) weak by meson

lemma Peirce:  ((p  q)  p)  p
  using Assm ImpC ImpI deduct list.set_intros(1) by meson

lemma Simp:  p  q  p
  by (simp add: Assm ImpI)

lemma Tran:  (p  q)  (q  r)  p  r
proof -
  have [p, q  r, p  q]  r
    using Assm ImpE list.set_intros(1) weak by meson
  then show ?thesis
    using ImpI by blast

lemma Swap:  (p  q  r)  q  p  r
proof -
  have [p, q, p  q  r]  r
    using Assm ImpE list.set_intros(1) weak by meson
  then show ?thesis
    using ImpI by blast

lemma Tran':  (q  r)  (p  q)  p  r
  using ImpE Swap Tran .

lemma Imp1:  (q  s)  ((q  r)  s)  s
  using ImpE Peirce Tran Tran' by meson

lemma Imp2:  ((r  s)  s)  ((q  r)  s)  s
  using ImpE Tran ImpE Tran Simp .

lemma Imp3:  ((q  s)  s)  (r  s)  (q  r)  s
  using ImpE Tran Tran' by meson

fun pros where
  pros (p  q) = remdups (pros p @ pros q) |
  pros p = (case p of n  [n] | _  [])

lemma distinct_pros: distinct (pros p)
  by induct simp_all

abbreviation lift t s p  if t then (p  s)  s else p  s

abbreviation lifts I s  map (λn. lift (I n) s (n))

lemma lifts_weaken: lifts I s l  p  set l  set l'  lifts I s l'  p
proof -
  assume lifts I s l  p
  moreover assume set l  set l'
  then have set ((lifts I s) l)  set ((lifts I s) l')
    by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using weaken by blast

lemma lifts_pros_lift: lifts I s (pros p)  lift (I  p) s p
proof (induct p)
  case (Imp q r)
  consider ¬ I  q | I  r | I  q and ¬ I  r
    by blast
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case 1
    then have lifts I s (pros (q  r))  q  s
      using Imp(1) lifts_weaken[where l' = pros (q  r)] by simp
    then have lifts I s (pros (q  r))  ((q  r)  s)  s
      using Imp1 ImpE add_assumptions by blast
    with 1 show ?thesis
      by simp
    case 2
    then have lifts I s (pros (q  r))  (r  s)  s
      using Imp(2) lifts_weaken[where l' = pros (q  r)] by simp
    then have lifts I s (pros (q  r))  ((q  r)  s)  s
      using Imp2 ImpE add_assumptions by blast
    with 2 show ?thesis
      by simp
    case 3
    then have
      lifts I s (pros (q  r))  (q  s)  s
      lifts I s (pros (q  r))  r  s
      using Imp lifts_weaken[where l' = pros (q  r)] by simp_all
    then have lifts I s (pros (q  r))  (q  r)  s
      using Imp3 ImpE add_assumptions by blast
    with 3 show ?thesis
      by simp
qed (simp add: Assm)

lemma lifts_pros: I  p  lifts I p (pros p)  p
proof -
  assume I  p
  then have lifts I p (pros p)  (p  p)  p
    using lifts_pros_lift[of I p p] by simp
  then show ?thesis
    using ImpC deduct by blast

theorem completeness: I. I  p   p
proof -
  let ?A = λl I. lifts I p l  p
  let ?B = λl. I. ?A l I  distinct l
  assume I. I  p
  moreover have ?B l  (n l. ?B (n # l)  ?B l)  ?B [] for l
    by (induct l) blast+
  moreover have ?B (n # l)  ?B l for n l
  proof -
    assume *: ?B (n # l)
    show ?B l
      fix I
      from * have
        ?A (n # l) (I(n := True))
        ?A (n # l) (I(n := False))
        by blast+
      moreover from * have m  set l. t. (I(n := t)) m = I m
        by simp
      ultimately have
        ((n  p)  p) # lifts I p l  p
        (n  p) # lifts I p l  p
        by (simp_all cong: map_cong)
      then have ?A l I
        using ImpE ImpI by blast
      moreover from * have distinct (n # l)
        by blast
      ultimately show ?A l I  distinct l
        by simp
  ultimately have ?B []
    using lifts_pros distinct_pros by blast
  then show ?thesis
    by simp

primrec chain where
  chain p [] = p |
  chain p (q # A) = q  chain p A

lemma chain_rev: B  chain p A  rev A @ B  p
  by (induct A arbitrary: B) (simp_all add: deduct)

lemma chain_deduct:  chain p A  A  p
proof (induct A)
  case (Cons q A)
  then have rev (q # A) @ []  p
    using chain_rev by blast
  moreover have set (rev (q # A) @ []) = set (q # A)
    by simp
  ultimately show ?case
    using weaken by blast
qed simp

lemma chain_semantics: I  chain p A = ((p  set A. I  p)  I  p)
  by (induct A) auto

theorem main: A  p = (I. (p  set A. I  p)  I  p)
  using chain_deduct chain_semantics completeness soundness by meson
