Theory Correctness
section "Sufficiency of well-typedness for information flow correctness"
theory Correctness
imports Overapproximation
text ‹
The purpose of this section is to prove that type system @{const [names_short] noninterf.ctyping2}
is correct in that it guarantees that well-typed programs satisfy the information flow correctness
criterion expressed by predicate @{const [names_short] noninterf.correct}, namely that if the type
system outputs a value other than @{const None} (that is, a \emph{pass} verdict) when it is input
program @{term c}, @{typ "state set"} @{term A}, and @{typ "vname set"} @{term X}, then
@{prop "correct c A X"} (theorem @{text ctyping2_correct}).
This proof makes use of the lemmas @{text ctyping1_idem} and @{text ctyping2_approx} proven in the
previous sections.
subsection "Global context proofs"
lemma flow_append_1:
assumes A: "⋀cfs' :: (com × state) list.
c # map fst (cfs :: (com × state) list) = map fst cfs' ⟹
flow_aux (map fst cfs' @ map fst cfs'') =
flow_aux (map fst cfs') @ flow_aux (map fst cfs'')"
shows "flow_aux (c # map fst cfs @ map fst cfs'') =
flow_aux (c # map fst cfs) @ flow_aux (map fst cfs'')"
using A [of "(c, λx. 0) # cfs"] by simp
lemma flow_append:
"flow (cfs @ cfs') = flow cfs @ flow cfs'"
by (simp add: flow_def, induction "map fst cfs" arbitrary: cfs
rule: flow_aux.induct, auto, rule flow_append_1)
lemma flow_cons:
"flow (cf # cfs) = flow_aux (fst cf # []) @ flow cfs"
by (subgoal_tac "cf # cfs = [cf] @ cfs", simp only: flow_append,
simp_all add: flow_def)
lemma small_stepsl_append:
"⟦(c, s) →*{cfs} (c', s'); (c', s') →*{cfs'} (c'', s'')⟧ ⟹
(c, s) →*{cfs @ cfs'} (c'', s'')"
by (induction c' s' cfs' c'' s'' rule: small_stepsl_induct,
simp, simp only: append_assoc [symmetric] small_stepsl.simps)
lemma small_stepsl_cons_1:
"(c, s) →*{[cf]} (c'', s'') ⟹
cf = (c, s) ∧
(∃c' s'. (c, s) → (c', s') ∧ (c', s') →*{[]} (c'', s''))"
by (subst (asm) append_Nil [symmetric],
simp only: small_stepsl.simps, simp)
lemma small_stepsl_cons_2:
"⟦(c, s) →*{cf # cfs} (c'', s'') ⟹
cf = (c, s) ∧
(∃c' s'. (c, s) → (c', s') ∧ (c', s') →*{cfs} (c'', s''));
(c, s) →*{cf # cfs @ [(c'', s'')]} (c''', s''')⟧ ⟹
cf = (c, s) ∧
(∃c' s'. (c, s) → (c', s') ∧
(c', s') →*{cfs @ [(c'', s'')]} (c''', s'''))"
by (simp only: append_Cons [symmetric],
simp only: small_stepsl.simps, simp)
lemma small_stepsl_cons:
"(c, s) →*{cf # cfs} (c'', s'') ⟹
cf = (c, s) ∧
(∃c' s'. (c, s) → (c', s') ∧ (c', s') →*{cfs} (c'', s''))"
by (induction c s cfs c'' s'' rule: small_stepsl_induct,
erule small_stepsl_cons_1, rule small_stepsl_cons_2)
lemma small_steps_stepsl_1:
"∃cfs. (c, s) →*{cfs} (c, s)"
by (rule exI [of _ "[]"], simp)
lemma small_steps_stepsl_2:
"⟦(c, s) → (c', s'); (c', s') →*{cfs} (c'', s'')⟧ ⟹
∃cfs'. (c, s) →*{cfs'} (c'', s'')"
by (rule exI [of _ "[(c, s)] @ cfs"], rule small_stepsl_append
[where c' = c' and s' = s'], subst append_Nil [symmetric],
simp only: small_stepsl.simps)
lemma small_steps_stepsl:
"(c, s) →* (c', s') ⟹ ∃cfs. (c, s) →*{cfs} (c', s')"
by (induction c s c' s' rule: star_induct,
rule small_steps_stepsl_1, blast intro: small_steps_stepsl_2)
lemma small_stepsl_steps:
"(c, s) →*{cfs} (c', s') ⟹ (c, s) →* (c', s')"
by (induction c s cfs c' s' rule: small_stepsl_induct,
auto intro: star_trans)
lemma small_stepsl_skip:
"(SKIP, s) →*{cfs} (c, t) ⟹
(c, t) = (SKIP, s) ∧ flow cfs = []"
by (induction SKIP s cfs c t rule: small_stepsl_induct,
auto simp: flow_def)
lemma small_stepsl_assign_1:
"(x ::= a, s) →*{[]} (c', s') ⟹
(c', s') = (x ::= a, s) ∧ flow [] = [] ∨
(c', s') = (SKIP, s(x := aval a s)) ∧ flow [] = [x ::= a]"
by (simp add: flow_def)
lemma small_stepsl_assign_2:
"⟦(x ::= a, s) →*{cfs} (c', s') ⟹
(c', s') = (x ::= a, s) ∧ flow cfs = [] ∨
(c', s') = (SKIP, s(x := aval a s)) ∧ flow cfs = [x ::= a];
(x ::= a, s) →*{cfs @ [(c', s')]} (c'', s'')⟧ ⟹
(c'', s'') = (x ::= a, s) ∧
flow (cfs @ [(c', s')]) = [] ∨
(c'', s'') = (SKIP, s(x := aval a s)) ∧
flow (cfs @ [(c', s')]) = [x ::= a]"
by (auto, (simp add: flow_append, simp add: flow_def)+)
lemma small_stepsl_assign:
"(x ::= a, s) →*{cfs} (c, t) ⟹
(c, t) = (x ::= a, s) ∧ flow cfs = [] ∨
(c, t) = (SKIP, s(x := aval a s)) ∧ flow cfs = [x ::= a]"
by (induction "x ::= a :: com" s cfs c t rule: small_stepsl_induct,
erule small_stepsl_assign_1, rule small_stepsl_assign_2)
lemma small_stepsl_seq_1:
"(c⇩1;; c⇩2, s) →*{[]} (c', s') ⟹
(∃c'' cfs'. c' = c'';; c⇩2 ∧
(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs'} (c'', s') ∧
flow [] = flow cfs') ∨
(∃s'' cfs' cfs''. length cfs'' < length [] ∧
(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs'} (SKIP, s'') ∧
(c⇩2, s'') →*{cfs''} (c', s') ∧
flow [] = flow cfs' @ flow cfs'')"
by force
lemma small_stepsl_seq_2:
A: "(c⇩1;; c⇩2, s) →*{cfs} (c', s') ⟹
(∃c'' cfs'. c' = c'';; c⇩2 ∧
(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs'} (c'', s') ∧
flow cfs = flow cfs') ∨
(∃s'' cfs' cfs''. length cfs'' < length cfs ∧
(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs'} (SKIP, s'') ∧
(c⇩2, s'') →*{cfs''} (c', s') ∧
flow cfs = flow cfs' @ flow cfs'')" and
B: "(c⇩1;; c⇩2, s) →*{cfs @ [(c', s')]} (c'', s'')"
"(∃d cfs'. c'' = d;; c⇩2 ∧
(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs'} (d, s'') ∧
flow (cfs @ [(c', s')]) = flow cfs') ∨
(∃t cfs' cfs''. length cfs'' < length (cfs @ [(c', s')]) ∧
(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs'} (SKIP, t) ∧
(c⇩2, t) →*{cfs''} (c'', s'') ∧
flow (cfs @ [(c', s')]) = flow cfs' @ flow cfs'')"
(is "?P ∨ ?Q")
proof -
assume C: "(c', s') → (c'', s'')"
"(∃d. c' = d;; c⇩2 ∧ (∃cfs'.
(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs'} (d, s') ∧
flow cfs = flow cfs')) ∨
(∃t cfs' cfs''. length cfs'' < length cfs ∧
(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs'} (SKIP, t) ∧
(c⇩2, t) →*{cfs''} (c', s') ∧
flow cfs = flow cfs' @ flow cfs'')"
(is "(∃d. ?R d ∧ (∃cfs'. ?S d cfs')) ∨
(∃t cfs' cfs''. ?T t cfs' cfs'')")
hence ?thesis
assume "∃c''. ?R c'' ∧ (∃cfs'. ?S c'' cfs')"
then obtain d and cfs' where
D: "c' = d;; c⇩2" and
E: "(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs'} (d, s')" and
F: "flow cfs = flow cfs'"
by blast
hence "(d;; c⇩2, s') → (c'', s'')"
using C by simp
moreover {
G: "d = SKIP" and
H: "(c'', s'') = (c⇩2, s')"
have ?Q
proof (rule exI [of _ s'], rule exI [of _ cfs'],
rule exI [of _ "[]"])
from D and E and F and G and H show
"length [] < length (cfs @ [(c', s')]) ∧
(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs'} (SKIP, s') ∧
(c⇩2, s') →*{[]} (c'', s'') ∧
flow (cfs @ [(c', s')]) = flow cfs' @ flow []"
by (simp add: flow_append, simp add: flow_def)
moreover {
fix d' t'
G: "(d, s') → (d', t')" and
H: "(c'', s'') = (d';; c⇩2, t')"
have ?P
proof (rule exI [of _ d'], rule exI [of _ "cfs' @ [(d, s')]"])
from D and E and F and G and H show
"c'' = d';; c⇩2 ∧
(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs' @ [(d, s')]} (d', s'') ∧
flow (cfs @ [(c', s')]) = flow (cfs' @ [(d, s')])"
by (simp add: flow_append, simp add: flow_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
by blast
assume "∃t cfs' cfs''. ?T t cfs' cfs''"
then obtain t and cfs' and cfs'' where
D: "length cfs'' < length cfs" and
E: "(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs'} (SKIP, t)" and
F: "(c⇩2, t) →*{cfs''} (c', s')" and
G: "flow cfs = flow cfs' @ flow cfs''"
by blast
show ?thesis
proof (rule disjI2, rule exI [of _ t], rule exI [of _ cfs'],
rule exI [of _ "cfs'' @ [(c', s')]"])
from C and D and E and F and G show
"length (cfs'' @ [(c', s')]) < length (cfs @ [(c', s')]) ∧
(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs'} (SKIP, t) ∧
(c⇩2, t) →*{cfs'' @ [(c', s')]} (c'', s'') ∧
flow (cfs @ [(c', s')]) =
flow cfs' @ flow (cfs'' @ [(c', s')])"
by (simp add: flow_append)
with A and B show ?thesis
by simp
lemma small_stepsl_seq:
"(c⇩1;; c⇩2, s) →*{cfs} (c, t) ⟹
(∃c' cfs'. c = c';; c⇩2 ∧
(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs'} (c', t) ∧
flow cfs = flow cfs') ∨
(∃s' cfs' cfs''. length cfs'' < length cfs ∧
(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs'} (SKIP, s') ∧ (c⇩2, s') →*{cfs''} (c, t) ∧
flow cfs = flow cfs' @ flow cfs'')"
by (induction "c⇩1;; c⇩2" s cfs c t arbitrary: c⇩1 c⇩2
rule: small_stepsl_induct, erule small_stepsl_seq_1,
rule small_stepsl_seq_2)
lemma small_stepsl_if_1:
"(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, s) →*{[]} (c', s') ⟹
(c', s') = (IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, s) ∧
flow [] = [] ∨
bval b s ∧ (c⇩1, s) →*{tl []} (c', s') ∧
flow [] = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl []) ∨
¬ bval b s ∧ (c⇩2, s) →*{tl []} (c', s') ∧
flow [] = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl [])"
by (simp add: flow_def)
lemma small_stepsl_if_2:
A: "(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, s) →*{cfs} (c', s') ⟹
(c', s') = (IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, s) ∧
flow cfs = [] ∨
bval b s ∧ (c⇩1, s) →*{tl cfs} (c', s') ∧
flow cfs = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs) ∨
¬ bval b s ∧ (c⇩2, s) →*{tl cfs} (c', s') ∧
flow cfs = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs)" and
B: "(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, s) →*{cfs @ [(c', s')]} (c'', s'')"
"(c'', s'') = (IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, s) ∧
flow (cfs @ [(c', s')]) = [] ∨
bval b s ∧ (c⇩1, s) →*{tl (cfs @ [(c', s')])} (c'', s'') ∧
flow (cfs @ [(c', s')]) = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl (cfs @ [(c', s')])) ∨
¬ bval b s ∧ (c⇩2, s) →*{tl (cfs @ [(c', s')])} (c'', s'') ∧
flow (cfs @ [(c', s')]) = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl (cfs @ [(c', s')]))"
(is "_ ∨ ?P")
proof -
C: "(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, s) →*{cfs} (c', s')" and
D: "(c', s') → (c'', s'')"
"c' = IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2 ∧ s' = s ∧
flow cfs = [] ∨
bval b s ∧ (c⇩1, s) →*{tl cfs} (c', s') ∧
flow cfs = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs) ∨
¬ bval b s ∧ (c⇩2, s) →*{tl cfs} (c', s') ∧
flow cfs = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs)"
(is "?Q ∨ ?R ∨ ?S")
hence ?P
proof (rule disjE, erule_tac [2] disjE)
assume ?Q
moreover from this have "(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, s) → (c'', s'')"
using D by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using C by (erule_tac IfE, auto dest: small_stepsl_cons
simp: tl_append flow_cons split: list.split)
assume ?R
with C and D show ?thesis
by (auto simp: tl_append flow_cons split: list.split)
assume ?S
with C and D show ?thesis
by (auto simp: tl_append flow_cons split: list.split)
with A and B show ?thesis
by simp
lemma small_stepsl_if:
"(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, s) →*{cfs} (c, t) ⟹
(c, t) = (IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, s) ∧
flow cfs = [] ∨
bval b s ∧ (c⇩1, s) →*{tl cfs} (c, t) ∧
flow cfs = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs) ∨
¬ bval b s ∧ (c⇩2, s) →*{tl cfs} (c, t) ∧
flow cfs = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs)"
by (induction "IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2" s cfs c t arbitrary: b c⇩1 c⇩2
rule: small_stepsl_induct, erule small_stepsl_if_1,
rule small_stepsl_if_2)
lemma small_stepsl_while_1:
"(WHILE b DO c, s) →*{[]} (c', s') ⟹
(c', s') = (WHILE b DO c, s) ∧ flow [] = [] ∨
(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) →*{tl []} (c', s') ∧
flow [] = flow (tl [])"
by (simp add: flow_def)
lemma small_stepsl_while_2:
A: "(WHILE b DO c, s) →*{cfs} (c', s') ⟹
(c', s') = (WHILE b DO c, s) ∧
flow cfs = [] ∨
(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) →*{tl cfs} (c', s') ∧
flow cfs = flow (tl cfs)" and
B: "(WHILE b DO c, s) →*{cfs @ [(c', s')]} (c'', s'')"
"(c'', s'') = (WHILE b DO c, s) ∧
flow (cfs @ [(c', s')]) = [] ∨
→*{tl (cfs @ [(c', s')])} (c'', s'') ∧
flow (cfs @ [(c', s')]) = flow (tl (cfs @ [(c', s')]))"
(is "_ ∨ ?P")
proof -
C: "(WHILE b DO c, s) →*{cfs} (c', s')" and
D: "(c', s') → (c'', s'')"
"c' = WHILE b DO c ∧ s' = s ∧
flow cfs = [] ∨
(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) →*{tl cfs} (c', s') ∧
flow cfs = flow (tl cfs)"
(is "?Q ∨ ?R")
hence ?P
assume ?Q
moreover from this have "(WHILE b DO c, s) → (c'', s'')"
using D by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using C by (erule_tac WhileE, auto dest: small_stepsl_cons
simp: tl_append flow_cons split: list.split)
assume ?R
with C and D show ?thesis
by (auto simp: tl_append flow_cons split: list.split)
with A and B show ?thesis
by simp
lemma small_stepsl_while:
"(WHILE b DO c, s) →*{cfs} (c', s') ⟹
(c', s') = (WHILE b DO c, s) ∧
flow cfs = [] ∨
(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) →*{tl cfs} (c', s') ∧
flow cfs = flow (tl cfs)"
by (induction "WHILE b DO c" s cfs c' s' arbitrary: b c
rule: small_stepsl_induct, erule small_stepsl_while_1,
rule small_stepsl_while_2)
lemma bvars_bval:
"s = t (⊆ bvars b) ⟹ bval b s = bval b t"
by (induction b, simp_all, rule arg_cong2, auto intro: avars_aval)
lemma run_flow_append:
"run_flow (cs @ cs') s = run_flow cs' (run_flow cs s)"
by (induction cs s rule: run_flow.induct, simp_all (no_asm))
lemma no_upd_append:
"no_upd (cs @ cs') x = (no_upd cs x ∧ no_upd cs' x)"
by (induction cs, simp_all)
lemma no_upd_run_flow:
"no_upd cs x ⟹ run_flow cs s x = s x"
by (induction cs s rule: run_flow.induct, auto)
lemma small_stepsl_run_flow_1:
"(c, s) →*{[]} (c', s') ⟹ s' = run_flow (flow []) s"
by (simp add: flow_def)
lemma small_stepsl_run_flow_2:
"(c, s) → (c', s') ⟹ s' = run_flow (flow_aux [c]) s"
by (induction "[c]" arbitrary: c c' rule: flow_aux.induct, auto)
lemma small_stepsl_run_flow_3:
"⟦(c, s) →*{cfs} (c', s') ⟹ s' = run_flow (flow cfs) s;
(c, s) →*{cfs @ [(c', s')]} (c'', s'')⟧ ⟹
s'' = run_flow (flow (cfs @ [(c', s')])) s"
by (simp add: flow_append run_flow_append,
auto intro: small_stepsl_run_flow_2 simp: flow_def)
lemma small_stepsl_run_flow:
"(c, s) →*{cfs} (c', s') ⟹ s' = run_flow (flow cfs) s"
by (induction c s cfs c' s' rule: small_stepsl_induct,
erule small_stepsl_run_flow_1, rule small_stepsl_run_flow_3)
subsection "Local context proofs"
context noninterf
lemma no_upd_sources:
"no_upd cs x ⟹ x ∈ sources cs s x"
by (induction cs rule: rev_induct, auto simp: no_upd_append
split: com_flow.split)
lemma sources_aux_sources:
"sources_aux cs s x ⊆ sources cs s x"
by (induction cs rule: rev_induct, auto split: com_flow.split)
lemma sources_aux_append:
"sources_aux cs s x ⊆ sources_aux (cs @ cs') s x"
by (induction cs' rule: rev_induct, simp, subst append_assoc [symmetric],
auto simp del: append_assoc split: com_flow.split)
lemma sources_aux_observe_hd_1:
"∀y ∈ X. s: dom y ↝ dom x ⟹ X ⊆ sources_aux [⟨X⟩] s x"
by (subst append_Nil [symmetric], subst sources_aux.simps, auto)
lemma sources_aux_observe_hd_2:
"(∀y ∈ X. s: dom y ↝ dom x ⟹ X ⊆ sources_aux (⟨X⟩ # xs) s x) ⟹
∀y ∈ X. s: dom y ↝ dom x ⟹ X ⊆ sources_aux (⟨X⟩ # xs @ [x']) s x"
by (subst append_Cons [symmetric], subst sources_aux.simps,
auto split: com_flow.split)
lemma sources_aux_observe_hd:
"∀y ∈ X. s: dom y ↝ dom x ⟹ X ⊆ sources_aux (⟨X⟩ # cs) s x"
by (induction cs rule: rev_induct,
erule sources_aux_observe_hd_1, rule sources_aux_observe_hd_2)
lemma sources_observe_tl_1:
A: "⋀z a. c = (x ::= a :: com_flow) ⟹ z = x ⟹
sources_aux cs s x ⊆ sources_aux (⟨X⟩ # cs) s x" and
B: "⋀z a y. c = (x ::= a :: com_flow) ⟹ z = x ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources (⟨X⟩ # cs) s y" and
C: "⋀z a. c = (z ::= a :: com_flow) ⟹ z ≠ x ⟹
sources cs s x ⊆ sources (⟨X⟩ # cs) s x" and
D: "⋀Y y. c = ⟨Y⟩ ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources (⟨X⟩ # cs) s y" and
E: "z ∈ (case c of
z ::= a ⇒ if z = x
then sources_aux cs s x ∪ ⋃ {sources cs s y | y.
run_flow cs s: dom y ↝ dom x ∧ y ∈ avars a}
else sources cs s x |
⟨X⟩ ⇒
sources cs s x ∪ ⋃ {sources cs s y | y.
run_flow cs s: dom y ↝ dom x ∧ y ∈ X})"
shows "z ∈ sources (⟨X⟩ # cs @ [c]) s x"
proof -
fix a
F: "∀A. (∀y. run_flow cs s: dom y ↝ dom x ⟶
A = sources (⟨X⟩ # cs) s y ⟶ y ∉ avars a) ∨ z ∉ A" and
G: "c = x ::= a"
have "z ∈ sources_aux cs s x ∪ ⋃ {sources cs s y | y.
run_flow cs s: dom y ↝ dom x ∧ y ∈ avars a}"
using E and G by simp
hence "z ∈ sources_aux (⟨X⟩ # cs) s x"
using A and G proof (erule_tac UnE, blast)
assume "z ∈ ⋃ {sources cs s y | y.
run_flow cs s: dom y ↝ dom x ∧ y ∈ avars a}"
then obtain y where
H: "z ∈ sources cs s y" and
I: "run_flow cs s: dom y ↝ dom x" and
J: "y ∈ avars a"
by blast
have "z ∈ sources (⟨X⟩ # cs) s y"
using B and G and H by blast
hence "y ∉ avars a"
using F and I by blast
thus ?thesis
using J by contradiction
moreover {
fix y a
assume "c = y ::= a" and "y ≠ x"
moreover from this have "z ∈ sources cs s x"
using E by simp
ultimately have "z ∈ sources (⟨X⟩ # cs) s x"
using C by blast
moreover {
fix Y
F: "∀A. (∀y. run_flow cs s: dom y ↝ dom x ⟶
A = sources (⟨X⟩ # cs) s y ⟶ y ∉ Y) ∨ z ∉ A" and
G: "c = ⟨Y⟩"
have "z ∈ sources cs s x ∪ ⋃ {sources cs s y | y.
run_flow cs s: dom y ↝ dom x ∧ y ∈ Y}"
using E and G by simp
hence "z ∈ sources (⟨X⟩ # cs) s x"
using D and G proof (erule_tac UnE, blast)
assume "z ∈ ⋃ {sources cs s y | y.
run_flow cs s: dom y ↝ dom x ∧ y ∈ Y}"
then obtain y where
H: "z ∈ sources cs s y" and
I: "run_flow cs s: dom y ↝ dom x" and
J: "y ∈ Y"
by blast
have "z ∈ sources (⟨X⟩ # cs) s y"
using D and G and H by blast
hence "y ∉ Y"
using F and I by blast
thus ?thesis
using J by contradiction
ultimately show ?thesis
by (simp only: append_Cons [symmetric] sources.simps,
auto split: com_flow.split)
lemma sources_observe_tl_2:
A: "⋀z a. c = (z ::= a :: com_flow) ⟹
sources_aux cs s x ⊆ sources_aux (⟨X⟩ # cs) s x" and
B: "⋀Y. c = ⟨Y⟩ ⟹
sources_aux cs s x ⊆ sources_aux (⟨X⟩ # cs) s x" and
C: "⋀Y y. c = ⟨Y⟩ ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources (⟨X⟩ # cs) s y" and
D: "z ∈ (case c of
z ::= a ⇒
sources_aux cs s x |
⟨X⟩ ⇒
sources_aux cs s x ∪ ⋃ {sources cs s y | y.
run_flow cs s: dom y ↝ dom x ∧ y ∈ X})"
shows "z ∈ sources_aux (⟨X⟩ # cs @ [c]) s x"
proof -
fix y a
assume "c = y ::= a"
moreover from this have "z ∈ sources_aux cs s x"
using D by simp
ultimately have "z ∈ sources_aux (⟨X⟩ # cs) s x"
using A by blast
moreover {
fix Y
E: "∀A. (∀y. run_flow cs s: dom y ↝ dom x ⟶
A = sources (⟨X⟩ # cs) s y ⟶ y ∉ Y) ∨ z ∉ A" and
F: "c = ⟨Y⟩"
have "z ∈ sources_aux cs s x ∪ ⋃ {sources cs s y | y.
run_flow cs s: dom y ↝ dom x ∧ y ∈ Y}"
using D and F by simp
hence "z ∈ sources_aux (⟨X⟩ # cs) s x"
using B and F proof (erule_tac UnE, blast)
assume "z ∈ ⋃ {sources cs s y | y.
run_flow cs s: dom y ↝ dom x ∧ y ∈ Y}"
then obtain y where
H: "z ∈ sources cs s y" and
I: "run_flow cs s: dom y ↝ dom x" and
J: "y ∈ Y"
by blast
have "z ∈ sources (⟨X⟩ # cs) s y"
using C and F and H by blast
hence "y ∉ Y"
using E and I by blast
thus ?thesis
using J by contradiction
ultimately show ?thesis
by (simp only: append_Cons [symmetric] sources_aux.simps,
auto split: com_flow.split)
lemma sources_observe_tl:
"sources cs s x ⊆ sources (⟨X⟩ # cs) s x"
and sources_aux_observe_tl:
"sources_aux cs s x ⊆ sources_aux (⟨X⟩ # cs) s x"
proof (induction cs s x and cs s x rule: sources_induct)
fix cs c s x
"⟦⋀z a. c = z ::= a ⟹ z = x ⟹
sources_aux cs s x ⊆ sources_aux (⟨X⟩ # cs) s x;
⋀z a b y. c = z ::= a ⟹ z = x ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources (⟨X⟩ # cs) s y;
⋀z a. c = z ::= a ⟹ z ≠ x ⟹
sources cs s x ⊆ sources (⟨X⟩ # cs) s x;
⋀Y. c = ⟨Y⟩ ⟹
sources cs s x ⊆ sources (⟨X⟩ # cs) s x;
⋀Y a y. c = ⟨Y⟩ ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources (⟨X⟩ # cs) s y⟧ ⟹
sources (cs @ [c]) s x ⊆ sources (⟨X⟩ # cs @ [c]) s x"
by (auto, rule sources_observe_tl_1)
fix s x
show "sources [] s x ⊆ sources [⟨X⟩] s x"
by (subst (3) append_Nil [symmetric],
simp only: sources.simps, simp)
fix cs c s x
"⟦⋀z a. c = z ::= a ⟹
sources_aux cs s x ⊆ sources_aux (⟨X⟩ # cs) s x;
⋀Y. c = ⟨Y⟩ ⟹
sources_aux cs s x ⊆ sources_aux (⟨X⟩ # cs) s x;
⋀Y a y. c = ⟨Y⟩ ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources (⟨X⟩ # cs) s y⟧ ⟹
sources_aux (cs @ [c]) s x ⊆ sources_aux (⟨X⟩ # cs @ [c]) s x"
by (auto, rule sources_observe_tl_2)
qed simp
lemma sources_member_1:
A: "⋀z a. c = (x ::= a :: com_flow) ⟹ z = x ⟹
y ∈ sources_aux cs' (run_flow cs s) x ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources_aux (cs @ cs') s x" and
B: "⋀z a w. c = (x ::= a :: com_flow) ⟹ z = x ⟹
y ∈ sources cs' (run_flow cs s) w ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources (cs @ cs') s w" and
C: "⋀z a. c = (z ::= a :: com_flow) ⟹ z ≠ x ⟹
y ∈ sources cs' (run_flow cs s) x ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources (cs @ cs') s x" and
D: "⋀Y w. c = ⟨Y⟩ ⟹
y ∈ sources cs' (run_flow cs s) w ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources (cs @ cs') s w" and
E: "y ∈ (case c of
z ::= a ⇒ if z = x
then sources_aux cs' (run_flow cs s) x ∪
⋃ {sources cs' (run_flow cs s) y | y.
run_flow cs' (run_flow cs s): dom y ↝ dom x ∧ y ∈ avars a}
else sources cs' (run_flow cs s) x |
⟨X⟩ ⇒
sources cs' (run_flow cs s) x ∪
⋃ {sources cs' (run_flow cs s) y | y.
run_flow cs' (run_flow cs s): dom y ↝ dom x ∧ y ∈ X})" and
F: "z ∈ sources cs s y"
shows "z ∈ sources (cs @ cs' @ [c]) s x"
proof -
fix a
G: "∀A. (∀y. run_flow cs' (run_flow cs s): dom y ↝ dom x ⟶
A = sources (cs @ cs') s y ⟶ y ∉ avars a) ∨ z ∉ A" and
H: "c = x ::= a"
have "y ∈ sources_aux cs' (run_flow cs s) x ∪
⋃ {sources cs' (run_flow cs s) y | y.
run_flow cs' (run_flow cs s): dom y ↝ dom x ∧ y ∈ avars a}"
using E and H by simp
hence "z ∈ sources_aux (cs @ cs') s x"
using A and F and H proof (erule_tac UnE, blast)
assume "y ∈ ⋃ {sources cs' (run_flow cs s) y | y.
run_flow cs' (run_flow cs s): dom y ↝ dom x ∧ y ∈ avars a}"
then obtain w where
I: "y ∈ sources cs' (run_flow cs s) w" and
J: "run_flow cs' (run_flow cs s): dom w ↝ dom x" and
K: "w ∈ avars a"
by blast
have "z ∈ sources (cs @ cs') s w"
using B and F and H and I by blast
hence "w ∉ avars a"
using G and J by blast
thus ?thesis
using K by contradiction
moreover {
fix w a
assume "c = w ::= a" and "w ≠ x"
moreover from this have "y ∈ sources cs' (run_flow cs s) x"
using E by simp
ultimately have "z ∈ sources (cs @ cs') s x"
using C and F by blast
moreover {
fix Y
G: "∀A. (∀y. run_flow cs' (run_flow cs s): dom y ↝ dom x ⟶
A = sources (cs @ cs') s y ⟶ y ∉ Y) ∨ z ∉ A" and
H: "c = ⟨Y⟩"
have "y ∈ sources cs' (run_flow cs s) x ∪
⋃ {sources cs' (run_flow cs s) y | y.
run_flow cs' (run_flow cs s): dom y ↝ dom x ∧ y ∈ Y}"
using E and H by simp
hence "z ∈ sources (cs @ cs') s x"
using D and F and H proof (erule_tac UnE, blast)
assume "y ∈ ⋃ {sources cs' (run_flow cs s) y | y.
run_flow cs' (run_flow cs s): dom y ↝ dom x ∧ y ∈ Y}"
then obtain w where
I: "y ∈ sources cs' (run_flow cs s) w" and
J: "run_flow cs' (run_flow cs s): dom w ↝ dom x" and
K: "w ∈ Y"
by blast
have "z ∈ sources (cs @ cs') s w"
using D and F and H and I by blast
hence "w ∉ Y"
using G and J by blast
thus ?thesis
using K by contradiction
ultimately show ?thesis
by (simp only: append_assoc [symmetric] sources.simps,
auto simp: run_flow_append split: com_flow.split)
lemma sources_member_2:
A: "⋀z a. c = (z ::= a :: com_flow) ⟹
y ∈ sources_aux cs' (run_flow cs s) x ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources_aux (cs @ cs') s x" and
B: "⋀Y. c = ⟨Y⟩ ⟹
y ∈ sources_aux cs' (run_flow cs s) x ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources_aux (cs @ cs') s x" and
C: "⋀Y w. c = ⟨Y⟩ ⟹
y ∈ sources cs' (run_flow cs s) w ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources (cs @ cs') s w" and
D: "y ∈ (case c of
z ::= a ⇒
sources_aux cs' (run_flow cs s) x |
⟨X⟩ ⇒
sources_aux cs' (run_flow cs s) x ∪
⋃ {sources cs' (run_flow cs s) y | y.
run_flow cs' (run_flow cs s): dom y ↝ dom x ∧ y ∈ X})" and
E: "z ∈ sources cs s y"
shows "z ∈ sources_aux (cs @ cs' @ [c]) s x"
proof -
fix w a
assume "c = w ::= a"
moreover from this have "y ∈ sources_aux cs' (run_flow cs s) x"
using D by simp
ultimately have "z ∈ sources_aux (cs @ cs') s x"
using A and E by blast
moreover {
fix Y
G: "∀A. (∀y. run_flow cs' (run_flow cs s): dom y ↝ dom x ⟶
A = sources (cs @ cs') s y ⟶ y ∉ Y) ∨ z ∉ A" and
H: "c = ⟨Y⟩"
have "y ∈ sources_aux cs' (run_flow cs s) x ∪
⋃ {sources cs' (run_flow cs s) y | y.
run_flow cs' (run_flow cs s): dom y ↝ dom x ∧ y ∈ Y}"
using D and H by simp
hence "z ∈ sources_aux (cs @ cs') s x"
using B and E and H proof (erule_tac UnE, blast)
assume "y ∈ ⋃ {sources cs' (run_flow cs s) y | y.
run_flow cs' (run_flow cs s): dom y ↝ dom x ∧ y ∈ Y}"
then obtain w where
I: "y ∈ sources cs' (run_flow cs s) w" and
J: "run_flow cs' (run_flow cs s): dom w ↝ dom x" and
K: "w ∈ Y"
by blast
have "z ∈ sources (cs @ cs') s w"
using C and E and H and I by blast
hence "w ∉ Y"
using G and J by blast
thus ?thesis
using K by contradiction
ultimately show ?thesis
by (simp only: append_assoc [symmetric] sources_aux.simps,
auto simp: run_flow_append split: com_flow.split)
lemma sources_member:
"y ∈ sources cs' (run_flow cs s) x ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources (cs @ cs') s x"
and sources_aux_member:
"y ∈ sources_aux cs' (run_flow cs s) x ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources_aux (cs @ cs') s x"
proof (induction cs' s x and cs' s x rule: sources_induct)
fix cs' c s x
"⟦⋀z a. c = z ::= a ⟹ z = x ⟹
y ∈ sources_aux cs' (run_flow cs s) x ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources_aux (cs @ cs') s x;
⋀z a b w. c = z ::= a ⟹ z = x ⟹
y ∈ sources cs' (run_flow cs s) w ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources (cs @ cs') s w;
⋀z a. c = z ::= a ⟹ z ≠ x ⟹
y ∈ sources cs' (run_flow cs s) x ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources (cs @ cs') s x;
⋀Y. c = ⟨Y⟩ ⟹
y ∈ sources cs' (run_flow cs s) x ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources (cs @ cs') s x;
⋀Y a w. c = ⟨Y⟩ ⟹
y ∈ sources cs' (run_flow cs s) w ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources (cs @ cs') s w;
y ∈ sources (cs' @ [c]) (run_flow cs s) x⟧ ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources (cs @ cs' @ [c]) s x"
by (auto, rule sources_member_1)
fix cs' c s x
"⟦⋀z a. c = z ::= a ⟹
y ∈ sources_aux cs' (run_flow cs s) x ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources_aux (cs @ cs') s x;
⋀Y. c = ⟨Y⟩ ⟹
y ∈ sources_aux cs' (run_flow cs s) x ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources_aux (cs @ cs') s x;
⋀Y a w. c = ⟨Y⟩ ⟹
y ∈ sources cs' (run_flow cs s) w ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources (cs @ cs') s w;
y ∈ sources_aux (cs' @ [c]) (run_flow cs s) x⟧ ⟹
sources cs s y ⊆ sources_aux (cs @ cs' @ [c]) s x"
by (auto, rule sources_member_2)
qed simp_all
lemma ctyping2_confine:
"⟦(c, s) ⇒ s'; (U, v) ⊨ c (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Y);
∃(C, Z) ∈ U. ¬ C: dom ` Z ↝ {dom x}⟧ ⟹ s' x = s x"
by (induction arbitrary: A B X Y U v rule: big_step_induct,
auto split: if_split_asm option.split_asm prod.split_asm, fastforce+)
lemma ctyping2_term_if:
"⟦⋀x' y' z'' s. x' = x ⟹ y' = y ⟹ z = z'' ⟹ ∃s'. (c⇩1, s) ⇒ s';
⋀x' y' z'' s. x' = x ⟹ y' = y ⟹ z' = z'' ⟹ ∃s'. (c⇩2, s) ⇒ s'⟧ ⟹
∃s'. (IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, s) ⇒ s'"
by (cases "bval b s", fastforce+)
lemma ctyping2_term:
"⟦(U, v) ⊨ c (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Y);
∃(C, Z) ∈ U. ¬ C: dom ` Z ↝ UNIV⟧ ⟹ ∃s'. (c, s) ⇒ s'"
by (induction "(U, v)" c A X arbitrary: B Y U v s rule: ctyping2.induct,
auto split: if_split_asm option.split_asm prod.split_asm, fastforce,
erule ctyping2_term_if)
lemma ctyping2_correct_aux_skip [elim]:
"⟦(SKIP, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1); (c⇩1, s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)⟧ ⟹
(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
(∀x. (∃p ∈ U. case p of (B, W) ⇒
∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶ no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x)"
by (fastforce dest: small_stepsl_skip)
lemma ctyping2_correct_aux_assign [elim]:
A: "(if (∀s ∈ Univ? A X. ∀y ∈ avars a. s: dom y ↝ dom x) ∧
(∀p ∈ U. ∀B Y. p = (B, Y) ⟶
(∀s ∈ B. ∀y ∈ Y. s: dom y ↝ dom x))
then Some (if x ∈ state ∧ A ≠ {}
then if v ⊨ a (⊆ X)
then ({s(x := aval a s) |s. s ∈ A}, insert x X)
else (A, X - {x})
else (A, Univ?? A X))
else None) = Some (B, Y)"
(is "(if ?P then _ else _) = _") and
B: "(x ::= a, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1)" and
C: "(c⇩1, s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)" and
D: "r ∈ A" and
E: "s = r (⊆ state ∩ X)"
"(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
(∀x. (∃p ∈ U. case p of (B, Y) ⇒
∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ Y. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶ no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x)"
proof -
have ?P
using A by (simp split: if_split_asm)
have F: "avars a ⊆ {y. s: dom y ↝ dom x}"
proof (cases "state ⊆ X")
case True
with E have "interf s = interf r"
by (blast intro: interf_state)
with D and `?P` show ?thesis
by (erule_tac conjE, drule_tac bspec, auto simp: univ_states_if_def)
case False
with D and `?P` show ?thesis
by (erule_tac conjE, drule_tac bspec, auto simp: univ_states_if_def)
have "(c⇩1, s⇩1) = (x ::= a, s) ∨ (c⇩1, s⇩1) = (SKIP, s(x := aval a s))"
using B by (blast dest: small_stepsl_assign)
thus ?thesis
assume "(c⇩1, s⇩1) = (x ::= a, s)"
moreover from this have "(x ::= a, s) →*{cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)"
using C by simp
hence "(c⇩2, s⇩2) = (x ::= a, s) ∧ flow cfs⇩2 = [] ∨
(c⇩2, s⇩2) = (SKIP, s(x := aval a s)) ∧ flow cfs⇩2 = [x ::= a]"
by (rule small_stepsl_assign)
moreover {
fix t
have "∃c' t'. ∀y.
(y = x ⟶
(s = t (⊆ sources_aux [x ::= a] s x) ⟶
(x ::= a, t) →* (c', t') ∧ c' = SKIP) ∧
(s = t (⊆ sources [x ::= a] s x) ⟶ aval a s = t' x)) ∧
(y ≠ x ⟶
(s = t (⊆ sources_aux [x ::= a] s y) ⟶
(x ::= a, t) →* (c', t') ∧ c' = SKIP) ∧
(s = t (⊆ sources [x ::= a] s y) ⟶ s y = t' y))"
proof (rule exI [of _ SKIP], rule exI [of _ "t(x := aval a t)"])
assume "s = t (⊆ sources [x ::= a] s x)"
hence "s = t (⊆ {y. s: dom y ↝ dom x ∧ y ∈ avars a})"
by (subst (asm) append_Nil [symmetric],
simp only: sources.simps, auto)
hence "aval a s = aval a t"
using F by (blast intro: avars_aval)
moreover {
fix y
assume "s = t (⊆ sources [x ::= a] s y)" and "y ≠ x"
hence "s y = t y"
by (subst (asm) append_Nil [symmetric],
simp only: sources.simps, auto)
ultimately show "∀y.
(y = x ⟶
(s = t (⊆ sources_aux [x ::= a] s x) ⟶
(x ::= a, t) →* (SKIP, t(x := aval a t)) ∧ SKIP = SKIP) ∧
(s = t (⊆ sources [x ::= a] s x) ⟶
aval a s = (t(x := aval a t)) x)) ∧
(y ≠ x ⟶
(s = t (⊆ sources_aux [x ::= a] s y) ⟶
(x ::= a, t) →* (SKIP, t(x := aval a t)) ∧ SKIP = SKIP) ∧
(s = t (⊆ sources [x ::= a] s y) ⟶
s y = (t(x := aval a t)) y))"
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using `?P` by fastforce
assume "(c⇩1, s⇩1) = (SKIP, s(x := aval a s))"
moreover from this have "(SKIP, s(x := aval a s)) →*{cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)"
using C by simp
hence "(c⇩2, s⇩2) = (SKIP, s(x := aval a s)) ∧ flow cfs⇩2 = []"
by (rule small_stepsl_skip)
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
lemma ctyping2_correct_aux_seq:
A: "⋀B' s c' c'' s⇩1 s⇩2 cfs⇩1 cfs⇩2. B = B' ⟹
∃r ∈ A. s = r (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹
(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c', s⇩1) ⟹ (c', s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c'', s⇩2) ⟹
(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c', t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
(∀x. (∃p ∈ U. case p of (B, W) ⇒
∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x)" and
B: "⋀B' B'' C Z s c' c'' s⇩1 s⇩2 cfs⇩1 cfs⇩2. B = B' ⟹ B'' = B' ⟹
(U, v) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B', Y) = Some (C, Z) ⟹
∃r ∈ B'. s = r (⊆ state ∩ Y) ⟹
(c⇩2, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c', s⇩1) ⟹ (c', s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c'', s⇩2) ⟹
(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c', t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
(∀x. (∃p ∈ U. case p of (B, W) ⇒
∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x)" and
C: "(U, v) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Y)" and
D: "(U, v) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B, Y) = Some (C, Z)" and
E: "(c⇩1;; c⇩2, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c', s⇩1)" and
F: "(c', s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c'', s⇩2)" and
G: "r ∈ A" and
H: "s = r (⊆ state ∩ X)"
"(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c', t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
(∀x. (∃p ∈ U. case p of (B, W) ⇒
∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶ no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x)"
proof -
"(∃d' cfs. c' = d';; c⇩2 ∧
(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs} (d', s⇩1)) ∨
(∃s' cfs cfs'.
(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs} (SKIP, s') ∧
(c⇩2, s') →*{cfs'} (c', s⇩1))"
using E by (blast dest: small_stepsl_seq)
thus ?thesis
proof (rule disjE, (erule_tac exE)+, (erule_tac [2] exE)+,
erule_tac [!] conjE)
fix d' cfs
I: "c' = d';; c⇩2" and
J: "(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs} (d', s⇩1)"
hence "(d';; c⇩2, s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c'', s⇩2)"
using F by simp
"(∃d'' cfs'. c'' = d'';; c⇩2 ∧
(d', s⇩1) →*{cfs'} (d'', s⇩2) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = flow cfs') ∨
(∃s' cfs' cfs''.
(d', s⇩1) →*{cfs'} (SKIP, s') ∧
(c⇩2, s') →*{cfs''} (c'', s⇩2) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = flow cfs' @ flow cfs'')"
by (blast dest: small_stepsl_seq)
thus ?thesis
proof (rule disjE, (erule_tac exE)+, (erule_tac [2] exE)+,
(erule_tac [!] conjE)+)
fix d'' cfs'
assume "(d', s⇩1) →*{cfs'} (d'', s⇩2)"
hence K:
"(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶
(d', t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (d'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
(∀x. (∃p ∈ U. case p of (B, W) ⇒
∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶ no_upd (flow cfs') x)"
using A [of B s cfs d' s⇩1 cfs' d'' s⇩2] and J and G and H by blast
moreover assume "c'' = d'';; c⇩2" and "flow cfs⇩2 = flow cfs'"
moreover {
fix t⇩1
obtain c⇩2' and t⇩2 where L: "∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶
(d', t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (d'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)"
using K by blast
have "∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶
(d';; c⇩2, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ c⇩2' ≠ SKIP) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)"
proof (rule exI [of _ "c⇩2';; c⇩2"], rule exI [of _ t⇩2])
show "∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶
(d';; c⇩2, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2';; c⇩2, t⇩2) ∧ c⇩2';; c⇩2 ≠ SKIP) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)"
using L by (auto intro: star_seq2)
ultimately show ?thesis
using I by auto
fix s' cfs' cfs''
K: "(d', s⇩1) →*{cfs'} (SKIP, s')" and
L: "(c⇩2, s') →*{cfs''} (c'', s⇩2)"
moreover have M: "s' = run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1"
using K by (rule small_stepsl_run_flow)
ultimately have N:
"(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶
(d', t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (SKIP = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
(∀x. (∃p ∈ U. case p of (B, W) ⇒
∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶ no_upd (flow cfs') x)"
using A [of B s cfs d' s⇩1 cfs' SKIP s'] and J and G and H by blast
have O: "s⇩2 = run_flow (flow cfs'') s'"
using L by (rule small_stepsl_run_flow)
moreover have "(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs @ cfs'} (SKIP, s')"
using J and K by (simp add: small_stepsl_append)
hence "(c⇩1, s) ⇒ s'"
by (auto dest: small_stepsl_steps simp: big_iff_small)
hence "s' ∈ Univ B (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
using C and G and H by (erule_tac ctyping2_approx, auto)
ultimately have P:
"(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs'') (run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x) ⟶
(c⇩2, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (flow cfs'') (run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs'') (run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
(∀x. (∃p ∈ U. case p of (B, W) ⇒
∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶ no_upd (flow cfs'') x)"
using B [of B B C Z s' "[]" c⇩2 s' cfs'' c'' s⇩2]
and D and L and M by simp
moreover assume "flow cfs⇩2 = flow cfs' @ flow cfs''"
moreover {
fix t⇩1
obtain c⇩2' and t⇩2 where Q: "∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶
(d', t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2) ∧ (SKIP = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 x = t⇩2 x)"
using N by blast
obtain c⇩3' and t⇩3 where R: "∀x.
(run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 = t⇩2
(⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs'') (run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x) ⟶
(c⇩2, t⇩2) →* (c⇩3', t⇩3) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩3' = SKIP)) ∧
(run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 = t⇩2
(⊆ sources (flow cfs'') (run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs'') (run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x = t⇩3 x)"
using P by blast
fix x
assume S: "s⇩1 = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs' @ flow cfs'') s⇩1 x)"
moreover have "sources_aux (flow cfs') s⇩1 x ⊆
sources_aux (flow cfs' @ flow cfs'') s⇩1 x"
by (rule sources_aux_append)
ultimately have "(d', t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2)"
using Q by blast
hence "(d';; c⇩2, t⇩1) →* (SKIP;; c⇩2, t⇩2)"
by (rule star_seq2)
hence "(d';; c⇩2, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2, t⇩2)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover have "run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 = t⇩2
(⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs'') (run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x)"
fix y
assume "y ∈ sources_aux (flow cfs'')
(run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x"
hence "sources (flow cfs') s⇩1 y ⊆
sources_aux (flow cfs' @ flow cfs'') s⇩1 x"
by (rule sources_aux_member)
thus "run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 y = t⇩2 y"
using Q and S by blast
hence "(c⇩2, t⇩2) →* (c⇩3', t⇩3) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩3' = SKIP)"
using R by simp
ultimately have "(d';; c⇩2, t⇩1) →* (c⇩3', t⇩3) ∧
(c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩3' = SKIP)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover {
fix x
assume S: "s⇩1 = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (flow cfs' @ flow cfs'') s⇩1 x)"
have "run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 = t⇩2
(⊆ sources (flow cfs'') (run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x)"
fix y
assume "y ∈ sources (flow cfs'')
(run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x"
hence "sources (flow cfs') s⇩1 y ⊆
sources (flow cfs' @ flow cfs'') s⇩1 x"
by (rule sources_member)
thus "run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 y = t⇩2 y"
using Q and S by blast
hence "run_flow (flow cfs'') (run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x = t⇩3 x"
using R by simp
ultimately have "∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs' @ flow cfs'') s⇩1 x) ⟶
(d';; c⇩2, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs' @ flow cfs'') s⇩1 x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs'') (run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x = t⇩2 x)"
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using I and N and M and O by (auto simp: no_upd_append)
fix s' cfs cfs'
assume "(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs} (SKIP, s')"
hence "(c⇩1, s) ⇒ s'"
by (auto dest: small_stepsl_steps simp: big_iff_small)
hence "s' ∈ Univ B (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
using C and G and H by (erule_tac ctyping2_approx, auto)
moreover assume "(c⇩2, s') →*{cfs'} (c', s⇩1)"
ultimately show ?thesis
using B [of B B C Z s' cfs' c' s⇩1 cfs⇩2 c'' s⇩2] and D and F by simp
lemma ctyping2_correct_aux_if:
A: "⋀U' B C s c' c'' s⇩1 s⇩2 cfs⇩1 cfs⇩2.
U' = insert (Univ? A X, bvars b) U ⟹ B = B⇩1 ⟹ C⇩1 = C ⟹
∃r ∈ B⇩1. s = r (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹
(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c', s⇩1) ⟹ (c', s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c'', s⇩2) ⟹
(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c', t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
((∃s ∈ Univ? A X. ∃y ∈ bvars b. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x) ∧
((∃p ∈ U. case p of (B, W) ⇒
∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x))" and
B: "⋀U' B C s c' c'' s⇩1 s⇩2 cfs⇩1 cfs⇩2.
U' = insert (Univ? A X, bvars b) U ⟹ B = B⇩1 ⟹ C⇩2 = C ⟹
∃r ∈ B⇩2. s = r (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹
(c⇩2, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c', s⇩1) ⟹ (c', s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c'', s⇩2) ⟹
(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c', t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
((∃s ∈ Univ? A X. ∃y ∈ bvars b. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x) ∧
((∃p ∈ U. case p of (B, W) ⇒
∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x))" and
C: "⊨ b (⊆ A, X) = (B⇩1, B⇩2)" and
D: "(insert (Univ? A X, bvars b) U, v) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ B⇩1, X) =
Some (C⇩1, Y⇩1)" and
E: "(insert (Univ? A X, bvars b) U, v) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B⇩2, X) =
Some (C⇩2, Y⇩2)" and
F: "(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c', s⇩1)" and
G: "(c', s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c'', s⇩2)" and
H: "r ∈ A" and
I: "s = r (⊆ state ∩ X)"
"(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c', t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
(∀x. (∃p ∈ U. case p of (B, W) ⇒
∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶ no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x)"
proof -
let ?U' = "insert (Univ? A X, bvars b) U"
have J: "∀cs t x. s = t (⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # cs) s x) ⟶
bval b s ≠ bval b t ⟶ ¬ Univ? A X: dom ` bvars b ↝ {dom x}"
proof (clarify del: notI)
fix cs t x
assume "s = t (⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # cs) s x)"
moreover assume "bval b s ≠ bval b t"
hence "¬ s = t (⊆ bvars b)"
by (erule_tac contrapos_nn, auto dest: bvars_bval)
ultimately have "¬ (∀y ∈ bvars b. s: dom y ↝ dom x)"
by (blast dest: sources_aux_observe_hd)
moreover {
fix r y
assume "r ∈ A" and "y ∈ bvars b" and "¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x"
moreover assume "state ⊆ X" and "s = r (⊆ state ∩ X)"
hence "interf s = interf r"
by (blast intro: interf_state)
ultimately have "∃s ∈ A. ∃y ∈ bvars b. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x"
by auto
ultimately show "¬ Univ? A X: dom ` bvars b ↝ {dom x}"
using H and I by (auto simp: univ_states_if_def)
"(c', s⇩1) = (IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, s) ∨
bval b s ∧ (c⇩1, s) →*{tl cfs⇩1} (c', s⇩1) ∨
¬ bval b s ∧ (c⇩2, s) →*{tl cfs⇩1} (c', s⇩1)"
using F by (blast dest: small_stepsl_if)
thus ?thesis
proof (rule disjE, erule_tac [2] disjE, erule_tac [2-3] conjE)
assume K: "(c', s⇩1) = (IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, s)"
hence "(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, s) →*{cfs⇩2} (c'', s⇩2)"
using G by simp
"(c'', s⇩2) = (IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, s) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = [] ∨
bval b s ∧ (c⇩1, s) →*{tl cfs⇩2} (c'', s⇩2) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2) ∨
¬ bval b s ∧ (c⇩2, s) →*{tl cfs⇩2} (c'', s⇩2) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)"
by (rule small_stepsl_if)
thus ?thesis
proof (rule disjE, erule_tac [2] disjE, (erule_tac [2-3] conjE)+)
assume "(c'', s⇩2) = (IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, s) ∧ flow cfs⇩2 = []"
thus ?thesis
using K by auto
assume L: "bval b s"
with C and H and I have "s ∈ Univ B⇩1 (⊆ state ∩ X)"
by (drule_tac btyping2_approx [where s = s], auto)
moreover assume M: "(c⇩1, s) →*{tl cfs⇩2} (c'', s⇩2)"
moreover from this have N: "s⇩2 = run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s"
by (rule small_stepsl_run_flow)
ultimately have O:
"(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
((∃s ∈ Univ? A X. ∃y ∈ bvars b. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) x) ∧
((∃p ∈ U. case p of (B, W) ⇒
∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) x))"
using A [of ?U' B⇩1 C⇩1 s "[]" c⇩1 s "tl cfs⇩2" c'' s⇩2] by simp
moreover assume "flow cfs⇩2 = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)"
moreover {
fix t⇩1
have "∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x) ⟶
(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧
(c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x = t⇩2 x)"
proof (cases "bval b t⇩1")
case True
hence P: "(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) → (c⇩1, t⇩1)" ..
obtain c⇩2' and t⇩2 where Q: "∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x = t⇩2 x)"
using O by blast
fix x
assume "s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x)"
moreover have "sources_aux (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x ⊆
sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x"
by (rule sources_aux_observe_tl)
ultimately have "(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧
(c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)"
using P and Q by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover {
fix x
assume "s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x)"
moreover have "sources (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x ⊆
sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x"
by (rule sources_observe_tl)
ultimately have "run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x = t⇩2 x"
using Q by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
assume P: "¬ bval b t⇩1"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "∃x. s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x)")
from P have "(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) → (c⇩2, t⇩1)" ..
moreover assume "∃x. s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x)"
hence "∃x. ¬ Univ? A X: dom ` bvars b ↝ {dom x}"
using J and L and P by blast
then obtain t⇩2 where Q: "(c⇩2, t⇩1) ⇒ t⇩2"
using E by (blast dest: ctyping2_term)
hence "(c⇩2, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2)"
by (simp add: big_iff_small)
ultimately have
R: "(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "c'' = SKIP")
case True
show ?thesis
proof (rule exI [of _ SKIP], rule exI [of _ t⇩2])
have "(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2) ∧
(c'' = SKIP) = (SKIP = SKIP)"
using R and True by simp
moreover {
fix x
assume S: "s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x)"
moreover have
"sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x ⊆
sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x"
by (rule sources_aux_sources)
ultimately have "s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x)"
by blast
hence T: "¬ Univ? A X: dom ` bvars b ↝ {dom x}"
using J and L and P by blast
hence U: "no_upd (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) x"
using O by simp
hence "run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x = s x"
by (simp add: no_upd_run_flow)
also from S and U have "… = t⇩1 x"
by (blast dest: no_upd_sources)
also from E and Q and T have "… = t⇩2 x"
by (drule_tac ctyping2_confine, auto)
finally have "run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x = t⇩2 x" .
ultimately show "∀x.
(s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x) ⟶
(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2) ∧
(c'' = SKIP) = (SKIP = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x = t⇩2 x)"
by blast
case False
show ?thesis
proof (rule exI [of _ "IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2"],
rule exI [of _ t⇩1])
have "(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) →*
(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) ∧
(c'' = SKIP) = (IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2 = SKIP)"
using False by simp
moreover {
fix x
assume S: "s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x)"
moreover have
"sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x ⊆
sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x"
by (rule sources_aux_sources)
ultimately have "s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x)"
by blast
hence "¬ Univ? A X: dom ` bvars b ↝ {dom x}"
using J and L and P by blast
hence T: "no_upd (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) x"
using O by simp
hence "run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x = s x"
by (simp add: no_upd_run_flow)
also have "… = t⇩1 x"
using S and T by (blast dest: no_upd_sources)
finally have "run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x = t⇩1 x" .
ultimately show "∀x.
(s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x) ⟶
(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) →*
(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) ∧
(c'' = SKIP) = (IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2 = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x = t⇩1 x)"
by blast
qed blast
ultimately show ?thesis
using K and N by auto
assume L: "¬ bval b s"
with C and H and I have "s ∈ Univ B⇩2 (⊆ state ∩ X)"
by (drule_tac btyping2_approx [where s = s], auto)
moreover assume M: "(c⇩2, s) →*{tl cfs⇩2} (c'', s⇩2)"
moreover from this have N: "s⇩2 = run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s"
by (rule small_stepsl_run_flow)
ultimately have O:
"(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x) ⟶
(c⇩2, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
((∃s ∈ Univ? A X. ∃y ∈ bvars b. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) x) ∧
((∃p ∈ U. case p of (B, W) ⇒
∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) x))"
using B [of ?U' B⇩1 C⇩2 s "[]" c⇩2 s "tl cfs⇩2" c'' s⇩2] by simp
moreover assume "flow cfs⇩2 = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)"
moreover {
fix t⇩1
have "∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x) ⟶
(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧
(c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x = t⇩2 x)"
proof (cases "¬ bval b t⇩1")
case True
hence P: "(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) → (c⇩2, t⇩1)" ..
obtain c⇩2' and t⇩2 where Q: "∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x) ⟶
(c⇩2, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x = t⇩2 x)"
using O by blast
fix x
assume "s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x)"
moreover have "sources_aux (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x ⊆
sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x"
by (rule sources_aux_observe_tl)
ultimately have "(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧
(c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)"
using P and Q by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover {
fix x
assume "s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x)"
moreover have "sources (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x ⊆
sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x"
by (rule sources_observe_tl)
ultimately have "run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x = t⇩2 x"
using Q by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
case False
hence P: "bval b t⇩1"
by simp
show ?thesis
proof (cases "∃x. s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x)")
from P have "(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) → (c⇩1, t⇩1)" ..
moreover assume "∃x. s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x)"
hence "∃x. ¬ Univ? A X: dom ` bvars b ↝ {dom x}"
using J and L and P by blast
then obtain t⇩2 where Q: "(c⇩1, t⇩1) ⇒ t⇩2"
using D by (blast dest: ctyping2_term)
hence "(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2)"
by (simp add: big_iff_small)
ultimately have
R: "(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "c'' = SKIP")
case True
show ?thesis
proof (rule exI [of _ SKIP], rule exI [of _ t⇩2])
have "(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2) ∧
(c'' = SKIP) = (SKIP = SKIP)"
using R and True by simp
moreover {
fix x
assume S: "s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x)"
moreover have
"sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x ⊆
sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x"
by (rule sources_aux_sources)
ultimately have "s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x)"
by blast
hence T: "¬ Univ? A X: dom ` bvars b ↝ {dom x}"
using J and L and P by blast
hence U: "no_upd (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) x"
using O by simp
hence "run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x = s x"
by (simp add: no_upd_run_flow)
also from S and U have "… = t⇩1 x"
by (blast dest: no_upd_sources)
also from D and Q and T have "… = t⇩2 x"
by (drule_tac ctyping2_confine, auto)
finally have "run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x = t⇩2 x" .
ultimately show "∀x.
(s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x) ⟶
(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2) ∧
(c'' = SKIP) = (SKIP = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x = t⇩2 x)"
by blast
case False
show ?thesis
proof (rule exI [of _ "IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2"],
rule exI [of _ t⇩1])
have "(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) →*
(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) ∧
(c'' = SKIP) = (IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2 = SKIP)"
using False by simp
moreover {
fix x
assume S: "s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x)"
moreover have
"sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x ⊆
sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x"
by (rule sources_aux_sources)
ultimately have "s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x)"
by blast
hence "¬ Univ? A X: dom ` bvars b ↝ {dom x}"
using J and L and P by blast
hence T: "no_upd (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) x"
using O by simp
hence "run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x = s x"
by (simp add: no_upd_run_flow)
also have "… = t⇩1 x"
using S and T by (blast dest: no_upd_sources)
finally have "run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x = t⇩1 x" .
ultimately show "∀x.
(s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x) ⟶
(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) →*
(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, t⇩1) ∧
(c'' = SKIP) = (IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2 = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s x = t⇩1 x)"
by blast
qed blast
ultimately show ?thesis
using K and N by auto
assume "bval b s" and "(c⇩1, s) →*{tl cfs⇩1} (c', s⇩1)"
moreover from this and C and H and I have "s ∈ Univ B⇩1 (⊆ state ∩ X)"
by (drule_tac btyping2_approx [where s = s], auto)
ultimately show ?thesis
using A [of ?U' B⇩1 C⇩1 s "tl cfs⇩1" c' s⇩1 cfs⇩2 c'' s⇩2] and G by simp
assume "¬ bval b s" and "(c⇩2, s) →*{tl cfs⇩1} (c', s⇩1)"
moreover from this and C and H and I have "s ∈ Univ B⇩2 (⊆ state ∩ X)"
by (drule_tac btyping2_approx [where s = s], auto)
ultimately show ?thesis
using B [of ?U' B⇩1 C⇩2 s "tl cfs⇩1" c' s⇩1 cfs⇩2 c'' s⇩2] and G by simp
lemma ctyping2_correct_aux_while:
A: "⋀B C' B' D' s c⇩1 c⇩2 s⇩1 s⇩2 cfs⇩1 cfs⇩2.
B = B⇩1 ⟹ C' = C ⟹ B' = B⇩1' ⟹
(∀s ∈ Univ? A X ∪ Univ? C Y. ∀x ∈ bvars b. All (interf s (dom x))) ∧
(∀p ∈ U. case p of (B, W) ⇒ ∀s ∈ B. ∀x ∈ W. All (interf s (dom x))) ⟹
D = D' ⟹ ∃r ∈ B⇩1. s = r (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹
(c, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1) ⟹ (c⇩1, s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ⟹
∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)" and
B: "⋀B C' B' D'' s c⇩1 c⇩2 s⇩1 s⇩2 cfs⇩1 cfs⇩2.
B = B⇩1 ⟹ C' = C ⟹ B' = B⇩1' ⟹
(∀s ∈ Univ? A X ∪ Univ? C Y. ∀x ∈ bvars b. All (interf s (dom x))) ∧
(∀p ∈ U. case p of (B, W) ⇒ ∀s ∈ B. ∀x ∈ W. All (interf s (dom x))) ⟹
D' = D'' ⟹ ∃r ∈ B⇩1'. s = r (⊆ state ∩ Y) ⟹
(c, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1) ⟹ (c⇩1, s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ⟹
∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)" and
C: "(if (∀s ∈ Univ? A X ∪ Univ? C Y. ∀x ∈ bvars b. All (interf s (dom x))) ∧
(∀p ∈ U. ∀B W. p = (B, W) ⟶ (∀s ∈ B. ∀x ∈ W. All (interf s (dom x))))
then Some (B⇩2 ∪ B⇩2', Univ?? B⇩2 X ∩ Y) else None) = Some (B, W)" and
D: "⊨ b (⊆ A, X) = (B⇩1, B⇩2)" and
E: "⊢ c (⊆ B⇩1, X) = (C, Y)" and
F: "⊨ b (⊆ C, Y) = (B⇩1', B⇩2')" and
G: "({}, False) ⊨ c (⊆ B⇩1, X) = Some (D, Z)" and
H: "({}, False) ⊨ c (⊆ B⇩1', Y) = Some (D', Z')"
"⟦(WHILE b DO c, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1);
(c⇩1, s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2);
s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X) ∪ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y)⟧ ⟹
(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
(∀x. (∃p ∈ U. case p of (B, W) ⇒
∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶ no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x)"
proof (induction "cfs⇩1 @ cfs⇩2" arbitrary: cfs⇩1 cfs⇩2 s c⇩1 s⇩1 rule: length_induct)
fix cfs⇩1 cfs⇩2 s c⇩1 s⇩1
I: "(WHILE b DO c, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1)" and
J: "(c⇩1, s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)"
assume "∀cfs. length cfs < length (cfs⇩1 @ cfs⇩2) ⟶
(∀cfs⇩1 cfs⇩2. cfs = cfs⇩1 @ cfs⇩2 ⟶
(∀s c⇩1 s⇩1. (WHILE b DO c, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1) ⟶
(c⇩1, s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ⟶
s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X) ∪ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y) ⟶
(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
(∀x. (∃(B, W) ∈ U. ∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x)))"
note K = this [rule_format]
assume L: "s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X) ∪ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
moreover {
fix s'
assume "s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X)" and "bval b s"
hence N: "s ∈ Univ B⇩1 (⊆ state ∩ X)"
using D by (drule_tac btyping2_approx, auto)
assume "(c, s) ⇒ s'"
hence "s' ∈ Univ D (⊆ state ∩ Z)"
using G and N by (rule ctyping2_approx)
moreover have "D ⊆ C ∧ Y ⊆ Z"
using E and G by (rule ctyping1_ctyping2)
ultimately have "s' ∈ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
by blast
moreover {
fix s'
assume "s ∈ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y)" and "bval b s"
hence N: "s ∈ Univ B⇩1' (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
using F by (drule_tac btyping2_approx, auto)
assume "(c, s) ⇒ s'"
hence "s' ∈ Univ D' (⊆ state ∩ Z')"
using H and N by (rule ctyping2_approx)
moreover obtain C' and Y' where O: "⊢ c (⊆ B⇩1', Y) = (C', Y')"
by (cases "⊢ c (⊆ B⇩1', Y)", simp)
hence "D' ⊆ C' ∧ Y' ⊆ Z'"
using H by (rule ctyping1_ctyping2)
ultimately have P: "s' ∈ Univ C' (⊆ state ∩ Y')"
by blast
have "⊢ c (⊆ C, Y) = (C, Y)"
using E by (rule ctyping1_idem)
moreover have "B⇩1' ⊆ C"
using F by (blast dest: btyping2_un_eq)
ultimately have "C' ⊆ C ∧ Y ⊆ Y'"
by (metis order_refl ctyping1_mono O)
hence "s' ∈ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
using P by blast
ultimately have M:
"∀s'. (c, s) ⇒ s' ⟶ bval b s ⟶ s' ∈ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
by blast
have N:
"(∀s ∈ Univ? A X ∪ Univ? C Y. ∀x ∈ bvars b. All (interf s (dom x))) ∧
(∀p ∈ U. ∀B W. p = (B, W) ⟶ (∀s ∈ B. ∀x ∈ W. All (interf s (dom x))))"
using C by (simp split: if_split_asm)
hence "∀cs x. (∃(B, Y) ∈ U.
∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ Y. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶ no_upd cs x"
by auto
moreover {
fix r t⇩1
assume O: "r ∈ A" and P: "s = r (⊆ state ∩ X)"
have Q: "∀x. ∀y ∈ bvars b. s: dom y ↝ dom x"
proof (cases "state ⊆ X")
case True
with P have "interf s = interf r"
by (blast intro: interf_state)
with N and O show ?thesis
by (erule_tac conjE, drule_tac bspec,
auto simp: univ_states_if_def)
case False
with N and O show ?thesis
by (erule_tac conjE, drule_tac bspec,
auto simp: univ_states_if_def)
have "(c⇩1, s⇩1) = (WHILE b DO c, s) ∨
(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) →*{tl cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1)"
using I by (blast dest: small_stepsl_while)
hence "∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)"
assume R: "(c⇩1, s⇩1) = (WHILE b DO c, s)"
hence "(WHILE b DO c, s) →*{cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)"
using J by simp
"(c⇩2, s⇩2) = (WHILE b DO c, s) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = [] ∨
(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) →*{tl cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = flow (tl cfs⇩2)"
(is "?P ∨ ?Q ∧ ?R")
by (rule small_stepsl_while)
thus ?thesis
proof (rule disjE, erule_tac [2] conjE)
assume ?P
with R show ?thesis
by auto
assume ?Q and ?R
"(c⇩2, s⇩2) = (IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) ∧
flow (tl cfs⇩2) = [] ∨
bval b s ∧ (c;; WHILE b DO c, s) →*{tl2 cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ∧
flow (tl cfs⇩2) = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl2 cfs⇩2) ∨
¬ bval b s ∧ (SKIP, s) →*{tl2 cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ∧
flow (tl cfs⇩2) = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl2 cfs⇩2)"
using `?Q` by (rule small_stepsl_if)
thus ?thesis
proof (erule_tac disjE, erule_tac [2] disjE, (erule_tac [2-3] conjE)+)
assume "(c⇩2, s⇩2) = (IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) ∧
flow (tl cfs⇩2) = []"
with R and `?R` show ?thesis
by auto
assume S: "bval b s"
with D and O and P have T: "s ∈ Univ B⇩1 (⊆ state ∩ X)"
by (drule_tac btyping2_approx [where s = s], auto)
assume U: "(c;; WHILE b DO c, s) →*{tl2 cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)"
"(∃c' cfs. c⇩2 = c';; WHILE b DO c ∧
(c, s) →*{cfs} (c', s⇩2) ∧
flow (tl2 cfs⇩2) = flow cfs) ∨
(∃s' cfs cfs'. length cfs' < length (tl2 cfs⇩2) ∧
(c, s) →*{cfs} (SKIP, s') ∧
(WHILE b DO c, s') →*{cfs'} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ∧
flow (tl2 cfs⇩2) = flow cfs @ flow cfs')"
by (rule small_stepsl_seq)
moreover assume "flow (tl cfs⇩2) = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl2 cfs⇩2)"
moreover have "s⇩2 = run_flow (flow (tl2 cfs⇩2)) s"
using U by (rule small_stepsl_run_flow)
moreover {
fix c' cfs
assume "(c, s) →*{cfs} (c', run_flow (flow cfs) s)"
then obtain c⇩2' and t⇩2 where V: "∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs) s x) ⟶
(c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs) s x = t⇩2 x)"
using A [of B⇩1 C B⇩1' D s "[]" c s cfs c'
"run_flow (flow cfs) s"] and N and T by force
fix x
assume W: "s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs) s x)"
moreover have "sources_aux (flow cfs) s x ⊆
sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # (flow cfs)) s x"
by (rule sources_aux_observe_tl)
ultimately have "(c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2)"
using V by blast
hence "(c;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2';; WHILE b DO c, t⇩2)"
by (rule star_seq2)
moreover have "s = t⇩1 (⊆ bvars b)"
using Q and W by (blast dest: sources_aux_observe_hd)
hence "bval b t⇩1"
using S by (blast dest: bvars_bval)
hence "(WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (c;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
ultimately have "(WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →*
(c⇩2';; WHILE b DO c, t⇩2) ∧ c⇩2';; WHILE b DO c ≠ SKIP"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover {
fix x
assume "s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs) s x)"
moreover have "sources (flow cfs) s x ⊆
sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # (flow cfs)) s x"
by (rule sources_observe_tl)
ultimately have "run_flow (flow cfs) s x = t⇩2 x"
using V by blast
ultimately have "∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs) s x) ⟶
(WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ c⇩2' ≠ SKIP) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs) s x = t⇩2 x)"
by blast
moreover {
fix s' cfs cfs'
V: "length cfs' < length cfs⇩2 - Suc (Suc 0)" and
W: "(c, s) →*{cfs} (SKIP, s')" and
X: "(WHILE b DO c, s') →*{cfs'}
(c⇩2, run_flow (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s))"
then obtain c⇩2' and t⇩2 where "∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs) s x) ⟶
(c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (SKIP = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs) s x) ⟶ s' x = t⇩2 x)"
using A [of B⇩1 C B⇩1' D s "[]" c s cfs SKIP s']
and N and T by force
moreover have Y: "s' = run_flow (flow cfs) s"
using W by (rule small_stepsl_run_flow)
ultimately have Z: "∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs) s x) ⟶
(c, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2)) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs) s x = t⇩2 x)"
by blast
assume "s⇩2 = run_flow (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s)"
moreover have "(c, s) ⇒ s'"
using W by (auto dest: small_stepsl_steps simp: big_iff_small)
hence "s' ∈ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
using M and S by blast
ultimately obtain c⇩3' and t⇩3 where AA: "∀x.
(run_flow (flow cfs) s = t⇩2
(⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x) ⟶
(WHILE b DO c, t⇩2) →* (c⇩3', t⇩3) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩3' = SKIP)) ∧
(run_flow (flow cfs) s = t⇩2
(⊆ sources (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x = t⇩3 x)"
using K [of cfs' "[]" cfs' s' "WHILE b DO c" s']
and V and X and Y by force
fix x
assume AB: "s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x)"
moreover have "sources_aux (flow cfs) s x ⊆
sources_aux (flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by (rule sources_aux_append)
moreover have AC: "sources_aux (flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x ⊆
sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by (rule sources_aux_observe_tl)
ultimately have "(c, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2)"
using Z by blast
hence "(c;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (SKIP;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩2)"
by (rule star_seq2)
moreover have "s = t⇩1 (⊆ bvars b)"
using Q and AB by (blast dest: sources_aux_observe_hd)
hence "bval b t⇩1"
using S by (blast dest: bvars_bval)
hence "(WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (c;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
ultimately have "(WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (WHILE b DO c, t⇩2)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover have "run_flow (flow cfs) s = t⇩2
(⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x)"
fix y
assume "y ∈ sources_aux (flow cfs')
(run_flow (flow cfs) s) x"
hence "sources (flow cfs) s y ⊆
sources_aux (flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by (rule sources_aux_member)
hence "sources (flow cfs) s y ⊆
sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
using AC by simp
thus "run_flow (flow cfs) s y = t⇩2 y"
using Z and AB by blast
hence "(WHILE b DO c, t⇩2) →* (c⇩3', t⇩3) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩3' = SKIP)"
using AA by simp
ultimately have "(WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩3', t⇩3) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩3' = SKIP)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover {
fix x
assume AB: "s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x)"
have "run_flow (flow cfs) s = t⇩2
(⊆ sources (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x)"
fix y
assume "y ∈ sources (flow cfs')
(run_flow (flow cfs) s) x"
hence "sources (flow cfs) s y ⊆
sources (flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by (rule sources_member)
moreover have "sources (flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x ⊆
sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by (rule sources_observe_tl)
ultimately have "sources (flow cfs) s y ⊆
sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by simp
thus "run_flow (flow cfs) s y = t⇩2 y"
using Z and AB by blast
hence "run_flow (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x = t⇩3 x"
using AA by simp
ultimately have "∃c⇩3' t⇩3. ∀x.
(s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x) ⟶
(WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩3', t⇩3) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩3' = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x = t⇩3 x)"
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using R and `?R` by (auto simp: run_flow_append)
S: "¬ bval b s" and
T: "flow (tl cfs⇩2) = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl2 cfs⇩2)"
moreover assume "(SKIP, s) →*{tl2 cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)"
hence U: "(c⇩2, s⇩2) = (SKIP, s) ∧ flow (tl2 cfs⇩2) = []"
by (rule small_stepsl_skip)
show ?thesis
proof (rule exI [of _ SKIP], rule exI [of _ t⇩1])
fix x
have "(WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →
(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, t⇩1)" ..
moreover assume "s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux [⟨bvars b⟩] s x)"
hence "s = t⇩1 (⊆ bvars b)"
using Q by (blast dest: sources_aux_observe_hd)
hence "¬ bval b t⇩1"
using S by (blast dest: bvars_bval)
hence "(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, t⇩1) →
(SKIP, t⇩1)" ..
ultimately have "(WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩1)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover {
fix x
assume "s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources [⟨bvars b⟩] s x)"
hence "s x = t⇩1 x"
by (subst (asm) append_Nil [symmetric],
simp only: sources.simps, auto)
ultimately show "∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩1) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (SKIP = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩1 x)"
using R and T and U and `?R` by auto
assume "(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) →*{tl cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1)"
"(c⇩1, s⇩1) = (IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) ∧
flow (tl cfs⇩1) = [] ∨
bval b s ∧ (c;; WHILE b DO c, s) →*{tl2 cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1) ∧
flow (tl cfs⇩1) = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl2 cfs⇩1) ∨
¬ bval b s ∧ (SKIP, s) →*{tl2 cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1) ∧
flow (tl cfs⇩1) = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl2 cfs⇩1)"
by (rule small_stepsl_if)
thus ?thesis
proof (rule disjE, erule_tac [2] disjE, erule_tac conjE,
(erule_tac [2-3] conjE)+)
assume R: "(c⇩1, s⇩1) = (IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s)"
hence "(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) →*{cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)"
using J by simp
"(c⇩2, s⇩2) = (IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = [] ∨
bval b s ∧ (c;; WHILE b DO c, s) →*{tl cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2) ∨
¬ bval b s ∧ (SKIP, s) →*{tl cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)"
by (rule small_stepsl_if)
thus ?thesis
proof (erule_tac disjE, erule_tac [2] disjE, (erule_tac [2-3] conjE)+)
assume "(c⇩2, s⇩2) = (IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = []"
with R show ?thesis
by auto
assume S: "bval b s"
with D and O and P have T: "s ∈ Univ B⇩1 (⊆ state ∩ X)"
by (drule_tac btyping2_approx [where s = s], auto)
assume U: "(c;; WHILE b DO c, s) →*{tl cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)"
"(∃c' cfs. c⇩2 = c';; WHILE b DO c ∧
(c, s) →*{cfs} (c', s⇩2) ∧
flow (tl cfs⇩2) = flow cfs) ∨
(∃s' cfs cfs'. length cfs' < length (tl cfs⇩2) ∧
(c, s) →*{cfs} (SKIP, s') ∧
(WHILE b DO c, s') →*{cfs'} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ∧
flow (tl cfs⇩2) = flow cfs @ flow cfs')"
by (rule small_stepsl_seq)
moreover assume "flow cfs⇩2 = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)"
moreover have "s⇩2 = run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s"
using U by (rule small_stepsl_run_flow)
moreover {
fix c' cfs
assume "(c, s) →*{cfs} (c', run_flow (flow cfs) s)"
then obtain c⇩2' and t⇩2 where V: "∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs) s x) ⟶
(c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs) s x = t⇩2 x)"
using A [of B⇩1 C B⇩1' D s "[]" c s cfs c'
"run_flow (flow cfs) s"] and N and T by force
fix x
assume W: "s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs) s x)"
moreover have "sources_aux (flow cfs) s x ⊆
sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # (flow cfs)) s x"
by (rule sources_aux_observe_tl)
ultimately have "(c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2)"
using V by blast
hence "(c;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2';; WHILE b DO c, t⇩2)"
by (rule star_seq2)
moreover have "s = t⇩1 (⊆ bvars b)"
using Q and W by (blast dest: sources_aux_observe_hd)
hence "bval b t⇩1"
using S by (blast dest: bvars_bval)
hence "(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, t⇩1) →
(c;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1)" ..
ultimately have
"(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, t⇩1) →*
(c⇩2';; WHILE b DO c, t⇩2) ∧ c⇩2';; WHILE b DO c ≠ SKIP"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover {
fix x
assume "s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs) s x)"
moreover have "sources (flow cfs) s x ⊆
sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # (flow cfs)) s x"
by (rule sources_observe_tl)
ultimately have "run_flow (flow cfs) s x = t⇩2 x"
using V by blast
ultimately have "∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs) s x) ⟶
(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧
c⇩2' ≠ SKIP) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs) s x = t⇩2 x)"
by blast
moreover {
fix s' cfs cfs'
V: "length cfs' < length cfs⇩2 - Suc 0" and
W: "(c, s) →*{cfs} (SKIP, s')" and
X: "(WHILE b DO c, s') →*{cfs'}
(c⇩2, run_flow (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s))"
then obtain c⇩2' and t⇩2 where "∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs) s x) ⟶
(c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (SKIP = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs) s x) ⟶ s' x = t⇩2 x)"
using A [of B⇩1 C B⇩1' D s "[]" c s cfs SKIP s']
and N and T by force
moreover have Y: "s' = run_flow (flow cfs) s"
using W by (rule small_stepsl_run_flow)
ultimately have Z: "∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs) s x) ⟶
(c, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2)) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs) s x = t⇩2 x)"
by blast
assume "s⇩2 = run_flow (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s)"
moreover have "(c, s) ⇒ s'"
using W by (auto dest: small_stepsl_steps simp: big_iff_small)
hence "s' ∈ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
using M and S by blast
ultimately obtain c⇩3' and t⇩3 where AA: "∀x.
(run_flow (flow cfs) s = t⇩2
(⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x) ⟶
(WHILE b DO c, t⇩2) →* (c⇩3', t⇩3) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩3' = SKIP)) ∧
(run_flow (flow cfs) s = t⇩2
(⊆ sources (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x = t⇩3 x)"
using K [of cfs' "[]" cfs' s' "WHILE b DO c" s']
and V and X and Y by force
fix x
assume AB: "s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x)"
moreover have "sources_aux (flow cfs) s x ⊆
sources_aux (flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by (rule sources_aux_append)
moreover have AC: "sources_aux (flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x ⊆
sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by (rule sources_aux_observe_tl)
ultimately have "(c, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2)"
using Z by blast
hence "(c;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (SKIP;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩2)"
by (rule star_seq2)
moreover have "s = t⇩1 (⊆ bvars b)"
using Q and AB by (blast dest: sources_aux_observe_hd)
hence "bval b t⇩1"
using S by (blast dest: bvars_bval)
hence "(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, t⇩1) →
(c;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1)" ..
ultimately have "(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, t⇩1) →*
(WHILE b DO c, t⇩2)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover have "run_flow (flow cfs) s = t⇩2
(⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x)"
fix y
assume "y ∈ sources_aux (flow cfs')
(run_flow (flow cfs) s) x"
hence "sources (flow cfs) s y ⊆
sources_aux (flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by (rule sources_aux_member)
hence "sources (flow cfs) s y ⊆
sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
using AC by simp
thus "run_flow (flow cfs) s y = t⇩2 y"
using Z and AB by blast
hence "(WHILE b DO c, t⇩2) →* (c⇩3', t⇩3) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩3' = SKIP)"
using AA by simp
ultimately have
"(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, t⇩1) →*
(c⇩3', t⇩3) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩3' = SKIP)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover {
fix x
assume AB: "s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x)"
have "run_flow (flow cfs) s = t⇩2
(⊆ sources (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x)"
fix y
assume "y ∈ sources (flow cfs')
(run_flow (flow cfs) s) x"
hence "sources (flow cfs) s y ⊆
sources (flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by (rule sources_member)
moreover have "sources (flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x ⊆
sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by (rule sources_observe_tl)
ultimately have "sources (flow cfs) s y ⊆
sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by simp
thus "run_flow (flow cfs) s y = t⇩2 y"
using Z and AB by blast
hence "run_flow (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x = t⇩3 x"
using AA by simp
ultimately have "∃c⇩3' t⇩3. ∀x.
(s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x) ⟶
(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, t⇩1) →* (c⇩3', t⇩3) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩3' = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x = t⇩3 x)"
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using R by (auto simp: run_flow_append)
S: "¬ bval b s" and
T: "flow cfs⇩2 = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)"
assume "(SKIP, s) →*{tl cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)"
hence U: "(c⇩2, s⇩2) = (SKIP, s) ∧ flow (tl cfs⇩2) = []"
by (rule small_stepsl_skip)
show ?thesis
proof (rule exI [of _ SKIP], rule exI [of _ t⇩1])
fix x
assume "s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux [⟨bvars b⟩] s x)"
hence "s = t⇩1 (⊆ bvars b)"
using Q by (blast dest: sources_aux_observe_hd)
hence "¬ bval b t⇩1"
using S by (blast dest: bvars_bval)
hence "(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, t⇩1) →
(SKIP, t⇩1)" ..
moreover {
fix x
assume "s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources [⟨bvars b⟩] s x)"
hence "s x = t⇩1 x"
by (subst (asm) append_Nil [symmetric],
simp only: sources.simps, auto)
ultimately show "∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩1) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (SKIP = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩1 x)"
using R and T and U by auto
assume R: "bval b s"
with D and O and P have S: "s ∈ Univ B⇩1 (⊆ state ∩ X)"
by (drule_tac btyping2_approx [where s = s], auto)
assume "(c;; WHILE b DO c, s) →*{tl2 cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1)"
"(∃c' cfs'. c⇩1 = c';; WHILE b DO c ∧
(c, s) →*{cfs'} (c', s⇩1) ∧
flow (tl2 cfs⇩1) = flow cfs') ∨
(∃s' cfs' cfs''. length cfs'' < length (tl2 cfs⇩1) ∧
(c, s) →*{cfs'} (SKIP, s') ∧
(WHILE b DO c, s') →*{cfs''} (c⇩1, s⇩1) ∧
flow (tl2 cfs⇩1) = flow cfs' @ flow cfs'')"
by (rule small_stepsl_seq)
moreover {
fix c' cfs
T: "(c, s) →*{cfs} (c', s⇩1)" and
U: "c⇩1 = c';; WHILE b DO c"
hence V: "(c';; WHILE b DO c, s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)"
using J by simp
hence W: "s⇩2 = run_flow (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1"
by (rule small_stepsl_run_flow)
"(∃c'' cfs'. c⇩2 = c'';; WHILE b DO c ∧
(c', s⇩1) →*{cfs'} (c'', s⇩2) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = flow cfs') ∨
(∃s' cfs' cfs''. length cfs'' < length cfs⇩2 ∧
(c', s⇩1) →*{cfs'} (SKIP, s') ∧
(WHILE b DO c, s') →*{cfs''} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = flow cfs' @ flow cfs'')"
using V by (rule small_stepsl_seq)
moreover {
fix c'' cfs'
assume "(c', s⇩1) →*{cfs'} (c'', s⇩2)"
then obtain c⇩2' and t⇩2 where X: "∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c', t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x = t⇩2 x)"
using A [of B⇩1 C B⇩1' D s cfs c' s⇩1 cfs' c''
"run_flow (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1"] and N and S and T and W by force
Y: "c⇩2 = c'';; WHILE b DO c" and
Z: "flow cfs⇩2 = flow cfs'"
have ?thesis
proof (rule exI [of _ "c⇩2';; WHILE b DO c"], rule exI [of _ t⇩2])
from U and W and X and Y and Z show "∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2';; WHILE b DO c, t⇩2) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2';; WHILE b DO c = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)"
by (auto intro: star_seq2)
moreover {
fix s' cfs' cfs''
X: "length cfs'' < length cfs⇩2" and
Y: "(c', s⇩1) →*{cfs'} (SKIP, s')" and
Z: "(WHILE b DO c, s') →*{cfs''} (c⇩2, s⇩2)"
then obtain c⇩2' and t⇩2 where "∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c', t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (SKIP = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶ s' x = t⇩2 x)"
using A [of B⇩1 C B⇩1' D s cfs c' s⇩1 cfs' SKIP s']
and N and S and T by force
moreover have AA: "s' = run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1"
using Y by (rule small_stepsl_run_flow)
ultimately have AB: "∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c', t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 x = t⇩2 x)"
by blast
have AC: "s⇩2 = run_flow (flow cfs'') s'"
using Z by (rule small_stepsl_run_flow)
moreover have "(c, s) →*{cfs @ cfs'} (SKIP, s')"
using T and Y by (simp add: small_stepsl_append)
hence "(c, s) ⇒ s'"
by (auto dest: small_stepsl_steps simp: big_iff_small)
hence "s' ∈ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
using M and R by blast
ultimately obtain c⇩2' and t⇩3 where AD: "∀x.
(run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 = t⇩2
(⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs'') (run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x) ⟶
(WHILE b DO c, t⇩2) →* (c⇩2', t⇩3) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 = t⇩2
(⊆ sources (flow cfs'') (run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs'') (run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x = t⇩3 x)"
using K [of cfs'' "[]" cfs'' s' "WHILE b DO c" s']
and X and Z and AA by force
moreover assume "flow cfs⇩2 = flow cfs' @ flow cfs''"
moreover {
fix x
assume AE: "s⇩1 = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs' @ flow cfs'') s⇩1 x)"
moreover have "sources_aux (flow cfs') s⇩1 x ⊆
sources_aux (flow cfs' @ flow cfs'') s⇩1 x"
by (rule sources_aux_append)
ultimately have "(c', t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2)"
using AB by blast
hence "(c';; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (SKIP;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩2)"
by (rule star_seq2)
hence "(c';; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (WHILE b DO c, t⇩2)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover have "run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 = t⇩2
(⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs'') (run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x)"
fix y
assume "y ∈ sources_aux (flow cfs'')
(run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x"
hence "sources (flow cfs') s⇩1 y ⊆
sources_aux (flow cfs' @ flow cfs'') s⇩1 x"
by (rule sources_aux_member)
thus "run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 y = t⇩2 y"
using AB and AE by blast
hence "(WHILE b DO c, t⇩2) →* (c⇩2', t⇩3) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)"
using AD by simp
ultimately have "(c';; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩3) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover {
fix x
assume AE: "s⇩1 = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (flow cfs' @ flow cfs'') s⇩1 x)"
have "run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 = t⇩2
(⊆ sources (flow cfs'') (run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x)"
fix y
assume "y ∈ sources (flow cfs'')
(run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x"
hence "sources (flow cfs') s⇩1 y ⊆
sources (flow cfs' @ flow cfs'') s⇩1 x"
by (rule sources_member)
thus "run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 y = t⇩2 y"
using AB and AE by blast
hence "run_flow (flow cfs'')
(run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x = t⇩3 x"
using AD by simp
ultimately have ?thesis
by (metis U AA AC)
ultimately have ?thesis
by blast
moreover {
fix s' cfs cfs'
"length cfs' < length (tl2 cfs⇩1)" and
"(c, s) →*{cfs} (SKIP, s')" and
"(WHILE b DO c, s') →*{cfs'} (c⇩1, s⇩1)"
moreover from this have "(c, s) ⇒ s'"
by (auto dest: small_stepsl_steps simp: big_iff_small)
hence "s' ∈ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
using M and R by blast
ultimately have ?thesis
using K [of "cfs' @ cfs⇩2" cfs' cfs⇩2 s' c⇩1 s⇩1] and J by force
ultimately show ?thesis
by blast
assume "(SKIP, s) →*{tl2 cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1)"
hence "(c⇩1, s⇩1) = (SKIP, s)"
by (blast dest: small_stepsl_skip)
moreover from this have "(c⇩2, s⇩2) = (SKIP, s) ∧ flow cfs⇩2 = []"
using J by (blast dest: small_stepsl_skip)
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
moreover {
fix r t⇩1
assume O: "r ∈ C" and P: "s = r (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
have Q: "∀x. ∀y ∈ bvars b. s: dom y ↝ dom x"
proof (cases "state ⊆ Y")
case True
with P have "interf s = interf r"
by (blast intro: interf_state)
with N and O show ?thesis
by (erule_tac conjE, drule_tac bspec,
auto simp: univ_states_if_def)
case False
with N and O show ?thesis
by (erule_tac conjE, drule_tac bspec,
auto simp: univ_states_if_def)
have "(c⇩1, s⇩1) = (WHILE b DO c, s) ∨
(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) →*{tl cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1)"
using I by (blast dest: small_stepsl_while)
hence "∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)"
assume R: "(c⇩1, s⇩1) = (WHILE b DO c, s)"
hence "(WHILE b DO c, s) →*{cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)"
using J by simp
"(c⇩2, s⇩2) = (WHILE b DO c, s) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = [] ∨
(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) →*{tl cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = flow (tl cfs⇩2)"
(is "?P ∨ ?Q ∧ ?R")
by (rule small_stepsl_while)
thus ?thesis
proof (rule disjE, erule_tac [2] conjE)
assume ?P
with R show ?thesis
by auto
assume ?Q and ?R
"(c⇩2, s⇩2) = (IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) ∧
flow (tl cfs⇩2) = [] ∨
bval b s ∧ (c;; WHILE b DO c, s) →*{tl2 cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ∧
flow (tl cfs⇩2) = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl2 cfs⇩2) ∨
¬ bval b s ∧ (SKIP, s) →*{tl2 cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ∧
flow (tl cfs⇩2) = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl2 cfs⇩2)"
using `?Q` by (rule small_stepsl_if)
thus ?thesis
proof (erule_tac disjE, erule_tac [2] disjE, (erule_tac [2-3] conjE)+)
assume "(c⇩2, s⇩2) = (IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) ∧
flow (tl cfs⇩2) = []"
with R and `?R` show ?thesis
by auto
assume S: "bval b s"
with F and O and P have T: "s ∈ Univ B⇩1' (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
by (drule_tac btyping2_approx [where s = s], auto)
assume U: "(c;; WHILE b DO c, s) →*{tl2 cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)"
"(∃c' cfs. c⇩2 = c';; WHILE b DO c ∧
(c, s) →*{cfs} (c', s⇩2) ∧
flow (tl2 cfs⇩2) = flow cfs) ∨
(∃s' cfs cfs'. length cfs' < length (tl2 cfs⇩2) ∧
(c, s) →*{cfs} (SKIP, s') ∧
(WHILE b DO c, s') →*{cfs'} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ∧
flow (tl2 cfs⇩2) = flow cfs @ flow cfs')"
by (rule small_stepsl_seq)
moreover assume "flow (tl cfs⇩2) = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl2 cfs⇩2)"
moreover have "s⇩2 = run_flow (flow (tl2 cfs⇩2)) s"
using U by (rule small_stepsl_run_flow)
moreover {
fix c' cfs
assume "(c, s) →*{cfs} (c', run_flow (flow cfs) s)"
then obtain c⇩2' and t⇩2 where V: "∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs) s x) ⟶
(c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs) s x = t⇩2 x)"
using B [of B⇩1 C B⇩1' D' s "[]" c s cfs c'
"run_flow (flow cfs) s"] and N and T by force
fix x
assume W: "s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs) s x)"
moreover have "sources_aux (flow cfs) s x ⊆
sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # (flow cfs)) s x"
by (rule sources_aux_observe_tl)
ultimately have "(c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2)"
using V by blast
hence "(c;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2';; WHILE b DO c, t⇩2)"
by (rule star_seq2)
moreover have "s = t⇩1 (⊆ bvars b)"
using Q and W by (blast dest: sources_aux_observe_hd)
hence "bval b t⇩1"
using S by (blast dest: bvars_bval)
hence "(WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (c;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
ultimately have "(WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →*
(c⇩2';; WHILE b DO c, t⇩2) ∧ c⇩2';; WHILE b DO c ≠ SKIP"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover {
fix x
assume "s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs) s x)"
moreover have "sources (flow cfs) s x ⊆
sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # (flow cfs)) s x"
by (rule sources_observe_tl)
ultimately have "run_flow (flow cfs) s x = t⇩2 x"
using V by blast
ultimately have "∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs) s x) ⟶
(WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ c⇩2' ≠ SKIP) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs) s x = t⇩2 x)"
by blast
moreover {
fix s' cfs cfs'
V: "length cfs' < length cfs⇩2 - Suc (Suc 0)" and
W: "(c, s) →*{cfs} (SKIP, s')" and
X: "(WHILE b DO c, s') →*{cfs'}
(c⇩2, run_flow (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s))"
then obtain c⇩2' and t⇩2 where "∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs) s x) ⟶
(c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (SKIP = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs) s x) ⟶ s' x = t⇩2 x)"
using B [of B⇩1 C B⇩1' D' s "[]" c s cfs SKIP s']
and N and T by force
moreover have Y: "s' = run_flow (flow cfs) s"
using W by (rule small_stepsl_run_flow)
ultimately have Z: "∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs) s x) ⟶
(c, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2)) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs) s x = t⇩2 x)"
by blast
assume "s⇩2 = run_flow (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s)"
moreover have "(c, s) ⇒ s'"
using W by (auto dest: small_stepsl_steps simp: big_iff_small)
hence "s' ∈ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
using M and S by blast
ultimately obtain c⇩3' and t⇩3 where AA: "∀x.
(run_flow (flow cfs) s = t⇩2
(⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x) ⟶
(WHILE b DO c, t⇩2) →* (c⇩3', t⇩3) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩3' = SKIP)) ∧
(run_flow (flow cfs) s = t⇩2
(⊆ sources (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x = t⇩3 x)"
using K [of cfs' "[]" cfs' s' "WHILE b DO c" s']
and V and X and Y by force
fix x
assume AB: "s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x)"
moreover have "sources_aux (flow cfs) s x ⊆
sources_aux (flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by (rule sources_aux_append)
moreover have AC: "sources_aux (flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x ⊆
sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by (rule sources_aux_observe_tl)
ultimately have "(c, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2)"
using Z by blast
hence "(c;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (SKIP;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩2)"
by (rule star_seq2)
moreover have "s = t⇩1 (⊆ bvars b)"
using Q and AB by (blast dest: sources_aux_observe_hd)
hence "bval b t⇩1"
using S by (blast dest: bvars_bval)
hence "(WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (c;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
ultimately have "(WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (WHILE b DO c, t⇩2)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover have "run_flow (flow cfs) s = t⇩2
(⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x)"
fix y
assume "y ∈ sources_aux (flow cfs')
(run_flow (flow cfs) s) x"
hence "sources (flow cfs) s y ⊆
sources_aux (flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by (rule sources_aux_member)
hence "sources (flow cfs) s y ⊆
sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
using AC by simp
thus "run_flow (flow cfs) s y = t⇩2 y"
using Z and AB by blast
hence "(WHILE b DO c, t⇩2) →* (c⇩3', t⇩3) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩3' = SKIP)"
using AA by simp
ultimately have "(WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩3', t⇩3) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩3' = SKIP)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover {
fix x
assume AB: "s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x)"
have "run_flow (flow cfs) s = t⇩2
(⊆ sources (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x)"
fix y
assume "y ∈ sources (flow cfs')
(run_flow (flow cfs) s) x"
hence "sources (flow cfs) s y ⊆
sources (flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by (rule sources_member)
moreover have "sources (flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x ⊆
sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by (rule sources_observe_tl)
ultimately have "sources (flow cfs) s y ⊆
sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by simp
thus "run_flow (flow cfs) s y = t⇩2 y"
using Z and AB by blast
hence "run_flow (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x = t⇩3 x"
using AA by simp
ultimately have "∃c⇩3' t⇩3. ∀x.
(s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x) ⟶
(WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩3', t⇩3) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩3' = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x = t⇩3 x)"
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using R and `?R` by (auto simp: run_flow_append)
S: "¬ bval b s" and
T: "flow (tl cfs⇩2) = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl2 cfs⇩2)"
assume "(SKIP, s) →*{tl2 cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)"
hence U: "(c⇩2, s⇩2) = (SKIP, s) ∧ flow (tl2 cfs⇩2) = []"
by (rule small_stepsl_skip)
show ?thesis
proof (rule exI [of _ SKIP], rule exI [of _ t⇩1])
fix x
have "(WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →
(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, t⇩1)" ..
moreover assume "s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux [⟨bvars b⟩] s x)"
hence "s = t⇩1 (⊆ bvars b)"
using Q by (blast dest: sources_aux_observe_hd)
hence "¬ bval b t⇩1"
using S by (blast dest: bvars_bval)
hence "(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, t⇩1) →
(SKIP, t⇩1)" ..
ultimately have "(WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩1)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover {
fix x
assume "s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources [⟨bvars b⟩] s x)"
hence "s x = t⇩1 x"
by (subst (asm) append_Nil [symmetric],
simp only: sources.simps, auto)
ultimately show "∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩1) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (SKIP = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩1 x)"
using R and T and U and `?R` by auto
assume "(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) →*{tl cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1)"
"(c⇩1, s⇩1) = (IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) ∧
flow (tl cfs⇩1) = [] ∨
bval b s ∧ (c;; WHILE b DO c, s) →*{tl2 cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1) ∧
flow (tl cfs⇩1) = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl2 cfs⇩1) ∨
¬ bval b s ∧ (SKIP, s) →*{tl2 cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1) ∧
flow (tl cfs⇩1) = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl2 cfs⇩1)"
by (rule small_stepsl_if)
thus ?thesis
proof (rule disjE, erule_tac [2] disjE, erule_tac conjE,
(erule_tac [2-3] conjE)+)
assume R: "(c⇩1, s⇩1) = (IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s)"
hence "(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) →*{cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)"
using J by simp
"(c⇩2, s⇩2) = (IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = [] ∨
bval b s ∧ (c;; WHILE b DO c, s) →*{tl cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2) ∨
¬ bval b s ∧ (SKIP, s) →*{tl cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)"
by (rule small_stepsl_if)
thus ?thesis
proof (erule_tac disjE, erule_tac [2] disjE, (erule_tac [2-3] conjE)+)
assume "(c⇩2, s⇩2) = (IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = []"
with R show ?thesis
by auto
assume S: "bval b s"
with F and O and P have T: "s ∈ Univ B⇩1' (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
by (drule_tac btyping2_approx [where s = s], auto)
assume U: "(c;; WHILE b DO c, s) →*{tl cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)"
"(∃c' cfs. c⇩2 = c';; WHILE b DO c ∧
(c, s) →*{cfs} (c', s⇩2) ∧
flow (tl cfs⇩2) = flow cfs) ∨
(∃s' cfs cfs'. length cfs' < length (tl cfs⇩2) ∧
(c, s) →*{cfs} (SKIP, s') ∧
(WHILE b DO c, s') →*{cfs'} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ∧
flow (tl cfs⇩2) = flow cfs @ flow cfs')"
by (rule small_stepsl_seq)
moreover assume "flow cfs⇩2 = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)"
moreover have "s⇩2 = run_flow (flow (tl cfs⇩2)) s"
using U by (rule small_stepsl_run_flow)
moreover {
fix c' cfs
assume "(c, s) →*{cfs} (c', run_flow (flow cfs) s)"
then obtain c⇩2' and t⇩2 where V: "∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs) s x) ⟶
(c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs) s x = t⇩2 x)"
using B [of B⇩1 C B⇩1' D' s "[]" c s cfs c'
"run_flow (flow cfs) s"] and N and T by force
fix x
assume W: "s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs) s x)"
moreover have "sources_aux (flow cfs) s x ⊆
sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # (flow cfs)) s x"
by (rule sources_aux_observe_tl)
ultimately have "(c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2)"
using V by blast
hence "(c;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2';; WHILE b DO c, t⇩2)"
by (rule star_seq2)
moreover have "s = t⇩1 (⊆ bvars b)"
using Q and W by (blast dest: sources_aux_observe_hd)
hence "bval b t⇩1"
using S by (blast dest: bvars_bval)
hence "(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, t⇩1) →
(c;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1)" ..
ultimately have
"(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, t⇩1) →*
(c⇩2';; WHILE b DO c, t⇩2) ∧ c⇩2';; WHILE b DO c ≠ SKIP"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover {
fix x
assume "s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs) s x)"
moreover have "sources (flow cfs) s x ⊆
sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # (flow cfs)) s x"
by (rule sources_observe_tl)
ultimately have "run_flow (flow cfs) s x = t⇩2 x"
using V by blast
ultimately have "∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs) s x) ⟶
(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧
c⇩2' ≠ SKIP) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs) s x = t⇩2 x)"
by blast
moreover {
fix s' cfs cfs'
V: "length cfs' < length cfs⇩2 - Suc 0" and
W: "(c, s) →*{cfs} (SKIP, s')" and
X: "(WHILE b DO c, s') →*{cfs'}
(c⇩2, run_flow (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s))"
then obtain c⇩2' and t⇩2 where "∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs) s x) ⟶
(c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (SKIP = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs) s x) ⟶ s' x = t⇩2 x)"
using B [of B⇩1 C B⇩1' D' s "[]" c s cfs SKIP s']
and N and T by force
moreover have Y: "s' = run_flow (flow cfs) s"
using W by (rule small_stepsl_run_flow)
ultimately have Z: "∀x.
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs) s x) ⟶
(c, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2)) ∧
(s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs) s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs) s x = t⇩2 x)"
by blast
assume "s⇩2 = run_flow (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s)"
moreover have "(c, s) ⇒ s'"
using W by (auto dest: small_stepsl_steps simp: big_iff_small)
hence "s' ∈ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
using M and S by blast
ultimately obtain c⇩3' and t⇩3 where AA: "∀x.
(run_flow (flow cfs) s = t⇩2
(⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x) ⟶
(WHILE b DO c, t⇩2) →* (c⇩3', t⇩3) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩3' = SKIP)) ∧
(run_flow (flow cfs) s = t⇩2
(⊆ sources (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x = t⇩3 x)"
using K [of cfs' "[]" cfs' s' "WHILE b DO c" s']
and V and X and Y by force
fix x
assume AB: "s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x)"
moreover have "sources_aux (flow cfs) s x ⊆
sources_aux (flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by (rule sources_aux_append)
moreover have AC: "sources_aux (flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x ⊆
sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by (rule sources_aux_observe_tl)
ultimately have "(c, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2)"
using Z by blast
hence "(c;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (SKIP;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩2)"
by (rule star_seq2)
moreover have "s = t⇩1 (⊆ bvars b)"
using Q and AB by (blast dest: sources_aux_observe_hd)
hence "bval b t⇩1"
using S by (blast dest: bvars_bval)
hence "(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, t⇩1) →
(c;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1)" ..
ultimately have "(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, t⇩1) →*
(WHILE b DO c, t⇩2)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover have "run_flow (flow cfs) s = t⇩2
(⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x)"
fix y
assume "y ∈ sources_aux (flow cfs')
(run_flow (flow cfs) s) x"
hence "sources (flow cfs) s y ⊆
sources_aux (flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by (rule sources_aux_member)
hence "sources (flow cfs) s y ⊆
sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
using AC by simp
thus "run_flow (flow cfs) s y = t⇩2 y"
using Z and AB by blast
hence "(WHILE b DO c, t⇩2) →* (c⇩3', t⇩3) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩3' = SKIP)"
using AA by simp
ultimately have
"(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, t⇩1) →*
(c⇩3', t⇩3) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩3' = SKIP)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover {
fix x
assume AB: "s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x)"
have "run_flow (flow cfs) s = t⇩2
(⊆ sources (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x)"
fix y
assume "y ∈ sources (flow cfs')
(run_flow (flow cfs) s) x"
hence "sources (flow cfs) s y ⊆
sources (flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by (rule sources_member)
moreover have "sources (flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x ⊆
sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by (rule sources_observe_tl)
ultimately have "sources (flow cfs) s y ⊆
sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x"
by simp
thus "run_flow (flow cfs) s y = t⇩2 y"
using Z and AB by blast
hence "run_flow (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x = t⇩3 x"
using AA by simp
ultimately have "∃c⇩3' t⇩3. ∀x.
(s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x) ⟶
(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, t⇩1) →* (c⇩3', t⇩3) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩3' = SKIP)) ∧
(s = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (⟨bvars b⟩ # flow cfs @ flow cfs') s x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs') (run_flow (flow cfs) s) x = t⇩3 x)"
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using R by (auto simp: run_flow_append)
S: "¬ bval b s" and
T: "flow cfs⇩2 = ⟨bvars b⟩ # flow (tl cfs⇩2)"
assume "(SKIP, s) →*{tl cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)"
hence U: "(c⇩2, s⇩2) = (SKIP, s) ∧ flow (tl cfs⇩2) = []"
by (rule small_stepsl_skip)
show ?thesis
proof (rule exI [of _ SKIP], rule exI [of _ t⇩1])
fix x
assume "s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux [⟨bvars b⟩] s x)"
hence "s = t⇩1 (⊆ bvars b)"
using Q by (blast dest: sources_aux_observe_hd)
hence "¬ bval b t⇩1"
using S by (blast dest: bvars_bval)
hence "(IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, t⇩1) →
(SKIP, t⇩1)" ..
moreover {
fix x
assume "s = t⇩1 (⊆ sources [⟨bvars b⟩] s x)"
hence "s x = t⇩1 x"
by (subst (asm) append_Nil [symmetric],
simp only: sources.simps, auto)
ultimately show "∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩1) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (SKIP = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩1 x)"
using R and T and U by auto
assume R: "bval b s"
with F and O and P have S: "s ∈ Univ B⇩1' (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
by (drule_tac btyping2_approx [where s = s], auto)
assume "(c;; WHILE b DO c, s) →*{tl2 cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1)"
"(∃c' cfs'. c⇩1 = c';; WHILE b DO c ∧
(c, s) →*{cfs'} (c', s⇩1) ∧
flow (tl2 cfs⇩1) = flow cfs') ∨
(∃s' cfs' cfs''. length cfs'' < length (tl2 cfs⇩1) ∧
(c, s) →*{cfs'} (SKIP, s') ∧
(WHILE b DO c, s') →*{cfs''} (c⇩1, s⇩1) ∧
flow (tl2 cfs⇩1) = flow cfs' @ flow cfs'')"
by (rule small_stepsl_seq)
moreover {
fix c' cfs
T: "(c, s) →*{cfs} (c', s⇩1)" and
U: "c⇩1 = c';; WHILE b DO c"
hence V: "(c';; WHILE b DO c, s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)"
using J by simp
hence W: "s⇩2 = run_flow (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1"
by (rule small_stepsl_run_flow)
"(∃c'' cfs'. c⇩2 = c'';; WHILE b DO c ∧
(c', s⇩1) →*{cfs'} (c'', s⇩2) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = flow cfs') ∨
(∃s' cfs' cfs''. length cfs'' < length cfs⇩2 ∧
(c', s⇩1) →*{cfs'} (SKIP, s') ∧
(WHILE b DO c, s') →*{cfs''} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ∧
flow cfs⇩2 = flow cfs' @ flow cfs'')"
using V by (rule small_stepsl_seq)
moreover {
fix c'' cfs'
assume "(c', s⇩1) →*{cfs'} (c'', s⇩2)"
then obtain c⇩2' and t⇩2 where X: "∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c', t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x = t⇩2 x)"
using B [of B⇩1 C B⇩1' D' s cfs c' s⇩1 cfs' c''
"run_flow (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1"] and N and S and T and W by force
Y: "c⇩2 = c'';; WHILE b DO c" and
Z: "flow cfs⇩2 = flow cfs'"
have ?thesis
proof (rule exI [of _ "c⇩2';; WHILE b DO c"], rule exI [of _ t⇩2])
from U and W and X and Y and Z show "∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2';; WHILE b DO c, t⇩2) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2';; WHILE b DO c = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)"
by (auto intro: star_seq2)
moreover {
fix s' cfs' cfs''
X: "length cfs'' < length cfs⇩2" and
Y: "(c', s⇩1) →*{cfs'} (SKIP, s')" and
Z: "(WHILE b DO c, s') →*{cfs''} (c⇩2, s⇩2)"
then obtain c⇩2' and t⇩2 where "∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c', t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (SKIP = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶ s' x = t⇩2 x)"
using B [of B⇩1 C B⇩1' D' s cfs c' s⇩1 cfs' SKIP s']
and N and S and T by force
moreover have AA: "s' = run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1"
using Y by (rule small_stepsl_run_flow)
ultimately have AB: "∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c', t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs') s⇩1 x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 x = t⇩2 x)"
by blast
have AC: "s⇩2 = run_flow (flow cfs'') s'"
using Z by (rule small_stepsl_run_flow)
moreover have "(c, s) →*{cfs @ cfs'} (SKIP, s')"
using T and Y by (simp add: small_stepsl_append)
hence "(c, s) ⇒ s'"
by (auto dest: small_stepsl_steps simp: big_iff_small)
hence "s' ∈ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
using M and R by blast
ultimately obtain c⇩2' and t⇩3 where AD: "∀x.
(run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 = t⇩2
(⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs'') (run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x) ⟶
(WHILE b DO c, t⇩2) →* (c⇩2', t⇩3) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 = t⇩2
(⊆ sources (flow cfs'') (run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x) ⟶
run_flow (flow cfs'') (run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x = t⇩3 x)"
using K [of cfs'' "[]" cfs'' s' "WHILE b DO c" s']
and X and Z and AA by force
moreover assume "flow cfs⇩2 = flow cfs' @ flow cfs''"
moreover {
fix x
assume AE: "s⇩1 = t⇩1
(⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs' @ flow cfs'') s⇩1 x)"
moreover have "sources_aux (flow cfs') s⇩1 x ⊆
sources_aux (flow cfs' @ flow cfs'') s⇩1 x"
by (rule sources_aux_append)
ultimately have "(c', t⇩1) →* (SKIP, t⇩2)"
using AB by blast
hence "(c';; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (SKIP;; WHILE b DO c, t⇩2)"
by (rule star_seq2)
hence "(c';; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (WHILE b DO c, t⇩2)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover have "run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 = t⇩2
(⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs'') (run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x)"
fix y
assume "y ∈ sources_aux (flow cfs'')
(run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x"
hence "sources (flow cfs') s⇩1 y ⊆
sources_aux (flow cfs' @ flow cfs'') s⇩1 x"
by (rule sources_aux_member)
thus "run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 y = t⇩2 y"
using AB and AE by blast
hence "(WHILE b DO c, t⇩2) →* (c⇩2', t⇩3) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)"
using AD by simp
ultimately have "(c';; WHILE b DO c, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩3) ∧
(c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)"
by (blast intro: star_trans)
moreover {
fix x
assume AE: "s⇩1 = t⇩1
(⊆ sources (flow cfs' @ flow cfs'') s⇩1 x)"
have "run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 = t⇩2
(⊆ sources (flow cfs'') (run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x)"
fix y
assume "y ∈ sources (flow cfs'')
(run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x"
hence "sources (flow cfs') s⇩1 y ⊆
sources (flow cfs' @ flow cfs'') s⇩1 x"
by (rule sources_member)
thus "run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1 y = t⇩2 y"
using AB and AE by blast
hence "run_flow (flow cfs'')
(run_flow (flow cfs') s⇩1) x = t⇩3 x"
using AD by simp
ultimately have ?thesis
by (metis U AA AC)
ultimately have ?thesis
by blast
moreover {
fix s' cfs cfs'
"length cfs' < length (tl2 cfs⇩1)" and
"(c, s) →*{cfs} (SKIP, s')" and
"(WHILE b DO c, s') →*{cfs'} (c⇩1, s⇩1)"
moreover from this have "(c, s) ⇒ s'"
by (auto dest: small_stepsl_steps simp: big_iff_small)
hence "s' ∈ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
using M and R by blast
ultimately have ?thesis
using K [of "cfs' @ cfs⇩2" cfs' cfs⇩2 s' c⇩1 s⇩1] and J by force
ultimately show ?thesis
by blast
assume "(SKIP, s) →*{tl2 cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1)"
hence "(c⇩1, s⇩1) = (SKIP, s)"
by (blast dest: small_stepsl_skip)
moreover from this have "(c⇩2, s⇩2) = (SKIP, s) ∧ flow cfs⇩2 = []"
using J by (blast dest: small_stepsl_skip)
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
ultimately show
"(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
(∀x. (∃(B, Y) ∈ U. ∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ Y. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x)"
using L by auto
lemma ctyping2_correct_aux:
"⟦(U, v) ⊨ c (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Y); s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X);
(c, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1); (c⇩1, s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)⟧ ⟹
ok_flow_aux U c⇩1 c⇩2 s⇩1 s⇩2 (flow cfs⇩2)"
proof (induction "(U, v)" c A X arbitrary: B Y U v s c⇩1 c⇩2 s⇩1 s⇩2 cfs⇩1 cfs⇩2
rule: ctyping2.induct)
fix A X C Z U v c⇩1 c⇩2 c' c'' s s⇩1 s⇩2 cfs⇩1 cfs⇩2
"⟦⋀B Y s c' c'' s⇩1 s⇩2 cfs⇩1 cfs⇩2.
(U, v) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Y) ⟹
s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹
(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c', s⇩1) ⟹
(c', s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c'', s⇩2) ⟹
(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c', t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
(∀x. (∃(B, W) ∈ U. ∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x);
⋀p B Y C Z s c' c'' s⇩1 s⇩2 cfs⇩1 cfs⇩2.
(U, v) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some p ⟹
(B, Y) = p ⟹
(U, v) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B, Y) = Some (C, Z) ⟹
s ∈ Univ B (⊆ state ∩ Y) ⟹
(c⇩2, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c', s⇩1) ⟹
(c', s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c'', s⇩2) ⟹
(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2'' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c', t⇩1) →* (c⇩2'', t⇩2) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2'' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
(∀x. (∃(B, W) ∈ U. ∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x);
(U, v) ⊨ c⇩1;; c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C, Z);
s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X);
(c⇩1;; c⇩2, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c', s⇩1);
(c', s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c'', s⇩2)⟧ ⟹
(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c', t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
(∀x. (∃(B, W) ∈ U. ∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x)"
by (auto del: conjI split: option.split_asm,
rule ctyping2_correct_aux_seq)
fix A X C Y U v b c⇩1 c⇩2 c' c'' s s⇩1 s⇩2 cfs⇩1 cfs⇩2
"⟦⋀U' p B⇩1 B⇩2 C Y s c' c'' s⇩1 s⇩2 cfs⇩1 cfs⇩2.
(U', p) = (insert (Univ? A X, bvars b) U, ⊨ b (⊆ A, X)) ⟹
(B⇩1, B⇩2) = p ⟹
(U', v) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ B⇩1, X) = Some (C, Y) ⟹
s ∈ Univ B⇩1 (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹
(c⇩1, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c', s⇩1) ⟹
(c', s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c'', s⇩2) ⟹
(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c', t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
(∀x. (∃(B, W) ∈ U'. ∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x);
⋀U' p B⇩1 B⇩2 C Y s c' c'' s⇩1 s⇩2 cfs⇩1 cfs⇩2.
(U', p) = (insert (Univ? A X, bvars b) U, ⊨ b (⊆ A, X)) ⟹
(B⇩1, B⇩2) = p ⟹
(U', v) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B⇩2, X) = Some (C, Y) ⟹
s ∈ Univ B⇩2 (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹
(c⇩2, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c', s⇩1) ⟹
(c', s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c'', s⇩2) ⟹
(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2'' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c', t⇩1) →* (c⇩2'', t⇩2) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2'' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
(∀x. (∃(B, W) ∈ U'. ∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x);
(U, v) ⊨ IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C, Y);
s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X);
(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c', s⇩1);
(c', s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c'', s⇩2)⟧ ⟹
(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c', t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c'' = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
(∀x. (∃(B, W) ∈ U. ∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x)"
by (auto del: conjI split: option.split_asm prod.split_asm,
rule ctyping2_correct_aux_if)
fix A X B Y U v b c c⇩1 c⇩2 s s⇩1 s⇩2 cfs⇩1 cfs⇩2
"⟦⋀B⇩1 B⇩2 C Y B⇩1' B⇩2' D Z s c⇩1 c⇩2 s⇩1 s⇩2 cfs⇩1 cfs⇩2.
(B⇩1, B⇩2) = ⊨ b (⊆ A, X) ⟹
(C, Y) = ⊢ c (⊆ B⇩1, X) ⟹
(B⇩1', B⇩2') = ⊨ b (⊆ C, Y) ⟹
∀(B, W) ∈ insert (Univ? A X ∪ Univ? C Y, bvars b) U.
B: dom ` W ↝ UNIV ⟹
({}, False) ⊨ c (⊆ B⇩1, X) = Some (D, Z) ⟹
s ∈ Univ B⇩1 (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹
(c, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1) ⟹
(c⇩1, s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ⟹
(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀B⇩1.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 B⇩1) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 B⇩1) ⟶ s⇩2 B⇩1 = t⇩2 B⇩1)) ∧
(∀x. (∃(B, W) ∈ {}. ∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x);
⋀B⇩1 B⇩2 C Y B⇩1' B⇩2' D' Z' s c⇩1 c⇩2 s⇩1 s⇩2 cfs⇩1 cfs⇩2.
(B⇩1, B⇩2) = ⊨ b (⊆ A, X) ⟹
(C, Y) = ⊢ c (⊆ B⇩1, X) ⟹
(B⇩1', B⇩2') = ⊨ b (⊆ C, Y) ⟹
∀(B, W) ∈ insert (Univ? A X ∪ Univ? C Y, bvars b) U.
B: dom ` W ↝ UNIV ⟹
({}, False) ⊨ c (⊆ B⇩1', Y) = Some (D', Z') ⟹
s ∈ Univ B⇩1' (⊆ state ∩ Y) ⟹
(c, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1) ⟹
(c⇩1, s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2) ⟹
(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀B⇩1.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 B⇩1) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 B⇩1) ⟶ s⇩2 B⇩1 = t⇩2 B⇩1)) ∧
(∀x. (∃(B, W) ∈ {}. ∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x);
(U, v) ⊨ WHILE b DO c (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Y);
s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X);
(WHILE b DO c, s) →*{cfs⇩1} (c⇩1, s⇩1);
(c⇩1, s⇩1) →*{cfs⇩2} (c⇩2, s⇩2)⟧ ⟹
(∀t⇩1. ∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs⇩2) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)) ∧
(∀x. (∃(B, W) ∈ U. ∃s ∈ B. ∃y ∈ W. ¬ s: dom y ↝ dom x) ⟶
no_upd (flow cfs⇩2) x)"
by (auto del: conjI split: option.split_asm prod.split_asm,
rule ctyping2_correct_aux_while, assumption+, blast)
qed (auto del: conjI split: prod.split_asm)
theorem ctyping2_correct:
assumes A: "(U, v) ⊨ c (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Y)"
shows "correct c A X"
proof -
fix c⇩1 c⇩2 s⇩1 s⇩2 cfs t⇩1
assume "ok_flow_aux U c⇩1 c⇩2 s⇩1 s⇩2 (flow cfs)"
then obtain c⇩2' and t⇩2 where A: "∀x.
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP)) ∧
(s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs) s⇩1 x) ⟶ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x)"
by blast
have "∃c⇩2' t⇩2. ∀x. s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP) ∧ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x"
proof (rule exI [of _ c⇩2'], rule exI [of _ t⇩2])
have "∀x. s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs) s⇩1 x) ⟶
s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs) s⇩1 x)"
proof (rule allI, rule impI)
fix x
assume "s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs) s⇩1 x)"
moreover have "sources_aux (flow cfs) s⇩1 x ⊆
sources (flow cfs) s⇩1 x"
by (rule sources_aux_sources)
ultimately show "s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources_aux (flow cfs) s⇩1 x)"
by blast
with A show "∀x. s⇩1 = t⇩1 (⊆ sources (flow cfs) s⇩1 x) ⟶
(c⇩1, t⇩1) →* (c⇩2', t⇩2) ∧ (c⇩2 = SKIP) = (c⇩2' = SKIP) ∧ s⇩2 x = t⇩2 x"
by auto
with A show ?thesis
by (clarsimp dest!: small_steps_stepsl simp: correct_def,
drule_tac ctyping2_correct_aux, auto)