Theory IMP2_Aux_Lemmas

section ‹Auxiliary Lemma Library›  
theory IMP2_Aux_Lemmas
imports "HOL-Library.Multiset" "HOL-Library.Rewrite"

text ‹This library contains auxiliary lemmas, which are useful for proving 
  various VCs.

subsection ‹Termination Proofs›

― ‹Useful lemma to show well-foundedness of some process approaching a finite upper bound›
lemma wf_bounded_supset: "finite S  wf {(Q',Q). Q'Q  Q' S}"
proof -
  assume [simp]: "finite S"
  hence [simp]: "!!x. finite (S-x)" by auto
  have "{(Q',Q). QQ'  Q' S}  inv_image ({(s'::nat,s). s'<s}) (λQ. card (S-Q))"
  proof (intro subsetI, case_tac x, simp)
    fix a b
    assume A: "ba  aS"
    hence "S-a  S-b" by blast
    thus "card (S-a) < card (S-b)" by (auto simp add: psubset_card_mono)
  moreover have "wf ({(s'::nat,s). s'<s})" by (rule wf_less)
  ultimately show ?thesis by (blast intro: wf_subset)

text ‹Well-founded relation to approximate a finite set from below›
definition "finite_psupset S  { (Q',Q). QQ'  Q'  S }"
lemma finite_psupset_wf[simp, intro]: "finite S  wf (finite_psupset S)"
  unfolding finite_psupset_def by (blast intro: wf_bounded_supset)

subsection ‹Conversion between nat› and int›

lemmas nat_distribs = nat_add_distrib nat_diff_distrib Suc_diff_le nat_mult_distrib nat_div_distrib

subsection ‹Interval Sets›

lemma intvs_singleton[simp]: 
  "{i::int..<i + 1} = {i}" 
  "{i-1..<i::int} = {i-1}" 
  by auto

lemma intvs_incr_h:
  "lh  {l::int..<h + 1} = insert h {l..<h}"
  by auto

lemma intvs_decr_h:
  "{l::int..<h - 1} = {l..<h} - {h-1}"
  by auto
lemma intvs_incr_l:
  "{l+1..<h::int} = {l..<h} - {l}"
  by auto

lemma intvs_decr_l:
  "lh  {l-1..<h::int} = insert (l-1) {l..<h}"
  by auto
lemma intvs_ii_incdec:
  fixes l h :: int
  shows "lh+1  {l..h+1} = insert (h+1) {l..h}"  
    and "l-1h  {l-1..h} = insert (l-1) {l..h}"  
    and "{l+1..h} = {l..h} - {l}"
    and "{l..h-1} = {l..h} - {h}"
  by auto
lemmas intvs_ie_incdec = intvs_incr_h intvs_incr_l intvs_decr_h intvs_decr_l
(* TODO: Add lemmas for ei, ee *)
lemmas intvs_incdec = intvs_ie_incdec intvs_ii_incdec

lemma intvs_lower_incr: "l<h  {l::int..<h} = insert l ({l+1..<h})" by auto
lemma intvs_upper_decr: "l<h  {l::int..<h} = insert (h-1) ({l..<h-1})" by auto

subsubsection ‹Induction on Intervals›

function intv_fwd_induct_scheme :: "int  int  unit" where
  "intv_fwd_induct_scheme l h = (if l<h then intv_fwd_induct_scheme (l+1) h else ())"
  by pat_completeness auto
termination apply (relation "measure (λ(l,h). nat (h-l))") by auto 
lemmas intv_induct = intv_fwd_induct_scheme.induct[case_names incr]

function intv_bwd_induct_scheme :: "int  int  unit" where
  "intv_bwd_induct_scheme l h = (if l<h then intv_bwd_induct_scheme l (h-1) else ())"
  by pat_completeness auto
termination apply (relation "measure (λ(l,h). nat (h-l))") by auto 
lemmas intv_bwd_induct = intv_bwd_induct_scheme.induct[case_names decr]

subsection ‹Multiset Lemmas›

lemma image_mset_subst_outside: "x∉#s  image_mset (f(x:=y)) s = image_mset f s"
  by (induction s) auto
lemma image_mset_set_subst_inside:
  assumes "finite S"
  assumes "iS"
  shows "image_mset (f(i:=x)) (mset_set S) = image_mset f (mset_set S) + {#x#} - {#f i#} "
  using assms  
  by (induction rule: finite_induct) (auto simp: image_mset_subst_outside)

lemma image_mset_eq_imp_set_eq: 
  assumes "image_mset f s = image_mset g s"  
  shows "f`(set_mset s) = g`set_mset s"
  using assms
  by (metis set_image_mset)
subsection ‹Equal on Set›
definition eq_on :: "('a  'b)  ('a  'b)  'a set  bool" ("_ = _ on _" [50,50,50] 50)
  where "s=t on X  (xX. s x = t x)"
lemma eq_on_subst_same: 
  "xX  s(x:=v) = t on X  t x = v  s=t on (X-{x})"  
  "xX  s = t(x:=v) on X  s x = v  s=t on (X-{x})"  
  by (auto simp: eq_on_def)
lemma eq_on_subst_other[simp]: 
  "xX  s(x:=v) = t on X  s=t on X"
  "xX  s = t(x:=v) on X  s=t on X"
  by (auto simp: eq_on_def)
lemma eq_on_refl[simp]: "s = s on X"  
  by (auto simp: eq_on_def)

lemma eq_on_sym[sym]: "s=t on X  t=s on X"  
  by (auto simp: eq_on_def)

lemma eq_on_trans[trans]: "r=s on X  s=t on X  r=t on X"  
  by (auto simp: eq_on_def)

lemma eq_on_trans'[trans]: "r=s on X  s=t on X'  r=t on (XX')"  
  by (auto simp: eq_on_def)
lemma eq_onD: "r = s on X  xX  r x = s x"  
  by (auto simp: eq_on_def)
lemma eq_on_xfer_pointwise: "a=a' on r'; rr'  (ir. P (a i))  (ir. P (a' i))"  
  by (auto simp: eq_on_def subset_iff)
subsection ‹Arrays›  
subsubsection ‹Sortedness›
text ‹Sortedness as monotonicity property›
definition ran_sorted :: "(int  int)  int  int  bool" where
  "ran_sorted a l h  i{l..<h}. j{l..<h}. ij  a i  a j"

text ‹Alternative definition›  
lemma ran_sorted_alt: "ran_sorted a l h = ( i j. li  i<j  j<h  a i  a j)" 
  unfolding ran_sorted_def 
  by auto (metis dual_order.order_iff_strict)
lemma ran_sorted_empty[simp]: "ran_sorted a l l"  
  by (auto simp: ran_sorted_def)
lemma ran_sorted_singleton[simp]: "ran_sorted a l (l+1)"  
  by (auto simp: ran_sorted_def)

lemma eq_on_xfer_ran_sorted: " a=a' on r'; {l..<h}  r'   ran_sorted a l h  ran_sorted a' l h"
  unfolding ran_sorted_alt eq_on_def by (auto simp: subset_iff)
lemma combine_sorted_pivot:
  assumes "li" "i<h"
  assumes "ran_sorted a l i"
  assumes "ran_sorted a (i+1) h"
  assumes "k{l..<i}. a k < a i"
  assumes "k{i+1..<h}. a k  a i"
  shows "ran_sorted a l h"
  using assms unfolding ran_sorted_def Ball_def
  by clarsimp smt
subsubsection ‹Multiset of Ranges in Arrays›  
definition mset_ran :: "(int  'a)  int set  'a multiset"
  where "mset_ran a r  image_mset a (mset_set r)"

lemma mset_ran_infinite[simp]: "infinite r  mset_ran a r = {#}"  
  by (auto simp: mset_ran_def)
lemma mset_ran_by_sum: "mset_ran a r = (ir. {#a i#})"
proof (cases "finite r")
  case True thus ?thesis
    apply (induction r)
     apply (auto simp: mset_ran_def)
qed simp    

lemma mset_ran_mem[simp, intro]: "finite r  ir  a i ∈# mset_ran a r"
  by (auto simp: mset_ran_def)

lemma mset_ran_empty[simp]: 
  "mset_ran a {} = {#}"  
  by (auto simp: mset_ran_def)
lemma mset_ran_empty_iff[simp]: 
  "finite r  mset_ran a r = {#}  r={}"
  by (auto simp: mset_ran_def mset_set_empty_iff)

lemma mset_ran_single[simp]: "mset_ran a {i} = {#a i#}"  
  by (auto simp: mset_ran_def)
lemma mset_ran_eq_single_conv: "mset_ran a r = {#x#}  (i. r={i}  x= a i)"  
  apply (cases "finite r")
   apply (auto simp: mset_ran_def)
  using finite_set_mset_mset_set msed_map_invR by force
lemma mset_ran_insert: "finite r; ir  mset_ran a (insert i r) = add_mset (a i) (mset_ran a r)"  
  by (auto simp: mset_ran_def) 
lemma mset_ran_subst_outside: "ir  mset_ran (a(i:=x)) r = mset_ran a r"  
  unfolding mset_ran_def by (cases "finite r") (auto simp: image_mset_subst_outside)

lemma mset_ran_subst_inside: "finite r  ir  mset_ran (a(i:=x)) r = mset_ran a r + {#x#} - {#a i#}"  
  unfolding mset_ran_def by (auto simp: image_mset_set_subst_inside)
lemma mset_ran_combine1: "finite r1; finite r2; r1r2={}  mset_ran a r1 + mset_ran a r2 = mset_ran a (r1r2)"
  by (auto simp: mset_ran_by_sum sum.union_disjoint[symmetric])

lemma mset_ran_combine2: "finite r; ir  add_mset (a i) (mset_ran a r) = mset_ran a (insert i r)"
  using mset_ran_combine1[of "{i}" r a]
  by auto
lemmas mset_ran_combine = mset_ran_combine1 mset_ran_combine2
lemma mset_ran_cong:  
  "a = b on r  mset_ran a r = mset_ran b r"
  apply (cases "finite r")
  by (auto simp: mset_ran_by_sum eq_on_def)
lemma mset_ran_shift:
  "inj_on f r  mset_ran (a o f) r = mset_ran a (f`r)"
  apply (auto simp: mset_ran_def)
  by (metis image_mset_mset_set multiset.map_comp)
lemma mset_ran_combine_eqs:
  assumes "mset_ran a r1 = mset_ran b r1"
  assumes "mset_ran a r2 = mset_ran b r2"
  assumes "r1r2 = {}"
  shows "mset_ran a (r1r2) = mset_ran b (r1r2)"
  apply (cases "finite r1"; cases "finite r2"; simp?)
  using assms(1,2)
  apply (simp add: mset_ran_combine1[OF _ _ assms(3), symmetric])
lemma mset_ran_combine_eq_diff:
  assumes "mset_ran a (r-I) = mset_ran a' (r-I)" 
  assumes "a=a' on I"  
  shows "mset_ran a r = mset_ran a' r"  
proof -
  have [simp]: "(r - I)  (r  I) = {}" by auto
  have [simp]: "r - I  r  I = r" by auto

  from assms(2) have "mset_ran a (r  I) = mset_ran a' (r  I)"
    by (auto simp: mset_ran_by_sum eq_on_def)
  from mset_ran_combine_eqs[OF assms(1) this] show ?thesis by auto

lemma mset_ran_eq_extend:
  assumes "mset_ran a r' = mset_ran a' r'"
  assumes "a = a' on r2"
  assumes "r-r'  r2"
  assumes "r'r"
  shows "mset_ran a r = mset_ran a' r"
proof -
  have [simp]: "r'  (r - r') = {}" "r'  r = r" using assms(4) by auto

  from assms(2,3) have "a=a' on r-r'" by (auto simp: eq_on_def)
  then have "mset_ran a (r-r') = mset_ran a' (r-r')"
    by (auto simp: mset_ran_by_sum eq_on_def)
  from mset_ran_combine_eqs[OF assms(1) this] show ?thesis by auto 
lemma mset_ran_xfer_pointwise:
  assumes "mset_ran a r = mset_ran a' r"
  assumes "finite r"
  shows "(ir. P (a i))  (ir. P (a' i))"
  using assms unfolding mset_ran_def 
  by (auto;force dest: image_mset_eq_imp_set_eq)

subsection ‹Swap›
definition "swap a i j  a(i:=a j, j:=a i)"

lemma mset_ran_swap: " ir; jr  
   mset_ran (swap a i j) r = mset_ran a r"
  by (cases "finite r") (auto simp: swap_def mset_ran_subst_inside)

subsection ‹Range of an Array as List›  
function (sequential) lran :: "(int  'a)  int  int  'a list" where
  "lran a l h = (if l<h then a l # lran a (l+1) h else [])"
  by pat_completeness auto
  by (relation "measure (λ(_,l,h). nat (h-l))") auto
declare lran.simps[simp del]  
text lran a l h› is the list [al,al+1,...,ah-1]›

subsubsection ‹Auxiliary Lemmas›

lemma lran_empty[simp]: 
  "lran a l l = []"
  "lran a l h = []  hl"
  by (subst lran.simps; auto)+

lemma lran_bwd_simp: "lran a l h = (if l<h then lran a l (h-1)@[a (h-1)] else [])"
  apply (induction a l h rule: lran.induct)
  apply (rewrite in " = _" lran.simps)
  apply (rewrite in "_ = " lran.simps)
  by (auto simp: less_le)
lemma length_lran[simp]: "length (lran a l h) = nat (h-l)"
  apply (induction a l h rule: lran.induct)
  apply (subst lran.simps)
  apply (auto)

lemma nth_lran[simp]: "int i < h-l  lran a l h ! i = a (l + int i)"
  apply (induction a l h arbitrary: i rule: lran.induct)
  apply (subst lran.simps)
  apply (auto simp: nth_Cons nth_tl algebra_simps split: nat.splits)

lemma lran_append1[simp]: "lh  lran a l (h + 1) = lran a l h @ [a h]"
  by (rewrite in " = _" lran_bwd_simp) auto

lemma lran_prepend1[simp]: "lh  lran a (l-1) h = a(l-1) # lran a l h"
  by (rewrite in " = _" lran.simps) auto
lemma lran_tail[simp]: "lran a (l+1) h = tl (lran a l h)"
  apply (rewrite in "_ = " lran.simps)
  apply auto
lemma lran_butlast[simp]: "lran a l (h-1) = butlast (lran a l h)"
  apply (rewrite in "_ = " lran_bwd_simp)
  apply auto
lemma hd_lran[simp]: "l<h  hd (lran a l h) = a l"  
  apply (subst lran.simps) by simp
lemma last_lran[simp]: "l<h  last (lran a l h) = a (h-1)"  
  apply (subst lran_bwd_simp) by simp

lemma lran_upd_outside[simp]:
  "i<l  lran (a(i:=x)) l h = lran a l h"
  "hi  lran (a(i:=x)) l h = lran a l h"
    apply (induction a l h rule: lran.induct)
    apply (rewrite in " = _" lran.simps)
    apply (rewrite in "_ = " lran.simps)
    by (auto)
    apply (induction a l h rule: lran.induct)
    apply (rewrite in " = _" lran.simps)
    apply (rewrite in "_ = " lran.simps)
    by (auto)

lemma lran_upd_inside: "i{l..<h}  lran (a(i:=x)) l h = (lran a l h)[nat (i-l) := x]"
  apply (rule nth_equalityI)
   apply (simp_all add: nth_list_update, linarith)

lemma tl_upd_at0[simp]: "tl (xs[0:=x]) = tl xs" by (cases xs) auto 

lemma lran_eq_iff: "lran a l h = lran a' l h  (i. li  i<h  a i = a' i)"  
  apply (induction a l h rule: lran.induct)
  apply (rewrite in " = _" lran.simps)
  apply (rewrite in "_ = " lran.simps)
  apply auto
  by (metis antisym_conv not_less zless_imp_add1_zle)
lemma set_lran: "set (lran a l h) = a`{l..<h}"  
  apply (induction a l h rule: lran.induct)
  apply (rewrite in " = _" lran.simps)
  apply auto
  by (metis atLeastLessThan_iff image_iff not_less not_less_iff_gr_or_eq zless_imp_add1_zle)
lemma mset_lran: "mset (lran a l h) = mset_ran a {l..<h}"
  apply (induction a l h rule: lran.induct)
  apply (rewrite in " = _" lran.simps)
  by (auto simp: intvs_lower_incr mset_ran_insert)
