Theory Hypergraph_Colourings

(* Theory: Hypergraph_Colourings.thy
   Author: Chelsea Edmonds *)

section ‹Hypergraph Colourings ›

theory Hypergraph_Colourings imports  "Card_Partitions.Card_Partitions"
"Hypergraph_Basics.Hypergraph_Variations" "HOL-Library.Extended_Real" 

subsection ‹Function and Number extras ›
lemma surj_PiE: 
  assumes "f  A E B"
  assumes "f ` A = B"
  assumes "b  B"
  obtains a where "a  A" and "f a = b"
  using assms(2) assms(3) by blast

lemma Stirling_gt_0: "n  k  k  0  Stirling n k > 0"
  apply (induct n k rule: Stirling.induct, simp_all) 
  using  Stirling_same Suc_lessI gr0I zero_neq_one by (metis Suc_leI) 

lemma card_partition_on_ne: 
  assumes "card A  n"  "n 0" 
  shows "{P. partition_on A P  card P = n}  {}"
proof -
  have "finite A" using assms
    using card_eq_0_iff by force 
  then have "card {P. partition_on A P  card P = n} > 0" 
    using card_partition_on Stirling_gt_0 assms by fastforce 
  thus ?thesis using card.empty
    by fastforce

lemma enat_lt_INF:
  fixes f :: "'a  enat"
  assumes "(INF x S. f x) < t"
  obtains x where "x  S" and "f x < t"
proof -
  from assms have "(INF x S. f x)  top"
    by fastforce
  then obtain y where " y  S" and "f y = (INF x  S . f x)" using enat_in_INF
    by metis
  thus ?thesis using assms
    by (simp add: that) 

subsection ‹Basic Definitions ›

context hypergraph

text ‹Edge colourings - using older partition approach ›
definition edge_colouring :: "('a hyp_edge  colour)  colour set  bool" where
"edge_colouring f C  partition_on_mset E {# {#h ∈# E . f h = c#} . c ∈# (mset_set C)#}"

(* An edge colouring where any two edges of the same colour must not share a vertex *)
definition proper_edge_colouring :: "('a hyp_edge  colour)  colour set  bool" where
"proper_edge_colouring f C  edge_colouring f C  
  ( e1 e2 c. e1 ∈# E  e2 ∈# E - {#e1#}  c  C  f e1 = c  f e2 = c  e1  e2 = {})"

text ‹A vertex colouring function with no edge monochromatic requirements ›
abbreviation vertex_colouring :: "('a  colour)  nat  bool" where
"vertex_colouring f n  f  𝒱 E {0..<n}"

lemma vertex_colouring_union: 
  assumes "vertex_colouring f n"
  shows " {{v  𝒱. f v = c} |c. c  {0..<n}} = 𝒱"
  using assms by (intro subset_antisym subsetI) blast+

lemma vertex_colouring_disj: 
  assumes "vertex_colouring f n"
  assumes "p  {{v  𝒱. f v = c} |c. c  {0..<n}}"
  assumes "p'  {{v  𝒱. f v = c} |c. c  {0..<n}}"
  assumes "p  p'"
  shows "p  p' = {}"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume a: "p  p'  {} "
  obtain c c' where "c  {0..<n}" and "c'  {0..<n}" "p = {v  𝒱. f v = c}" and 
      "p' = {v  𝒱. f v = c}" and "c  c'" 
    using assms(4) assms(2) assms(3) a by blast 
  then obtain v where "v  𝒱" and "v  p" and "v  p'" using a by blast
  then show False using Fun.apply_inverse
    using p = {v  𝒱. f v = c} p' = {v  𝒱. f v = c} assms(4) by blast 

lemma vertex_colouring_n0: "𝒱  {}  ¬ vertex_colouring f 0"
  by auto 

lemma vertex_colouring_image:  "vertex_colouring f n  v  𝒱  f v  {0..<n}"
  using funcset_mem by blast 

lemma vertex_colouring_image_edge_ss:  "vertex_colouring f n  e ∈# E  f ` e  {0..<n}"
  using wellformed vertex_colouring_image by blast

lemma vertex_colour_edge_map_ne: "vertex_colouring f n  e ∈# E  f ` e  {}"
  using blocks_nempty by simp

lemma vertex_colouring_ne: "vertex_colouring f n  f u  f v  u  v"
  by auto 

lemma vertex_colour_one: "𝒱  {}  vertex_colouring f 1  v  𝒱  f v = (0::nat)"
  using atLeastLessThan_iff less_one vertex_colouring_image by simp 

lemma vertex_colour_one_alt: 
  assumes "𝒱  {}"
  shows "vertex_colouring f (1::nat)  f = (λ v  𝒱 . 0::nat)"
proof (intro iffI)
  assume a: "vertex_colouring f 1"
  show "f = (λv𝒱. 0::nat) "
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "f  (λv𝒱. 0)"
    then have " v 𝒱 . f v  0"
      using a by auto  
    thus False using vertex_colour_one assms a
      by meson 
  show "f = (λv𝒱. 0)  f  𝒱 E {0..<1}" using PiE_eq_singleton by auto

lemma vertex_colouring_partition:
  assumes "vertex_colouring f n"
  assumes "f ` 𝒱 = {0..<n}" (* uses n colours *)
  shows "partition_on 𝒱 { {v  𝒱 . f v = c} | c. c {0..<n}}"
proof (intro partition_onI)
  fix p assume "p  {{v  𝒱. f v = c} |c. c  {0..<n}}"
  then obtain c where peq: "p = {v  𝒱 . f v = c}" and cin: "c  {0..<n}" by blast
  have "f  𝒱 E {0..<n}" using assms(1) by presburger 
  then obtain v where "v  𝒱" and "f v = c"
    using surj_PiE[of f 𝒱 "{0..<n}" c] cin assms(2) by auto
  then show "p  {}" using peq by auto
  show "  {{v  𝒱. f v = c} |c. c  {0..<n}} = 𝒱" using vertex_colouring_union assms by auto
  show "p p'. p  {{v  𝒱. f v = c} |c. c  {0..<n}}  
    p'  {{v  𝒱. f v = c} |c. c  {0..<n}}  p  p'  p  p' = {}"
    by auto

subsection ‹ Monochromatic Edges ›
definition mono_edge :: "('a  colour)  'a hyp_edge  bool" where
"mono_edge f e   c.  v  e.  f v = c" 

lemma mono_edge_single: 
  assumes "e ∈# E"
  shows "mono_edge f e  is_singleton (f ` e)"
  unfolding mono_edge_def 
proof (intro iffI)
  assume "c. ve.  f v = c"
  then obtain c where ceq: " v . v  e  f v = c" by blast
  then have "f ` e = {c}" using image_singleton assms blocks_nempty by metis 
  then show "is_singleton (f ` e)" by simp
  assume "is_singleton (f ` e)"
  then obtain c where "f ` e = {c}" by (meson is_singletonE)    
  then show "c. ve.  f v = c" by auto

definition mono_edge_col :: "('a  colour)  'a hyp_edge  colour  bool" where
"mono_edge_col f e c   v  e. f v = c"

lemma mono_edge_colI: "( v. v  e  f v = c)  mono_edge_col f e c"
  unfolding mono_edge_col_def by simp

lemma mono_edge_colD: "mono_edge_col f e c  ( v. v  e  f v = c)"
  unfolding mono_edge_col_def by simp

lemma mono_edge_alt_col: "mono_edge f e   c. mono_edge_col f e c" 
  unfolding mono_edge_def mono_edge_col_def by auto

subsection ‹Proper colourings ›
text ‹A proper vertex colouring brings in the monochromatic edge decision. Note that
this allows for a colouring of up to $n$ colours, not precisely $n$ colours›

definition is_proper_colouring :: "('a  colour)  nat  bool" where
"is_proper_colouring f n  vertex_colouring f n  ( e ∈# E.  c  {0..<n}. f ` e  {c})"

lemma is_proper_colouring_alt: "is_proper_colouring f n  vertex_colouring f n ( e ∈# E. ¬ is_singleton (f ` e))"
  unfolding is_proper_colouring_def using vertex_colouring_image_edge_ss 
  by (auto) (metis insert_subset is_singleton_def) 

lemma is_proper_colouring_alt2: "is_proper_colouring f n  vertex_colouring f n ( e ∈# E. ¬ mono_edge f e)"
  unfolding is_proper_colouring_def using vertex_colouring_image_edge_ss mono_edge_single 
    is_proper_colouring_alt is_proper_colouring_def by force 

lemma is_proper_colouringI[intro]: "vertex_colouring f n  ( e .e ∈# E  
    ¬ is_singleton (f ` e))  is_proper_colouring f n"
  using is_proper_colouring_alt by simp

lemma is_proper_colouringI2[intro]: "vertex_colouring f n  ( e .e ∈# E  ¬ mono_edge f e) 
     is_proper_colouring f n"
  using is_proper_colouring_alt2 by simp

lemma is_proper_colouring_n0: "𝒱  {}  ¬ is_proper_colouring f 0"
  unfolding is_proper_colouring_def using vertex_colouring_n0 by auto

lemma is_proper_colouring_empty: 
  assumes "𝒱 = {}"
  shows "is_proper_colouring f n  f = (λ x . undefined)"
  unfolding is_proper_colouring_def using PiE_empty_domain assms
  using vertex_colouring_image_edge_ss by fastforce

lemma is_proper_colouring_n1: 
  assumes "𝒱  {}" "E  {#}" 
  shows "¬ is_proper_colouring f 1"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ ¬ is_proper_colouring f 1"
  then have vc: "vertex_colouring f 1" and em: "( e ∈# E. ¬ mono_edge f e)"
    using is_proper_colouring_alt2 by auto
  then obtain e where ein: "e ∈# E" using assms by blast
  have "f  𝒱 E {0}" using vc by auto
  then have " v 𝒱. f v = 0"
    by simp
  then have " v  e. f v = 0"  using wellformede ∈# E by blast
  then have "mono_edge f e" using ein mono_edge_def by auto
  then show False using em ein by simp

lemma (in fin_hypergraph) is_proper_colouring_image_card: 
  assumes "𝒱  {}" "E  {#}" 
  assumes "n > 1"
  assumes "is_proper_colouring f n"
  shows "card (f ` 𝒱) > 1"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ 1 < card (f ` 𝒱)"
  then have a: "card (f ` 𝒱) = 1"
    using assms by (meson card_0_eq finite_imageI finite_sets image_is_empty less_one linorder_neqE_nat)
  then obtain c where ceq: "f ` 𝒱 = {c}"
    using card_1_singletonE by blast 
  then obtain e where ein: "e ∈# E" using assms(2) by blast
  then have ss: "e  𝒱" using wellformed by auto
  then have " v  e. f v = c"  using ceq
    by blast 
  then have "mono_edge f e" using ein mono_edge_def by auto
  then show False using is_proper_colouring_alt2 ein
    using assms(4) by blast 

text ‹ More monochromatic edges ›

lemma no_monochomatic_is_colouring:
  assumes " e ∈# E . ¬ mono_edge f e"
  assumes "vertex_colouring f n"
  shows "is_proper_colouring f n"
  using assms mono_edge_single is_proper_colouringI by (auto) 

lemma ex_monochomatic_not_colouring:
  assumes " e ∈# E . mono_edge f e"
  assumes "vertex_colouring f n"
  shows "¬ is_proper_colouring f n"
  using assms(1) by (simp add: mono_edge_single is_proper_colouring_alt) 

lemma mono_edge_colour_obtain:
  assumes "mono_edge f e"
  assumes "vertex_colouring f n"
  assumes "e ∈# E"
  obtains c where "c  {0..<n}" and "mono_edge_col f e c"
proof -
  have ss: "f ` e  {0..<n}" using vertex_colouring_image_edge_ss assms by simp
  obtain c where all: " v  e. f v = c" using mono_edge_def
    using assms(1) by fastforce 
  have "f ` e  {}" using blocks_nempty by (simp add: assms(3)) 
  then have "c  f ` e" using all
    by fastforce
  thus ?thesis using ss that all mono_edge_col_def by blast 

text ‹ Complete proper colourings - i.e. when n colours are required ›

definition is_complete_proper_colouring:: "('a  colour)  nat  bool" where
"is_complete_proper_colouring f n  is_proper_colouring f n  f ` 𝒱 = {0..<n}"

lemma is_complete_proper_colouring_part: 
  assumes "is_complete_proper_colouring f n"
  shows "partition_on 𝒱 { {v  𝒱 . f v = c} | c. c {0..<n}}"
  using vertex_colouring_partition assms is_complete_proper_colouring_def is_proper_colouring_def 
  by auto

lemma is_complete_proper_colouring_n0: "𝒱  {}  ¬ is_complete_proper_colouring f 0"
  unfolding is_complete_proper_colouring_def using is_proper_colouring_n0 by simp

lemma is_complete_proper_colouring_n1: 
  assumes "𝒱  {}" "E  {#}" 
  shows "¬ is_complete_proper_colouring f 1"
  unfolding is_complete_proper_colouring_def using is_proper_colouring_n1 assms by simp

lemma (in fin_hypergraph) is_proper_colouring_reduce: 
  assumes "is_proper_colouring f n"
  obtains f' where "is_complete_proper_colouring f' (card (f ` 𝒱))"
proof (cases "f ` 𝒱 = {0..<(n::nat)}")
  case True
  then have "card (f ` 𝒱) = n" by simp
  then show ?thesis using is_complete_proper_colouring_def assms
    using True that by auto 
  case False
  obtain g :: "nat  nat" where bij: "bij_betw g (f ` 𝒱) {0..<(card (f ` 𝒱))}"
    using ex_bij_betw_finite_nat finite_sets by blast
  let ?f' = "λ x . if x  𝒱 then (g  f) x else undefined" 
  have img: "?f' ` 𝒱 = {0..<card (f ` 𝒱)}" using bij bij_betw_imp_surj_on image_comp
    by (smt (verit) image_cong) 
  have "is_proper_colouring ?f' (card (f ` 𝒱))"
  proof (intro is_proper_colouringI)
    show "vertex_colouring ?f' (card (f ` 𝒱))"
      using img by auto
    fix e assume ein: "e ∈# E"
    then have ns: "¬ is_singleton (f ` e)" using assms is_proper_colouring_alt by blast
    have ss: "(f ` e)  (f ` 𝒱)" using wellformed
      by (simp add: ein image_mono) 
    have "e  𝒱" using wellformed ein by simp
    then have "?f' ` e = g ` (f ` e)" by auto
    then show "¬ is_singleton (?f' ` e)" using bij ns ss bij_betw_singleton_image by metis 
  then show ?thesis using is_complete_proper_colouring_def img
    by (meson that) 

lemma (in fin_hypergraph) two_colouring_is_complete: 
  assumes "𝒱  {}"
  assumes "E  {#}"
  assumes "is_proper_colouring f 2"
  shows "is_complete_proper_colouring f 2"
proof -
  have gt: "card (f ` 𝒱) > 1" using is_proper_colouring_image_card assms
    using one_less_numeral_iff semiring_norm(76) by blast 
  have "f  𝒱 E {0..<2}" using is_proper_colouring_def assms(3) by auto
  then have "f ` 𝒱  {0..<2}" by blast 
  then have "card (f ` 𝒱) = 2"
    by (metis Nat.le_diff_conv2 gt leI less_one less_zeroE nat_1_add_1 order_antisym_conv 
        subset_eq_atLeast0_lessThan_card zero_less_diff)
  thus ?thesis using is_complete_proper_colouring_def assms
    by (metis f ` 𝒱  {0..<2} plus_nat.add_0 subset_card_intvl_is_intvl) 

subsection ‹n vertex colourings ›

definition is_n_colourable :: "nat  bool" where
"is_n_colourable n   f . is_proper_colouring f n"

definition is_n_edge_colourable :: "nat  bool" where
"is_n_edge_colourable n   f C . card C = n  proper_edge_colouring f C"

definition all_n_vertex_colourings :: "nat  ('a  colour) set" where
"all_n_vertex_colourings n  {f . vertex_colouring f n}"

notation all_n_vertex_colourings ("(𝒞⇧_)" [502] 500)

lemma all_n_vertex_colourings_alt: "𝒞⇧n = 𝒱 E {0..<n}"
  unfolding all_n_vertex_colourings_def by auto

lemma vertex_colourings_empty: "𝒱  {}  all_n_vertex_colourings 0 = {}"
  unfolding all_n_vertex_colourings_def using vertex_colouring_n0
  by simp 

lemma (in fin_hypergraph) vertex_colourings_fin : "finite (𝒞⇧n) "
  using all_n_vertex_colourings_alt finite_PiE finite_sets by (metis finite_atLeastLessThan) 

lemma (in fin_hypergraph) count_vertex_colourings: "card (𝒞⇧n) = n ^ horder"
  using all_n_vertex_colourings_alt card_funcsetE
  by (metis card_atLeastLessThan finite_sets minus_nat.diff_0) 

lemma vertex_colourings_nempty: 
  assumes "card 𝒱  n"
  assumes "n  0"
  shows "𝒞⇧n  {}"
  using all_n_vertex_colourings_alt assms
  by (simp add: PiE_eq_empty_iff) 

lemma vertex_colourings_one: 
  assumes "𝒱  {}"
  shows "𝒞⇧1 = {λ v 𝒱 . 0}"
  using vertex_colour_one_alt assms
  by (simp add: all_n_vertex_colourings_def) 

lemma mono_edge_set_union:
  assumes "e ∈# E"
  shows "{f  𝒞⇧n . mono_edge f e} = (c  {0..<n}. {f  𝒞⇧n . mono_edge_col f e c})" 
proof (intro subset_antisym subsetI)
  fix g assume a1: "g  {f  𝒞⇧n. mono_edge f e}"
  then have "vertex_colouring g n" using all_n_vertex_colourings_def by blast
  then obtain c where "c  {0..<n}" and "mono_edge_col g e c" using a1 assms mono_edge_colour_obtain
    by blast 
  then show "g  (c{0..<n}. {f  𝒞⇧n. mono_edge_col f e c})"
    using vertex_colouring g n all_n_vertex_colourings_def by auto
  fix h assume "h  (c{0..<n}. {f  𝒞⇧n. mono_edge_col f e c})"
  then obtain c where "c  {0..<n}" and "h  {f  𝒞⇧n. mono_edge_col f e c}"
    by blast
  then show "h  {f  𝒞⇧n. mono_edge f e}"
    using mono_edge_alt_col by blast


text ‹ Property B set up ›

abbreviation (in hypergraph) has_property_B :: "bool" where
"has_property_B  is_n_colourable 2"

abbreviation hyp_graph_order:: "'a hyp_graph  nat" where
"hyp_graph_order h  card (hyp_verts h)"

definition not_col_n_uni_hyps:: "nat  'a hyp_graph set"
  where "not_col_n_uni_hyps n  { h . fin_kuniform_hypergraph_nt (hyp_verts h) (hyp_edges h) n   
    ¬ (hypergraph.has_property_B (hyp_verts h) (hyp_edges h)) }"

definition min_edges_colouring :: "nat  'a itself   enat" where (* m(n)*) 
"min_edges_colouring n _  INF h  ((not_col_n_uni_hyps n) :: 'a hyp_graph set) . enat (size (hyp_edges h))"

lemma obtains_min_edge_colouring: 
  fixes z :: "'a itself"
  assumes "min_edges_colouring n z < x"
  obtains h :: "'a hyp_graph" where "h  not_col_n_uni_hyps n" and "enat (size (hyp_edges h)) < x"
proof -
  have "(INF h  ((not_col_n_uni_hyps n) :: 'a hyp_graph set) . enat (size (hyp_edges h))) < x" 
    using min_edges_colouring_def[of "n" z] assms by auto
  thus ?thesis using enat_lt_INF[of "λ h. enat (size (hyp_edges h))" "not_col_n_uni_hyps n" "x"]
    using that by blast 

subsection ‹Alternate Partition Definition.›
text ‹Note that the indexed definition should be used most of the time instead ›
context hypergraph

definition is_proper_colouring_part :: "'a set set  bool" where
"is_proper_colouring_part C  partition_on 𝒱 C  ( c  C.  e ∈# E. ¬ e  c)"

definition is_n_colourable_part :: "nat  bool" where
"is_n_colourable_part n   C . card C = n  is_proper_colouring_part C"

abbreviation has_property_B_part :: "bool" where
"has_property_B_part  is_n_colourable_part 2"

definition mono_edge_ss :: "'a set set  'a hyp_edge  bool" where
"mono_edge_ss C e   c  C. e  c"

lemma is_proper_colouring_partI: "partition_on 𝒱 C  ( c  C.  e ∈# E. ¬ e  c)  
    is_proper_colouring_part C"
  by (simp add: is_proper_colouring_part_def)

lemma no_monochomatic_is_colouring_part:
  assumes " e ∈# E . ¬ mono_edge_ss C e"
  assumes "partition_on 𝒱 C"
  shows "is_proper_colouring_part C"
  using assms(1) mono_edge_ss_def by(intro is_proper_colouring_partI) (simp_all add: assms)

lemma ex_monochomatic_not_colouring_part:
  assumes " e ∈# E . mono_edge_ss C e"
  assumes "partition_on 𝒱 C"
  shows "¬ is_proper_colouring_part C"
  using assms(1) mono_edge_ss_def is_proper_colouring_part_def by auto 

definition all_n_vertex_colourings_part :: "nat  'a set set set" where
"all_n_vertex_colourings_part n  {C . partition_on 𝒱 C  card C = n}"

lemma (in fin_hypergraph) all_vertex_colourings_part_fin: "finite (all_n_vertex_colourings_part n)"
  unfolding all_n_vertex_colourings_part_def is_proper_colouring_part_def 
  using finitely_many_partition_on finite_sets by fastforce 

lemma all_vertex_colourings_part_nempty: "card 𝒱  n  n  0  all_n_vertex_colourings_part n  {}"
  unfolding all_n_vertex_colourings_part_def using card_partition_on_ne  by blast

lemma disjoint_family_on_colourings: 
  assumes "e ∈# E"
  shows "disjoint_family_on (λ c. {f  𝒞⇧n . mono_edge_col f e c}) {0..<n}"
    using blocks_nempty mono_edge_col_def assms by (auto intro: disjoint_family_onI)

