Theory Quant_Hoare
section "Quantitative Hoare Logic (due to Carbonneaux)"
theory Quant_Hoare
imports Big_StepT Complex_Main "HOL-Library.Extended_Nat"
abbreviation "eq a b == (And (Not (Less a b)) (Not (Less b a)))"
type_synonym lvname = string
type_synonym assn = "state ⇒ bool"
type_synonym qassn = "state ⇒ enat"
text ‹The support of an assn2›
abbreviation state_subst :: "state ⇒ aexp ⇒ vname ⇒ state"
("_[_'/_]" [1000,0,0] 999)
where "s[a/x] == s(x := aval a s)"
fun emb :: "bool ⇒ enat" ("↑") where
"emb False = ∞"
| "emb True = 0"
subsection "Validity of quantitative Hoare Triple"
definition hoare2_valid :: "qassn ⇒ com ⇒ qassn ⇒ bool"
("⊨⇩2 {(1_)}/ (_)/ {(1_)}" 50) where
"⊨⇩2 {P} c {Q} ⟷ (∀s. P s < ∞ ⟶ (∃t p. ((c,s) ⇒ p ⇓ t) ∧ P s ≥ p + Q t))"
subsection "Hoare logic for quantiative reasoning"
hoare2 :: "qassn ⇒ com ⇒ qassn ⇒ bool" ("⊢⇩2 ({(1_)}/ (_)/ {(1_)})" 50)
Skip: "⊢⇩2 {%s. eSuc (P s)} SKIP {P}" |
Assign: "⊢⇩2 {λs. eSuc (P (s[a/x]))} x::=a { P }" |
If: "⟦ ⊢⇩2 {λs. P s + ↑( bval b s)} c⇩1 { Q};
⊢⇩2 {λs. P s + ↑(¬ bval b s)} c⇩2 { Q} ⟧
⟹ ⊢⇩2 {λs. eSuc (P s)} IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2 { Q }" |
Seq: "⟦ ⊢⇩2 { P⇩1 } c⇩1 { P⇩2 }; ⊢⇩2 {P⇩2} c⇩2 { P⇩3 }⟧ ⟹ ⊢⇩2 {P⇩1} c⇩1;;c⇩2 {P⇩3}" |
"⟦ ⊢⇩2 { %s. I s + ↑(bval b s) } c { %t. I t + 1 } ⟧
⟹ ⊢⇩2 {λs. I s + 1 } WHILE b DO c {λs. I s + ↑(¬ bval b s) }" |
conseq: "⟦ ⊢⇩2 {P}c{Q} ; ⋀s. P s ≤ P' s ; ⋀s. Q' s ≤ Q s ⟧ ⟹
⊢⇩2 {P'}c{ Q'}"
text ‹derived rules›
lemma strengthen_pre: "⟦ ∀s. P s ≤ P' s; ⊢⇩2 {P} c {Q} ⟧ ⟹ ⊢⇩2 {P'} c {Q}"
using conseq by blast
lemma weaken_post: "⟦ ⊢⇩2 {P} c {Q}; ∀s. Q s ≥ Q' s ⟧ ⟹ ⊢⇩2 {P} c {Q'}"
using conseq by blast
lemma Assign': "∀s. P s ≥ eSuc ( Q(s[a/x])) ⟹ ⊢⇩2 {P} x ::= a {Q}"
by (simp add: strengthen_pre[OF _ Assign])
lemma progress: "(c, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t ⟹ p > 0"
by (induct rule: big_step_t.induct, auto)
lemma FalseImplies: "⊢⇩2 {%s. ∞} c { Q}"
apply (induction c arbitrary: Q)
apply(auto intro: hoare2.Skip hoare2.Assign hoare2.Seq hoare2.conseq)
subgoal apply(rule hoare2.conseq) apply(rule hoare2.If[where P="%s. ∞"]) by(auto intro: hoare2.If hoare2.conseq)
subgoal apply(rule hoare2.conseq) apply(rule hoare2.While[where I="%s. ∞"]) apply(rule hoare2.conseq) by auto
subsection "Soundness"
text‹The soundness theorem:›
lemma help1: assumes " enat a + X ≤ Y"
"enat b + Z ≤ X"
shows "enat (a + b) + Z ≤ Y"
using assms by (metis ab_semigroup_add_class.add_ac(1) add_left_mono order_trans plus_enat_simps(1))
lemma help2': assumes "enat p + INV t ≤ INV s"
"0 < p" "INV s = enat n"
shows "INV t < INV s"
using assms iadd_le_enat_iff by auto
lemma help2: assumes "enat p + INV t + 1 ≤ INV s"
"INV s = enat n"
shows "INV t < INV s"
using assms le_less_trans not_less_iff_gr_or_eq by fastforce
lemma Seq_sound: assumes "⊨⇩2 {P1} C1 {P2}"
"⊨⇩2 {P2} C2 {P3}"
shows "⊨⇩2 {P1} C1 ;; C2 {P3}"
unfolding hoare2_valid_def
proof (safe)
fix s
assume ninfP1: "P1 s < ∞"
with assms(1)[unfolded hoare2_valid_def] obtain t1 p1
where 1: "(C1, s) ⇒ p1 ⇓ t1" and q1: "enat p1 + P2 t1 ≤ P1 s" by blast
with ninfP1 have ninfP2: "P2 t1 < ∞"
using not_le by fastforce
with assms(2)[unfolded hoare2_valid_def] obtain t2 p2
where 2: "(C2, t1) ⇒ p2 ⇓ t2" and q2: "enat p2 + P3 t2 ≤ P2 t1" by blast
with ninfP2 have ninfP3: "P3 t2 < ∞"
using not_le by fastforce
from Big_StepT.Seq[OF 1 2] have bigstep: "(C1;; C2, s) ⇒ p1 + p2 ⇓ t2" by simp
from help1[OF q1 q2] have potential: "enat (p1 + p2) + P3 t2 ≤ P1 s" .
show "∃t p. (C1;; C2, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t ∧ enat p + P3 t ≤ P1 s "
apply(rule exI[where x="t2"])
apply(rule exI[where x="p1 + p2"])
using bigstep potential by simp
theorem hoare2_sound: "⊢⇩2 {P}c{ Q} ⟹ ⊨⇩2 {P}c{ Q}"
proof(induction rule: hoare2.induct)
case (Skip P)
show ?case unfolding hoare2_valid_def apply(safe)
subgoal for s apply(rule exI[where x=s]) apply(rule exI[where x="Suc 0"])
by (auto simp: eSuc_enat_iff eSuc_enat)
case (Assign P a x)
show ?case unfolding hoare2_valid_def apply(safe)
subgoal for s apply(rule exI[where x="s[a/x]"]) apply(rule exI[where x="Suc 0"])
by (auto simp: eSuc_enat_iff eSuc_enat)
case (Seq P1 C1 P2 C2 P3)
thus ?case using Seq_sound by auto
case (If P b c1 Q c2)
show ?case unfolding hoare2_valid_def
proof (safe)
fix s
assume "eSuc (P s) < ∞"
then have i: "P s < ∞"
using enat_ord_simps(4) by fastforce
show "∃t p. (IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t ∧ enat p + Q t ≤ eSuc (P s)"
proof(cases "bval b s")
case True
with i have "P s + emb (bval b s) < ∞" by simp
with If(3)[unfolded hoare2_valid_def] obtain p t
where 1: "(c1, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t" and q: "enat p + Q t ≤ P s + emb (bval b s)" by blast
from Big_StepT.IfTrue[OF True 1] have 2: "(IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2, s) ⇒ p + 1 ⇓ t" by simp
show ?thesis apply(rule exI[where x=t]) apply(rule exI[where x="p+1"])
apply(safe) apply(fact)
using q True apply(simp)
by (metis eSuc_enat eSuc_ile_mono iadd_Suc)
case False
with i have "P s + emb (~ bval b s) < ∞" by simp
with If(4)[unfolded hoare2_valid_def] obtain p t
where 1: "(c2, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t" and q: "enat p + Q t ≤ P s + emb (~ bval b s)" by blast
from Big_StepT.IfFalse[OF False 1] have 2: "(IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2, s) ⇒ p + 1 ⇓ t" by simp
show ?thesis apply(rule exI[where x=t]) apply(rule exI[where x="p+1"])
apply(safe) apply(fact)
using q False apply(simp)
by (metis eSuc_enat eSuc_ile_mono iadd_Suc)
case (conseq P c Q P' Q')
show ?case unfolding hoare2_valid_def
proof (safe)
fix s
assume "P' s < ∞"
with conseq(2) have "P s < ∞"
using le_less_trans by blast
with conseq(4)[unfolded hoare2_valid_def] obtain p t where "(c, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t" "enat p + Q t ≤ P s" by blast
with conseq(2,3) show "∃t p. (c, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t ∧ enat p + Q' t ≤ P' s"
by (meson add_left_mono dual_order.trans)
case (While INV b c)
from While(2)[unfolded hoare2_valid_def]
have WH2: "⋀s. INV s + ↑ (bval b s) < ∞ ⟹ (∃t p. (c, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t ∧ enat p + INV t + 1 ≤ INV s + ↑ (bval b s))"
by (simp add: add.commute add.left_commute)
show ?case unfolding hoare2_valid_def
proof (safe)
fix s
assume ninfINV: "INV s + 1 < ∞"
then have "INV s < ∞"
using enat_ord_simps(4) by fastforce
then obtain n where i: "INV s = enat n" using not_infinity_eq
by auto
text ‹In order to prove validity, we induct on the value of the Invariant, which is a finite number
and decreases in every loop iteration. For each step we show that validity holds.›
have "INV s = enat n ⟹ ∃t p. (WHILE b DO c, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t ∧ enat p + (INV t + emb (¬ bval b t)) ≤ INV s + 1"
proof (induct n arbitrary: s rule: less_induct)
case (less n)
show ?case
proof (cases "bval b s")
case False
show ?thesis
using WhileFalse[OF False] one_enat_def by fastforce
case True
with less(2) WH2 obtain t p
where o: "(c, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t"
and q: "enat p + INV t + 1 ≤ INV s " by force
from q have g: "INV t < INV s"
using help2 less(2) by metis
then have ninfINVt: "INV t < ∞" using less(2)
using enat_ord_simps(4) by fastforce
then obtain n' where i: "INV t = enat n'" using not_infinity_eq
by auto
with less(2) have ii: "n' < n"
using g by auto
from i ii less(1) obtain t2 p2
where o2: "(WHILE b DO c, t) ⇒ p2 ⇓ t2"
and q2: "enat p2 + (INV t2 + emb (¬ bval b t2)) ≤ INV t + 1" by blast
have ende: "~ bval b t2"
apply(rule ccontr) apply(simp) using q2 ninfINVt
by (simp add: i one_enat_def)
from WhileTrue[OF True o o2] have BigStep: "(WHILE b DO c, s) ⇒ 1 + p + p2 ⇓ t2" by simp
from ende q2 have q2': "enat p2 + INV t2 ≤ INV t + 1" by simp
have potentialPreservation: "enat (1 + p + p2) + (INV t2 + ↑ (¬ bval b t2)) ≤ INV s + 1"
proof -
have "enat (1 + p + p2) + (INV t2 + ↑ (¬ bval b t2))
= enat (Suc (p + p2)) + INV t2" using ende by simp
also have "… = enat (Suc p) + enat p2 + INV t2" by fastforce
also have "… ≤ enat (Suc p) + INV t + 1" using q2'
by (metis ab_semigroup_add_class.add_ac(1) add_left_mono)
also have "… ≤ INV s + 1" using q
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) add.commute add_left_mono eSuc_enat iadd_Suc plus_1_eSuc(1))
finally show "enat (1 + p + p2) + (INV t2 + ↑ (¬ bval b t2)) ≤ INV s + 1" .
show ?thesis
apply(rule exI[where x=t2])
apply(rule exI[where x= "1 + p + p2"])
by(fact BigStep potentialPreservation)+
from this[OF i] show "∃t p. (WHILE b DO c, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t ∧ enat p + (INV t + emb (¬ bval b t)) ≤ INV s + 1" .
subsection "Completeness"
definition wp2 :: "com ⇒ qassn ⇒ qassn" ("wp⇩2") where
"wp⇩2 c Q = (λs. (if (∃t p. (c,s) ⇒ p ⇓ t ∧ Q t < ∞) then enat (THE p. ∃t. (c,s) ⇒ p ⇓ t) + Q (THE t. ∃p. (c,s) ⇒ p ⇓ t) else ∞))"
lemma wp2_alt: "wp⇩2 c Q = (λs. (if ↓(c,s) then enat (↓⇩t (c, s)) + Q (↓⇩s (c, s)) else ∞))"
apply(rule ext) by(auto simp: bigstepT_the_state wp2_def split: if_split)
theorem wp2_is_weakestprePotential: "⊨⇩2 {P}c{Q} ⟷ (∀s. wp⇩2 c Q s ≤ P s)"
unfolding wp2_def hoare2_valid_def
apply(safe) subgoal for s
apply(cases "∃t p. (c, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t ∧ Q t < ∞")
apply(simp) apply auto oops
lemma wp2_Skip[simp]: "wp⇩2 SKIP Q = (%s. eSuc (Q s))"
apply(auto intro!: ext simp: wp2_def)
prefer 2
apply(simp only: SKIPnot)
apply(simp only: SKIPp SKIPt)
using one_enat_def plus_1_eSuc(1) by auto
lemma wp2_Assign[simp]: "wp⇩2 (x ::= e) Q = (λs. eSuc (Q (s(x := aval e s))))"
by (auto intro!: ext simp: wp2_def ASSp ASSt ASSnot eSuc_enat)
lemma wp2_Seq[simp]: "wp⇩2 (c⇩1;;c⇩2) Q = wp⇩2 c⇩1 (wp⇩2 c⇩2 Q)"
unfolding wp2_def
proof (rule, case_tac "∃t p. (c⇩1;; c⇩2, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t ∧ Q t < ∞", goal_cases)
case (1 s)
then obtain u p where ter: "(c⇩1;; c⇩2, s) ⇒ p ⇓ u" and Q: "Q u < ∞" by blast
then obtain t p1 p2 where i: "(c⇩1 , s) ⇒ p1 ⇓ t" and ii: "(c⇩2 , t) ⇒ p2 ⇓ u" and p: "p1 + p2 = p" by blast
from bigstepT_the_state[OF i] have t: "↓⇩s (c⇩1, s) = t"
by blast
from bigstepT_the_state[OF ii] have t2: "↓⇩s (c⇩2, t) = u"
by blast
from bigstepT_the_cost[OF i] have firstcost: "↓⇩t (c⇩1, s) = p1"
by blast
from bigstepT_the_cost[OF ii] have secondcost: "↓⇩t (c⇩2, t) = p2"
by blast
have totalcost: "↓⇩t(c⇩1;; c⇩2, s) = p1 + p2"
using bigstepT_the_cost[OF ter] p by auto
have totalstate: "↓⇩s(c⇩1;; c⇩2, s) = u"
using bigstepT_the_state[OF ter] by auto
have c2: "∃ta p. (c⇩2, t) ⇒ p ⇓ ta ∧ Q ta < ∞"
apply(rule exI[where x= u])
apply(rule exI[where x= p2]) apply safe apply fact+ done
have C: "∃t p. (c⇩1, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t ∧ (if ∃ta p. (c⇩2, t) ⇒ p ⇓ ta ∧ Q ta < ∞ then enat (THE p. Ex (big_step_t (c⇩2, t) p)) + Q (THE ta. ∃p. (c⇩2, t) ⇒ p ⇓ ta) else ∞) < ∞"
apply(rule exI[where x=t])
apply(rule exI[where x=p1])
apply safe
apply fact
apply(simp only: c2 if_True)
using Q bigstepT_the_state ii by auto
show ?case
apply(simp only: 1 if_True t t2 c2 C totalcost totalstate firstcost secondcost) by fastforce
case (2 s)
show ?case apply(simp only: 2 if_False)
apply auto using 2
by force
lemma wp2_If[simp]:
"wp⇩2 (IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2) Q = (λs. eSuc (wp⇩2 (if bval b s then c⇩1 else c⇩2) Q s))"
apply (auto simp: wp2_def fun_eq_iff)
subgoal for x t p i ta ia xa apply(simp only: IfTrue[THEN bigstepT_the_state])
apply(simp only: IfTrue[THEN bigstepT_the_cost])
apply(simp only: bigstepT_the_cost bigstepT_the_state)
by (simp add: eSuc_enat)
apply(simp only: bigstepT_the_state bigstepT_the_cost) apply force
apply(simp only: bigstepT_the_state bigstepT_the_cost)
case (1 x t p i ta ia xa)
note f= IfFalse[THEN bigstepT_the_state, of b x c⇩2 xa ta "Suc xa" c⇩1, simplified, OF 1(4) 1(5)]
note f2= IfFalse[THEN bigstepT_the_cost, of b x c⇩2 xa ta "Suc xa" c⇩1, simplified, OF 1(4) 1(5)]
note g= bigstep_det[OF 1(1) 1(5)]
show ?case
apply(simp only: f f2) using 1 g
by (simp add: eSuc_enat)
case 2
show ?case
apply(simp only: bigstepT_the_state bigstepT_the_cost) apply force done
lemma assumes b: "bval b s"
shows wp2WhileTrue: " wp⇩2 c (wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q) s + 1 ≤ wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q s"
proof (cases "∃t p. (WHILE b DO c, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t ∧ Q t < ∞")
case True
then obtain t p where w: "(WHILE b DO c, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t" and q: "Q t < ∞" by blast
from b w obtain p1 p2 t1 where c: "(c, s) ⇒ p1 ⇓ t1" and w': "(WHILE b DO c, t1) ⇒ p2 ⇓ t" and sum: "1 + p1 + p2 = p"
by auto
have g: "∃ta p. (WHILE b DO c, t1) ⇒ p ⇓ ta ∧ Q ta < ∞"
apply(rule exI[where x="t"])
apply(rule exI[where x="p2"])
apply safe apply fact+ done
have h: "∃t p. (c, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t ∧ (if ∃ta p. (WHILE b DO c, t) ⇒ p ⇓ ta ∧ Q ta < ∞ then enat (THE p. Ex (big_step_t (WHILE b DO c, t) p)) + Q (THE ta. ∃p. (WHILE b DO c, t) ⇒ p ⇓ ta) else ∞) < ∞"
apply(rule exI[where x="t1"])
apply(rule exI[where x="p1"])
apply safe apply fact
apply(simp only: g if_True) using bigstepT_the_state bigstepT_the_cost w' q by(auto)
have "wp⇩2 c (wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q) s + 1 = enat p + Q t"
unfolding wp2_def apply(simp only: h if_True)
apply(simp only: bigstepT_the_state[OF c] bigstepT_the_cost[OF c] g if_True bigstepT_the_state[OF w'] bigstepT_the_cost[OF w']) using sum
by (metis One_nat_def ab_semigroup_add_class.add_ac(1) add.commute add.right_neutral eSuc_enat plus_1_eSuc(2) plus_enat_simps(1))
also have "… = wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q s"
unfolding wp2_def apply(simp only: True if_True)
using bigstepT_the_state bigstepT_the_cost w apply(simp) done
finally show ?thesis by simp
case False
have "wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q s = ∞"
unfolding wp2_def
apply(simp only: False if_False) done
then show ?thesis by auto
lemma assumes b: "bval b s"
shows wp2WhileTrue': "wp⇩2 c (wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q) s + 1 = wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q s"
proof (cases "∃p t. (WHILE b DO c, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t")
case True
then obtain t p where w: "(WHILE b DO c, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t" by blast
from b w obtain p1 p2 t1 where c: "(c, s) ⇒ p1 ⇓ t1" and w': "(WHILE b DO c, t1) ⇒ p2 ⇓ t" and sum: "1 + p1 + p2 = p"
by auto
then have z: "↓ (c, s)" and z2: "↓ (WHILE b DO c, t1)" by auto
have "wp⇩2 c (wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q) s + 1 = enat p + Q t"
unfolding wp2_alt apply(simp only: z if_True)
apply(simp only: bigstepT_the_state[OF c] bigstepT_the_cost[OF c] z2 if_True bigstepT_the_state[OF w'] bigstepT_the_cost[OF w'])
using sum
by (metis One_nat_def ab_semigroup_add_class.add_ac(1) add.commute add.right_neutral eSuc_enat plus_1_eSuc(2) plus_enat_simps(1))
also have "… = wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q s"
unfolding wp2_alt apply(simp only: True if_True)
using bigstepT_the_state bigstepT_the_cost w apply(simp) done
finally show ?thesis by simp
case False
have "¬ (↓ (WHILE b DO c, ↓⇩s(c,s)) ∧ ↓ (c, s))"
proof (rule)
assume P: "↓ (WHILE b DO c, ↓⇩s (c, s)) ∧ ↓ (c, s)"
then obtain t s' where A: "(c,s) ⇒ t ⇓ s'" by blast
with A P have "↓ (WHILE b DO c, s')" using bigstepT_the_state by auto
then obtain t' s'' where B: "(WHILE b DO c,s') ⇒ t' ⇓ s''" by auto
have "(WHILE b DO c, s) ⇒ 1+t+t' ⇓ s''" apply(rule WhileTrue) using b A B by auto
then have "↓ (WHILE b DO c, s)" by auto
thus "False" using False by auto
then have "¬↓ (WHILE b DO c, ↓⇩s(c,s)) ∨ ¬↓ (c, s)" by simp
then show ?thesis apply rule
subgoal unfolding wp2_alt apply(simp only: if_False False) by auto
subgoal unfolding wp2_alt apply(simp only: if_False False) by auto
lemma assumes b: "~ bval b s"
shows wp2WhileFalse: " Q s + 1 ≤ wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q s"
proof (cases "∃t p. (WHILE b DO c, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t ∧ Q t < ∞")
case True
with b obtain t p where w: "(WHILE b DO c, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t" and "Q t < ∞" by blast
with b have c: "s=t" "p=Suc 0" by auto
have " wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q s = Q s + 1"
unfolding wp2_def apply(simp only: True if_True)
using w c bigstepT_the_cost bigstepT_the_state by(auto simp add: one_enat_def)
then show ?thesis by auto
case False
have "wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q s = ∞"
unfolding wp2_def
apply(simp only: False if_False) done
then show ?thesis by auto
lemma thet_WhileFalse: "~ bval b s ⟹ ↓⇩t (WHILE b DO c, s) = 1" by auto
lemma thes_WhileFalse: "~ bval b s ⟹ ↓⇩s (WHILE b DO c, s) = s" by auto
lemma assumes b: "~ bval b s"
shows wp2WhileFalse': "Q s + 1 = wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q s"
proof -
from b have T: "↓ (WHILE b DO c, s)" by auto
show ?thesis unfolding wp2_alt using b apply(simp only: T if_True)
by(simp add: thet_WhileFalse thes_WhileFalse one_enat_def)
lemma wp2While: "(if bval b s then wp⇩2 c (wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q) s else Q s) + 1 = wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q s"
apply(cases "bval b s")
using wp2WhileTrue' apply simp
using wp2WhileFalse' apply simp done
lemma assumes "⋀Q. ⊢⇩2 {wp⇩2 c Q} c {Q}"
shows "⊢⇩2 {wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q} WHILE b DO c {Q}"
proof -
let ?I = "%s. (if bval b s then wp⇩2 c (wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q) s else Q s)"
from assms[of "wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q"]
have A: " ⊢⇩2 {wp⇩2 c (wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q)} c {wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q}" .
have B: "⊢⇩2 {λs. (?I s) + ↑ (bval b s)} c {λt. (?I t) + 1}"
apply(rule conseq)
apply(rule A)
apply simp
using wp2While apply simp done
from hoare2.While[where I="?I"]
have C: "⊢⇩2 {λs. (?I s) + ↑ (bval b s)} c {λt. (?I t) + 1} ⟹
⊢⇩2 {λs. (?I s) + 1} WHILE b DO c {λs. (?I s) + ↑ (¬ bval b s)}" by simp
from C[OF B] have D: "⊢⇩2 {λs. (?I s) + 1} WHILE b DO c {λs. (?I s) + ↑ (¬ bval b s)}" .
show "⊢⇩2 {wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q} WHILE b DO c {Q}"
apply(rule conseq)
apply(rule D)
using wp2While apply simp
apply simp done
lemma wp2_is_pre: "⊢⇩2 {wp⇩2 c Q} c { Q}"
proof (induction c arbitrary: Q)
case SKIP show ?case by (auto intro: hoare2.Skip)
case Assign show ?case by (auto intro:hoare2.Assign)
case Seq thus ?case by (auto intro:hoare2.Seq)
case (If x1 c1 c2 Q) thus ?case
apply (auto intro!: hoare2.If )
apply(rule hoare2.conseq)
apply(rule hoare2.conseq)
case (While b c)
show ?case
apply(rule conseq)
apply(rule hoare2.While[where I="%s. (if bval b s then wp⇩2 c (wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q) s else Q s)"])
apply(rule conseq)
apply(rule While[of "wp⇩2 (WHILE b DO c) Q"])
using wp2While by auto
lemma wp2_is_weakestprePotential1: "⊨⇩2 {P}c{Q} ⟹ (∀s. wp⇩2 c Q s ≤ P s)"
apply(auto simp: hoare2_valid_def wp2_def)
proof (goal_cases)
case (1 s t p i)
show ?case
proof(cases "P s < ∞")
case True
with 1(1) obtain t p' where i: "(c, s) ⇒ p' ⇓ t" and ii: "enat p' + Q t ≤ P s"
by auto
show ?thesis apply(simp add: bigstepT_the_state[OF i] bigstepT_the_cost[OF i] ii) done
qed simp
qed force
lemma wp2_is_weakestprePotential2: "(∀s. wp⇩2 c Q s ≤ P s) ⟹ ⊨⇩2 {P}c{Q}"
apply(auto simp: hoare2_valid_def wp2_def)
proof (goal_cases)
case (1 s i)
then have A: "(if ∃t. (∃p. (c, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t) ∧ (∃i. Q t = enat i) then enat (THE p. Ex (big_step_t (c, s) p)) + Q (THE t. ∃p. (c, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t) else ∞) ≤ P s"
by fast
show ?case
proof (cases "∃t. (∃p. (c, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t) ∧ (∃i. Q t = enat i)")
case True
then obtain t p where i: "(c, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t" by blast
from True A have "enat p + Q t ≤ P s" by (simp add: bigstepT_the_cost[OF i] bigstepT_the_state[OF i])
then have "(c, s) ⇒ p ⇓ t ∧ enat p + Q t ≤ enat i" using 1(2) i by simp
then show ?thesis by auto
case False
with A have "P s ≥ ∞" by auto
then show ?thesis using 1 by auto
theorem wp2_is_weakestprePotential: "(∀s. wp⇩2 c Q s ≤ P s) ⟷ ⊨⇩2 {P}c{Q}"
using wp2_is_weakestprePotential2 wp2_is_weakestprePotential1 by metis
theorem hoare2_complete: "⊨⇩2 {P}c{Q} ⟹ ⊢⇩2 {P}c{ Q}"
apply(rule conseq[OF wp2_is_pre, where Q'=Q and Q=Q, simplified])
using wp2_is_weakestprePotential1 by blast
corollary hoare2_sound_complete: " ⊢⇩2 {P}c{Q} ⟷ ⊨⇩2 {P}c{ Q}"
by (metis hoare2_sound hoare2_complete)