Theory QuantK_VCG

subsection "Verification Condition Generator"
theory QuantK_VCG
imports QuantK_Hoare

subsubsection "Ceiling integer division on extended natural numbers"

definition "mydiv (a::nat) (k::nat) = (if k dvd a then a div k else (a div k) + 1)"
lemma mydivcode: "k>0  Dk  mydiv D k = Suc (mydiv (D-k) k)"  
  unfolding mydiv_def apply (auto simp add: le_div_geq)
  using dvd_minus_self by auto 
lemma mydivcode1: "mydiv 0 k = 0"  
  unfolding mydiv_def by auto 
lemma mydivcode2: "k>0  0<D  D<k  mydiv D k = Suc 0"  
  unfolding mydiv_def by auto
lemma mydiv_mono: "ab  mydiv a k  mydiv b k" unfolding mydiv_def
  apply(cases "k dvd a")
  subgoal apply(cases "k dvd b")  apply auto apply (auto simp add: div_le_mono)
    using div_le_mono le_Suc_eq by blast  
  subgoal apply(cases "k dvd b")  apply auto apply (auto simp add: div_le_mono)
    by (metis Suc_leI add.right_neutral div_le_mono div_mult_mod_eq dvd_imp_mod_0 le_add1 le_antisym less_le) 
lemma mydiv_cancel: "0 < k  mydiv (k * i) k = i"    
  unfolding mydiv_def by auto 
lemma assumes k: "k>0" and B: "B  k*A"
  shows mydiv_le_E: "mydiv B k  A"
proof - 
  from mydiv_mono[OF B] and k mydiv_cancel show ?thesis 
    by metis
lemma mydiv_mult_leq: "0 < k  lk  mydiv (l*A) k  A"
  by(simp add: mydiv_le_E)
lemma mydiv_cancel3: "0 < k  i  k * mydiv i k"
  by (auto simp add: mydiv_def dividend_less_times_div le_eq_less_or_eq)  
definition "ediv a k = (if a= then  else enat (mydiv (THE i. a=enat i) k))"  
lemma ediv_enat[simp]: "ediv (enat a) k = enat (mydiv a k)"
  unfolding ediv_def by auto
lemma ediv_mydiv[simp]: "ediv (enat a) k  enat f  mydiv a k  f"
  unfolding ediv_def by auto
lemma ediv_mono: "ab  ediv a k  ediv b k"
  unfolding ediv_def by (auto simp add: mydiv_mono) 

lemma ediv_cancel2: "k>0  ediv (enat k * x) k = x"
  unfolding ediv_def apply(cases "x=") using mydiv_cancel by auto
lemma ediv_cancel3: "k>0  A  enat k * ediv A k"
  unfolding ediv_def apply(cases "A=") using mydiv_cancel3 by auto 

subsubsection "Definition of VCG"    
datatype acom =
  Askip                  ("SKIP") |
  Aassign vname aexp     ("(_ ::= _)" [1000, 61] 61) |
  Aseq   acom acom       ("_;;/ _"  [60, 61] 60) | 
  Aif bexp acom acom     ("(IF _/ THEN _/ ELSE _)"  [0, 0, 61] 61) |
  Awhile qassn bexp acom  ("({_}/ WHILE _/ DO _)"  [0, 0, 61] 61)
 |  Abst nat acom  ("({_}/ Ab _)"  [0, 61] 61)

notation com.SKIP ("SKIP")
fun strip :: "acom  com" where
"strip SKIP = SKIP" |
"strip (x ::= a) = (x ::= a)" |
"strip (C1;; C2) = (strip C1;; strip C2)" |
"strip (IF b THEN C1 ELSE C2) = (IF b THEN strip C1 ELSE strip C2)" |
"strip ({_} WHILE b DO C) = (WHILE b DO strip C)" |
"strip ({_} Ab C) = strip C"
fun pre :: "acom  qassn  qassn" where
"pre SKIP Q = (λs. eSuc (Q s))" |
"pre (x ::= a) Q = (λs. eSuc (Q (s[a/x])))" |
"pre (C1;; C2) Q = pre C1 (pre C2 Q)" |
"pre (IF b THEN C1 ELSE C2) Q =
  (λs. eSuc (if bval b s then pre C1 Q s  else pre C2 Q s  ))" |
"pre ({P} WHILE b DO C) Q = (%s. P s + 1)" |
"pre ({k} Ab C) Q = (λs. ediv (pre C (λs. k*Q s) s) k)"
text ‹In contrast to @{term pre}, @{term vc} produces a formula that is independent of the state:›
fun vc :: "acom  qassn  bool" where
"vc SKIP Q = True" |
"vc (x ::= a) Q = True" |
"vc (C1 ;; C2) Q = ((vc C1 (pre C2 Q))  (vc C2 Q) )" |
"vc (IF b THEN C1 ELSE C2) Q = (vc C1 Q  vc C2 Q)" |  
"vc ({I} WHILE b DO C) Q =  ( (s.  (pre C (λs. I s + 1) s  I s + (bval b s))  ( Q s  I s +  (¬ bval b s)))  vc C (%s. I s + 1))" |
"vc ({k} Ab C) Q = (vc C (λs. enat k* Q s)  k>0 ⌦‹∧ (∀s. pre C (λs. enat k * Q s) s ≤ enat k * ediv (pre C (λs. enat k * Q s) s) k)›)"

subsubsection "Soundness of VCG"
lemma vc_sound: "vc C Q   2' {pre C Q} strip C { Q }"
proof (induct C arbitrary: Q) 
  case (Aif b C1 C2)
  then have Aif1: "2' {pre C1 Q} strip C1 {Q}" and Aif2: "2' {pre C2 Q} strip C2 {Q}" by auto
    show ?case apply auto apply(rule hoareQ.conseq[where k=1])
      apply(rule hoareQ.If[where P="%s. if bval b s then pre C1 Q s else pre C2 Q s" and Q="Q"])
      apply(rule hoareQ.conseq[where k=1])
         apply (fact Aif1)
      subgoal for s apply(cases "bval b s") by auto
      apply auto done
      apply(rule hoareQ.conseq[where k=1])
        apply (fact Aif2)
      subgoal for s apply(cases "bval b s") by auto
      apply auto done
     apply auto
  case (Awhile I b C)
  then have i: "(Q. vc C Q  2' {pre C Q} strip C {Q})"
   and ii': " s. pre C (λs. I s + 1) s  I s +  (bval b s)" 
   and ii'': "s. Q s   I s +  (¬ bval b s)" 
     and iii: "vc C (λs. I s + 1)"
    by auto

  from i iii have  A: "2' {pre C (λs. I s + 1)} strip C {(λs. I s + 1)}" by auto 
  show ?case
    apply simp
    apply(rule conseq[where k=1])
       apply(rule While[where I=I])
       apply(rule weakenpre)
        apply(rule A)
      apply(rule ii') apply simp
    using ii'' apply auto done  
  case (Abst k C)
  then have vc: "vc C (λs. k* Q s)" and k: "k>0" by auto
  from Abst(1) vc have C: "2' {pre C (%s. k*Q s)} strip C {(%s. k*Q s)}" by auto
  show ?case apply(simp)
    apply(rule conseq)
       apply(rule C) using k apply auto
      using ediv_cancel3 by auto
qed (auto intro: hoareQ.Skip hoareQ.Assign hoareQ.Seq )

lemma vc_sound': "vc C Q ; (s. pre C Q s  P s)    2' {P} strip C { Q }"
  apply(rule hoareQ.conseq[where k=1])
    apply(rule vc_sound) by auto

lemma vc_sound'': "vc C Q' ; (s.  pre C Q' s  k * P s)  ; (s. enat k * Q s  Q' s); k>0    2' {P} strip C { Q }"
  apply(rule hoareQ.conseq )
    apply(rule vc_sound) by auto

subsubsection "Completeness" 
lemma pre_mono: assumes "s. P' s  P s" 
  shows "s. pre C P' s  pre C P s"
  using assms by (induct C arbitrary: P P', auto simp: ediv_mono mult_left_mono )    
lemma vc_mono: assumes "s. P' s  P s" 
  shows "vc C P  vc C P'"    
  using assms
proof (induct C arbitrary: P P') 
  case (Awhile I b C Q)
  thus ?case 
    apply (auto simp: pre_mono) 
    using order.trans by blast  
  case (Abst x1 C)
  then show ?case by (auto simp: mult_left_mono)  
qed (auto simp: pre_mono)
lemma "2' { P } c { Q }  C. strip C = c  vc C Q  (s. pre C Q s  P s)"
  (is "_    C. ?G P c Q C")
proof (induction rule: hoareQ.induct)
  case (conseq P c Q k P' Q')
  then obtain C where strip: "strip C = c" and vc: "vc C Q" and pre: "s. pre C Q s  P s"
    by blast
  { fix s
    have "pre C (λs. enat k * Q' s) s  pre C Q s" using pre_mono conseq(3) by simp 
    from pre conseq(2) have "   enat k * P' s" using order.trans by blast
    finally have  "pre C (λs. enat k * Q' s) s   enat k * P' s" by auto
        then have  "ediv (pre C (λs. enat k * Q' s) s) k   ediv (enat k * P' s) k" using ediv_mono by auto
    moreover note  ediv_cancel2[OF conseq(4)]
    ultimately have "ediv (pre C (λs. enat k * Q' s) s) k  P' s"    
      by simp
  } note compensate=this
  show ?case
    apply(rule exI[where x="{k} Ab C"])
    subgoal using strip by simp
    subgoal apply simp apply safe
      subgoal using vc vc_mono conseq(3) by force
      subgoal by fact
    subgoal apply simp using compensate by auto
  case (Skip P)
  show ?case (is "C. ?C C")
  proof show "?C Askip" by auto  qed
  case (Assign P a x)
  show ?case (is "C. ?C C")
  proof show "?C(Aassign x a)" by auto  qed
  case (If P b c1 Q c2)
  from If(3) obtain C1 where strip1: "strip C1 = c1" and vc1: "vc C1 Q"
        and pre1: "(s. pre C1 Q s  (P s + (bval b s)))"
         by blast
  from If(4) obtain C2 where strip2: "strip C2 = c2" and vc2: "vc C2 Q"
        and pre2: "(s. pre C2 (λs. Q s) s  (P s + (¬ bval b s)))"
    by blast

  show ?case
    apply(rule exI[where x="IF b THEN C1 ELSE C2"], safe)
    subgoal using strip1 strip2 by auto
    subgoal  using vc1 vc2 by auto 
    subgoal for s using pre1[of s] pre2[of s] by auto  
  case (Seq P1 c1 P2 c2 P3)
  from Seq(3) obtain C1 where strip1: "strip C1 = c1" and vc1: "vc C1 P2"
      and pre1: "(s. pre C1 P2 s    P1 s)"    by blast
  from Seq(4) obtain C2 where strip2: "strip C2 = c2" and vc2: "vc C2 P3"
      and pre2: "s. pre C2 P3 s    P2 s"   by blast
    fix s
    have "pre C1 (pre C2 P3) s  P1 s" 
      apply(rule order.trans[where b="pre C1 P2 s"])
       apply(rule pre_mono) using pre2 apply simp using pre1 by simp
  } note pre = this
  show ?case
    apply(rule exI[where x="C1 ;; C2"], safe)
    subgoal using strip1 strip2 by simp
    subgoal apply simp apply safe  using vc1 vc2 vc_mono pre2 by auto 
    subgoal    apply simp using  pre by auto  
  case (While I b c)
  from While(2) obtain C where strip: "strip C = c" and vc: "vc C (λa. I a + 1)"
    and pre: "s. pre C (λa. I a + 1) s  I s +  (bval b s)" by blast
  show ?case 
    apply(rule exI[where x="{I} WHILE b DO C"], safe)
    subgoal using strip by simp
    subgoal apply simp using pre vc by auto
    subgoal by simp
lemma "Z { P } c { Q }  C. strip C = c  vc C Q  (s. pre C Q s  P s)"
  (is "_    C. ?G P c Q C")
proof (induction rule: hoareQ'.induct)
  case (ZSkip P)
  show ?case (is "C. ?C C")
  proof show "?C Askip" by auto   
  case (ZAssign P a x)
  show ?case (is "C. ?C C")
  proof show "?C(Aassign x a)" by simp qed
  case (ZIf P b c1 Q c2)
  from ZIf(3) obtain C1 where strip1: "strip C1 = c1" and vc1: "vc C1 Q" and pre1: "(s. pre C1 Q s  P s +  (bval b s))"  by blast
  from ZIf(4) obtain C2 where strip2: "strip C2 = c2" and vc2: "vc C2 Q" and pre2: "(s. pre C2 Q s  P s +  (¬ bval b s))"  by blast
  show ?case apply(rule exI[where x="IF b THEN C1 ELSE C2"])
    subgoal using strip1 strip2 by auto
    subgoal using vc1 vc2 by auto
    subgoal for s apply auto 
        subgoal using pre1[of s] by auto 
        subgoal using pre2[of s] by auto 
  case (ZSeq P1 c1 P2 c2 P3)
  from ZSeq(3) obtain C1 where strip1: "strip C1 = c1" and vc1: "vc C1 P2" and pre1: "(s. pre C1 P2 s  P1 s)"  by blast
  from ZSeq(4) obtain C2 where strip2: "strip C2 = c2" and vc2: "vc C2 P3" and pre2: "(s. pre C2 P3 s  P2 s)"  by blast
    fix s
    have "pre C1 (pre C2 P3) s  P1 s" 
      apply(rule order.trans[where b="pre C1 P2 s"])
       apply(rule pre_mono) using pre2 apply simp using pre1 by simp
  } note pre = this
  show ?case apply(rule exI[where x="C1 ;; C2"])
    apply safe
    subgoal using strip1 strip2 by simp
    subgoal using vc1 vc2 vc_mono pre2 by auto 
    subgoal using pre by auto 
  case (ZWhile I b c)
  from ZWhile(2) obtain C where strip: "strip C = c" and vc: "vc C (λa. I a + 1)"
    and pre: "s. pre C (λa. I a + 1) s  I s +  (bval b s)" by blast
  show ?case apply(rule exI[where x="{I} WHILE b DO C"])
    apply safe
    subgoal using strip by simp
    subgoal using pre vc by auto
    subgoal by simp
  case (Zconseq' P c Q P' Q')
  then obtain C where "strip C = c" and vc: "vc C Q" and pre: "s. pre C Q s  P s" by blast
  from pre_mono[OF Zconseq'(3)] have 1: "s. pre C Q' s  pre C Q s" by auto
  show ?case
    apply(rule exI[where x=C])
    apply safe
      apply fact
    subgoal using vc Zconseq'(3) vc_mono by auto
    subgoal using pre Zconseq'(2) 1 using order.trans  by metis
  case (Zconst k P c Q)
  then obtain C where strip: "strip C = c" and vc: "vc C (λa. enat k * Q a)" 
    and k: "k>0" and pre: "s. pre C (λa. enat k * Q a) s  enat k * P s" by blast
  show ?case
    apply(rule exI[where x="{k} Ab C"]) apply safe
    subgoal using strip by auto
    subgoal using vc k by auto
    subgoal apply auto using ediv_mono[OF pre] ediv_cancel2[OF k] by metis