Theory Ring_Misc
section ‹Ring Miscellaneous›
theory Ring_Misc
text ‹Some lemmas that may be considered as useful, and that helps for the Hilbert's basis proof›
lemma (in ring)carrier_quot: ‹ideal I R ⟹ carrier (R Quot I) = {{y⊕x | y. y∈I} |x. x∈carrier R}›
fix x
assume h:‹ideal I R› ‹x ∈ carrier (R Quot I)›
then have ‹∃xa∈carrier R. x = (⋃x∈I. {x ⊕ xa})›
unfolding FactRing_def A_RCOSETS_def RCOSETS_def cgenideal_def r_coset_def
then obtain y where ‹x = (⋃x∈I. {x ⊕ y}) ∧ y ∈carrier R› by blast
with h show ‹∃xa. x = {y ⊕ xa |y. y ∈ I} ∧ xa ∈ carrier R›
fix x xa
assume ‹ideal I R› ‹xa ∈ carrier R›
then show ‹{y ⊕ xa |y. y ∈ I} ∈ carrier (R Quot I)›
unfolding FactRing_def A_RCOSETS_def RCOSETS_def cgenideal_def r_coset_def
apply simp
apply(rule bexI[where x=xa])
by auto
fixes A B h
assumes ring_A: ‹ring A›
assumes ring_B: ‹ring B›
assumes h1:‹h∈ring_iso A B›
interpretation ringA: ring A
using ring_A by auto
interpretation ringB: ring B
using ring_B by auto
interpretation rhr:ring_hom_ring A B h
using h1 unfolding ring_iso_def by auto
lemma inv_img_exist:‹∀xa∈carrier B. ∃y. y ∈ carrier A ∧ h y = xa›
using h1 bij_betw_iff_bijections[of h ‹carrier A› ‹carrier B›] unfolding ring_iso_def
lemma img_ideal_is_ideal:assumes j1:‹ideal I A›
shows ‹ideal (h ` I) B›
proof(intro idealI)
show ‹ring B›
by(simp add: ringB.ring_axioms)
from j1 show ‹subgroup (h ` I) (add_monoid B)›
by (metis (no_types, lifting) additive_subgroup_def ideal_def rhr.img_is_add_subgroup)
fix a x
assume hyp:‹a ∈ h ` I› ‹x ∈ carrier B›
with j1 show fst:‹x ⊗⇘B⇙ a ∈ h ` I›
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) inv_img_exist h1 ideal.I_l_closed ideal.Icarr image_iff ring_iso_memE(2))
from j1 show ‹a ⊗⇘B⇙ x ∈ h ` I›
using inv_img_exist fst hyp(2)
by (smt (verit, best) hyp(1) ideal.I_r_closed ideal.Icarr image_iff rhr.hom_mult)
lemma img_in_carrier_quot:‹∀x∈ carrier (A Quot I). h ` x ∈ carrier (B Quot (h`I))› if j:‹ideal I A› for I
proof(subst ringA.carrier_quot(1)[OF j],subst ringB.carrier_quot[of ‹h`I›], safe)
show ‹ideal (h ` I) B›
using img_ideal_is_ideal that by blast
fix x xa
assume h:‹xa ∈ carrier A›
then show ‹∃x. h ` {y ⊕⇘A⇙ xa |y. y ∈ I} = {y ⊕⇘B⇙ x |y. y ∈ h ` I} ∧ x ∈ carrier B›
apply(intro exI[where x=‹h xa›])
using h1 j ideal.Icarr ring_iso_memE(3) that apply fastforce
using h1 ideal.Icarr image_iff mem_Collect_eq ring_iso_memE(3) that apply fastforce
by (meson h1 ring_iso_memE(1))
lemma f8:‹xa∈carrier B ∧ xb∈I ⟹h(xb ⊕⇘A⇙ inv_into (carrier A) h xa) = h xb ⊕⇘B⇙ xa› if j:‹ideal I A› for I xb xa
proof -
assume "xa ∈ carrier B ∧ xb ∈ I"
then show ?thesis
using inv_img_exist f_inv_into_f[of xa h ‹carrier A›] ideal.Icarr[OF that, of xb]
inv_into_into[of xa h]
lemma f9:‹∀xa∈carrier B. ∀xb∈carrier A. ∃y. h y = h xb ⊕⇘B⇙ xa›
using f8 ringA.oneideal by blast
lemma img_over_set_is_iso: ‹ideal I A ⟹ ((`) h) ∈ ring_iso (A Quot I) (B Quot (h`I))› for I
proof(rule ring_iso_memI)
fix x
assume k:‹ideal I A› ‹x ∈ carrier (A Quot I)›
then show ‹h ` x ∈ carrier (B Quot h ` I)›
using h1 ringA.ring_axioms ringB.ring_axioms
by(simp add:img_in_carrier_quot)
fix y
fix xa xb xc
assume g:‹xa ∈ x› ‹xb ∈ y› ‹xc ∈ I› ‹ideal I A›‹x ∈ a_rcosets⇘A⇙ I› ‹y ∈ a_rcosets⇘A⇙ I›
have xa:‹xa ∈ carrier A›
using abelian_subgroup.a_rcosets_carrier abelian_subgroupI3 g(1) g(5)
ideal_def k(1) ring_def by blast
have xb:‹xb ∈carrier A›
using abelian_subgroup.a_rcosets_carrier abelian_subgroupI3 g(2) g(6)
ideal_def k(1) ring_def by blast
have xc:‹xc∈carrier A›
using g(3) k(1) ringA.ideal_is_subalgebra ringA.subalgebra_in_carrier by fastforce
have ‹∃x∈x. ∃xd∈y. ∃xe∈I. h (xc ⊕⇘A⇙ xa ⊗⇘A⇙ xb) = h xe ⊕⇘B⇙ h x ⊗⇘B⇙ h xd ›
apply(rule bexI[where x=xa])
apply(rule bexI[where x=xb])
apply(rule bexI[where x=xc])
using g rhr.hom_add[OF xc ] rhr.hom_mult[OF xa xb]
using ringA.m_closed xa xb by presburger+
}note fst_prf=this
{fix xa xb xc
assume g:‹xa ∈ x› ‹xb ∈ y› ‹xc ∈ I› ‹ideal I A›‹x ∈ a_rcosets⇘A⇙ I› ‹y ∈ a_rcosets⇘A⇙ I›
have xa:‹xa ∈ carrier A›
using abelian_subgroup.a_rcosets_carrier abelian_subgroupI3 g(1) g(5)
ideal_def k(1) ring_def by blast
have xb:‹xb ∈carrier A›
using abelian_subgroup.a_rcosets_carrier abelian_subgroupI3 g(2) g(6)
ideal_def k(1) ring_def by blast
have xc:‹xc∈carrier A›
using g(3) k(1) ringA.ideal_is_subalgebra ringA.subalgebra_in_carrier by fastforce
have ‹∃ya∈x. ∃y∈y. ∃yb∈I. h xc ⊕⇘B⇙ h xa ⊗⇘B⇙ h xb = h (yb ⊕⇘A⇙ ya ⊗⇘A⇙ y)›
apply(rule bexI[where x=xa])
apply(rule bexI[where x=xb])
apply(rule bexI[where x=xc])
using g rhr.hom_add[OF xc ] rhr.hom_mult[OF xa xb]
using ringA.m_closed xa xb by presburger+ }note snd_prf=this
assume k1:‹y ∈ carrier (A Quot I)›
with k show ‹h ` (x ⊗⇘A Quot I⇙ y) = h ` x ⊗⇘B Quot h ` I⇙ h ` y›
by(auto simp:FactRing_def image_iff rcoset_mult_def r_coset_def a_r_coset_def snd_prf fst_prf)
from k k1 show ‹h ` (x ⊕⇘A Quot I⇙ y) = h ` x ⊕⇘B Quot h ` I⇙ h ` y›
apply(simp add:FactRing_def rcoset_mult_def r_coset_def a_r_coset_def)
using h1 ring_A ring_B unfolding ring_iso_def FactRing_def rcoset_mult_def r_coset_def a_r_coset_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) abelian_subgroup.a_rcosets_carrier abelian_subgroupI3
ideal.axioms(1) mem_Collect_eq ring_def set_add_hom)
assume k:‹ideal I A›
have important:‹xa ∈ carrier (B Quot h ` I) ⟹ ∃y∈carrier (A Quot I). h ` y = xa› for xa
proof(rule bexI[where x=‹inv_into (carrier A) h ` xa›])
assume g:‹xa ∈ carrier (B Quot h ` I)›
then show ‹h ` inv_into (carrier A) h ` xa = xa›
by (metis Sup_le_iff bij_betw_def img_ideal_is_ideal h1 image_inv_into_cancel k
ringB.canonical_proj_vimage_in_carrier ring_iso_memE(5) subset_refl)
{fix x
assume g1:‹x∈carrier B› ‹ xa = (⋃xa∈I. {h xa ⊕⇘B⇙ x})›
{fix xaa
assume g2:‹xaa ∈ I›
with g1 have ‹∃xa∈I. (SOME y. y ∈ carrier A ∧ h y = h xaa ⊕⇘B⇙ x) = xa ⊕⇘A⇙ inv_into (carrier A) h x›
by (smt (verit, del_insts) bij_betw_def bij_betw_iff_bijections h1 ideal.Icarr
inv_into_f_f k rhr.hom_add ringA.add.m_closed ring_iso_memE(5) some_equality)
}note 2=this
{fix xaa
assume ‹xaa∈I›
with g1 have ‹xaa ⊕⇘A⇙ inv_into (carrier A) h x = (SOME y. y ∈ carrier A ∧ h y = h xaa ⊕⇘B⇙ x)›
using h1 ring_A ring_B unfolding ring_iso_def
by (smt (verit, del_insts) bij_betw_def k inv_img_exist f8 h1 ideal.Icarr
inv_into_f_f mem_Collect_eq ringA.add.m_closed someI_ex)
}note 3=this
from g1 have ‹∃xa∈carrier A. (λx. SOME y. y ∈ carrier A ∧ h y = x) ` (⋃xa∈I. {h xa ⊕⇘B⇙ x}) = (⋃x∈I. {x ⊕⇘A⇙ xa})›
apply(intro bexI[where x=‹inv_into (carrier A) h x›])
using inv_img_exist image_eqI inv_into_into[of x h ‹carrier A›]
by(auto simp: 2 3)
}note 1 =this
from g show ‹inv_into (carrier A) h ` xa ∈ carrier (A Quot I)›
unfolding FactRing_def inv_into_def A_RCOSETS_def RCOSETS_def r_coset_def by(auto simp:1)
have imp2:‹∀J⊆carrier A. ∀K⊆carrier A. h ` J = h ` K ⟶ J = K›
unfolding image_def using h1 apply(safe)
using h1 ring_A ring_B unfolding ring_iso_def
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) bij_betw_iff_bijections in_mono mem_Collect_eq) +
with important have important3:‹xa ∈ carrier (B Quot h ` I)
⟹ ∃!y∈carrier (A Quot I). h ` y = xa› for xa
apply blast
apply (metis Sup_le_iff equalityE k ringA.canonical_proj_vimage_in_carrier)
by (metis Sup_le_iff dual_order.refl k ringA.canonical_proj_vimage_in_carrier)
have bij_inv:‹bij_betw (inv_into (carrier A) h) (carrier B) (carrier A)›
by (simp add: bij_betw_inv_into h1 ring_iso_memE(5))
with k show ‹h ` 𝟭⇘A Quot I⇙ = 𝟭⇘B Quot h ` I⇙›
apply(auto simp:image_def FactRing_def rcoset_mult_def r_coset_def a_r_coset_def) [1]
apply (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) h1 ideal.Icarr insert_iff ringA.one_closed ring_iso_memE(3) ring_iso_memE(4))
by (metis (full_types) h1 ideal.Icarr ringA.one_closed ring_iso_memE(3) ring_iso_memE(4) singletonI)
show ‹bij_betw ((`) h) (carrier (A Quot I)) (carrier (B Quot h ` I))›
proof(intro bij_betw_byWitness[where ?f' = "(`) (inv_into (carrier A) h)"])
from k show ‹∀a∈carrier (A Quot I). inv_into (carrier A) h ` h ` a = a›
apply(intro ballI)
apply(subst inv_into_image_cancel)
using bij_betw_def h1 ring_A ring_B unfolding ring_iso_def apply blast
apply (metis FactRing_def abelian_subgroup.a_rcosets_carrier
abelian_subgroupI3 ideal_def partial_object.select_convs(1) ring_def)
from k show ‹∀a'∈carrier (B Quot h ` I). h ` inv_into (carrier A) h ` a' = a'›
using ring_A ring_B h1 unfolding ring_iso_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Sup_le_iff bij_betw_def img_ideal_is_ideal image_inv_into_cancel
mem_Collect_eq ringB.canonical_proj_vimage_in_carrier subset_refl)
from k show ‹(`) h ` carrier (A Quot I) ⊆ carrier (B Quot h ` I)›
using img_in_carrier_quot by blast
from k show ‹(`) (inv_into (carrier A) h) ` carrier (B Quot h ` I) ⊆ carrier (A Quot I)›
apply(subst (1) image_def)
by (metis ‹∀a∈carrier (A Quot I). inv_into (carrier A) h ` h ` a = a› important3)
lemma Quot_iso_cgen:‹a∈carrier A ∧ b:carrier B ∧ cring A ∧ cring B ∧ h ∈ ring_iso A B ∧ h(a) = b
⟹ A Quot (cgenideal A a) ≃ B Quot (cgenideal B b)›
unfolding is_ring_iso_def ring_iso_def
proof(subst ex_in_conv[symmetric])
assume h1:‹a∈carrier A ∧ b:carrier B ∧cring A ∧ cring B ∧ h ∈ {h ∈ ring_hom A B. bij_betw h (carrier A) (carrier B)} ∧ h a = b›
have h1':‹h ∈ ring_iso A B›
using h1 apply(fold ring_iso_def) by simp
interpret ringA: cring A
using h1 by auto
interpret ringB: cring B
using h1 by simp
have f1:‹∀xa∈carrier B. ∃y. y ∈ carrier A ∧ h y = xa›
by (metis (no_types, lifting) bij_betw_iff_bijections h1 mem_Collect_eq)
have f0:‹ideal (PIdl⇘A⇙ a) A ∧ ideal (PIdl⇘B⇙ b) B›
using ringA.cgenideal_ideal[of a] ringB.cgenideal_ideal[of b] h1 by(simp)
then have f2:‹(carrier (A Quot PIdl⇘A⇙ a)) = {{y⊕⇘A⇙x | y. y∈PIdl⇘A⇙ a} |x. x∈carrier A}
› ‹(carrier (B Quot PIdl⇘B⇙ b)) = {{y⊕⇘B⇙x | y. y∈PIdl⇘B⇙ b} |x. x∈carrier B}›
using ringA.carrier_quot ringB.carrier_quot by simp+
then have ‹h`(PIdl⇘A⇙ a) = (PIdl⇘B⇙ b)›
unfolding image_def cgenideal_def
fix x xa xb
assume h2:‹ carrier (A Quot {x ⊗⇘A⇙ a |x. x ∈ carrier A}) = {{y ⊕⇘A⇙ x |y. y ∈ {x ⊗⇘A⇙ a |x. x ∈ carrier A}} |x. x ∈ carrier A}›
‹carrier (B Quot {x ⊗⇘B⇙ b |x. x ∈ carrier B}) = {{y ⊕⇘B⇙ x |y. y ∈ {x ⊗⇘B⇙ b |x. x ∈ carrier B}} |x. x ∈ carrier B}›
‹xb ∈ carrier A›
then show ‹∃x. h (xb ⊗⇘A⇙ a) = x ⊗⇘B⇙ b ∧ x ∈ carrier B›
using h1 ring_iso_def ring_iso_memE(1) ring_iso_memE(2) by fastforce
fix x xa
assume h2:‹ carrier (A Quot {x ⊗⇘A⇙ a |x. x ∈ carrier A}) = {{y ⊕⇘A⇙ x |y. y ∈ {x ⊗⇘A⇙ a |x. x ∈ carrier A}} |x. x ∈ carrier A}›
‹carrier (B Quot {x ⊗⇘B⇙ b |x. x ∈ carrier B}) = {{y ⊕⇘B⇙ x |y. y ∈ {x ⊗⇘B⇙ b |x. x ∈ carrier B}} |x. x ∈ carrier B}›
‹xa ∈ carrier B›
show ‹∃x∈{x ⊗⇘A⇙ a |x. x ∈ carrier A}. xa ⊗⇘B⇙ b = h x ›
using f1 h1 h1' h2(3) ring_iso_memE(2) by fastforce
then have ‹∀x∈(PIdl⇘B⇙ b). ∃!y∈(PIdl⇘A⇙ a). h y = x›
by (smt (verit) bij_betw_iff_bijections f0 h1 ideal.Icarr image_def mem_Collect_eq)
then have ‹x∈carrier (A Quot {x ⊗⇘A⇙ a |x. x ∈ carrier A}) ⟹ ∃y'∈carrier A. x = {y⊕⇘A⇙y' | y. y∈PIdl⇘A⇙ a}› for x
proof -
assume a1: "x ∈ carrier (A Quot {x ⊗⇘A⇙ a |x. x ∈ carrier A})"
have f2: "∀Aa Ab. Ab ∉ carrier (A Quot Aa) ∨ ¬ ideal Aa A
∨ (∃a. Ab = {aa ⊕⇘A⇙ a |aa. aa ∈ Aa} ∧ a ∈ carrier A)"
using ringA.carrier_quot by auto
have "x ∈ carrier (A Quot PIdl⇘A⇙ a)"
using a1 by (simp add: cgenideal_def)
then show ?thesis
using f2 f0 by blast
show ‹∃x. x ∈ {h ∈ ring_hom (A Quot PIdl⇘A⇙ a) (B Quot PIdl⇘B⇙ b).
bij_betw h (carrier (A Quot PIdl⇘A⇙ a)) (carrier (B Quot PIdl⇘B⇙ b))}›
apply(fold ring_iso_def)
apply(intro exI[where x=‹λx. h`x›])
using ‹h ` (PIdl⇘A⇙ a) = PIdl⇘B⇙ b› f0 h1' img_over_set_is_iso ringA.ring_axioms ringB.ring_axioms
by force