Theory Polynomials_Ring_Misc
section ‹Polynomials Ring Miscellaneous›
theory Polynomials_Ring_Misc
imports "HOL-Algebra.Polynomials"
text ‹Some lemmas that may be considered as useful, and that helps for the Hilbert's basis proof›
definition(in ring) deg_poly_set:‹deg_poly_set S k = {a. a∈S ∧ degree a = k}∪{[]}›
definition (in ring) lead_coeff_set::‹'a list set⇒ nat ⇒ 'a set›
where ‹lead_coeff_set S k ≡ {coeff a (degree a) | a. a∈deg_poly_set S k}›
lemma rule_union:‹x∈(⋃n≤k. A l n) ⟷ (∃n≤k. x∈A l n)›
lemma (in ring) add_0_eq_0_is_0:‹a∈carrier ((carrier R)[X]) ⟹ [] ⊕⇘(carrier R) [X]⇙ a = [] ⟹ a = []›
proof -
assume h1:‹a∈carrier ((carrier R)[X])› and h2:‹[] ⊕⇘(carrier R) [X]⇙ a = []›
have ‹poly_add [] a = a›
apply(rule local.poly_add_zero(2)[of ‹(carrier R)›])
apply (simp add: carrier_is_subring)
by (simp add: h1 univ_poly_carrier)
then show ?thesis
using h2 unfolding univ_poly_add by presburger
lemma (in domain) inv_coeff_sum:‹a∈carrier((carrier R)[X]) ⟹ aa∈carrier((carrier R)[X])
⟹ a ⊕⇘(carrier R)[X]⇙ aa = [] ⟷ (∀n. coeff a n = inv⇘add_monoid R⇙ (coeff aa n))›
proof(safe, induct a)
case Nil
then have ‹aa = []›
by (simp add: Nil.prems(2) Nil.prems(3) add_0_eq_0_is_0)
then show ?case by(auto)
case (Cons a1 a2)
then show ?case
by (metis add.comm_inv_char coeff.simps(1) coeff_in_carrier local.add.m_comm local.ring_axioms
poly_add_coeff polynomial_in_carrier ring.carrier_is_subring univ_poly_add univ_poly_carrier)
interpret kxr: cring "(carrier R)[X]"
using carrier_is_subring univ_poly_is_cring by blast
assume h1:‹a ∈ carrier ((carrier R) [X])› and h2:‹aa ∈ carrier ((carrier R) [X])›
and h3:‹∀n. local.coeff a n = inv⇘add_monoid R⇙ local.coeff aa n›
then show ‹a ⊕⇘(carrier R) [X]⇙ aa = []›
by (metis (no_types, lifting) abelian_group_def abelian_monoid.a_monoid add.Units_eq
carrier_is_subring coeff_in_carrier kxr.add.m_closed kxr.add.m_comm lead_coeff_simp local.ring_axioms
mem_Collect_eq monoid.Units_r_inv monoid.select_convs(1) monoid.select_convs(2) partial_object.select_convs(1)
poly_add_coeff polynomial_def polynomial_in_carrier ring_def univ_poly_add univ_poly_def)
lemma (in ring) coeffs_of_add_poly:‹a∈carrier((carrier R)[X]) ⟹ aa∈carrier((carrier R)[X])
⟹ coeff (a ⊕⇘(carrier R)[X]⇙ aa) n = coeff a n ⊕ coeff aa n›
by (metis local.ring_axioms poly_add_coeff ring.polynomial_incl univ_poly_add univ_poly_carrier)
lemma (in ring) length_add:‹a∈carrier((carrier R)[X]) ⟹ aa∈carrier((carrier R)[X])
⟹ coeff a (degree a) ≠ inv⇘add_monoid R⇙ coeff aa (degree aa)
⟹ degree (a ⊕⇘(carrier R)[X]⇙ aa) = max (degree a) (degree aa)›
proof -
assume h1:‹a∈carrier((carrier R)[X])›
and h2:‹aa∈carrier((carrier R)[X])›
and h3:‹coeff a (degree a) ≠ inv⇘add_monoid R⇙ coeff aa (degree aa)›
have f0:‹∀n>(max (degree a) (degree aa)). coeff (a ⊕⇘(carrier R)[X]⇙ aa) n = 𝟬›
by (simp add: coeff_degree coeffs_of_add_poly h1 h2)
then have f1:‹degree a = degree aa ⟹ coeff (a ⊕⇘(carrier R)[X]⇙ aa) (degree a)
= coeff a (degree a) ⊕ coeff aa (degree aa)›
using coeffs_of_add_poly h1 h2 by presburger
also have f2: ‹coeff a (degree a) ⊕ coeff aa (degree aa) ≠ 𝟬› using h3
by (meson add.inv_comm add.inv_unique' coeff_in_carrier h1 h2 local.ring_axioms
ring.polynomial_incl univ_poly_carrier)
then show ?thesis
apply(cases "degree a = degree aa")
using f0 f1
apply (metis coeff_degree le_neq_implies_less max.idem poly_add_degree univ_poly_add)
apply(cases ‹degree a > degree aa›)
by (metis carrier_is_subring h1 h2 local.ring_axioms
ring.poly_add_degree_eq univ_poly_add univ_poly_carrier)+
lemma (in domain) inv_imp_zero:‹a∈carrier((carrier R)[X]) ⟹ a ⊕⇘(carrier R) [X]⇙ inv⇘add_monoid ((carrier R) [X])⇙ a = []›
using local.add.Units_eq local.add.Units_r_inv univ_poly_zero
by (metis a_inv_def abelian_group.r_neg carrier_is_subring domain.univ_poly_is_abelian_group domain_axioms)
lemma (in domain) R_subdom:‹subdomain (carrier R) R›
by (simp add: carrier_is_subring subdomainI')
lemma (in domain) lead_coeff_in_carrier:
‹ideal I ((carrier R)[X]) ⟹ a∈ I ⟹ coeff a (degree a) ∈ (carrier R)› for I a
using poly_coeff_in_carrier[of ‹carrier R› a]
by (simp add: carrier_is_subring ideal.Icarr univ_poly_carrier)
lemma (in domain) degree_of_inv:‹p∈carrier((carrier R)[X]) ⟹ degree (inv⇘add_monoid ((carrier R)[X])⇙ p) = degree p› for p
using univ_poly_a_inv_degree[of ‹carrier R› p]
by (simp add: a_inv_def carrier_is_subring)
lemma (in domain) inv_in_deg_poly_set:‹ideal I ((carrier R)[X]) ⟹ a∈ deg_poly_set I k
⟹ inv⇘add_monoid ((carrier R)[X])⇙ a ∈ deg_poly_set I k› for I k a
proof -
interpret kxr: cring "(carrier R)[X]"
using carrier_is_subring univ_poly_is_cring by blast
assume h1:‹ideal I ((carrier R)[X])› ‹a∈ deg_poly_set I k›
then show ?thesis
unfolding deg_poly_set
apply (meson additive_subgroup_def group.subgroupE(3) ideal_def kxr.add.is_group)
apply (meson degree_of_inv ideal.Icarr)
by (metis kxr.add.inv_one univ_poly_zero)+
lemma (in domain) ideal_lead_coeff_set:‹ideal (lead_coeff_set I k) R›
if h':‹ideal I ((carrier R)[X])› for I k
proof(rule idealI)
show ‹ring R›
by (simp add: local.ring_axioms)
interpret kxr: cring "(carrier R)[X]"
using carrier_is_subring univ_poly_is_cring by blast
show ‹subgroup (lead_coeff_set I k) (add_monoid R)›
unfolding subgroup_def lead_coeff_set_def
fix a x
assume h1:‹a ∈ deg_poly_set I k›
show ‹local.coeff a (degree a) ∈ carrier (add_monoid R)›
using lead_coeff_in_carrier h' h1
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Un_iff deg_poly_set empty_iff insert_iff
kxr.oneideal mem_Collect_eq partial_object.select_convs(1) univ_poly_zero_closed)
fix x y a aa
assume h1:‹a ∈ deg_poly_set I k› and h2:‹aa ∈ deg_poly_set I k›
then have imp:‹a∈carrier ((carrier R)[X]) ∧ aa ∈ carrier ((carrier R)[X])›
unfolding deg_poly_set using h' unfolding ideal_def
by(auto simp:additive_subgroup.a_Hcarr)
then show ‹∃ab. local.coeff a (degree a) ⊗⇘add_monoid R⇙ local.coeff aa (degree aa)
= local.coeff ab (degree ab) ∧ ab ∈ deg_poly_set I k›
apply(cases ‹a=[]›)
using lead_coeff_in_carrier h2 kxr.oneideal apply auto[1]
apply(cases ‹aa=[]›)
using lead_coeff_in_carrier h1 kxr.oneideal apply auto[1]
apply(cases ‹local.coeff aa (length aa - Suc 0)
≠ inv⇘add_monoid R⇙ local.coeff a (length a - Suc 0)›)
apply(rule exI[where x=‹a ⊕⇘(carrier R)[X]⇙ aa›])
using imp length_add h1 h2 unfolding deg_poly_set apply(safe)
apply (metis One_nat_def coeffs_of_add_poly kxr.add.m_comm max.idem monoid.select_convs(1))
apply (meson additive_subgroup.a_closed ideal_def that)
apply (metis One_nat_def kxr.add.m_comm max.idem)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def Un_iff add.comm_inv_char add.r_inv_ex coeff.simps(1)
lead_coeff_in_carrier insert_iff monoid.select_convs(1) that)
show ‹∃a. 𝟭⇘add_monoid R⇙ = local.coeff a (degree a) ∧ a ∈ deg_poly_set I k›
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Un_insert_right coeff.simps(1) deg_poly_set insertI1 monoid.select_convs(2))
fix a
assume ‹a ∈ deg_poly_set I k›
obtain a' where ‹a'= inv⇘add_monoid ((carrier R)[X])⇙ a ∧ a ∈ I›
using h'
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Un_iff ‹a ∈ deg_poly_set I k› deg_poly_set empty_iff insert_iff kxr.add.normal_invE(1)
kxr.ideal_is_normal mem_Collect_eq monoid.select_convs(2) subgroup_def univ_poly_zero)
then show ‹∃aa. inv⇘add_monoid R⇙ local.coeff a (degree a) = local.coeff aa (degree aa) ∧ aa ∈ deg_poly_set I k›
apply(intro exI[where x=‹inv⇘add_monoid ((carrier R)[X])⇙ a›])
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) degree_of_inv ideal.Icarr kxr.add.Units_eq kxr.add.Units_inv_closed
kxr.add.Units_l_inv inv_coeff_sum that univ_poly_zero)
using ‹a ∈ deg_poly_set I k› inv_in_deg_poly_set that by blast
interpret kxr: cring "(carrier R)[X]"
using carrier_is_subring univ_poly_is_cring by blast
fix a y
assume h1:‹ a ∈ lead_coeff_set I k› and h2:‹y ∈ (carrier R)›
then obtain l where h3:‹l∈deg_poly_set I k ∧ a = coeff l (degree l)›
using lead_coeff_set_def by auto
then have t0:‹set l ⊆ (carrier R)›
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Un_iff additive_subgroup.a_Hcarr deg_poly_set h' ideal.axioms(1)
kxr.zeroideal mem_Collect_eq partial_object.select_convs(1) polynomial_incl univ_poly_def
have t1:‹l∈carrier ((carrier R)[X])› using h3 h' unfolding deg_poly_set ideal_def
by(auto simp:additive_subgroup.a_Hcarr)
have h4:‹y≠𝟬 ⟹ [y] ∈ carrier((carrier R)[X])›
using h2 by (simp add: polynomial_def univ_poly_def)
have f4a:‹subring (carrier R) R›
using carrier_is_subring by auto
have h5:‹y≠𝟬 ⟹ [y] ∈ carrier ((carrier R) [X]) ⟹ l ∈ carrier ((carrier R)[X])
⟹ l≠[] ⟹ [y] ⊗⇘(carrier R) [X]⇙ l ∈ deg_poly_set I k›
using h3 h4 unfolding deg_poly_set apply(safe)
apply (meson h' ideal_axioms_def ideal_def)
unfolding univ_poly_mult
using poly_mult_degree_eq[of "(carrier R)" ‹[y]› l]
using f4a univ_poly_carrier by auto
have t4:‹y≠𝟬 ⟹ [y] ∈ carrier ((carrier R) [X]) ⟹ l ∈ carrier ((carrier R)[X]) ⟹ l≠[] ⟹y ⊗ a = local.coeff ([y] ⊗⇘(carrier R) [X]⇙ l) (degree ([y] ⊗⇘(carrier R) [X]⇙ l))›
unfolding univ_poly_mult
by (metis f4a h3 lead_coeff_simp list.sel(1) not_Cons_self poly_mult_integral
poly_mult_lead_coeff univ_poly_carrier)
have t6:‹a≠𝟬 ⟹ l≠[]›
using h3 by fastforce
show symet:‹y ⊗ a ∈ lead_coeff_set I k›
unfolding lead_coeff_set_def deg_poly_set apply(safe)
apply(cases ‹a = 𝟬›)
apply(rule exI[where x=‹[]›])
apply (simp add: h2)
apply(cases ‹y=𝟬›)
apply(rule exI[where x=‹[]›])
using coeff.simps(1) coeff_in_carrier h2 h3 integral_iff t0 apply simp
apply(rule exI[where x=‹ [y] ⊗⇘(carrier R) [X]⇙ l›])
apply (metis One_nat_def coeff.simps(1) h3 h4 t1 t4)
using h5 h4 t6 by(auto simp add: deg_poly_set t1)
show ‹a ⊗ y ∈ lead_coeff_set I k›
using h2 h3 m_comm symet t0 by auto
lemma (in ring) deg_poly_set_0:‹deg_poly_set x' 0 = {[a] | a. [a]∈x'}∪{[]}› for x'::‹'c list set›
unfolding deg_poly_set
apply (metis One_nat_def Suc_pred length_0_conv length_Suc_conv length_greater_0_conv)
lemma (in ring) lead_coeff_set_0:‹lead_coeff_set x' 0 = {a. [a]∈x'}∪{𝟬}› for x'
unfolding lead_coeff_set_def
proof(subst deg_poly_set_0, safe)
fix x a aa
assume h1:‹local.coeff [aa] (degree [aa]) ∉ {}› ‹local.coeff [aa] (degree [aa]) ≠ 𝟬›
‹[aa] ∈ x'›
then show ‹[local.coeff [aa] (degree [aa])] ∈ x'›
fix x a
assume h1:‹local.coeff [] (degree []) ∉ {}› ‹local.coeff [] (degree []) ≠ 𝟬›
then show ‹[local.coeff [] (degree [])] ∈ x'› by simp
fix x
assume h1:‹[x] ∈ x'›
then show ‹∃a. x = local.coeff a (degree a) ∧ a ∈ {[a] |a. [a] ∈ x'} ∪ {[]}›
apply(intro exI[where x=‹[x]›])
fix x
show ‹∃a. 𝟬 = local.coeff a (degree a) ∧ a ∈ {[a] |a. [a] ∈ x'} ∪ {[]} ›
apply(rule exI[where x=‹[]›])