Theory Examples_Noetherian_Rings
section ‹Examples›
theory Examples_Noetherian_Rings
subsection ‹Examples of noetherian rings with ‹ℤ› and ‹ℤ[X]››
lemma INTEG_euclidean_domain:‹euclidean_domain INTEG (λx. nat (abs x))›
apply(rule domain.euclidean_domainI)
unfolding domain_def domain_axioms_def using INTEG_cring apply(simp add:INTEG_def)
unfolding INTEG_def
using abs_mod_less div_mod_decomp_int mult.commute
by (metis Diff_iff INTEG.R.r_null INTEG_def INTEG_mult UNIV_I abs_ge_zero insert_iff
mult_zero_left nat_less_eq_zless partial_object.select_convs(1) ring_record_simps(12))
lemma principal_ideal_INTEG:‹ideal I INTEG ⟹ principalideal I INTEG›
proof(rule principalidealI)
assume h:‹ideal I INTEG›
then show ‹ideal I INTEG› by(simp)
{assume h1:‹I ≠ {0}›
define E where imp:‹E≡{nat (abs x)|x. x∈I ∧ x≠0}›
then have ‹E≠{}›
using h h1 additive_subgroup.zero_closed unfolding ideal_def
by fastforce
then have ‹∃n∈E. ∀x∈E. n≤x ∧ n>0›
using abs_ge_zero imp zero_less_abs_iff
by (smt (verit) all_not_in_conv exists_least_iff gr_zeroI leI mem_Collect_eq nat_0_iff)
define E' where imp2:‹E'≡{(abs x)|x. x∈I ∧ x≠0}›
then have ‹bij_betw nat E' E›
unfolding bij_betw_def
using inj_on_def apply force
using imp apply blast
using imp by blast
then have ‹∃n∈E'. ∀x∈E'. n≤x ∧ n>0›
by (smt (verit, best) ‹∃n∈E. ∀x∈E. n ≤ x ∧ 0 < n›
bij_betw_iff_bijections le_nat_iff nat_eq_iff2 nat_le_iff zero_less_nat_eq)
then obtain n where f1:‹∀x∈E'. n≤x ∧ n>0 ∧ n∈E'› by blast
then have ‹∃a∈I. abs a = n›
using ‹∃n∈E'. ∀x∈E'. n ≤ x ∧ 0 < n› imp2 by blast
then obtain a where f0:‹a∈I ∧ abs a = n› by blast
then have ‹∀x. ∃q r. x = a*q+r ∧ abs r < abs a›
using INTEG_euclidean_domain unfolding euclidean_domain_def
by (metis ‹∃n∈E'. ∀x∈E'. n ≤ x ∧ 0 < n› ‹∀x∈E'. n ≤ x ∧ 0 < n ∧ n ∈ E'›
abs_mod_less div_mod_decomp_int mult.commute zero_less_abs_iff)
then have f2:‹x∈I∧ r =x - a*q ⟹ r∈I› for q r x
using h unfolding ideal_def INTEG_def additive_subgroup_def subgroup_def ideal_axioms_def
ring_def apply(safe, simp)
by (metis ‹a ∈ I ∧ ¦a¦ = n› integer_group_def inv_integer_group uminus_add_conv_diff)
have f3:‹x∈I∧ r =x - a*q ⟹ abs r < abs a ⟹ r = 0› for r q x
apply(frule f2)
using imp2 f1 f0
by fastforce
have ‹x∈I∧ r =x - a*q ⟹ abs r < abs a ⟹ x ∈ Idl⇘INTEG⇙ {a}›
for x r q
apply(frule f3)
apply blast
unfolding genideal_def ideal_def INTEG_def additive_subgroup_def
subgroup_def ideal_axioms_def by(auto)
then have ‹x∈I ⟹ x ∈ Idl⇘INTEG⇙ {a}› for x
by (metis ‹∀x. ∃q r. x = a * q + r ∧ ¦r¦ < ¦a¦› add_diff_cancel_left')
then have ‹ideal I INTEG ⟹ ∃i∈carrier INTEG. I = Idl⇘INTEG⇙ {i}›
using INTEG.R.cgenideal_eq_genideal INTEG.R.cgenideal_minimal f0 by blast
}note non_trivial_ideal=this
show ‹∃i∈carrier INTEG. I = Idl⇘INTEG⇙ {i}›
apply(cases ‹I={0}›)
apply (metis INTEG.R.genideal_self
INTEG.R.ring_axioms INTEG_closed h ring.Idl_subset_ideal subsetI subset_antisym)
using non_trivial_ideal h by auto
lemma INTEG_noetherian_ring:‹noetherian_ring INTEG›
apply(rule ring.noetherian_ringI)
apply (simp add: INTEG.R.ring_axioms)
using principal_ideal_INTEG unfolding principalideal_def
by (meson INTEG_closed finite.emptyI finite_insert principalideal_axioms_def subsetI)
lemma INTEG_noetherian_domain:‹noetherian_domain INTEG›
unfolding noetherian_domain_def
using INTEG_noetherian_ring INTEG_euclidean_domain euclidean_domain.axioms(1) by blast
lemma Polynomials_INTEG_noetherian_ring:‹noetherian_ring (univ_poly INTEG (carrier INTEG))›
by (simp add: INTEG_noetherian_domain noetherian_domain.weak_Hilbert_basis)
lemma Polynomials_INTEG_noetherian_domain: ‹noetherian_domain (univ_poly INTEG (carrier INTEG))›
using INTEG.R.ring_axioms INTEG_noetherian_domain Polynomials_INTEG_noetherian_ring
domain.univ_poly_is_domain noetherian_domain.axioms(2) noetherian_domain.intro
ring.carrier_is_subring by blast
subsection ‹Another example with ‹ℝ› and ‹ℝ[X]››
lemma REAL_noetherian_domain:‹noetherian_domain REAL›
unfolding noetherian_domain_def
by (simp add: REAL_field domain.noetherian_RX_imp_noetherian_R domain.univ_poly_is_principal
field.axioms(1) field.carrier_is_subfield principal_imp_noetherian)
lemma PolyREAL_noetherian_domain:‹noetherian_domain (univ_poly REAL (carrier REAL))›
unfolding noetherian_domain_def
by (simp add: REAL_field REAL_noetherian_domain REAL_ring domain.univ_poly_is_domain
field.axioms(1) noetherian_domain.weak_Hilbert_basis ring.carrier_is_subring)