Theory Motivations
chapter ‹ Motivations for our Definitions ›
theory Motivations
imports After_Ext_Operator
definition dummy_τ_trans :: ‹('a, 'r) process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k ⇒ ('a, 'r) process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k ⇒ bool› (infixl ‹↝⇩τ› 50)
where ‹P ↝⇩τ P' ≡ undefined›
definition dummy_event_trans :: ‹[('a, 'r) process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k, 'a, ('a, 'r) process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k] ⇒ bool› (‹_ ↝⇘_⇙ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
where ‹P ↝⇘e⇙ P' ≡ undefined›
definition dummy_tick_trans :: ‹[('a, 'r) process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k, 'r, ('a, 'r) process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k] ⇒ bool› (‹_ ↝⇩✓⇘_⇙ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
where ‹P ↝⇩✓⇘r⇙ P' ≡ undefined›
text ‹To construct our bridge between denotational and operational semantics, we
want to define two kind of transitions:
▪ without external event: \<^term>‹P ↝⇩τ P'›
▪ with the terminating event \<^term>‹✓(r)›: \<^term>‹P ↝⇩✓⇘r⇙ P'›
▪ with a non terminating external event \<^term>‹ev e›: \<^term>‹P ↝⇘e⇙ P'›.
We will discuss in this theory some fundamental properties that we want
\<^term>‹P ↝⇩τ Q›, \<^term>‹P ↝⇘e⇙ P'› and \<^term>‹P ↝⇩✓⇘r⇙ P'› to verify, and the consequences that this will have.›
text ‹Let's say we want to define the ‹τ› transition as an inductive
predicate with three introduction rules:
▪ we allow a process to make a ‹τ› transition towards itself: \<^term>‹P ↝⇩τ P›
▪ the non-deterministic choice \<^const>‹Ndet› can make a ‹τ› transition to the
left side \<^term>‹P ⊓ Q ↝⇩τ P›
▪ the non-deterministic choice \<^const>‹Ndet› can make a ‹τ› transition to the
right side \<^term>‹P ⊓ Q ↝⇩τ Q›.›
no_notation dummy_τ_trans (infixl ‹↝⇩τ› 50)
inductive τ_trans :: ‹('a, 'r) process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k ⇒ ('a, 'r) process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k ⇒ bool› (infixl ‹↝⇩τ› 50)
where τ_trans_eq : ‹P ↝⇩τ P›
| τ_trans_NdetL : ‹P ⊓ Q ↝⇩τ P›
| τ_trans_NdetR : ‹P ⊓ Q ↝⇩τ Q›
text ‹With this definition, we immediately show that the ‹τ›
transition is the FD-refinement \<^term>‹(⊑⇩F⇩D)›.›
lemma τ_trans_is_FD: ‹(↝⇩τ) = (⊑⇩F⇩D)›
apply (intro ext iffI)
by (metis Ndet_FD_self_left Ndet_FD_self_right τ_trans.simps order_class.order_eq_iff)
(metis FD_antisym Ndet_FD_self_left Ndet_id τ_trans_NdetR mono_Ndet_FD)
context AfterExt
text ‹The definition of the event transition will be a little bit more complex.
First of all we want to prevent a process @{term [show_types] ‹P :: ('a, 'r) process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k›}
to make a transition with @{term [show_types] ‹ev e :: ('a, 'r) event⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k›}
(resp. @{term [show_types] ‹✓(r) :: ('a, 'r) event⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k›})
if \<^term>‹P› can not begin with \<^term>‹ev e› (resp. \<^term>‹✓(r)›).
More formally, we want \<^term>‹P ↝⇘e⇙ P' ⟹ ev e ∈ initials P› (resp. \<^term>‹P ↝⇩✓⇘r⇙ P' ⟹ ✓(r) ∈ P⇧0›).
Moreover, we want the event transitions to absorb the ‹τ› transitions.
Finally, when \<^term>‹e ∈ P⇧0› (resp. \<^term>‹✓(r) ∈ P⇧0›), we want to have
\<^term>‹P ↝⇘e⇙ P after⇩✓ ev e› (resp. \<^term>‹P ↝⇩✓⇘r⇙ P after⇩✓ ✓(r)›).
This brings us to the following inductive definition:›
no_notation dummy_event_trans (‹_ ↝⇘_⇙ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
no_notation dummy_tick_trans (‹_ ↝⇩✓⇘_⇙ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
inductive event_trans_prem :: ‹('a, 'r) process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k ⇒ ('a, 'r) event⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k ⇒ ('a, 'r) process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k ⇒ bool›
τ_left_absorb : ‹⟦e ∈ initials P'; P ↝⇩τ P'; event_trans_prem P' e P''⟧
⟹ event_trans_prem P e P''›
| τ_right_absorb : ‹⟦e ∈ initials P; event_trans_prem P e P'; P' ↝⇩τ P''⟧
⟹ event_trans_prem P e P''›
| initial_trans_to_After⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k : ‹e ∈ initials P ⟹ event_trans_prem P e (P after⇩✓ e)›
abbreviation event_trans :: ‹('a, 'r) process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('a, 'r) process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k ⇒ bool›
(‹_ ↝⇘_⇙ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
where ‹P ↝⇘e⇙ P' ≡ ev e ∈ initials P ∧ event_trans_prem P (ev e) P'›
abbreviation tick_trans :: ‹('a, 'r) process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k ⇒ 'r ⇒ ('a, 'r) process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k ⇒ bool› (‹_ ↝⇩✓⇘_⇙ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
where ‹P ↝⇩✓⇘r⇙ P' ≡ ✓(r) ∈ P⇧0 ∧ event_trans_prem P ✓(r) P'›
text ‹We immediately show that, under the assumption of monotony of \<^term>‹Ω›,
this event transition definition is equivalent to the following:›
lemma startable_imp_ev_trans_is_startable_and_FD_After:
‹(case e of ev x ⇒ P ↝⇘x⇙ P' | ✓(r) ⇒ P ↝⇩✓⇘r⇙ P') ⟷ e ∈ P⇧0 ∧ P after⇩✓ e ↝⇩τ P'›
if ‹⋀P Q. case e of ✓(r) ⇒ Ω P r ↝⇩τ Ω Q r›
proof -
have ‹(case e of ev x ⇒ P ↝⇘x⇙ P' | ✓(r) ⇒ P ↝⇩✓⇘r⇙ P') ⟷
e ∈ initials P ∧ event_trans_prem P e P'› by (simp split: event⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k.split)
also have ‹… ⟷ e ∈ initials P ∧ P after⇩✓ e ↝⇩τ P'›
proof (insert that, safe)
show ‹event_trans_prem P e P' ⟹ e ∈ P⇧0 ⟹
(⋀P Q. case e of ✓(r) ⇒ Ω P r ↝⇩τ Ω Q r) ⟹ P after⇩✓ e ↝⇩τ P'›
proof (induct rule: event_trans_prem.induct)
case (τ_left_absorb e P' P P'')
thus ?case
apply (cases e)
apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) τ_trans_is_FD event⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k.simps(5) mono_After⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k_FD trans_FD)
by (metis After⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k_def FD_antisym τ_trans_is_FD event⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k.simps(6))
case (τ_right_absorb e P P' P'')
thus ?case by (metis τ_trans_is_FD trans_FD)
case (initial_trans_to_After⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k e P)
thus ?case by (simp add: τ_trans_eq)
show ‹e ∈ initials P ⟹ P after⇩✓ e ↝⇩τ P' ⟹ event_trans_prem P e P'›
by (rule τ_right_absorb[of e P ‹P after⇩✓ e› P'])
(simp_all add: initial_trans_to_After⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k τ_trans_is_FD)
finally show ?thesis .
text ‹With these two results, we are encouraged in the following theories to define:
▪ \<^term>‹P ↝⇩τ Q ≡ P ⊑⇩F⇩D Q›
▪ \<^term>‹P ↝⇘e⇙ P' ≡ ev e ∈ initials P ∧ P after⇩✓ (ev e) ↝⇩τ Q›
▪ \<^term>‹P ↝⇩✓⇘r⇙ P' ≡ ✓(r) ∈ P⇧0 ∧ P after⇩✓ ✓(r) ↝⇩τ Q›
and possible variations with other refinements.›
no_notation τ_trans (infixl ‹↝⇩τ› 50)
no_notation event_trans (‹_ ↝⇘_⇙ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
no_notation tick_trans (‹_ ↝⇩✓⇘_⇙ _› [50, 3, 51] 50)
text ‹But we want to make the construction as general as possible.
Therefore we will continue with the locale mechanism, eventually adding additional required
assumptions for each operator, and we will instantiate with refinements at the end.›