Theory Algebra8
theory Algebra8 imports Algebra7 begin
section "nsum and Generators (continued)"
lemma (in Module) unique_expression_last:" ⟦free_generator R M H;
f ∈ {j. j ≤ Suc n} → H; s ∈ {j. j ≤ Suc n} → carrier R;
g ∈ {j. j ≤ Suc n} → H; t ∈ {j. j ≤ Suc n} → carrier R;
l_comb R M (Suc n) s f = l_comb R M (Suc n) t g;
inj_on f {j. j ≤ Suc n}; inj_on g {j. j ≤ Suc n};
f (Suc n) = g (Suc n)⟧ ⟹ s (Suc n) = t (Suc n)"
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring, frule Ring.whole_ideal, frule free_generator_sub)
apply (frule l_comb_mem[of "carrier R" H s "Suc n" f], assumption+,
frule l_comb_mem[of "carrier R" H t "Suc n" g], assumption+)
apply (frule ag_r_inv1[of "l_comb R M (Suc n) t g"],
simp only:linear_span_iOp_closedTr2,
thin_tac "l_comb R M (Suc n) t g ∈ carrier M",
frule sym,
thin_tac "l_comb R M (Suc n) s f = l_comb R M (Suc n) t g",
thin_tac "l_comb R M (Suc n) t g = l_comb R M (Suc n) s f",
subgoal_tac "(λx∈{j. j ≤ Suc n}. -⇩a⇘R⇙ (t x)) ∈
{j. j ≤ Suc n} → carrier R",
simp add:l_comb_Suc,
frule funcset_mem[of s "{j. j ≤ Suc n}" "carrier R" "Suc n"],
frule funcset_mem[of t "{j. j ≤ Suc n}" "carrier R" "Suc n"],
frule funcset_mem[of g "{j. j ≤ Suc n}" H "Suc n"],
frule subsetD[of H "carrier M" "g (Suc n)"], assumption+,
frule func_pre[of s], frule func_pre[of t], frule func_pre[of f],
frule func_pre[of g],
frule func_pre[of "λx∈{j. j ≤ Suc n}. -⇩a⇘R⇙ (t x)"],
frule l_comb_mem[of "carrier R" H s n f], assumption+,
frule l_comb_mem[of "carrier R" H "λx∈{j. j ≤ Suc n}. -⇩a⇘R⇙ (t x)"
n g], assumption+,
frule sc_mem[of "s (Suc n)" "g (Suc n)"], assumption+,
cut_tac sc_mem[of "-⇩a⇘R⇙ (t (Suc n))" "g (Suc n)"],
simp add:pOp_assocTr43[of "l_comb R M n s f" "s (Suc n) ⋅⇩s g (Suc n)"],
simp add:ag_pOp_commute[of "s (Suc n) ⋅⇩s g (Suc n)"],
simp add:pOp_assocTr43[THEN sym, of "l_comb R M n s f"])
apply (frule Ring.ring_is_ag[of R],
frule aGroup.ag_mOp_closed[of R "t (Suc n)"], assumption+,
simp add:sc_l_distr[THEN sym],
simp add:l_comb_add[THEN sym, of "carrier R" H s n f
"λx∈{j. j ≤ Suc n}. -⇩a⇘R⇙ (t x)" n g])
apply (frule jointfun_hom[of f n H g n H], assumption+,
frule jointfun_hom[of s n "carrier R" "λx∈{j. j ≤ Suc n}. -⇩a⇘R⇙ (t x)"
n "carrier R"], assumption+, simp)
apply (subgoal_tac "(s (Suc n) ±⇘R⇙ -⇩a⇘R⇙ (t (Suc n))) ⋅⇩s g (Suc n) =
l_comb R M 0 (λx∈{0::nat}. (s (Suc n) ±⇘R⇙ -⇩a⇘R⇙ (t (Suc n))))
(λx∈{0::nat}. (g (Suc n)))",
thin_tac "(s (Suc n) ±⇘R⇙ -⇩a⇘R⇙ (t (Suc n))) ⋅⇩s g (Suc n) =
l_comb R M 0 (λx∈{0}. s (Suc n) ±⇘R⇙ -⇩a⇘R⇙ (t (Suc n)))
(λx∈{0}. g (Suc n))")
apply (subgoal_tac "(λx∈{0::nat}. (s (Suc n) ±⇘R⇙ -⇩a⇘R⇙ (t (Suc n)))) ∈
{j. j ≤ (0::nat)} → carrier R",
subgoal_tac "(λx∈{0::nat}. g (Suc n)) ∈ {j. j ≤ (0::nat)} → H")
apply (simp add:l_comb_add[THEN sym] del: Pi_split_insert_domain)
apply (cut_tac unique_expression3_1[of H "jointfun (Suc (n + n))
(jointfun n f n g) 0 (λx∈{0}. g (Suc n))" "Suc (n + n)"
"jointfun (Suc (n + n))
(jointfun n s n (λx∈{j. j ≤ Suc n}. -⇩a⇘R⇙ (t x))) 0
(λx∈{0}. s (Suc n) ±⇘R⇙ -⇩a⇘R⇙ (t (Suc n)))"], simp del: Pi_split_insert_domain,
thin_tac "l_comb R M (Suc (Suc (n + n)))
(jointfun (Suc (n + n)) (jointfun n s n (λx∈{j. j ≤ Suc n}. -⇩a⇘R⇙ (t x))) 0
(λx∈{0}. s (Suc n) ±⇘R⇙ -⇩a⇘R⇙ (t (Suc n))))
(jointfun (Suc (n + n)) (jointfun n f n g) 0 (λx∈{0}. g (Suc n))) =
thin_tac "(λx∈{j. j ≤ Suc n}. -⇩a⇘R⇙ (t x)) ∈ {j. j ≤ Suc n} → carrier R",
thin_tac "l_comb R M n s f ∈ carrier M",
thin_tac "jointfun n f n g ∈ {j. j ≤ Suc (n + n)} → H",
thin_tac "jointfun n s n (λx∈{j. j ≤ Suc n}. -⇩a⇘R⇙ (t x))
∈ {j. j ≤ Suc (n + n)} → carrier R",
thin_tac "(λx∈{0}. s (Suc n) ±⇘R⇙ -⇩a⇘R⇙ (t (Suc n))) ∈ {0} → carrier R")
apply (thin_tac " (-⇩a⇘R⇙ (t (Suc n))) ⋅⇩s g (Suc n) ∈ carrier M",
thin_tac "-⇩a⇘R⇙ (t (Suc n)) ∈ carrier R",
thin_tac "l_comb R M n (λx∈{j. j ≤ Suc n}. -⇩a⇘R⇙ (t x)) g ∈ carrier M")
apply ((erule exE)+, (erule conjE)+, erule exE, (erule conjE)+)
apply (frule_tac s = ta and n = m and m = ga in unique_expression1[of H],
assumption+, simp)
apply (drule_tac x = m in bspec, simp)
apply (simp add:jointfun_def[of "Suc (n + n)"] sliden_def,
thin_tac "𝟬 = l_comb R M m ta ga",
thin_tac "ta m = s (Suc n) ±⇘R⇙ -⇩a⇘R⇙ (t (Suc n))",
frule Ring.ring_is_ag[of R],
rotate_tac -2, frule sym,
subst aGroup.ag_eq_diffzero[of R "s (Suc n)" "t (Suc n)"], assumption+)
apply (rule sym, assumption) apply assumption
apply (rule Pi_I,
case_tac "x ≤ Suc (n + n)", simp add:jointfun_def del: Pi_split_insert_domain,
simp add:Pi_def del: Pi_split_insert_domain,
rule impI, simp add:sliden_def del: Pi_split_insert_domain,
simp add:Pi_def, simp add:jointfun_def sliden_def del: Pi_split_insert_domain)
apply (rule Pi_I,
case_tac "x ≤ Suc (n + n)",
simp add:jointfun_def[of "Suc (n+n)"] del: Pi_split_insert_domain,
simp add:Pi_def,
simp add:jointfun_def[of "Suc (n + n)"] sliden_def del: Pi_split_insert_domain,
rule aGroup.ag_pOp_closed, assumption+,
simp add: Nset_pre1 del: Pi_split_insert_domain,
simp add:im_jointfunTr1[of "Suc (n+n)" "jointfun n f n g" 0
"λx∈{0}. g (Suc n)"] del: Pi_split_insert_domain,
simp add:im_jointfun[of f n H g n H] del: Pi_split_insert_domain,
(subst jointfun_def[of "Suc (n+n)"])+, simp add:sliden_def del: Pi_split_insert_domain)
apply (rule conjI, frule sym, thin_tac "f (Suc n) = g (Suc n)",
simp add:inj_on_def[of f],
rule contrapos_pp, simp+, simp add:image_def, erule exE,
erule conjE,
drule_tac a = "Suc n" in forall_spec, simp,
drule_tac a = x in forall_spec, simp, simp)
apply (simp add:inj_on_def[of g],
rule contrapos_pp, simp+, simp add:image_def, erule exE,
erule conjE,
drule_tac a = "Suc n" in forall_spec, simp,
drule_tac a = x in forall_spec, simp, simp)
apply (simp)
apply (rule Pi_I, simp,
rule aGroup.ag_pOp_closed, assumption+)
apply (subst l_comb_def, simp,
rule aGroup.ag_mOp_closed, simp add:Ring.ring_is_ag,
simp add:Pi_def, simp add:Pi_def)
apply (rule Pi_I, simp,
frule Ring.ring_is_ag[of R],
rule aGroup.ag_mOp_closed[of R], assumption+,
simp add:Pi_def)
lemma (in Module) unique_exprTr7p1:" ⟦free_generator R M H;
∀f s g t m.
f ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → H ∧ inj_on f {j. j ≤ n} ∧ s ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → carrier R ∧
g ∈ {j. j ≤ m} → H ∧ inj_on g {j. j ≤ m} ∧ t ∈ {j. j ≤ m} → carrier R ∧
l_comb R M n s f = l_comb R M m t g ∧
(∀j≤n. s j ≠ 𝟬⇘R⇙) ∧ (∀k≤m. t k ≠ 𝟬⇘R⇙) ⟶
n = m ∧
(∃h. h ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → {j. j ≤ n} ∧
(∀l≤n. cmp f h l = g l ∧ cmp s h l = t l));
f ∈ {j. j ≤ Suc n} → H; s ∈ {j. j ≤ Suc n} → carrier R;
g ∈ {j. j ≤ Suc n} → H; t ∈ {j. j ≤ Suc n} → carrier R;
l_comb R M (Suc n) s f = l_comb R M (Suc n) t g; ∀j≤Suc n. s j ≠ 𝟬⇘R⇙;
∀k≤Suc n. t k ≠ 𝟬⇘R⇙; inj_on f {j. j ≤ Suc n}; inj_on g {j. j ≤ Suc n};
f (Suc n) = g (Suc n)⟧ ⟹ ∃h. h ∈ {j. j ≤ Suc n} → {j. j ≤ Suc n} ∧
(∀l≤Suc n. cmp f h l = g l ∧ cmp s h l = t l)"
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring, frule Ring.whole_ideal,
frule Ring.ring_is_ag,
frule free_generator_sub)
apply (frule_tac f = f and n = n and s = s and g = g and t = t in
unique_expression_last[of H], assumption+)
apply (simp add:l_comb_Suc)
apply (frule_tac f = f in func_pre, frule_tac f = s in func_pre,
frule_tac f = g in func_pre, frule_tac f = t in func_pre,
cut_tac n = n in Nsetn_sub,
frule_tac f = f and A = "{j. j ≤ Suc n}" and ?A1.0 = "{j. j ≤ n}" in
restrict_inj, assumption+,
frule_tac f = g and A = "{j. j ≤ Suc n}" and ?A1.0 = "{j. j ≤ n}" in
restrict_inj, assumption+)
apply (frule_tac s = s and m = f and n = n in l_comb_mem[of "carrier R" H],
frule_tac s = t and m = g and n = n in l_comb_mem[of "carrier R" H],
frule_tac f = t and A = "{j. j ≤ Suc n}" and B = "carrier R" and
x = "Suc n" in funcset_mem, simp,
frule_tac f = g and A = "{j. j ≤ Suc n}" and B = H and x = "Suc n"
in funcset_mem, simp,
frule_tac c = "g (Suc n)" in subsetD[of H "carrier M"], assumption+,
frule_tac a = "t (Suc n)" and m = "g (Suc n)" in sc_mem, assumption+)
apply (frule_tac x = "l_comb R M n s f" and y = "t (Suc n) ⋅⇩s g (Suc n)" and
z = "-⇩a (t (Suc n) ⋅⇩s g (Suc n))" in ag_pOp_assoc, assumption+,
rule ag_mOp_closed, assumption, simp add:ag_r_inv1 ag_r_zero,
frule_tac x = "t (Suc n) ⋅⇩s g (Suc n)" in ag_mOp_closed,
simp add:ag_pOp_assoc, simp add:ag_r_inv1 ag_r_zero,
rotate_tac -2, frule sym,
thin_tac "l_comb R M n t g = l_comb R M n s f")
apply (drule_tac x = f in spec,
rotate_tac -1,
drule_tac x = s in spec,
rotate_tac -1,
drule_tac x = g in spec,
rotate_tac -1, drule_tac x = t in spec,
rotate_tac -1, drule_tac x = n in spec)
apply (cut_tac n = n in Nsetn_sub_mem1, simp)
apply (erule exE, erule conjE)
apply (subgoal_tac "(jointfun n h 0 (λj. (Suc n))) ∈
{j. j ≤ Suc n} → {j. j ≤ Suc n}",
subgoal_tac "∀l≤Suc n. cmp f (jointfun n h 0 (λj. (Suc n))) l =
g l ∧ cmp s (jointfun n h 0 (λj. (Suc n))) l = t l",
thin_tac "∀k≤Suc n. t k ≠ 𝟬⇘R⇙", thin_tac "inj_on f {j. j ≤ Suc n}",
thin_tac "inj_on g {j. j ≤ Suc n}", thin_tac "f (Suc n) = g (Suc n)",
thin_tac "s (Suc n) = t (Suc n)",
thin_tac "f ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → H", thin_tac "s ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → carrier R",
thin_tac "g ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → H", thin_tac "t ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → carrier R",
thin_tac "{j. j ≤ n} ⊆ {j. j ≤ Suc n}",
thin_tac "∀l≤n. cmp f h l = g l ∧ cmp s h l = t l",
thin_tac "l_comb R M n t g ∈ carrier M", blast)
apply (rule allI, rule impI, case_tac "l ≤ n",
simp add:cmp_def jointfun_def,
simp add:cmp_def, simp add:jointfun_def sliden_def,
frule_tac y = l and x = n in not_le_imp_less, thin_tac "¬ l ≤ n",
frule_tac m = n and n = l in Suc_leI,
frule_tac m = l and n = "Suc n" in Nat.le_antisym, assumption,
apply (rule Pi_I,
case_tac "xa ≤ n", simp add:jointfun_def, rule impI,
frule_tac x = x and f = h and A = "{j. j ≤ n}" and
B = "{j. j ≤ n}" in funcset_mem, simp, simp,
simp add:jointfun_def, rule impI,frule_tac x = x and f = h and
A = "{j. j ≤ n}" and B = "{j. j ≤ n}" in funcset_mem, simp, simp)
lemma (in Module) unique_expression7:"free_generator R M H ⟹
∀f s g t m. f ∈ {j. j ≤ (n::nat)} → H ∧ inj_on f {j. j ≤ n} ∧
s ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → carrier R ∧
g ∈ {j. j ≤ (m::nat)} → H ∧ inj_on g {j. j ≤ m} ∧
t ∈ {j. j ≤ m} → carrier R ∧ l_comb R M n s f = l_comb R M m t g ∧
(∀j ∈ {j. j ≤ n}. s j ≠ 𝟬⇘R⇙) ∧ (∀k ∈ {j. j ≤ m}. t k ≠ 𝟬⇘R⇙ ) ⟶ n = m ∧
(∃h. h ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → {j. j ≤ n} ∧ (∀l ∈ {j. j ≤ n}. (cmp f h) l = g l
∧ (cmp s h) l = t l))"
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring,
frule Ring.ring_is_ag[of R],
frule free_generator_sub[of H])
apply (induct_tac n)
apply (rule allI)+
apply (rule impI, (erule conjE)+)
apply (frule_tac H = H and f = f and n = 0 and s = s and g = g and m = m
and t = t in unique_expression7_1, assumption+, simp del: Pi_split_insert_domain)
apply (frule_tac H = H and f = f and n = 0 and s = s and g = g and m = m
and t = t in unique_expression6, (simp del: Pi_split_insert_domain) +)
apply (simp add:l_comb_def del: Pi_split_insert_domain)
apply (frule_tac f = s in funcset_mem[of _ "{0}" "carrier R" 0], simp del: Pi_split_insert_domain,
frule_tac f = t in funcset_mem[of _ "{0}" "carrier R" 0], simp del: Pi_split_insert_domain,
frule_tac f = g in funcset_mem[of _ "{0}" H 0], simp del: Pi_split_insert_domain,
frule_tac c = "g 0" in subsetD[of "H" "carrier M"], assumption+)
apply (frule_tac a = "s 0" and m = "g 0" in sc_mem, assumption+,
frule_tac a = "t 0" and m = "g 0" in sc_mem, assumption+,
frule_tac a = "s 0 ⋅⇩s g 0" and b = "t 0 ⋅⇩s g 0" in ag_eq_diffzero)
apply assumption
apply (simp only:sc_minus_am1,
thin_tac "(s 0 ⋅⇩s g 0 = t 0 ⋅⇩s g 0) = (𝟬 = 𝟬)")
apply (frule_tac x = "t 0" in aGroup.ag_mOp_closed[of R], assumption+)
apply (simp add:sc_l_distr[THEN sym],
frule_tac h = "g 0" and a = "s 0 ±⇘R⇙ -⇩a⇘R⇙ (t 0)" in
free_gen_coeff_zero[of H],
rule aGroup.ag_pOp_closed[of R], assumption+)
apply (simp add:aGroup.ag_eq_diffzero[THEN sym, of R],
simp add:cmp_def,
cut_tac Pi_I[of "{0::nat}" "id" "%_. {0::nat}"],
subgoal_tac "f (id 0) = g 0 ∧ s (id 0) = t 0", blast,
simp add:id_def, simp add:id_def)
apply ((rule allI)+, rule impI)
apply (erule conjE)+
apply (frule_tac H = H and f = f and n = "Suc n" and s = s and g = g and
m = m and t = t in unique_expression6, assumption+)
apply (cut_tac k = "Suc n" in finite_Collect_le_nat,
frule_tac A = "{j. j ≤ Suc n}" and f = f in inj_on_iff_eq_card,
apply (cut_tac k = m in finite_Collect_le_nat,
frule_tac A = "{j. j ≤ m}" and f = g in inj_on_iff_eq_card,
thin_tac "card (g ` {j. j ≤ m}) = Suc m")
apply (frule sym, thin_tac "Suc n = m", simp)
apply (cut_tac a = "Suc n" and A = "{j. j ≤ Suc n}" and f = g in
mem_in_image2) apply simp apply (
rotate_tac -6) apply ( frule sym,
thin_tac "f ` {j. j ≤ Suc n} = g ` {j. j ≤ Suc n}", simp,
simp add:image_def) apply ( erule exE, erule conjE)
apply (case_tac "x = Suc n", simp, thin_tac "x = Suc n",
rotate_tac -1, frule sym, thin_tac "g (Suc n) = f (Suc n)")
apply (rule_tac n = n and f = f and s = s and g = g and t = t in
unique_exprTr7p1[of H], assumption+)
apply (rotate_tac -2, frule sym, thin_tac "g (Suc n) = f x")
apply (frule Ring.whole_ideal)
apply (frule_tac s = s and n = n and f = f and j = x in
l_comb_transpos1[of "carrier R" H], assumption+,
rule noteq_le_less, assumption+, simp) apply (
thin_tac "l_comb R M (Suc n) s f = l_comb R M (Suc n) t g")
apply (frule_tac f = "cmp f (transpos x (Suc n))" and n = n and
s = "cmp s (transpos x (Suc n))" and g = g and t = t in
unique_exprTr7p1[of H], assumption+)
apply (rule Pi_I,
simp add:cmp_def, rule_tac f = f and A = "{j. j ≤ Suc n}" and B = H
and x = "transpos x (Suc n) xa" in funcset_mem, simp,
simp add:transpos_mem)
apply (rule Pi_I,
simp add:cmp_def, rule_tac f = s and A = "{j. j ≤ Suc n}" and
B = "carrier R" and x = "transpos x (Suc n) xa" in funcset_mem, simp,
simp add:transpos_mem)
apply assumption+
apply (rule allI, rule impI, simp add:cmp_def)
apply (cut_tac i = x and n = "Suc n" and j = "Suc n" and l = j in
transpos_mem, simp+)
apply (cut_tac i = x and n = "Suc n" and j = "Suc n" in transpos_inj,
apply (cut_tac i = x and n = "Suc n" and j = "Suc n" in
transpos_hom, simp+)
apply (rule_tac f = "transpos x (Suc n)" and A = "{j. j ≤ Suc n}" and
B = "{j. j ≤ Suc n}" and g = f and C = H in cmp_inj,
apply (simp add:cmp_def transpos_ij_2)
apply (erule exE, erule conjE)
apply (cut_tac i = x and n = "Suc n" and j = "Suc n" in
transpos_hom, simp+)
apply (simp add:cmp_assoc[THEN sym])
apply (frule_tac f = h and A = "{j. j ≤ Suc n}" and B = "{j. j ≤ Suc n}"
and g = "transpos x (Suc n)" and C = "{j. j ≤ Suc n}" in
cmp_fun, assumption+)
apply (thin_tac "∀f s g t m. f ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → H ∧ inj_on f {j. j ≤ n} ∧
s ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → carrier R ∧ g ∈ {j. j ≤ m} → H ∧ inj_on g {j. j ≤ m} ∧
t ∈ {j. j ≤ m} → carrier R ∧ l_comb R M n s f = l_comb R M m t g ∧
(∀j≤n. s j ≠ 𝟬⇘R⇙) ∧ (∀k≤m. t k ≠ 𝟬⇘R⇙) ⟶ n = m ∧
(∃h. h ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → {j. j ≤ n} ∧
(∀l≤n. cmp f h l = g l ∧ cmp s h l = t l))",
thin_tac "∀j≤Suc n. s j ≠ 𝟬⇘R⇙", thin_tac "∀k≤Suc n. t k ≠ 𝟬⇘R⇙",
thin_tac "{y. ∃x≤Suc n. y = g x} = {y. ∃x≤Suc n. y = f x}")
apply blast
lemma (in Module) gen_mHom_eq:"⟦R module N; generator R M H; f ∈ mHom R M N;
g ∈ mHom R M N; ∀h∈H. f h = g h ⟧ ⟹ f = g"
apply (rule mHom_eq[of N], assumption+)
apply (rule ballI)
apply (unfold generator_def, frule conjunct2, fold generator_def)
apply (frule sym, thin_tac "linear_span R M (carrier R) H = carrier M",
thin_tac "carrier M = linear_span R M (carrier R) H")
apply (simp add:linear_span_def)
apply (case_tac "H = {}", simp, simp add:mHom_0, simp)
apply (erule exE, (erule bexE)+)
apply (unfold generator_def, frule conjunct1, fold generator_def)
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring, frule Ring.whole_ideal)
apply simp
apply (simp add: linmap_im_lincomb [of "carrier R" N])
apply (frule_tac s = s and n = n and f = "cmp f fa" and g = "cmp g fa" in
Module.linear_comb_eq[of N R "f ` H"])
apply (simp add: mHom_def aHom_def cong del: image_cong)
apply (erule conjE)+
apply (simp add: image_sub [of f "carrier M" "carrier N" H] cong del: image_cong)
apply assumption
apply (rule Pi_I, simp add:cmp_def,
simp add:image_def,
frule_tac f = fa and A = "{j. j ≤ n}" and B = H and x = x in
funcset_mem, simp, blast)
apply (rule Pi_I, simp add:cmp_def,
simp add:image_def,
frule_tac f = fa and A = "{j. j ≤ n}" and B = H and x = x in
funcset_mem, simp, blast)
apply (rule ballI, simp add:cmp_def,
frule_tac f = fa and A = "{j. j ≤ n}" and B = H and x = j in
funcset_mem, simp)
apply blast
apply assumption
section "Existence of homomorphism"
fgs :: "[('r, 'm) Ring_scheme, ('a, 'r, 'm1) Module_scheme, 'a set] ⇒
'a set" where
"fgs R M A = linear_span R M (carrier R) A"
fsp :: "[('r, 'm) Ring_scheme, ('a, 'r, 'm1) Module_scheme,
('b, 'r, 'm2) Module_scheme, 'a ⇒ 'b, 'a set, 'a set, 'a ⇒ 'b] ⇒ bool" where
"fsp R M N f H A g ⟷ g ∈ mHom R (mdl M (fgs R M A)) N ∧ (∀z∈A. f z = g z) ∧ A ⊆ H"
fsps :: "[('r, 'm) Ring_scheme, ('a, 'r, 'm1) Module_scheme,
('b, 'r, 'm2) Module_scheme, 'a ⇒ 'b, 'a set] ⇒
(('a set) * ('a ⇒ 'b)) set" where
"fsps R M N f H = {Z. ∃A g. Z = (A, g) ∧ fsp R M N f H A g}"
od_fm_fun :: "[('r, 'm) Ring_scheme, ('a, 'r, 'm1) Module_scheme,
('b, 'r, 'm2) Module_scheme, 'a ⇒ 'b, 'a set] ⇒
(('a set) * ('a ⇒ 'b)) Order" where
"od_fm_fun R M N f H = ⦇carrier = fsps R M N f H,
rel = {Y. Y ∈ (fsps R M N f H) × (fsps R M N f H) ∧
(fst (fst Y)) ⊆ (fst (snd Y))} ⦈"
lemma (in Module) od_fm_fun_carrier:"carrier (od_fm_fun R M N f H) =
fsps R M N f H"
by (simp add:od_fm_fun_def)
lemma (in Module) fgs_submodule:"a ⊆ carrier M ⟹
submodule R M (fgs R M a)"
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring, frule Ring.whole_ideal)
apply (subst fgs_def)
apply (rule linear_span_subModule, assumption, assumption)
lemma (in Module) fgs_sub_carrier:"a ⊆ carrier M ⟹ (fgs R M a) ⊆ carrier M"
by (frule fgs_submodule[of a],
rule submodule_subset, assumption+)
lemma (in Module) elem_fgs:"⟦a ⊆ carrier M; x ∈ a⟧ ⟹ x ∈ fgs R M a"
apply (simp add:fgs_def)
apply (frule l_span_cont_H[of a])
apply (simp add:subsetD)
lemma (in Module) fst_chain_subset:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; C ⊆ fsps R M N f H; (a, b) ∈ C⟧ ⟹ a ⊆ carrier M"
apply (subgoal_tac "a ⊆ H", frule free_generator_sub)
apply (rule subset_trans, assumption+)
apply (frule_tac A = C and B = "fsps R M N f H" and c = "(a, b)" in subsetD,
apply (simp add:fsps_def fsp_def)
lemma (in Module) empty_fsp:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N⟧ ⟹ ({}, (λx∈{𝟬⇘M⇙}. 𝟬⇘N⇙)) ∈ fsps R M N f H"
apply (simp add:fsps_def fsp_def,
simp add:fgs_def linear_span_def,
cut_tac submodule_0,
frule mdl_is_module[of "{𝟬}"])
apply (rule Module.mHom_test, assumption+)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (rule Pi_I, simp add:mdl_carrier,
rule Module.module_inc_zero[of N R], assumption+)
apply (simp add:mdl_carrier)
apply (simp add:mdl_def, fold mdl_def)
apply (cut_tac ag_inc_zero, simp add:ag_l_zero,
frule Module.module_is_ag[of N R],
frule aGroup.ag_inc_zero[of N], simp add:aGroup.ag_l_zero[of N])
apply (rule ballI, frule_tac a = a in sc_a_0, simp)
apply (simp add:Module.sc_a_0)
lemma (in Module) mem_fgs_l_comb:"⟦K ≠ {}; K ⊆ carrier M; x ∈ fgs R M K⟧ ⟹
∃f ∈ {j. j ≤ (n::nat)} → K. ∃s ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → carrier R.
x = l_comb R M n s f"
apply (simp add:fgs_def linear_span_def)
lemma PairE_lemma: "∃x y. p = (x, y)" by auto
lemma (in Module) fsps_chain_boundTr1:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; C ⊆ fsps R M N f H;
∀a∈C. ∀b∈C. fst a ⊆ fst b ∨ fst b ⊆ fst a; ∀a b. (a, b) ∈ C ⟶
(a, b) ∈ fsps R M N f H; ∃x. (∃b. (x, b) ∈ C) ∧ x ≠ {}⟧ ⟹
fa ∈ {j. j ≤ (n::nat)} → ⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}
⟶ (∃(c, d) ∈ C. fa ` {j. j ≤ n} ⊆ c)"
apply (induct_tac n)
apply (rule impI, simp del: Pi_split_insert_domain)
apply ((erule exE)+, erule conjE, erule exE)
apply (frule_tac f = fa and A = "{0}" and B = "⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}" and
?A1.0 = "{0}" in image_sub, simp, simp)
apply blast
apply (rule impI)
apply (frule func_pre, simp)
apply (frule_tac f = fa and A = "{j. j ≤ (Suc n)}" and
B = "⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}" and x = "Suc n" in funcset_mem, simp)
apply simp
apply ((erule exE)+, erule conjE, erule exE, erule conjE, erule exE)
apply (erule bexE)
apply (drule_tac x = "(xa, ba)" in bspec, assumption,
drule_tac x = xb in bspec, assumption+)
apply (erule disjE, simp)
apply (subgoal_tac "(λ(c, d). fa ` {j. j ≤ Suc n} ⊆ c) xb")
apply auto[1]
apply (subgoal_tac "(λ(c, d). fa ` {j. j ≤ Suc n} ⊆ c) xb")
apply (blast,
cut_tac p = xb in PairE_lemma,
(erule exE)+, simp, rule subsetI, simp add:image_def,
erule exE, erule conjE,
case_tac "xe = Suc n", simp, simp add:subsetD,
frule_tac m = xe and n = "Suc n" in noteq_le_less, assumption,
frule_tac x = xe and n = n in Suc_less_le,
thin_tac "xe ≤ Suc n", thin_tac "xe < Suc n",
cut_tac c = xd and A = "{y. ∃x≤n. y = fa x}" and B = xc in
subsetD, simp, simp, blast, assumption)
apply (subgoal_tac "(λ(c, d). fa ` {j. j ≤ Suc n} ⊆ c) (xa, ba)")
apply auto[1]
apply (simp, rule subsetI, simp add:image_def, erule exE, erule conjE,
case_tac "xd = Suc n", simp,
frule_tac m = xd and n = "Suc n" in noteq_le_less, assumption,
frule_tac x = xd and n = n in Suc_less_le,
thin_tac "xd ≤ Suc n", thin_tac "xd < Suc n",
cut_tac p = xb in PairE_lemma, (erule exE)+, simp,
cut_tac c = "fa xd" and A = "{y. ∃x≤n. y = fa x}" and B = xe in
subsetD, assumption, simp, blast)
apply (rule_tac c = "fa xd" and A = xe and B = xa in subsetD, assumption+)
lemma (in Module) fsps_chain_boundTr1_1:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; C ⊆ fsps R M N f H;
∀a∈C. ∀b∈C. fst a ⊆ fst b ∨ fst b ⊆ fst a;
∃x. (∃b. (x, b) ∈ C) ∧ x ≠ {};
fa ∈ {j. j ≤ (n::nat)} → ⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}⟧ ⟹
∃(c, d) ∈ C. fa ` {j. j ≤ n} ⊆ c"
apply (subgoal_tac "∀a b. (a, b) ∈ C ⟶ (a, b) ∈ fsps R M N f H")
apply (simp add:fsps_chain_boundTr1)
apply ((rule allI)+, rule impI, simp add:subsetD)
lemma (in Module) fsps_chain_boundTr1_2:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; C ⊆ fsps R M N f H;
∀a∈C. ∀b∈C. fst a ⊆ fst b ∨ fst b ⊆ fst a;
∃x. (∃b. (x, b) ∈ C) ∧ x ≠ {};
fa ∈ {j. j ≤ (n::nat)} → ⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}⟧ ⟹
∃P ∈ C. fa ` {j. j ≤ n} ⊆ fst P"
apply (frule_tac N = N and f = f and C = C and fa = fa and n = n in
fsps_chain_boundTr1_1, assumption+)
apply (erule bexE)
apply (cut_tac p = x in PairE_lemma, (erule exE)+)
apply (subgoal_tac "fa ` {j. j ≤ n} ⊆ fst x")
apply blast
apply simp
lemma (in Module) eSum_in_SubmoduleTr:"⟦H ⊆ carrier M; K ⊆ H⟧ ⟹
f ∈ {j. j ≤ (n::nat)} → K ∧ s ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → carrier R ⟶
l_comb R (mdl M (fgs R M K)) n s f = l_comb R M n s f"
apply (induct_tac n)
apply (rule impI, (erule conjE)+)
apply (simp add:l_comb_def del: Pi_split_insert_domain, simp add:mdl_def del: Pi_split_insert_domain, rule impI)
apply (simp add:fgs_def del: Pi_split_insert_domain, frule subset_trans[of K H "carrier M"], assumption+)
apply (frule funcset_mem[of f "{0}" K 0], simp del: Pi_split_insert_domain,
frule l_span_cont_H[of K], simp add:subsetD)
apply (rule impI, erule conjE)
apply (frule func_pre[of _ _ K], frule func_pre[of _ _ "carrier R"],
apply (simp add:l_comb_def, simp add:mdl_def)
apply (rule impI, simp add:fgs_def,frule subset_trans[of K H "carrier M"],
apply (frule_tac x = "Suc n" and A = "{j. j ≤ Suc n}" in
funcset_mem[of f _ K], simp,
frule l_span_cont_H[of K], simp add:subsetD)
lemma (in Module) eSum_in_Submodule:"⟦H ⊆ carrier M; K ⊆ H;
f ∈ {j. j ≤ (n::nat)} → K; s ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → carrier R⟧ ⟹
l_comb R (mdl M (fgs R M K)) n s f = l_comb R M n s f"
apply (simp add:eSum_in_SubmoduleTr)
lemma (in Module) fgs_generator:"H ⊆ carrier M ⟹
generator R (mdl M (fgs R M H)) H"
apply (simp add:generator_def, simp add:mdl_def, fold mdl_def)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (simp add:fgs_def)
apply (simp add:l_span_cont_H)
apply (rule equalityI)
apply (rule subsetI, simp add:linear_span_def)
apply (case_tac "H = {}", simp add:mdl_def)
apply (simp add:fgs_def linear_span_def)
apply simp apply (erule exE, (erule bexE)+)
apply (cut_tac f = f and n = n and s = s in eSum_in_Submodule[of H H],
assumption+, simp, assumption+)
apply simp
apply (simp add:fgs_def)
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring, frule Ring.whole_ideal)
apply (simp add:l_comb_mem_linear_span)
apply (rule subsetI)
apply (case_tac "H = {}", simp)
apply (simp add:fgs_def linear_span_def mdl_def)
apply (frule_tac x = x in mem_fgs_l_comb[of H], assumption+)
apply (erule exE, erule bexE, erule bexE)
apply (simp add:eSum_in_Submodule[THEN sym, of H H])
apply (frule fgs_submodule[of H],
frule mdl_is_module[of "fgs R M H"])
apply (rule Module.l_comb_mem_linear_span[of "mdl M (fgs R M H)" R "carrier R" H], assumption+)
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring, rule Ring.whole_ideal, assumption)
apply (simp add:mdl_carrier, simp add:fgs_def l_span_cont_H,
lemma (in Module) fgs_mono:"⟦free_generator R M H; J ⊆ K; K ⊆ H⟧
⟹ fgs R M J ⊆ fgs R M K"
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring)
apply (case_tac "J = {}")
apply (simp add:fgs_def linear_span_def)
apply (case_tac "K = {}") apply simp apply simp
apply (frule nonempty_ex [of K])
apply (erule exE)
apply (subgoal_tac "(λj. x) ∈ {j. j ≤ (0::nat)} → K",
subgoal_tac "(λj. 𝟬⇘R⇙) ∈ {j. j ≤ (0::nat)} → carrier R",
subgoal_tac "𝟬⇘M⇙ = l_comb R M 0 (λj. 𝟬⇘R⇙) (λj. x)")
apply blast
apply (simp add:l_comb_def)
apply (frule free_generator_sub[of H],
frule subset_trans[of K H "carrier M"], assumption+,
frule_tac c = x in subsetD[of K "carrier M"], assumption+,
simp add:sc_0_m)
apply (rule Pi_I,
frule Ring.ring_is_ag [of "R"],
simp add:aGroup.ag_inc_zero[of R])
apply (rule Pi_I, assumption)
apply (subgoal_tac "K ≠ {}") prefer 2 apply (rule contrapos_pp, simp+)
apply (rule subsetI)
apply (simp add:fgs_def, simp add:linear_span_def)
apply (erule exE, (erule bexE)+)
apply (frule_tac f = f and A = "{j. j ≤ n}" and B = J and ?B1.0 = K in
extend_fun, assumption+)
apply blast
lemma (in Module) empty_fgs:"fgs R M {} = {𝟬}"
by(simp add:fgs_def linear_span_def)
lemma (in Module) mem_fsps_snd_mHom:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; (a, b) ∈ fsps R M N f H⟧ ⟹
b ∈ mHom R (mdl M (fgs R M a)) N"
by (simp add:fsps_def fsp_def)
lemma (in Module) mem_fsps_fst_sub:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; (a, b) ∈ fsps R M N f H⟧ ⟹ a ⊆ H"
by (simp add:fsps_def fsp_def)
lemma (in Module) mem_fsps_fst_sub1:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; (a, b) ∈ fsps R M N f H⟧ ⟹ a ⊆ carrier M"
apply (simp add:fsps_def fsp_def)
apply (frule free_generator_sub[of H],
rule subset_trans[of a H "carrier M"], simp+)
lemma (in Module) Order_od_fm_fun:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N⟧ ⟹ Order (od_fm_fun R M N f H)"
apply (rule Order.intro)
apply (simp add:od_fm_fun_carrier)
apply (rule subsetI, simp add:od_fm_fun_def)
apply (simp add:od_fm_fun_def)
apply (simp add:od_fm_fun_def)
apply (cut_tac p = a in PairE_lemma, (erule exE)+,
cut_tac p = b in PairE_lemma, (erule exE)+, simp)
apply (frule_tac a = x and b = y in mem_fsps_snd_mHom[of N H f], assumption+,
frule_tac a = x and b = ya in mem_fsps_snd_mHom[of N H f], assumption+)
apply (frule_tac a = x and b = y in mem_fsps_fst_sub[of N H f], assumption+,
frule free_generator_sub,
frule_tac A = x and B = H and C = "carrier M" in subset_trans,
apply (frule_tac a = x in fgs_submodule,
frule_tac H = "fgs R M x" in mdl_is_module)
apply (thin_tac "a = (x, y)", thin_tac "b = (x, ya)")
apply (simp add:mdl_carrier)
apply (frule_tac H = x in fgs_generator)
apply (frule_tac R = R and M = "mdl M (fgs R M x)" and N = N and H = x
and f = y and g = ya in Module.gen_mHom_eq, assumption+,
simp add:fsps_def fsp_def, assumption)
apply (simp add:od_fm_fun_def)
lemma (in Module) fsps_chain_boundTr2_1:"⟦R module N;
free_generator R M H; f ∈ H → carrier N; C ⊆ fsps R M N f H;
(a, b) ∈ C; (aa, ba) ∈ C; x ∈ fgs R M a; x ∈ fgs R M aa; a ⊆ aa⟧
⟹ b x = ba x"
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring, frule Ring.whole_ideal, frule free_generator_sub)
apply (frule mem_fsps_snd_mHom[of N H f a b], assumption+, simp add:subsetD,
frule mem_fsps_snd_mHom[of N H f aa ba], assumption+, simp add:subsetD)
apply (case_tac "a = {}", simp add:empty_fgs)
apply (cut_tac submodule_0, frule mdl_is_module[of "{𝟬}"],
frule subsetD[of C "fsps R M N f H" "(aa, ba)"], assumption+)
apply (cut_tac fgs_submodule[of aa],
frule mdl_is_module[of "fgs R M aa"])
apply (frule Module.mHom_0[of "mdl M {𝟬}" R N b], assumption+,
frule Module.mHom_0[of "mdl M (fgs R M aa)" R N ba], assumption+,
simp add:mdl_def)
apply (frule mem_fsps_fst_sub[of N H f aa ba], assumption+,
rule subset_trans[of aa H "carrier M"], assumption+)
apply (frule nonempty_ex[of a], erule exE,
frule_tac c = xa in subsetD[of a aa], assumption,
frule_tac x = xa in nonempty[of _ aa],
thin_tac "xa ∈ a", thin_tac "xa ∈ aa")
apply (frule mem_fsps_fst_sub[of N H f aa ba], assumption+,
simp add:subsetD)
apply (frule mem_fgs_l_comb[of a x],
frule subset_trans[of a aa H], assumption+,
rule subset_trans[of a H "carrier M"], assumption+)
apply (erule exE, (erule bexE)+)
apply (frule_tac f = fa and A = "{j. j ≤ n}" and B = a and ?B1.0 = aa in
extend_fun, assumption+)
apply (frule subsetD[of C "fsps R M N f H" "(a, b)"], assumption+,
frule subsetD[of C "fsps R M N f H" "(aa, ba)"], assumption+,
thin_tac "C ⊆ fsps R M N f H")
apply (cut_tac fgs_submodule[of a],
frule mdl_is_module[of "fgs R M a"],
cut_tac fgs_submodule[of aa],
frule mdl_is_module[of "fgs R M aa"])
apply (frule subset_trans[of a aa H], assumption+)
apply (frule_tac f1 = fa and n1 = n and s1 = s in eSum_in_Submodule[THEN sym,
of H a], assumption+,
frule_tac s = s and n = n and g = fa in Module.linmap_im_lincomb[of
"mdl M (fgs R M a)" R "carrier R" N _ a], assumption+,
simp add:mdl_carrier,
subst fgs_def, rule_tac l_span_cont_H,
frule subset_trans[of a H "carrier M"], assumption+, simp,
thin_tac "b (l_comb R (mdl M (fgs R M a)) n s fa) =
l_comb R N n s (cmp b fa)",
rotate_tac -1, frule sym,
thin_tac "l_comb R M n s fa = l_comb R (mdl M (fgs R M a)) n s fa",
thin_tac "l_comb R (mdl M (fgs R M a)) n s fa = l_comb R M n s fa")
apply (frule_tac f1 = fa and n1 = n and s1 = s in eSum_in_Submodule[THEN sym,
of H aa], assumption+,
frule_tac s = s and n = n and g = fa in Module.linmap_im_lincomb[of
"mdl M (fgs R M aa)" R "carrier R" N _ aa], assumption+,
simp add:mdl_carrier,
subst fgs_def, rule_tac l_span_cont_H,
frule subset_trans[of a H "carrier M"], assumption+, simp+,
thin_tac "l_comb R M n s fa = l_comb R (mdl M (fgs R M aa)) n s fa",
thin_tac "ba (l_comb R (mdl M (fgs R M aa)) n s fa) =
l_comb R N n s (cmp ba fa)")
apply (simp add:fsps_def fsp_def)
apply (rule_tac s = s and n = n and f = "cmp b fa" and g = "cmp ba fa" in
Module.linear_comb_eq[of N R "f ` H"], assumption+,
simp add:image_sub0, assumption)
apply (rule Pi_I, simp add:cmp_def,
frule_tac x = xa and f = fa and A = "{j. j ≤ n}" and B = a in
funcset_mem, simp,
frule_tac m = "fa xa" in Module.mHom_mem[of "mdl M (fgs R M a)" R N b],
simp add:mdl_carrier fgs_def, rule_tac c = "fa xa" in
subsetD[of a "linear_span R M (carrier R) a"],
rule l_span_cont_H,
frule subset_trans[of a aa H], assumption+,
rule subset_trans[of a H "carrier M"], assumption+,
drule_tac x = "fa xa" in bspec, assumption,
frule_tac c = "fa xa" in subsetD[of a H], assumption+,
rotate_tac -2, frule sym, thin_tac "f (fa xa) = b (fa xa)", simp)
apply (rule Pi_I, simp add:cmp_def,
frule_tac x = xa and f = fa and A = "{j. j ≤ n}" and B = aa in
funcset_mem, simp,
frule_tac c = "fa xa" in subsetD[of aa H], assumption+,
drule_tac x = "fa xa" in bspec, assumption,
rotate_tac -1, frule sym, thin_tac "f (fa xa) = ba (fa xa)",
apply (rule ballI, simp add:cmp_def,
frule_tac x = j and f = fa and A = "{j. j ≤ n}" and B = a in
funcset_mem, simp)
apply (frule_tac x = "fa j" in bspec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀z∈a. f z = b z",
frule_tac c = "fa j" in subsetD[of a aa], assumption+,
frule_tac x = "fa j" in bspec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀z∈aa. f z = ba z")
apply (rotate_tac -3, frule sym,
thin_tac "f (fa j) = b (fa j)", frule sym,
thin_tac "f (fa j) = ba (fa j)", simp)
apply (simp add:subset_trans[of aa H "carrier M"])
apply (frule subset_trans[of a aa H], assumption+,
simp add:subset_trans[of a H "carrier M"])
lemma (in Module) fsps_chain_boundTr2_2:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; C ⊆ fsps R M N f H;
∀a∈C. ∀b∈C. fst a ⊆ fst b ∨ fst b ⊆ fst a; C ≠ {}; (a, b) ∈ C;
x ∈ fgs R M a; (a1, b1) ∈ C; x ∈ fgs R M a1⟧ ⟹ b x = b1 x"
apply (frule_tac x = "(a, b)" in bspec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀a∈C. ∀b∈C. fst a ⊆ fst b ∨ fst b ⊆ fst a",
frule_tac x = "(a1, b1)" in bspec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀ba∈C. fst (a, b) ⊆ fst ba ∨ fst ba ⊆ fst (a, b)", simp)
apply (erule disjE)
apply (rule fsps_chain_boundTr2_1[of N H f C a b a1 b1], assumption+)
apply (frule fsps_chain_boundTr2_1[of N H f C a1 b1 a b], assumption+)
apply (rule sym, assumption)
lemma (in Module) fsps_chain_boundTr2:"⋀x. ⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; C ⊆ fsps R M N f H;
∀a∈C. ∀b∈C. fst a ⊆ fst b ∨ fst b ⊆ fst a;
x ∈ (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C})); C ≠ {}⟧ ⟹
(THE y. y ∈ carrier N ∧ (∃a b. (a, b) ∈ C ∧ x ∈ fgs R M a ∧ y = b x)) ∈
(carrier N) ∧
(∃a1 b1. (a1, b1) ∈ C ∧ x ∈ fgs R M a1 ∧
(THE y. y ∈ carrier N ∧ (∃a b. (a, b) ∈ C ∧ x ∈ fgs R M a ∧ y = b x)) =
b1 x)"
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring, frule Ring.whole_ideal[of R])
apply (case_tac "⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C} = {}", simp add: empty_fgs,
frule nonempty_ex[of C], erule exE,
cut_tac p = xa in PairE_lemma, (erule exE)+,
frule_tac c = xa in subsetD[of C "fsps R M N f H"], assumption+, simp)
apply (frule_tac a = xb and b = y in mem_fsps_snd_mHom[of N H f],
assumption+, simp add:subsetD)
apply (rename_tac a b a1 b1)
apply (subgoal_tac "∃!y. y ∈ carrier N ∧ (∃a b. (a, b) ∈ C ∧
𝟬 ∈ (fgs R M a) ∧ y = b 𝟬)",
subgoal_tac "(THE y. y ∈ carrier N ∧ (∃a b. (a, b) ∈ C ∧
𝟬 ∈ fgs R M a ∧ y = b 𝟬)) ∈ carrier N ∧ (∃a b. (a, b) ∈ C ∧
𝟬 ∈ fgs R M a ∧
(THE y. y ∈ carrier N ∧ (∃a b. (a, b) ∈ C ∧ 𝟬 ∈ fgs R M a ∧ y = b 𝟬)) =
b 𝟬)")
prefer 2
apply (rule theI', simp, simp)
apply (rule ex_ex1I)
apply (cut_tac a = a1 in fgs_submodule)
apply (frule_tac a = a1 and b = b1 in mem_fsps_fst_sub[of N H f],
assumption+, simp add:subsetD, frule free_generator_sub[of H],
rule subset_trans[of _ H "carrier M"], assumption+,
frule_tac H = "fgs R M a1" in mdl_is_module,
frule_tac M = "mdl M (fgs R M a1)" and f = b1 in
Module.mHom_0[of _ R N], assumption+,
frule_tac H = "fgs R M a1" in submodule_inc_0,
frule Module.module_inc_zero[of N],
thin_tac "b1 ∈ mHom R (mdl M (fgs R M a1)) N",
thin_tac "R module mdl M (fgs R M a1)",
simp add:mdl_def)
apply (rotate_tac -3, frule sym, thin_tac "b1 𝟬 = 𝟬⇘N⇙", blast)
apply ((erule conjE)+, (erule exE)+, (erule conjE)+)
apply (cut_tac a = aa in fgs_submodule,
frule_tac a = aa and b = ba in mem_fsps_fst_sub[of N H f],
assumption+, simp add:subsetD,
frule free_generator_sub, rule subset_trans, assumption+,
simp add:subsetD,
frule_tac H = "fgs R M aa" in mdl_is_module,
frule_tac M = "mdl M (fgs R M aa)" and f = ba in
Module.mHom_0[of _ R N], assumption+,
frule_tac H = "fgs R M aa" in submodule_inc_0,
frule_tac c = "(aa, ba)" in subsetD[of C "fsps R M N f H"],
assumption+, simp,
frule_tac a = aa and b = ba in mem_fsps_snd_mHom[of N H f],
assumption+, simp add:mdl_def)
apply (cut_tac a = ab in fgs_submodule,
frule_tac a = ab and b = bb in mem_fsps_fst_sub[of N H f],
assumption+, simp add:subsetD,
frule free_generator_sub, rule subset_trans[of _ H "carrier M"],
frule_tac H = "fgs R M ab" in mdl_is_module,
frule_tac M = "mdl M (fgs R M ab)" and f = bb in
Module.mHom_0[of _ R N], assumption+)
apply (fold mdl_def,
frule_tac c = "(ab, bb)" in subsetD[of C "fsps R M N f H"],
frule_tac a = ab and b = bb in mem_fsps_snd_mHom[of N H f],
assumption+, simp add:mdl_def)
apply (subgoal_tac "∃!y. y ∈ carrier N ∧ (∃a b. (a, b) ∈ C ∧
x ∈ (fgs R M a) ∧ y = b x)",
subgoal_tac "(THE y. y ∈ carrier N ∧ (∃a b. (a, b) ∈ C ∧
x ∈ fgs R M a ∧ y = b x)) ∈ carrier N ∧ (∃a b. (a, b) ∈ C ∧
x ∈ fgs R M a ∧
(THE y. y ∈ carrier N ∧ (∃a b. (a, b) ∈ C ∧ x ∈ fgs R M a ∧ y = b x)) =
b x)")
prefer 2
apply (rule theI', simp, simp)
apply (rule ex_ex1I)
apply (frule_tac K = "⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}" and x = x in mem_fgs_l_comb)
apply (rule subsetI, simp,
thin_tac "∃x. (∃b. (x, b) ∈ C) ∧ x ≠ {}",
erule exE, erule conjE, erule exE,
frule_tac a = xb and b = b in mem_fsps_fst_sub[of N H f],
assumption+, simp add:subsetD,
frule free_generator_sub[of H], simp add:subsetD, assumption)
apply (erule exE, (erule bexE)+)
apply (frule_tac fa = fa and n = n in fsps_chain_boundTr1_1[of N H f C],
apply (frule_tac A = "⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}" in nonempty_ex,
erule exE, simp, assumption+, erule bexE,
cut_tac p = xa in PairE_lemma, (erule exE)+, simp)
apply (frule_tac a = xb and b = y in mem_fsps_fst_sub[of N H f],
assumption+, simp add:subsetD,
frule free_generator_sub[of H],
frule_tac A = xb in subset_trans[of _ H "carrier M"], assumption+)
apply (frule_tac H = xb and s = s and n = n and f = fa in
l_comb_mem_linear_span[of "carrier R"], assumption+,
rule Pi_I,
frule_tac a = xc and A = "{j. j ≤ n}" and f = fa in
mem_in_image2, simp add:image_def, erule exE, blast,
fold fgs_def)
apply (frule_tac a = xb and b = y in mem_fsps_snd_mHom[of N H f],
assumption+, simp add:subsetD,
frule_tac a = xb in fgs_submodule,
frule_tac H = "fgs R M xb" in mdl_is_module,
frule_tac R = R and M = "mdl M (fgs R M xb)" and N = N and
f = y and m = x in Module.mHom_mem, assumption+,
simp add:mdl_carrier, simp, blast)
apply ((erule conjE)+, (erule exE)+, (erule conjE)+)
apply (frule_tac x = "(a, b)" in bspec, assumption,
rotate_tac -1,
frule_tac x = "(aa, ba)" in bspec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀ba∈C. fst (a, b) ⊆ fst ba ∨ fst ba ⊆ fst (a, b)",
apply (rule_tac a = a and b = b and ?a1.0 = aa and ?b1.0 = ba and x = x in
fsps_chain_boundTr2_2[of N H f C], assumption+)
lemma (in Module) Un_C_submodule:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; C ⊆ fsps R M N f H; C ≠ {};
∀a∈C. ∀b∈C. fst a ⊆ fst b ∨ fst b ⊆ fst a⟧ ⟹
submodule R M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))"
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring, frule free_generator_sub[of H],
frule Ring.whole_ideal)
apply (subst fgs_def)
apply (rule linear_span_subModule, assumption+)
apply (rule subsetI, simp)
apply (erule exE, erule conjE, erule exE,
frule_tac c = "(xa, b)" in subsetD[of C "fsps R M N f H"], assumption+,
frule_tac a = xa and b = b in mem_fsps_fst_sub[of N H f], assumption+,
frule free_generator_sub, frule_tac A = xa in
subset_trans[of _ H "carrier M"], assumption+,
simp add:subsetD)
lemma (in Module) Un_C_fgs_sub:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; C ⊆ fsps R M N f H; C ≠ {};
∀a∈C. ∀b∈C. fst a ⊆ fst b ∨ fst b ⊆ fst a⟧ ⟹
⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C} ⊆ fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C})"
apply (simp add:fgs_def)
apply (rule l_span_cont_H)
apply (frule Un_C_submodule[of N H f C], assumption+)
apply (rule subsetI, simp, erule exE, erule conjE, erule exE)
apply (frule_tac a = xa and b = b in mem_fsps_fst_sub[of N H f], assumption+,
simp add:subsetD,
frule free_generator_sub[of H],
frule_tac A = xa and B = H and C = "carrier M" in subset_trans,
assumption+, simp add:subsetD)
lemma (in Module) Chain_3_supset:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; C ⊆ fsps R M N f H; C ≠ {};
∀a∈C. ∀b∈C. fst a ⊆ fst b ∨ fst b ⊆ fst a; (a1, b1) ∈ C; (a2, b2) ∈ C;
(a3, b3) ∈ C⟧ ⟹ ∃(g, h)∈C. a1 ⊆ g ∧ a2 ⊆ g ∧ a3 ⊆ g"
proof -
assume "(a1, b1) ∈ C"
"(a2, b2) ∈ C"
"(a3, b3) ∈ C"
then have A: "a1 ∈ fst ` C"
"a2 ∈ fst ` C"
"a3 ∈ fst ` C"
by (simp_all add: image_iff) force+
assume "∀a∈C. ∀b∈C. fst a ⊆ fst b ∨ fst b ⊆ fst a"
with A have "a1 ⊆ a2 ∨ a2 ⊆ a1"
"a1 ⊆ a3 ∨ a3 ⊆ a1"
"a2 ⊆ a3 ∨ a3 ⊆ a2"
by auto
with A have "∃a∈fst ` C. a1 ⊆ a ∧ a2 ⊆ a ∧ a3 ⊆ a"
by auto
then obtain a where "a ∈ fst ` C" and C: "a1 ⊆ a" "a2 ⊆ a" "a3 ⊆ a" by blast
then obtain b where "(a, b) ∈ C" by auto
with C show "∃(a, b)∈C. a1 ⊆ a ∧ a2 ⊆ a ∧ a3 ⊆ a"
by auto
lemma (in Module) fsps_chain_bound1:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; C ⊆ fsps R M N f H;
∀a∈C. ∀b∈C. fst a ⊆ fst b ∨ fst b ⊆ fst a; C ≠ {}⟧ ⟹
(λx∈(fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C})). (THE y. y ∈ carrier N ∧
(∃a b. (a, b) ∈ C ∧ x ∈ fgs R M a ∧ y = b x))) ∈
mHom R (mdl M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))) N"
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring, frule Ring.whole_ideal)
apply (frule Un_C_submodule[of N H f C], assumption+)
apply (frule mdl_is_module[of "fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C})"])
apply (rule Module.mHom_test[of "mdl M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))" R N
"λx∈fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}). THE y. y ∈ carrier N ∧
(∃a b. (a, b) ∈ C ∧ x ∈ fgs R M a ∧ y = b x)"], assumption+)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (rule Pi_I,
frule submodule_subset[of "fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C})"],
simp add:mdl_carrier, simp add:fsps_chain_boundTr2)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (simp add:mdl_carrier)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (rule ballI)+
apply (frule Module.module_is_ag[of "mdl M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))"
apply (frule_tac x = m and y = n in aGroup.ag_pOp_closed[of
"mdl M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))"], assumption+)
apply (frule_tac x = m in fsps_chain_boundTr2[of N H f C], assumption+,
simp add:mdl_carrier, assumption, erule conjE, (erule exE)+,
(erule conjE)+,
frule_tac x = n in fsps_chain_boundTr2[of N H f C], assumption+,
simp add:mdl_carrier, assumption, erule conjE, (erule exE)+,
(erule conjE)+,
frule_tac x = "m ±⇘mdl M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))⇙ n" in
fsps_chain_boundTr2[of N H f C], assumption+,
simp add:mdl_carrier, assumption, erule conjE, (erule exE)+,
(erule conjE)+) apply (simp add:mdl_carrier)
apply (thin_tac "(THE y.
y ∈ carrier N ∧ (∃a b. (a, b) ∈ C ∧ m ∈ fgs R M a ∧ y = b m)) =
b1 m") apply (
thin_tac "(THE y.
y ∈ carrier N ∧ (∃a b. (a, b) ∈ C ∧ n ∈ fgs R M a ∧ y = b n)) =
b1a n") apply (
thin_tac "(THE y.
y ∈ carrier N ∧
(∃a b. (a, b) ∈ C ∧
m ±⇘mdl M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))⇙ n ∈ fgs R M a ∧
y = b (m ±⇘mdl M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))⇙ n))) =
b1b (m ±⇘mdl M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))⇙ n)")
apply (thin_tac "m ±⇘mdl M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))⇙ n
∈ fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C})",
thin_tac "b1b (m ±⇘mdl M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))⇙ n) ∈ carrier N",
simp add:mdl_def, fold mdl_def)
apply (cut_tac ?a1.0 = a1 and ?b1.0 = b1 and ?a2.0 = a1a and ?b2.0 = b1a and
?a3.0 = a1b and ?b3.0 = b1b in Chain_3_supset[of N H f C], assumption+)
apply (erule bexE)
apply (cut_tac p = x in PairE_lemma, (erule exE)+, simp, (erule conjE)+)
apply (frule_tac J = a1b and K = xa in fgs_mono[of H], assumption+,
rule_tac a = xa and b = y in mem_fsps_fst_sub[of N H f], assumption+,
simp add:subsetD,
frule_tac J = a1 and K = xa in fgs_mono[of H], assumption+,
rule_tac a = xa and b = y in mem_fsps_fst_sub[of N H f], assumption+,
simp add:subsetD,
frule_tac J = a1a and K = xa in fgs_mono[of H], assumption+,
rule_tac a = xa and b = y in mem_fsps_fst_sub[of N H f], assumption+,
simp add:subsetD)
apply (frule_tac c = m and A = "fgs R M a1" and B = "fgs R M xa" in subsetD,
frule_tac c = n and A = "fgs R M a1a" and B = "fgs R M xa" in subsetD,
frule_tac c = "m ± n" and A = "fgs R M a1b" and B = "fgs R M xa" in
subsetD, assumption+)
apply (frule_tac a = a1 and b = b1 and aa = xa and ba = y in
fsps_chain_boundTr2_1[of N H f C], assumption+, simp,
frule_tac a = a1a and b = b1a and aa = xa and ba = y in
fsps_chain_boundTr2_1[of N H f C], assumption+, simp,
frule_tac a = a1b and b = b1b and aa = xa and ba = y in
fsps_chain_boundTr2_1[of N H f C], assumption+, simp)
apply (thin_tac "submodule R M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))",
thin_tac "R module mdl M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))",
thin_tac "m ∈ fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C})",
thin_tac "n ∈ fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C})",
thin_tac "aGroup (mdl M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C})))",
thin_tac "y m ∈ carrier N", thin_tac "(a1, b1) ∈ C",
thin_tac "m ∈ fgs R M a1", thin_tac "y n ∈ carrier N",
thin_tac "(a1a, b1a) ∈ C", thin_tac "n ∈ fgs R M a1a",
thin_tac "(a1b, b1b) ∈ C", thin_tac "m ± n ∈ fgs R M a1b",
thin_tac "a1 ⊆ xa", thin_tac "a1a ⊆ xa",
thin_tac "a1b ⊆ xa", thin_tac "fgs R M a1 ⊆ fgs R M xa",
thin_tac "fgs R M a1a ⊆ fgs R M xa",
thin_tac "b1b (m ± n) = y (m ± n)",
thin_tac "b1 m = y m", thin_tac "b1a n = y n")
apply (cut_tac a = xa in fgs_submodule,
frule_tac c = "(xa, y)" in subsetD[of C "fsps R M N f H"],
simp add:mem_fsps_fst_sub1)
apply (frule_tac H = "fgs R M xa" in mdl_is_module)
apply (frule_tac a = xa and b = y in mem_fsps_snd_mHom[of N H f],
assumption+, simp add:subsetD)
apply (frule_tac R = R and M = "mdl M (fgs R M xa)" and N = N and f = y and
m = m and n = n in Module.mHom_add, assumption+,
simp add:mdl_carrier, simp add:mdl_carrier, simp add:mdl_def)
apply (rule ballI)+
apply (frule_tac a = a and m = m in Module.sc_mem[of
"mdl M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))" R], assumption+)
apply (frule_tac x = m in fsps_chain_boundTr2[of N H f C], assumption+,
simp add:mdl_carrier, assumption, erule conjE, (erule exE)+,
(erule conjE)+,
frule_tac x = "a ⋅⇩s⇘mdl M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))⇙ m" in
fsps_chain_boundTr2[of N H f C], assumption+,
simp add:mdl_carrier, assumption, erule conjE, (erule exE)+,
(erule conjE)+)
apply (simp add:mdl_carrier)
apply (thin_tac "(THE y.
y ∈ carrier N ∧ (∃a b. (a, b) ∈ C ∧ m ∈ fgs R M a ∧ y = b m)) =
b1 m",
thin_tac "b1a (a ⋅⇩s⇘mdl M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))⇙ m) ∈ carrier N",
thin_tac "(THE y.
y ∈ carrier N ∧
(∃aa b.
(aa, b) ∈ C ∧
a ⋅⇩s⇘mdl M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))⇙ m ∈ fgs R M aa ∧
y = b (a ⋅⇩s⇘mdl M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))⇙ m))) =
b1a (a ⋅⇩s⇘mdl M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))⇙ m)",
thin_tac "a ⋅⇩s⇘mdl M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))⇙ m
∈ fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C})",
thin_tac "submodule R M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))",
thin_tac "R module mdl M (fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}))")
apply (simp add:mdl_def,
thin_tac "m ∈ fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C})",
thin_tac "b1 m ∈ carrier N")
apply (frule_tac x = "(a1, b1)" in bspec, assumption,
rotate_tac -1,
drule_tac x = "(a1a, b1a)" in bspec, assumption,
apply (erule disjE,
frule_tac J = a1 and K = a1a in fgs_mono[of H], assumption+,
rule_tac a = a1a and b = b1a in mem_fsps_fst_sub[of N H f],
assumption+, simp add:subsetD,
frule_tac c = m and A = "fgs R M a1" and B = "fgs R M a1a" in subsetD,
apply (cut_tac a = a1a in fgs_submodule,
frule_tac c = "(a1a, b1a)" in subsetD[of C "fsps R M N f H"],
assumption+, simp add:mem_fsps_fst_sub1,
frule_tac H = "fgs R M a1a" in mdl_is_module,
frule_tac a = a1a and b = b1a in mem_fsps_snd_mHom[of N H f],
assumption+, simp add:subsetD)
apply (frule_tac R = R and M = "mdl M (fgs R M a1a)" and N = N and m = m
and f = b1a and a = a in Module.mHom_lin, assumption+,
simp add:mdl_carrier, assumption+, simp add:mdl_def,
fold mdl_def)
apply (frule_tac a = a1 and b = b1 and ?a1.0 = a1a and ?b1.0 = b1a and x = m
in fsps_chain_boundTr2_2[of N H f C], assumption+, simp)
apply (frule_tac J = a1a and K = a1 in fgs_mono[of H], assumption+,
rule_tac a = a1 and b = b1 in mem_fsps_fst_sub[of N H f],
assumption+, simp add:subsetD,
frule_tac c = "a ⋅⇩s m" and A = "fgs R M a1a" and B = "fgs R M a1" in
subsetD, assumption+)
apply (frule_tac a = a1a and b = b1a and ?a1.0 = a1 and ?b1.0 = b1 and
x = "a ⋅⇩s m" in fsps_chain_boundTr2_2[of N H f C], assumption+, simp)
apply (cut_tac a = a1 in fgs_submodule,
frule_tac c = "(a1, b1)" in subsetD[of C "fsps R M N f H"],
assumption+, simp add:mem_fsps_fst_sub1,
frule_tac H = "fgs R M a1" in mdl_is_module,
frule_tac a = a1 and b = b1 in mem_fsps_snd_mHom[of N H f],
assumption+, simp add:subsetD)
apply (frule_tac R = R and M = "mdl M (fgs R M a1)" and N = N and m = m
and f = b1 and a = a in Module.mHom_lin, assumption+,
simp add:mdl_carrier, assumption+, simp add:mdl_def)
lemma (in Module) fsps_chain_bound2:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; C ⊆ fsps R M N f H; C ≠ {};
∀a∈C. ∀b∈C. fst a ⊆ fst b ∨ fst b ⊆ fst a⟧ ⟹
∀y∈(⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}). (λx∈(fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C})).
(THE y. y ∈ carrier N ∧ (∃a b. (a, b) ∈ C ∧ x ∈ fgs R M a ∧ y = b x))) y =
f y"
apply (rule ballI)
apply (subgoal_tac "y ∈ fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C})")
prefer 2
apply simp
apply (erule exE, erule conjE, erule exE)
apply (frule Un_C_fgs_sub[of N H f C], assumption+)
apply (rule_tac c = y in subsetD[of "⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}"
"fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C})"], assumption+)
apply (simp, blast)
apply simp
apply (frule_tac x = y in fsps_chain_boundTr2[of N H f C], assumption+)
apply (erule conjE, (erule exE)+, erule conjE, erule exE, (erule conjE)+)
apply (simp,
thin_tac "(THE ya. ya ∈ carrier N ∧
(∃a b. (a, b) ∈ C ∧ y ∈ fgs R M a ∧ ya = b y)) = b1 y")
apply (frule_tac c = "(x, b)" in subsetD[of C "fsps R M N f H"],
simp add:fsps_def fsp_def, (erule conjE)+,
thin_tac "∀z∈x. f z = b z")
apply (frule_tac x = y and a = x and b = b and ?a1.0 = a1 and ?b1.0 = b1 in
fsps_chain_boundTr2_2[of N H f C], assumption+,
simp add:fsps_def fsp_def, assumption+, subst fgs_def,
rule_tac c = y and A = x and B = "linear_span R M (carrier R) x"
in subsetD,
rule l_span_cont_H,
frule free_generator_sub[of H], rule subset_trans[of _ H "carrier M"],
assumption+, simp)
lemma (in Module) od_fm_fun_Chain:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; Algebra2.Chain (od_fm_fun R M N f H) C; C ≠ {}⟧ ⟹
∀a∈C. ∀b∈C. fst a ⊆ fst b ∨ fst b ⊆ fst a"
apply (frule Order_od_fm_fun[of N H f], assumption+)
apply (rule ballI)+
apply (simp add:Algebra2.Chain_def, erule conjE, simp add:Torder_def, erule conjE,
simp add:Torder_axioms_def)
apply (simp add:Order.Iod_carrier)
apply (auto simp add: Iod_def od_fm_fun_def ole_def)
apply blast
lemma (in Module) od_fm_fun_inPr0:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; Algebra2.Chain (od_fm_fun R M N f H) C; C ≠ {};
∃b. (y, b) ∈ C; z ∈ y⟧ ⟹ z ∈ fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C})"
apply (frule Un_C_fgs_sub[of N H f C], assumption+)
apply (simp add:Algebra2.Chain_def od_fm_fun_def, assumption)
apply (simp add:od_fm_fun_Chain)
apply (rule_tac subsetD[of "⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}"
"fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C})" z], assumption+)
apply (simp, blast)
lemma (in Module) od_fm_fun_indPr1:" ⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; Algebra2.Chain (od_fm_fun R M N f H) C; C ≠ {}⟧ ⟹
(⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C},
λx ∈ fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}). THE y. y ∈ carrier N ∧
(∃a b. (a, b) ∈ C ∧ x ∈ fgs R M a ∧ y = b x)) ∈ fsps R M N f H"
apply (simp add:fsps_def fsp_def, rule conjI)
apply (rule fsps_chain_bound1[of N H f C], assumption+)
apply (simp add:od_fm_fun_def Algebra2.Chain_def)
apply (simp add:od_fm_fun_Chain, assumption)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (rule allI, rule impI)
apply (rule ballI)
apply (simp add:od_fm_fun_inPr0[of N H f C])
apply (frule fsps_chain_bound2[of N H f C], assumption+,
simp add:Algebra2.Chain_def od_fm_fun_def, assumption)
apply (simp add:od_fm_fun_Chain)
apply (drule_tac x = z in bspec)
apply (simp, blast)
apply (simp add:od_fm_fun_inPr0)
apply (rule subsetI, simp, erule exE, erule conjE, erule exE)
apply (frule Order_od_fm_fun[of N H f], assumption+,
frule Order.Chain_sub[of "od_fm_fun R M N f H" C], assumption,
thin_tac "Algebra2.Chain (od_fm_fun R M N f H) C",
thin_tac "Order (od_fm_fun R M N f H)")
apply (simp add:od_fm_fun_def)
apply (frule_tac a = xa and b = b in mem_fsps_fst_sub[of N H f], assumption+,
simp add:subsetD, simp add:subsetD)
lemma (in Module) od_fm_fun_indPr2:" ⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; Algebra2.Chain (od_fm_fun R M N f H) C; C ≠ {}⟧ ⟹
ub⇘od_fm_fun R M N f H⇙ C (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C},
λx ∈ fgs R M (⋃{a. ∃b. (a, b) ∈ C}). THE y. y ∈ carrier N ∧
(∃a b. (a, b) ∈ C ∧ x ∈ fgs R M a ∧ y = b x))"
apply (frule Order_od_fm_fun[of N H f], assumption+,
simp add:upper_bound_def)
apply (simp add:od_fm_fun_def, fold od_fm_fun_def,
frule od_fm_fun_indPr1[of N H f C], assumption+, simp)
apply (rule ballI,
subst od_fm_fun_def, subst ole_def, simp)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (frule Order.Chain_sub[of "od_fm_fun R M N f H" C], assumption,
simp add:od_fm_fun_carrier, simp add:subsetD)
apply (unfold split_paired_all,
rule subsetI, simp, blast)
lemma (in Module) od_fm_fun_inductive:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N⟧ ⟹ inductive_set (od_fm_fun R M N f H)"
apply (frule Order_od_fm_fun[of N H f], assumption+)
apply (simp add:inductive_set_def)
apply (rule allI, rule impI)
apply (case_tac "C ≠ {}")
apply (frule_tac C = C in od_fm_fun_indPr2[of N H f], assumption+)
apply blast
apply simp
apply (simp add:upper_bound_def)
apply (subst od_fm_fun_def, simp)
apply (frule empty_fsp[of N H f], assumption+, blast)
lemma (in Module) sSum_eq:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H; H1 ⊆ H;
h ∈ H - H1⟧ ⟹ (fgs R M H1) ∓ (fgs R M {h}) = fgs R M (H1 ∪ {h})"
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring, frule Ring.whole_ideal)
apply (frule free_generator_sub)
apply (frule subset_trans[of H1 H "carrier M"], assumption+,
frule fgs_sub_carrier[of H1])
apply (cut_tac subset_trans[of "{h}" "H - H1" "carrier M"],
frule fgs_sub_carrier[of "{h}"])
apply (simp add:set_sum[of "fgs R M H1" "fgs R M {h}"])
apply (rule equalityI)
apply (rule subsetI, simp, (erule bexE)+)
apply (case_tac "H1 = {}", simp add:empty_fgs)
apply (frule_tac c = k in subsetD[of "fgs R M {h}" "carrier M"], assumption+)
apply (simp add:ag_l_zero)
apply (cut_tac fgs_mono[of H H1 "insert h H1"],
frule_tac c = ha in subsetD[of "fgs R M H1" "fgs R M (insert h H1)"],
cut_tac fgs_mono[of H "{h}" "insert h H1"],
frule_tac c = k in subsetD[of "fgs R M {h}" "fgs R M (insert h H1)"],
apply (simp add:fgs_def,
cut_tac sc_Ring, frule Ring.whole_ideal,
rule linear_span_pOp_closed, assumption+,
rule subsetI, simp, erule disjE, simp, simp add:subsetD, assumption+,
rule subsetI, simp, rule subsetI, simp, erule disjE, simp,
simp add:subsetD, assumption+, rule subsetI, simp,
rule subsetI, simp, erule disjE, simp, simp add:subsetD)
apply (rule subsetI)
apply (cut_tac x = x in mem_fgs_l_comb[of "insert h H1"],
rule subsetI, simp, erule disjE, simp, simp add:subsetD, assumption+)
apply (erule exE, (erule bexE)+)
apply (case_tac "f ` {j. j ≤ n} ⊆ H1")
apply (frule_tac s = s and n = n and f = f in
l_comb_mem_linear_span[of "carrier R" H1], assumption+)
apply (rule Pi_I)
apply (frule_tac f = f and A = "{j. j ≤ n}" and B = "insert h H1" and
a = xa in mem_in_image, assumption+, simp add:subsetD)
apply (fold fgs_def)
apply (frule fgs_sub_carrier[of H1])
apply (frule_tac c = "l_comb R M n s f" in subsetD[of "fgs R M H1"
"carrier M"], assumption+)
apply (frule_tac t = "l_comb R M n s f" in ag_r_zero[THEN sym], simp)
apply (cut_tac fgs_submodule[of "{h}"],
frule submodule_inc_0[of "fgs R M {h}"], blast,
rule subsetI, simp)
apply (frule_tac f = f and A = "{j. j ≤ n}" and B = "insert h H1" in
apply (frule_tac Y = "f ` {j. j ≤ n}" and a = h and X = H1 in sub_inserted1,
assumption+, erule conjE,
thin_tac "¬ f ` {j. j ≤ n} ⊆ H1",
thin_tac "f ` {j. j ≤ n} ⊆ insert h H1", erule conjE)
apply (cut_tac H = "insert h H1" and f = f and n = n and s = s in
apply (rule subsetI, simp, erule disjE, simp, simp add:subsetD)
apply assumption+
apply ((erule exE)+, (erule conjE)+, simp)
apply (simp add:bij_to_def, erule conjE,
simp add:surj_to_def)
apply (rotate_tac -2, frule sym, thin_tac "g ` {j. j ≤ m} = f ` {j. j ≤ n}",
simp, thin_tac "f ` {j. j ≤ n} = g ` {j. j ≤ m}", simp add:image_def,
erule exE,
thin_tac "f ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → insert h H1",
thin_tac "s ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → carrier R",
thin_tac "l_comb R M n s f = l_comb R M m t g", erule conjE)
apply (case_tac "m = 0", simp,
frule_tac a = H1 in fgs_submodule,
frule submodule_inc_0[of "fgs R M H1"],
cut_tac a = "insert (g 0) H1" in fgs_submodule,
rule subsetI, simp, erule disjE, simp, simp add:subsetD,
frule_tac H = "fgs R M (insert (g 0) H1)" in submodule_subset,
frule_tac c = "l_comb R M 0 t g" and A = "fgs R M (insert (g 0) H1)"
and B = "carrier M" in subsetD, assumption+,
frule_tac t = "l_comb R M 0 t g" in ag_l_zero[THEN sym],
subgoal_tac "l_comb R M 0 t g ∈ fgs R M {g 0}", blast)
apply (subst fgs_def,
cut_tac s = t and n = m and f = g in
l_comb_mem_linear_span[of "carrier R" "{h}"], assumption+,
rule subsetI, simp, simp, simp,
simp, simp)
apply (cut_tac f = g and n = "m - Suc 0" and s = t and l = xa in
unique_expression3[of "insert h H1"],
rule subsetI, simp, erule disjE, simp, simp add:subsetD)
apply simp+
apply (rule contrapos_pp, simp+, simp add:image_def)
apply (erule bexE, simp add:inj_on_def)
apply (drule_tac a = xa in forall_spec, simp)
apply (drule_tac a = xb in forall_spec,
erule conjE, assumption, simp)
apply ((erule exE)+, (erule conjE)+, simp)
apply (thin_tac "g ∈ {j. j ≤ m} → insert (g xa) H1",
thin_tac "t ∈ {j. j ≤ m} → carrier R",
thin_tac "l_comb R M m t g = l_comb R M ma ta ga",
thin_tac "inj_on g {j. j ≤ m}",
thin_tac "g xa ∈ carrier M",
thin_tac "fgs R M {g xa} ⊆ carrier M")
apply (rotate_tac 13, frule sym, thin_tac "h = g xa", simp)
apply (thin_tac "g xa = h", thin_tac "0 < m", thin_tac "xa ≤ m",
thin_tac "ta ma = t xa", simp)
apply (rename_tac x g m t)
apply (case_tac "m = 0", simp,
frule_tac a = H1 in fgs_submodule,
frule submodule_inc_0[of "fgs R M H1"],
cut_tac a = "insert h H1" in fgs_submodule,
rule subsetI, simp, erule disjE, simp, simp add:subsetD,
frule subset_trans[of H1 H "carrier M"], assumption+,
simp add:subsetD,
frule_tac H = "fgs R M (insert h H1)" in submodule_subset,
frule_tac c = "l_comb R M 0 t g" and A = "fgs R M (insert h H1)"
and B = "carrier M" in subsetD, assumption+,
frule_tac t = "l_comb R M 0 t g" in ag_l_zero[THEN sym],
subgoal_tac "l_comb R M 0 t g ∈ fgs R M {h}", blast)
apply (subst fgs_def,
cut_tac s = t and n = 0 and f = g in
l_comb_mem_linear_span[of "carrier R" "{h}"],
assumption, rule subsetI, simp, simp add:subsetD,
simp, simp, assumption)
apply (subgoal_tac "l_comb R M m t g = l_comb R M (Suc (m - Suc 0)) t g",
simp del:Suc_pred,
frule insert_sub[of H1 H h], assumption+,
frule subset_trans[of "insert h H1" H "carrier M"], assumption+,
subst l_comb_Suc[of "insert h H1" "carrier R"], assumption+,
(subst Suc_pred, assumption,
thin_tac "l_comb R M m t g = l_comb R M (Suc (m - Suc 0)) t g",
apply (subgoal_tac "l_comb R M (m - Suc 0) t g ∈ fgs R M H1",
subgoal_tac "t m ⋅⇩s h ∈ fgs R M {h}", blast,
subst fgs_def,
rule_tac h = h and a = "t m" in
sc_linear_span[of "carrier R" "{h}"], assumption+,
rule subsetI, simp, simp add:Pi_def, simp,
cut_tac a = "{h}" in fgs_submodule, rule subsetI, simp,
cut_tac s = t and n = "m - Suc 0" and f = g in
l_comb_mem_linear_span[of "carrier R" H1], assumption,
simp add:subset_trans[of H1 H "carrier M"],
rule func_pre, simp,
rule Pi_I, simp,
frule_tac f = g and A = "{k. k ≤ m}" and B = "insert h H1"
and x = xa in funcset_mem, simp, simp, simp add:inj_on_def)
apply (erule disjE)
apply (drule_tac a = m in forall_spec, simp,
drule_tac a = xa in forall_spec, simp, simp, simp)
apply (cut_tac n1 = xa and m1 = "xa - Suc 0" in Suc_le_mono[THEN sym],
simp, simp add:fgs_def, simp)
apply (rule subsetI, simp)
apply (rule subsetI, simp add:subsetD)
monofun :: "[('r, 'm) Ring_scheme, ('a, 'r, 'm1) Module_scheme,
('b, 'r, 'm2) Module_scheme, 'a ⇒ 'b, 'a set, 'a] ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b)" where
"monofun R M N f H h = (λx∈fgs R M {h}.
(THE y. (∃r∈carrier R. x = r ⋅⇩s⇘M⇙ h ∧ y = r ⋅⇩s⇘N⇙ (f h))))"
lemma (in Module) fgs_single_span:"⟦h ∈ carrier M; x ∈ (fgs R M {h})⟧ ⟹
∃a∈carrier R. x = a ⋅⇩s h"
apply (simp add:fgs_def linear_span_def)
apply (erule exE, (erule bexE)+)
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring, frule Ring.whole_ideal)
apply (frule_tac A = "carrier R" and z = h and h = f and n = n and t = s in
single_span, assumption+)
apply (erule bexE, simp add:l_comb_def del: Pi_split_insert_domain)
apply (frule_tac f = sa and A = "{0}" and B = "carrier R" and
x = 0 in funcset_mem, simp, blast)
lemma (in Module) monofun_mHomTr:"⟦h ∈ H; free_generator R M H;
a ∈ carrier R; r ∈ carrier R; a ⋅⇩s h = r ⋅⇩s h⟧ ⟹ a = r"
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring, frule free_generator_sub,
frule subsetD[of H "carrier M" h], assumption+)
apply (frule_tac a = a and m = h in sc_mem, assumption+,
frule_tac a = r and m = h in sc_mem, assumption+)
apply (frule ag_eq_diffzero[of "a ⋅⇩s h" "r ⋅⇩s h"], assumption+,
simp only:sc_minus_am1, thin_tac "(a ⋅⇩s h = r ⋅⇩s h) = (𝟬 = 𝟬)")
apply (frule Ring.ring_is_ag[of R],
frule aGroup.ag_mOp_closed[of R r], assumption+)
apply (simp add:sc_l_distr[THEN sym])
apply (frule free_gen_coeff_zero[of H h "a ±⇘R⇙ -⇩a⇘R⇙ r"], assumption+)
apply (rule aGroup.ag_pOp_closed, assumption+)
apply (simp add:aGroup.ag_eq_diffzero)
lemma (in Module) monofun_mhomTr1:"⟦R module N; h ∈ H; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; a ∈ carrier R⟧ ⟹
monofun R M N f H h (a ⋅⇩s h) = a ⋅⇩s⇘N⇙ (f h)"
apply (frule free_generator_sub)
apply (simp add:monofun_def)
apply (cut_tac a = "{h}" and x = h in elem_fgs, rule subsetI,
simp add:subsetD, simp,
cut_tac fgs_submodule[of "{h}"])
apply (frule submodule_sc_closed[of "fgs R M {h}" a h], assumption+,
apply (subgoal_tac "∃!y. ∃r∈carrier R. a ⋅⇩s h = r ⋅⇩s h ∧ y = r ⋅⇩s⇘N⇙ f h",
subgoal_tac "∃r∈carrier R. a ⋅⇩s h = r ⋅⇩s h ∧
(THE y. ∃s∈carrier R. a ⋅⇩s h = s ⋅⇩s h ∧ y = s ⋅⇩s⇘N⇙ (f h)) =
r ⋅⇩s⇘N⇙ (f h)")
prefer 2 apply (rule theI', simp)
apply (thin_tac "∃!y. ∃r∈carrier R. a ⋅⇩s h = r ⋅⇩s h ∧ y = r ⋅⇩s⇘N⇙ f h")
apply (erule bexE, erule conjE, simp,
thin_tac "(THE y. ∃s∈carrier R. r ⋅⇩s h = s ⋅⇩s h ∧ y = s ⋅⇩s⇘N⇙ f h) = r ⋅⇩s⇘N⇙ f h")
apply (frule_tac r = r in monofun_mHomTr[of h H a], assumption+, simp)
apply (rule ex_ex1I)
apply blast
apply ((erule bexE)+, (erule conjE)+)
apply (frule_tac r = r in monofun_mHomTr[of h H a], assumption+,
frule_tac r = ra in monofun_mHomTr[of h H a], assumption+)
apply (thin_tac "a ⋅⇩s h = r ⋅⇩s h", thin_tac "a ⋅⇩s h = ra ⋅⇩s h",
rotate_tac -2, frule sym, thin_tac "a = r", frule sym,
thin_tac "a = ra", simp)
apply (rule subsetI, simp add:subsetD)
lemma (in Module) monofun_mem:"⟦R module N; h ∈ H; free_generator R M H;
x ∈ fgs R M {h}; f ∈ H → carrier N⟧ ⟹
monofun R M N f H h x ∈ carrier N"
apply (frule free_generator_sub,
frule subsetD[of H "carrier M" h], assumption+,
frule fgs_single_span[of h x], assumption+)
apply (erule bexE, simp add:monofun_mhomTr1,
frule funcset_mem[of f H "carrier N" h], assumption)
apply (simp add:Module.sc_mem[of N R _ "f h"])
lemma (in Module) monofun_eq_f:"⟦R module N; h ∈ H; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N⟧ ⟹ monofun R M N f H h h = f h"
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring)
apply (frule_tac N = N and h = h and f = f and a = "1⇩r⇘R⇙" in monofun_mhomTr1,
apply (simp add:Ring.ring_one)
apply (frule free_generator_sub, frule subsetD[of H "carrier M" h],
frule funcset_mem[of f H "carrier N" h], assumption)
apply (simp add:sprod_one, simp add:Module.sprod_one)
lemma (in Module) sSum_unique:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H; H1 ⊆ H;
h ∈ H - H1; x1 ∈(fgs R M H1); x2 ∈ (fgs R M H1);
y1 ∈ (fgs R M {h}); y2 ∈ (fgs R M {h}); x1 ± y1 = x2 ± y2⟧ ⟹
x1 = x2 ∧ y1 = y2"
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring, frule Ring.whole_ideal [of "R"],
frule free_generator_sub)
apply (frule_tac subset_trans[of H1 H "carrier M"], assumption+)
apply (frule subsetD[of H "carrier M" h], simp)
apply (frule_tac fgs_single_span[of h y1], assumption+,
frule_tac fgs_single_span[of h y2], assumption+)
apply (erule bexE, erule bexE)
apply (frule_tac a = a and m = h in sc_mem, assumption+,
frule_tac a = aa and m = h in sc_mem, assumption+)
apply (frule subset_trans[of H1 H "carrier M"], assumption+)
apply (frule_tac A = "carrier R" and H = H1 in lin_span_sub_carrier,
apply (fold fgs_def)
apply (frule subsetD[of "fgs R M H1" "carrier M" x1], assumption+,
frule subsetD[of "fgs R M H1" "carrier M" x2], assumption+)
apply simp
apply (frule ag_mOp_closed[of x2])
apply (frule_tac z = "a ⋅⇩s h" in ag_pOp_assoc[of "-⇩a x2" "x1"], assumption+,
simp only:ag_pOp_assoc[THEN sym], simp add:ag_l_inv1,
simp add:ag_l_zero,
frule ag_pOp_closed[of "-⇩a x2" x1], assumption+,
frule_tac x = "a ⋅⇩s h" in ag_mOp_closed)
apply (frule_tac y = "a ⋅⇩s h" and z = "-⇩a (a ⋅⇩s h)" in
ag_pOp_assoc[of "-⇩a x2 ± x1"], assumption+,
simp add:ag_r_inv1 ag_r_zero, thin_tac "-⇩a x2 ± x1 ± a ⋅⇩s h = aa ⋅⇩s h")
apply (frule fgs_submodule[of H1])
apply (frule submodule_mOp_closed[of "fgs R M H1" x2], assumption,
frule submodule_pOp_closed[of "fgs R M H1" "-⇩a x2" "x1"], assumption+)
apply (case_tac "H1 = {}", simp add:empty_fgs)
apply (simp add:ag_eq_diffzero[THEN sym])
apply (frule mem_fgs_l_comb[of H1 "-⇩a x2 ± x1"], assumption+,
erule exE, (erule bexE)+)
apply (case_tac "-⇩a⇘M⇙ x2 ±⇘M⇙ x1 = 𝟬⇘M⇙", simp, rotate_tac -2, frule sym,
thin_tac "𝟬 = l_comb R M n s f", simp,
simp add:ag_pOp_commute[of "-⇩a x2" " x1"])
apply (simp add:ag_eq_diffzero[of x1 x2])
apply (simp add:ag_eq_diffzero[THEN sym])
apply simp
apply (frule_tac f = f and n = n and s = s in unique_expression2[of H1],
assumption+, (erule exE)+, (erule conjE)+, simp,
simp add:bij_to_def, erule conjE,
thin_tac "f ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → H1",
thin_tac "s ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → carrier R",
thin_tac "surj_to g {j. j ≤ m} (f ` {j. j ≤ n})",
thin_tac "l_comb R M n s f = l_comb R M m t g", simp)
apply (frule_tac f = g and A = "{j. j ≤ m}" and B = H1 and ?B1.0 = H in
extend_fun, assumption+)
apply (frule_tac f = g and n = m and s = t in unique_expression4[of H],
simp, (erule exE)+, (erule conjE)+, erule exE, (erule conjE)+)
apply (frule_tac f = g and A = "{j. j ≤ m}" and B = H1 in image_sub0,
frule_tac A = "ga ` {k. k ≤ ma}" and B = "g ` {j. j ≤ m}" and
C = H1 in subset_trans, assumption+, simp,
thin_tac "g ∈ {j. j ≤ m} → H1",
thin_tac "t ∈ {j. j ≤ m} → carrier R",
thin_tac "ga ` {k. k ≤ ma} ⊆ g ` {k. k ≤ m}",
thin_tac "l_comb R M m t g = l_comb R M ma ta ga",
thin_tac "g ` {j. j ≤ m} ⊆ H1",
thin_tac "inj_on g {j. j ≤ m}",
thin_tac "g ∈ {j. j ≤ m} → H", simp)
apply (rename_tac a aa m g t)
apply (simp add:sc_minus_am1,
cut_tac sc_Ring, frule Ring.ring_is_ag,
frule_tac x = a in aGroup.ag_mOp_closed[of R], assumption)
apply (simp add:sc_l_distr[THEN sym])
apply (case_tac "aa ±⇘R⇙ -⇩a⇘R⇙ a = 𝟬⇘R⇙", simp add:sc_0_m,
frule_tac x = aa and y = "-⇩a⇘R⇙ a" in aGroup.ag_pOp_closed, assumption+)
apply (subgoal_tac "(λx∈{0::nat}. (aa ±⇘R⇙ -⇩a⇘R⇙ a)) ∈
{j. j ≤ (0::nat)} → carrier R",
subgoal_tac "(λx∈{0::nat}. h) ∈
{j. j ≤ (0::nat)} → H")
apply (frule_tac f = "λx∈{0::nat}. h" and n = 0 and
s = "λx∈{0::nat}. (aa ±⇘R⇙ -⇩a⇘R⇙ a)" and g = g and m = m and t = t in
unique_expression5[of H])
apply (simp)
apply (simp add:inj_on_def)
apply (simp, assumption+)
apply (simp add:l_comb_def[of _ _ 0], rule ballI, simp)
apply simp
apply (frule_tac A = "(λx∈{0}. h) ` {j. j ≤ 0}" and B = "g ` {j. j ≤ m}"
and C = H1 in subset_trans, assumption+,
thin_tac "(λx∈{0}. h) ∈ {j. j ≤ 0} → H",
thin_tac "(λx∈{0}. aa ±⇘R⇙ -⇩a⇘R⇙ a) ∈ {j. j ≤ 0} → carrier R",
thin_tac "(λx∈{0}. h) ` {j. j ≤ 0} ⊆ g ` {j. j ≤ m}",
thin_tac "g ` {k. k ≤ m} ⊆ H1")
apply (simp, simp, simp)
lemma (in Module) ex_extensionTr:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; H1 ⊆ H; h ∈ H; h ∉ H1;
g ∈ mHom R (mdl M (fgs R M H1)) N;
x ∈ fgs R M H1 ∓ (fgs R M {h})⟧ ⟹
∃k1∈ fgs R M H1. ∃k2∈fgs R M {h}. x = k1 ± k2 ∧
(THE y. ∃h1∈fgs R M H1. ∃h2∈fgs R M {h}. x = h1 ± h2 ∧ y = g h1 ±⇘N⇙
(monofun R M N f H h h2)) = g k1 ±⇘N⇙ (monofun R M N f H h k2)"
apply (frule free_generator_sub)
apply (frule sSum_eq[THEN sym, of N H H1 h], assumption+, simp,
apply (subgoal_tac "∃!y. ∃h1∈fgs R M H1. ∃h2∈fgs R M {h}. x = h1 ± h2 ∧
y = g h1 ±⇘N⇙ (monofun R M N f H h h2)",
subgoal_tac "∃h1∈fgs R M H1. ∃h2∈fgs R M {h}. x = h1 ± h2 ∧
(THE y. ∃h1∈fgs R M H1. ∃h2∈fgs R M {h}. x = h1 ± h2 ∧
y = g h1 ±⇘N⇙ (monofun R M N f H h h2)) = g h1 ±⇘N⇙ (monofun R M N f H h h2)")
prefer 2 apply (rule theI') apply simp
apply (thin_tac " ∃!y. ∃h1∈fgs R M H1.
∃h2∈fgs R M {h}. x = h1 ± h2 ∧ y = g h1 ±⇘N⇙ monofun R M N f H h h2")
apply blast
apply (rule ex_ex1I)
apply (thin_tac "fgs R M (insert h H1) = fgs R M H1 ∓ (fgs R M {h})")
apply (cut_tac fgs_sub_carrier[of H1], cut_tac fgs_sub_carrier[of "{h}"])
apply (simp add:set_sum)
apply (erule bexE)+
apply (frule subsetD[of H "carrier M" h], assumption+)
apply (frule_tac x = k in monofun_mem[of N h H _ f], assumption+)
apply blast
apply (rule subsetI, simp, simp add:subsetD,
rule subset_trans[of H1 H "carrier M"], assumption+)
apply ((erule bexE)+, (erule conjE)+, simp)
apply (frule_tac ?x1.0 = h1a and ?x2.0 = h1 and ?y1.0 = h2a and ?y2.0 = h2
in sSum_unique[of N H H1 h], assumption+, simp, assumption+)
apply ((erule conjE)+, simp)
lemma (in Module) monofun_add:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; h ∈ H; x ∈ fgs R M {h}; y ∈ fgs R M {h}⟧ ⟹
monofun R M N f H h (x ± y) =
monofun R M N f H h x ±⇘N⇙ (monofun R M N f H h y)"
apply (frule free_generator_sub,
cut_tac sc_Ring, frule Ring.ring_is_ag,
frule subsetD[of H "carrier M" h], assumption+,
frule fgs_single_span[of h x], assumption+,
frule fgs_single_span[of h y], assumption+, (erule bexE)+, simp,
simp add:sc_l_distr[THEN sym])
apply (frule_tac x = a and y = aa in aGroup.ag_pOp_closed[of R], assumption+)
apply (simp add:monofun_mhomTr1,
frule funcset_mem[of f H "carrier N" h], assumption+)
apply (simp add:Module.sc_l_distr)
lemma (in Module) monofun_sprod:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; h ∈ H; x ∈ fgs R M {h}; a ∈ carrier R⟧ ⟹
monofun R M N f H h ( a ⋅⇩s x) = a ⋅⇩s⇘N⇙ (monofun R M N f H h x)"
apply (frule free_generator_sub,
cut_tac sc_Ring,
frule subsetD[of H "carrier M" h], assumption+,
frule fgs_single_span[of h x], assumption+,
erule bexE, simp add:sc_assoc[THEN sym])
apply (frule_tac x = a and y = aa in Ring.ring_tOp_closed, assumption+)
apply (simp add:monofun_mhomTr1,
frule funcset_mem[of f H "carrier N" h], assumption+)
apply (simp add:Module.sc_assoc)
lemma (in Module) monofun_0:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; h ∈ H⟧ ⟹ monofun R M N f H h 𝟬 = 𝟬⇘N⇙"
apply (cut_tac fgs_submodule[of "{h}"],
frule submodule_inc_0[of "fgs R M {h}"])
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring, frule Ring.ring_zero,
frule monofun_sprod[of N H f h 𝟬 "𝟬⇘R⇙"], assumption+,
cut_tac ag_inc_zero)
apply (simp add:sc_0_m,
frule monofun_mem[of N h H 𝟬 f], assumption+,
simp add:Module.sc_0_m)
apply (frule free_generator_sub, rule subsetI, simp add:subsetD)
lemma (in Module) ex_extension:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N; H1 ⊆ H; h ∈ H - H1; (H1, g) ∈ fsps R M N f H⟧ ⟹
∃k. ((H1 ∪ {h}), k) ∈ fsps R M N f H"
apply (frule free_generator_sub,
cut_tac sc_Ring,
frule subset_trans[of H1 H "carrier M"], assumption+,
frule subsetD[of H "carrier M" h], simp+,
frule singleton_sub[of h "carrier M"])
apply (frule fgs_submodule[of "{h}"],
frule fgs_submodule[of H1],
frule submodule_subset[of "fgs R M {h}"],
frule submodule_subset[of "fgs R M H1"],
frule insert_sub[of H1 "carrier M" h], assumption,
frule fgs_submodule[of "insert h H1"])
apply (simp add:fsps_def fsp_def)
apply (erule conjE)+
apply (subgoal_tac "(λx ∈ (fgs R M (H1 ∪ {h})).
(THE y. (∃h1∈(fgs R M H1). ∃h2∈(fgs R M {h}). x = h1 ± h2 ∧
y = g h1 ±⇘N⇙ (monofun R M N f H h h2)))) ∈
mHom R (mdl M (fgs R M (insert h H1))) N ∧
f h = (λx ∈ (fgs R M (H1 ∪ {h})).
(THE y. (∃h1∈(fgs R M H1). ∃h2∈(fgs R M {h}). x = h1 ± h2 ∧
y = g h1 ±⇘N⇙ (monofun R M N f H h h2)))) h ∧
(∀z∈H1. g z = (λx ∈ (fgs R M (H1 ∪ {h})).
(THE y. (∃h1∈(fgs R M H1). ∃h2∈(fgs R M {h}). x = h1 ± h2 ∧
y = g h1 ±⇘N⇙ (monofun R M N f H h h2)))) z)")
apply blast
apply (rule conjI)
apply (rule Module.mHom_test)
apply (rule mdl_is_module, assumption+)
apply (rule conjI,
rule Pi_I, simp add:mdl_carrier)
apply (frule sSum_eq[THEN sym, of N H H1 h], assumption+, simp, simp)
apply (frule_tac h = h and H = H and ?H1.0 = H1 and g = g and x = x and N = N
in ex_extensionTr, assumption+,
(erule bexE)+, erule conjE, rotate_tac -1,
frule sym,
thin_tac "(THE y. ∃h1∈fgs R M H1. ∃h2∈fgs R M {h}.
x = h1 ± h2 ∧ y = g h1 ±⇘N⇙ monofun R M N f H h h2) =
g k1 ±⇘N⇙ monofun R M N f H h k2")
apply (frule mdl_is_module[of "fgs R M H1"],
frule_tac f = g and m = k1 in Module.mHom_mem[of "mdl M (fgs R M H1)"
R N], assumption+, simp add:mdl_carrier)
apply (frule_tac x = k2 in monofun_mem[of N h H _ f], assumption+)
apply (frule Module.module_is_ag[of N],
frule_tac x = "g k1" and y = "monofun R M N f H h k2 " in
aGroup.ag_pOp_closed[of N], assumption+, simp)
apply (simp add:mdl_carrier)
apply (rule conjI, (rule ballI)+)
apply (frule mdl_is_module[of "fgs R M (insert h H1)"],
frule Module.module_is_ag[of "mdl M (fgs R M (insert h H1))"],
frule_tac x = m and y = n in aGroup.ag_pOp_closed[of
"mdl M (fgs R M (insert h H1))"],
(simp add:mdl_carrier)+)
apply (frule sSum_eq[THEN sym, of N H H1 h], assumption+, simp, simp)
apply (frule_tac h = h and H = H and ?H1.0 = H1 and g = g and N = N and
x = "m ±⇘mdl M (fgs R M H1 ∓ fgs R M {h})⇙ n" in ex_extensionTr, assumption+,
(erule bexE)+, (erule conjE)+, simp,
thin_tac "(THE y. ∃h1∈fgs R M H1. ∃h2∈fgs R M {h}.
k1 ± k2 = h1 ± h2 ∧ y = g h1 ±⇘N⇙ monofun R M N f H h h2) =
g k1 ±⇘N⇙ monofun R M N f H h k2")
apply (frule_tac h = h and H = H and ?H1.0 = H1 and g = g and N = N and
x = m in ex_extensionTr, assumption+, (erule bexE)+, (erule conjE)+,
thin_tac "(THE y. ∃h1∈fgs R M H1. ∃h2∈fgs R M {h}.
k1a ± k2a = h1 ± h2 ∧ y = g h1 ±⇘N⇙ monofun R M N f H h h2) =
g k1a ±⇘N⇙ monofun R M N f H h k2a")
apply (frule_tac h = h and H = H and ?H1.0 = H1 and g = g and N = N and
x = n in ex_extensionTr, assumption+, (erule bexE)+, (erule conjE)+,
thin_tac "(THE y. ∃h1∈fgs R M H1. ∃h2∈fgs R M {h}.
k1b ± k2b = h1 ± h2 ∧ y = g h1 ±⇘N⇙ monofun R M N f H h h2) =
g k1b ±⇘N⇙ monofun R M N f H h k2b")
apply (simp add:mdl_def[of M "fgs R M H1 ∓ fgs R M {h}"],
fold mdl_def)
apply (frule_tac c = k1a in subsetD[of "fgs R M H1" "carrier M"],
frule_tac c = k1b in subsetD[of "fgs R M H1" "carrier M"],
assumption+) apply (
frule_tac c = k2a in subsetD[of "fgs R M {h}" "carrier M"],
frule_tac c = k2b in subsetD[of "fgs R M {h}" "carrier M"],
apply (simp add:pOp_assocTr41[THEN sym], simp add:pOp_assocTr42,
frule_tac x = k2a and y = k1b in ag_pOp_commute, assumption+, simp,
thin_tac "k2a ± k1b = k1b ± k2a", simp add:pOp_assocTr42[THEN sym],
simp add:pOp_assocTr41)
apply(frule_tac h = k1a and k = k1b in submodule_pOp_closed[of "fgs R M H1"],
apply(frule_tac h = k2a and k = k2b in
submodule_pOp_closed[of "fgs R M {h}"], assumption+)
apply (frule_tac ?x1.0 = "k1a ± k1b" and ?x2.0 = k1 and ?y1.0 = "k2a ± k2b"
and ?y2.0 = k2 in sSum_unique[of N H H1 h], assumption+, simp,
assumption+, erule conjE, rotate_tac -2, frule sym,
thin_tac "k1a ± k1b = k1", frule sym, thin_tac "k2a ± k2b = k2",
thin_tac "k1a ± k1b ± (k2a ± k2b) = k1 ± k2", simp,
frule mdl_is_module[of "fgs R M H1"])
apply (frule_tac m = k1a and n = k1b in Module.mHom_add[of
"mdl M (fgs R M H1)" R N g], assumption+,
simp add:mdl_carrier, simp add:mdl_carrier,
simp add:mdl_def, fold mdl_def)
apply (simp add: monofun_add)
apply (frule_tac m = k1a in Module.mHom_mem[of "mdl M (fgs R M H1)" R N g],
assumption+, simp add:mdl_carrier,
frule_tac m = k1b in Module.mHom_mem[of "mdl M (fgs R M H1)" R N g],
assumption+, simp add:mdl_carrier,
frule_tac x = k2a in monofun_mem[of N h H _ f], assumption+,
frule_tac x = k2b in monofun_mem[of N h H _ f], assumption+)
apply (frule Module.module_is_ag[of N],
simp add:aGroup.pOp_assocTr41[of N, THEN sym],
simp add:aGroup.pOp_assocTr42[of N],
simp add:aGroup.ag_pOp_commute[of N])
apply (rule ballI)+
apply (frule mdl_is_module[of "fgs R M (insert h H1)"])
apply (frule_tac a = a and m = m in Module.sc_mem[of
"mdl M (fgs R M (insert h H1))" R], assumption+,
simp add:mdl_carrier, simp add:mdl_carrier)
apply (frule sSum_eq[THEN sym, of N H H1 h], assumption+, simp)
apply (frule_tac h = h and H = H and ?H1.0 = H1 and g = g and N = N and
x = "a ⋅⇩s⇘mdl M (fgs R M (insert h H1))⇙ m" in ex_extensionTr, assumption+,
apply ((erule bexE)+, erule conjE, simp,
thin_tac "(THE y. ∃h1∈fgs R M H1. ∃h2∈fgs R M {h}.
k1 ± k2 = h1 ± h2 ∧ y = g h1 ±⇘N⇙ monofun R M N f H h h2) =
g k1 ±⇘N⇙ monofun R M N f H h k2")
apply (simp add:mdl_def, fold mdl_def)
apply (frule_tac h = h and H = H and ?H1.0 = H1 and g = g and N = N and
x = m in ex_extensionTr, assumption+,
(erule bexE)+, erule conjE, simp,
thin_tac "(THE y. ∃h1∈fgs R M H1. ∃h2∈fgs R M {h}.
k1a ± k2a = h1 ± h2 ∧ y = g h1 ±⇘N⇙ monofun R M N f H h h2) =
g k1a ±⇘N⇙ monofun R M N f H h k2a",
frule_tac c = k1a in subsetD[of "fgs R M H1" "carrier M"], assumption+,
frule_tac c = k1 in subsetD[of "fgs R M H1" "carrier M"], assumption+,
frule_tac c = k2a in subsetD[of "fgs R M {h}" "carrier M"], assumption+,
frule_tac c = k2 in subsetD[of "fgs R M {h}" "carrier M"], assumption+) apply (simp add:sc_r_distr,
frule_tac a = a and h = k1a in
submodule_sc_closed[of "fgs R M H1"], assumption+,
frule_tac a = a and h = k2a in
submodule_sc_closed[of "fgs R M {h}"], assumption+)
apply (frule_tac ?x1.0 = k1 and ?x2.0 = "a ⋅⇩s k1a" and ?y1.0 = k2 and
?y2.0 = "a ⋅⇩s k2a" in sSum_unique[of N H H1 h], assumption+,
simp, assumption+, rule sym, assumption,
thin_tac "a ⋅⇩s k1a ± a ⋅⇩s k2a = k1 ± k2", simp)
apply (frule subset_trans[of H1 H "carrier M"], assumption+,
frule mdl_is_module[of "fgs R M H1"])
apply (frule_tac a = a and m = k1a in Module.mHom_lin[of "mdl M (fgs R M H1)"
R N _ g], assumption+, simp add:mdl_carrier, assumption+)
apply (simp add:mdl_def, fold mdl_def)
apply (simp add:monofun_sprod)
apply (frule_tac m = k1a in Module.mHom_mem[of "mdl M (fgs R M H1)" R N g],
assumption+, simp add:mdl_carrier,
frule_tac x = k2a in monofun_mem[of N h H _ f], assumption+,
simp add:Module.sc_r_distr[of N])
apply (rule conjI) apply simp
apply (cut_tac insert_sub[of H1 "carrier M" h],
frule elem_fgs[of "insert h H1" h], simp, simp)
apply (frule_tac h = h and H = H and ?H1.0 = H1 and g = g and N = N and
x = h in ex_extensionTr, assumption+)
apply (frule sSum_eq[THEN sym, of N H H1 h], assumption+, simp, simp)
apply ((erule bexE)+, (erule conjE), simp,
thin_tac "(THE y.
∃h1∈fgs R M H1.
∃h2∈fgs R M {k1 ± k2}.
k1 ± k2 = h1 ± h2 ∧
y = g h1 ±⇘N⇙ monofun R M N f H (k1 ± k2) h2) =
g k1 ±⇘N⇙ monofun R M N f H (k1 ± k2) k2")
apply (rotate_tac -1, frule sym, thin_tac "h = k1 ± k2", simp)
apply (cut_tac elem_fgs[of "{h}" h],
frule ag_l_zero[THEN sym, of h])
apply (frule submodule_inc_0[of "fgs R M H1"])
apply (frule_tac ?x1.0 = k1 and ?x2.0 = 𝟬 and ?y1.0 = k2 and ?y2.0 = h in
sSum_unique[of N H H1 h], assumption+, simp, assumption+,
simp, simp, simp add: monofun_eq_f)
apply (cut_tac Module.mHom_0[of "mdl M (fgs R M H1)" R N g],
simp add:mdl_def, fold mdl_def)
apply (frule funcset_mem[of f H "carrier N" h], assumption+,
frule Module.module_is_ag[of N], simp add:aGroup.l_zero,
rule mdl_is_module, assumption+,
rule subsetI, simp, simp, assumption+)
apply (rule ballI, simp,
cut_tac x = z in elem_fgs[of "insert h H1"],
rule subsetI, simp, erule disjE, simp, simp add:subsetD,
rule_tac c = z in subsetD[of "H1" "insert h H1"],
rule subsetI, simp, assumption, simp)
apply (frule_tac h = h and H = H and ?H1.0 = H1 and g = g and N = N and
x = z in ex_extensionTr, assumption+)
apply (frule sSum_eq[THEN sym, of N H H1 h], assumption+, simp, simp)
apply ((erule bexE)+, (erule conjE), simp)
apply (thin_tac "(THE y. ∃h1∈fgs R M H1. ∃h2∈fgs R M {h}.
k1 ± k2 = h1 ± h2 ∧ y = g h1 ±⇘N⇙ monofun R M N f H h h2) =
g k1 ±⇘N⇙ monofun R M N f H h k2")
apply (rotate_tac -1, frule sym, thin_tac "z = k1 ± k2", simp)
apply (frule_tac x = z in elem_fgs[of H1], assumption,
frule_tac c = z in subsetD[of H1 "carrier M"], assumption+,
frule_tac t = z in ag_r_zero[THEN sym])
apply (frule_tac ?x1.0 = k1 and ?x2.0 = z and ?y1.0 = k2 and ?y2.0 = 𝟬 in
sSum_unique[of N H H1 h], assumption+, simp, assumption+,
simp add:submodule_inc_0, simp, simp)
apply (simp add: monofun_0)
apply (frule mdl_is_module[of "fgs R M H1"],
frule_tac m = z in Module.mHom_mem[of "mdl M (fgs R M H1)" R N g],
assumption+, simp add:mdl_carrier)
apply (frule Module.module_is_ag[of N],
simp add:aGroup.ag_r_zero)
lemma (in Module) mHom_mHom:"⟦R module N; g ∈ mHom R (mdl M (carrier M)) N⟧
⟹ g ∈ mHom R M N"
apply (rule mHom_test, assumption)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (simp add:mHom_def aHom_def mdl_def)
apply (simp add:mHom_def aHom_def mdl_def)
lemma (in Module) exist_extension_mhom:"⟦R module N; free_generator R M H;
f ∈ H → carrier N⟧ ⟹ ∃g∈mHom R M N. ∀x∈H. g x = f x"
supply [[simproc del: defined_all]]
apply (frule Order_od_fm_fun[of N H f], assumption+)
apply (frule_tac N = N and H = H and f = f in od_fm_fun_inductive,
apply (frule_tac D = "od_fm_fun R M N f H" in Order.g_Zorn_lemma3,
apply (erule bexE)
apply (rule contrapos_pp, simp+)
apply (simp add:maximal_element_def)
apply (simp add:od_fm_fun_carrier)
apply (cut_tac p = m in PairE_lemma, (erule exE)+, simp)
apply (frule_tac a = x and b = y in mem_fsps_fst_sub[of N H f], assumption+)
apply (case_tac "x ≠ H", frule not_sym)
apply (frule_tac A = H and B = x in diff_nonempty, assumption,
frule_tac A = "H - x" in nonempty_ex, erule exE,
rename_tac m H1 g h)
apply (frule_tac ?H1.0 = H1 and h = h and g = g in ex_extension[of N H f],
assumption+, erule exE)
apply (drule_tac x = "(H1 ∪ {h}, k)" in bspec, assumption)
apply (simp add:od_fm_fun_def ole_def, fold od_fm_fun_def,
simp add:insert_inc1, (erule conjE)+,
cut_tac a = h and A = H1 in insert_inc2,
rotate_tac -3, frule sym, thin_tac "H1 = insert h H1", simp)
apply simp
apply (frule_tac a = H and b = y in mem_fsps_snd_mHom[of N H f], assumption+)
apply (simp add:fgs_def free_generator_def generator_def)
apply (frule_tac g = y in mHom_mHom[of N], assumption+,
(erule conjE)+, thin_tac "∀n s. s ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → carrier R ∧
(∃f. f ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → H ∧
inj_on f {j. j ≤ n} ∧ l_comb R M n s f = 𝟬) ⟶
s ∈ {j. j ≤ n} → {𝟬⇘R⇙}")
apply (drule_tac x = y in bspec, assumption+,
simp add:fsps_def fsp_def)
section "Nakayama lemma"
Lcg :: "[('r, 'm) Ring_scheme, ('a, 'r, 'm1) Module_scheme, nat] ⇒ bool" where
"Lcg R M j ⟷ (∃H. finite_generator R M H ∧ j = card H)"
lemma (in Module) NAKTr1:"M fgover R ⟹
∃H. finite_generator R M H ∧ (LEAST j.
∃L. finite_generator R M L ∧ j = card L) = card H"
apply (simp add:fGOver_def)
apply (erule exE)
apply (rule LeastI)
apply (rule_tac x = H in exI) apply simp
lemma (in Module) NAKTr2:"⟦Lcg R M j; k < (LEAST j. Lcg R M j)⟧ ⟹
¬ Lcg R M k"
apply (rule not_less_Least, assumption+)
lemma (in Module) NAKTr3:"⟦M fgover R; H ⊆ carrier M; finite H;
card H < (LEAST j. ∃L. finite_generator R M L ∧ j = card L)⟧ ⟹
¬ finite_generator R M H"
apply (frule NAKTr1, erule exE, erule conjE)
apply (cut_tac j = "card Ha" and k = "card H" in NAKTr2)
apply (simp add:Lcg_def, blast)
apply (simp add:Lcg_def)
apply (simp add:Lcg_def)
apply (rule contrapos_pp, simp+)
apply (drule_tac a = H in forall_spec, assumption)
apply simp
lemma (in Module) finite_gen_over_ideal:"⟦ideal R A; h ∈ {j. j ≤ (n::nat)} →
carrier M; generator R M (h ` {j. j ≤ n}); A ⊙⇘R⇙ M = carrier M;
m ∈ carrier M ⟧ ⟹ ∃s∈{j. j ≤ n} → A. m = l_comb R M n s h"
apply (frule l_span_closed3[of "A" "h ` {j. j ≤ n}"], assumption+)
apply (rotate_tac -1, frule sym,
thin_tac "linear_span R M A (h ` {j. j ≤ n}) = carrier M")
apply (frule eq_set_inc[of m "carrier M"
"linear_span R M A (h ` {j. j ≤ n})"], assumption+)
apply (thin_tac "carrier M = linear_span R M A (h ` {j. j ≤ n})")
apply (simp add:linear_span_def)
apply (cut_tac Nset_nonempty[of n], simp)
apply (case_tac "∀x. ¬ x ≤ n", simp, simp)
apply (erule exE, (erule bexE)+)
apply (simp add:finite_lin_span)
lemma (in Module) NAKTr4:"⟦ideal R A; h ∈ {j. j ≤ (k::nat)} → carrier M;
0 < k; h ` {j. j ≤ k} ⊆ carrier M; s ∈ {j. j ≤ k} → A;
h k = Σ⇩e M (λj. s j ⋅⇩s (h j)) (k - Suc 0) ± (s k ⋅⇩s (h k))⟧ ⟹
(1⇩r⇘R⇙ ±⇘R⇙ (-⇩a⇘R⇙ (s k))) ⋅⇩s (h k) = Σ⇩e M (λj. s j ⋅⇩s (h j)) (k - Suc 0)"
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring)
apply (frule funcset_mem[of h "{j. j ≤ k}" "carrier M" k], simp)
apply (frule_tac funcset_mem[of s "{j. j ≤ k}" A k], simp,
frule_tac h = "s k" in Ring.ideal_subset[of R A], assumption+)
apply (cut_tac n = "k - Suc 0" and f = "λj. s j ⋅⇩s h j" in nsum_mem)
apply (rule allI, rule impI, rule sc_mem,
frule_tac x = j in funcset_mem[of s "{j. j ≤ k}" A ],
apply (simp add:Ring.ideal_subset)
apply (cut_tac i = j and j = "k - Suc 0" and k = k in
le_trans, assumption+, simp,
rule_tac x = j in funcset_mem[of h "{j. j ≤ k}" "carrier M"],
assumption, simp)
apply (frule sc_mem[of "s k" "h k"], assumption+,
frule ag_mOp_closed[of "s k ⋅⇩s h k"])
apply (frule_tac ag_pOp_add_r[of "h k"
"Σ⇩e M (λj. s j ⋅⇩s h j) (k - Suc 0) ± s k ⋅⇩s h k" "-⇩a (s k ⋅⇩s h k)"],
rule ag_pOp_closed, assumption+,
thin_tac "h k = Σ⇩e M (λj. s j ⋅⇩s h j) (k - Suc 0) ± s k ⋅⇩s h k",
simp add:ag_pOp_assoc ag_r_inv1 ag_r_zero,
simp add:sc_minus_am1)
apply (frule Ring.ring_is_ag,
frule aGroup.ag_mOp_closed[of R "s k"], assumption+)
apply (subgoal_tac "(1⇩r⇘R⇙ ±⇘R⇙ (-⇩a⇘R⇙ (s k))) ⋅⇩s h k = h k ± (-⇩a⇘R⇙ (s k)) ⋅⇩s h k",
thin_tac "h k ± (-⇩a⇘R⇙ (s k)) ⋅⇩s h k = Σ⇩e M (λj. s j ⋅⇩s h j) (k - Suc 0)")
apply (cut_tac Ring.ring_one[of R],
simp add:sc_l_distr sprod_one, assumption)
lemma (in Module) NAKTr5:"⟦¬ zeroring R; ideal R A; A ⊆ J_rad R;
A ⊙⇘R⇙ M = carrier M; finite_generator R M H; card H = Suc k; 0 < k⟧ ⟹
∃h ∈ {j. j ≤ k} → carrier M. H = h ` {j. j ≤ k} ∧
h k ∈ linear_span R M A (h ` {j. j ≤ (k - Suc 0)})"
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring)
apply (insert Nset2_finiteTr [of "k"])
apply (subgoal_tac "∃h. h ∈ {j. j ≤ k} → H ∧ surj_to h {j. j ≤ k} H")
prefer 2
apply (subgoal_tac "finite H")
apply blast apply (simp add:finite_generator_def)
apply (thin_tac " ∀A. finite A ∧ card A = Suc k ⟶
(∃f. f ∈ {j. j ≤ k} → A ∧ surj_to f {j. j ≤ k} A)")
apply (erule exE)
apply (simp add:surj_to_def, erule conjE) apply (rotate_tac -1)
apply (drule sym)
apply (frule_tac f = h and A = "{j. j ≤ k}" and B = "H" and x = k in
apply simp
apply (simp add:finite_generator_def,
simp add:generator_def, erule conjE)
apply (cut_tac A = "h ` {j. j ≤ k}" and B = "carrier M" and c = "h k" in
subsetD, assumption, simp)
apply (frule_tac h = h and n = k and m = "h k" in finite_gen_over_ideal [of
apply (fastforce simp add:Pi_def image_def)
apply (simp add:generator_def)
apply assumption+
apply (erule bexE)
apply (frule_tac f = s and A = "{j. j ≤ k}" and B = A and x = k in
funcset_mem, simp, simp add:subsetD)
apply (subgoal_tac "l_comb R M k s h = l_comb R M (Suc (k - Suc 0)) s h",
simp del:Suc_pred,
thin_tac "l_comb R M k s h = l_comb R M (Suc (k - Suc 0)) s h")
apply (cut_tac s = s and n = "k - Suc 0" and f = h and H = "h ` {j. j ≤ k}"
in l_comb_Suc[of _ A], assumption+,
frule Ring.ideal_subset1[of R A], assumption,
simp add:extend_fun, simp)
apply (rotate_tac -3, frule sym,
thin_tac "h k = l_comb R M (Suc (k - Suc 0)) s h", simp)
apply (frule_tac h = h and k = k and s = s in NAKTr4[of A])
apply (fastforce simp add:Pi_def image_def)
apply(assumption+, rule sym, simp add:l_comb_def)
apply (cut_tac H = "h ` {j. j ≤ (k - Suc 0)}" and s = s and n = "k - Suc 0"
and f = h in l_comb_mem_linear_span[of A], assumption+)
apply (rule_tac A = "h ` {j. j ≤ k - Suc 0}" and
B = "h ` {j. j ≤ k}" and C = "carrier M" in subset_trans)
apply (rule subsetI, simp add:image_def, erule exE, erule conjE,
cut_tac i = xa and j = "k - Suc 0" and k = k in le_trans,
assumption, subst Suc_le_mono[THEN sym], simp, blast, assumption)
apply (rule Pi_I, simp)
apply (frule_tac x = x in le_pre_le[of _ k], simp add:Pi_def)
apply (rule Pi_I, simp)
apply (unfold l_comb_def)
apply (rotate_tac -2, frule sym,
thin_tac "(1⇩r⇘R⇙ ±⇘R⇙ -⇩a⇘R⇙ (s k)) ⋅⇩s h k = Σ⇩e M (λj. s j ⋅⇩s h j) (k - Suc 0)",
thin_tac "Σ⇩e M (λj. s j ⋅⇩s h j) (k - Suc 0) ± s k ⋅⇩s h k = h k",
thin_tac "Σ⇩e M (λj. s j ⋅⇩s h j) (k - Suc 0) = (1⇩r⇘R⇙ ±⇘R⇙ -⇩a⇘R⇙ (s k)) ⋅⇩s h k")
apply (frule_tac x = "s k" in Ring.J_rad_unit [of R], assumption,
frule_tac f = s and A = "{j. j ≤ k}" and B = A and x = k in
funcset_mem, simp, simp add:subsetD)
apply (frule Ring.ring_one[of R],
frule_tac a = "1⇩r⇘R⇙" in forall_spec, assumption)
apply (frule_tac h = "s k" in Ring.ideal_subset[of R A], assumption+,
frule Ring.ring_is_ag[of R],
frule_tac x = "s k" in aGroup.ag_mOp_closed[of R], assumption,
thin_tac "∀y. y ∈ carrier R ⟶ Unit R (1⇩r⇘R⇙ ±⇘R⇙ (-⇩a⇘R⇙ (s k)) ⋅⇩r⇘R⇙ y)",
simp add:Ring.ring_r_one)
apply (simp add:Unit_def, erule conjE, erule bexE)
apply (simp add:Ring.ring_tOp_commute)
apply (frule_tac H = "h ` {j. j ≤ k - Suc 0}" and r = b and
x = "(1⇩r⇘R⇙ ±⇘R⇙ (-⇩a⇘R⇙ (s k))) ⋅⇩s h k" in linear_span_sc_closed[of A])
apply (rule_tac A = "h ` {j. j ≤ k - Suc 0}" and B = "h ` {j. j ≤ k}"
and C = "carrier M" in subset_trans,
rule subsetI, simp add:image_def, erule exE, erule conjE)
apply (frule_tac x = xa and n = k in le_pre_le, blast, assumption+)
apply (simp add:sc_assoc[THEN sym] sprod_one)
apply(simp add:Pi_def)
apply blast
apply simp
lemma (in Module) NAK:"⟦¬ zeroring R; M fgover R; ideal R A; A ⊆ J_rad R;
A ⊙⇘R⇙ M = carrier M ⟧ ⟹ carrier M = {𝟬}"
apply (cut_tac sc_Ring)
apply (frule NAKTr1, erule exE, erule conjE)
apply (simp add:finite_generator_def, frule conjunct1, frule conjunct2,
fold finite_generator_def)
apply (case_tac "H = {}", simp add:generator_def linear_span_def,
frule_tac A = H in nonempty_card_pos1, assumption+)
apply (case_tac "card H = Suc 0", simp,
frule_tac A = H in nonempty_ex, erule exE, rename_tac H h,
frule_tac t = H and a1 = h in card1_tr0[THEN sym], assumption+, simp)
apply (frule_tac H = "{h}" in generator_sub_carrier,
frule sym, thin_tac "A ⊙⇘R⇙ M = carrier M", simp,
thin_tac "carrier M = A ⊙⇘R⇙ M", simp add:smodule_ideal_coeff_def,
simp add:generator_def)
apply (erule conjE, rotate_tac -1, frule sym,
thin_tac "linear_span R M (carrier R) {h} = carrier M", simp)
apply (rotate_tac -1, frule sym,
frule_tac a = h and A = "linear_span R M (carrier R) {h}" and
B = "carrier M" in eq_set_inc, assumption+,
frule_tac a = h and A = "carrier M" in singleton_sub)
apply (frule_tac H = "{h}" in l_spanA_l_span[of A], assumption+,
thin_tac "carrier M = linear_span R M (carrier R) {h}",
thin_tac "linear_span R M (carrier R) {h} = carrier M", simp,
thin_tac "h ∈ linear_span R M (carrier R) {h}",
thin_tac "linear_span R M A (linear_span R M (carrier R) {h}) =
linear_span R M A {h}",
thin_tac "(LEAST j. ∃L. finite L ∧
L ⊆ linear_span R M (carrier R) {h} ∧
linear_span R M (carrier R) L =
linear_span R M (carrier R) {h} ∧
j = card L) = Suc 0")
apply (frule_tac h = h and x = h in mem_single_l_span1[of A],
assumption+, erule bexE,
frule_tac h = a in Ring.ideal_subset[of R A], assumption+,
frule_tac a = a and m = h in sc_mem, assumption+,
frule_tac x = "a ⋅⇩s h" in ag_mOp_closed)
apply (frule_tac a = h and b = "a ⋅⇩s h" and c = "-⇩a (a ⋅⇩s h)" in
ag_pOp_add_r, assumption+,
thin_tac "h = a ⋅⇩s h", simp add:ag_r_inv1,
simp add:sc_minus_am1,
frule Ring.ring_is_ag[of R],
frule_tac x = a in aGroup.ag_mOp_closed, assumption)
apply (subgoal_tac "h ± (-⇩a⇘R⇙ a) ⋅⇩s h = 1⇩r⇘R⇙ ⋅⇩s h ± (-⇩a⇘R⇙ a) ⋅⇩s h", simp)
apply (frule Ring.ring_one[of R],
simp add:sc_l_distr[THEN sym],
frule_tac x = a in Ring.J_rad_unit [of R], assumption,
simp add:subsetD,
drule_tac a = "1⇩r⇘R⇙" in forall_spec, assumption,
simp add:Ring.ring_r_one,
simp add:Unit_def, erule conjE, erule bexE,
simp add:Ring.ring_tOp_commute,
frule_tac a = b and b = "1⇩r⇘R⇙ ±⇘R⇙ -⇩a⇘R⇙ a" and m = h in sc_assoc,
rule aGroup.ag_pOp_closed, assumption+, simp add:sprod_one sc_a_0,
simp add:l_span_zero, simp add:sprod_one)
apply (rotate_tac -1, frule not_sym,
frule_tac m = "Suc 0" and n = "card H" in noteq_le_less, assumption,
thin_tac "Suc 0 ≤ card H", thin_tac "card H ≠ Suc 0")
apply (frule_tac a = "Suc 0" and b = "card H" and c = "Suc 0" in
diff_less_mono, simp,
thin_tac "Suc 0 < card H")
apply (frule_tac H = H and k = "card H - Suc 0" in NAKTr5[of A],
assumption+, simp, simp)
apply (erule bexE)
apply (frule_tac H = H and ?H1.0 = "h ` {j. j ≤ card H - Suc 0 - Suc 0}" in
frule_tac f = h and A = "{j. j ≤ card H - Suc 0}" and B = "carrier M"
and ?A1.0 = "{j. j ≤ card H - Suc 0 - Suc 0}" in image_sub,
rule subsetI, simp+)
apply (erule conjE)
apply (cut_tac f = h and n = "card H - Suc (Suc 0)" in image_Nset_Suc)
apply (frule_tac m = "Suc 0" and n = "card H" in Suc_leI)
apply (simp add:Suc_Suc_Tr)
apply (frule_tac f = h and A = "{j. j ≤ card H - Suc 0}" and
B = "carrier M" and ?A1.0 = "{j. j ≤ card H - Suc 0 - Suc 0}" in
rule subsetI, simp)
apply (frule_tac H = "h ` {j. j ≤ card H - Suc 0 - Suc 0}" in
lin_span_coeff_mono[of A], simp, simp)
apply (frule_tac c = "h (card H - Suc 0)" and A =
"linear_span R M A (h ` {j. j ≤ card H - Suc (Suc 0)})" and
B = "linear_span R M (carrier R)
(h ` {j. j ≤ card H - Suc (Suc 0)})" in subsetD, assumption)
apply (rule_tac A = H and B = "insert (h (card H - Suc 0))
(h ` {j. j ≤ card H - Suc (Suc 0)})" and
C = "linear_span R M (carrier R)
(h ` {j. j ≤ card H - Suc (Suc 0)})" in subset_trans)
apply simp
apply (rule_tac A = "h ` {j. j ≤ card H - Suc (Suc 0)}" and
B = "linear_span R M (carrier R)
(h ` {j. j ≤ card H - Suc (Suc 0)})" and a = "h (card H - Suc 0)"
in insert_sub)
apply (rule subsetI)
apply (rule_tac H = "h ` {j. j ≤ card H - Suc (Suc 0)}" and h = x in
h_in_linear_span, assumption+)
apply (frule_tac H = "h ` {j. j ≤ card H - Suc 0 - Suc 0}" in NAKTr3)
apply (simp add:generator_sub_carrier)
apply (rule finite_imageI, simp)
apply (thin_tac "H = h ` {j. j ≤ card H - Suc 0} ∧
h (card H - Suc 0)
∈ linear_span R M A (h ` {j. j ≤ card H - Suc 0 - Suc 0})")
apply (cut_tac k = "card H - Suc 0 - Suc 0" in finite_Collect_le_nat,
frule_tac A = "{j. j ≤ card H - Suc 0 - Suc 0}" and f = h in
apply (frule_tac m = "Suc 0" and n = "card H" in Suc_leI,
simp add:Suc_Suc_Tr, simp add:finite_generator_def)
apply (cut_tac k = "card H - Suc 0 - Suc 0" in finite_Collect_le_nat,
frule_tac F = "{j. j ≤ card H - Suc 0 - Suc 0}" and h = h in
finite_imageI, simp add:finite_generator_def)
lemma (in Module) fg_qmodule:"⟦ M fgover R; submodule R M N⟧ ⟹
(M /⇩m N) fgover R"
apply (frule mpj_mHom[of N])
apply (frule mpj_surjec [of N])
apply (rule surjec_finitely_gen [of "M /⇩m N" "mpj M N"])
apply (simp add:qmodule_module)
apply assumption+
lemma (in Module) NAK1:"⟦¬ zeroring R; M fgover R; submodule R M N;
ideal R A; A ⊆ J_rad R; carrier M = A ⊙⇘R⇙ M ∓ N ⟧ ⟹ carrier M = N"
apply (subgoal_tac "A ⊙⇘R⇙ (M /⇩m N) = carrier (M /⇩m N)")
apply (frule fg_qmodule [of N], assumption+)
apply (frule qmodule_module [of N])
apply (frule Module.NAK [of "M /⇩m N" R "A"], assumption+,
thin_tac "R module M /⇩m N", thin_tac "M /⇩m N fgover R",
thin_tac "A ⊙⇘R⇙ M /⇩m N = carrier (M /⇩m N)",
thin_tac "carrier M = A ⊙⇘R⇙ M ∓ N")
apply (simp add:qmodule_def)
apply (rule equalityI)
apply (rule subsetI)
apply (frule_tac m = x in set_mr_cos_mem[of N], assumption)
apply simp
apply (frule_tac m = x in m_in_mr_coset[of N], assumption, simp)
apply (simp add:submodule_subset)
apply (subst smodule_ideal_coeff_def)
apply (frule qmodule_module [of N])
apply (frule Module.lin_span_sub_carrier[of "M /⇩m N" R A "carrier (M /⇩m N)"],
assumption, simp)
apply (rule equalityI, assumption+)
apply (thin_tac "linear_span R (M /⇩m N) A (carrier (M /⇩m N)) ⊆
carrier (M /⇩m N)")
apply (rule subsetI)
apply (simp add:qmodule_carr)
apply (frule_tac x = x in mem_set_mr_cos[of N], assumption, erule bexE)
apply (frule smodule_ideal_coeff_is_Submodule[of A],
frule submodule_subset,
frule submodule_subset[of "A ⊙⇘R⇙ M"])
apply (frule_tac x = m in mem_set_sum[of "A ⊙⇘R⇙ M" "N"], assumption+,
simp, (erule bexE)+)
apply simp
apply (frule submodule_asubg[of N])
apply (frule sym, thin_tac "carrier M = A ⊙⇘R⇙ M ∓ N", simp)
apply (frule_tac c = h in subsetD[of "A ⊙⇘R⇙ M" "carrier M"], assumption+,
frule_tac c = k in subsetD[of N "carrier M"], assumption+,
frule_tac x = h and y = k in ag_pOp_commute, assumption+, simp)
apply (simp add:arcos_fixed[THEN sym, of N], thin_tac "h ± k = k ± h",
thin_tac "m = k ± h",
thin_tac "submodule R M (A ⊙⇘R⇙ M)",
thin_tac "A ⊙⇘R⇙ M ⊆ carrier M",
thin_tac "A ⊙⇘R⇙ M ∓ N = carrier M")
apply (simp add:smodule_ideal_coeff_def)
apply (frule_tac h = h in linmap_im_linspan1 [of A "M /⇩m N" "mpj M N"
"carrier M"], assumption+,
rule mpj_mHom[of N], assumption, simp, assumption)
apply (frule_tac m = h in elem_mpj[of _ N], assumption,
frule_tac mpj_surjec[of N],
simp add:surjec_def surj_to_def qmodule_carr)
section "Direct sum and direct products of modules"
prodM_sprod :: "[('r, 'm) Ring_scheme, 'i set,
'i ⇒ ('a, 'r, 'm1) Module_scheme] ⇒ 'r ⇒ ('i ⇒ 'a) ⇒ ('i ⇒ 'a)" where
"prodM_sprod R I A = (λa∈carrier R. λg∈carr_prodag I A.
(λj∈I. a ⋅⇩s⇘(A j)⇙ (g j)))"
prodM :: "[('r, 'm) Ring_scheme, 'i set, 'i ⇒ ('a, 'r, 'm1) Module_scheme] ⇒
⦇ carrier:: ('i ⇒ 'a) set,
pop::['i ⇒ 'a, 'i ⇒ 'a] ⇒ ('i ⇒ 'a),
mop:: ('i ⇒ 'a) ⇒ ('i ⇒ 'a), zero::('i ⇒ 'a),
sprod :: ['r, 'i ⇒ 'a] ⇒ ('i ⇒ 'a) ⦈" where
"prodM R I A = ⦇carrier = carr_prodag I A,
pop = prod_pOp I A, mop = prod_mOp I A,
zero = prod_zero I A, sprod = prodM_sprod R I A ⦈"
mProject :: "[('r, 'm) Ring_scheme, 'i set,
'i ⇒ ('a, 'r, 'more) Module_scheme, 'i] ⇒ ('i ⇒ 'a) ⇒ 'a" where
"mProject R I A j = (λf∈carr_prodag I A. f j)"
PRODMODULES ("(3mΠ⇘_ _⇙ _)" [72,72,73]72) where
"mΠ⇘R I⇙ A == prodM R I A"
lemma (in Ring) prodM_carr:"⟦∀i∈I. (R module (M i))⟧ ⟹
carrier (prodM R I M) = carr_prodag I M"
apply (simp add:prodM_def)
lemma (in Ring) prodM_mem_eq:"⟦∀i∈I. (R module (M i));
m1 ∈ carrier (prodM R I M); m2 ∈ carrier (prodM R I M);
∀i∈I. m1 i = m2 i ⟧ ⟹ m1 = m2"
apply (simp add:prodM_carr [of I M])
apply (rule carr_prodag_mem_eq [of I M])
apply (rule ballI, drule_tac x = k in bspec, assumption,
simp add:Module.module_is_ag)
apply assumption+
lemma (in Ring) prodM_sprod_mem:"⟦∀i∈I. (R module (M i)); a ∈ carrier R;
m ∈ carr_prodag I M⟧ ⟹ prodM_sprod R I M a m ∈ carr_prodag I M"
apply (simp add:prodM_sprod_def carr_prodag_def)
apply (erule conjE)+
apply (rule conjI)
apply (rule Pi_I)
apply (simp add:Un_carrier_def)
apply (drule_tac x = x in bspec, assumption,
drule_tac x = x in bspec, assumption+)
apply (frule_tac R = R and M = "M x" and a = a and m = "m x" in
Module.sc_mem, assumption+, blast)
apply (rule ballI,
drule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
drule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption+)
apply (frule_tac M = "M i" and a = a and m = "m i" in
Module.sc_mem [of _ "R"], assumption+)
lemma (in Ring) prodM_sprod_val:"⟦∀i∈I. (R module (M i)); a ∈ carrier R;
m ∈ carr_prodag I M; j ∈ I⟧ ⟹ (prodM_sprod R I M a m) j = a ⋅⇩s⇘(M j)⇙ (m j)"
apply (simp add:prodM_sprod_def)
lemma (in Ring) prodM_Module:"∀i∈I. (R module (M i)) ⟹
R module (prodM R I M)"
apply (rule Module.intro)
apply (cut_tac prodag_aGroup[of I M])
apply (simp add:prodM_def prodag_def aGroup_def)
apply (erule conjE)+
apply (rule allI, rule impI)
apply (rotate_tac -2,
frule_tac a = a in forall_spec, assumption)
apply (thin_tac "∀a. a ∈ carr_prodag I M ⟶
prod_pOp I M (prod_zero I M) a = a",
thin_tac "∀i∈I. R module M i",
thin_tac "∀a. a ∈ carr_prodag I M ⟶ (∀b. b ∈ carr_prodag I M ⟶
(∀c. c ∈ carr_prodag I M ⟶ prod_pOp I M (prod_pOp I M a b) c =
prod_pOp I M a (prod_pOp I M b c)))",
thin_tac "∀a. a ∈ carr_prodag I M ⟶
prod_pOp I M (prod_mOp I M a) a = prod_zero I M",
frule_tac a = "prod_zero I M" in forall_spec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀a. a ∈ carr_prodag I M ⟶ (∀b. b ∈ carr_prodag I M ⟶
prod_pOp I M a b = prod_pOp I M b a)",
frule_tac a = a in forall_spec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀b. b ∈ carr_prodag I M ⟶ prod_pOp I M (prod_zero I M) b =
prod_pOp I M b (prod_zero I M)", simp)
apply (rule ballI, drule_tac x = k in bspec, assumption,
simp add:Module.module_is_ag)
apply (rule Module_axioms.intro)
apply (cut_tac Ring, assumption)
apply (simp add:prodM_carr, simp add:prodM_def prodM_sprod_mem)
apply (simp add:prodM_carr, simp add:prodM_def)
apply (frule_tac a = a and m = m in prodM_sprod_mem[of I M], assumption+,
frule_tac a = b and m = m in prodM_sprod_mem[of I M], assumption+,
(cut_tac ring_is_ag,
frule_tac x = a and y = b in aGroup.ag_pOp_closed[of R], assumption+),
frule_tac a = "a ± b" and m = m in prodM_sprod_mem[of I M],
apply (rule prodM_mem_eq[of I M], assumption, simp add:prodM_carr)
apply (simp add:prodM_carr,
rule_tac X = "prodM_sprod R I M a m" and Y = "prodM_sprod R I M b m"
in prod_pOp_mem[of I M],
(rule ballI, drule_tac x = k in bspec, assumption,
simp add:Module.module_is_ag),
apply (rule ballI,
simp add:prodM_sprod_def prod_pOp_def,
frule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀i∈I. R module M i",
thin_tac "(λj∈I. a ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ m j) ∈ carr_prodag I M",
thin_tac "(λj∈I. b ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ m j) ∈ carr_prodag I M",
thin_tac "(λj∈I. (a ± b) ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ m j) ∈ carr_prodag I M",
simp add:carr_prodag_def, (erule conjE)+,
drule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption+)
apply (cut_tac Ring, simp add:Module.sc_l_distr)
apply (simp add:prodM_carr)
apply (simp add:prodM_def)
apply (cut_tac X = m and Y = n in prod_pOp_mem[of I M],
(rule ballI, frule_tac x = k in bspec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀i∈I. R module M i", simp add:Module.module_is_ag),
apply (frule_tac a = a and m = "prod_pOp I M m n" in prodM_sprod_mem[of I M],
apply (rule prodM_mem_eq[of I M], assumption, simp add:prodM_carr)
apply (simp add:prodM_carr,
frule_tac a = a and m = m in prodM_sprod_mem[of I M], assumption+,
frule_tac a = a and m = n in prodM_sprod_mem[of I M], assumption+,
rule_tac X = "prodM_sprod R I M a m" and Y = "prodM_sprod R I M a n"
in prod_pOp_mem[of I M],
(rule ballI, drule_tac x = k in bspec, assumption,
simp add:Module.module_is_ag),
apply (rule ballI)
apply (frule_tac a = a and m = m in prodM_sprod_mem[of I M], assumption+,
frule_tac a = a and m = n in prodM_sprod_mem[of I M], assumption+,
simp add:prod_pOp_def prodM_sprod_def,
drule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
thin_tac "(λx∈I. m x ±⇘M x⇙ n x) ∈ carr_prodag I M",
thin_tac "(λj∈I. a ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ (if j ∈ I then m j ±⇘M j⇙ n j else undefined))
∈ carr_prodag I M",
thin_tac "(λj∈I. a ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ m j) ∈ carr_prodag I M",
thin_tac "(λj∈I. a ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ n j) ∈ carr_prodag I M")
apply (simp add:carr_prodag_def, (erule conjE)+,
drule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
drule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption)
apply (simp add:Module.sc_r_distr)
apply (simp add:prodM_carr,
frule_tac a = b and m = m in prodM_sprod_mem[of I M], assumption+,
frule_tac a = a and m = "prodM_sprod R I M b m" in prodM_sprod_mem[of
I M], assumption+)
apply (frule_tac x = a and y = b in ring_tOp_closed, assumption+,
frule_tac a = "a ⋅⇩r b" and m = m in prodM_sprod_mem[of I M],
apply (simp add:prodM_def,
rule prodM_mem_eq, assumption+, simp add:prodM_carr,
simp add:prodM_carr)
apply (rule ballI, simp add:prodM_sprod_def,
drule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
thin_tac "(λj∈I. b ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ m j) ∈ carr_prodag I M",
thin_tac "(λj∈I. a ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ (if j ∈ I then b ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ m j else undefined))
∈ carr_prodag I M",
thin_tac "(λj∈I. (a ⋅⇩r b) ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ m j) ∈ carr_prodag I M",
simp add:carr_prodag_def, (erule conjE)+,
drule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption)
apply (simp add:Module.sc_assoc)
apply (simp add:prodM_carr, cut_tac ring_one,
frule_tac a = "1⇩r" and m = m in prodM_sprod_mem[of I M], assumption+,
rule prodM_mem_eq, assumption+, simp add:prodM_carr,
simp add:prodM_def, simp add:prodM_def)
apply (rule ballI, simp add:prodM_def,
thin_tac "prodM_sprod R I M 1⇩r m ∈ carr_prodag I M",
simp add:prodM_sprod_def,
drule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
simp add:carr_prodag_def, (erule conjE)+,
drule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
simp add:Module.sprod_one)
dsumM :: "[('r, 'm) Ring_scheme, 'i set, 'i ⇒ ('a, 'r, 'more) Module_scheme]
⇒ ⦇ carrier:: ('i ⇒ 'a) set,
pop::['i ⇒ 'a, 'i ⇒ 'a] ⇒ ('i ⇒ 'a),
mop:: ('i ⇒ 'a) ⇒ ('i ⇒ 'a),
zero::('i ⇒ 'a),
sprod :: ['r, 'i ⇒ 'a] ⇒ ('i ⇒ 'a) ⦈" where
"dsumM R I A = ⦇ carrier = carr_dsumag I A,
pop = prod_pOp I A, mop = prod_mOp I A,
zero = prod_zero I A, sprod = prodM_sprod R I A⦈"
DSUMMOD ("(3⇘_⇙Σ⇩d⇘_⇙ _)" [72,72,73]72) where
"⇘R⇙Σ⇩d⇘I⇙ A == dsumM R I A"
lemma (in Ring) dsumM_carr:"carrier (dsumM R I M) = carr_dsumag I M"
by (simp add:dsumM_def)
lemma (in Ring) dsum_sprod_mem:"⟦∀i∈I. R module M i; a ∈ carrier R;
b ∈ carr_dsumag I M⟧ ⟹ prodM_sprod R I M a b ∈ carr_dsumag I M"
apply (simp add:carr_dsumag_def)
apply (simp add:finiteHom_def, erule conjE, erule exE, (erule conjE)+,
frule_tac a = a and m = b in prodM_sprod_mem[of I M], assumption+)
apply (subgoal_tac "∀j∈I - H. prodM_sprod R I M a b j = 𝟬⇘M j⇙", blast)
apply (rule ballI,
drule_tac x = j in bspec, assumption,
drule_tac x = j in bspec, simp)
apply (subst prodM_sprod_def, simp)
apply (simp add:Module.sc_a_0)
lemma (in Ring) carr_dsum_prod:"carr_dsumag I M ⊆ carr_prodag I M"
apply (rule subsetI) apply (simp add:carr_dsumag_def finiteHom_def)
lemma (in Ring) carr_dsum_prod1:"
∀x. x ∈ carr_dsumag I M ⟶ x ∈ carr_prodag I M"
apply (rule allI) apply (rule impI)
apply (cut_tac carr_dsum_prod [of I M])
apply (simp add:subsetD)
lemma (in Ring) carr_dsumM_mem_eq:"⟦∀i∈I. R module M i; x ∈ carr_dsumag I M;
y ∈ carr_dsumag I M; ∀j∈I. x j = y j⟧ ⟹ x = y"
apply (cut_tac carr_dsum_prod [of I M])
apply (frule subsetD [of "carr_dsumag I M" "carr_prodag I M" "x"], assumption+,
frule subsetD [of "carr_dsumag I M" "carr_prodag I M" "y"], assumption+)
apply (subgoal_tac "∀i∈I. aGroup (M i)")
apply (rule carr_prodag_mem_eq [of "I" "M"], assumption+)
apply (rule ballI)
apply (drule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
simp add:Module.module_is_ag)
lemma (in Ring) dsumM_Module:"∀i∈I. R module (M i) ⟹ R module (⇘R⇙Σ⇩d⇘I⇙ M)"
apply (rule Module.intro)
apply (cut_tac prodag_aGroup[of I M])
apply (cut_tac carr_dsum_prod1[of I M])
apply (simp add:dsumM_def prodag_def aGroup_def,
cut_tac dsum_pOp_func[of I M], simp,
cut_tac dsum_iOp_func[of I M], simp,
cut_tac dsum_zero_func[of I M], simp)
apply (erule conjE)+
apply (rule allI, rule impI,
thin_tac "∀a. a ∈ carr_prodag I M ⟶
(∀b. b ∈ carr_prodag I M ⟶
(∀c. c ∈ carr_prodag I M ⟶
prod_pOp I M (prod_pOp I M a b) c =
prod_pOp I M a (prod_pOp I M b c)))",
thin_tac "∀i∈I. R module M i")
apply (frule_tac a = a in forall_spec, assumption,
drule_tac a = "prod_zero I M" in forall_spec, assumption)
apply (drule_tac a = a in forall_spec, assumption,
rotate_tac -1,
drule_tac a = "prod_zero I M" in forall_spec, assumption, simp)
apply (rule ballI, drule_tac x = k in bspec, assumption,
simp add:Module.module_is_ag)
apply (rule ballI, drule_tac x = k in bspec, assumption,
(simp add:Module.module_is_ag)+)
apply (rule ballI, drule_tac x = k in bspec, assumption+,
simp add:Module.module_is_ag)+
apply (rule Module_axioms.intro)
apply (cut_tac Ring, simp del: Pi_split_insert_domain,
simp add:dsumM_carr dsumM_def del: Pi_split_insert_domain,
simp add:dsum_sprod_mem del: Pi_split_insert_domain)
apply (cut_tac ring_is_ag,
frule_tac x = a and y = b in aGroup.ag_pOp_closed, assumption+,
simp add:dsumM_carr del: Pi_split_insert_domain,
frule_tac a = a and b = m in dsum_sprod_mem[of I M], assumption+,
frule_tac a = b and b = m in dsum_sprod_mem[of I M], assumption+,
frule_tac a = "a ± b" and b = m in dsum_sprod_mem[of I M], assumption+,
simp add:dsumM_def del: Pi_split_insert_domain,
cut_tac X = "prodM_sprod R I M a m" and Y = "prodM_sprod R I M b m" in
prod_pOp_mem[of I M],
(rule ballI, frule_tac x = k in bspec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀i∈I. R module M i", simp add:Module.module_is_ag del: Pi_split_insert_domain),
(cut_tac carr_dsum_prod[of I M], simp add:subsetD del: Pi_split_insert_domain)+)
apply(cut_tac carr_dsum_prod1[of I M])
apply(rule prodM_mem_eq)
apply((simp add:prodM_carr del: Pi_split_insert_domain)+)
apply(rule ballI)
apply(simp add:prodM_sprod_def prod_pOp_def del: Pi_split_insert_domain PiE_restrict)
apply(thin_tac "(λj∈I. a ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ m j) ∈ carr_dsumag I M",
thin_tac "(λj∈I. b ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ m j) ∈ carr_dsumag I M",
thin_tac "(λj∈I. (a ± b) ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ m j) ∈ carr_dsumag I M",
thin_tac "(λx∈I. (if x ∈ I then a ⋅⇩s⇘M x⇙ m x else undefined) ±⇘M x⇙
(if x ∈ I then b ⋅⇩s⇘M x⇙ m x else undefined))
∈ carr_prodag I M")
apply (frule_tac a = m in forall_spec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀x. x ∈ carr_dsumag I M ⟶ x ∈ carr_prodag I M",
frule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀i∈I. R module M i",
thin_tac "m ∈ carr_dsumag I M",
simp add:carr_prodag_def, (erule conjE)+,
frule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀i∈I. m i ∈ carrier (M i)")
apply (simp add:Module.sc_l_distr)
apply (simp add:dsumM_carr,
frule_tac a = a and b = m in dsum_sprod_mem[of I M], assumption+,
frule_tac a = a and b = n in dsum_sprod_mem[of I M], assumption+)
apply (simp add:dsumM_def, cut_tac carr_dsum_prod1[of I M],
cut_tac X = m and Y = n in prod_pOp_mem[of I M],
(rule ballI, frule_tac x = k in bspec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀i∈I. R module M i", simp add:Module.module_is_ag), simp+,
frule_tac a = a and m = "prod_pOp I M m n" in prodM_sprod_mem[of I M],
assumption, simp)
apply (cut_tac X = "prodM_sprod R I M a m" and Y = "prodM_sprod R I M a n" in
prod_pOp_mem[of I M],
(rule ballI, frule_tac x = k in bspec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀i∈I. R module M i", simp add:Module.module_is_ag), simp+,
rule_tac ?m1.0 = "prodM_sprod R I M a (prod_pOp I M m n)" and
?m2.0 = "prod_pOp I M (prodM_sprod R I M a m) (prodM_sprod R I M a n)"
in prodM_mem_eq[of I M], assumption, (simp add:prodM_carr)+)
apply (rule ballI,
frule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
thin_tac "prodM_sprod R I M a m ∈ carr_dsumag I M",
thin_tac "prodM_sprod R I M a n ∈ carr_dsumag I M")
apply (rotate_tac 1,
frule_tac a = m in forall_spec, assumption,
frule_tac a = n in forall_spec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀x. x ∈ carr_dsumag I M ⟶ x ∈ carr_prodag I M",
thin_tac "m ∈ carr_dsumag I M",
thin_tac "n ∈ carr_dsumag I M")
apply (frule_tac a = a and m = m in prodM_sprod_mem[of I M], assumption+,
frule_tac a = a and m = n in prodM_sprod_mem[of I M], assumption+)
apply (simp add:prodM_sprod_def prod_pOp_def del: PiE_restrict,
thin_tac "(λj∈I. a ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ (if j ∈ I then m j ±⇘M j⇙ n j else undefined))
∈ carr_prodag I M",
thin_tac "(λx∈I. (if x ∈ I then a ⋅⇩s⇘M x⇙ m x else undefined) ±⇘M x⇙
(if x ∈ I then a ⋅⇩s⇘M x⇙ n x else undefined))
∈ carr_prodag I M",
thin_tac "(λj∈I. a ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ m j) ∈ carr_prodag I M",
thin_tac "(λj∈I. a ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ n j) ∈ carr_prodag I M",
thin_tac "(λx∈I. m x ±⇘M x⇙ n x) ∈ carr_prodag I M")
apply (simp add:carr_prodag_def, (erule conjE)+,
frule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀i∈I. R module M i",
frule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀i∈I. m i ∈ carrier (M i)",
frule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
simp add:Module.sc_r_distr)
apply (frule_tac x = a and y = b in ring_tOp_closed, assumption+,
simp add:dsumM_carr,
frule_tac a = b and b = m in dsum_sprod_mem[of I M], assumption+,
frule_tac a = a and b = "prodM_sprod R I M b m" in dsum_sprod_mem[of I M],
frule_tac a = "a ⋅⇩r b" and b = m in dsum_sprod_mem[of I M], assumption+)
apply (cut_tac carr_dsum_prod1[of I M])
apply (simp add:dsumM_def,
rule_tac ?m1.0 = "prodM_sprod R I M (a ⋅⇩r b) m" and
?m2.0 = "prodM_sprod R I M a (prodM_sprod R I M b m)"
in prodM_mem_eq[of I M], assumption, (simp add:prodM_carr)+)
apply (rule ballI, simp add:prodM_sprod_def,
frule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀i∈I. R module M i",
thin_tac "(λj∈I. b ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ m j) ∈ carr_dsumag I M",
thin_tac "(λj∈I. a ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ (if j ∈ I then b ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ m j else undefined))
∈ carr_dsumag I M",
thin_tac "(λj∈I. (a ⋅⇩r b) ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ m j) ∈ carr_dsumag I M",
frule_tac a = m in forall_spec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀x. x ∈ carr_dsumag I M ⟶ x ∈ carr_prodag I M",
thin_tac "m ∈ carr_dsumag I M",
simp add:carr_prodag_def, (erule conjE)+,
frule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀i∈I. m i ∈ carrier (M i)",
simp add:Module.sc_assoc)
apply (simp add:dsumM_carr)
apply (simp add:dsumM_def)
apply (cut_tac ring_one,
cut_tac carr_dsum_prod1[of I M],
frule_tac a = "1⇩r" and b = m in dsum_sprod_mem[of I M], assumption+,
rule_tac ?m1.0 = "prodM_sprod R I M 1⇩r m" and
?m2.0 = m in prodM_mem_eq[of I M], assumption, (simp add:prodM_carr)+,
frule_tac a = m in forall_spec, assumption,
frule_tac a = "prodM_sprod R I M 1⇩r m" in forall_spec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀x. x ∈ carr_dsumag I M ⟶ x ∈ carr_prodag I M")
apply (rule ballI,
frule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
thin_tac "∀i∈I. R module M i")
apply (simp add:prodM_sprod_def)
apply (thin_tac "(λj∈I. 1⇩r ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ m j) ∈ carr_dsumag I M",
thin_tac "(λj∈I. 1⇩r ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ m j) ∈ carr_prodag I M")
apply (simp add:carr_prodag_def, (erule conjE)+,
frule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
simp add:Module.sprod_one)
ringModule :: "('r, 'b) Ring_scheme ⇒ ('r, 'r) Module"
("(M⇘_⇙)" [998]999) where
"M⇘R⇙ = ⦇carrier = carrier R, pop = pop R, mop = mop R,
zero = zero R, sprod = tp R⦈"
lemma (in Ring) ringModule_Module:"R module M⇘R⇙"
apply (rule Module.intro)
apply (simp add:aGroup_def, simp add:ringModule_def,
simp add:pop_closed, simp add:pop_aassoc,
simp add:pop_commute, simp add:mop_closed,
simp add:l_m, simp add:ex_zero,
simp add:l_zero)
apply (rule Module_axioms.intro)
apply (cut_tac Ring, assumption,
simp add:ringModule_def, simp add:ring_tOp_closed,
simp add:ringModule_def, simp add:ring_distrib2,
simp add:ringModule_def, simp add:ring_distrib1,
simp add:ringModule_def, simp add:ring_tOp_assoc,
simp add:ringModule_def, simp add:rg_l_unit)
dsumMhom :: "['i set, 'i ⇒ ('a, 'r, 'm) Module_scheme,
'i ⇒ ('b, 'r, 'm1) Module_scheme, 'i ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b)] ⇒ ('i ⇒ 'a) ⇒
('i ⇒ 'b)" where
"dsumMhom I A B S = (λf∈carr_dsumag I A. (λk∈I. (S k) (f k)))"
lemma (in Ring) dsumMhom_mem:"⟦∀i∈I. R module M i; ∀i∈I. R module N i;
∀i∈I. S i ∈ mHom R (M i) (N i); x ∈ carr_dsumag I M⟧
⟹ dsumMhom I M N S x ∈ carr_dsumag I N"
apply (subst carr_dsumag_def, simp, simp add:finiteHom_def)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (simp add:dsumMhom_def)
apply (cut_tac carr_dsum_prod1[of I M],
drule_tac a = x in forall_spec, assumption) apply (
subst carr_prodag_def, simp)
apply (rule conjI,
rule Pi_I,
thin_tac "x ∈ carr_dsumag I M", simp,
simp add:Un_carrier_def,
drule_tac x = xa in bspec, assumption,
drule_tac x = xa in bspec, assumption,
drule_tac x = xa in bspec, assumption,
simp add:carr_prodag_def, (erule conjE)+,
drule_tac x = xa in bspec, assumption)
apply (frule_tac R = R and M = "M xa" and N = "N xa" and f = "S xa" and
m = "x xa" in Module.mHom_mem, assumption+, blast)
apply (rule ballI,
drule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
drule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
drule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
simp add:carr_prodag_def, (erule conjE)+,
drule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption)
apply (simp add:Module.mHom_mem)
apply (cut_tac carr_dsum_prod1[of I M],
drule_tac a = x in forall_spec, assumption)
apply (simp add:dsumMhom_def)
apply (simp add:carr_prodag_def, (erule conjE)+)
apply (simp add:carr_dsumag_def, simp add:finiteHom_def)
apply (erule conjE, erule exE)
apply (subgoal_tac "∀j∈I - H. S j (x j) = 𝟬⇘N j⇙", blast)
apply (rule ballI,
drule_tac x = j in bspec, simp,
drule_tac x = j in bspec, simp,
drule_tac x = j in bspec, simp,
simp add:carr_prodag_def, (erule conjE)+,
drule_tac x = j in bspec, simp)
apply (simp add:Module.mHom_0)
lemma (in Ring) dsumMhom_mHom:"⟦∀i∈I. (R module (M i));
∀i∈I. (R module (N i)); ∀i∈I. ((S i) ∈ mHom R (M i) (N i))⟧ ⟹
dsumMhom I M N S ∈ mHom R (dsumM R I M) (dsumM R I N)"
apply (subst mHom_def, simp)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (simp add:aHom_def,
rule conjI,
simp add:dsumM_def dsumMhom_mem)
apply (rule conjI,
simp add:dsumMhom_def extensional_def dsumM_def)
apply (rule ballI)+
apply (simp add:dsumM_def)
apply (subgoal_tac "∀i∈I. aGroup (M i)",
frule_tac X = a and Y = b in dsum_pOp_mem [of I M], assumption+,
frule_tac x = "prod_pOp I M a b" in dsumMhom_mem [of I M N S],
frule_tac x = a in dsumMhom_mem [of I M N S], assumption+,
frule_tac x = b in dsumMhom_mem [of I M N S], assumption+)
apply (subgoal_tac "∀i∈I. aGroup (N i)")
apply (frule_tac X = "dsumMhom I M N S a" and Y = "dsumMhom I M N S b" in
dsum_pOp_mem [of I N], assumption+)
apply (rule carr_dsumM_mem_eq [of I N], assumption+, rule ballI)
apply (cut_tac carr_dsum_prod1 [of I M], cut_tac carr_dsum_prod1 [of I N])
apply (simp add:prod_pOp_def)
apply (simp add:dsumMhom_def)
apply (rule_tac R = R and M = "M j" and N = "N j" and m = "a j" and n = "b j"
in Module.mHom_add)
apply simp+
apply (simp add:carr_dsumag_def carr_prodag_def finiteHom_def,
simp add:carr_dsumag_def carr_prodag_def finiteHom_def,
rule ballI, rotate_tac 1,
drule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
simp add:Module.module_is_ag,
rule ballI, drule_tac x = i in bspec, assumption,
simp add:Module.module_is_ag)
apply (rule ballI)+
apply (simp add:dsumM_def)
apply (frule_tac a = a and b = m in dsum_sprod_mem [of I M], assumption+)
apply (frule_tac x = "prodM_sprod R I M a m" in
dsumMhom_mem [of I M N S], assumption+)
apply (frule_tac x = m in dsumMhom_mem [of I M N S], assumption+)
apply (frule_tac a = a and b = "dsumMhom I M N S m" in
dsum_sprod_mem [of I N], assumption+)
apply (rule carr_dsumM_mem_eq [of I N], assumption+)
apply (rule ballI)
apply (cut_tac carr_dsum_prod1 [of I])
apply (drule_tac a = m in forall_spec, assumption)
apply (cut_tac carr_dsum_prod1 [of I N],
frule_tac a = "dsumMhom I M N S m" in forall_spec,
apply (simp add:dsumMhom_def prodM_sprod_def)
apply (thin_tac "(λj∈I. a ⋅⇩s⇘M j⇙ m j) ∈ carr_dsumag I M",
thin_tac "(λk∈I. S k (if k ∈ I then a ⋅⇩s⇘M k⇙ m k else undefined))
∈ carr_dsumag I N",
thin_tac "(λk∈I. S k (m k)) ∈ carr_dsumag I N",
thin_tac "(λj∈I. a ⋅⇩s⇘N j⇙ (if j ∈ I then S j (m j) else undefined))
∈ carr_dsumag I N",
thin_tac "∀x. x ∈ carr_dsumag I N ⟶ x ∈ carr_prodag I N")
apply (drule_tac x = j in bspec, assumption,
drule_tac x = j in bspec, assumption,
drule_tac x = j in bspec, assumption,
simp add:carr_prodag_def, (erule conjE)+,
drule_tac x = j in bspec, assumption)
apply (simp add:Module.mHom_lin)