Theory Prover_Lazy_List_Queue
section ‹Prover Lazy List Queues and Fairness›
text ‹This section covers the to-do data structure that arises in the
Zipperposition loop.›
theory Prover_Lazy_List_Queue
imports Prover_Queue
subsection ‹Basic Lemmas›
lemma ne_and_in_set_take_imp_in_set_take_remove1:
"z ≠ y" and
"z ∈ set (take m xs)"
shows "z ∈ set (take m (remove1 y xs))"
using assms
proof (induct xs arbitrary: m)
case (Cons x xs)
note ih = this(1) and z_ne_y = this(2) and z_in_take_xxs = this(3)
show ?case
proof (cases "z = x")
case True
thus ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) List.hd_in_set gr_zeroI hd_take in_set_remove1 list.sel(1)
remove1.simps(2) take_eq_Nil z_in_take_xxs z_ne_y)
case z_ne_x: False
have z_in_take_xs: "z ∈ set (take m xs)"
using z_in_take_xxs z_ne_x
by (smt (verit, del_insts) butlast_take in_set_butlastD in_set_takeD le_cases3 set_ConsD
take_Cons' take_all)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "y = x")
case y_eq_x: True
show ?thesis
using y_eq_x by (simp add: z_in_take_xs)
case y_ne_x: False
have "m > 0"
by (metis gr0I list.set_cases list.simps(3) take_Cons' z_in_take_xxs)
then obtain m' :: nat where
m: "m = Suc m'"
using gr0_implies_Suc by presburger
have z_in_take_xs': "z ∈ set (take m' xs)"
using z_in_take_xs z_in_take_xxs z_ne_x by (simp add: m)
note ih = ih[OF z_ne_y z_in_take_xs']
show ?thesis
using y_ne_x ih unfolding m by simp
qed simp
subsection ‹Locales›
locale prover_lazy_list_queue =
empty :: 'q and
add_llist :: "'e llist ⇒ 'q ⇒ 'q" and
remove_llist :: "'e llist ⇒ 'q ⇒ 'q" and
pick_elem :: "'q ⇒ 'e × 'q" and
llists :: "'q ⇒ 'e llist multiset"
llists_empty[simp]: "llists empty = {#}" and
llists_not_empty: "Q ≠ empty ⟹ llists Q ≠ {#}" and
llists_add[simp]: "llists (add_llist es Q) = llists Q + {#es#}" and
llist_remove[simp]: "llists (remove_llist es Q) = llists Q - {#es#}" and
llists_pick_elem: "(∃es ∈# llists Q. es ≠ LNil) ⟹
∃e es. LCons e es ∈# llists Q ∧ fst (pick_elem Q) = e
∧ llists (snd (pick_elem Q)) = llists Q - {#LCons e es#} + {#es#}"
abbreviation has_elem :: "'q ⇒ bool" where
"has_elem Q ≡ ∃es ∈# llists Q. es ≠ LNil"
inductive lqueue_step :: "'q × 'e set ⇒ 'q × 'e set ⇒ bool" where
"lqueue_step (Q, D) (fold add_llist ess Q, D - ⋃ {lset es |es. es ∈ set ess})"
| lqueue_step_fold_remove_llistI:
"lqueue_step (Q, D) (fold remove_llist ess Q, D ∪ ⋃ {lset es |es. es ∈ set ess})"
| lqueue_step_pick_elemI: "has_elem Q ⟹
lqueue_step (Q, D) (snd (pick_elem Q), D ∪ {fst (pick_elem Q)})"
lemma lqueue_step_idleI: "lqueue_step QD QD"
using lqueue_step_fold_add_llistI[of "fst QD" "snd QD" "[]", simplified] .
lemma lqueue_step_add_llistI: "lqueue_step (Q, D) (add_llist es Q, D - lset es)"
using lqueue_step_fold_add_llistI[of _ _ "[es]", simplified] .
lemma lqueue_step_remove_llistI: "lqueue_step (Q, D) (remove_llist es Q, D ∪ lset es)"
using lqueue_step_fold_remove_llistI[of _ _ "[es]", simplified] .
lemma llists_fold_add_llist[simp]: "llists (fold add_llist es Q) = mset es + llists Q"
by (induct es arbitrary: Q) auto
lemma llists_fold_remove_llist[simp]: "llists (fold remove_llist es Q) = llists Q - mset es"
by (induct es arbitrary: Q) auto
inductive pick_lqueue_step_w_details :: "'q × 'e set ⇒ 'e ⇒ 'e llist ⇒ 'q × 'e set ⇒ bool" where
pick_lqueue_step_w_detailsI: "LCons e es ∈# llists Q ⟹ fst (pick_elem Q) = e ⟹
llists (snd (pick_elem Q)) = llists Q - {#LCons e es#} + {#es#} ⟹
pick_lqueue_step_w_details (Q, D) e es (snd (pick_elem Q), D ∪ {e})"
inductive pick_lqueue_step :: "'q × 'e set ⇒ 'q × 'e set ⇒ bool" where
pick_lqueue_stepI: "pick_lqueue_step_w_details QD e es QD' ⟹ pick_lqueue_step QD QD'"
remove_lqueue_step_w_details :: "'q × 'e set ⇒ 'e llist list ⇒ 'q × 'e set ⇒ bool"
"remove_lqueue_step_w_details (Q, D) ess
(fold remove_llist ess Q, D ∪ ⋃ {lset es |es. es ∈ set ess})"
locale fair_prover_lazy_list_queue =
prover_lazy_list_queue empty add_llist remove_llist pick_elem llists
empty :: 'q and
add_llist :: "'e llist ⇒ 'q ⇒ 'q" and
remove_llist :: "'e llist ⇒ 'q ⇒ 'q" and
pick_elem :: "'q ⇒ 'e × 'q" and
llists :: "'q ⇒ 'e llist multiset" +
assumes fair: "chain lqueue_step QDs ⟹ infinitely_often pick_lqueue_step QDs ⟹
LCons e es ∈# llists (fst (lnth QDs i)) ⟹
∃j ≥ i. (∃ess. LCons e es ∈ set ess
∧ remove_lqueue_step_w_details (lnth QDs j) ess (lnth QDs (Suc j)))
∨ pick_lqueue_step_w_details (lnth QDs j) e es (lnth QDs (Suc j))"
lemma fair_strong:
chain: "chain lqueue_step QDs" and
inf: "infinitely_often pick_lqueue_step QDs" and
es_in: "es ∈# llists (fst (lnth QDs i))" and
k_lt: "enat k < llength es"
shows "∃j ≥ i.
(∃k' ≤ k. ∃ess. ldrop k' es ∈ set ess
∧ remove_lqueue_step_w_details (lnth QDs j) ess (lnth QDs (Suc j)))
∨ pick_lqueue_step_w_details (lnth QDs j) (lnth es k) (ldrop (Suc k) es) (lnth QDs (Suc j))"
using k_lt
proof (induct k)
case 0
note zero_lt = this
have es_in': "LCons (lnth es 0) (ldrop (Suc 0) es) ∈# llists (fst (lnth QDs i))"
using es_in by (metis zero_lt ldrop_0 ldrop_enat ldropn_Suc_conv_ldropn zero_enat_def)
show ?case
using fair[OF chain inf es_in']
by (metis dual_order.refl ldrop_enat ldropn_Suc_conv_ldropn zero_lt)
case (Suc k)
note ih = this(1) and sk_lt = this(2)
have k_lt: "enat k < llength es"
using sk_lt Suc_ile_eq order_less_imp_le by blast
obtain j :: nat where
j_ge: "j ≥ i" and
rem_or_pick_step: "(∃k' ≤ k. ∃ess. ldrop (enat k') es ∈ set ess
∧ remove_lqueue_step_w_details (lnth QDs j) ess (lnth QDs (Suc j)))
∨ pick_lqueue_step_w_details (lnth QDs j) (lnth es k) (ldrop (enat (Suc k)) es)
(lnth QDs (Suc j))"
using ih[OF k_lt] by blast
assume "∃k' ≤ k. ∃ess. ldrop (enat k') es ∈ set ess
∧ remove_lqueue_step_w_details (lnth QDs j) ess (lnth QDs (Suc j))"
hence ?case
using j_ge le_SucI by blast
assume "pick_lqueue_step_w_details (lnth QDs j) (lnth es k) (ldrop (enat (Suc k)) es)
(lnth QDs (Suc j))"
hence cons_in: "LCons (lnth es (Suc k)) (ldrop (enat (Suc (Suc k))) es)
∈# llists (fst (lnth QDs (Suc j)))"
unfolding pick_lqueue_step_w_details.simps using sk_lt
by (metis fst_conv ldrop_enat ldropn_Suc_conv_ldropn union_mset_add_mset_right
have ?case
using fair[OF chain inf cons_in] j_ge
by (smt (z3) dual_order.trans ldrop_enat ldropn_Suc_conv_ldropn le_Suc_eq sk_lt)
ultimately show ?case
using rem_or_pick_step by blast
subsection ‹Instantiation with FIFO Queue›
text ‹As a proof of concept, we show that a FIFO queue can serve as a fair
prover lazy list queue.›
type_synonym 'e fifo = "nat × ('e × 'e llist) list"
locale fifo_prover_lazy_list_queue
definition empty :: "'e fifo" where
"empty = (0, [])"
fun add_llist :: "'e llist ⇒ 'e fifo ⇒ 'e fifo" where
"add_llist LNil (num_nils, ps) = (num_nils + 1, ps)"
| "add_llist (LCons e es) (num_nils, ps) = (num_nils, ps @ [(e, es)])"
fun remove_llist :: "'e llist ⇒ 'e fifo ⇒ 'e fifo" where
"remove_llist LNil (num_nils, ps) = (num_nils - 1, ps)"
| "remove_llist (LCons e es) (num_nils, ps) = (num_nils, remove1 (e, es) ps)"
fun pick_elem :: "'e fifo ⇒ 'e × 'e fifo" where
"pick_elem (_, []) = undefined"
| "pick_elem (num_nils, (e, es) # ps) =
(case es of
LNil ⇒ (num_nils + 1, ps)
| LCons e' es' ⇒ (num_nils, ps @ [(e', es')])))"
fun llists :: "'e fifo ⇒ 'e llist multiset" where
"llists (num_nils, ps) = replicate_mset num_nils LNil + mset (map (λ(e, es). LCons e es) ps)"
sublocale prover_lazy_list_queue empty add_llist remove_llist pick_elem llists
show "llists empty = {#}"
unfolding empty_def by simp
fix Q :: "'e fifo"
assume nemp: "Q ≠ empty"
thus "llists Q ≠ {#}"
proof (cases Q)
case q: (Pair num_nils ps)
show ?thesis
using nemp unfolding q empty_def by auto
fix es :: "'e llist" and Q :: "'e fifo"
show "llists (add_llist es Q) = llists Q + {#es#}"
by (cases Q, cases es) auto
fix es :: "'e llist" and Q :: "'e fifo"
show "llists (remove_llist es Q) = llists Q - {#es#}"
proof (cases Q)
case q: (Pair num_nils ps)
show ?thesis
proof (cases es)
case LNil
note es = this
have inter_emp: "{#LCons x y. (x, y) ∈# mset ps#} ∩# {#LNil#} = {#}"
by auto
show ?thesis
proof (cases num_nils)
case num_nils: 0
have nil_ni: "LNil ∉# {#LCons x y. (x, y) ∈# mset ps#}"
by auto
show ?thesis
unfolding q es num_nils by (auto simp: diff_single_trivial[OF nil_ni])
case num_nils: (Suc n)
show ?thesis
unfolding q es num_nils by auto
case (LCons e es')
note es = this
show ?thesis
proof (cases "(e, es') ∈# mset ps")
case pair_in: True
show ?thesis
unfolding q es using pair_in by (auto simp: multiset_union_diff_assoc image_mset_Diff)
case pair_ni: False
have cons_ni:
"LCons e es' ∉# replicate_mset num_nils LNil + {#LCons x y. (x, y) ∈# mset ps#}"
using pair_ni by auto
show ?thesis
unfolding q es using pair_ni cons_ni by (auto simp: diff_single_trivial)
fix Q :: "'e fifo"
assume nnil: "∃es ∈# llists Q. es ≠ LNil"
show "∃e es. LCons e es ∈# llists Q ∧ fst (pick_elem Q) = e ∧ llists (snd (pick_elem Q)) = llists Q - {#LCons e es#} + {#es#}"
using nnil
proof (cases Q)
case q: (Pair num_nils ps)
show ?thesis
proof (cases ps)
case ps: Nil
have False
using nnil unfolding q ps by (cases "num_nils = 0") auto
thus ?thesis
by blast
case ps: (Cons p ps')
show ?thesis
proof (rule exI[of _ "fst p"], rule exI[of _ "snd p"]; intro conjI)
show "LCons (fst p) (snd p) ∈# llists Q"
unfolding q ps by (cases p) auto
show "fst (pick_elem Q) = fst p"
unfolding q ps by (cases p) auto
show "llists (snd (pick_elem Q)) = llists Q - {#LCons (fst p) (snd p)#} + {#snd p#}"
proof (cases p)
case p: (Pair e es)
show ?thesis
proof (cases es)
case es: LNil
show ?thesis
unfolding q ps p es by simp
case es: (LCons e' es')
show ?thesis
unfolding q ps p es by simp
sublocale fair_prover_lazy_list_queue empty add_llist remove_llist pick_elem llists
QDs :: "('e fifo × 'e set) llist" and
e :: 'e and
es :: "'e llist" and
i :: nat
chain: "chain lqueue_step QDs" and
inf_pick: "infinitely_often pick_lqueue_step QDs" and
cons_in: "LCons e es ∈# llists (fst (lnth QDs i))"
have len: "llength QDs = ∞"
using inf_pick unfolding infinitely_often_alt_def
by (metis Suc_ile_eq dual_order.strict_implies_order enat.exhaust enat_ord_simps(2)
assume not_rem_step: "¬ (∃j ≥ i. ∃ess. LCons e es ∈ set ess
∧ remove_lqueue_step_w_details (lnth QDs j) ess (lnth QDs (Suc j)))"
obtain num_nils :: nat and ps :: "('e × 'e llist) list" where
fst_at_i: "fst (lnth QDs i) = (num_nils, ps)"
by fastforce
obtain k :: nat where
k_lt: "k < length (snd (fst (lnth QDs i)))" and
at_k: "snd (fst (lnth QDs i)) ! k = (e, es)"
using cons_in unfolding fst_at_i
by simp (smt (verit) empty_iff imageE in_set_conv_nth llist.distinct(1) llist.inject
prod.collapse singleton_iff split_beta)
have "∀k' ≤ k. ∃i' ≥ i. (e, es) ∈ set (take (Suc k') (snd (fst (lnth QDs i'))))"
proof -
have "∃i' ≥ i. (e, es) ∈ set (take (k + 1 - l) (snd (fst (lnth QDs i'))))"
if l_le: "l ≤ k" for l
using l_le
proof (induct l)
case 0
show ?case
proof (rule exI[of _ i]; simp)
show "(e, es) ∈ set (take (Suc k) (snd (fst (lnth QDs i))))"
by (simp add: at_k k_lt take_Suc_conv_app_nth)
case (Suc l)
note ih = this(1) and sl_le = this(2)
have l_le_k: "l ≤ k"
using sl_le by linarith
note ih = ih[OF l_le_k]
obtain i' :: nat where
i'_ge: "i' ≥ i" and
cons_at_i': "(e, es) ∈ set (take (k + 1 - l) (snd (fst (lnth QDs i'))))"
using ih by blast
then obtain j0 :: nat where
"j0 ≥ i'" and
"pick_lqueue_step (lnth QDs j0) (lnth QDs (Suc j0))"
using inf_pick unfolding infinitely_often_alt_def by auto
then obtain j :: nat where
j_ge: "j ≥ i'" and
pick_step: "pick_lqueue_step (lnth QDs j) (lnth QDs (Suc j))" and
"∀j'. j' ≥ i' ⟶ j' < j ⟶ ¬ pick_lqueue_step (lnth QDs j') (lnth QDs (Suc j'))"
using wfP_exists_minimal[OF wfP_less, of
"λj. j ≥ i' ∧ pick_lqueue_step (lnth QDs j) (lnth QDs (Suc j))" j0 "λj. j"]
by blast
have cons_at_le_j: "(e, es) ∈ set (take (k + 1 - l) (snd (fst (lnth QDs j'))))"
if j'_ge: "j' ≥ i'" and j'_le: "j' ≤ j" for j'
proof -
have "(e, es) ∈ set (take (k + 1 - l) (snd (fst (lnth QDs (i' + m)))))"
if i'm_le: "i' + m ≤ j" for m
using i'm_le
proof (induct m)
case 0
then show ?case
using cons_at_i' by fastforce
case (Suc m)
note ih = this(1) and i'sm_le = this(2)
have i'm_lt: "i' + m < j"
using i'sm_le by linarith
have i'm_le: "i' + m ≤ j"
using i'sm_le by linarith
note ih = ih[OF i'm_le]
have step: "lqueue_step (lnth QDs (i' + m)) (lnth QDs (i' + Suc m))"
by (simp add: chain chain_lnth_rel len)
show ?case
using step
proof cases
case (lqueue_step_fold_add_llistI Q D ess)
note defs = this
have in_set_fold_add: "(e, es) ∈ set (take n (snd (fold add_llist ess Q)))"
if "(e, es) ∈ set (take n (snd Q))" for n
using that
proof (induct ess arbitrary: Q)
case (Cons es' ess')
note ih = this(1) and in_q = this(2)
have in_add: "(e, es) ∈ set (take n (snd (add_llist es' Q)))"
proof (cases Q)
case q: (Pair num_nils ps)
show ?thesis
proof (cases es')
case es': LNil
show ?thesis
using in_q unfolding q es' by simp
case es': (LCons e'' es'')
show ?thesis
using in_q unfolding q es' by simp
show ?case
using ih[OF in_add] by simp
qed simp
show ?thesis
using ih unfolding defs by (auto intro: in_set_fold_add)
case (lqueue_step_fold_remove_llistI Q D ess)
note defs = this
have notin_set_remove: "(e, es) ∈ set (take n (snd (fold remove_llist ess Q)))"
if "LCons e es ∉ set ess" and "(e, es) ∈ set (take n (snd Q))" for n
using that
proof (induct ess arbitrary: Q)
case (Cons es' ess')
note ih = this(1) and ni_es'ess' = this(2) and in_q = this(3)
have ni_ess': "LCons e es ∉ set ess'"
using ni_es'ess' by auto
have in_rem: "(e, es) ∈ set (take n (snd (remove_llist es' Q)))"
by (smt (verit, best) fifo_prover_lazy_list_queue.remove_llist.elims fst_conv in_q
list.set_intros(1) ne_and_in_set_take_imp_in_set_take_remove1 ni_es'ess'
show ?case
using ih[OF ni_ess' in_rem] by auto
qed simp
have "remove_lqueue_step_w_details (lnth QDs (i' + m)) ess (lnth QDs (i' + Suc m))"
unfolding defs by (rule remove_lqueue_step_w_detailsI)
hence "LCons e es ∉ set ess"
using not_rem_step i'_ge by force
thus ?thesis
using ih unfolding defs by (auto intro: notin_set_remove)
case (lqueue_step_pick_elemI Q D)
note defs = this(1,2) and rest = this(3)
have "pick_lqueue_step (lnth QDs (i' + m)) (lnth QDs (i' + Suc m))"
proof -
have "∃e es. pick_lqueue_step_w_details (lnth QDs (i' + m)) e es
(lnth QDs (i' + Suc m))"
unfolding defs using pick_lqueue_step_w_detailsI
by (metis add_Suc_right llists_pick_elem lqueue_step_pick_elemI(2) rest)
thus ?thesis
using pick_lqueue_stepI by fast
moreover have "¬ pick_lqueue_step (lnth QDs (i' + m)) (lnth QDs (i' + Suc m))"
using pick_step_min[rule_format, OF le_add1 i'm_lt] by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
by blast
thus ?thesis
by (metis j'_ge j'_le nat_le_iff_add)
show ?case
proof (cases "hd (snd (fst (lnth QDs j))) = (e, es)")
case eq_ees: True
show ?thesis
proof (rule exI[of _ j]; intro conjI)
show "i ≤ j"
using i'_ge j_ge le_trans by blast
show "(e, es) ∈ set (take (k + 1 - Suc l) (snd (fst (lnth QDs j))))"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) List.hd_in_set Suc_eq_plus1 cons_at_le_j diff_is_0_eq
eq_ees hd_take j_ge le_imp_less_Suc nle_le not_less_eq_eq sl_le take_eq_Nil2
case ne_ees: False
show ?thesis
proof (rule exI[of _ "Suc j"], intro conjI)
show "i ≤ Suc j"
using i'_ge j_ge by linarith
obtain Q :: "'e fifo" and D :: "'e set" and e' :: 'e and es' :: "'e llist" where
at_j: "lnth QDs j = (Q, D)" and
at_sj: "lnth QDs (Suc j) = (snd (pick_elem Q), D ∪ {e'})" and
pair_in: "LCons e' es' ∈# llists Q" and
fst: "fst (pick_elem Q) = e'" and
snd: "llists (snd (pick_elem Q)) = llists Q - {#LCons e' es'#} + {#es'#}"
using pick_step unfolding pick_lqueue_step.simps pick_lqueue_step_w_details.simps
by blast
have cons_at_j: "(e, es) ∈ set (take (k + 1 - l) (snd (fst (lnth QDs j))))"
using cons_at_le_j[of j] j_ge by blast
show "(e, es) ∈ set (take (k + 1 - Suc l) (snd (fst (lnth QDs (Suc j)))))"
proof (cases Q)
case q: (Pair num_nils ps)
show ?thesis
proof (cases ps)
case Nil
hence False
using at_j cons_at_j q by force
thus ?thesis
by blast
case ps: (Cons p' ps')
show ?thesis
proof (cases p')
case p': (Pair e' es')
have hd_at_j: "hd (snd (fst (lnth QDs j))) = (e', es')"
by (simp add: at_j p' ps q)
show ?thesis
proof (cases es')
case es': LNil
show ?thesis
using cons_at_j ne_ees Suc_diff_le l_le_k
unfolding q ps p' es' at_j at_sj hd_at_j by force
case es': (LCons e'' es'')
show ?thesis
using cons_at_j ne_ees Suc_diff_le l_le_k
unfolding q ps p' es' at_j at_sj hd_at_j by force
thus ?thesis
by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 add_right_mono diff_Suc_Suc diff_diff_cancel diff_le_self)
then obtain i' :: nat where
i'_ge: "i' ≥ i" and
cons_at_i': "(e, es) ∈ set (take 1 (snd (fst (lnth QDs i'))))"
by auto
then obtain j0 :: nat where
"j0 ≥ i'" and
"pick_lqueue_step (lnth QDs j0) (lnth QDs (Suc j0))"
using inf_pick unfolding infinitely_often_alt_def by auto
then obtain j :: nat where
j_ge: "j ≥ i'" and
pick_step: "pick_lqueue_step (lnth QDs j) (lnth QDs (Suc j))" and
"∀j'. j' ≥ i' ⟶ j' < j ⟶ ¬ pick_lqueue_step (lnth QDs j') (lnth QDs (Suc j'))"
using wfP_exists_minimal[OF wfP_less, of
"λj. j ≥ i' ∧ pick_lqueue_step (lnth QDs j) (lnth QDs (Suc j))" j0 "λj. j"]
by blast
hence pick_step_det: "∃e es. pick_lqueue_step_w_details (lnth QDs j) e es (lnth QDs (Suc j))"
unfolding pick_lqueue_step.simps by simp
have "pick_lqueue_step_w_details (lnth QDs j) e es (lnth QDs (Suc j))"
proof -
have cons_at_j: "(e, es) ∈ set (take 1 (snd (fst (lnth QDs j))))"
proof -
have "(e, es) ∈ set (take 1 (snd (fst (lnth QDs (i' + l)))))" if i'l_le: "i' + l ≤ j" for l
using i'l_le
proof (induct l)
case (Suc l)
note ih = this(1) and i'sl_le = this(2)
have i'l_lt: "i' + l < j"
using i'sl_le by linarith
have i'l_le: "i' + l ≤ j"
using i'sl_le by linarith
note ih = ih[OF i'l_le]
have step: "lqueue_step (lnth QDs (i' + l)) (lnth QDs (i' + Suc l))"
by (simp add: chain chain_lnth_rel len)
show ?case
using step
proof cases
case (lqueue_step_fold_add_llistI Q D ess)
note defs = this
have len_q: "length (snd Q) ≥ 1"
using ih by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 add.commute empty_iff le_add1 length_0_conv
list.set(1) list_decode.cases local.lqueue_step_fold_add_llistI(1) prod.sel(1)
have take: "take (Suc 0) (snd (fold add_llist ess Q)) = take (Suc 0) (snd Q)"
using len_q
proof (induct ess arbitrary: Q)
case Nil
show ?case
by (cases Q) auto
case (Cons es' ess')
note ih = this(1) and len_q = this(2)
have len_add: "length (snd (add_llist es' Q)) ≥ 1"
proof (cases Q)
case q: (Pair num_nils ps)
show ?thesis
proof (cases es')
case es': LNil
show ?thesis
using len_q unfolding q es' by simp
case es': (LCons e'' es'')
show ?thesis
using len_q unfolding q es' by simp
note ih = ih[OF len_add]
show ?case
using len_q by (simp add: ih, cases Q, cases es', auto)
show ?thesis
unfolding defs using ih take
by simp (metis local.lqueue_step_fold_add_llistI(1) prod.sel(1))
case (lqueue_step_fold_remove_llistI Q D ess)
note defs = this
have "remove_lqueue_step_w_details (lnth QDs (i' + l)) ess (lnth QDs (i' + Suc l))"
unfolding defs by (rule remove_lqueue_step_w_detailsI)
moreover have "¬ (∃ess. LCons e es ∈ set ess
∧ remove_lqueue_step_w_details (lnth QDs (i' + l)) ess (lnth QDs (i' + Suc l)))"
using not_rem_step add_Suc_right i'_ge trans_le_add1 by presburger
ultimately have ees_ni: "LCons e es ∉ set ess"
by blast
obtain ps' :: "('e × 'e llist) list" where
snd_q: "snd Q = (e, es) # ps'"
using ih by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) One_nat_def fst_eqD in_set_member
in_set_takeD length_pos_if_in_set list.exhaust_sel
lqueue_step_fold_remove_llistI(1) member_rec(1) member_rec(2) nth_Cons_0 take0
obtain num_nils' :: nat where
q: "Q = (num_nils', (e, es) # ps')"
by (metis prod.collapse snd_q)
have take_1: "take 1 (snd (fold remove_llist ess Q)) = take 1 (snd Q)"
unfolding q using ees_ni
proof (induct ess arbitrary: num_nils' ps')
case (Cons es' ess')
note ih = this(1) and ees_ni = this(2)
have ees_ni': "LCons e es ∉ set ess'"
using ees_ni by simp
note ih = ih[OF ees_ni']
have es'_ne: "es' ≠ LCons e es"
using ees_ni by auto
show ?case
proof (cases es')
case LNil
then show ?thesis
using ih by auto
case es': (LCons e'' es'')
show ?thesis
using ih es'_ne unfolding es' by auto
qed auto
show ?thesis
unfolding defs using ih take_1
by simp (metis lqueue_step_fold_remove_llistI(1) prod.sel(1))
case (lqueue_step_pick_elemI Q D)
note defs = this(1,2) and rest = this(3)
have "pick_lqueue_step (lnth QDs (i' + l)) (lnth QDs (Suc (i' + l)))"
proof -
have "∃e es. pick_lqueue_step_w_details (lnth QDs (i' + l)) e es
(lnth QDs (Suc (i' + l)))"
unfolding defs using pick_lqueue_step_w_detailsI
by (metis add_Suc_right llists_pick_elem lqueue_step_pick_elemI(2) rest)
thus ?thesis
using pick_lqueue_stepI by fast
moreover have "¬ pick_lqueue_step (lnth QDs (i' + l)) (lnth QDs (Suc (i' + l)))"
using pick_step_min[rule_format, OF le_add1 i'l_lt] .
ultimately show ?thesis
by blast
qed (use cons_at_i' in auto)
thus ?thesis
by (metis dual_order.refl j_ge nat_le_iff_add)
hence cons_in_fst: "(e, es) ∈ set (snd (fst (lnth QDs j)))"
using in_set_takeD by force
obtain ps' :: "('e × 'e llist) list" where
fst_at_j: "snd (fst (lnth QDs j)) = (e, es) # ps'"
using cons_at_j by (metis One_nat_def cons_in_fst empty_iff empty_set length_pos_if_in_set
list.set_cases nth_Cons_0 self_append_conv2 set_ConsD take0 take_Suc_conv_app_nth)
have fst_pick: "fst (pick_elem (fst (lnth QDs j))) = e"
using fst_at_j by (metis fst_conv pick_elem.simps(2) surjective_pairing)
have snd_pick: "llists (snd (pick_elem (fst (lnth QDs j)))) =
llists (fst (lnth QDs j)) - {#LCons e es#} + {#es#}"
by (subst (1 2) surjective_pairing[of "fst (lnth QDs j)"], unfold fst_at_j, cases es, auto)
obtain Q :: "'e fifo" and D :: "'e set" where
at_j: "lnth QDs j = (Q, D)"
by fastforce
show ?thesis
unfolding pick_lqueue_step_w_details.simps
proof (rule exI[of _ e], rule exI[of _ es], rule exI[of _ Q], rule exI[of _ D], intro conjI)
show "lnth QDs (Suc j) = (snd (pick_elem Q), D ∪ {e})"
by (smt (verit, best) at_j fst_conv fst_pick pick_lqueue_step_w_details.simps
pick_step_det snd_conv)
have "LCons e es ∈# llists (fst (lnth QDs j))"
by (subst surjective_pairing) (auto simp: fst_at_j)
thus "LCons e es ∈# llists Q"
unfolding at_j by simp
show "fst (pick_elem Q) = e"
using at_j fst_pick by force
show "llists (snd (pick_elem Q)) = llists Q - {#LCons e es#} + {#es#}"
using at_j snd_pick by fastforce
qed (rule refl at_j)+
hence "∃j ≥ i. pick_lqueue_step_w_details (lnth QDs j) e es (lnth QDs (Suc j))"
using i'_ge j_ge le_trans by blast
thus "∃j ≥ i.
(∃ess. LCons e es ∈ set ess ∧ remove_lqueue_step_w_details (lnth QDs j) ess (lnth QDs (Suc j)))
∨ pick_lqueue_step_w_details (lnth QDs j) e es (lnth QDs (Suc j))"
by blast