Theory GenClock
theory GenClock imports Complex_Main begin
subsection‹Types and constants definitions›
text‹Process is represented by natural numbers. The type 'event' corresponds
to synchronization rounds.›
type_synonym process = nat
type_synonym event = nat
type_synonym time = real
type_synonym Clocktime = real
δ :: real and
μ :: real and
ρ :: real and
rmin :: real and
rmax :: real and
β :: real and
Λ :: real and
np :: process and
maxfaults :: process and
PC :: "[process, time] ⇒ Clocktime" and
VC :: "[process, time] ⇒ Clocktime" and
te :: "[process, event] ⇒ time" and
θ :: "[process, event] ⇒ (process ⇒ Clocktime)" and
IC :: "[process, event, time] ⇒ Clocktime" and
correct :: "[process, time] ⇒ bool" and
cfn :: "[process, (process ⇒ Clocktime)] ⇒ Clocktime" and
π :: "[Clocktime, Clocktime] ⇒ Clocktime" and
α :: "Clocktime ⇒ Clocktime"
count :: "[process ⇒ bool, process] ⇒ nat" where
"count f n = card {p. p < n ∧ f p}"
Adj :: "[process, event] ⇒ Clocktime" where
"Adj = (λ p i. if 0 < i then cfn p (θ p i) - PC p (te p i)
else 0)"
okRead1 :: "[process ⇒ Clocktime, Clocktime, process ⇒ bool] ⇒ bool" where
"okRead1 f x ppred ⟷ (∀ l m. ppred l ∧ ppred m ⟶ ¦f l - f m¦ ≤ x)"
okRead2 :: "[process ⇒ Clocktime, process ⇒ Clocktime, Clocktime,
process ⇒ bool] ⇒ bool" where
"okRead2 f g x ppred ⟷ (∀ p. ppred p ⟶ ¦f p - g p¦ ≤ x)"
rho_bound1 :: "[[process, time] ⇒ Clocktime] ⇒ bool" where
"rho_bound1 C ⟷ (∀ p s t. correct p t ∧ s ≤ t ⟶ C p t - C p s ≤ (t - s)*(1 + ρ))"
rho_bound2 :: "[[process, time] ⇒ Clocktime] ⇒ bool" where
"rho_bound2 C ⟷ (∀ p s t. correct p t ∧ s ≤ t ⟶ (t - s)*(1 - ρ) ≤ C p t - C p s)"
subsection‹Clock conditions›
text‹Some general assumptions›
axiomatization where
constants_ax: "0 < β ∧ 0 < μ ∧ 0 < rmin
∧ rmin ≤ rmax ∧ 0 < ρ ∧ 0 < np ∧ maxfaults ≤ np"
axiomatization where
PC_monotone: "∀ p s t. correct p t ∧ s ≤ t ⟶ PC p s ≤ PC p t"
axiomatization where
VClock: "∀ p t i. correct p t ∧ te p i ≤ t ∧ t < te p (i + 1) ⟶ VC p t = IC p i t"
axiomatization where
IClock: "∀ p t i. correct p t ⟶ IC p i t = PC p t + Adj p i"
text‹Condition 1: initial skew›
axiomatization where
init: "∀ p. correct p 0 ⟶ 0 ≤ PC p 0 ∧ PC p 0 ≤ μ"
text‹Condition 2: bounded drift›
axiomatization where
rate_1: "∀ p s t. correct p t ∧ s ≤ t ⟶ PC p t - PC p s ≤ (t - s)*(1 + ρ)" and
rate_2: "∀ p s t. correct p t ∧ s ≤ t ⟶ (t - s)*(1 - ρ) ≤ PC p t - PC p s"
text‹Condition 3: bounded interval›
axiomatization where
rts0: "∀ p t i. correct p t ∧ t ≤ te p (i+1) ⟶ t - te p i ≤ rmax" and
rts1: "∀ p t i. correct p t ∧ te p (i+1) ≤ t ⟶ rmin ≤ t - te p i"
text‹Condition 4 : bounded delay›
axiomatization where
rts2a: "∀ p q t i. correct p t ∧ correct q t ∧ te q i + β ≤ t ⟶ te p i ≤ t" and
rts2b: "∀ p q i. correct p (te p i) ∧ correct q (te q i) ⟶ abs(te p i - te q i) ≤ β"
text‹Condition 5: initial synchronization›
axiomatization where
synch0: "∀ p. te p 0 = 0"
text‹Condition 6: nonoverlap›
axiomatization where
nonoverlap: "β ≤ rmin"
text‹Condition 7: reading errors›
axiomatization where
readerror: "∀ p q i. correct p (te p (i+1)) ∧ correct q (te p (i+1)) ⟶
abs(θ p (i+1) q - IC q i (te p (i+1))) ≤ Λ"
text‹Condition 8: bounded faults›
axiomatization where
correct_closed: "∀ p s t. s ≤ t ∧ correct p t ⟶ correct p s" and
correct_count: "∀ t. np - maxfaults ≤ count (λ p. correct p t) np"
text‹Condition 9: Translation invariance›
axiomatization where
trans_inv: "∀ p f x. 0 ≤ x ⟶ cfn p (λ y. f y + x) = cfn p f + x"
text‹Condition 10: precision enhancement›
axiomatization where
"∀ ppred p q f g x y.
np - maxfaults ≤ count ppred np ∧
okRead1 f y ppred ∧ okRead1 g y ppred ∧
okRead2 f g x ppred ∧ ppred p ∧ ppred q
⟶ abs(cfn p f - cfn q g) ≤ π x y"
text‹Condition 11: accuracy preservation›
axiomatization where
"∀ ppred p q f x. okRead1 f x ppred ∧ np - maxfaults ≤ count ppred np
∧ ppred p ∧ ppred q ⟶ abs(cfn p f - f q) ≤ α x"
subsubsection‹Some derived properties of clocks›
lemma rts0d:
assumes cp: "correct p (te p (i+1))"
shows "te p (i+1) - te p i ≤ rmax"
using cp rts0 by simp
lemma rts1d:
assumes cp: "correct p (te p (i+1))"
shows "rmin ≤ te p (i+1) - te p i"
using cp rts1 by simp
lemma rte:
assumes cp: "correct p (te p (i+1))"
shows "te p i ≤ te p (i+1)"
from cp rts1d have "rmin ≤ te p (i+1) - te p i"
by simp
from this constants_ax show ?thesis by arith
lemma beta_bound1:
assumes corr_p: "correct p (te p (i+1))"
and corr_q: "correct q (te p (i+1))"
shows "0 ≤ te p (i+1) - te q i"
from corr_p rte have "te p i ≤ te p (i+1)"
by simp
from this corr_p correct_closed have corr_pi: "correct p (te p i)"
by blast
from corr_p rts1d nonoverlap have "rmin ≤ te p (i+1) - te p i"
by simp
from this nonoverlap have "β ≤ te p (i+1) - te p i" by simp
hence "te p i + β ≤ te p (i+1)" by simp
from this corr_p corr_q rts2a
have "te q i ≤ te p (i+1)"
by blast
thus ?thesis by simp
lemma beta_bound2:
assumes corr_p: "correct p (te p (i+1))"
and corr_q: "correct q (te q i)"
shows "te p (i+1) - te q i ≤ rmax + β"
from corr_p rte have "te p i ≤ te p (i+1)"
by simp
from this corr_p correct_closed have corr_pi: "correct p (te p i)"
by blast
have split: "te p (i+1) - te q i =
(te p (i+1) - te p i) + (te p i - te q i)"
by (simp)
from corr_q corr_pi rts2b have Eq1: "abs(te p i - te q i) ≤ β"
by simp
have Eq2: "te p i - te q i ≤ β"
proof cases
assume "te q i ≤ te p i"
from this Eq1 show ?thesis
by (simp add: abs_if)
assume "¬ (te q i ≤ te p i)"
from this Eq1 show ?thesis
by (simp add: abs_if)
from corr_p rts0d have "te p (i+1) - te p i ≤ rmax"
by simp
from this split Eq2 show ?thesis by simp
subsubsection‹Bounded-drift for logical clocks (IC)›
lemma bd:
assumes ie: "s ≤ t"
and rb1: "rho_bound1 C"
and rb2: "rho_bound2 D"
and PC_ie: "D q t - D q s ≤ C p t - C p s"
and corr_p: "correct p t"
and corr_q: "correct q t"
shows "¦ C p t - D q t ¦ ≤ ¦ C p s - D q s ¦ + 2*ρ*(t - s)"
let ?Dt = "C p t - D q t"
let ?Ds = "C p s - D q s"
let ?Bp = "C p t - C p s"
let ?Bq = "D q t - D q s"
let ?I = "t - s"
have "¦ ?Bp - ?Bq ¦ ≤ 2*ρ*(t - s)"
from PC_ie have Eq1: "¦ ?Bp - ?Bq ¦ = ?Bp - ?Bq" by (simp add: abs_if)
from corr_p ie rb1 have Eq2: "?Bp - ?Bq ≤ ?I*(1+ρ) - ?Bq" (is "?E1 ≤ ?E2")
by(simp add: rho_bound1_def)
from corr_q ie rb2 have "?I*(1 - ρ) ≤ ?Bq"
by(simp add: rho_bound2_def)
from this have Eq3: "?E2 ≤ ?I*(1+ρ) - ?I*(1 - ρ)"
have Eq4: "?I*(1+ρ) - ?I*(1 - ρ) = 2*ρ*?I"
by(simp add: algebra_simps)
from Eq1 Eq2 Eq3 Eq4 show ?thesis by simp
have "¦?Dt¦ ≤ ¦?Bp - ?Bq¦ + ¦?Ds¦"
by(simp add: abs_if)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma bounded_drift:
assumes ie: "s ≤ t"
and rb1: "rho_bound1 C"
and rb2: "rho_bound2 C"
and rb3: "rho_bound1 D"
and rb4: "rho_bound2 D"
and corr_p: "correct p t"
and corr_q: "correct q t"
shows "¦C p t - D q t¦ ≤ ¦C p s - D q s¦ + 2*ρ*(t - s)"
let ?Bp = "C p t - C p s"
let ?Bq = "D q t - D q s"
show ?thesis
proof cases
assume "?Bq ≤ ?Bp"
from this ie rb1 rb4 corr_p corr_q bd show ?thesis by simp
assume "¬ (?Bq ≤ ?Bp)"
hence "?Bp ≤ ?Bq" by simp
from this ie rb2 rb3 corr_p corr_q bd
have "¦D q t - C p t¦ ≤ ¦D q s - C p s¦ + 2*ρ*(t - s)"
by simp
from this show ?thesis by (simp add: abs_minus_commute)
text‹Drift rate of logical clocks›
lemma IC_rate1:
"rho_bound1 (λ p t. IC p i t)"
fix p::process
fix s::time
fix t::time
assume cp: "correct p t"
assume ie: "s ≤ t"
from cp ie correct_closed have cps: "correct p s"
by blast
have "IC p i t - IC p i s ≤ (t - s)*(1+ρ)"
from cp IClock have "IC p i t = PC p t + Adj p i"
by simp
from cps IClock have "IC p i s = PC p s + Adj p i"
by simp
from cp ie rate_1 have "PC p t - PC p s ≤ (t - s)*(1+ρ)"
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
thus ?thesis by (simp add: rho_bound1_def)
lemma IC_rate2:
"rho_bound2 (λ p t. IC p i t)"
fix p::process
fix s::time
fix t::time
assume cp: "correct p t"
assume ie: "s ≤ t"
from cp ie correct_closed have cps: "correct p s"
by blast
have "(t - s)*(1 - ρ) ≤ IC p i t - IC p i s"
from cp IClock have "IC p i t = PC p t + Adj p i"
by simp
from cps IClock have "IC p i s = PC p s + Adj p i"
by simp
from cp ie rate_2 have "(t - s)*(1-ρ) ≤ PC p t - PC p s"
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
thus ?thesis by (simp add: rho_bound2_def)
text‹Auxilary function ‹ICf›: we introduce this to avoid some
unification problem in some tactic of isabelle.›
ICf :: "nat ⇒ (process ⇒ time ⇒ Clocktime)" where
"ICf i = (λ p t. IC p i t)"
lemma IC_bd:
assumes ie: "s ≤ t"
and corr_p: "correct p t"
and corr_q: "correct q t"
shows "¦IC p i t - IC q j t¦ ≤ ¦IC p i s - IC q j s¦ + 2*ρ*(t - s)"
let ?C = "ICf i"
let ?D = "ICf j"
let ?G = "¦?C p t - ?D q t¦ ≤ ¦?C p s - ?D q s¦ + 2*ρ*(t - s)"
from IC_rate1 have rb1: "rho_bound1 (ICf i) ∧ rho_bound1 (ICf j)"
by (simp add: ICf_def)
from IC_rate2 have rb2: "rho_bound2 (ICf i) ∧ rho_bound2 (ICf j)"
by (simp add: ICf_def)
from ie rb1 rb2 corr_p corr_q bounded_drift
have ?G by simp
from this show ?thesis by (simp add: ICf_def)
lemma event_bound:
assumes ie1: "0 ≤ (t::real)"
and corr_p: "correct p t"
and corr_q: "correct q t"
shows "∃ i. t < max (te p i) (te q i)"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume A: "¬ (∃ i. t < max (te p i) (te q i))"
show False
have F1: "∀ i. te p i ≤ t"
fix i :: nat
from A have "¬ (t < max (te p i) (te q i))"
by simp
hence Eq1: "max (te p i) (te q i) ≤ t" by arith
have Eq2: "te p i ≤ max (te p i) (te q i)"
by (simp add: max_def)
from Eq1 Eq2 show "te p i ≤ t" by simp
have F2: "∀ (i :: nat). correct p (te p i)"
fix i :: nat
from F1 have "te p i ≤ t" by simp
from this corr_p correct_closed
show "correct p (te p i)" by blast
have F3: "∀ (i :: nat). real i * rmin ≤ te p i"
fix i :: nat
show "real i * rmin ≤ te p i"
proof (induct i)
from synch0 show "real (0::nat) * rmin ≤ te p 0" by simp
fix i :: nat assume ind_hyp: "real i * rmin ≤ te p i"
show "real (Suc i) * rmin ≤ te p (Suc i)"
have Eq1: "real i * rmin + rmin = (real i + 1)*rmin"
by (simp add: distrib_right)
have Eq2: "real i + 1 = real (i+1)" by simp
from Eq1 Eq2
have Eq3: "real i * rmin + rmin = real (i+1) * rmin"
by presburger
from F2 have cp1: "correct p (te p (i+1))"
by simp
from F2 have cp2: "correct p (te p i)"
by simp
from cp1 rts1d have "rmin ≤ te p (i+1) - te p i"
by simp
hence Eq4: "te p i + rmin ≤ te p (i+1)" by simp
from ind_hyp have "real i * rmin + rmin ≤ te p i + rmin"
by (simp)
from this Eq4 have "real i * rmin + rmin ≤ te p (i+1)"
by simp
from this Eq3 show ?thesis by simp
have F4: "∀ (i::nat). real i * rmin ≤ t"
fix i::nat
from F1 have "te p i ≤ t" by simp
from F3 have "real i * rmin ≤ te p i" by simp
ultimately show "real i * rmin ≤ t" by simp
from constants_ax have "0 < rmin" by simp
from this reals_Archimedean3
have Archi: "∃ (k::nat). t < real k * rmin"
by blast
from Archi obtain k::nat where C: "t < real k * rmin" ..
from F4 have "real k * rmin ≤ t" by simp
hence notC: "¬ (t < real k * rmin)" by simp
from C notC show False by simp
subsection‹Agreement property›
definition "γ1 x = π (2*ρ*β + 2*Λ) (2*Λ + x + 2*ρ*(rmax + β))"
definition "γ2 x = x + 2*ρ*rmax"
definition "γ3 x = α (2*Λ + x + 2*ρ*(rmax + β)) + Λ + 2*ρ*β"
okmaxsync :: "[nat, Clocktime] ⇒ bool" where
"okmaxsync i x ⟷ (∀ p q. correct p (max (te p i) (te q i))
∧ correct q (max (te p i) (te q i)) ⟶
¦IC p i (max (te p i) (te q i)) - IC q i (max (te p i) (te q i))¦ ≤ x)"
okClocks :: "[process, process, nat] ⇒ bool" where
"okClocks p q i ⟷ (∀ t. 0 ≤ t ∧ t < max (te p i) (te q i)
∧ correct p t ∧ correct q t
⟶ ¦VC p t - VC q t¦ ≤ δ)"
lemma okClocks_sym:
assumes ok_pq: "okClocks p q i"
shows "okClocks q p i"
fix t :: time
assume ie1: "0 ≤ t"
assume ie2: "t < max (te q i) (te p i)"
assume corr_q: "correct q t"
assume corr_p: "correct p t"
have "max (te q i) (te p i) = max (te p i) (te q i)"
by (simp add: max_def)
from this ok_pq ie1 ie2 corr_p corr_q
have "¦VC q t - VC p t¦ ≤ δ"
by(simp add: abs_minus_commute okClocks_def)
thus ?thesis by (simp add: okClocks_def)
lemma ICp_Suc:
assumes corr_p: "correct p (te p (i+1))"
shows "IC p (i+1) (te p (i+1)) = cfn p (θ p (i+1)) "
using corr_p IClock by(simp add: Adj_def)
lemma IC_trans_inv:
assumes ie1: "te q (i+1) ≤ te p (i+1)"
and corr_p: "correct p (te p (i+1))"
and corr_q: "correct q (te p (i+1))"
"IC q (i+1) (te p (i+1)) =
cfn q (λ n. θ q (i+1) n + (PC q (te p (i+1)) - PC q (te q (i+1))))"
(is "?T1 = ?T2")
let ?X = "PC q (te p (i+1)) - PC q (te q (i+1))"
from corr_q ie1 PC_monotone have posX: "0 ≤ ?X"
by (simp add: le_diff_eq)
from IClock corr_q have "?T1 = cfn q (θ q (i+1)) + ?X"
by(simp add: Adj_def)
from this posX trans_inv show ?thesis by simp
lemma beta_rho:
assumes ie: "te q (i+1) ≤ te p (i+1)"
and corr_p: "correct p (te p (i+1))"
and corr_q: "correct q (te p (i+1))"
and corr_l: "correct l (te p (i+1))"
shows "¦(PC l (te p (i+1)) - PC l (te q (i+1))) - (te p (i+1) - te q (i+1))¦ ≤ β*ρ"
let ?X = "(PC l (te p (i+1)) - PC l (te q (i+1)))"
let ?D = "te p (i+1) - te q (i+1)"
from ie have posD: "0 ≤ ?D" by simp
from ie PC_monotone corr_l have posX: "0 ≤ ?X"
by (simp add: le_diff_eq)
from ie corr_l rate_1 have bound1: "?X ≤ ?D * (1 + ρ)" by simp
from ie corr_l correct_closed have corr_l_tq: "correct l (te q (i+1))"
from ie corr_q correct_closed have corr_q_tq: "correct q (te q (i+1))"
by blast
from corr_q_tq corr_p rts2b have "¦?D¦ ≤ β"
from this constants_ax posD have D_beta: "?D*ρ ≤ β*ρ"
by(simp add: abs_if)
show ?thesis
proof cases
assume A: "?D ≤ ?X"
from posX posD A have absEq: "¦?X - ?D¦ = ?X - ?D"
by(simp add: abs_if)
from bound1 have bound2: "?X - ?D ≤ ?D*ρ"
by(simp add: mult.commute distrib_right)
from D_beta absEq bound2 show ?thesis by simp
assume notA: "¬ (?D ≤ ?X)"
from this have absEq2: "¦?X - ?D¦ = ?D - ?X"
by(simp add: abs_if)
from ie corr_l rate_2 have bound3: "?D*(1 - ρ) ≤ ?X" by simp
from this have "?D - ?X ≤ ?D*ρ" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
from this absEq2 D_beta show ?thesis by simp
text‹This lemma (and the next one pe-cond2) proves an assumption used
in the precision enhancement.›
lemma pe_cond1:
assumes ie: "te q (i+1) ≤ te p (i+1)"
and corr_p: "correct p (te p (i+1))"
and corr_q: "correct q (te p (i + 1))"
and corr_l: "correct l (te p (i+1))"
shows "¦θ q (i+1) l + (PC q (te p (i+1)) - PC q (te q (i+1))) -
θ p (i+1) l¦ ≤ 2* ρ * β + 2*Λ"
(is "?M ≤ ?N")
let ?Xl = "(PC l (te p (i+1)) - PC l (te q (i+1)))"
let ?Xq = "(PC q (te p (i+1)) - PC q (te q (i+1)))"
let ?D = "te p (i+1) - te q (i+1)"
let ?T = "θ p (i+1) l - θ q (i+1) l"
let ?RE1 = "θ p (i+1) l - IC l i (te p (i+1))"
let ?RE2 = "θ q (i+1) l - IC l i (te q (i+1))"
let ?ICT = "IC l i (te p (i+1)) - IC l i (te q (i+1))"
have "?M = ¦(?Xq - ?D) - (?T - ?D)¦"
by(simp add: abs_if)
hence Split: "?M ≤ ¦?Xq - ?D¦ + ¦?T - ?D¦"
by(simp add: abs_if)
from ie corr_q correct_closed have corr_q_tq: "correct q (te q (i+1))"
from ie corr_l correct_closed have corr_l_tq: "correct l (te q (i+1))"
by blast
from corr_p corr_q corr_l ie beta_rho
have XlD: "¦?Xl - ?D¦ ≤ β*ρ"
by simp
from corr_p corr_q ie beta_rho
have XqD: "¦?Xq - ?D¦ ≤ β*ρ" by simp
have TD: "¦?T - ?D¦ ≤ 2*Λ + β*ρ"
have Eq1: "¦?T - ?D¦ = ¦(?T - ?ICT) + (?ICT - ?D)¦" (is "?E1 = ?E2")
by (simp add: abs_if)
have Eq2: "?E2 ≤ ¦?T - ?ICT¦ + ¦?ICT - ?D¦"
by(simp add: abs_if)
have Eq3: "¦?T - ?ICT¦ ≤ ¦?RE1¦ + ¦?RE2¦"
by(simp add: abs_if)
from readerror corr_p corr_l
have Eq4: "¦?RE1¦ ≤ Λ" by simp
from corr_l_tq corr_q_tq this readerror
have Eq5: "¦?RE2¦ ≤ Λ" by simp
from Eq3 Eq4 Eq5 have Eq6: "¦?T - ?ICT¦ ≤ 2*Λ"
by simp
have Eq7: "?ICT - ?D = ?Xl - ?D"
from corr_p rte have "te p i ≤ te p (i+1)"
from this corr_l correct_closed have corr_l_tpi: "correct l (te p i)"
by blast
from corr_q_tq rte have "te q i ≤ te q (i+1)"
by simp
from this corr_l_tq correct_closed have corr_l_tqi: "correct l (te q i)"
by blast
from IClock corr_l
have F1: "IC l i (te p (i+1)) = PC l (te p (i+1)) + Adj l i"
from IClock corr_l_tq
have F2: "IC l i (te q (i+1)) = PC l (te q (i+1)) + Adj l i"
by simp
from F1 F2 show ?thesis by(simp)
from this XlD have Eq8: "¦?ICT - ?D¦ ≤ β*ρ"
by arith
from Eq1 Eq2 Eq6 Eq8 show ?thesis
from Split XqD TD have F1: "?M ≤ 2* β * ρ + 2*Λ"
have F2: "2 * ρ * β + 2*Λ = 2* β * ρ + 2*Λ"
by simp
from F1 show ?thesis by (simp only: F2)
lemma pe_cond2:
assumes ie: "te m i ≤ te l i"
and corr_k: "correct k (te k (i+1))"
and corr_l_tk: "correct l (te k (i+1))"
and corr_m_tk: "correct m (te k (i+1))"
and ind_hyp: "¦IC l i (te l i) - IC m i (te l i)¦ ≤ δS"
shows "¦θ k (i+1) l - θ k (i+1) m¦ ≤ 2*Λ + δS + 2*ρ*(rmax + β)"
let ?X = "θ k (i+1) l - θ k (i+1) m"
let ?N = "2*Λ + δS + 2*ρ*(rmax + β)"
let ?D1 = "θ k (i+1) l - IC l i (te k (i+1))"
let ?D2 = "θ k (i+1) m - IC m i (te k (i+1))"
let ?ICS = "IC l i (te k (i+1)) - IC m i (te k (i+1))"
let ?tlm = "te l i"
let ?IC = "IC l i ?tlm - IC m i ?tlm"
have Eq1: "¦?X¦ = ¦(?D1 - ?D2) + ?ICS¦" (is "?E1 = ?E2")
by (simp add: abs_if)
have Eq2: "?E2 ≤ ¦?D1 - ?D2¦ + ¦?ICS¦" by (simp add: abs_if)
from corr_l_tk corr_k beta_bound1 have ie_lk: "te l i ≤ te k (i+1)"
by (simp add: le_diff_eq)
from this corr_l_tk correct_closed have corr_l: "correct l (te l i)"
by blast
from ie_lk corr_l_tk corr_m_tk IC_bd
have Eq3: "¦?ICS¦ ≤ ¦?IC¦ + 2*ρ*(te k (i+1) - ?tlm)"
by simp
from this ind_hyp have Eq4: "¦?ICS¦ ≤ δS + 2*ρ*(te k (i+1) - ?tlm)"
by simp
from corr_l corr_k beta_bound2 have "te k (i+1) - ?tlm ≤ rmax + β"
by simp
from this constants_ax have "2*ρ*(te k (i+1) - ?tlm) ≤ 2*ρ*(rmax + β)"
by simp
from this Eq4 have Eq4a: "¦?ICS¦ ≤ δS + 2*ρ*(rmax + β)"
by simp
from corr_k corr_l_tk readerror
have Eq5: "¦?D1¦ ≤ Λ" by simp
from corr_k corr_m_tk readerror
have Eq6: "¦?D2¦ ≤ Λ" by simp
have "¦?D1 - ?D2¦ ≤ ¦?D1¦ + ¦?D2¦" by (simp add: abs_if)
from this Eq5 Eq6 have Eq7: "¦?D1 - ?D2¦ ≤ 2*Λ"
by (simp)
from Eq1 Eq2 Eq4a Eq7 split show ?thesis by (simp)
lemma theta_bound:
assumes corr_l: "correct l (te p (i+1))"
and corr_m: "correct m (te p (i+1))"
and corr_p: "correct p (te p (i+1))"
and IC_bound:
"¦IC l i (max (te l i) (te m i)) - IC m i (max (te l i) (te m i))¦
≤ δS"
shows "¦θ p (i+1) l - θ p (i+1) m¦
≤ 2*Λ + δS + 2*ρ*(rmax + β)"
from corr_p corr_l beta_bound1 have tli_le_tp: "te l i ≤ te p (i+1)"
by (simp add: le_diff_eq)
from corr_p corr_m beta_bound1 have tmi_le_tp: "te m i ≤ te p (i+1)"
by (simp add: le_diff_eq)
let ?tml = "max (te l i) (te m i)"
from tli_le_tp tmi_le_tp have tml_le_tp: "?tml ≤ te p (i+1)"
by simp
from tml_le_tp corr_l correct_closed have corr_l_tml: "correct l ?tml"
by blast
from tml_le_tp corr_m correct_closed have corr_m_tml: "correct m ?tml"
by blast
let ?Y = "2*Λ + δS + 2*ρ*(rmax + β)"
show "¦θ p (i+1) l - θ p (i+1) m¦ ≤ ?Y"
proof cases
assume A: "te m i < te l i"
from this IC_bound
have "¦IC l i (te l i) - IC m i (te l i)¦ ≤ δS"
by(simp add: max_def)
from this A corr_p corr_l corr_m pe_cond2
show ?thesis by(simp)
assume "¬ (te m i < te l i)"
hence Eq1: "te l i ≤ te m i" by simp
from this IC_bound
have Eq2: "¦IC l i (te m i) - IC m i (te m i)¦ ≤ δS"
by(simp add: max_def)
hence "¦IC m i (te m i) - IC l i (te m i)¦ ≤ δS"
by (simp add: abs_minus_commute)
from this Eq1 corr_p corr_l corr_m pe_cond2
have "¦θ p (i+1) m - θ p (i+1) l¦ ≤ ?Y"
thus ?thesis by (simp add: abs_minus_commute)
lemma four_one_ind_half:
assumes ie1: "β ≤ rmin"
and ie2: "μ ≤ δS"
and ie3: "γ1 δS ≤ δS"
and ind_hyp: "okmaxsync i δS"
and ie4: "te q (i+1) ≤ te p (i+1)"
and corr_p: "correct p (te p (i+1))"
and corr_q: "correct q (te p (i+1))"
shows "¦IC p (i+1) (te p (i+1)) - IC q (i+1) (te p (i+1))¦ ≤ δS"
let ?tpq = "te p (i+1)"
let ?f = "λ n. θ q (i+1) n + (PC q (te p (i+1)) - PC q (te q (i+1)))"
let ?g = "θ p (i+1)"
from ie4 corr_q correct_closed have corr_q_tq: "correct q (te q (i+1))"
by blast
have Eq_IC_cfn: "¦IC p (i+1) ?tpq - IC q (i+1) ?tpq¦ =
¦cfn q ?f - cfn p ?g¦"
from corr_p ICp_Suc have Eq1: "IC p (i+1) ?tpq = cfn p ?g" by simp
from ie4 corr_p corr_q IC_trans_inv
have Eq2: "IC q (i+1) ?tpq = cfn q ?f" by simp
from Eq1 Eq2 show ?thesis by(simp add: abs_if)
let ?ppred = "λ l. correct l (te p (i+1))"
let ?X = "2*ρ*β + 2*Λ"
have "∀ l. ?ppred l ⟶ ¦?f l - ?g l¦ ≤ ?X"
proof -
fix l
assume "?ppred l"
from ie4 corr_p corr_q this pe_cond1
have "¦?f l - ?g l¦ ≤ (2*ρ*β + 2*Λ)"
thus ?thesis by blast
hence cond1: "okRead2 ?f ?g ?X ?ppred"
by(simp add: okRead2_def)
let ?Y = "2*Λ + δS + 2*ρ*(rmax + β)"
have "∀ l m. ?ppred l ∧ ?ppred m ⟶ ¦?f l - ?f m¦ ≤ ?Y"
fix l m
assume corr_l: "?ppred l"
assume corr_m: "?ppred m"
from corr_p corr_l beta_bound1 have tli_le_tp: "te l i ≤ te p (i+1)"
by (simp add: le_diff_eq)
from corr_p corr_m beta_bound1 have tmi_le_tp: "te m i ≤ te p (i+1)"
by (simp add: le_diff_eq)
let ?tlm = "max (te l i) (te m i)"
from tli_le_tp tmi_le_tp have tlm_le_tp: "?tlm ≤ te p (i+1)"
by simp
from ie4 corr_l correct_closed have corr_l_tq: "correct l (te q (i+1))"
by blast
from ie4 corr_m correct_closed have corr_m_tq: "correct m (te q (i+1))"
by blast
from tlm_le_tp corr_l correct_closed have corr_l_tlm: "correct l ?tlm"
by blast
from tlm_le_tp corr_m correct_closed have corr_m_tlm: "correct m ?tlm"
by blast
from ind_hyp corr_l_tlm corr_m_tlm
have EqAbs1: "¦IC l i ?tlm - IC m i ?tlm¦ ≤ δS"
by(auto simp add: okmaxsync_def)
have EqAbs3: "¦?f l - ?f m¦ = ¦θ q (i+1) l - θ q (i+1) m¦"
by (simp add: abs_if)
from EqAbs1 corr_q_tq corr_l_tq corr_m_tq theta_bound
have "¦θ q (i+1) l - θ q (i+1) m¦ ≤ ?Y"
by simp
from this EqAbs3 have "¦?f l - ?f m¦ ≤ ?Y"
by simp
thus ?thesis by simp
hence cond2a: "okRead1 ?f ?Y ?ppred" by (simp add: okRead1_def)
have "∀ l m. ?ppred l ∧ ?ppred m ⟶ ¦?g l - ?g m¦ ≤ ?Y"
fix l m
assume corr_l: "?ppred l"
assume corr_m: "?ppred m"
from corr_p corr_l beta_bound1 have tli_le_tp: "te l i ≤ te p (i+1)"
by (simp add: le_diff_eq)
from corr_p corr_m beta_bound1 have tmi_le_tp: "te m i ≤ te p (i+1)"
by (simp add: le_diff_eq)
let ?tlm = "max (te l i) (te m i)"
from tli_le_tp tmi_le_tp have tlm_le_tp: "?tlm ≤ te p (i+1)"
by simp
from tlm_le_tp corr_l correct_closed have corr_l_tlm: "correct l ?tlm"
by blast
from tlm_le_tp corr_m correct_closed have corr_m_tlm: "correct m ?tlm"
by blast
from ind_hyp corr_l_tlm corr_m_tlm
have EqAbs1: "¦IC l i ?tlm - IC m i ?tlm¦ ≤ δS"
by(auto simp add: okmaxsync_def)
from EqAbs1 corr_p corr_l corr_m theta_bound
have "¦?g l - ?g m¦ ≤ ?Y" by simp
thus ?thesis by simp
hence cond2b: "okRead1 ?g ?Y ?ppred" by (simp add: okRead1_def)
from correct_count have "np - maxfaults ≤ count ?ppred np"
by simp
from this corr_p corr_q cond1 cond2a cond2b prec_enh
have "¦cfn q ?f - cfn p ?g¦ ≤ π ?X ?Y"
by blast
from ie3 this have "¦cfn q ?f - cfn p ?g¦ ≤ δS"
by (simp add: γ1_def)
from this Eq_IC_cfn show ?thesis by (simp)
text‹Theorem 4.1 in Shankar's paper.›
theorem four_one:
assumes ie1: "β ≤ rmin"
and ie2: "μ ≤ δS"
and ie3: "γ1 δS ≤ δS"
shows "okmaxsync i δS"
proof(induct i)
show "okmaxsync 0 δS"
fix p q
assume corr_p: "correct p (max (te p 0) (te q 0))"
assume corr_q: "correct q (max (te p 0) (te q 0))"
from corr_p synch0 have cp0: "correct p 0" by simp
from corr_q synch0 have cq0: "correct q 0" by simp
from synch0 cp0 cq0 IClock
have IC_eq_PC:
"¦IC p 0 (max (te p 0) (te q 0)) - IC q 0 (max (te p 0) (te q 0))¦
= ¦PC p 0 - PC q 0¦" (is "?T1 = ?T2")
by(simp add: Adj_def)
from ie2 init synch0 cp0 have range1: "0 ≤ PC p 0 ∧ PC p 0 ≤ δS"
by auto
from ie2 init synch0 cq0 have range2: "0 ≤ PC q 0 ∧ PC q 0 ≤ δS"
by auto
have "?T2 ≤ δS"
proof cases
assume A:"PC p 0 < PC q 0"
from A range1 range2 show ?thesis
by(auto simp add: abs_if)
assume notA: "¬ (PC p 0 < PC q 0)"
from notA range1 range2 show ?thesis
by(auto simp add: abs_if)
from this IC_eq_PC have "?T1 ≤ δS" by simp
thus ?thesis by (simp add: okmaxsync_def)
fix i assume ind_hyp: "okmaxsync i δS"
show "okmaxsync (Suc i) δS"
fix p q
assume corr_p: "correct p (max (te p (i + 1)) (te q (i + 1)))"
assume corr_q: "correct q (max (te p (i + 1)) (te q (i + 1)))"
let ?tp = "te p (i + 1)"
let ?tq = "te q (i + 1)"
let ?tpq = "max ?tp ?tq"
have "¦IC p (i+1) ?tpq - IC q (i+1) ?tpq¦ ≤ δS" (is "?E1 ≤ δS")
proof cases
assume A: "?tq < ?tp"
from A corr_p have cp1: "correct p (te p (i+1))"
by (simp add: max_def)
from A corr_q have cq1: "correct q (te p (i+1))"
by (simp add: max_def)
from A
have Eq1: "?E1 = ¦IC p (i+1) (te p (i+1)) - IC q (i+1) (te p (i+1))¦"
(is "?E1 = ?E2")
by (simp add: max_def)
from A cp1 cq1 corr_p corr_q ind_hyp ie1 ie2 ie3
have "?E2 ≤ δS" by (simp)
from this Eq1 show ?thesis by simp
assume notA: "¬ (?tq < ?tp)"
from this corr_p have cp2: "correct p (te q (i+1))"
by (simp add: max_def)
from notA corr_q have cq2: "correct q (te q (i+1))"
by (simp add: max_def)
from notA
have Eq2: "?E1 = ¦IC q (i+1) (te q (i+1)) - IC p (i+1) (te q (i+1))¦"
(is "?E1 = ?E3")
by (simp add: max_def abs_minus_commute)
from notA have "?tp ≤ ?tq" by simp
from this cp2 cq2 ind_hyp ie1 ie2 ie3 four_one_ind_half
have "?E3 ≤ δS"
by simp
from this Eq2 show ?thesis by (simp)
thus ?thesis by (simp add: okmaxsync_def)
lemma VC_cfn:
assumes corr_p: "correct p (te p (i+1))"
and ie: "te p (i+1) < te p (i+2)"
shows "VC p (te p (i+1)) = cfn p (θ p (i+1))"
from ie corr_p VClock have "VC p (te p (i+1)) = IC p (i+1) (te p (i+1))"
by simp
from corr_p IClock
have "IC p (i+1) (te p (i+1)) = PC p (te p (i+1)) + Adj p (i+1)"
by blast
have "PC p (te p (i+1)) + Adj p (i+1) = cfn p (θ p (i+1))"
by(simp add: Adj_def)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
text‹Lemma for the inductive case in Theorem 4.2›
lemma four_two_ind:
assumes ie1: "β ≤ rmin"
and ie2: "μ ≤ δS"
and ie3: "γ1 δS ≤ δS"
and ie4: "γ2 δS ≤ δ"
and ie5: "γ3 δS ≤ δ"
and ie6: "te q (i+1) ≤ te p (i+1)"
and ind_hyp: "okClocks p q i"
and t_bound1: "0 ≤ t"
and t_bound2: "t < max (te p (i+1)) (te q (i+1))"
and t_bound3: "max (te p i) (te q i) ≤ t"
and tpq_bound: "max (te p i) (te q i) < max (te p (i+1)) (te q (i+1))"
and corr_p: "correct p t"
and corr_q: "correct q t"
shows "¦VC p t - VC q t¦ ≤ δ"
proof cases
assume A: "t < te q (i+1)"
let ?tpq = "max (te p i) (te q i)"
have Eq1: "te p i ≤ t ∧ te q i ≤ t"
proof cases
assume "te p i ≤ te q i"
from this t_bound3 show ?thesis by (simp add: max_def)
assume "¬ (te p i ≤ te q i)"
from this t_bound3 show ?thesis by (simp add: max_def)
from ie6 have tp_max: "max (te p (i+1)) (te q (i+1)) = te p (i+1)"
by(simp add: max_def)
from this t_bound2 have Eq2: "t < te p (i+1)" by simp
from VClock Eq1 Eq2 corr_p have Eq3: "VC p t = IC p i t" by simp
from VClock Eq1 A corr_q have Eq4: "VC q t = IC q i t" by simp
from Eq3 Eq4 have Eq5: "¦VC p t - VC q t¦ = ¦IC p i t - IC q i t¦"
by simp
from t_bound3 corr_p corr_q correct_closed
have corr_tpq: "correct p ?tpq ∧ correct q ?tpq"
from t_bound3 IC_bd corr_p corr_q
have Eq6: "¦IC p i t - IC q i t¦ ≤ ¦IC p i ?tpq - IC q i ?tpq¦
+ 2*ρ*(t - ?tpq)" (is "?E1 ≤ ?E2")
from ie1 ie2 ie3 four_one have "okmaxsync i δS" by simp
from this corr_tpq have "¦IC p i ?tpq - IC q i ?tpq¦ ≤ δS"
by(simp add: okmaxsync_def)
from Eq6 this have Eq7: "?E1 ≤ δS + 2*ρ*(t - ?tpq)" by simp
from corr_p Eq2 rts0 have "t - te p i ≤ rmax" by simp
from this have "t - ?tpq ≤ rmax" by (simp add: max_def)
from this constants_ax have "2*ρ*(t - ?tpq) ≤ 2*ρ*rmax"
by simp
hence "δS + 2*ρ*(t - ?tpq) ≤ δS + 2*ρ*rmax"
by simp
from this Eq7 have "?E1 ≤ δS + 2*ρ*rmax" by simp
from this Eq5 ie4 show ?thesis by(simp add: γ2_def)
assume "¬ (t < te q (i+1))"
hence B: "te q (i+1) ≤ t" by simp
from ie6 t_bound2
have tp_max: "max (te p (i+1)) (te q (i+1)) = te p (i+1)"
by(simp add: max_def)
have "te p i ≤ max (te p i) (te q i)"
by(simp add: max_def)
from this t_bound3 have tp_bound1: "te p i ≤ t" by simp
from tp_max t_bound2 have tp_bound2: "t < te p (i+1)" by simp
have tq_bound1: "t < te q (i+2)"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ (t < te q (i+2))"
hence C: "te q (i+2) ≤ t" by simp
from C corr_q correct_closed
have corr_q_t2: "correct q (te q (i+2))" by blast
have "te q (i+1) + β ≤ t"
from corr_q_t2 rts1d have "rmin ≤ te q (i+2) - te q (i+1)"
by simp
from this ie1 have "β ≤ te q (i+2) - te q (i+1)"
by simp
hence "te q (i+1) + β ≤ te q (i+2)" by simp
from this C show ?thesis by simp
from this corr_p corr_q rts2a have "te p (i+1) ≤ t"
by blast
hence "¬ (t < te p (i+1))" by simp
from this tp_bound2 show False by simp
from tq_bound1 B have tq_bound2: "te q (i+1) < te q (i+2)" by simp
from B tp_bound2 have tq_bound3: "te q (i+1) < te p (i+1)"
by simp
from B corr_p correct_closed
have corr_p_tq1: "correct p (te q (i+1))" by blast
from B correct_closed corr_q
have corr_q_tq1: "correct q (te q (i+1))" by blast
from corr_p_tq1 corr_q_tq1 beta_bound1
have tq_bound4: "te p i ≤ te q (i+1)"
by(simp add: le_diff_eq)
from tq_bound1 VClock B corr_q
have Eq1: "VC q t = IC q (i+1) t" by simp
from VClock tp_bound1 tp_bound2 corr_p
have Eq2: "VC p t = IC p i t" by simp
from Eq1 Eq2 have Eq3: "¦VC p t - VC q t¦ = ¦IC p i t - IC q (i+1) t¦"
by simp
from B corr_p corr_q IC_bd
have "¦IC p i t - IC q (i+1) t¦ ≤
¦IC p i (te q (i+1)) - IC q (i+1) (te q (i+1))¦ + 2*ρ*(t - te q (i+1))"
by simp
from this Eq3
have VC_split: "¦VC p t - VC q t¦ ≤
¦IC p i (te q (i+1)) - IC q (i+1) (te q (i+1))¦ + 2*ρ*(t - te q (i+1))"
by simp
from tq_bound2 VClock corr_q_tq1
have Eq4: "VC q (te q (i+1)) = IC q (i+1) (te q (i+1))" by simp
from this tq_bound2 VC_cfn corr_q_tq1
have Eq5: "IC q (i+1) (te q (i+1)) = cfn q (θ q (i+1))" by simp
hence IC_eq_cfn: "IC p i (te q (i+1)) - IC q (i+1) (te q (i+1)) =
IC p i (te q (i+1)) - cfn q (θ q (i+1))"
(is "?E1 = ?E2")
by simp
let ?f = "θ q (i+1)"
let ?ppred = "λ l. correct l (te q (i+1))"
let ?X = "2*Λ + δS + 2*ρ*(rmax + β)"
have "∀ l m. ?ppred l ∧ ?ppred m ⟶ ¦θ q (i+1) l - θ q (i+1) m¦ ≤ ?X"
fix l :: process
fix m :: process
assume corr_l: "?ppred l"
assume corr_m: "?ppred m"
let ?tlm = "max (te l i) (te m i)"
have tlm_bound: "?tlm ≤ te q (i+1)"
from corr_l corr_q_tq1 beta_bound1 have "te l i ≤ te q (i+1)"
by (simp add: le_diff_eq)
from corr_m corr_q_tq1 beta_bound1 have "te m i ≤ te q (i+1)"
by (simp add: le_diff_eq)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
from tlm_bound corr_l corr_m correct_closed
have corr_tlm: "correct l ?tlm ∧ correct m ?tlm"
by blast
have "¦IC l i ?tlm - IC m i ?tlm¦ ≤ δS"
from ie1 ie2 ie3 four_one have "okmaxsync i δS"
by simp
from this corr_tlm show ?thesis by(simp add: okmaxsync_def)
from this corr_l corr_m corr_q_tq1 theta_bound
have "¦θ q (i+1) l - θ q (i+1) m¦ ≤ ?X" by simp
thus ?thesis by blast
hence readOK: "okRead1 (θ q (i+1)) ?X ?ppred"
by(simp add: okRead1_def)
let ?E3 = "cfn q (θ q (i+1)) - θ q (i+1) p"
let ?E4 = "θ q (i+1) p - IC p i (te q (i+1))"
have "¦?E2¦ = ¦?E3 + ?E4¦" by (simp add: abs_if)
hence Eq8: "¦?E2¦ ≤ ¦?E3¦ + ¦?E4¦" by (simp add: abs_if)
from correct_count have ppredOK: "np - maxfaults ≤ count ?ppred np"
by simp
from readOK ppredOK corr_p_tq1 corr_q_tq1 acc_prsv
have "¦?E3¦ ≤ α ?X"
by blast
from this Eq8 have Eq9: "¦?E2¦ ≤ α ?X + ¦?E4¦" by simp
from corr_p_tq1 corr_q_tq1 readerror
have "¦?E4¦ ≤ Λ" by simp
from this Eq9 have Eq10: "¦?E2¦ ≤ α ?X + Λ" by simp
from this VC_split IC_eq_cfn
have almost_right:
"¦VC p t - VC q t¦ ≤
α ?X + Λ + 2*ρ*(t - te q (i+1))"
by simp
have "t - te q (i+1) ≤ β"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ (t - te q (i+1) ≤ β)"
hence "te q (i+1) + β ≤ t" by simp
from this corr_p corr_q rts2a have "te p (i+1) ≤ t"
by auto
hence "¬ (t < te p (i+1))" by simp
from this tp_bound2 show False
by simp
from this constants_ax
have "α ?X + Λ + 2*ρ*(t - te q (i+1))
≤ α ?X + Λ + 2*ρ*β"
by (simp)
from this almost_right
have "¦VC p t - VC q t¦ ≤ α ?X + Λ + 2*ρ*β"
by arith
from this ie5 show ?thesis by (simp add: γ3_def)
text‹Theorem 4.2 in Shankar's paper.›
theorem four_two:
assumes ie1: "β ≤ rmin"
and ie2: "μ ≤ δS"
and ie3: "γ1 δS ≤ δS"
and ie4: "γ2 δS ≤ δ"
and ie5: "γ3 δS ≤ δ"
shows "okClocks p q i"
proof (induct i)
show "okClocks p q 0"
fix t :: time
assume t_bound1: "0 ≤ t"
assume t_bound2: "t < max (te p 0) (te q 0)"
assume corr_p: "correct p t"
assume corr_q: "correct q t"
from t_bound2 synch0 have "t < 0"
by(simp add: max_def)
from this t_bound1 have False by simp
hence "¦VC p t - VC q t¦ ≤ δ" by simp
thus ?thesis by (simp add: okClocks_def)
fix i::nat assume ind_hyp: "okClocks p q i"
show "okClocks p q (Suc i)"
proof -
fix t :: time
assume t_bound1: "0 ≤ t"
assume t_bound2: "t < max (te p (i+1)) (te q (i+1))"
assume corr_p: "correct p t"
assume corr_q: "correct q t"
let ?tpq1 = "max (te p i) (te q i)"
let ?tpq2 = "max (te p (i+1)) (te q (i+1))"
have "¦VC p t - VC q t¦ ≤ δ"
proof cases
assume tpq_bound: "?tpq1 < ?tpq2"
show ?thesis
proof cases
assume "t < ?tpq1"
from t_bound1 this corr_p corr_q ind_hyp
show ?thesis by(simp add: okClocks_def)
assume "¬ (t < ?tpq1)"
hence tpq_le_t: "?tpq1 ≤ t" by arith
show ?thesis
proof cases
assume A: "te q (i+1) ≤ te p (i+1)"
from this tpq_le_t tpq_bound ie1 ie2 ie3 ie4 ie5
ind_hyp t_bound1 t_bound2
corr_p corr_q tpq_bound four_two_ind
show ?thesis by(simp)
assume "¬ (te q (i+1) ≤ te p (i+1))"
hence B: "te p (i+1) ≤ te q (i+1)" by simp
from ind_hyp okClocks_sym have ind_hyp1: "okClocks q p i"
by blast
have maxsym1: "max (te p (i+1)) (te q (i+1)) = max (te q (i+1)) (te p (i+1))"
by (simp add: max_def)
have maxsym2: "max (te p i) (te q i) = max (te q i) (te p i)"
by (simp add: max_def)
from maxsym1 t_bound2
have t_bound21: "t < max (te q (i+1)) (te p (i+1))"
by simp
from maxsym1 maxsym2 tpq_bound
have tpq_bound1: "max (te q i) (te p i) < max (te q (i+1)) (te p (i+1))"
by simp
from maxsym2 tpq_le_t
have tpq_le_t1: "max (te q i) (te p i) ≤ t" by simp
from B tpq_le_t1 tpq_bound1 ie1 ie2 ie3 ie4 ie5
ind_hyp1 t_bound1 t_bound21
corr_p corr_q tpq_bound four_two_ind
have "¦VC q t - VC p t¦ ≤ δ" by(simp)
thus ?thesis by (simp add: abs_minus_commute)
assume "¬ (?tpq1 < ?tpq2)"
hence "?tpq2 ≤ ?tpq1" by arith
from t_bound2 this have "t < ?tpq1" by arith
from t_bound1 this corr_p corr_q ind_hyp
show ?thesis by(simp add: okClocks_def)
thus ?thesis by (simp add: okClocks_def)
text‹The main theorem: all correct clocks are synchronized within the
bound delta.›
theorem agreement:
assumes ie1: "β ≤ rmin"
and ie2: "μ ≤ δS"
and ie3: "γ1 δS ≤ δS"
and ie4: "γ2 δS ≤ δ"
and ie5: "γ3 δS ≤ δ"
and ie6: "0 ≤ t"
and cpq: "correct p t ∧ correct q t"
shows "¦VC p t - VC q t¦ ≤ δ"
from ie6 cpq event_bound have "∃ i :: nat. t < max (te p i) (te q i)"
by simp
from this obtain i :: nat where t_bound: "t < max (te p i) (te q i)" ..
from t_bound ie1 ie2 ie3 ie4 ie5 four_two have "okClocks p q i"
by simp
from ie6 this t_bound cpq show ?thesis
by (simp add: okClocks_def)