Theory Deterministic_FO_Ordered_Resolution_Prover
section ‹A Deterministic Ordered Resolution Prover for First-Order Clauses›
text ‹
The ‹deterministic_RP› prover introduced below is a deterministic program that works on finite
lists, committing to a strategy for assigning priorities to clauses. However, it is not fully
executable: It abstracts over operations on atoms and employs logical specifications instead of
executable functions for auxiliary notions.
theory Deterministic_FO_Ordered_Resolution_Prover
subsection ‹Library›
lemma apfst_fst_snd: "apfst f x = (f (fst x), snd x)"
by (rule apfst_conv[of _ "fst x" "snd x" for x, unfolded prod.collapse])
lemma apfst_comp_rpair_const: "apfst f ∘ (λx. (x, y)) = (λx. (x, y)) ∘ f"
by (simp add: comp_def)
lemma length_remove1_less[termination_simp]: "x ∈ set xs ⟹ length (remove1 x xs) < length xs"
by (induct xs) auto
lemma map_filter_neq_eq_filter_map:
"map f (filter (λy. f x ≠ f y) xs) = filter (λz. f x ≠ z) (map f xs)"
by (induct xs) auto
lemma mset_map_remdups_gen:
"mset (map f (remdups_gen f xs)) = mset (remdups_gen (λx. x) (map f xs))"
by (induct f xs rule: remdups_gen.induct) (auto simp: map_filter_neq_eq_filter_map)
lemma mset_remdups_gen_ident: "mset (remdups_gen (λx. x) xs) = mset_set (set xs)"
proof -
have "f = (λx. x) ⟹ mset (remdups_gen f xs) = mset_set (set xs)" for f
proof (induct f xs rule: remdups_gen.induct)
case (2 f x xs)
note ih = this(1) and f = this(2)
show ?case
unfolding f remdups_gen.simps ih[OF f, unfolded f] mset.simps
by (metis finite_set list.simps(15) mset_set.insert_remove removeAll_filter_not_eq
remove_code(1) remove_def)
qed simp
then show ?thesis
by simp
lemma funpow_fixpoint: "f x = x ⟹ (f ^^ n) x = x"
by (induct n) auto
lemma rtranclp_imp_eq_image: "(∀x y. R x y ⟶ f x = f y) ⟹ R⇧*⇧* x y ⟹ f x = f y"
by (erule rtranclp.induct) auto
lemma tranclp_imp_eq_image: "(∀x y. R x y ⟶ f x = f y) ⟹ R⇧+⇧+ x y ⟹ f x = f y"
by (erule tranclp.induct) auto
subsection ‹Prover›
type_synonym 'a lclause = "'a literal list"
type_synonym 'a dclause = "'a lclause × nat"
type_synonym 'a dstate = "'a dclause list × 'a dclause list × 'a dclause list × nat"
locale deterministic_FO_resolution_prover =
weighted_FO_resolution_prover_with_size_timestamp_factors S subst_atm id_subst comp_subst
renamings_apart atm_of_atms mgu less_atm size_atm timestamp_factor size_factor
S :: "('a :: wellorder) clause ⇒ 'a clause" and
subst_atm :: "'a ⇒ 's ⇒ 'a" and
id_subst :: "'s" and
comp_subst :: "'s ⇒ 's ⇒ 's" and
renamings_apart :: "'a literal multiset list ⇒ 's list" and
atm_of_atms :: "'a list ⇒ 'a" and
mgu :: "'a set set ⇒ 's option" and
less_atm :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool" and
size_atm :: "'a ⇒ nat" and
timestamp_factor :: nat and
size_factor :: nat +
S_empty: "S C = {#}"
lemma less_atm_irrefl: "¬ less_atm A A"
using ex_ground_subst less_atm_ground less_atm_stable unfolding is_ground_subst_def by blast
fun wstate_of_dstate :: "'a dstate ⇒ 'a wstate" where
"wstate_of_dstate (N, P, Q, n) =
(mset (map (apfst mset) N), mset (map (apfst mset) P), mset (map (apfst mset) Q), n)"
fun state_of_dstate :: "'a dstate ⇒ 'a state" where
"state_of_dstate (N, P, Q, _) =
(set (map (mset ∘ fst) N), set (map (mset ∘ fst) P), set (map (mset ∘ fst) Q))"
abbreviation clss_of_dstate :: "'a dstate ⇒ 'a clause set" where
"clss_of_dstate St ≡ clss_of_state (state_of_dstate St)"
fun is_final_dstate :: "'a dstate ⇒ bool" where
"is_final_dstate (N, P, Q, n) ⟷ N = [] ∧ P = []"
declare is_final_dstate.simps [simp del]
abbreviation rtrancl_weighted_RP (infix "↝⇩w⇧*" 50) where
"(↝⇩w⇧*) ≡ (↝⇩w)⇧*⇧*"
abbreviation trancl_weighted_RP (infix "↝⇩w⇧+" 50) where
"(↝⇩w⇧+) ≡ (↝⇩w)⇧+⇧+"
definition is_tautology :: "'a lclause ⇒ bool" where
"is_tautology C ⟷ (∃A ∈ set (map atm_of C). Pos A ∈ set C ∧ Neg A ∈ set C)"
definition subsume :: "'a lclause list ⇒ 'a lclause ⇒ bool" where
"subsume Ds C ⟷ (∃D ∈ set Ds. subsumes (mset D) (mset C))"
definition strictly_subsume :: "'a lclause list ⇒ 'a lclause ⇒ bool" where
"strictly_subsume Ds C ⟷ (∃D ∈ set Ds. strictly_subsumes (mset D) (mset C))"
definition is_reducible_on :: "'a literal ⇒ 'a lclause ⇒ 'a literal ⇒ 'a lclause ⇒ bool" where
"is_reducible_on M D L C ⟷ subsumes (mset D + {#- M#}) (mset C + {#L#})"
definition is_reducible_lit :: "'a lclause list ⇒ 'a lclause ⇒ 'a literal ⇒ bool" where
"is_reducible_lit Ds C L ⟷
(∃D ∈ set Ds. ∃L' ∈ set D. ∃σ. - L = L' ⋅l σ ∧ mset (remove1 L' D) ⋅ σ ⊆# mset C)"
primrec reduce :: "'a lclause list ⇒ 'a lclause ⇒ 'a lclause ⇒ 'a lclause" where
"reduce _ _ [] = []"
| "reduce Ds C (L # C') =
(if is_reducible_lit Ds (C @ C') L then reduce Ds C C' else L # reduce Ds (L # C) C')"
abbreviation is_irreducible :: "'a lclause list ⇒ 'a lclause ⇒ bool" where
"is_irreducible Ds C ≡ reduce Ds [] C = C"
abbreviation is_reducible :: "'a lclause list ⇒ 'a lclause ⇒ bool" where
"is_reducible Ds C ≡ reduce Ds [] C ≠ C"
definition reduce_all :: "'a lclause ⇒ 'a dclause list ⇒ 'a dclause list" where
"reduce_all D = map (apfst (reduce [D] []))"
fun reduce_all2 :: "'a lclause ⇒ 'a dclause list ⇒ 'a dclause list × 'a dclause list" where
"reduce_all2 _ [] = ([], [])"
| "reduce_all2 D (Ci # Cs) =
(C, i) = Ci;
C' = reduce [D] [] C
(if C' = C then apsnd else apfst) (Cons (C', i)) (reduce_all2 D Cs))"
fun remove_all :: "'b list ⇒ 'b list ⇒ 'b list" where
"remove_all xs [] = xs"
| "remove_all xs (y # ys) = (if y ∈ set xs then remove_all (remove1 y xs) ys else remove_all xs ys)"
lemma remove_all_mset_minus: "mset ys ⊆# mset xs ⟹ mset (remove_all xs ys) = mset xs - mset ys"
proof (induction ys arbitrary: xs)
case (Cons y ys)
show ?case
proof (cases "y ∈ set xs")
case y_in: True
then have subs: "mset ys ⊆# mset (remove1 y xs)"
using Cons(2) by (simp add: insert_subset_eq_iff)
show ?thesis
using y_in Cons subs by auto
case False
then show ?thesis
using Cons by auto
qed auto
definition resolvent :: "'a lclause ⇒ 'a ⇒'a lclause ⇒ 'a lclause ⇒ 'a lclause" where
"resolvent D A CA Ls =
map (λM. M ⋅l (the (mgu {insert A (atms_of (mset Ls))}))) (remove_all CA Ls @ D)"
definition resolvable :: "'a ⇒ 'a lclause ⇒ 'a lclause ⇒ 'a lclause ⇒ bool" where
"resolvable A D CA Ls ⟷
(let σ = (mgu {insert A (atms_of (mset Ls))}) in
σ ≠ None
∧ Ls ≠ []
∧ maximal_wrt (A ⋅a the σ) ((add_mset (Neg A) (mset D)) ⋅ the σ)
∧ strictly_maximal_wrt (A ⋅a the σ) ((mset CA - mset Ls) ⋅ the σ)
∧ (∀L ∈ set Ls. is_pos L))"
definition resolve_on :: "'a ⇒ 'a lclause ⇒ 'a lclause ⇒ 'a lclause list" where
"resolve_on A D CA = map (resolvent D A CA) (filter (resolvable A D CA) (subseqs CA))"
definition resolve :: "'a lclause ⇒ 'a lclause ⇒ 'a lclause list" where
"resolve C D =
concat (map (λL.
(case L of
Pos A ⇒ []
| Neg A ⇒
if maximal_wrt A (mset D) then
resolve_on A (remove1 L D) C
[])) D)"
definition resolve_rename :: "'a lclause ⇒ 'a lclause ⇒ 'a lclause list" where
"resolve_rename C D =
(let σs = renamings_apart [mset D, mset C] in
resolve (map (λL. L ⋅l last σs) C) (map (λL. L ⋅l hd σs) D))"
definition resolve_rename_either_way :: "'a lclause ⇒ 'a lclause ⇒ 'a lclause list" where
"resolve_rename_either_way C D = resolve_rename C D @ resolve_rename D C"
fun select_min_weight_clause :: "'a dclause ⇒ 'a dclause list ⇒ 'a dclause" where
"select_min_weight_clause Ci [] = Ci"
| "select_min_weight_clause Ci (Dj # Djs) =
(if weight (apfst mset Dj) < weight (apfst mset Ci) then Dj else Ci) Djs"
lemma select_min_weight_clause_in: "select_min_weight_clause P0 P ∈ set (P0 # P)"
by (induct P arbitrary: P0) auto
function remdups_clss :: "'a dclause list ⇒ 'a dclause list" where
"remdups_clss [] = []"
| "remdups_clss (Ci # Cis) =
Ci' = select_min_weight_clause Ci Cis
Ci' # remdups_clss (filter (λ(D, _). mset D ≠ mset (fst Ci')) (Ci # Cis)))"
by pat_completeness auto
apply (relation "measure length")
apply (rule wf_measure)
by (metis (mono_tags) in_measure length_filter_less prod.case_eq_if select_min_weight_clause_in)
declare remdups_clss.simps(2) [simp del]
fun deterministic_RP_step :: "'a dstate ⇒ 'a dstate" where
"deterministic_RP_step (N, P, Q, n) =
(if ∃Ci ∈ set (P @ Q). fst Ci = [] then
([], [], remdups_clss P @ Q, n + length (remdups_clss P))
(case N of
[] ⇒
(case P of
[] ⇒ (N, P, Q, n)
| P0 # P' ⇒
(C, i) = select_min_weight_clause P0 P';
N = map (λD. (D, n)) (remdups_gen mset (resolve_rename C C
@ concat (map (resolve_rename_either_way C ∘ fst) Q)));
P = filter (λ(D, j). mset D ≠ mset C) P;
Q = (C, i) # Q;
n = Suc n
(N, P, Q, n))
| (C, i) # N ⇒
C = reduce (map fst (P @ Q)) [] C
if C = [] then
([], [], [([], i)], Suc n)
else if is_tautology C ∨ subsume (map fst (P @ Q)) C then
(N, P, Q, n)
P = reduce_all C P;
(back_to_P, Q) = reduce_all2 C Q;
P = back_to_P @ P;
Q = filter (Not ∘ strictly_subsume [C] ∘ fst) Q;
P = filter (Not ∘ strictly_subsume [C] ∘ fst) P;
P = (C, i) # P
(N, P, Q, n)))"
declare deterministic_RP_step.simps [simp del]
partial_function (option) deterministic_RP :: "'a dstate ⇒ 'a lclause list option" where
"deterministic_RP St =
(if is_final_dstate St then
let (_, _, Q, _) = St in Some (map fst Q)
deterministic_RP (deterministic_RP_step St))"
lemma is_final_dstate_imp_not_weighted_RP: "is_final_dstate St ⟹ ¬ wstate_of_dstate St ↝⇩w St'"
using wrp.final_weighted_RP
by (cases St) (auto intro: wrp.final_weighted_RP simp: is_final_dstate.simps)
lemma is_final_dstate_funpow_imp_deterministic_RP_neq_None:
"is_final_dstate ((deterministic_RP_step ^^ k) St) ⟹ deterministic_RP St ≠ None"
proof (induct k arbitrary: St)
case (Suc k)
note ih = this(1) and final_Sk = this(2)[simplified, unfolded funpow_swap1]
show ?case
using ih[OF final_Sk] by (subst deterministic_RP.simps) (simp add: prod.case_eq_if)
qed (subst deterministic_RP.simps, simp add: prod.case_eq_if)
lemma is_reducible_lit_mono_cls:
"mset C ⊆# mset C' ⟹ is_reducible_lit Ds C L ⟹ is_reducible_lit Ds C' L"
unfolding is_reducible_lit_def by (blast intro: subset_mset.trans)
lemma is_reducible_lit_mset_iff:
"mset C = mset C' ⟹ is_reducible_lit Ds C' L ⟷ is_reducible_lit Ds C L"
by (metis is_reducible_lit_mono_cls subset_mset.order_refl)
lemma is_reducible_lit_remove1_Cons_iff:
assumes "L ∈ set C'"
shows "is_reducible_lit Ds (C @ remove1 L (M # C')) L ⟷
is_reducible_lit Ds (M # C @ remove1 L C') L"
using assms by (subst is_reducible_lit_mset_iff, auto)
lemma reduce_mset_eq: "mset C = mset C' ⟹ reduce Ds C E = reduce Ds C' E"
proof (induct E arbitrary: C C')
case (Cons L E)
note ih = this(1) and mset_eq = this(2)
mset_lc_eq: "mset (L # C) = mset (L # C')" and
mset_ce_eq: "mset (C @ E) = mset (C' @ E)"
using mset_eq by simp+
show ?case
using ih[OF mset_eq] ih[OF mset_lc_eq] by (simp add: is_reducible_lit_mset_iff[OF mset_ce_eq])
qed simp
lemma reduce_rotate[simp]: "reduce Ds (C @ [L]) E = reduce Ds (L # C) E"
by (rule reduce_mset_eq) simp
lemma mset_reduce_subset: "mset (reduce Ds C E) ⊆# mset E"
by (induct E arbitrary: C) (auto intro: subset_mset_imp_subset_add_mset)
lemma reduce_idem: "reduce Ds C (reduce Ds C E) = reduce Ds C E"
by (induct E arbitrary: C)
(auto intro!: mset_reduce_subset
dest!: is_reducible_lit_mono_cls[of "C @ reduce Ds (L # C) E" "C @ E" Ds L for L E C,
lemma is_reducible_lit_imp_is_reducible:
"L ∈ set C' ⟹ is_reducible_lit Ds (C @ remove1 L C') L ⟹ reduce Ds C C' ≠ C'"
proof (induct C' arbitrary: C)
case (Cons M C')
note ih = this(1) and l_in = this(2) and l_red = this(3)
show ?case
proof (cases "is_reducible_lit Ds (C @ C') M")
case True
then show ?thesis
by simp (metis mset.simps(2) mset_reduce_subset multi_self_add_other_not_self
subset_mset.eq_iff subset_mset_imp_subset_add_mset)
case m_irred: False
"L ∈ set C'" and
"is_reducible_lit Ds (M # C @ remove1 L C') L"
using l_in l_red m_irred is_reducible_lit_remove1_Cons_iff by auto
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: ih[of "M # C"] m_irred)
qed simp
lemma is_reducible_imp_is_reducible_lit:
"reduce Ds C C' ≠ C' ⟹ ∃L ∈ set C'. is_reducible_lit Ds (C @ remove1 L C') L"
proof (induct C' arbitrary: C)
case (Cons M C')
note ih = this(1) and mc'_red = this(2)
show ?case
proof (cases "is_reducible_lit Ds (C @ C') M")
case m_irred: False
show ?thesis
using ih[of "M # C"] mc'_red[simplified, simplified m_irred, simplified] m_irred
by auto
qed simp
qed simp
lemma is_irreducible_iff_nexists_is_reducible_lit:
"reduce Ds C C' = C' ⟷ ¬ (∃L ∈ set C'. is_reducible_lit Ds (C @ remove1 L C') L)"
using is_reducible_imp_is_reducible_lit is_reducible_lit_imp_is_reducible by blast
lemma is_irreducible_mset_iff: "mset E = mset E' ⟹ reduce Ds C E = E ⟷ reduce Ds C E' = E'"
unfolding is_irreducible_iff_nexists_is_reducible_lit
by (metis (full_types) is_reducible_lit_mset_iff mset_remove1 set_mset_mset union_code)
lemma select_min_weight_clause_min_weight:
assumes "Ci = select_min_weight_clause P0 P"
shows "weight (apfst mset Ci) = Min ((weight ∘ apfst mset) ` set (P0 # P))"
using assms
proof (induct P arbitrary: P0 Ci)
case (Cons P1 P)
note ih = this(1) and ci = this(2)
show ?case
proof (cases "weight (apfst mset P1) < weight (apfst mset P0)")
case True
then have min: "Min ((weight ∘ apfst mset) ` set (P0 # P1 # P)) =
Min ((weight ∘ apfst mset) ` set (P1 # P))"
by (simp add: min_def)
show ?thesis
unfolding min by (rule ih[of Ci P1]) (simp add: ih[of Ci P1] ci True)
case False
have "Min ((weight ∘ apfst mset) ` set (P0 # P1 # P)) =
Min ((weight ∘ apfst mset) ` set (P1 # P0 # P))"
by (rule arg_cong[of _ _ Min]) auto
then have min: "Min ((weight ∘ apfst mset) ` set (P0 # P1 # P)) =
Min ((weight ∘ apfst mset) ` set (P0 # P))"
by (simp add: min_def) (use False eq_iff in fastforce)
show ?thesis
unfolding min by (rule ih[of Ci P0]) (simp add: ih[of Ci P1] ci False)
qed simp
lemma remdups_clss_Nil_iff: "remdups_clss Cs = [] ⟷ Cs = []"
by (cases Cs, simp, hypsubst, subst remdups_clss.simps(2), simp add: Let_def)
lemma empty_N_if_Nil_in_P_or_Q:
assumes nil_in: "[] ∈ fst ` set (P @ Q)"
shows "wstate_of_dstate (N, P, Q, n) ↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate ([], P, Q, n)"
proof (induct N)
case ih: (Cons N0 N)
have "wstate_of_dstate (N0 # N, P, Q, n) ↝⇩w wstate_of_dstate (N, P, Q, n)"
by (rule arg_cong2[THEN iffD1, of _ _ _ _ "(↝⇩w)", OF _ _
wrp.forward_subsumption[of "{#}" "mset (map (apfst mset) P)" "mset (map (apfst mset) Q)"
"mset (fst N0)" "mset (map (apfst mset) N)" "snd N0" n]])
(use nil_in in ‹force simp: image_def apfst_fst_snd›)+
then show ?case
using ih by (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
qed simp
lemma remove_strictly_subsumed_clauses_in_P:
c_in: "C ∈ fst ` set N" and
p_nsubs: "∀D ∈ fst ` set P. ¬ strictly_subsume [C] D"
shows "wstate_of_dstate (N, P @ P', Q, n)
↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate (N, P @ filter (Not ∘ strictly_subsume [C] ∘ fst) P', Q, n)"
using p_nsubs
proof (induct "length P'" arbitrary: P P' rule: less_induct)
case less
note ih = this(1) and p_nsubs = this(2)
show ?case
proof (cases "length P'")
case Suc
let ?Dj = "hd P'"
let ?P'' = "tl P'"
have p': "P' = hd P' # tl P'"
using Suc by (metis length_Suc_conv list.distinct(1) list.exhaust_sel)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "strictly_subsume [C] (fst ?Dj)")
case subs: True
have p_filtered: "{#(E, k) ∈# image_mset (apfst mset) (mset P). E ≠ mset (fst ?Dj)#} =
image_mset (apfst mset) (mset P)"
by (rule filter_mset_cong[OF refl, of _ _ "λ_. True", simplified],
use subs p_nsubs in ‹auto simp: strictly_subsume_def›)
have "{#(E, k) ∈# image_mset (apfst mset) (mset P'). E ≠ mset (fst ?Dj)#} =
{#(E, k) ∈# image_mset (apfst mset) (mset ?P''). E ≠ mset (fst ?Dj)#}"
by (subst (2) p') (simp add: case_prod_beta)
also have "… =
image_mset (apfst mset) (mset (filter (λ(E, l). mset E ≠ mset (fst ?Dj)) ?P''))"
by (auto simp: image_mset_filter_swap[symmetric] case_prod_beta)
finally have p'_filtered:
"{#(E, k) ∈# image_mset (apfst mset) (mset P'). E ≠ mset (fst ?Dj)#} =
image_mset (apfst mset) (mset (filter (λ(E, l). mset E ≠ mset (fst ?Dj)) ?P''))"
have "wstate_of_dstate (N, P @ P', Q, n)
↝⇩w wstate_of_dstate (N, P @ filter (λ(E, l). mset E ≠ mset (fst ?Dj)) ?P'', Q, n)"
by (rule arg_cong2[THEN iffD1, of _ _ _ _ "(↝⇩w)", OF _ _
wrp.backward_subsumption_P[of "mset C" "mset (map (apfst mset) N)" "mset (fst ?Dj)"
"mset (map (apfst mset) (P @ P'))" "mset (map (apfst mset) Q)" n]],
use c_in subs in ‹auto simp add: p_filtered p'_filtered arg_cong[OF p', of set]
also have "…
↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate (N, P @ filter (Not ∘ strictly_subsume [C] ∘ fst) P', Q, n)"
apply (rule arg_cong2[THEN iffD1, of _ _ _ _ "(↝⇩w⇧*)", OF _ _
ih[of "filter (λ(E, l). mset E ≠ mset (fst ?Dj)) ?P''" P]])
apply simp_all
apply (subst (3) p')
using subs
apply (simp add: case_prod_beta)
apply (rule arg_cong[of _ _ "λx. image_mset (apfst mset) x"])
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) strictly_subsume_def)
apply (subst (3) p')
apply (subst list.size)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) less_Suc0 less_add_same_cancel1 linorder_neqE_nat
not_add_less1 sum_length_filter_compl trans_less_add1)
using p_nsubs by fast
ultimately show ?thesis
by (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
case nsubs: False
show ?thesis
apply (rule arg_cong2[THEN iffD1, of _ _ _ _ "(↝⇩w⇧*)", OF _ _
ih[of ?P'' "P @ [?Dj]"]])
using nsubs p_nsubs
apply (simp_all add: arg_cong[OF p', of mset] arg_cong[OF p', of "filter f" for f])
apply (subst (1 2) p')
by simp
qed simp
lemma remove_strictly_subsumed_clauses_in_Q:
assumes c_in: "C ∈ fst ` set N"
shows "wstate_of_dstate (N, P, Q @ Q', n)
↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate (N, P, Q @ filter (Not ∘ strictly_subsume [C] ∘ fst) Q', n)"
proof (induct Q' arbitrary: Q)
case ih: (Cons Dj Q')
have "wstate_of_dstate (N, P, Q @ Dj # Q', n) ↝⇩w⇧*
wstate_of_dstate (N, P, Q @ filter (Not ∘ strictly_subsume [C] ∘ fst) [Dj] @ Q', n)"
proof (cases "strictly_subsume [C] (fst Dj)")
case subs: True
have "wstate_of_dstate (N, P, Q @ Dj # Q', n) ↝⇩w wstate_of_dstate (N, P, Q @ Q', n)"
by (rule arg_cong2[THEN iffD1, of _ _ _ _ "(↝⇩w)", OF _ _
wrp.backward_subsumption_Q[of "mset C" "mset (map (apfst mset) N)" "mset (fst Dj)"
"mset (map (apfst mset) P)" "mset (map (apfst mset) (Q @ Q'))" "snd Dj" n]])
(use c_in subs in ‹auto simp: apfst_fst_snd strictly_subsume_def›)
then show ?thesis
by auto
qed simp
then show ?case
using ih[of "Q @ filter (Not ∘ strictly_subsume [C] ∘ fst) [Dj]"] by force
qed simp
lemma reduce_clause_in_P:
c_in: "C ∈ fst ` set N" and
p_irred: "∀(E, k) ∈ set (P @ P'). k > j ⟶ is_irreducible [C] E"
shows "wstate_of_dstate (N, P @ (D @ D', j) # P', Q, n)
↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate (N, P @ (D @ reduce [C] D D', j) # P', Q, n)"
proof (induct D' arbitrary: D)
case ih: (Cons L D')
show ?case
proof (cases "is_reducible_lit [C] (D @ D') L")
case l_red: True
then obtain L' :: "'a literal" and σ :: 's where
l'_in: "L' ∈ set C" and
not_l: "- L = L' ⋅l σ" and
subs: "mset (remove1 L' C) ⋅ σ ⊆# mset (D @ D')"
unfolding is_reducible_lit_def by force
have ldd'_red: "is_reducible [C] (L # D @ D')"
apply (rule is_reducible_lit_imp_is_reducible)
using l_red by auto
have lt_imp_neq: "∀(E, k) ∈ set (P @ P'). j < k ⟶ mset E ≠ mset (L # D @ D')"
using p_irred ldd'_red is_irreducible_mset_iff by fast
have "wstate_of_dstate (N, P @ (D @ L # D', j) # P', Q, n)
↝⇩w wstate_of_dstate (N, P @ (D @ D', j) # P', Q, n)"
apply (rule arg_cong2[THEN iffD1, of _ _ _ _ "(↝⇩w)", OF _ _
wrp.backward_reduction_P[of "mset C - {#L'#}" L' "mset (map (apfst mset) N)" L σ
"mset (D @ D')" "mset (map (apfst mset) (P @ P'))" j "mset (map (apfst mset) Q)" n]])
using l'_in not_l subs c_in lt_imp_neq by (simp_all add: case_prod_beta) force+
then show ?thesis
using ih[of D] l_red by simp
case False
then show ?thesis
using ih[of "D @ [L]"] by simp
qed simp
lemma reduce_clause_in_Q:
c_in: "C ∈ fst ` set N" and
p_irred: "∀(E, k) ∈ set P. k > j ⟶ is_irreducible [C] E" and
d'_red: "reduce [C] D D' ≠ D'"
shows "wstate_of_dstate (N, P, Q @ (D @ D', j) # Q', n)
↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate (N, (D @ reduce [C] D D', j) # P, Q @ Q', n)"
using d'_red
proof (induct D' arbitrary: D)
case (Cons L D')
note ih = this(1) and ld'_red = this(2)
then show ?case
proof (cases "is_reducible_lit [C] (D @ D') L")
case l_red: True
then obtain L' :: "'a literal" and σ :: 's where
l'_in: "L' ∈ set C" and
not_l: "- L = L' ⋅l σ" and
subs: "mset (remove1 L' C) ⋅ σ ⊆# mset (D @ D')"
unfolding is_reducible_lit_def by force
have "wstate_of_dstate (N, P, Q @ (D @ L # D', j) # Q', n)
↝⇩w wstate_of_dstate (N, (D @ D', j) # P, Q @ Q', n)"
by (rule arg_cong2[THEN iffD1, of _ _ _ _ "(↝⇩w)", OF _ _
wrp.backward_reduction_Q[of "mset C - {#L'#}" L' "mset (map (apfst mset) N)" L σ
"mset (D @ D')" "mset (map (apfst mset) P)" "mset (map (apfst mset) (Q @ Q'))" j n]],
use l'_in not_l subs c_in in auto)
then show ?thesis
using l_red p_irred reduce_clause_in_P[OF c_in, of "[]" P j D D' "Q @ Q'" n] by simp
case l_nred: False
then have d'_red: "reduce [C] (D @ [L]) D' ≠ D'"
using ld'_red by simp
show ?thesis
using ih[OF d'_red] l_nred by simp
qed simp
lemma reduce_clauses_in_P:
c_in: "C ∈ fst ` set N" and
p_irred: "∀(E, k) ∈ set P. is_irreducible [C] E"
shows "wstate_of_dstate (N, P @ P', Q, n) ↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate (N, P @ reduce_all C P', Q, n)"
unfolding reduce_all_def
using p_irred
proof (induct "length P'" arbitrary: P P')
case (Suc l)
note ih = this(1) and suc_l = this(2) and p_irred = this(3)
have p'_nnil: "P' ≠ []"
using suc_l by auto
define j :: nat where
"j = Max (snd ` set P')"
obtain Dj :: "'a dclause" where
dj_in: "Dj ∈ set P'" and
snd_dj: "snd Dj = j"
using Max_in[of "snd ` set P'", unfolded image_def, simplified]
by (metis image_def j_def length_Suc_conv list.set_intros(1) suc_l)
have "∀k ∈ snd ` set P'. k ≤ j"
unfolding j_def using p'_nnil by simp
then have j_max: "∀(E, k) ∈ set P'. j ≥ k"
unfolding image_def by fastforce
obtain P1' P2' :: "'a dclause list" where
p': "P' = P1' @ Dj # P2'"
using split_list[OF dj_in] by blast
have "wstate_of_dstate (N, P @ P1' @ Dj # P2', Q, n)
↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate (N, P @ P1' @ apfst (reduce [C] []) Dj # P2', Q, n)"
unfolding append_assoc[symmetric]
apply (subst (1 2) surjective_pairing[of Dj, unfolded snd_dj])
apply (simp only: apfst_conv)
apply (rule reduce_clause_in_P[of _ _ _ _ _ "[]", unfolded append_Nil, OF c_in])
using p_irred j_max[unfolded p'] by (force simp: case_prod_beta)
moreover have "wstate_of_dstate (N, P @ P1' @ apfst (reduce [C] []) Dj # P2', Q, n)
↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate (N, P @ map (apfst (reduce [C] [])) (P1' @ Dj # P2'), Q, n)"
apply (rule arg_cong2[THEN iffD1, of _ _ _ _ "(↝⇩w⇧*)", OF _ _
ih[of "P1' @ P2'" "apfst (reduce [C] []) Dj # P"]])
using suc_l reduce_idem p_irred unfolding p' by (auto simp: case_prod_beta)
ultimately show ?case
unfolding p' by simp
qed simp
lemma reduce_clauses_in_Q:
c_in: "C ∈ fst ` set N" and
p_irred: "∀(E, k) ∈ set P. is_irreducible [C] E"
shows "wstate_of_dstate (N, P, Q @ Q', n)
↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate (N, fst (reduce_all2 C Q') @ P, Q @ snd (reduce_all2 C Q'), n)"
using p_irred
proof (induct Q' arbitrary: P Q)
case (Cons Dj Q')
note ih = this(1) and p_irred = this(2)
show ?case
proof (cases "is_irreducible [C] (fst Dj)")
case True
then show ?thesis
using ih[of _ "Q @ [Dj]"] p_irred by (simp add: case_prod_beta)
case d_red: False
have "wstate_of_dstate (N, P, Q @ Dj # Q', n)
↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate (N, (reduce [C] [] (fst Dj), snd Dj) # P, Q @ Q', n)"
using p_irred reduce_clause_in_Q[of _ _ P "snd Dj" "[]" _ Q Q' n, OF c_in _ d_red]
by (cases Dj) force
then show ?thesis
using ih[of "(reduce [C] [] (fst Dj), snd Dj) # P" Q] d_red p_irred reduce_idem
by (force simp: case_prod_beta)
qed simp
lemma eligible_iff:
"eligible S σ As DA ⟷ As = [] ∨ length As = 1 ∧ maximal_wrt (hd As ⋅a σ) (DA ⋅ σ)"
unfolding eligible.simps S_empty by (fastforce dest: hd_conv_nth)
lemma ord_resolve_one_side_prem:
"ord_resolve S CAs DA AAs As σ E ⟹ length CAs = 1 ∧ length AAs = 1 ∧ length As = 1"
by (force elim!: ord_resolve.cases simp: eligible_iff)
lemma ord_resolve_rename_one_side_prem:
"ord_resolve_rename S CAs DA AAs As σ E ⟹ length CAs = 1 ∧ length AAs = 1 ∧ length As = 1"
by (force elim!: ord_resolve_rename.cases dest: ord_resolve_one_side_prem)
abbreviation Bin_ord_resolve :: "'a clause ⇒ 'a clause ⇒ 'a clause set" where
"Bin_ord_resolve C D ≡ {E. ∃AA A σ. ord_resolve S [C] D [AA] [A] σ E}"
abbreviation Bin_ord_resolve_rename :: "'a clause ⇒ 'a clause ⇒ 'a clause set" where
"Bin_ord_resolve_rename C D ≡ {E. ∃AA A σ. ord_resolve_rename S [C] D [AA] [A] σ E}"
lemma resolve_on_eq_UNION_Bin_ord_resolve:
"mset ` set (resolve_on A D CA) =
{E. ∃AA σ. ord_resolve S [mset CA] ({#Neg A#} + mset D) [AA] [A] σ E}"
fix E :: "'a literal list"
assume "E ∈ set (resolve_on A D CA)"
then have "E ∈ resolvent D A CA ` {Ls. subseq Ls CA ∧ resolvable A D CA Ls}"
unfolding resolve_on_def by simp
then obtain Ls where Ls_p: "resolvent D A CA Ls = E" "subseq Ls CA ∧ resolvable A D CA Ls"
by auto
define σ where "σ = the (mgu {insert A (atms_of (mset Ls))})"
then have σ_p:
"mgu {insert A (atms_of (mset Ls))} = Some σ"
"Ls ≠ []"
"eligible S σ [A] (add_mset (Neg A) (mset D))"
"strictly_maximal_wrt (A ⋅a σ) ((mset CA - mset Ls) ⋅ σ)"
"∀L ∈ set Ls. is_pos L"
using Ls_p unfolding resolvable_def unfolding Let_def eligible.simps using S_empty by auto
from σ_p have σ_p2: "the (mgu {insert A (atms_of (mset Ls))}) = σ"
by auto
have Ls_sub_CA: "mset Ls ⊆# mset CA"
using subseq_mset_subseteq_mset Ls_p by auto
then have "mset (resolvent D A CA Ls) = sum_list [mset CA - mset Ls] ⋅ σ + mset D ⋅ σ"
unfolding resolvent_def σ_p2 subst_cls_def using remove_all_mset_minus[of Ls CA] by auto
have "length [mset CA - mset Ls] = Suc 0"
by auto
have "∀L ∈ set Ls. is_pos L"
using σ_p(5) list_all_iff[of is_pos] by auto
then have "{#Pos (atm_of x). x ∈# mset Ls#} = mset Ls"
by (induction Ls) auto
then have "mset CA = [mset CA - mset Ls] ! 0 + {#Pos (atm_of x). x ∈# mset Ls#}"
using Ls_sub_CA by auto
have "Ls ≠ []"
using σ_p by -
have "Some σ = mgu {insert A (atm_of ` set Ls)}"
using σ_p unfolding atms_of_def by auto
have "eligible S σ [A] (add_mset (Neg A) (mset D))"
using σ_p by -
have "strictly_maximal_wrt (A ⋅a σ) ([mset CA - mset Ls] ! 0 ⋅ σ)"
using σ_p(4) by auto
moreover have "S (mset CA) = {#}"
by (simp add: S_empty)
ultimately have "∃Cs. mset (resolvent D A CA Ls) = sum_list Cs ⋅ σ + mset D ⋅ σ
∧ length Cs = Suc 0 ∧ mset CA = Cs ! 0 + {#Pos (atm_of x). x ∈# mset Ls#}
∧ Ls ≠ [] ∧ Some σ = mgu {insert A (atm_of ` set Ls)}
∧ eligible S σ [A] (add_mset (Neg A) (mset D)) ∧ strictly_maximal_wrt (A ⋅a σ) (Cs ! 0 ⋅ σ)
∧ S (mset CA) = {#}"
by blast
then have "ord_resolve S [mset CA] (add_mset (Neg A) (mset D)) [image_mset atm_of (mset Ls)] [A]
σ (mset (resolvent D A CA Ls))"
unfolding ord_resolve.simps by auto
then have "∃AA σ. ord_resolve S [mset CA] (add_mset (Neg A) (mset D)) [AA] [A] σ (mset E)"
using Ls_p by auto
then show "mset ` set (resolve_on A D CA)
⊆ {E. ∃AA σ. ord_resolve S [mset CA] ({#Neg A#} + mset D) [AA] [A] σ E}"
by auto
fix E AA σ
assume "ord_resolve S [mset CA] (add_mset (Neg A) (mset D)) [AA] [A] σ E"
then obtain Cs where res': "E = sum_list Cs ⋅ σ + mset D ⋅ σ"
"length Cs = Suc 0"
"mset CA = Cs ! 0 + poss AA"
"AA ≠ {#}"
"Some σ = mgu {insert A (set_mset AA)}"
"eligible S σ [A] (add_mset (Neg A) (mset D))"
"strictly_maximal_wrt (A ⋅a σ) (Cs ! 0 ⋅ σ)"
"S (Cs ! 0 + poss AA) = {#}"
unfolding ord_resolve.simps by auto
moreover define C where "C = Cs ! 0"
ultimately have res:
"E = sum_list Cs ⋅ σ + mset D ⋅ σ"
"mset CA = C + poss AA"
"AA ≠ {#}"
"Some σ = mgu {insert A (set_mset AA)}"
"eligible S σ [A] (add_mset (Neg A) (mset D))"
"strictly_maximal_wrt (A ⋅a σ) (C ⋅ σ)"
"S (C + poss AA) = {#}"
unfolding ord_resolve.simps by auto
from this(1) have
"E = C ⋅ σ + mset D ⋅ σ"
unfolding C_def using res'(2) by (cases Cs) auto
note res' = this res(2-7)
have "∃Al. mset Al = AA ∧ subseq (map Pos Al) CA"
using res(2)
proof (induction CA arbitrary: AA C)
case Nil
then show ?case by auto
case (Cons L CA)
then show ?case
proof (cases "L ∈# poss AA ")
case True
then have pos_L: "is_pos L"
by auto
have rem: "⋀A'. Pos A' ∈# poss AA ⟹
remove1_mset (Pos A') (C + poss AA) = C + poss (remove1_mset A' AA)"
by (induct AA) auto
have "mset CA = C + (poss (AA - {#atm_of L#}))"
using True Cons(2)
by (metis add_mset_remove_trivial rem literal.collapse(1) mset.simps(2) pos_L)
then have "∃Al. mset Al = remove1_mset (atm_of L) AA ∧ subseq (map Pos Al) CA"
using Cons(1)[of _ "((AA - {#atm_of L#}))"] by metis
then obtain Al where
"mset Al = remove1_mset (atm_of L) AA ∧ subseq (map Pos Al) CA"
by auto
then have
"mset (atm_of L # Al) = AA" and
"subseq (map Pos (atm_of L # Al)) (L # CA)"
using True by (auto simp add: pos_L)
then show ?thesis
by blast
case False
then have "mset CA = remove1_mset L C + poss AA"
using Cons(2)
by (metis Un_iff add_mset_remove_trivial mset.simps(2) set_mset_union single_subset_iff
subset_mset.add_diff_assoc2 union_single_eq_member)
then have "∃Al. mset Al = AA ∧ subseq (map Pos Al) CA"
using Cons(1)[of "C - {#L#}" AA] Cons(2) by auto
then show ?thesis
by auto
then obtain Al where Al_p: "mset Al = AA" "subseq (map Pos Al) CA"
by auto
define Ls :: "'a lclause" where "Ls = map Pos Al"
have diff: "mset CA - mset Ls = C"
unfolding Ls_def using res(2) Al_p(1) by auto
have ls_subq_ca: "subseq Ls CA"
unfolding Ls_def using Al_p by -
have "∃y. mgu {insert A (atms_of (mset Ls))} = Some y"
unfolding Ls_def using res(4) Al_p by (metis atms_of_poss mset_map)
moreover have "Ls ≠ []"
using Al_p(1) Ls_def res'(3) by auto
moreover have σ_p: "the (mgu {insert A (set Al)}) = σ"
using res'(4) Al_p(1) by (metis option.sel set_mset_mset)
then have "eligible S (the (mgu {insert A (atms_of (mset Ls))})) [A]
(add_mset (Neg A) (mset D))"
unfolding Ls_def using res by auto
moreover have "strictly_maximal_wrt (A ⋅a the (mgu {insert A (atms_of (mset Ls))}))
((mset CA - mset Ls) ⋅ the (mgu {insert A (atms_of (mset Ls))}))"
unfolding Ls_def using res σ_p Al_p by auto
moreover have "∀L ∈ set Ls. is_pos L"
by (simp add: Ls_def)
ultimately have "resolvable A D CA Ls"
unfolding resolvable_def unfolding eligible.simps using S_empty by simp
moreover have ls_sub_ca: "mset Ls ⊆# mset CA"
using ls_subq_ca subseq_mset_subseteq_mset[of Ls CA] by simp
have "{#x ⋅l σ. x ∈# mset CA - mset Ls#} + {#M ⋅l σ. M ∈# mset D#} = C ⋅ σ + mset D ⋅ σ"
using diff unfolding subst_cls_def by simp
then have "{#x ⋅l σ. x ∈# mset CA - mset Ls#} + {#M ⋅l σ. M ∈# mset D#} = E"
using res'(1) by auto
then have "{#M ⋅l σ. M ∈# mset (remove_all CA Ls)#} + {#M ⋅l σ . M ∈# mset D#} = E"
using remove_all_mset_minus[of Ls CA] ls_sub_ca by auto
then have "mset (resolvent D A CA Ls) = E"
unfolding resolvable_def Let_def resolvent_def using Al_p(1) Ls_def atms_of_poss res'(4)
by (metis image_mset_union mset_append mset_map option.sel)
ultimately have "E ∈ mset ` set (resolve_on A D CA)"
unfolding resolve_on_def by auto
then show "{E. ∃AA σ. ord_resolve S [mset CA] ({#Neg A#} + mset D) [AA] [A] σ E}
⊆ mset ` set (resolve_on A D CA)"
by auto
lemma set_resolve_eq_UNION_set_resolve_on:
"set (resolve C D) =
(⋃L ∈ set D.
(case L of
Pos _ ⇒ {}
| Neg A ⇒ if maximal_wrt A (mset D) then set (resolve_on A (remove1 L D) C) else {}))"
unfolding resolve_def by (fastforce split: literal.splits if_splits)
lemma resolve_eq_Bin_ord_resolve: "mset ` set (resolve C D) = Bin_ord_resolve (mset C) (mset D)"
unfolding set_resolve_eq_UNION_set_resolve_on
apply (unfold image_UN literal.case_distrib if_distrib)
apply (subst resolve_on_eq_UNION_Bin_ord_resolve)
apply (rule order_antisym)
apply (force split: literal.splits if_splits)
apply (clarsimp split: literal.splits if_splits)
apply (rule_tac x = "Neg A" in bexI)
apply (rule conjI)
apply blast
apply clarify
apply (rule conjI)
apply clarify
apply (rule_tac x = AA in exI)
apply (rule_tac x = σ in exI)
apply (frule ord_resolve.simps[THEN iffD1])
apply force
apply (drule ord_resolve.simps[THEN iffD1])
apply (clarsimp simp: eligible_iff simp del: subst_cls_add_mset subst_cls_union)
apply (drule maximal_wrt_subst)
apply sat
apply (drule ord_resolve.simps[THEN iffD1])
using set_mset_mset by fastforce
lemma poss_in_map_clauseD:
"poss AA ⊆# map_clause f C ⟹ ∃AA0. poss AA0 ⊆# C ∧ AA = {#f A. A ∈# AA0#}"
proof (induct AA arbitrary: C)
case (add A AA)
note ih = this(1) and aaa_sub = this(2)
have "Pos A ∈# map_clause f C"
using aaa_sub by auto
then obtain A0 where
pa0_in: "Pos A0 ∈# C" and
a: "A = f A0"
by clarify (metis literal.distinct(1) literal.exhaust literal.inject(1) literal.simps(9,10))
have "poss AA ⊆# map_clause f (C - {#Pos A0#})"
using pa0_in aaa_sub[unfolded a] by (simp add: image_mset_remove1_mset_if insert_subset_eq_iff)
then obtain AA0 where
paa0_sub: "poss AA0 ⊆# C - {#Pos A0#}" and
aa: "AA = image_mset f AA0"
using ih by meson
have "poss (add_mset A0 AA0) ⊆# C"
using pa0_in paa0_sub by (simp add: insert_subset_eq_iff)
moreover have "add_mset A AA = image_mset f (add_mset A0 AA0)"
unfolding a aa by simp
ultimately show ?case
by blast
qed simp
lemma poss_subset_filterD:
"poss AA ⊆# {#L ⋅l ρ. L ∈# mset C#} ⟹ ∃AA0. poss AA0 ⊆# mset C ∧ AA = AA0 ⋅am ρ"
unfolding subst_atm_mset_def subst_lit_def by (rule poss_in_map_clauseD)
lemma neg_in_map_literalD: "Neg A ∈ map_literal f ` D ⟹ ∃A0. Neg A0 ∈ D ∧ A = f A0"
unfolding image_def by (clarify, case_tac x, auto)
lemma neg_in_filterD: "Neg A ∈# {#L ⋅l ρ'. L ∈# mset D#} ⟹ ∃A0. Neg A0 ∈# mset D ∧ A = A0 ⋅a ρ'"
unfolding subst_lit_def image_def by (rule neg_in_map_literalD) simp
lemma resolve_rename_eq_Bin_ord_resolve_rename:
"mset ` set (resolve_rename C D) = Bin_ord_resolve_rename (mset C) (mset D)"
proof (intro order_antisym subsetI)
let ?ρs = "renamings_apart [mset D, mset C]"
define ρ' :: 's where
"ρ' = hd ?ρs"
define ρ :: 's where
"ρ = last ?ρs"
have tl_ρs: "tl ?ρs = [ρ]"
unfolding ρ_def
using renamings_apart_length Nitpick.size_list_simp(2) Suc_length_conv last.simps
by (smt length_greater_0_conv list.sel(3))
fix E
assume e_in: "E ∈ mset ` set (resolve_rename C D)"
from e_in obtain AA :: "'a multiset" and A :: 'a and σ :: 's where
aa_sub: "poss AA ⊆# mset C ⋅ ρ" and
a_in: "Neg A ∈# mset D ⋅ ρ'" and
res_e: "ord_resolve S [mset C ⋅ ρ] {#L ⋅l ρ'. L ∈# mset D#} [AA] [A] σ E"
unfolding ρ'_def ρ_def
apply atomize_elim
using e_in unfolding resolve_rename_def Let_def resolve_eq_Bin_ord_resolve
apply clarsimp
apply (frule ord_resolve_one_side_prem)
apply (frule ord_resolve.simps[THEN iffD1])
apply (rule_tac x = AA in exI)
apply (clarsimp simp: subst_cls_def)
apply (rule_tac x = A in exI)
by (metis (full_types) Melem_subst_cls set_mset_mset subst_cls_def union_single_eq_member)
obtain AA0 :: "'a multiset" where
aa0_sub: "poss AA0 ⊆# mset C" and
aa: "AA = AA0 ⋅am ρ"
using aa_sub
apply atomize_elim
apply (rule ord_resolve.cases[OF res_e])
by (rule poss_subset_filterD[OF aa_sub[unfolded subst_cls_def]])
obtain A0 :: 'a where
a0_in: "Neg A0 ∈ set D" and
a: "A = A0 ⋅a ρ'"
apply atomize_elim
apply (rule ord_resolve.cases[OF res_e])
using neg_in_filterD[OF a_in[unfolded subst_cls_def]] by simp
show "E ∈ Bin_ord_resolve_rename (mset C) (mset D)"
unfolding ord_resolve_rename.simps
using res_e
apply clarsimp
apply (rule_tac x = AA0 in exI)
apply (intro conjI)
apply (rule aa0_sub)
apply (rule_tac x = A0 in exI)
apply (intro conjI)
apply (rule a0_in)
apply (rule_tac x = σ in exI)
unfolding aa a ρ'_def[symmetric] ρ_def[symmetric] tl_ρs by (simp add: subst_cls_def)
fix E
assume e_in: "E ∈ Bin_ord_resolve_rename (mset C) (mset D)"
show "E ∈ mset ` set (resolve_rename C D)"
using e_in
unfolding resolve_rename_def Let_def resolve_eq_Bin_ord_resolve ord_resolve_rename.simps
apply clarsimp
apply (rule_tac x = "AA ⋅am ρ" in exI)
apply (rule_tac x = "A ⋅a ρ'" in exI)
apply (rule_tac x = σ in exI)
unfolding tl_ρs ρ'_def ρ_def by (simp add: subst_cls_def subst_cls_lists_def)
lemma bin_ord_FO_Γ_def:
"ord_FO_Γ S = {Infer {#CA#} DA E | CA DA AA A σ E. ord_resolve_rename S [CA] DA [AA] [A] σ E}"
unfolding ord_FO_Γ_def
apply (rule order.antisym)
apply clarify
apply (frule ord_resolve_rename_one_side_prem)
apply simp
apply (metis Suc_length_conv length_0_conv)
by blast
lemma ord_FO_Γ_side_prem: "γ ∈ ord_FO_Γ S ⟹ side_prems_of γ = {#THE D. D ∈# side_prems_of γ#}"
unfolding bin_ord_FO_Γ_def by clarsimp
lemma ord_FO_Γ_infer_from_Collect_eq:
"{γ ∈ ord_FO_Γ S. infer_from (DD ∪ {C}) γ ∧ C ∈# prems_of γ} =
{γ ∈ ord_FO_Γ S. ∃D ∈ DD ∪ {C}. prems_of γ = {#C, D#}}"
unfolding infer_from_def
apply (rule set_eq_subset[THEN iffD2])
apply (rule conjI)
apply clarify
apply (subst (asm) (1 2) ord_FO_Γ_side_prem, assumption, assumption)
apply (subst (1) ord_FO_Γ_side_prem, assumption)
apply force
apply clarify
apply (subst (asm) (1) ord_FO_Γ_side_prem, assumption)
apply (subst (1 2) ord_FO_Γ_side_prem, assumption)
by force
lemma inferences_between_eq_UNION: "inference_system.inferences_between (ord_FO_Γ S) Q C =
inference_system.inferences_between (ord_FO_Γ S) {C} C
∪ (⋃D ∈ Q. inference_system.inferences_between (ord_FO_Γ S) {D} C)"
unfolding ord_FO_Γ_infer_from_Collect_eq inference_system.inferences_between_def by auto
lemma concls_of_inferences_between_singleton_eq_Bin_ord_resolve_rename:
"concls_of (inference_system.inferences_between (ord_FO_Γ S) {D} C) =
Bin_ord_resolve_rename C C ∪ Bin_ord_resolve_rename C D ∪ Bin_ord_resolve_rename D C"
proof (intro order_antisym subsetI)
fix E
assume e_in: "E ∈ concls_of (inference_system.inferences_between (ord_FO_Γ S) {D} C)"
then show "E ∈ Bin_ord_resolve_rename C C ∪ Bin_ord_resolve_rename C D
∪ Bin_ord_resolve_rename D C"
unfolding inference_system.inferences_between_def ord_FO_Γ_infer_from_Collect_eq
bin_ord_FO_Γ_def infer_from_def by (fastforce simp: add_mset_eq_add_mset)
qed (force simp: inference_system.inferences_between_def infer_from_def ord_FO_Γ_def)
lemma concls_of_inferences_between_eq_Bin_ord_resolve_rename:
"concls_of (inference_system.inferences_between (ord_FO_Γ S) Q C) =
Bin_ord_resolve_rename C C ∪ (⋃D ∈ Q. Bin_ord_resolve_rename C D ∪ Bin_ord_resolve_rename D C)"
by (subst inferences_between_eq_UNION)
(auto simp: image_Un image_UN concls_of_inferences_between_singleton_eq_Bin_ord_resolve_rename)
lemma resolve_rename_either_way_eq_congls_of_inferences_between:
"mset ` set (resolve_rename C C) ∪ (⋃D ∈ Q. mset ` set (resolve_rename_either_way C D)) =
concls_of (inference_system.inferences_between (ord_FO_Γ S) (mset ` Q) (mset C))"
by (simp add: resolve_rename_either_way_def image_Un resolve_rename_eq_Bin_ord_resolve_rename
concls_of_inferences_between_eq_Bin_ord_resolve_rename UN_Un_distrib)
lemma compute_inferences:
ci_in: "(C, i) ∈ set P" and
ci_min: "∀(D, j) ∈# mset (map (apfst mset) P). weight (mset C, i) ≤ weight (D, j)"
"wstate_of_dstate ([], P, Q, n) ↝⇩w
wstate_of_dstate (map (λD. (D, n)) (remdups_gen mset (resolve_rename C C @
concat (map (resolve_rename_either_way C ∘ fst) Q))),
filter (λ(D, j). mset D ≠ mset C) P, (C, i) # Q, Suc n)"
(is "_ ↝⇩w wstate_of_dstate (?N, _)")
proof -
have ms_ci_in: "(mset C, i) ∈# image_mset (apfst mset) (mset P)"
using ci_in by force
show ?thesis
apply (rule arg_cong2[THEN iffD1, of _ _ _ _ "(↝⇩w)", OF _ _
wrp.inference_computation[of "mset (map (apfst mset) P) - {#(mset C, i)#}" "mset C" i
"mset (map (apfst mset) ?N)" n "mset (map (apfst mset) Q)"]])
apply (simp add: add_mset_remove_trivial_eq[THEN iffD2, OF ms_ci_in, symmetric])
using ms_ci_in
apply (simp add: ci_in image_mset_remove1_mset_if)
apply (smt apfst_conv case_prodE case_prodI2 case_prod_conv filter_mset_cong
image_mset_filter_swap mset_filter)
apply (metis ci_min in_diffD)
apply (simp only: list.map_comp apfst_comp_rpair_const)
apply (simp only: list.map_comp[symmetric])
apply (subst mset_map)
apply (unfold mset_map_remdups_gen mset_remdups_gen_ident)
apply (subst image_mset_mset_set)
apply (simp add: inj_on_def)
apply (subst mset_set_eq_iff)
apply simp
apply (simp add: finite_ord_FO_resolution_inferences_between)
apply (rule arg_cong[of _ _ "λN. (λD. (D, n)) ` N"])
apply (simp only: map_concat list.map_comp image_comp)
using resolve_rename_either_way_eq_congls_of_inferences_between[of C "fst ` set Q", symmetric]
by (simp add: image_comp comp_def image_UN)
lemma nonfinal_deterministic_RP_step:
nonfinal: "¬ is_final_dstate St" and
step: "St' = deterministic_RP_step St"
shows "wstate_of_dstate St ↝⇩w⇧+ wstate_of_dstate St'"
proof -
obtain N P Q :: "'a dclause list" and n :: nat where
st: "St = (N, P, Q, n)"
by (cases St) blast
note step = step[unfolded st deterministic_RP_step.simps, simplified]
show ?thesis
proof (cases "∃Ci ∈ set P ∪ set Q. fst Ci = []")
case nil_in: True
note step = step[simplified nil_in, simplified]
have nil_in': "[] ∈ fst ` set (P @ Q)"
using nil_in by (force simp: image_def)
have star: "[] ∈ fst ` set (P @ Q) ⟹
wstate_of_dstate (N, P, Q, n)
↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate ([], [], remdups_clss P @ Q, n + length (remdups_clss P))"
proof (induct "length (remdups_clss P)" arbitrary: N P Q n)
case 0
note len_p = this(1) and nil_in' = this(2)
have p_nil: "P = []"
using len_p remdups_clss_Nil_iff by simp
have "wstate_of_dstate (N, [], Q, n) ↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate ([], [], Q, n)"
by (rule empty_N_if_Nil_in_P_or_Q[OF nil_in'[unfolded p_nil]])
then show ?case
unfolding p_nil by simp
case (Suc k)
note ih = this(1) and suc_k = this(2) and nil_in' = this(3)
have "P ≠ []"
using suc_k remdups_clss_Nil_iff by force
hence p_cons: "P = hd P # tl P"
by simp
obtain C :: "'a lclause" and i :: nat where
ci: "(C, i) = select_min_weight_clause (hd P) (tl P)"
by (metis prod.exhaust)
have ci_in: "(C, i) ∈ set P"
unfolding ci using p_cons select_min_weight_clause_in[of "hd P" "tl P"] by simp
have ci_min: "∀(D, j) ∈# mset (map (apfst mset) P). weight (mset C, i) ≤ weight (D, j)"
by (subst p_cons) (simp add: select_min_weight_clause_min_weight[OF ci, simplified])
let ?P' = "filter (λ(D, j). mset D ≠ mset C) P"
have ms_p'_ci_q_eq: "mset (remdups_clss ?P' @ (C, i) # Q) = mset (remdups_clss P @ Q)"
apply (subst (2) p_cons)
apply (subst remdups_clss.simps(2))
by (auto simp: Let_def case_prod_beta p_cons[symmetric] ci[symmetric])
then have len_p: "length (remdups_clss P) = length (remdups_clss ?P') + 1"
by (smt Suc_eq_plus1_left add.assoc add_right_cancel length_Cons length_append
have "wstate_of_dstate (N, P, Q, n) ↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate ([], P, Q, n)"
by (rule empty_N_if_Nil_in_P_or_Q[OF nil_in'])
also obtain N' :: "'a dclause list" where
"… ↝⇩w wstate_of_dstate (N', ?P', (C, i) # Q, Suc n)"
by (atomize_elim, rule exI, rule compute_inferences[OF ci_in], use ci_min in fastforce)
also have "… ↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate ([], [], remdups_clss P @ Q, n + length (remdups_clss P))"
apply (rule arg_cong2[THEN iffD1, of _ _ _ _ "(↝⇩w⇧*)", OF _ _
ih[of ?P' "(C, i) # Q" N' "Suc n"], OF refl])
using ms_p'_ci_q_eq suc_k nil_in' ci_in
apply (simp_all add: len_p)
apply (metis (no_types) apfst_conv image_mset_add_mset)
by force
finally show ?case
show ?thesis
unfolding st step using star[OF nil_in'] nonfinal[unfolded st is_final_dstate.simps]
by cases simp_all
case nil_ni: False
note step = step[simplified nil_ni, simplified]
show ?thesis
proof (cases N)
case n_nil: Nil
note step = step[unfolded n_nil, simplified]
show ?thesis
proof (cases P)
case Nil
then have False
using n_nil nonfinal[unfolded st] by (simp add: is_final_dstate.simps)
then show ?thesis
using step by simp
case p_cons: (Cons P0 P')
note step = step[unfolded p_cons, folded p_cons]
obtain C :: "'a lclause" and i :: nat where
ci: "(C, i) = select_min_weight_clause P0 P'"
by (metis prod.exhaust)
note step = step[unfolded select, simplified]
have ci_in: "(C, i) ∈ set P"
by (rule select_min_weight_clause_in[of P0 P', folded ci p_cons])
show ?thesis
unfolding st n_nil step p_cons[symmetric] ci[symmetric]
by (rule tranclp.r_into_trancl, rule compute_inferences[OF ci_in])
(simp add: select_min_weight_clause_min_weight[OF ci, simplified] p_cons)
case n_cons: (Cons Ci N')
note step = step[unfolded n_cons, simplified]
obtain C :: "'a lclause" and i :: nat where
ci: "Ci = (C, i)"
by (cases Ci) simp
note step = step[unfolded ci, simplified]
define C' :: "'a lclause" where
"C' = reduce (map fst P @ map fst Q) [] C"
note step = step[unfolded ci C'_def[symmetric], simplified]
have "wstate_of_dstate ((E @ C, i) # N', P, Q, n)
↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate ((E @ reduce (map fst P @ map fst Q) E C, i) # N', P, Q, n)" for E
unfolding C'_def
proof (induct C arbitrary: E)
case (Cons L C)
note ih = this(1)
show ?case
proof (cases "is_reducible_lit (map fst P @ map fst Q) (E @ C) L")
case l_red: True
then have red_lc:
"reduce (map fst P @ map fst Q) E (L # C) = reduce (map fst P @ map fst Q) E C"
by simp
obtain D D' :: "'a literal list" and L' :: "'a literal" and σ :: 's where
"D ∈ set (map fst P @ map fst Q)" and
"D' = remove1 L' D" and
"L' ∈ set D" and
"- L = L' ⋅l σ" and
"mset D' ⋅ σ ⊆# mset (E @ C)"
using l_red unfolding is_reducible_lit_def comp_def by blast
then have σ:
"mset D' + {#L'#} ∈ set (map (mset ∘ fst) (P @ Q))"
"- L = L' ⋅l σ ∧ mset D' ⋅ σ ⊆# mset (E @ C)"
unfolding is_reducible_lit_def by (auto simp: comp_def)
have "wstate_of_dstate ((E @ L # C, i) # N', P, Q, n)
↝⇩w wstate_of_dstate ((E @ C, i) # N', P, Q, n)"
by (rule arg_cong2[THEN iffD1, of _ _ _ _ "(↝⇩w)", OF _ _
wrp.forward_reduction[of "mset D'" L' "mset (map (apfst mset) P)"
"mset (map (apfst mset) Q)" L σ "mset (E @ C)" "mset (map (apfst mset) N')"
i n]])
(use σ in ‹auto simp: comp_def›)
then show ?thesis
unfolding red_lc using ih[of E] by (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
case False
then show ?thesis
using ih[of "L # E"] by simp
qed simp
then have red_C:
"wstate_of_dstate ((C, i) # N', P, Q, n) ↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate ((C', i) # N', P, Q, n)"
unfolding C'_def by (metis self_append_conv2)
have proc_C: "wstate_of_dstate ((C', i) # N', P', Q', n')
↝⇩w wstate_of_dstate (N', (C', i) # P', Q', n')" for P' Q' n'
by (rule arg_cong2[THEN iffD1, of _ _ _ _ "(↝⇩w)", OF _ _
wrp.clause_processing[of "mset (map (apfst mset) N')" "mset C'" i
"mset (map (apfst mset) P')" "mset (map (apfst mset) Q')" n']],
show ?thesis
proof (cases "C' = []")
case True
note c'_nil = this
note step = step[simplified c'_nil, simplified]
filter_p: "filter (Not ∘ strictly_subsume [[]] ∘ fst) P = []" and
filter_q: "filter (Not ∘ strictly_subsume [[]] ∘ fst) Q = []"
using nil_ni unfolding strictly_subsume_def filter_empty_conv find_None_iff by force+
note red_C[unfolded c'_nil]
also have "wstate_of_dstate (([], i) # N', P, Q, n)
↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate (([], i) # N', [], Q, n)"
by (rule arg_cong2[THEN iffD1, of _ _ _ _ "(↝⇩w⇧*)", OF _ _
remove_strictly_subsumed_clauses_in_P[of "[]" _ "[]", unfolded append_Nil],
OF refl])
(auto simp: filter_p)
also have "… ↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate (([], i) # N', [], [], n)"
by (rule arg_cong2[THEN iffD1, of _ _ _ _ "(↝⇩w⇧*)", OF _ _
remove_strictly_subsumed_clauses_in_Q[of "[]" _ _ "[]", unfolded append_Nil],
OF refl])
(auto simp: filter_q)
also note proc_C[unfolded c'_nil, THEN tranclp.r_into_trancl[of "(↝⇩w)"]]
also have "wstate_of_dstate (N', [([], i)], [], n)
↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate ([], [([], i)], [], n)"
by (rule empty_N_if_Nil_in_P_or_Q) simp
also have "… ↝⇩w wstate_of_dstate ([], [], [([], i)], Suc n)"
by (rule arg_cong2[THEN iffD1, of _ _ _ _ "(↝⇩w)", OF _ _
wrp.inference_computation[of "{#}" "{#}" i "{#}" n "{#}"]])
(auto simp: ord_FO_resolution_inferences_between_empty_empty)
finally show ?thesis
unfolding step st n_cons ci .
case c'_nnil: False
note step = step[simplified c'_nnil, simplified]
show ?thesis
proof (cases "is_tautology C' ∨ subsume (map fst P @ map fst Q) C'")
case taut_or_subs: True
note step = step[simplified taut_or_subs, simplified]
have "wstate_of_dstate ((C', i) # N', P, Q, n) ↝⇩w wstate_of_dstate (N', P, Q, n)"
proof (cases "is_tautology C'")
case True
then obtain A :: 'a where
neg_a: "Neg A ∈ set C'" and pos_a: "Pos A ∈ set C'"
unfolding is_tautology_def by blast
show ?thesis
by (rule arg_cong2[THEN iffD1, of _ _ _ _ "(↝⇩w)", OF _ _
wrp.tautology_deletion[of A "mset C'" "mset (map (apfst mset) N')" i
"mset (map (apfst mset) P)" "mset (map (apfst mset) Q)" n]])
(use neg_a pos_a in simp_all)
case False
then have "subsume (map fst P @ map fst Q) C'"
using taut_or_subs by blast
then obtain D :: "'a lclause" where
d_in: "D ∈ set (map fst P @ map fst Q)" and
subs: "subsumes (mset D) (mset C')"
unfolding subsume_def by blast
show ?thesis
by (rule arg_cong2[THEN iffD1, of _ _ _ _ "(↝⇩w)", OF _ _
wrp.forward_subsumption[of "mset D" "mset (map (apfst mset) P)"
"mset (map (apfst mset) Q)" "mset C'" "mset (map (apfst mset) N')" i n]],
use d_in subs in ‹auto simp: subsume_def›)
then show ?thesis
unfolding step st n_cons ci using red_C by (rule rtranclp_into_tranclp1[rotated])
case not_taut_or_subs: False
note step = step[simplified not_taut_or_subs, simplified]
define P' :: "('a literal list × nat) list" where
"P' = reduce_all C' P"
obtain back_to_P Q' :: "'a dclause list" where
red_Q: "(back_to_P, Q') = reduce_all2 C' Q"
by (metis prod.exhaust)
note step = step[unfolded red_Q[symmetric], simplified]
define Q'' :: "('a literal list × nat) list" where
"Q'' = filter (Not ∘ strictly_subsume [C'] ∘ fst) Q'"
define P'' :: "('a literal list × nat) list" where
"P'' = filter (Not ∘ strictly_subsume [C'] ∘ fst) (back_to_P @ P')"
note step = step[unfolded P'_def[symmetric] Q''_def[symmetric] P''_def[symmetric],
note red_C
also have "wstate_of_dstate ((C', i) # N', P, Q, n)
↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate ((C', i) # N', P', Q, n)"
unfolding P'_def by (rule reduce_clauses_in_P[of _ _ "[]", unfolded append_Nil]) simp+
also have "… ↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate ((C', i) # N', back_to_P @ P', Q', n)"
unfolding P'_def
by (rule reduce_clauses_in_Q[of C' _ _ "[]" Q, folded red_Q,
unfolded append_Nil prod.sel])
(auto intro: reduce_idem simp: reduce_all_def)
also have "… ↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate ((C', i) # N', back_to_P @ P', Q'', n)"
unfolding Q''_def
by (rule remove_strictly_subsumed_clauses_in_Q[of _ _ _ "[]", unfolded append_Nil])
also have "… ↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate ((C', i) # N', P'', Q'', n)"
unfolding P''_def
by (rule remove_strictly_subsumed_clauses_in_P[of _ _ "[]", unfolded append_Nil]) auto
also note proc_C[THEN tranclp.r_into_trancl[of "(↝⇩w)"]]
finally show ?thesis
unfolding step st n_cons ci P''_def by simp
lemma final_deterministic_RP_step: "is_final_dstate St ⟹ deterministic_RP_step St = St"
by (cases St) (auto simp: deterministic_RP_step.simps is_final_dstate.simps)
lemma deterministic_RP_SomeD:
assumes "deterministic_RP (N, P, Q, n) = Some R"
shows "∃N' P' Q' n'. (∃k. (deterministic_RP_step ^^ k) (N, P, Q, n) = (N', P', Q', n'))
∧ is_final_dstate (N', P', Q', n') ∧ R = map fst Q'"
proof (induct rule: deterministic_RP.raw_induct[OF _ assms])
case (1 self_call St R)
note ih = this(1) and step = this(2)
obtain N P Q :: "'a dclause list" and n :: nat where
st: "St = (N, P, Q, n)"
by (cases St) blast
note step = step[unfolded st, simplified]
show ?case
proof (cases "is_final_dstate (N, P, Q, n)")
case True
then have "(deterministic_RP_step ^^ 0) (N, P, Q, n) = (N, P, Q, n)
∧ is_final_dstate (N, P, Q, n) ∧ R = map fst Q"
using step by simp
then show ?thesis
unfolding st by blast
case nonfinal: False
note step = step[simplified nonfinal, simplified]
obtain N' P' Q' :: "'a dclause list" and n' k :: nat where
"(deterministic_RP_step ^^ k) (deterministic_RP_step (N, P, Q, n)) = (N', P', Q', n')" and
"is_final_dstate (N', P', Q', n')"
"R = map fst Q'"
using ih[OF step] by blast
then show ?thesis
unfolding st funpow_Suc_right[symmetric, THEN fun_cong, unfolded comp_apply] by blast
N0 :: "'a dclause list" and
n0 :: nat and
R :: "'a lclause list"
abbreviation St0 :: "'a dstate" where
"St0 ≡ (N0, [], [], n0)"
abbreviation grounded_N0 where
"grounded_N0 ≡ grounding_of_clss (set (map (mset ∘ fst) N0))"
abbreviation grounded_R :: "'a clause set" where
"grounded_R ≡ grounding_of_clss (set (map mset R))"
primcorec derivation_from :: "'a dstate ⇒ 'a dstate llist" where
"derivation_from St =
LCons St (if is_final_dstate St then LNil else derivation_from (deterministic_RP_step St))"
abbreviation Sts :: "'a dstate llist" where
"Sts ≡ derivation_from St0"
abbreviation wSts :: "'a wstate llist" where
"wSts ≡ lmap wstate_of_dstate Sts"
lemma full_deriv_wSts_trancl_weighted_RP: "full_chain (↝⇩w⇧+) wSts"
proof -
have "Sts' = derivation_from St0' ⟹ full_chain (↝⇩w⇧+) (lmap wstate_of_dstate Sts')"
for St0' Sts'
proof (coinduction arbitrary: St0' Sts' rule: full_chain.coinduct)
case sts': full_chain
show ?case
proof (cases "is_final_dstate St0'")
case True
then have "ltl (lmap wstate_of_dstate Sts') = LNil"
unfolding sts' by simp
then have "lmap wstate_of_dstate Sts' = LCons (wstate_of_dstate St0') LNil"
unfolding sts' by (subst derivation_from.code, subst (asm) derivation_from.code, auto)
moreover have "⋀St''. ¬ wstate_of_dstate St0' ↝⇩w St''"
using True by (rule is_final_dstate_imp_not_weighted_RP)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (meson tranclpD)
case nfinal: False
have "lmap wstate_of_dstate Sts' =
LCons (wstate_of_dstate St0') (lmap wstate_of_dstate (ltl Sts'))"
unfolding sts' by (subst derivation_from.code) simp
moreover have "ltl Sts' = derivation_from (deterministic_RP_step St0')"
unfolding sts' using nfinal by (subst derivation_from.code) simp
moreover have "wstate_of_dstate St0' ↝⇩w⇧+ wstate_of_dstate (lhd (ltl Sts'))"
unfolding sts' using nonfinal_deterministic_RP_step[OF nfinal refl] nfinal
by (subst derivation_from.code) simp
ultimately show ?thesis
by fastforce
then show ?thesis
by blast
lemmas deriv_wSts_trancl_weighted_RP = full_chain_imp_chain[OF full_deriv_wSts_trancl_weighted_RP]
definition sswSts :: "'a wstate llist" where
"sswSts = (SOME wSts'.
full_chain (↝⇩w) wSts' ∧ emb wSts wSts' ∧ lhd wSts' = lhd wSts ∧ llast wSts' = llast wSts)"
lemma sswSts:
"full_chain (↝⇩w) sswSts ∧ emb wSts sswSts ∧ lhd sswSts = lhd wSts ∧ llast sswSts = llast wSts"
unfolding sswSts_def
by (rule someI_ex[OF full_chain_tranclp_imp_exists_full_chain[OF
lemmas full_deriv_sswSts_weighted_RP = sswSts[THEN conjunct1]
lemmas emb_sswSts = sswSts[THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct1]
lemmas lfinite_sswSts_iff = emb_lfinite[OF emb_sswSts]
lemmas lhd_sswSts = sswSts[THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct1]
lemmas llast_sswSts = sswSts[THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct2]
lemmas deriv_sswSts_weighted_RP = full_chain_imp_chain[OF full_deriv_sswSts_weighted_RP]
lemma not_lnull_sswSts: "¬ lnull sswSts"
using deriv_sswSts_weighted_RP by (cases rule: chain.cases) auto
lemma empty_ssgP0: "wrp.P_of_wstate (lhd sswSts) = {}"
unfolding lhd_sswSts by (subst derivation_from.code) simp
lemma empty_ssgQ0: "wrp.Q_of_wstate (lhd sswSts) = {}"
unfolding lhd_sswSts by (subst derivation_from.code) simp
lemmas sswSts_thms = full_deriv_sswSts_weighted_RP empty_ssgP0 empty_ssgQ0
abbreviation S_ssgQ :: "'a clause ⇒ 'a clause" where
"S_ssgQ ≡ wrp.S_gQ sswSts"
abbreviation ord_Γ :: "'a inference set" where
"ord_Γ ≡ ground_resolution_with_selection.ord_Γ S_ssgQ"
abbreviation Rf :: "'a clause set ⇒ 'a clause set" where
"Rf ≡ standard_redundancy_criterion.Rf"
abbreviation Ri :: "'a clause set ⇒ 'a inference set" where
"Ri ≡ standard_redundancy_criterion.Ri ord_Γ"
abbreviation saturated_upto :: "'a clause set ⇒ bool" where
"saturated_upto ≡ redundancy_criterion.saturated_upto ord_Γ Rf Ri"
assumes drp_some: "deterministic_RP St0 = Some R"
lemma lfinite_Sts: "lfinite Sts"
proof (induct rule: deterministic_RP.raw_induct[OF _ drp_some])
case (1 self_call St St')
note ih = this(1) and step = this(2)
show ?case
using step by (subst derivation_from.code, auto intro: ih)
lemma lfinite_wSts: "lfinite wSts"
by (rule lfinite_lmap[THEN iffD2, OF lfinite_Sts])
lemmas lfinite_sswSts = lfinite_sswSts_iff[THEN iffD2, OF lfinite_wSts]
deterministic_RP_saturated: "saturated_upto grounded_R" (is ?saturated) and
deterministic_RP_model: "I ⊨s grounded_N0 ⟷ I ⊨s grounded_R" (is ?model)
proof -
obtain N' P' Q' :: "'a dclause list" and n' k :: nat where
k_steps: "(deterministic_RP_step ^^ k) St0 = (N', P', Q', n')" (is "_ = ?Stk") and
final: "is_final_dstate (N', P', Q', n')" and
r: "R = map fst Q'"
using deterministic_RP_SomeD[OF drp_some] by blast
have wrp: "wstate_of_dstate St0 ↝⇩w⇧* wstate_of_dstate (llast Sts)"
using lfinite_chain_imp_rtranclp_lhd_llast
by (metis (no_types) deriv_sswSts_weighted_RP derivation_from.disc_iff derivation_from.simps(2)
lfinite_Sts lfinite_sswSts llast_lmap llist.map_sel(1) sswSts)
have last_sts: "llast Sts = ?Stk"
proof -
have "(deterministic_RP_step ^^ k') St0' = ?Stk ⟹ llast (derivation_from St0') = ?Stk"
for St0' k'
proof (induct k' arbitrary: St0')
case 0
then show ?case
using final by (subst derivation_from.code) simp
case (Suc k')
note ih = this(1) and suc_k'_steps = this(2)
show ?case
proof (cases "is_final_dstate St0'")
case True
then show ?thesis
using ih[of "deterministic_RP_step St0'"] suc_k'_steps final_deterministic_RP_step
funpow_fixpoint[of deterministic_RP_step]
by auto
case False
then show ?thesis
using ih[of "deterministic_RP_step St0'"] suc_k'_steps
by (subst derivation_from.code) (simp add: llast_LCons funpow_swap1[symmetric])
then show ?thesis
using k_steps by blast
have fin_gr_fgsts: "lfinite (lmap wrp.grounding_of_wstate sswSts)"
by (rule lfinite_lmap[THEN iffD2, OF lfinite_sswSts])
have lim_last: "Liminf_llist (lmap wrp.grounding_of_wstate sswSts) =
wrp.grounding_of_wstate (llast sswSts)"
unfolding lfinite_Liminf_llist[OF fin_gr_fgsts] llast_lmap[OF lfinite_sswSts not_lnull_sswSts]
using not_lnull_sswSts by simp
have gr_st0: "wrp.grounding_of_wstate (wstate_of_dstate St0) = grounded_N0"
unfolding comp_def by simp
have "?saturated ∧ ?model"
proof (cases "[] ∈ set R")
case True
then have emp_in: "{#} ∈ grounded_R"
unfolding grounding_of_clss_def grounding_of_cls_def by (auto intro: ex_ground_subst)
have "grounded_R ⊆ wrp.grounding_of_wstate (llast sswSts)"
unfolding r llast_sswSts
by (simp add: last_sts llast_lmap[OF lfinite_Sts] grounding_of_clss_def)
then have gr_last_st: "grounded_R ⊆ wrp.grounding_of_wstate (wstate_of_dstate (llast Sts))"
by (simp add: lfinite_Sts llast_lmap llast_sswSts)
have gr_r_fls: "¬ I ⊨s grounded_R"
using emp_in unfolding true_clss_def by force
then have gr_last_fls: "¬ I ⊨s wrp.grounding_of_wstate (wstate_of_dstate (llast Sts))"
using gr_last_st unfolding true_clss_def by auto
have ?saturated
unfolding wrp.ord_Γ_saturated_upto_def[OF sswSts_thms]
wrp.ord_Γ_contradiction_Rf[OF sswSts_thms emp_in] inference_system.inferences_from_def
by auto
moreover have ?model
unfolding gr_r_fls[THEN eq_False[THEN iffD2]]
by (rule rtranclp_imp_eq_image[of "(↝⇩w)" "λSt. I ⊨s wrp.grounding_of_wstate St", OF _ wrp,
unfolded gr_st0 gr_last_fls[THEN eq_False[THEN iffD2]]])
(use wrp.weighted_RP_model[OF sswSts_thms] in blast)
ultimately show ?thesis
by blast
case False
then have gr_last: "wrp.grounding_of_wstate (llast sswSts) = grounded_R"
using final unfolding r llast_sswSts
by (simp add: last_sts llast_lmap[OF lfinite_Sts] comp_def is_final_dstate.simps)
then have gr_last_st: "wrp.grounding_of_wstate (wstate_of_dstate (llast Sts)) = grounded_R"
by (simp add: lfinite_Sts llast_lmap llast_sswSts)
have ?saturated
using wrp.weighted_RP_saturated[OF sswSts_thms, unfolded gr_last lim_last] by auto
moreover have ?model
by (rule rtranclp_imp_eq_image[of "(↝⇩w)" "λSt. I ⊨s wrp.grounding_of_wstate St", OF _ wrp,
unfolded gr_st0 gr_last_st])
(use wrp.weighted_RP_model[OF sswSts_thms] in blast)
ultimately show ?thesis
by blast
then show ?saturated and ?model
by blast+
corollary deterministic_RP_refutation:
"¬ satisfiable grounded_N0 ⟷ {#} ∈ grounded_R" (is "?lhs ⟷ ?rhs")
assume ?rhs
then have "¬ satisfiable grounded_R"
unfolding true_clss_def true_cls_def by force
then show ?lhs
using deterministic_RP_model[THEN iffD1] by blast
assume ?lhs
then have "¬ satisfiable grounded_R"
using deterministic_RP_model[THEN iffD2] by blast
then show ?rhs
unfolding wrp.ord_Γ_saturated_upto_complete[OF sswSts_thms deterministic_RP_saturated] .
assumes drp_none: "deterministic_RP St0 = None"
theorem deterministic_RP_complete: "satisfiable grounded_N0"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume unsat: "¬ satisfiable grounded_N0"
have unsat_wSts0: "¬ satisfiable (wrp.grounding_of_wstate (lhd wSts))"
using unsat by (subst derivation_from.code) (simp add: comp_def)
have bot_in_ss: "{#} ∈ Q_of_state (wrp.Liminf_wstate sswSts)"
by (rule wrp.weighted_RP_complete[OF sswSts_thms unsat_wSts0[folded lhd_sswSts]])
have bot_in_lim: "{#} ∈ Q_of_state (wrp.Liminf_wstate wSts)"
proof (cases "lfinite Sts")
case fin: True
have "wrp.Liminf_wstate sswSts = wrp.Liminf_wstate wSts"
by (rule Liminf_state_fin, simp_all add: fin lfinite_sswSts_iff not_lnull_sswSts,
subst (1 2) llast_lmap,
simp_all add: lfinite_sswSts_iff fin not_lnull_sswSts llast_sswSts)
then show ?thesis
using bot_in_ss by simp
case False
then show ?thesis
using bot_in_ss Q_of_Liminf_state_inf[OF _ emb_lmap[OF emb_sswSts]] by auto
then obtain k :: nat where
k_lt: "enat k < llength Sts" and
emp_in: "{#} ∈ wrp.Q_of_wstate (lnth wSts k)"
unfolding Liminf_state_def Liminf_llist_def by auto
have emp_in: "{#} ∈ Q_of_state (state_of_dstate ((deterministic_RP_step ^^ k) St0))"
proof -
have "enat k < llength Sts' ⟹ Sts' = derivation_from St0' ⟹
{#} ∈ wrp.Q_of_wstate (lnth (lmap wstate_of_dstate Sts') k) ⟹
{#} ∈ Q_of_state (state_of_dstate ((deterministic_RP_step ^^ k) St0'))" for St0' Sts' k
proof (induction k arbitrary: St0' Sts')
case 0
then show ?case
by (subst (asm) derivation_from.code, cases St0', auto simp: comp_def)
case (Suc k)
note ih = this(1) and sk_lt = this(2) and sts' = this(3) and emp_in_sk = this(4)
have k_lt: "enat k < llength (ltl Sts')"
using sk_lt by (cases Sts') (auto simp: Suc_ile_eq)
moreover have "ltl Sts' = derivation_from (deterministic_RP_step St0')"
using sts' k_lt by (cases Sts') auto
moreover have "{#} ∈ wrp.Q_of_wstate (lnth (lmap wstate_of_dstate (ltl Sts')) k)"
using emp_in_sk k_lt by (cases Sts') auto
ultimately show ?case
using ih[of "ltl Sts'" "deterministic_RP_step St0'"] by (simp add: funpow_swap1)
then show ?thesis
using k_lt emp_in by blast
have "deterministic_RP St0 ≠ None"
by (rule is_final_dstate_funpow_imp_deterministic_RP_neq_None[of "Suc k"],
cases "(deterministic_RP_step ^^ k) St0",
use emp_in in ‹force simp: deterministic_RP_step.simps is_final_dstate.simps›)
then show False
using drp_none ..