Theory SSA_CFG_code
theory SSA_CFG_code imports
definition Union_of :: "('a ⇒ 'b set) ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'b set"
where "Union_of f A ≡ ⋃(f ` A)"
lemma Union_of_alt_def: "Union_of f A = (⋃x ∈ A. f x)"
unfolding Union_of_def by simp
type_synonym ('node, 'val) phis_code = "('node × 'val, 'val list) mapping"
context CFG_base begin
definition addN :: "'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ ('var, 'node set) mapping ⇒ ('var, 'node set) mapping"
where "addN g n ≡ fold (λv. Mapping.map_default v {} (insert n)) (sorted_list_of_set (uses g n))"
definition "addN' g n = fold (λv m. m(v ↦ case_option {n} (insert n) (m v))) (sorted_list_of_set (uses g n))"
lemma addN_transfer [transfer_rule]:
"rel_fun (=) (rel_fun (=) (rel_fun (pcr_mapping (=) (=)) (pcr_mapping (=) (=)))) addN' addN"
unfolding addN_def [abs_def] addN'_def [abs_def]
Mapping.map_default_def [abs_def] Mapping.default_def
apply (auto simp: mapping.pcr_cr_eq rel_fun_def cr_mapping_def)
apply transfer
apply (rule fold_cong)
apply simp
apply simp
apply (intro ext)
by auto
definition "useNodes_of g = fold (addN g) (αn g) Mapping.empty"
lemmas useNodes_of_code = useNodes_of_def [unfolded addN_def [abs_def]]
declare useNodes_of_code [code]
lemma lookup_useNodes_of':
assumes [simp]: "⋀n. finite (uses g n)"
shows "Mapping.lookup (useNodes_of g) v =
(if (∃n ∈ set (αn g). v ∈ uses g n) then Some {n ∈ set (αn g). v ∈ uses g n} else None)"
proof -
{ fix m n xs v
have "Mapping.lookup (fold (λv. Mapping.map_default (v::'var) {} (insert (n::'node))) xs m) v=
(case Mapping.lookup m v of None ⇒ (if v ∈ set xs then Some {n} else None)
| Some N ⇒ (if v ∈ set xs then Some (insert n N) else Some N))"
by (induction xs arbitrary: m) (auto simp: Mapping_lookup_map_default split: option.splits)
note addN_conv = this [of n "sorted_list_of_set (uses g n)" for g n, folded addN_def, simplified]
{ fix xs m v
have "Mapping.lookup (fold (addN g) xs m) v = (case Mapping.lookup m v of None ⇒ if (∃n∈set xs. v ∈ uses g n) then Some {n∈set xs. v ∈ uses g n} else None
| Some N ⇒ Some ({n∈set xs. v ∈ uses g n} ∪ N))"
by (induction xs arbitrary: m) (auto split: option.splits simp: addN_conv)
note this [of "αn g" Mapping.empty, simp]
show ?thesis unfolding useNodes_of_def
by (auto split: option.splits simp: lookup_empty)
context CFG begin
lift_definition useNodes_of' :: "'g ⇒ ('var, 'node set) mapping"
is "λg v. if (∃n ∈ set (αn g). v ∈ uses g n) then Some {n ∈ set (αn g). v ∈ uses g n} else None" .
lemma useNodes_of': "useNodes_of' = useNodes_of"
fix g
{ fix m n xs
have "fold (λv m. m(v::'var ↦ case m v of None ⇒ {n::'node} | Some x ⇒ insert n x)) xs m =
(λv. case m v of None ⇒ (if v ∈ set xs then Some {n} else None)
| Some N ⇒ (if v ∈ set xs then Some (insert n N) else Some N))"
by (induction xs arbitrary: m)(auto split: option.splits)
note addN'_conv = this [of n "sorted_list_of_set (uses g n)" for g n, folded addN'_def, simplified]
{ fix xs m
have "fold (addN' g) xs m = (λv. case m v of None ⇒ if (∃n∈set xs. v ∈ uses g n) then Some {n∈set xs. v ∈ uses g n} else None
| Some N ⇒ Some ({n∈set xs. v ∈ uses g n} ∪ N))"
by (induction xs arbitrary: m) (auto 4 4 split: option.splits if_splits simp: addN'_conv intro!: ext)
note this [of "αn g" Map.empty, simp]
show "useNodes_of' g = useNodes_of g"
unfolding mmap_def useNodes_of_def
by (transfer fixing: g) auto
declare useNodes_of'.transfer [unfolded useNodes_of', transfer_rule]
lemma lookup_useNodes_of: "Mapping.lookup (useNodes_of g) v =
(if (∃n ∈ set (αn g). v ∈ uses g n) then Some {n ∈ set (αn g). v ∈ uses g n} else None)"
by clarsimp (transfer'; auto)
context CFG_SSA_base begin
definition phis_addN
where "phis_addN g n = fold (λv. Mapping.map_default v {} (insert n)) (case_option [] id (phis g n))"
definition phidefNodes where [code]:
"phidefNodes g = fold (λ(n,v). Mapping.update v n) (sorted_list_of_set (dom (phis g))) Mapping.empty"
lemma keys_phidefNodes:
assumes "finite (dom (phis g))"
shows "Mapping.keys (phidefNodes g) = snd ` dom (phis g)"
proof -
{ fix xs m x
have "fold (λ(a,b) m. m(b ↦ a)) (xs::('node × 'val) list) m x = (if x ∈ snd ` set xs then (Some ∘ fst) (last [(b,a)←xs. a = x]) else m x)"
by (induction xs arbitrary: m) (auto split: if_splits simp: filter_empty_conv intro: rev_image_eqI)
from this [of "sorted_list_of_set (dom (phis g))" Map.empty] assms
show ?thesis
unfolding phidefNodes_def keys_dom_lookup
by (transfer fixing: g phis) (auto simp: dom_def intro: rev_image_eqI)
definition phiNodes_of :: "'g ⇒ ('val, ('node × 'val) set) mapping"
where "phiNodes_of g = fold (phis_addN g) (sorted_list_of_set (dom (phis g))) Mapping.empty"
lemma lookup_phiNodes_of:
assumes [simp]: "finite (dom (phis g))"
shows "Mapping.lookup (phiNodes_of g) v =
(if (∃n ∈ dom (phis g). v ∈ set (the (phis g n))) then Some {n ∈ dom (phis g). v ∈ set (the (phis g n))} else None)"
proof -
fix m n xs v
have "Mapping.lookup (fold (λv. Mapping.map_default v {} (insert (n::'node × 'val))) xs (m::('val, ('node × 'val) set) mapping)) v =
(case Mapping.lookup m v of None ⇒ (if v ∈ set xs then Some {n} else None)
| Some N ⇒ (if v ∈ set xs then Some (insert n N) else Some N))"
by (induction xs arbitrary: m) (auto simp: Mapping_lookup_map_default split: option.splits)
note phis_addN_conv = this [of n "case_option [] id (phis g n)" for n, folded phis_addN_def]
fix xs m v
have "Mapping.lookup (fold (phis_addN g) xs m) v =
(case Mapping.lookup m v of None ⇒ if (∃n ∈ set xs. v ∈ set (case_option [] id (phis g n))) then Some {n ∈ set xs. v ∈ set (case_option [] id (phis g n))} else None
| Some N ⇒ Some ({n ∈ set xs. v ∈ set (case_option [] id (phis g n))} ∪ N))"
by (induction xs arbitrary: m) (auto simp: phis_addN_conv split: option.splits if_splits)+
note this [of "sorted_list_of_set (dom (phis g))", simp]
show ?thesis
unfolding phiNodes_of_def
by (force split: option.splits simp: lookup_empty)
lemmas phiNodes_of_code = phiNodes_of_def [unfolded phis_addN_def [abs_def]]
declare phiNodes_of_code [code]
lemma phis_transfer [transfer_rule]:
includes lifting_syntax
shows "((=) ===> pcr_mapping (=) (=)) phis (λg. Mapping.Mapping (phis g))"
by (auto simp: mapping.pcr_cr_eq rel_fun_def cr_mapping_def Mapping.Mapping_inverse)
context CFG_SSA begin
declare lookup_phiNodes_of [OF phis_finite, simp]
declare keys_phidefNodes [OF phis_finite, simp]
locale CFG_SSA_ext_base = CFG_SSA_base αe αn invar inEdges' Entry "defs" "uses" phis
for αe :: "'g ⇒ ('node::linorder × 'edgeD × 'node) set"
and αn :: "'g ⇒ 'node list"
and invar :: "'g ⇒ bool"
and inEdges' :: "'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ ('node × 'edgeD) list"
and Entry :: "'g ⇒ 'node"
and "defs" :: "'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ 'val::linorder set"
and "uses" :: "'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ 'val set"
and phis :: "'g ⇒ ('node, 'val) phis"
abbreviation "cache g f ≡ Mapping.tabulate (αn g) f"
lemma lookup_cache[simp]: "n ∈ set (αn g) ⟹ Mapping.lookup (cache g f) n = Some (f n)"
by transfer (auto simp: Map.map_of_map_restrict)
lemma lookup_cacheD [dest]: "Mapping.lookup (cache g f) x = Some y ⟹ y = f x"
by transfer (auto simp: Map.map_of_map_restrict restrict_map_def split: if_splits)
lemma lookup_cache_usesD: "Mapping.lookup (cache g (uses g)) n = Some vs ⟹ vs = uses g n"
by blast
definition[simp]: "usesOf m n ≡ case_option {} id (Mapping.lookup m n)"
locale CFG_SSA_ext = CFG_SSA_ext_base αe αn invar inEdges' Entry "defs" "uses" phis
+ CFG_SSA αe αn invar inEdges' Entry "defs" "uses" phis
for αe :: "'g ⇒ ('node::linorder × 'edgeD × 'node) set"
and αn :: "'g ⇒ 'node list"
and invar :: "'g ⇒ bool"
and inEdges' :: "'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ ('node × 'edgeD) list"
and Entry :: "'g ⇒ 'node"
and "defs" :: "'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ 'val::linorder set"
and "uses" :: "'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ 'val set"
and phis :: "'g ⇒ ('node, 'val) phis"
lemma usesOf_cache[abs_def, simp]: "usesOf (cache g (uses g)) n = uses g n"
by (auto simp: uses_in_αn dest: lookup_cache_usesD split: option.split)
locale CFG_SSA_base_code = CFG_SSA_ext_base αe αn invar inEdges' Entry "defs" "usesOf ∘ uses" "λg. Mapping.lookup (phis g)"
for αe :: "'g ⇒ ('node::linorder × 'edgeD × 'node) set"
and αn :: "'g ⇒ 'node list"
and invar :: "'g ⇒ bool"
and inEdges' :: "'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ ('node × 'edgeD) list"
and Entry :: "'g ⇒ 'node"
and "defs" :: "'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ 'val::linorder set"
and "uses" :: "'g ⇒ ('node, 'val set) mapping"
and phis :: "'g ⇒ ('node, 'val) phis_code"
declare phis_transfer [simplified, transfer_rule]
lemma phiDefs_code [code]:
"phiDefs g n = snd ` Set.filter (λ(n',v). n' = n) (Mapping.keys (phis g))"
unfolding phiDefs_def
by transfer (auto 4 3 intro: rev_image_eqI simp: Set.filter_def)
lemmas phiUses_code [code] = phiUses_def [folded Union_of_alt_def]
declare allUses_def [code]
lemmas allVars_code [code] = allVars_def [folded Union_of_alt_def]
locale CFG_SSA_code = CFG_SSA_base_code αe αn invar inEdges' Entry "defs" "uses" phis
+ CFG_SSA_ext αe αn invar inEdges' Entry "defs" "usesOf ∘ uses" "λg. Mapping.lookup (phis g)"
for αe :: "'g ⇒ ('node::linorder × 'edgeD × 'node) set"
and αn :: "'g ⇒ 'node list"
and invar :: "'g ⇒ bool"
and inEdges' :: "'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ ('node × 'edgeD) list"
and Entry :: "'g ⇒ 'node"
and "defs" :: "'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ 'val::linorder set"
and "uses" :: "'g ⇒ ('node, 'val set) mapping"
and phis :: "'g ⇒ ('node, 'val) phis_code"
definition "the_trivial v vs = (case (foldl (λ(good,v') w. if w = v then (good,v')
else case v' of Some v' ⇒ (good ∧ w = v', Some v')
| None ⇒ (good, Some w))
(True, None) vs)
of (False, _) ⇒ None | (True,v) ⇒ v)"
lemma the_trivial_Nil [simp]: "the_trivial x [] = None"
unfolding the_trivial_def by simp
lemma the_trivialI:
assumes "set vs ⊆ {v, v'}"
and "v' ≠ v"
shows "the_trivial v vs = (if set vs ⊆ {v} then None else Some v')"
proof -
{ fix vx
have "⟦ set vs ⊆ {v, v'}; v' ≠ v; vx ∈ {None, Some v'} ⟧
⟹ (case foldl (λ(good, v') w.
if w = v then (good, v')
else case v' of None ⇒ (good, Some w) | Some v' ⇒ (good ∧ w = v', Some v'))
(True, vx) vs of
(True, x) ⇒ x | (False, x) ⇒ None) = (if set vs ⊆ {v} then vx else Some v')"
by (induction vs arbitrary: vx; case_tac vx; auto)
with assms show ?thesis unfolding the_trivial_def by simp
lemma the_trivial_conv:
shows "the_trivial v vs = (if ∃v' ∈ set vs. v' ≠ v ∧ set vs - {v'} ⊆ {v} then Some (THE v'. v' ∈ set vs ∧ v' ≠ v ∧ set vs - {v'} ⊆ {v}) else None)"
proof -
{ fix b a vs
have "a ≠ v
⟹ foldl (λ(good, v') w.
if w = v then (good, v')
else case v' of None ⇒ (good, Some w) | Some v' ⇒ (good ∧ w = v', Some v'))
(b, Some a) vs =
(b ∧ set vs ⊆ {v, a}, Some a)"
by (induction vs arbitrary: b; clarsimp)
note this[simp]
{ fix b vx
have "⟦ vx ∈ insert None (Some ` set vs); case_option True (λvx. vx ≠ v) vx ⟧
⟹ foldl (λ(good, v') w.
if w = v then (good, v')
else case v' of None ⇒ (good, Some w) | Some v' ⇒ (good ∧ w = v', Some v'))
(b, vx) vs = (b ∧ (case vx of Some w ⇒ set vs ⊆ {v, w} | None ⇒ ∃w. set vs ⊆ {v, w}),
(case vx of Some w ⇒ Some w | None ⇒ if (∃v'∈set vs. v' ≠ v) then Some (hd (filter (λv'. v' ≠ v) vs)) else None))"
by (induction vs arbitrary: b vx; auto)
hence "the_trivial v vs = (if ∃v' ∈ set vs. v' ≠ v ∧ set vs - {v'} ⊆ {v} then Some (hd (filter (λv'. v' ≠ v) vs)) else None)"
unfolding the_trivial_def by (auto split: bool.splits)
thus ?thesis
apply (auto split: if_splits)
apply (rule the_equality [THEN sym])
by (thin_tac "P" for P, (induction vs; auto))+
lemma the_trivial_SomeE:
assumes "the_trivial v vs = Some v'"
obtains "v ≠ v'" and "set vs = {v'}" | "v ≠ v'" and "set vs = {v,v'}"
using assms
apply atomize_elim
apply (subst(asm) the_trivial_conv)
apply (split if_splits; simp)
by (subgoal_tac "(THE v'. v' ∈ set vs ∧ v' ≠ v ∧ set vs - {v'} ⊆ {v}) = hd (filter (λv'. v' ≠ v) vs)")
(fastforce simp: set_double_filter_hd set_single_hd set_minus_one)+
locale CFG_SSA_wf_base_code = CFG_SSA_base_code αe αn invar inEdges' Entry "defs" "uses" phis
+ CFG_SSA_wf_base αe αn invar inEdges' Entry "defs" "usesOf ∘ uses" "λg. Mapping.lookup (phis g)"
for αe :: "'g ⇒ ('node::linorder × 'edgeD × 'node) set"
and αn :: "'g ⇒ 'node list"
and invar :: "'g ⇒ bool"
and inEdges' :: "'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ ('node × 'edgeD) list"
and Entry :: "'g ⇒ 'node"
and "defs" :: "'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ 'val::linorder set"
and "uses" :: "'g ⇒ ('node, 'val set) mapping"
and phis :: "'g ⇒ ('node, 'val) phis_code"
definition [code]:
"trivial_code (v::'val) vs = (the_trivial v vs ≠ None)"
definition[code]: "trivial_phis g = Set.filter (λ(n,v). trivial_code v (the (Mapping.lookup (phis g) (n,v)))) (Mapping.keys (phis g))"
definition [code]: "redundant_code g = (trivial_phis g ≠ {})"
locale CFG_SSA_wf_code = CFG_SSA_code αe αn invar inEdges' Entry "defs" "uses" phis
+ CFG_SSA_wf_base_code αe αn invar inEdges' Entry "defs" "uses" phis
+ CFG_SSA_wf αe αn invar inEdges' Entry "defs" "usesOf ∘ uses" "λg. Mapping.lookup (phis g)"
for αe :: "'g ⇒ ('node::linorder × 'edgeD × 'node) set"
and αn :: "'g ⇒ 'node list"
and invar :: "'g ⇒ bool"
and inEdges' :: "'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ ('node × 'edgeD) list"
and Entry :: "'g ⇒ 'node"
and "defs" :: "'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ 'val::linorder set"
and "uses" :: "'g ⇒ ('node, 'val set) mapping"
and phis :: "'g ⇒ ('node, 'val) phis_code"
lemma trivial_code:
"phi g v = Some vs ⟹ trivial g v = trivial_code v vs"
unfolding trivial_def trivial_code_def
apply (auto split: option.splits simp: isTrivialPhi_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: the_trivial_conv split: if_splits)
apply (clarsimp simp: the_trivial_conv split: if_splits)
apply (erule the_trivial_SomeE)
apply simp
apply (rule phiArg_in_allVars; auto simp: phiArg_def)
apply (rename_tac v')
apply (rule_tac x=v' in bexI)
apply simp
apply (rule phiArg_in_allVars; auto simp: phiArg_def)
lemma trivial_phis:
"trivial_phis g = {(n,v). Mapping.lookup (phis g) (n,v) ≠ None ∧ trivial g v}"
unfolding trivial_phis_def Set.filter_def
apply (auto simp add: phi_def keys_dom_lookup)
apply (subst trivial_code)
apply (auto simp: image_def trivial_in_allVars phis_phi)
apply (frule trivial_phi)
apply (auto simp add: trivial_code phi_def[symmetric] phis_phi)
lemma redundant_code:
"redundant g = redundant_code g"
unfolding redundant_def redundant_code_def trivial_phis[of g]
apply (auto simp: image_def trivial_in_allVars)
apply (frule trivial_phi)
apply (auto simp: phi_def)
lemma trivial_code_mapI:
"⟦ trivial_code v vs; f ` (set vs - {v}) ≠ {v} ; f v = v ⟧ ⟹ trivial_code v (map f vs)"
unfolding trivial_code_def the_trivial_conv
by (auto split: if_splits)
lemma trivial_code_map_conv:
"f v = v ⟹ trivial_code v (map f vs) ⟷ (∃v'∈set vs. f v' ≠ v ∧ (f ` set vs) - {f v'} ⊆ {v})"
unfolding trivial_code_def the_trivial_conv
by auto
locale CFG_SSA_Transformed_code = ssa: CFG_SSA_wf_code αe αn invar inEdges' Entry "defs" "uses" phis
CFG_SSA_Transformed αe αn invar inEdges' Entry oldDefs oldUses "defs" "usesOf ∘ uses" "λg. Mapping.lookup (phis g)" var
αe :: "'g ⇒ ('node::linorder × 'edgeD × 'node) set" and
αn :: "'g ⇒ 'node list" and
invar :: "'g ⇒ bool" and
inEdges' :: "'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ ('node × 'edgeD) list" and
Entry::"'g ⇒ 'node" and
oldDefs :: "'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ 'var::linorder set" and
oldUses :: "'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ 'var set" and
"defs" :: "'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ 'val::linorder set" and
"uses" :: "'g ⇒ ('node, 'val set) mapping" and
phis :: "'g ⇒ ('node, 'val) phis_code" and
var :: "'g ⇒ 'val ⇒ 'var"
assumes dom_uses_in_graph: "Mapping.keys (uses g) ⊆ set (αn g)"