Theory Recursion_Thms

section‹Some enhanced theorems on recursion›

theory Recursion_Thms imports ZF.Epsilon begin

text‹We prove results concerning definitions by well-founded
recursion on some relation termR and its transitive closure
  (* Restrict the relation r to the field A*A *)

lemma fld_restrict_eq : "a  A  (r  A×A)-``{a} = (r-``{a}  A)"

lemma fld_restrict_mono : "relation(r)  A  B  r  A×A  r  B×B"

lemma fld_restrict_dom :
  assumes "relation(r)" "domain(r)  A" "range(r) A"
  shows "r A×A = r"
proof (rule equalityI,blast,rule subsetI)
  { fix x
    assume xr: "x  r"
    from xr assms have " a b . x = a,b" by (simp add: relation_def)
    then obtain a b where "a,b  r" "a,b  rA×A" "x  rA×A"
      using assms xr
      by force
    then have "x r  A×A" by simp
  then show "x  r  x rA×A" for x .

definition tr_down :: "[i,i]  i"
  where "tr_down(r,a) = (r^+)-``{a}"

lemma tr_downD : "x  tr_down(r,a)  x,a  r^+"
  by (simp add: tr_down_def vimage_singleton_iff)

lemma pred_down : "relation(r)  r-``{a}  tr_down(r,a)"
  by(simp add: tr_down_def vimage_mono r_subset_trancl)

lemma tr_down_mono : "relation(r)  x  r-``{a}  tr_down(r,x)  tr_down(r,a)"
  by(rule subsetI,simp add:tr_down_def,auto dest: underD,force simp add: underI r_into_trancl trancl_trans)

lemma rest_eq :
  assumes "relation(r)" and "r-``{a}  B" and "a  B"
  shows "r-``{a} = (rB×B)-``{a}"
proof (intro equalityI subsetI)
  fix x
  assume "x  r-``{a}"
  have "x  B" using assms by (simp add: subsetD)
  from x r-``{a}
  have "x,a  r" using underD by simp
  show "x  (rB×B)-``{a}" using xB aB underI by simp
  from assms
  show "x  r -`` {a}" if  "x  (r  B×B) -`` {a}" for x
    using vimage_mono that by auto

lemma wfrec_restr_eq : "r' = r  A×A  wfrec[A](r,a,H) = wfrec(r',a,H)"
  by(simp add:wfrec_on_def)

lemma wfrec_restr :
  assumes rr: "relation(r)" and wfr:"wf(r)"
  shows  "a  A  tr_down(r,a)  A  wfrec(r,a,H) = wfrec[A](r,a,H)"
proof (induct a arbitrary:A rule:wf_induct_raw[OF wfr] )
  case (1 a)
  have wfRa : "wf[A](r)"
    using wf_subset wfr wf_on_def Int_lower1 by simp
  from pred_down rr
  have "r -`` {a}  tr_down(r, a)" .
  with 1
  have "r-``{a}  A" by (force simp add: subset_trans)
    fix x
    assume x_a : "x  r-``{a}"
    with r-``{a}  A
    have "x  A" ..
    from pred_down rr
    have b : "r -``{x}  tr_down(r,x)" .
    have "tr_down(r,x)  tr_down(r,a)"
      using tr_down_mono x_a rr by simp
    with 1
    have "tr_down(r,x)  A" using subset_trans by force
    have "x,a  r" using x_a  underD by simp
    with 1 tr_down(r,x)  A x  A
    have "wfrec(r,x,H) = wfrec[A](r,x,H)" by simp
  have "x r-``{a}  wfrec(r,x,H) =  wfrec[A](r,x,H)" for x  .
  have Eq1 :"(λ x  r-``{a} . wfrec(r,x,H)) = (λ x  r-``{a} . wfrec[A](r,x,H))"
    using lam_cong by simp

  from assms
  have "wfrec(r,a,H) = H(a,λ x  r-``{a} . wfrec(r,x,H))" by (simp add:wfrec)
  have "... = H(a,λ x  r-``{a} . wfrec[A](r,x,H))"
    using assms Eq1 by simp
  also from 1 r-``{a}  A
  have "... = H(a,λ x  (rA×A)-``{a} . wfrec[A](r,x,H))"
    using assms rest_eq  by simp
  also from aA
  have "... = H(a,λ x  (r-``{a})A . wfrec[A](r,x,H))"
    using fld_restrict_eq by simp
  also from aA wf[A](r)
  have "... = wfrec[A](r,a,H)" using wfrec_on by simp
  finally show ?case .

lemmas wfrec_tr_down = wfrec_restr[OF _ _ _ subset_refl]

lemma wfrec_trans_restr : "relation(r)  wf(r)  trans(r)  r-``{a}A  a  A 
  wfrec(r, a, H) = wfrec[A](r, a, H)"
  by(subgoal_tac "tr_down(r,a)  A",auto simp add : wfrec_restr tr_down_def trancl_eq_r)

lemma field_trancl : "field(r^+) = field(r)"
  by (blast intro: r_into_trancl dest!: trancl_type [THEN subsetD])

  Rrel :: "[iio,i]  i" where
  "Rrel(R,A)  {zA×A. x y. z = x, y  R(x,y)}"

lemma RrelI : "x  A  y  A  R(x,y)  x,y  Rrel(R,A)"
  unfolding Rrel_def by simp

lemma Rrel_mem: "Rrel(mem,x) = Memrel(x)"
  unfolding Rrel_def Memrel_def ..

lemma relation_Rrel: "relation(Rrel(R,d))"
  unfolding Rrel_def relation_def by simp

lemma field_Rrel: "field(Rrel(R,d))   d"
  unfolding Rrel_def by auto

lemma Rrel_mono : "A  B  Rrel(R,A)  Rrel(R,B)"
  unfolding Rrel_def by blast

lemma Rrel_restr_eq : "Rrel(R,A)  B×B = Rrel(R,AB)"
  unfolding Rrel_def by blast

(* now a consequence of the previous lemmas *)
lemma field_Memrel : "field(Memrel(A))  A"
  (* unfolding field_def using Ordinal.Memrel_type by blast *)
  using Rrel_mem field_Rrel by blast

lemma restrict_trancl_Rrel:
  assumes "R(w,y)"
  shows "restrict(f,Rrel(R,d)-``{y})`w
       = restrict(f,(Rrel(R,d)^+)-``{y})`w"
proof (cases "yd")
  let ?r="Rrel(R,d)" and ?s="(Rrel(R,d))^+"
  case True
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "wd")
    case True
    with yd assms
    have "w,y?r"
      unfolding Rrel_def by blast
    have "w,y?s"
      using r_subset_trancl[of ?r] relation_Rrel[of R d] by blast
    with w,y?r
    have "w?r-``{y}" "w?s-``{y}"
      using vimage_singleton_iff by simp_all
    show ?thesis by simp
    case False
    have "wdomain(restrict(f,?r-``{y}))"
      using subsetD[OF field_Rrel[of R d]] by auto
    moreover from wd
    have "wdomain(restrict(f,?s-``{y}))"
      using subsetD[OF field_Rrel[of R d], of w] field_trancl[of ?r]
        fieldI1[of w y ?s] by auto
    have "restrict(f,?r-``{y})`w = 0" "restrict(f,?s-``{y})`w = 0"
      unfolding apply_def by auto
    then show ?thesis by simp
  let ?r="Rrel(R,d)"
  let ?s="?r^+"
  case False
  have "?r-``{y}=0"
    unfolding Rrel_def by blast
  have "w?r-``{y}" by simp
  with yd assms
  have "yfield(?s)"
    using field_trancl subsetD[OF field_Rrel[of R d]] by force
  have "w?s-``{y}"
    using vimage_singleton_iff by blast
  with w?r-``{y}
  show ?thesis by simp

lemma restrict_trans_eq:
  assumes "w  y"
  shows "restrict(f,Memrel(eclose({x}))-``{y})`w
       = restrict(f,(Memrel(eclose({x}))^+)-``{y})`w"
  using assms restrict_trancl_Rrel[of mem ] Rrel_mem by (simp)

lemma wf_eq_trancl:
  assumes " f y . H(y,restrict(f,R-``{y})) = H(y,restrict(f,R^+-``{y}))"
  shows  "wfrec(R, x, H) = wfrec(R^+, x, H)" (is "wfrec(?r,_,_) = wfrec(?r',_,_)")
proof -
  have "wfrec(R, x, H) = wftrec(?r^+, x, λy f. H(y, restrict(f,?r-``{y})))"
    unfolding wfrec_def ..
  have " ... = wftrec(?r^+, x, λy f. H(y, restrict(f,(?r^+)-``{y})))"
    using assms by simp
  have " ... =  wfrec(?r^+, x, H)"
    unfolding wfrec_def using trancl_eq_r[OF relation_trancl trans_trancl] by simp
  show ?thesis .
