Theory Nonground_Inference
theory Nonground_Inference
imports Nonground_Clause Nonground_Typing
locale nonground_inference = nonground_clause
sublocale inference: term_based_lifting where
sub_subst = clause.subst and sub_vars = clause.vars and map = map_inference and
to_set = set_inference and sub_to_ground = clause.to_ground and
sub_from_ground = clause.from_ground and to_ground_map = map_inference and
from_ground_map = map_inference and ground_map = map_inference and to_set_ground = set_inference
by unfold_locales
notation inference.subst (infixl "⋅ι" 67)
lemma vars_inference [simp]:
"inference.vars (Infer Ps C) = ⋃ (clause.vars ` set Ps) ∪ clause.vars C"
unfolding inference.vars_def
by auto
lemma subst_inference [simp]:
"Infer Ps C ⋅ι σ = Infer (map (λP. P ⋅ σ) Ps) (C ⋅ σ)"
unfolding inference.subst_def
by simp_all
lemma inference_from_ground_clause_from_ground [simp]:
"inference.from_ground (Infer Ps C) = Infer (map clause.from_ground Ps) (clause.from_ground C)"
by (simp add: inference.from_ground_def)
lemma inference_to_ground_clause_to_ground [simp]:
"inference.to_ground (Infer Ps C) = Infer (map clause.to_ground Ps) (clause.to_ground C)"
by (simp add: inference.to_ground_def)
lemma inference_is_ground_clause_is_ground [simp]:
"inference.is_ground (Infer Ps C) ⟷ list_all clause.is_ground Ps ∧ clause.is_ground C"
by (auto simp: Ball_set)