Theory Nonground_Context
theory Nonground_Context
section ‹Nonground Contexts and Substitutions›
type_synonym ('f, 'v) "context" = "('f, 'v) ctxt"
abbreviation subst_apply_ctxt ::
"('f, 'v) context ⇒ ('f, 'v) subst ⇒ ('f, 'v) context" (infixl "⋅t⇩c" 67) where
"subst_apply_ctxt ≡ subst_apply_actxt"
global_interpretation "context": finite_natural_functor where
map = map_args_actxt and to_set = set2_actxt
proof unfold_locales
fix t :: 't
show "∃c. t ∈ set2_actxt c"
by (metis actxt.set_intros(5) list.set_intros(1))
fix c :: "('f, 't) actxt"
show "finite (set2_actxt c)"
by(induction c) auto
qed (auto
simp: actxt.set_map(2) actxt.map_comp fun.map_ident actxt.map_ident_strong
cong: actxt.map_cong)
global_interpretation "context": natural_functor_conversion where
map = map_args_actxt and to_set = set2_actxt and map_to = map_args_actxt and
map_from = map_args_actxt and map' = map_args_actxt and to_set' = set2_actxt
by unfold_locales
(auto simp: actxt.set_map(2) actxt.map_comp cong: actxt.map_cong)
locale nonground_context =
"term": nonground_term
sublocale term_based_lifting where
sub_subst = "(⋅t)" and sub_vars = term.vars and
to_set = "set2_actxt :: ('f, 'v) context ⇒ ('f, 'v) term set" and map = map_args_actxt and
sub_to_ground = term.to_ground and sub_from_ground = term.from_ground and
to_ground_map = map_args_actxt and from_ground_map = map_args_actxt and
ground_map = map_args_actxt and to_set_ground = set2_actxt
"⋀c σ. subst c σ = c ⋅t⇩c σ" and
"⋀c. vars c = vars_ctxt c"
proof unfold_locales
interpret term_based_lifting where
sub_vars = term.vars and sub_subst = "(⋅t)" and map = map_args_actxt and to_set = set2_actxt and
sub_to_ground = term.to_ground and sub_from_ground = term.from_ground and
ground_map = map_args_actxt and to_ground_map = map_args_actxt and
from_ground_map = map_args_actxt and to_set_ground = set2_actxt
by unfold_locales
fix c :: "('f, 'v) context"
show "vars c = vars_ctxt c"
by(induction c) (auto simp: vars_def)
fix σ
show "subst c σ = c ⋅t⇩c σ"
unfolding subst_def
by blast
lemma ground_ctxt_iff_context_is_ground [simp]: "ground_ctxt c ⟷ is_ground c"
by(induction c) simp_all
lemma term_to_ground_context_to_ground [simp]:
shows "term.to_ground c⟨t⟩ = (to_ground c)⟨term.to_ground t⟩⇩G"
unfolding to_ground_def
by(induction c) simp_all
lemma term_from_ground_context_from_ground [simp]:
"term.from_ground c⇩G⟨t⇩G⟩⇩G = (from_ground c⇩G)⟨term.from_ground t⇩G⟩"
unfolding from_ground_def
by(induction c⇩G) simp_all
lemma term_from_ground_context_to_ground:
assumes "is_ground c"
shows "term.from_ground (to_ground c)⟨t⇩G⟩⇩G = c⟨term.from_ground t⇩G⟩"
unfolding to_ground_def
by (metis assms term_from_ground_context_from_ground to_ground_def to_ground_inverse)
lemmas safe_unfolds =
lemma composed_context_is_ground [simp]:
"is_ground (c ∘⇩c c') ⟷ is_ground c ∧ is_ground c'"
by(induction c) auto
lemma ground_context_subst:
"is_ground c⇩G"
"c⇩G = (c ⋅t⇩c σ) ∘⇩c c'"
"c⇩G = c ∘⇩c c' ⋅t⇩c σ"
using assms
by(induction c) simp_all
lemma from_ground_hole [simp]: "from_ground c⇩G = □ ⟷ c⇩G = □"
by(cases c⇩G) (simp_all add: from_ground_def)
lemma hole_simps [simp]: "from_ground □ = □" "to_ground □ = □"
by (auto simp: to_ground_def)
lemma term_with_context_is_ground [simp]:
"term.is_ground c⟨t⟩ ⟷ is_ground c ∧ term.is_ground t"
by simp
lemma map_args_actxt_compose [simp]:
"map_args_actxt f (c ∘⇩c c') = map_args_actxt f c ∘⇩c map_args_actxt f c'"
by(induction c) auto
lemma from_ground_compose [simp]: "from_ground (c ∘⇩c c') = from_ground c ∘⇩c from_ground c'"
unfolding from_ground_def
by simp
lemma to_ground_compose [simp]: "to_ground (c ∘⇩c c') = to_ground c ∘⇩c to_ground c'"
unfolding to_ground_def
by simp
locale nonground_term_with_context =
"term": nonground_term +
"context": nonground_context