Theory Clausal_Calculus_Extra
theory Clausal_Calculus_Extra
lemma : "⟦𝒫 ∈ {Pos, Neg}; 𝒫 = Pos ⟹ P; 𝒫 = Neg ⟹ P⟧ ⟹ P"
by blast
lemma :
"(⋀x. f (g x) = x) ⟹ (⋀l. map_literal f (map_literal g l) = l)"
by (simp add: literal.map_comp literal.map_ident_strong)
lemma :
"map_literal f (map_literal g l) = map_literal (λa. f (g a)) l"
using literal.map_comp
unfolding comp_def.
lemma [simp]: "Pos ≠ Neg" "Neg ≠ Pos"
by (metis literal.distinct(1))+
:: "'a uprod literal ⇒ 'a multiset" where
"mset_lit (Pos a) = mset_uprod a" |
"mset_lit (Neg a) = mset_uprod a + mset_uprod a"
lemma : "mset_lit (map_literal (map_uprod f) l) = image_mset f (mset_lit l)"
by(induction l) (simp_all add: mset_uprod_image_mset)
lemma [simp]:
assumes "sym I"
shows "(Upair t t') ∈ (λ(t⇩1, t⇩2). Upair t⇩1 t⇩2) ` I ⟷ (t, t') ∈ I"
using ‹sym I›[THEN symD] by auto
lemma [simp]:
assumes "sym I"
"upair ` I ⊫l Pos (Upair t t') ⟷ I ⊫l Pos (t, t')"
"upair ` I ⊫l Neg (Upair t t') ⟷ I ⊫l Neg (t, t')"
unfolding true_lit_simps uprod_mem_image_iff_prod_mem[OF ‹sym I›]
by simp_all
abbreviation (infix "≈" 66) where
"Pos_Upair t t' ≡ Pos (Upair t t')"
abbreviation (infix "!≈" 66) where
"Neg_Upair t t' ≡ Neg (Upair t t')"
lemma [intro]: "∃l. a ∈ set_literal l"
by (meson literal.set_intros(1))
lemma [intro]: "∃l. t ∈# mset_lit l"
by (metis exists_uprod mset_lit.simps(1) set_mset_mset_uprod)
lemma [intro]: "finite (set_literal l)"
unfolding set_literal_atm_of
by simp
lemma :
assumes "⋀t. t ∈# mset_lit l ⟹ f t = g t"
shows "map_literal (map_uprod f) l = map_literal (map_uprod g) l"
using assms
by(cases l)(auto cong: uprod.map_cong0)
lemma : "set_mset (mset_lit l) = set_uprod (atm_of l)"
by(cases l) simp_all
lemma : "t ∈# mset_lit l ⟷ t ∈ ⋃(set_uprod ` set_literal l)"
unfolding set_literal_atm_of
by(simp add: set_mset_set_uprod)
lemma : "inj mset_lit"
proof(unfold inj_def, intro allI impI)
fix l l' :: "'a uprod literal"
assume mset_lit: "mset_lit l = mset_lit l'"
show "l = l'"
proof(cases l)
case l: (Pos a)
show ?thesis
proof(cases l')
case l': (Pos a')
show ?thesis
using mset_lit inj_mset_uprod
unfolding l l' inj_def
by auto
case l': (Neg a')
show ?thesis
using mset_lit mset_uprod_plus_neq
unfolding l l'
by auto
case l: (Neg a)
then show ?thesis
proof(cases l')
case l': (Pos a')
show ?thesis
using mset_lit mset_uprod_plus_neq
unfolding l l'
by (metis mset_lit.simps)
case l': (Neg a')
show ?thesis
using mset_lit inj_mset_plus_same inj_mset_uprod
unfolding l l' inj_def
by auto
literal_functor: finite_natural_functor where
map = map_literal and to_set = set_literal
(auto simp: literal.map_comp literal.map_ident literal.set_map intro: literal.map_cong)
literal_functor: natural_functor_conversion where
map = map_literal and to_set = set_literal and map_to = map_literal and map_from = map_literal and
map' = map_literal and to_set' = set_literal
by unfold_locales
(auto simp: literal.set_map literal.map_comp)
abbreviation where "uprod_literal_to_set l ≡ set_mset (mset_lit l)"
abbreviation where "map_uprod_literal f ≡ map_literal (map_uprod f)"
uprod_literal_functor: finite_natural_functor where
map = map_uprod_literal and to_set = uprod_literal_to_set
by unfold_locales (auto simp: mset_lit_image_mset intro: map_literal_map_uprod_cong)
uprod_literal_functor: natural_functor_conversion where
map = map_uprod_literal and to_set = uprod_literal_to_set and map_to = map_uprod_literal and
map_from = map_uprod_literal and map' = map_uprod_literal and to_set' = uprod_literal_to_set
by unfold_locales (auto simp: mset_lit_image_mset)
lemma [intro]: "∃ι. f ∈ set_inference ι"
by (metis inference.set_intros(2))
lemma [intro]: "finite (set_inference ι)"
by (metis inference.exhaust inference.set List.finite_set finite.simps finite_Un)
inference_functor: finite_natural_functor where
map = map_inference and to_set = set_inference
(auto simp: inference.map_comp inference.map_ident inference.set_map intro: inference.map_cong)
inference_functor: natural_functor_conversion where
map = map_inference and to_set = set_inference and map_to = map_inference and
map_from = map_inference and map' = map_inference and to_set' = set_inference
by unfold_locales
(auto simp: inference.set_map inference.map_comp)