Theory HOL-Probability.Independent_Family

(*  Title:      HOL/Probability/Independent_Family.thy
    Author:     Johannes Hölzl, TU München
    Author:     Sudeep Kanav, TU München

section ‹Independent families of events, event sets, and random variables›

theory Independent_Family
  imports Infinite_Product_Measure

definition (in prob_space)
  "indep_sets F I  (iI. F i  events) 
    (JI. J  {}  finite J  (APi J F. prob (jJ. A j) = (jJ. prob (A j))))"

definition (in prob_space)
  "indep_set A B  indep_sets (case_bool A B) UNIV"

definition (in prob_space)
  indep_events_def_alt: "indep_events A I  indep_sets (λi. {A i}) I"

lemma (in prob_space) indep_events_def:
  "indep_events A I  (A`I  events) 
    (JI. J  {}  finite J  prob (jJ. A j) = (jJ. prob (A j)))"
  unfolding indep_events_def_alt indep_sets_def
  apply (simp add: Ball_def Pi_iff image_subset_iff_funcset)
  apply (intro conj_cong refl arg_cong[where f=All] ext imp_cong)
  apply auto

lemma (in prob_space) indep_eventsI:
  "(i. i  I  F i  sets M)  (J. J  I  finite J  J  {}  prob (iJ. F i) = (iJ. prob (F i)))  indep_events F I"
  by (auto simp: indep_events_def)

definition (in prob_space)
  "indep_event A B  indep_events (case_bool A B) UNIV"

lemma (in prob_space) indep_sets_cong:
  "I = J  (i. i  I  F i = G i)  indep_sets F I  indep_sets G J"
  by (simp add: indep_sets_def, intro conj_cong all_cong imp_cong ball_cong) blast+

lemma (in prob_space) indep_events_finite_index_events:
  "indep_events F I  (JI. J  {}  finite J  indep_events F J)"
  by (auto simp: indep_events_def)

lemma (in prob_space) indep_sets_finite_index_sets:
  "indep_sets F I  (JI. J  {}  finite J  indep_sets F J)"
proof (intro iffI allI impI)
  assume *: "JI. J  {}  finite J  indep_sets F J"
  show "indep_sets F I" unfolding indep_sets_def
  proof (intro conjI ballI allI impI)
    fix i assume "i  I"
    with *[THEN spec, of "{i}"] show "F i  events"
      by (auto simp: indep_sets_def)
  qed (insert *, auto simp: indep_sets_def)
qed (auto simp: indep_sets_def)

lemma (in prob_space) indep_sets_mono_index:
  "J  I  indep_sets F I  indep_sets F J"
  unfolding indep_sets_def by auto

lemma (in prob_space) indep_sets_mono_sets:
  assumes indep: "indep_sets F I"
  assumes mono: "i. iI  G i  F i"
  shows "indep_sets G I"
proof -
  have "(iI. F i  events)  (iI. G i  events)"
    using mono by auto
  moreover have "A J. J  I  A  (Π jJ. G j)  A  (Π jJ. F j)"
    using mono by (auto simp: Pi_iff)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using indep by (auto simp: indep_sets_def)

lemma (in prob_space) indep_sets_mono:
  assumes indep: "indep_sets F I"
  assumes mono: "J  I" "i. iJ  G i  F i"
  shows "indep_sets G J"
  apply (rule indep_sets_mono_sets)
  apply (rule indep_sets_mono_index)
  apply (fact +)

lemma (in prob_space) indep_setsI:
  assumes "i. i  I  F i  events"
    and "A J. J  {}  J  I  finite J  (jJ. A j  F j)  prob (jJ. A j) = (jJ. prob (A j))"
  shows "indep_sets F I"
  using assms unfolding indep_sets_def by (auto simp: Pi_iff)

lemma (in prob_space) indep_setsD:
  assumes "indep_sets F I" and "J  I" "J  {}" "finite J" "jJ. A j  F j"
  shows "prob (jJ. A j) = (jJ. prob (A j))"
  using assms unfolding indep_sets_def by auto

lemma (in prob_space) indep_setI:
  assumes ev: "A  events" "B  events"
    and indep: "a b. a  A  b  B  prob (a  b) = prob a * prob b"
  shows "indep_set A B"
  unfolding indep_set_def
proof (rule indep_setsI)
  fix F J assume "J  {}" "J  UNIV"
    and F: "jJ. F j  (case j of True  A | False  B)"
  have "J  Pow UNIV" by auto
  with F J  {} indep[of "F True" "F False"]
  show "prob (jJ. F j) = (jJ. prob (F j))"
    unfolding UNIV_bool Pow_insert by (auto simp: ac_simps)
qed (auto split: bool.split simp: ev)

lemma (in prob_space) indep_setD:
  assumes indep: "indep_set A B" and ev: "a  A" "b  B"
  shows "prob (a  b) = prob a * prob b"
  using indep[unfolded indep_set_def, THEN indep_setsD, of UNIV "case_bool a b"] ev
  by (simp add: ac_simps UNIV_bool)

lemma (in prob_space)
  assumes indep: "indep_set A B"
  shows indep_setD_ev1: "A  events"
    and indep_setD_ev2: "B  events"
  using indep unfolding indep_set_def indep_sets_def UNIV_bool by auto

lemma (in prob_space) indep_sets_Dynkin:
  assumes indep: "indep_sets F I"
  shows "indep_sets (λi. Dynkin (space M) (F i)) I"
    (is "indep_sets ?F I")
proof (subst indep_sets_finite_index_sets, intro allI impI ballI)
  fix J assume "finite J" "J  I" "J  {}"
  with indep have "indep_sets F J"
    by (subst (asm) indep_sets_finite_index_sets) auto
  { fix J K assume "indep_sets F K"
    let ?G = "λS i. if i  S then ?F i else F i"
    assume "finite J" "J  K"
    then have "indep_sets (?G J) K"
    proof induct
      case (insert j J)
      moreover define G where "G = ?G J"
      ultimately have G: "indep_sets G K" "i. i  K  G i  events" and "j  K"
        by (auto simp: indep_sets_def)
      let ?D = "{Eevents. indep_sets (G(j := {E})) K }"
      { fix X assume X: "X  events"
        assume indep: "J A. J  {}  J  K  finite J  j  J  (iJ. A i  G i)
           prob ((iJ. A i)  X) = prob X * (iJ. prob (A i))"
        have "indep_sets (G(j := {X})) K"
        proof (rule indep_setsI)
          fix i assume "i  K" then show "(G(j:={X})) i  events"
            using G X by auto
          fix A J assume J: "J  {}" "J  K" "finite J" "iJ. A i  (G(j := {X})) i"
          show "prob (jJ. A j) = (jJ. prob (A j))"
          proof cases
            assume "j  J"
            with J have "A j = X" by auto
            show ?thesis
            proof cases
              assume "J = {j}" then show ?thesis by simp
              assume "J  {j}"
              have "prob (iJ. A i) = prob ((iJ-{j}. A i)  X)"
                using j  J A j = X by (auto intro!: arg_cong[where f=prob] split: if_split_asm)
              also have " = prob X * (iJ-{j}. prob (A i))"
              proof (rule indep)
                show "J - {j}  {}" "J - {j}  K" "finite (J - {j})" "j  J - {j}"
                  using J J  {j} j  J by auto
                show "iJ - {j}. A i  G i"
                  using J by auto
              also have " = prob (A j) * (iJ-{j}. prob (A i))"
                using A j = X by simp
              also have " = (iJ. prob (A i))"
                unfolding prod.insert_remove[OF finite J, symmetric, of "λi. prob  (A i)"]
                using j  J by (simp add: insert_absorb)
              finally show ?thesis .
            assume "j  J"
            with J have "iJ. A i  G i" by (auto split: if_split_asm)
            with J show ?thesis
              by (intro indep_setsD[OF G(1)]) auto
        qed }
      note indep_sets_insert = this
      have "Dynkin_system (space M) ?D"
      proof (rule Dynkin_systemI', simp_all cong del: indep_sets_cong, safe)
        show "indep_sets (G(j := {{}})) K"
          by (rule indep_sets_insert) auto
        fix X assume X: "X  events" and G': "indep_sets (G(j := {X})) K"
        show "indep_sets (G(j := {space M - X})) K"
        proof (rule indep_sets_insert)
          fix J A assume J: "J  {}" "J  K" "finite J" "j  J" and A: "iJ. A i  G i"
          then have A_sets: "i. iJ  A i  events"
            using G by auto
          have "prob ((jJ. A j)  (space M - X)) =
              prob ((jJ. A j) - (iinsert j J. (A(j := X)) i))"
            using A_sets sets.sets_into_space[of _ M] X J  {}
            by (auto intro!: arg_cong[where f=prob] split: if_split_asm)
          also have " = prob (jJ. A j) - prob (iinsert j J. (A(j := X)) i)"
            using J J  {} j  J A_sets X sets.sets_into_space
            by (auto intro!: finite_measure_Diff sets.finite_INT split: if_split_asm)
          finally have "prob ((jJ. A j)  (space M - X)) =
              prob (jJ. A j) - prob (iinsert j J. (A(j := X)) i)" .
          moreover {
            have "prob (jJ. A j) = (jJ. prob (A j))"
              using J A finite J by (intro indep_setsD[OF G(1)]) auto
            then have "prob (jJ. A j) = prob (space M) * (iJ. prob (A i))"
              using prob_space by simp }
          moreover {
            have "prob (iinsert j J. (A(j := X)) i) = (iinsert j J. prob ((A(j := X)) i))"
              using J A j  K by (intro indep_setsD[OF G']) auto
            then have "prob (iinsert j J. (A(j := X)) i) = prob X * (iJ. prob (A i))"
              using finite J j  J by (auto intro!: prod.cong) }
          ultimately have "prob ((jJ. A j)  (space M - X)) = (prob (space M) - prob X) * (iJ. prob (A i))"
            by (simp add: field_simps)
          also have " = prob (space M - X) * (iJ. prob (A i))"
            using X A by (simp add: finite_measure_compl)
          finally show "prob ((jJ. A j)  (space M - X)) = prob (space M - X) * (iJ. prob (A i))" .
        qed (insert X, auto)
        fix F :: "nat  'a set" assume disj: "disjoint_family F" and "range F  ?D"
        then have F: "i. F i  events" "i. indep_sets (G(j:={F i})) K" by auto
        show "indep_sets (G(j := {k. F k})) K"
        proof (rule indep_sets_insert)
          fix J A assume J: "j  J" "J  {}" "J  K" "finite J" and A: "iJ. A i  G i"
          then have A_sets: "i. iJ  A i  events"
            using G by auto
          have "prob ((jJ. A j)  (k. F k)) = prob (k. (iinsert j J. (A(j := F k)) i))"
            using J  {} j  J j  K by (auto intro!: arg_cong[where f=prob] split: if_split_asm)
          moreover have "(λk. prob (iinsert j J. (A(j := F k)) i)) sums prob (k. (iinsert j J. (A(j := F k)) i))"
          proof (rule finite_measure_UNION)
            show "disjoint_family (λk. iinsert j J. (A(j := F k)) i)"
              using disj by (rule disjoint_family_on_bisimulation) auto
            show "range (λk. iinsert j J. (A(j := F k)) i)  events"
              using A_sets F finite J J  {} j  J by (auto intro!: sets.Int)
          moreover { fix k
            from J A j  K have "prob (iinsert j J. (A(j := F k)) i) = prob (F k) * (iJ. prob (A i))"
              by (subst indep_setsD[OF F(2)]) (auto intro!: prod.cong split: if_split_asm)
            also have " = prob (F k) * prob (iJ. A i)"
              using J A j  K by (subst indep_setsD[OF G(1)]) auto
            finally have "prob (iinsert j J. (A(j := F k)) i) = prob (F k) * prob (iJ. A i)" . }
          ultimately have "(λk. prob (F k) * prob (iJ. A i)) sums (prob ((jJ. A j)  (k. F k)))"
            by simp
          have "(λk. prob (F k) * prob (iJ. A i)) sums (prob (k. F k) * prob (iJ. A i))"
            using disj F(1) by (intro finite_measure_UNION sums_mult2) auto
          then have "(λk. prob (F k) * prob (iJ. A i)) sums (prob (k. F k) * (iJ. prob (A i)))"
            using J A j  K by (subst indep_setsD[OF G(1), symmetric]) auto
          show "prob ((jJ. A j)  (k. F k)) = prob (k. F k) * (jJ. prob (A j))"
            by (auto dest!: sums_unique)
        qed (insert F, auto)
      qed (insert sets.sets_into_space, auto)
      then have mono: "Dynkin (space M) (G j)  {E  events. indep_sets (G(j := {E})) K}"
      proof (rule Dynkin_system.Dynkin_subset, safe)
        fix X assume "X  G j"
        then show "X  events" using G j  K by auto
        from indep_sets G K
        show "indep_sets (G(j := {X})) K"
          by (rule indep_sets_mono_sets) (insert X  G j, auto)
      have "indep_sets (G(j:=?D)) K"
      proof (rule indep_setsI)
        fix i assume "i  K" then show "(G(j := ?D)) i  events"
          using G(2) by auto
        fix A J assume J: "J{}" "J  K" "finite J" and A: "iJ. A i  (G(j := ?D)) i"
        show "prob (jJ. A j) = (jJ. prob (A j))"
        proof cases
          assume "j  J"
          with A have indep: "indep_sets (G(j := {A j})) K" by auto
          from J A show ?thesis
            by (intro indep_setsD[OF indep]) auto
          assume "j  J"
          with J A have "iJ. A i  G i" by (auto split: if_split_asm)
          with J show ?thesis
            by (intro indep_setsD[OF G(1)]) auto
      then have "indep_sets (G(j := Dynkin (space M) (G j))) K"
        by (rule indep_sets_mono_sets) (insert mono, auto)
      then show ?case
        by (rule indep_sets_mono_sets) (insert j  K j  J, auto simp: G_def)
    qed (insert indep_sets F K, simp) }
  from this[OF indep_sets F J finite J subset_refl]
  show "indep_sets ?F J"
    by (rule indep_sets_mono_sets) auto

lemma (in prob_space) indep_sets_sigma:
  assumes indep: "indep_sets F I"
  assumes stable: "i. i  I  Int_stable (F i)"
  shows "indep_sets (λi. sigma_sets (space M) (F i)) I"
proof -
  from indep_sets_Dynkin[OF indep]
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule indep_sets_mono_sets, subst sigma_eq_Dynkin, simp_all add: stable)
    fix i assume "i  I"
    with indep have "F i  events" by (auto simp: indep_sets_def)
    with sets.sets_into_space show "F i  Pow (space M)" by auto

lemma (in prob_space) indep_sets_sigma_sets_iff:
  assumes "i. i  I  Int_stable (F i)"
  shows "indep_sets (λi. sigma_sets (space M) (F i)) I  indep_sets F I"
  assume "indep_sets F I" then show "indep_sets (λi. sigma_sets (space M) (F i)) I"
    by (rule indep_sets_sigma) fact
  assume "indep_sets (λi. sigma_sets (space M) (F i)) I" then show "indep_sets F I"
    by (rule indep_sets_mono_sets) (intro subsetI sigma_sets.Basic)

definition (in prob_space)
  indep_vars_def2: "indep_vars M' X I 
    (iI. random_variable (M' i) (X i)) 
    indep_sets (λi. { X i -` A  space M | A. A  sets (M' i)}) I"

definition (in prob_space)
  "indep_var Ma A Mb B  indep_vars (case_bool Ma Mb) (case_bool A B) UNIV"

lemma (in prob_space) indep_vars_def:
  "indep_vars M' X I 
    (iI. random_variable (M' i) (X i)) 
    indep_sets (λi. sigma_sets (space M) { X i -` A  space M | A. A  sets (M' i)}) I"
  unfolding indep_vars_def2
  apply (rule conj_cong[OF refl])
  apply (rule indep_sets_sigma_sets_iff[symmetric])
  apply (auto simp: Int_stable_def)
  apply (rule_tac x="A  Aa" in exI)
  apply auto

lemma (in prob_space) indep_var_eq:
  "indep_var S X T Y 
    (random_variable S X  random_variable T Y) 
      (sigma_sets (space M) { X -` A  space M | A. A  sets S})
      (sigma_sets (space M) { Y -` A  space M | A. A  sets T})"
  unfolding indep_var_def indep_vars_def indep_set_def UNIV_bool
  by (intro arg_cong2[where f="(∧)"] arg_cong2[where f=indep_sets] ext)
     (auto split: bool.split)

lemma (in prob_space) indep_sets2_eq:
  "indep_set A B  A  events  B  events  (aA. bB. prob (a  b) = prob a * prob b)"
  unfolding indep_set_def
proof (intro iffI ballI conjI)
  assume indep: "indep_sets (case_bool A B) UNIV"
  { fix a b assume "a  A" "b  B"
    with indep_setsD[OF indep, of UNIV "case_bool a b"]
    show "prob (a  b) = prob a * prob b"
      unfolding UNIV_bool by (simp add: ac_simps) }
  from indep show "A  events" "B  events"
    unfolding indep_sets_def UNIV_bool by auto
  assume *: "A  events  B  events  (aA. bB. prob (a  b) = prob a * prob b)"
  show "indep_sets (case_bool A B) UNIV"
  proof (rule indep_setsI)
    fix i show "(case i of True  A | False  B)  events"
      using * by (auto split: bool.split)
    fix J X assume "J  {}" "J  UNIV" and X: "jJ. X j  (case j of True  A | False  B)"
    then have "J = {True}  J = {False}  J = {True,False}"
      by (auto simp: UNIV_bool)
    then show "prob (jJ. X j) = (jJ. prob (X j))"
      using X * by auto

lemma (in prob_space) indep_set_sigma_sets:
  assumes "indep_set A B"
  assumes A: "Int_stable A" and B: "Int_stable B"
  shows "indep_set (sigma_sets (space M) A) (sigma_sets (space M) B)"
proof -
  have "indep_sets (λi. sigma_sets (space M) (case i of True  A | False  B)) UNIV"
  proof (rule indep_sets_sigma)
    show "indep_sets (case_bool A B) UNIV"
      by (rule indep_set A B[unfolded indep_set_def])
    fix i show "Int_stable (case i of True  A | False  B)"
      using A B by (cases i) auto
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding indep_set_def
    by (rule indep_sets_mono_sets) (auto split: bool.split)

lemma (in prob_space) indep_eventsI_indep_vars:
  assumes indep: "indep_vars N X I"
  assumes P: "i. i  I  {xspace (N i). P i x}  sets (N i)"
  shows "indep_events (λi. {xspace M. P i (X i x)}) I"
proof -
  have "indep_sets (λi. {X i -` A  space M |A. A  sets (N i)}) I"
    using indep unfolding indep_vars_def2 by auto
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding indep_events_def_alt
  proof (rule indep_sets_mono_sets)
    fix i assume "i  I"
    then have "{{x  space M. P i (X i x)}} = {X i -` {xspace (N i). P i x}  space M}"
      using indep by (auto simp: indep_vars_def dest: measurable_space)
    also have "  {X i -` A  space M |A. A  sets (N i)}"
      using P[OF i  I] by blast
    finally show "{{x  space M. P i (X i x)}}  {X i -` A  space M |A. A  sets (N i)}" .

lemma (in prob_space) indep_sets_collect_sigma:
  fixes I :: "'j  'i set" and J :: "'j set" and E :: "'i  'a set set"
  assumes indep: "indep_sets E (jJ. I j)"
  assumes Int_stable: "i j. j  J  i  I j  Int_stable (E i)"
  assumes disjoint: "disjoint_family_on I J"
  shows "indep_sets (λj. sigma_sets (space M) (iI j. E i)) J"
proof -
  let ?E = "λj. {kK. E' k| E' K. finite K  K  {}  K  I j  (kK. E' k  E k) }"

  from indep have E: "j i. j  J  i  I j  E i  events"
    unfolding indep_sets_def by auto
  { fix j
    let ?S = "sigma_sets (space M) (iI j. E i)"
    assume "j  J"
    from E[OF this] interpret S: sigma_algebra "space M" ?S
      using sets.sets_into_space[of _ M] by (intro sigma_algebra_sigma_sets) auto

    have "sigma_sets (space M) (iI j. E i) = sigma_sets (space M) (?E j)"
    proof (rule sigma_sets_eqI)
      fix A assume "A  (iI j. E i)"
      then obtain i where "i  I j" "A  E i" ..
      then show "A  sigma_sets (space M) (?E j)"
        by (auto intro!: sigma_sets.intros(2-) exI[of _ "{i}"] exI[of _ "λi. A"])
      fix A assume "A  ?E j"
      then obtain E' K where "finite K" "K  {}" "K  I j" "k. k  K  E' k  E k"
        and A: "A = (kK. E' k)"
        by auto
      then have "A  ?S" unfolding A
        by (safe intro!: S.finite_INT) auto
      then show "A  sigma_sets (space M) (iI j. E i)"
        by simp
    qed }
  moreover have "indep_sets (λj. sigma_sets (space M) (?E j)) J"
  proof (rule indep_sets_sigma)
    show "indep_sets ?E J"
    proof (intro indep_setsI)
      fix j assume "j  J" with E show "?E j  events" by (force  intro!: sets.finite_INT)
      fix K A assume K: "K  {}" "K  J" "finite K"
        and "jK. A j  ?E j"
      then have "jK. E' L. A j = (lL. E' l)  finite L  L  {}  L  I j  (lL. E' l  E l)"
        by simp
      from bchoice[OF this] obtain E'
        where "xK. L. A x =  (E' x ` L)  finite L  L  {}  L  I x  (lL. E' x l  E l)"
      from bchoice[OF this] obtain L
        where A: "j. jK  A j = (lL j. E' j l)"
        and L: "j. jK  finite (L j)" "j. jK  L j  {}" "j. jK  L j  I j"
        and E': "j l. jK  l  L j  E' j l  E l"
        by auto
      { fix k l j assume "k  K" "j  K" "l  L j" "l  L k"
        have "k = j"
        proof (rule ccontr)
          assume "k  j"
          with disjoint K  J k  K j  K have "I k  I j = {}"
            unfolding disjoint_family_on_def by auto
          with L(2,3)[OF j  K] L(2,3)[OF k  K]
          show False using l  L k l  L j by auto
        qed }
      note L_inj = this

      define k where "k l = (SOME k. k  K  l  L k)" for l
      { fix x j l assume *: "j  K" "l  L j"
        have "k l = j" unfolding k_def
        proof (rule some_equality)
          fix k assume "k  K  l  L k"
          with * L_inj show "k = j" by auto
        qed (insert *, simp) }
      note k_simp[simp] = this
      let ?E' = "λl. E' (k l) l"
      have "prob (jK. A j) = prob (l(kK. L k). ?E' l)"
        by (auto simp: A intro!: arg_cong[where f=prob])
      also have " = (l(kK. L k). prob (?E' l))"
        using L K E' by (intro indep_setsD[OF indep]) (simp_all add: UN_mono)
      also have " = (jK. lL j. prob (E' j l))"
        using K L L_inj by (subst prod.UNION_disjoint) auto
      also have " = (jK. prob (A j))"
        using K L E' by (auto simp add: A intro!: prod.cong indep_setsD[OF indep, symmetric]) blast
      finally show "prob (jK. A j) = (jK. prob (A j))" .
    fix j assume "j  J"
    show "Int_stable (?E j)"
    proof (rule Int_stableI)
      fix a assume "a  ?E j" then obtain Ka Ea
        where a: "a = (kKa. Ea k)" "finite Ka" "Ka  {}" "Ka  I j" "k. kKa  Ea k  E k" by auto
      fix b assume "b  ?E j" then obtain Kb Eb
        where b: "b = (kKb. Eb k)" "finite Kb" "Kb  {}" "Kb  I j" "k. kKb  Eb k  E k" by auto
      let ?f = "λk. (if k  Ka  Kb then Ea k  Eb k else if k  Kb then Eb k else if k  Ka then Ea k else {})"
      have "Ka  Kb = (Ka  Kb)  (Kb - Ka)  (Ka - Kb)"
        by blast
      moreover have "(xKa  Kb. Ea x  Eb x) 
        (xKb - Ka. Eb x)  (xKa - Kb. Ea x) = (kKa. Ea k)  (kKb. Eb k)"
        by auto
      ultimately have "(kKa  Kb. ?f k) = (kKa. Ea k)  (kKb. Eb k)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
        by (simp only: image_Un Inter_Un_distrib) simp
      then have "a  b = (kKa  Kb. ?f k)"
        by (simp only: a(1) b(1))
      with a b j  J Int_stableD[OF Int_stable] show "a  b  ?E j"
        by (intro CollectI exI[of _ "Ka  Kb"] exI[of _ ?f]) auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (simp cong: indep_sets_cong)

lemma (in prob_space) indep_vars_restrict:
  assumes ind: "indep_vars M' X I" and K: "j. j  L  K j  I" and J: "disjoint_family_on K L"
  shows "indep_vars (λj. PiM (K j) M') (λj ω. restrict (λi. X i ω) (K j)) L"
  unfolding indep_vars_def
proof safe
  fix j assume "j  L" then show "random_variable (PiM (K j) M') (λω. λiK j. X i ω)"
    using K ind by (auto simp: indep_vars_def intro!: measurable_restrict)
  have X: "i. i  I  X i  measurable M (M' i)"
    using ind by (auto simp: indep_vars_def)
  let ?proj = "λj S. {(λω. λiK j. X i ω) -` A  space M |A. A  S}"
  let ?UN = "λj. sigma_sets (space M) (iK j. { X i -` A  space M| A. A  sets (M' i) })"
  show "indep_sets (λi. sigma_sets (space M) (?proj i (sets (PiM (K i) M')))) L"
  proof (rule indep_sets_mono_sets)
    fix j assume j: "j  L"
    have "sigma_sets (space M) (?proj j (sets (PiM (K j) M'))) =
      sigma_sets (space M) (sigma_sets (space M) (?proj j (prod_algebra (K j) M')))"
      using j K X[THEN measurable_space] unfolding sets_PiM
      by (subst sigma_sets_vimage_commute) (auto simp add: Pi_iff)
    also have " = sigma_sets (space M) (?proj j (prod_algebra (K j) M'))"
      by (rule sigma_sets_sigma_sets_eq) auto
    also have "  ?UN j"
    proof (rule sigma_sets_mono, safe del: disjE elim!: prod_algebraE)
      fix J E assume J: "finite J" "J  {}  K j = {}"  "J  K j" and E: "i. i  J  E i  sets (M' i)"
      show "(λω. λiK j. X i ω) -` prod_emb (K j) M' J (PiE J E)  space M  ?UN j"
      proof cases
        assume "K j = {}" with J show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: sigma_sets_empty_eq prod_emb_def)
        assume "K j  {}" with J have "J  {}"
          by auto
        { interpret sigma_algebra "space M" "?UN j"
            by (rule sigma_algebra_sigma_sets) auto
          have "A. (i. i  J  A i  ?UN j)  (A ` J)  ?UN j"
            using finite J J  {} by (rule finite_INT) blast }
        note INT = this

        from J  {} J K E[rule_format, THEN sets.sets_into_space] j
        have "(λω. λiK j. X i ω) -` prod_emb (K j) M' J (PiE J E)  space M
          = (iJ. X i -` E i  space M)"
          apply (subst prod_emb_PiE[OF _ ])
          apply auto []
          apply auto []
          apply (auto simp add: Pi_iff intro!: X[THEN measurable_space])
          apply (erule_tac x=i in ballE)
          apply auto
        also have "  ?UN j"
          apply (rule INT)
          apply (rule sigma_sets.Basic)
          using J  K j E
          apply auto
        finally show ?thesis .
    finally show "sigma_sets (space M) (?proj j (sets (PiM (K j) M')))  ?UN j" .
    show "indep_sets ?UN L"
    proof (rule indep_sets_collect_sigma)
      show "indep_sets (λi. {X i -` A  space M |A. A  sets (M' i)}) (jL. K j)"
      proof (rule indep_sets_mono_index)
        show "indep_sets (λi. {X i -` A  space M |A. A  sets (M' i)}) I"
          using ind unfolding indep_vars_def2 by auto
        show "(lL. K l)  I"
          using K by auto
      fix l i assume "l  L" "i  K l"
      show "Int_stable {X i -` A  space M |A. A  sets (M' i)}"
        apply (auto simp: Int_stable_def)
        apply (rule_tac x="A  Aa" in exI)
        apply auto
    qed fact

lemma (in prob_space) indep_var_restrict:
  assumes ind: "indep_vars M' X I" and AB: "A  B = {}" "A  I" "B  I"
  shows "indep_var (PiM A M') (λω. restrict (λi. X i ω) A) (PiM B M') (λω. restrict (λi. X i ω) B)"
proof -
  have *:
    "case_bool (PiM A M') (PiM B M') = (λb. PiM (case_bool A B b) M')"
    "case_bool (λω. λiA. X i ω) (λω. λiB. X i ω) = (λb ω. λicase_bool A B b. X i ω)"
    by (simp_all add: fun_eq_iff split: bool.split)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding indep_var_def * using AB
    by (intro indep_vars_restrict[OF ind]) (auto simp: disjoint_family_on_def split: bool.split)

lemma (in prob_space) indep_vars_subset:
  assumes "indep_vars M' X I" "J  I"
  shows "indep_vars M' X J"
  using assms unfolding indep_vars_def indep_sets_def
  by auto

lemma (in prob_space) indep_vars_cong:
  "I = J  (i. i  I  X i = Y i)  (i. i  I  M' i = N' i)  indep_vars M' X I  indep_vars N' Y J"
  unfolding indep_vars_def2 by (intro conj_cong indep_sets_cong) auto

definition (in prob_space) tail_events where
  "tail_events A = (n. sigma_sets (space M) ( (A ` {n..})))"

lemma (in prob_space) tail_events_sets:
  assumes A: "i::nat. A i  events"
  shows "tail_events A  events"
  fix X assume X: "X  tail_events A"
  let ?A = "(n. sigma_sets (space M) ( (A ` {n..})))"
  from X have "n::nat. X  sigma_sets (space M) ( (A ` {n..}))" by (auto simp: tail_events_def)
  from this[of 0] have "X  sigma_sets (space M) ((A ` UNIV))" by simp
  then show "X  events"
    by induct (insert A, auto)

lemma (in prob_space) sigma_algebra_tail_events:
  assumes "i::nat. sigma_algebra (space M) (A i)"
  shows "sigma_algebra (space M) (tail_events A)"
  unfolding tail_events_def
proof (simp add: sigma_algebra_iff2, safe)
  let ?A = "(n. sigma_sets (space M) ( (A ` {n..})))"
  interpret A: sigma_algebra "space M" "A i" for i by fact
  { fix X x assume "X  ?A" "x  X"
    then have "n. X  sigma_sets (space M) ( (A ` {n..}))" by auto
    from this[of 0] have "X  sigma_sets (space M) ((A ` UNIV))" by simp
    then have "X  space M"
      by induct (insert A.sets_into_space, auto)
    with x  X show "x  space M" by auto }
  { fix F :: "nat  'a set" and n assume "range F  ?A"
    then show "((F ` UNIV))  sigma_sets (space M) ( (A ` {n..}))"
      by (intro sigma_sets.Union) auto }
qed (auto intro!: sigma_sets.Compl sigma_sets.Empty)

lemma (in prob_space) kolmogorov_0_1_law:
  fixes A :: "nat  'a set set"
  assumes "i::nat. sigma_algebra (space M) (A i)"
  assumes indep: "indep_sets A UNIV"
  and X: "X  tail_events A"
  shows "prob X = 0  prob X = 1"
proof -
  have A: "i. A i  events"
    using indep unfolding indep_sets_def by simp

  let ?D = "{D  events. prob (X  D) = prob X * prob D}"
  interpret A: sigma_algebra "space M" "A i" for i by fact
  interpret T: sigma_algebra "space M" "tail_events A"
    by (rule sigma_algebra_tail_events) fact
  have "X  space M" using T.space_closed X by auto

  have X_in: "X  events"
    using tail_events_sets A X by auto

  interpret D: Dynkin_system "space M" ?D
  proof (rule Dynkin_systemI)
    fix D assume "D  ?D" then show "D  space M"
      using sets.sets_into_space by auto
    show "space M  ?D"
      using prob_space X  space M by (simp add: Int_absorb2)
    fix A assume A: "A  ?D"
    have "prob (X  (space M - A)) = prob (X - (X  A))"
      using X  space M by (auto intro!: arg_cong[where f=prob])
    also have " = prob X - prob (X  A)"
      using X_in A by (intro finite_measure_Diff) auto
    also have " = prob X * prob (space M) - prob X * prob A"
      using A prob_space by auto
    also have " = prob X * prob (space M - A)"
      using X_in A sets.sets_into_space
      by (subst finite_measure_Diff) (auto simp: field_simps)
    finally show "space M - A  ?D"
      using A X  space M by auto
    fix F :: "nat  'a set" assume dis: "disjoint_family F" and "range F  ?D"
    then have F: "range F  events" "i. prob (X  F i) = prob X * prob (F i)"
      by auto
    have "(λi. prob (X  F i)) sums prob (i. X  F i)"
    proof (rule finite_measure_UNION)
      show "range (λi. X  F i)  events"
        using F X_in by auto
      show "disjoint_family (λi. X  F i)"
        using dis by (rule disjoint_family_on_bisimulation) auto
    with F have "(λi. prob X * prob (F i)) sums prob (X  (i. F i))"
      by simp
    moreover have "(λi. prob X * prob (F i)) sums (prob X * prob (i. F i))"
      by (intro sums_mult finite_measure_UNION F dis)
    ultimately have "prob (X  (i. F i)) = prob X * prob (i. F i)"
      by (auto dest!: sums_unique)
    with F show "(i. F i)  ?D"
      by auto

  { fix n
    have "indep_sets (λb. sigma_sets (space M) (mcase_bool {..n} {Suc n..} b. A m)) UNIV"
    proof (rule indep_sets_collect_sigma)
      have *: "(b. case b of True  {..n} | False  {Suc n..}) = UNIV" (is "?U = _")
        by (simp split: bool.split add: set_eq_iff) (metis not_less_eq_eq)
      with indep show "indep_sets A ?U" by simp
      show "disjoint_family (case_bool {..n} {Suc n..})"
        unfolding disjoint_family_on_def by (auto split: bool.split)
      fix m
      show "Int_stable (A m)"
        unfolding Int_stable_def using A.Int by auto
    also have "(λb. sigma_sets (space M) (mcase_bool {..n} {Suc n..} b. A m)) =
      case_bool (sigma_sets (space M) (m{..n}. A m)) (sigma_sets (space M) (m{Suc n..}. A m))"
      by (auto intro!: ext split: bool.split)
    finally have indep: "indep_set (sigma_sets (space M) (m{..n}. A m)) (sigma_sets (space M) (m{Suc n..}. A m))"
      unfolding indep_set_def by simp

    have "sigma_sets (space M) (m{..n}. A m)  ?D"
    proof (simp add: subset_eq, rule)
      fix D assume D: "D  sigma_sets (space M) (m{..n}. A m)"
      have "X  sigma_sets (space M) (m{Suc n..}. A m)"
        using X unfolding tail_events_def by simp
      from indep_setD[OF indep D this] indep_setD_ev1[OF indep] D
      show "D  events  prob (X  D) = prob X * prob D"
        by (auto simp add: ac_simps)
    qed }
  then have "(n. sigma_sets (space M) (m{..n}. A m))  ?D" (is "?A  _")
    by auto

  note X  tail_events A
  also {
    have "n. sigma_sets (space M) (i{n..}. A i)  sigma_sets (space M) ?A"
      by (intro sigma_sets_subseteq UN_mono) auto
   then have "tail_events A  sigma_sets (space M) ?A"
      unfolding tail_events_def by auto }
  also have "sigma_sets (space M) ?A = Dynkin (space M) ?A"
  proof (rule sigma_eq_Dynkin)
    { fix B n assume "B  sigma_sets (space M) (m{..n}. A m)"
      then have "B  space M"
        by induct (insert A sets.sets_into_space[of _ M], auto) }
    then show "?A  Pow (space M)" by auto
    show "Int_stable ?A"
    proof (rule Int_stableI)
      fix a b assume "a  ?A" "b  ?A" then obtain n m
        where a: "n  UNIV" "a  sigma_sets (space M) ( (A ` {..n}))"
          and b: "m  UNIV" "b  sigma_sets (space M) ( (A ` {..m}))" by auto
      interpret Amn: sigma_algebra "space M" "sigma_sets (space M) (i{..max m n}. A i)"
        using A sets.sets_into_space[of _ M] by (intro sigma_algebra_sigma_sets) auto
      have "sigma_sets (space M) (i{..n}. A i)  sigma_sets (space M) (i{..max m n}. A i)"
        by (intro sigma_sets_subseteq UN_mono) auto
      with a have "a  sigma_sets (space M) (i{..max m n}. A i)" by auto
      have "sigma_sets (space M) (i{..m}. A i)  sigma_sets (space M) (i{..max m n}. A i)"
        by (intro sigma_sets_subseteq UN_mono) auto
      with b have "b  sigma_sets (space M) (i{..max m n}. A i)" by auto
      ultimately have "a  b  sigma_sets (space M) (i{..max m n}. A i)"
        using Amn.Int[of a b] by simp
      then show "a  b  (n. sigma_sets (space M) (i{..n}. A i))" by auto
  also have "Dynkin (space M) ?A  ?D"
    using ?A  ?D by (auto intro!: D.Dynkin_subset)
  finally show ?thesis by auto

lemma (in prob_space) borel_0_1_law:
  fixes F :: "nat  'a set"
  assumes F2: "indep_events F UNIV"
  shows "prob (n. m{n..}. F m) = 0  prob (n. m{n..}. F m) = 1"
proof (rule kolmogorov_0_1_law[of "λi. sigma_sets (space M) { F i }"])
  have F1: "range F  events"
    using F2 by (simp add: indep_events_def subset_eq)
  { fix i show "sigma_algebra (space M) (sigma_sets (space M) {F i})"
      using sigma_algebra_sigma_sets[of "{F i}" "space M"] F1 sets.sets_into_space
      by auto }
  show "indep_sets (λi. sigma_sets (space M) {F i}) UNIV"
  proof (rule indep_sets_sigma)
    show "indep_sets (λi. {F i}) UNIV"
      unfolding indep_events_def_alt[symmetric] by fact
    fix i show "Int_stable {F i}"
      unfolding Int_stable_def by simp
  let ?Q = "λn. i{n..}. F i"
  show "(n. m{n..}. F m)  tail_events (λi. sigma_sets (space M) {F i})"
    unfolding tail_events_def
    fix j
    interpret S: sigma_algebra "space M" "sigma_sets (space M) (i{j..}. sigma_sets (space M) {F i})"
      using order_trans[OF F1 sets.space_closed]
      by (intro sigma_algebra_sigma_sets) (simp add: sigma_sets_singleton subset_eq)
    have "(n. ?Q n) = (n{j..}. ?Q n)"
      by (intro decseq_SucI INT_decseq_offset UN_mono) auto
    also have "  sigma_sets (space M) (i{j..}. sigma_sets (space M) {F i})"
      using order_trans[OF F1 sets.space_closed]
      by (safe intro!: S.countable_INT S.countable_UN)
         (auto simp: sigma_sets_singleton intro!: sigma_sets.Basic bexI)
    finally show "(n. ?Q n)  sigma_sets (space M) (i{j..}. sigma_sets (space M) {F i})"
      by simp

lemma (in prob_space) borel_0_1_law_AE:
  fixes P :: "nat  'a  bool"
  assumes "indep_events (λm. {xspace M. P m x}) UNIV" (is "indep_events ?P _")
  shows "(AE x in M. infinite {m. P m x})  (AE x in M. finite {m. P m x})"
proof -
  have [measurable]: "m. {xspace M. P m x}  sets M"
    using assms by (auto simp: indep_events_def)
  have *: "(n. m{n..}. {x  space M. P m x})  events"
    by simp
  from assms have "prob (n. m{n..}. ?P m) = 0  prob (n. m{n..}. ?P m) = 1"
    by (rule borel_0_1_law)
  also have "prob (n. m{n..}. ?P m) = 1  (AE x in M. infinite {m. P m x})"
    using * by (simp add: prob_eq_1)
      (simp add: Bex_def infinite_nat_iff_unbounded_le)
  also have "prob (n. m{n..}. ?P m) = 0  (AE x in M. finite {m. P m x})"
    using * by (simp add: prob_eq_0)
      (auto simp add: Ball_def finite_nat_iff_bounded not_less [symmetric])
  finally show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma (in prob_space) indep_sets_finite:
  assumes I: "I  {}" "finite I"
    and F: "i. i  I  F i  events" "i. i  I  space M  F i"
  shows "indep_sets F I  (APi I F. prob (jI. A j) = (jI. prob (A j)))"
  assume *: "indep_sets F I"
  from I show "APi I F. prob (jI. A j) = (jI. prob (A j))"
    by (intro indep_setsD[OF *] ballI) auto
  assume indep: "APi I F. prob (jI. A j) = (jI. prob (A j))"
  show "indep_sets F I"
  proof (rule indep_setsI[OF F(1)])
    fix A J assume J: "J  {}" "J  I" "finite J"
    assume A: "jJ. A j  F j"
    let ?A = "λj. if j  J then A j else space M"
    have "prob (jI. ?A j) = prob (jJ. A j)"
      using subset_trans[OF F(1) sets.space_closed] J A
      by (auto intro!: arg_cong[where f=prob] split: if_split_asm) blast
    from A F have "(λj. if j  J then A j else space M)  Pi I F" (is "?A  _")
      by (auto split: if_split_asm)
    with indep have "prob (jI. ?A j) = (jI. prob (?A j))"
      by auto
    also have " = (jJ. prob (A j))"
      unfolding if_distrib prod.If_cases[OF finite I]
      using prob_space J  I by (simp add: Int_absorb1 prod.neutral_const)
    finally show "prob (jJ. A j) = (jJ. prob (A j))" ..

lemma (in prob_space) indep_vars_finite:
  fixes I :: "'i set"
  assumes I: "I  {}" "finite I"
    and M': "i. i  I  sets (M' i) = sigma_sets (space (M' i)) (E i)"
    and rv: "i. i  I  random_variable (M' i) (X i)"
    and Int_stable: "i. i  I  Int_stable (E i)"
    and space: "i. i  I  space (M' i)  E i" and closed: "i. i  I  E i  Pow (space (M' i))"
  shows "indep_vars M' X I 
    (A(Π iI. E i). prob (jI. X j -` A j  space M) = (jI. prob (X j -` A j  space M)))"
proof -
  from rv have X: "i. i  I  X i  space M  space (M' i)"
    unfolding measurable_def by simp

  { fix i assume "iI"
    from closed[OF i  I]
    have "sigma_sets (space M) {X i -` A  space M |A. A  sets (M' i)}
      = sigma_sets (space M) {X i -` A  space M |A. A  E i}"
      unfolding sigma_sets_vimage_commute[OF X, OF i  I, symmetric] M'[OF i  I]
      by (subst sigma_sets_sigma_sets_eq) auto }
  note sigma_sets_X = this

  { fix i assume "iI"
    have "Int_stable {X i -` A  space M |A. A  E i}"
    proof (rule Int_stableI)
      fix a assume "a  {X i -` A  space M |A. A  E i}"
      then obtain A where "a = X i -` A  space M" "A  E i" by auto
      fix b assume "b  {X i -` A  space M |A. A  E i}"
      then obtain B where "b = X i -` B  space M" "B  E i" by auto
      have "(X i -` A  space M)  (X i -` B  space M) = X i -` (A  B)  space M" by auto
      moreover note Int_stable[OF i  I]
      show "a  b  {X i -` A  space M |A. A  E i}"
        by (auto simp del: vimage_Int intro!: exI[of _ "A  B"] dest: Int_stableD)
    qed }
  note indep_sets_X = indep_sets_sigma_sets_iff[OF this]

  { fix i assume "i  I"
    { fix A assume "A  E i"
      with M'[OF i  I] have "A  sets (M' i)" by auto
      from rv[OF iI] have "X i  measurable M (M' i)" by auto
      have "X i -` A  space M  sets M" by (auto intro: measurable_sets) }
    with X[OF iI] space[OF iI]
    have "{X i -` A  space M |A. A  E i}  events"
      "space M  {X i -` A  space M |A. A  E i}"
      by (auto intro!: exI[of _ "space (M' i)"]) }
  note indep_sets_finite_X = indep_sets_finite[OF I this]

  have "(AΠ iI. {X i -` A  space M |A. A  E i}. prob ((A ` I)) = (jI. prob (A j))) =
    (AΠ iI. E i. prob ((jI. X j -` A j)  space M) = (xI. prob (X x -` A x  space M)))"
    (is "?L = ?R")
  proof safe
    fix A assume ?L and A: "A  (Π iI. E i)"
    from ?L[THEN bspec, of "λi. X i -` A i  space M"] A I  {}
    show "prob ((jI. X j -` A j)  space M) = (xI. prob (X x -` A x  space M))"
      by (auto simp add: Pi_iff)
    fix A assume ?R and A: "A  (Π iI. {X i -` A  space M |A. A  E i})"
    from A have "iI. B. A i = X i -` B  space M  B  E i" by auto
    from bchoice[OF this] obtain B where B: "iI. A i = X i -` B i  space M"
      "B  (Π iI. E i)" by auto
    from ?R[THEN bspec, OF B(2)] B(1) I  {}
    show "prob ((A ` I)) = (jI. prob (A j))"
      by simp
  then show ?thesis using I  {}
    by (simp add: rv indep_vars_def indep_sets_X sigma_sets_X indep_sets_finite_X cong: indep_sets_cong)

lemma (in prob_space) indep_vars_compose:
  assumes "indep_vars M' X I"
  assumes rv: "i. i  I  Y i  measurable (M' i) (N i)"
  shows "indep_vars N (λi. Y i  X i) I"
  unfolding indep_vars_def
  from rv indep_vars M' X I
  show "iI. random_variable (N i) (Y i  X i)"
    by (auto simp: indep_vars_def)

  have "indep_sets (λi. sigma_sets (space M) {X i -` A  space M |A. A  sets (M' i)}) I"
    using indep_vars M' X I by (simp add: indep_vars_def)
  then show "indep_sets (λi. sigma_sets (space M) {(Y i  X i) -` A  space M |A. A  sets (N i)}) I"
  proof (rule indep_sets_mono_sets)
    fix i assume "i  I"
    with indep_vars M' X I have X: "X i  space M  space (M' i)"
      unfolding indep_vars_def measurable_def by auto
    { fix A assume "A  sets (N i)"
      then have "B. (Y i  X i) -` A  space M = X i -` B  space M  B  sets (M' i)"
        by (intro exI[of _ "Y i -` A  space (M' i)"])
           (auto simp: vimage_comp intro!: measurable_sets rv i  I funcset_mem[OF X]) }
    then show "sigma_sets (space M) {(Y i  X i) -` A  space M |A. A  sets (N i)} 
      sigma_sets (space M) {X i -` A  space M |A. A  sets (M' i)}"
      by (intro sigma_sets_subseteq) (auto simp: vimage_comp)

lemma (in prob_space) indep_vars_compose2:
  assumes "indep_vars M' X I"
  assumes rv: "i. i  I  Y i  measurable (M' i) (N i)"
  shows "indep_vars N (λi x. Y i (X i x)) I"
  using indep_vars_compose [OF assms] by (simp add: comp_def)

lemma (in prob_space) indep_var_compose:
  assumes "indep_var M1 X1 M2 X2" "Y1  measurable M1 N1" "Y2  measurable M2 N2"
  shows "indep_var N1 (Y1  X1) N2 (Y2  X2)"
proof -
  have "indep_vars (case_bool N1 N2) (λb. case_bool Y1 Y2 b  case_bool X1 X2 b) UNIV"
    using assms
    by (intro indep_vars_compose[where M'="case_bool M1 M2"])
       (auto simp: indep_var_def split: bool.split)
  also have "(λb. case_bool Y1 Y2 b  case_bool X1 X2 b) = case_bool (Y1  X1) (Y2  X2)"
    by (simp add: fun_eq_iff split: bool.split)
  finally show ?thesis
    unfolding indep_var_def .

lemma (in prob_space) indep_vars_Min:
  fixes X :: "'i  'a  real"
  assumes I: "finite I" "i  I" and indep: "indep_vars (λ_. borel) X (insert i I)"
  shows "indep_var borel (X i) borel (λω. Min ((λi. X i ω)`I))"
proof -
  have "indep_var
    borel ((λf. f i)  (λω. restrict (λi. X i ω) {i}))
    borel ((λf. Min (f`I))  (λω. restrict (λi. X i ω) I))"
    using I by (intro indep_var_compose[OF indep_var_restrict[OF indep]] borel_measurable_Min) auto
  also have "((λf. f i)  (λω. restrict (λi. X i ω) {i})) = X i"
    by auto
  also have "((λf. Min (f`I))  (λω. restrict (λi. X i ω) I)) = (λω. Min ((λi. X i ω)`I))"
    by (auto cong: rev_conj_cong)
  finally show ?thesis
    unfolding indep_var_def .

lemma (in prob_space) indep_vars_sum:
  fixes X :: "'i  'a  real"
  assumes I: "finite I" "i  I" and indep: "indep_vars (λ_. borel) X (insert i I)"
  shows "indep_var borel (X i) borel (λω. iI. X i ω)"
proof -
  have "indep_var
    borel ((λf. f i)  (λω. restrict (λi. X i ω) {i}))
    borel ((λf. iI. f i)  (λω. restrict (λi. X i ω) I))"
    using I by (intro indep_var_compose[OF indep_var_restrict[OF indep]] ) auto
  also have "((λf. f i)  (λω. restrict (λi. X i ω) {i})) = X i"
    by auto
  also have "((λf. iI. f i)  (λω. restrict (λi. X i ω) I)) = (λω. iI. X i ω)"
    by (auto cong: rev_conj_cong)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma (in prob_space) indep_vars_prod:
  fixes X :: "'i  'a  real"
  assumes I: "finite I" "i  I" and indep: "indep_vars (λ_. borel) X (insert i I)"
  shows "indep_var borel (X i) borel (λω. iI. X i ω)"
proof -
  have "indep_var
    borel ((λf. f i)  (λω. restrict (λi. X i ω) {i}))
    borel ((λf. iI. f i)  (λω. restrict (λi. X i ω) I))"
    using I by (intro indep_var_compose[OF indep_var_restrict[OF indep]] ) auto
  also have "((λf. f i)  (λω. restrict (λi. X i ω) {i})) = X i"
    by auto
  also have "((λf. iI. f i)  (λω. restrict (λi. X i ω) I)) = (λω. iI. X i ω)"
    by (auto cong: rev_conj_cong)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma (in prob_space) indep_varsD_finite:
  assumes X: "indep_vars M' X I"
  assumes I: "I  {}" "finite I" "i. i  I  A i  sets (M' i)"
  shows "prob (iI. X i -` A i  space M) = (iI. prob (X i -` A i  space M))"
proof (rule indep_setsD)
  show "indep_sets (λi. sigma_sets (space M) {X i -` A  space M |A. A  sets (M' i)}) I"
    using X by (auto simp: indep_vars_def)
  show "I  I" "I  {}" "finite I" using I by auto
  show "iI. X i -` A i  space M  sigma_sets (space M) {X i -` A  space M |A. A  sets (M' i)}"
    using I by auto

lemma (in prob_space) indep_varsD:
  assumes X: "indep_vars M' X I"
  assumes I: "J  {}" "finite J" "J  I" "i. i  J  A i  sets (M' i)"
  shows "prob (iJ. X i -` A i  space M) = (iJ. prob (X i -` A i  space M))"
proof (rule indep_setsD)
  show "indep_sets (λi. sigma_sets (space M) {X i -` A  space M |A. A  sets (M' i)}) I"
    using X by (auto simp: indep_vars_def)
  show "iJ. X i -` A i  space M  sigma_sets (space M) {X i -` A  space M |A. A  sets (M' i)}"
    using I by auto
qed fact+

lemma (in prob_space) indep_vars_iff_distr_eq_PiM:
  fixes I :: "'i set" and X :: "'i  'a  'b"
  assumes "I  {}"
  assumes rv: "i. random_variable (M' i) (X i)"
  shows "indep_vars M' X I 
    distr M (ΠM iI. M' i) (λx. λiI. X i x) = (ΠM iI. distr M (M' i) (X i))"
proof -
  let ?P = "ΠM iI. M' i"
  let ?X = "λx. λiI. X i x"
  let ?D = "distr M ?P ?X"
  have X: "random_variable ?P ?X" by (intro measurable_restrict rv)
  interpret D: prob_space ?D by (intro prob_space_distr X)

  let ?D' = "λi. distr M (M' i) (X i)"
  let ?P' = "ΠM iI. distr M (M' i) (X i)"
  interpret D': prob_space "?D' i" for i by (intro prob_space_distr rv)
  interpret P: product_prob_space ?D' I ..

  show ?thesis
    assume "indep_vars M' X I"
    show "?D = ?P'"
    proof (rule measure_eqI_generator_eq)
      show "Int_stable (prod_algebra I M')"
        by (rule Int_stable_prod_algebra)
      show "prod_algebra I M'  Pow (space ?P)"
        using prod_algebra_sets_into_space by (simp add: space_PiM)
      show "sets ?D = sigma_sets (space ?P) (prod_algebra I M')"
        by (simp add: sets_PiM space_PiM)
      show "sets ?P' = sigma_sets (space ?P) (prod_algebra I M')"
        by (simp add: sets_PiM space_PiM cong: prod_algebra_cong)
      let ?A = "λi. ΠE iI. space (M' i)"
      show "range ?A  prod_algebra I M'" "(i. ?A i) = space (PiM I M')"
        by (auto simp: space_PiM intro!: space_in_prod_algebra cong: prod_algebra_cong)
      { fix i show "emeasure ?D (ΠE iI. space (M' i))  " by auto }
      fix E assume E: "E  prod_algebra I M'"
      from prod_algebraE[OF E] obtain J Y
        where J:
          "E = prod_emb I M' J (PiE J Y)"
          "finite J"
          "J  {}  I = {}"
          "J  I"
          "i. i  J  Y i  sets (M' i)"
        by auto
      from E have "E  sets ?P" by (auto simp: sets_PiM)
      then have "emeasure ?D E = emeasure M (?X -` E  space M)"
        by (simp add: emeasure_distr X)
      also have "?X -` E  space M = (iJ. X i -` Y i  space M)"
        using J I  {} measurable_space[OF rv] by (auto simp: prod_emb_def PiE_iff split: if_split_asm)
      also have "emeasure M (iJ. X i -` Y i  space M) = ( iJ. emeasure M (X i -` Y i  space M))"
        using indep_vars M' X I J I  {} using indep_varsD[of M' X I J]
        by (auto simp: emeasure_eq_measure prod_ennreal measure_nonneg prod_nonneg)
      also have " = ( iJ. emeasure (?D' i) (Y i))"
        using rv J by (simp add: emeasure_distr)
      also have " = emeasure ?P' E"
        using P.emeasure_PiM_emb[of J Y] J by (simp add: prod_emb_def)
      finally show "emeasure ?D E = emeasure ?P' E" .
    assume "?D = ?P'"
    show "indep_vars M' X I" unfolding indep_vars_def
    proof (intro conjI indep_setsI ballI rv)
      fix i show "sigma_sets (space M) {X i -` A  space M |A. A  sets (M' i)}  events"
        by (auto intro!: sets.sigma_sets_subset measurable_sets rv)
      fix J Y' assume J: "J  {}" "J  I" "finite J"
      assume Y': "jJ. Y' j  sigma_sets (space M) {X j -` A  space M |A. A  sets (M' j)}"
      have "jJ. Y. Y' j = X j -` Y  space M  Y  sets (M' j)"
        fix j assume "j  J"
        from Y'[rule_format, OF this] rv[of j]
        show "Y. Y' j = X j -` Y  space M  Y  sets (M' j)"
          by (subst (asm) sigma_sets_vimage_commute[symmetric, of _ _ "space (M' j)"])
             (auto dest: measurable_space simp: sets.sigma_sets_eq)
      from bchoice[OF this] obtain Y where
        Y: "j. j  J  Y' j = X j -` Y j  space M" "j. j  J  Y j  sets (M' j)" by auto
      let ?E = "prod_emb I M' J (PiE J Y)"
      from Y have "(jJ. Y' j) = ?X -` ?E  space M"
        using J I  {} measurable_space[OF rv] by (auto simp: prod_emb_def PiE_iff split: if_split_asm)
      then have "emeasure M (jJ. Y' j) = emeasure M (?X -` ?E  space M)"
        by simp
      also have " = emeasure ?D ?E"
        using Y  J by (intro emeasure_distr[symmetric] X sets_PiM_I) auto
      also have " = emeasure ?P' ?E"
        using ?D = ?P' by simp
      also have " = ( iJ. emeasure (?D' i) (Y i))"
        using P.emeasure_PiM_emb[of J Y] J Y by (simp add: prod_emb_def)
      also have " = ( iJ. emeasure M (Y' i))"
        using rv J Y by (simp add: emeasure_distr)
      finally have "emeasure M (jJ. Y' j) = ( iJ. emeasure M (Y' i))" .
      then show "prob (jJ. Y' j) = ( iJ. prob (Y' i))"
        by (auto simp: emeasure_eq_measure prod_ennreal measure_nonneg prod_nonneg)

lemma (in prob_space) indep_vars_iff_distr_eq_PiM':
  fixes I :: "'i set" and X :: "'i  'a  'b"
  assumes "I  {}"
  assumes rv: "i. i  I  random_variable (M' i) (X i)"
  shows "indep_vars M' X I 
           distr M (ΠM iI. M' i) (λx. λiI. X i x) = (ΠM iI. distr M (M' i) (X i))"
proof -
  from assms obtain j where j: "j  I"
    by auto
  define N' where "N' = (λi. if i  I then M' i else M' j)"
  define Y where "Y = (λi. if i  I then X i else X j)"
  have rv: "random_variable (N' i) (Y i)" for i
    using j by (auto simp: N'_def Y_def intro: assms)

  have "indep_vars M' X I = indep_vars N' Y I"
    by (intro indep_vars_cong) (auto simp: N'_def Y_def)
  also have "  distr M (ΠM iI. N' i) (λx. λiI. Y i x) = (ΠM iI. distr M (N' i) (Y i))"
    by (intro indep_vars_iff_distr_eq_PiM rv assms)
  also have "(ΠM iI. N' i) = (ΠM iI. M' i)"
    by (intro PiM_cong) (simp_all add: N'_def)
  also have "(λx. λiI. Y i x) = (λx. λiI. X i x)"
    by (simp_all add: Y_def fun_eq_iff)
  also have "(ΠM iI. distr M (N' i) (Y i)) = (ΠM iI. distr M (M' i) (X i))"
    by (intro PiM_cong distr_cong) (simp_all add: N'_def Y_def)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma (in prob_space) indep_varD:
  assumes indep: "indep_var Ma A Mb B"
  assumes sets: "Xa  sets Ma" "Xb  sets Mb"
  shows "prob ((λx. (A x, B x)) -` (Xa × Xb)  space M) =
    prob (A -` Xa  space M) * prob (B -` Xb  space M)"
proof -
  have "prob ((λx. (A x, B x)) -` (Xa × Xb)  space M) =
    prob (iUNIV. (case_bool A B i -` case_bool Xa Xb i  space M))"
    by (auto intro!: arg_cong[where f=prob] simp: UNIV_bool)
  also have " = (iUNIV. prob (case_bool A B i -` case_bool Xa Xb i  space M))"
    using indep unfolding indep_var_def
    by (rule indep_varsD) (auto split: bool.split intro: sets)
  also have " = prob (A -` Xa  space M) * prob (B -` Xb  space M)"
    unfolding UNIV_bool by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma (in prob_space) prob_indep_random_variable:
  assumes ind[simp]: "indep_var N X N Y"
  assumes [simp]: "A  sets N" "B  sets N"
  shows "𝒫(x in M. X x  A  Y x  B) = 𝒫(x in M. X x  A) * 𝒫(x in M. Y x  B)"
  have  " 𝒫(x in M. (X x)A   (Y x) B ) = prob ((λx. (X x, Y x)) -` (A × B)  space M)"
    by (auto intro!: arg_cong[where f= prob])
  also have "...=  prob (X -` A  space M) * prob (Y -` B  space M)"
    by (auto intro!: indep_varD[where Ma=N and Mb=N])
  also have "... = 𝒫(x in M. X x  A) * 𝒫(x in M. Y x  B)"
    by (auto intro!: arg_cong2[where f= "(*)"] arg_cong[where f= prob])
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma (in prob_space)
  assumes "indep_var S X T Y"
  shows indep_var_rv1: "random_variable S X"
    and indep_var_rv2: "random_variable T Y"
proof -
  have "iUNIV. random_variable (case_bool S T i) (case_bool X Y i)"
    using assms unfolding indep_var_def indep_vars_def by auto
  then show "random_variable S X" "random_variable T Y"
    unfolding UNIV_bool by auto

lemma (in prob_space) indep_var_distribution_eq:
  "indep_var S X T Y  random_variable S X  random_variable T Y 
    distr M S X M distr M T Y = distr M (S M T) (λx. (X x, Y x))" (is "_  _  _  ?S M ?T = ?J")
proof safe
  assume "indep_var S X T Y"
  then show rvs: "random_variable S X" "random_variable T Y"
    by (blast dest: indep_var_rv1 indep_var_rv2)+
  then have XY: "random_variable (S M T) (λx. (X x, Y x))"
    by (rule measurable_Pair)

  interpret X: prob_space ?S by (rule prob_space_distr) fact
  interpret Y: prob_space ?T by (rule prob_space_distr) fact
  interpret XY: pair_prob_space ?S ?T ..
  show "?S M ?T = ?J"
  proof (rule pair_measure_eqI)
    show "sigma_finite_measure ?S" ..
    show "sigma_finite_measure ?T" ..

    fix A B assume A: "A  sets ?S" and B: "B  sets ?T"
    have "emeasure ?J (A × B) = emeasure M ((λx. (X x, Y x)) -` (A × B)  space M)"
      using A B by (intro emeasure_distr[OF XY]) auto
    also have " = emeasure M (X -` A  space M) * emeasure M (Y -` B  space M)"
      using indep_varD[OF indep_var S X T Y, of A B] A B
      by (simp add: emeasure_eq_measure measure_nonneg ennreal_mult)
    also have " = emeasure ?S A * emeasure ?T B"
      using rvs A B by (simp add: emeasure_distr)
    finally show "emeasure ?S A * emeasure ?T B = emeasure ?J (A × B)" by simp
  qed simp
  assume rvs: "random_variable S X" "random_variable T Y"
  then have XY: "random_variable (S M T) (λx. (X x, Y x))"
    by (rule measurable_Pair)

  let ?S = "distr M S X" and ?T = "distr M T Y"
  interpret X: prob_space ?S by (rule prob_space_distr) fact
  interpret Y: prob_space ?T by (rule prob_space_distr) fact
  interpret XY: pair_prob_space ?S ?T ..

  assume "?S M ?T = ?J"

  { fix S and X
    have "Int_stable {X -` A  space M |A. A  sets S}"
    proof (safe intro!: Int_stableI)
      fix A B assume "A  sets S" "B  sets S"
      then show "C. (X -` A  space M)  (X -` B  space M) = (X -` C  space M)  C  sets S"
        by (intro exI[of _ "A  B"]) auto
    qed }
  note Int_stable = this

  show "indep_var S X T Y" unfolding indep_var_eq
  proof (intro conjI indep_set_sigma_sets Int_stable rvs)
    show "indep_set {X -` A  space M |A. A  sets S} {Y -` A  space M |A. A  sets T}"
    proof (safe intro!: indep_setI)
      { fix A assume "A  sets S" then show "X -` A  space M  sets M"
        using X  measurable M S by (auto intro: measurable_sets) }
      { fix A assume "A  sets T" then show "Y -` A  space M  sets M"
        using Y  measurable M T by (auto intro: measurable_sets) }
      fix A B assume ab: "A  sets S" "B  sets T"
      then have "prob ((X -` A  space M)  (Y -` B  space M)) = emeasure ?J (A × B)"
        using XY by (auto simp add: emeasure_distr emeasure_eq_measure measure_nonneg intro!: arg_cong[where f="prob"])
      also have " = emeasure (?S M ?T) (A × B)"
        unfolding ?S M ?T = ?J ..
      also have " = emeasure ?S A * emeasure ?T B"
        using ab by (simp add: Y.emeasure_pair_measure_Times)
      finally show "prob ((X -` A  space M)  (Y -` B  space M)) =
        prob (X -` A  space M) * prob (Y -` B  space M)"
        using rvs ab by (simp add: emeasure_eq_measure emeasure_distr measure_nonneg ennreal_mult[symmetric])

lemma (in prob_space) distributed_joint_indep:
  assumes S: "sigma_finite_measure S" and T: "sigma_finite_measure T"
  assumes X: "distributed M S X Px" and Y: "distributed M T Y Py"
  assumes indep: "indep_var S X T Y"
  shows "distributed M (S M T) (λx. (X x, Y x)) (λ(x, y). Px x * Py y)"
  using indep_var_distribution_eq[of S X T Y] indep
  by (intro distributed_joint_indep'[OF S T X Y]) auto

lemma (in prob_space) indep_vars_nn_integral:
  assumes I: "finite I" "indep_vars (λ_. borel) X I" "i ω. i  I  0  X i ω"
  shows "(+ω. (iI. X i ω) M) = (iI. +ω. X i ω M)"
proof cases
  assume "I  {}"
  define Y where [abs_def]: "Y i ω = (if i  I then X i ω else 0)" for i ω
  { fix i have "i  I  random_variable borel (X i)"
    using I(2) by (cases "iI") (auto simp: indep_vars_def) }
  note rv_X = this

  { fix i have "random_variable borel (Y i)"
    using I(2) by (cases "iI") (auto simp: Y_def rv_X) }
  note rv_Y = this[measurable]

  interpret Y: prob_space "distr M borel (Y i)" for i
    using I(2) by (cases "i  I") (auto intro!: prob_space_distr simp: indep_vars_def prob_space_return)
  interpret product_sigma_finite "λi. distr M borel (Y i)"

  have indep_Y: "indep_vars (λi. borel) Y I"
    by (rule indep_vars_cong[THEN iffD1, OF _ _ _ I(2)]) (auto simp: Y_def)

  have "(+ω. (iI. X i ω) M) = (+ω. (iI. Y i ω) M)"
    using I(3) by (auto intro!: nn_integral_cong prod.cong simp add: Y_def max_def)
  also have " = (+ω. (iI. ω i) distr M (PiM I (λi. borel)) (λx. λiI. Y i x))"
    by (subst nn_integral_distr) auto
  also have " = (+ω. (iI. ω i) PiM I (λi. distr M borel (Y i)))"
    unfolding indep_vars_iff_distr_eq_PiM[THEN iffD1, OF I  {} rv_Y indep_Y] ..
  also have " = (iI. (+ω. ω distr M borel (Y i)))"
    by (rule product_nn_integral_prod) (auto intro: finite I)
  also have " = (iI. +ω. X i ω M)"
    by (intro prod.cong nn_integral_cong) (auto simp: nn_integral_distr Y_def rv_X)
  finally show ?thesis .
qed (simp add: emeasure_space_1)

lemma (in prob_space)
  fixes X :: "'i  'a  'b::{real_normed_field, banach, second_countable_topology}"
  assumes I: "finite I" "indep_vars (λ_. borel) X I" "i. i  I  integrable M (X i)"
  shows indep_vars_lebesgue_integral: "(ω. (iI. X i ω) M) = (iI. ω. X i ω M)" (is ?eq)
    and indep_vars_integrable: "integrable M (λω. (iI. X i ω))" (is ?int)
proof (induct rule: case_split)
  assume "I  {}"
  define Y where [abs_def]: "Y i ω = (if i  I then X i ω else 0)" for i ω
  { fix i have "i  I  random_variable borel (X i)"
    using I(2) by (cases "iI") (auto simp: indep_vars_def) }
  note rv_X = this[measurable]

  { fix i have "random_variable borel (Y i)"
    using I(2) by (cases "iI") (auto simp: Y_def rv_X) }
  note rv_Y = this[measurable]

  { fix i have "integrable M (Y i)"
    using I(3) by (cases "iI") (auto simp: Y_def) }
  note int_Y = this

  interpret Y: prob_space "distr M borel (Y i)" for i
    using I(2) by (cases "i  I") (auto intro!: prob_space_distr simp: indep_vars_def prob_space_return)
  interpret product_sigma_finite "λi. distr M borel (Y i)"

  have indep_Y: "indep_vars (λi. borel) Y I"
    by (rule indep_vars_cong[THEN iffD1, OF _ _ _ I(2)]) (auto simp: Y_def)

  have "(ω. (iI. X i ω) M) = (ω. (iI. Y i ω) M)"
    using I(3) by (simp add: Y_def)
  also have " = (ω. (iI. ω i) distr M (PiM I (λi. borel)) (λx. λiI. Y i x))"
    by (subst integral_distr) auto
  also have " = (ω. (iI. ω i) PiM I (λi. distr M borel (Y i)))"
    unfolding indep_vars_iff_distr_eq_PiM[THEN iffD1, OF I  {} rv_Y indep_Y] ..
  also have " = (iI. (ω. ω distr M borel (Y i)))"
    by (rule product_integral_prod) (auto intro: finite I simp: integrable_distr_eq int_Y)
  also have " = (iI. ω. X i ω M)"
    by (intro prod.cong integral_cong)
       (auto simp: integral_distr Y_def rv_X)
  finally show ?eq .

  have "integrable (distr M (PiM I (λi. borel)) (λx. λiI. Y i x)) (λω. (iI. ω i))"
    unfolding indep_vars_iff_distr_eq_PiM[THEN iffD1, OF I  {} rv_Y indep_Y]
    by (intro product_integrable_prod[OF finite I])
       (simp add: integrable_distr_eq int_Y)
  then show ?int
    by (simp add: integrable_distr_eq Y_def)
qed (simp_all add: prob_space)

lemma (in prob_space)
  fixes X1 X2 :: "'a  'b::{real_normed_field, banach, second_countable_topology}"
  assumes "indep_var borel X1 borel X2" "integrable M X1" "integrable M X2"
  shows indep_var_lebesgue_integral: "(ω. X1 ω * X2 ω M) = (ω. X1 ω M) * (ω. X2 ω M)" (is ?eq)
    and indep_var_integrable: "integrable M (λω. X1 ω * X2 ω)" (is ?int)
unfolding indep_var_def
proof -
  have *: "(λω. X1 ω * X2 ω) = (λω. iUNIV. (case_bool X1 X2 i ω))"
    by (simp add: UNIV_bool mult.commute)
  have **: "(λ _. borel) = case_bool borel borel"
    by (rule ext, metis (full_types) bool.simps(3) bool.simps(4))
  show ?eq
    apply (subst *)
    apply (subst indep_vars_lebesgue_integral)
    apply (auto)
    apply (subst **, subst indep_var_def [symmetric], rule assms)
    apply (simp split: bool.split add: assms)
    by (simp add: UNIV_bool mult.commute)
  show ?int
    apply (subst *)
    apply (rule indep_vars_integrable)
    apply auto
    apply (subst **, subst indep_var_def [symmetric], rule assms)
    by (simp split: bool.split add: assms)
