Theory HOL-Analysis.Vitali_Covering_Theorem

(*  Title:      HOL/Analysis/Vitali_Covering_Theorem.thy
    Authors:    LC Paulson, based on material from HOL Light

section  ‹Vitali Covering Theorem and an Application to Negligibility›

theory Vitali_Covering_Theorem

lemma stretch_Galois:
  fixes x :: "real^'n"
  shows "(k. m k  0)  ((y = (χ k. m k * x$k))  (χ k. y$k / m k) = x)"
  by auto

lemma lambda_swap_Galois:
   "(x = (χ i. y $ Transposition.transpose m n i)  (χ i. x $ Transposition.transpose m n i) = y)"
  by (auto; simp add: pointfree_idE vec_eq_iff)

lemma lambda_add_Galois:
  fixes x :: "real^'n"
  shows "m  n  (x = (χ i. if i = m then y$m + y$n else y$i)  (χ i. if i = m then x$m - x$n else x$i) = y)"
  by (safe; simp add: vec_eq_iff)

lemma Vitali_covering_lemma_cballs_balls:
  fixes a :: "'a  'b::euclidean_space"
  assumes "i. i  K  0 < r i  r i  B"
  obtains C where "countable C" "C  K"
     "pairwise (λi j. disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j))) C"
     "i. i  K  j. j  C 
                        ¬ disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j)) 
                        cball (a i) (r i)  ball (a j) (5 * r j)"
proof (cases "K = {}")
  case True
  with that show ?thesis
    by auto
  case False
  then have "B > 0"
    using assms less_le_trans by auto
  have rgt0[simp]: "i. i  K  0 < r i"
    using assms by auto
  let ?djnt = "pairwise (λi j. disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j)))"
  have "C. n. (C n  K 
             (i  C n. B/2 ^ n  r i)  ?djnt (C n) 
             (i  K. B/2 ^ n < r i
                  (j. j  C n 
                         ¬ disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j)) 
                         cball (a i) (r i)  ball (a j) (5 * r j))))  (C n  C(Suc n))"
  proof (rule dependent_nat_choice, safe)
    fix C n
    define D where "D  {i  K. B/2 ^ Suc n < r i  (jC. disjnt (cball(a i)(r i)) (cball (a j) (r j)))}"
    let ?cover_ar = "λi j. ¬ disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j)) 
                             cball (a i) (r i)  ball (a j) (5 * r j)"
    assume "C  K"
      and Ble: "iC. B/2 ^ n  r i"
      and djntC: "?djnt C"
      and cov_n: "iK. B/2 ^ n < r i  (j. j  C  ?cover_ar i j)"
    have *: "Cchains {C. C  D  ?djnt C}. C  {C. C  D  ?djnt C}"
    proof (clarsimp simp: chains_def)
      fix C
      assume C: "C  {C. C  D  ?djnt C}" and "chain C"
      show "C  D  ?djnt (C)"
        unfolding pairwise_def
      proof (intro ballI conjI impI)
        show "C  D"
          using C by blast
        fix x y
        assume "x  C" and "y  C" and "x  y"
        then obtain X Y where XY: "x  X" "X  C" "y  Y" "Y  C"
          by blast
        then consider "X  Y" | "Y  X"
          by (meson chain C chain_subset_def)
        then show "disjnt (cball (a x) (r x)) (cball (a y) (r y))"
        proof cases
          case 1
          with C XY x  y show ?thesis
            unfolding pairwise_def by blast
          case 2
          with C XY x  y show ?thesis
            unfolding pairwise_def by blast
    obtain E where "E  D" and djntE: "?djnt E" and maximalE: "X. X  D; ?djnt X; E  X  X = E"
      using Zorn_Lemma [OF *] by safe blast
    show "L. (L  K 
               (iL. B/2 ^ Suc n  r i)  ?djnt L 
               (iK. B/2 ^ Suc n < r i  (j. j  L  ?cover_ar i j)))  C  L"
    proof (intro exI conjI ballI)
      show "C  E  K"
        using D_def C  K E  D by blast
      show "B/2 ^ Suc n  r i" if i: "i  C  E" for i
        using i
        assume "i  C"
        have "B/2 ^ Suc n  B/2 ^ n"
          using B > 0 by (simp add: field_split_simps)
        also have "  r i"
          using Ble i  C by blast
        finally show ?thesis .
      qed (use D_def E  D in auto)
      show "?djnt (C  E)"
        using D_def C  K E  D djntC djntE
        unfolding pairwise_def disjnt_def by blast
      fix i
      assume "i  K"
      show "B/2 ^ Suc n < r i  (j. j  C  E  ?cover_ar i j)"
      proof (cases "r i  B/2^n")
        case False
        then show ?thesis
          using cov_n i  K by auto
        case True
        have "cball (a i) (r i)  ball (a j) (5 * r j)"
          if less: "B/2 ^ Suc n < r i" and j: "j  C  E"
            and nondis: "¬ disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j))" for j
        proof -
          obtain x where x: "dist (a i) x  r i" "dist (a j) x  r j"
            using nondis by (force simp: disjnt_def)
          have "dist (a i) (a j)  dist (a i) x + dist x (a j)"
            by (simp add: dist_triangle)
          also have "  r i + r j"
            by (metis add_mono_thms_linordered_semiring(1) dist_commute x)
          finally have aij: "dist (a i) (a j) + r i < 5 * r j" if "r i < 2 * r j"
            using that by auto
          show ?thesis
            using j
            assume "j  C"
            have "B/2^n < 2 * r j"
              using Ble True j  C less by auto
            with aij True show "cball (a i) (r i)  ball (a j) (5 * r j)"
              by (simp add: cball_subset_ball_iff)
            assume "j  E"
            then have "B/2 ^ n < 2 * r j"
              using D_def E  D by auto
            with True have "r i < 2 * r j"
              by auto
            with aij show "cball (a i) (r i)  ball (a j) (5 * r j)"
              by (simp add: cball_subset_ball_iff)
      moreover have "j. j  C  E  ¬ disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j))"
        if "B/2 ^ Suc n < r i"
      proof (rule classical)
        assume NON: "¬ ?thesis"
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "i  D")
          case True
          have "insert i E = E"
          proof (rule maximalE)
            show "insert i E  D"
              by (simp add: True E  D)
            show "pairwise (λi j. disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j))) (insert i E)"
              using False NON by (auto simp: pairwise_insert djntE disjnt_sym)
          qed auto
          then show ?thesis
            using i  K assms by fastforce
          case False
          with that show ?thesis
            by (auto simp: D_def disjnt_def i  K)
      show "B/2 ^ Suc n < r i 
            (j. j  C  E 
                 ¬ disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j)) 
                 cball (a i) (r i)  ball (a j) (5 * r j))"
        by blast
    qed auto
  qed (use assms in force)
  then obtain F where FK: "n. F n  K"
               and Fle: "n i. i  F n  B/2 ^ n  r i"
               and Fdjnt:  "n. ?djnt (F n)"
               and FF:  "n i. i  K; B/2 ^ n < r i
                         j. j  F n  ¬ disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j)) 
                                cball (a i) (r i)  ball (a j) (5 * r j)"
               and inc:  "n. F n  F(Suc n)"
    by (force simp: all_conj_distrib)
  show thesis
    have *: "countable I"
      if "I  K" and pw: "pairwise (λi j. disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j))) I" for I
    proof -
      show ?thesis
      proof (rule countable_image_inj_on [of "λi. cball(a i)(r i)"])
        show "countable ((λi. cball (a i) (r i)) ` I)"
        proof (rule countable_disjoint_nonempty_interior_subsets)
          show "disjoint ((λi. cball (a i) (r i)) ` I)"
            by (auto simp: dest: pairwiseD [OF pw] intro: pairwise_imageI)
          show "S. S  (λi. cball (a i) (r i)) ` I; interior S = {}  S = {}"
            using I  K
            by (auto simp: not_less [symmetric])
        have "x y. x  I; y  I; a x = a y; r x = r y  x = y"
          using pw I  K assms
          apply (clarsimp simp: pairwise_def disjnt_def)
          by (metis assms centre_in_cball subsetD empty_iff inf.idem less_eq_real_def)
        then show "inj_on (λi. cball (a i) (r i)) I"
          using I  K by (fastforce simp: inj_on_def cball_eq_cball_iff dest: assms)
    show "(Union(range F))  K"
      using FK by blast
    moreover show "pairwise (λi j. disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j))) (Union(range F))"
    proof (rule pairwise_chain_Union)
      show "chain (range F)"
        unfolding chain_subset_def by clarify (meson inc lift_Suc_mono_le linear subsetCE)
    qed (use Fdjnt in blast)
    ultimately show "countable (Union(range F))"
      by (blast intro: *)
    fix i assume "i  K"
    then obtain n where "(1/2) ^ n < r i / B"
      using  B > 0 assms real_arch_pow_inv by fastforce
    then have B2: "B/2 ^ n < r i"
      using B > 0 by (simp add: field_split_simps)
    have "0 < r i" "r i  B"
      by (auto simp: i  K assms)
    show "j. j  (Union(range F)) 
          ¬ disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j)) 
          cball (a i) (r i)  ball (a j) (5 * r j)"
      using FF [OF i  K B2] by auto

subsection‹Vitali covering theorem›

lemma Vitali_covering_lemma_cballs:
  fixes a :: "'a  'b::euclidean_space"
  assumes S: "S  (iK. cball (a i) (r i))"
      and r: "i. i  K  0 < r i  r i  B"
  obtains C where "countable C" "C  K"
     "pairwise (λi j. disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j))) C"
     "S  (iC. cball (a i) (5 * r i))"
proof -
  obtain C where C: "countable C" "C  K"
                    "pairwise (λi j. disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j))) C"
           and cov: "i. i  K  j. j  C  ¬ disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j)) 
                        cball (a i) (r i)  ball (a j) (5 * r j)"
    by (rule Vitali_covering_lemma_cballs_balls [OF r, where a=a]) (blast intro: that)+
  show ?thesis
    have "(iK. cball (a i) (r i))  (iC. cball (a i) (5 * r i))"
      using cov subset_iff by fastforce
    with S show "S  (iC. cball (a i) (5 * r i))"
      by blast
  qed (use C in auto)

lemma Vitali_covering_lemma_balls:
  fixes a :: "'a  'b::euclidean_space"
  assumes S: "S  (iK. ball (a i) (r i))"
      and r: "i. i  K  0 < r i  r i  B"
  obtains C where "countable C" "C  K"
     "pairwise (λi j. disjnt (ball (a i) (r i)) (ball (a j) (r j))) C"
     "S  (iC. ball (a i) (5 * r i))"
proof -
  obtain C where C: "countable C" "C  K"
           and pw:  "pairwise (λi j. disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j))) C"
           and cov: "i. i  K  j. j  C  ¬ disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j)) 
                        cball (a i) (r i)  ball (a j) (5 * r j)"
    by (rule Vitali_covering_lemma_cballs_balls [OF r, where a=a]) (blast intro: that)+
  show ?thesis
    have "(iK. ball (a i) (r i))  (iC. ball (a i) (5 * r i))"
      using cov subset_iff
      by clarsimp (meson less_imp_le mem_ball mem_cball subset_eq)
    with S show "S  (iC. ball (a i) (5 * r i))"
      by blast
    show "pairwise (λi j. disjnt (ball (a i) (r i)) (ball (a j) (r j))) C"
      using pw
      by (clarsimp simp: pairwise_def) (meson ball_subset_cball disjnt_subset1 disjnt_subset2)
  qed (use C in auto)

theorem Vitali_covering_theorem_cballs:
  fixes a :: "'a  'n::euclidean_space"
  assumes r: "i. i  K  0 < r i"
      and S: "x d. x  S; 0 < d
                      i. i  K  x  cball (a i) (r i)  r i < d"
  obtains C where "countable C" "C  K"
     "pairwise (λi j. disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j))) C"
     "negligible(S - (i  C. cball (a i) (r i)))"
proof -
  let  = "measure lebesgue"
  have *: "C. countable C  C  K 
            pairwise (λi j. disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j))) C 
            negligible(S - (i  C. cball (a i) (r i)))"
    if r01: "i. i  K  0 < r i  r i  1"
       and Sd: "x d. x  S; 0 < d  i. i  K  x  cball (a i) (r i)  r i < d"
     for K r and a :: "'a  'n"
  proof -
    obtain C where C: "countable C" "C  K"
      and pwC: "pairwise (λi j. disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j))) C"
      and cov: "i. i  K  j. j  C  ¬ disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j)) 
                        cball (a i) (r i)  ball (a j) (5 * r j)"
      by (rule Vitali_covering_lemma_cballs_balls [of K r 1 a]) (auto simp: r01)
    have ar_injective: "x y. x  C; y  C; a x = a y; r x = r y  x = y"
      using C  K pwC cov
      by (force simp: pairwise_def disjnt_def)
    show ?thesis
    proof (intro exI conjI)
      show "negligible (S - (iC. cball (a i) (r i)))"
      proof (clarsimp simp: negligible_on_intervals [of "S-T" for T])
        fix l u
        show "negligible ((S - (iC. cball (a i) (r i)))  cbox l u)"
          unfolding negligible_outer_le
        proof (intro allI impI)
          fix e::real
          assume "e > 0"
          define D where "D  {i  C. ¬ disjnt (ball(a i) (5 * r i)) (cbox l u)}"
          then have "D  C"
            by auto
          have "countable D"
            unfolding D_def using countable C by simp
          have UD: "(iD. cball (a i) (r i))  lmeasurable"
          proof (rule fmeasurableI2)
            show "cbox (l - 6 *R One) (u + 6 *R One)  lmeasurable"
              by blast
            have "y  cbox (l - 6 *R One) (u + 6 *R One)"
              if "i  C" and x: "x  cbox l u" and ai: "dist (a i) y  r i" "dist (a i) x < 5 * r i"
              for i x y
            proof -
              have d6: "dist y x < 6 * r i"
                using dist_triangle3 [of y x "a i"] that by linarith
              show ?thesis
              proof (clarsimp simp: mem_box algebra_simps)
                fix j::'n
                assume j: "j  Basis"
                then have xyj: "¦x  j - y  j¦  dist y x"
                  by (metis Basis_le_norm dist_commute dist_norm inner_diff_left)
                have "l  j  x  j"
                  using j  Basis mem_box x  cbox l u by blast
                also have "  y  j + 6 * r i"
                  using d6 xyj by (auto simp: algebra_simps)
                also have "  y  j + 6"
                  using r01 [of i] C  K i  C by auto
                finally have l: "l  j  y  j + 6" .
                have "y  j  x  j + 6 * r i"
                  using d6 xyj by (auto simp: algebra_simps)
                also have "  u  j + 6 * r i"
                  using j  x by (auto simp: mem_box)
                also have "  u  j + 6"
                  using r01 [of i] C  K i  C by auto
                finally have u: "y  j  u  j + 6" .
                show "l  j  y  j + 6  y  j  u  j + 6"
                  using l u by blast
            then show "(iD. cball (a i) (r i))  cbox (l - 6 *R One) (u + 6 *R One)"
              by (force simp: D_def disjnt_def)
            show "(iD. cball (a i) (r i))  sets lebesgue"
              using countable D by auto
          obtain D1 where "D1  D" "finite D1"
            and measD1: " (iD. cball (a i) (r i)) - e / 5 ^ DIM('n) <  (iD1. cball (a i) (r i))"
          proof (rule measure_countable_Union_approachable [where e = "e / 5 ^ (DIM('n))"])
            show "countable ((λi. cball (a i) (r i)) ` D)"
              using countable D by auto
            show "d. d  (λi. cball (a i) (r i)) ` D  d  lmeasurable"
              by auto
            show "D'. D'  (λi. cball (a i) (r i)) ` D; finite D'   (D')   (iD. cball (a i) (r i))"
              by (fastforce simp add: intro!: measure_mono_fmeasurable UD)
          qed (use e > 0 in auto dest: finite_subset_image)
          show "T. (S - (iC. cball (a i) (r i))) 
                    cbox l u  T  T  lmeasurable   T  e"
          proof (intro exI conjI)
            show "(S - (iC. cball (a i) (r i)))  cbox l u  (iD - D1. ball (a i) (5 * r i))"
            proof clarify
              fix x
              assume x: "x  cbox l u" "x  S" "x  (iC. cball (a i) (r i))"
              have "closed (iD1. cball (a i) (r i))"
                using finite D1 by blast
              moreover have "x  (jD1. cball (a j) (r j))"
                using x D1  D unfolding D_def by blast
              ultimately obtain q where "q > 0" and q: "ball x q  - (iD1. cball (a i) (r i))"
                by (metis (no_types, lifting) ComplI open_contains_ball closed_def)
              obtain i where "i  K" and xi: "x  cball (a i) (r i)" and ri: "r i < q/2"
                using Sd [OF x  S] q > 0 half_gt_zero by blast
              then obtain j where "j  C"
                             and nondisj: "¬ disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j))"
                             and sub5j:  "cball (a i) (r i)  ball (a j) (5 * r j)"
                using cov [OF i  K] by metis
              show "x  (iD - D1. ball (a i) (5 * r i))"
                show "j  D - D1"
                  show "j  D"
                    using j  C sub5j x  cbox l u xi by (auto simp: D_def disjnt_def)
                  obtain y where yi: "dist (a i) y  r i" and yj: "dist (a j) y  r j"
                    using disjnt_def nondisj by fastforce
                  have "dist x y  r i + r i"
                    by (metis add_mono dist_commute dist_triangle_le mem_cball xi yi)
                  also have " < q"
                    using ri by linarith
                  finally have "y  ball x q"
                    by simp
                  with yj q show "j  D1"
                    by (auto simp: disjoint_UN_iff)
                show "x  ball (a j) (5 * r j)"
                  using xi sub5j by blast
            have 3: " (iD2. ball (a i) (5 * r i))  e"
              if D2: "D2  D - D1" and "finite D2" for D2
            proof -
              have rgt0: "0 < r i" if "i  D2" for i
                using C  K D_def i  D2 D2 r01
                by (simp add: subset_iff)
              then have inj: "inj_on (λi. ball (a i) (5 * r i)) D2"
                using C  K D2 by (fastforce simp: inj_on_def D_def ball_eq_ball_iff intro: ar_injective)
              have " (iD2. ball (a i) (5 * r i))  sum () ((λi. ball (a i) (5 * r i)) ` D2)"
                using that by (force intro: measure_Union_le)
              also have "  = (iD2.  (ball (a i) (5 * r i)))"
                by (simp add: comm_monoid_add_class.sum.reindex [OF inj])
              also have " = (iD2. 5 ^ DIM('n) *  (ball (a i) (r i)))"
              proof (rule sum.cong [OF refl])
                fix i assume "i  D2"
                thus " (ball (a i) (5 * r i)) = 5 ^ DIM('n) *  (ball (a i) (r i))"
                  using content_ball_conv_unit_ball[of "5 * r i" "a i"]
                        content_ball_conv_unit_ball[of "r i" "a i"] rgt0[of i] by auto
              also have " = (iD2.  (ball (a i) (r i))) * 5 ^ DIM('n)"
                by (simp add: sum_distrib_left mult.commute)
              finally have " (iD2. ball (a i) (5 * r i))  (iD2.  (ball (a i) (r i))) * 5 ^ DIM('n)" .
              moreover have "(iD2.  (ball (a i) (r i)))  e / 5 ^ DIM('n)"
              proof -
                have D12_dis: "((xD1. cball (a x) (r x))  (xD2. cball (a x) (r x)))  {}"
                proof clarify
                  fix w d1 d2
                  assume "d1  D1" "w d1 d2  cball (a d1) (r d1)" "d2  D2" "w d1 d2  cball (a d2) (r d2)"
                  then show "w d1 d2  {}"
                    by (metis DiffE disjnt_iff subsetCE D2 D1  D D  C pairwiseD [OF pwC, of d1 d2])
                have inj: "inj_on (λi. cball (a i) (r i)) D2"
                  using rgt0 D2 D  C by (force simp: inj_on_def cball_eq_cball_iff intro!: ar_injective)
                have ds: "disjoint ((λi. cball (a i) (r i)) ` D2)"
                  using D2 D  C by (auto intro: pairwiseI pairwiseD [OF pwC])
                have "(iD2.  (ball (a i) (r i))) = (iD2.  (cball (a i) (r i)))"
                  by (simp add: content_cball_conv_ball)
                also have " = sum  ((λi. cball (a i) (r i)) ` D2)"
                  by (simp add: comm_monoid_add_class.sum.reindex [OF inj])
                also have " =  (iD2. cball (a i) (r i))"
                  by (auto intro: measure_Union' [symmetric] ds simp add: finite D2)
                finally have " (iD1. cball (a i) (r i)) + (iD2.  (ball (a i) (r i))) =
                               (iD1. cball (a i) (r i)) +  (iD2. cball (a i) (r i))"
                  by simp
                also have " =  (i  D1  D2. cball (a i) (r i))"
                  using D12_dis by (simp add: measure_Un3 finite D1 finite D2 fmeasurable.finite_UN)
                also have "   (iD. cball (a i) (r i))"
                  using D2 D1  D by (fastforce intro!: measure_mono_fmeasurable [OF _ _ UD] finite D1 finite D2)
                finally have " (iD1. cball (a i) (r i)) + (iD2.  (ball (a i) (r i)))   (iD. cball (a i) (r i))" .
                with measD1 show ?thesis
                  by simp
                ultimately show ?thesis
                  by (simp add: field_split_simps)
            have co: "countable (D - D1)"
              by (simp add: countable D)
            show "(iD - D1. ball (a i) (5 * r i))  lmeasurable"
              using e > 0 by (auto simp: fmeasurable_UN_bound [OF co _ 3])
            show " (iD - D1. ball (a i) (5 * r i))  e"
              using e > 0 by (auto simp: measure_UN_bound [OF co _ 3])
    qed (use C pwC in auto)
  define K' where "K'  {i  K. r i  1}"
  have 1: "i. i  K'  0 < r i  r i  1"
    using K'_def r by auto
  have 2: "i. i  K'  x  cball (a i) (r i)  r i < d"
    if "x  S  0 < d" for x d
    using that by (auto simp: K'_def dest!: S [where d = "min d 1"])
  have "K'  K"
    using K'_def by auto
  then show thesis
    using * [OF 1 2] that by fastforce

theorem Vitali_covering_theorem_balls:
  fixes a :: "'a  'b::euclidean_space"
  assumes S: "x d. x  S; 0 < d  i. i  K  x  ball (a i) (r i)  r i < d"
  obtains C where "countable C" "C  K"
     "pairwise (λi j. disjnt (ball (a i) (r i)) (ball (a j) (r j))) C"
     "negligible(S - (i  C. ball (a i) (r i)))"
proof -
  have 1: "i. i  {i  K. 0 < r i}  x  cball (a i) (r i)  r i < d"
         if xd: "x  S" "d > 0" for x d
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms ball_eq_empty less_eq_real_def mem_Collect_eq mem_ball mem_cball not_le xd(1) xd(2))
  obtain C where C: "countable C" "C  K"
             and pw: "pairwise (λi j. disjnt (cball (a i) (r i)) (cball (a j) (r j))) C"
             and neg: "negligible(S - (i  C. cball (a i) (r i)))"
    by (rule Vitali_covering_theorem_cballs [of "{i  K. 0 < r i}" r S a, OF _ 1]) auto
  show thesis
    show "pairwise (λi j. disjnt (ball (a i) (r i)) (ball (a j) (r j))) C"
      apply (rule pairwise_mono [OF pw])
      apply (auto simp: disjnt_def)
      by (meson disjoint_iff_not_equal less_imp_le mem_cball)
    have "negligible (iC. sphere (a i) (r i))"
      by (auto intro: negligible_sphere countable C)
    then have "negligible (S - (i  C. cball(a i)(r i))  (i  C. sphere (a i) (r i)))"
      by (rule negligible_Un [OF neg])
    then show "negligible (S - (iC. ball (a i) (r i)))"
      by (rule negligible_subset) force
  qed (use C in auto)

lemma negligible_eq_zero_density_alt:
     "negligible S 
      (x  S. e > 0.
        d U. 0 < d  d  e  S  ball x d  U 
              U  lmeasurable  measure lebesgue U < e * measure lebesgue (ball x d))"
     (is "_ = (x  S. e > 0. ?Q x e)")
proof (intro iffI ballI allI impI)
  fix x and e :: real
  assume "negligible S" and "x  S" and "e > 0"
  show "d U. 0 < d  d  e  S  ball x d  U  U  lmeasurable 
              measure lebesgue U < e * measure lebesgue (ball x d)"
    apply (rule_tac x=e in exI)
    apply (rule_tac x="S  ball x e" in exI)
    apply (auto simp: negligible_imp_measurable negligible_Int negligible_imp_measure0 zero_less_measure_iff
                intro: mult_pos_pos content_ball_pos)
  assume R [rule_format]: "x  S. e > 0. ?Q x e"
  let  = "measure lebesgue"
  have "U. openin (top_of_set S) U  z  U  negligible U"
    if "z  S" for z
  proof (intro exI conjI)
    show "openin (top_of_set S) (S  ball z 1)"
      by (simp add: openin_open_Int)
    show "z  S  ball z 1"
      using z  S by auto
    show "negligible (S  ball z 1)"
    proof (clarsimp simp: negligible_outer_le)
      fix e :: "real"
      assume "e > 0"
      let ?K = "{(x,d). x  S  0 < d  ball x d  ball z 1 
                     (U. S  ball x d  U  U  lmeasurable 
                          U < e /  (ball z 1) *  (ball x d))}"
      obtain C where "countable C" and Csub: "C  ?K"
        and pwC: "pairwise (λi j. disjnt (ball (fst i) (snd i)) (ball (fst j) (snd j))) C"
        and negC: "negligible((S  ball z 1) - (i  C. ball (fst i) (snd i)))"
      proof (rule Vitali_covering_theorem_balls [of "S  ball z 1" ?K fst snd])
        fix x and d :: "real"
        assume x: "x  S  ball z 1" and "d > 0"
        obtain k where "k > 0" and k: "ball x k  ball z 1"
          by (meson Int_iff open_ball openE x)
        let  = "min (e /  (ball z 1) / 2) (min (d / 2) k)"
        obtain r U where r: "r > 0" "r  " and U: "S  ball x r  U" "U  lmeasurable"
          and mU: " U <  *  (ball x r)"
          using R [of x ] d > 0 e > 0 k > 0 x by (auto simp: content_ball_pos)
        show "i. i  ?K  x  ball (fst i) (snd i)  snd i < d"
        proof (rule exI [of _ "(x,r)"], simp, intro conjI exI)
          have "ball x r  ball x k"
            using r by (simp add: ball_subset_ball_iff)
          also have "  ball z 1"
            using ball_subset_ball_iff k by auto
          finally show "ball x r  ball z 1" .
          have " *  (ball x r)  e * content (ball x r) / content (ball z 1)"
            using r e > 0 by (simp add: ord_class.min_def field_split_simps content_ball_pos)
          with mU show " U < e * content (ball x r) / content (ball z 1)"
            by auto
        qed (use r U x in auto)
      have "U. case p of (x,d)  S  ball x d  U 
                        U  lmeasurable   U < e /  (ball z 1) *  (ball x d)"
        if "p  C" for p
        using that Csub unfolding case_prod_unfold by blast
      then obtain U where U:
                "p. p  C 
                       case p of (x,d)  S  ball x d  U p 
                        U p  lmeasurable   (U p) < e /  (ball z 1) *  (ball x d)"
        by (rule that [OF someI_ex])
      let ?T = "((S  ball z 1) - ((x,d)C. ball x d))  (U ` C)"
      show "T. S  ball z 1  T  T  lmeasurable   T  e"
      proof (intro exI conjI)
        show "S  ball z 1  ?T"
          using U by fastforce
        { have Um: "U i  lmeasurable" if "i  C" for i
            using that U by blast
          have lee: " (iI. U i)  e" if "I  C" "finite I" for I
          proof -
            have " ((x,d)I. ball x d)   (ball z 1)"
              apply (rule measure_mono_fmeasurable)
              using I  C finite I Csub by (force simp: prod.case_eq_if sets.finite_UN)+
            then have le1: "( ((x,d)I. ball x d) /  (ball z 1))  1"
              by (simp add: content_ball_pos)
            have " (iI. U i)  (iI.  (U i))"
              using that U by (blast intro: measure_UNION_le)
            also have "  ((x,r)I. e /  (ball z 1) *  (ball x r))"
              by (rule sum_mono) (use I  C U in force)
            also have " = (e /  (ball z 1)) * ((x,r)I.  (ball x r))"
              by (simp add: case_prod_app prod.case_distrib sum_distrib_left)
            also have " = e * ( ((x,r)I. ball x r) /  (ball z 1))"
              apply (subst measure_UNION')
              using that pwC by (auto simp: case_prod_unfold elim: pairwise_mono)
            also have "  e"
              by (metis mult.commute mult.left_neutral mult_le_cancel_right_pos e > 0 le1)
            finally show ?thesis .
          have "(U ` C)  lmeasurable" " ((U ` C))  e"
            using e > 0 Um lee
            by(auto intro!: fmeasurable_UN_bound [OF countable C] measure_UN_bound [OF countable C])
        moreover have " ?T =  ((U ` C))"
        proof (rule measure_negligible_symdiff [OF (U ` C)  lmeasurable])
          show "negligible(((U ` C) - ?T)  (?T - (U ` C)))"
            by (force intro!: negligible_subset [OF negC])
        ultimately show "?T  lmeasurable"  " ?T  e"
          by (simp_all add: fmeasurable.Un negC negligible_imp_measurable split_def)
  with locally_negligible_alt show "negligible S"
    by metis

proposition negligible_eq_zero_density:
   "negligible S 
    (xS. r>0. e>0. d. 0 < d  d  r 
                   (U. S  ball x d  U  U  lmeasurable  measure lebesgue U < e * measure lebesgue (ball x d)))"
proof -
  let ?Q = "λx d e. U. S  ball x d  U  U  lmeasurable  measure lebesgue U < e * content (ball x d)"
  have "(e>0. d>0. d  e  ?Q x d e) = (r>0. e>0. d>0. d  r  ?Q x d e)"
    if "x  S" for x
  proof (intro iffI allI impI)
    fix r :: "real" and e :: "real"
    assume L [rule_format]: "e>0. d>0. d  e  ?Q x d e" and "r > 0" "e > 0"
    show "d>0. d  r  ?Q x d e"
      using L [of "min r e"] apply (rule ex_forward)
      using r > 0 e > 0  by (auto intro: less_le_trans elim!: ex_forward simp: content_ball_pos)
  qed auto
  then show ?thesis
    by (force simp: negligible_eq_zero_density_alt)
