Theory HOL-Analysis.Continuous_Extension

(*  Title:      HOL/Analysis/Continuous_Extension.thy
    Authors:    LC Paulson, based on material from HOL Light

section ‹Continuous Extensions of Functions›

theory Continuous_Extension
imports Starlike 

subsection‹Partitions of unity subordinate to locally finite open coverings›

text‹A difference from HOL Light: all summations over infinite sets equal zero,
   so the "support" must be made explicit in the summation below!›

proposition subordinate_partition_of_unity:
  fixes S :: "'a::metric_space set"
  assumes "S  𝒞" and opC: "T. T  𝒞  open T"
      and fin: "x. x  S  V. open V  x  V  finite {U  𝒞. U  V  {}}"
  obtains F :: "['a set, 'a]  real"
    where "U. U  𝒞  continuous_on S (F U)  (x  S. 0  F U x)"
      and "x U. U  𝒞; x  S; x  U  F U x = 0"
      and "x. x  S  supp_sum (λW. F W x) 𝒞 = 1"
      and "x. x  S  V. open V  x  V  finite {U  𝒞. xV. F U x  0}"
proof (cases "W. W  𝒞  S  W")
  case True
    then obtain W where "W  𝒞" "S  W" by metis
    then show ?thesis
      by (rule_tac F = "λV x. if V = W then 1 else 0" in that) (auto simp: supp_sum_def support_on_def)
  case False
    have nonneg: "0  supp_sum (λV. setdist {x} (S - V)) 𝒞" for x
      by (simp add: supp_sum_def sum_nonneg)
    have sd_pos: "0 < setdist {x} (S - V)" if "V  𝒞" "x  S" "x  V" for V x
    proof -
      have "closedin (top_of_set S) (S - V)"
        by (simp add: Diff_Diff_Int closedin_def opC openin_open_Int V  𝒞)
      with that False  setdist_pos_le [of "{x}" "S - V"]
      show ?thesis
        using setdist_gt_0_closedin by fastforce
    have ss_pos: "0 < supp_sum (λV. setdist {x} (S - V)) 𝒞" if "x  S" for x
    proof -
      obtain U where "U  𝒞" "x  U" using x  S S  𝒞
        by blast
      obtain V where "open V" "x  V" "finite {U  𝒞. U  V  {}}"
        using x  S fin by blast
      then have *: "finite {A  𝒞. ¬ S  A  x  closure (S - A)}"
        using closure_def that by (blast intro: rev_finite_subset)
      have "x  closure (S - U)"
        using U  𝒞 x  U opC open_Int_closure_eq_empty by fastforce
      then show ?thesis
        apply (simp add: setdist_eq_0_sing_1 supp_sum_def support_on_def)
        apply (rule ordered_comm_monoid_add_class.sum_pos2 [OF *, of U])
        using U  𝒞 x  U False
        apply (auto simp: sd_pos that)
    define F where
      "F  λW x. if x  S then setdist {x} (S - W) / supp_sum (λV. setdist {x} (S - V)) 𝒞 else 0"
    show ?thesis
    proof (rule_tac F = F in that)
      have "continuous_on S (F U)" if "U  𝒞" for U
      proof -
        have *: "continuous_on S (λx. supp_sum (λV. setdist {x} (S - V)) 𝒞)"
        proof (clarsimp simp add: continuous_on_eq_continuous_within)
          fix x assume "x  S"
          then obtain X where "open X" and x: "x  S  X" and finX: "finite {U  𝒞. U  X  {}}"
            using assms by blast
          then have OSX: "openin (top_of_set S) (S  X)" by blast
          have sumeq: "x. x  S  X 
                     (V | V  𝒞  V  X  {}. setdist {x} (S - V))
                     = supp_sum (λV. setdist {x} (S - V)) 𝒞"
            apply (simp add: supp_sum_def)
            apply (rule sum.mono_neutral_right [OF finX])
            apply (auto simp: setdist_eq_0_sing_1 support_on_def subset_iff)
            apply (meson DiffI closure_subset disjoint_iff_not_equal subsetCE)
          show "continuous (at x within S) (λx. supp_sum (λV. setdist {x} (S - V)) 𝒞)"
            apply (rule continuous_transform_within_openin
                     [where f = "λx. (sum (λV. setdist {x} (S - V)) {V  𝒞. V  X  {}})"
                        and S ="S  X"])
            apply (rule continuous_intros continuous_at_setdist continuous_at_imp_continuous_at_within OSX x)+
            apply (simp add: sumeq)
        show ?thesis
          apply (simp add: F_def)
          apply (rule continuous_intros *)+
          using ss_pos apply force
      moreover have "U  𝒞; x  S  0  F U x" for U x
        using nonneg [of x] by (simp add: F_def field_split_simps)
      ultimately show "U. U  𝒞  continuous_on S (F U)  (xS. 0  F U x)"
        by metis
      show "x U. U  𝒞; x  S; x  U  F U x = 0"
        by (simp add: setdist_eq_0_sing_1 closure_def F_def)
      show "supp_sum (λW. F W x) 𝒞 = 1" if "x  S" for x
        using that ss_pos [OF that]
        by (simp add: F_def field_split_simps supp_sum_divide_distrib [symmetric])
      show "V. open V  x  V  finite {U  𝒞. xV. F U x  0}" if "x  S" for x
        using fin [OF that] that
        by (fastforce simp: setdist_eq_0_sing_1 closure_def F_def elim!: rev_finite_subset)

subsection‹Urysohn's Lemma for Euclidean Spaces›

text ‹For Euclidean spaces the proof is easy using distances.›

lemma Urysohn_both_ne:
  assumes US: "closedin (top_of_set U) S"
      and UT: "closedin (top_of_set U) T"
      and "S  T = {}" "S  {}" "T  {}" "a  b"
  obtains f :: "'a::euclidean_space  'b::real_normed_vector"
    where "continuous_on U f"
          "x. x  U  f x  closed_segment a b"
          "x. x  U  (f x = a  x  S)"
          "x. x  U  (f x = b  x  T)"
proof -
  have S0: "x. x  U  setdist {x} S = 0  x  S"
    using S  {}  US setdist_eq_0_closedin  by auto
  have T0: "x. x  U  setdist {x} T = 0  x  T"
    using T  {}  UT setdist_eq_0_closedin  by auto
  have sdpos: "0 < setdist {x} S + setdist {x} T" if "x  U" for x
  proof -
    have "¬ (setdist {x} S = 0  setdist {x} T = 0)"
      using assms by (metis IntI empty_iff setdist_eq_0_closedin that)
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis add.left_neutral add.right_neutral add_pos_pos linorder_neqE_linordered_idom not_le setdist_pos_le)
  define f where "f  λx. a + (setdist {x} S / (setdist {x} S + setdist {x} T)) *R (b - a)"
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule_tac f = f in that)
    show "continuous_on U f"
      using sdpos unfolding f_def
      by (intro continuous_intros | force)+
    show "f x  closed_segment a b" if "x  U" for x
        unfolding f_def
      apply (simp add: closed_segment_def)
      apply (rule_tac x="(setdist {x} S / (setdist {x} S + setdist {x} T))" in exI)
      using sdpos that apply (simp add: algebra_simps)
    show "x. x  U  (f x = a  x  S)"
      using S0 a  b f_def sdpos by force
    show "(f x = b  x  T)" if "x  U" for x
    proof -
      have "f x = b  (setdist {x} S / (setdist {x} S + setdist {x} T)) = 1"
        unfolding f_def
        by (metis add_diff_cancel_left' a  b diff_add_cancel eq_iff_diff_eq_0 scaleR_cancel_right scaleR_one)
      also have "...   setdist {x} T = 0  setdist {x} S  0"
        using sdpos that
        by (simp add: field_split_simps) linarith
      also have "...   x  T"
        using S  {} T  {} S  T = {} that
        by (force simp: S0 T0)
      finally show ?thesis .

lemma Urysohn_local_strong_aux:
  assumes US: "closedin (top_of_set U) S"
      and UT: "closedin (top_of_set U) T"
      and "S  T = {}" "a  b" "S  {}"
  obtains f :: "'a::euclidean_space  'b::euclidean_space"
    where "continuous_on U f"
          "x. x  U  f x  closed_segment a b"
          "x. x  U  (f x = a  x  S)"
          "x. x  U  (f x = b  x  T)"
proof (cases "T = {}")
  case True show ?thesis
  proof (cases "S = U")
    case True with T = {} a  b show ?thesis
      by (rule_tac f = "λx. a" in that) (auto)
    case False
    with US closedin_subset obtain c where c: "c  U" "c  S"
      by fastforce
    obtain f where f: "continuous_on U f"
      "x. x  U  f x  closed_segment a (midpoint a b)"
      "x. x  U  (f x = midpoint a b  x = c)"
      "x. x  U  (f x = a  x  S)"
      apply (rule Urysohn_both_ne [of U S "{c}" a "midpoint a b"])
      using c S  {} assms apply simp_all
      apply (metis midpoint_eq_endpoint)
    show ?thesis
      apply (rule_tac f=f in that)
      using S  {} T = {} f  a  b
         apply simp_all
       apply (metis (no_types) closed_segment_commute csegment_midpoint_subset midpoint_sym subset_iff)
      apply (metis closed_segment_commute midpoint_sym notin_segment_midpoint)
  case False
  show ?thesis
    using Urysohn_both_ne [OF US UT S  T = {} S  {} T  {} a  b] that
    by blast

proposition Urysohn_local_strong:
  assumes US: "closedin (top_of_set U) S"
      and UT: "closedin (top_of_set U) T"
      and "S  T = {}" "a  b"
  obtains f :: "'a::euclidean_space  'b::euclidean_space"
    where "continuous_on U f"
          "x. x  U  f x  closed_segment a b"
          "x. x  U  (f x = a  x  S)"
          "x. x  U  (f x = b  x  T)"
proof (cases "S = {}")
  case True show ?thesis
  proof (cases "T = {}")
    case True show ?thesis
    proof (rule_tac f = "λx. midpoint a b" in that)
      show "continuous_on U (λx. midpoint a b)"
        by (intro continuous_intros)
      show "midpoint a b  closed_segment a b"
        using csegment_midpoint_subset by blast
      show "(midpoint a b = a) = (x  S)" for x
        using S = {} a  b by simp
      show "(midpoint a b = b) = (x  T)" for x
        using T = {} a  b by simp
    case False
    with Urysohn_local_strong_aux [OF UT US] assms show ?thesis
      by (smt (verit) True closed_segment_commute inf_bot_right that)
  case False
  with Urysohn_local_strong_aux [OF assms] show ?thesis
    using that by blast

lemma Urysohn_local:
  assumes US: "closedin (top_of_set U) S"
      and UT: "closedin (top_of_set U) T"
      and "S  T = {}"
  obtains f :: "'a::euclidean_space  'b::euclidean_space"
    where "continuous_on U f"
          "x. x  U  f x  closed_segment a b"
          "x. x  S  f x = a"
          "x. x  T  f x = b"
proof (cases "a = b")
  case True then show ?thesis
    by (rule_tac f = "λx. b" in that) (auto)
  case False
  with Urysohn_local_strong [OF assms] show ?thesis
    by (smt (verit) US UT closedin_imp_subset subset_eq that)

lemma Urysohn_strong:
  assumes US: "closed S"
      and UT: "closed T"
      and "S  T = {}" "a  b"
  obtains f :: "'a::euclidean_space  'b::euclidean_space"
    where "continuous_on UNIV f"
          "x. f x  closed_segment a b"
          "x. f x = a  x  S"
          "x. f x = b  x  T"
using assms by (auto intro: Urysohn_local_strong [of UNIV S T])

proposition Urysohn:
  assumes US: "closed S"
      and UT: "closed T"
      and "S  T = {}"
  obtains f :: "'a::euclidean_space  'b::euclidean_space"
    where "continuous_on UNIV f"
          "x. f x  closed_segment a b"
          "x. x  S  f x = a"
          "x. x  T  f x = b"
  using assms by (auto intro: Urysohn_local [of UNIV S T a b])

subsection‹Dugundji's Extension Theorem and Tietze Variants›

text ‹See cite"dugundji".›

theorem Dugundji:
  fixes f :: "'a::{metric_space,second_countable_topology}  'b::real_inner"
  assumes "convex C" "C  {}"
      and cloin: "closedin (top_of_set U) S"
      and contf: "continuous_on S f" and "f ` S  C"
  obtains g where "continuous_on U g" "g ` U  C"
                  "x. x  S  g x = f x"
proof (cases "S = {}")
  case True show thesis
    show "continuous_on U (λx. SOME y. y  C)"
      by (rule continuous_intros)
    show "(λx. SOME y. y  C) ` U  C"
      by (simp add: C  {} image_subsetI some_in_eq)
  qed (use True in auto)
  case False
  then have sd_pos: "x. x  U; x  S  0 < setdist {x} S"
    using setdist_eq_0_closedin [OF cloin] le_less setdist_pos_le by fastforce
  define  where " = {ball x (setdist {x} S / 2) |x. x  U - S}"
  have [simp]: "T. T    open T"
    by (auto simp: ℬ_def)
  have USS: "U - S  "
    by (auto simp: sd_pos ℬ_def)
  obtain 𝒞 where USsub: "U - S  𝒞"
       and nbrhd: "U. U  𝒞  open U  (T. T    U  T)"
       and fin: "x. x  U - S  V. open V  x  V  finite {U. U  𝒞  U  V  {}}"
    by (rule paracompact [OF USS]) auto
  have "v a. v  U  v  S  a  S 
              T  ball v (setdist {v} S / 2) 
              dist v a  2 * setdist {v} S" if "T  𝒞" for T
  proof -
    obtain v where v: "T  ball v (setdist {v} S / 2)" "v  U" "v  S"
      using T  𝒞 nbrhd by (force simp: ℬ_def)
    then obtain a where "a  S" "dist v a < 2 * setdist {v} S"
      using setdist_ltE [of "{v}" S "2 * setdist {v} S"]
      using False sd_pos by force
    with v show ?thesis
      by force
  then obtain 𝒱 𝒜 where
    VA: "T. T  𝒞  𝒱 T  U  𝒱 T  S  𝒜 T  S 
              T  ball (𝒱 T) (setdist {𝒱 T} S / 2) 
              dist (𝒱 T) (𝒜 T)  2 * setdist {𝒱 T} S"
    by metis
  have sdle: "setdist {𝒱 T} S  2 * setdist {v} S" if "T  𝒞" "v  T" for T v
    using setdist_Lipschitz [of "𝒱 T" S v] VA [OF T  𝒞] v  T by auto
  have d6: "dist a (𝒜 T)  6 * dist a v" if "T  𝒞" "v  T" "a  S" for T v a
  proof -
    have "dist (𝒱 T) v < setdist {𝒱 T} S / 2"
      using that VA mem_ball by blast
    also have "  setdist {v} S"
      using sdle [OF T  𝒞 v  T] by simp
    also have vS: "setdist {v} S  dist a v"
      by (simp add: setdist_le_dist setdist_sym a  S)
    finally have VTV: "dist (𝒱 T) v < dist a v" .
    have VTS: "setdist {𝒱 T} S  2 * dist a v"
      using sdle that vS by force
    have "dist a (𝒜 T)  dist a v + dist v (𝒱 T) + dist (𝒱 T) (𝒜 T)"
      by (metis add.commute add_le_cancel_left dist_commute dist_triangle2 dist_triangle_le)
    also have "  dist a v + dist a v + dist (𝒱 T) (𝒜 T)"
      using VTV by (simp add: dist_commute)
    also have "  2 * dist a v + 2 * setdist {𝒱 T} S"
      using VA [OF T  𝒞] by auto
    finally show ?thesis
      using VTS by linarith
  obtain H :: "['a set, 'a]  real"
    where Hcont: "Z. Z  𝒞  continuous_on (U-S) (H Z)"
      and Hge0: "Z x. Z  𝒞; x  U-S  0  H Z x"
      and Heq0: "x Z. Z  𝒞; x  U-S; x  Z  H Z x = 0"
      and H1: "x. x  U-S  supp_sum (λW. H W x) 𝒞 = 1"
      and Hfin: "x. x  U-S  V. open V  x  V  finite {U  𝒞. xV. H U x  0}"
    apply (rule subordinate_partition_of_unity [OF USsub _ fin])
    using nbrhd by auto
  define g where "g  λx. if x  S then f x else supp_sum (λT. H T x *R f(𝒜 T)) 𝒞"
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule that)
    show "continuous_on U g"
    proof (clarsimp simp: continuous_on_eq_continuous_within)
      fix a assume "a  U"
      show "continuous (at a within U) g"
      proof (cases "a  S")
        case True show ?thesis
        proof (clarsimp simp add: continuous_within_topological)
          fix W
          assume "open W" "g a  W"
          then obtain e where "0 < e" and e: "ball (f a) e  W"
            using openE True g_def by auto
          have "continuous (at a within S) f"
            using True contf continuous_on_eq_continuous_within by blast
          then obtain d where "0 < d"
                        and d: "x. x  S; dist x a < d  dist (f x) (f a) < e"
            using continuous_within_eps_delta 0 < e by force
          have "g y  ball (f a) e" if "y  U" and y: "y  ball a (d / 6)" for y
          proof (cases "y  S")
            case True
            then have "dist (f a) (f y) < e"
              by (metis ball_divide_subset_numeral dist_commute in_mono mem_ball y d)
            then show ?thesis
              by (simp add: True g_def)
            case False
            have *: "dist (f (𝒜 T)) (f a) < e" if "T  𝒞" "H T y  0" for T
            proof -
              have "y  T"
                using Heq0 that False y  U by blast
              have "dist (𝒜 T) a < d"
                using d6 [OF T  𝒞 y  T a  S] y
                by (simp add: dist_commute mult.commute)
              then show ?thesis
                using VA [OF T  𝒞] by (auto simp: d)
            have "supp_sum (λT. H T y *R f (𝒜 T)) 𝒞  ball (f a) e"
              apply (rule convex_supp_sum [OF convex_ball])
              apply (simp_all add: False H1 Hge0 y  U)
              by (metis dist_commute *)
            then show ?thesis
              by (simp add: False g_def)
          then show "A. open A  a  A  (yU. y  A  g y  W)"
            apply (rule_tac x = "ball a (d / 6)" in exI)
            using e 0 < d by fastforce
        case False
        obtain N where N: "open N" "a  N"
                   and finN: "finite {U  𝒞. aN. H U a  0}"
          using Hfin False a  U by auto
        have oUS: "openin (top_of_set U) (U - S)"
          using cloin by (simp add: openin_diff)
        have HcontU: "continuous (at a within U) (H T)" if "T  𝒞" for T
          using Hcont [OF T  𝒞] False  a  U T  𝒞
          apply (simp add: continuous_on_eq_continuous_within continuous_within)
          apply (rule Lim_transform_within_set)
          using oUS
            apply (force simp: eventually_at openin_contains_ball dist_commute dest!: bspec)+
        show ?thesis
        proof (rule continuous_transform_within_openin [OF _ oUS])
          show "continuous (at a within U) (λx. supp_sum (λT. H T x *R f (𝒜 T)) 𝒞)"
          proof (rule continuous_transform_within_openin)
            show "continuous (at a within U)
                    (λx. T{U  𝒞. xN. H U x  0}. H T x *R f (𝒜 T))"
              by (force intro: continuous_intros HcontU)+
            show "openin (top_of_set U) ((U - S)  N)"
              using N oUS openin_trans by blast
            show "a  (U - S)  N" using False a  U N by blast
            show "x. x  (U - S)  N 
                         (T  {U  𝒞. xN. H U x  0}. H T x *R f (𝒜 T))
                         = supp_sum (λT. H T x *R f (𝒜 T)) 𝒞"
              by (auto simp: supp_sum_def support_on_def
                       intro: sum.mono_neutral_right [OF finN])
          show "a  U - S" using False a  U by blast
          show "x. x  U - S  supp_sum (λT. H T x *R f (𝒜 T)) 𝒞 = g x"
            by (simp add: g_def)
    show "g ` U  C"
      using f ` S  C VA
      by (fastforce simp: g_def Hge0 intro!: convex_supp_sum [OF convex C] H1)
    show "x. x  S  g x = f x"
      by (simp add: g_def)

corollary Tietze:
  fixes f :: "'a::{metric_space,second_countable_topology}  'b::real_inner"
  assumes "continuous_on S f"
    and "closedin (top_of_set U) S"
    and "0  B"
    and "x. x  S  norm(f x)  B"
  obtains g where "continuous_on U g" "x. x  S  g x = f x"
    "x. x  U  norm(g x)  B"
  using assms by (auto simp: image_subset_iff intro: Dugundji [of "cball 0 B" U S f])

corollarytag unimportant› Tietze_closed_interval:
  fixes f :: "'a::{metric_space,second_countable_topology}  'b::euclidean_space"
  assumes "continuous_on S f"
    and "closedin (top_of_set U) S"
    and "cbox a b  {}"
    and "x. x  S  f x  cbox a b"
  obtains g where "continuous_on U g" "x. x  S  g x = f x"
    "x. x  U  g x  cbox a b"
  apply (rule Dugundji [of "cbox a b" U S f])
  using assms by auto

corollarytag unimportant› Tietze_closed_interval_1:
  fixes f :: "'a::{metric_space,second_countable_topology}  real"
  assumes "continuous_on S f"
    and "closedin (top_of_set U) S"
    and "a  b"
    and "x. x  S  f x  cbox a b"
  obtains g where "continuous_on U g" "x. x  S  g x = f x"
    "x. x  U  g x  cbox a b"
  apply (rule Dugundji [of "cbox a b" U S f])
  using assms by (auto simp: image_subset_iff)

corollarytag unimportant› Tietze_open_interval:
  fixes f :: "'a::{metric_space,second_countable_topology}  'b::euclidean_space"
  assumes "continuous_on S f"
    and "closedin (top_of_set U) S"
    and "box a b  {}"
    and "x. x  S  f x  box a b"
  obtains g where "continuous_on U g" "x. x  S  g x = f x"
    "x. x  U  g x  box a b"
  apply (rule Dugundji [of "box a b" U S f])
  using assms by auto

corollarytag unimportant› Tietze_open_interval_1:
  fixes f :: "'a::{metric_space,second_countable_topology}  real"
  assumes "continuous_on S f"
    and "closedin (top_of_set U) S"
    and "a < b"
    and no: "x. x  S  f x  box a b"
  obtains g where "continuous_on U g" "x. x  S  g x = f x"
    "x. x  U  g x  box a b"
  apply (rule Dugundji [of "box a b" U S f])
  using assms by (auto simp: image_subset_iff)

corollarytag unimportant› Tietze_unbounded:
  fixes f :: "'a::{metric_space,second_countable_topology}  'b::real_inner"
  assumes "continuous_on S f"
    and "closedin (top_of_set U) S"
  obtains g where "continuous_on U g" "x. x  S  g x = f x"
  apply (rule Dugundji [of UNIV U S f])
  using assms by auto
