Theory Finite_Automata_HF
chapter ‹Finite Automata using the Hereditarily Finite Sets›
theory Finite_Automata_HF imports
text‹Finite Automata, both deterministic and non-deterministic, for regular languages.
The Myhill-Nerode Theorem. Closure under intersection, concatenation, etc.
Regular expressions define regular languages. Closure under reversal;
the powerset construction mapping NFAs to DFAs. Left and right languages; minimal DFAs.
Brzozowski's minimization algorithm. Uniqueness up to isomorphism of minimal DFAs.›
section‹Deterministic Finite Automata›
text‹Right invariance is the key property for equivalence relations on states of DFAs.›
definition right_invariant :: "('a list × 'a list) set ⇒ bool" where
"right_invariant r ≡ (∀u v w. (u,v) ∈ r ⟶ (u@w, v@w) ∈ r)"
subsection‹Basic Definitions›
text‹First, the record for DFAs›
record 'a dfa = states :: "hf set"
init :: "hf"
final :: "hf set"
nxt :: "hf ⇒ 'a ⇒ hf"
locale dfa =
fixes M :: "'a dfa"
assumes init [simp]: "init M ∈ states M"
and final: "final M ⊆ states M"
and nxt: "⋀q x. q ∈ states M ⟹ nxt M q x ∈ states M"
and finite: "finite (states M)"
lemma finite_final [simp]: "finite (final M)"
using final finite_subset finite by blast
text‹Transition function for a given starting state and word.›
primrec nextl :: "[hf, 'a list] ⇒ hf" where
"nextl q [] = q"
| "nextl q (x#xs) = nextl (nxt M q x) xs"
definition language :: "'a list set" where
"language ≡ {xs. nextl (init M) xs ∈ final M}"
text‹The left language WRT a state q is the set of words that lead to q.›
definition left_lang :: "hf ⇒ 'a list set" where
"left_lang q ≡ {u. nextl (init M) u = q}"
text‹Part of Prop 1 of
Jean-Marc Champarnaud, A. Khorsi and T. Paranthoën,
Split and join for minimizing: Brzozowski's algorithm,
Prague Stringology Conference 2002›
lemma left_lang_disjoint:
"q1 ≠ q2 ⟹ left_lang q1 ∩ left_lang q2 = {}"
unfolding left_lang_def by auto
text‹The right language WRT a state q is the set of words that go from q to F.›
definition right_lang :: "hf ⇒ 'a list set" where
"right_lang q ≡ {u. nextl q u ∈ final M}"
lemma language_eq_right_lang: "language = right_lang (init M)"
using language_def right_lang_def by auto
lemma nextl_app: "nextl q (xs@ys) = nextl (nextl q xs) ys"
by (induct xs arbitrary: q) auto
lemma nextl_snoc [simp]: "nextl q (xs@[x]) = nxt M (nextl q xs) x"
by (simp add: nextl_app)
lemma nextl_state: "q ∈ states M ⟹ nextl q xs ∈ states M"
by (induct xs arbitrary: q) (auto simp: nxt)
lemma nextl_init_state [simp]: "nextl (init M) xs ∈ states M"
by (simp add: nextl_state)
subsection‹An Equivalence Relation on States›
text‹Two words are equivalent if they take the machine to the same state.
See e.g. Kozen, Automata and Computability, Springer, 1997, page 90.›
text‹This relation asks, do @{term u} and @{term v} lead to the same state?›
definition eq_nextl :: "('a list × 'a list) set" where
"eq_nextl ≡ {(u,v). nextl (init M) u = nextl (init M) v}"
lemma equiv_eq_nextl: "equiv UNIV eq_nextl"
by (simp add: equivI refl_on_def sym_def trans_def eq_nextl_def)
lemma right_invariant_eq_nextl: "right_invariant eq_nextl"
by (auto simp: right_invariant_def eq_nextl_def nextl_app)
lemma range_nextl: "range (nextl (init M)) ⊆ states M"
using hmem_def nextl_init_state by auto
lemma eq_nextl_class_in_left_lang_im: "eq_nextl `` {u} ∈ left_lang ` states M"
apply (rule rev_image_eqI [of "nextl (init M) u"])
apply (auto simp: eq_nextl_def left_lang_def)
lemma language_eq_nextl: "language = eq_nextl `` (⋃q ∈ final M. left_lang q)"
by (auto simp: language_def eq_nextl_def left_lang_def hmem_def)
lemma finite_index_eq_nextl: "finite (UNIV // eq_nextl)"
apply (rule finite_surj [where f = left_lang, OF finite])
apply (auto simp: quotient_def eq_nextl_class_in_left_lang_im)
lemma index_eq_nextl_le_states: "card (UNIV // eq_nextl) ≤ card (states M)"
apply (rule surj_card_le [where f = left_lang, OF finite])
apply (auto simp: quotient_def eq_nextl_class_in_left_lang_im)
subsection ‹Minimisation via Accessibility›
definition accessible :: "hf set" where
"accessible ≡ {q. left_lang q ≠ {}}"
lemma accessible_imp_states: "q ∈ accessible ⟹ q ∈ states M"
by (auto simp: accessible_def left_lang_def)
lemma nxt_accessible: "q ∈ accessible ⟹ nxt M q a ∈ accessible"
by (auto simp: image_iff accessible_def left_lang_def) (metis nextl.simps nextl_app)
lemma inj_on_left_lang: "inj_on left_lang accessible"
by (auto simp: inj_on_def left_lang_def accessible_def)
definition path_to :: "hf ⇒ 'a list" where
"path_to q ≡ SOME u. u ∈ left_lang q"
lemma path_to_left_lang: "q ∈ accessible ⟹ path_to q ∈ left_lang q"
unfolding path_to_def left_lang_def accessible_def
by (auto intro: someI)
lemma nextl_path_to: "q ∈ accessible ⟹ nextl (dfa.init M) (path_to q) = q"
using path_to_left_lang unfolding left_lang_def
by auto
definition Accessible_dfa :: "'a dfa" where
"Accessible_dfa = ⦇dfa.states = accessible,
init = init M,
final = final M ∩ accessible,
nxt = nxt M⦈"
lemma states_Accessible_dfa [simp]: "states Accessible_dfa = accessible"
by (simp add: Accessible_dfa_def)
lemma init_Accessible_dfa [simp]: "init Accessible_dfa = init M"
by (simp add: Accessible_dfa_def)
lemma final_Accessible_dfa [simp]: "final Accessible_dfa = final M ∩ accessible"
by (simp add: Accessible_dfa_def)
lemma nxt_Accessible_dfa [simp]: "nxt Accessible_dfa = nxt M"
by (simp add: Accessible_dfa_def)
interpretation Accessible: dfa Accessible_dfa
proof unfold_locales
show "init Accessible_dfa ∈ states Accessible_dfa"
by (auto simp: accessible_def left_lang_def) (metis nextl.simps(1))
show "final Accessible_dfa ⊆ states Accessible_dfa"
by (auto simp: accessible_imp_states)
fix q a
show "q ∈ states Accessible_dfa ⟹ nxt Accessible_dfa q a ∈ states Accessible_dfa"
by (auto simp: nxt nxt_accessible)
show "finite (states Accessible_dfa)"
by (auto intro: accessible_imp_states finite_subset finite)
lemma dfa_Accessible: "dfa Accessible_dfa"
by unfold_locales
lemma nextl_Accessible_dfa [simp]:
"q ∈ accessible ⟹ Accessible.nextl q u = nextl q u"
by (induct u rule: List.rev_induct, auto)
lemma init_Accessible: "init M ∈ accessible"
using dfa.init dfa_Accessible by force
declare nextl_Accessible_dfa [OF init_Accessible, simp]
lemma Accessible_left_lang_eq [simp]: "Accessible.left_lang q = left_lang q"
by (auto simp: Accessible.left_lang_def left_lang_def)
lemma Accessible_right_lang_eq [simp]:
"q ∈ accessible ⟹ Accessible.right_lang q = right_lang q"
by (auto simp: Accessible.right_lang_def right_lang_def accessible_def left_lang_def nextl_app [symmetric])
lemma Accessible_language [simp]: "Accessible.language = language"
by (simp add: Accessible.language_eq_right_lang language_eq_right_lang
Accessible_right_lang_eq [OF init_Accessible])
lemma Accessible_accessible [simp]: "Accessible.accessible = accessible"
using Accessible.accessible_def accessible_def by auto
lemma left_lang_half:
assumes sb: "⋃(left_lang ` qs1) ⊆ ⋃(left_lang ` qs2)"
and ne: "⋀x. x ∈ qs1 ⟹ left_lang x ≠ {}"
shows "qs1 ⊆ qs2"
fix x
assume x: "x ∈ qs1"
with ne obtain y where y: "y ∈ left_lang x"
by blast
then have "y ∈ ⋃(left_lang ` qs2)"
using x sb [THEN subsetD]
by blast
then show "x ∈ qs2"
by (metis UN_E disjoint_iff_not_equal left_lang_disjoint y)
lemma left_lang_UN:
"⟦⋃(left_lang ` qs1) = ⋃(left_lang ` qs2); qs1 ∪ qs2 ⊆ accessible⟧
⟹ qs1 = qs2"
apply (rule equalityI [OF _ dfa.left_lang_half [OF dfa_Accessible]])
apply (rule dfa.left_lang_half [OF dfa_Accessible], auto simp: accessible_def)
definition minimal where
"minimal ≡ accessible = states M ∧ inj_on right_lang (dfa.states M)"
subsection‹An Equivalence Relation on States›
text‹Collapsing map on states. Two states are equivalent if they yield identical outcomes›
definition eq_right_lang :: "(hf × hf) set" where
"eq_right_lang ≡ {(u,v). u ∈ states M ∧ v ∈ states M ∧ right_lang u = right_lang v}"
lemma equiv_eq_right_lang: "equiv (states M) eq_right_lang"
by (auto simp: equiv_def refl_on_def sym_def trans_def eq_right_lang_def)
lemma eq_right_lang_finite_index: "finite (states M // eq_right_lang)"
by (metis finite_imageI finite proj_image)
definition Collapse_dfa :: "'a dfa" where
"Collapse_dfa = ⦇dfa.states = HF ` (states M // eq_right_lang),
init = HF (eq_right_lang `` {init M}),
final = {HF (eq_right_lang `` {q}) | q. q ∈ final M},
nxt = λQ x. HF (⋃q ∈ hfset Q. eq_right_lang `` {nxt M q x})⦈"
lemma nxt_Collapse_resp: "(λq. eq_right_lang `` {nxt M q x}) respects eq_right_lang"
by (auto simp: nextl.simps [symmetric] congruent_def eq_right_lang_def nxt right_lang_def
simp del: nextl.simps)
lemma finite_Collapse_state: "Q ∈ states M // eq_right_lang ⟹ finite Q"
by (meson equiv_eq_right_lang finite_subset in_quotient_imp_subset finite)
interpretation Collapse: dfa Collapse_dfa
proof unfold_locales
show "dfa.init Collapse_dfa ∈ dfa.states Collapse_dfa"
by (simp add: Collapse_dfa_def quotientI)
show " Collapse_dfa ⊆ dfa.states Collapse_dfa"
using final
by (auto simp: Collapse_dfa_def quotientI)
fix q a
show "q ∈ dfa.states Collapse_dfa ⟹ dfa.nxt Collapse_dfa q a ∈ dfa.states Collapse_dfa"
by (auto simp: Collapse_dfa_def nxt quotientI finite_Collapse_state
UN_equiv_class_type [OF equiv_eq_right_lang nxt_Collapse_resp])
show "finite (dfa.states Collapse_dfa)"
by (simp add: Collapse_dfa_def eq_right_lang_finite_index)
corollary dfa_Collapse: "dfa Collapse_dfa"
by unfold_locales
lemma nextl_Collapse_dfa:
"Q = HF (eq_right_lang `` {q}) ⟹ Q ∈ dfa.states Collapse_dfa ⟹
q ∈ states M ⟹
Collapse.nextl Q u = HF (eq_right_lang `` {nextl q u})"
apply (induct u rule: List.rev_induct, auto)
apply (simp add: Collapse_dfa_def)
apply (subst inj_on_eq_iff [OF inj_on_HF])
apply (rule UN_equiv_class_type [OF equiv_eq_right_lang nxt_Collapse_resp])
apply (auto simp: nxt quotientI finite_Collapse_state nextl_state)
apply (force simp add: nextl.simps [symmetric] eq_right_lang_def nxt right_lang_def
simp del: nextl.simps)
apply (metis equiv_class_self equiv_eq_right_lang nextl_state)
lemma ext_language_Collapse_dfa:
"u ∈ Collapse.language ⟷ u ∈ language"
apply (simp add: Collapse.language_def language_def)
apply (subst nextl_Collapse_dfa)
apply (auto simp: Collapse_dfa_def)
using final [THEN subsetD] init
apply (auto simp: quotientI inj_on_eq_iff [OF inj_on_HF] finite_Collapse_state
UN_equiv_class_type [OF equiv_eq_right_lang nxt_Collapse_resp])
apply (drule eq_equiv_class [OF _ equiv_eq_right_lang])
apply (auto simp: eq_right_lang_def right_lang_def)
apply (metis mem_Collect_eq nextl.simps(1))
theorem language_Collapse_dfa:
"Collapse.language = language"
by (simp add: ext_language_Collapse_dfa subset_antisym subset_iff)
lemma card_Collapse_dfa: "card (states M // eq_right_lang) ≤ card (states M)"
by (metis card_image_le finite proj_image)
subsection ‹Isomorphisms Between DFAs›
locale dfa_isomorphism = M: dfa M + N: dfa N for M :: "'a dfa" and N :: "'a dfa" +
fixes h :: "hf ⇒ hf"
assumes h: "bij_betw h (states M) (states N)"
and init [simp]: "h (init M) = init N"
and final [simp]: "h ` final M = final N"
and nxt [simp]: "⋀q x. q ∈ states M ⟹ h (nxt M q x) = nxt N (h q) x"
lemma nextl [simp]: "q ∈ states M ⟹ h (M.nextl q u) = N.nextl (h q) u"
by (induct u rule: List.rev_induct) (auto simp: M.nextl_state)
theorem language: "M.language = N.language"
proof (rule set_eqI)
fix u
have "M.nextl (init M) u ∈ final M ⟷ h (M.nextl (init M) u) ∈ h ` final M"
by (subst inj_on_image_mem_iff [OF bij_betw_imp_inj_on [OF h] _]) (auto)
also have "... ⟷ N.nextl (init N) u ∈ final N"
by simp
finally show "u ∈ M.language ⟷ u ∈ dfa.language N"
by (simp add: M.language_def N.language_def)
lemma nxt_inv_into: "q ∈ states N ⟹ nxt N q x = h (nxt M (inv_into (states M) h q) x)"
apply (subst nxt)
apply (metis bij_betw_def h inv_into_into)
apply (metis bij_betw_inv_into_right h)
lemma sym: "dfa_isomorphism N M (inv_into (states M) h)"
apply unfold_locales
apply (metis bij_betw_inv_into h)
apply (metis M.init bij_betw_imp_inj_on h inv_into_f_eq init)
apply (metis bij_betw_def bij_betw_inv_into_subset h final)
apply (simp add: nxt_inv_into)
apply (metis M.nxt bij_betw_def h inv_into_f_eq inv_into_into)
lemma trans: "dfa_isomorphism N N' h' ⟹ dfa_isomorphism M N' (h' o h)"
apply (auto simp: dfa_isomorphism_def dfa_isomorphism_axioms_def)
apply unfold_locales
apply (metis bij_betw_comp_iff h)
apply (metis imageI final)
apply (simp only: final [symmetric] image_comp) apply simp
apply (metis bij_betw_def h image_iff)
section‹The Myhill-Nerode theorem: three characterisations of a regular language›
definition regular :: "'a list set ⇒ bool" where
"regular L ≡ ∃M. dfa M ∧ dfa.language M = L"
definition MyhillNerode :: "'a list set ⇒ ('a list * 'a list) set ⇒ bool" where
"MyhillNerode L R ≡ equiv UNIV R ∧ right_invariant R ∧ finite (UNIV//R) ∧ (∃A. L = R``A)"
text‹This relation can be seen as an abstraction of the idea, do @{term u} and @{term v}
lead to the same state? Compare with @{term eq_nextl}, which does precisely that.›
definition eq_app_right :: "'a list set ⇒ ('a list * 'a list) set" where
"eq_app_right L ≡ {(u,v). ∀w. u@w ∈ L ⟷ v@w ∈ L}"
lemma equiv_eq_app_right: "equiv UNIV (eq_app_right L)"
by (simp add: equivI refl_on_def sym_def trans_def eq_app_right_def)
lemma right_invariant_eq_app_right: "right_invariant (eq_app_right L)"
by (simp add: right_invariant_def eq_app_right_def)
lemma eq_app_right_eq: "eq_app_right L `` L = L"
unfolding eq_app_right_def
by auto (metis append_Nil2)
lemma MN_eq_app_right:
"finite (UNIV // eq_app_right L) ⟹ MyhillNerode L (eq_app_right L)"
unfolding MyhillNerode_def
using eq_app_right_eq
by (auto simp: equiv_eq_app_right right_invariant_eq_app_right)
lemma MN_refines: "⟦MyhillNerode L R; (x,y) ∈ R⟧ ⟹ x ∈ L ⟷ y ∈ L"
unfolding equiv_def trans_def sym_def MyhillNerode_def
by blast
lemma MN_refines_eq_app_right: "MyhillNerode L R ⟹ R ⊆ eq_app_right L"
unfolding eq_app_right_def MyhillNerode_def right_invariant_def equiv_def trans_def sym_def
by blast
text‹Step 1 in the circle of implications: every regular language @{term L} is recognised
by some Myhill-Nerode relation, @{term R}›
context dfa
lemma MN_eq_nextl: "MyhillNerode language eq_nextl"
unfolding MyhillNerode_def
using language_eq_nextl
by (blast intro: equiv_eq_nextl right_invariant_eq_nextl finite_index_eq_nextl)
corollary eq_nextl_refines_eq_app_right: "eq_nextl ⊆ eq_app_right language"
by (simp add: MN_eq_nextl MN_refines_eq_app_right)
lemma index_le_index_eq_nextl:
"card (UNIV // eq_app_right language) ≤ card (UNIV // eq_nextl)"
by (metis finite_refines_card_le finite_index_eq_nextl equiv_eq_nextl equiv_eq_app_right
text‹A specific lower bound on the number of states in a DFA›
lemma index_eq_app_right_lower:
"card (UNIV // eq_app_right language) ≤ card (states M)"
using index_eq_nextl_le_states index_le_index_eq_nextl order_trans by blast
lemma L1_2: "regular L ⟹ ∃R. MyhillNerode L R"
by (metis dfa.MN_eq_nextl regular_def)
text‹Step 2: every Myhill-Nerode relation @{term R} for the language @{term L}
can be mapped to the canonical M-N relation.›
lemma L2_3:
assumes "MyhillNerode L R"
obtains "finite (UNIV // eq_app_right L)"
"card (UNIV // eq_app_right L) ≤ card (UNIV // R)"
by (meson assms MN_refines_eq_app_right MyhillNerode_def equiv_eq_app_right finite_refines_finite finite_refines_card_le)
text ‹Working towards step 3. Also, every Myhill-Nerode relation @{term R} for @{term L}
can be mapped to a machine. The locale below constructs such a DFA.›
locale MyhillNerode_dfa =
fixes L :: "'a list set" and R :: "('a list * 'a list) set"
and A :: "'a list set" and n :: nat and h :: "'a list set ⇒ hf"
assumes eqR: "equiv UNIV R"
and riR: "right_invariant R"
and L: "L = R``A"
and h: "bij_betw h (UNIV//R) (hfset (ord_of n))"
lemma injh: "inj_on h (UNIV//R)"
using h bij_betw_imp_inj_on by blast
definition hinv ("h⇧-⇧1") where "h⇧-⇧1 ≡ inv_into (UNIV//R) h"
lemma finix: "finite (UNIV//R)"
using h bij_betw_finite finite_hfset by blast
definition DFA :: "'a dfa" where
"DFA = ⦇states = h ` (UNIV//R),
init = h (R `` {[]}),
final = {h (R `` {u}) | u. u ∈ A},
nxt = λq x. h (⋃u ∈ h⇧-⇧1 q. R `` {u@[x]})⦈"
lemma resp: "⋀x. (λu. R `` {u @ [x]}) respects R"
using riR
by (auto simp: congruent_def right_invariant_def intro!: equiv_class_eq [OF eqR])
lemma dfa: "dfa DFA"
apply (auto simp: dfa_def DFA_def quotientI finix)
apply (subst inj_on_image_mem_iff [OF injh])
apply (rule UN_equiv_class_type [OF eqR resp])
apply (auto simp: injh DFA_def hinv_def quotientI)
interpretation MN: dfa DFA
by (simp add: dfa)
lemma MyhillNerode: "MyhillNerode L R"
using L
by (auto simp: MyhillNerode_def eqR riR finix)
lemma R_iff: "(∃x∈L. (u, x) ∈ R) = (u ∈ L)"
using MN_refines MyhillNerode eqR eq_equiv_class_iff
by fastforce
lemma nextl: "MN.nextl (init DFA) u = h (R `` {u})"
apply (induct u rule: List.rev_induct, auto)
apply (simp_all add: DFA_def hinv_def injh quotientI UN_equiv_class [OF eqR resp])
lemma language: "MN.language = L"
proof -
{ fix u
have "u ∈ MN.language ⟷ u ∈ L"
using L eqR
apply (simp add: MN.language_def nextl)
apply (simp add: DFA_def inj_on_eq_iff [OF injh] eq_equiv_class_iff [OF eqR] quotientI)
apply (auto simp: equiv_def sym_def)
} then show ?thesis
by blast
lemma card_states: "card (states DFA) = card (UNIV // R)"
using h
by (simp add: DFA_def bij_betw_def) (metis card_image)
theorem MN_imp_dfa:
assumes "MyhillNerode L R"
obtains M where "dfa M" "dfa.language M = L" "card (states M) = card (UNIV//R)"
proof -
from assms obtain A
where eqR: "equiv UNIV R"
and riR: "right_invariant R"
and finix: "finite (UNIV//R)"
and L: "L = R``A"
by (auto simp: MyhillNerode_def)
let ?n = "card (UNIV//R)"
from ex_bij_betw_finite_nat [OF finix]
obtain h where h: "bij_betw h (UNIV//R) (hfset (ord_of ?n))"
using bij_betw_ord_ofI by blast
interpret MN: MyhillNerode_dfa L R A "?n" h
by (simp add: MyhillNerode_dfa_def eqR riR L h)
show ?thesis
by (auto simp: MN.language intro: that MN.dfa MN.language MN.card_states)
corollary MN_imp_regular:
assumes "MyhillNerode L R" shows "regular L"
using MN_imp_dfa [OF assms] unfolding regular_def
by auto
corollary eq_app_right_finite_index_imp_dfa:
assumes "finite (UNIV // eq_app_right L)"
obtains M where
"dfa M" "dfa.language M = L" "card (states M) = card (UNIV // eq_app_right L)"
using MN_eq_app_right MN_imp_dfa assms by blast
text‹Step 3›
corollary L3_1: "finite (UNIV // eq_app_right L) ⟹ regular L"
using eq_app_right_finite_index_imp_dfa regular_def by blast
section‹Non-Deterministic Finite Automata›
text‹These NFAs may include epsilon-transitions and multiple start states.›
subsection‹Basic Definitions›
record 'a nfa = states :: "hf set"
init :: "hf set"
final :: "hf set"
nxt :: "hf ⇒ 'a ⇒ hf set"
eps :: "(hf * hf) set"
locale nfa =
fixes M :: "'a nfa"
assumes init: "init M ⊆ states M"
and final: "final M ⊆ states M"
and nxt: "⋀q x. q ∈ states M ⟹ nxt M q x ⊆ states M"
and finite: "finite (states M)"
lemma subset_states_finite [intro,simp]: "Q ⊆ states M ⟹ finite Q"
by (simp add: finite_subset finite)
definition epsclo :: "hf set ⇒ hf set" where
"epsclo Q ≡ states M ∩ (⋃q∈Q. {q'. (q,q') ∈ (eps M)⇧*})"
lemma epsclo_eq_Image: "epsclo Q = states M ∩ (eps M)⇧* `` Q"
by (auto simp: epsclo_def)
lemma epsclo_empty [simp]: "epsclo {} = {}"
by (auto simp: epsclo_def)
lemma epsclo_idem [simp]: "epsclo (epsclo Q) = epsclo Q"
by (auto simp: epsclo_def)
lemma epsclo_increasing: "Q ∩ states M ⊆ epsclo Q"
by (auto simp: epsclo_def)
lemma epsclo_Un [simp]: "epsclo (Q1 ∪ Q2) = epsclo Q1 ∪ epsclo Q2"
by (auto simp: epsclo_def)
lemma epsclo_UN [simp]: "epsclo (⋃x∈A. B x) = (⋃x∈A. epsclo (B x))"
by (auto simp: epsclo_def)
lemma epsclo_subset [simp]: "epsclo Q ⊆ states M"
by (auto simp: epsclo_def)
lemma epsclo_trivial [simp]: "eps M ⊆ Q × Q ⟹ epsclo Q = states M ∩ Q"
by (auto simp: epsclo_def elim: rtranclE)
lemma epsclo_mono: "Q' ⊆ Q ⟹ epsclo Q' ⊆ epsclo Q"
by (auto simp: epsclo_def)
lemma finite_epsclo [simp]: "finite (epsclo Q)"
using epsclo_subset finite_subset finite by blast
lemma finite_final: "finite (final M)"
using final finite_subset finite by blast
lemma finite_nxt: "q ∈ states M ⟹ finite (nxt M q x)"
by (metis finite_subset finite nxt)
text‹Transition function for a given starting state and word.›
primrec nextl :: "[hf set, 'a list] ⇒ hf set" where
"nextl Q [] = epsclo Q"
| "nextl Q (x#xs) = nextl (⋃q ∈ epsclo Q. nxt M q x) xs"
definition language :: "'a list set" where
"language ≡ {xs. nextl (init M) xs ∩ final M ≠ {}}"
text‹The right language WRT a state q is the set of words that go from q to F.›
definition right_lang :: "hf ⇒ 'a list set" where
"right_lang q ≡ {u. nextl {q} u ∩ final M ≠ {}}"
lemma nextl_epsclo [simp]: "nextl (epsclo Q) xs = nextl Q xs"
by (induct xs) auto
lemma epsclo_nextl [simp]: "epsclo (nextl Q xs) = nextl Q xs"
by (induct xs arbitrary: Q) auto
lemma nextl_app: "nextl Q (xs@ys) = nextl (nextl Q xs) ys"
by (induct xs arbitrary: Q) auto
lemma nextl_snoc [simp]: "nextl Q (xs@[x]) = (⋃q ∈ nextl Q xs. epsclo (nxt M q x))"
by (simp add: nextl_app)
lemma nextl_state: "nextl Q xs ⊆ states M"
by (induct xs arbitrary: Q) auto
lemma nextl_mono: "Q' ⊆ Q ⟹ nextl Q' u ⊆ nextl Q u"
by (induct u rule: rev_induct) (auto simp: epsclo_mono)
lemma nextl_eps: "q ∈ nextl Q u ⟹ (q,q') ∈ eps M ⟹ q' ∈ states M ⟹ q' ∈ nextl Q u"
using rtrancl_into_rtrancl epsclo_nextl epsclo_eq_Image by fastforce
lemma finite_nextl: "finite (nextl Q u)"
by (induct u rule: List.rev_induct) auto
lemma nextl_empty [simp]: "nextl {} xs = {}"
by (induct xs) auto
lemma nextl_Un: "nextl (Q1 ∪ Q2) xs = nextl Q1 xs ∪ nextl Q2 xs"
by (induct xs arbitrary: Q1 Q2) auto
lemma nextl_UN: "nextl (⋃i∈I. f i) xs = (⋃i∈I. nextl (f i) xs)"
by (induct xs arbitrary: f) auto
subsection‹The Powerset Construction›
definition Power_dfa :: "'a dfa" where
"Power_dfa = ⦇dfa.states = {HF (epsclo q) | q. q ∈ Pow (states M)},
init = HF (epsclo (init M)),
final = {HF (epsclo Q) | Q. Q ⊆ states M ∧ Q ∩ final M ≠ {}},
nxt = λQ x. HF(⋃q ∈ epsclo (hfset Q). epsclo (nxt M q x))⦈"
lemma states_Power_dfa [simp]: "dfa.states Power_dfa = HF ` epsclo ` Pow (states M)"
by (auto simp add: Power_dfa_def)
lemma init_Power_dfa [simp]: "dfa.init Power_dfa = HF (epsclo (nfa.init M))"
by (simp add: Power_dfa_def)
lemma final_Power_dfa [simp]: " Power_dfa = {HF (epsclo Q) | Q. Q ⊆ states M ∧ Q ∩ final M ≠ {}}"
by (simp add: Power_dfa_def)
lemma nxt_Power_dfa [simp]: "dfa.nxt Power_dfa = (λQ x. HF(⋃q ∈ epsclo (hfset Q). epsclo (nxt M q x)))"
by (simp add: Power_dfa_def)
interpretation Power: dfa Power_dfa
proof unfold_locales
show "dfa.init Power_dfa ∈ dfa.states Power_dfa"
by (force simp add: init)
show " Power_dfa ⊆ dfa.states Power_dfa"
by auto
fix q a
show "q ∈ dfa.states Power_dfa ⟹ dfa.nxt Power_dfa q a ∈ dfa.states Power_dfa"
apply (auto simp: nxt)
apply (subst inj_on_image_mem_iff [OF inj_on_HF])
apply (auto simp: rev_finite_subset [OF finite] nxt)
apply (metis Pow_iff epsclo_UN epsclo_idem epsclo_subset image_eqI)
show "finite (dfa.states Power_dfa)"
by (force simp: finite)
corollary dfa_Power: "dfa Power_dfa"
by unfold_locales
lemma nextl_Power_dfa:
"qs ∈ dfa.states Power_dfa
⟹ dfa.nextl Power_dfa qs u = HF (⋃q ∈ hfset qs. nextl {q} u)"
apply (induct u rule: List.rev_induct)
apply (auto simp: finite_nextl inj_on_HF [THEN inj_on_eq_iff])
apply (metis Int_empty_left Int_insert_left_if1 epsclo_increasing epsclo_subset subsetD singletonI)
apply (metis contra_subsetD empty_subsetI epsclo_idem epsclo_mono insert_subset)
text‹Part of Prop 4 of Jean-Marc Champarnaud, A. Khorsi and T. Paranthoën (2002)›
lemma Power_right_lang:
"qs ∈ dfa.states Power_dfa ⟹ Power.right_lang qs = (⋃q ∈ hfset qs. right_lang q)"
using epsclo_increasing
apply (auto simp: Power.right_lang_def right_lang_def nextl_Power_dfa
inj_on_HF [THEN inj_on_eq_iff] finite_nextl, blast)
apply (rename_tac Q u q1 q2)
apply (drule_tac x="(⋃x∈epsclo Q. nextl {x} u)" in spec)
apply auto
using nextl_state apply blast
text‹The Power DFA accepts the same language as the NFA.›
theorem Power_language [simp]: "Power.language = language"
proof -
{ fix u
have "(Power.nextl (dfa.init Power_dfa) u) = HF (nextl (init M) u)"
proof (induct u rule: List.rev_induct)
case Nil show ?case
using Power.nextl.simps
by (auto simp: hinsert_def)
case (snoc x u) then show ?case
by (simp add: init finite_nextl nextl_state [THEN subsetD])
then have "u ∈ Power.language ⟷ u ∈ language"
apply (auto simp add: Power.language_def language_def disjoint_iff_not_equal)
apply (metis Int_iff finite_nextl hfset_HF nextl.simps(1) epsclo_increasing subsetCE)
apply (metis epsclo_nextl nextl_state)
then show ?thesis
by blast
text‹Every language accepted by a NFA is also accepted by a DFA.›
corollary imp_regular: "regular language"
using Power_language dfa_Power regular_def by blast
text‹As above, outside the locale›
corollary nfa_imp_regular:
assumes "nfa M" "nfa.language M = L"
shows "regular L"
using assms nfa.imp_regular by blast
section‹Closure Properties for Regular Languages›
subsection‹The Empty Language›
theorem regular_empty: "regular {}"
proof -
interpret D: dfa "⦇dfa.states = {0}, init = 0, final = {}, nxt = λq x. q⦈"
by (auto simp: dfa_def)
have "D.language = {}"
by (simp add: D.language_def)
then show ?thesis
unfolding regular_def dfa_def
by force
subsection‹The Empty Word›
theorem regular_nullstr: "regular {[]}"
proof -
interpret N: nfa "⦇states = {0}, init = {0}, final = {0}, nxt = λq x. {}, eps = {} ⦈"
by (auto simp: nfa_def)
have "⋀u. 0 ∈ N.nextl {0} u ⟹ u = []"
by (rule list.exhaust, auto)
then have "N.language = {[]}"
by (auto simp: N.language_def)
then show ?thesis
by (metis N.imp_regular)
subsection‹Single Symbol Languages›
theorem regular_singstr: "regular {[a]}"
proof -
let ?N = "⦇states = {0,1}, init = {0}, final = {1},
nxt = λq x. if q=0 ∧ x=a then {1} else {},
eps = {}⦈"
interpret N: nfa ?N
by (auto simp: nfa_def)
have [intro]: "⋀u. 1 ∈ N.nextl {1} u ⟹ u = []"
by (rule list.exhaust) auto
{ fix u
have "⟦1 ∈ nfa.nextl ?N {0} u⟧ ⟹ u = [a]"
by (cases u) (auto split: if_split_asm)
then have "N.language = {[a]}"
by (auto simp: N.language_def split: if_split_asm)
then show ?thesis
by (metis N.imp_regular)
subsection‹The Complement of a Language›
theorem regular_Compl:
assumes S: "regular S" shows "regular (-S)"
proof -
obtain MS where M: "dfa MS" and lang: "dfa.language MS = S"
using S by (auto simp: regular_def)
interpret ST: dfa "⦇dfa.states= dfa.states MS,
init= dfa.init MS, final= dfa.states MS - MS,
nxt= λq x. dfa.nxt MS q x⦈"
using M
by (force simp add: dfa_def)
{ fix u
have "ST.nextl (dfa.init MS) u = dfa.nextl MS (dfa.init MS) u"
by (induct u rule: List.rev_induct) (auto simp: dfa.nextl_snoc dfa.nextl.simps M)
then have "u ∈ ST.language ⟷ u ∉ dfa.language MS"
by (auto simp: M dfa.nextl_init_state ST.language_def dfa.language_def)
then have eq_L: "ST.language = -S"
using lang by blast
show ?thesis
unfolding regular_def
by (intro exI conjI, unfold_locales) (rule eq_L)
subsection‹The Intersection and Union of Two Languages›
text‹By the familiar product construction›
theorem regular_Int:
assumes S: "regular S" and T: "regular T" shows "regular (S ∩ T)"
proof -
obtain MS MT where M: "dfa MS" "dfa MT" and lang: "dfa.language MS = S" "dfa.language MT = T"
using S T by (auto simp: regular_def)
interpret ST: dfa "⦇dfa.states = {⟨q1,q2⟩ | q1 q2. q1 ∈ dfa.states MS ∧ q2 ∈ dfa.states MT},
init = ⟨dfa.init MS, dfa.init MT⟩,
final = {⟨q1,q2⟩ | q1 q2. q1 ∈ MS ∧ q2 ∈ MT},
nxt = λ⟨qs,qt⟩ x. ⟨dfa.nxt MS qs x, dfa.nxt MT qt x⟩⦈"
using M
by (auto simp: dfa_def finite_image_set2)
{ fix u
have "ST.nextl ⟨dfa.init MS, dfa.init MT⟩ u =
⟨dfa.nextl MS (dfa.init MS) u, dfa.nextl MT (dfa.init MT) u⟩"
proof (induct u rule: List.rev_induct)
case Nil show ?case
by (auto simp: dfa.nextl.simps M)
case (snoc x u) then show ?case
by (simp add: dfa.nextl_snoc M)
then have "u ∈ ST.language ⟷ u ∈ dfa.language MS ∧ u ∈ dfa.language MT"
by (auto simp: M ST.language_def dfa.language_def dfa.finite_final)
then have eq_L: "ST.language = S ∩ T"
using lang
by blast
show ?thesis
unfolding regular_def
by (intro exI conjI, unfold_locales) (rule eq_L)
corollary regular_Un:
assumes S: "regular S" and T: "regular T" shows "regular (S ∪ T)"
by (metis S T compl_sup double_compl regular_Compl regular_Int [of "-S" "-T"])
subsection‹The Concatenation of Two Languages›
lemma Inlr_rtrancl [simp]: "((λq. (Inl q, Inr a)) ` A)⇧* = ((λq. (Inl q, Inr a)) ` A)⇧="
by (auto elim: rtranclE)
theorem regular_conc:
assumes S: "regular S" and T: "regular T" shows "regular (S @@ T)"
proof -
obtain MS MT where M: "dfa MS" "dfa MT" and lang: "dfa.language MS = S" "dfa.language MT = T"
using S T by (auto simp: regular_def)
note [simp] = dfa.init dfa.nxt dfa.nextl.simps dfa.nextl_snoc
let ?ST = "⦇nfa.states = Inl ` (dfa.states MS) ∪ Inr ` (dfa.states MT),
init = {Inl (dfa.init MS)},
final = Inr ` ( MT),
nxt = λq x. sum_case (λqs. {Inl (dfa.nxt MS qs x)})
(λqt. {Inr (dfa.nxt MT qt x)}) q,
eps = (λq. (Inl q, Inr (dfa.init MT))) ` MS⦈"
interpret ST: nfa ?ST
using M
by (force simp add: nfa_def dfa.finite)
have Inl_in_eps_iff: "⋀q Q. Inl q ∈ nfa.epsclo ?ST Q ⟷ Inl q ∈ Q ∧ q ∈ dfa.states MS"
by (auto simp: M dfa.finite ST.epsclo_def)
have Inr_in_eps_iff: "⋀q Q. Inr q ∈ nfa.epsclo ?ST Q ⟷
(Inr q ∈ Q ∧ q ∈ dfa.states MT ∨ (q = dfa.init MT ∧ (∃qf ∈ MS. Inl qf ∈ Q)))"
by (auto simp: M dfa.finite ST.epsclo_def)
{ fix u
have "⋀q. Inl q ∈ ST.nextl {Inl (dfa.init MS)} u ⟷ q = (dfa.nextl MS (dfa.init MS) u)"
proof (induct u rule: List.rev_induct)
case Nil show ?case
by (auto simp: M Inl_in_eps_iff)
case (snoc x u) then show ?case
apply (auto simp add: M dfa.nextl_init_state Inl_in_eps_iff is_hsum_def split: sum_case_split)
apply (frule ST.nextl_state [THEN subsetD], auto)
} note Inl_ST_iff = this
{ fix u
have "⋀q. Inr q ∈ ST.nextl {Inl (dfa.init MS)} u ⟷
(∃uS uT. uS ∈ dfa.language MS ∧ u = uS@uT ∧ q = dfa.nextl MT (dfa.init MT) uT)"
proof (induct u rule: List.rev_induct)
case Nil show ?case
by (auto simp: M dfa.language_def Inr_in_eps_iff)
case (snoc x u)
then show ?case using M
apply (auto simp: Inr_in_eps_iff)
apply (frule ST.nextl_state [THEN subsetD], force)
apply (frule ST.nextl_state [THEN subsetD])
apply (auto simp: dfa.language_def Inl_ST_iff)
apply (metis (lifting) append_Nil2 dfa.nextl.simps(1) dfa.nextl_snoc)
apply (rename_tac uS uT)
apply (rule_tac xs=uT in rev_exhaust, simp)
apply (rule bexI [where x="Inl (dfa.nextl MS (dfa.init MS) u)"])
apply (auto simp: Inl_ST_iff)
apply (rule bexI)
apply (auto simp: dfa.nextl_init_state)
then have "u ∈ ST.language ⟷
(∃uS uT. uS ∈ dfa.language MS ∧ uT ∈ dfa.language MT ∧ u = uS@uT)"
by (force simp: M ST.language_def dfa.language_def)
then have eq_L: "ST.language = S @@ T"
using lang unfolding conc_def
by blast
then show ?thesis
by (metis ST.imp_regular)
lemma regular_word: "regular {u}"
proof (induction u)
case Nil show ?case
by (simp add: regular_nullstr)
case (Cons x l)
have "{x#l} = {[x]} @@ {l}"
by (simp add: conc_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: Cons.IH regular_conc regular_singstr)
text‹All finite sets are regular.›
theorem regular_finite: "finite L ⟹ regular L"
apply (induct L rule: finite.induct)
apply (simp add: regular_empty)
using regular_Un regular_word by fastforce
subsection‹The Kleene Star of a Language›
theorem regular_star:
assumes S: "regular S" shows "regular (star S)"
proof -
obtain MS where M: "dfa MS" and lang: "dfa.language MS = S"
using S by (auto simp: regular_def)
note [simp] = dfa.init [OF M] dfa.nextl.simps [OF M] dfa.nextl_snoc [OF M]
obtain q0 where q0: "q0 ∉ dfa.states MS" using dfa.finite [OF M]
by (metis hdomain_not_mem hfset_HF hmem_def)
have [simp]: "q0 ≠ dfa.init MS"
using M dfa.init q0 by blast
have [simp]: "⋀q x. q ∈ dfa.states MS ⟹ q0 ≠ dfa.nxt MS q x"
using M dfa.nxt q0 by fastforce
have [simp]: "⋀q u. q ∈ dfa.states MS ⟹ q0 ≠ dfa.nextl MS q u"
using M dfa.nextl_state q0 by blast
let ?ST = "⦇nfa.states = insert q0 (dfa.states MS),
init = {q0},
final = {q0},
nxt = λq x. if q ∈ dfa.states MS then {dfa.nxt MS q x} else {},
eps = insert (q0, dfa.init MS) (((λq. (q, q0)) ` ( MS)))⦈"
interpret ST: nfa ?ST
using M
by (auto simp: q0 nfa_def dfa.init dfa.finite dfa.nxt)
have "⋀x y. (x, y) ∈ (insert (q0, dfa.init MS) ((λq. (q, q0)) ` MS))⇧* ⟷
(x=y) ∨ (x = q0 ∧ y = dfa.init MS) ∨
(x ∈ MS ∧ y ∈ {q0, dfa.init MS})"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (erule rtrancl_induct)
apply (auto intro: rtrancl.rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
then have eps_iff:
"⋀q Q. q ∈ ST.epsclo Q ⟷
q ∈ Q ∩ insert q0 (dfa.states MS) ∨
(q = q0 ∧ MS ∩ Q ≠ {}) ∨
(q = dfa.init MS ∧ insert q0 ( MS) ∩ Q ≠ {})"
by (auto simp: q0 ST.epsclo_def)
{ fix u
have "dfa.nextl MS (dfa.init MS) u ∈ ST.nextl {q0} u"
proof (induct u rule: List.rev_induct)
case Nil show ?case
by (auto simp: M eps_iff)
case (snoc x u) then show ?case
using M q0
apply (simp add: eps_iff)
apply (rule bexI [where x="dfa.nextl MS (dfa.init MS) u"])
apply (auto simp: dfa.nextl_init_state dfa.nxt)
} note dfa_in_ST = this
{ fix ustar
assume "ustar ∈ star (dfa.language MS)"
then have "q0 ∈ ST.nextl {q0} ustar"
proof (induct rule: star_induct)
case Nil show ?case
by (auto simp: eps_iff)
case (append u v)
then have "dfa.nextl MS (dfa.init MS) u ∈ MS"
by (simp add: M dfa.language_def)
then have "q0 ∈ ST.nextl {q0} u"
by (auto intro: ST.nextl_eps dfa_in_ST)
then show ?case
using append ST.nextl_mono
by (clarsimp simp add: ST.nextl_app) blast
} note star_dfa_in_ST = this
{ fix u q
assume "q ∈ ST.nextl {q0} u"
then have "q = q0 ∧ u=[] ∨
(∃u1 u2. u = u1@u2 ∧ u1 ∈ star (dfa.language MS) ∧
(q ∈ ST.epsclo {dfa.nextl MS (dfa.init MS) u2}))"
proof (induction u arbitrary: q rule: List.rev_induct)
case Nil then show ?case
by (auto simp: M dfa.init eps_iff)
case (snoc x u) show ?case using snoc.prems q0 M
apply (auto split: if_split_asm simp: dfa.language_def eps_iff
dest!: snoc.IH)
apply (metis dfa.nextl_snoc)
apply (rename_tac u1 u2)
apply (rule_tac x="u1@u2" in exI, auto)
apply (rule_tac x = u1 in exI, auto)
apply (rule_tac x="u1@u2" in exI, auto)
apply (rule_tac x="u1@u2@[x]" in exI, auto)
apply (rule_tac x="u1@u2@[x]" in exI, auto)
} note in_ST_imp = this
have "⋀u. q0 ∈ ST.nextl {q0} u ⟹ u ∈ star (dfa.language MS)"
by (auto simp: M dfa.init dfa.language_def eps_iff dest: in_ST_imp)
then have eq_L: "ST.language = star S"
using lang
by (auto simp: ST.language_def star_dfa_in_ST)
then show ?thesis
by (metis ST.imp_regular)
subsection‹The Reversal of a Regular Language›
definition Reverse_nfa :: "'a dfa ⇒ 'a nfa" where
"Reverse_nfa MS = ⦇nfa.states = dfa.states MS,
init = MS,
final = {dfa.init MS},
nxt = λq x. {q' ∈ dfa.states MS. q = dfa.nxt MS q' x},
eps = {}⦈"
lemma states_Reverse_nfa [simp]: "states (Reverse_nfa MS) = dfa.states MS"
by (simp add: Reverse_nfa_def)
lemma init_Reverse_nfa [simp]: "init (Reverse_nfa MS) = MS"
by (simp add: Reverse_nfa_def)
lemma final_Reverse_nfa [simp]: "final (Reverse_nfa MS) = {dfa.init MS}"
by (simp add: Reverse_nfa_def)
lemma nxt_Reverse_nfa [simp]:
"nxt (Reverse_nfa MS) q x = {q' ∈ dfa.states MS. q = dfa.nxt MS q' x}"
by (simp add: Reverse_nfa_def)
lemma eps_Reverse_nfa [simp]: "eps (Reverse_nfa MS) = {}"
by (simp add: Reverse_nfa_def)
context dfa
lemma nfa_Reverse_nfa: "nfa (Reverse_nfa M)"
by unfold_locales (auto simp: final finite)
lemma nextl_Reverse_nfa:
"nfa.nextl (Reverse_nfa M) Q u = {q' ∈ dfa.states M. dfa.nextl M q' (rev u) ∈ Q}"
proof -
interpret NR: nfa "Reverse_nfa M"
by (rule nfa_Reverse_nfa)
show ?thesis
by (induct u rule: rev_induct) (auto simp: nxt)
text‹Part of Prop 3 of Jean-Marc Champarnaud, A. Khorsi and T. Paranthoën (2002)›
lemma right_lang_Reverse: "nfa.right_lang (Reverse_nfa M) q = rev ` (dfa.left_lang M q)"
proof -
interpret NR: nfa "Reverse_nfa M"
by (rule nfa_Reverse_nfa)
show ?thesis
by (force simp add: left_lang_def NR.right_lang_def nfa_Reverse_nfa nextl_Reverse_nfa)
lemma right_lang_Reverse_disjoint:
"q1 ≠ q2 ⟹ nfa.right_lang (Reverse_nfa M) q1 ∩ nfa.right_lang (Reverse_nfa M) q2 = {}"
by (auto simp: left_lang_def right_lang_Reverse)
lemma epsclo_Reverse_nfa [simp]: "nfa.epsclo (Reverse_nfa M) Q = Q ∩ dfa.states M"
by (auto simp: nfa.epsclo_def nfa_Reverse_nfa)
theorem language_Reverse_nfa [simp]:
"nfa.language (Reverse_nfa M) = (rev ` dfa.language M)"
proof -
interpret NR: nfa "Reverse_nfa M"
by (rule nfa_Reverse_nfa)
have "NR.language = {u. rev u ∈ dfa.language M}"
proof (rule set_eqI, simp)
fix u
have "⋀Q q'. q' ∈ dfa.states M ⟹
q' ∈ NR.nextl Q u ⟷ dfa.nextl M q' (rev u) ∈ Q"
by (induct u rule: List.rev_induct) (auto simp: nxt)
then show "u ∈ nfa.language (Reverse_nfa M) ⟷ rev u ∈ language"
by (simp add: NR.language_def language_def)
then show ?thesis
by (force simp add: language_def)
corollary regular_Reverse:
assumes S: "regular S" shows "regular (rev ` S)"
proof -
obtain MS where MS: "dfa MS" "dfa.language MS = S"
using S by (auto simp: regular_def)
then interpret dfa "MS"
by simp
show ?thesis
using nfa_Reverse_nfa nfa_imp_regular language_Reverse_nfa MS
by blast
text‹All regular expressions yield regular languages.›
theorem regular_lang: "regular (lang r)"
by (induct r)
(auto simp: regular_empty regular_nullstr regular_singstr regular_Un regular_conc regular_star)
section‹Brzozowski's Minimization Algorithm›
context dfa
subsection‹More about the relation @{term eq_app_right}›
lemma left_eq_app_right:
"⟦u ∈ left_lang q; v ∈ left_lang q⟧ ⟹ (u,v) ∈ eq_app_right language"
by (simp add: eq_app_right_def left_lang_def language_def nextl_app)
lemma eq_app_right_class_eq:
"UNIV // eq_app_right language = (λq. eq_app_right language `` {path_to q}) ` accessible"
proof -
{ fix u
have "eq_app_right language `` {u} ∈ (λq. eq_app_right language `` {path_to q}) ` accessible"
apply (rule image_eqI)
apply (rule equiv_class_eq [OF equiv_eq_app_right])
apply (rule left_eq_app_right [OF _ path_to_left_lang])
apply (auto simp: left_lang_def accessible_def)
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp: quotient_def)
lemma inj_right_lang_imp_eq_app_right_index:
assumes "inj_on right_lang (dfa.states M)"
shows "bij_betw (λq. eq_app_right language `` {path_to q})
accessible (UNIV // eq_app_right language)"
using assms
apply (auto simp: bij_betw_def inj_on_def eq_app_right_class_eq)
apply (drule eq_equiv_class [OF _ equiv_eq_app_right])
apply (auto simp: nextl_path_to eq_app_right_def language_def right_lang_def
nextl_app accessible_imp_states)
definition min_states where
"min_states ≡ card (UNIV // eq_app_right language)"
lemma minimal_imp_index_eq_app_right:
"minimal ⟹ card (dfa.states M) = min_states"
unfolding min_states_def minimal_def
by (metis bij_betw_def card_image inj_right_lang_imp_eq_app_right_index)
text‹A minimal machine has a minimal number of states, compared with any other machine
for the same language.›
theorem minimal_imp_card_states_le:
"⟦minimal; dfa M'; dfa.language M' = language⟧
⟹ card (dfa.states M) ≤ card (dfa.states M')"
using minimal_imp_index_eq_app_right dfa.index_eq_app_right_lower min_states_def
by fastforce
definition index_f :: "'a list set ⇒ hf" where
"index_f ≡ SOME h. bij_betw h (UNIV // eq_app_right language) (hfset (ord_of min_states))"
lemma index_f: "bij_betw index_f (UNIV // eq_app_right language) (hfset (ord_of min_states))"
proof -
have "∃h. bij_betw h (UNIV // eq_app_right language) (hfset (ord_of min_states))"
unfolding min_states_def
by (metis L2_3 MN_eq_nextl ex_bij_betw_finite_nat bij_betw_ord_ofI)
then show ?thesis
unfolding index_f_def by (metis someI_ex)
interpretation Canon:
MyhillNerode_dfa language "eq_app_right language"
min_states index_f
by (simp add: MyhillNerode_dfa_def equiv_eq_app_right right_invariant_eq_app_right
index_f eq_app_right_eq)
interpretation MN: dfa Canon.DFA
by (fact Canon.dfa)
definition iso :: "hf ⇒ hf" where
"iso ≡ index_f o (λq. eq_app_right language `` {path_to q})"
theorem minimal_imp_isomorphic_to_canonical:
assumes minimal
shows "dfa_isomorphism M Canon.DFA iso"
proof (unfold_locales, simp_all add: Canon.DFA_def)
have "bij_betw iso accessible (hfset (ord_of min_states))"
using assms bij_betw_trans index_f inj_right_lang_imp_eq_app_right_index
unfolding iso_def minimal_def
by blast
then show "bij_betw iso (dfa.states M) (index_f ` (UNIV // eq_app_right language))"
by (metis assms bij_betw_def index_f minimal_def)
have "eq_app_right language `` {path_to (dfa.init M)} = eq_app_right language `` {[]}"
proof (rule equiv_class_eq [OF equiv_eq_app_right])
show "(path_to (dfa.init M), []) ∈ eq_app_right language"
using nextl_path_to assms
by (auto simp: minimal_def eq_app_right_def language_def nextl_app)
then show "iso (dfa.init M) = index_f (eq_app_right language `` {[]})"
by (simp add: iso_def)
have "(λu. eq_app_right language `` {path_to u}) ` M =
(λl. eq_app_right language `` {l}) ` language"
using assms final nextl_path_to nextl_app
apply (auto simp: dfa_isomorphism_def language_def minimal_def)
apply (auto simp: eq_app_right_def
intro: rev_image_eqI equiv_class_eq [OF equiv_eq_app_right])
from this [THEN image_eq_imp_comp [where h = index_f]]
show "iso ` M = {index_f (eq_app_right language `` {u}) |u. u ∈ language}"
by (simp add: iso_def o_def Setcompr_eq_image)
have nxt: "⋀q x. q ∈ dfa.states M ⟹
eq_app_right language `` {path_to (dfa.nxt M q x)} =
eq_app_right language `` {path_to q @ [x]}"
apply (rule equiv_class_eq [OF equiv_eq_app_right])
using assms nextl_path_to nxt nextl_app
apply (auto simp: minimal_def nextl_path_to eq_app_right_def language_def)
show "⋀q x. q ∈ dfa.states M ⟹
iso (dfa.nxt M q x) =
(⋃u∈MyhillNerode_dfa.hinv (eq_app_right language) index_f (iso q).
eq_app_right language `` {u @ [x]})"
by (simp add: iso_def Canon.injh Canon.hinv_def quotientI Canon.resp nxt
UN_equiv_class [OF equiv_eq_app_right])
lemma states_PR [simp]:
"dfa.states (nfa.Power_dfa (Reverse_nfa M)) = HF ` Pow (dfa.states M)"
by (rule set_eqI)
(auto simp: nfa.states_Power_dfa nfa_Reverse_nfa image_iff Bex_def)
lemma inj_on_right_lang_PR:
assumes "dfa.states M = accessible"
shows "inj_on (dfa.right_lang (nfa.Power_dfa (Reverse_nfa M)))
(dfa.states (nfa.Power_dfa (Reverse_nfa M)))"
proof (rule inj_onI)
fix q1 q2
assume *: "q1 ∈ dfa.states (nfa.Power_dfa (Reverse_nfa M))"
"q2 ∈ dfa.states (nfa.Power_dfa (Reverse_nfa M))"
"dfa.right_lang (nfa.Power_dfa (Reverse_nfa M)) q1 =
dfa.right_lang (nfa.Power_dfa (Reverse_nfa M)) q2"
then have "hfset q1 ⊆ accessible ∧ hfset q2 ⊆ accessible"
using assms rev_finite_subset [OF finite]
by force
with * show "q1 = q2"
apply (simp add: nfa_Reverse_nfa nfa.Power_right_lang right_lang_Reverse
image_UN [symmetric] inj_image_eq_iff)
apply (metis HF_hfset le_sup_iff left_lang_UN)
abbreviation APR :: "'x dfa ⇒ 'x dfa" where
"APR X ≡ dfa.Accessible_dfa (nfa.Power_dfa (Reverse_nfa X))"
theorem minimal_APR:
assumes "dfa.states M = accessible"
shows "dfa.minimal (APR M)"
proof -
have PR: "dfa (APR M)"
"dfa (nfa.Power_dfa (Reverse_nfa M))"
by (auto simp: dfa.dfa_Accessible nfa.dfa_Power nfa_Reverse_nfa)
then show ?thesis
apply (simp add: dfa.minimal_def dfa.states_Accessible_dfa dfa.Accessible_accessible)
apply (simp add: inj_on_def dfa.Accessible_right_lang_eq)
apply (meson assms dfa.accessible_imp_states inj_onD inj_on_right_lang_PR)
definition Brzozowski :: "'a dfa" where
"Brzozowski ≡ APR (APR M)"
lemma dfa_Brzozowski: "dfa Brzozowski"
by (simp add: Brzozowski_def dfa.dfa_Accessible dfa.nfa_Reverse_nfa
nfa.dfa_Power nfa_Reverse_nfa)
theorem language_Brzozowski: "dfa.language Brzozowski = language"
by (simp add: Brzozowski_def dfa.Accessible_language nfa.Power_language
dfa.dfa_Accessible dfa.nfa_Reverse_nfa nfa.dfa_Power nfa_Reverse_nfa
dfa.language_Reverse_nfa image_image)
theorem minimal_Brzozowski: "dfa.minimal Brzozowski"
unfolding Brzozowski_def
proof (rule dfa.minimal_APR)
show "dfa (APR M)"
by (simp add: dfa.dfa_Accessible nfa.dfa_Power nfa_Reverse_nfa)
show "dfa.states (APR M) = dfa.accessible (APR M)"
by (simp add: dfa.Accessible_accessible dfa.states_Accessible_dfa nfa.dfa_Power nfa_Reverse_nfa)
lemma index_f_cong:
"⟦dfa.language M = dfa.language N; dfa M; dfa N⟧ ⟹ dfa.index_f M = dfa.index_f N"
by (simp add: dfa.index_f_def dfa.min_states_def)
theorem minimal_imp_isomorphic:
"⟦dfa.language M = dfa.language N; dfa.minimal M; dfa.minimal N; dfa M; dfa N⟧
⟹ ∃h. dfa_isomorphism M N h"
by (metis dfa_isomorphism.sym dfa_isomorphism.trans
dfa.minimal_imp_isomorphic_to_canonical index_f_cong)