Theory FOR_Check

theory FOR_Check

section β€ΉCheck inference stepsβ€Ί

type_synonym ('f, 'v) fin_trs  = "('f, 'v) rule fset"

lemma tl_drop_conv:
  "tl xs = drop 1 xs"
  by (induct xs) auto

definition rrn_drop_fst where
  "rrn_drop_fst π’œ = relabel_reg (trim_reg (collapse_automaton_reg (fmap_funs_reg (drop_none_rule 1) (trim_reg π’œ))))"

lemma rrn_drop_fst_lang:
  assumes "RRn_spec n A T" "1 < n"
  shows "RRn_spec (n - 1) (rrn_drop_fst A) (drop 1 ` T)"
  using drop_automaton_reg[OF _ assms(2), of "trim_reg A" T] assms(1)
  unfolding rrn_drop_fst_def
  by (auto simp: trim_ta_reach)

definition liftO1 :: "('a β‡’ 'b) β‡’ 'a option β‡’ 'b option" where
  "liftO1 = map_option"

definition liftO2 :: "('a β‡’ 'b β‡’ 'c) β‡’ 'a option β‡’ 'b option β‡’ 'c option" where
  "liftO2 f a b = case_option None (Ξ»a'. liftO1 (f a') b) a"

lemma liftO1_Some [simp]:
  "liftO1 f x = Some y ⟷ (βˆƒx'. x = Some x') ∧ y = f (the x)"
  by (cases x) (auto simp: liftO1_def)

lemma liftO2_Some [simp]:
  "liftO2 f x y = Some z ⟷ (βˆƒx' y'. x = Some x' ∧ y = Some y') ∧ z = f (the x) (the y)"
  by (cases x; cases y) (auto simp: liftO2_def)

subsection β€ΉComputing TRSsβ€Ί

lemma is_to_trs_props:
  assumes "βˆ€ R ∈ set Rs. finite R ∧ lv_trs R ∧ funas_trs R βŠ† β„±" "βˆ€i ∈ set is. case_ftrs id id i < length Rs"
  shows "funas_trs (is_to_trs Rs is) βŠ† β„±" "lv_trs (is_to_trs Rs is)" "finite (is_to_trs Rs is)"
proof (goal_cases β„± lv fin)
  case β„± show ?case using assms nth_mem
    apply (auto simp: is_to_trs_def funas_trs_def case_prod_beta split: ftrs.splits)
     apply fastforce
    apply (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(1) in_mono rhs_wf)
    apply (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(1) in_mono rhs_wf)
    by (smt (verit) UN_subset_iff fst_conv in_mono le_sup_iff)
qed (insert assms, (fastforce simp: is_to_trs_def funas_trs_def lv_trs_def split: ftrs.splits)+)

definition is_to_fin_trs :: "('f, 'v) fin_trs list β‡’ ftrs list β‡’ ('f, 'v) fin_trs" where
  "is_to_fin_trs Rs is = |⋃|  (fset_of_list (map (case_ftrs ((!) Rs) ((|`|) prod.swap ∘ (!) Rs)) is))"

lemma is_to_fin_trs_conv:
  assumes "βˆ€i ∈ set is. case_ftrs id id i < length Rs"
  shows "is_to_trs (map fset Rs) is = fset (is_to_fin_trs Rs is)"
  using assms unfolding is_to_trs_def is_to_fin_trs_def
  by (auto simp: ffUnion.rep_eq fset_of_list.rep_eq split: ftrs.splits)

definition is_to_trs' :: "('f, 'v) fin_trs list β‡’ ftrs list β‡’ ('f, 'v) fin_trs option" where
  "is_to_trs' Rs is = do {
    guard (βˆ€i ∈ set is. case_ftrs id id i < length Rs);
    Some (is_to_fin_trs Rs is)

lemma is_to_trs_conv:
  "is_to_trs' Rs is = Some S ⟹ is_to_trs (map fset Rs) is = fset S"
  using is_to_fin_trs_conv unfolding is_to_trs'_def
  by (auto simp add: guard_simps split: bind_splits)

lemma is_to_trs'_props:
  assumes "βˆ€ R ∈ set Rs. lv_trs (fset R) ∧ ffunas_trs R |βŠ†| β„±" and "is_to_trs' Rs is = Some S"
  shows "ffunas_trs S |βŠ†| β„±" "lv_trs (fset S)"
proof -
  from assms(2) have well: "βˆ€i ∈ set is. case_ftrs id id i < length Rs" "is_to_fin_trs Rs is = S"
    unfolding is_to_trs'_def
    by (auto simp add: guard_simps split: bind_splits)
  have "βˆ€ R ∈ set Rs. finite (fset R) ∧ lv_trs (fset R) ∧ funas_trs (fset R) βŠ† (fset β„±)"
    using assms(1) by (auto simp: ffunas_trs.rep_eq less_eq_fset.rep_eq)
  from is_to_trs_props[of "map fset Rs" "fset β„±" "is"] this well(1)
  have "lv_trs (is_to_trs (map fset Rs) is)" "funas_trs (is_to_trs (map fset Rs) is) βŠ† fset β„±"
    by auto
  then show "lv_trs (fset S)" "ffunas_trs S |βŠ†| β„±"
    using is_to_fin_trs_conv[OF well(1)] unfolding well(2)
    by (auto simp: ffunas_trs.rep_eq less_eq_fset.rep_eq)

subsection β€ΉComputing GTTsβ€Ί

fun gtt_of_gtt_rel :: "('f Γ— nat) fset β‡’ ('f :: linorder, 'v) fin_trs list β‡’ ftrs gtt_rel β‡’ (nat, 'f) gtt option" where
  "gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs (ARoot is) = liftO1 (Ξ»R. relabel_gtt (agtt_grrstep R β„±)) (is_to_trs' Rs is)"
| "gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs (GInv g) = liftO1 prod.swap (gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g)"
| "gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs (AUnion g1 g2) = liftO2 (Ξ»g1 g2. relabel_gtt (AGTT_union' g1 g2)) (gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g1) (gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g2)"
| "gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs (ATrancl g) = liftO1 (relabel_gtt ∘ AGTT_trancl) (gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g)"
| "gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs (GTrancl g) = liftO1 GTT_trancl (gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g)"
| "gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs (AComp g1 g2) = liftO2 (Ξ»g1 g2. relabel_gtt (AGTT_comp' g1 g2)) (gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g1) (gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g2)"
| "gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs (GComp g1 g2) = liftO2 (Ξ»g1 g2. relabel_gtt (GTT_comp' g1 g2)) (gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g1) (gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g2)"

lemma gtt_of_gtt_rel_correct:
  assumes "βˆ€R ∈ set Rs. lv_trs (fset R) ∧ ffunas_trs R |βŠ†| β„±"
  shows "gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g = Some g' ⟹ agtt_lang g' = eval_gtt_rel (fset β„±) (map fset Rs) g"
proof (induct g arbitrary: g')
  note [simp] = bind_eq_Some_conv guard_simps
  have proj_sq: "fst ` (X Γ— X) = X" "snd ` (X Γ— X) = X" for X by auto
  case (ARoot "is")
  then obtain w where w:"is_to_trs' Rs is = Some w" by auto
  then show ?case using ARoot is_to_trs'_props[OF assms w] is_to_trs_conv[OF w]
    using agtt_grrstep 
    by auto
  case (GInv g) then show ?case by (simp add: agtt_lang_swap gtt_states_def)
  case (AUnion g1 g2)
  from AUnion(3)[simplified, THEN conjunct1] AUnion(3)[simplified, THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct1]
  obtain w1 w2 where
    [simp]: "gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g1 = Some w1" "gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g2 = Some w2"
    by blast
  then show ?case using AUnion(3)
    by (simp add: AGTT_union'_sound AUnion)
  case (ATrancl g)
  from ATrancl[simplified] obtain w1 where
    [simp]: "gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g = Some w1" "g' = relabel_gtt (AGTT_trancl w1)" by auto
  then have fin_lang: "eval_gtt_rel (fset β„±) (map fset Rs) g = agtt_lang w1"
    using ATrancl by auto
  from fin_lang show ?case using AGTT_trancl_sound[of w1]
    by auto
  case (GTrancl g) note * = GTrancl(2)[simplified, THEN conjunct2]
  show ?case unfolding gtt_of_gtt_rel.simps GTT_trancl_alang * gtrancl_rel_def eval_gtt_rel.simps gmctxt_cl_gmctxtex_onp_conv
  proof ((intro conjI equalityI subrelI; (elim relcompE)?), goal_cases LR RL)
    case (LR _ _ s _ z s' t' t)
    show ?case using lift_root_steps_sig_transfer'[OF LR(2)[folded lift_root_step.simps], of "fset β„±"]
      lift_root_steps_sig_transfer[OF LR(5)[folded lift_root_step.simps], of "fset β„±"]
      image_mono[OF eval_gtt_rel_sig[of "fset β„±" "map fset Rs" g], of fst, unfolded proj_sq]
      image_mono[OF eval_gtt_rel_sig[of "fset β„±" "map fset Rs" g], of snd, unfolded proj_sq]
      subsetD[OF eval_gtt_rel_sig[of "fset β„±" "map fset Rs" g]] LR(1, 3, 4) GTrancl
      by (intro relcompI[OF _ relcompI, of _ s' _ t' _])
         (auto simp: 𝒯G_funas_gterm_conv lift_root_step.simps)
    case (RL _ _ s _ z s' t' t)
    then show ?case using GTrancl
      lift_root_step_mono[of "fset β„±" UNIV PAny ESingle "eval_gtt_rel (fset β„±) (map fset Rs) g", THEN rtrancl_mono]
      unfolding lift_root_step.simps[symmetric]
      by (intro relcompI[OF _ relcompI, of _ s' _ t' _])
         (auto simp: 𝒯G_funas_gterm_conv lift_root_step_mono trancl_mono)
  case (AComp g1 g2)
  from AComp[simplified] obtain w1 w2 where
    [simp]: "gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g1 = Some w1" "gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g2 = Some w2"
            "g' = relabel_gtt (AGTT_comp' w1 w2)" by auto
  then have fin_lang: "eval_gtt_rel (fset β„±) (map fset Rs) g1 = agtt_lang w1"
    "eval_gtt_rel (fset β„±) (map fset Rs) g2 = agtt_lang w2"
    using AComp by auto
  from fin_lang AGTT_comp'_sound[of w1 w2]
  show ?case by simp
  case (GComp g1 g2)
  let ?r = "Ξ» g. eval_gtt_rel (fset β„±) (map fset Rs) g"
  have *: "gmctxtex_onp (Ξ»C. True) (?r g1) = lift_root_step UNIV PAny EParallel (?r g1)"
    "gmctxtex_onp (Ξ»C. True) (?r g2) = lift_root_step UNIV PAny EParallel (?r g2)"
    by (auto simp: lift_root_step.simps)
  show ?case using GComp(3)
    apply (intro conjI equalityI subrelI; simp add: gmctxt_cl_gmctxtex_onp_conv GComp(1,2) gtt_comp'_alang gcomp_rel_def * flip: lift_root_step.simps; elim conjE disjE exE relcompE)
    subgoal for s t _ _ _ _ _ u
      using image_mono[OF eval_gtt_rel_sig, of snd "fset β„±" "map fset Rs", unfolded proj_sq]
      apply (subst relcompI[of _ u "eval_gtt_rel _ _ g1", OF _ lift_root_step_sig_transfer[of _ UNIV PAny EParallel "_ g2" "fset β„±"]])
      apply (force simp add: subsetI 𝒯G_equivalent_def)+
    subgoal for s t _ _ _ _ _ u
      using image_mono[OF eval_gtt_rel_sig, of fst "fset β„±" "map fset Rs", unfolded proj_sq]
      apply (subst relcompI[of _ u _ _ "eval_gtt_rel _ _ g2", OF lift_root_step_sig_transfer'[of _ UNIV PAny EParallel "_ g1" "fset β„±"]])
      apply (force simp add: subsetI 𝒯G_equivalent_def)+
    by (auto intro: subsetD[OF lift_root_step_mono[of "fset β„±" UNIV]])

subsection β€ΉComputing RR1 and RR2 relationsβ€Ί

definition "simplify_reg π’œ = (relabel_reg (trim_reg π’œ))"

lemma β„’_simplify_reg [simp]: "β„’ (simplify_reg π’œ) = β„’ π’œ"
  by (simp add: simplify_reg_def β„’_trim)

lemma RR1_spec_simplify_reg[simp]:
  "RR1_spec (simplify_reg π’œ) R = RR1_spec π’œ R"
  by (auto simp: RR1_spec_def)
lemma RR2_spec_simplify_reg[simp]:
  "RR2_spec (simplify_reg π’œ) R = RR2_spec π’œ R"
  by (auto simp: RR2_spec_def)
lemma RRn_spec_simplify_reg[simp]:
  "RRn_spec n (simplify_reg π’œ) R = RRn_spec n π’œ R"
  by (auto simp: RRn_spec_def)

lemma RR1_spec_eps_free_reg[simp]:
  "RR1_spec (eps_free_reg π’œ) R = RR1_spec π’œ R"
  by (auto simp: RR1_spec_def β„’_eps_free)
lemma RR2_spec_eps_free_reg[simp]:
  "RR2_spec (eps_free_reg π’œ) R = RR2_spec π’œ R"
  by (auto simp: RR2_spec_def β„’_eps_free)
lemma RRn_spec_eps_free_reg[simp]:
  "RRn_spec n (eps_free_reg π’œ) R = RRn_spec n π’œ R"
  by (auto simp: RRn_spec_def β„’_eps_free)

fun rr1_of_rr1_rel :: "('f Γ— nat) fset β‡’ ('f :: linorder, 'v) fin_trs list β‡’ ftrs rr1_rel β‡’ (nat, 'f) reg option"
and rr2_of_rr2_rel :: "('f Γ— nat) fset β‡’ ('f, 'v) fin_trs list β‡’ ftrs rr2_rel β‡’ (nat, 'f option Γ— 'f option) reg option" where
  "rr1_of_rr1_rel β„± Rs R1Terms = Some (relabel_reg (term_reg β„±))"
| "rr1_of_rr1_rel β„± Rs (R1NF is) = liftO1 (Ξ»R. (simplify_reg (nf_reg (fst |`| R) β„±))) (is_to_trs' Rs is)"
| "rr1_of_rr1_rel β„± Rs (R1Inf r) = liftO1 (Ξ»R.
    let π’œ = trim_reg R in
    simplify_reg (proj_1_reg (Inf_reg_impl π’œ))
  ) (rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs r)"
| "rr1_of_rr1_rel β„± Rs (R1Proj i r) = (case i of 0 β‡’
      liftO1 (trim_reg ∘ proj_1_reg) (rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs r)
    | _ β‡’ liftO1 (trim_reg ∘ proj_2_reg) (rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs r))"
| "rr1_of_rr1_rel β„± Rs (R1Union s1 s2) =
    liftO2 (Ξ» x y. relabel_reg (reg_union x y)) (rr1_of_rr1_rel β„± Rs s1) (rr1_of_rr1_rel β„± Rs s2)"
| "rr1_of_rr1_rel β„± Rs (R1Inter s1 s2) =
    liftO2 (Ξ» x y. simplify_reg (reg_intersect x y)) (rr1_of_rr1_rel β„± Rs s1) (rr1_of_rr1_rel β„± Rs s2)"
| "rr1_of_rr1_rel β„± Rs (R1Diff s1 s2) = liftO2 (Ξ» x y. relabel_reg (trim_reg (difference_reg x y))) (rr1_of_rr1_rel β„± Rs s1) (rr1_of_rr1_rel β„± Rs s2)"

| "rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs (R2GTT_Rel g w x) =
    (case w of PRoot β‡’
      (case x of ESingle β‡’ liftO1 (simplify_reg ∘ eps_free_reg ∘ GTT_to_RR2_root_reg) (gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g)
        | EParallel β‡’ liftO1 (simplify_reg ∘ eps_free_reg ∘ reflcl_reg (lift_sig_RR2 |`| β„±) ∘ GTT_to_RR2_root_reg) (gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g)
        | EStrictParallel β‡’ liftO1 (simplify_reg ∘ eps_free_reg ∘ GTT_to_RR2_root_reg) (gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g))
      | PNonRoot β‡’
      (case x of ESingle β‡’ liftO1 (simplify_reg ∘ eps_free_reg ∘ nhole_ctxt_closure_reg (lift_sig_RR2 |`| β„±) ∘ GTT_to_RR2_root_reg) (gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g)
        | EParallel β‡’ liftO1 (simplify_reg ∘ eps_free_reg ∘ nhole_mctxt_reflcl_reg (lift_sig_RR2 |`| β„±) ∘ GTT_to_RR2_root_reg) (gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g)
        | EStrictParallel β‡’ liftO1 (simplify_reg ∘ eps_free_reg ∘ nhole_mctxt_closure_reg (lift_sig_RR2 |`| β„±) ∘ GTT_to_RR2_root_reg) (gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g))
      | PAny β‡’
      (case x of ESingle β‡’ liftO1 (simplify_reg ∘ eps_free_reg ∘ ctxt_closure_reg (lift_sig_RR2 |`| β„±) ∘ GTT_to_RR2_root_reg) (gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g)
        | EParallel β‡’ liftO1 (simplify_reg ∘ eps_free_reg ∘ parallel_closure_reg (lift_sig_RR2 |`| β„±) ∘ GTT_to_RR2_root_reg) (gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g)
        | EStrictParallel β‡’ liftO1 (simplify_reg ∘ eps_free_reg ∘ mctxt_closure_reg (lift_sig_RR2 |`| β„±) ∘ GTT_to_RR2_root_reg) (gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g)))"
| "rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs (R2Diag s) =
    liftO1 (Ξ» x. fmap_funs_reg (Ξ»f. (Some f, Some f)) x) (rr1_of_rr1_rel β„± Rs s)"
| "rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs (R2Prod s1 s2) =
    liftO2 (Ξ» x y. simplify_reg (pair_automaton_reg x y)) (rr1_of_rr1_rel β„± Rs s1) (rr1_of_rr1_rel β„± Rs s2)"
| "rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs (R2Inv r) = liftO1 (fmap_funs_reg prod.swap) (rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs r)"
| "rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs (R2Union r1 r2) =
    liftO2 (Ξ» x y. relabel_reg (reg_union x y)) (rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs r1) (rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs r2)"
| "rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs (R2Inter r1 r2) =
    liftO2 (Ξ» x y. simplify_reg (reg_intersect x y)) (rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs r1) (rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs r2)"
| "rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs (R2Diff r1 r2) = liftO2 (Ξ» x y. simplify_reg (difference_reg x y)) (rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs r1) (rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs r2)"
| "rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs (R2Comp r1 r2) = liftO2 (Ξ» x y. simplify_reg (rr2_compositon β„± x y))
     (rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs r1) (rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs r2)"

abbreviation lhss where
  "lhss R ≑ fst |`| R"

lemma rr12_of_rr12_rel_correct:
  fixes Rs :: "(('f :: linorder, 'v) Term.term Γ— ('f, 'v) Term.term) fset list"
  assumes  "βˆ€R ∈ set Rs. lv_trs (fset R) ∧ ffunas_trs R |βŠ†| β„±"
  shows "βˆ€ta1. rr1_of_rr1_rel β„± Rs r1 = Some ta1 ⟢ RR1_spec ta1 (eval_rr1_rel (fset β„±) (map fset Rs) r1)"
    "βˆ€ta2. rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs r2 = Some ta2 ⟢ RR2_spec ta2 (eval_rr2_rel (fset β„±) (map fset Rs) r2)"
proof (induct r1 and r2)
  note [simp] = bind_eq_Some_conv guard_simps
  let ?F = "fset β„±" let ?Rs = "map fset Rs"
  case R1Terms
  then show ?case using term_automaton[of β„±]
    by (simp add: 𝒯G_equivalent_def)
  case (R1NF r)
  consider (a) "βˆƒ R. is_to_trs' Rs r = Some R" | (b) "is_to_trs' Rs r = None" by auto
  then show ?case
  proof (cases)
    case a
    from a obtain R where [simp]: "is_to_trs' Rs r = Some R" "is_to_fin_trs Rs r = R"
      by (auto simp: is_to_trs'_def)
    from is_to_trs'_props[OF assms this(1)] have inv: "ffunas_trs R |βŠ†| β„±" "lv_trs (fset R)" .
    from inv have fl: "βˆ€ l |∈| lhss R. linear_term l"
      by (auto simp: lv_trs_def split!: prod.splits)
    {fix s t assume ass: "(s, t) ∈ grstep (fset R)"
      then obtain C l r Οƒ where step: "(l, r) |∈| R" "term_of_gterm s = (C :: ('f, 'v) ctxt) ⟨l β‹… ΟƒβŸ©" "term_of_gterm t = C⟨r β‹… ΟƒβŸ©"
        unfolding grstep_def by (auto simp: dest!: rstep_imp_C_s_r)
      from step ta_nf_lang_sound[of l "lhss R" C Οƒ β„±]
      have "s βˆ‰ β„’ (nf_reg (lhss R) β„±)" unfolding β„’_def
        by (metis fimage_eqI fst_conv nf_reg_def reg.sel(1, 2) term_of_gterm_in_ta_lang_conv)}
    note mem = this
    have funas: "funas_trs (fset R) βŠ† ?F" using inv(1)
      by (simp add: ffunas_trs.rep_eq less_eq_fset.rep_eq subsetD)
    {fix s assume "s ∈ β„’ (nf_reg (lhss R) β„±)"
      then have "s ∈ NF (Restr (grstep (fset R)) (𝒯G (fset β„±))) ∩ 𝒯G (fset β„±)"
        by (meson IntI NF_I 𝒯G_funas_gterm_conv gta_lang_nf_ta_funas inf.cobounded1 mem subset_iff)}
    {fix s assume ass: "s ∈ NF (Restr (grstep (fset R)) (𝒯G (fset β„±))) ∩ 𝒯G (fset β„±)"
      then have *: "(term_of_gterm s, term_of_gterm t) βˆ‰ rstep (fset R)" for t using funas
        by (auto simp: funas_trs_def grstep_def NF_iff_no_step 𝒯G_funas_gterm_conv)
           (meson R1NF_reps funas rstep.cases)
      then have "s ∈ β„’ (nf_reg (lhss R) β„±)" using fl ass
        using ta_nf_β„’_complete[OF fl, of _ β„±] gta_lang_nf_ta_funas[of _ "lhss R" β„±]
        by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) IntE R1NF_reps 𝒯G_sound fimageE funas surjective_pairing)}
    ultimately have "β„’ (nf_reg (lhss R) β„±) = NF (Restr (grstep (fset R)) (𝒯G (fset β„±))) ∩ 𝒯G (fset β„±)"
      by blast
    then show ?thesis using fl(1)
      by (simp add: RR1_spec_def is_to_trs_conv)
  qed auto
  case (R1Inf r)
  consider (a) "βˆƒ A. rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs r = Some A" | (b) " rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs r = None" by auto
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case a
    have [simp]: "{u. (t, u) ∈ eval_rr2_rel ?F ?Rs r ∧ funas_gterm u βŠ† ?F} =
     {u. (t, u) ∈ eval_rr2_rel ?F ?Rs r}" for t
      using eval_rr12_rel_sig(2)[of ?F ?Rs r] by (auto simp: 𝒯G_equivalent_def)
    have [simp]: "infinite {u. (t, u) ∈ eval_rr2_rel ?F ?Rs r} ⟹ funas_gterm t βŠ† ?F" for t
      using eval_rr12_rel_sig(2)[of ?F ?Rs r] not_finite_existsD by (fastforce simp: 𝒯G_equivalent_def)
    from a obtain A where [simp]: "rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs r = Some A" by blast
    from R1Inf this have spec: "RR2_spec A (eval_rr2_rel ?F ?Rs r)" by auto
    then have spec_trim: "RR2_spec (trim_reg A) (eval_rr2_rel ?F ?Rs r)" by auto
    let ?B = "(Inf_reg (trim_reg A) (Q_infty (ta (trim_reg A)) β„±))"
    have B: "RR2_spec ?B {(s, t) | s t. gpair s t ∈ β„’ ?B}"
      using subset_trans[OF Inf_automata_subseteq[of "trim_reg A" β„±], of "β„’ A"] spec
      by (auto simp: RR2_spec_def β„’_trim)
    have *: "β„’ (Inf_reg_impl (trim_reg A)) = β„’ ?B" using spec
      using eval_rr12_rel_sig(2)[of ?F ?Rs r]
      by (intro Inf_reg_impl_sound) (auto simp: β„’_trim RR2_spec_def 𝒯G_equivalent_def)
    then have **: "RR2_spec (Inf_reg_impl (trim_reg A)) {(s, t) | s t. gpair s t ∈ β„’ ?B}" using B
      by (auto simp: RR2_spec_def)
    show ?thesis
      using spec eval_rr12_rel_sig(2)[of ?F ?Rs r]
      using β„’_Inf_reg[OF spec_trim, of β„±]
      by (auto simp: 𝒯G_equivalent_def * RR1_spec_def β„’_trim β„’_proj(1)[OF **]
                     Inf_branching_terms_def fImage_singleton)
         (metis (no_types, lifting) SigmaD1 in_mono mem_Collect_eq not_finite_existsD)
  qed auto
  case (R1Proj i r)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases i)
    case [simp]:0 show ?thesis using R1Proj
      using proj_automaton_gta_lang(1)[of "the (rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs r)" "eval_rr2_rel ?F ?Rs r"]
      by simp
    case (Suc nat) then show ?thesis using R1Proj
      using proj_automaton_gta_lang(2)[of "the (rr2_of_rr2_rel β„± Rs r)" "eval_rr2_rel ?F ?Rs r"]
      by simp
  case (R1Union s1 s2)
  then show ?case
    by (auto simp: RR1_spec_def β„’_union)
  case (R1Inter s1 s2)
  from R1Inter show ?case
    by (auto simp: β„’_intersect RR1_spec_def)
  case (R1Diff s1 s2)
  then show ?case
    by (auto intro: RR1_difference)
  case (R2GTT_Rel g w x)
  note ass = R2GTT_Rel
  consider (a) "βˆƒ A. gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g = Some A" | (b) "gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g = None" by blast
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case a then obtain A where [simp]: "gtt_of_gtt_rel β„± Rs g = Some A" by blast
    from gtt_of_gtt_rel_correct[OF assms this]
    have spec [simp]: "eval_gtt_rel ?F ?Rs g = agtt_lang A" by auto
    let ?B = "GTT_to_RR2_root_reg A" note [simp] = GTT_to_RR2_root[of A]
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases w)
      case [simp]: PRoot show ?thesis
      proof (cases x)
        case EParallel
        then show ?thesis using reflcl_automaton[of ?B "agtt_lang A" β„±]
          by auto
      qed (auto simp: GTT_to_RR2_root)
      case PNonRoot
      then show ?thesis
        using nhole_ctxt_closure_automaton[of ?B "agtt_lang A" β„±]
        using nhole_mctxt_reflcl_automaton[of ?B "agtt_lang A" β„±]
        using nhole_mctxt_closure_automaton[of ?B "agtt_lang A" β„±]
        by (cases x) auto
      case PAny
      then show ?thesis
        using ctxt_closure_automaton[of ?B "agtt_lang A" β„±]
        using parallel_closure_automaton[of ?B "agtt_lang A" β„±]
        using mctxt_closure_automaton[of ?B "agtt_lang A" β„±]
        by (cases x) auto
  qed (cases w; cases x, auto)
  case (R2Diag s)
  then show ?case
    by (auto simp: RR2_spec_def RR1_spec_def fmap_funs_β„’ Id_on_iff
                   fmap_funs_gta_lang map_funs_term_some_gpair)
  case (R2Prod s1 s2)
  then show ?case using pair_automaton[of "the (rr1_of_rr1_rel β„± Rs s1)" _ "the (rr1_of_rr1_rel β„± Rs s2)"]
    by auto
  case (R2Inv r)
  show ?case using R2Inv by (auto simp: swap_RR2_spec)
  case (R2Union r1 r2)
  then show ?case using union_automaton
    by (auto simp: RR2_spec_def β„’_union)
  case (R2Inter r1 r2)
  then show ?case
    by (auto simp: β„’_intersect RR2_spec_def)
  case (R2Diff r1 r2)
  then show ?case by (auto intro: RR2_difference)
  case (R2Comp r1 r2)
  then show ?case using eval_rr12_rel_sig
    by (auto intro!: rr2_compositon) blast+

subsection β€ΉMiscβ€Ί

lemma eval_formula_arity_cong:
  assumes "β‹€i. i < formula_arity f ⟹ Ξ±' i = Ξ± i"
  shows "eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ±' f = eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ± f"
proof -
  have [simp]: "j < length fs ⟹ i < formula_arity (fs ! j) ⟹ i < max_list (map formula_arity fs)" for i j fs
    by (simp add: less_le_trans max_list)
  show ?thesis using assms
  proof (induct f arbitrary: Ξ± Ξ±')
    case (FAnd fs)
    show ?case using FAnd(1)[OF nth_mem, of _ Ξ±' Ξ±] FAnd(2) by (auto simp: all_set_conv_all_nth)
    case (FOr fs)
    show ?case using FOr(1)[OF nth_mem, of _ Ξ±' Ξ±] FOr(2) by (auto simp: ex_set_conv_ex_nth)
    case (FNot f)
    show ?case using FNot(1)[of Ξ±' Ξ±] FNot(2) by simp
    case (FExists f)
    show ?case using FExists(1)[of "α'⟨0 : z⟩" "α⟨0 : z⟩" for z] FExists(2) by (auto simp: shift_def)
    case (FForall f)
    show ?case using FForall(1)[of "α'⟨0 : z⟩" "α⟨0 : z⟩" for z] FForall(2) by (auto simp: shift_def)
  qed simp_all

subsection β€ΉConnect semantics to FOL-Fittingβ€Ί

primrec form_of_formula :: "'trs formula β‡’ (unit, 'trs rr1_rel + 'trs rr2_rel) form" where
  "form_of_formula (FRR1 r1 x) = Pred (Inl r1) [Var x]"
| "form_of_formula (FRR2 r2 x y) = Pred (Inr r2) [Var x, Var y]"
| "form_of_formula (FAnd fs) = foldr And (map form_of_formula fs) TT"
| "form_of_formula (FOr fs) = foldr Or (map form_of_formula fs) FF"
| "form_of_formula (FNot f) = Neg (form_of_formula f)"
| "form_of_formula (FExists f) = Exists (And (Pred (Inl R1Terms) [Var 0]) (form_of_formula f))"
| "form_of_formula (FForall f) = Forall (Impl (Pred (Inl R1Terms) [Var 0]) (form_of_formula f))"

fun for_eval_rel :: "('f Γ— nat) set β‡’ ('f, 'v) trs list β‡’ ftrs rr1_rel + ftrs rr2_rel β‡’ 'f gterm list β‡’ bool" where
  "for_eval_rel β„± Rs (Inl r1) [t] ⟷ t ∈ eval_rr1_rel β„± Rs r1"
| "for_eval_rel β„± Rs (Inr r2) [t, u] ⟷ (t, u) ∈ eval_rr2_rel β„± Rs r2"

lemma eval_formula_conv:
  "eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ± f = eval Ξ± undefined (for_eval_rel β„± Rs) (form_of_formula f)"
proof (induct f arbitrary: Ξ±)
  case (FAnd fs) then show ?case
    unfolding eval_formula.simps by (induct fs) auto
  case (FOr fs) then show ?case
    unfolding eval_formula.simps by (induct fs) auto
qed auto

subsection β€ΉRRn relations and formulasβ€Ί

lemma shift_rangeI [intro!]:
  "range Ξ± βŠ† T ⟹ x ∈ T ⟹ range (shift Ξ± i x) βŠ† T"
  by (auto simp: shift_def)

definition formula_relevant where
  "formula_relevant β„± Rs vs fm ⟷
     (βˆ€Ξ± Ξ±'. range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G β„± ⟢ range Ξ±' βŠ† 𝒯G β„± ⟢ map Ξ± vs = map Ξ±' vs ⟢ eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ± fm ⟢ eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ±' fm)"

lemma formula_relevant_mono:
  "set vs βŠ† set ws ⟹ formula_relevant β„± Rs vs fm ⟹ formula_relevant β„± Rs ws fm"
  unfolding formula_relevant_def
  by (meson map_eq_conv subset_code(1))

lemma formula_relevantD:
  "formula_relevant β„± Rs vs fm ⟹
   range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G β„± ⟹ range Ξ±' βŠ† 𝒯G β„± ⟹ map Ξ± vs = map Ξ±' vs ⟹
   eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ± fm ⟹ eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ±' fm"
  unfolding formula_relevant_def
  by blast

lemma trivial_formula_relevant:
  assumes "β‹€Ξ±. range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G β„± ⟹ Β¬ eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ± fm"
  shows "formula_relevant β„± Rs vs fm"
  using assms unfolding formula_relevant_def
  by auto

lemma formula_relevant_0_FExists:
  assumes "formula_relevant β„± Rs [0] fm"
  shows "formula_relevant β„± Rs [] (FExists fm)"
  unfolding formula_relevant_def
proof (intro allI, intro impI)
  fix Ξ± Ξ±' assume ass: "range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G β„±" "range (Ξ±' :: fvar β‡’ 'a gterm) βŠ† 𝒯G β„±"
    "eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ± (FExists fm)"
  from ass(3) obtain z where "z ∈ 𝒯G β„±" "eval_formula β„± Rs (α⟨0 : z⟩) fm"
    by auto
  then show "eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ±' (FExists fm)"
    using ass(1, 2) formula_relevantD[OF assms, of "α⟨0:z⟩" "α'⟨0:z⟩"]
    by (auto simp: shift_rangeI intro!: exI[of _ z])

definition formula_spec where
  "formula_spec β„± Rs vs A fm ⟷ sorted vs ∧ distinct vs ∧
     formula_relevant β„± Rs vs fm ∧
     RRn_spec (length vs) A {map Ξ± vs |Ξ±. range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G β„± ∧ eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ± fm}"

lemma formula_spec_RRn_spec:
  "formula_spec β„± Rs vs A fm ⟹ RRn_spec (length vs) A {map Ξ± vs |Ξ±. range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G β„± ∧ eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ± fm}"
  by (simp add: formula_spec_def)

lemma formula_spec_nt_empty_form_sat:
  "Β¬ reg_empty A ⟹ formula_spec β„± Rs vs A fm ⟹ βˆƒ Ξ±. range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G β„± ∧ eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ± fm"
  unfolding formula_spec_def
  by (auto simp: RRn_spec_def β„’_def)

lemma formula_spec_empty:
  "reg_empty A ⟹ formula_spec β„± Rs vs A fm ⟹ range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G β„± ⟹ eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ± fm ⟷ False"
  unfolding formula_spec_def
  by (auto simp: RRn_spec_def β„’_def)

text β€ΉIn each inference step, we obtain a triple consisting of a formula @{term "fm"}, a list of
  relevant variables @{term "vs"} (typically a sublist of @{term "[0..<formula_arity fm]"}), and
  an RRn automaton @{term "A"}, such that the property @{term "formula_spec β„± Rs vs A fm"} holds.β€Ί

lemma false_formula_spec:
  "sorted vs ⟹ distinct vs ⟹ formula_spec β„± Rs vs empty_reg FFalse"
  by (auto simp: formula_spec_def false_RRn_spec FFalse_def formula_relevant_def)

lemma true_formula_spec:
  assumes "vs β‰  [] ∨ 𝒯G (fset β„±) β‰  {}" "sorted vs" "distinct vs"
  shows "formula_spec (fset β„±) Rs vs (true_RRn β„± (length vs)) FTrue"
proof -
  have "{ts. length ts = length vs ∧ set ts βŠ† 𝒯G (fset β„±)} = {map Ξ± vs |Ξ±. range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G (fset β„±)}"
  proof (intro equalityI subsetI CollectI, goal_cases LR RL)
    case (LR ts)
    moreover obtain t0 where "funas_gterm t0 βŠ† fset β„±" using LR assms(1) unfolding 𝒯G_equivalent_def
      by (cases vs) fastforce+
    ultimately show ?case using `distinct vs`
      apply (intro exI[of _ "λt. if t ∈ set vs then ts ! inv_into {0..<length vs} ((!) vs) t else t0"])
      apply (auto intro!: nth_equalityI dest!: inj_on_nth[of vs "{0..<length vs}"] simp: in_set_conv_nth 𝒯G_equivalent_def)
      by (metis inv_to_set mem_Collect_eq subsetD) 
  qed fastforce
  then show ?thesis using assms true_RRn_spec[of "length vs" β„±]
    by (auto simp: formula_spec_def FTrue_def formula_relevant_def 𝒯G_equivalent_def)

lemma relabel_formula_spec:
  "formula_spec β„± Rs vs A fm ⟹ formula_spec β„± Rs vs (relabel_reg A) fm"
  by (simp add: formula_spec_def)

lemma trim_formula_spec:
  "formula_spec β„± Rs vs A fm ⟹ formula_spec β„± Rs vs (trim_reg A) fm"
  by (simp add: formula_spec_def)

definition fit_permute :: "nat list β‡’ nat list β‡’ nat list β‡’ nat list" where
  "fit_permute vs vs' vs'' = map (λv. if v ∈ set vs then the (mem_idx v vs) else length vs + the (mem_idx v vs'')) vs'"

definition fit_rrn :: "('f Γ— nat) fset β‡’ nat list β‡’ nat list β‡’ (nat, 'f option list) reg β‡’ (_, 'f option list) reg" where
  "fit_rrn β„± vs vs' A = (let vs'' = subtract_list_sorted vs' vs in
    fmap_funs_reg (Ξ»fs. map ((!) fs) (fit_permute vs vs' vs''))
      (fmap_funs_reg (pad_with_Nones (length vs) (length vs'')) (pair_automaton_reg A (true_RRn β„± (length vs'')))))"

lemma the_mem_idx_simp [simp]:
  "distinct xs ⟹ i < length xs ⟹ the (mem_idx (xs ! i) xs) = i"
  using mem_idx_sound[THEN iffD1, OF nth_mem, of i xs] mem_idx_sound_output[of "xs ! i" xs] distinct_conv_nth
  by fastforce

lemma fit_rrn:
  assumes spec: "formula_spec (fset β„±) Rs vs A fm" and vs: "sorted vs'" "distinct vs'" "set vs βŠ† set vs'"
  shows "formula_spec (fset β„±) Rs vs' (fit_rrn β„± vs vs' A) fm"
  using spec unfolding formula_spec_def formula_relevant_def
  apply (elim conjE)
proof (intro conjI vs(1,2) allI, goal_cases rel spec)
  case (rel Ξ± Ξ±') show ?case using vs(3)
    by (fastforce intro!: rel(3)[rule_format, of Ξ± Ξ±'])
  case spec
  define vs'' where "vs'' = subtract_list_sorted vs' vs"
  have evalI: "range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G (fset β„±) ⟹ range Ξ±' βŠ† 𝒯G (fset β„±) ⟹ map Ξ± vs = map Ξ±' vs
   ⟹ eval_formula (fset β„±) Rs Ξ± fm ⟹ eval_formula (fset β„±) Rs Ξ±' fm" for Ξ± Ξ±'
    using spec(3) by blast
  have [simp]: "set vs' = set vs βˆͺ set vs''" "set vs'' ∩ set vs = {}" "set vs ∩ set vs'' = {}" and d: "distinct vs''"
    using vs spec(1,2) by (auto simp: vs''_def)
  then have [dest]: "v ∈ set vs'' ⟹ v ∈ set vs ⟹ False" for v by blast
  note * = permute_automaton[OF append_automaton[OF spec(4) true_RRn_spec, of "length vs''"]]
  have [simp]: "distinct vs ⟹ i ∈ set vs ⟹ vs ! the (mem_idx i vs) = (i :: nat)" for vs i
    by (simp add: mem_idx_sound mem_idx_sound_output)
  have [dest]: "distinct vs ⟹ i ∈ set vs ⟹ ¬ the (mem_idx i vs) < length vs ⟹ False" for i
    by (meson mem_idx_sound2 mem_idx_sound_output option.exhaust_sel)
  show ?case unfolding fit_rrn_def Let_def vs''_def[symmetric] 𝒯G_equivalent_def
    apply (rule subst[where P = "Ξ»l. RRn_spec l _ _", OF _ subst[where P = "Ξ»ta. RRn_spec _ _ ta", OF _ *]])
    subgoal by (simp add: fit_permute_def)
      apply (intro equalityI subsetI CollectI imageI; elim imageE CollectE exE conjE; unfold 𝒯G_equivalent_def)
      subgoal for x fs ts us Ξ±
        using spec(1, 2) d
        apply (intro exI[of _ "λv. if v ∈ set vs'' then us ! the (mem_idx v vs'') else α v"])
        apply (auto simp: fit_permute_def nth_append 𝒯G_equivalent_def
                    intro!: nth_equalityI evalI[of α "λv. if v ∈ set vs'' then us ! the (mem_idx v vs'') else α v"])
        apply (metis distinct_Ex1 in_mono mem_Collect_eq nth_mem the_mem_idx_simp)
        apply (metis distinct_Ex1 in_mono mem_Collect_eq nth_mem the_mem_idx_simp)
        apply blast
        by (meson β€Ήβ‹€va. ⟦va ∈ set vs''; va ∈ set vs⟧ ⟹ Falseβ€Ί nth_mem)
      subgoal premises p for xs Ξ±
        apply (intro rev_image_eqI[of "map Ξ± (vs @ vs'')"])
        subgoal using p by (force intro!: exI[of _ "map Ξ± vs", OF exI[of _ "map Ξ± vs''"]])
        subgoal using p(1)
          by (force intro!: nth_equalityI simp: fit_permute_def comp_def nth_append dest: iffD1[OF mem_idx_sound] mem_idx_sound_output)
    subgoal using vs spec(1,2) unfolding fit_permute_def
      apply (intro equalityI subsetI)
      subgoal by (auto 0 3 dest: iffD1[OF mem_idx_sound] mem_idx_sound_output)
      subgoal for x
        apply (simp add: Compl_eq[symmetric] Diff_eq[symmetric] Un_Diff Diff_triv Int_absorb1)
        apply (simp add: nth_image[symmetric, of "length xs" xs for xs, simplified] image_iff comp_def)
        using image_cong[OF refl arg_cong[OF the_mem_idx_simp]] β€Ήdistinct vs''β€Ί
        by (smt (verit) add_diff_inverse_nat add_less_cancel_left atLeast0LessThan lessThan_iff the_mem_idx_simp)

definition fit_rrns :: "('f Γ— nat) fset β‡’ (ftrs formula Γ— nat list Γ— (nat, 'f option list) reg) list β‡’
  nat list Γ— ((nat, 'f option list) reg) list" where
  "fit_rrns β„± rrns = (let vs' = fold union_list_sorted (map (fst ∘ snd) rrns) [] in
    (vs', map (Ξ»(fm, vs, ta). relabel_reg (trim_reg (fit_rrn β„± vs vs' ta))) rrns))"

lemma sorted_union_list_sortedI [simp]:
  "sorted xs ⟹ sorted ys ⟹ sorted (union_list_sorted xs ys)"
  by (induct xs ys rule: union_list_sorted.induct) auto

lemma distinct_union_list_sortedI [simp]:
  "sorted xs ⟹ sorted ys ⟹ distinct xs ⟹ distinct ys ⟹ distinct (union_list_sorted xs ys)"
  by (induct xs ys rule: union_list_sorted.induct) auto

lemma fit_rrns:
  assumes infs: "β‹€fvA. fvA ∈ set rrns ⟹ formula_spec (fset β„±) Rs (fst (snd fvA)) (snd (snd fvA)) (fst fvA)"
  assumes "(vs', tas') = fit_rrns β„± rrns"
  shows "length tas' = length rrns" "β‹€i. i < length rrns ⟹ formula_spec (fset β„±) Rs vs' (tas' ! i) (fst (rrns ! i))"
    "distinct vs'" "sorted vs'"
proof (goal_cases)
  have vs': "vs' = fold union_list_sorted (map (fst ∘ snd) rrns) []" using assms(2) by (simp add: fit_rrns_def Let_def)
  have *: "sorted vs'" "distinct vs'" "β‹€fvA. fvA ∈ set rrns ⟹ set (fst (snd fvA)) βŠ† set vs'"
    using infs[unfolded formula_spec_def, THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct1]
      infs[unfolded formula_spec_def, THEN conjunct1]
    unfolding vs' by (induct rrns rule: rev_induct) auto
  case 1 then show ?case using assms(2) by (simp add: fit_rrns_def Let_def)
  case (2 i)
  have tas': "tas' ! i = relabel_reg (trim_reg (fit_rrn β„± (fst (snd (rrns ! i))) vs' (snd (snd (rrns ! i)))))"
    using 2 assms(2) by (simp add: fit_rrns_def Let_def split: prod.splits)
  from *(1,2) *(3)[OF nth_mem] show ?case using 2 unfolding tas'
    by (auto intro!: relabel_formula_spec trim_formula_spec fit_rrn 2 assms(1,2))
  case 3 show ?case by (rule *)
  case 4 show ?case by (rule *)

subsection β€ΉBuilding blocksβ€Ί

definition for_rrn where
  "for_rrn tas = fold (Ξ»A B. relabel_reg (reg_union A B)) tas (Reg {||} (TA {||} {||}))"

lemma for_rrn:
  assumes "length tas = length fs" "β‹€i. i < length fs ⟹ formula_spec β„± Rs vs (tas ! i) (fs ! i)"
    and vs: "sorted vs" "distinct vs"
  shows "formula_spec β„± Rs vs (for_rrn tas) (FOr fs)"
  using assms(1,2) unfolding for_rrn_def
proof (induct fs arbitrary: tas rule: rev_induct)
  case Nil then show ?case using vs false_formula_spec[of vs β„± Rs] by (auto simp: FFalse_def)
  case (snoc fm fs)
  have *: "Bex (set [x]) P = P x" for P x by auto
  have [intro!]: "formula_spec β„± Rs vs (reg_union A B) (FOr (fs @ [fm]))" if
    "formula_spec β„± Rs vs A fm" "formula_spec β„± Rs vs B (FOr fs)" for A B using that
    unfolding formula_spec_def
    apply (intro conjI, blast, blast)
    subgoal unfolding formula_relevant_def eval_formula.simps set_append bex_Un * by blast
    apply (elim conjE)
    subgoal premises p by (rule subst[of _ _ "RRn_spec _ _", OF _ union_automaton[OF p(6,8)]]) auto
  show ?case using snoc(1)[of "take (length fs) tas"] snoc(2) snoc(3)[simplified, OF less_SucI] snoc(3)[of "length fs"] vs
    by (cases tas rule: rev_exhaust) (auto simp: min_def nth_append intro!: relabel_formula_spec)

fun fand_rrn where
  "fand_rrn β„± n [] = true_RRn β„± n"
| "fand_rrn β„± n (A # tas) = fold (Ξ»A B. simplify_reg (reg_intersect A B)) tas A"

lemma fand_rrn:
  assumes "𝒯G (fset β„±) β‰  {}" "length tas = length fs" "β‹€i. i < length fs ⟹ formula_spec (fset β„±) Rs vs (tas ! i) (fs ! i)"
    and vs: "sorted vs" "distinct vs"
  shows "formula_spec (fset β„±) Rs vs (fand_rrn β„± (length vs) tas) (FAnd fs)"
proof (cases fs)
  case Nil
  have "tas = []" using assms(2) by (auto simp: Nil)
  then show ?thesis using true_formula_spec[OF _ vs, of β„± Rs] assms(1) Nil
    by (simp add: FTrue_def)
  case (Cons fm fs)
  obtain ta tas' where tas: "tas = ta # tas'" using assms(2) Cons by (cases tas) auto
  show ?thesis using assms(2) assms(3)[of "Suc _"] unfolding tas Cons
    unfolding list.size add_Suc_right add_0_right nat.inject Suc_less_eq nth_Cons_Suc fand_rrn.simps
  proof (induct fs arbitrary: tas' rule: rev_induct)
    case Nil
    have "formula_relevant (fset β„±) Rs vs (FAnd [fm])" using assms(3)[of 0]
      apply (simp add: tas Cons formula_spec_def)
      unfolding formula_relevant_def eval_formula.simps in_set_simps by blast
    then show ?case using assms(3)[of 0, unfolded tas Cons, simplified] Nil by (simp add: formula_spec_def)
    case (snoc fm' fs)
    have *: "Ball (insert x X) P ⟷ P x ∧ Ball X P" for P x X by auto
    have [intro!]: "formula_spec (fset β„±) Rs vs (reg_intersect A B) (FAnd (fm # fs @ [fm']))" if
      "formula_spec (fset β„±) Rs vs A fm'" "formula_spec (fset β„±) Rs vs B (FAnd (fm # fs))" for A B using that
      unfolding formula_spec_def
      apply (intro conjI, blast, blast)
      subgoal unfolding formula_relevant_def eval_formula.simps set_append set_simps ball_simps ball_Un in_set_simps *
        by blast
      apply (elim conjE)
      subgoal premises p
        by (rule subst[of _ _ "RRn_spec _ _", OF _ intersect_automaton[OF p(6,8)]])
          (auto dest:  p(5)[unfolded formula_relevant_def, rule_format])
    show ?case using snoc(1)[of "take (length fs) tas'"] snoc(2) snoc(3)[simplified, OF less_SucI] snoc(3)[of "length fs"] vs
      by (cases tas' rule: rev_exhaust) (auto simp: min_def nth_append simplify_reg_def intro!: relabel_formula_spec trim_formula_spec)

subsubsection β€ΉIExists inference ruleβ€Ί

lemma lift_fun_gpairD:
  "map_gterm lift_fun s = gpair t u ⟹ t = s"
  "map_gterm lift_fun s = gpair t u ⟹ u = s"
  by (metis gfst_gpair gsnd_gpair map_funs_term_some_gpair)+

definition upd_bruijn :: "nat list β‡’ nat list" where
  "upd_bruijn vs = tl (map (Ξ» x. x - 1) vs)"

lemma upd_bruijn_length[simp]:
  "length (upd_bruijn vs) = length vs - 1"
  by (induct vs) (auto simp: upd_bruijn_def)

lemma pres_sorted_dec:
  "sorted xs ⟹ sorted (map (λx. x - Suc 0) xs)"
  by (induct xs) auto

lemma upd_bruijn_pres_sorted:
  "sorted xs ⟹ sorted (upd_bruijn xs)"
  unfolding upd_bruijn_def
  by (intro sorted_tl) (auto simp: pres_sorted_dec)

lemma pres_distinct_not_0_list_dec:
  "distinct xs ⟹ 0 βˆ‰ set xs ⟹ distinct (map (Ξ»x. x - Suc 0) xs)"
  by (induct xs) (auto, metis Suc_pred neq0_conv)

lemma upd_bruijn_pres_distinct:
  assumes "sorted xs" "distinct xs"
  shows "distinct (upd_bruijn xs)"
proof -
  have "sorted (ys :: nat list) ⟹ distinct ys ⟹ 0 βˆ‰ set (tl ys)" for ys
    by (induct ys) auto
  from this[OF assms] show ?thesis using assms(2)
    using pres_distinct_not_0_list_dec[OF distinct_tl, OF assms(2)]
    unfolding upd_bruijn_def
    by (simp add: map_tl)

lemma upd_bruijn_relevant_inv:
  assumes "sorted vs" "distinct vs" "0 ∈ set vs"
    and "β‹€ x. x ∈ set (upd_bruijn vs) ⟹ Ξ± x = Ξ±' x"
  shows "β‹€ x. x ∈ set vs ⟹ (shift Ξ± 0 z) x = (shift Ξ±' 0 z) x"
  using assms unfolding upd_bruijn_def
  by (induct vs) (auto simp add: FOL_Fitting.shift_def)

lemma ExistsI_upd_brujin_0:
  assumes "sorted vs" "distinct vs" "0 ∈ set vs" "formula_relevant β„± Rs vs fm"
  shows "formula_relevant β„± Rs (upd_bruijn vs) (FExists fm)"
  unfolding formula_relevant_def
proof (intro allI, intro impI)
  fix Ξ± Ξ±' assume ass: "range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G β„±" "range (Ξ±' :: fvar β‡’ 'a gterm) βŠ† 𝒯G β„±"
    "map Ξ± (upd_bruijn vs) = map Ξ±' (upd_bruijn vs)" "eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ± (FExists fm)"
  from ass(4) obtain z where "z ∈ 𝒯G β„±" "eval_formula β„± Rs (α⟨0 : z⟩) fm"
    by auto
  then show "eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ±' (FExists fm)"
    using ass(1 - 3) formula_relevantD[OF assms(4), of "α⟨0:z⟩" "α'⟨0:z⟩"]
    using upd_bruijn_relevant_inv[OF assms(1 - 3), of "Ξ±" "Ξ±'"]
    by (auto simp: shift_rangeI intro!: exI[of _ z])

declare subsetI[rule del]
lemma ExistsI_upd_brujin_no_0:
  assumes "0 βˆ‰ set vs" and "formula_relevant β„± Rs vs fm"
  shows "formula_relevant β„± Rs (map (Ξ»x. x - Suc 0) vs) (FExists fm)"
  unfolding formula_relevant_def
proof ((intro allI)+ , (intro impI)+, unfold eval_formula.simps)
  fix Ξ± Ξ±' assume st: "range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G β„±" "range Ξ±' βŠ† 𝒯G β„±"
  "map Ξ± (map (Ξ»x. x - Suc 0) vs) = map Ξ±' (map (Ξ»x. x - Suc 0) vs)"
  "βˆƒ z ∈ 𝒯G β„±. eval_formula β„± Rs (shift Ξ± 0 z) fm"
  then obtain z where w: "z ∈ 𝒯G β„±" "eval_formula β„± Rs (shift Ξ± 0 z) fm" by auto
  from this(1) have "eval_formula β„± Rs (shift Ξ±' 0 z) fm"
    using st(1 - 3) assms(1) FOL_Fitting.shift_def
    apply (intro formula_relevantD[OF assms(2) _ _ _ w(2), of "shift Ξ±' 0 z"])
    by auto (simp add: FOL_Fitting.shift_def)
  then show "βˆƒ z ∈ 𝒯G β„±. eval_formula β„± Rs (shift Ξ±' 0 z) fm" using w(1)
    by blast

definition shift_right where
  "shift_right Ξ± ≑ Ξ» i. Ξ± (i + 1)"

lemma shift_right_nt_0:
  "i β‰  0 ⟹ Ξ± i = shift_right Ξ± (i - Suc 0)"
  unfolding shift_right_def
  by auto

lemma shift_shift_right_id [simp]:
  "shift (shift_right Ξ±) 0 (Ξ± 0) = Ξ±"
  by (auto simp: shift_def shift_right_def)

lemma shift_right_rangeI [intro]:
  "range Ξ± βŠ† T ⟹ range (shift_right Ξ±) βŠ† T"
  by (auto simp: shift_right_def intro: subsetI)

lemma eval_formula_shift_right_eval:
  "eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ± fm ⟹ eval_formula β„± Rs (shift (shift_right Ξ±) 0 (Ξ± 0)) fm"
  "eval_formula β„± Rs (shift (shift_right Ξ±) 0 (Ξ± 0)) fm ⟹ eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ± fm"
  by (auto)
declare subsetI[intro!]

lemma nt_rel_0_trivial_shift:
  assumes "0 βˆ‰ set vs"
  shows "{map Ξ± vs |Ξ±. range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G β„± ∧ eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ± fm} =
         {map (Ξ»x. Ξ± (x - Suc 0)) vs |Ξ±. range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G β„± ∧ (βˆƒz ∈ 𝒯G β„±. eval_formula β„± Rs (α⟨0:z⟩) fm)}"
    (is "?Ls = ?Rs")
  {fix Ξ± assume ass: "range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G β„±" "eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ± fm" 
    then have "map Ξ± vs = map (Ξ»x. (shift_right Ξ±) (x - Suc 0)) vs"
      "range (shift_right Ξ±) βŠ† 𝒯G β„±" "Ξ± 0 βˆˆπ’―G β„±" "eval_formula β„± Rs (shift (shift_right Ξ±) 0 (Ξ± 0)) fm"
      using shift_right_rangeI[OF ass(1)] assms
      by (auto intro: eval_formula_shift_right_eval(1), metis shift_right_nt_0)}
  then show "?Ls βŠ† ?Rs"
    by blast
  show "?Rs βŠ† ?Ls"
    by auto (metis FOL_Fitting.shift_def One_nat_def assms not_less0 shift_rangeI)

lemma relevant_vars_upd_bruijn_tl:
  assumes "sorted vs" "distinct vs"
  shows "map (shift_right Ξ±) (upd_bruijn vs) = tl (map Ξ± vs)" using assms
proof (induct vs)
  case (Cons a vs) then show ?case
    using le_antisym
    by (auto simp: upd_bruijn_def shift_right_def)
       (metis One_nat_def Suc_eq_plus1 le_0_eq shift_right_def shift_right_nt_0)
qed (auto simp: upd_bruijn_def)

lemma drop_upd_bruijn_set:
  assumes "sorted vs" "distinct vs"
  shows "drop 1 ` {map Ξ± vs |Ξ±. range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G β„± ∧ eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ± fm} =
         {map Ξ± (upd_bruijn vs) |Ξ±. range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G β„± ∧ (βˆƒzβˆˆπ’―G β„±. eval_formula β„± Rs (α⟨0:z⟩) fm)}"
    (is "?Ls = ?Rs")
  {fix Ξ± assume ass: "range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G β„±" "eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ± fm" 
    then have "drop 1 (map Ξ± vs) = map (shift_right Ξ±) (upd_bruijn vs)"
      "range (shift_right Ξ±) βŠ† 𝒯G β„±" "Ξ± 0 βˆˆπ’―G β„±" "eval_formula β„± Rs (shift (shift_right Ξ±) 0 (Ξ± 0)) fm"
      using shift_right_rangeI[OF ass(1)]
      by (auto simp: tl_drop_conv relevant_vars_upd_bruijn_tl[OF assms(1, 2)])}
  then show "?Ls βŠ† ?Rs"
    by blast
  have [dest]: "0 ∈ set (tl vs) ⟹ False" using assms(1, 2)
    by (cases vs) auto
  {fix Ξ± z assume ass: "range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G β„±" "z ∈ 𝒯G β„±" "eval_formula β„± Rs (α⟨0:z⟩) fm"
    then have "map α (upd_bruijn vs) = tl (map (α⟨0:z⟩) vs)"
      "range (α⟨0:z⟩) βŠ† 𝒯G β„±" "eval_formula β„± Rs (α⟨0:z⟩) fm"
      using shift_rangeI[OF ass(1)]
      by (auto simp: upd_bruijn_def shift_def simp flip: map_tl)}
  then show "?Rs βŠ† ?Ls"
    by (auto simp: tl_drop_conv image_def) blast

lemma closed_sat_form_env_dom:
  assumes "formula_relevant β„± Rs [] (FExists fm)" "range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G β„±" "eval_formula β„± Rs Ξ± fm"
  shows "{[Ξ± 0] |Ξ±. range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G β„± ∧ (βˆƒ z ∈ 𝒯G β„±. eval_formula β„± Rs (α⟨0:z⟩) fm)} = {[t] | t. t ∈ 𝒯G β„±}"
  using formula_relevantD[OF assms(1)] assms(2-)
  apply auto
  apply blast
  by (smt (verit) rangeI shift_eq shift_rangeI shift_right_rangeI shift_shift_right_id subsetD)

(* MOVE *)
lemma find_append:
  "find P (xs @ ys) = (if find P xs β‰  None then find P xs else find P ys)"
  by (induct xs arbitrary: ys) (auto split!: if_splits)

subsection β€ΉChecking inferencesβ€Ί

derive linorder ext_step pos_step gtt_rel rr1_rel rr2_rel ftrs
derive compare ext_step pos_step gtt_rel rr1_rel rr2_rel ftrs

fun check_inference :: "(('f Γ— nat) fset β‡’ ('f, 'v) fin_trs list β‡’ ftrs rr1_rel β‡’ (nat, 'f) reg option)
  β‡’ (('f Γ— nat) fset β‡’ ('f, 'v) fin_trs list β‡’ ftrs rr2_rel β‡’ (nat, 'f option Γ— 'f option) reg option)
  β‡’ ('f Γ— nat) fset β‡’ ('f :: compare, 'v) fin_trs list
  β‡’ (ftrs formula Γ— nat list Γ— (nat, 'f option list) reg) list
  β‡’ (nat Γ— ftrs inference Γ— ftrs formula Γ— info list)
  β‡’ (ftrs formula Γ— nat list Γ— (nat, 'f option list) reg) option" where
  "check_inference rr1c rr2c β„± Rs infs (l, step, fm, is) = do {
    guard (l = length infs);
    case step of
      IRR1 s x β‡’ do {
        guard (fm = FRR1 s x);
        liftO1 (Ξ»ta. (FRR1 s x, [x], fmap_funs_reg (Ξ»f. [Some f]) ta)) (rr1c β„± Rs s)
    | IRR2 r x y β‡’ do {
        guard (fm = FRR2 r x y);
        case compare x y of
          Lt β‡’ liftO1 (Ξ»ta. (FRR2 r x y, [x, y], fmap_funs_reg (Ξ»(f, g). [f, g]) ta)) (rr2c β„± Rs r)
        | Eq β‡’ liftO1 (Ξ»ta. (FRR2 r x y, [x], fmap_funs_reg (Ξ»f. [Some f]) ta))
          (liftO1 (simplify_reg ∘ proj_1_reg)
          (liftO2 (Ξ» t1 t2. simplify_reg (reg_intersect t1 t2)) (rr2c β„± Rs r) (rr2c β„± Rs (R2Diag R1Terms))))
        | Gt β‡’ liftO1 (Ξ»ta. (FRR2 r x y, [y, x], fmap_funs_reg (Ξ»(f, g). [g, f]) ta)) (rr2c β„± Rs r)
    | IAnd ls β‡’ do {
        guard (βˆ€l' ∈ set ls. l' < l);
        guard (fm = FAnd (map (Ξ»l'. fst (infs ! l')) ls));
        let (vs', tas') = fit_rrns β„± (map ((!) infs) ls) in
        Some (fm, vs', fand_rrn β„± (length vs') tas')
    | IOr ls β‡’ do {
        guard (βˆ€l' ∈ set ls. l' < l);
        guard (fm = FOr (map (Ξ»l'. fst (infs ! l')) ls));
        let (vs', tas') = fit_rrns β„± (map ((!) infs) ls) in
        Some (fm, vs', for_rrn tas')
    | INot l' β‡’ do {
        guard (l' < l);
        guard (fm = FNot (fst (infs ! l')));
        let (vs', tas') = snd (infs ! l');
        Some (fm, vs', simplify_reg (difference_reg (true_RRn β„± (length vs')) tas'))
    | IExists l' β‡’ do {
        guard (l' < l);
        guard (fm = FExists (fst (infs ! l')));
        let (vs', tas') = snd (infs ! l');
        if length vs' = 0 then Some (fm, [], tas') else
          if reg_empty tas' then Some (fm, [], empty_reg)
          else if 0 βˆ‰ set vs' then Some (fm, map (Ξ» x. x - 1) vs', tas')
          else if 1 = length vs' then Some (fm, [], true_RRn β„± 0)
          else Some (fm, upd_bruijn vs', rrn_drop_fst tas')
    | IRename l' vs β‡’ guard (l' < l) βͺ’ None
    | INNFPlus l' β‡’ do {
        guard (l' < l);
        let fm' = fst (infs ! l');
        guard (ord_form_list_aci (nnf_to_list_aci (nnf (form_of_formula fm'))) = ord_form_list_aci (nnf_to_list_aci (nnf (form_of_formula fm))));
        Some (fm, snd (infs ! l'))
    | IRepl eq pos l' β‡’ guard (l' < l) βͺ’ None

lemma RRn_spec_true_RRn:
  "RRn_spec (Suc 0) (true_RRn β„± (Suc 0)) {[t] |t. t ∈ 𝒯G (fset β„±)}"
  apply (auto simp: RRn_spec_def 𝒯G_equivalent_def fmap_funs_β„’
      image_def term_automaton[of β„±, unfolded RR1_spec_def])
   apply (metis gencode_singleton)+

lemma check_inference_correct:
  assumes sig: "𝒯G (fset β„±) β‰  {}" and Rs: "βˆ€R ∈ set Rs. lv_trs (fset R) ∧ ffunas_trs R |βŠ†| β„±"
  assumes infs: "β‹€fvA. fvA ∈ set infs ⟹ formula_spec (fset β„±) (map fset Rs) (fst (snd fvA)) (snd (snd fvA)) (fst fvA)"
  assumes inf: "check_inference rr1c rr2c β„± Rs infs (l, step, fm, is) = Some (fm', vs, A')"
  assumes rr1: "β‹€r1. βˆ€ta1. rr1c β„± Rs r1 = Some ta1 ⟢ RR1_spec ta1 (eval_rr1_rel (fset β„±) (map fset Rs) r1)"
  assumes rr2: "β‹€r2. βˆ€ta2. rr2c β„± Rs r2 = Some ta2 ⟢ RR2_spec ta2 (eval_rr2_rel (fset β„±) (map fset Rs) r2)"
  shows "l = length infs ∧ fm = fm' ∧ formula_spec (fset β„±) (map fset Rs) vs A' fm'"
  using inf
proof (induct step)
  note [simp] = bind_eq_Some_conv guard_simps
  let ?F = "fset β„±" let ?Rs = "map fset Rs"
  case (IRR1 s x)
  then show ?case
    using rr1[rule_format, of s]
    subsetD[OF eval_rr12_rel_sig(1), of _ ?F ?Rs s]
    by (force simp: formula_spec_def formula_relevant_def RR1_spec_def 𝒯G_equivalent_def
      intro!: RR1_to_RRn_spec[of _ "(λα. α x) ` Collect P" for P, unfolded image_comp, unfolded image_Collect comp_def One_nat_def])
  case (IRR2 r x y)
  then show ?case using rr2[rule_format, of r]
    subsetD[OF eval_rr12_rel_sig(2), of _ ?F ?Rs r]
    two_comparisons_into_compare(1)[of x y "x = y" "x < y" "x > y"]
  proof (induct "compare x y")
    note [intro!] = RR1_to_RRn_spec[of _ "(λα. α y) ` Collect P" for P, unfolded image_comp,
      unfolded image_Collect comp_def One_nat_def prod.simps]
    case Eq
    then obtain A where w[simp]: "rr2c β„± Rs r = Some A" by auto
    from Eq obtain B where [simp]:"rr2c β„± Rs (R2Diag R1Terms) = Some B" by auto
    let ?B = "reg_intersect A B"
    from Eq(3)[OF w] have "RR2_spec ?B (eval_rr2_rel ?F ?Rs r ∩ Restr Id (𝒯G ?F))"
      using rr2[rule_format, of "R2Diag R1Terms" B]
      by (auto simp add: β„’_intersect RR2_spec_def dest: lift_fun_gpairD)
    then have "RR2_spec (relabel_reg (trim_reg ?B)) (eval_rr2_rel ?F ?Rs r ∩ Restr Id (𝒯G ?F))" by simp
    from proj_1(1)[OF this]
    have "RR1_spec (proj_1_reg (relabel_reg (trim_reg ?B))) {Ξ± y |Ξ±. range Ξ± βŠ† gterms ?F ∧ (Ξ± y, Ξ± y) ∈ eval_rr2_rel ?F ?Rs r}"
      apply (auto simp: RR1_spec_def 𝒯G_equivalent_def image_iff)
      by (metis Eq.prems(3) IdI IntI 𝒯G_equivalent_def fst_conv) 
    then show ?thesis using Eq
      by (auto simp: formula_spec_def formula_relevant_def liftO1_def 𝒯G_equivalent_def simplify_reg_def RR2_spec_def
      split: if_splits intro!: exI[of _ "Ξ»z. if z = x then _ else _"])
    note [intro!] = RR2_to_RRn_spec[of _ "(λα. (α x, α y)) ` Collect P" for P, unfolded image_comp,
      unfolded image_Collect comp_def numeral_2_eq_2 prod.simps]
    case Lt then show ?thesis by (fastforce simp: formula_spec_def formula_relevant_def RR2_spec_def 𝒯G_equivalent_def
      split: if_splits intro!: exI[of _ "Ξ»z. if z = x then _ else _"])
    note [intro!] = RR2_to_RRn_spec[of _ "prod.swap ` (λα. (α x, α y)) ` Collect P" for P, OF swap_RR2_spec,
      unfolded image_comp, unfolded image_Collect comp_def numeral_2_eq_2 prod.simps fmap_funs_reg_comp case_swap]
    case Gt then show ?thesis
      by (fastforce simp: formula_spec_def formula_relevant_def RR2_spec_def 𝒯G_equivalent_def
        split: if_splits intro!: exI[of _ "Ξ»z. if z = x then _ else _"])
  case (IAnd ls)
  have [simp]: "(fm, vs, ta) ∈ (!) infs ` set ls ⟹ formula_spec ?F ?Rs vs ta fm" for fm vs ta
    using infs IAnd by auto
  show ?case using IAnd fit_rrns[OF assms(3), of "map ((!) infs) ls", OF _ prod.collapse]
    by (force split: prod.splits intro!: fand_rrn[OF assms(1)])
  case (IOr ls)
  have [simp]: "(fm, vs, ta) ∈ (!) infs ` set ls ⟹ formula_spec ?F ?Rs vs ta fm" for fm vs ta
    using infs IOr by auto
  show ?case using IOr fit_rrns[OF assms(3), of "map ((!) infs) ls", OF _ prod.collapse]
    by (force split: prod.splits intro!: for_rrn)
  case (INot l')
  obtain fm vs' ta where [simp]: "infs ! l' = (fm, vs', ta)" by (cases "infs ! l'") auto
  then have spec: "formula_spec ?F ?Rs vs ta fm" using infs[OF nth_mem, of l'] INot
    by auto
  have rel: "formula_relevant (fset β„±) (map fset Rs) vs (FNot fm)" using spec
    unfolding formula_spec_def formula_relevant_def
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) eval_formula.simps(5))
  have vs: "sorted vs" "distinct vs" using spec by (auto simp: formula_spec_def)
  {fix xs assume ass: "βˆ€Ξ±. range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G (fset β„±) ⟢ xs = map Ξ± vs ⟢ Β¬ eval_formula (fset β„±) (map fset Rs) Ξ± fm"
    "length xs = length vs" "set xs βŠ† 𝒯G (fset β„±)"
    from sig obtain s where mem: "s ∈ 𝒯G (fset β„±)" by blast
    let ?g = "Ξ» i. find (Ξ» p. fst p = i) (zip vs [0 ..< length vs])"
    let ?f = "Ξ» i. if ?g i = None then s else xs ! snd (the (?g i))"
    from vs(1) have *: "sorted (zip vs [0 ..< length vs])"
      by (induct vs rule: rev_induct) (auto simp: sorted_append elim!: in_set_zipE intro!: sorted_append_bigger)
    have "i < length vs ⟹ ?g (vs ! i) = Some (vs ! i, i)" for i using vs(2)
      by (induct vs rule: rev_induct) (auto simp: nth_append find_append find_Some_iff nth_eq_iff_index_eq split!: if_splits)
    then have "map ?f vs = xs" using vs(2) ass(2)
      by (intro nth_equalityI) (auto simp: find_None_iff set_zip)
    moreover have "range ?f βŠ† 𝒯G (fset β„±)" using ass(2, 3) mem
      using find_SomeD(2) set_zip_rightD by auto fastforce
    ultimately have "βˆƒΞ±. xs = map Ξ± vs ∧ range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G (fset β„±) ∧ Β¬ eval_formula (fset β„±) (map fset Rs) Ξ± fm" using ass(1)
      by (intro exI[of _ ?f]) auto}
  then have *: "{ts. length ts = length vs ∧ set ts βŠ† 𝒯G (fset β„±)} -
    {map Ξ± vs |Ξ±. range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G (fset β„±) ∧ eval_formula (fset β„±) (map fset Rs) Ξ± fm} =
    {map Ξ± vs |Ξ±. range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G (fset β„±) ∧ Β¬ eval_formula (fset β„±) (map fset Rs) Ξ± fm}"
    apply auto
    apply force
    using formula_relevantD[OF rel] unfolding eval_formula.simps
    by (meson map_ext)
  have "RRn_spec (length vs) (difference_reg (true_RRn β„± (length vs)) ta)
     {map Ξ± vs |Ξ±. range Ξ± βŠ† 𝒯G (fset β„±) ∧ Β¬ eval_formula (fset β„±) (map fset Rs) Ξ± fm}"
    using RRn_difference[OF true_RRn_spec[of "length vs" β„±] formula_spec_RRn_spec[OF spec]]
    unfolding * by simp
  then show ?case using INot spec rel
    by (auto split: prod.splits simp: formula_spec_def)
  case (IExists l')
  obtain fm vs ta where [simp]: "infs ! l' = (fm, vs, ta)" by (cases "infs ! l'") auto
  then have spec: "formula_spec ?F ?Rs vs ta fm" using infs[OF nth_mem, of l'] IExists
    by auto
  show ?case
  proof (cases "length vs = 0")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using IExists spec
      apply (auto simp: formula_spec_def)
      subgoal apply (auto simp: formula_relevant_def)
        apply (meson shift_rangeI)
      subgoal apply (auto simp: RRn_spec_def image_iff)
        apply (meson eval_formula_shift_right_eval(1) rangeI shift_right_rangeI subsetD)
        apply (meson shift_rangeI)
    case False note len = this
    then have *[simp]: "vs β‰  []" by (cases vs) auto 
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "reg_empty ta")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using IExists spec formula_spec_empty[OF _ spec]
        by (auto simp: 𝒯G_equivalent_def comp_def formula_spec_def
                        shift_rangeI RRn_spec_def image_iff β„’_epmty
               intro!: trivial_formula_relevant)
      case False
      then have nt_empty [simp]: "β„’ ta β‰  {}" by auto
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "0 βˆ‰ set vs")
        case True
        then have ta: "ta = A'" using spec IExists
          by (auto simp: formula_spec_def)
        from True have relv: "formula_relevant ?F ?Rs (map (Ξ»x. x - Suc 0) vs) (FExists fm)"
          using spec IExists
          by (intro ExistsI_upd_brujin_no_0) (auto simp: formula_spec_def)
        then show ?thesis using True spec IExists nt_rel_0_trivial_shift[OF True, of ?F ?Rs ]
          by (auto simp: formula_spec_def 𝒯G_equivalent_def comp_def
                   elim!: formula_relevantD
                   intro!: pres_distinct_not_0_list_dec pres_sorted_dec)
        case False
        then have rel_0: "0 ∈ set vs" by simp
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "1 = length vs")
          case True
          then have [simp]: "vs = [0]" using rel_0 by (induct vs) auto
          {fix t assume "0 |∈| ta_der (TA {|[] [] β†’ 0|} {||}) (term_of_gterm t)"
            then have "t = GFun [] []" by (cases t) auto}
          then have [simp]: "β„’ (Reg {|0|} (TA {|TA_rule [] [] 0|} {||})) = {GFun [] []}"
            by (auto simp: β„’_def gta_der_def gta_lang_def)
          have [simp]: "GFun [] [] = gencode []"
            by (auto simp: gencode_def gunions_def)
          show ?thesis using IExists spec nt_empty
            by (auto simp: formula_spec_def RRn_spec_true_RRn RRn_spec_def formula_relevant_0_FExists image_iff)
               (meson eval_formula_shift_right_eval(1) in_mono rangeI shift_right_rangeI)
          case False
          from False show ?thesis using spec IExists rel_0 nt_empty
            using rrn_drop_fst_lang[OF formula_spec_RRn_spec[OF spec]]
            by (auto simp: formula_spec_def Suc_lessI simp flip: drop_upd_bruijn_set
                     split: prod.splits
                     intro: upd_bruijn_pres_sorted upd_bruijn_pres_distinct ExistsI_upd_brujin_0)
  case (IRename l' vs)
  then show ?case by simp
  case (INNFPlus l')
  show ?case using infs[OF nth_mem, of l'] INNFPlus
    apply (auto simp: formula_spec_def formula_relevant_def eval_formula_conv)
    apply (simp_all only: check_equivalence_by_nnf_sortedlist_aci[of "form_of_formula (fst (infs ! l'))" "form_of_formula fm"])
  case (IRepl eq pos l')
  then show ?case by simp
