Theory Sequent2
theory Sequent2 imports Sequent begin
section ‹Completeness Revisited›
lemma ‹∃p. q = compl p›
by (metis compl.simps(1))
definition compl' where
‹compl' = (λq. (SOME p. q = compl p))›
lemma comp'_sem:
‹eval e f g (compl' p) ⟷ ¬ eval e f g p›
by (smt compl'_def compl.simps(1) compl eval.simps(7) someI_ex)
lemma comp'_sem_list: ‹list_ex (λp. ¬ eval e f g p) (map compl' ps) ⟷ list_ex (eval e f g) ps›
by (induct ps) (use comp'_sem in auto)
theorem SC_completeness':
fixes ps :: ‹(nat, nat) form list›
assumes ‹∀(e :: nat ⇒ nat hterm) f g. list_ex (eval e f g) (p # ps)›
shows ‹⊢ p # ps›
proof -
define ps' where ‹ps' = map compl' ps›
then have ‹ps = map compl ps'›
by (induct ps arbitrary: ps') (simp, smt (verit) compl'_def compl.simps(1) list.simps(9) someI_ex)
from assms have ‹∀(e :: nat ⇒ nat hterm) f g. (list_ex (eval e f g) ps) ∨ eval e f g p›
by auto
then have ‹∀(e :: nat ⇒ nat hterm) f g. (list_ex (λp. ¬ eval e f g p) ps') ∨ eval e f g p›
unfolding ps'_def using comp'_sem_list by blast
then have ‹∀(e :: nat ⇒ nat hterm) f g. list_all (eval e f g) ps' ⟶ eval e f g p›
by (metis Ball_set Bex_set)
then have ‹⊢ p # map compl ps'›
using SC_completeness by blast
then show ?thesis
using ‹ps = map compl ps'› by auto
fixes ps :: ‹(nat, nat) form list›
assumes ‹∀(e :: nat ⇒ nat hterm) f g. list_ex (eval e f g) ps›
shows ‹⊢ ps›
using assms SC_completeness' by (cases ps) auto