Theory EFSM_Dot

text‹This chapter provides two different output formats for EFSMs.› 

section‹Graphical Output›
text‹It is often more intuitive and aesthetically pleasing to view EFSMs graphically. DOT is a graph
layout engine which converts textual representations of graphs to more useful formats, such as SVG
or PNG representations. This theory defines functions to convert arbitrary EFSMs to DOT for easier
viewing. Here, transitions use the syntactic sugar presented in cite"foster2018" such that they
take the form $\textit{label}:\textit{arity}[g_1, \ldots, g_g]/f_1, \ldots, f_f[u_1, \ldots, u_u]$.›

theory EFSM_Dot
imports Inference

fun string_of_digit :: "nat  String.literal" where
  "string_of_digit n = (
         if n = 0 then (STR ''0'')
    else if n = 1 then (STR ''1'')
    else if n = 2 then (STR ''2'')
    else if n = 3 then (STR ''3'')
    else if n = 4 then (STR ''4'')
    else if n = 5 then (STR ''5'')
    else if n = 6 then (STR ''6'')
    else if n = 7 then (STR ''7'')
    else if n = 8 then (STR ''8'')
    else (STR ''9''))"

abbreviation newline :: String.literal where
  "newline  STR ''\010''"

abbreviation quote :: String.literal where
  "quote  STR ''\"''"

definition shows_string :: "String.literal  String.literal  String.literal"
  "shows_string = (+)"

fun showsp_nat :: "String.literal  nat  String.literal  String.literal"
  "showsp_nat p n =
    (if n < 10 then shows_string (string_of_digit n)
    else showsp_nat p (n div 10) o shows_string (string_of_digit (n mod 10)))"
declare showsp_nat.simps [simp del]

definition showsp_int :: "String.literal  int  String.literal  String.literal"
  "showsp_int p i =
    (if i < 0 then shows_string STR ''-'' o showsp_nat p (nat (- i)) else showsp_nat p (nat i))"

definition "show_int n   showsp_int ((STR '''')) n ((STR ''''))"
definition "show_nat n   showsp_nat ((STR '''')) n ((STR ''''))"

definition replace_backslash :: "String.literal  String.literal" where
  "replace_backslash s = String.implode (fold (@) (map (λx. if x = CHR 0x5c then [CHR 0x5c,CHR 0x5c] else [x]) (String.explode s)) '''')"

  constant replace_backslash  (Scala) "_.replace(\"\\\\\", \"\\\\\\\\\")"

fun value2dot :: "value  String.literal" where
  "value2dot (value.Str s) = quote + replace_backslash s + quote" |
  "value2dot (Num n) = show_int n"

fun vname2dot :: "vname  String.literal" where
  "vname2dot (vname.I n) = STR ''i<sub>''+(show_nat (n))+STR ''</sub>''" |
  "vname2dot (R n) = STR ''r<sub>''+(show_nat n)+STR ''</sub>''"

fun aexp2dot :: "vname aexp  String.literal" where
  "aexp2dot (L v) = value2dot v" |
  "aexp2dot (V v) = vname2dot v" |
  "aexp2dot (Plus a1 a2) = (aexp2dot a1)+STR '' + ''+(aexp2dot a2)" |
  "aexp2dot (Minus a1 a2) = (aexp2dot a1)+STR '' - ''+(aexp2dot a2)" |
  "aexp2dot (Times a1 a2) = (aexp2dot a1)+STR '' &times; ''+(aexp2dot a2)"

fun join :: "String.literal list  String.literal  String.literal" where
  "join [] _ = (STR '''')" |
  "join [a] _ = a" |
  "join (h#t) s = h+s+(join t s)"

definition show_nats :: "nat list  String.literal" where
  "show_nats l = join (map show_nat l) STR '', ''"

fun gexp2dot :: "vname gexp  String.literal" where
  "gexp2dot (GExp.Bc True) = (STR ''True'')" |
  "gexp2dot (GExp.Bc False) = (STR ''False'')" |
  "gexp2dot (GExp.Eq a1 a2) = (aexp2dot a1)+STR '' = ''+(aexp2dot a2)" |
  "gexp2dot (GExp.Gt a1 a2) = (aexp2dot a1)+STR '' &gt; ''+(aexp2dot a2)" |
  "gexp2dot (GExp.In v l) = (vname2dot v)+STR ''&isin;{''+(join (map value2dot l) STR '', '')+STR ''}''" |
  "gexp2dot (Nor g1 g2) = STR ''!(''+(gexp2dot g1)+STR ''&or;''+(gexp2dot g2)+STR '')''"

primrec guards2dot_aux :: "vname gexp list  String.literal list" where
  "guards2dot_aux [] = []" |
  "guards2dot_aux (h#t) = (gexp2dot h)#(guards2dot_aux t)"

lemma gexp2dot_aux_code [code]: "guards2dot_aux l = map gexp2dot l"
  by (induct l, simp_all)

primrec updates2dot_aux :: "update_function list  String.literal list" where
  "updates2dot_aux [] = []" |
  "updates2dot_aux (h#t) = ((vname2dot (R (fst h)))+STR '' := ''+(aexp2dot (snd h)))#(updates2dot_aux t)"

lemma updates2dot_aux_code [code]:
  "updates2dot_aux l = map (λ(r, u). (vname2dot (R r))+STR '' := ''+(aexp2dot u)) l"
  by (induct l, auto)

primrec outputs2dot :: "output_function list  nat  String.literal list" where
  "outputs2dot [] _ = []" |
  "outputs2dot (h#t) n = ((STR ''o<sub>''+(show_nat n))+STR ''</sub> := ''+(aexp2dot h))#(outputs2dot t (n+1))"

fun updates2dot :: "update_function list  String.literal" where
  "updates2dot [] = (STR '''')" |
  "updates2dot a = STR ''&#91;''+(join (updates2dot_aux a) STR '', '')+STR ''&#93;''"

fun guards2dot :: "vname gexp list  String.literal" where
  "guards2dot [] = (STR '''')" |
  "guards2dot a = STR ''&#91;''+(join (guards2dot_aux a) STR '', '')+STR ''&#93;''"

definition latter2dot :: "transition  String.literal" where
  "latter2dot t = (let l = (join (outputs2dot (Outputs t) 1) STR '', '')+(updates2dot (Updates t)) in (if l = (STR '''') then (STR '''') else STR ''/''+l))"

definition transition2dot :: "transition  String.literal" where
  "transition2dot t = (Label t)+STR '':''+(show_nat (Arity t))+(guards2dot (Guards t))+(latter2dot t)"

definition efsm2dot :: "transition_matrix  String.literal" where
  "efsm2dot e = STR ''digraph EFSM{''+newline+
                STR ''  graph [rankdir=''+quote+(STR ''LR'')+quote+STR '', fontname=''+quote+STR ''Latin Modern Math''+quote+STR ''];''+newline+
                STR ''  node [color=''+quote+(STR ''black'')+quote+STR '', fillcolor=''+quote+(STR ''white'')+quote+STR '', shape=''+quote+(STR ''circle'')+quote+STR '', style=''+quote+(STR ''filled'')+quote+STR '', fontname=''+quote+STR ''Latin Modern Math''+quote+STR ''];''+newline+
                STR ''  edge [fontname=''+quote+STR ''Latin Modern Math''+quote+STR ''];''+newline+newline+
                  STR ''  s0[fillcolor=''+quote+STR ''gray''+quote+STR '', label=<s<sub>0</sub>>];''+newline+
                  (join (map (λs. STR ''  s''+show_nat s+STR ''[label=<s<sub>'' +show_nat s+ STR ''</sub>>];'') (sorted_list_of_fset (EFSM.S e - {|0|}))) (newline))+newline+newline+
                  (join ((map (λ((from, to), t). STR ''  s''+(show_nat from)+STR ''->s''+(show_nat to)+STR ''[label=<<i>''+(transition2dot t)+STR ''</i>>];'') (sorted_list_of_fset e))) newline)+newline+
                STR ''}''"

definition iefsm2dot :: "iEFSM  String.literal" where
  "iefsm2dot e = STR ''digraph EFSM{''+newline+
                 STR ''  graph [rankdir=''+quote+(STR ''LR'')+quote+STR '', fontname=''+quote+STR ''Latin Modern Math''+quote+STR ''];''+newline+
                 STR ''  node [color=''+quote+(STR ''black'')+quote+STR '', fillcolor=''+quote+(STR ''white'')+quote+STR '', shape=''+quote+(STR ''circle'')+quote+STR '', style=''+quote+(STR ''filled'')+quote+STR '', fontname=''+quote+STR ''Latin Modern Math''+quote+STR ''];''+newline+
                 STR ''  edge [fontname=''+quote+STR ''Latin Modern Math''+quote+STR ''];''+newline+newline+
                  STR ''  s0[fillcolor=''+quote+STR ''gray''+quote+STR '', label=<s<sub>0</sub>>];''+newline+
                  (join (map (λs. STR ''  s''+show_nat s+STR ''[label=<s<sub>'' +show_nat s+ STR ''</sub>>];'') (sorted_list_of_fset (S e - {|0|}))) (newline))+newline+newline+
                  (join ((map (λ(uid, (from, to), t). STR ''  s''+(show_nat from)+STR ''->s''+(show_nat to)+STR ''[label=<<i> [''+show_nats (sort uid)+STR '']''+(transition2dot t)+STR ''</i>>];'') (sorted_list_of_fset e))) newline)+newline+
                STR ''}''"

abbreviation newline_str :: string where
  "newline_str  ''\010''"

abbreviation quote_str :: string where
  "quote_str  ''0x22''"