Theory Submission
section "An Example Submission"
theory Submission
imports Main
text ‹
This is an example submission to the Archive of Formal Proofs.
The scope of the archive encompasses examples, textbook-style
proofs, libraries and larger scientific developments.
section "Format of a submission"
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Submission should be via the web page @{url ""}.
The tar file submission of the example you are reading is at
@{url ""}.
section "Proof styles"
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We accept proofs in \isakeyword{apply}-script style like the
lemma true: "True"
apply blast
text ‹
We encourage structured proofs with comments and
explanations. The Isabelle document preparation tools support
antiquotations like @{thm true}, normal {\LaTeX} commands and BibTeX
citations. See \<^cite>‹"LNCS2283"› and the Isabelle documentation for
more information.
lemma very_true: "True"
proof -
fix P have "P ⟶ True" by blast
thus True by blast
section "The anatomy of a submission"
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The directory structure of this example submission is the following
The document directory contains the {\LaTeX} master file
\texttt{root.tex} and the bibliography \texttt{root.bib}.
The {\LaTeX} part of your
submission should contain title, abstract, author, and any
further documentation
you wish to provide.
\texttt{ROOT} controls which theories should be loaded. If you have
one main theory that depends on all the others, you only need to
include this one. You can also use the \texttt{ROOT} file to control the
order in which theories are read.
The file \texttt{Submission.thy} is the Isabelle theory containing
this text. A usual submission has more than one theory file. You can
devise your own subdirectory structure if you have more theories and
one directory becomes too crowded. You can also build on existing articles
in the AFP by importing them. For example, if you build on theory W in
the article MiniML, the way to import it is:
theory My_Theory
imports MiniML.W