Theory CombinedCriteria
theory CombinedCriteria
imports DivergenceReflection SuccessSensitiveness FullAbstraction OperationalCorrespondence
section ‹Combining Criteria›
text ‹So far we considered the effect of single criteria on encodings. Often the quality of an
encoding is prescribed by a set of different criteria. In the following we analyse the
combined effect of criteria. This way we can compare criteria as well as identify side
effects that result from combinations of criteria. We start with some technical lemmata. To
combine the effect of different criteria we combine the conditions they induce. If their
effect can be described by a predicate on the pairs of the relation, as in the case of
success sensitiveness or divergence reflection, combining the effects is simple.›
lemma (in encoding) criterion_iff_source_target_relation_impl_indRelR:
fixes Cond :: "('procS ⇒ 'procT) ⇒ bool"
and Pred :: "(('procS, 'procT) Proc × ('procS, 'procT) Proc) set ⇒ bool"
assumes "Cond enc = (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel) ∧ Pred Rel)"
shows "Cond enc = (∃Rel'. Pred (indRelR ∪ Rel'))"
proof (rule iffI)
assume "Cond enc"
with assms obtain Rel where A1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel" and A2: "Pred Rel"
by blast
from A1 have "Rel = indRelR ∪ (Rel - indRelR)"
by (auto simp add: indRelR.simps)
with A2 have "Pred (indRelR ∪ (Rel - indRelR))"
by simp
thus "∃Rel'. Pred (indRelR ∪ Rel')"
by blast
assume "∃Rel'. Pred (indRelR ∪ Rel')"
from this obtain Rel' where "Pred (indRelR ∪ Rel')"
by blast
moreover have "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ (indRelR ∪ Rel')"
by (simp add: indRelR.encR)
ultimately show "Cond enc"
using assms
by blast
lemma (in encoding) combine_conditions_on_pairs_of_relations:
fixes RelA RelB :: "(('procS, 'procT) Proc ×('procS, 'procT) Proc) set"
and CondA CondB :: "(('procS, 'procT) Proc ×('procS, 'procT) Proc) ⇒ bool"
assumes "∀(P, Q) ∈ RelA. CondA (P, Q)"
and "∀(P, Q) ∈ RelB. CondB (P, Q)"
shows "(∀(P, Q) ∈ RelA ∩ RelB. CondA (P, Q)) ∧ (∀(P, Q) ∈ RelA ∩ RelB. CondB (P, Q))"
using assms
by blast
lemma (in encoding) combine_conditions_on_sets_of_relations:
fixes Rel RelA :: "(('procS, 'procT) Proc ×('procS, 'procT) Proc) set"
and Cond :: "(('procS, 'procT) Proc ×('procS, 'procT) Proc) set ⇒ bool"
and CondA :: "(('procS, 'procT) Proc ×('procS, 'procT) Proc) ⇒ bool"
assumes "∀(P, Q) ∈ RelA. CondA (P, Q)"
and "Cond Rel ∧ Rel ⊆ RelA"
shows "Cond Rel ∧ (∀(P, Q) ∈ Rel. CondA (P, Q))"
using assms
by blast
lemma (in encoding) combine_conditions_on_sets_and_pairs_of_relations:
fixes Rel RelA RelB :: "(('procS, 'procT) Proc ×('procS, 'procT) Proc) set"
and Cond :: "(('procS, 'procT) Proc ×('procS, 'procT) Proc) set ⇒ bool"
and CondA CondB :: "(('procS, 'procT) Proc ×('procS, 'procT) Proc) ⇒ bool"
assumes "∀(P, Q) ∈ RelA. CondA (P, Q)"
and "∀(P, Q) ∈ RelB. CondB (P, Q)"
and "Cond Rel ∧ Rel ⊆ RelA ∧ Rel ⊆ RelB"
shows "Cond Rel ∧ (∀(P, Q) ∈ Rel. CondA (P, Q)) ∧ (∀(P, Q) ∈ Rel. CondB (P, Q))"
using assms
by blast
text ‹We mapped several criteria on conditions on relations that relate at least all source terms
and their literal translations. The following lemmata help us to combine such conditions by
switching to the witness indRelR.›
lemma (in encoding) combine_conditions_on_relations_indRelR:
fixes RelA RelB :: "(('procS, 'procT) Proc ×('procS, 'procT) Proc) set"
and Cond :: "(('procS, 'procT) Proc ×('procS, 'procT) Proc) set ⇒ bool"
and CondA CondB :: "(('procS, 'procT) Proc ×('procS, 'procT) Proc) ⇒ bool"
assumes A1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ RelA"
and A2: "∀(P, Q) ∈ RelA. CondA (P, Q)"
and A3: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ RelB"
and A4: "∀(P, Q) ∈ RelB. CondB (P, Q)"
shows "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel) ∧ (∀(P, Q) ∈ Rel. CondA (P, Q))
∧ (∀(P, Q) ∈ Rel. CondB (P, Q))"
and "Cond indRelR ⟹ (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀(P, Q) ∈ Rel. CondA (P, Q)) ∧ (∀(P, Q) ∈ Rel. CondB (P, Q)) ∧ Cond Rel)"
proof -
have A5: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ indRelR"
by (simp add: indRelR.encR)
moreover have A6: "indRelR ⊆ RelA"
proof clarify
fix P Q
assume "(P, Q) ∈ indRelR"
from this A1 show "(P, Q) ∈ RelA"
by (induct, simp)
moreover have A7: "indRelR ⊆ RelB"
proof clarify
fix P Q
assume "(P, Q) ∈ indRelR"
from this A3 show "(P, Q) ∈ RelB"
by (induct, simp)
ultimately show "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀(P, Q) ∈ Rel. CondA (P, Q)) ∧ (∀(P, Q) ∈ Rel. CondB (P, Q))"
using combine_conditions_on_sets_and_pairs_of_relations[where RelA="RelA" and RelB="RelB"
and CondA="CondA" and CondB="CondB" and Rel="indRelR"
and Cond="λR. ∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ R"] A2 A4
by blast
from A2 A4 A5 A6 A7
show "Cond indRelR ⟹ (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀(P, Q) ∈ Rel. CondA (P, Q)) ∧ (∀(P, Q) ∈ Rel. CondB (P, Q)) ∧ Cond Rel)"
using combine_conditions_on_sets_and_pairs_of_relations[where RelA="RelA" and RelB="RelB"
and CondA="CondA" and CondB="CondB" and Rel="indRelR"
and Cond="λR. ∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ R ∧ Cond R"]
by blast
lemma (in encoding) indRelR_cond_respects_predA_and_reflects_predB:
fixes PredA PredB :: "('procS, 'procT) Proc ⇒ bool"
shows "((∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel) ∧ rel_respects_pred Rel PredA)
∧ (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel) ∧ rel_reflects_pred Rel PredB))
= (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel) ∧ rel_respects_pred Rel PredA
∧ rel_reflects_pred Rel PredB)"
proof (rule iffI, erule conjE)
assume "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel) ∧ rel_respects_pred Rel PredA"
from this obtain RelA where A1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ RelA"
and A2: "rel_respects_pred RelA PredA"
by blast
assume "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel) ∧ rel_reflects_pred Rel PredB"
from this obtain RelB where A3: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ RelB"
and A4: "rel_reflects_pred RelB PredB"
by blast
from A2 have "∀(P, Q) ∈ RelA. PredA P ⟷ PredA Q"
by blast
moreover from A4 have "∀(P, Q) ∈ RelB. PredB Q ⟶ PredB P"
by blast
ultimately have "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀(P, Q)∈Rel. PredA P = PredA Q) ∧ (∀(P, Q)∈Rel. PredB Q ⟶ PredB P)"
using combine_conditions_on_relations_indRelR(1)[where RelA="RelA" and RelB="RelB" and
CondA="λ(P, Q). PredA P ⟷ PredA Q" and CondB="λ(P, Q). PredB Q ⟶ PredB P"] A1 A3
by simp
thus "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel) ∧ rel_respects_pred Rel PredA
∧ rel_reflects_pred Rel PredB"
by blast
assume "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel) ∧ rel_respects_pred Rel PredA
∧ rel_reflects_pred Rel PredB"
thus "(∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel) ∧ rel_respects_pred Rel PredA) ∧
(∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel) ∧ rel_reflects_pred Rel PredB)"
by blast
subsection ‹Divergence Reflection and Success Sensitiveness›
text ‹We combine results on divergence reflection and success sensitiveness to analyse their
combined effect on an encoding function. An encoding is success sensitive and reflects
divergence iff there exists a relation that relates source terms and their literal
translations that reflects divergence and respects success.›
lemma (in encoding_wrt_barbs) WSS_DR_iff_source_target_rel:
fixes success :: "'barbs"
shows "(enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ enc_reflects_divergence)
= (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
∧ rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target))"
proof -
have "∀Rel. rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)
= rel_reflects_pred Rel divergentST"
by (simp add: divergentST_STCal_divergent)
moreover have "∀Rel. (rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
= rel_respects_pred Rel (λP. P⇓.success))"
by (simp add: STCalWB_reachesBarbST)
ultimately show "(enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ enc_reflects_divergence)
= (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
∧ rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target))"
using success_sensitive_iff_source_target_rel_weakly_respects_success(1)
PredA="λP. P⇓.success" and PredB="divergentST"]
by simp
lemma (in encoding_wrt_barbs) SS_DR_iff_source_target_rel:
fixes success :: "'barbs"
shows "(enc_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ enc_reflects_divergence)
= (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ rel_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
∧ rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target))"
proof -
have "∀Rel. rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)
= rel_reflects_pred Rel divergentST"
by (simp add: divergentST_STCal_divergent)
moreover have "∀Rel. (rel_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
= rel_respects_pred Rel (λP. P↓.success))"
by (simp add: STCalWB_hasBarbST)
ultimately show "(enc_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ enc_reflects_divergence)
= (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ rel_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
∧ rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target))"
using success_sensitive_iff_source_target_rel_respects_success(1)
PredA="λP. P↓.success" and PredB="divergentST"]
by simp
subsection ‹Adding Operational Correspondence›
text ‹The effect of operational correspondence includes conditions (TRel is included,
transitivity) that require a witness like indRelRTPO. In order to combine operational
correspondence with success sensitiveness, we show that if the encoding and TRel (weakly)
respects barbs than indRelRTPO (weakly) respects barbs. Since success is only a specific
kind of barbs, the same holds for success sensitiveness.›
lemma (in encoding_wrt_barbs) enc_and_TRel_impl_indRelRTPO_weakly_respects_success:
fixes success :: "'barbs"
and TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
assumes encRS: "enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success}"
and trelPS: "rel_weakly_preserves_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and trelRS: "rel_weakly_reflects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
shows "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set (indRelRTPO TRel) (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
proof auto
fix P Q P'
assume "P ≲⟦⋅⟧RT<TRel> Q" and "P ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* P'"
and "P'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
thus "Q⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
proof (induct arbitrary: P')
case (encR S)
assume "SourceTerm S ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* P'" and "P'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
hence "S⇓<SWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
with encRS have "⟦S⟧⇓<TWB>success"
by simp
thus "TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
case (source S)
assume "SourceTerm S ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* P'" and "P'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
thus "SourceTerm S⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
by blast
case (target T1 T2)
assume "(T1, T2) ∈ TRel"
moreover assume "TargetTerm T1 ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* P'"
and "P'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
hence "T1⇓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "T2⇓<TWB>success"
using trelPS
by simp
thus "TargetTerm T2⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
case (trans P Q R)
assume "P ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* P'" and "P'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
and "⋀P'. P ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* P' ⟹ P'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success
⟹ Q⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
hence "Q⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
by simp
moreover assume "⋀Q'. Q ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* Q' ⟹ Q'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success
⟹ R⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
ultimately show "R⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
by blast
fix P Q Q'
assume "P ≲⟦⋅⟧RT<TRel> Q" and "Q ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* Q'"
and "Q'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
thus "P⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
proof (induct arbitrary: Q')
case (encR S)
assume "TargetTerm (⟦S⟧) ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* Q'"
and "Q'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
hence "⟦S⟧⇓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
with encRS have "S⇓<SWB>success"
by simp
thus "SourceTerm S⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
case (source S)
assume "SourceTerm S ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* Q'" and "Q'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
thus "SourceTerm S⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
by blast
case (target T1 T2)
assume "(T1, T2) ∈ TRel"
moreover assume "TargetTerm T2 ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* Q'"
and "Q'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
hence "T2⇓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "T1⇓<TWB>success"
using trelRS
by blast
thus "TargetTerm T1⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
case (trans P Q R R')
assume "R ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* R'" and "R'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
and "⋀R'. R ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* R' ⟹ R'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success
⟹ Q⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
hence "Q⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
by simp
moreover assume "⋀Q'. Q ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* Q' ⟹ Q'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success
⟹ P⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
ultimately show "P⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
by blast
lemma (in encoding_wrt_barbs) enc_and_TRel_impl_indRelRTPO_weakly_respects_barbs:
fixes TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
assumes encRS: "enc_weakly_respects_barbs"
and trelPS: "rel_weakly_preserves_barbs TRel TWB"
and trelRS: "rel_weakly_reflects_barbs TRel TWB"
shows "rel_weakly_respects_barbs (indRelRTPO TRel) (STCalWB SWB TWB)"
proof auto
fix P Q x P'
assume "P ≲⟦⋅⟧RT<TRel> Q" and "P ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* P'"
and "P'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
thus "Q⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
proof (induct arbitrary: P')
case (encR S)
assume "SourceTerm S ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* P'" and "P'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
hence "S⇓<SWB>x"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
with encRS have "⟦S⟧⇓<TWB>x"
by simp
thus "TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
case (source S)
assume "SourceTerm S ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* P'" and "P'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
thus "SourceTerm S⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
by blast
case (target T1 T2)
assume "(T1, T2) ∈ TRel"
moreover assume "TargetTerm T1 ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* P'"
and "P'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
hence "T1⇓<TWB>x"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "T2⇓<TWB>x"
using trelPS
by simp
thus "TargetTerm T2⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
case (trans P Q R)
assume "P ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* P'" and "P'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
and "⋀P'. P ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* P' ⟹ P'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x
hence "Q⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
by simp
moreover assume "⋀Q'. Q ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* Q' ⟹ Q'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x
ultimately show "R⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
by blast
fix P Q x Q'
assume "P ≲⟦⋅⟧RT<TRel> Q" and "Q ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* Q'"
and "Q'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
thus "P⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
proof (induct arbitrary: Q')
case (encR S)
assume "TargetTerm (⟦S⟧) ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* Q'"
and "Q'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
hence "⟦S⟧⇓<TWB>x"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
with encRS have "S⇓<SWB>x"
by simp
thus "SourceTerm S⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
case (source S)
assume "SourceTerm S ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* Q'" and "Q'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
thus "SourceTerm S⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
by blast
case (target T1 T2)
assume "(T1, T2) ∈ TRel"
moreover assume "TargetTerm T2 ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* Q'"
and "Q'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
hence "T2⇓<TWB>x"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "T1⇓<TWB>x"
using trelRS
by blast
thus "TargetTerm T1⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
case (trans P Q R R')
assume "R ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* R'" and "R'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
and "⋀R'. R ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* R' ⟹ R'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x
hence "Q⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
by simp
moreover assume "⋀Q'. Q ⟼(Calculus (STCalWB SWB TWB))* Q' ⟹ Q'↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x
ultimately show "P⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
by blast
lemma (in encoding_wrt_barbs) enc_and_TRel_impl_indRelRTPO_respects_success:
fixes success :: "'barbs"
and TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
assumes encRS: "enc_respects_barb_set {success}"
and trelPS: "rel_preserves_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and trelRS: "rel_reflects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
shows "rel_respects_barb_set (indRelRTPO TRel) (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
proof auto
fix P Q
assume "P ≲⟦⋅⟧RT<TRel> Q" and "P↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
thus "Q↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
proof induct
case (encR S)
assume "SourceTerm S↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
hence "S↓<SWB>success"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
with encRS have "⟦S⟧↓<TWB>success"
by simp
thus "TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
case (source S)
assume "SourceTerm S↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
thus "SourceTerm S↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
by simp
case (target T1 T2)
assume "(T1, T2) ∈ TRel"
moreover assume "TargetTerm T1↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
hence "T1↓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "T2↓<TWB>success"
using trelPS
by simp
thus "TargetTerm T2↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
case (trans P Q R)
assume "P↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
and "P↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success ⟹ Q↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
and "Q↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success ⟹ R↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
thus "R↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
by simp
fix P Q
assume "P ≲⟦⋅⟧RT<TRel> Q" and "Q↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
thus "P↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
proof induct
case (encR S)
assume "TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
hence "⟦S⟧↓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
with encRS have "S↓<SWB>success"
by simp
thus "SourceTerm S↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
case (source S)
assume "SourceTerm S↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
thus "SourceTerm S↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
by simp
case (target T1 T2)
assume "(T1, T2) ∈ TRel"
moreover assume "TargetTerm T2↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
hence "T2↓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "T1↓<TWB>success"
using trelRS
by blast
thus "TargetTerm T1↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
case (trans P Q R)
assume "R↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
and "R↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success ⟹ Q↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
and "Q↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success ⟹ P↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
thus "P↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
by simp
lemma (in encoding_wrt_barbs) enc_and_TRel_impl_indRelRTPO_respects_barbs:
fixes TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
assumes encRS: "enc_respects_barbs"
and trelPS: "rel_preserves_barbs TRel TWB"
and trelRS: "rel_reflects_barbs TRel TWB"
shows "rel_respects_barbs (indRelRTPO TRel) (STCalWB SWB TWB)"
proof auto
fix P Q x
assume "P ≲⟦⋅⟧RT<TRel> Q" and "P↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
thus "Q↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
proof induct
case (encR S)
assume "SourceTerm S↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
hence "S↓<SWB>x"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
with encRS have "⟦S⟧↓<TWB>x"
by simp
thus "TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
case (source S)
assume "SourceTerm S↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
thus "SourceTerm S↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
by simp
case (target T1 T2)
assume "(T1, T2) ∈ TRel"
moreover assume "TargetTerm T1↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
hence "T1↓<TWB>x"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "T2↓<TWB>x"
using trelPS
by simp
thus "TargetTerm T2↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
case (trans P Q R)
assume "P↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
and "P↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x ⟹ Q↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
and "Q↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x ⟹ R↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
thus "R↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
by simp
fix P Q x
assume "P ≲⟦⋅⟧RT<TRel> Q" and "Q↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
thus "P↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
proof induct
case (encR S)
assume "TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
hence "⟦S⟧↓<TWB>x"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
with encRS have "S↓<SWB>x"
by simp
thus "SourceTerm S↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
case (source S)
assume "SourceTerm S↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
thus "SourceTerm S↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
by simp
case (target T1 T2)
assume "(T1, T2) ∈ TRel"
moreover assume "TargetTerm T2↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
hence "T2↓<TWB>x"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "T1↓<TWB>x"
using trelRS
by blast
thus "TargetTerm T1↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
case (trans P Q R)
assume "R↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
and "R↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x ⟹ Q↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
and "Q↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x ⟹ P↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
thus "P↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
by simp
text ‹An encoding is success sensitive and operational corresponding w.r.t. a bisimulation TRel
that respects success iff there exists a bisimultion that includes TRel and respects
success. The same holds if we consider not only success sensitiveness but barb
sensitiveness in general.›
lemma (in encoding_wrt_barbs) OC_SS_iff_source_target_rel:
fixes success :: "'barbs"
and TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
shows "(operational_corresponding (TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation (TRel⇧+) Target
∧ enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success}
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success})
= (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+)
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success})"
proof (rule iffI, (erule conjE)+)
assume A1: "rel_weakly_preserves_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and A2: "rel_weakly_reflects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and A3: "enc_weakly_preserves_barb_set {success}"
and A4: "enc_weakly_reflects_barb_set {success}"
define Rel where "Rel = indRelRTPO TRel"
hence B1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel"
by (simp add: indRelRTPO.encR)
from Rel_def have B2: "∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel"
by (simp add:
from Rel_def have B3: "∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+"
by (simp add: indRelRTPO_to_TRel(4)[where TRel="TRel"])
from Rel_def have B4: "∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(2)[where TRel="TRel"]
trans_closure_of_TRel_refl_cond[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
assume "operational_complete (TRel⇧*)"
and "operational_sound (TRel⇧*)"
and "weak_reduction_simulation (TRel⇧+) Target"
and "∀P Q Q'. (P, Q) ∈ TRel⇧+ ∧ Q ⟼Target* Q'
⟶ (∃P'. P ⟼Target* P' ∧ (P', Q') ∈ TRel⇧+)"
with Rel_def have B5: "weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
using OC_iff_indRelRTPO_is_weak_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
from Rel_def A1 A2 A3 A4 have B6: "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
using enc_and_TRel_impl_indRelRTPO_weakly_respects_success[where TRel="TRel"
and success="success"]
by blast
show "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+)
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
apply (rule exI) using B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 by blast
assume "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+)
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
from this obtain Rel where C1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel"
and C2: "∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel"
and C3: "∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+"
and C4: "∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*"
and C5: "weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
and C6: "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
by auto
from C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 have "∃Rel.(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+)
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by blast
hence "operational_corresponding (TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation (TRel⇧+) Target"
using OC_iff_weak_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by auto
moreover have "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
apply (rule exI) using C1 C6 by blast
hence "enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success}"
using success_sensitive_iff_source_target_rel_weakly_respects_success
by auto
moreover have "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
proof auto
fix TP TQ TP'
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TP ⟼(Calculus TWB)* TP'" and "TP'↓<TWB>success"
hence "TargetTerm TP⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TQ⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using C6
by blast
thus "TQ⇓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
fix TP TQ TQ'
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TQ ⟼(Calculus TWB)* TQ'" and "TQ'↓<TWB>success"
hence "TargetTerm TQ⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TP⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using C6
by blast
thus "TP⇓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately show "operational_corresponding (TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation (TRel⇧+) Target
∧ enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
by fast
lemma (in encoding_wrt_barbs) OC_SS_RB_iff_source_target_rel:
fixes success :: "'barbs"
and TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
shows "(operational_corresponding (TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation (TRel⇧+) Target
∧ enc_weakly_respects_barbs ∧ enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success}
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barbs TRel TWB ∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success})
= (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+)
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success})"
proof (rule iffI, (erule conjE)+)
assume A1: "rel_weakly_preserves_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and A2: "rel_weakly_reflects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and A3: "enc_weakly_preserves_barb_set {success}"
and A4: "enc_weakly_reflects_barb_set {success}"
and A5: "rel_weakly_preserves_barbs TRel TWB" and A6: "rel_weakly_reflects_barbs TRel TWB"
and A7: "enc_weakly_preserves_barbs" and A8: "enc_weakly_reflects_barbs"
define Rel where "Rel = indRelRTPO TRel"
hence B1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel"
by (simp add: indRelRTPO.encR)
from Rel_def have B2: "∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel"
by (simp add:
from Rel_def have B3: "∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+"
by (simp add: indRelRTPO_to_TRel(4)[where TRel="TRel"])
from Rel_def have B4: "∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(2)[where TRel="TRel"]
trans_closure_of_TRel_refl_cond[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
assume "operational_complete (TRel⇧*)"
and "operational_sound (TRel⇧*)"
and "weak_reduction_simulation (TRel⇧+) Target"
and "∀P Q Q'. (P, Q) ∈ TRel⇧+ ∧ Q ⟼Target* Q' ⟶ (∃P'. P ⟼Target* P' ∧ (P', Q') ∈ TRel⇧+)"
with Rel_def have B5: "weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
using OC_iff_indRelRTPO_is_weak_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
from Rel_def A1 A2 A3 A4 have B6: "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
using enc_and_TRel_impl_indRelRTPO_weakly_respects_success[where TRel="TRel"
and success="success"]
by blast
from Rel_def A5 A6 A7 A8 have B7: "rel_weakly_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)"
using enc_and_TRel_impl_indRelRTPO_weakly_respects_barbs[where TRel="TRel"]
by blast
show "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+)
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
apply (rule exI) using B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 by blast
assume "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+)
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
from this obtain Rel where C: "(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+)
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
by auto
hence C1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel"
by simp
from C have C2: "∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel"
by simp
from C have C3: "∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+"
by simp
from C have C4: "∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*"
by simp
from C have C5: "weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by simp
from C have C7: "rel_weakly_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)"
apply (rule conjE) apply (erule conjE)+ by blast
from C have C6: "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
apply (rule conjE) apply (erule conjE)+ by blast
from C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 have "∃Rel.(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+)
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by blast
hence "operational_corresponding (TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation (TRel⇧+) Target"
using OC_iff_weak_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by auto
moreover have "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
apply (rule exI) using C1 C6 by blast
hence "enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success}"
using success_sensitive_iff_source_target_rel_weakly_respects_success
by auto
moreover have "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)"
apply (rule exI) using C1 C7 by blast
hence "enc_weakly_respects_barbs"
using enc_weakly_respects_barbs_iff_source_target_rel
by auto
moreover have "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
proof auto
fix TP TQ TP'
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TP ⟼(Calculus TWB)* TP'" and "TP'↓<TWB>success"
hence "TargetTerm TP⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TQ⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using C6
by blast
thus "TQ⇓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
fix TP TQ TQ'
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TQ ⟼(Calculus TWB)* TQ'" and "TQ'↓<TWB>success"
hence "TargetTerm TQ⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TP⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using C6
by blast
thus "TP⇓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
moreover have "rel_weakly_respects_barbs TRel TWB"
proof auto
fix TP TQ x TP'
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TP ⟼(Calculus TWB)* TP'" and "TP'↓<TWB>x"
hence "TargetTerm TP⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TQ⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using C7
by blast
thus "TQ⇓<TWB>x"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
fix TP TQ x TQ'
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TQ ⟼(Calculus TWB)* TQ'" and "TQ'↓<TWB>x"
hence "TargetTerm TQ⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TP⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using C7
by blast
thus "TP⇓<TWB>x"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately show "operational_corresponding (TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation (TRel⇧+) Target
∧ enc_weakly_respects_barbs ∧ enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success}
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barbs TRel TWB ∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
by fast
lemma (in encoding_wrt_barbs) OC_SS_wrt_preorder_iff_source_target_rel:
fixes success :: "'barbs"
and TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
shows "(operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel ∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target
∧ enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success}
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success})
= (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success})"
proof (rule iffI, (erule conjE)+)
assume A1: "rel_weakly_preserves_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and A2: "rel_weakly_reflects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and A3: "enc_weakly_preserves_barb_set {success}"
and A4: "enc_weakly_reflects_barb_set {success}"
and A5: "preorder TRel"
from A5 have A6: "TRel⇧+ = TRel"
using trancl_id[of TRel] preorder_on_def
by blast
from A5 have A7: "TRel⇧* = TRel"
using reflcl_trancl[of TRel] trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding refl_on_def preorder_on_def
by auto
define Rel where "Rel = indRelRTPO TRel"
hence B1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel"
by (simp add: indRelRTPO.encR)
from Rel_def A6 have B2: "TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(4)[where TRel="TRel"]
by (auto simp add:
from Rel_def A7 have B3: "∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(2)[where TRel="TRel"]
trans_closure_of_TRel_refl_cond[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
assume "operational_complete TRel" and "operational_sound TRel"
and "weak_reduction_simulation TRel Target"
and "∀P Q Q'. (P, Q) ∈ TRel ∧ Q ⟼Target* Q' ⟶ (∃P'. P ⟼Target* P' ∧ (P', Q') ∈ TRel)"
with Rel_def A6 A7 have B4: "weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
using OC_iff_indRelRTPO_is_weak_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
from Rel_def A5 have B5: "preorder Rel"
using indRelRTPO_is_preorder[where TRel="TRel"]
unfolding preorder_on_def
by blast
from Rel_def A1 A2 A3 A4 have B6: "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
using enc_and_TRel_impl_indRelRTPO_weakly_respects_success[where TRel="TRel"
and success="success"]
by blast
show "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
apply (rule exI) using B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 by blast
assume "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
from this obtain Rel where C1: "(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)"
and C2: "TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}"
and C3: "(∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)"
and C4: "weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)" and C5: "preorder Rel"
and C6: "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
by auto
from C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 have "∃Rel.(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel})
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by blast
hence "operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel ∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target"
using OC_wrt_preorder_iff_weak_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
moreover have "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
apply (rule exI) using C1 C6 by blast
hence "enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success}"
using success_sensitive_iff_source_target_rel_weakly_respects_success
by simp
moreover have "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
proof auto
fix TP TQ TP'
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TP ⟼(Calculus TWB)* TP'" and "TP'↓<TWB>success"
hence "TargetTerm TP⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TQ⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using C6
by blast
thus "TQ⇓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
fix TP TQ TQ'
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TQ ⟼(Calculus TWB)* TQ'" and "TQ'↓<TWB>success"
hence "TargetTerm TQ⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TP⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using C6
by blast
thus "TP⇓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately show "operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target
∧ enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
by fast
lemma (in encoding_wrt_barbs) OC_SS_RB_wrt_preorder_iff_source_target_rel:
fixes success :: "'barbs"
and TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
shows "(operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel ∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target
∧ enc_weakly_respects_barbs ∧ rel_weakly_respects_barbs TRel TWB
∧ enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success}
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success})
= (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success})"
proof (rule iffI, (erule conjE)+)
assume A1: "rel_weakly_preserves_barbs TRel TWB" and A2: "rel_weakly_reflects_barbs TRel TWB"
and A3: "enc_weakly_preserves_barbs" and A4: "enc_weakly_reflects_barbs"
and A5: "preorder TRel"
from A5 have A6: "TRel⇧+ = TRel"
using trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding preorder_on_def
by blast
from A5 have A7: "TRel⇧* = TRel"
using reflcl_trancl[of TRel] trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding preorder_on_def refl_on_def
by auto
define Rel where "Rel = indRelRTPO TRel"
hence B1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel"
by (simp add: indRelRTPO.encR)
from Rel_def A6 have B2: "TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(4)[where TRel="TRel"]
by (auto simp add:
from Rel_def A7 have B3: "∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(2)[where TRel="TRel"]
trans_closure_of_TRel_refl_cond[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
assume "operational_complete TRel" and "operational_sound TRel"
and "weak_reduction_simulation TRel Target"
and "∀P Q Q'. (P, Q) ∈ TRel ∧ Q ⟼Target* Q' ⟶ (∃P'. P ⟼Target* P' ∧ (P', Q') ∈ TRel)"
with Rel_def A6 A7 have B4: "weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
using OC_iff_indRelRTPO_is_weak_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
from Rel_def A5 have B5: "preorder Rel"
using indRelRTPO_is_preorder[where TRel="TRel"]
unfolding preorder_on_def
by blast
from Rel_def A1 A2 A3 A4 have B6: "rel_weakly_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)"
using enc_and_TRel_impl_indRelRTPO_weakly_respects_barbs[where TRel="TRel"]
by blast
hence B7: "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
by blast
show "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
apply (rule exI) using B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 by blast
assume "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
from this obtain Rel where C1: "(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)"
and C2: "TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}"
and C3: "(∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)"
and C4: "weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)" and C5: "preorder Rel"
and C6: "rel_weakly_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)"
by auto
from C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 have "∃Rel.(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel})
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by blast
hence "operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel ∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target"
using OC_wrt_preorder_iff_weak_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
moreover have "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)"
apply (rule exI) using C1 C6 by blast
hence "enc_weakly_respects_barbs"
using enc_weakly_respects_barbs_iff_source_target_rel
by simp
moreover hence "enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success}"
by simp
moreover have "rel_weakly_respects_barbs TRel TWB"
proof auto
fix TP TQ x TP'
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TP ⟼(Calculus TWB)* TP'" and "TP'↓<TWB>x"
hence "TargetTerm TP⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TQ⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using C6
by blast
thus "TQ⇓<TWB>x"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
fix TP TQ x TQ'
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TQ ⟼(Calculus TWB)* TQ'" and "TQ'↓<TWB>x"
hence "TargetTerm TQ⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TP⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using C6
by blast
thus "TP⇓<TWB>x"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
moreover hence "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
by blast
ultimately show "operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target
∧ enc_weakly_respects_barbs ∧ rel_weakly_respects_barbs TRel TWB
∧ enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
by fast
text ‹An encoding is success sensitive and weakly operational corresponding w.r.t. a
correspondence simulation TRel that respects success iff there exists a correspondence
simultion that includes TRel and respects success. The same holds if we consider not only
success sensitiveness but barb sensitiveness in general.›
lemma (in encoding_wrt_barbs) WOC_SS_wrt_preorder_iff_source_target_rel:
fixes success :: "'barbs"
and TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
shows "(weakly_operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation TRel Target
∧ enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success}
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success})
= (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success})"
proof (rule iffI, (erule conjE)+)
assume A1: "rel_weakly_preserves_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and A2: "rel_weakly_reflects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and A3: "enc_weakly_preserves_barb_set {success}"
and A4: "enc_weakly_reflects_barb_set {success}"
and A5: "preorder TRel"
from A5 have A6: "TRel⇧+ = TRel"
using trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding preorder_on_def
by blast
from A5 A6 have A7: "TRel⇧* = TRel"
using reflcl_trancl[of TRel] trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding preorder_on_def refl_on_def
by auto
define Rel where "Rel = indRelRTPO TRel"
hence B1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel"
by (simp add: indRelRTPO.encR)
from Rel_def A6 have B2: "TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(4)[where TRel="TRel"]
by (auto simp add:
from Rel_def A7 have B3: "∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(2)[where TRel="TRel"]
trans_closure_of_TRel_refl_cond[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
assume "operational_complete TRel" and "weakly_operational_sound TRel"
and "weak_reduction_simulation TRel Target"
and "∀P Q Q'. (P, Q) ∈ TRel ∧ Q ⟼Target* Q'
⟶ (∃P'' Q''. P ⟼Target* P'' ∧ Q' ⟼Target* Q'' ∧ (P'', Q'') ∈ TRel)"
with Rel_def A6 A7 have B4: "weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
using WOC_iff_indRelRTPO_is_reduction_correspondence_simulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
from Rel_def A5 have B5: "preorder Rel"
using indRelRTPO_is_preorder[where TRel="TRel"]
unfolding preorder_on_def
by blast
from Rel_def A1 A2 A3 A4 have B6: "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
using enc_and_TRel_impl_indRelRTPO_weakly_respects_success[where TRel="TRel"
and success="success"]
by blast
show "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
apply (rule exI) using B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 by blast
assume "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
from this obtain Rel where C1: "(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)"
and C2: "TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}"
and C3: "(∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)"
and C4: "weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
and C5: "preorder Rel" and C6: "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
by auto
from C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 have "∃Rel.(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel})
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by blast
hence "weakly_operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation TRel Target"
using WOC_wrt_preorder_iff_reduction_correspondence_simulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
moreover have "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
apply (rule exI) using C1 C6 by blast
hence "enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success}"
using success_sensitive_iff_source_target_rel_weakly_respects_success
by simp
moreover have "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
proof auto
fix TP TQ TP'
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TP ⟼(Calculus TWB)* TP'" and "TP'↓<TWB>success"
hence "TargetTerm TP⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TQ⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using C6
by blast
thus "TQ⇓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
fix TP TQ TQ'
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TQ ⟼(Calculus TWB)* TQ'" and "TQ'↓<TWB>success"
hence "TargetTerm TQ⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TP⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using C6
by blast
thus "TP⇓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately show "weakly_operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation TRel Target
∧ enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
by fast
lemma (in encoding_wrt_barbs) WOC_SS_RB_wrt_preorder_iff_source_target_rel:
fixes success :: "'barbs"
and TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
shows "(weakly_operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation TRel Target
∧ enc_weakly_respects_barbs ∧ enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success}
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barbs TRel TWB ∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success})
= (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success})"
proof (rule iffI, (erule conjE)+)
assume A1: "rel_weakly_preserves_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and A2: "rel_weakly_reflects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and A3: "enc_weakly_preserves_barb_set {success}"
and A4: "enc_weakly_reflects_barb_set {success}"
and A5: "preorder TRel"
and A1': "rel_weakly_preserves_barbs TRel TWB" and A2': "rel_weakly_reflects_barbs TRel TWB"
and A3': "enc_weakly_preserves_barbs" and A4': "enc_weakly_reflects_barbs"
from A5 have A6: "TRel⇧+ = TRel"
using trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding preorder_on_def
by blast
from A5 A6 have A7: "TRel⇧* = TRel"
using reflcl_trancl[of TRel] trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding preorder_on_def refl_on_def
by auto
define Rel where "Rel = indRelRTPO TRel"
hence B1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel"
by (simp add: indRelRTPO.encR)
from Rel_def A6 have B2: "TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(4)[where TRel="TRel"]
by (auto simp add:
from Rel_def A7 have B3: "∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(2)[where TRel="TRel"]
trans_closure_of_TRel_refl_cond[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
assume "operational_complete TRel" and "weakly_operational_sound TRel"
and "weak_reduction_simulation TRel Target"
and "∀P Q Q'. (P, Q) ∈ TRel ∧ Q ⟼Target* Q'
⟶ (∃P'' Q''. P ⟼Target* P'' ∧ Q' ⟼Target* Q'' ∧ (P'', Q'') ∈ TRel)"
with Rel_def A6 A7 have B4: "weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
using WOC_iff_indRelRTPO_is_reduction_correspondence_simulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
from Rel_def A5 have B5: "preorder Rel"
using indRelRTPO_is_preorder[where TRel="TRel"]
unfolding preorder_on_def
by blast
from Rel_def A1 A2 A3 A4 have B6: "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
using enc_and_TRel_impl_indRelRTPO_weakly_respects_success[where TRel="TRel"
and success="success"]
by blast
from Rel_def A1' A2' A3' A4' have B7: "rel_weakly_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)"
using enc_and_TRel_impl_indRelRTPO_weakly_respects_barbs[where TRel="TRel"]
by blast
show "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
apply (rule exI) using B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 by blast
assume "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
from this obtain Rel where C1: "(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)"
and C2: "TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}"
and C3: "(∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)"
and C4: "weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
and C5: "preorder Rel" and C7: "rel_weakly_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)"
by auto
from C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 have "∃Rel.(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel})
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by blast
hence "weakly_operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation TRel Target"
using WOC_wrt_preorder_iff_reduction_correspondence_simulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
moreover have "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)"
apply (rule exI) using C1 C7 by blast
hence D1: "enc_weakly_respects_barbs"
using enc_weakly_respects_barbs_iff_source_target_rel
by simp
moreover from D1 have "enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success}"
by simp
moreover have D2: "rel_weakly_respects_barbs TRel TWB"
proof auto
fix TP TQ x TP'
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TP ⟼(Calculus TWB)* TP'" and "TP'↓<TWB>x"
hence "TargetTerm TP⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TQ⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using C7
by blast
thus "TQ⇓<TWB>x"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
fix TP TQ x TQ'
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TQ ⟼(Calculus TWB)* TQ'" and "TQ'↓<TWB>x"
hence "TargetTerm TQ⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TP⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using C7
by blast
thus "TP⇓<TWB>x"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
moreover from D2 have "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
by blast
ultimately show "weakly_operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation TRel Target
∧ enc_weakly_respects_barbs ∧ enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success}
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barbs TRel TWB ∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
by fast
text ‹An encoding is strongly success sensitive and strongly operational corresponding w.r.t. a
strong bisimulation TRel that strongly respects success iff there exists a strong
bisimultion that includes TRel and strongly respects success. The same holds if we consider
not only strong success sensitiveness but strong barb sensitiveness in general.›
lemma (in encoding_wrt_barbs) SOC_SS_wrt_preorder_iff_source_target_rel:
fixes success :: "'barbs"
and TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
shows "(strongly_operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target
∧ enc_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ rel_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success})
= (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success})"
proof (rule iffI, (erule conjE)+)
assume A1: "rel_preserves_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and A2: "rel_reflects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and A3: "enc_preserves_barb_set {success}" and A4: "enc_reflects_barb_set {success}"
and A5: "preorder TRel"
from A5 have A6: "TRel⇧+ = TRel"
using trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding preorder_on_def
by blast
from A5 A6 have A7: "TRel⇧* = TRel"
using reflcl_trancl[of TRel] trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding preorder_on_def refl_on_def
by auto
define Rel where "Rel = indRelRTPO TRel"
hence B1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel"
by (simp add: indRelRTPO.encR)
from Rel_def A6 have B2: "TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(4)[where TRel="TRel"]
by (auto simp add:
from Rel_def A7 have B3: "∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(2)[where TRel="TRel"]
trans_closure_of_TRel_refl_cond[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
assume "strongly_operational_complete TRel" and "strongly_operational_sound TRel"
and "strong_reduction_simulation TRel Target"
and "∀P Q Q'. (P, Q) ∈ TRel ∧ Q ⟼Target Q' ⟶ (∃P'. P ⟼Target P' ∧ (P', Q') ∈ TRel)"
with Rel_def A6 A7 have B4: "strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
using SOC_iff_indRelRTPO_is_strong_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
from Rel_def A5 have B5: "preorder Rel"
using indRelRTPO_is_preorder[where TRel="TRel"]
unfolding preorder_on_def
by blast
from Rel_def A1 A2 A3 A4 have B6: "rel_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
using enc_and_TRel_impl_indRelRTPO_respects_success[where TRel="TRel" and success="success"]
by blast
show "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
apply (rule exI) using B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 by blast
assume "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
from this obtain Rel where C1: "(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)"
and C2: "TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}"
and C3: "(∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)"
and C4: "strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)" and C5: "preorder Rel"
and C6: "rel_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
by auto
from C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 have "∃Rel.(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel})
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by blast
hence "strongly_operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target"
using SOC_wrt_preorder_iff_strong_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
moreover have "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ rel_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
apply (rule exI) using C1 C6 by blast
hence "enc_respects_barb_set {success}"
using success_sensitive_iff_source_target_rel_respects_success
by simp
moreover have "rel_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
proof auto
fix TP TQ
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TP↓<TWB>success"
hence "TargetTerm TP↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TQ↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using C6
by blast
thus "TQ↓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
fix TP TQ
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TQ↓<TWB>success"
hence "TargetTerm TQ↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TP↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using C6
by blast
thus "TP↓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
ultimately show "strongly_operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target
∧ enc_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ rel_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
by fast
lemma (in encoding_wrt_barbs) SOC_SS_RB_wrt_preorder_iff_source_target_rel:
fixes success :: "'barbs"
and TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
shows "(strongly_operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target
∧ enc_respects_barbs ∧ rel_respects_barbs TRel TWB
∧ enc_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ rel_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success})
= (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)
∧ rel_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success})"
proof (rule iffI, (erule conjE)+)
assume A1: "rel_preserves_barbs TRel TWB" and A2: "rel_reflects_barbs TRel TWB"
and A3: "enc_preserves_barbs" and A4: "enc_reflects_barbs"
and A5: "preorder TRel"
from A5 have A6: "TRel⇧+ = TRel"
using trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding preorder_on_def
by blast
from A5 have A7: "TRel⇧* = TRel"
using reflcl_trancl[of TRel] trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding preorder_on_def refl_on_def
by auto
define Rel where "Rel = indRelRTPO TRel"
hence B1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel"
by (simp add: indRelRTPO.encR)
from Rel_def A6 have B2: "TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(4)[where TRel="TRel"]
by (auto simp add:
from Rel_def A7 have B3: "∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(2)[where TRel="TRel"]
trans_closure_of_TRel_refl_cond[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
assume "strongly_operational_complete TRel" and "strongly_operational_sound TRel"
and "strong_reduction_simulation TRel Target"
and "∀P Q Q'. (P, Q) ∈ TRel ∧ Q ⟼Target Q' ⟶ (∃P'. P ⟼Target P' ∧ (P', Q') ∈ TRel)"
with Rel_def A6 A7 have B4: "strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
using SOC_iff_indRelRTPO_is_strong_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
from Rel_def A5 have B5: "preorder Rel"
using indRelRTPO_is_preorder[where TRel="TRel"]
unfolding preorder_on_def
by blast
from Rel_def A1 A2 A3 A4 have B6: "rel_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)"
using enc_and_TRel_impl_indRelRTPO_respects_barbs[where TRel="TRel"]
by blast
hence B7: "rel_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
by blast
show "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)
∧ rel_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
apply (rule exI) using B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 by blast
assume "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)
∧ rel_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
from this obtain Rel where C1: "(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)"
and C2: "TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}"
and C3: "(∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)"
and C4: "strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)" and C5: "preorder Rel"
and C6: "rel_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)"
by auto
from C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 have "∃Rel.(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel})
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by blast
hence "strongly_operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target"
using SOC_wrt_preorder_iff_strong_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
moreover have "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ rel_respects_barbs Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB)"
apply (rule exI) using C1 C6 by blast
hence "enc_respects_barbs"
using enc_respects_barbs_iff_source_target_rel
by simp
moreover hence "enc_respects_barb_set {success}"
by simp
moreover have "rel_respects_barbs TRel TWB"
proof auto
fix TP TQ x
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TP↓<TWB>x"
hence "TargetTerm TP↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TQ↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using C6
by blast
thus "TQ↓<TWB>x"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
fix TP TQ x
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TQ↓<TWB>x"
hence "TargetTerm TQ↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TP↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>x"
using C6
by blast
thus "TP↓<TWB>x"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
moreover hence "rel_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
by blast
ultimately show "strongly_operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target
∧ enc_respects_barbs ∧ rel_respects_barbs TRel TWB
∧ enc_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ rel_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
by fast
text ‹Next we also add divergence reflection to operational correspondence and success
lemma (in encoding) enc_and_TRelimpl_indRelRTPO_reflect_divergence:
fixes TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
assumes encRD: "enc_reflects_divergence"
and trelRD: "rel_reflects_divergence TRel Target"
shows "rel_reflects_divergence (indRelRTPO TRel) (STCal Source Target)"
proof auto
fix P Q
assume "P ≲⟦⋅⟧RT<TRel> Q" and "Q ⟼(STCal Source Target)ω"
thus "P ⟼(STCal Source Target)ω"
proof induct
case (encR S)
assume "TargetTerm (⟦S⟧) ⟼(STCal Source Target)ω"
hence "⟦S⟧ ⟼(Target)ω"
by (simp add: STCal_divergent(2))
with encRD have "S ⟼(Source)ω"
by simp
thus "SourceTerm S ⟼(STCal Source Target)ω"
by (simp add: STCal_divergent(1))
case (source S)
assume "SourceTerm S ⟼(STCal Source Target)ω"
thus "SourceTerm S ⟼(STCal Source Target)ω"
by simp
case (target T1 T2)
assume "(T1, T2) ∈ TRel"
moreover assume "TargetTerm T2 ⟼(STCal Source Target)ω"
hence "T2 ⟼(Target)ω"
by (simp add: STCal_divergent(2))
ultimately have "T1 ⟼(Target)ω"
using trelRD
by blast
thus "TargetTerm T1 ⟼(STCal Source Target)ω"
by (simp add: STCal_divergent(2))
case (trans P Q R)
assume "R ⟼(STCal Source Target)ω"
and "R ⟼(STCal Source Target)ω ⟹ Q ⟼(STCal Source Target)ω"
and "Q ⟼(STCal Source Target)ω ⟹ P ⟼(STCal Source Target)ω"
thus "P ⟼(STCal Source Target)ω"
by simp
lemma (in encoding_wrt_barbs) OC_SS_DR_iff_source_target_rel:
fixes success :: "'barbs"
and TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
shows "(operational_corresponding (TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation (TRel⇧+) Target
∧ enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success}
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}
∧ enc_reflects_divergence ∧ rel_reflects_divergence TRel Target)
= (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+)
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
∧ rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target))"
proof (rule iffI, (erule conjE)+)
assume A1: "rel_weakly_preserves_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and A2: "rel_weakly_reflects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and A3: "enc_weakly_preserves_barb_set {success}"
and A4: "enc_weakly_reflects_barb_set {success}"
and A5: "rel_reflects_divergence TRel Target" and A6: "enc_reflects_divergence"
define Rel where "Rel = indRelRTPO TRel"
hence B1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel"
by (simp add: indRelRTPO.encR)
from Rel_def have B2: "∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel"
by (simp add:
from Rel_def have B3: "∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+"
by (simp add: indRelRTPO_to_TRel(4)[where TRel="TRel"])
from Rel_def have B4: "∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(2)[where TRel="TRel"]
trans_closure_of_TRel_refl_cond[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
assume "operational_complete (TRel⇧*)"
and "operational_sound (TRel⇧*)"
and "weak_reduction_simulation (TRel⇧+) Target"
and "∀P Q Q'. (P, Q) ∈ TRel⇧+ ∧ Q ⟼Target* Q'
⟶ (∃P'. P ⟼Target* P' ∧ (P', Q') ∈ TRel⇧+)"
with Rel_def have B5: "weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
using OC_iff_indRelRTPO_is_weak_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
from Rel_def A1 A2 A3 A4 have B6: "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
using enc_and_TRel_impl_indRelRTPO_weakly_respects_success[where TRel="TRel"
and success="success"]
by blast
from Rel_def A5 A6 have B7: "rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)"
using enc_and_TRelimpl_indRelRTPO_reflect_divergence[where TRel="TRel"]
by blast
show "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+)
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
∧ rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)"
apply (rule exI) using B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 by blast
assume "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+)
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
∧ rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)"
from this obtain Rel where C1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel"
and C2: "∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel"
and C3: "∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+"
and C4: "∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*"
and C5: "weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
and C6: "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
and C7: "rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by auto
from C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 have "∃Rel.(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+)
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by blast
hence "operational_corresponding (TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation (TRel⇧+) Target"
using OC_iff_weak_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by auto
moreover have "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
∧ rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)"
apply (rule exI) using C1 C6 C7 by blast
hence "enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ enc_reflects_divergence"
using WSS_DR_iff_source_target_rel
by auto
moreover have "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
proof auto
fix TP TQ TP'
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TP ⟼(Calculus TWB)* TP'" and "TP'↓<TWB>success"
hence "TargetTerm TP⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TQ⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using C6
by blast
thus "TQ⇓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
fix TP TQ TQ'
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TQ ⟼(Calculus TWB)* TQ'" and "TQ'↓<TWB>success"
hence "TargetTerm TQ⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TP⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using C6
by blast
thus "TP⇓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
moreover from C2 C7 have "rel_reflects_divergence TRel Target"
using STCal_divergent(2)
by blast
ultimately show "operational_corresponding (TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation (TRel⇧+) Target
∧ enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}
∧ enc_reflects_divergence ∧ rel_reflects_divergence TRel Target"
by fast
lemma (in encoding_wrt_barbs) WOC_SS_DR_wrt_preorder_iff_source_target_rel:
fixes success :: "'barbs"
and TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
shows "(weakly_operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation TRel Target
∧ enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success}
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}
∧ enc_reflects_divergence ∧ rel_reflects_divergence TRel Target)
= (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
∧ rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target))"
proof (rule iffI, (erule conjE)+)
assume A1: "rel_weakly_preserves_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and A2: "rel_weakly_reflects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and A3: "enc_weakly_preserves_barb_set {success}"
and A4: "enc_weakly_reflects_barb_set {success}"
and A5: "rel_reflects_divergence TRel Target" and A6: "enc_reflects_divergence"
and A7: "preorder TRel"
from A7 have A8: "TRel⇧+ = TRel"
using trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding preorder_on_def
by blast
from A7 have A9: "TRel⇧* = TRel"
using reflcl_trancl[of TRel] trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding preorder_on_def refl_on_def
by auto
define Rel where "Rel = indRelRTPO TRel"
hence B1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel"
by (simp add: indRelRTPO.encR)
from Rel_def A8 have B2: "TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(4)[where TRel="TRel"]
by (auto simp add:
from Rel_def A9 have B3: "∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(2)[where TRel="TRel"]
trans_closure_of_TRel_refl_cond[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
assume "operational_complete TRel" and "weakly_operational_sound TRel" and "preorder TRel"
and "weak_reduction_simulation TRel Target"
and "∀P Q Q'. (P, Q) ∈ TRel ∧ Q ⟼Target* Q'
⟶ (∃P'' Q''. P ⟼Target* P'' ∧ Q' ⟼Target* Q'' ∧ (P'', Q'') ∈ TRel)"
with Rel_def A8 A9 have B4: "weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
using WOC_iff_indRelRTPO_is_reduction_correspondence_simulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
from Rel_def A7 have B5: "preorder Rel"
using indRelRTPO_is_preorder[where TRel="TRel"]
unfolding preorder_on_def
by simp
from Rel_def A1 A2 A3 A4 have B6: "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
using enc_and_TRel_impl_indRelRTPO_weakly_respects_success[where TRel="TRel"
and success="success"]
by blast
from Rel_def A5 A6 have B7: "rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)"
using enc_and_TRelimpl_indRelRTPO_reflect_divergence[where TRel="TRel"]
by blast
show "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
∧ rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)"
apply (rule exI) using B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 by blast
assume "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
∧ rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)"
from this obtain Rel where C1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel"
and C2: "TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}"
and C3: "∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel"
and C4: "weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
and C5: "preorder Rel" and C6: "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
and C7: "rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by auto
from C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 have "∃Rel.(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by blast
hence "weakly_operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation TRel Target"
using WOC_wrt_preorder_iff_reduction_correspondence_simulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
moreover have "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
∧ rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)"
apply (rule exI) using C1 C6 C7 by blast
hence "enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ enc_reflects_divergence"
using WSS_DR_iff_source_target_rel
by simp
moreover have "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
proof auto
fix TP TQ TP'
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TP ⟼(Calculus TWB)* TP'" and "TP'↓<TWB>success"
hence "TargetTerm TP⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TQ⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using C6
by blast
thus "TQ⇓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
fix TP TQ TQ'
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TQ ⟼(Calculus TWB)* TQ'" and "TQ'↓<TWB>success"
hence "TargetTerm TQ⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TP⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using C6
by blast
thus "TP⇓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
moreover from C2 C7 have "rel_reflects_divergence TRel Target"
using STCal_divergent(2)
by blast
show "weakly_operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel
∧ weak_reduction_correspondence_simulation TRel Target
∧ enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}
∧ enc_reflects_divergence ∧ rel_reflects_divergence TRel Target"
by fast
lemma (in encoding_wrt_barbs) OC_SS_DR_wrt_preorder_iff_source_target_rel:
fixes success :: "'barbs"
and TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
shows "(operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel ∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target
∧ enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success}
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}
∧ enc_reflects_divergence ∧ rel_reflects_divergence TRel Target)
= (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
∧ rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target))"
proof (rule iffI, (erule conjE)+)
assume A1: "rel_weakly_preserves_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and A2: "rel_weakly_reflects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and A3: "enc_weakly_preserves_barb_set {success}"
and A4: "enc_weakly_reflects_barb_set {success}"
and A5: "rel_reflects_divergence TRel Target" and A6: "enc_reflects_divergence"
and A7: "preorder TRel"
from A7 have A8: "TRel⇧+ = TRel"
using trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding preorder_on_def
by blast
from A7 have A9: "TRel⇧* = TRel"
using reflcl_trancl[of TRel] trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding preorder_on_def refl_on_def
by auto
define Rel where "Rel = indRelRTPO TRel"
hence B1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel"
by (simp add: indRelRTPO.encR)
from Rel_def A8 have B2: "TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(4)[where TRel="TRel"]
by (auto simp add:
from Rel_def A9 have B3: "∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(2)[where TRel="TRel"]
trans_closure_of_TRel_refl_cond[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
assume "operational_complete TRel" and "operational_sound TRel" and "preorder TRel"
and "weak_reduction_simulation TRel Target"
and "∀P Q Q'. (P, Q) ∈ TRel ∧ Q ⟼Target* Q' ⟶ (∃P'. P ⟼Target* P' ∧ (P', Q') ∈ TRel)"
with Rel_def A8 A9 have B4: "weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
using OC_iff_indRelRTPO_is_weak_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
from Rel_def A7 have B5: "preorder Rel"
using indRelRTPO_is_preorder[where TRel="TRel"]
unfolding preorder_on_def
by simp
from Rel_def A1 A2 A3 A4 have B6: "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
using enc_and_TRel_impl_indRelRTPO_weakly_respects_success[where TRel="TRel"
and success="success"]
by blast
from Rel_def A5 A6 have B7: "rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)"
using enc_and_TRelimpl_indRelRTPO_reflect_divergence[where TRel="TRel"]
by blast
show "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
∧ rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)"
apply (rule exI) using B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 by blast
assume "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
∧ rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)"
from this obtain Rel where C1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel"
and C2: "TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}"
and C3: "∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel"
and C4: "weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)" and C5: "preorder Rel"
and C6: "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
and C7: "rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by auto
from C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 have "∃Rel.(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by blast
hence "operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel ∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target"
using OC_wrt_preorder_iff_weak_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
moreover have "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
∧ rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)"
apply (rule exI) using C1 C6 C7 by blast
hence "enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ enc_reflects_divergence"
using WSS_DR_iff_source_target_rel
by simp
moreover have "rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
proof auto
fix TP TQ TP'
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TP ⟼(Calculus TWB)* TP'" and "TP'↓<TWB>success"
hence "TargetTerm TP⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TQ⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using C6
by blast
thus "TQ⇓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
fix TP TQ TQ'
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TQ ⟼(Calculus TWB)* TQ'" and "TQ'↓<TWB>success"
hence "TargetTerm TQ⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TP⇓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using C6
by blast
thus "TP⇓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_reachesBarbST
by blast
moreover from C2 C7 have "rel_reflects_divergence TRel Target"
using STCal_divergent(2)
by blast
show "operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel ∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target
∧ enc_weakly_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ rel_weakly_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}
∧ enc_reflects_divergence ∧ rel_reflects_divergence TRel Target"
by fast
lemma (in encoding_wrt_barbs) SOC_SS_DR_wrt_preorder_iff_source_target_rel:
fixes success :: "'barbs"
and TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
shows "(strongly_operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target
∧ enc_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ rel_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}
∧ enc_reflects_divergence ∧ rel_reflects_divergence TRel Target)
= (∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
∧ rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target))"
proof (rule iffI, (erule conjE)+)
assume A1: "rel_preserves_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and A2: "rel_reflects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
and A3: "enc_preserves_barb_set {success}" and A4: "enc_reflects_barb_set {success}"
and A5: "rel_reflects_divergence TRel Target" and A6: "enc_reflects_divergence"
and A7: "preorder TRel"
from A7 have A8: "TRel⇧+ = TRel"
using trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding preorder_on_def
by blast
from A7 have A9: "TRel⇧* = TRel"
using reflcl_trancl[of TRel] trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding preorder_on_def refl_on_def
by auto
define Rel where "Rel = indRelRTPO TRel"
hence B1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel"
by (simp add: indRelRTPO.encR)
from Rel_def A8 have B2: "TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(4)[where TRel="TRel"]
by (auto simp add:
from Rel_def A9 have B3: "∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel"
using indRelRTPO_to_TRel(2)[where TRel="TRel"]
trans_closure_of_TRel_refl_cond[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
assume "strongly_operational_complete TRel" and "strongly_operational_sound TRel"
and "preorder TRel" and "strong_reduction_simulation TRel Target"
and "∀P Q Q'. (P, Q) ∈ TRel ∧ Q ⟼Target Q' ⟶ (∃P'. P ⟼Target P' ∧ (P', Q') ∈ TRel)"
with Rel_def A8 A9 have B4: "strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
using SOC_iff_indRelRTPO_is_strong_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
from Rel_def A7 have B5: "preorder Rel"
using indRelRTPO_is_preorder[where TRel="TRel"]
unfolding preorder_on_def
by simp
from Rel_def A1 A2 A3 A4 have B6: "rel_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
using enc_and_TRel_impl_indRelRTPO_respects_success[where TRel="TRel" and success="success"]
by blast
from Rel_def A5 A6 have B7: "rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)"
using enc_and_TRelimpl_indRelRTPO_reflect_divergence[where TRel="TRel"]
by blast
show "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
∧ rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)"
apply (rule exI) using B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 by blast
assume "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel)
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ rel_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
∧ rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)"
from this obtain Rel where C1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel"
and C2: "TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}"
and C3: "∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel"
and C4: "strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)" and C5: "preorder Rel"
and C6: "rel_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}"
and C7: "rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by auto
from C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 have "∃Rel.(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel) ∧ preorder Rel
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by blast
hence "strongly_operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target"
using SOC_wrt_preorder_iff_strong_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by simp
moreover have "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ rel_respects_barb_set Rel (STCalWB SWB TWB) {success}
∧ rel_reflects_divergence Rel (STCal Source Target)"
apply (rule exI) using C1 C6 C7 by blast
hence "enc_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ enc_reflects_divergence"
using SS_DR_iff_source_target_rel
by simp
moreover have "rel_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}"
proof auto
fix TP TQ
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TP↓<TWB>success"
hence "TargetTerm TP↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TQ↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using C6
by blast
thus "TQ↓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
fix TP TQ
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with C2 have "(TargetTerm TP, TargetTerm TQ) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "TQ↓<TWB>success"
hence "TargetTerm TQ↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
ultimately have "TargetTerm TP↓<STCalWB SWB TWB>success"
using C6
by blast
thus "TP↓<TWB>success"
using STCalWB_hasBarbST
by blast
moreover from C2 C7 have "rel_reflects_divergence TRel Target"
using STCal_divergent(2)
by blast
ultimately show "strongly_operational_corresponding TRel ∧ preorder TRel
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target
∧ enc_respects_barb_set {success} ∧ rel_respects_barb_set TRel TWB {success}
∧ enc_reflects_divergence ∧ rel_reflects_divergence TRel Target"
by fast
subsection ‹Full Abstraction and Operational Correspondence›
text ‹To combine full abstraction and operational correspondence we consider a symmetric version
of the induced relation and assume that the relations SRel and TRel are equivalences. Then
an encoding is fully abstract w.r.t. SRel and TRel and operationally corresponding w.r.t.
TRel such that TRel is a bisimulation iff the induced relation contains both SRel and TRel
and is a transitive bisimulation.›
lemma (in encoding) FS_OC_modulo_equivalences_iff_source_target_relation:
fixes SRel :: "('procS × 'procS) set"
and TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
assumes eqS: "equivalence SRel"
and eqT: "equivalence TRel"
shows "fully_abstract SRel TRel
∧ operational_corresponding TRel ∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target
⟷ (∃Rel.
(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel ∧ (TargetTerm (⟦S⟧), SourceTerm S) ∈ Rel)
∧ SRel = {(S1, S2). (SourceTerm S1, SourceTerm S2) ∈ Rel}
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ trans Rel ∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target))"
proof (rule iffI, erule conjE, erule conjE)
assume A1: "fully_abstract SRel TRel" and A2: "operational_corresponding TRel"
and A3: "weak_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target"
from eqT have A4: "TRel⇧* = TRel"
using reflcl_trancl[of TRel] trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding equiv_def refl_on_def
by auto
have A5:
"∀S. SourceTerm S ∼⟦⋅⟧T<TRel> TargetTerm (⟦S⟧) ∧ TargetTerm (⟦S⟧) ∼⟦⋅⟧T<TRel> SourceTerm S"
by (simp add: indRelTEQ.encR indRelTEQ.encL)
moreover from A4 have A6: "TRel = {(T1, T2). TargetTerm T1 ∼⟦⋅⟧T<TRel> TargetTerm T2}"
using indRelTEQ_to_TRel(4)[where TRel="TRel"]
trans_closure_of_TRel_refl_cond[where TRel="TRel"]
by (auto simp add:
moreover have A7: "trans (indRelTEQ TRel)"
using indRelTEQ.trans[where TRel="TRel"]
unfolding trans_def
by blast
moreover have "SRel = {(S1, S2). SourceTerm S1 ∼⟦⋅⟧T<TRel> SourceTerm S2}"
proof -
from A6 have "∀S1 S2. ((⟦S1⟧, ⟦S2⟧) ∈ TRel) = TargetTerm (⟦S1⟧) ∼⟦⋅⟧T<TRel> TargetTerm (⟦S2⟧)"
by blast
moreover have "indRelTEQ TRel ∪ {(P, Q). ∃S. ⟦S⟧ ∈T P ∧ S ∈S Q} = indRelTEQ TRel"
by (auto simp add: indRelTEQ.encL)
with A7 have "trans (indRelTEQ TRel ∪ {(P, Q). ∃S. ⟦S⟧ ∈T P ∧ S ∈S Q})"
unfolding trans_def
by blast
ultimately show "SRel = {(S1, S2). SourceTerm S1 ∼⟦⋅⟧T<TRel> SourceTerm S2}"
using A1 A5 full_abstraction_and_trans_relation_contains_TRel_impl_SRel[where
SRel="SRel" and TRel="TRel" and Rel="indRelTEQ TRel"]
by blast
moreover from eqT A2 A3 have "weak_reduction_bisimulation (indRelTEQ TRel) (STCal Source Target)"
using OC_wrt_equivalence_iff_indRelTEQ_weak_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by blast
show "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel ∧ (TargetTerm (⟦S⟧), SourceTerm S) ∈ Rel)
∧ SRel = {(S1, S2). (SourceTerm S1, SourceTerm S2) ∈ Rel}
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ trans Rel ∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by blast
"∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel ∧ (TargetTerm (⟦S⟧), SourceTerm S) ∈ Rel)
∧ SRel = {(S1, S2). (SourceTerm S1, SourceTerm S2) ∈ Rel}
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}
∧ trans Rel ∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
from this obtain Rel where
B1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel ∧ (TargetTerm (⟦S⟧), SourceTerm S) ∈ Rel"
and B2: "SRel = {(S1, S2). (SourceTerm S1, SourceTerm S2) ∈ Rel}"
and B3: "TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}"
and B4: "trans Rel" and B5: "weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by blast
from B1 B2 B3 B4 have "fully_abstract SRel TRel"
using trans_source_target_relation_impl_fully_abstract[where Rel="Rel" and SRel="SRel"
and TRel="TRel"]
by blast
moreover have "operational_corresponding TRel ∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target"
proof -
from eqT have C1: "TRel⇧+ = TRel"
using trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding equiv_def
by blast
from eqT have C2: "TRel⇧* = TRel"
using reflcl_trancl[of TRel] trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding equiv_def refl_on_def
by auto
from B1 have "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover from B3 have "∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover from B3 C1 have "∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+"
by simp
moreover have "∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*"
proof clarify
fix S T
from B1 have "(TargetTerm (⟦S⟧), SourceTerm S) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "(SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel"
ultimately have "(TargetTerm (⟦S⟧), TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel"
using B4
unfolding trans_def
by blast
with B3 C2 show "(⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*"
by simp
ultimately have "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+)
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*)
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
using B5
by blast
with C1 C2 show "operational_corresponding TRel ∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target"
using OC_iff_weak_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by auto
ultimately show "fully_abstract SRel TRel ∧ operational_corresponding TRel
∧ weak_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target"
by simp
lemma (in encoding) FA_SOC_modulo_equivalences_iff_source_target_relation:
fixes SRel :: "('procS × 'procS) set"
and TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
assumes eqS: "equivalence SRel"
and eqT: "equivalence TRel"
shows "fully_abstract SRel TRel ∧ strongly_operational_corresponding TRel
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target ⟷ (∃Rel.
(∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel ∧ (TargetTerm (⟦S⟧), SourceTerm S) ∈ Rel)
∧ SRel = {(S1, S2). (SourceTerm S1, SourceTerm S2) ∈ Rel}
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel} ∧ trans Rel
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target))"
proof (rule iffI, erule conjE, erule conjE)
assume A1: "fully_abstract SRel TRel" and A2: "strongly_operational_corresponding TRel"
and A3: "strong_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target"
from eqT have A4: "TRel⇧* = TRel"
using reflcl_trancl[of TRel] trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding equiv_def refl_on_def
by auto
have A5:
"∀S. SourceTerm S ∼⟦⋅⟧T<TRel> TargetTerm (⟦S⟧) ∧ TargetTerm (⟦S⟧) ∼⟦⋅⟧T<TRel> SourceTerm S"
by (simp add: indRelTEQ.encR indRelTEQ.encL)
moreover from A4 have A6: "TRel = {(T1, T2). TargetTerm T1 ∼⟦⋅⟧T<TRel> TargetTerm T2}"
using indRelTEQ_to_TRel(4)[where TRel="TRel"]
trans_closure_of_TRel_refl_cond[where TRel="TRel"]
by (auto simp add:
moreover have A7: "trans (indRelTEQ TRel)"
using indRelTEQ.trans[where TRel="TRel"]
unfolding trans_def
by blast
moreover have "SRel = {(S1, S2). SourceTerm S1 ∼⟦⋅⟧T<TRel> SourceTerm S2}"
proof -
from A6 have "∀S1 S2. ((⟦S1⟧, ⟦S2⟧) ∈ TRel) = TargetTerm (⟦S1⟧) ∼⟦⋅⟧T<TRel> TargetTerm (⟦S2⟧)"
by blast
moreover have "indRelTEQ TRel ∪ {(P, Q). ∃S. ⟦S⟧ ∈T P ∧ S ∈S Q} = indRelTEQ TRel"
by (auto simp add: indRelTEQ.encL)
with A7 have "trans (indRelTEQ TRel ∪ {(P, Q). ∃S. ⟦S⟧ ∈T P ∧ S ∈S Q})"
unfolding trans_def
by blast
ultimately show "SRel = {(S1, S2). SourceTerm S1 ∼⟦⋅⟧T<TRel> SourceTerm S2}"
using A1 A5 full_abstraction_and_trans_relation_contains_TRel_impl_SRel[where
SRel="SRel" and TRel="TRel" and Rel="indRelTEQ TRel"]
by blast
moreover from eqT A2 A3 have "strong_reduction_bisimulation (indRelTEQ TRel) (STCal Source Target)"
using SOC_wrt_equivalence_iff_indRelTEQ_strong_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by blast
show "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel ∧ (TargetTerm (⟦S⟧), SourceTerm S) ∈ Rel)
∧ SRel = {(S1, S2). (SourceTerm S1, SourceTerm S2) ∈ Rel}
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel} ∧ trans Rel
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by blast
"∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel ∧ (TargetTerm (⟦S⟧), SourceTerm S) ∈ Rel)
∧ SRel = {(S1, S2). (SourceTerm S1, SourceTerm S2) ∈ Rel}
∧ TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel} ∧ trans Rel
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
from this obtain Rel where
B1: "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel ∧ (TargetTerm (⟦S⟧), SourceTerm S) ∈ Rel"
and B2: "SRel = {(S1, S2). (SourceTerm S1, SourceTerm S2) ∈ Rel}"
and B3: "TRel = {(T1, T2). (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel}" and B4: "trans Rel"
and B5: "strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
by blast
from B1 B2 B3 B4 have "fully_abstract SRel TRel"
using trans_source_target_relation_impl_fully_abstract[where Rel="Rel" and SRel="SRel"
and TRel="TRel"]
by blast
have "strongly_operational_corresponding TRel ∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target"
proof -
from eqT have C1: "TRel⇧+ = TRel"
using trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding equiv_def refl_on_def
by blast
from eqT have C2: "TRel⇧* = TRel"
using reflcl_trancl[of TRel] trancl_id[of TRel]
unfolding equiv_def refl_on_def
by auto
from B1 have "∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover from B3 have "∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover from B3 C1
have "∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+"
by simp
moreover have "∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*"
proof clarify
fix S T
from B1 have "(TargetTerm (⟦S⟧), SourceTerm S) ∈ Rel"
by simp
moreover assume "(SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel"
ultimately have "(TargetTerm (⟦S⟧), TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel"
using B4
unfolding trans_def
by blast
with B3 C2 show "(⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*"
by simp
ultimately have "∃Rel. (∀S. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm (⟦S⟧)) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (T1, T2) ∈ TRel ⟶ (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel)
∧ (∀T1 T2. (TargetTerm T1, TargetTerm T2) ∈ Rel ⟶ (T1, T2) ∈ TRel⇧+)
∧ (∀S T. (SourceTerm S, TargetTerm T) ∈ Rel ⟶ (⟦S⟧, T) ∈ TRel⇧*)
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation Rel (STCal Source Target)"
using B5
by blast
with C1 C2
show "strongly_operational_corresponding TRel ∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target"
using SOC_iff_strong_reduction_bisimulation[where TRel="TRel"]
by auto
ultimately show "fully_abstract SRel TRel ∧ strongly_operational_corresponding TRel
∧ strong_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target"
by simp
text ‹An encoding that is fully abstract w.r.t. the equivalences SRel and TRel and operationally
corresponding w.r.t. TRel ensures that SRel is a bisimulation iff TRel is a bisimulation.
lemma (in encoding) FA_and_OC_and_TRel_impl_SRel_bisimulation:
fixes SRel :: "('procS × 'procS) set"
and TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
assumes fullAbs: "fully_abstract SRel TRel"
and opCom: "operational_complete TRel"
and opSou: "operational_sound TRel"
and symmT: "sym TRel"
and transT: "trans TRel"
and bisimT: "weak_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target"
shows "weak_reduction_bisimulation SRel Source"
proof auto
fix SP SQ SP'
assume "SP ⟼Source* SP'"
with opCom obtain TP' where A1: "⟦SP⟧ ⟼Target* TP'" and A2: "(⟦SP'⟧, TP') ∈ TRel"
by blast
assume "(SP, SQ) ∈ SRel"
with fullAbs have "(⟦SP⟧, ⟦SQ⟧) ∈ TRel"
by simp
with bisimT A1 obtain TQ' where A3: "⟦SQ⟧ ⟼Target* TQ'" and A4: "(TP', TQ') ∈ TRel"
by blast
from A3 opSou obtain SQ' where A5: "SQ ⟼Source* SQ'" and A6: "(⟦SQ'⟧, TQ') ∈ TRel"
by blast
from A2 A4 A6 symmT transT have "(⟦SP'⟧, ⟦SQ'⟧) ∈ TRel"
unfolding trans_def sym_def
by blast
with fullAbs A5 show "∃SQ'. SQ ⟼Source* SQ' ∧ (SP', SQ') ∈ SRel"
by blast
fix SP SQ SQ'
assume "SQ ⟼Source* SQ'"
with opCom obtain TQ' where B1: "⟦SQ⟧ ⟼Target* TQ'" and B2: "(⟦SQ'⟧, TQ') ∈ TRel"
by blast
assume "(SP, SQ) ∈ SRel"
with fullAbs have "(⟦SP⟧, ⟦SQ⟧) ∈ TRel"
by simp
with bisimT B1 obtain TP' where B3: "⟦SP⟧ ⟼Target* TP'" and B4: "(TP', TQ') ∈ TRel"
by blast
from B3 opSou obtain SP' where B5: "SP ⟼Source* SP'" and B6: "(⟦SP'⟧, TP') ∈ TRel"
by blast
from B2 B4 B6 symmT transT have "(⟦SP'⟧, ⟦SQ'⟧) ∈ TRel"
unfolding trans_def sym_def
by blast
with fullAbs B5 show "∃SP'. SP ⟼Source* SP' ∧ (SP', SQ') ∈ SRel"
by blast
lemma (in encoding) FA_and_SOC_and_TRel_impl_SRel_strong_bisimulation:
fixes SRel :: "('procS × 'procS) set"
and TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
assumes fullAbs: "fully_abstract SRel TRel"
and opCom: "strongly_operational_complete TRel"
and opSou: "strongly_operational_sound TRel"
and symmT: "sym TRel"
and transT: "trans TRel"
and bisimT: "strong_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target"
shows "strong_reduction_bisimulation SRel Source"
proof auto
fix SP SQ SP'
assume "SP ⟼Source SP'"
with opCom obtain TP' where A1: "⟦SP⟧ ⟼Target TP'" and A2: "(⟦SP'⟧, TP') ∈ TRel"
by blast
assume "(SP, SQ) ∈ SRel"
with fullAbs have "(⟦SP⟧, ⟦SQ⟧) ∈ TRel"
by simp
with bisimT A1 obtain TQ' where A3: "⟦SQ⟧ ⟼Target TQ'" and A4: "(TP', TQ') ∈ TRel"
by blast
from A3 opSou obtain SQ' where A5: "SQ ⟼Source SQ'" and A6: "(⟦SQ'⟧, TQ') ∈ TRel"
by blast
from A2 A4 A6 symmT transT have "(⟦SP'⟧, ⟦SQ'⟧) ∈ TRel"
unfolding trans_def sym_def
by blast
with fullAbs A5 show "∃SQ'. SQ ⟼Source SQ' ∧ (SP', SQ') ∈ SRel"
by blast
fix SP SQ SQ'
assume "SQ ⟼Source SQ'"
with opCom obtain TQ' where B1: "⟦SQ⟧ ⟼Target TQ'" and B2: "(⟦SQ'⟧, TQ') ∈ TRel"
by blast
assume "(SP, SQ) ∈ SRel"
with fullAbs have "(⟦SP⟧, ⟦SQ⟧) ∈ TRel"
by simp
with bisimT B1 obtain TP' where B3: "⟦SP⟧ ⟼Target TP'" and B4: "(TP', TQ') ∈ TRel"
by blast
from B3 opSou obtain SP' where B5: "SP ⟼Source SP'" and B6: "(⟦SP'⟧, TP') ∈ TRel"
by blast
from B2 B4 B6 symmT transT have "(⟦SP'⟧, ⟦SQ'⟧) ∈ TRel"
unfolding trans_def sym_def
by blast
with fullAbs B5 show "∃SP'. SP ⟼Source SP' ∧ (SP', SQ') ∈ SRel"
by blast
lemma (in encoding) FA_and_OC_impl_SRel_iff_TRel_bisimulation:
fixes SRel :: "('procS × 'procS) set"
and TRel :: "('procT × 'procT) set"
assumes fullAbs: "fully_abstract SRel TRel"
and opCor: "operational_corresponding TRel"
and symmT: "sym TRel"
and transT: "trans TRel"
and surj: "∀T. ∃S. T = ⟦S⟧"
shows "weak_reduction_bisimulation SRel Source ⟷ weak_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target"
assume bisimS: "weak_reduction_bisimulation SRel Source"
have "weak_reduction_simulation TRel Target"
proof clarify
fix TP TQ TP'
from surj have "∃S. TP = ⟦S⟧"
by simp
from this obtain SP where A1: "⟦SP⟧ = TP"
by blast
from surj have "∃S. TQ = ⟦S⟧"
by simp
from this obtain SQ where A2: "⟦SQ⟧ = TQ"
by blast
assume "TP ⟼Target* TP'"
with opCor A1 obtain SP' where A3: "SP ⟼Source* SP'" and A4: "(⟦SP'⟧, TP') ∈ TRel"
by blast
assume "(TP, TQ) ∈ TRel"
with fullAbs A1 A2 have "(SP, SQ) ∈ SRel"
by simp
with bisimS A3 obtain SQ' where A5: "SQ ⟼Source* SQ'" and A6: "(SP', SQ') ∈ SRel"
by blast
from opCor A2 A5 obtain TQ' where A7: "TQ ⟼Target* TQ'" and A8: "(⟦SQ'⟧, TQ') ∈ TRel"
by blast
from symmT A4 have "(TP', ⟦SP'⟧) ∈ TRel"
unfolding sym_def
by simp
moreover from fullAbs A6 have "(⟦SP'⟧, ⟦SQ'⟧) ∈ TRel"
by simp
ultimately have "(TP', TQ') ∈ TRel"
using transT A8
unfolding trans_def
by blast
with A7 show "∃TQ'. TQ ⟼Target* TQ' ∧ (TP', TQ') ∈ TRel"
by blast
with symmT show "weak_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target"
using symm_weak_reduction_simulation_is_bisimulation[where Rel="TRel" and Cal="Target"]
by blast
assume "weak_reduction_bisimulation TRel Target"
with fullAbs opCor symmT transT show "weak_reduction_bisimulation SRel Source"
using FA_and_OC_and_TRel_impl_SRel_bisimulation[where SRel="SRel" and TRel="TRel"]
by blast