Theory Edwards_Elliptic_Curves_Group
theory Edwards_Elliptic_Curves_Group
imports "HOL-Algebra.Group" "HOL-Library.Rewrite"
section‹Affine Edwards curves›
class ell_field = field +
assumes two_not_zero: "2 ≠ 0"
locale curve_addition =
fixes c d :: "'a::ell_field"
definition e :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a" where
"e x y = x^2 + c * y^2 - 1 - d * x^2 * y^2"
definition delta_plus :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a" where
"delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2 = 1 + d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2"
definition delta_minus :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a" where
"delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2 = 1 - d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2"
definition delta :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a" where
"delta x1 y1 x2 y2 = (delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2) *
(delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2)"
lemma delta_com:
"(delta x0 y0 x1 y1 = 0) = (delta x1 y1 x0 y0 = 0)"
unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
by algebra
fun add :: "'a × 'a ⇒ 'a × 'a ⇒ 'a × 'a" where
"add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) =
((x1*x2 - c*y1*y2) div (1-d*x1*y1*x2*y2),
(x1*y2+y1*x2) div (1+d*x1*y1*x2*y2))"
lemma commutativity: "add z1 z2 = add z2 z1"
by(cases "z1",cases "z2",simp add: algebra_simps)
lemma add_closure:
assumes "add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (x3,y3)"
assumes "delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0" "delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
assumes "e x1 y1 = 0" "e x2 y2 = 0"
shows "e x3 y3 = 0"
proof -
have x3_expr: "x3 = (x1*x2 - c*y1*y2) div (delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2)"
using assms delta_minus_def by auto
have y3_expr: "y3 = (x1*y2+y1*x2) div (delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2)"
using assms delta_plus_def by auto
have "∃ r1 r2. (e x3 y3)*(delta x1 y1 x2 y2)⇧2 - (r1 * e x1 y1 + r2 * e x2 y2) = 0"
unfolding e_def x3_expr y3_expr delta_def
apply(simp add: divide_simps assms)
unfolding delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
by algebra
then show "e x3 y3 = 0"
using assms
by (simp add: delta_def)
lemma associativity:
assumes "z1' = (x1',y1')" "z3' = (x3',y3')"
assumes "z1' = add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)" "z3' = add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)"
assumes "delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0" "delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
"delta_minus x2 y2 x3 y3 ≠ 0" "delta_plus x2 y2 x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta_minus x1' y1' x3 y3 ≠ 0" "delta_plus x1' y1' x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta_minus x1 y1 x3' y3' ≠ 0" "delta_plus x1 y1 x3' y3' ≠ 0"
assumes "e x1 y1 = 0" "e x2 y2 = 0" "e x3 y3 = 0"
shows "add (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) = add (x1,y1) (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
proof -
define e1 where "e1 = e x1 y1"
define e2 where "e2 = e x2 y2"
define e3 where "e3 = e x3 y3"
define Delta⇩x where "Delta⇩x =
(delta_minus x1' y1' x3 y3)*(delta_minus x1 y1 x3' y3')*
(delta x1 y1 x2 y2)*(delta x2 y2 x3 y3)"
define Delta⇩y where "Delta⇩y =
(delta_plus x1' y1' x3 y3)*(delta_plus x1 y1 x3' y3')*
(delta x1 y1 x2 y2)*(delta x2 y2 x3 y3)"
define g⇩x where "g⇩x = fst(add z1' (x3,y3)) - fst(add (x1,y1) z3')"
define g⇩y where "g⇩y = snd(add z1' (x3,y3)) - snd(add (x1,y1) z3')"
define gxpoly where "gxpoly = g⇩x * Delta⇩x"
define gypoly where "gypoly = g⇩y * Delta⇩y"
have x1'_expr: "x1' = (x1 * x2 - c * y1 * y2) / (1 - d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2)"
using assms(1,3) by simp
have y1'_expr: "y1' = (x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) / (1 + d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2)"
using assms(1,3) by simp
have x3'_expr: "x3' = (x2 * x3 - c * y2 * y3) / (1 - d * x2 * y2 * x3 * y3)"
using assms(2,4) by simp
have y3'_expr: "y3' = (x2 * y3 + y2 * x3) / (1 + d * x2 * y2 * x3 * y3)"
using assms(2,4) by simp
have non_unfolded_adds:
"delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0" using delta_def assms(5,6) by auto
have simp1gx: "
(x1' * x3 - c * y1' * y3) * delta_minus x1 y1 x3' y3' *
(delta x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta x2 y2 x3 y3) =
((x1 * x2 - c * y1 * y2) * x3 * delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2 -
c * (x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * y3 * delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2) *
(delta_minus x2 y2 x3 y3 * delta_plus x2 y2 x3 y3 -
d * x1 * y1 * (x2 * x3 - c * y2 * y3) * (x2 * y3 + y2 * x3))
apply(rewrite x1'_expr y1'_expr x3'_expr y3'_expr)+
apply(rewrite delta_minus_def)
apply(rewrite in "_ / ⌑" delta_minus_def[symmetric] delta_plus_def[symmetric])+
unfolding delta_def
by(simp add: divide_simps assms(5-8))
have simp2gx:
"(x1 * x3' - c * y1 * y3') * delta_minus x1' y1' x3 y3 *
(delta x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta x2 y2 x3 y3) =
(x1 * (x2 * x3 - c * y2 * y3) * delta_plus x2 y2 x3 y3 -
c * y1 * (x2 * y3 + y2 * x3) * delta_minus x2 y2 x3 y3) *
(delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2 -
d * (x1 * x2 - c * y1 * y2) * (x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * x3 * y3)"
apply(rewrite x1'_expr y1'_expr x3'_expr y3'_expr)+
apply(rewrite delta_minus_def)
apply(rewrite in "_ / ⌑" delta_minus_def[symmetric] delta_plus_def[symmetric])+
unfolding delta_def
by(simp add: divide_simps assms(5-8))
have "∃ r1 r2 r3. gxpoly = r1 * e1 + r2 * e2 + r3 * e3"
unfolding gxpoly_def g⇩x_def Delta⇩x_def
apply(simp add: assms(1,2))
apply(rewrite in "_ / ⌑" delta_minus_def[symmetric])+
apply(simp add: divide_simps assms(9,11))
apply(rewrite left_diff_distrib)
apply(simp add: simp1gx simp2gx)
unfolding delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
e1_def e2_def e3_def e_def
by algebra
then have "gxpoly = 0"
using e1_def assms(13-15) e2_def e3_def by auto
have "Delta⇩x ≠ 0"
using Delta⇩x_def delta_def assms(7-11) non_unfolded_adds by auto
then have "g⇩x = 0"
using ‹gxpoly = 0› gxpoly_def by auto
have simp1gy: "(x1' * y3 + y1' * x3) * delta_plus x1 y1 x3' y3' * (delta x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta x2 y2 x3 y3) =
((x1 * x2 - c * y1 * y2) * y3 * delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2 + (x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * x3 * delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2) *
(delta_minus x2 y2 x3 y3 * delta_plus x2 y2 x3 y3 + d * x1 * y1 * (x2 * x3 - c * y2 * y3) * (x2 * y3 + y2 * x3))"
apply(rewrite x1'_expr y1'_expr x3'_expr y3'_expr)+
apply(rewrite delta_plus_def)
apply(rewrite in "_ / ⌑" delta_minus_def[symmetric] delta_plus_def[symmetric])+
unfolding delta_def
by(simp add: divide_simps assms(5-8))
have simp2gy: "(x1 * y3' + y1 * x3') * delta_plus x1' y1' x3 y3 * (delta x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta x2 y2 x3 y3) =
(x1 * (x2 * y3 + y2 * x3) * delta_minus x2 y2 x3 y3 + y1 * (x2 * x3 - c * y2 * y3) * delta_plus x2 y2 x3 y3) *
(delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2 + d * (x1 * x2 - c * y1 * y2) * (x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * x3 * y3)"
apply(rewrite x1'_expr y1'_expr x3'_expr y3'_expr)+
apply(rewrite delta_plus_def)
apply(rewrite in "_ / ⌑" delta_minus_def[symmetric] delta_plus_def[symmetric])+
unfolding delta_def
by(simp add: divide_simps assms(5-8))
have "∃ r1 r2 r3. gypoly = r1 * e1 + r2 * e2 + r3 * e3"
unfolding gypoly_def g⇩y_def Delta⇩y_def
apply(simp add: assms(1,2))
apply(rewrite in "_ / ⌑" delta_plus_def[symmetric])+
apply(simp add: divide_simps assms(10,12))
apply(rewrite left_diff_distrib)
apply(simp add: simp1gy simp2gy)
unfolding delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
e1_def e2_def e3_def e_def
by algebra
then have "gypoly = 0"
using e1_def assms(13-15) e2_def e3_def by auto
have "Delta⇩y ≠ 0"
using Delta⇩y_def delta_def assms(7-12) non_unfolded_adds by auto
then have "g⇩y = 0"
using ‹gypoly = 0› gypoly_def by auto
show ?thesis
using ‹g⇩y = 0› ‹g⇩x = 0›
unfolding g⇩x_def g⇩y_def assms(3,4)
by (simp add: prod_eq_iff)
lemma neutral: "add z (1,0) = z" by(cases "z",simp)
lemma inverse:
assumes "e a b = 0" "delta_plus a b a b ≠ 0"
shows "add (a,b) (a,-b) = (1,0)"
using assms
apply(simp add: delta_plus_def e_def)
by algebra
lemma affine_closure:
assumes "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0" "e x1 y1 = 0" "e x2 y2 = 0"
shows "∃ b. (1/d = b^2 ∧ 1/d ≠ 0) ∨ (1/(c*d) = b^2 ∧ 1/(c*d) ≠ 0)"
proof -
define r where "r = (1 - c*d*y1^2*y2^2) * (1 - d*y1^2*x2^2)"
define e1 where "e1 = e x1 y1"
define e2 where "e2 = e x2 y2"
have "r = d^2 * y1^2 * y2^2 * x2^2 * e1 + (1 - d * y1^2) * delta x1 y1 x2 y2 - d * y1^2 * e2"
unfolding r_def e1_def e2_def delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def e_def
by algebra
then have "r = 0"
using assms e1_def e2_def by simp
then have cases: "(1 - c*d*y1^2*y2^2) = 0 ∨ (1 - d*y1^2*x2^2) = 0"
using r_def by auto
have "d ≠ 0" using ‹r = 0› r_def by auto
assume "(1 - d*y1^2*x2^2) = 0"
then have "1/d = y1^2*x2^2" "1/d ≠ 0"
apply(auto simp add: divide_simps ‹d ≠ 0›)
by algebra
note case1 = this
{assume "(1 - c*d*y1^2*y2^2) = 0" "(1 - d*y1^2*x2^2) ≠ 0"
then have "c ≠ 0" by auto
then have "1/(c*d) = y1^2*y2^2" "1/(c*d) ≠ 0"
apply(simp add: divide_simps ‹d ≠ 0› ‹c ≠ 0›)
using ‹(1 - c*d*y1^2*y2^2) = 0› apply algebra
using ‹c ≠ 0› ‹d ≠ 0› by auto
note case2 = this
show "∃ b. (1/d = b^2 ∧ 1/d ≠ 0) ∨ (1/(c*d) = b^2 ∧ 1/(c*d) ≠ 0)"
using cases case1 case2 by (metis power_mult_distrib)
lemma delta_non_zero:
fixes x1 y1 x2 y2
assumes "e x1 y1 = 0" "e x2 y2 = 0"
assumes "∃ b. 1/c = b^2" "¬ (∃ b. b ≠ 0 ∧ 1/d = b^2)"
shows "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
then have "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0" by blast
then have "∃ b. (1/d = b^2 ∧ 1/d ≠ 0) ∨ (1/(c*d) = b^2 ∧ 1/(c*d) ≠ 0)"
using affine_closure[OF ‹delta x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0›
‹e x1 y1 = 0› ‹e x2 y2 = 0›] by blast
then obtain b where b: "(1/(c*d) = b^2 ∧ 1/(c*d) ≠ 0)"
using ‹¬ (∃ b. b ≠ 0 ∧ 1/d = b^2)› by fastforce
then have "1/c ≠ 0" "c ≠ 0" "d ≠ 0" "1/d ≠ 0" by simp+
then have "1/d = b^2 / (1/c)"
by (metis b divide_divide_eq_left' mult.commute nonzero_divide_mult_cancel_right)
then have "∃ b. b ≠ 0 ∧ 1/d = b^2"
using assms(3)
by (metis ‹1 / d ≠ 0› power_divide zero_power2)
then show "False"
using ‹¬ (∃ b. b ≠ 0 ∧ 1/d = b^2)› by blast
lemma group_law:
assumes "∃ b. 1/c = b^2" "¬ (∃ b. b ≠ 0 ∧ 1/d = b^2)"
shows "comm_group ⦇carrier = {(x,y). e x y = 0}, mult = add, one = (1,0)⦈"
(is "comm_group ?g")
{fix x1 y1 x2 y2
assume "e x1 y1 = 0" "e x2 y2 = 0"
have "e (fst (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) (snd (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) = 0"
using add_closure delta_non_zero[OF ‹e x1 y1 = 0› ‹e x2 y2 = 0› assms]
delta_def ‹e x1 y1 = 0› ‹e x2 y2 = 0› by auto}
then show "⋀x y. x ∈ carrier ?g ⟹ y ∈ carrier ?g ⟹ x ⊗⇘?g⇙ y ∈ carrier ?g"
by auto
{fix x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3
assume "e x1 y1 = 0" "e x2 y2 = 0" "e x3 y3 = 0"
then have "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0" "delta x2 y2 x3 y3 ≠ 0"
using assms(1,2) delta_non_zero by blast+
fix x1' y1' x3' y3'
assume "(x1',y1') = add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)"
"(x3',y3') = add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)"
then have "e x1' y1' = 0" "e x3' y3' = 0"
using add_closure ‹delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0› ‹delta x2 y2 x3 y3 ≠ 0›
‹e x1 y1 = 0› ‹e x2 y2 = 0› ‹e x3 y3 = 0› delta_def by fastforce+
then have "delta x1' y1' x3 y3 ≠ 0" "delta x1 y1 x3' y3' ≠ 0"
using assms delta_non_zero ‹e x3 y3 = 0›
by (auto simp add: ‹e x1 y1 = 0› ‹e x3' y3' = 0› assms delta_non_zero)
have "add (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) =
add (x1,y1) (local.add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
using associativity
by (metis ‹(x1', y1') = add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)› ‹(x3', y3') = add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)› ‹delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0›
‹delta x1 y1 x3' y3' ≠ 0› ‹delta x1' y1' x3 y3 ≠ 0› ‹delta x2 y2 x3 y3 ≠ 0› ‹e x1 y1 = 0›
‹e x2 y2 = 0› ‹e x3 y3 = 0› delta_def mult_eq_0_iff)}
then show "
⋀x y z.
x ∈ carrier ?g ⟹ y ∈ carrier ?g ⟹ z ∈ carrier ?g ⟹
x ⊗⇘?g⇙ y ⊗⇘?g⇙ z = x ⊗⇘?g⇙ (y ⊗⇘?g⇙ z)" by auto
show "𝟭⇘?g⇙ ∈ carrier ?g" by (simp add: e_def)
show "⋀x. x ∈ carrier ?g ⟹ 𝟭⇘?g⇙ ⊗⇘?g⇙ x = x"
by (simp add: commutativity neutral)
show "⋀x. x ∈ carrier ?g ⟹ x ⊗⇘?g⇙ 𝟭⇘?g⇙ = x"
by (simp add: neutral)
show "⋀x y. x ∈ carrier ?g ⟹ y ∈ carrier ?g ⟹
x ⊗⇘?g⇙ y = y ⊗⇘?g⇙ x"
using commutativity by auto
show "carrier ?g ⊆ Units ?g"
fix z
assume "z ∈ {(x, y). local.e x y = 0}"
show "z ∈ Units ?g"
unfolding Units_def
proof(simp, cases "z", rule conjI)
fix x y
assume "z = (x,y)"
from this ‹z ∈ {(x, y). local.e x y = 0}›
show "case z of (x, y) ⇒ local.e x y = 0" by blast
then obtain x y where "z = (x,y)" "e x y = 0" by blast
have "e x (-y) = 0"
using ‹e x y = 0› unfolding e_def by simp
have "add (x,y) (x,-y) = (1,0)"
using inverse[OF ‹e x y = 0› ] delta_non_zero[OF ‹e x y = 0› ‹e x y = 0› assms] delta_def by fastforce
then have "add (x,-y) (x,y) = (1,0)" by simp
show "∃a b. e a b = 0 ∧
add (a, b) z = (1, 0) ∧
add z (a, b) = (1, 0)"
using ‹add (x, y) (x, - y) = (1, 0)›
‹e x (- y) = 0› ‹z = (x, y)› by fastforce
locale ext_curve_addition = curve_addition +
fixes t' :: "'a::ell_field"
assumes c_eq_1: "c = 1"
assumes t_intro: "d = t'^2"
assumes t_ineq: "t'^2 ≠ 1" "t' ≠ 0"
subsection ‹Change of variables›
definition t where "t = t'"
lemma t_nz: "t ≠ 0" using t_ineq(2) t_def by auto
lemma d_nz: "d ≠ 0" using t_nz t_ineq t_intro by simp
lemma t_expr: "t^2 = d" "t^4 = d^2" using t_intro t_def by auto
lemma t_sq_n1: "t^2 ≠ 1" using t_ineq(1) t_def by simp
lemma t_nm1: "t ≠ -1" using t_sq_n1 by fastforce
lemma d_n1: "d ≠ 1" using t_sq_n1 t_expr by blast
lemma t_n1: "t ≠ 1" using t_sq_n1 by fastforce
lemma t_dneq2: "2*t ≠ -2"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ 2 * t ≠ - 2"
then have "2*t = -2" by auto
then have "t = -1"
using two_not_zero mult_cancel_left by fastforce
then show "False"
using t_nm1 t_def by argo
subsection ‹New points›
definition e' where "e' x y = x^2 + y^2 - 1 - t^2 * x^2 * y^2"
definition "e'_aff = {(x,y). e' x y = 0}"
definition "e_circ = {(x,y). x ≠ 0 ∧ y ≠ 0 ∧ (x,y) ∈ e'_aff}"
lemma e_e'_iff: "e x y = 0 ⟷ e' x y = 0"
unfolding e_def e'_def using c_eq_1 t_expr(1) t_def by simp
lemma circ_to_aff: "p ∈ e_circ ⟹ p ∈ e'_aff"
unfolding e_circ_def by auto
text‹The case \<^text>‹t^2 = 1› corresponds to a product of intersecting lines
which cannot be a group›
lemma t_2_1_lines:
"t^2 = 1 ⟹ e' x y = - (1 - x^2) * (1 - y^2)"
unfolding e'_def by algebra
text‹The case \<^text>‹t = 0› corresponds to a circle which has been treated before›
lemma t_0_circle:
"t = 0 ⟹ e' x y = x^2 + y^2 - 1"
unfolding e'_def by auto
subsection ‹Group transformations and inversions›
fun ρ :: "'a × 'a ⇒ 'a × 'a" where
"ρ (x,y) = (-y,x)"
fun τ :: "'a × 'a ⇒ 'a × 'a" where
"τ (x,y) = (1/(t*x),1/(t*y))"
definition G where
"G ≡ {id,ρ,ρ ∘ ρ,ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ,τ,τ ∘ ρ,τ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ,τ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ}"
definition symmetries where
"symmetries = {τ,τ ∘ ρ,τ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ,τ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ}"
definition rotations where
"rotations = {id,ρ,ρ ∘ ρ,ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ}"
lemma G_partition: "G = rotations ∪ symmetries"
unfolding G_def rotations_def symmetries_def by fastforce
lemma tau_sq: "(τ ∘ τ) (x,y) = (x,y)" by(simp add: t_nz)
lemma tau_idemp: "τ ∘ τ = id"
using t_nz comp_def by auto
lemma tau_idemp_explicit: "τ(τ(x,y)) = (x,y)"
using tau_idemp pointfree_idE by fast
lemma tau_idemp_point: "τ(τ p) = p"
using o_apply[symmetric, of τ τ p] tau_idemp by simp
fun i :: "'a × 'a ⇒ 'a × 'a" where
"i (a,b) = (a,-b)"
lemma i_idemp: "i ∘ i = id"
using comp_def by auto
lemma i_idemp_explicit: "i(i(x,y)) = (x,y)"
using i_idemp pointfree_idE by fast
lemma tau_rot_sym:
assumes "r ∈ rotations"
shows "τ ∘ r ∈ symmetries"
using assms unfolding rotations_def symmetries_def by auto
lemma tau_rho_com:
"τ ∘ ρ = ρ ∘ τ" by auto
lemma tau_rot_com:
assumes "r ∈ rotations"
shows "τ ∘ r = r ∘ τ"
using assms unfolding rotations_def by fastforce
lemma rho_order_4:
"ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ = id" by auto
lemma rho_i_com_inverses:
"i (id (x,y)) = id (i (x,y))"
"i (ρ (x,y)) = (ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ) (i (x,y))"
"i ((ρ ∘ ρ) (x,y)) = (ρ ∘ ρ) (i (x,y))"
"i ((ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ) (x,y)) = ρ (i (x,y))"
lemma rotations_i_inverse:
assumes "tr ∈ rotations"
shows "∃ tr' ∈ rotations. (tr ∘ i) (x,y) = (i ∘ tr') (x,y) ∧ tr ∘ tr' = id"
using assms rho_i_com_inverses unfolding rotations_def by fastforce
lemma tau_i_com_inverses:
"(i ∘ τ) (x,y) = (τ ∘ i) (x,y)"
"(i ∘ τ ∘ ρ) (x,y) = (τ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ ∘ i) (x,y)"
"(i ∘ τ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ) (x,y) = (τ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ ∘ i) (x,y)"
"(i ∘ τ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ) (x,y) = (τ ∘ ρ ∘ i) (x,y)"
lemma rho_circ:
assumes "p ∈ e_circ"
shows "ρ p ∈ e_circ"
using assms unfolding e_circ_def e'_aff_def e'_def
by(simp split: prod.splits add: add.commute)
lemma i_aff:
assumes "p ∈ e'_aff"
shows "i p ∈ e'_aff"
using assms unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def by auto
lemma i_circ:
assumes "(x,y) ∈ e_circ"
shows "i (x,y) ∈ e_circ"
using assms unfolding e_circ_def e'_aff_def e'_def by auto
lemma i_circ_points:
assumes "p ∈ e_circ"
shows "i p ∈ e_circ"
using assms unfolding e_circ_def e'_aff_def e'_def by auto
lemma rot_circ:
assumes "p ∈ e_circ" "tr ∈ rotations"
shows "tr p ∈ e_circ"
proof -
consider (1) "tr = id" | (2) "tr = ρ" | (3) "tr = ρ ∘ ρ" | (4) "tr = ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ"
using assms(2) unfolding rotations_def by blast
then show ?thesis by(cases,auto simp add: assms(1) rho_circ)
lemma τ_circ:
assumes "p ∈ e_circ"
shows "τ p ∈ e_circ"
using assms unfolding e_circ_def
apply(simp split: prod.splits)
apply(simp add: e'_aff_def e'_def divide_simps t_nz)
by(simp add: algebra_simps)
lemma rot_comp:
assumes "t1 ∈ rotations" "t2 ∈ rotations"
shows "t1 ∘ t2 ∈ rotations"
using assms unfolding rotations_def by auto
lemma rot_tau_com:
assumes "tr ∈ rotations"
shows "tr ∘ τ = τ ∘ tr"
using assms unfolding rotations_def by(auto)
lemma tau_i_com:
"τ ∘ i = i ∘ τ" by auto
lemma rot_com:
assumes "r ∈ rotations" "r' ∈ rotations"
shows "r' ∘ r = r ∘ r'"
using assms unfolding rotations_def by force
lemma rot_inv:
assumes "r ∈ rotations"
shows "∃ r' ∈ rotations. r' ∘ r = id"
using assms unfolding rotations_def by force
lemma rot_aff:
assumes "r ∈ rotations" "p ∈ e'_aff"
shows "r p ∈ e'_aff"
using assms unfolding rotations_def e'_aff_def e'_def
by(auto simp add: semiring_normalization_rules(16) add.commute)
lemma rot_delta:
assumes "r ∈ rotations" "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
shows "delta (fst (r (x1,y1))) (snd (r (x1,y1))) x2 y2 ≠ 0"
proof -
consider "r = id" | "r = ρ" | "r = ρ ∘ ρ" | "r = ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ"
by (metis assms(1) insertE rotations_def singletonD)
then show ?thesis
using assms by cases (auto simp: mult_ac rotations_def delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def)
lemma tau_not_id: "τ ≠ id"
by (metis τ.simps eq_id_iff mult.right_neutral one_eq_divide_iff snd_eqD t_n1)
lemma sym_not_id:
assumes "r ∈ rotations"
shows "τ ∘ r ≠ id"
proof -
have "∃a b. τ (id (a, b)) ≠ (a, b)"
using tau_not_id by auto
moreover have "∃a b. τ (ρ (a, b)) ≠ (a, b)"
by (metis ρ.simps τ.simps snd_conv t_ineq(2))
moreover have "∃a b. τ ((ρ ∘ ρ) (a, b)) ≠ (a, b)"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) ρ.simps τ.elims comp_def divide_eq_minus_1_iff
divide_minus1 mult.right_neutral snd_conv t_nm1)
moreover have "∃a b. τ ((ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ) (a, b)) ≠ (a, b)"
by (rule exI[of _ "1"]) fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis
using assms by (force simp: rotations_def fun_eq_iff)
lemma sym_decomp:
assumes "g ∈ symmetries"
shows "∃ r ∈ rotations. g = τ ∘ r"
using assms unfolding symmetries_def rotations_def by auto
lemma symmetries_i_inverse:
assumes "tr ∈ symmetries"
shows "∃ tr' ∈ symmetries. (tr ∘ i) (x,y) = (i ∘ tr') (x,y) ∧ tr ∘ tr' = id"
proof -
consider (1) "tr = τ" |
(2) "tr = τ ∘ ρ" |
(3) "tr = τ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ" |
(4) "tr = τ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ"
using assms unfolding symmetries_def by blast
then show ?thesis
case 1
define tr' where "tr' = τ"
have "(tr ∘ i) (x, y) = (i ∘ tr') (x, y) ∧ tr ∘ tr' = id" "tr' ∈ symmetries"
using tr'_def 1 tau_idemp symmetries_def by simp+
then show ?thesis by blast
case 2
define tr' where "tr' = τ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ"
have "(tr ∘ i) (x, y) = (i ∘ tr') (x, y) ∧ tr ∘ tr' = id"
using tr'_def 2 tau_idemp_point by fastforce
moreover have "tr' ∈ symmetries"
using symmetries_def tr'_def by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
case 3
define tr' where "tr' = τ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ"
have "(tr ∘ i) (x, y) = (i ∘ tr') (x, y) ∧ tr ∘ tr' = id"
using tr'_def 3 tau_idemp_point by fastforce
moreover have "tr' ∈ symmetries"
using symmetries_def tr'_def by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
case 4
define tr' where "tr' = τ ∘ ρ"
have "(tr ∘ i) (x, y) = (i ∘ tr') (x, y) ∧ tr ∘ tr' = id"
using tr'_def 4 tau_idemp_point by fastforce
moreover have "tr' ∈ symmetries"
using symmetries_def tr'_def by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma sym_to_rot: "g ∈ symmetries ⟹ τ ∘ g ∈ rotations"
using tau_idemp unfolding symmetries_def rotations_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) emptyE fun.map_comp id_comp insert_iff)
subsection ‹Extended addition›
fun ext_add :: "'a × 'a ⇒ 'a × 'a ⇒ 'a × 'a" where
"ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) =
((x1*y1-x2*y2) div (x2*y1-x1*y2),
(x1*y1+x2*y2) div (x1*x2+y1*y2))"
definition delta_x :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a" where
"delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2 = x2*y1 - x1*y2"
definition delta_y :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a" where
"delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2 = x1*x2 + y1*y2"
definition delta' :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a" where
"delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 = delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2"
lemma delta'_com: "(delta' x0 y0 x1 y1 = 0) = (delta' x1 y1 x0 y0 = 0)"
unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
by algebra
definition e'_aff_0 where
"e'_aff_0 = {((x1,y1),(x2,y2)). (x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff ∧
(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff ∧
delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0 }"
definition e'_aff_1 where
"e'_aff_1 = {((x1,y1),(x2,y2)). (x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff ∧
(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff ∧
delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0 }"
lemma ext_add_comm:
"ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = ext_add (x2,y2) (x1,y1)"
by(simp add: divide_simps,algebra)
lemma ext_add_comm_points:
"ext_add z1 z2 = ext_add z2 z1"
using ext_add_comm by (metis surj_pair)
lemma ext_add_inverse:
"x ≠ 0 ⟹ y ≠ 0 ⟹ ext_add (x,y) (i (x,y)) = (1,0)"
by(simp add: two_not_zero)
lemma ext_add_deltas:
"ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) =
((delta_x x2 y1 x1 y2) div (delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2),
(delta_y x1 x2 y1 y2) div (delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2))"
by (simp add: delta_x_def delta_y_def)
subsubsection ‹Inversion and rotation invariance›
lemma inversion_invariance_1:
assumes "x1 ≠ 0" "y1 ≠ 0" "x2 ≠ 0" "y2 ≠ 0"
shows "add (τ (x1,y1)) (x2,y2) = add (x1,y1) (τ (x2,y2))"
apply(simp add: c_eq_1 algebra_simps t_expr flip: power2_eq_square)
apply(simp add: divide_simps assms t_nz d_nz)
by(simp add: algebra_simps)
lemma inversion_invariance_2:
assumes "x1 ≠ 0" "y1 ≠ 0" "x2 ≠ 0" "y2 ≠ 0"
shows "ext_add (τ (x1,y1)) (x2,y2) = ext_add (x1,y1) (τ (x2,y2))"
apply(simp add: divide_simps t_nz assms)
by algebra
lemma rho_invariance_1:
"add (ρ (x1,y1)) (x2,y2) = ρ (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))"
by (simp add: c_eq_1 field_split_simps)
lemma rho_invariance_1_points:
"add (ρ p1) p2 = ρ (add p1 p2)"
by (metis rho_invariance_1 i.cases)
lemma rho_invariance_2:
"ext_add (ρ (x1,y1)) (x2,y2) = ρ (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))"
by(simp add: field_split_simps)
lemma rho_invariance_2_points:
"ext_add (ρ p1) p2 = ρ (ext_add p1 p2)"
by (metis rho_invariance_2 i.cases)
lemma rotation_invariance_1:
assumes "r ∈ rotations"
shows "add (r (x1,y1)) (x2,y2) = r (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))"
proof -
have "add ((ρ ∘ ρ) (x1, y1)) (x2, y2) = (ρ ∘ ρ) (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))"
by (simp add: field_split_simps)
have "add ((ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ) (x1, y1)) (x2, y2) = (ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ) (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))"
by (simp add: field_split_simps) (simp add: c_eq_1)
ultimately show ?thesis
using rho_invariance_1_points assms by (auto simp: rotations_def)
lemma rotation_invariance_1_points:
assumes "r ∈ rotations"
shows "add (r p1) p2 = r (add p1 p2)"
by (metis rotation_invariance_1 assms i.cases)
lemma rotation_invariance_2:
assumes "r ∈ rotations"
shows "ext_add (r (x1,y1)) (x2,y2) = r (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))"
proof -
have "ext_add ((ρ ∘ ρ) (x1, y1)) (x2, y2) = (ρ ∘ ρ) (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))"
by (simp add: field_split_simps add_eq_0_iff)
moreover have "ext_add ((ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ) (x1, y1)) (x2, y2) = (ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ) (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))"
by (metis comp_def rho_invariance_2_points)
ultimately show ?thesis
using rho_invariance_2_points assms by (auto simp: rotations_def)
lemma rotation_invariance_2_points:
assumes "r ∈ rotations"
shows "ext_add (r p1) p2 = r (ext_add p1 p2)"
by (metis assms i.cases rotation_invariance_2)
lemma rotation_invariance_3:
"delta x1 y1 (fst (ρ (x2,y2))) (snd (ρ (x2,y2))) =
delta x1 y1 x2 y2"
by(simp add: delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def, algebra)
lemma rotation_invariance_4:
"delta' x1 y1 (fst (ρ (x2,y2))) (snd (ρ (x2,y2))) = - delta' x1 y1 x2 y2"
by(simp add: delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def, algebra)
lemma rotation_invariance_5:
"delta' (fst (ρ (x1,y1))) (snd (ρ (x1,y1))) x2 y2 = - delta' x1 y1 x2 y2"
by(simp add: delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def, algebra)
lemma rotation_invariance_6:
"delta (fst (ρ (x1,y1))) (snd (ρ (x1,y1))) x2 y2 = delta x1 y1 x2 y2"
by(simp add: delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def, algebra)
lemma inverse_rule_1:
"(τ ∘ i ∘ τ) (x,y) = i (x,y)"
by (simp add: t_nz)
lemma inverse_rule_2:
"(ρ ∘ i ∘ ρ) (x,y) = i (x,y)"
by simp
lemma inverse_rule_3:
"i (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) = add (i (x1,y1)) (i (x2,y2))"
by (simp add: divide_simps)
lemma inverse_rule_4:
"i (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) = ext_add (i (x1,y1)) (i (x2,y2))"
by (simp add: field_split_simps)
lemma e'_aff_x0:
assumes "x = 0" "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
shows "y = 1 ∨ y = -1"
using assms unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def
by (simp add: power2_eq_square square_eq_1_iff)
lemma e'_aff_y0:
assumes "y = 0" "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
shows "x = 1 ∨ x = -1"
using assms unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def
by (simp add: power2_eq_square square_eq_1_iff)
lemma add_ext_add:
assumes "x1 ≠ 0" "y1 ≠ 0"
shows "ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = τ (add (τ (x1,y1)) (x2,y2))"
proof -
have "(x1 * y1 - x2 * y2) / (x2 * y1 - x1 * y2) = (1 - d * x2 * y2 / (t * x1 * (t * y1))) / (t * (x2 / (t * x1) - c * y2 / (t * y1)))"
using assms t_ineq
by (simp add: c_eq_1 field_split_simps power2_eq_square t_def t_intro)
moreover have "(x1 * y1 + x2 * y2) / (x1 * x2 + y1 * y2) = (1 + d * x2 * y2 / (t * x1 * (t * y1))) / (t * (y2 / (t * x1) + x2 / (t * y1)))"
using assms t_ineq
by (simp add: c_eq_1 divide_simps add.commute mult.commute power2_eq_square t_def t_intro)
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
corollary add_ext_add_2:
assumes "x1 ≠ 0" "y1 ≠ 0"
shows "add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = τ (ext_add (τ (x1,y1)) (x2,y2))"
proof -
obtain x1' y1' where tau_expr: "τ (x1,y1) = (x1',y1')" by simp
then obtain p_nz: "x1' ≠ 0" "y1' ≠ 0"
using τ.simps assms tau_sq by fastforce
then show ?thesis
by (metis add_ext_add tau_expr tau_idemp_point)
subsubsection ‹Coherence and closure›
lemma coherence_1:
assumes "delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0" "delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
assumes "e' x1 y1 = 0" "e' x2 y2 = 0"
shows "delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2 *
(fst (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) - fst (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)))
= x2 * y2 * e' x1 y1 - x1 * y1 * e' x2 y2"
proof -
have "(x1 * y1 - x2 * y2) * delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2 - (x1 * x2 - y1 * y2) * delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2 = x2 * y2 * e' x1 y1 - x1 * y1 * e' x2 y2"
unfolding delta_minus_def delta_x_def e'_def t_expr
by(simp add: power2_eq_square field_simps)
then have "delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2 *
((x1 * y1 - x2 * y2) / delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2 -
(x1 * x2 - c * y1 * y2) / delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2) =
x2 * y2 * e' x1 y1 - x1 * y1 * e' x2 y2"
by(simp add: c_eq_1 assms divide_simps)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: delta_minus_def delta_x_def)
lemma coherence_2:
assumes "delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0" "delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
assumes "e' x1 y1 = 0" "e' x2 y2 = 0"
shows "delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2 *
(snd (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) - snd (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)))
= - x2 * y2 * e' x1 y1 - x1 * y1 * e' x2 y2"
proof -
have "(x1 * y1 + x2 * y2) * delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2 - (x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2 = - (x2 * y2 * e' x1 y1) - x1 * y1 * e' x2 y2"
unfolding delta_plus_def delta_y_def e'_def t_expr
by(simp add: power2_eq_square field_simps)
then have " delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2 *
((x1 * y1 + x2 * y2) / delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2 -
(x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) / delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2) =
- (x2 * y2 * e' x1 y1) - x1 * y1 * e' x2 y2"
by (simp add: c_eq_1 assms divide_simps)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: delta_plus_def delta_y_def)
lemma coherence:
assumes "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0" "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
assumes "e' x1 y1 = 0" "e' x2 y2 = 0"
shows "ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)"
using coherence_1 coherence_2 delta_def delta'_def assms by auto
lemma ext_add_closure:
assumes "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
assumes "e' x1 y1 = 0" "e' x2 y2 = 0"
assumes "(x3,y3) = ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)"
shows "e' x3 y3 = 0"
proof -
have deltas_nz: "delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
"delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
using assms(1) delta'_def by auto
have v3: "x3 = fst (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))"
"y3 = snd (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))"
using assms(4) by simp+
have "∃ a b. t^4 * (delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2)^2 * (delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2)^2 * e' x3 y3 =
a * e' x1 y1 + b * e' x2 y2"
using deltas_nz
unfolding e'_def v3 delta_x_def delta_y_def
by (simp add: divide_simps) algebra
then show "e' x3 y3 = 0"
using assms(2,3) deltas_nz t_nz by auto
lemma ext_add_closure_points:
assumes "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
assumes "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff"
shows "ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff"
using ext_add_closure assms
unfolding e'_aff_def by auto
subsubsection ‹Useful lemmas in the extension›
lemma inverse_generalized:
assumes "(a,b) ∈ e'_aff" "delta_plus a b a b ≠ 0"
shows "add (a,b) (a,-b) = (1,0)"
using assms e'_aff_def e_e'_iff inverse by blast
lemma inverse_generalized_points:
assumes "p ∈ e'_aff" "delta_plus (fst p) (snd p) (fst p) (snd p) ≠ 0"
shows "add p (i p) = (1,0)"
by (metis assms i.simps inverse_generalized surjective_pairing)
lemma add_closure_points:
assumes "delta x y x' y' ≠ 0"
"(x,y) ∈ e'_aff" "(x',y') ∈ e'_aff"
shows "add (x,y) (x',y') ∈ e'_aff"
using add_closure assms e_e'_iff
unfolding delta_def e'_aff_def by auto
lemma add_self:
assumes in_aff: "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
shows "delta x y x (-y) ≠ 0 ∨ delta' x y x (-y) ≠ 0 "
using in_aff d_n1
unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
e'_aff_def e'_def
apply(simp add: t_expr two_not_zero)
apply(auto simp add: algebra_simps)
by(simp add: two_not_zero flip: power2_eq_square mult.assoc)+
subsection ‹Delta arithmetic›
lemma mix_tau:
assumes "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff" "x2 ≠ 0" "y2 ≠ 0"
assumes "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0" "delta' x1 y1 (fst (τ (x2,y2))) (snd (τ (x2,y2))) ≠ 0"
shows "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
using assms
unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def delta'_def delta_y_def delta_x_def
apply(simp add: t_nz power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
apply(simp add: divide_simps t_nz)
by algebra
lemma mix_tau_0:
assumes "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff" "x2 ≠ 0" "y2 ≠ 0"
assumes "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0"
shows "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0 ∨ delta' x1 y1 (fst (τ (x2,y2))) (snd (τ (x2,y2))) = 0"
using assms mix_tau by blast
lemma mix_tau_prime:
assumes "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff" "x2 ≠ 0" "y2 ≠ 0"
assumes "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0" "delta x1 y1 (fst (τ (x2,y2))) (snd (τ (x2,y2))) ≠ 0"
shows "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
using assms
unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def delta'_def delta_y_def delta_x_def
apply(simp add: t_nz algebra_simps)
apply(simp add: power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
by algebra
lemma tau_tau_d:
assumes "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff"
assumes "delta (fst (τ (x1,y1))) (snd (τ (x1,y1))) (fst (τ (x2,y2))) (snd (τ (x2,y2))) ≠ 0"
shows "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
using assms
unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def delta'_def delta_y_def delta_x_def
apply(simp add: t_expr split: if_splits add: divide_simps t_nz)
apply(simp_all add: t_nz algebra_simps power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
by algebra+
lemma tau_tau_d':
assumes "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff"
assumes "delta' (fst (τ (x1,y1))) (snd (τ (x1,y1))) (fst (τ (x2,y2))) (snd (τ (x2,y2))) ≠ 0"
shows "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
using assms
unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def delta'_def delta_y_def delta_x_def
apply(auto split: if_splits simp add: t_expr divide_simps t_nz)
by algebra
lemma delta_add_delta'_1:
assumes 1: "x1 ≠ 0" "y1 ≠ 0" "x2 ≠ 0" "y2 ≠ 0"
assumes r_expr: "rx = fst (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))" "ry = snd (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))"
assumes in_aff: "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff"
assumes pd: "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
assumes pd': "delta rx ry (fst (τ (i (x2,y2)))) (snd (τ (i (x2,y2)))) ≠ 0"
shows "delta' rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) ≠ 0"
using pd' unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
apply(simp split: if_splits add: field_simps t_nz 1 power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
using pd in_aff unfolding r_expr delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
e'_aff_def e'_def
apply(simp add: divide_simps t_expr)
apply(simp add: c_eq_1 algebra_simps)
by algebra
lemma delta'_add_delta_1:
assumes 1: "x1 ≠ 0" "y1 ≠ 0" "x2 ≠ 0" "y2 ≠ 0"
assumes r_expr: "rx = fst (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))" "ry = snd (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))"
assumes in_aff: "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff"
assumes pd': "delta' rx ry (fst (τ (i (x2,y2)))) (snd (τ (i (x2,y2)))) ≠ 0"
shows "delta rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) ≠ 0"
using pd' unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
apply(simp split: if_splits add: field_simps t_nz 1 power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
using in_aff unfolding r_expr delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
e'_aff_def e'_def
apply(simp split: if_splits add: divide_simps t_expr)
apply(simp add: c_eq_1 algebra_simps)
by algebra
lemma funny_field_lemma_1:
"((x1 * x2 - y1 * y2) * ((x1 * x2 - y1 * y2) * (x2 * (y2 * (1 + d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2)))) +
(x1 * x2 - y1 * y2) * ((x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * y2⇧2) * (1 - d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2)) *
(1 + d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2) ≠
((x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * ((x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * (x2 * (y2 * (1 - d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2)))) +
(x1 * x2 - y1 * y2) * ((x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * x2⇧2) * (1 + d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2)) *
(1 - d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2) ⟹
(d * ((x1 * x2 - y1 * y2) * ((x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * (x2 * y2))))⇧2 =
((1 - d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2) * (1 + d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2))⇧2 ⟹
x1⇧2 + y1⇧2 - 1 = d * x1⇧2 * y1⇧2 ⟹
x2⇧2 + y2⇧2 - 1 = d * x2⇧2 * y2⇧2 ⟹ False"
by algebra
lemma delta_add_delta'_2:
assumes 1: "x1 ≠ 0" "y1 ≠ 0" "x2 ≠ 0" "y2 ≠ 0"
assumes r_expr: "rx = fst (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))" "ry = snd (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))"
assumes in_aff: "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff"
assumes pd: "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
assumes pd': "delta' rx ry (fst (τ (i (x2,y2)))) (snd (τ (i (x2,y2)))) ≠ 0"
shows "delta rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) ≠ 0"
using pd' unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
apply(simp split: if_splits add: algebra_simps divide_simps t_nz 1 power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
apply safe
using pd unfolding r_expr delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
apply(simp add: c_eq_1 divide_simps)
using in_aff unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def
apply(simp add: t_expr power_mult_distrib[symmetric])
using funny_field_lemma_1 by blast
lemma funny_field_lemma_2: " (x2 * y2)⇧2 * ((x2 * y1 - x1 * y2) * (x1 * x2 + y1 * y2))⇧2 ≠ ((x1 * y1 - x2 * y2) * (x1 * y1 + x2 * y2))⇧2 ⟹
((x1 * y1 - x2 * y2) * ((x1 * y1 - x2 * y2) * (x2 * (y2 * (x1 * x2 + y1 * y2)))) +
(x1 * y1 - x2 * y2) * ((x1 * y1 + x2 * y2) * x2⇧2) * (x2 * y1 - x1 * y2)) *
(x1 * x2 + y1 * y2) =
((x1 * y1 + x2 * y2) * ((x1 * y1 + x2 * y2) * (x2 * (y2 * (x2 * y1 - x1 * y2)))) +
(x1 * y1 - x2 * y2) * ((x1 * y1 + x2 * y2) * y2⇧2) * (x1 * x2 + y1 * y2)) *
(x2 * y1 - x1 * y2) ⟹
x1⇧2 + y1⇧2 - 1 = d * x1⇧2 * y1⇧2 ⟹
x2⇧2 + y2⇧2 - 1 = d * x2⇧2 * y2⇧2 ⟹ False"
by algebra
lemma delta'_add_delta_2:
assumes 1: "x1 ≠ 0" "y1 ≠ 0" "x2 ≠ 0" "y2 ≠ 0"
assumes r_expr: "rx = fst (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))" "ry = snd (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))"
assumes in_aff: "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff"
assumes pd: "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
assumes pd': "delta rx ry (fst (τ (i (x2,y2)))) (snd (τ (i (x2,y2)))) ≠ 0"
shows "delta' rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) ≠ 0"
using pd' unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
apply(simp split: if_splits add: algebra_simps divide_simps t_nz 1 power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
apply safe
using pd unfolding r_expr delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
apply(simp split: if_splits add: c_eq_1 divide_simps)
using in_aff unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def
apply(simp add: t_expr)
apply(rule funny_field_lemma_2)
by (simp add: power_mult_distrib)
lemma delta'_add_delta_not_add:
assumes 1: "x1 ≠ 0" "y1 ≠ 0" "x2 ≠ 0" "y2 ≠ 0"
assumes in_aff: "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff"
assumes pd: "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
assumes add_nz: "fst (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) ≠ 0" "snd (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) ≠ 0"
shows pd': "delta (fst (τ (x1,y1))) (snd (τ (x1,y1))) x2 y2 ≠ 0"
unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
apply(simp add: t_nz 1 field_split_simps power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
using add_nz d_nz by simp algebra
lemma not_add_self:
assumes in_aff: "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff" "x ≠ 0" "y ≠ 0"
shows "delta x y (fst (τ (i (x,y)))) (snd (τ (i (x,y)))) = 0"
"delta' x y (fst (τ (i (x,y)))) (snd (τ (i (x,y)))) = 0"
using in_aff d_n1
unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
e'_aff_def e'_def
apply(simp add: t_expr two_not_zero)
by(simp_all add: algebra_simps t_nz power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr)
section ‹Projective Edwards curves›
subsection ‹No fixed-point lemma and dichotomies›
lemma g_no_fp:
assumes "g ∈ G" "p ∈ e_circ" "g p = p"
shows "g = id"
proof -
obtain x y where p_def: "p = (x,y)" by fastforce
have nz: "x ≠ 0" "y ≠ 0" using assms p_def unfolding e_circ_def by auto
consider (id) "g = id" | (rot) "g ∈ rotations" "g ≠ id" | (sym) "g ∈ symmetries" "g ≠ id"
using G_partition assms by blast
then show ?thesis
case id then show ?thesis by simp
case rot
then have "x = 0"
using assms(3) two_not_zero
unfolding rotations_def p_def
by auto
then have "False"
using nz by blast
then show ?thesis by blast
case sym
then have "t*x*y = 0 ∨ (t*x^2 ∈ {-1,1} ∧ t*y^2 ∈ {-1,1} ∧ t*x^2 = t*y^2)"
using assms(3) two_not_zero
unfolding symmetries_def p_def power2_eq_square
apply(auto simp: field_simps two_not_zero)
by (metis two_not_zero mult.left_commute mult.right_neutral)+
then have "e' x y = 2 * (1 - t) / t ∨ e' x y = 2 * (-1 - t) / t"
using nz t_nz unfolding e'_def
by(simp add: field_simps,algebra)
then have "e' x y ≠ 0"
using t_dneq2 t_n1
by(auto simp add: field_simps t_nz)
then have "False"
using assms nz p_def unfolding e_circ_def e'_aff_def by fastforce
then show ?thesis by simp
lemma dichotomy_1:
assumes "p ∈ e'_aff" "q ∈ e'_aff"
shows "(p ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃ g ∈ symmetries. q = (g ∘ i) p)) ∨
(p,q) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∨ (p,q) ∈ e'_aff_1"
proof -
obtain x1 y1 where p_def: "p = (x1,y1)" by fastforce
obtain x2 y2 where q_def: "q = (x2,y2)" by fastforce
consider (1) "(p,q) ∈ e'_aff_0" |
(2) "(p,q) ∈ e'_aff_1" |
(3) "(p,q) ∉ e'_aff_0 ∧ (p,q) ∉ e'_aff_1" by blast
then show ?thesis
case 1 then show ?thesis by blast
case 2 then show ?thesis by simp
case 3
then have "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0" "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0"
unfolding p_def q_def e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def using assms
by (simp add: assms p_def q_def)+
have "x1 ≠ 0" "y1 ≠ 0" "x2 ≠ 0" "y2 ≠ 0"
using ‹delta x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0›
unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def by auto
then have "p ∈ e_circ" "q ∈ e_circ"
unfolding e_circ_def using assms p_def q_def by blast+
obtain a0 b0 where tq_expr: "τ q = (a0,b0)" by fastforce
obtain a1 b1 where p_expr: "p = (a1,b1)" by fastforce
from tq_expr have q_expr: "q = τ (a0,b0)" using tau_idemp_explicit q_def by auto
have a0_nz: "a0 ≠ 0" "b0 ≠ 0"
using ‹τ q = (a0, b0)› ‹x2 ≠ 0› ‹y2 ≠ 0› comp_apply q_def tau_sq by auto
have a1_nz: "a1 ≠ 0" "b1 ≠ 0"
using ‹p = (a1, b1)› ‹x1 ≠ 0› ‹y1 ≠ 0› p_def by auto
have in_aff: "(a0,b0) ∈ e'_aff" "(a1,b1) ∈ e'_aff"
using ‹q ∈ e_circ› τ_circ circ_to_aff tq_expr
using assms(1) p_expr by fastforce+
define δ' :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a" where
"δ'= (λ x0 y0. x0 * y0 * delta_minus a1 b1 (1/(t*x0)) (1/(t*y0)))"
define pδ' :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a" where
"pδ'= (λ x0 y0. x0 * y0 * delta_plus a1 b1 (1/(t*x0)) (1/(t*y0)))"
define δ_plus :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a" where
"δ_plus = (λ x0 y0. t * x0 * y0 * delta_x a1 b1 (1/(t*x0)) (1/(t*y0)))"
define δ_minus :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a" where
"δ_minus = (λ x0 y0. t * x0 * y0 * delta_y a1 b1 (1/(t*x0)) (1/(t*y0)))"
have δ'_expr: "δ' a0 b0 = a0*b0 - a1*b1"
unfolding δ'_def delta_minus_def
by(simp add: algebra_simps a0_nz a1_nz power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
have pδ'_expr: "pδ' a0 b0 = a0 * b0 + a1 * b1"
unfolding pδ'_def delta_plus_def
by(simp add: algebra_simps a0_nz a1_nz power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
have δ_plus_expr: "δ_plus a0 b0 = b1 * b0 - a1 * a0"
unfolding δ_plus_def delta_x_def
by(simp add: divide_simps a0_nz a1_nz t_nz)
have δ_minus_expr: "δ_minus a0 b0 = a1 * b0 + b1 * a0"
unfolding δ_minus_def delta_y_def
by(simp add: divide_simps a0_nz a1_nz t_nz)
have cases1: "δ' a0 b0 = 0 ∨ pδ' a0 b0 = 0"
unfolding δ'_def pδ'_def
using ‹delta x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0› ‹p = (a1, b1)› delta_def p_def q_def q_expr by auto
have cases2: "δ_minus a0 b0 = 0 ∨ δ_plus a0 b0 = 0"
using δ_minus_def δ_plus_def ‹delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0› ‹p = (a1, b1)›
delta'_def q_def p_def tq_expr by auto
(1) "δ' a0 b0 = 0" "δ_minus a0 b0 = 0" |
(2) "δ' a0 b0 = 0" "δ_plus a0 b0 = 0" |
(3) "pδ' a0 b0 = 0" "δ_minus a0 b0 = 0" |
(4) "pδ' a0 b0 = 0" "δ_minus a0 b0 ≠ 0"
using cases1 cases2 by auto
then have "(a0,b0) = (b1,a1) ∨ (a0,b0) = (-b1,-a1) ∨
(a0,b0) = (a1,-b1) ∨ (a0,b0) = (-a1,b1)"
case 1
have zeros: "a0 * b0 - a1 * b1 = 0" "a1 * b0 + a0 * b1 = 0"
using 1 δ_minus_expr δ'_expr
by(simp_all add: algebra_simps)
have "∃ q1 q2 q3 q4.
2*a0*b0*(b0^2 - a1^2) =
q1*(-1 + a0^2 + b0^2 - t^2 * a0^2 * b0^2) +
q2*(-1 + a1^2 + b1^2 - t^2 * a1^2 * b1^2) +
q3*(a0 * b0 - a1 * b1) +
q4*(a1 * b0 + a0 * b1)"
by algebra
then have "b0⇧2 - a1⇧2 = 0" "a0⇧2 - b1⇧2 = 0" "a0 * b0 - a1 * b1 = 0"
using a0_nz in_aff zeros
unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def
apply simp_all
apply(simp_all add: algebra_simps two_not_zero)
by algebra
then show ?thesis
by algebra
case 2
have zeros: "b1 * b0 - a1 * a0 = 0" "a0 * b0 - a1 * b1 = 0"
using 2 δ_plus_expr δ'_expr by auto
have "b0⇧2 - a1⇧2 = 0" "a0⇧2 - b1⇧2 = 0" "a0 * b0 - a1 * b1 = 0"
using in_aff zeros
unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def
apply simp_all
by algebra+
then show ?thesis
by algebra
case 3
have zeros: "a1 * b0 + b1 * a0 = 0" "a0 * b0 + a1 * b1 = 0"
using 3 δ_minus_expr pδ'_expr by auto
have "a0⇧2 - a1⇧2 = 0" "b0⇧2 - b1⇧2 = 0" "a0 * b0 + a1 * b1 = 0"
using in_aff zeros
unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def
apply simp_all
by algebra+
then show ?thesis
by algebra
case 4
have zeros: "a0 * b0 + a1 * b1 = 0" "a1 * b0 + b1 * a0 ≠ 0"
using 4 pδ'_expr δ_minus_expr δ'_expr by auto
have "a0^2-b1^2 = 0" "a1^2 - b0^2 = 0"
using in_aff zeros
unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def
by algebra+
then show ?thesis
using cases2 δ_minus_expr δ_plus_expr by algebra
then have "(a0,b0) ∈ {i p, (ρ ∘ i) p, (ρ ∘ ρ ∘ i) p, (ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ ∘ i) p}"
unfolding p_expr by auto
then have "∃ g ∈ rotations. τ q = (g ∘ i) p"
unfolding rotations_def by (auto simp add: ‹τ q = (a0, b0)›)
then obtain g where "g ∈ rotations" "τ q = (g ∘ i) p" by blast
then have "q = (τ ∘ g ∘ i) p"
using tau_sq ‹τ q = (a0, b0)› q_def by auto
then have "∃g∈symmetries. q = (g ∘ i) p"
using tau_rot_sym ‹g ∈ rotations› symmetries_def by blast
then show ?thesis
using ‹p ∈ e_circ› by blast
lemma dichotomy_2:
assumes "add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (1,0)"
"((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) ∈ e'_aff_0"
shows "(x2,y2) = i (x1,y1)"
proof -
have 1: "x1 = x2"
using assms unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_def delta_def delta_plus_def
delta_minus_def e'_def
apply(simp add: c_eq_1 t_expr)
by algebra
have 2: "y1 = - y2"
using assms(1,2) unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_def delta_def delta_plus_def
delta_minus_def e'_def
apply(simp add: c_eq_1 t_expr)
by algebra
from 1 2 show ?thesis by simp
lemma dichotomy_3:
assumes "ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (1,0)"
"((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) ∈ e'_aff_1"
shows "(x2,y2) = i (x1,y1)"
proof -
have nz: "x1 ≠ 0" "y1 ≠ 0" "x2 ≠ 0" "y2 ≠ 0"
using assms by(simp,force)+
have in_aff: "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff"
using assms unfolding e'_aff_1_def by auto
have ds: "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
using assms unfolding e'_aff_1_def by auto
have eqs: "x1*(y1+y2) = x2*(y1+y2)" "x1 * y1 + x2 * y2 = 0"
using assms in_aff ds
unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
apply simp_all
by algebra
then consider (1) "y1 + y2 = 0" | (2) "x1 = x2" by auto
then have 1: "x1 = x2"
case 1
then show ?thesis
using eqs nz by algebra
case 2
then show ?thesis by auto
have 2: "y1 = - y2"
using eqs 1 nz
by algebra
from 1 2 show ?thesis by simp
subsubsection ‹Meaning of dichotomy condition on deltas›
lemma wd_d_nz:
assumes "g ∈ symmetries" "(x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y)" "(x,y) ∈ e_circ"
shows "delta x y x' y' = 0"
using assms unfolding symmetries_def e_circ_def delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
by(auto,auto simp add: divide_simps t_nz t_expr(1) power2_eq_square[symmetric] d_nz)
lemma wd_d'_nz:
assumes "g ∈ symmetries" "(x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y)" "(x,y) ∈ e_circ"
shows "delta' x y x' y' = 0"
using assms unfolding symmetries_def e_circ_def delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
by auto
lemma meaning_of_dichotomy_1:
assumes "(∃g∈symmetries. (x2, y2) = (g ∘ i) (x1, y1))"
shows "fst (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) = 0 ∨ snd (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) = 0"
using assms
apply(simp add: c_eq_1)
unfolding symmetries_def
by (simp_all split: if_splits add: t_nz field_simps power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr)
lemma meaning_of_dichotomy_2:
assumes "(∃g∈symmetries. (x2, y2) = (g ∘ i) (x1, y1))"
shows "fst (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) = 0 ∨ snd (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) = 0"
using assms
by(auto split: if_splits simp add: t_nz field_simps symmetries_def)
subsection ‹Gluing relation and projective points›
definition gluing :: "((('a × 'a) × bool) × (('a × 'a) × bool)) set" where
"gluing = {(((x0,y0),l),((x1,y1),j)).
((x0,y0) ∈ e'_aff ∧ (x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff) ∧
((x0 ≠ 0 ∧ y0 ≠ 0 ∧ (x1,y1) = τ (x0,y0) ∧ j = Not l) ∨
(x0 = x1 ∧ y0 = y1 ∧ l = j))}"
lemma gluing_char:
assumes "(((x0,y0),l),((x1,y1),j)) ∈ gluing"
shows "((x0,y0) = (x1,y1) ∧ l = j) ∨ ((x1,y1) = τ (x0,y0) ∧ l = Not j ∧ x0 ≠ 0 ∧ y0 ≠ 0)"
using assms gluing_def by force+
lemma gluing_char_zero:
assumes "(((x0,y0),l),((x1,y1),j)) ∈ gluing" "x0 = 0 ∨ y0 = 0"
shows "(x0,y0) = (x1,y1) ∧ l = j"
using assms unfolding gluing_def e_circ_def by force
lemma gluing_aff:
assumes "(((x0,y0),l),((x1,y1),j)) ∈ gluing"
shows "(x0,y0) ∈ e'_aff" "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff"
using assms unfolding gluing_def by force+
definition e'_aff_bit :: "(('a × 'a) × bool) set" where
"e'_aff_bit = e'_aff × UNIV"
lemma eq_rel: "equiv e'_aff_bit gluing"
unfolding equiv_def
show "refl_on e'_aff_bit gluing"
unfolding refl_on_def e'_aff_bit_def gluing_def by auto
show "sym gluing"
unfolding sym_def gluing_def by(auto simp add: e_circ_def t_nz)
show "trans gluing"
unfolding trans_def gluing_def by(auto simp add: e_circ_def t_nz)
lemma gluing_eq: "x = y ⟹ gluing `` {x} = gluing `` {y}"
by simp
definition e_proj where "e_proj = e'_aff_bit // gluing"
subsubsection‹Point-class classification›
lemma eq_class_simp:
assumes "X ∈ e_proj" "X ≠ {}"
shows "X // gluing = {X}"
proof -
have simp_un: "gluing `` {x} = X" if "x ∈ X" for x
by (metis equiv_class_eq[OF eq_rel] that quotientE Image_singleton_iff assms(1) e_proj_def)
show "X // gluing = {X}"
unfolding quotient_def by(simp add: simp_un assms)
lemma gluing_class_1:
assumes "x = 0 ∨ y = 0" "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
shows "gluing `` {((x,y), l)} = {((x,y), l)}"
proof -
have "(x,y) ∉ e_circ" using assms unfolding e_circ_def by blast
then show ?thesis
using assms unfolding gluing_def Image_def
by(simp split: prod.splits del: τ.simps add: assms,safe)
lemma gluing_class_2:
assumes "x ≠ 0" "y ≠ 0" "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
shows "gluing `` {((x,y), l)} = {((x,y), l), (τ (x,y), Not l)}"
proof -
have "(x,y) ∈ e_circ" using assms unfolding e_circ_def by blast
then have "τ (x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
using τ_circ using e_circ_def by force
show ?thesis
using assms ‹τ (x,y) ∈ e'_aff› by (auto simp add: e_circ_def gluing_def assms)
lemma e_proj_elim_1:
assumes "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
shows "{((x,y),l)} ∈ e_proj ⟷ x = 0 ∨ y = 0"
assume as: "{((x, y), l)} ∈ e_proj"
have eq: "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x,y),l)}"
(is "_ = ?B")
using quotientI[of _ ?B gluing] eq_class_simp as by auto
then show "x = 0 ∨ y = 0"
using assms gluing_class_2 by force
assume "x = 0 ∨ y = 0"
then have eq: "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x,y),l)}"
using assms gluing_class_1 by presburger
show "{((x,y),l)} ∈ e_proj"
using assms
by (metis Image_singleton_iff e_proj_def eq eq_rel equals0I equiv_class_eq_iff
insert_not_empty quotientI)
lemma e_proj_elim_2:
assumes "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
shows "{((x,y),l),(τ (x,y),Not l)} ∈ e_proj ⟷ x ≠ 0 ∧ y ≠ 0"
assume "x ≠ 0 ∧ y ≠ 0"
then have eq: "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x,y),l),(τ (x,y),Not l)}"
using assms gluing_class_2 by presburger
show "{((x,y),l),(τ (x,y),Not l)} ∈ e_proj"
using assms quotientI unfolding e_proj_def
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Image_iff eq eq_rel equiv_class_eq_iff
assume as: "{((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)} ∈ e_proj"
have eq: "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x,y),l),(τ (x,y),Not l)}"
(is "_ = ?B")
using quotientI[of _ ?B gluing] eq_class_simp as by auto
then show "x ≠ 0 ∧ y ≠ 0"
using assms gluing_class_1 by auto
lemma e_proj_eq:
assumes "p ∈ e_proj"
shows "∃ x y l. (p = {((x,y),l)} ∨ p = {((x,y),l),(τ (x,y),Not l)}) ∧ (x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
proof -
obtain g where p_expr: "p = gluing `` {g}" "g ∈ e'_aff_bit"
using assms unfolding e_proj_def quotient_def by blast+
then obtain x y l where g_expr: "g = ((x,y),l)" "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
using e'_aff_bit_def by auto
show ?thesis
using e_proj_elim_1 e_proj_elim_2 gluing_class_1 gluing_class_2 g_expr p_expr by meson
lemma e_proj_aff:
"gluing `` {((x,y),l)} ∈ e_proj ⟷ (x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
assume "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} ∈ e_proj"
then show "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
unfolding e_proj_def e'_aff_bit_def
using eq_equiv_class gluing_aff e'_aff_bit_def eq_rel
by (fastforce elim!: quotientE)
assume as: "(x, y) ∈ e'_aff"
show "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} ∈ e_proj"
using gluing_class_1[OF _ as] gluing_class_2[OF _ _ as]
e_proj_elim_1[OF as] e_proj_elim_2[OF as] by fastforce
lemma gluing_cases:
assumes "x ∈ e_proj"
obtains x0 y0 l where "x = {((x0,y0),l)} ∨ x = {((x0,y0),l),(τ (x0,y0),Not l)}"
using e_proj_eq[OF assms] that by blast
lemma gluing_cases_explicit:
assumes "x ∈ e_proj" "x = gluing `` {((x0,y0),l)}"
shows "x = {((x0,y0),l)} ∨ x = {((x0,y0),l),(τ (x0,y0),Not l)}"
proof -
have "(x0,y0) ∈ e'_aff"
using assms e_proj_aff by simp
have "gluing `` {((x0,y0),l)} = {((x0,y0),l)} ∨
gluing `` {((x0,y0),l)} = {((x0,y0),l),(τ (x0,y0),Not l)}"
using assms gluing_class_1 gluing_class_2 ‹(x0, y0) ∈ e'_aff› by meson
then show ?thesis using assms by fast
lemma gluing_cases_points:
assumes "x ∈ e_proj" "x = gluing `` {(p,l)}"
shows "x = {(p,l)} ∨ x = {(p,l),(τ p,Not l)}"
using gluing_cases_explicit[OF assms(1), of "fst p" "snd p" l] assms by auto
lemma identity_equiv:
"gluing `` {((1, 0), l)} = {((1,0),l)}"
unfolding Image_def
show "{y. (((1, 0), l), y) ∈ gluing} ⊆ {((1, 0), l)}"
using gluing_char_zero by(intro subrelI,fast)
have "(1,0) ∈ e'_aff"
unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def by simp
then have "((1, 0), l) ∈ e'_aff_bit"
unfolding e'_aff_bit_def by blast
show "{((1, 0), l)} ⊆ {y. (((1, 0), l), y) ∈ gluing}"
using eq_rel ‹((1, 0), l) ∈ e'_aff_bit›
unfolding equiv_def refl_on_def by blast
lemma identity_proj:
"{((1,0),l)} ∈ e_proj"
proof -
have "(1,0) ∈ e'_aff"
unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def by auto
then show ?thesis
using e_proj_aff[of 1 0 l] identity_equiv by auto
lemma gluing_inv:
assumes "x ≠ 0" "y ≠ 0" "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
shows "gluing `` {((x,y),j)} = gluing `` {(τ (x,y), Not j)}"
proof -
have taus: "τ (x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
using e_circ_def assms τ_circ by fastforce+
have "gluing `` {((x,y), j)} = {((x, y), j), (τ (x, y), Not j)}"
using gluing_class_2 assms by meson
also have "… = {(τ (x, y), Not j), (τ (τ (x, y)), j)}"
using tau_idemp_explicit by force
also have "{(τ (x, y), Not j), (τ (τ (x, y)), j)} = gluing `` {(τ (x,y), Not j)}"
using assms gluing_class_2 t_def t_ineq(2) taus by auto
finally show ?thesis .
subsection ‹Projective addition on points›
definition xor :: "bool => bool ⇒ bool"
where xor_def: "xor P Q ≡ (P ∧ ¬ Q) ∨ (¬ P ∧ Q)"
function (domintros) proj_add :: "('a × 'a) × bool ⇒ ('a × 'a) × bool ⇒ ('a × 'a) × bool"
"proj_add ((x1, y1), l) ((x2, y2), j) = (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), xor l j)"
if "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0" and
"(x1, y1) ∈ e'_aff" and
"(x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff"
| "proj_add ((x1, y1), l) ((x2, y2), j) = (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), xor l j)"
if "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0" and
"(x1, y1) ∈ e'_aff" and
"(x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff"
| "proj_add ((x1, y1), l) ((x2, y2), j) = undefined"
if "(x1, y1) ∉ e'_aff ∨ (x2, y2) ∉ e'_aff ∨
(delta x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0 ∧ delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0)"
using coherence e'_aff_def by force+
termination proj_add using "termination" by blast
lemma proj_add_inv:
assumes "(x0,y0) ∈ e'_aff"
shows "proj_add ((x0,y0),l) (i (x0,y0),l') = ((1,0),xor l l')"
proof -
have i_in: "i (x0,y0) ∈ e'_aff"
using i_aff assms by blast
consider (1) "x0 = 0" | (2) "y0 = 0" | (3) "x0 ≠ 0" "y0 ≠ 0" by fast
then show ?thesis
case 1
from assms 1 have y_expr: "y0 = 1 ∨ y0 = -1"
unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def by(simp,algebra)
then have "delta x0 y0 x0 (-y0) ≠ 0"
using 1 unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def by simp
then show "proj_add ((x0,y0),l) (i (x0,y0),l') = ((1,0),xor l l')"
using 1 assms delta_plus_def i_in inverse_generalized by fastforce
case 2
from assms 2 have "x0 = 1 ∨ x0 = -1"
unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def by(simp,algebra)
then have "delta x0 y0 x0 (-y0) ≠ 0"
using 2 unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def by simp
then show ?thesis
using 2 assms delta_def inverse_generalized by fastforce
case 3
consider (a) "delta x0 y0 x0 (-y0) = 0" "delta' x0 y0 x0 (-y0) = 0" |
(b) "delta x0 y0 x0 (-y0) ≠ 0" "delta' x0 y0 x0 (-y0) = 0" |
(c) "delta x0 y0 x0 (-y0) = 0" "delta' x0 y0 x0 (-y0) ≠ 0" |
(d) "delta x0 y0 x0 (-y0) ≠ 0" "delta' x0 y0 x0 (-y0) ≠ 0" by meson
then show ?thesis
case a
then have "d * x0^2 * y0^2 = 1 ∨ d * x0^2 * y0^2 = -1"
"x0^2 = y0^2"
"x0^2 + y0^2 - 1 = d * x0^2 * y0^2"
unfolding power2_eq_square
using a unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def apply algebra
using 3 two_not_zero a unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def apply force
using assms t_expr unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def power2_eq_square by force
then have "2*x0^2 = 2 ∨ 2*x0^2 = 0"
by algebra
then have "x0 = 1 ∨ x0 = -1"
using 3 a(1,2) add_self assms by blast
then have "y0 = 0"
using assms t_n1 t_nm1 a add_self by blast
then have "False"
using 3 by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
case b
have "proj_add ((x0, y0), l) (i (x0, y0), l') =
(add (x0, y0) (i (x0, y0)), xor l l')"
using assms i_in b by simp
also have "… = ((1,0),xor l l')"
using inverse_generalized[OF assms] b
unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
by auto
finally show ?thesis
by blast
case c
have "proj_add ((x0, y0), l) (i (x0, y0), l') =
(ext_add (x0, y0) (i (x0, y0)), xor l l')"
using assms i_in c by simp
also have "… = ((1,0),xor l l')"
using "3" ext_add_inverse by blast
finally show ?thesis
by blast
case d
have "proj_add ((x0, y0), l) (i (x0, y0), l') =
(add (x0, y0) (i (x0, y0)), xor l l')"
using assms i_in d by simp
also have "… = ((1,0),xor l l')"
using inverse_generalized[OF assms] d
unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
by auto
finally show ?thesis
by blast
lemma proj_add_comm:
"proj_add ((x0,y0),l) ((x1,y1),j) = proj_add ((x1,y1),j) ((x0,y0),l)"
proof -
(1) "delta x0 y0 x1 y1 ≠ 0 ∧ (x0,y0) ∈ e'_aff ∧ (x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" |
(2) "delta' x0 y0 x1 y1 ≠ 0 ∧ (x0,y0) ∈ e'_aff ∧ (x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" |
(3) "(delta x0 y0 x1 y1 = 0 ∧ delta' x0 y0 x1 y1 = 0) ∨
(x0,y0) ∉ e'_aff ∨ (x1,y1) ∉ e'_aff" by blast
then show ?thesis
case 1 then show ?thesis
by (force simp add: xor_def commutativity delta_com)
case 2 then show ?thesis
using delta'_com ext_add_comm_points xor_def by auto
case 3 then show ?thesis
by(auto simp add: delta_com delta'_com)
subsection ‹Projective addition on classes›
function (domintros) proj_add_class :: "(('a × 'a) × bool ) set ⇒
(('a × 'a) × bool ) set ⇒
((('a × 'a) × bool ) set) set"
"proj_add_class c1 c2 =
proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |
x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
((x1, y1), i) ∈ c1 ∧
((x2, y2), j) ∈ c2 ∧
((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1
} // gluing
if "c1 ∈ e_proj" and "c2 ∈ e_proj"
| "proj_add_class c1 c2 = undefined"
if "c1 ∉ e_proj ∨ c2 ∉ e_proj"
by (meson surj_pair) auto
termination proj_add_class using "termination" by auto
definition proj_addition where
"proj_addition c1 c2 = the_elem (proj_add_class c1 c2)"
subsubsection ‹Covering›
corollary no_fp_eq:
assumes "p ∈ e_circ"
assumes "r' ∈ rotations" "r ∈ rotations"
assumes "(r' ∘ i) p = (τ ∘ r) (i p)"
shows "False"
proof -
obtain r'' where "r'' ∘ r' = id" "r'' ∈ rotations"
using rot_inv assms by blast
then have "i p = (r'' ∘ τ ∘ r) (i p)"
using assms by (simp,metis pointfree_idE)
then have "i p = (τ ∘ r'' ∘ r) (i p)"
using rot_tau_com[OF ‹r'' ∈ rotations›] by simp
then have "∃ r''. r'' ∈ rotations ∧ i p = (τ ∘ r'') (i p)"
using rot_comp[OF ‹r'' ∈ rotations›] assms by fastforce
then obtain r'' where
eq: "r'' ∈ rotations" "i p = (τ ∘ r'') (i p)"
by blast
have "τ ∘ r'' ∈ G" "i p ∈ e_circ"
using tau_rot_sym[OF ‹r'' ∈ rotations›] G_partition
using i_circ_points assms(1) by simp+
then show "False"
using g_no_fp[OF ‹τ ∘ r'' ∈ G› ‹i p ∈ e_circ›]
eq assms(1) sym_not_id[OF eq(1)] by argo
lemma covering:
assumes "p ∈ e_proj" "q ∈ e_proj"
shows "proj_add_class p q ≠ {}"
proof -
from e_proj_eq[OF assms(1)] e_proj_eq[OF assms(2)]
obtain x y l x' y' l' where
p_q_expr: "p = {((x, y), l)} ∨ p = {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)} "
"q = {((x', y'), l')} ∨ q = {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
"(x,y) ∈ e'_aff" "(x',y') ∈ e'_aff"
by blast
then have in_aff: "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff" "(x',y') ∈ e'_aff" by auto
from p_q_expr have gluings: "p = (gluing `` {((x,y),l)})"
"q = (gluing `` {((x',y'),l')})"
using assms e_proj_elim_1 e_proj_elim_2 gluing_class_1 gluing_class_2
by metis+
then have gluing_proj: "(gluing `` {((x,y),l)}) ∈ e_proj"
"(gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}) ∈ e_proj"
using assms by blast+
"(x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y))"
| "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_0"
| "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_1"
using dichotomy_1[OF ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(x',y') ∈ e'_aff›] by blast
then show ?thesis
case 1
then obtain r where r_expr: "(x',y') = (τ ∘ r) (i (x,y))" "r ∈ rotations"
using sym_decomp by force
then have nz: "x ≠ 0" "y ≠ 0" "x' ≠ 0" "y' ≠ 0"
using 1 t_nz unfolding e_circ_def rotations_def by force+
have taus: "τ (x',y') ∈ e'_aff"
using nz i_aff p_q_expr(3) r_expr rot_aff tau_idemp_point by auto
have circ: "(x,y) ∈ e_circ"
using nz in_aff e_circ_def by blast
have p_q_expr': "p = {((x,y),l),(τ (x,y),Not l)}"
"q = {(τ (x',y'),Not l'),((x',y'),l')}"
using gluings nz gluing_class_2 taus in_aff tau_idemp_point t_nz assms by auto
have p_q_proj: "{((x,y),l),(τ (x,y),Not l)} ∈ e_proj"
"{(τ (x',y'),Not l'),((x',y'),l')} ∈ e_proj"
using p_q_expr' assms by auto
(a) "(x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. τ (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y))"
|(b) "((x, y), τ (x', y')) ∈ e'_aff_0"
|(c) "((x, y), τ (x', y')) ∈ e'_aff_1"
using dichotomy_1[OF ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹τ (x', y') ∈ e'_aff›] by blast
then show ?thesis
case a
then obtain r' where r'_expr: "τ (x',y') = (τ ∘ r') (i (x, y))" "r' ∈ rotations"
using sym_decomp by force
have "(x',y') = r' (i (x, y))"
have "(x',y') = τ (τ (x',y'))"
using tau_idemp_point by presburger
also have "… = τ ((τ ∘ r') (i (x, y)))"
using r'_expr by argo
also have "… = r' (i (x, y))"
using tau_idemp_point by simp
finally show ?thesis by simp
then have "False"
using no_fp_eq[OF circ r'_expr(2) r_expr(2)] r_expr by simp
then show ?thesis by blast
case b
then have ds: "delta x y (fst (τ (x',y'))) (snd (τ (x',y'))) ≠ 0"
unfolding e'_aff_0_def by simp
then have
add_some: "proj_add ((x,y),l) (τ (x',y'),Not l') = (add (x, y) (τ (x',y')), Not (xor l l'))"
using proj_add.simps[of x y _ _ l "Not l'", OF _ ]
‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹τ (x', y') ∈ e'_aff› xor_def by auto
have "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), ¬ local.xor l l')} ∈ proj_add_class p q"
apply(subst proj_add_class.simps(1)[of p q, OF assms])
apply(rule quotientI)
apply(subst p_q_expr')+
apply(subst add_some[symmetric])
using b by fastforce
then show ?thesis by blast
case c
then have ds: "delta' x y (fst (τ (x',y'))) (snd (τ (x',y'))) ≠ 0"
unfolding e'_aff_1_def by simp
then have
add_some: "proj_add ((x,y),l) (τ (x',y'),Not l') = (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x',y')), Not (xor l l'))"
using proj_add.simps[of x y _ _ l "Not l'", OF _ ]
‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹τ (x', y') ∈ e'_aff› xor_def by force
have "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), ¬ local.xor l l')} ∈ proj_add_class p q"
apply(subst proj_add_class.simps(1)[of p q, OF assms])
apply(rule quotientI)
apply(subst p_q_expr')+
apply(subst add_some[symmetric])
using c by fastforce
then show ?thesis by blast
case 2
then have ds: "delta x y x' y' ≠ 0"
unfolding e'_aff_0_def by simp
then have
add_some: "proj_add ((x,y),l) ((x',y'),l') = (add (x, y) (x',y'), xor l l')"
using proj_add.simps(1)[of x y x' y' l "l'", OF _ ] in_aff by blast
then show ?thesis
using p_q_expr
unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF assms]
unfolding e'_aff_0_def using ds in_aff xor_def by blast
case 3
then have ds: "delta' x y x' y' ≠ 0"
unfolding e'_aff_1_def by simp
then have
add_some: "proj_add ((x,y),l) ((x',y'),l') = (ext_add (x, y) (x',y'), xor l l')"
using proj_add.simps(2)[of x y x' y' l "l'", OF _ ] in_aff xor_def by simp
then show ?thesis
using p_q_expr
unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF assms]
unfolding e'_aff_1_def using ds in_aff xor_def by blast
lemma covering_with_deltas:
assumes "(gluing `` {((x,y),l)}) ∈ e_proj" "(gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}) ∈ e_proj"
shows "delta x y x' y' ≠ 0 ∨ delta' x y x' y' ≠ 0 ∨
delta x y (fst (τ (x',y'))) (snd (τ (x',y'))) ≠ 0 ∨
delta' x y (fst (τ (x',y'))) (snd (τ (x',y'))) ≠ 0"
proof -
define p where "p = (gluing `` {((x,y),l)})"
define q where "q = (gluing `` {((x',y'),l')})"
have "p ∈ e'_aff_bit // gluing"
using assms(1) p_def unfolding e_proj_def by blast
from e_proj_eq[OF assms(1)] e_proj_eq[OF assms(2)]
have "p = {((x, y), l)} ∨ p = {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
using p_def using assms(1) gluing_cases_explicit by auto
have "q = {((x', y'), l')} ∨ q = {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
using q_def assms(2) gluing_cases_explicit q_def by auto
have *: "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff" "(x',y') ∈ e'_aff"
using assms e'_aff_bit_def eq_rel gluing_cases_explicit in_quotient_imp_subset
by (auto simp: e_proj_aff)
ultimately have in_aff: "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff" "(x',y') ∈ e'_aff" by auto
then have gluings: "p = (gluing `` {((x,y),l)})"
"q = (gluing `` {((x',y'),l')})"
using p_def q_def by simp+
then have gluing_proj: "(gluing `` {((x,y),l)}) ∈ e_proj"
"(gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}) ∈ e_proj"
using assms by blast+
"(x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y))"
| "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_0"
| "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_1"
using dichotomy_1[OF ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(x',y') ∈ e'_aff›] by blast
then show ?thesis
case 1
then obtain r where r_expr: "(x',y') = (τ ∘ r) (i (x,y))" "r ∈ rotations"
using sym_decomp by force
then have nz: "x ≠ 0" "y ≠ 0" "x' ≠ 0" "y' ≠ 0"
using 1 t_nz unfolding e_circ_def rotations_def by force+
have taus: "τ (x',y') ∈ e'_aff"
using nz i_aff * r_expr rot_aff tau_idemp_point by auto
have circ: "(x,y) ∈ e_circ"
using nz in_aff e_circ_def by blast
have p_q_expr': "p = {((x,y),l),(τ (x,y), Not l)}"
"q = {(τ (x',y'),Not l'),((x',y'),l')}"
using gluings nz gluing_class_2 taus in_aff tau_idemp_point t_nz assms by auto
have p_q_proj: "{((x,y),l),(τ (x,y),Not l)} ∈ e_proj"
"{(τ (x',y'),Not l'),((x',y'),l')} ∈ e_proj"
using * p_q_expr' assms gluing_proj gluings by auto
(a) "(x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. τ (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y))"
| (b) "((x, y), τ (x', y')) ∈ e'_aff_0"
| (c) "((x, y), τ (x', y')) ∈ e'_aff_1"
using dichotomy_1[OF ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹τ (x', y') ∈ e'_aff›] by blast
then show ?thesis
case a
then obtain r' where r'_expr: "τ (x',y') = (τ ∘ r') (i (x, y))" "r' ∈ rotations"
using sym_decomp by force
have "(x',y') = r' (i (x, y))"
have "(x',y') = τ (τ (x',y'))"
using tau_idemp_point by presburger
also have "… = τ ((τ ∘ r') (i (x, y)))"
using r'_expr by argo
also have "… = r' (i (x, y))"
using tau_idemp_point by simp
finally show ?thesis by simp
then have "False"
using no_fp_eq[OF circ r'_expr(2) r_expr(2)] r_expr by simp
then show ?thesis by blast
case b
define x'' where "x'' = fst (τ (x',y'))"
define y'' where "y'' = snd (τ (x',y'))"
from b have "delta x y x'' y'' ≠ 0"
unfolding e'_aff_0_def using x''_def y''_def by simp
then show ?thesis
unfolding x''_def y''_def by blast
case c
define x'' where "x'' = fst (τ (x',y'))"
define y'' where "y'' = snd (τ (x',y'))"
from c have "delta' x y x'' y'' ≠ 0"
unfolding e'_aff_1_def using x''_def y''_def by simp
then show ?thesis
unfolding x''_def y''_def by blast
case 2
then have "delta x y x' y' ≠ 0"
unfolding e'_aff_0_def by simp
then show ?thesis by simp
case 3
then have "delta' x y x' y' ≠ 0"
unfolding e'_aff_1_def by simp
then show ?thesis by simp
subsubsection ‹Independence of the representant›
lemma proj_add_class_comm:
assumes "c1 ∈ e_proj" "c2 ∈ e_proj"
shows "proj_add_class c1 c2 = proj_add_class c2 c1"
proof -
have "((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1 ⟹
((x2, y2), x1, y1) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1" for x1 y1 x2 y2
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def
e'_aff_def e'_def
delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
then have "{proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
((x1, y1), i) ∈ c1 ∧ ((x2, y2), j) ∈ c2 ∧ ((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1} =
{proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
((x1, y1), i) ∈ c2 ∧ ((x2, y2), j) ∈ c1 ∧ ((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1}"
using proj_add_comm by blast
then show ?thesis
unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF assms]
proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF assms(2) assms(1)] by argo
lemma gluing_add_1:
assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x, y), l)}" "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')} = {((x', y'), l')}"
"gluing `` {((x,y),l)} ∈ e_proj" "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')} ∈ e_proj" "delta x y x' y' ≠ 0"
shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x,y),l)}) (gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}) = (gluing `` {(add (x,y) (x',y'), xor l l')})"
proof -
have in_aff: "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff" "(x',y') ∈ e'_aff"
using assms e_proj_eq e_proj_aff by blast+
then have add_in: "add (x, y) (x', y') ∈ e'_aff"
using add_closure ‹delta x y x' y' ≠ 0› delta_def e_e'_iff e'_aff_def by auto
from in_aff have zeros: "x = 0 ∨ y = 0" "x' = 0 ∨ y' = 0"
using e_proj_elim_1 assms by presburger+
then have add_zeros: "fst (add (x,y) (x',y')) = 0 ∨ snd (add (x,y) (x',y')) = 0"
by auto
then have add_proj: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} = {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
using add_in gluing_class_1 by auto
have e_proj: "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x',y'),l')} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} ∈ e_proj"
using e_proj_aff in_aff add_in by auto
(a) "(x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y))" |
(b) "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_0" "¬ ((x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y)))" |
(c) "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_1" "¬ ((x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y)))" "((x, y), x', y') ∉ e'_aff_0"
using dichotomy_1[OF ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(x',y') ∈ e'_aff›] by argo
then show ?thesis
case a
then have "False"
using in_aff zeros unfolding e_circ_def by force
then show ?thesis by simp
case b
have add_eq: "proj_add ((x, y), l) ((x', y'), l') = (add (x,y) (x', y'), xor l l')"
using proj_add.simps ‹delta x y x' y' ≠ 0› in_aff by simp
show ?thesis
unfolding proj_addition_def
unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF e_proj(1,2)] add_proj
unfolding assms(1,2) e'_aff_0_def
using ‹delta x y x' y' ≠ 0› in_aff add_proj e_proj(3) eq_class_simp
by (simp add: add_eq del: add.simps)
case c
then have eqs: "delta x y x' y' = 0" "delta' x y x' y' ≠ 0" "e x y = 0" "e x' y' = 0"
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def e'_aff_def
using e_e'_iff in_aff by auto
then show ?thesis using assms by simp
lemma gluing_add_2:
assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x, y), l)}" "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')} = {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
"gluing `` {((x,y),l)} ∈ e_proj" "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')} ∈ e_proj" "delta x y x' y' ≠ 0"
shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x,y),l)}) (gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}) = (gluing `` {(add (x,y) (x',y'), xor l l')})"
proof -
have in_aff: "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff" "(x',y') ∈ e'_aff"
using assms e_proj_eq e_proj_aff by blast+
then have add_in: "add (x, y) (x', y') ∈ e'_aff"
using add_closure ‹delta x y x' y' ≠ 0› delta_def e_e'_iff e'_aff_def by auto
from in_aff have zeros: "x = 0 ∨ y = 0" "x' ≠ 0" "y' ≠ 0"
using e_proj_elim_1 e_proj_elim_2 assms by presburger+
have e_proj: "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x',y'),l')} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} ∈ e_proj"
using e_proj_aff in_aff add_in by auto
(a) "(x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y))" |
(b) "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_0" "¬ ((x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y)))" |
(c) "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_1" "¬ ((x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y)))" "((x, y), x', y') ∉ e'_aff_0"
using dichotomy_1[OF ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(x',y') ∈ e'_aff›] by fast
then show ?thesis
case a
then have "False"
using in_aff zeros unfolding e_circ_def by force
then show ?thesis by simp
case b
then have ld_nz: "delta x y x' y' ≠ 0" unfolding e'_aff_0_def by auto
have v1: "proj_add ((x, y), l) ((x', y'), l') = (add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')"
by(simp add: ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(x',y') ∈ e'_aff› ld_nz del: add.simps)
have ecirc: "(x',y') ∈ e_circ" "x' ≠ 0" "y' ≠ 0"
unfolding e_circ_def using zeros ‹(x',y') ∈ e'_aff› by blast+
then have "τ (x', y') ∈ e_circ"
using zeros τ_circ by blast
then have in_aff': "τ (x', y') ∈ e'_aff"
unfolding e_circ_def by force
have add_nz: "fst (add (x, y) (x', y')) ≠ 0"
"snd (add (x, y) (x', y')) ≠ 0"
using zeros ld_nz in_aff
unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def e'_aff_def e'_def
by (auto simp add: c_eq_1)
have add_in: "add (x, y) (x', y') ∈ e'_aff"
using add_closure in_aff e_e'_iff ld_nz unfolding e'_aff_def delta_def by simp
have ld_nz': "delta x y (fst (τ (x',y'))) (snd (τ (x',y'))) ≠ 0"
unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
using zeros by fastforce
have tau_conv: "τ (add (x, y) (x', y')) = add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))"
using zeros e'_aff_x0[OF _ in_aff(1)] e'_aff_y0[OF _ in_aff(1)]
apply(elim disjE)
by (auto simp add: c_eq_1 divide_simps d_nz t_nz zeros)
have v2: "proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), Not l') = (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))"
using proj_add.simps ‹τ (x', y') ∈ e'_aff› in_aff tau_conv
‹delta x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) ≠ 0› xor_def by auto
have "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), local.xor l l')} ∈ e_proj"
using e_proj_aff add_in by auto
have gl_class: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} =
{(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
"gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} ∈ e_proj"
using gluing_class_2 add_nz add_in by force+
show ?thesis
proof -
have "{proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
((x1, y1), i) ∈ {((x, y), l)} ∧
((x2, y2), j) ∈ {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')} ∧
((x1, y1), x2, y2)
∈ {((x1, y1), x2, y2). (x1, y1) ∈ e'_aff ∧ (x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff ∧ delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0} ∪ e'_aff_1} =
{proj_add ((x, y), l) ((x', y'), l'), proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
(is "?t = _")
using ld_nz ld_nz' in_aff in_aff'
by force
also have "… = {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
using v1 v2 by presburger
finally have eq: "?t = {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
by blast
show ?thesis
unfolding proj_addition_def
unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF e_proj(1,2)]
unfolding assms(1,2) gl_class e'_aff_0_def
apply(subst eq)
apply(subst eq_class_simp)
using gl_class by auto
case c
have ld_nz: "delta x y x' y' = 0"
using ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(x',y') ∈ e'_aff› c
unfolding e'_aff_0_def by force
then have "False"
using assms e_proj_elim_1 in_aff
unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def by blast
then show ?thesis by blast
lemma gluing_add_4:
assumes "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
"gluing `` {((x', y'), l')} = {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
"gluing `` {((x, y), l)} ∈ e_proj" "gluing `` {((x', y'), l')} ∈ e_proj" "delta x y x' y' ≠ 0"
shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) (gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}) =
gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x',y'), xor l l')}"
(is "proj_addition ?p ?q = _")
proof -
have in_aff: "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff" "(x',y') ∈ e'_aff"
using e_proj_aff assms by meson+
then have nz: "x ≠ 0" "y ≠ 0" "x' ≠ 0" "y' ≠ 0"
using assms e_proj_elim_2 by auto
then have circ: "(x,y) ∈ e_circ" "(x',y') ∈ e_circ"
using in_aff e_circ_def nz by auto
then have taus: "(τ (x', y')) ∈ e'_aff" "(τ (x, y)) ∈ e'_aff" "τ (x', y') ∈ e_circ"
using τ_circ circ_to_aff by auto
(a) "(x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y))"
| (b) "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_0"
| (c) "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_1" "((x, y), x', y') ∉ e'_aff_0"
using dichotomy_1[OF in_aff] by auto
then show ?thesis
case a
then obtain g where sym_expr: "g ∈ symmetries" "(x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y)" by auto
then have ds: "delta x y x' y' = 0" "delta' x y x' y' = 0"
using wd_d_nz wd_d'_nz a by auto
then have "False"
using assms by auto
then show ?thesis by blast
case b
then have ld_nz: "delta x y x' y' ≠ 0"
unfolding e'_aff_0_def by auto
with taus have ds: "delta (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) ≠ 0"
by (metis curve_addition.delta_plus_def delta_def delta_minus_def split_pairs2
tau_idemp_point tau_tau_d)
have v1: "proj_add ((x, y), l) ((x', y'), l') = (add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')"
using ld_nz proj_add.simps ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(x',y') ∈ e'_aff› by simp
have v2: "proj_add (τ (x, y), Not l) (τ (x', y'), Not l') = (add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')"
using ds proj_add.simps taus
inversion_invariance_1 nz tau_idemp proj_add.simps xor_def
by (auto simp add: c_eq_1 t_nz )
consider (aaa) "delta x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) ≠ 0" |
(bbb) "delta' x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) ≠ 0"
"delta x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) = 0" |
(ccc) "delta' x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) = 0"
"delta x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) = 0" by blast
then show ?thesis
case aaa
have tau_conv: "τ (add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))) = add (x,y) (x',y')"
using aaa in_aff ld_nz
unfolding c_eq_1 e'_aff_def e'_def delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
apply(simp_all add: divide_simps t_nz nz)
apply(simp_all add: algebra_simps t_expr d_nz flip: t_expr)
by algebra+
have v3: "proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), Not l') = (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))"
using proj_add.simps(1)[OF aaa ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff›,simplified prod.collapse,OF ‹(τ (x', y')) ∈ e'_aff›]
by (smt (verit, del_insts) tau_conv tau_idemp_point xor_def)
have ds': "delta (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) x' y' ≠ 0"
using aaa unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
by (metis delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def in_aff(2) split_pairs2
tau_idemp_point tau_tau_d taus(2))
have v4: "proj_add (τ (x, y), Not l) ((x', y'), l') = (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))"
proof -
have "proj_add (τ (x, y), Not l) ((x', y'), l') = (add (τ (x, y)) (x', y'), Not (xor l l'))"
using proj_add.simps ‹τ (x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(x', y') ∈ e'_aff› ds' xor_def by auto
moreover have "add (τ (x, y)) (x', y') = τ (add (x, y) (x', y'))"
by (metis inversion_invariance_1 nz tau_conv tau_idemp_point)
ultimately show ?thesis by argo
have add_closure: "add (x,y) (x',y') ∈ e'_aff"
using in_aff add_closure ld_nz e_e'_iff unfolding delta_def e'_aff_def by auto
have add_nz: "fst (add (x,y) (x',y')) ≠ 0"
"snd (add (x,y) (x',y')) ≠ 0"
using ld_nz unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def
using aaa in_aff ld_nz
unfolding c_eq_1 e'_aff_def e'_def delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
apply(simp_all add: t_expr nz t_nz divide_simps)
apply(simp_all add: algebra_simps t_expr d_nz flip: t_expr)
by algebra+
have class_eq: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} =
{(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
using add_nz add_closure gluing_class_2 by auto
have class_proj: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} ∈ e_proj"
using add_closure e_proj_aff by auto
have dom_eq: "{proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
((x1, y1), i) ∈ {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)} ∧
((x2, y2), j) ∈ {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')} ∧ ((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1} =
{(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))}"
(is "?s = ?c")
show "?s ⊆ ?c"
fix e
assume "e ∈ ?s"
then obtain x1 y1 x2 y2 i j where
"e = proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j)"
"((x1, y1), i) ∈ {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
"((x2, y2), j) ∈ {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
"((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1" by blast
then have "e = (add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l') ∨
e = (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))"
using v1 v2 v3 v4 in_aff taus(1,2)
aaa ds ds' ld_nz by fastforce
then show "e ∈ ?c" by blast
show "?s ⊇ ?c"
fix e
assume "e ∈ ?c"
show "e ∈ ?s"
proof(cases "e = (add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')")
case True
have "(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l') = proj_add ((x, y), l) ((x', y'), l')"
using v1 by presburger
then show ?thesis
using True b by blast
case False
then have "e = (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), ¬ xor l l')"
using ‹e ∈ ?c› by fastforce
have eq: "(τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), ¬ xor l l') = proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), ¬ l')"
using v3 by presburger
have "((x, y), τ (x', y')) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1"
proof(cases "((x, y), τ (x', y')) ∈ e'_aff_0")
case True
then show ?thesis by blast
case False
then have "((x, y), τ (x', y')) ∈ e'_aff_1"
unfolding e'_aff_1_def e'_aff_0_def
using aaa in_aff(1) taus(1) by force
then show ?thesis
by blast
then show ?thesis
using eq False ‹e = (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), ¬ xor l l')›
by force
show "proj_addition ?p ?q = gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
unfolding proj_addition_def
unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF assms(3,4)]
unfolding assms
using v1 v2 v3 v4 in_aff taus(1,2) aaa ds ds' ld_nz
using dom_eq class_eq class_proj eq_class_simp by force
case bbb
from bbb have v3:
"proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), Not l') = (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))"
using proj_add.simps ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(τ (x', y')) ∈ e'_aff› xor_def by auto
have pd: "delta (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) x' y' = 0"
using bbb unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
by (metis delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def in_aff(1) split_pairs2 tau_idemp_point
tau_tau_d taus(1))
have pd': "delta' (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) x' y' ≠ 0"
using bbb unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
by(simp add: t_nz nz field_simps)
then have pd'': "delta' x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) ≠ 0"
using bbb(1) delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def by force
have v4: "proj_add (τ (x, y), Not l) ((x', y'), l') = (ext_add (τ (x, y)) (x', y'), Not(xor l l'))"
using proj_add.simps in_aff taus pd pd' xor_def by auto
have v3_eq_v4: "(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not(xor l l')) = (ext_add (τ (x, y)) (x', y'), Not(xor l l'))"
using inversion_invariance_2 nz by auto
have add_closure: "ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')) ∈ e'_aff"
proof -
obtain x1 y1 where z2_d: "τ (x', y') = (x1,y1)" by fastforce
define z3 where "z3 = ext_add (x,y) (x1,y1)"
obtain x2 y2 where z3_d: "z3 = (x2,y2)" by fastforce
have d': "delta' x y x1 y1 ≠ 0"
using bbb z2_d by auto
have "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff"
unfolding z2_d[symmetric]
using ‹τ (x', y') ∈ e'_aff› by auto
have e_eq: "e' x y = 0" "e' x1 y1 = 0"
using ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff› unfolding e'_aff_def by(auto)
have "e' x2 y2 = 0"
using z3_d z3_def ext_add_closure[OF d' e_eq, of x2 y2] by blast
then show ?thesis
unfolding e'_aff_def using e_e'_iff z3_d z3_def z2_d by simp
have eq: "x * y' + y * x' ≠ 0" "y * y' ≠ x * x'"
using bbb unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
by(simp add: t_nz nz divide_simps)+
have add_nz: "fst(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))) ≠ 0"
"snd(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))) ≠ 0"
apply(simp_all add: algebra_simps t_expr)
apply(simp_all add: divide_simps d_nz t_nz nz)
using ld_nz eq unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
unfolding t_expr[symmetric]
by algebra+
have trans_add: "τ (add (x, y) (x', y')) = (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')))"
"add (x, y) (x', y') = τ (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')))"
proof -
show "τ (add (x, y) (x', y')) = (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')))"
using add_ext_add_2 inversion_invariance_2 assms e_proj_elim_2 in_aff by auto
then show "add (x, y) (x', y') = τ (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')))"
using tau_idemp_point[of "add (x, y) (x', y')"] by argo
have dom_eq: "{proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
((x1, y1), i) ∈ {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)} ∧
((x2, y2), j) ∈ {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')} ∧ ((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1} =
{(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
(is "?s = ?c")
show "?s ⊆ ?c"
fix e
assume "e ∈ ?s"
then obtain x1 y1 x2 y2 i j where
e: "e = proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j)"
and "((x1, y1), i) ∈ {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
"((x2, y2), j) ∈ {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
"((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1" by blast
then have additional:
"((x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff ∧ (x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff ∧ delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0) ∨
((x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff ∧ (x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff ∧ delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0)"
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def by auto
then have "proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) ∈ { (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), xor i j),
(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), xor i j) }"
proof(cases "proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) = (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), xor i j)")
case True
then show ?thesis by blast
case False
then have "((x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff ∧ (x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff ∧ delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0)"
using additional proj_add.simps(1) by blast
then have "proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) = (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), xor i j)"
using proj_add.simps(1)[of x1 y1 x2 y2 i j] proj_add.simps(2)[of x1 y1 x2 y2 i j]
by blast
then show ?thesis
by blast
(1) "((x1, y1), i) = ((x, y), l)" "((x2, y2), j) = ((x', y'), l')" |
(2) "((x1, y1), i) = ((x, y), l)" "((x2, y2), j) = (τ (x', y'), Not l')" |
(3) "((x1, y1), i) = (τ (x, y), ¬ l)" "((x2, y2), j) = ((x', y'), l')" |
(4) "((x1, y1), i) = (τ (x, y), ¬ l)" "((x2, y2), j) = (τ (x', y'), Not l')"
using ‹((x1, y1), i) ∈ {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), ¬ l)}›
‹((x2, y2), j) ∈ {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}›
by auto
then have "e ∈ { (add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
proof cases
case 1
then show ?thesis
using e v1 by fastforce
case 2
then show ?thesis
using e trans_add(1) v3 by auto
case 3
then show ?thesis
using e trans_add(1) v3_eq_v4 v4 by auto
case 4
then show ?thesis
using e v2 by auto
then show "e ∈ ?c" by blast
show "?s ⊇ ?c"
fix e
assume "e ∈ ?c"
then have cases: "e = (add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l') ∨
e = (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))" by blast
have "(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l') ∈ ?s"
proof -
have "((x,y),x',y') ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1"
by (simp add: b)
then show ?thesis using v1
unfolding mem_Collect_eq by (metis insertI1)
moreover have "(τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l')) ∈ ?s"
proof -
have "(τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l')) = proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), ¬ l')"
using trans_add(1) v3 by presburger
moreover have "((x, y), τ (x', y')) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1"
by (metis Un_iff dichotomy_1 in_aff(1) pd'' prod.exhaust_sel taus(1) wd_d'_nz)
ultimately show ?thesis
by fastforce
ultimately show "e ∈ ?s"
using local.cases by presburger
have ext_eq: "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))} =
{(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l')), (τ (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))), xor l l')}"
using add_nz add_closure gluing_class_2 by auto
have class_eq: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} =
{(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))}"
proof -
have "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} =
gluing `` {(τ (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))), xor l l')}"
using trans_add by argo
also have "… = gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
using gluing_inv add_nz add_closure by auto
also have "… = {(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not(xor l l')), (τ (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))), xor l l')}"
using ext_eq by blast
also have "… = {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
using trans_add by force
finally show ?thesis .
have ext_eq_proj: "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))} ∈ e_proj"
using add_closure e_proj_aff by auto
then have class_proj: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} ∈ e_proj"
proof -
have "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} =
gluing `` {(τ (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))), xor l l')}"
using trans_add by argo
also have "… = gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))}"
using gluing_inv add_nz add_closure by auto
finally show ?thesis using ext_eq_proj by argo
show ?thesis
unfolding proj_addition_def
unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF assms(3,4)]
unfolding assms
using v1 v2 v3 v4 in_aff taus(1,2) bbb ds ld_nz
using class_eq class_proj dom_eq eq_class_simp by auto
case ccc
then have v3: "proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), Not l') = undefined" by simp
from ccc have ds': "delta (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) x' y' = 0"
"delta' (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) x' y' = 0"
unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
by(simp_all add: t_nz nz field_simps power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
then have v4: "proj_add (τ (x, y), Not l) ((x', y'), l') = undefined" by simp
have add_z: "fst (add (x, y) (x', y')) = 0 ∨ snd (add (x, y) (x', y')) = 0"
using b ccc unfolding e'_aff_0_def
delta_def delta'_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
delta_x_def delta_y_def e'_aff_def e'_def
apply(simp add: t_nz nz field_simps)
apply(simp add: c_eq_1)
by algebra
have add_closure: "add (x, y) (x', y') ∈ e'_aff"
using b(1) ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(x',y') ∈ e'_aff› add_closure e_e'_iff
by (auto simp: e'_aff_0_def delta_def e'_aff_def)
have class_eq: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} = {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
using add_z add_closure gluing_class_1 by simp
have class_proj: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} ∈ e_proj"
using add_closure e_proj_aff by simp
have dom_eq:
"{proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
((x1, y1), i) ∈ {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)} ∧
((x2, y2), j) ∈ {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')} ∧ ((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1} =
{(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
(is "?s = ?c")
show "?s ⊆ ?c"
fix e
assume "e ∈ ?s"
then obtain x1 y1 x2 y2 i j where
"e = proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j)"
"((x1, y1), i) ∈ {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
"((x2, y2), j) ∈ {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
"((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1" by blast
then have "e = (add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l') "
using v1 v2 v3 v4 in_aff taus(1,2)
ld_nz ds ds' ccc
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def by auto
then show "e ∈ ?c" by blast
show "?s ⊇ ?c"
fix e
assume "e ∈ ?c"
then have "e = (add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')" by blast
moreover have "proj_add ((x, y), l) ((x', y'), l') = (add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')"
using v1 by blast
moreover have "((x,y),x',y') ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1"
by (simp add: b)
ultimately show "e ∈ ?s"
unfolding mem_Collect_eq by (metis insertI1)
show ?thesis
unfolding proj_addition_def
unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF assms(3,4)]
unfolding assms
using class_eq class_proj dom_eq eq_class_simp by auto
case c
have "False"
using c assms unfolding e'_aff_1_def e'_aff_0_def by simp
then show ?thesis by simp
lemma gluing_add:
assumes "gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} ∈ e_proj" "gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} ∈ e_proj" "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)}) (gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)}) =
(gluing `` {(add (x1,y1) (x2,y2), xor l j)})"
proof -
have p_q_expr: "(gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l)} ∨
gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l), (τ (x1, y1), Not l)})"
"(gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j)} ∨
gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j), (τ (x2, y2), Not j)})"
using assms(1,2) gluing_cases_explicit by auto
then consider
(1) "gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l)}"
"gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j)}" |
(2) "gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l)}"
"gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j), (τ (x2, y2), Not j)}" |
(3) "gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l), (τ (x1, y1), Not l)}"
"gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j)}" |
(4) "gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l), (τ (x1, y1), Not l)}"
"gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j), (τ (x2, y2), Not j)}" by argo
then show ?thesis
case 1
then show ?thesis using gluing_add_1 assms by presburger
case 2 then show ?thesis using gluing_add_2 assms by presburger
case 3 then show ?thesis
proof -
have pd: "delta x2 y2 x1 y1 ≠ 0"
using assms(3) unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
have add_com: "add (x2, y2) (x1, y1) = add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)"
using commutativity by simp
have aux: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), j)}) (gluing `` {((x1, y1), l)}) =
gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), xor j l)}"
using gluing_add_2[OF 3(2) 3(1) assms(2) assms(1) pd] add_com
by simp
show ?thesis
unfolding proj_addition_def
by (smt (verit) assms aux proj_add_class_comm proj_addition_def xor_def)
case 4 then show ?thesis using gluing_add_4 assms by presburger
lemma gluing_ext_add_1:
assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x, y), l)}" "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')} = {((x', y'), l')}"
"gluing `` {((x,y),l)} ∈ e_proj" "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')} ∈ e_proj" "delta' x y x' y' ≠ 0"
shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x,y),l)}) (gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}) =
(gluing `` {(ext_add (x,y) (x',y'), xor l l')})"
proof -
have in_aff: "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff" "(x',y') ∈ e'_aff"
using assms e_proj_eq e_proj_aff by blast+
then have zeros: "x = 0 ∨ y = 0" "x' = 0 ∨ y' = 0"
using e_proj_elim_1 assms by presburger+
have ds: "delta' x y x' y' = 0" "delta' x y x' y' ≠ 0"
using delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def zeros(1) zeros(2) apply fastforce
using assms(5) by simp
(a) "(x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y))" |
(b) "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_0"
"¬ ((x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y)))" |
(c) "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_1" "¬ ((x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y)))"
"((x, y), x', y') ∉ e'_aff_0"
using dichotomy_1[OF ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(x',y') ∈ e'_aff›] by argo
then show ?thesis
case a
then have "False"
using in_aff zeros unfolding e_circ_def by force
then show ?thesis by simp
case b
from ds show ?thesis by simp
case c
from ds show ?thesis by simp
lemma gluing_ext_add_2:
assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x, y), l)}" "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')} = {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
"gluing `` {((x,y),l)} ∈ e_proj" "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')} ∈ e_proj" "delta' x y x' y' ≠ 0"
shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x,y),l)}) (gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}) = (gluing `` {(ext_add (x,y) (x',y'), xor l l')})"
proof -
have in_aff: "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff" "(x',y') ∈ e'_aff"
using assms e_proj_eq e_proj_aff by blast+
then have add_in: "ext_add (x, y) (x', y') ∈ e'_aff"
using ext_add_closure ‹delta' x y x' y' ≠ 0› delta_def e_e'_iff e'_aff_def by auto
from in_aff have zeros: "x = 0 ∨ y = 0" "x' ≠ 0" "y' ≠ 0"
using e_proj_elim_1 e_proj_elim_2 assms by presburger+
have e_proj: "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x',y'),l')} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} ∈ e_proj"
using e_proj_aff in_aff add_in by auto
(a) "(x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y))" |
(b) "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_0" "¬ ((x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y)))"
"((x, y), x', y') ∉ e'_aff_1" |
(c) "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_1" "¬ ((x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y)))"
using dichotomy_1[OF ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(x',y') ∈ e'_aff›] by fast
then show ?thesis
case a
then have "False"
using in_aff zeros unfolding e_circ_def by force
then show ?thesis by simp
case b
have ld_nz: "delta' x y x' y' = 0"
using ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(x',y') ∈ e'_aff› b
unfolding e'_aff_1_def by force
then have "False"
using assms e_proj_elim_1 in_aff
unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def by blast
then show ?thesis by blast
case c
then have ld_nz: "delta' x y x' y' ≠ 0" unfolding e'_aff_1_def by auto
have v1: "proj_add ((x, y), l) ((x', y'), l') = (ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')"
by(simp add: ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(x',y') ∈ e'_aff› ld_nz del: add.simps)
have ecirc: "(x',y') ∈ e_circ" "x' ≠ 0" "y' ≠ 0"
unfolding e_circ_def using zeros ‹(x',y') ∈ e'_aff› by blast+
then have "τ (x', y') ∈ e_circ"
using zeros τ_circ by blast
then have in_aff': "τ (x', y') ∈ e'_aff"
unfolding e_circ_def by force
have add_nz: "fst (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')) ≠ 0"
"snd (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')) ≠ 0"
using zeros ld_nz in_aff
unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def e'_aff_def e'_def
by auto
have add_in: "ext_add (x, y) (x', y') ∈ e'_aff"
using ext_add_closure in_aff e_e'_iff ld_nz unfolding e'_aff_def delta_def by simp
have ld_nz': "delta' x y (fst (τ (x',y'))) (snd (τ (x',y'))) ≠ 0"
using ld_nz
unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
using zeros by(auto simp add: divide_simps t_nz)
have tau_conv: "τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')) = ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))"
using zeros e'_aff_x0[OF _ in_aff(1)] e'_aff_y0[OF _ in_aff(1)]
apply(simp_all add: c_eq_1 divide_simps d_nz t_nz)
apply(elim disjE)
by (auto simp add: t_nz zeros)
have v2: "proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), Not l') = (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))"
using proj_add.simps ‹τ (x', y') ∈ e'_aff› in_aff tau_conv
‹delta' x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) ≠ 0› xor_def by auto
obtain gl_class: "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'),xor l l')} =
{(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))}"
"gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} ∈ e_proj"
by (metis prod.collapse gluing_class_2 add_nz add_in e_proj_aff add_in)
show ?thesis
proof -
have "{proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
((x1, y1), i) ∈ {((x, y), l)} ∧
((x2, y2), j) ∈ {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')} ∧
((x1, y1), x2, y2)
∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ {((x1, y1), x2, y2). (x1, y1) ∈ e'_aff ∧ (x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff ∧ delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0}} =
{proj_add ((x, y), l) ((x', y'), l'), proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
(is "?t = _")
using ld_nz ld_nz' in_aff in_aff'
by force
also have "… = {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))}"
using v1 v2 by presburger
finally have eq: "?t = {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))}"
by blast
show ?thesis
unfolding proj_addition_def
unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF e_proj(1,2)]
unfolding assms(1,2) gl_class e'_aff_1_def
using eq_class_simp gl_class eq by force
lemma gluing_ext_add_4:
assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
"gluing `` {((x',y'),l')} = {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
"gluing `` {((x,y),l)} ∈ e_proj" "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')} ∈ e_proj"
"delta' x y x' y' ≠ 0"
shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x,y),l)}) (gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}) = (gluing `` {(ext_add (x,y) (x',y'),xor l l')})"
(is "proj_addition ?p ?q = _")
proof -
have in_aff: "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff" "(x',y') ∈ e'_aff"
using e_proj_aff assms by meson+
then have nz: "x ≠ 0" "y ≠ 0" "x' ≠ 0" "y' ≠ 0"
using assms e_proj_elim_2 by auto
then have circ: "(x,y) ∈ e_circ" "(x',y') ∈ e_circ"
using in_aff e_circ_def nz by auto
then have taus: "(τ (x', y')) ∈ e'_aff" "(τ (x, y)) ∈ e'_aff" "τ (x', y') ∈ e_circ"
using τ_circ circ_to_aff by auto
(a) "(x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y))"
| (b) "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_0" "((x, y), x', y') ∉ e'_aff_1"
| (c) "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_1"
using dichotomy_1[OF in_aff] by auto
then show ?thesis
case a
then obtain g where sym_expr: "g ∈ symmetries" "(x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y)" by auto
then have ds: "delta x y x' y' = 0" "delta' x y x' y' = 0"
using wd_d_nz wd_d'_nz a by auto
then have "False"
using assms by auto
then show ?thesis by blast
case b
have "False"
using b assms unfolding e'_aff_1_def e'_aff_0_def by simp
then show ?thesis by simp
case c
then have ld_nz: "delta' x y x' y' ≠ 0"
unfolding e'_aff_1_def by auto
then have ds: "delta' (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) ≠ 0"
unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
by(simp add: t_nz field_simps nz)
have v1: "proj_add ((x, y), l) ((x', y'), l') = (ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')"
using ld_nz proj_add.simps ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(x',y') ∈ e'_aff› by simp
have v2: "proj_add (τ (x, y), Not l) (τ (x', y'), Not l') = (ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')"
using inversion_invariance_2[OF nz(1,2), of "fst (τ (x',y'))" "snd (τ (x',y'))"]
using ds nz(3,4) tau_idemp_point taus(1,2) xor_def by force
consider (aaa) "delta' x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) ≠ 0" |
(bbb) "delta x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) ≠ 0"
"delta' x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) = 0" |
(ccc) "delta' x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) = 0"
"delta x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) = 0" by blast
then show ?thesis
case aaa
have tau_conv: "τ (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))) = ext_add (x,y) (x',y')"
using aaa in_aff ld_nz
unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
apply(simp_all add: divide_simps t_nz nz)
by algebra+
have tauI: "τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')) = ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))"
using tau_idemp_point[of "ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))"]
using tau_conv by argo
have v3:
"proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), Not l') = (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))"
using aaa in_aff(1) tauI taus(1) xor_def by auto
have ds': "delta' (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) x' y' ≠ 0"
using aaa unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
by(simp add: field_simps t_nz nz)
have v4: "proj_add (τ (x, y), Not l) ((x', y'), l') = (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))"
proof -
have "proj_add (τ (x, y), Not l) ((x', y'), l') = (ext_add (τ (x, y)) (x', y'), Not (xor l l'))"
using proj_add.simps ‹τ (x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(x', y') ∈ e'_aff› ds' xor_def by auto
moreover have "ext_add (τ (x, y)) (x', y') = τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y'))"
using inversion_invariance_2 nz tauI by presburger
ultimately show ?thesis by argo
have add_closure: "ext_add (x,y) (x',y') ∈ e'_aff"
using in_aff ext_add_closure ld_nz e_e'_iff unfolding delta'_def e'_aff_def by auto
have add_nz: "fst (ext_add (x,y) (x',y')) ≠ 0"
"snd (ext_add (x,y) (x',y')) ≠ 0"
using ld_nz unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def
using aaa in_aff ld_nz unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
apply(simp_all add: t_expr nz t_nz divide_simps d_nz)
by algebra+
have class_eq: "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} =
{(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
using add_nz add_closure gluing_class_2 by auto
have class_proj: "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} ∈ e_proj"
using add_closure e_proj_aff by auto
have dom_eq: "{proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
((x1, y1), i) ∈ {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)} ∧
((x2, y2), j) ∈ {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')} ∧ ((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1} =
{(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
(is "?s = ?c")
show "?s ⊆ ?c"
fix e
assume "e ∈ ?s"
then obtain x1 y1 x2 y2 i j where
"e = proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j)"
"((x1, y1), i) ∈ {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
"((x2, y2), j) ∈ {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
"((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1" by blast
then have "e = (ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l') ∨
e = (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))"
using v1 v2 v3 v4 in_aff taus(1,2)
aaa ds ds' ld_nz by fastforce
then show "e ∈ ?c" by blast
show "?s ⊇ ?c"
fix e
assume as: "e ∈ ?c"
then have cases: "e = proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), ¬ l') ∨
e = proj_add (τ (x, y), ¬ l) (τ (x', y'), ¬ l')"
using v2 v3 by auto
have as1: "((x, y), τ (x', y')) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1"
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def
using ds taus aaa in_aff(1) by auto
have as2: "(τ (x, y), τ (x', y')) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1"
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def
using ds taus(1) taus(2) by auto
(1) "e = proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), ¬ l')" |
(2) "e = proj_add (τ (x, y), ¬ l) (τ (x', y'), ¬ l')"
using cases by auto
then show "e ∈ ?s"
by (cases) (use as2 as1 in force)+
show "proj_addition ?p ?q = gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
unfolding proj_addition_def
unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF assms(3,4)]
unfolding assms
using v1 v2 v3 v4 in_aff taus(1,2) aaa ds ds' ld_nz
using class_eq class_proj dom_eq eq_class_simp by auto
case bbb
from bbb have v3:
"proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), Not l') = (add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))"
using proj_add.simps ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(τ (x', y')) ∈ e'_aff› xor_def by auto
have pd: "delta' (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) x' y' = 0"
using bbb unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
by (simp add: t_nz nz field_simps t_expr d_nz)
have pd': "delta (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) x' y' ≠ 0"
using bbb unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
by(simp add: t_nz nz field_simps power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
then have pd'': "delta x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) ≠ 0"
unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
by(simp add: field_simps t_nz nz t_expr power2_eq_square[symmetric] d_nz)
have v4: "proj_add (τ (x, y), Not l) ((x', y'), l') = (add (τ (x, y)) (x', y'), Not(xor l l'))"
using proj_add.simps in_aff taus pd pd' xor_def by auto
have v3_eq_v4: "(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not(xor l l')) = (add (τ (x, y)) (x', y'), Not(xor l l'))"
using inversion_invariance_1 nz by auto
have add_closure: "add (x, y) (τ (x', y')) ∈ e'_aff"
proof -
obtain x1 y1 where z2_d: "τ (x', y') = (x1,y1)" by fastforce
define z3 where "z3 = add (x,y) (x1,y1)"
obtain x2 y2 where z3_d: "z3 = (x2,y2)" by fastforce
have d': "delta x y x1 y1 ≠ 0"
using bbb z2_d by auto
have "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff"
unfolding z2_d[symmetric]
using ‹τ (x', y') ∈ e'_aff› by auto
have e_eq: "e' x y = 0" "e' x1 y1 = 0"
using ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff› unfolding e'_aff_def by(auto)
have "e' x2 y2 = 0"
using d' z3_d z3_def add_closure e_e'_iff e_eq unfolding delta_def by auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding e'_aff_def using e_e'_iff z3_d z3_def z2_d by simp
have add_nz: "fst(add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))) ≠ 0"
"snd(add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))) ≠ 0"
apply(simp_all add: algebra_simps power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr)
apply(simp_all add: divide_simps d_nz t_nz nz c_eq_1)
using bbb ld_nz unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
by(simp_all add: field_simps t_nz nz power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
have trans_add: "τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')) = (add (x, y) (τ (x', y')))"
"ext_add (x, y) (x', y') = τ (add (x, y) (τ (x', y')))"
proof -
show "τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')) = (add (x, y) (τ (x', y')))"
using inversion_invariance_1 assms add_ext_add nz tau_idemp_point by presburger
then show "ext_add (x, y) (x', y') = τ (add (x, y) (τ (x', y')))"
using tau_idemp_point[of "ext_add (x, y) (x', y')"] by argo
have dom_eq: "{proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
((x1, y1), i) ∈ {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)} ∧
((x2, y2), j) ∈ {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')} ∧ ((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1} =
{(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
(is "?s = ?c")
show "?s ⊆ ?c"
fix e
assume "e ∈ ?s"
then obtain x1 y1 x2 y2 i j where cases:
"e = proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j)"
"((x1, y1), i) ∈ {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
"((x2, y2), j) ∈ {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
"((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1" by blast
(1) "((x1, y1), i) = ((x, y), l)" "((x2, y2), j) = ((x', y'), l')" |
(2) "((x1, y1), i) = ((x, y), l)" "((x2, y2), j) = (τ (x', y'), Not l')" |
(3) "((x1, y1), i) = (τ (x, y), Not l)" "((x2, y2), j) = ((x', y'), l')" |
(4) "((x1, y1), i) = (τ (x, y), Not l)" "((x2, y2), j) = (τ (x', y'), Not l')"
using cases by fast
then have "e = (ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l') ∨
e = (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))"
by (metis local.cases(1) trans_add(1) v1 v2 v3 v3_eq_v4 v4)
then show "e ∈ ?c" by fast
show "?s ⊇ ?c"
fix e
assume "e ∈ ?c"
then consider
(1) "e = (ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')" |
(2) "e = (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))" by blast
then show "e ∈ ?s"
case 1
have eq: "(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'),xor l l') = proj_add ((x,y),l) ((x',y'),l')"
using ds taus(1) taus(2) v1 by auto
show ?thesis
using "1" c eq by blast
case 2
have eq: "(τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')),Not (xor l l')) = proj_add ((x,y),l) (τ (x',y'),Not l')"
using taus in_aff(1) pd'' trans_add(1) v3 by presburger
have ina: "((x, y), τ (x', y')) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1"
by (metis UnI1 UnI2 dichotomy_1 in_aff(1) pd'' prod.collapse taus(1) wd_d_nz)
show ?thesis
using "2" eq ina by fastforce
have ext_eq: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))} =
{(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l')), (τ (add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))), xor l l')}"
using add_nz add_closure gluing_class_2 by auto
have class_eq: "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} =
{(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
proof -
have "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} =
gluing `` {(τ (add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))), xor l l')}"
using trans_add by argo
also have "… = gluing `` {(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
using gluing_inv add_nz add_closure by auto
also have "… = {(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l')), (τ (add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))), xor l l')}"
using ext_eq by blast
also have "… = {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
using trans_add by force
finally show ?thesis .
have ext_eq_proj: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))} ∈ e_proj"
using add_closure e_proj_aff by auto
then have class_proj: "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} ∈ e_proj"
proof -
have "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} =
gluing `` {(τ (add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))), xor l l')}"
using trans_add by argo
also have "… = gluing `` {(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
using gluing_inv add_nz add_closure by auto
finally show ?thesis using ext_eq_proj by argo
show ?thesis
unfolding proj_addition_def
unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF assms(3,4)]
unfolding assms
using v1 v2 v3 v4 in_aff taus(1,2)
bbb ds ld_nz
using class_eq class_proj dom_eq eq_class_simp by auto
case ccc
then have v3: "proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), Not l') = undefined" by simp
from ccc have ds': "delta (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) x' y' = 0"
"delta' (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) x' y' = 0"
unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
by(simp_all add: t_nz nz field_simps power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
then have v4: "proj_add (τ (x, y), Not l) ((x', y'), l') = undefined" by simp
have add_z: "fst (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')) = 0 ∨ snd (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')) = 0"
using c ccc ld_nz unfolding e'_aff_0_def
delta_def delta'_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
delta_x_def delta_y_def e'_aff_def e'_def
apply(simp_all add: field_simps t_nz nz)
unfolding t_expr[symmetric] power2_eq_square
apply(simp_all add: divide_simps d_nz t_nz)
by algebra
have add_closure: "ext_add (x, y) (x', y') ∈ e'_aff"
using c(1) ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(x',y') ∈ e'_aff› ext_add_closure e_e'_iff
unfolding e'_aff_1_def delta_def e'_aff_def by simp
have class_eq: "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} = {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
using add_z add_closure gluing_class_1 by simp
have class_proj: "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} ∈ e_proj"
using add_closure e_proj_aff by simp
have dom_eq:
"{proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
((x1, y1), i) ∈ {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)} ∧
((x2, y2), j) ∈ {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')} ∧ ((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1} =
{(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
(is "?s = ?c")
show "?s ⊆ ?c"
fix e
assume "e ∈ ?s"
then obtain x1 y1 x2 y2 i j where
"e = proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j)"
"((x1, y1), i) ∈ {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
"((x2, y2), j) ∈ {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
"((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff_0 ∪ e'_aff_1" by blast
then have "e = (ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l') "
using v1 v2 v3 v4 in_aff taus(1,2) ld_nz ds ds' ccc
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def
by fastforce
then show "e ∈ ?c" by blast
show "?s ⊇ ?c"
fix e
assume "e ∈ ?c"
then have eq: "e = (ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')" by blast
have "(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l') =
proj_add ((x, y), l) ((x', y'), l')"
using v1 by presburger
show "e ∈ ?s"
apply (simp add: eq)
by (metis c ext_add.simps v1)
show ?thesis
unfolding proj_addition_def
unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF assms(3,4)]
unfolding assms
using class_eq class_proj dom_eq eq_class_simp by auto
lemma gluing_ext_add:
assumes "gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} ∈ e_proj" "gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} ∈ e_proj" "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)}) (gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)}) =
(gluing `` {(ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2),xor l j)})"
proof -
have p_q_expr: "(gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l)} ∨
gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l), (τ (x1, y1), Not l)})"
"(gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j)} ∨
gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j), (τ (x2, y2), Not j)})"
using assms(1,2) gluing_cases_explicit by auto
then consider
(1) "gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l)}"
"gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j)}" |
(2) "gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l)}"
"gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j), (τ (x2, y2), Not j)}" |
(3) "gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l), (τ (x1, y1), Not l)}"
"gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j)}" |
(4) "gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l), (τ (x1, y1), Not l)}"
"gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j), (τ (x2, y2), Not j)}" by argo
then show ?thesis
case 1
then show ?thesis using gluing_ext_add_1 assms by presburger
case 2 then show ?thesis using gluing_ext_add_2 assms by presburger
case 3 then show ?thesis
proof -
have pd: "delta' x2 y2 x1 y1 ≠ 0"
using assms(3) unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def by algebra
have "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), l)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), j)}) =
proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), j)}) (gluing `` {((x1, y1), l)})"
unfolding proj_addition_def
using assms proj_add_class_comm by presburger
also have "… = gluing `` {(ext_add (x2, y2) (x1, y1), xor j l)}"
using gluing_ext_add_2[OF 3(2,1) assms(2,1) pd] by blast
also have "… = gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), xor l j)}"
by (smt (verit) ext_add_comm_points xor_def)
finally show ?thesis by fast
case 4 then show ?thesis using gluing_ext_add_4 assms by presburger
lemma gluing_ext_add_points:
assumes "gluing `` {(p1,l)} ∈ e_proj" "gluing `` {(p2,j)} ∈ e_proj" "delta' (fst p1) (snd p1) (fst p2) (snd p2) ≠ 0"
shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {(p1,l)}) (gluing `` {(p2,j)}) =
(gluing `` {(ext_add p1 p2,xor l j)})"
proof -
obtain x1 y1 x2 y2 where "p1 = (x1,y1)" "p2 = (x2,y2)"
by fastforce
then show ?thesis
using assms gluing_ext_add by auto
subsubsection ‹Basic properties›
theorem well_defined:
assumes "p ∈ e_proj" "q ∈ e_proj"
shows "proj_addition p q ∈ e_proj"
proof -
obtain x y l x' y' l'
where p_q_expr: "p = gluing `` {((x,y),l)}"
"q = gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}"
using e_proj_def assms
by (metis quotientE surj_pair)
then have in_aff: "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
"(x',y') ∈ e'_aff"
using e_proj_aff assms by auto
(a) "(x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y))"
| (b) "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_0"
"((x, y), x', y') ∉ e'_aff_1"
"(x, y) ∉ e_circ ∨ ¬ (∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y))"
| (c) "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_1"
using dichotomy_1[OF in_aff] by auto
then show ?thesis
case a
then obtain g where sym_expr: "g ∈ symmetries" "(x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y)" by auto
then have ds: "delta x y x' y' = 0" "delta' x y x' y' = 0"
using wd_d_nz wd_d'_nz a by auto
have nz: "x ≠ 0" "y ≠ 0" "x' ≠ 0" "y' ≠ 0"
proof -
from a show "x ≠ 0" "y ≠ 0"
unfolding e_circ_def by auto
then show "x' ≠ 0" "y' ≠ 0"
using sym_expr t_nz
unfolding symmetries_def e_circ_def
by auto
have taus: "τ (x',y') ∈ e'_aff"
using in_aff(2) e_circ_def nz(3,4) τ_circ by force
then have proj: "gluing `` {(τ (x', y'), Not l')} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x, y), l)} ∈ e_proj"
using e_proj_aff in_aff by auto
have alt_ds: "delta x y (fst (τ (x',y'))) (snd (τ (x',y'))) ≠ 0 ∨
delta' x y (fst (τ (x',y'))) (snd (τ (x',y'))) ≠ 0"
(is "?d1 ≠ 0 ∨ ?d2 ≠ 0")
using covering_with_deltas ds assms p_q_expr by blast
have "proj_addition p q = proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) (gluing `` {((x', y'), l')})"
(is "?lhs = proj_addition ?p ?q")
unfolding p_q_expr by simp
also have "… = proj_addition ?p (gluing `` {(τ (x', y'), Not l')})"
(is "_ = ?rhs")
using gluing_inv nz in_aff by presburger
finally have eq: "?lhs = ?rhs"
by auto
have closure1: "?d1 ≠ 0 ⟹ add (x, y) (τ (x', y')) ∈ e'_aff"
using e_proj_aff add_closure in_aff taus delta_def e'_aff_def e_e'_iff by fastforce
have closure2: "?d2 ≠ 0 ⟹ ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')) ∈ e'_aff"
using e_proj_aff ext_add_closure in_aff taus delta_def e'_aff_def e_e'_iff by fastforce
have eq1:
"?d1 ≠ 0 ⟹ ?lhs = gluing `` {(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
using proj
apply (simp add: eq gluing_add)
by (smt (verit, best) xor_def)
have eq2:
"?d2 ≠ 0 ⟹ ?lhs = gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
using proj
apply (simp add: eq gluing_ext_add)
by (smt (verit, best) xor_def)
have "?d1 ≠ 0 ⟹ gluing `` {(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))} ∈ e_proj"
"?d2 ≠ 0 ⟹ gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))} ∈ e_proj"
using e_proj_aff closure1 closure2 by force+
then show ?thesis
using eq1 eq2 alt_ds by auto
case b
then have ds: "delta x y x' y' ≠ 0"
unfolding e'_aff_0_def by auto
have eq: "proj_addition p q = gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x',y'), xor l l')}"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
unfolding p_q_expr
using gluing_add assms p_q_expr ds by meson
have add_in: "add (x, y) (x',y') ∈ e'_aff"
using add_closure in_aff ds e_e'_iff
unfolding delta_def e'_aff_def by auto
then show ?thesis
using eq e_proj_aff by auto
case c
then have ds: "delta' x y x' y' ≠ 0"
unfolding e'_aff_1_def by auto
have eq: "proj_addition p q = gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x',y'), xor l l')}"
unfolding p_q_expr
using gluing_ext_add assms p_q_expr ds by meson
have add_in: "ext_add (x, y) (x',y') ∈ e'_aff"
using ext_add_closure in_aff ds e_e'_iff
unfolding delta_def e'_aff_def by auto
then show ?thesis
using eq e_proj_aff by auto
lemma proj_add_class_inv:
assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} ∈ e_proj"
shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x,y),l)}) (gluing `` {(i (x,y),l')}) = {((1, 0), xor l l')}"
"gluing `` {(i (x,y),l')} ∈ e_proj"
proof -
have in_aff: "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
using assms e_proj_aff by blast
then have i_aff: "i (x, y) ∈ e'_aff"
using i_aff by blast
show i_proj: "gluing `` {(i (x,y),l')} ∈ e_proj"
using e_proj_aff i_aff by simp
consider (1) "delta x y x (-y) ≠ 0" | (2) "delta' x y x (-y) ≠ 0"
using add_self in_aff by blast
then show "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x,y),l)}) (gluing `` {(i (x,y),l')}) = {((1, 0), xor l l')}"
case 1
have "add (x,y) (i (x,y)) = (1,0)"
using "1" delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def in_aff inverse_generalized by auto
then show ?thesis
using "1" assms gluing_add i_proj identity_equiv by auto
case 2
have "ext_add (x,y) (i (x,y)) = (1,0)"
using "2" delta'_def delta_x_def by auto
then show ?thesis
using "2" assms gluing_ext_add i_proj identity_equiv by auto
lemma proj_add_class_inv_point:
assumes "gluing `` {(p,l)} ∈ e_proj" "ne = (1,0)"
shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {(p,l)}) (gluing `` {(i p,l')}) = {(ne, xor l l')}"
"gluing `` {(i p,l')} ∈ e_proj"
proof -
obtain x y where p: "p = (x,y)" by fastforce
then show "proj_addition (gluing `` {(p,l)}) (gluing `` {(i p,l')}) = {(ne, xor l l')}"
using assms(1) assms(2) prod.collapse proj_add_class_inv(1) by simp
from p show "gluing `` {(i p,l')} ∈ e_proj"
using assms proj_add_class_inv(2) surj_pair by blast
lemma proj_add_class_identity:
assumes "x ∈ e_proj"
shows "proj_addition {((1, 0), False)} x = x"
proof -
obtain x0 y0 l0 where
x_expr: "x = gluing `` {((x0,y0),l0)}"
using assms e_proj_def by (metis prod.exhaust_sel quotientE)
then have in_aff: "(x0,y0) ∈ e'_aff"
using e_proj_aff assms by blast
have "proj_addition {((1, 0), False)} x =
proj_addition (gluing `` {((1, 0), False)}) (gluing `` {((x0,y0),l0)})"
using identity_equiv[of False] x_expr by argo
also have "… = gluing `` {(add (1,0) (x0,y0),l0)}"
proof (subst gluing_add)
show "gluing `` {((1, 0), False)} ∈ e_proj"
by (simp add: identity_equiv identity_proj)
show "gluing `` {((x0, y0), l0)} ∈ e_proj"
using assms x_expr by auto
show "delta 1 0 x0 y0 ≠ 0"
by (simp add: delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def)
qed (simp add: xor_def)
also have "… = gluing `` {((x0,y0),l0)}"
using inverse_generalized in_aff
unfolding e'_aff_def by simp
also have "… = x"
using x_expr by simp
finally show ?thesis by simp
corollary proj_addition_comm:
assumes "c1 ∈ e_proj" "c2 ∈ e_proj"
shows "proj_addition c1 c2 = proj_addition c2 c1"
using proj_add_class_comm[OF assms]
unfolding proj_addition_def by auto
section ‹Group law›
subsection ‹Class invariance on group operations›
definition tf where
"tf g = image (λ p. (g (fst p), snd p))"
lemma tf_comp:
"tf g (tf f s) = tf (g ∘ f) s"
unfolding tf_def by force
lemma tf_id:
"tf id s = s"
unfolding tf_def by fastforce
lemma tf_cong:
"f = f' ⟹ s = s' ⟹ tf f s = tf f' s'"
by auto
definition tf' where
"tf' = image (λ p. (fst p, Not (snd p)))"
lemma tf_tf'_commute:
"tf r (tf' p) = tf' (tf r p)"
unfolding tf'_def tf_def image_def
by auto
lemma rho_preserv_e_proj:
assumes "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} ∈ e_proj"
shows "tf ρ (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) ∈ e_proj"
proof -
have in_aff: "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
using assms e_proj_aff by blast
have rho_aff: "ρ (x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
using rot_aff[of ρ,OF _ in_aff] rotations_def by blast
have eq: "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x, y), l)} ∨
gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
using assms gluing_cases_explicit by auto
from eq consider
(1) "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x, y), l)}" |
(2) "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
by fast
then show "tf ρ (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) ∈ e_proj"
case 1
have zeros: "x = 0 ∨ y = 0"
using in_aff e_proj_elim_1 assms e_proj_aff 1 by auto
show ?thesis
unfolding tf_def
using rho_aff zeros e_proj_elim_1 1 by auto
case 2
have zeros: "x ≠ 0" "y ≠ 0"
using in_aff e_proj_elim_2 assms e_proj_aff 2 by auto
show ?thesis
unfolding tf_def
using rho_aff zeros e_proj_elim_2 2 by fastforce
lemma rho_preserv_e_proj_point:
assumes "gluing `` {p} ∈ e_proj"
shows "tf ρ (gluing `` {p}) ∈ e_proj"
proof -
obtain x y l where "p = ((x,y),l)"
using surj_pair[of p] by force
then show ?thesis
using rho_preserv_e_proj assms by blast
lemma insert_rho_gluing:
assumes "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} ∈ e_proj"
shows "tf ρ (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) = gluing `` {(ρ (x, y), l)}"
proof -
have in_aff: "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
using assms e_proj_aff by blast
have rho_aff: "ρ (x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
using rot_aff[of ρ,OF _ in_aff] rotations_def by blast
have eq: "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x, y), l)} ∨
gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
using assms gluing_cases_explicit by auto
from eq consider
(1) "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x, y), l)}" |
(2) "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
by fast
then show "tf ρ (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) = gluing `` {(ρ (x, y), l)}"
case 1
have zeros: "x = 0 ∨ y = 0"
using in_aff e_proj_elim_1 assms e_proj_aff 1 by auto
have "gluing `` {(ρ (x, y), l)} = {(ρ (x, y), l)}"
using gluing_class_1[of "fst (ρ (x, y))" "snd (ρ (x, y))"]
by (metis ρ.simps add.inverse_neutral fst_eqD rho_aff snd_conv zeros)
then show ?thesis
unfolding tf_def image_def 1 by simp
case 2
have zeros: "x ≠ 0" "y ≠ 0"
using in_aff e_proj_elim_2 assms e_proj_aff 2 by auto
then have "gluing `` {(ρ (x, y), l)} = {(ρ (x, y), l), (τ (ρ (x, y)), Not l)}"
using gluing_class_2[of "fst (ρ (x, y))" "snd (ρ (x, y))",
simplified prod.collapse, OF _ _ rho_aff] by force
then show ?thesis
unfolding tf_def image_def 2 by force
lemma insert_rho_gluing_point:
assumes "gluing `` {(p, l)} ∈ e_proj"
shows "tf ρ (gluing `` {(p, l)}) = gluing `` {(ρ p, l)}"
by (metis assms insert_rho_gluing prod.collapse)
lemma rotation_preserv_e_proj:
assumes "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} ∈ e_proj" "r ∈ rotations"
shows "tf r (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) ∈ e_proj"
(is "tf ?r ?g ∈ _")
proof -
have "tf id (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) ∈ e_proj"
by (simp add: assms(1) tf_id)
moreover have "tf ρ (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) ∈ e_proj"
by (simp add: assms(1) rho_preserv_e_proj_point)
moreover have "tf (ρ ∘ ρ) (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) ∈ e_proj"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assms(1) insert_rho_gluing rho_preserv_e_proj_point
moreover have "tf (ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ) (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) ∈ e_proj"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(1) insert_rho_gluing_point rho_preserv_e_proj_point
ultimately show ?thesis
using assms by (auto simp: rotations_def)
lemma rotation_preserv_e_proj_point:
assumes "gluing `` {p} ∈ e_proj" "r ∈ rotations"
shows "tf r (gluing `` {p}) ∈ e_proj"
proof -
obtain x y l where "p = ((x,y),l)"
using surj_pair[of p] by force
then show ?thesis
using rotation_preserv_e_proj assms by blast
lemma insert_rotation_gluing:
assumes "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} ∈ e_proj" "r ∈ rotations"
shows "tf r (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) = gluing `` {(r (x, y), l)}"
proof -
have in_proj: "gluing `` {(ρ (x, y), l)} ∈ e_proj" "gluing `` {((ρ ∘ ρ) (x, y), l)} ∈ e_proj"
using rho_preserv_e_proj assms insert_rho_gluing by auto+
consider "r = id" |"r = ρ" | "r = ρ ∘ ρ" | "r = ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ"
using assms(2) unfolding rotations_def by fast
then show ?thesis
case 1
then show ?thesis using tf_id by auto
case 2
then show ?thesis using insert_rho_gluing assms by presburger
case 3
with assms show ?thesis
using assms
using in_proj(1) insert_rho_gluing by (force simp flip: tf_comp)
case 4
with assms show ?thesis
using in_proj insert_rho_gluing_point by (auto simp flip: tf_comp)
lemma insert_rotation_gluing_point:
assumes "gluing `` {(p, l)} ∈ e_proj" "r ∈ rotations"
shows "tf r (gluing `` {(p, l)}) = gluing `` {(r p, l)}"
by (metis assms i.cases insert_rotation_gluing)
lemma tf_tau:
assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} ∈ e_proj"
shows "gluing `` {((x,y), Not l)} = tf' (gluing `` {((x,y),l)})"
using assms unfolding symmetries_def
proof -
have in_aff: "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
using e_proj_aff assms by simp
have gl_expr: "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x,y),l)} ∨
gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x,y),l),(τ (x,y), Not l)}"
using assms(1) gluing_cases_explicit by simp
consider (1) "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x,y),l)}" |
(2) "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x,y),l),(τ (x,y), Not l)}"
using gl_expr by argo
then show "gluing `` {((x,y), Not l)} = tf' (gluing `` {((x,y), l)})"
case 1
then have zeros: "x = 0 ∨ y = 0"
using e_proj_elim_1 in_aff assms by auto
show ?thesis
apply(simp add: 1 tf'_def del: τ.simps)
using gluing_class_1 zeros in_aff by auto
case 2
then have zeros: "x ≠ 0" "y ≠ 0"
using assms e_proj_elim_2 in_aff by auto
show ?thesis
apply(simp add: 2 tf'_def del: τ.simps)
using gluing_class_2 zeros in_aff by auto
lemma tf_preserv_e_proj:
assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} ∈ e_proj"
shows "tf' (gluing `` {((x,y),l)}) ∈ e_proj"
by (metis assms e_proj_aff tf_tau)
lemma tf_preserv_e_proj_point:
assumes "gluing `` {p} ∈ e_proj"
shows "tf' (gluing `` {p}) ∈ e_proj"
by (metis assms prod.collapse tf_preserv_e_proj)
lemma remove_rho:
assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} ∈ e_proj"
shows "gluing `` {(ρ (x,y),l)} = tf ρ (gluing `` {((x,y),l)})"
using assms unfolding symmetries_def
proof -
have in_aff: "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff" using assms e_proj_aff by simp
have rho_aff: "ρ (x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
using in_aff unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def by(simp,algebra)
consider (1) "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x,y),l)}" |
(2) "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x,y),l),(τ (x,y), Not l)}"
using assms gluing_cases_explicit by blast
then show "gluing `` {(ρ (x,y), l)} = tf ρ (gluing `` {((x,y), l)})"
using assms insert_rho_gluing by presburger
lemma remove_rotations:
assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} ∈ e_proj" "r ∈ rotations"
shows "gluing `` {(r (x,y),l)} = tf r (gluing `` {((x,y),l)})"
by (simp add: assms insert_rotation_gluing_point)
lemma remove_tau:
assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} ∈ e_proj" "gluing `` {(τ (x,y),l)} ∈ e_proj"
shows "gluing `` {(τ (x,y),l)} = tf' (gluing `` {((x,y),l)})"
(is "?gt = tf' ?g")
proof -
have in_aff: "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff" "τ (x,y) ∈ e'_aff"
using assms e_proj_aff by simp+
consider (1) "?gt = {(τ (x,y),l)}" | (2) "?gt = {(τ (x,y),l),((x,y), Not l)}"
using tau_idemp_point gluing_cases_points[OF assms(2), of "τ (x,y)" l] by presburger
then show ?thesis
case 1
then have zeros: "x = 0 ∨ y = 0"
using e_proj_elim_1 in_aff assms by(simp add: t_nz)
have "False"
using zeros in_aff t_n1 d_n1
unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def
by (simp add: field_split_simps t_def t_intro split: if_split_asm)
then show ?thesis by simp
case 2
then have zeros: "x ≠ 0" "y ≠ 0"
using e_proj_elim_2 in_aff assms gluing_class_1 by auto
then have gl_eq: "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x,y),l),(τ (x,y), Not l)}"
using in_aff gluing_class_2 by auto
then show ?thesis
by(simp add: 2 gl_eq tf'_def del: τ.simps,fast)
lemma remove_add_rho:
assumes "p ∈ e_proj" "q ∈ e_proj"
shows "proj_addition (tf ρ p) q = tf ρ (proj_addition p q)"
proof -
obtain x y l x' y' l' where
p_q_expr: "p = gluing `` {((x, y), l)}"
"q = gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}"
using assms
unfolding e_proj_def by (metis prod.collapse quotientE)
have e_proj:
"gluing `` {((x, y), l)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x', y'), l')} ∈ e_proj"
using p_q_expr assms by auto
then have rho_e_proj:
"gluing `` {(ρ (x, y), l)} ∈ e_proj"
using remove_rho rho_preserv_e_proj by auto
have in_aff: "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff" "(x',y') ∈ e'_aff"
using assms p_q_expr e_proj_aff by auto
(a) "(x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y))" |
(b) "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_0" "¬ ((x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧
(∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y)))" |
(c) "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_1" "¬ ((x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧
(∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y)))" "((x, y), x', y') ∉ e'_aff_0"
using dichotomy_1[OF ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(x',y') ∈ e'_aff›] by argo
then show ?thesis
case a
then have e_circ: "(x,y) ∈ e_circ" by auto
then have zeros: "x ≠ 0" "y ≠ 0" unfolding e_circ_def by auto
from a obtain g where g_expr:
"g ∈ symmetries" "(x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y)" by blast
then obtain r where r_expr: "(x', y') = (τ ∘ r ∘ i) (x, y)" "r ∈ rotations"
using sym_decomp by blast
have ds: "delta x y x' y' = 0" "delta' x y x' y' = 0"
using wd_d_nz[OF g_expr e_circ] wd_d'_nz[OF g_expr e_circ] by auto
have ren: "τ (x',y') = (r ∘ i) (x, y)"
using r_expr tau_idemp_point by auto
have ds'': "delta x y (fst ((r ∘ i) (x, y))) (snd ((r ∘ i) (x, y))) ≠ 0 ∨
delta' x y (fst ((r ∘ i) (x, y))) (snd ((r ∘ i) (x, y))) ≠ 0"
(is "?ds1 ≠ 0 ∨ ?ds2 ≠ 0")
using ren covering_with_deltas ds e_proj by fastforce
have ds''': "delta (fst (ρ (x,y))) (snd (ρ (x,y))) (fst ((r ∘ i) (x, y))) (snd ((r ∘ i) (x, y))) ≠ 0 ∨
delta' (fst (ρ (x,y))) (snd (ρ (x,y))) (fst ((r ∘ i) (x, y))) (snd ((r ∘ i) (x, y))) ≠ 0"
(is "?ds3 ≠ 0 ∨ ?ds4 ≠ 0")
using ds'' rotation_invariance_5 rotation_invariance_6 by force
have ds: "?ds3 ≠ 0 ⟹ delta x y x (-y) ≠ 0"
"?ds4 ≠ 0 ⟹ delta' x y x (-y) ≠ 0"
"?ds1 ≠ 0 ⟹ delta x y x (-y) ≠ 0"
"?ds2 ≠ 0 ⟹ delta' x y x (-y) ≠ 0"
using ds''' r_expr
unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def rotations_def
by (auto simp: field_simps t_nz zeros two_not_zero)
have eq: "gluing `` {((τ ∘ r ∘ i) (x, y), l')} = gluing `` {((r ∘ i) (x, y), Not l')}"
proof -
have "fst ((r ∘ i) (x, y)) ≠ 0" "snd ((r ∘ i) (x, y)) ≠ 0"
using zeros r_expr unfolding rotations_def by fastforce+
moreover have "(r ∘ i) (x, y) ∈ e'_aff"
using i_aff in_aff(1) r_expr(2) rot_aff by force
ultimately show ?thesis
using ext_curve_addition.gluing_inv ext_curve_addition_axioms by force
have e_proj': "gluing `` {(ρ (x, y), l)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((r ∘ i) (x, y), Not l')} ∈ e_proj"
using e_proj(1,2) eq r_expr(1) insert_rho_gluing rho_preserv_e_proj by auto
have add_case: "add (ρ (x, y)) ((r ∘ i) (x, y)) = (ρ ∘ r) (1,0)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
if "delta x y x (-y) ≠ 0"
proof -
have "?lhs = ρ (add (x, y) (r (i (x, y))))"
using rho_invariance_1_points o_apply[of r i] by presburger
also have "… = (ρ ∘ r) (add (x, y) (i (x, y)))"
by (metis comp_def curve_addition.commutativity r_expr(2) rotation_invariance_1_points)
also have "… = ?rhs"
using inverse_generalized[OF in_aff(1)] that in_aff
unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def by simp
finally show ?thesis .
have ext_add_case: "ext_add (ρ (x, y)) ((r ∘ i) (x, y)) = (ρ ∘ r) (1,0)"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
have "?lhs = ρ (ext_add (x, y) (r (i (x, y))))"
using rho_invariance_2_points o_apply[of r i] by presburger
also have "… = (ρ ∘ r) (ext_add (x, y) (i (x, y)))"
using ext_add_comm_points r_expr(2) rotation_invariance_2_points by auto
also have "… = ?rhs"
using ext_add_inverse[OF zeros] by argo
finally show ?thesis .
have simp1: "proj_addition (gluing `` {(ρ (x, y), l)})
(gluing `` {((r ∘ i) (x, y), Not l')}) =
gluing `` {((ρ ∘ r) (1,0), Not (xor l l'))}"
(is "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = ?g3")
proof(cases "?ds3 ≠ 0")
case True
have "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = gluing `` {(add (ρ (x, y)) ((r ∘ i) (x, y)), Not (xor l l'))}"
proof -
have "delta (fst (ρ (x, y))) (snd (ρ (x, y))) (fst ((r ∘ i) (x, y))) (snd ((r ∘ i) (x, y))) ≠ 0"
using True by linarith
moreover have "gluing `` {(add (ρ (x, y)) ((r ∘ i) (x, y)), local.xor l (¬ l'))} = gluing `` {(add (ρ (x, y)) ((r ∘ i) (x, y)), ¬ local.xor l l')}"
by (smt (verit, best) xor_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis e_proj'(2) gluing_add prod.collapse rho_e_proj)
also have "… = ?g3"
using True add_case ds(1) by presburger
finally show ?thesis .
case False
have "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = gluing `` {(ext_add (ρ (x, y)) ((r ∘ i) (x, y)), Not (xor l l'))}"
proof -
have "delta' (fst (ρ (x, y))) (snd (ρ (x, y))) (fst ((r ∘ i) (x, y))) (snd ((r ∘ i) (x, y))) ≠ 0"
using False ds''' by blast
moreover have "gluing `` {(ext_add (ρ (x, y)) ((r ∘ i) (x, y)), local.xor l (¬ l'))} = gluing `` {(ext_add (ρ (x, y)) ((r ∘ i) (x, y)), ¬ local.xor l l')}"
by (smt (verit, best) xor_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
using e_proj'(2) gluing_ext_add_points rho_e_proj by presburger
also have "… = ?g3"
using ext_add_case by presburger
finally show ?thesis .
have e_proj': "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((r ∘ i) (x, y), Not l')} ∈ e_proj"
using e_proj eq r_expr(1) by auto
have simp2: "tf ρ
(proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) (gluing `` {((r ∘ i) (x, y), Not l')})) =
gluing `` {((ρ ∘ r) (1,0), Not (xor l l'))}"
(is "tf _ (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) = ?g3")
proof(cases "?ds1 ≠ 0")
case True
then have us_ds: "delta x y x (-y) ≠ 0" using ds by blast
then have aux: "delta x y x y ≠ 0"
using delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def by auto
have "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = gluing `` {(add (x, y) ((r ∘ i) (x, y)), Not (xor l l'))}"
proof -
have "delta x y (fst ((r ∘ i) (x, y))) (snd ((r ∘ i) (x, y))) ≠ 0"
using True by auto
have "gluing `` {(add (x, y) ((r ∘ i) (x, y)), local.xor l (¬ l'))}
= gluing `` {(add (x, y) ((r ∘ i) (x, y)), ¬ local.xor l l')}"
by (smt (verit, best) xor_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis e_proj' gluing_add prod.collapse)
also have "… = gluing `` {(r (1, 0), Not (xor l l'))}"
by (metis add_case comp_def i.cases i_idemp_explicit inverse_rule_2
rho_invariance_1_points us_ds)
finally have eq': "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = gluing `` {(r (1, 0), Not (xor l l'))}" .
have "gluing `` {(r (1, 0), ¬ local.xor l l')} ∈ e_proj"
using e_proj' eq' well_defined by force
with eq' show ?thesis
by (simp add: insert_rho_gluing_point)
case False
then have us_ds: "delta' x y x (-y) ≠ 0" using ds ds'' by argo
then have 2: "ext_add (x, y) ((r ∘ i) (x, y)) = r (1,0)"
using ext_add_comm_points ext_add_inverse r_expr(2) rotation_invariance_2_points zeros by auto
have "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 =
gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) ((r ∘ i) (x, y)), Not (xor l l'))}"
proof -
have "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} ∈ e_proj" "gluing `` {((r ∘ i) (x, y), ¬ l')} ∈ e_proj"
using e_proj' by auto
moreover have "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) ((r ∘ i) (x, y)), local.xor l (¬ l'))} = gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) ((r ∘ i) (x, y)), ¬ local.xor l l')}"
by (smt (verit, best) xor_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
using False ds'' gluing_ext_add_points by auto
also have "… = gluing `` {(r (1, 0), Not (xor l l'))}"
using "2" by auto
finally have eq': "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = gluing `` {(r (1, 0), Not (xor l l'))}"
by auto
have "gluing `` {(r (1, 0), ¬ local.xor l l')} ∈ e_proj"
by (metis assms(1) e_proj'(2) eq' p_q_expr(1) well_defined)
with eq' show ?thesis
by (simp add: insert_rho_gluing_point)
show ?thesis
using e_proj'(1) eq insert_rho_gluing_point p_q_expr r_expr(1) simp1 simp2
by presburger
case b
then have ds: "delta x y x' y' ≠ 0"
unfolding e'_aff_0_def by auto
have eq1: "proj_addition (tf ρ (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}))
(gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}) =
gluing `` {(add (ρ (x,y)) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
using ds e_proj(1,2) gluing_add insert_rho_gluing_point rho_e_proj rotation_invariance_6
by auto
have eq2: "tf ρ
(proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) (gluing `` {((x', y'), l')})) =
gluing `` {(add (ρ (x,y)) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
by (metis ds e_proj gluing_add insert_rho_gluing_point rho_invariance_1_points
then show ?thesis
unfolding p_q_expr
using eq1 eq2 by auto
case c
then have ds: "delta' x y x' y' ≠ 0"
unfolding e'_aff_1_def by auto
have eq1: "proj_addition (tf ρ (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}))
(gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}) =
gluing `` {(ext_add (ρ (x,y)) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
proof (subst insert_rho_gluing)
show "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} ∈ e_proj"
by (simp add: e_proj(1))
show "proj_addition (gluing `` {(ρ (x, y), l)}) (gluing `` {((x', y'), l')})
= gluing `` {(ext_add (ρ (x, y)) (x', y'), local.xor l l')}"
using ds e_proj(2) gluing_ext_add_points rho_e_proj rotation_invariance_5 by auto
have eq2: "tf ρ (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) (gluing `` {((x', y'), l')})) =
gluing `` {(ext_add (ρ (x,y)) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
by (metis ds e_proj gluing_ext_add insert_rho_gluing_point rho_invariance_2_points
show ?thesis
unfolding p_q_expr using eq1 eq2 by auto
lemma remove_add_rotation:
assumes "p ∈ e_proj" "q ∈ e_proj" "r ∈ rotations"
shows "proj_addition (tf r p) q = tf r (proj_addition p q)"
proof -
obtain x y l x' y' l' where p_q_expr: "p = gluing `` {((x, y), l)}" "p = gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}"
by (metis assms(1) e_proj_def prod.collapse quotientE)
consider (1) "r = id" | (2) "r = ρ" | (3) "r = ρ ∘ ρ" | (4) "r = ρ ∘ ρ ∘ ρ"
using assms(3) unfolding rotations_def by fast
then show ?thesis
case 1
then show ?thesis using tf_id by metis
case 2
then show ?thesis using remove_add_rho assms(1,2) by auto
case 3
then show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(1,2) p_q_expr(1) remove_add_rho
rho_preserv_e_proj_point tf_comp)
case 4
then show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assms insert_rho_gluing_point p_q_expr(2)
remove_add_rho rho_preserv_e_proj_point tf_comp)
lemma remove_add_tau:
assumes "p ∈ e_proj" "q ∈ e_proj"
shows "proj_addition (tf' p) q = tf' (proj_addition p q)"
proof -
obtain x y l x' y' l' where
p_q_expr: "p = gluing `` {((x, y), l)}" "q = gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}"
using assms unfolding e_proj_def by (metis quotientE surj_pair)
have e_proj:
"gluing `` {((x, y), s)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x', y'), s')} ∈ e_proj" for s s'
using p_q_expr assms e_proj_aff by auto
then have i_proj:
"gluing `` {(i (x, y), Not l')} ∈ e_proj"
using proj_add_class_inv(2) by auto
have in_aff: "(x,y) ∈ e'_aff" "(x',y') ∈ e'_aff"
using assms p_q_expr e_proj_aff by auto
have other_proj:
"gluing `` {((x, y), Not l)} ∈ e_proj"
using in_aff e_proj_aff by auto
(a) "(x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y))" |
(b) "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_0" "¬ ((x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧
(∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y)))" |
(c) "((x, y), x', y') ∈ e'_aff_1" "¬ ((x, y) ∈ e_circ ∧
(∃g∈symmetries. (x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y)))" "((x, y), x', y') ∉ e'_aff_0"
using dichotomy_1[OF ‹(x,y) ∈ e'_aff› ‹(x',y') ∈ e'_aff›] by argo
then show ?thesis
case a
then have e_circ: "(x,y) ∈ e_circ" by auto
then have zeros: "x ≠ 0" "y ≠ 0" unfolding e_circ_def by auto
from a obtain g where g_expr:
"g ∈ symmetries" "(x', y') = (g ∘ i) (x, y)" by blast
then obtain r where r_expr: "(x', y') = (τ ∘ r ∘ i) (x, y)" "r ∈ rotations"
using sym_decomp by blast
have eq: "gluing `` {((τ ∘ r ∘ i) (x, y),s)} = gluing `` {((r ∘ i) (x, y), Not s)}" for s
proof -
have "fst ((r ∘ i) (x, y)) ≠ 0" "snd ((r ∘ i) (x, y)) ≠ 0"
using zeros r_expr unfolding rotations_def by fastforce+
have "(r ∘ i) (x, y) ∈ e'_aff"
"gluing `` {((τ ∘ r ∘ i) (x, y), s)} = gluing `` {(τ ((r ∘ i) (x, y)), ¬ ¬ s)}"
using i_aff in_aff(1) r_expr(2) rot_aff by force+
ultimately show ?thesis
by (smt (verit) gluing_inv surjective_pairing)
have "proj_addition (tf' (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}))
(gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}) =
proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), Not l)})
(gluing `` {((τ ∘ r ∘ i) (x, y), l')})"
(is "?lhs = _")
using assms(1) p_q_expr(1) tf_tau r_expr by auto
also have "… =
proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), Not l)})
(gluing `` {(r (i (x, y)), Not l')})"
using eq by auto
also have "… =
tf r (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), Not l)})
(gluing `` {(i (x, y), Not l')}))"
proof -
have "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), ¬ l)}) (tf r (gluing `` {(i (x, y), ¬ l')}))
= tf r (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), ¬ l)}) (gluing `` {(i (x, y), ¬ l')}))"
by (metis e_proj(1) proj_add_class_inv(2) proj_addition_comm r_expr(2)
remove_add_rotation rotation_preserv_e_proj_point)
then show ?thesis
using i_proj insert_rotation_gluing_point r_expr(2) by auto
also have "… = tf r {((1, 0), local.xor (¬ l) (¬ l'))}"
using e_proj(1) proj_add_class_inv(1) by presburger
also have "… = tf r {((1,0), xor l l')}"
(is "_ = ?rhs")
by (smt (verit, del_insts) xor_def)
finally have simp1: "?lhs = ?rhs" .
have "tf' (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), l)})
(gluing `` {((x', y'), l')})) =
tf' (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), l)})
(gluing `` {((τ ∘ r ∘ i) (x, y), l')}))"
(is "?lhs = _")
using assms(1) p_q_expr(1) tf_tau r_expr by auto
also have "… =
tf' (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), l)})
(gluing `` {(r (i (x, y)), Not l')}))"
using eq by auto
also have "... = tf' (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) (tf r (gluing `` {(i (x, y), ¬ l')})))"
using i_proj insert_rotation_gluing_point r_expr(2) by force
also have "... = tf' (tf r (proj_addition (gluing `` {(i (x, y), ¬ l')}) (gluing `` {((x, y), l)})))"
by (metis e_proj(1) i_proj proj_addition_comm r_expr(2) remove_add_rotation
also have "... = tf' (tf r {((1, 0), local.xor l (¬ l'))})"
using e_proj(1) i_proj proj_add_class_inv(1) proj_addition_comm by presburger
also have "... = tf r {((1, 0), xor l l')}"
by (smt (verit) identity_equiv identity_proj tf_tau tf_tf'_commute xor_def)
finally have simp2: "?lhs = ?rhs"
by auto
show ?thesis
unfolding p_q_expr
unfolding remove_rho[OF e_proj(1),symmetric]
unfolding simp1 simp2 by auto
case b
then have ds: "delta x y x' y' ≠ 0"
unfolding e'_aff_0_def by auto
have add_proj: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), s)} ∈ e_proj" for s
using e_proj add_closure_points ds e_proj_aff by auto
have "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), local.xor (¬ l) l')} =
tf' (gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), local.xor l l')})"
by (smt (verit, best) add_proj i.cases tf_tau xor_def)
then show ?thesis
unfolding p_q_expr by (metis ds e_proj gluing_add tf_tau)
case c
then have ds: "delta' x y x' y' ≠ 0"
unfolding e'_aff_1_def by auto
have add_proj: "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), s)} ∈ e_proj" for s
using e_proj ext_add_closure_points ds e_proj_aff by auto
have "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), local.xor (¬ l) l')} =
tf' (gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), local.xor l l')})"
by (smt (verit, best) add_proj i.cases tf_tau xor_def)
then show ?thesis
unfolding p_q_expr by (metis ds e_proj gluing_ext_add tf_tau)
lemma remove_add_tau':
assumes "p ∈ e_proj" "q ∈ e_proj"
shows "proj_addition p (tf' q) = tf' (proj_addition p q)"
proof -
obtain r where "gluing `` {r} = q"
by (metis assms(2) e_proj_def quotientE)
then have inp: "tf' q ∈ e_proj"
using assms(2) tf_preserv_e_proj_point by blast
show ?thesis
by (metis assms inp proj_addition_comm remove_add_tau)
lemma tf'_idemp:
assumes "s ∈ e_proj"
shows "tf' (tf' s) = s"
proof -
obtain x y c l where "s = {((x, y), l)} ∨ s = {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
using assms gluing_cases by blast
then show ?thesis
by (force simp: tf'_def)
definition tf'' where
"tf'' g s = tf' (tf g s)"
lemma remove_sym:
assumes "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} ∈ e_proj" "gluing `` {(g (x, y), l)} ∈ e_proj" "g ∈ symmetries"
shows "gluing `` {(g (x, y), l)} = tf'' (τ ∘ g) (gluing `` {((x, y), l)})"
using assms remove_tau remove_rotations sym_decomp
proof -
obtain r where r_expr: "r ∈ rotations" "g = τ ∘ r"
using assms sym_decomp by blast
then have e_proj: "gluing `` {(r (x, y), l)} ∈ e_proj"
using rotation_preserv_e_proj insert_rotation_gluing assms by simp
have "gluing `` {(g (x, y), l)} = tf' (gluing `` {(r (x, y), l)})"
using assms r_expr
by (metis remove_tau e_proj comp_def i.cases)
also have "… = tf' (tf r (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}))"
using remove_rotations r_expr assms(1) by force
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) (gluing `` {((x, y), l)})"
using r_expr(2) tf''_def tau_idemp_explicit
by (metis (no_types, lifting) comp_assoc id_comp tau_idemp)
finally show ?thesis.
lemma remove_add_sym:
assumes "p ∈ e_proj" "q ∈ e_proj" "g ∈ rotations"
shows "proj_addition (tf'' g p) q = tf'' g (proj_addition p q)"
proof -
obtain x y l x' y' l' where p_q_expr: "p = gluing `` {((x, y), l)}" "q = gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}"
by (metis assms(1,2) e_proj_def prod.collapse quotientE)+
then have e_proj: "(tf g p) ∈ e_proj"
using rotation_preserv_e_proj assms by fast
have "proj_addition (tf'' g p) q = proj_addition (tf' (tf g p)) q"
unfolding tf''_def by simp
also have "… = tf' (proj_addition (tf g p) q)"
using remove_add_tau assms e_proj by blast
also have "… = tf' (tf g (proj_addition p q))"
using remove_add_rotation assms by presburger
also have "… = tf'' g (proj_addition p q)"
using tf''_def by auto
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma tf''_preserv_e_proj:
assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} ∈ e_proj" "r ∈ rotations"
shows "tf'' r (gluing `` {((x,y),l)}) ∈ e_proj"
unfolding tf''_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms rotation_preserv_e_proj_point
tf_preserv_e_proj_point tf_tau tf_tf'_commute)
lemma tf'_injective:
assumes "c1 ∈ e_proj" "c2 ∈ e_proj"
assumes "tf' c1 = tf' c2"
shows "c1 = c2"
using assms by (metis tf'_idemp)
subsection ‹Associativities›
lemma add_add_add_add_assoc:
assumes "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff" "(x3,y3) ∈ e'_aff"
assumes "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0" "delta x2 y2 x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta (fst (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) (snd (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta x1 y1 (fst (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) (snd (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) ≠ 0"
shows "add (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) = add (x1,y1) (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
using assms unfolding e'_aff_def delta_def
using associativity e_e'_iff by fastforce
lemma fstI: "x = (y, z) ⟹ y = fst x"
by simp
lemma sndI: "x = (y, z) ⟹ z = snd x"
by simp
ML ‹
fun basic_equalities assms ctxt z1' z3' =
val th1 = @{thm fstI} OF [(nth assms 0)]
val th2 = Thm.instantiate' [SOME @{ctyp "'a"}]
[SOME @{cterm "fst::'a×'a ⇒ 'a"}]
(@{thm arg_cong} OF [(nth assms 2)])
val x1'_expr = Goal.prove ctxt [] [] (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
(HOLogic.mk_eq (@{term "x1'::'a"},HOLogic.mk_fst z1')))
(fn _ =>
EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [1] [th1] 1
THEN EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [1] [th2] 1
THEN simp_tac ctxt 1)
val th3 = @{thm sndI} OF [(nth assms 0)]
val th4 = Thm.instantiate' [SOME @{ctyp "'a"}]
[SOME @{cterm "snd::'a×'a ⇒ 'a"}]
(@{thm arg_cong} OF [(nth assms 2)])
val y1'_expr = Goal.prove ctxt [] []
(HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (@{term "y1'::'a"},HOLogic.mk_snd z1')))
(fn _ => EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [1] [th3] 1
THEN EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [1] [th4] 1
THEN simp_tac ctxt 1)
val th5 = @{thm fstI} OF [(nth assms 1)]
val th6 = Thm.instantiate' [SOME @{ctyp "'a"}]
[SOME @{cterm "fst::'a×'a ⇒ 'a"}]
(@{thm arg_cong} OF [(nth assms 3)])
val x3'_expr = Goal.prove ctxt [] []
(HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (@{term "x3'::'a"},HOLogic.mk_fst z3')))
(fn _ => EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [1] [th5] 1
THEN EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [1] [th6] 1
THEN simp_tac ctxt 1)
val th7 = @{thm sndI} OF [(nth assms 1)]
val th8 = Thm.instantiate' [SOME @{ctyp "'a"}]
[SOME @{cterm "snd::'a×'a ⇒ 'a"}]
(@{thm arg_cong} OF [(nth assms 3)])
val y3'_expr = Goal.prove ctxt [] []
(HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (@{term "y3'::'a"},HOLogic.mk_snd z3')))
(fn _ => EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [1] [th7] 1
THEN EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [1] [th8] 1
THEN simp_tac ctxt 1)
fun rewrite_procedures ctxt =
val rewrite1 =
val pat = [Rewrite.In,Rewrite.Term
(@{const divide('a)} $ Var (("c", 0), \<^typ>‹'a›) $ Rewrite.mk_hole 1 (\<^typ>‹'a›), []),
val to = NONE
CCONVERSION (Rewrite.rewrite_conv ctxt (pat, to) @{thms delta_x_def[symmetric] delta_y_def[symmetric]
delta_minus_def[symmetric] delta_plus_def[symmetric]}) 1
val rewrite2 =
val pat = [Rewrite.In,Rewrite.Term
(@{const divide('a)} $ Var (("c", 0), \<^typ>‹'a›) $ Rewrite.mk_hole 1 (\<^typ>‹'a›), []),
val to = NONE
CCONVERSION (Rewrite.rewrite_conv ctxt (pat, to) @{thms delta_x_def[symmetric] delta_y_def[symmetric]
delta_minus_def[symmetric] delta_plus_def[symmetric]
}) 1
val rewrite3 =
val pat = [Rewrite.In,Rewrite.Term (@{const divide('a)} $ Var (("c", 0), \<^typ>‹'a›) $
Rewrite.mk_hole 1 (\<^typ>‹'a›), []),Rewrite.At]
val to = NONE
CCONVERSION (Rewrite.rewrite_conv ctxt (pat, to) @{thms delta_x_def[symmetric] delta_y_def[symmetric]
delta_minus_def[symmetric] delta_plus_def[symmetric]}) 1
val rewrite4 =
val pat = [Rewrite.In,Rewrite.Term (@{const divide('a)} $ Var (("c", 0), \<^typ>‹'a›) $
Rewrite.mk_hole 1 (\<^typ>‹'a›), []),Rewrite.In]
val to = NONE
CCONVERSION (Rewrite.rewrite_conv ctxt (pat, to) @{thms delta_x_def[symmetric] delta_y_def[symmetric]
delta_minus_def[symmetric] delta_plus_def[symmetric]}) 1
fun concrete_assoc first second third fourth =
val ctxt0 = @{context};
val ctxt = ctxt0;
val (_,ctxt) = Variable.add_fixes ["z1'","x1'","y1'",
"z3'","x3'", "y3'",
"x1", "y1", "x2", "y2", "x3", "y3"] ctxt
val z1' = if first = "ext" then @{term "ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)"} else @{term "add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)"}
val z3' = if fourth = "ext" then @{term "ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)"} else @{term "add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)"}
val lhs = if second = "ext" then (fn z1' => @{term "ext_add"} $ z1' $ @{term "(x3::'a,y3::'a)"})
else (fn z1' => @{term "add"} $ z1' $ @{term "(x3::'a,y3::'a)"})
val rhs = if third = "ext" then (fn z3' => @{term "ext_add (x1,y1)"} $ z3')
else (fn z3' => @{term "add (x1,y1)"} $ z3')
val delta1 = case z1' of @{term "ext_add"} $ _ $ _ => [@{term "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2"},@{term "delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2"},@{term "delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2"}]
| @{term "add"} $ _ $ _ => [@{term "delta x1 y1 x2 y2"},@{term "delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2"},@{term "delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2"}]
| _ => []
val delta2 = case (lhs @{term "z1'::'a × 'a"}) of
@{term "ext_add"} $ _ $ _ => [@{term "delta_x x1' y1' x3 y3"},@{term "delta_y x1' y1' x3 y3"}]
| @{term "add"} $ _ $ _ => [@{term "delta_minus x1' y1' x3 y3"},@{term "delta_plus x1' y1' x3 y3"}]
| _ => []
val delta3 = if third = "ext" then [@{term "delta_x x1 y1 x3' y3'"},@{term "delta_y x1 y1 x3' y3'"}]
else [@{term "delta_minus x1 y1 x3' y3'"},@{term "delta_plus x1 y1 x3' y3'"}]
val delta4 = if fourth = "ext" then [@{term "delta' x2 y2 x3 y3"},@{term "delta_x x2 y2 x3 y3"},@{term "delta_y x2 y2 x3 y3"}]
else [@{term "delta x2 y2 x3 y3"},@{term "delta_minus x2 y2 x3 y3"},@{term "delta_plus x2 y2 x3 y3"}]
val assms3 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq(@{term "z1'::'a × 'a"},z1')))
val assms4 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq(@{term "z3'::'a × 'a"},z3')))
val assms5 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_not (HOLogic.mk_eq (nth delta1 1,@{term "0::'a"}))))
val assms6 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_not (HOLogic.mk_eq (nth delta1 2,@{term "0::'a"}))))
val assms7 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_not (HOLogic.mk_eq (nth delta4 1,@{term "0::'a"}))))
val assms8 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_not (HOLogic.mk_eq (nth delta4 2,@{term "0::'a"}))))
val assms9 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_not (HOLogic.mk_eq (nth delta2 0,@{term "0::'a"}))))
val assms10 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_not (HOLogic.mk_eq (nth delta2 1,@{term "0::'a"}))))
val assms11 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_not (HOLogic.mk_eq (nth delta3 0,@{term "0::'a"}))))
val assms12 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_not (HOLogic.mk_eq (nth delta3 1,@{term "0::'a"}))))
val (assms,ctxt) = Assumption.add_assumes
[@{cprop "z1' = (x1'::'a,y1'::'a)"}, @{cprop "z3' = (x3'::'a,y3'::'a)"},
assms3,assms4,assms5,assms6,assms7, assms8,assms9, assms10,assms11, assms12,
@{cprop "e' x1 y1 = 0"}, @{cprop "e' x2 y2 = 0"}, @{cprop "e' x3 y3 = 0"}
] ctxt;
val normalizex = List.foldl (HOLogic.mk_binop "Groups.times_class.times") @{term "1::'a"} [nth delta2 0, nth delta3 0, nth delta1 0, nth delta4 0]
val normalizey = List.foldl (HOLogic.mk_binop "Groups.times_class.times") @{term "1::'a"} [nth delta2 1, nth delta3 1, nth delta1 0, nth delta4 0]
val fstminus = HOLogic.mk_binop "Groups.minus_class.minus"
(HOLogic.mk_fst (lhs @{term "z1'::'a × 'a"}), HOLogic.mk_fst (rhs @{term "z3'::'a × 'a"}))
val sndminus = HOLogic.mk_binop "Groups.minus_class.minus"
(HOLogic.mk_snd (lhs @{term "z1'::'a × 'a"}), HOLogic.mk_snd (rhs @{term "z3'::'a × 'a"}))
val goal = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop(HOLogic.mk_eq(lhs z1',rhs z3'))
val gxDeltax =
HOLogic.mk_exists ("r1",@{typ 'a},
HOLogic.mk_exists("r2",@{typ 'a},
HOLogic.mk_exists("r3",@{typ 'a},
HOLogic.mk_eq(HOLogic.mk_binop "Groups.times_class.times" (fstminus,normalizex),
@{term "r1 * e' x1 y1 + r2 * e' x2 y2 + r3 * e' x3 y3"})))))
val gyDeltay =
HOLogic.mk_exists ("r1",@{typ 'a},
HOLogic.mk_exists("r2",@{typ 'a},
HOLogic.mk_exists("r3",@{typ 'a},
HOLogic.mk_eq(HOLogic.mk_binop "Groups.times_class.times" (sndminus,normalizey),
@{term "r1 * e' x1 y1 + r2 * e' x2 y2 + r3 * e' x3 y3"})))))
val (x1'_expr,y1'_expr,x3'_expr,y3'_expr) = basic_equalities assms ctxt z1' z3'
val (rewrite1,rewrite2,rewrite3,rewrite4) = rewrite_procedures ctxt
val div1 = Goal.prove ctxt [] [] gxDeltax
(fn _ => asm_full_simp_tac (ctxt addsimps [nth assms 0,nth assms 1]) 1
THEN REPEAT rewrite1
THEN asm_full_simp_tac (ctxt
addsimps (@{thms divide_simps} @ [nth assms 8, nth assms 10])) 1
THEN REPEAT (EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [0]
(@{thms left_diff_distrib delta_x_def delta_y_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def} @ [x1'_expr,y1'_expr,x3'_expr,y3'_expr]) 1)
THEN simp_tac ctxt 1
THEN REPEAT rewrite2
THEN asm_full_simp_tac (ctxt
addsimps (@{thms divide_simps} @ map (nth assms) [4,5,6,7] @
[@{thm delta'_def}, @{thm delta_def}])) 1
THEN asm_full_simp_tac (ctxt addsimps
[@{thm c_eq_1},@{thm t_expr(1)},@{thm delta_x_def},
@{thm delta_y_def}, @{thm delta_plus_def},
@{thm delta_minus_def}, @{thm e'_def}]) 1
THEN Groebner.algebra_tac [] [] ctxt 1
val goal1 = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (fstminus, @{term "0::'a"}))
val eq1 = Goal.prove ctxt [] [] goal1
(fn _ => Method.insert_tac ctxt [div1] 1
THEN asm_full_simp_tac (ctxt addsimps
(map (nth assms) [4,5,6,7,8,10,12,13,14]) @ @{thms delta'_def delta_def}) 1 )
val div2 = Goal.prove ctxt [] [] gyDeltay
(fn _ => asm_full_simp_tac (@{context} addsimps [nth assms 0,nth assms 1]) 1
THEN REPEAT rewrite3
THEN asm_full_simp_tac (@{context} addsimps (@{thms divide_simps} @ [nth assms 9,nth assms 11])) 1
THEN REPEAT (EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [0] (@{thms left_diff_distrib delta_x_def delta_y_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def} @ [x1'_expr,y1'_expr,x3'_expr,y3'_expr]) 1)
THEN simp_tac @{context} 1
THEN REPEAT rewrite4
THEN asm_full_simp_tac (@{context} addsimps (@{thms divide_simps delta'_def delta_def} @ (map (nth assms) [4,5,6,7]))) 1
THEN asm_full_simp_tac (@{context} addsimps
[@{thm c_eq_1},@{thm t_expr(1)},@{thm delta_x_def},
@{thm delta_y_def}, @{thm delta_plus_def},
@{thm delta_minus_def}, @{thm e'_def}]) 1
THEN Groebner.algebra_tac [] [] ctxt 1
val goal2 = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (sndminus, @{term "0::'a"}))
val eq2 = Goal.prove ctxt [] [] goal2
(fn _ => Method.insert_tac ctxt [div2] 1
THEN asm_full_simp_tac (ctxt addsimps
(map (nth assms) [4,5,6,7,9,11,12,13,14]) @ @{thms delta'_def delta_def}) 1 );
val goal = Goal.prove ctxt [] [] goal
(fn _ => Method.insert_tac ctxt ([eq1,eq2] @ [nth assms 2,nth assms 3]) 1
THEN asm_full_simp_tac ctxt 1 );
singleton (Proof_Context.export ctxt ctxt0) goal
local_setup ‹
Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "ext_ext_ext_ext_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "ext" "ext" "ext" "ext"]) #> snd
local_setup ‹
Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "ext_add_ext_ext_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "add" "ext" "ext" "ext"]) #> snd
local_setup ‹
Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "ext_ext_ext_add_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "ext" "ext" "ext" "add"]) #> snd
local_setup ‹
Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "add_ext_add_ext_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "ext" "add" "add" "ext"]) #> snd
lemma add_ext_add_ext_assoc_points:
assumes "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff" "(x3,y3) ∈ e'_aff"
assumes "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0" "delta' x2 y2 x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta (fst (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) (snd (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta x1 y1 (fst (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) (snd (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) ≠ 0"
shows "add (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) = add (x1,y1) (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
apply(rule add_ext_add_ext_assoc refl)+
using assms delta_def delta'_def e'_aff_def by force+
local_setup ‹
Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "add_ext_ext_ext_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "ext" "add" "ext" "ext"]) #> snd
local_setup ‹
Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "add_ext_add_add_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "ext" "add" "add" "add"]) #> snd
lemma add_ext_add_add_assoc_points:
assumes "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff" "(x3,y3) ∈ e'_aff"
assumes "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0" "delta x2 y2 x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta (fst (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) (snd (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta x1 y1 (fst (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) (snd (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) ≠ 0"
shows "add (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) = add (x1,y1) (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
apply(rule add_ext_add_add_assoc refl)+
using assms delta_def delta'_def e'_aff_def by force+
local_setup ‹
Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "add_add_ext_add_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "add" "add" "ext" "add"]) #> snd
lemma add_add_ext_add_assoc_points:
assumes "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff" "(x3,y3) ∈ e'_aff"
assumes "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0" "delta x2 y2 x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta (fst (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) (snd (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta' x1 y1 (fst (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) (snd (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) ≠ 0"
shows "add (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) = ext_add (x1,y1) (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
apply(rule add_add_ext_add_assoc refl)+
using assms delta_def delta'_def e'_aff_def by force+
local_setup ‹
Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "add_add_ext_ext_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "add" "add" "ext" "ext"]) #> snd
local_setup ‹
Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "add_add_add_ext_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "add" "add" "add" "ext"]) #> snd
lemma add_add_add_ext_assoc_points:
assumes "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff" "(x3,y3) ∈ e'_aff"
assumes "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0" "delta' x2 y2 x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta (fst (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) (snd (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta x1 y1 (fst (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) (snd (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) ≠ 0"
shows "add (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) = add (x1,y1) (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
apply(rule add_add_add_ext_assoc refl | simp)+
using assms delta_def delta'_def e'_aff_def by force+
local_setup ‹
Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "ext_add_add_ext_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "add" "ext" "add" "ext"]) #> snd
lemma ext_add_add_ext_assoc_points:
assumes "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff" "(x3,y3) ∈ e'_aff"
assumes "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0" "delta' x2 y2 x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta' (fst (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) (snd (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta x1 y1 (fst (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) (snd (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) ≠ 0"
shows "ext_add (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) = add (x1,y1) (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
apply(rule ext_add_add_ext_assoc refl | simp)+
using assms delta_def delta'_def e'_aff_def by force+
local_setup ‹
Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "ext_add_add_add_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "add" "ext" "add" "add"]) #> snd
lemma ext_add_add_add_assoc_points:
assumes "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff" "(x3,y3) ∈ e'_aff"
assumes "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0" "delta x2 y2 x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta' (fst (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) (snd (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta x1 y1 (fst (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) (snd (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) ≠ 0"
shows "ext_add (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) = add (x1,y1) (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
by (metis add_add_ext_add_assoc_points assms curve_addition.commutativity
curve_addition.delta_com delta'_com ext_add_comm_points)
local_setup ‹
Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "ext_add_ext_add_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "add" "ext" "ext" "add"]) #> snd
local_setup ‹
Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "ext_ext_add_add_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "ext" "ext" "add" "add"]) #> snd
lemma ext_ext_add_add_assoc_points:
assumes "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff" "(x3,y3) ∈ e'_aff"
assumes "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0" "delta x2 y2 x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta' (fst (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) (snd (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta x1 y1 (fst (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) (snd (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) ≠ 0"
shows "ext_add (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) = add (x1,y1) (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
apply(rule ext_ext_add_add_assoc refl | simp)+
using assms delta_def delta'_def e'_aff_def by force+
local_setup ‹
Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "ext_ext_add_ext_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "ext" "ext" "add" "ext"]) #> snd
lemma ext_ext_add_ext_assoc_points:
assumes "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff" "(x3,y3) ∈ e'_aff"
assumes "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0" "delta' x2 y2 x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta' (fst (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) (snd (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta x1 y1 (fst (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) (snd (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) ≠ 0"
shows "ext_add (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) = add (x1,y1) (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
apply(rule ext_ext_add_ext_assoc refl | simp)+
using assms delta_def delta'_def e'_aff_def by force+
local_setup ‹
Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "add_ext_ext_add_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "ext" "add" "ext" "add"]) #> snd
subsection ‹Lemmas for associativity›
lemma cancellation_assoc:
assumes "gluing `` {((x1,y1), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x2,y2), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {(i (x2,y2), False)} ∈ e_proj"
shows "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1,y1), False)})
(gluing `` {((x2,y2), False)})) (gluing `` {(i (x2,y2), False)}) =
gluing `` {((x1,y1), False)}"
(is "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = ?g1")
proof -
have in_aff: "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff" "i (x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff"
using assms e_proj_aff by auto
have one_in: "gluing `` {((1, 0), False)} ∈ e_proj"
using identity_proj identity_equiv by auto
have e_proj: "gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {(i (x1, y1), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"{((1, 0), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {(i (x2, y2), False)} ∈ e_proj"
using e_proj_aff in_aff apply(simp,simp)
using assms proj_add_class_inv apply blast
using identity_equiv one_in apply auto[1]
using assms(2) proj_add_class_inv by blast
assume "(∃g∈symmetries. (x2, y2) = (g ∘ i) (x1, y1))"
then obtain g where g_expr: "g ∈ symmetries" "(x2, y2) = (g ∘ i) (x1, y1)" by auto
then obtain g' where g_expr': "g' ∈ symmetries" "i (x2,y2) = g' (x1, y1)" "g ∘ g' = id"
using symmetries_i_inverse[OF g_expr(1), of x1 y1]
i_idemp pointfree_idE by force
obtain r where r_expr: "r ∈ rotations" "(x2, y2) = (τ ∘ r) (i (x1, y1))" "g = τ ∘ r"
using g_expr sym_decomp by force
have e_proj_comp:
"gluing `` {(g (i (x1, y1)), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {(g (i (x2, y2)), False)} ∈ e_proj"
using assms g_expr' pointfree_idE g_expr(2) by fastforce+
have g2_eq: "?g2 = tf'' r (gluing `` {(i (x1, y1), False)})"
(is "_ = tf'' _ ?g4")
using remove_sym[of "fst (i (x1,y1))" "snd (i (x1,y1))" False "τ ∘ r",
simplified prod.collapse]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) comp_assoc e_proj(2,3) g_expr(1) id_comp r_expr(2,3)
have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' r ?g4)) ?g3 = ?g1"
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using e_proj g2_eq[symmetric] apply(simp,simp)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using e_proj r_expr apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using e_proj apply(simp,simp)
apply(subst proj_add_class_inv(1))
using e_proj apply simp
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using e_proj r_expr xor_def apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(simp add: xor_def del: i.simps)
apply(subst proj_add_class_identity)
using e_proj apply simp
apply(subst remove_sym[symmetric, of "fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))" False "τ ∘ r",
simplified prod.collapse comp_assoc[of τ τ r,symmetric] tau_idemp id_o])
using e_proj apply simp
using e_proj_comp(2) r_expr(3) apply auto[1]
using g_expr(1) r_expr(3) apply auto[1]
using g_expr'(2) g_expr'(3) pointfree_idE r_expr(3) by fastforce
have ?thesis
unfolding g2_eq eq1 by auto
note dichotomy_case = this
consider (1) "x1 ≠ 0" "y1 ≠ 0" "x2 ≠ 0" "y2 ≠ 0" | (2) "x1 = 0 ∨ y1 = 0 ∨ x2 = 0 ∨ y2 = 0" by fastforce
then show ?thesis
case 1
have taus: "τ (i (x2, y2)) ∈ e'_aff"
proof -
have "i (x2,y2) ∈ e_circ"
using e_circ_def in_aff 1 by auto
then show ?thesis
using τ_circ circ_to_aff by blast
(a) "(∃g∈symmetries. (x2, y2) = (g ∘ i) (x1, y1))" |
(b) "((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff_0"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x2, y2) = (g ∘ i) (x1, y1)))" |
(c) "((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff_1"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x2, y2) = (g ∘ i) (x1, y1)))" "((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∉ e'_aff_0"
using dichotomy_1 in_aff by blast
then show ?thesis
case a
then show ?thesis
using dichotomy_case by auto
case b
have pd: "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
using b(1) unfolding e'_aff_0_def by simp
have ds: "delta x2 y2 x2 (-y2) ≠ 0 ∨ delta' x2 y2 (x2) (-y2) ≠ 0 "
using in_aff d_n1
unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
e'_aff_def e'_def
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) add_self curve_addition.delta_minus_def
curve_addition.delta_plus_def delta'_def delta_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
have eq1: "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}"
(is "_ = ?g_add")
using gluing_add[OF assms(1,2) pd] xor_def by force
then obtain rx ry where r_expr:
"rx = fst (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))"
"ry = snd (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))"
"(rx,ry) = add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)"
by simp
have in_aff_r: "(rx,ry) ∈ e'_aff"
using in_aff add_closure_points pd r_expr by auto
have e_proj_r: "gluing `` {((rx,ry), False)} ∈ e_proj"
using e_proj_aff in_aff_r by auto
(aa) "(rx, ry) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. i (x2, y2) = (g ∘ i) (rx, ry))" |
(bb) "((rx, ry), i (x2, y2)) ∈ e'_aff_0" "¬ ((rx, ry) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. i (x2, y2) = (g ∘ i) (rx, ry)))" |
(cc) "((rx, ry), i (x2, y2)) ∈ e'_aff_1" "¬ ((rx, ry) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. i (x2, y2) = (g ∘ i) (rx, ry)))" "((rx, ry), i (x2, y2)) ∉ e'_aff_0"
using dichotomy_1[OF in_aff_r in_aff(3)] by fast
then show ?thesis
case aa
then obtain g where g_expr:
"g ∈ symmetries" "(i (x2, y2)) = (g ∘ i) (rx, ry)" by blast
then obtain r where rot_expr:
"r ∈ rotations" "(i (x2, y2)) = (τ ∘ r ∘ i) (rx, ry)" "τ ∘ g = r"
using sym_decomp pointfree_idE sym_to_rot tau_idemp by fastforce
from aa have pd': "delta rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) = 0"
using wd_d_nz by auto
(aaa) "(rx, ry) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. τ (i (x2, y2)) = (g ∘ i) (rx, ry))" |
(bbb) "((rx, ry), τ (i (x2, y2))) ∈ e'_aff_0" "¬ ((rx, ry) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. τ (i (x2, y2)) = (g ∘ i) (rx, ry)))" |
(ccc) "((rx, ry), τ (i (x2, y2))) ∈ e'_aff_1" "¬ ((rx, ry) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. τ (i (x2, y2)) = (g ∘ i) (rx, ry)))" "((rx, ry), τ (i (x2, y2))) ∉ e'_aff_0"
using dichotomy_1[OF in_aff_r taus] by fast
then show ?thesis
case aaa
have pd'': "delta rx ry (fst (τ (i (x2, y2)))) (snd (τ (i (x2, y2)))) = 0"
using wd_d_nz aaa by auto
from aaa obtain g' where g'_expr:
"g' ∈ symmetries" "τ (i (x2, y2)) = (g' ∘ i) (rx, ry)"
by blast
then obtain r' where r'_expr:
"r' ∈ rotations" "τ (i (x2, y2)) = (τ ∘ r' ∘ i) (rx, ry)"
using sym_decomp by blast
from r'_expr have
"i (x2, y2) = (r' ∘ i) (rx, ry)"
using tau_idemp_point by (metis comp_apply)
from this rot_expr have "(τ ∘ r ∘ i) (rx, ry) = (r' ∘ i) (rx, ry)"
by argo
then obtain ri' where "ri' ∈ rotations" "ri'( (τ ∘ r ∘ i) (rx, ry)) = i (rx, ry)"
by (metis comp_def rho_i_com_inverses(1) r'_expr(1) rot_inv tau_idemp tau_sq)
then have "(τ ∘ ri' ∘ r ∘ i) (rx, ry) = i (rx, ry)"
by (metis comp_apply rot_tau_com)
then obtain g'' where g''_expr: "g'' ∈ symmetries" "g'' (i ((rx, ry))) = i (rx,ry)"
using ‹ri' ∈ rotations› rot_expr(1) rot_comp tau_rot_sym by force
have in_g: "g'' ∈ G"
using g''_expr(1) unfolding G_def symmetries_def by blast
have in_circ: "i (rx, ry) ∈ e_circ"
using aa i_circ by blast
then have "g'' = id"
using g_no_fp in_g in_circ g''_expr(2) by blast
then have "False"
using sym_not_id sym_decomp g''_expr(1) by fastforce
then show ?thesis by simp
case bbb
then have pd': "delta rx ry (fst (τ (i (x2,y2)))) (snd (τ (i (x2,y2)))) ≠ 0"
unfolding e'_aff_0_def by simp
then have pd'': "delta' rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) ≠ 0"
using 1 delta_add_delta'_1 in_aff pd r_expr by auto
have "False"
using aa pd'' wd_d'_nz by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
case ccc
then have pd': "delta' rx ry (fst (τ (i (x2,y2)))) (snd (τ (i (x2,y2)))) ≠ 0"
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def by auto
then have pd'': "delta rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) ≠ 0"
using 1 delta_add_delta'_2 in_aff pd r_expr by auto
have "False"
using aa pd'' wd_d_nz by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
case bb
then have pd': "delta rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) ≠ 0"
using bb unfolding e'_aff_0_def r_expr by simp
have add_assoc: "add (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (i (x2, y2)) = (x1,y1)"
proof(cases "delta x2 y2 x2 (-y2) ≠ 0")
case True
have inv: "add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2)) = (1,0)"
using inverse_generalized[OF in_aff(2)] True
unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def by auto
show ?thesis
apply(subst add_add_add_add_assoc[OF in_aff(1,2),
of "fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))",
simplified prod.collapse])
using in_aff(3) pd True pd' r_expr apply force+
using inv unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def apply simp
using inv neutral by presburger
case False
then have ds': "delta' x2 y2 x2 (- y2) ≠ 0"
using ds by auto
have inv: "ext_add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2)) = (1,0)"
using ext_add_inverse 1 by simp
show ?thesis
apply(subst add_add_add_ext_assoc_points[of x1 y1 x2 y2
"fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))", simplified prod.collapse])
using in_aff pd ds' pd' r_expr apply force+
using inv unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def apply simp
using inv neutral by presburger
show ?thesis
using add_assoc e_proj(5) e_proj_r gluing_add pd' r_expr(3) xor_def
by (force simp add: gluing_add e_proj pd)
case cc
then have pd': "delta' rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) ≠ 0"
using cc unfolding e'_aff_1_def r_expr by simp
have add_assoc: "ext_add (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (i (x2, y2)) = (x1,y1)"
proof(cases "delta x2 y2 x2 (-y2) ≠ 0")
case True
have inv: "add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2)) = (1,0)"
using inverse_generalized[OF in_aff(2)] True
unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def by auto
show ?thesis
apply(subst ext_add_add_add_assoc_points[OF in_aff(1,2),
of "fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))",
simplified prod.collapse])
using in_aff(3) pd True pd' r_expr apply force+
using inv unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def apply simp
using inv neutral by presburger
case False
then have ds': "delta' x2 y2 x2 (- y2) ≠ 0"
using ds by auto
have inv: "ext_add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2)) = (1,0)"
using ext_add_inverse 1 by simp
show ?thesis
apply(subst ext_add_add_ext_assoc_points[of x1 y1 x2 y2
"fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))", simplified prod.collapse])
using in_aff pd ds' pd' r_expr apply force+
using inv unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def apply simp
using inv neutral by presburger
show ?thesis
using add_assoc e_proj(5) e_proj_r gluing_ext_add_points pd' r_expr(3) xor_def
by (force simp add: gluing_add e_proj pd)
case c
have pd: "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
using c unfolding e'_aff_1_def by simp
have ds: "delta x2 y2 x2 (-y2) ≠ 0 ∨
delta' x2 y2 (x2) (-y2) ≠ 0 "
using in_aff d_n1 add_self by blast
have eq1: "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}"
(is "_ = ?g_add")
using gluing_ext_add[OF assms(1,2) pd] xor_def by presburger
then obtain rx ry where r_expr:
"rx = fst (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))"
"ry = snd (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))"
"(rx,ry) = ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)"
by simp
have in_aff_r: "(rx,ry) ∈ e'_aff"
using in_aff ext_add_closure_points pd r_expr by auto
have e_proj_r: "gluing `` {((rx,ry), False)} ∈ e_proj"
using e_proj_aff in_aff_r by auto
(aa) "(rx, ry) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. i (x2, y2) = (g ∘ i) (rx, ry))" |
(bb) "((rx, ry), i (x2, y2)) ∈ e'_aff_0"
"¬ ((rx, ry) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. i (x2, y2) = (g ∘ i) (rx, ry)))" |
(cc) "((rx, ry), i (x2, y2)) ∈ e'_aff_1"
"¬ ((rx, ry) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. i (x2, y2) = (g ∘ i) (rx, ry)))" "((rx, ry), i (x2, y2)) ∉ e'_aff_0"
using dichotomy_1[OF in_aff_r in_aff(3)] by fast
then show ?thesis
case aa
then obtain g where g_expr:
"g ∈ symmetries" "(i (x2, y2)) = (g ∘ i) (rx, ry)" by blast
then obtain r where rot_expr:
"r ∈ rotations" "(i (x2, y2)) = (τ ∘ r ∘ i) (rx, ry)" "τ ∘ g = r"
using sym_decomp pointfree_idE sym_to_rot tau_idemp by fastforce
from aa have pd': "delta rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) = 0"
using wd_d_nz by auto
(aaa) "(rx, ry) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. τ (i (x2, y2)) = (g ∘ i) (rx, ry))" |
(bbb) "((rx, ry), τ (i (x2, y2))) ∈ e'_aff_0" "¬ ((rx, ry) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. τ (i (x2, y2)) = (g ∘ i) (rx, ry)))" |
(ccc) "((rx, ry), τ (i (x2, y2))) ∈ e'_aff_1" "¬ ((rx, ry) ∈ e_circ ∧ (∃g∈symmetries. τ (i (x2, y2)) = (g ∘ i) (rx, ry)))" "((rx, ry), τ (i (x2, y2))) ∉ e'_aff_0"
using dichotomy_1[OF in_aff_r taus] by fast
then show ?thesis
case aaa
have pd'': "delta rx ry (fst (τ (i (x2, y2)))) (snd (τ (i (x2, y2)))) = 0"
using wd_d_nz aaa by auto
from aaa obtain g' where g'_expr:
"g' ∈ symmetries" "τ (i (x2, y2)) = (g' ∘ i) (rx, ry)"
by blast
then obtain r' where r'_expr:
"r' ∈ rotations" "τ (i (x2, y2)) = (τ ∘ r' ∘ i) (rx, ry)"
using sym_decomp by blast
from r'_expr have
"i (x2, y2) = (r' ∘ i) (rx, ry)"
using tau_idemp_point by (metis comp_apply)
from this rot_expr have "(τ ∘ r ∘ i) (rx, ry) = (r' ∘ i) (rx, ry)"
by argo
then obtain ri' where "ri' ∈ rotations" "ri'( (τ ∘ r ∘ i) (rx, ry)) = i (rx, ry)"
by (metis comp_def rho_i_com_inverses(1) r'_expr(1) rot_inv tau_idemp tau_sq)
then have "(τ ∘ ri' ∘ r ∘ i) (rx, ry) = i (rx, ry)"
by (metis comp_apply rot_tau_com)
then obtain g'' where g''_expr: "g'' ∈ symmetries" "g'' (i ((rx, ry))) = i (rx,ry)"
using ‹ri' ∈ rotations› rot_expr(1) rot_comp tau_rot_sym by force
then show ?thesis
proof -
have in_g: "g'' ∈ G"
using g''_expr(1) unfolding G_def symmetries_def by blast
have in_circ: "i (rx, ry) ∈ e_circ"
using aa i_circ by blast
then have "g'' = id"
using g_no_fp in_g in_circ g''_expr(2) by blast
then have "False"
using sym_not_id sym_decomp g''_expr(1) by fastforce
then show ?thesis by simp
case bbb
then have pd': "delta rx ry (fst (τ (i (x2,y2)))) (snd (τ (i (x2,y2)))) ≠ 0"
unfolding e'_aff_0_def by simp
then have pd'': "delta' rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) ≠ 0"
using 1 delta'_add_delta_2 in_aff pd r_expr by meson
have "False"
using aa pd'' wd_d'_nz by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
case ccc
then have pd': "delta' rx ry (fst (τ (i (x2,y2)))) (snd (τ (i (x2,y2)))) ≠ 0"
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def by auto
then have pd'': "delta rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) ≠ 0"
using 1 delta'_add_delta_1 in_aff pd r_expr by auto
have "False"
using aa pd'' wd_d_nz by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
case bb
then have pd': "delta rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) ≠ 0"
using bb unfolding e'_aff_0_def r_expr by simp
have add_assoc: "add (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (i (x2, y2)) = (x1,y1)"
proof(cases "delta x2 y2 x2 (-y2) ≠ 0")
case True
have inv: "add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2)) = (1,0)"
using inverse_generalized[OF in_aff(2)] True
unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def by auto
have "delta x1 y1 (fst (add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2))))
(snd (add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2)))) ≠ 0"
using inv unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def by simp
moreover have "add (x1, y1) (add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2))) = (x1, y1)"
using inv neutral by presburger
ultimately show ?thesis
using add_ext_add_add_assoc_points[OF in_aff(1,2),
of "fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))"]
using in_aff(3) pd True pd' r_expr by force
case False
then have ds': "delta' x2 y2 x2 (- y2) ≠ 0"
using ds by auto
have inv: "ext_add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2)) = (1,0)"
using ext_add_inverse 1 by simp
have "delta x1 y1 (fst (ext_add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2))))
(snd (ext_add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2)))) ≠ 0"
using inv unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def by simp
moreover have "add (x1, y1) (ext_add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2))) = (x1, y1)"
using inv neutral by presburger
show ?thesis
using add_ext_add_ext_assoc_points[of x1 y1 x2 y2
"fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))"]
using in_aff pd ds' pd' r_expr by force
show ?thesis
using add_assoc e_proj(5) e_proj_r gluing_add pd' r_expr xor_def
by (auto simp add: gluing_ext_add e_proj pd)
case cc
then have pd': "delta' rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) ≠ 0"
using cc unfolding e'_aff_1_def r_expr by simp
have add_assoc: "ext_add (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (i (x2, y2)) = (x1,y1)"
proof(cases "delta x2 y2 x2 (-y2) ≠ 0")
case True
have inv: "add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2)) = (1,0)"
using inverse_generalized[OF in_aff(2)] True
unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def by auto
have "delta x1 y1 (fst (add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2))))
(snd (add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2)))) ≠ 0"
using inv unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def by simp
moreover have "add (x1, y1) (add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2))) = (x1, y1)"
using inv neutral by presburger
ultimately show ?thesis
using ext_ext_add_add_assoc_points[OF in_aff(1,2), of "fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))"]
using in_aff(3) pd True pd' r_expr by force
case False
then have ds': "delta' x2 y2 x2 (- y2) ≠ 0"
using ds by auto
have inv: "ext_add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2)) = (1,0)"
using ext_add_inverse 1 by simp
have "delta x1 y1 (fst (ext_add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2))))
(snd (ext_add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2)))) ≠ 0"
using inv unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def by simp
have "add (x1, y1) (ext_add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2))) = (x1, y1)"
using inv neutral by presburger
ultimately show ?thesis
using ext_ext_add_ext_assoc_points[of x1 y1 x2 y2 "fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))"]
using in_aff pd ds' pd' r_expr by force
show ?thesis
using add_assoc e_proj(5) e_proj_r eq1 gluing_ext_add_points pd' r_expr(3) xor_def
by auto
case 2
then have "(∃ r ∈ rotations. (x1,y1) = r (1,0)) ∨ (∃ r ∈ rotations. (x2,y2) = r (1,0))"
using in_aff(1,2) unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def
unfolding rotations_def
then consider
(a) "(∃ r ∈ rotations. (x1,y1) = r (1,0))" |
(b) "(∃ r ∈ rotations. (x2,y2) = r (1,0))" by argo
then show ?thesis
case a
then obtain r where rot_expr: "r ∈ rotations" "(x1, y1) = r (1, 0)" by blast
have "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) =
proj_addition (tf r (gluing `` {((1, 0), False)})) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})"
using remove_rotations[OF one_in rot_expr(1)] rot_expr(2) by presburger
also have "… = tf r (proj_addition (gluing `` {((1, 0), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}))"
using remove_add_rotation assms rot_expr one_in by presburger
also have "… = tf r (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})"
using proj_add_class_identity
by (simp add: e_proj(2) identity_equiv)
finally have eq1: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) =
tf r (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})" by argo
have "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}))
(gluing `` {(i (x2, y2), False)}) =
proj_addition (tf r (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})) (gluing `` {(i (x2, y2), False)})"
using eq1 by argo
also have "… = tf r (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {(i (x2, y2), False)}))"
using remove_add_rotation rot_expr well_defined proj_addition_def assms one_in by simp
also have "… = tf r (gluing `` {((1, 0), False)})"
using proj_addition_def proj_add_class_inv assms xor_def
by (simp add: identity_equiv)
finally have eq2: "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}))
(gluing `` {(i (x2, y2), False)}) =
tf r (gluing `` {((1, 0), False)})".
show ?thesis
using eq2 one_in remove_rotations rot_expr by auto
case b
then obtain r where rot_expr: "r ∈ rotations" "(x2, y2) = r (1, 0)" by blast
then obtain r' where rot_expr': "r' ∈ rotations" "i (x2, y2) = r' (i (1, 0))" "r ∘ r' = id"
using rotations_i_inverse[OF rot_expr(1)]
by (metis comp_def id_def rot_inv)
have "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) =
proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (tf r (gluing `` {((1, 0), False)}))"
using remove_rotations[OF one_in rot_expr(1)] rot_expr(2) by presburger
also have "… = tf r (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((1, 0), False)}))"
using remove_add_rotation assms rot_expr one_in
by (metis proj_addition_comm remove_rotations)
also have "… = tf r (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})"
using proj_add_class_identity assms
identity_equiv one_in proj_addition_comm by metis
finally have eq1: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) =
tf r (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})" by argo
have "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}))
(gluing `` {(i (x2, y2), False)}) =
proj_addition (tf r (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})) (gluing `` {(i (x2, y2), False)})"
using eq1 by argo
also have "… = tf r (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {(i (x2, y2), False)}))"
using remove_add_rotation rot_expr well_defined proj_addition_def assms one_in by simp
also have "… = tf r (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (tf r' (gluing `` {(i (1, 0), False)})))"
using remove_rotations one_in rot_expr' by simp
also have "… = tf r (tf r' (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) ((gluing `` {(i (1, 0), False)}))))"
using proj_add_class_inv assms
by (metis insert_rotation_gluing_point one_in proj_addition_comm remove_add_rotation rot_expr'(1) rot_expr'(2))
also have "… = tf (id) (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) ((gluing `` {((1, 0), False)})))"
using tf_comp rot_expr' by force
also have "… = (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})"
by (simp add: assms(1) identity_equiv identity_proj proj_add_class_identity
proj_addition_comm tf_id)
finally have eq2: "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})
(gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})) (gluing `` {(i (x2, y2), False)}) =
(gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})".
show ?thesis
using eq2 by blast
lemma e'_aff_0_invariance:
"((x,y),(x',y')) ∈ e'_aff_0 ⟹ ((x',y'),(x,y)) ∈ e'_aff_0"
unfolding e'_aff_0_def
apply(subst (1) prod.collapse[symmetric])
unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
by algebra
lemma e'_aff_1_invariance:
"((x,y),(x',y')) ∈ e'_aff_1 ⟹ ((x',y'),(x,y)) ∈ e'_aff_1"
unfolding e'_aff_1_def
apply(subst (1) prod.collapse[symmetric])
unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
by algebra
lemma assoc_1:
assumes "gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)} ∈ e_proj"
assumes a: "g ∈ symmetries" "(x2, y2) = (g ∘ i) (x1, y1)"
"proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1,0),False)}" (is "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = _")
"proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}) =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)})"
"proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)})) =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)})" (is "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = _")
proof -
have in_aff: "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff" "(x3,y3) ∈ e'_aff"
using assms(1,2,3) e_proj_aff by auto
have one_in: "{((1, 0), False)} ∈ e_proj"
using identity_proj by force
have rot: "τ ∘ g ∈ rotations" using sym_to_rot assms by blast
obtain e_proj: "gluing `` {(g (i (x1, y1)), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {(i (x1, y1), False)} ∈ e_proj" (is "?ig1 ∈ _")
"proj_addition (gluing `` {(i (x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}) ∈ e_proj"
using assms proj_add_class_inv_point(2) well_defined by force
show 1: "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1,0),False)}"
proof -
have eq1: "?g2 = tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?ig1"
using assms e_proj(2) remove_sym by auto
have eq2: "proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?ig1) =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) (proj_addition ?g1 ?ig1)"
using assms(1) e_proj(2) proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot tf''_preserv_e_proj
by fastforce
have eq3: "tf'' (τ ∘ g) (proj_addition ?g1 ?ig1) = tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1,0),False)}"
using assms(1) proj_add_class_inv xor_def by auto
show ?thesis using eq1 eq2 eq3 by presburger
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1,0),False)}) ?g3"
using 1 by force
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) (proj_addition ({((1,0),False)}) ?g3)"
by (simp add: assms(3) one_in remove_add_sym rot)
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?g3"
using assms(3) identity_equiv proj_add_class_identity by simp
finally show 2: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?g3"
by blast
have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) =
proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition (gluing `` {(g (i (x1, y1)), False)}) ?g3)"
using assms by simp
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ ∘ g) (proj_addition (gluing `` {(i (x1, y1), False)}) ?g3))"
proof -
have eq1: "gluing `` {(g (i (x1, y1)), False)} = tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?ig1"
using assms(4) e_proj(1,2) remove_sym by force
have eq2: "proj_addition (tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?ig1) ?g3 =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) (proj_addition ?ig1 ?g3)"
using assms(3) e_proj(2) ext_curve_addition.remove_add_sym ext_curve_addition_axioms rot
by blast
show ?thesis using eq1 eq2 by presburger
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) (proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?ig1 ?g3))"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "1" assms(1,2) e_proj(3) one_in proj_add_class_identity
proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot well_defined)
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?g3"
proof -
have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?ig1 ?g3) = ?g3"
by (metis assms(1,3) cancellation_assoc e_proj(2,3) i.simps i_idemp_explicit
then show ?thesis by argo
finally show 3: "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?g3" by blast
lemma assoc_11:
assumes "gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)} ∈ e_proj"
assumes a: "g ∈ symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g ∘ i) (x2, y2)"
"proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}) =
proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}))"
(is "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = _")
proof -
have in_aff: "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff" "(x3,y3) ∈ e'_aff"
using assms(1,2,3) e_proj_aff by auto
have one_in: "{((1, 0), False)} ∈ e_proj"
using identity_equiv identity_proj by auto
have rot: "τ ∘ g ∈ rotations" using sym_to_rot assms by blast
obtain e_proj: "gluing `` {(g (i (x2, y2)), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {(i (x2, y2), False)} ∈ e_proj" (is "?ig2 ∈ _")
"proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 ∈ e_proj"
using assms proj_add_class_inv(2) well_defined by force
have eq1: "?g3 = tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?ig2"
using assms e_proj(2) remove_sym by auto
have eq2: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) (tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?ig2) =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?g1"
apply(subst (2) proj_addition_comm)
using e_proj eq1 assms(3) apply(simp,simp)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using e_proj rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using e_proj apply(simp,simp)
apply(subst cancellation_assoc)
using assms(1,2) e_proj by(simp,simp,simp,simp)
have eq3: "proj_addition ?g2 (tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?ig2) =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}"
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using e_proj eq1 assms(2,3) apply(simp,simp)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using e_proj rot assms(2) apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using e_proj eq1 assms(2,3) apply(simp,simp)
apply(subst proj_add_class_inv(1))
using assms(2) apply blast
using xor_def by simp
have "tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)} ∈ e_proj"
using tf''_preserv_e_proj[OF _ rot] one_in identity_equiv by metis
then show ?thesis
by (metis assms(1) eq1 eq2 eq3 i.simps identity_proj proj_add_class_identity
proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot)
lemma assoc_111_add:
assumes "gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)} ∈ e_proj"
assumes 22: "g∈symmetries" "(x1, y1) = (g ∘ i) (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))" "((x2, y2), x3, y3) ∈ e'_aff_0"
"proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}) =
proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}))"
(is "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = _")
proof -
have in_aff: "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff" "(x3,y3) ∈ e'_aff"
using assms(1,2,3) e_proj_aff by auto
have e_proj_0: "gluing `` {(i (x1,y1), False)} ∈ e_proj" (is "?ig1 ∈ _")
"gluing `` {(i (x2,y2), False)} ∈ e_proj" (is "?ig2 ∈ _")
"gluing `` {(i (x3,y3), False)} ∈ e_proj" (is "?ig3 ∈ _")
using assms proj_add_class_inv by blast+
have p_delta: "delta x2 y2 x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2)))
(fst (i (x3,y3))) (snd (i (x3,y3))) ≠ 0"
using 22 unfolding e'_aff_0_def apply simp
using 22 unfolding e'_aff_0_def delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def by simp
define add_2_3 where "add_2_3 = add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)"
have add_in: "add_2_3 ∈ e'_aff"
unfolding e'_aff_def add_2_3_def
apply(simp del: add.simps)
apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(simp del: add.simps add: e_e'_iff[symmetric])
apply(subst add_closure)
using in_aff e_e'_iff 22 unfolding e'_aff_def e'_aff_0_def delta_def by(fastforce)+
have e_proj_2_3: "gluing `` {(add_2_3, False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {(i add_2_3, False)} ∈ e_proj"
using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff apply simp
using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff proj_add_class_inv by auto
from 22 have g_expr: "g ∈ symmetries" "(x1,y1) = (g ∘ i) add_2_3" unfolding add_2_3_def by auto
then have rot: "τ ∘ g ∈ rotations" using sym_to_rot by blast
have e_proj_2_3_g: "gluing `` {(g (i add_2_3), False)} ∈ e_proj"
using e_proj_2_3 g_expr assms(1) by auto
have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) =
proj_addition (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_2_3, False)}) (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
using g_expr by simp
also have "… = proj_addition (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_2_3, False)}) (gluing `` {(add_2_3, False)}) "
using gluing_add add_2_3_def p_delta assms(2,3) xor_def by force
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) (proj_addition (gluing `` {(i add_2_3, False)}) (gluing `` {(add_2_3, False)}))"
apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst remove_sym)
using g_expr e_proj_2_3 e_proj_2_3_g apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using e_proj_2_3 e_proj_2_3_g rot by auto
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1,0), False)}"
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using add_2_3_def e_proj_2_3(1) proj_add_class_inv xor_def by auto
finally have eq1: "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1,0), False)}"
by auto
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_2_3, False)}) ?g2) ?g3"
using g_expr by argo
also have "… = proj_addition (tf'' (τ ∘ g)
(proj_addition (gluing `` {(i add_2_3, False)}) ?g2)) ?g3"
apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst remove_sym)
using g_expr e_proj_2_3 e_proj_2_3_g apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using e_proj_2_3 e_proj_2_3_g assms(2) rot by auto
also have "… = proj_addition (tf'' (τ ∘ g)
(proj_addition (proj_addition ?ig2 ?ig3) ?g2)) ?g3"
unfolding add_2_3_def
apply(subst inverse_rule_3)
using gluing_add e_proj_0 p_delta xor_def by force
also have "… = proj_addition (tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?ig3) ?g3"
using cancellation_assoc
proof -
have "proj_addition ?g2 (proj_addition ?ig3 ?ig2) = ?ig3"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(2) cancellation_assoc e_proj_0(2) e_proj_0(3) i.simps i_idemp_explicit proj_addition_comm well_defined)
then show ?thesis
using assms(2) e_proj_0(2) e_proj_0(3) proj_addition_comm well_defined by auto
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) (proj_addition ?ig3 ?g3)"
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using assms(3) rot e_proj_0(3) by auto
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1,0), False)}"
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using assms(3) proj_add_class_inv xor_def by auto
finally have eq2: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1,0), False)}" by blast
show ?thesis using eq1 eq2 by argo
lemma assoc_111_ext_add:
assumes "gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)} ∈ e_proj"
assumes 22: "g∈symmetries" "(x1, y1) = (g ∘ i) (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))" "((x2, y2), x3, y3) ∈ e'_aff_1"
"proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}) =
proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}))"
(is "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = _")
proof -
have in_aff: "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff" "(x3,y3) ∈ e'_aff"
using assms(1,2,3) e_proj_aff by auto
have one_in: "gluing `` {((1, 0), False)} ∈ e_proj"
using identity_equiv identity_proj by force
have e_proj_0: "gluing `` {(i (x1,y1), False)} ∈ e_proj" (is "?ig1 ∈ e_proj")
"gluing `` {(i (x2,y2), False)} ∈ e_proj" (is "?ig2 ∈ e_proj")
"gluing `` {(i (x3,y3), False)} ∈ e_proj" (is "?ig3 ∈ e_proj")
using assms proj_add_class_inv by blast+
have p_delta: "delta' x2 y2 x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta' (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2)))
(fst (i (x3,y3))) (snd (i (x3,y3))) ≠ 0"
using 22 unfolding e'_aff_1_def apply simp
using 22 unfolding e'_aff_1_def delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def by force
define add_2_3 where "add_2_3 = ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)"
have add_in: "add_2_3 ∈ e'_aff"
unfolding e'_aff_def add_2_3_def
apply(simp del: ext_add.simps)
apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst ext_add_closure)
using in_aff 22 unfolding e'_aff_def e'_aff_1_def by(fastforce)+
have e_proj_2_3: "gluing `` {(add_2_3, False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {(i add_2_3, False)} ∈ e_proj"
using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff apply simp
using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff proj_add_class_inv by auto
from 22 have g_expr: "g ∈ symmetries" "(x1,y1) = (g ∘ i) add_2_3" unfolding add_2_3_def by auto
then have rot: "τ ∘ g ∈ rotations" using sym_to_rot by blast
have e_proj_2_3_g: "gluing `` {(g (i add_2_3), False)} ∈ e_proj"
using e_proj_2_3 g_expr assms(1) by auto
have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) =
proj_addition (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_2_3, False)}) (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
using g_expr by simp
also have "… = proj_addition (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_2_3, False)}) (gluing `` {(add_2_3, False)}) "
using gluing_ext_add add_2_3_def p_delta assms(2,3) xor_def by force
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) (proj_addition (gluing `` {(i add_2_3, False)}) (gluing `` {(add_2_3, False)}))"
apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst remove_sym)
using g_expr e_proj_2_3 e_proj_2_3_g apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using e_proj_2_3 e_proj_2_3_g rot by auto
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1,0), False)}"
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using add_2_3_def e_proj_2_3(1) proj_add_class_inv xor_def by auto
finally have eq1: "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1,0), False)}"
by auto
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_2_3, False)}) ?g2) ?g3"
using g_expr by argo
also have "… = proj_addition (tf'' (τ ∘ g)
(proj_addition (gluing `` {(i add_2_3, False)}) ?g2)) ?g3"
apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst remove_sym)
using g_expr e_proj_2_3 e_proj_2_3_g apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using e_proj_2_3 e_proj_2_3_g assms(2) rot by auto
also have "… = proj_addition (tf'' (τ ∘ g)
(proj_addition (proj_addition ?ig2 ?ig3) ?g2)) ?g3"
unfolding add_2_3_def
apply(subst inverse_rule_4)
using gluing_ext_add e_proj_0 p_delta xor_def by force
also have "… = proj_addition (tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?ig3) ?g3"
proof -
have "proj_addition ?g2 (proj_addition ?ig3 ?ig2) = ?ig3"
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using assms e_proj_0 well_defined apply(simp,simp)
apply(subst cancellation_assoc[of "fst (i (x3,y3))" "snd (i (x3,y3))"
"fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))",
simplified prod.collapse i_idemp_explicit])
using assms e_proj_0 by auto
then show ?thesis
using assms(2) e_proj_0(2) e_proj_0(3) proj_addition_comm well_defined by auto
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) (proj_addition ?ig3 ?g3)"
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using assms(3) rot e_proj_0(3) by auto
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1,0), False)}"
using assms(3) proj_add_class_inv proj_addition_comm xor_def by auto
finally have eq2: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1,0), False)}" by blast
show ?thesis using eq1 eq2 by argo
lemma assoc_with_zeros:
assumes "gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)} ∈ e_proj"
shows "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}))
(gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}) =
proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})
(proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}))"
(is "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)")
proof -
have in_aff: "(x1,y1) ∈ e'_aff" "(x2,y2) ∈ e'_aff" "(x3,y3) ∈ e'_aff"
using assms(1,2,3) e_proj_aff by auto
have e_proj_0: "gluing `` {(i (x1,y1), False)} ∈ e_proj" (is "?ig1 ∈ e_proj")
"gluing `` {(i (x2,y2), False)} ∈ e_proj" (is "?ig2 ∈ e_proj")
"gluing `` {(i (x3,y3), False)} ∈ e_proj" (is "?ig3 ∈ e_proj")
using assms proj_add_class_inv by auto
(1) "(∃g∈symmetries. (x2, y2) = (g ∘ i) (x1, y1))" |
(2) "((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff_0"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x2, y2) = (g ∘ i) (x1, y1)))" |
(3) "((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∈ e'_aff_1"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x2, y2) = (g ∘ i) (x1, y1)))" "((x1, y1), x2, y2) ∉ e'_aff_0"
using dichotomy_1 in_aff by blast
then show ?thesis
case 1 then show ?thesis using assoc_1(2,3) assms by force
case 2
have p_delta_1_2: "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
"delta (fst (i (x1, y1))) (snd (i (x1, y1)))
(fst (i (x2, y2))) (snd (i (x2, y2))) ≠ 0"
using 2 unfolding e'_aff_0_def apply simp
using 2 in_aff unfolding e'_aff_0_def delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
by auto
define add_1_2 where "add_1_2 = add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)"
have add_in_1_2: "add_1_2 ∈ e'_aff"
proof -
have "e (fst (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))) (snd (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))) = 0"
apply(rule add_closure)
using in_aff p_delta_1_2(1) e_e'_iff
by (force simp: delta_def e'_aff_def)+
then show ?thesis
using add_1_2_def add_closure_points in_aff p_delta_1_2(1) by blast
have e_proj_1_2: "gluing `` {(add_1_2, False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {(i add_1_2, False)} ∈ e_proj"
using add_in_1_2 add_1_2_def e_proj_aff proj_add_class_inv by auto
(11) "(∃g∈symmetries. (x3, y3) = (g ∘ i) (x2, y2))" |
(22) "((x2, y2), (x3, y3)) ∈ e'_aff_0"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x3, y3) = (g ∘ i) (x2, y2)))" |
(33) "((x2, y2), (x3, y3)) ∈ e'_aff_1"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x3, y3) = (g ∘ i) (x2, y2)))" "((x2, y2), (x3, y3)) ∉ e'_aff_0"
using dichotomy_1 in_aff by blast
then show ?thesis
case 11
then obtain g where g_expr: "g ∈ symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g ∘ i) (x2, y2)" by blast
then show ?thesis using assoc_11 assms by force
case 22
have p_delta_2_3: "delta x2 y2 x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2)))
(fst (i (x3,y3))) (snd (i (x3,y3))) ≠ 0"
using 22 unfolding e'_aff_0_def delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def by auto
define add_2_3 where "add_2_3 = add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)"
have "e (fst (add (x2, y2) (x3, y3))) (snd (add (x2, y2) (x3, y3))) = 0"
apply(subst add_closure)
using in_aff e_e'_iff 22 unfolding e'_aff_def e'_aff_0_def delta_def by(fastforce)+
then have add_in: "add_2_3 ∈ e'_aff"
unfolding e'_aff_def add_2_3_def
by (metis add_closure_points e'_aff_def in_aff(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1))
have e_proj_2_3: "gluing `` {(add_2_3, False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {(i add_2_3, False)} ∈ e_proj"
using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff apply simp
using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff proj_add_class_inv by auto
(111) "(∃g∈symmetries. (x1,y1) = (g ∘ i) add_2_3)" |
(222) "(add_2_3, (x1,y1)) ∈ e'_aff_0" "¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x1,y1) = (g ∘ i) add_2_3))" |
(333) "(add_2_3, (x1,y1)) ∈ e'_aff_1" "¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x1,y1) = (g ∘ i) add_2_3))"
"(add_2_3, (x1,y1)) ∉ e'_aff_0"
using add_in in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast
then show ?thesis
case 111
then show ?thesis using assoc_111_add using "22"(1) add_2_3_def assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) by blast
case 222
have assumps: "((x1, y1),add_2_3) ∈ e'_aff_0"
by (metis "222"(1) e'_aff_0_invariance surj_pair)
(1111) "(∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2)" |
(2222) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∈ e'_aff_0" "¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2))" |
(3333) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∈ e'_aff_1"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2))" "(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∉ e'_aff_0"
using add_in_1_2 in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast
then show ?thesis
case 1111
then obtain g where g_expr: "g ∈ symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2" by blast
then have rot: "τ ∘ g ∈ rotations" using sym_to_rot assms by blast
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(add_1_2, False)}) (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_1_2, False)})"
using g_expr p_delta_1_2 gluing_add assms(1,2) add_1_2_def xor_def by force
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) ({((1, 0), False)})"
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using e_proj_1_2(1) g_expr(2) assms(3) apply(simp,simp)
apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst remove_sym)
using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
by (simp add: e_proj_1_2(1,2) ext_curve_addition.proj_add_class_inv_point(1)
ext_curve_addition.proj_addition_comm ext_curve_addition_axioms remove_add_sym rot
finally have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) ({((1, 0), False)})" by blast
have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) =
proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_1_2, False)}))"
using g_expr by auto
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1
(tf'' (τ ∘ g)
(proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)})
apply(subst comp_apply,subst (6) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst (3) remove_sym)
using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
using add_1_2_def assms(2) e_proj_1_2(2) inverse_rule_3 proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym
rot tf''_preserv_e_proj by fastforce
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ ∘ g)
(proj_addition (proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2)
proof -
have "gluing `` {(add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)} =
proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2"
using gluing_add[symmetric,of "fst (i (x1,y1))" "snd (i (x1,y1))" False
"fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))" False,
simplified prod.collapse] e_proj_0(1,2) p_delta_1_2(2) xor_def
by simp
then show ?thesis by presburger
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?ig1)"
using cancellation_assoc
by (metis assms(2) e_proj_0(1) e_proj_0(2) i.simps i_idemp_explicit)
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) (proj_addition ?g1 ?ig1)"
using assms(1) e_proj_0(1) proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot tf''_preserv_e_proj by fastforce
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) ({((1, 0), False)})"
using assms(1) proj_add_class_comm proj_add_class_inv xor_def by simp
finally have eq2: "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) ({((1, 0), False)})" using xor_def by auto
then show ?thesis
using eq1 eq2 by blast
case 2222
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
also have "… = gluing `` {(add (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_add)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
using 2222 unfolding e'_aff_0_def add_1_2_def xor_def by(simp,force)
also have "… = gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
apply(subst add_add_add_add_assoc)
using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 2222(1) assumps in_aff
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def
add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
by auto
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_add)
using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
unfolding e'_aff_0_def by(simp,simp,force,simp)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
by (simp add: assms(2,3) gluing_add p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def)
finally show ?thesis .
case 3333
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
also have "… = gluing `` {(ext_add (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3)
using 3333 unfolding e'_aff_1_def add_1_2_def xor_def by(simp,force)
also have "… = gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
apply(subst ext_add_add_add_assoc)
apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 3333(1) assumps in_aff
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def
add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
by auto
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1
(gluing `` {(add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_add)
using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
unfolding e'_aff_0_def by(simp,simp,force,simp)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
apply(subst gluing_add)
using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
finally show ?thesis .
case 333
have assumps: "((x1, y1),add_2_3) ∈ e'_aff_1"
using 333(1) e'_aff_1_invariance add_2_3_def by auto
(1111) "(∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2)" |
(2222) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∈ e'_aff_0"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2))" |
(3333) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∈ e'_aff_1"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2))"
"(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∉ e'_aff_0"
using add_in_1_2 in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast
then show ?thesis
case 1111
then obtain g where g_expr: "g ∈ symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2" by blast
then have rot: "τ ∘ g ∈ rotations" using sym_to_rot assms by blast
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(add_1_2, False)}) (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_1_2, False)})"
using g_expr p_delta_1_2 gluing_add assms(1,2) add_1_2_def xor_def by force
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}"
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using e_proj_1_2(1) g_expr(2) assms(3) apply(simp,simp)
apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst remove_sym)
using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using e_proj_1_2 rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst prod.collapse, subst (2 4) prod.collapse[symmetric])
using e_proj_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2(2) proj_add_class_inv_point(1) proj_addition_comm xor_def by auto
finally have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}" by blast
have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) =
proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_1_2, False)}))"
using g_expr by auto
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1
(tf'' (τ ∘ g)
(proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)})
apply(subst comp_apply,subst (6) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst (3) remove_sym)
using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
apply(subst (2) proj_addition_comm)
using assms(2) apply simp
using tf''_preserv_e_proj rot e_proj_1_2(2)
apply (metis prod.collapse)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using assms(2) e_proj_1_2(2) rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
unfolding add_1_2_def
by(subst inverse_rule_3,blast)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ ∘ g)
(proj_addition (proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2) ?g2))"
proof -
have "gluing `` {(add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)} =
proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2"
using gluing_add[symmetric, of "fst (i (x1,y1))" "snd (i (x1,y1))" False
"fst (i (x2, y2))" "snd (i (x2, y2))" False,
simplified prod.collapse] e_proj_0(1,2) p_delta_1_2(2) xor_def
by simp
then show ?thesis by presburger
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?ig1)"
using cancellation_assoc
by (metis assms(2) e_proj_0(1) e_proj_0(2) i.simps i_idemp_explicit)
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) (proj_addition ?g1 ?ig1)"
using assms(1) e_proj_0(1) proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot tf''_preserv_e_proj by fastforce
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}"
using assms(1) proj_add_class_comm proj_addition_def proj_add_class_inv xor_def by simp
finally have eq2: "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}" using xor_def by auto
then show ?thesis using eq1 eq2 by blast
case 2222
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
also have "… = gluing `` {(add (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_add)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
using 2222 unfolding e'_aff_0_def add_1_2_def xor_def by(simp,force)
also have "… = gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
apply(subst add_add_ext_add_assoc)
apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 2222(1) assumps in_aff
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def
add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
by force+
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
unfolding e'_aff_1_def by(blast,auto)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
apply(subst gluing_add)
using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
finally show ?thesis .
case 3333
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
also have "… = gluing `` {(ext_add (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
using 3333 unfolding e'_aff_1_def add_1_2_def xor_def by(simp,force)
also have "… = gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
apply(subst ext_add_ext_add_assoc)
apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 3333(1) assumps in_aff
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def
add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
unfolding e'_aff_1_def by(simp,simp,force,simp)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
apply(subst gluing_add)
using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
finally show ?thesis .
case 33
have p_delta_2_3: "delta' x2 y2 x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta' (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2)))
(fst (i (x3,y3))) (snd (i (x3,y3))) ≠ 0"
using 33 unfolding e'_aff_1_def apply simp
using 33 unfolding e'_aff_1_def delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def by force
define add_2_3 where "add_2_3 = ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)"
have add_in: "add_2_3 ∈ e'_aff"
unfolding e'_aff_def add_2_3_def
apply(simp del: ext_add.simps)
apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst ext_add_closure)
using in_aff e_e'_iff 33 unfolding e'_aff_def e'_aff_1_def delta'_def by(fastforce)+
have e_proj_2_3: "gluing `` {(add_2_3, False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {(i add_2_3, False)} ∈ e_proj"
using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff proj_add_class_inv by auto
(111) "(∃g∈symmetries. (x1,y1) = (g ∘ i) add_2_3)" |
(222) "(add_2_3, (x1,y1)) ∈ e'_aff_0"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x1,y1) = (g ∘ i) add_2_3))" |
(333) "(add_2_3, (x1,y1)) ∈ e'_aff_1"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x1,y1) = (g ∘ i) add_2_3))"
"(add_2_3, (x1,y1)) ∉ e'_aff_0"
using add_in in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast
then show ?thesis
case 111
then show ?thesis using assoc_111_ext_add using "33"(1) add_2_3_def assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) by blast
case 222
have assumps: "((x1, y1),add_2_3) ∈ e'_aff_0"
apply(subst (3) prod.collapse[symmetric])
using 222 e'_aff_0_invariance by fastforce
(1111) "(∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2)" |
(2222) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∈ e'_aff_0"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2))" |
(3333) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∈ e'_aff_1"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2))" "(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∉ e'_aff_0"
using add_in_1_2 in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast
then show ?thesis
case 1111
then obtain g where g_expr: "g ∈ symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2" by blast
then have rot: "τ ∘ g ∈ rotations" using sym_to_rot assms by blast
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(add_1_2, False)}) (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_1_2, False)})"
using g_expr p_delta_1_2 gluing_add assms(1,2) add_1_2_def xor_def by force
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}"
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using e_proj_1_2(1) g_expr(2) assms(3) apply(simp,simp)
apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst remove_sym)
using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using e_proj_1_2 rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst prod.collapse, subst (2 4) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using e_proj_1_2 apply(simp,simp)
apply(subst proj_add_class_inv(1))
using e_proj_1_2 apply simp
using e_proj_1_2(1) xor_def by auto
finally have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}" by blast
have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) =
proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_1_2, False)}))"
using g_expr by auto
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1
(tf'' (τ ∘ g)
(proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)})
apply(subst comp_apply,subst (6) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst (3) remove_sym)
using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
apply(subst (2) proj_addition_comm)
using assms(2) apply simp
using tf''_preserv_e_proj rot e_proj_1_2(2) apply (metis prod.collapse)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using assms(2) e_proj_1_2(2) rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
unfolding add_1_2_def
by(subst inverse_rule_3,blast)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ ∘ g)
(proj_addition (proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2) ?g2))"
proof -
have "gluing `` {(add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)} =
proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2"
using gluing_add[symmetric, of "fst (i (x1,y1))" "snd (i (x1,y1))" False
"fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))" False,
simplified prod.collapse] e_proj_0(1,2) p_delta_1_2(2) xor_def
by simp
then show ?thesis by presburger
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?ig1)"
using cancellation_assoc
by (metis assms(2) e_proj_0(1) e_proj_0(2) i.simps i_idemp_explicit)
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) (proj_addition ?g1 ?ig1)"
using assms(1) e_proj_0(1) proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot tf''_preserv_e_proj by fastforce
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}"
using assms(1) proj_add_class_comm proj_addition_def proj_add_class_inv xor_def by auto
finally have eq2: "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}" by blast
then show ?thesis using eq1 eq2 by blast
case 2222
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
also have "… = gluing `` {(add (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_add)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
using 2222 unfolding e'_aff_0_def add_1_2_def xor_def by(simp,force)
also have "… = gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
apply(subst add_add_add_ext_assoc)
apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 2222(1) assumps in_aff
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def
add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
by auto
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_add)
using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
unfolding e'_aff_0_def by auto
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
finally show ?thesis .
case 3333
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
also have "… = gluing `` {(ext_add (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
using 3333 xor_def unfolding e'_aff_1_def add_1_2_def by(simp,force)
also have "… = gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
apply(subst ext_add_add_ext_assoc)
apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 3333(1) assumps in_aff
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def
add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
by auto
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_add)
using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
unfolding e'_aff_0_def by(simp,simp,force,simp)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
finally show ?thesis .
case 333
have assumps: "((x1, y1),add_2_3) ∈ e'_aff_1"
using 333(1) e'_aff_1_invariance add_2_3_def by auto
(1111) "(∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2)" |
(2222) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∈ e'_aff_0"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2))" |
(3333) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∈ e'_aff_1"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2))"
"(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∉ e'_aff_0"
using add_in_1_2 in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast
then show ?thesis
case 1111
then obtain g where g_expr: "g ∈ symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2" by blast
then have rot: "τ ∘ g ∈ rotations" using sym_to_rot assms by blast
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(add_1_2, False)}) (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_1_2, False)})"
using g_expr p_delta_1_2 gluing_add assms(1,2) add_1_2_def xor_def by force
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}"
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using e_proj_1_2(1) g_expr(2) assms(3) apply(simp,simp)
apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst remove_sym)
using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using e_proj_1_2 rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst prod.collapse, subst (2 4) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using e_proj_1_2 rot apply(simp,simp)
apply(subst proj_add_class_inv(1))
using e_proj_1_2(1) xor_def by auto
finally have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}" by blast
have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) =
proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_1_2, False)}))"
using g_expr by auto
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1
(tf'' (τ ∘ g)
(proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)})
apply(subst comp_apply,subst (6) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst (3) remove_sym)
using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
apply(subst (2) proj_addition_comm)
using assms(2) apply simp
using tf''_preserv_e_proj rot e_proj_1_2(2) apply (metis prod.collapse)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using assms(2) e_proj_1_2(2) rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
unfolding add_1_2_def
by(subst inverse_rule_3,blast)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ ∘ g)
(proj_addition (proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2) ?g2))"
proof -
have "gluing `` {(add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)} =
proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2"
using gluing_add[symmetric, of "fst (i (x1, y1))" "snd (i (x1, y1))" False
"fst (i (x2, y2))" "snd (i (x2, y2))" False,
simplified prod.collapse] e_proj_0(1,2) p_delta_1_2(2) xor_def
by simp
then show ?thesis by presburger
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?ig1)"
using cancellation_assoc
by (metis assms(2) e_proj_0(1) e_proj_0(2) i.simps i_idemp_explicit)
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) (proj_addition ?g1 ?ig1)"
using assms(1) e_proj_0(1) proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot tf''_preserv_e_proj by fastforce
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}"
using assms(1) proj_add_class_comm proj_addition_def proj_add_class_inv xor_def by auto
finally have eq2: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})
(proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)})) =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}" by blast
then show ?thesis using eq1 eq2 by blast
case 2222
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
also have "… = gluing `` {(add (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_add)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
using 2222 xor_def unfolding e'_aff_0_def add_1_2_def by(simp,force)
also have "… = gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
apply(subst add_add_ext_ext_assoc)
apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 2222(1) assumps in_aff
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def
add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
by force+
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
unfolding e'_aff_1_def by(blast,auto)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
finally show ?thesis .
case 3333
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
also have "… = gluing `` {(ext_add (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
using 3333 xor_def unfolding e'_aff_1_def add_1_2_def by(simp,force)
also have "… = gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
apply(subst ext_add_ext_ext_assoc)
apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 3333(1) assumps in_aff
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def
add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
unfolding e'_aff_1_def by(simp,simp,force,simp)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
finally show ?thesis .
case 3
have p_delta_1_2: "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 ≠ 0"
"delta' (fst (i (x1, y1))) (snd (i (x1, y1)))
(fst (i (x2, y2))) (snd (i (x2, y2))) ≠ 0"
using 3 unfolding e'_aff_1_def apply simp
using 3 in_aff unfolding e'_aff_1_def delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
by auto
define add_1_2 where "add_1_2 = ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)"
have add_in_1_2: "add_1_2 ∈ e'_aff"
unfolding e'_aff_def add_1_2_def
apply(simp del: ext_add.simps)
apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst ext_add_closure)
using in_aff p_delta_1_2(1) e_e'_iff
unfolding delta'_def e'_aff_def by(blast,(simp)+)
have e_proj_1_2: "gluing `` {(add_1_2, False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {(i add_1_2, False)} ∈ e_proj"
using add_in_1_2 add_1_2_def e_proj_aff proj_add_class_inv by auto
(11) "(∃g∈symmetries. (x3, y3) = (g ∘ i) (x2, y2))" |
(22) "((x2, y2), (x3, y3)) ∈ e'_aff_0"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x3, y3) = (g ∘ i) (x2, y2)))" |
(33) "((x2, y2), (x3, y3)) ∈ e'_aff_1"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x3, y3) = (g ∘ i) (x2, y2)))" "((x2, y2), (x3, y3)) ∉ e'_aff_0"
using dichotomy_1 in_aff by blast
then show ?thesis
case 11
then obtain g where g_expr: "g ∈ symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g ∘ i) (x2, y2)" by blast
then show ?thesis using assoc_11 assms by force
case 22
have p_delta_2_3: "delta x2 y2 x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2)))
(fst (i (x3,y3))) (snd (i (x3,y3))) ≠ 0"
using 22 unfolding e'_aff_0_def apply simp
using 22 unfolding e'_aff_0_def delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def by simp
define add_2_3 where "add_2_3 = add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)"
have add_in: "add_2_3 ∈ e'_aff"
unfolding e'_aff_def add_2_3_def
apply(simp del: add.simps)
apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(simp del: add.simps add: e_e'_iff[symmetric])
apply(subst add_closure)
using in_aff e_e'_iff 22 unfolding e'_aff_def e'_aff_0_def delta_def by(fastforce)+
have e_proj_2_3: "gluing `` {(add_2_3, False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {(i add_2_3, False)} ∈ e_proj"
using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff apply simp
using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff proj_add_class_inv by auto
(111) "(∃g∈symmetries. (x1,y1) = (g ∘ i) add_2_3)" |
(222) "(add_2_3, (x1,y1)) ∈ e'_aff_0"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x1,y1) = (g ∘ i) add_2_3))" |
(333) "(add_2_3, (x1,y1)) ∈ e'_aff_1"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x1,y1) = (g ∘ i) add_2_3))" "(add_2_3, (x1,y1)) ∉ e'_aff_0"
using add_in in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast
then show ?thesis
case 111
then show ?thesis using assoc_111_add using "22"(1) add_2_3_def assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) by blast
case 222
have assumps: "((x1, y1),add_2_3) ∈ e'_aff_0"
apply(subst (3) prod.collapse[symmetric])
using 222 e'_aff_0_invariance by fastforce
(1111) "(∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2)" |
(2222) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∈ e'_aff_0"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2))" |
(3333) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∈ e'_aff_1"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2))" "(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∉ e'_aff_0"
using add_in_1_2 in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast
then show ?thesis
case 1111
then obtain g where g_expr: "g ∈ symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2" by blast
then have rot: "τ ∘ g ∈ rotations" using sym_to_rot assms by blast
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(add_1_2, False)}) (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_1_2, False)})"
using g_expr p_delta_1_2 gluing_ext_add assms(1,2) add_1_2_def xor_def by auto
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) ({((1, 0), False)})"
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using e_proj_1_2(1) g_expr(2) assms(3) apply(simp,simp)
apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst remove_sym)
using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using e_proj_1_2 rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst prod.collapse, subst (2 4) prod.collapse[symmetric])
using e_proj_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2(2) proj_add_class_inv_point(1) proj_addition_comm xor_def by auto
finally have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) ({((1, 0), False)})" by blast
have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) =
proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_1_2, False)}))"
using g_expr by auto
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1
(tf'' (τ ∘ g)
(proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)})
apply(subst comp_apply,subst (6) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst (3) remove_sym)
using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
apply(subst (2) proj_addition_comm)
using assms(2) apply simp
using tf''_preserv_e_proj rot e_proj_1_2(2) apply (metis prod.collapse)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using assms(2) e_proj_1_2(2) rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
unfolding add_1_2_def
by(subst inverse_rule_4,blast)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ ∘ g)
(proj_addition (proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2)
proof -
have "gluing `` {(ext_add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)} =
proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2"
using gluing_ext_add[symmetric,of "fst (i (x1,y1))" "snd (i (x1,y1))" False
"fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))" False,
simplified prod.collapse] e_proj_0(1,2) p_delta_1_2(2) xor_def
by simp
then show ?thesis by presburger
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?ig1)"
using cancellation_assoc
by (metis assms(2) e_proj_0(1) e_proj_0(2) i.simps i_idemp_explicit)
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) (proj_addition ?g1 ?ig1)"
using assms(1) e_proj_0(1) proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot tf''_preserv_e_proj by fastforce
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) ({((1, 0), False)})"
using assms(1) proj_add_class_comm proj_add_class_inv xor_def by simp
finally have eq2: "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) ({((1, 0), False)})" by auto
then show ?thesis
using eq1 eq2 by blast
case 2222
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
also have "… = gluing `` {(add (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_add)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
using 2222 unfolding e'_aff_0_def add_1_2_def xor_def by(simp,force)
also have "… = gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
apply(subst add_ext_add_add_assoc_points)
using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3 2222 assumps in_aff
unfolding add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_0_def
by auto
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_add)
using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
unfolding e'_aff_0_def by(simp,simp,force,simp)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
apply(subst gluing_add)
using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
finally show ?thesis .
case 3333
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
also have "… = gluing `` {(ext_add (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
using 3333 unfolding e'_aff_1_def add_1_2_def xor_def by(simp,force)
also have "… = gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
apply(subst ext_ext_add_add_assoc)
apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 3333(1) assumps in_aff
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def
add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
by auto
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_add)
using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
unfolding e'_aff_0_def by(simp,simp,force,simp)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
apply(subst gluing_add)
using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
finally show ?thesis .
case 333
have assumps: "((x1, y1),add_2_3) ∈ e'_aff_1"
using 333(1) e'_aff_1_invariance add_2_3_def by auto
(1111) "(∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2)" |
(2222) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∈ e'_aff_0"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2))" |
(3333) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∈ e'_aff_1"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2))"
"(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∉ e'_aff_0"
using add_in_1_2 in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast
then show ?thesis
case 1111
then obtain g where g_expr: "g ∈ symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2" by blast
then have rot: "τ ∘ g ∈ rotations" using sym_to_rot assms by blast
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(add_1_2, False)}) (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_1_2, False)})"
using g_expr p_delta_1_2 gluing_ext_add assms(1,2) add_1_2_def xor_def by force
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}"
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using e_proj_1_2(1) g_expr(2) assms(3) apply(simp,simp)
apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst remove_sym)
using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using e_proj_1_2 rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst prod.collapse, subst (2 4) prod.collapse[symmetric])
by (simp add: e_proj_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2(2) proj_add_class_inv_point(1) proj_addition_comm xor_def)
finally have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}" by blast
have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) =
proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_1_2, False)}))"
using g_expr by auto
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1
(tf'' (τ ∘ g)
(proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)})
apply(subst comp_apply,subst (6) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst (3) remove_sym)
using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
apply(subst (2) proj_addition_comm)
using assms(2) apply simp
using tf''_preserv_e_proj rot e_proj_1_2(2)
apply (metis prod.collapse)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using assms(2) e_proj_1_2(2) rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
unfolding add_1_2_def
by(subst inverse_rule_4,blast)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ ∘ g)
(proj_addition (proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2) ?g2))"
proof -
have "gluing `` {(ext_add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)} =
proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2"
using gluing_ext_add[symmetric, of "fst (i (x1,y1))" "snd (i (x1,y1))" False
"fst (i (x2, y2))" "snd (i (x2, y2))" False,
simplified prod.collapse] e_proj_0(1,2) p_delta_1_2(2) xor_def
by simp
then show ?thesis by presburger
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?ig1)"
using cancellation_assoc
by (metis assms(2) e_proj_0(1) e_proj_0(2) i.simps i_idemp_explicit)
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) (proj_addition ?g1 ?ig1)"
using assms(1) e_proj_0(1) proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot tf''_preserv_e_proj by fastforce
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}"
using assms(1) proj_add_class_comm proj_addition_def proj_add_class_inv xor_def by simp
finally have eq2: "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}" by auto
then show ?thesis using eq1 eq2 by blast
case 2222
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
also have "… = gluing `` {(add (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_add)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
using 2222 xor_def unfolding e'_aff_0_def add_1_2_def by(simp,force)
also have "… = gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
apply(subst add_ext_ext_add_assoc)
apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 2222(1) assumps in_aff
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def
add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
by force+
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
unfolding e'_aff_1_def by(blast,auto)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
apply(subst gluing_add)
using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
finally show ?thesis .
case 3333
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
also have "… = gluing `` {(ext_add (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
using 3333 unfolding e'_aff_1_def add_1_2_def xor_def by(simp,force)
also have "… = gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
apply(subst ext_ext_ext_add_assoc)
apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 3333(1) assumps in_aff
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def
add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
unfolding e'_aff_1_def by(simp,simp,force,simp)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
apply(subst gluing_add)
using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
finally show ?thesis .
case 33
have p_delta_2_3: "delta' x2 y2 x3 y3 ≠ 0"
"delta' (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2)))
(fst (i (x3,y3))) (snd (i (x3,y3))) ≠ 0"
using 33 unfolding e'_aff_1_def apply simp
using 33 unfolding e'_aff_1_def delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def by fastforce
define add_2_3 where "add_2_3 = ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)"
have add_in: "add_2_3 ∈ e'_aff"
unfolding e'_aff_def add_2_3_def
apply(simp del: ext_add.simps)
apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst ext_add_closure)
using in_aff e_e'_iff 33 unfolding e'_aff_def e'_aff_1_def delta'_def by(fastforce)+
have e_proj_2_3: "gluing `` {(add_2_3, False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {(i add_2_3, False)} ∈ e_proj"
using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff apply simp
using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff proj_add_class_inv by auto
(111) "(∃g∈symmetries. (x1,y1) = (g ∘ i) add_2_3)" |
(222) "(add_2_3, (x1,y1)) ∈ e'_aff_0"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x1,y1) = (g ∘ i) add_2_3))" |
(333) "(add_2_3, (x1,y1)) ∈ e'_aff_1"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x1,y1) = (g ∘ i) add_2_3))"
"(add_2_3, (x1,y1)) ∉ e'_aff_0"
using add_in in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast
then show ?thesis
case 111
then show ?thesis using assoc_111_ext_add using "33"(1) add_2_3_def assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) by blast
case 222
have assumps: "((x1, y1),add_2_3) ∈ e'_aff_0"
apply(subst (3) prod.collapse[symmetric])
using 222 e'_aff_0_invariance by fastforce
(1111) "(∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2)" |
(2222) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∈ e'_aff_0"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2))" |
(3333) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∈ e'_aff_1"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2))"
"(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∉ e'_aff_0"
using add_in_1_2 in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast
then show ?thesis
case 1111
then obtain g where g_expr: "g ∈ symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2" by blast
then have rot: "τ ∘ g ∈ rotations" using sym_to_rot assms by blast
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(add_1_2, False)}) (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_1_2, False)})"
using g_expr p_delta_1_2 gluing_ext_add assms(1,2) add_1_2_def xor_def by force
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}"
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using e_proj_1_2(1) g_expr(2) assms(3) apply(simp,simp)
apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst remove_sym)
using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using e_proj_1_2 rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst prod.collapse, subst (2 4) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using e_proj_1_2 apply(simp,simp)
apply(subst proj_add_class_inv(1))
using e_proj_1_2 apply simp
using e_proj_1_2(1) xor_def by auto
finally have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}" by blast
have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) =
proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_1_2, False)}))"
using g_expr by auto
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1
(tf'' (τ ∘ g)
(proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)})
apply(subst comp_apply,subst (6) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst (3) remove_sym)
using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
apply(subst (2) proj_addition_comm)
using assms(2) apply simp
using tf''_preserv_e_proj rot e_proj_1_2(2) apply (metis prod.collapse)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using assms(2) e_proj_1_2(2) rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
unfolding add_1_2_def
by(subst inverse_rule_4,blast)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ ∘ g)
(proj_addition (proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2) ?g2))"
proof -
have "gluing `` {(ext_add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)} =
proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2"
using gluing_ext_add[symmetric, of "fst (i (x1,y1))" "snd (i (x1,y1))" False
"fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))" False,
simplified prod.collapse] e_proj_0(1,2) p_delta_1_2(2) xor_def
by simp
then show ?thesis by presburger
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?ig1)"
using cancellation_assoc
by (metis assms(2) e_proj_0(1) e_proj_0(2) i.simps i_idemp_explicit)
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) (proj_addition ?g1 ?ig1)"
using assms(1) e_proj_0(1) proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot tf''_preserv_e_proj by fastforce
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}"
using assms(1) proj_add_class_comm proj_addition_def proj_add_class_inv xor_def by auto
finally have eq2: "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}" by blast
then show ?thesis using eq1 eq2 by blast
case 2222
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
also have "… = gluing `` {(add (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_add)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
using 2222 xor_def unfolding e'_aff_0_def add_1_2_def by(simp,force)
also have "… = gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
apply(subst add_ext_add_ext_assoc)
apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 2222(1) assumps in_aff
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def
add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
by auto
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_add)
using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
unfolding e'_aff_0_def by auto
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
by (simp add: assms ext_curve_addition.gluing_ext_add ext_curve_addition_axioms
p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def)
finally show ?thesis .
case 3333
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
also have "… = gluing `` {(ext_add (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
proof -
have "gluing `` {((fst (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)), snd (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))), False)} ∈ e_proj"
using add_1_2_def e_proj_1_2(1) by force
moreover have "delta' (fst (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))) (snd (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))) x3 y3 ≠ 0"
using 3333 unfolding e'_aff_1_def add_1_2_def by force
ultimately show ?thesis
by (simp add: assms gluing_ext_add xor_def)
also have "… = gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
apply(subst ext_ext_add_ext_assoc)
apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 3333(1) assumps in_aff
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def
add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
by auto
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
proof -
have "gluing `` {((fst (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), snd (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3))), False)} ∈ e_proj"
using add_2_3_def e_proj_2_3(1) by auto
moreover have "delta x1 y1 (fst (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3))) (snd (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3))) ≠ 0"
using add_2_3_def assumps unfolding e'_aff_0_def by force
ultimately show ?thesis
by (simp add: assms gluing_add xor_def)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
by (simp add: assms(2,3) gluing_ext_add p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def)
finally show ?thesis .
case 333
have assumps: "((x1, y1),add_2_3) ∈ e'_aff_1"
using 333(1) e'_aff_1_invariance add_2_3_def by auto
(1111) "(∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2)" |
(2222) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∈ e'_aff_0"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2))" |
(3333) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∈ e'_aff_1"
"¬ ((∃g∈symmetries. (x3,y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2))"
"(add_1_2, (x3,y3)) ∉ e'_aff_0"
using add_in_1_2 in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast
then show ?thesis
case 1111
then obtain g where g_expr: "g ∈ symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g ∘ i) add_1_2" by blast
then have rot: "τ ∘ g ∈ rotations" using sym_to_rot assms by blast
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(add_1_2, False)}) (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_1_2, False)})"
using g_expr p_delta_1_2 gluing_ext_add assms(1,2) add_1_2_def xor_def by force
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}"
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using e_proj_1_2(1) g_expr(2) assms(3) apply(simp,simp)
apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst remove_sym)
using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using e_proj_1_2 rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst prod.collapse, subst (2 4) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
using e_proj_1_2 rot apply(simp,simp)
apply(subst proj_add_class_inv(1))
using e_proj_1_2(1) xor_def by auto
finally have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}" using xor_def by blast
have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) =
proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 (gluing `` {((g ∘ i) add_1_2, False)}))"
using g_expr by auto
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1
(tf'' (τ ∘ g)
(proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)})
apply(subst comp_apply,subst (6) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst (3) remove_sym)
using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
apply(subst (2) proj_addition_comm)
using assms(2) apply simp
using tf''_preserv_e_proj rot e_proj_1_2(2) apply (metis prod.collapse)
apply(subst remove_add_sym)
using assms(2) e_proj_1_2(2) rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
unfolding add_1_2_def
by(subst inverse_rule_4,blast)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ ∘ g)
(proj_addition (proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2) ?g2))"
proof -
have "gluing `` {(ext_add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)} =
proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2"
using gluing_ext_add[symmetric, of "fst (i (x1, y1))" "snd (i (x1, y1))" False
"fst (i (x2, y2))" "snd (i (x2, y2))" False,
simplified prod.collapse] e_proj_0(1,2) p_delta_1_2(2) xor_def
by simp
then show ?thesis by presburger
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ ∘ g) ?ig1)"
using cancellation_assoc
by (metis assms(2) e_proj_0(1) e_proj_0(2) i.simps i_idemp_explicit)
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) (proj_addition ?g1 ?ig1)"
using assms(1) e_proj_0(1) proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot tf''_preserv_e_proj by fastforce
also have "… = tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}"
using assms(1) proj_add_class_comm proj_addition_def proj_add_class_inv xor_def by auto
finally have eq2: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})
(proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)})) =
tf'' (τ ∘ g) {((1, 0), False)}" by blast
then show ?thesis using eq1 eq2 by blast
case 2222
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
also have "… = gluing `` {(add (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
apply(subst gluing_add)
apply(subst prod.collapse)
using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
using 2222 unfolding e'_aff_0_def add_1_2_def xor_def by(simp,force)
also have "… = gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
apply(subst add_ext_ext_ext_assoc)
apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 2222(1) assumps in_aff
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def
add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
by force+
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
proof -
have "gluing `` {((fst (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), snd (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3))), False)} ∈ e_proj"
using add_2_3_def e_proj_2_3(1) by auto
moreover have "delta' x1 y1 (fst (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3))) (snd (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3))) ≠ 0"
using add_2_3_def assumps unfolding e'_aff_1_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
by (simp add: assms gluing_ext_add_points xor_def)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
by (simp add: assms ext_curve_addition.gluing_ext_add ext_curve_addition_axioms
p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def)
finally show ?thesis .
case 3333
have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 =
proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
also have "… = gluing `` {(ext_add (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
proof -
have "gluing `` {((fst (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)), snd (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))), False)} ∈ e_proj"
using add_1_2_def e_proj_1_2(1) by force
moreover have "delta' (fst (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))) (snd (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))) x3 y3 ≠ 0"
using 3333 by (force simp: e'_aff_1_def add_1_2_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (simp add: assms gluing_ext_add_points xor_def)
also have "… = gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
apply(subst ext_ext_ext_ext_assoc)
apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 3333(1) assumps in_aff
unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def
add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
proof -
have "gluing `` {((fst (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), snd (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3))), False)} ∈ e_proj"
using add_2_3_def e_proj_2_3(1) by auto
moreover have "delta' x1 y1 (fst (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3))) (snd (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3))) ≠ 0"
using add_2_3_def assumps by (force simp: e'_aff_1_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (simp add: assms gluing_ext_add xor_def)
also have "… = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
by (simp add: assms(2,3) gluing_ext_add p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma general_assoc:
assumes "gluing `` {((x1, y1), l)} ∈ e_proj" "gluing `` {((x2, y2), m)} ∈ e_proj" "gluing `` {((x3, y3), n)} ∈ e_proj"
shows "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), l)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), m)}))
(gluing `` {((x3, y3), n)}) =
proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), l)})
(proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), m)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), n)}))"
proof -
let ?t1 = "(proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}))
(gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}))"
let ?t2 = "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})
(proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}))"
have e_proj_0: "gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x1, y1), True)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)} ∈ e_proj"
"gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)} ∈ e_proj"
using assms e_proj_aff by blast+
have e_proj_add_0: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) ∈ e_proj"
"proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}) ∈ e_proj"
"proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)}) ∈ e_proj"
"proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}) ∈ e_proj"
"proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}) ∈ e_proj"
"proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)}) ∈ e_proj"
using e_proj_0 well_defined proj_addition_def by blast+
have complex_e_proj: "?t1 ∈ e_proj"
"?t2 ∈ e_proj"
using e_proj_0 e_proj_add_0 well_defined proj_addition_def by blast+
have eq3: "?t1 = ?t2"
by(subst assoc_with_zeros,(simp add: e_proj_0)+)
show ?thesis
proof(cases "l = False")
case l: True
show ?thesis
proof(cases "m = False")
case m: True
show ?thesis
proof(cases "n = False")
case True
then show ?thesis
using l m assms assoc_with_zeros by simp
case n: False
have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}))
(gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)}) = tf' (?t1)"
using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
using remove_add_tau' well_defined by force
have eq2: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})
(proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)})) =
using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
using e_proj_add_0(2) remove_add_tau' by presburger
show ?thesis
using n by (simp add: eq1 eq2 eq3 l m)
case m: False
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "n = False")
case n: True
have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}))
(gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}) = tf'(?t1)"
using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
using e_proj_add_0(1,4) proj_addition_comm remove_add_tau' by force
have eq2: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})
(proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)})) =
using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
using remove_add_tau remove_add_tau' well_defined by presburger
with l m show ?thesis
by (simp add: eq1 eq3 n)
case n: False
have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}))
(gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)}) = ?t1"
using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
by (smt (verit, best) e_proj_add_0(4) remove_add_tau remove_add_tau' tf'_idemp)
have eq2: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})
(proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)})) =
using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
using remove_add_tau remove_add_tau' tf'_idemp e_proj_add_0 by presburger
then show ?thesis
using eq1 eq3 l m n by presburger
case l: False
show ?thesis
proof(cases "m = False")
case m: True
show ?thesis
proof(cases "n = False")
case n: True
have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), True)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}))
(gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}) = tf'(?t1)"
using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
using e_proj_add_0(1) remove_add_tau by presburger
have eq2: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), True)})
(proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)})) =
using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
by (simp add: e_proj_add_0(2) ext_curve_addition.remove_add_tau
then show ?thesis
using l eq1 eq3 m n by force
case n: False
have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), True)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}))
(gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)}) = ?t1"
using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
using remove_add_tau remove_add_tau' tf'_idemp well_defined by presburger
have eq2: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), True)})
(proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)})) =
using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
by (metis e_proj_add_0(2) proj_addition_comm remove_add_tau' tf'_idemp)
with l n show ?thesis
by (simp add: eq1 eq3 m)
case m: False
show ?thesis
proof(cases "n = False")
case True
have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), True)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}))
(gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}) = ?t1"
using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
by (metis (no_types, lifting) remove_add_tau remove_add_tau' tf'_idemp)
have eq2: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), True)})
(proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)})) =
using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
using e_proj_add_0(1,2,4) eq1 eq3 remove_add_tau remove_add_tau' by auto
with l m show ?thesis
by (simp add: eq1 eq3 True)
case False
have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), True)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}))
(gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)}) = tf'(?t1)"
using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
using e_proj_add_0(1) remove_add_tau remove_add_tau' tf'_idemp by presburger
have eq2: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), True)})
(proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)})) =
using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
using e_proj_add_0(2) remove_add_tau remove_add_tau' tf'_idemp by presburger
with l m False show ?thesis
by (simp add: eq1 eq3)
lemma proj_assoc:
assumes "x ∈ e_proj" "y ∈ e_proj" "z ∈ e_proj"
shows "proj_addition (proj_addition x y) z = proj_addition x (proj_addition y z)"
proof -
obtain x1 y1 l x2 y2 m x3 y3 n where
"x = gluing `` {((x1, y1), l)}"
"y = gluing `` {((x2, y2), m)}"
"z = gluing `` {((x3, y3), n)}"
by (metis assms e_proj_def prod.collapse quotientE)
then show ?thesis
using assms general_assoc by force
subsection ‹Group law›
theorem projective_group_law:
shows "comm_group ⦇carrier = e_proj, mult = proj_addition, one = {((1,0),False)}⦈"
show one_in: "{((1, 0), False)} ∈ e_proj"
using identity_proj by auto
show comm: "proj_addition x y = proj_addition y x"
if "x ∈ e_proj" "y ∈ e_proj" for x y
using proj_addition_comm that by simp
show id_1: "proj_addition {((1, 0), False)} x = x"
if "x ∈ e_proj" for x
using proj_add_class_identity that by simp
show id_2: "proj_addition x {((1, 0), False)} = x"
if "x ∈ e_proj" for x
using comm id_1 one_in that by simp
show "e_proj ⊆ Units ⦇carrier = e_proj, mult = proj_addition, one = {((1, 0), False)}⦈"
unfolding Units_def
fix x
assume "x ∈ e_proj"
then obtain x' y' l' where "x = gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}"
by (metis e_proj_def quotientE surj_pair)
then have "proj_addition (gluing `` {(i (x', y'), l')})
(gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}) =
{((1, 0), False)}"
"proj_addition (gluing `` {((x', y'), l')})
(gluing `` {(i (x', y'), l')}) =
{((1, 0), False)}"
"gluing `` {(i (x', y'), l')} ∈ e_proj"
using proj_add_class_inv proj_addition_comm ‹x ∈ e_proj› xor_def by simp+
then show "x ∈ {y ∈ e_proj. ∃x∈e_proj. proj_addition x y = {((1, 0), False)} ∧
proj_addition y x = {((1, 0), False)}}"
using ‹x = gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}› ‹x ∈ e_proj› by blast
show "proj_addition x y ∈ e_proj"
if "x ∈ e_proj" "y ∈ e_proj" for x y
using well_defined that by blast
show "proj_addition (proj_addition x y) z = proj_addition x (proj_addition y z)"
if "x ∈ e_proj" "y ∈ e_proj" "z ∈ e_proj" for x y z
using proj_assoc that by simp