Theory Edwards_Elliptic_Curves_Group

theory Edwards_Elliptic_Curves_Group
  imports  "HOL-Algebra.Group" "HOL-Library.Rewrite"

section‹Affine Edwards curves›

class ell_field = field + 
  assumes two_not_zero: "2  0"

locale curve_addition =  
  fixes c d :: "'a::ell_field"

definition e :: "'a  'a  'a" where
 "e x y = x^2 + c * y^2 - 1 - d * x^2 * y^2"

definition delta_plus :: "'a  'a  'a  'a  'a" where
 "delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2 = 1 + d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2"

definition delta_minus :: "'a  'a  'a  'a  'a" where
 "delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2 = 1 - d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2"

definition delta :: "'a  'a  'a  'a  'a" where
 "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 = (delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2) * 
                      (delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2)"

lemma delta_com: 
  "(delta x0 y0 x1 y1 = 0) = (delta x1 y1 x0 y0 = 0)"
  unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def 
  by algebra

fun add :: "'a × 'a  'a × 'a  'a × 'a" where
 "add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) =
    ((x1*x2 - c*y1*y2) div (1-d*x1*y1*x2*y2), 
     (x1*y2+y1*x2) div (1+d*x1*y1*x2*y2))"

lemma commutativity: "add z1 z2 = add z2 z1"
  by(cases "z1",cases "z2",simp add: algebra_simps)

lemma add_closure: 
  assumes "add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (x3,y3)"
  assumes "delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2  0" "delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2  0"
  assumes "e x1 y1 = 0" "e x2 y2 = 0" 
  shows "e x3 y3 = 0" 
proof -
  have x3_expr: "x3 = (x1*x2 - c*y1*y2) div (delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2)"
    using assms delta_minus_def by auto
  have y3_expr: "y3 = (x1*y2+y1*x2) div (delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2)"
    using assms delta_plus_def by auto

  have " r1 r2. (e x3 y3)*(delta x1 y1 x2 y2)2 - (r1 * e x1 y1 + r2 * e x2 y2) = 0"
    unfolding e_def x3_expr y3_expr delta_def
    apply(simp add: divide_simps assms)    
    unfolding delta_plus_def delta_minus_def 
    by algebra
  then show "e x3 y3 = 0" 
    using assms 
    by (simp add: delta_def)

lemma associativity: 
  assumes "z1' = (x1',y1')" "z3' = (x3',y3')"
  assumes "z1' = add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)" "z3' = add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)"
  assumes "delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2  0" "delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2  0"
          "delta_minus x2 y2 x3 y3  0" "delta_plus x2 y2 x3 y3  0"
          "delta_minus x1' y1' x3 y3  0" "delta_plus x1' y1' x3 y3  0"
          "delta_minus x1 y1 x3' y3'  0" "delta_plus x1 y1 x3' y3'  0"
  assumes "e x1 y1 = 0" "e x2 y2 = 0" "e x3 y3 = 0" 
  shows "add (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) = add (x1,y1) (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))" 
proof -
  define e1 where "e1 = e x1 y1"
  define e2 where "e2 = e x2 y2"
  define e3 where "e3 = e x3 y3"
  define Deltax where "Deltax = 
   (delta_minus x1' y1' x3 y3)*(delta_minus x1 y1 x3' y3')*
   (delta x1 y1 x2 y2)*(delta x2 y2 x3 y3)" 
  define Deltay where "Deltay =
   (delta_plus x1' y1' x3 y3)*(delta_plus x1 y1 x3' y3')*
   (delta x1 y1 x2 y2)*(delta x2 y2 x3 y3)" 
  define gx where "gx = fst(add z1' (x3,y3)) - fst(add (x1,y1) z3')"
  define gy where "gy = snd(add z1' (x3,y3)) - snd(add (x1,y1) z3')"
  define gxpoly where "gxpoly = gx * Deltax"
  define gypoly where "gypoly = gy * Deltay"

  have x1'_expr: "x1' = (x1 * x2 - c * y1 * y2) / (1 - d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2)"
    using assms(1,3) by simp
  have y1'_expr: "y1' = (x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) / (1 + d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2)"
    using assms(1,3) by simp
  have x3'_expr: "x3' = (x2 * x3 - c * y2 * y3) / (1 - d * x2 * y2 * x3 * y3)"
    using assms(2,4) by simp
  have y3'_expr: "y3' = (x2 * y3 + y2 * x3) / (1 + d * x2 * y2 * x3 * y3)"
    using assms(2,4) by simp
  have non_unfolded_adds:
      "delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0" using delta_def assms(5,6) by auto
  have simp1gx: "
    (x1' * x3 - c * y1' * y3) * delta_minus x1 y1 x3' y3' * 
    (delta x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta x2 y2 x3 y3) = 
      ((x1 * x2 - c * y1 * y2) * x3 * delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2 - 
      c * (x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * y3 * delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2) *
      (delta_minus x2 y2 x3 y3 * delta_plus x2 y2 x3 y3 - 
      d * x1 * y1 * (x2 * x3 - c * y2 * y3) * (x2 * y3 + y2 * x3))
    apply(rewrite x1'_expr y1'_expr x3'_expr y3'_expr)+
    apply(rewrite delta_minus_def)
    apply(rewrite in "_ / " delta_minus_def[symmetric] delta_plus_def[symmetric])+
    unfolding delta_def
    by(simp add: divide_simps assms(5-8))

  have simp2gx:
    "(x1 * x3' - c * y1 * y3') * delta_minus x1' y1' x3 y3 * 
     (delta x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta x2 y2 x3 y3) = 
       (x1 * (x2 * x3 - c * y2 * y3) * delta_plus x2 y2 x3 y3 - 
       c * y1 * (x2 * y3 + y2 * x3) * delta_minus x2 y2 x3 y3) *
       (delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2 - 
       d * (x1 * x2 - c * y1 * y2) * (x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * x3 * y3)"
    apply(rewrite x1'_expr y1'_expr x3'_expr y3'_expr)+
    apply(rewrite delta_minus_def)
    apply(rewrite in "_ / " delta_minus_def[symmetric] delta_plus_def[symmetric])+
    unfolding delta_def
    by(simp add: divide_simps assms(5-8))

  have " r1 r2 r3. gxpoly = r1 * e1 + r2 * e2 + r3 * e3"
    unfolding gxpoly_def gx_def Deltax_def 
    apply(simp add: assms(1,2))
    apply(rewrite in "_ / " delta_minus_def[symmetric])+
    apply(simp add: divide_simps assms(9,11))
    apply(rewrite left_diff_distrib)
    apply(simp add: simp1gx simp2gx)
    unfolding delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
              e1_def e2_def e3_def e_def
    by algebra

  then have "gxpoly = 0" 
    using e1_def assms(13-15) e2_def e3_def by auto
  have "Deltax  0" 
    using Deltax_def delta_def assms(7-11) non_unfolded_adds by auto
  then have "gx = 0" 
    using gxpoly = 0 gxpoly_def by auto

  have simp1gy: "(x1' * y3 + y1' * x3) * delta_plus x1 y1 x3' y3' * (delta x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta x2 y2 x3 y3) = 
     ((x1 * x2 - c * y1 * y2) * y3 * delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2 + (x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * x3 * delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2) *
    (delta_minus x2 y2 x3 y3 * delta_plus x2 y2 x3 y3 + d * x1 * y1 * (x2 * x3 - c * y2 * y3) * (x2 * y3 + y2 * x3))"
    apply(rewrite x1'_expr y1'_expr x3'_expr y3'_expr)+
    apply(rewrite delta_plus_def) 
    apply(rewrite in "_ / " delta_minus_def[symmetric] delta_plus_def[symmetric])+
    unfolding delta_def
    by(simp add: divide_simps assms(5-8))
  have simp2gy: "(x1 * y3' + y1 * x3') * delta_plus x1' y1' x3 y3 * (delta x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta x2 y2 x3 y3) = 
     (x1 * (x2 * y3 + y2 * x3) * delta_minus x2 y2 x3 y3 + y1 * (x2 * x3 - c * y2 * y3) * delta_plus x2 y2 x3 y3) *
    (delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2 + d * (x1 * x2 - c * y1 * y2) * (x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * x3 * y3)"
    apply(rewrite x1'_expr y1'_expr x3'_expr y3'_expr)+
    apply(rewrite delta_plus_def)
    apply(rewrite in "_ / " delta_minus_def[symmetric] delta_plus_def[symmetric])+
    unfolding delta_def
    by(simp add: divide_simps assms(5-8))

  have " r1 r2 r3. gypoly = r1 * e1 + r2 * e2 + r3 * e3"
    unfolding gypoly_def gy_def Deltay_def 
    apply(simp add: assms(1,2))
    apply(rewrite in "_ / " delta_plus_def[symmetric])+
    apply(simp add: divide_simps assms(10,12))
    apply(rewrite left_diff_distrib)
    apply(simp add: simp1gy simp2gy)
    unfolding delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
              e1_def e2_def e3_def e_def 
    by algebra

  then have "gypoly = 0" 
    using e1_def assms(13-15) e2_def e3_def by auto
  have "Deltay  0" 
    using Deltay_def delta_def assms(7-12) non_unfolded_adds by auto
  then have "gy = 0" 
    using gypoly = 0 gypoly_def by auto

  show ?thesis 
    using gy = 0 gx = 0 
    unfolding gx_def gy_def assms(3,4)
    by (simp add: prod_eq_iff)

lemma neutral: "add z (1,0) = z" by(cases "z",simp)

lemma inverse:
  assumes "e a b = 0" "delta_plus a b a b  0" 
  shows "add (a,b) (a,-b) = (1,0)" 
  using assms 
  apply(simp add: delta_plus_def e_def) 
  by algebra
lemma affine_closure:
  assumes "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0" "e x1 y1 = 0" "e x2 y2 = 0"
  shows " b. (1/d = b^2  1/d  0)  (1/(c*d) = b^2  1/(c*d)  0)" 
proof -
  define r where "r = (1 - c*d*y1^2*y2^2) * (1 - d*y1^2*x2^2)" 
  define e1 where "e1 = e x1 y1"
  define e2 where "e2 = e x2 y2"
  have "r = d^2 * y1^2 * y2^2 * x2^2 * e1 + (1 - d * y1^2) * delta x1 y1 x2 y2 - d * y1^2 * e2"
    unfolding r_def e1_def e2_def delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def e_def
    by algebra 
  then have "r = 0" 
    using assms e1_def e2_def by simp
  then have cases: "(1 - c*d*y1^2*y2^2) = 0  (1 - d*y1^2*x2^2) = 0" 
    using r_def by auto
  have "d  0" using r = 0 r_def by auto
    assume "(1 - d*y1^2*x2^2) = 0"
    then have "1/d = y1^2*x2^2" "1/d  0"     
      apply(auto simp add: divide_simps d  0) 
      by algebra
  note case1 = this
  {assume "(1 - c*d*y1^2*y2^2) = 0" "(1 - d*y1^2*x2^2)  0"
    then have "c  0" by auto
    then have "1/(c*d) = y1^2*y2^2" "1/(c*d)  0" 
      apply(simp add: divide_simps d  0 c  0) 
      using (1 - c*d*y1^2*y2^2) = 0 apply algebra
      using c  0 d  0 by auto
  note case2 = this
  show " b. (1/d = b^2  1/d  0)  (1/(c*d) = b^2  1/(c*d)  0)" 
    using cases case1 case2 by (metis power_mult_distrib)

lemma delta_non_zero:
  fixes x1 y1 x2 y2
  assumes "e x1 y1 = 0" "e x2 y2 = 0"
  assumes " b. 1/c = b^2" "¬ ( b. b  0  1/d = b^2)"
  shows "delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0"
proof(rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0"
  then have "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0" by blast
  then have " b. (1/d = b^2  1/d  0)  (1/(c*d) = b^2  1/(c*d)  0)" 
   using affine_closure[OF delta x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0 
                            e x1 y1 = 0 e x2 y2 = 0] by blast
  then obtain b where b: "(1/(c*d) = b^2  1/(c*d)  0)"
   using ¬ ( b. b  0  1/d = b^2) by fastforce
  then have "1/c  0" "c  0" "d  0" "1/d  0" by simp+
  then have "1/d = b^2 / (1/c)"
    by (metis b divide_divide_eq_left' mult.commute nonzero_divide_mult_cancel_right)
  then have " b. b  0  1/d = b^2"
   using assms(3) 
   by (metis 1 / d  0 power_divide zero_power2)
  then show "False"
   using ¬ ( b. b  0  1/d = b^2) by blast

lemma group_law:
  assumes " b. 1/c = b^2" "¬ ( b. b  0  1/d = b^2)"
  shows "comm_group carrier = {(x,y). e x y = 0}, mult = add, one = (1,0)" 
 (is "comm_group ?g")
  {fix x1 y1 x2 y2
  assume "e x1 y1 = 0" "e x2 y2 = 0"
  have "e (fst (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) (snd (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) = 0"
    using add_closure delta_non_zero[OF e x1 y1 = 0 e x2 y2 = 0 assms] 
          delta_def e x1 y1 = 0 e x2 y2 = 0 by auto}
  then show "x y. x  carrier ?g  y  carrier ?g  x ?gy  carrier ?g" 
    by auto
  {fix x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 
   assume "e x1 y1 = 0" "e x2 y2 = 0" "e x3 y3 = 0" 
   then have "delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0" "delta x2 y2 x3 y3  0"
     using assms(1,2) delta_non_zero by blast+
   fix x1' y1' x3' y3'
   assume "(x1',y1') = add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)"
          "(x3',y3') = add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)"
   then have "e x1' y1' = 0" "e x3' y3' = 0"
     using add_closure delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0 delta x2 y2 x3 y3  0 
           e x1 y1 = 0 e x2 y2 = 0 e x3 y3 = 0 delta_def by fastforce+
   then have "delta x1' y1' x3 y3  0" "delta x1 y1 x3' y3'  0"
     using assms delta_non_zero e x3 y3 = 0 
    by (auto simp add: e x1 y1 = 0 e x3' y3' = 0 assms delta_non_zero)

  have "add (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) =
        add (x1,y1) (local.add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
    using associativity 
    by (metis (x1', y1') = add (x1, y1) (x2, y2) (x3', y3') = add (x2, y2) (x3, y3) delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0 
              delta x1 y1 x3' y3'  0 delta x1' y1' x3 y3  0 delta x2 y2 x3 y3  0 e x1 y1 = 0 
              e x2 y2 = 0 e x3 y3 = 0 delta_def mult_eq_0_iff)}

  then show "
    x y z.
       x  carrier ?g  y  carrier ?g  z  carrier ?g 
       x ?gy ?gz = x ?g(y ?gz)" by auto
  show "𝟭?g carrier ?g" by (simp add: e_def)
  show "x. x  carrier ?g  𝟭?g?gx = x"
    by (simp add: commutativity neutral)
  show "x. x  carrier ?g  x ?g𝟭?g= x"
    by (simp add: neutral)
  show "x y. x  carrier ?g  y  carrier ?g 
           x ?gy = y ?gx"
    using commutativity by auto
  show "carrier ?g  Units ?g"
    fix z
    assume "z  {(x, y). local.e x y = 0}"
    show "z  Units ?g" 
      unfolding Units_def 
    proof(simp, cases "z", rule conjI) 
      fix x y
      assume "z = (x,y)" 
      from this z  {(x, y). local.e x y = 0}
      show "case z of (x, y)  local.e x y = 0" by blast  
      then obtain x y where "z = (x,y)" "e x y = 0" by blast
      have "e x (-y) = 0" 
        using e x y = 0 unfolding e_def by simp
      have "add (x,y) (x,-y) = (1,0)" 
        using inverse[OF e x y = 0 ] delta_non_zero[OF e x y = 0 e x y = 0 assms] delta_def by fastforce        
      then have "add (x,-y) (x,y) = (1,0)" by simp
      show "a b. e a b = 0 
                  add (a, b) z = (1, 0)  
                  add z (a, b) = (1, 0)" 
        using add (x, y) (x, - y) = (1, 0) 
              e x (- y) = 0 z = (x, y) by fastforce



locale ext_curve_addition = curve_addition +
  fixes t' :: "'a::ell_field"
  assumes c_eq_1: "c = 1"
  assumes t_intro: "d = t'^2"
  assumes t_ineq: "t'^2  1" "t'  0"

subsection ‹Change of variables›

definition t where "t = t'" 

lemma t_nz: "t  0" using t_ineq(2) t_def by auto

lemma d_nz: "d  0" using t_nz t_ineq t_intro by simp

lemma t_expr: "t^2 = d" "t^4 = d^2" using t_intro t_def by auto

lemma t_sq_n1: "t^2  1"  using t_ineq(1) t_def by simp

lemma t_nm1: "t  -1" using t_sq_n1 by fastforce

lemma d_n1: "d  1" using t_sq_n1 t_expr by blast

lemma t_n1: "t  1" using t_sq_n1 by fastforce

lemma t_dneq2: "2*t  -2"
proof(rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ 2 * t  - 2"
  then have "2*t = -2" by auto
  then have "t = -1"
    using two_not_zero mult_cancel_left by fastforce
  then show "False"
    using t_nm1 t_def by argo

subsection ‹New points›

definition e' where "e' x y = x^2 + y^2 - 1 - t^2 * x^2 * y^2"

definition "e'_aff = {(x,y). e' x y = 0}" 
  definition "e_circ = {(x,y). x  0  y  0  (x,y)  e'_aff}"

lemma e_e'_iff: "e x y = 0  e' x y = 0"
  unfolding e_def e'_def using c_eq_1 t_expr(1) t_def by simp

lemma circ_to_aff: "p  e_circ  p  e'_aff"
  unfolding e_circ_def by auto

text‹The case text‹t^2 = 1› corresponds to a product of intersecting lines 
     which cannot be a group›

lemma t_2_1_lines:
  "t^2 = 1  e' x y = - (1 - x^2) * (1 - y^2)" 
  unfolding e'_def by algebra

text‹The case text‹t = 0› corresponds to a circle which has been treated before›

lemma t_0_circle:
  "t = 0  e' x y = x^2 + y^2 - 1" 
  unfolding e'_def by auto

subsection ‹Group transformations and inversions›

fun ρ :: "'a × 'a  'a × 'a" where 
  "ρ (x,y) = (-y,x)"
fun τ :: "'a × 'a  'a × 'a" where 
  "τ (x,y) = (1/(t*x),1/(t*y))"

definition G where
  "G  {id,ρ,ρ  ρ,ρ  ρ  ρ,τ,τ  ρ,τ  ρ  ρ,τ  ρ  ρ  ρ}"

definition symmetries where 
  "symmetries = {τ,τ  ρ,τ  ρ  ρ,τ  ρ  ρ  ρ}"

definition rotations where
  "rotations = {id,ρ,ρ  ρ,ρ  ρ  ρ}"

lemma G_partition: "G = rotations  symmetries"
  unfolding G_def rotations_def symmetries_def by fastforce

lemma tau_sq: "(τ  τ) (x,y) = (x,y)" by(simp add: t_nz)

lemma tau_idemp: "τ  τ = id"
  using t_nz comp_def by auto 

lemma tau_idemp_explicit: "τ(τ(x,y)) = (x,y)"
  using tau_idemp pointfree_idE by fast

lemma tau_idemp_point: "τ(τ p) = p"
  using o_apply[symmetric, of τ τ p] tau_idemp by simp  

fun i :: "'a × 'a  'a × 'a" where 
  "i (a,b) = (a,-b)" 

lemma i_idemp: "i  i = id"
  using comp_def by auto

lemma i_idemp_explicit: "i(i(x,y)) = (x,y)"
  using i_idemp pointfree_idE by fast

lemma tau_rot_sym:
  assumes "r  rotations"
  shows "τ  r  symmetries"
  using assms unfolding rotations_def symmetries_def by auto

lemma tau_rho_com:
  "τ  ρ = ρ  τ" by auto

lemma tau_rot_com:
  assumes "r  rotations"
  shows "τ  r = r  τ"
  using assms unfolding rotations_def by fastforce

lemma rho_order_4:
  "ρ  ρ  ρ  ρ = id" by auto
lemma rho_i_com_inverses:
  "i (id (x,y)) = id (i (x,y))"
  "i (ρ (x,y)) = (ρ  ρ  ρ) (i (x,y))"
  "i ((ρ  ρ) (x,y)) = (ρ  ρ) (i (x,y))"
  "i ((ρ  ρ  ρ) (x,y)) = ρ (i (x,y))"

lemma rotations_i_inverse:
  assumes "tr  rotations"
  shows " tr'  rotations. (tr  i) (x,y) = (i  tr') (x,y)  tr  tr' = id"
  using assms rho_i_com_inverses unfolding rotations_def by fastforce

lemma tau_i_com_inverses:
  "(i  τ) (x,y) = (τ  i) (x,y)"
  "(i  τ  ρ) (x,y) = (τ  ρ  ρ  ρ  i) (x,y)"
  "(i  τ  ρ  ρ) (x,y) = (τ  ρ  ρ  i) (x,y)"
  "(i  τ  ρ  ρ  ρ) (x,y) = (τ  ρ  i) (x,y)"

lemma rho_circ: 
  assumes "p  e_circ"
  shows "ρ p  e_circ"
  using assms unfolding e_circ_def e'_aff_def e'_def 
  by(simp split: prod.splits add: add.commute)

lemma i_aff:
  assumes "p  e'_aff"
  shows "i p  e'_aff"
  using assms unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def by auto

lemma i_circ:
  assumes "(x,y)  e_circ"
  shows "i (x,y)  e_circ"
  using assms unfolding e_circ_def e'_aff_def e'_def by auto

lemma i_circ_points:
  assumes "p  e_circ"
  shows "i p  e_circ"
  using assms unfolding e_circ_def e'_aff_def e'_def by auto

lemma rot_circ:
  assumes "p  e_circ" "tr  rotations"
  shows "tr p  e_circ"
proof -
  consider (1) "tr = id" | (2) "tr = ρ"  | (3) "tr = ρ  ρ" | (4) "tr = ρ  ρ  ρ"
    using assms(2) unfolding rotations_def by blast
  then show ?thesis by(cases,auto simp add: assms(1) rho_circ)          
lemma τ_circ:
  assumes "p  e_circ"
  shows "τ p  e_circ"
  using assms unfolding e_circ_def 
  apply(simp split: prod.splits) 
  apply(simp add: e'_aff_def e'_def divide_simps t_nz)
  by(simp add: algebra_simps)

lemma rot_comp:
  assumes "t1  rotations" "t2  rotations"
  shows "t1  t2  rotations"
  using assms unfolding rotations_def by auto

lemma rot_tau_com:
  assumes "tr  rotations"
  shows "tr  τ = τ  tr"
  using assms unfolding rotations_def by(auto)

lemma tau_i_com:
  "τ  i = i  τ" by auto

lemma rot_com:
  assumes "r  rotations" "r'  rotations"
  shows "r'  r = r  r'" 
  using assms unfolding rotations_def by force

lemma rot_inv:
  assumes "r  rotations"
  shows " r'  rotations. r'  r = id" 
  using assms unfolding rotations_def by force

lemma rot_aff:
  assumes "r  rotations" "p  e'_aff"
  shows "r p  e'_aff"
  using assms unfolding rotations_def e'_aff_def e'_def
  by(auto simp add: semiring_normalization_rules(16) add.commute)
lemma rot_delta:
  assumes "r  rotations" "delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0"
  shows "delta (fst (r (x1,y1))) (snd (r (x1,y1))) x2 y2  0"
proof -
  consider "r = id" | "r = ρ" | "r = ρ  ρ" | "r = ρ  ρ  ρ"
    by (metis assms(1) insertE rotations_def singletonD)
  then show ?thesis
    using assms by cases (auto simp: mult_ac rotations_def delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def)

lemma tau_not_id: "τ  id"
  by (metis τ.simps eq_id_iff mult.right_neutral one_eq_divide_iff snd_eqD t_n1)

lemma sym_not_id:              
  assumes "r  rotations"
  shows "τ  r  id"
proof -
  have "a b. τ (id (a, b))  (a, b)"
    using tau_not_id by auto
  moreover have "a b. τ (ρ (a, b))  (a, b)"
    by (metis ρ.simps τ.simps snd_conv t_ineq(2))
  moreover have "a b. τ ((ρ  ρ) (a, b))  (a, b)"
    by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) ρ.simps τ.elims comp_def divide_eq_minus_1_iff
        divide_minus1 mult.right_neutral snd_conv t_nm1) 
  moreover have "a b. τ ((ρ  ρ  ρ) (a, b))  (a, b)"
    by (rule exI[of _ "1"]) fastforce
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using assms by (force simp: rotations_def fun_eq_iff)

lemma sym_decomp:
  assumes "g  symmetries"
  shows " r  rotations. g = τ  r"
  using assms unfolding symmetries_def rotations_def by auto

lemma symmetries_i_inverse:
  assumes "tr  symmetries"
  shows " tr'  symmetries. (tr  i) (x,y) = (i  tr') (x,y)  tr  tr' = id"
proof -
  consider (1) "tr = τ" | 
           (2) "tr = τ  ρ" | 
           (3) "tr = τ  ρ  ρ" | 
           (4) "tr = τ  ρ  ρ  ρ" 
    using assms unfolding symmetries_def by blast
  then show ?thesis
    case 1
    define tr' where "tr' = τ" 
    have "(tr  i) (x, y) = (i  tr') (x, y)  tr  tr' = id" "tr'  symmetries"
      using tr'_def 1 tau_idemp symmetries_def by simp+      
    then show ?thesis by blast
    case 2
    define tr' where "tr' = τ  ρ  ρ  ρ" 
    have "(tr  i) (x, y) = (i  tr') (x, y)  tr  tr' = id"
      using tr'_def 2 tau_idemp_point by fastforce
    moreover have "tr'  symmetries"
      using symmetries_def tr'_def by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis by blast
    case 3
    define tr' where "tr' = τ  ρ  ρ" 
    have "(tr  i) (x, y) = (i  tr') (x, y)  tr  tr' = id" 
      using tr'_def 3 tau_idemp_point by fastforce
    moreover have "tr'  symmetries"
      using symmetries_def tr'_def by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis by blast
    case 4
    define tr' where "tr' = τ  ρ" 
    have "(tr  i) (x, y) = (i  tr') (x, y)  tr  tr' = id"
      using tr'_def 4 tau_idemp_point by fastforce
    moreover have "tr'  symmetries"
      using symmetries_def tr'_def by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis by blast

lemma sym_to_rot: "g  symmetries  τ  g  rotations"
  using tau_idemp unfolding symmetries_def rotations_def
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) emptyE fun.map_comp id_comp insert_iff)

subsection ‹Extended addition›

fun ext_add :: "'a × 'a  'a × 'a  'a × 'a" where
 "ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) =
    ((x1*y1-x2*y2) div (x2*y1-x1*y2),
     (x1*y1+x2*y2) div (x1*x2+y1*y2))"

definition delta_x :: "'a  'a  'a  'a  'a" where
  "delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2 = x2*y1 - x1*y2"
definition delta_y :: "'a  'a  'a  'a  'a" where
  "delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2 = x1*x2 + y1*y2"
definition delta' :: "'a  'a  'a  'a  'a" where
  "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 = delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2"

lemma delta'_com: "(delta' x0 y0 x1 y1 = 0) = (delta' x1 y1 x0 y0 = 0)"
  unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def 
  by algebra

definition e'_aff_0 where
  "e'_aff_0 = {((x1,y1),(x2,y2)). (x1,y1)  e'_aff  
                                 (x2,y2)  e'_aff  
                                 delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0 }"

definition e'_aff_1 where
  "e'_aff_1 = {((x1,y1),(x2,y2)). (x1,y1)  e'_aff  
                                 (x2,y2)  e'_aff  
                                 delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0 }"

lemma ext_add_comm:
  "ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = ext_add (x2,y2) (x1,y1)"
  by(simp add: divide_simps,algebra) 

lemma ext_add_comm_points:
  "ext_add z1 z2 = ext_add z2 z1"
  using ext_add_comm by (metis surj_pair) 

lemma ext_add_inverse:
  "x  0  y  0  ext_add (x,y) (i (x,y)) = (1,0)"
  by(simp add: two_not_zero)

lemma ext_add_deltas:
  "ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) =
    ((delta_x x2 y1 x1 y2) div (delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2),
     (delta_y x1 x2 y1 y2) div (delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2))"
  by (simp add: delta_x_def delta_y_def) 

subsubsection ‹Inversion and rotation invariance›

lemma inversion_invariance_1:
  assumes "x1  0" "y1  0" "x2  0" "y2  0" 
  shows "add (τ (x1,y1)) (x2,y2) = add (x1,y1) (τ (x2,y2))"
  apply(simp add: c_eq_1 algebra_simps t_expr flip: power2_eq_square)
  apply(simp add: divide_simps assms t_nz d_nz)
  by(simp add: algebra_simps)

lemma inversion_invariance_2:
  assumes "x1  0" "y1  0" "x2  0" "y2  0" 
  shows "ext_add (τ (x1,y1)) (x2,y2) = ext_add (x1,y1) (τ (x2,y2))"
  apply(simp add: divide_simps t_nz assms) 
  by algebra

lemma rho_invariance_1: 
  "add (ρ (x1,y1)) (x2,y2) = ρ (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))"
  by (simp add: c_eq_1 field_split_simps)

lemma rho_invariance_1_points:
  "add (ρ p1) p2 = ρ (add p1 p2)"
  by (metis rho_invariance_1 i.cases) 

lemma rho_invariance_2: 
  "ext_add (ρ (x1,y1)) (x2,y2) = ρ (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))"
  by(simp add: field_split_simps)

lemma rho_invariance_2_points:
  "ext_add (ρ p1) p2 = ρ (ext_add p1 p2)"
  by (metis rho_invariance_2 i.cases)

lemma rotation_invariance_1: 
  assumes "r  rotations"
  shows "add (r (x1,y1)) (x2,y2) = r (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))"
proof -
  have "add ((ρ  ρ) (x1, y1)) (x2, y2) = (ρ  ρ) (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))"
    by (simp add: field_split_simps)
  have "add ((ρ  ρ  ρ) (x1, y1)) (x2, y2) = (ρ  ρ  ρ) (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))"
    by (simp add: field_split_simps) (simp add: c_eq_1)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using rho_invariance_1_points assms by (auto simp: rotations_def)

lemma rotation_invariance_1_points: 
  assumes "r  rotations"
  shows "add (r p1) p2 = r (add p1 p2)"
  by (metis rotation_invariance_1 assms i.cases)

lemma rotation_invariance_2: 
  assumes "r  rotations"
  shows "ext_add (r (x1,y1)) (x2,y2) = r (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))"
proof -
  have "ext_add ((ρ  ρ) (x1, y1)) (x2, y2) = (ρ  ρ) (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))"
    by (simp add: field_split_simps add_eq_0_iff)
  moreover have "ext_add ((ρ  ρ  ρ) (x1, y1)) (x2, y2) = (ρ  ρ  ρ) (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))"
    by (metis comp_def rho_invariance_2_points)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using rho_invariance_2_points assms  by (auto simp: rotations_def)

lemma rotation_invariance_2_points: 
  assumes "r  rotations"
  shows "ext_add (r p1) p2 = r (ext_add p1 p2)"
  by (metis assms i.cases rotation_invariance_2)

lemma rotation_invariance_3: 
  "delta x1 y1 (fst (ρ (x2,y2))) (snd (ρ (x2,y2))) = 
   delta x1 y1 x2 y2"
  by(simp add: delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def, algebra)

lemma rotation_invariance_4: 
  "delta' x1 y1 (fst (ρ (x2,y2))) (snd (ρ (x2,y2))) = - delta' x1 y1 x2 y2"
  by(simp add: delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def, algebra)

lemma rotation_invariance_5: 
  "delta' (fst (ρ (x1,y1))) (snd (ρ (x1,y1))) x2 y2 = - delta' x1 y1 x2 y2"
  by(simp add: delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def, algebra)

lemma rotation_invariance_6: 
  "delta (fst (ρ (x1,y1))) (snd (ρ (x1,y1))) x2 y2 = delta x1 y1 x2 y2"
  by(simp add: delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def, algebra)

lemma inverse_rule_1:
  "(τ  i  τ) (x,y) = i (x,y)"
  by (simp add: t_nz)

lemma inverse_rule_2:
  "(ρ  i  ρ) (x,y) = i (x,y)" 
  by simp

lemma inverse_rule_3:
  "i (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) = add (i (x1,y1)) (i (x2,y2))"
  by (simp add: divide_simps)

lemma inverse_rule_4:
  "i (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) = ext_add (i (x1,y1)) (i (x2,y2))"
  by (simp add: field_split_simps)

(* This kind of lemma may vary with different fields *)
lemma e'_aff_x0:
  assumes "x = 0" "(x,y)  e'_aff"
  shows "y = 1  y = -1"
  using assms unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def
  by (simp add: power2_eq_square square_eq_1_iff)

lemma e'_aff_y0:
  assumes "y = 0" "(x,y)  e'_aff"
  shows "x = 1  x = -1"
  using assms unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def
  by (simp add: power2_eq_square square_eq_1_iff)

  Note that this proof does not go through in the general case (as written in the paper)
  thus, dichotomy will have to rule out some cases.
lemma add_ext_add:
  assumes "x1  0" "y1  0" 
  shows "ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = τ (add (τ (x1,y1)) (x2,y2))"
proof -
  have "(x1 * y1 - x2 * y2) / (x2 * y1 - x1 * y2) = (1 - d * x2 * y2 / (t * x1 * (t * y1))) / (t * (x2 / (t * x1) - c * y2 / (t * y1)))"
    using assms t_ineq
    by (simp add: c_eq_1 field_split_simps power2_eq_square t_def t_intro)
  moreover have "(x1 * y1 + x2 * y2) / (x1 * x2 + y1 * y2) = (1 + d * x2 * y2 / (t * x1 * (t * y1))) / (t * (y2 / (t * x1) + x2 / (t * y1)))"
    using assms t_ineq
    by (simp add: c_eq_1 divide_simps add.commute mult.commute power2_eq_square t_def t_intro)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by auto

corollary add_ext_add_2:
  assumes "x1  0" "y1  0" 
  shows "add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = τ (ext_add (τ (x1,y1)) (x2,y2))"
proof -
  obtain x1' y1' where tau_expr: "τ (x1,y1) = (x1',y1')" by simp
  then obtain p_nz: "x1'  0" "y1'  0"
    using τ.simps assms tau_sq by fastforce
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis add_ext_add tau_expr tau_idemp_point)

subsubsection ‹Coherence and closure›

lemma coherence_1:
  assumes "delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2  0" "delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2  0" 
  assumes "e' x1 y1 = 0" "e' x2 y2 = 0"
  shows "delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2 *
         (fst (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) - fst (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)))
         = x2 * y2 * e' x1 y1 - x1 * y1 * e' x2 y2"
proof -
  have "(x1 * y1 - x2 * y2) * delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2 - (x1 * x2 - y1 * y2) * delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2 = x2 * y2 * e' x1 y1 - x1 * y1 * e' x2 y2"
    unfolding delta_minus_def delta_x_def e'_def t_expr
    by(simp add: power2_eq_square field_simps)  
  then have "delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2 *
    ((x1 * y1 - x2 * y2) / delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2 -
     (x1 * x2 - c * y1 * y2) / delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2) =
    x2 * y2 * e' x1 y1 - x1 * y1 * e' x2 y2"
    by(simp add: c_eq_1 assms divide_simps)
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: delta_minus_def delta_x_def)
lemma coherence_2:
  assumes "delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2  0" "delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2  0" 
  assumes "e' x1 y1 = 0" "e' x2 y2 = 0"
  shows "delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2 *
         (snd (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) - snd (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)))
         = - x2 * y2 * e' x1 y1 - x1 * y1 * e' x2 y2"
proof -
  have "(x1 * y1 + x2 * y2) * delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2 - (x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2 = - (x2 * y2 * e' x1 y1) - x1 * y1 * e' x2 y2"
    unfolding delta_plus_def delta_y_def e'_def t_expr
    by(simp add: power2_eq_square  field_simps)
  then have " delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2 * delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2 *
    ((x1 * y1 + x2 * y2) / delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2 -
     (x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) / delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2) =
    - (x2 * y2 * e' x1 y1) - x1 * y1 * e' x2 y2"
    by (simp add: c_eq_1 assms divide_simps)
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: delta_plus_def delta_y_def)

lemma coherence:
  assumes "delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0" "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0" 
  assumes "e' x1 y1 = 0" "e' x2 y2 = 0"
  shows "ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)"
  using coherence_1 coherence_2 delta_def delta'_def assms by auto

lemma ext_add_closure:
  assumes "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0"
  assumes "e' x1 y1 = 0" "e' x2 y2 = 0" 
  assumes "(x3,y3) = ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)"
  shows "e' x3 y3 = 0"
proof -
  have deltas_nz: "delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2  0"
                  "delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2  0"
    using assms(1) delta'_def by auto

  have v3: "x3 = fst (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))"
           "y3 = snd (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))"
    using assms(4) by simp+

  have " a b. t^4 * (delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2)^2 * (delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2)^2 * e' x3 y3 = 
               a * e' x1 y1 + b * e' x2 y2"
    using deltas_nz
    unfolding e'_def v3 delta_x_def delta_y_def
    by (simp add: divide_simps) algebra

  then show "e' x3 y3 = 0"
    using assms(2,3) deltas_nz t_nz by auto  

lemma ext_add_closure_points:
  assumes "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0"
  assumes "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" 
  shows "ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)  e'_aff"
  using ext_add_closure assms 
  unfolding e'_aff_def by auto

subsubsection ‹Useful lemmas in the extension›

lemma inverse_generalized:
  assumes "(a,b)  e'_aff" "delta_plus a b a b  0"
  shows "add (a,b) (a,-b) = (1,0)"
  using assms e'_aff_def e_e'_iff inverse by blast

lemma inverse_generalized_points:
  assumes "p  e'_aff" "delta_plus (fst p) (snd p) (fst p) (snd p)  0"
  shows "add p (i p) = (1,0)"
  by (metis assms i.simps inverse_generalized surjective_pairing) 

lemma add_closure_points:
  assumes "delta x y x' y'  0"
          "(x,y)  e'_aff" "(x',y')  e'_aff"
  shows "add (x,y) (x',y')  e'_aff"
  using add_closure assms e_e'_iff
  unfolding delta_def e'_aff_def by auto

lemma add_self:
  assumes in_aff: "(x,y)  e'_aff"
  shows "delta x y x (-y)  0  delta' x y x (-y)  0 "
    using in_aff d_n1 
    unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
              delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
              e'_aff_def e'_def
    apply(simp add: t_expr two_not_zero)
    apply(auto simp add: algebra_simps) 
    by(simp add: two_not_zero flip: power2_eq_square mult.assoc)+

subsection ‹Delta arithmetic›

lemma mix_tau:
  assumes "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" "x2  0" "y2  0"
  assumes "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0" "delta' x1 y1 (fst (τ (x2,y2))) (snd (τ (x2,y2)))  0" 
  shows "delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0"
  using assms
  unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def delta'_def delta_y_def delta_x_def
  apply(simp add: t_nz power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
  apply(simp add: divide_simps t_nz)
  by algebra

lemma mix_tau_0:
  assumes "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" "x2  0" "y2  0"
  assumes "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0"
  shows "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0  delta' x1 y1 (fst (τ (x2,y2))) (snd (τ (x2,y2))) = 0"
  using assms mix_tau by blast

lemma mix_tau_prime:
  assumes "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" "x2  0" "y2  0"
  assumes "delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0" "delta x1 y1 (fst (τ (x2,y2))) (snd (τ (x2,y2)))  0" 
  shows "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0"
  using assms
  unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def delta'_def delta_y_def delta_x_def
  apply(simp add: t_nz algebra_simps)
  apply(simp add: power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
  by algebra

lemma tau_tau_d:
  assumes "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" 
  assumes "delta (fst (τ (x1,y1))) (snd (τ (x1,y1))) (fst (τ (x2,y2))) (snd (τ (x2,y2)))  0" 
  shows "delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0"
  using assms
  unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def delta'_def delta_y_def delta_x_def
  apply(simp add: t_expr split: if_splits add: divide_simps t_nz)
  apply(simp_all add: t_nz algebra_simps power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
  by algebra+

lemma tau_tau_d':
  assumes "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" 
  assumes "delta' (fst (τ (x1,y1))) (snd (τ (x1,y1))) (fst (τ (x2,y2))) (snd (τ (x2,y2)))  0" 
  shows "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0"
  using assms
  unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def delta'_def delta_y_def delta_x_def
  apply(auto split: if_splits simp add: t_expr divide_simps t_nz) 
  by algebra

lemma delta_add_delta'_1: 
  assumes 1: "x1  0" "y1  0" "x2  0" "y2  0" 
  assumes r_expr: "rx = fst (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))" "ry = snd (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))" 
  assumes in_aff: "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff"
  assumes pd: "delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0" 
  assumes pd': "delta rx ry (fst (τ (i (x2,y2)))) (snd (τ (i (x2,y2))))  0"
  shows "delta' rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2)))  0"
  using pd' unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
    delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def 
  apply(simp split: if_splits add: field_simps t_nz 1 power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
  using pd in_aff unfolding r_expr delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
    e'_aff_def e'_def
  apply(simp add: divide_simps t_expr)
  apply(simp add: c_eq_1 algebra_simps)
  by algebra

lemma delta'_add_delta_1: 
  assumes 1: "x1  0" "y1  0" "x2  0" "y2  0" 
  assumes r_expr: "rx = fst (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))" "ry = snd (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))" 
  assumes in_aff: "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff"
  assumes pd': "delta' rx ry (fst (τ (i (x2,y2)))) (snd (τ (i (x2,y2))))  0"
  shows "delta rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2)))  0"
  using pd' unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
    delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def 
  apply(simp split: if_splits add: field_simps t_nz 1 power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
  using in_aff unfolding r_expr delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
    e'_aff_def e'_def
  apply(simp split: if_splits add: divide_simps t_expr)
  apply(simp add: c_eq_1 algebra_simps)
  by algebra

(* These lemmas are needed in the general field setting. 
   Funnily enough, if we drop assumptions the goal is proven, but 
   with more assumptions as in delta_add_delta', is not*)
lemma funny_field_lemma_1: 
  "((x1 * x2 - y1 * y2) * ((x1 * x2 - y1 * y2) * (x2 * (y2 * (1 + d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2)))) +
     (x1 * x2 - y1 * y2) * ((x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * y22) * (1 - d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2)) *
    (1 + d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2) 
    ((x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * ((x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * (x2 * (y2 * (1 - d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2)))) +
     (x1 * x2 - y1 * y2) * ((x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * x22) * (1 + d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2)) *
    (1 - d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2) 
    (d * ((x1 * x2 - y1 * y2) * ((x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * (x2 * y2))))2 =
    ((1 - d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2) * (1 + d * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2))2 
    x12 + y12 - 1 = d * x12 * y12 
    x22 + y22 - 1 = d * x22 * y22   False"
  by algebra

lemma delta_add_delta'_2: 
  assumes 1: "x1  0" "y1  0" "x2  0" "y2  0" 
  assumes r_expr: "rx = fst (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))" "ry = snd (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))" 
  assumes in_aff: "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff"
  assumes pd: "delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0" 
  assumes pd': "delta' rx ry (fst (τ (i (x2,y2)))) (snd (τ (i (x2,y2))))  0"
  shows "delta rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2)))  0" 
  using pd' unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
                      delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def 
  apply(simp split: if_splits add: algebra_simps divide_simps t_nz 1 power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
  apply safe
  using pd unfolding r_expr delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
  apply(simp add: c_eq_1 divide_simps)
  using in_aff unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def
  apply(simp add: t_expr power_mult_distrib[symmetric])
  using funny_field_lemma_1 by blast

(* These lemmas are needed in the general field setting. 
   Funnily enough, if we drop assumptions the goal is proven, but 
   with more assumptions as in delta_add_delta', is not*)
lemma funny_field_lemma_2: " (x2 * y2)2 * ((x2 * y1 - x1 * y2) * (x1 * x2 + y1 * y2))2  ((x1 * y1 - x2 * y2) * (x1 * y1 + x2 * y2))2 
    ((x1 * y1 - x2 * y2) * ((x1 * y1 - x2 * y2) * (x2 * (y2 * (x1 * x2 + y1 * y2)))) +
     (x1 * y1 - x2 * y2) * ((x1 * y1 + x2 * y2) * x22) * (x2 * y1 - x1 * y2)) *
    (x1 * x2 + y1 * y2) =
    ((x1 * y1 + x2 * y2) * ((x1 * y1 + x2 * y2) * (x2 * (y2 * (x2 * y1 - x1 * y2)))) +
     (x1 * y1 - x2 * y2) * ((x1 * y1 + x2 * y2) * y22) * (x1 * x2 + y1 * y2)) *
    (x2 * y1 - x1 * y2) 
    x12 + y12 - 1 = d * x12 * y12 
    x22 + y22 - 1 = d * x22 * y22  False"
  by algebra

lemma delta'_add_delta_2: 
  assumes 1: "x1  0" "y1  0" "x2  0" "y2  0" 
  assumes r_expr: "rx = fst (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))" "ry = snd (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))" 
  assumes in_aff: "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff"
  assumes pd: "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0" 
  assumes pd': "delta rx ry (fst (τ (i (x2,y2)))) (snd (τ (i (x2,y2))))  0"
  shows "delta' rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2)))  0"
  using pd' unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
                      delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def 
  apply(simp split: if_splits add: algebra_simps divide_simps t_nz 1 power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
  apply safe
  using pd unfolding r_expr delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
  apply(simp split: if_splits add: c_eq_1 divide_simps)
  using in_aff unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def
  apply(simp add: t_expr)
  apply(rule funny_field_lemma_2)
  by (simp add: power_mult_distrib)

lemma delta'_add_delta_not_add: 
  assumes 1: "x1  0" "y1  0" "x2  0" "y2  0" 
  assumes in_aff: "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff"
  assumes pd: "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0" 
  assumes add_nz: "fst (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))  0"  "snd (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))  0"
  shows pd': "delta (fst (τ (x1,y1))) (snd (τ (x1,y1))) x2 y2  0"
  unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def                  
  apply(simp add: t_nz 1 field_split_simps power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
  using add_nz d_nz by simp algebra

lemma not_add_self:
  assumes in_aff: "(x,y)  e'_aff" "x  0" "y  0" 
  shows "delta x y (fst (τ (i (x,y)))) (snd (τ (i (x,y)))) = 0"
        "delta' x y (fst (τ (i (x,y)))) (snd (τ (i (x,y)))) = 0"
    using in_aff d_n1 
    unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
              delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
              e'_aff_def e'_def
    apply(simp add: t_expr two_not_zero)
    by(simp_all add: algebra_simps t_nz power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr) 

section ‹Projective Edwards curves›

subsection ‹No fixed-point lemma and dichotomies›

lemma g_no_fp:
  assumes "g  G" "p  e_circ" "g p = p" 
  shows "g = id"
proof -
  obtain x y where p_def: "p = (x,y)" by fastforce
  have nz: "x  0" "y  0" using assms p_def  unfolding e_circ_def by auto

  consider (id) "g = id" | (rot) "g  rotations" "g  id" | (sym) "g  symmetries" "g  id"
    using G_partition assms by blast
  then show ?thesis
    case id then show ?thesis by simp
    case rot
    then have "x = 0"  
      using assms(3) two_not_zero
      unfolding rotations_def p_def  
      by auto
    then have "False" 
      using nz by blast
    then show ?thesis by blast
    case sym
    then have "t*x*y = 0  (t*x^2  {-1,1}  t*y^2  {-1,1}  t*x^2 = t*y^2)"
      using assms(3) two_not_zero
      unfolding symmetries_def p_def power2_eq_square
      apply(auto simp: field_simps two_not_zero)
      by (metis two_not_zero mult.left_commute mult.right_neutral)+
    then have "e' x y = 2 * (1 - t) / t  e' x y = 2 * (-1 - t) / t"
      using nz t_nz unfolding e'_def 
      by(simp add: field_simps,algebra)
    then have "e' x y  0" 
      using t_dneq2 t_n1
      by(auto simp add: field_simps t_nz) 
    then have "False"
      using assms nz p_def unfolding e_circ_def e'_aff_def by fastforce
    then show ?thesis by simp

lemma dichotomy_1:
  assumes "p  e'_aff" "q  e'_aff" 
  shows "(p  e_circ  ( g  symmetries. q = (g  i) p))  
         (p,q)  e'_aff_0  (p,q)  e'_aff_1" 
proof -
  obtain x1 y1 where p_def: "p = (x1,y1)" by fastforce
  obtain x2 y2 where q_def: "q = (x2,y2)" by fastforce
  consider (1) "(p,q)  e'_aff_0" |
           (2) "(p,q)  e'_aff_1" |
           (3) "(p,q)  e'_aff_0  (p,q)  e'_aff_1" by blast
  then show ?thesis
    case 1 then show ?thesis by blast  
    case 2 then show ?thesis by simp
    case 3
    then have "delta x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0" "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0"
      unfolding p_def q_def e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def using assms 
      by (simp add: assms p_def q_def)+
    have "x1  0" "y1  0" "x2  0" "y2  0" 
      using delta x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0 
      unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def by auto
    then have "p  e_circ" "q  e_circ"
      unfolding e_circ_def using assms p_def q_def by blast+
    obtain a0 b0 where tq_expr: "τ q = (a0,b0)" by fastforce
    obtain a1 b1 where p_expr: "p = (a1,b1)" by fastforce
    from tq_expr have q_expr: "q = τ (a0,b0)" using tau_idemp_explicit q_def by auto
    have a0_nz: "a0  0" "b0  0"
      using τ q = (a0, b0) x2  0 y2  0 comp_apply q_def tau_sq by auto

    have a1_nz: "a1  0" "b1  0"
      using p = (a1, b1) x1  0 y1  0 p_def by auto

    have in_aff: "(a0,b0)  e'_aff" "(a1,b1)  e'_aff"
      using q  e_circ τ_circ circ_to_aff tq_expr 
      using assms(1) p_expr by fastforce+

    define δ' :: "'a  'a  'a" where 
      "δ'= (λ x0 y0. x0 * y0 * delta_minus a1 b1 (1/(t*x0)) (1/(t*y0)))" 
    define pδ' :: "'a  'a  'a" where 
      "pδ'= (λ x0 y0. x0 * y0 * delta_plus a1 b1 (1/(t*x0)) (1/(t*y0)))" 
    define δ_plus :: "'a  'a  'a" where
      "δ_plus = (λ x0 y0. t * x0 * y0 * delta_x a1 b1 (1/(t*x0)) (1/(t*y0)))"
    define δ_minus :: "'a  'a  'a" where
      "δ_minus = (λ x0 y0. t * x0 * y0 * delta_y a1 b1 (1/(t*x0)) (1/(t*y0)))"

    have δ'_expr: "δ' a0 b0 = a0*b0 - a1*b1"
     unfolding δ'_def delta_minus_def 
     by(simp add: algebra_simps a0_nz a1_nz power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
    have pδ'_expr: "pδ' a0 b0 = a0 * b0 + a1 * b1"
      unfolding pδ'_def delta_plus_def 
      by(simp add: algebra_simps a0_nz a1_nz power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
    have δ_plus_expr: "δ_plus a0 b0 = b1 * b0 - a1 * a0" 
      unfolding δ_plus_def delta_x_def
      by(simp add: divide_simps a0_nz a1_nz t_nz)
    have δ_minus_expr: "δ_minus a0 b0 = a1 * b0 + b1 * a0" 
      unfolding δ_minus_def delta_y_def
      by(simp add: divide_simps a0_nz a1_nz t_nz)              

    (* cases to consider *)
    have cases1: "δ' a0 b0 = 0  pδ' a0 b0 = 0"
      unfolding δ'_def pδ'_def  
      using delta x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0 p = (a1, b1) delta_def p_def q_def q_expr by auto
    have cases2: "δ_minus a0 b0 = 0  δ_plus a0 b0 = 0" 
      using δ_minus_def δ_plus_def delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0 p = (a1, b1) 
                delta'_def q_def p_def tq_expr by auto
    (* Observation: the zeroness of δ' and pδ' are exclusive
    have exclusive_cases:
      "¬ (δ' a0 b0 = 0 ∧ pδ' a0 b0 = 0)"
      using δ'_expr ‹x1 ≠ 0› ‹y1 ≠ 0› ext_add_inverse pδ'_expr p_def p_expr 
      by fastforce*)
      (1) "δ' a0 b0 = 0" "δ_minus a0 b0 = 0" |
      (2) "δ' a0 b0 = 0" "δ_plus a0 b0 = 0" |
      (3) "pδ' a0 b0 = 0" "δ_minus a0 b0 = 0" |
      (4) "pδ' a0 b0 = 0" "δ_minus a0 b0  0" 
       using cases1 cases2 by auto
    then have "(a0,b0) = (b1,a1)  (a0,b0) = (-b1,-a1)  
                (a0,b0) = (a1,-b1)  (a0,b0) = (-a1,b1)" 
      case 1
      have zeros: "a0 * b0 - a1 * b1 = 0" "a1 * b0 + a0 * b1 = 0"
        using 1 δ_minus_expr δ'_expr 
        by(simp_all add: algebra_simps) 
      have " q1 q2 q3 q4.
        2*a0*b0*(b0^2 - a1^2) = 
            q1*(-1 + a0^2 + b0^2 - t^2 * a0^2 * b0^2) +
            q2*(-1 + a1^2 + b1^2 - t^2 * a1^2 * b1^2) +
            q3*(a0 * b0 - a1 * b1) +
            q4*(a1 * b0 + a0 * b1)"   
        by algebra     
      then have "b02 - a12 = 0" "a02 - b12 = 0" "a0 * b0 - a1 * b1 = 0" 
        using a0_nz in_aff zeros 
        unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def 
          apply simp_all 
         apply(simp_all add: algebra_simps two_not_zero)
        by algebra 
      then show ?thesis 
        by algebra
      case 2
      have zeros: "b1 * b0 - a1 * a0 = 0" "a0 * b0 - a1 * b1 = 0" 
        using 2 δ_plus_expr δ'_expr by auto 
      have "b02 - a12 = 0" "a02 - b12 = 0" "a0 * b0 - a1 * b1 = 0" 
        using in_aff zeros
        unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def
        apply simp_all 
        by algebra+ 
      then show ?thesis 
        by algebra
      case 3
      have zeros: "a1 * b0 + b1 * a0 = 0" "a0 * b0 + a1 * b1 = 0" 
        using 3 δ_minus_expr pδ'_expr by auto
      have "a02 - a12 = 0" "b02 - b12 = 0" "a0 * b0 + a1 * b1 = 0" 
        using in_aff zeros
        unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def
        apply simp_all 
        by algebra+ 
      then show ?thesis 
        by algebra
      case 4
      have zeros: "a0 * b0 + a1 * b1 = 0" "a1 * b0 + b1 * a0  0" 
        using 4 pδ'_expr δ_minus_expr δ'_expr by auto
      have "a0^2-b1^2 = 0" "a1^2 - b0^2  = 0"
        using in_aff zeros
        unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def
        by algebra+
      then show ?thesis 
        using cases2 δ_minus_expr δ_plus_expr by algebra

    then have "(a0,b0)  {i p, (ρ  i) p, (ρ  ρ  i) p, (ρ  ρ  ρ  i) p}"
      unfolding p_expr by auto      
    then have " g  rotations. τ q = (g  i) p"
      unfolding rotations_def by (auto simp add: τ q = (a0, b0))
    then obtain g where "g  rotations" "τ q = (g  i) p" by blast
    then have "q = (τ  g  i) p"
      using tau_sq τ q = (a0, b0) q_def by auto
    then have "gsymmetries. q = (g  i) p"
      using tau_rot_sym g  rotations symmetries_def by blast     
    then show ?thesis 
      using p  e_circ by blast

lemma dichotomy_2:
  assumes "add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (1,0)" 
          "((x1,y1),(x2,y2))  e'_aff_0"
  shows "(x2,y2) = i (x1,y1)"
proof -
  have 1: "x1 = x2"
    using assms unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_def delta_def delta_plus_def 
                               delta_minus_def e'_def
    apply(simp add: c_eq_1 t_expr) 
    by algebra

  have 2: "y1 = - y2"
    using assms(1,2) unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_def delta_def delta_plus_def 
                               delta_minus_def e'_def
    apply(simp add: c_eq_1 t_expr)
    by algebra

  from 1 2 show ?thesis by simp
lemma dichotomy_3:
  assumes "ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (1,0)" 
          "((x1,y1),(x2,y2))  e'_aff_1"
  shows "(x2,y2) = i (x1,y1)"
proof -
  have nz: "x1  0" "y1  0" "x2  0" "y2  0" 
    using assms by(simp,force)+
  have in_aff: "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff"
    using assms unfolding e'_aff_1_def by auto
  have ds: "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0"
    using assms unfolding e'_aff_1_def by auto

  have eqs: "x1*(y1+y2) = x2*(y1+y2)" "x1 * y1 + x2 * y2 = 0" 
    using assms in_aff ds
    unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
    apply simp_all
    by algebra
  then consider (1) "y1 + y2 = 0" | (2) "x1 = x2" by auto
  then have 1: "x1 = x2"
    case 1
    then show ?thesis 
      using eqs nz by algebra
    case 2
    then show ?thesis by auto

  have 2: "y1 = - y2"
    using eqs 1 nz
    by algebra

  from 1 2 show ?thesis by simp

subsubsection ‹Meaning of dichotomy condition on deltas›

lemma wd_d_nz:
  assumes "g  symmetries" "(x', y') = (g  i) (x, y)" "(x,y)  e_circ"
  shows "delta x y x' y' = 0"
  using assms unfolding symmetries_def e_circ_def delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
  by(auto,auto simp add: divide_simps t_nz t_expr(1) power2_eq_square[symmetric] d_nz)

lemma wd_d'_nz:
  assumes "g  symmetries" "(x', y') = (g  i) (x, y)" "(x,y)  e_circ"
  shows "delta' x y x' y' = 0"
  using assms unfolding symmetries_def e_circ_def delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
  by auto

lemma meaning_of_dichotomy_1:
  assumes "(gsymmetries. (x2, y2) = (g  i) (x1, y1))"  
  shows "fst (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) = 0  snd (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) = 0" 
  using assms
  apply(simp add: c_eq_1)
  unfolding symmetries_def
  by (simp_all split: if_splits add: t_nz field_simps power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr) 

lemma meaning_of_dichotomy_2:
  assumes "(gsymmetries. (x2, y2) = (g  i) (x1, y1))"  
  shows "fst (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) = 0  snd (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) = 0" 
  using assms
  by(auto split: if_splits simp add: t_nz field_simps symmetries_def) 

subsection ‹Gluing relation and projective points›

definition gluing :: "((('a × 'a) × bool) × (('a × 'a) × bool)) set" where
  "gluing = {(((x0,y0),l),((x1,y1),j)). 
               ((x0,y0)  e'_aff  (x1,y1)  e'_aff) 
               ((x0  0  y0  0  (x1,y1) = τ (x0,y0)  j = Not l) 
                (x0 = x1  y0 = y1  l = j))}"

lemma gluing_char:
  assumes "(((x0,y0),l),((x1,y1),j))  gluing"
  shows "((x0,y0) = (x1,y1)  l = j)  ((x1,y1) = τ (x0,y0)  l = Not j  x0  0  y0  0)"
  using assms gluing_def by force+

lemma gluing_char_zero:
  assumes "(((x0,y0),l),((x1,y1),j))  gluing" "x0 = 0  y0 = 0"
  shows "(x0,y0) = (x1,y1)  l = j"
  using assms unfolding gluing_def e_circ_def by force

lemma gluing_aff:
  assumes "(((x0,y0),l),((x1,y1),j))  gluing"
  shows "(x0,y0)  e'_aff" "(x1,y1)  e'_aff"
  using assms unfolding gluing_def by force+

definition e'_aff_bit :: "(('a × 'a) × bool) set" where
 "e'_aff_bit = e'_aff × UNIV"

lemma eq_rel: "equiv e'_aff_bit gluing"
  unfolding equiv_def
  show "refl_on e'_aff_bit gluing"
    unfolding refl_on_def e'_aff_bit_def gluing_def by auto
  show "sym gluing" 
    unfolding sym_def gluing_def by(auto simp add: e_circ_def t_nz)
  show "trans gluing"
    unfolding trans_def gluing_def by(auto simp add: e_circ_def t_nz)

lemma gluing_eq: "x = y  gluing `` {x} = gluing `` {y}" 
  by simp

definition e_proj where "e_proj = e'_aff_bit // gluing"

subsubsection‹Point-class classification›

lemma eq_class_simp:
  assumes "X  e_proj" "X  {}"
  shows "X // gluing = {X}"  
proof - 
  have simp_un: "gluing `` {x} = X" if "x  X"  for x
    by (metis equiv_class_eq[OF eq_rel] that quotientE Image_singleton_iff assms(1) e_proj_def)
  show "X // gluing = {X}"
    unfolding quotient_def by(simp add: simp_un assms)

lemma gluing_class_1:
  assumes "x = 0  y = 0" "(x,y)  e'_aff"
  shows "gluing `` {((x,y), l)} = {((x,y), l)}"
proof - 
  have "(x,y)  e_circ" using assms unfolding e_circ_def by blast 
  then show ?thesis
    using assms unfolding gluing_def Image_def
    by(simp split: prod.splits del: τ.simps add: assms,safe)

lemma gluing_class_2:
  assumes "x  0" "y  0" "(x,y)  e'_aff"
  shows "gluing `` {((x,y), l)} = {((x,y), l), (τ (x,y), Not l)}"
proof - 
  have "(x,y)  e_circ" using assms unfolding e_circ_def by blast
  then have "τ (x,y)  e'_aff"
    using τ_circ using e_circ_def by force
   show ?thesis
    using assms τ (x,y)  e'_aff by (auto simp add: e_circ_def gluing_def assms) 

lemma e_proj_elim_1:
  assumes "(x,y)  e'_aff"
  shows "{((x,y),l)}  e_proj  x = 0  y = 0"
  assume as: "{((x, y), l)}  e_proj" 
  have eq: "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x,y),l)}"
    (is "_ = ?B")
   using quotientI[of _ ?B gluing] eq_class_simp as by auto
  then show "x = 0  y = 0" 
    using assms gluing_class_2 by force
  assume "x = 0  y = 0"
  then have eq: "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x,y),l)}"
    using assms gluing_class_1 by presburger
  show "{((x,y),l)}  e_proj"
    using assms
    by (metis Image_singleton_iff e_proj_def eq eq_rel equals0I equiv_class_eq_iff
        insert_not_empty quotientI)

lemma e_proj_elim_2:
  assumes "(x,y)  e'_aff"
  shows "{((x,y),l),(τ (x,y),Not l)}  e_proj  x  0  y  0"
  assume "x  0  y  0"
  then have eq: "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x,y),l),(τ (x,y),Not l)}"
    using assms gluing_class_2 by presburger
  show "{((x,y),l),(τ (x,y),Not l)}  e_proj"
    using assms quotientI unfolding e_proj_def
    by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Image_iff eq eq_rel equiv_class_eq_iff
  assume as: "{((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}  e_proj" 
  have eq: "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x,y),l),(τ (x,y),Not l)}"
    (is "_ = ?B")
   using quotientI[of _ ?B gluing] eq_class_simp as by auto
  then show "x  0  y  0" 
    using assms gluing_class_1 by auto

lemma e_proj_eq:
  assumes "p  e_proj"
  shows " x y l. (p = {((x,y),l)}  p = {((x,y),l),(τ (x,y),Not l)})  (x,y)  e'_aff"      
proof -
  obtain g where p_expr: "p = gluing `` {g}" "g  e'_aff_bit"
    using assms unfolding e_proj_def quotient_def by blast+
  then obtain x y l where g_expr: "g = ((x,y),l)" "(x,y)  e'_aff" 
    using e'_aff_bit_def by auto
  show ?thesis
    using e_proj_elim_1 e_proj_elim_2 gluing_class_1 gluing_class_2 g_expr p_expr by meson

lemma e_proj_aff:
  "gluing `` {((x,y),l)}  e_proj  (x,y)  e'_aff"
  assume "gluing `` {((x, y), l)}  e_proj"
  then show "(x,y)  e'_aff"
    unfolding e_proj_def e'_aff_bit_def 
    using eq_equiv_class gluing_aff e'_aff_bit_def eq_rel  
    by (fastforce elim!: quotientE)
  assume as: "(x, y)  e'_aff"
  show "gluing `` {((x, y), l)}  e_proj"
    using gluing_class_1[OF _ as] gluing_class_2[OF _ _ as]
          e_proj_elim_1[OF as] e_proj_elim_2[OF as] by fastforce    

lemma gluing_cases:
  assumes "x  e_proj"
  obtains x0 y0 l where "x = {((x0,y0),l)}  x = {((x0,y0),l),(τ (x0,y0),Not l)}"
  using e_proj_eq[OF assms] that by blast

lemma gluing_cases_explicit:
  assumes "x  e_proj" "x = gluing `` {((x0,y0),l)}"
  shows "x = {((x0,y0),l)}  x = {((x0,y0),l),(τ (x0,y0),Not l)}"  
proof -
  have "(x0,y0)  e'_aff"
    using assms e_proj_aff by simp
  have "gluing `` {((x0,y0),l)} = {((x0,y0),l)}  
        gluing `` {((x0,y0),l)} = {((x0,y0),l),(τ (x0,y0),Not l)}"
    using assms gluing_class_1 gluing_class_2 (x0, y0)  e'_aff by meson   
  then show ?thesis using assms by fast

lemma gluing_cases_points:
  assumes "x  e_proj" "x = gluing `` {(p,l)}"
  shows "x = {(p,l)}  x = {(p,l),(τ p,Not l)}"  
  using gluing_cases_explicit[OF assms(1), of "fst p" "snd p" l] assms by auto

lemma identity_equiv: 
  "gluing `` {((1, 0), l)} = {((1,0),l)}"
  unfolding Image_def
  show "{y. (((1, 0), l), y)  gluing}  {((1, 0), l)}"    
    using gluing_char_zero by(intro subrelI,fast) 
  have "(1,0)  e'_aff" 
    unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def by simp
  then have "((1, 0), l)  e'_aff_bit"
    unfolding e'_aff_bit_def by blast
  show "{((1, 0), l)}  {y. (((1, 0), l), y)  gluing}"
    using eq_rel ((1, 0), l)  e'_aff_bit 
    unfolding equiv_def refl_on_def by blast

lemma identity_proj:
  "{((1,0),l)}  e_proj"
proof -
  have "(1,0)  e'_aff"
    unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def by auto
  then show ?thesis
    using e_proj_aff[of 1 0 l] identity_equiv by auto
lemma gluing_inv:
  assumes "x  0" "y  0" "(x,y)  e'_aff"
  shows "gluing `` {((x,y),j)} = gluing `` {(τ (x,y), Not j)}"
proof -
  have taus: "τ (x,y)  e'_aff" 
    using e_circ_def assms τ_circ by fastforce+ 
  have "gluing `` {((x,y), j)} =  {((x, y), j), (τ (x, y), Not j)}"
    using gluing_class_2 assms by meson
  also have " = {(τ (x, y), Not j), (τ (τ (x, y)), j)}"
    using tau_idemp_explicit by force
  also have "{(τ (x, y), Not j), (τ (τ (x, y)), j)} = gluing `` {(τ (x,y), Not j)}"
    using assms gluing_class_2 t_def t_ineq(2) taus by auto
  finally show ?thesis .

subsection ‹Projective addition on points›

definition xor :: "bool => bool  bool" 
  where xor_def: "xor P Q  (P  ¬ Q)  (¬ P  Q)"

function (domintros) proj_add :: "('a × 'a) × bool  ('a × 'a) × bool  ('a × 'a) × bool"
    "proj_add ((x1, y1), l) ((x2, y2), j) = (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), xor l j)"
   if "delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0" and 
     "(x1, y1)  e'_aff" and 
     "(x2, y2)  e'_aff" 
  | "proj_add ((x1, y1), l) ((x2, y2), j) = (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), xor l j)"
   if "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0" and 
     "(x1, y1)  e'_aff" and 
     "(x2, y2)  e'_aff"
  | "proj_add ((x1, y1), l) ((x2, y2), j) = undefined" 
   if "(x1, y1)  e'_aff  (x2, y2)  e'_aff  
        (delta x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0  delta' x1 y1 x2 y2 = 0)"
  using coherence e'_aff_def by force+

termination proj_add using "termination" by blast

lemma proj_add_inv:
  assumes "(x0,y0)  e'_aff"
  shows "proj_add ((x0,y0),l) (i (x0,y0),l') = ((1,0),xor l l')"
proof -
  have i_in: "i (x0,y0)  e'_aff"
    using i_aff assms by blast

  consider (1) "x0 = 0" | (2) "y0 = 0" | (3) "x0  0" "y0  0" by fast
  then show ?thesis
    case 1
    from assms 1 have y_expr: "y0 = 1  y0 = -1" 
      unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def by(simp,algebra) 
    then have "delta x0 y0 x0 (-y0)  0"
      using 1 unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def by simp
    then show "proj_add ((x0,y0),l) (i (x0,y0),l') = ((1,0),xor l l')"  
      using 1  assms delta_plus_def i_in inverse_generalized by fastforce     
    case 2
    from assms 2 have "x0 = 1  x0 = -1" 
      unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def by(simp,algebra) 
    then have "delta x0 y0 x0 (-y0)  0"
      using 2 unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def by simp
    then show ?thesis  
      using 2 assms delta_def inverse_generalized by fastforce
    case 3

    consider (a) "delta x0 y0 x0 (-y0) = 0" "delta' x0 y0 x0 (-y0) = 0" |
             (b) "delta x0 y0 x0 (-y0)  0" "delta' x0 y0 x0 (-y0) = 0" |
             (c) "delta x0 y0 x0 (-y0) = 0" "delta' x0 y0 x0 (-y0)  0" |
             (d) "delta x0 y0 x0 (-y0)  0" "delta' x0 y0 x0 (-y0)  0" by meson
    then show ?thesis
      case a
      then have "d * x0^2 * y0^2 = 1  d * x0^2 * y0^2 = -1" 
                "x0^2 = y0^2"
                "x0^2 + y0^2 - 1 = d * x0^2 * y0^2"
        unfolding power2_eq_square
        using a unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def apply algebra
        using 3 two_not_zero a unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def apply force
        using assms t_expr unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def power2_eq_square by force
      then have "2*x0^2 = 2  2*x0^2 = 0"
        by algebra
      then have "x0 = 1  x0 = -1"
        using 3 a(1,2) add_self assms by blast 
      then have "y0 = 0"
        using assms t_n1 t_nm1 a add_self by blast
      then have "False"
        using 3 by auto
      then show ?thesis by auto
      case b
      have "proj_add ((x0, y0), l) (i (x0, y0), l') = 
            (add (x0, y0) (i (x0, y0)), xor l l')"
        using assms i_in b by simp
      also have " = ((1,0),xor l l')"
        using inverse_generalized[OF assms] b 
        unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
        by auto
      finally show ?thesis 
        by blast
      case c
      have "proj_add ((x0, y0), l) (i (x0, y0), l') = 
            (ext_add (x0, y0) (i (x0, y0)), xor l l')"
        using assms i_in c by simp
      also have " = ((1,0),xor l l')"
        using "3" ext_add_inverse by blast
      finally show ?thesis 
        by blast
      case d
      have "proj_add ((x0, y0), l) (i (x0, y0), l') = 
            (add (x0, y0) (i (x0, y0)), xor l l')"
        using assms i_in d by simp
      also have " = ((1,0),xor l l')"
        using inverse_generalized[OF assms] d
        unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
        by auto
      finally show ?thesis 
        by blast

lemma proj_add_comm:
  "proj_add ((x0,y0),l) ((x1,y1),j) = proj_add ((x1,y1),j) ((x0,y0),l)"
proof -
   (1) "delta x0 y0 x1 y1  0  (x0,y0)   e'_aff  (x1,y1)  e'_aff" |
   (2) "delta' x0 y0 x1 y1  0  (x0,y0)   e'_aff  (x1,y1)  e'_aff" |
   (3) "(delta x0 y0 x1 y1 = 0  delta' x0 y0 x1 y1 = 0)  
         (x0,y0)  e'_aff  (x1,y1)  e'_aff" by blast
  then show ?thesis
    case 1 then show ?thesis 
      by (force simp add: xor_def commutativity delta_com)
    case 2 then show ?thesis
      using delta'_com ext_add_comm_points xor_def by auto 
    case 3 then show ?thesis 
      by(auto simp add: delta_com delta'_com)

subsection ‹Projective addition on classes›

function (domintros) proj_add_class :: "(('a × 'a) × bool ) set  
                                        (('a × 'a) × bool ) set  
                                        ((('a × 'a) × bool ) set) set"
    "proj_add_class c1 c2 = 
            proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) | 
              x1 y1 i x2 y2 j. 
              ((x1, y1), i)  c1  
              ((x2, y2), j)  c2  
              ((x1, y1), (x2, y2))  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1
          } // gluing
   if "c1  e_proj" and "c2  e_proj" 
  | "proj_add_class c1 c2 = undefined" 
   if "c1  e_proj  c2  e_proj" 
  by (meson surj_pair) auto

termination proj_add_class using "termination" by auto

definition proj_addition where 
  "proj_addition c1 c2 = the_elem (proj_add_class c1 c2)"

subsubsection ‹Covering›

(* We formulate covering on classes so there is no need to prove that 
  there exists exactly one point. *)

corollary no_fp_eq:
  assumes "p  e_circ" 
  assumes "r'  rotations" "r  rotations"
  assumes "(r'  i) p = (τ  r) (i p)"
  shows "False" 
proof -
  obtain r'' where "r''  r' = id" "r''  rotations" 
    using rot_inv assms by blast
  then have "i p = (r''  τ  r) (i p)"
    using assms by (simp,metis pointfree_idE)
  then have "i p = (τ  r''  r) (i p)"
    using rot_tau_com[OF r''  rotations] by simp
  then have " r''. r''  rotations  i p = (τ  r'') (i p)"
    using rot_comp[OF r''  rotations] assms by fastforce 
  then obtain r'' where 
    eq: "r''  rotations" "i p = (τ  r'') (i p)"
    by blast
  have "τ  r''  G" "i p  e_circ" 
    using tau_rot_sym[OF r''  rotations] G_partition 
    using i_circ_points assms(1) by simp+
  then show "False" 
    using g_no_fp[OF τ  r''  G i p  e_circ] 
          eq assms(1) sym_not_id[OF eq(1)] by argo

lemma covering:
  assumes "p  e_proj" "q  e_proj"
  shows "proj_add_class p q  {}"
proof -
  from e_proj_eq[OF assms(1)] e_proj_eq[OF assms(2)]
  obtain x y l x' y' l' where 
    p_q_expr: "p = {((x, y), l)}  p = {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)} " 
              "q = {((x', y'), l')}  q = {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
              "(x,y)  e'_aff" "(x',y')  e'_aff" 
    by blast
  then have in_aff: "(x,y)  e'_aff" "(x',y')  e'_aff"  by auto
  from p_q_expr have gluings: "p = (gluing `` {((x,y),l)})" 
                              "q = (gluing `` {((x',y'),l')})"    
    using assms e_proj_elim_1 e_proj_elim_2 gluing_class_1 gluing_class_2
    by metis+
  then have gluing_proj: "(gluing `` {((x,y),l)})  e_proj"
                         "(gluing `` {((x',y'),l')})  e_proj" 
    using assms by blast+

     "(x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y))" 
   | "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_0" 
   | "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_1"
    using dichotomy_1[OF (x,y)  e'_aff (x',y')  e'_aff] by blast
  then show ?thesis 
    case 1
    then obtain r where r_expr: "(x',y') = (τ  r) (i (x,y))" "r  rotations"
      using sym_decomp by force

    then have nz: "x  0" "y  0" "x'  0" "y'  0" 
      using 1 t_nz unfolding e_circ_def rotations_def by force+

    have taus: "τ (x',y')  e'_aff" 
      using nz i_aff p_q_expr(3) r_expr rot_aff tau_idemp_point by auto

    have circ: "(x,y)  e_circ" 
      using nz in_aff e_circ_def by blast

    have p_q_expr': "p = {((x,y),l),(τ (x,y),Not l)}"
                    "q = {(τ (x',y'),Not l'),((x',y'),l')}"
      using gluings nz gluing_class_2 taus in_aff tau_idemp_point t_nz assms by auto

    have p_q_proj: "{((x,y),l),(τ (x,y),Not l)}  e_proj" 
                   "{(τ (x',y'),Not l'),((x',y'),l')}  e_proj" 
      using p_q_expr' assms by auto

     (a)  "(x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. τ (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y))" 
    |(b)  "((x, y), τ (x', y'))  e'_aff_0" 
    |(c)  "((x, y), τ (x', y'))  e'_aff_1"
      using dichotomy_1[OF (x,y)  e'_aff τ (x', y')  e'_aff] by blast  
    then show ?thesis
      case a
      then obtain r' where r'_expr: "τ (x',y') = (τ  r') (i (x, y))" "r'  rotations"
        using sym_decomp by force
      have "(x',y') = r' (i (x, y))"
        have "(x',y') = τ (τ (x',y'))"
          using tau_idemp_point by presburger
        also have " = τ ((τ  r') (i (x, y)))"
          using r'_expr by argo
        also have " = r' (i (x, y))"
          using tau_idemp_point by simp
        finally show ?thesis by simp
      then have "False"
        using no_fp_eq[OF circ r'_expr(2) r_expr(2)] r_expr by simp
      then show ?thesis by blast
      case b
      then have ds: "delta x y (fst (τ (x',y'))) (snd (τ (x',y')))  0"
        unfolding e'_aff_0_def by simp 
      then have 
        add_some: "proj_add ((x,y),l) (τ (x',y'),Not l') = (add (x, y) (τ (x',y')), Not (xor l l'))"
        using proj_add.simps[of x y _ _ l "Not l'", OF _ ] 
              (x,y)  e'_aff τ (x', y')  e'_aff  xor_def by auto
      have "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), ¬ local.xor l l')}  proj_add_class p q"
        apply(subst proj_add_class.simps(1)[of p q, OF assms])
        apply(rule quotientI)
        apply(subst p_q_expr')+
        apply(subst add_some[symmetric]) 
        using b by fastforce
      then show ?thesis by blast
      case c
      then have ds: "delta' x y (fst (τ (x',y'))) (snd (τ (x',y')))  0"
        unfolding e'_aff_1_def by simp 
      then have 
        add_some: "proj_add ((x,y),l) (τ (x',y'),Not l') = (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x',y')), Not (xor l l'))"
        using proj_add.simps[of x y _ _ l "Not l'", OF _ ] 
              (x,y)  e'_aff τ (x', y')  e'_aff xor_def by force 
      have "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), ¬ local.xor l l')}  proj_add_class p q"
        apply(subst proj_add_class.simps(1)[of p q, OF assms])
        apply(rule quotientI)
        apply(subst p_q_expr')+
        apply(subst add_some[symmetric]) 
        using c by fastforce    
      then show ?thesis by blast
    case 2
    then have ds: "delta x y x' y'  0" 
      unfolding e'_aff_0_def by simp
    then have
      add_some: "proj_add ((x,y),l) ((x',y'),l') = (add (x, y) (x',y'), xor l l')"
      using proj_add.simps(1)[of x y x' y' l "l'", OF _ ] in_aff by blast
    then show ?thesis 
      using p_q_expr 
      unfolding  proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF assms] 
      unfolding e'_aff_0_def using ds in_aff xor_def by blast
    case 3
    then have ds: "delta' x y x' y'  0" 
      unfolding e'_aff_1_def by simp
    then have
      add_some: "proj_add ((x,y),l) ((x',y'),l') = (ext_add (x, y) (x',y'), xor l l')"
      using proj_add.simps(2)[of x y x' y' l "l'", OF _ ] in_aff xor_def by simp
    then show ?thesis 
      using p_q_expr 
      unfolding  proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF assms] 
      unfolding e'_aff_1_def using ds in_aff xor_def by blast

lemma covering_with_deltas:
  assumes "(gluing `` {((x,y),l)})  e_proj" "(gluing `` {((x',y'),l')})  e_proj"
  shows "delta x y x' y'  0  delta' x y x' y'  0 
         delta x y (fst (τ (x',y'))) (snd (τ (x',y')))  0 
         delta' x y (fst (τ (x',y'))) (snd (τ (x',y')))  0"
proof -
  define p where "p = (gluing `` {((x,y),l)})"
  define q where "q = (gluing `` {((x',y'),l')})"
  have "p  e'_aff_bit // gluing"
    using assms(1) p_def unfolding e_proj_def by blast
  from e_proj_eq[OF assms(1)] e_proj_eq[OF assms(2)]
  have "p = {((x, y), l)}  p = {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}" 
    using p_def using assms(1) gluing_cases_explicit by auto
  have "q = {((x', y'), l')}  q = {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
    using q_def assms(2) gluing_cases_explicit q_def by auto
  have *: "(x,y)  e'_aff" "(x',y')  e'_aff" 
    using assms e'_aff_bit_def  eq_rel gluing_cases_explicit in_quotient_imp_subset 
    by (auto simp: e_proj_aff)
  ultimately have in_aff: "(x,y)  e'_aff" "(x',y')  e'_aff"  by auto

  then have gluings: "p = (gluing `` {((x,y),l)})" 
                     "q = (gluing `` {((x',y'),l')})"
    using p_def q_def by simp+

  then have gluing_proj: "(gluing `` {((x,y),l)})  e_proj"
                         "(gluing `` {((x',y'),l')})  e_proj" 
    using assms by blast+

     "(x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y))" 
   | "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_0" 
   | "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_1"
    using dichotomy_1[OF (x,y)  e'_aff (x',y')  e'_aff] by blast
  then show ?thesis 
    case 1
    then obtain r where r_expr: "(x',y') = (τ  r) (i (x,y))" "r  rotations"
      using sym_decomp by force

    then have nz: "x  0" "y  0" "x'  0" "y'  0" 
      using 1 t_nz unfolding e_circ_def rotations_def by force+

    have taus: "τ (x',y')  e'_aff" 
      using nz i_aff * r_expr rot_aff tau_idemp_point by auto

    have circ: "(x,y)  e_circ" 
      using nz in_aff e_circ_def by blast

    have p_q_expr': "p = {((x,y),l),(τ (x,y), Not l)}"
                    "q = {(τ (x',y'),Not l'),((x',y'),l')}"
      using gluings nz gluing_class_2 taus in_aff tau_idemp_point t_nz assms by auto

    have p_q_proj: "{((x,y),l),(τ (x,y),Not l)}  e_proj" 
                   "{(τ (x',y'),Not l'),((x',y'),l')}  e_proj" 
      using * p_q_expr' assms gluing_proj gluings by auto

      (a) "(x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. τ (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y))" 
    | (b) "((x, y), τ (x', y'))  e'_aff_0" 
    | (c) "((x, y), τ (x', y'))  e'_aff_1"
      using dichotomy_1[OF (x,y)  e'_aff τ (x', y')  e'_aff] by blast  
    then show ?thesis
      case a
      then obtain r' where r'_expr: "τ (x',y') = (τ  r') (i (x, y))" "r'  rotations"
        using sym_decomp by force
      have "(x',y') = r' (i (x, y))"
        have "(x',y') = τ (τ (x',y'))"
          using tau_idemp_point by presburger
        also have " = τ ((τ  r') (i (x, y)))"
          using r'_expr by argo
        also have " = r' (i (x, y))"
          using tau_idemp_point by simp
        finally show ?thesis by simp
      then have "False"
        using no_fp_eq[OF circ r'_expr(2) r_expr(2)] r_expr by simp
      then show ?thesis by blast
      case b
      define x'' where "x'' = fst (τ (x',y'))"
      define y'' where "y'' = snd (τ (x',y'))"
      from b have "delta x y x'' y''  0"
        unfolding e'_aff_0_def using x''_def y''_def by simp 
      then show ?thesis
        unfolding x''_def y''_def by blast
      case c
      define x'' where "x'' = fst (τ (x',y'))"
      define y'' where "y'' = snd (τ (x',y'))"
      from c have "delta' x y x'' y''  0"
        unfolding e'_aff_1_def using x''_def y''_def by simp 
      then show ?thesis
        unfolding x''_def y''_def by blast
    case 2
    then have "delta x y x' y'  0" 
      unfolding e'_aff_0_def by simp
    then show ?thesis by simp
    case 3
    then have "delta' x y x' y'  0" 
      unfolding e'_aff_1_def by simp
    then show ?thesis by simp

subsubsection ‹Independence of the representant›

lemma proj_add_class_comm:
  assumes "c1  e_proj" "c2  e_proj" 
  shows "proj_add_class c1 c2 = proj_add_class c2 c1"
proof - 
  have "((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1  
        ((x2, y2), x1, y1)  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1" for x1 y1 x2 y2
    unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def
              e'_aff_def e'_def 
              delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
              delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def 
  then have "{proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
     ((x1, y1), i)  c1  ((x2, y2), j)  c2  ((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1} = 
        {proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
     ((x1, y1), i)  c2  ((x2, y2), j)  c1  ((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1}"
    using proj_add_comm by blast
  then show ?thesis   
    unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF assms]
                proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF assms(2) assms(1)] by argo

lemma gluing_add_1: 
  assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x, y), l)}" "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')} = {((x', y'), l')}" 
          "gluing `` {((x,y),l)}  e_proj" "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}  e_proj" "delta x y x' y'  0"
  shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x,y),l)}) (gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}) = (gluing `` {(add (x,y) (x',y'), xor l l')})"
proof -
  have in_aff: "(x,y)  e'_aff" "(x',y')  e'_aff" 
    using assms e_proj_eq e_proj_aff by blast+
  then have add_in: "add (x, y) (x', y')  e'_aff"
    using add_closure delta x y x' y'  0 delta_def e_e'_iff e'_aff_def by auto
  from in_aff have zeros: "x = 0  y = 0" "x' = 0  y' = 0"
    using e_proj_elim_1 assms by presburger+
  then have add_zeros: "fst (add (x,y) (x',y')) = 0  snd (add (x,y) (x',y')) = 0"
    by auto
  then have add_proj: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} = {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}" 
    using add_in gluing_class_1 by auto
  have e_proj: "gluing `` {((x,y),l)}  e_proj"
               "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}  e_proj"
               "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}  e_proj"
    using e_proj_aff in_aff add_in by auto
    (a) "(x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y))" |
    (b) "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_0" "¬ ((x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y)))" |
    (c) "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_1" "¬ ((x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y)))" "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_0"
    using dichotomy_1[OF (x,y)  e'_aff (x',y')  e'_aff] by argo
  then show ?thesis
    case a
    then have "False"
      using in_aff zeros unfolding e_circ_def by force
    then show ?thesis by simp
    case b
    have add_eq: "proj_add ((x, y), l) ((x', y'), l') = (add (x,y) (x', y'), xor l l')"
      using proj_add.simps delta x y x' y'  0 in_aff by simp
    show ?thesis
      unfolding proj_addition_def
      unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF e_proj(1,2)] add_proj
      unfolding assms(1,2) e'_aff_0_def
      using delta x y x' y'  0 in_aff add_proj e_proj(3) eq_class_simp
      by (simp add: add_eq del: add.simps)
    case c
    then have eqs: "delta x y x' y' = 0" "delta' x y x' y'  0" "e x y = 0" "e x' y' = 0"
      unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def e'_aff_def
      using e_e'_iff in_aff by auto
    then show ?thesis using assms by simp

lemma gluing_add_2:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x, y), l)}" "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')} = {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}" 
          "gluing `` {((x,y),l)}  e_proj" "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}  e_proj" "delta x y x' y'  0"
  shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x,y),l)}) (gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}) = (gluing `` {(add (x,y) (x',y'), xor l l')})"
proof -
  have in_aff: "(x,y)  e'_aff" "(x',y')  e'_aff" 
    using assms e_proj_eq e_proj_aff by blast+
  then have add_in: "add (x, y) (x', y')  e'_aff"
    using add_closure delta x y x' y'  0 delta_def e_e'_iff e'_aff_def by auto
  from in_aff have zeros: "x = 0  y = 0" "x'  0"  "y'  0"
    using e_proj_elim_1 e_proj_elim_2 assms by presburger+
  have e_proj: "gluing `` {((x,y),l)}  e_proj"
               "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}  e_proj"
               "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}  e_proj"
    using e_proj_aff in_aff add_in by auto

      (a) "(x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y))" |
      (b) "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_0" "¬ ((x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y)))" |
      (c) "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_1" "¬ ((x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y)))" "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_0"
      using dichotomy_1[OF (x,y)  e'_aff (x',y')  e'_aff] by fast
  then show ?thesis
    case a
    then have "False"
      using in_aff zeros unfolding e_circ_def by force
    then show ?thesis by simp
    case b
    then have ld_nz: "delta x y x' y'  0" unfolding e'_aff_0_def by auto    

    have v1: "proj_add ((x, y), l) ((x', y'), l') = (add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')"
      by(simp add: (x,y)  e'_aff (x',y')  e'_aff  ld_nz del: add.simps)

    have ecirc: "(x',y')  e_circ" "x'  0" "y'  0"
      unfolding e_circ_def using zeros (x',y')  e'_aff by blast+
    then have "τ (x', y')  e_circ" 
      using zeros τ_circ by blast
    then have in_aff': "τ (x', y')  e'_aff"
      unfolding e_circ_def by force

    have add_nz: "fst (add (x, y) (x', y'))  0" 
                 "snd (add (x, y) (x', y'))  0" 
      using zeros ld_nz in_aff
      unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def e'_aff_def e'_def
      by (auto simp add: c_eq_1)

    have add_in: "add (x, y) (x', y')  e'_aff"
      using add_closure in_aff e_e'_iff ld_nz unfolding e'_aff_def delta_def by simp

    have ld_nz': "delta x y (fst (τ (x',y'))) (snd (τ (x',y')))  0"
      unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
      using zeros by fastforce
    have tau_conv: "τ (add (x, y) (x', y')) = add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))"
      using zeros e'_aff_x0[OF _ in_aff(1)] e'_aff_y0[OF _ in_aff(1)] 
      apply(elim disjE) 
      by (auto simp add: c_eq_1 divide_simps d_nz t_nz zeros) 

    have v2: "proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), Not l') = (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))"
      using proj_add.simps τ (x', y')  e'_aff in_aff tau_conv 
            delta x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y')))  0 xor_def by auto    
    have "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), local.xor l l')}  e_proj"
      using e_proj_aff add_in by auto
    have gl_class: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} =
                   {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
           "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}  e_proj" 
      using gluing_class_2 add_nz add_in by force+
    show ?thesis          
    proof -
      have "{proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
       ((x1, y1), i)  {((x, y), l)} 
       ((x2, y2), j)  {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')} 
       ((x1, y1), x2, y2)
        {((x1, y1), x2, y2). (x1, y1)  e'_aff  (x2, y2)  e'_aff  delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0}  e'_aff_1} =
      {proj_add ((x, y), l) ((x', y'), l'), proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
        (is "?t = _")
        using ld_nz ld_nz' in_aff in_aff' 
        by force
      also have " = {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
        using v1 v2 by presburger
      finally have eq: "?t = {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
        by blast
      show ?thesis
       unfolding proj_addition_def
       unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF e_proj(1,2)]
       unfolding assms(1,2) gl_class e'_aff_0_def
       apply(subst eq)
       apply(subst eq_class_simp)
       using gl_class by auto
   case c
    have ld_nz: "delta x y x' y' = 0" 
     using (x,y)  e'_aff (x',y')  e'_aff c
     unfolding e'_aff_0_def by force
    then have "False"
      using assms e_proj_elim_1 in_aff
      unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def by blast
    then show ?thesis by blast

lemma gluing_add_4: 
  assumes "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}" 
          "gluing `` {((x', y'), l')} = {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
          "gluing `` {((x, y), l)}  e_proj" "gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}  e_proj" "delta x y x' y'  0"
  shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) (gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}) = 
         gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x',y'), xor l l')}"
 (is "proj_addition ?p ?q = _")
proof -
  have in_aff: "(x,y)  e'_aff" "(x',y')  e'_aff"
    using e_proj_aff assms by meson+
  then have nz: "x  0" "y  0" "x'  0" "y'  0" 
    using assms e_proj_elim_2 by auto
  then have circ: "(x,y)  e_circ" "(x',y')  e_circ"
    using in_aff e_circ_def nz by auto
  then have taus: "(τ (x', y'))  e'_aff" "(τ (x, y))  e'_aff" "τ (x', y')  e_circ"
    using τ_circ circ_to_aff by auto

     (a) "(x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y))" 
   | (b) "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_0" 
   | (c) "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_1" "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_0" 
    using dichotomy_1[OF in_aff] by auto
  then show ?thesis
    case a 
    then obtain g where sym_expr: "g  symmetries" "(x', y') = (g  i) (x, y)" by auto        
    then have ds: "delta x y x' y' = 0" "delta' x y x' y' = 0"
      using wd_d_nz wd_d'_nz a by auto 
    then have "False" 
      using assms by auto
    then show ?thesis by blast    
    case b
    then have ld_nz: "delta x y x' y'  0" 
      unfolding e'_aff_0_def by auto    
    with taus have ds: "delta (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y')))  0" 
      by (metis curve_addition.delta_plus_def delta_def delta_minus_def split_pairs2
          tau_idemp_point tau_tau_d) 
    have v1: "proj_add ((x, y), l) ((x', y'), l') = (add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')"
      using ld_nz proj_add.simps (x,y)  e'_aff (x',y')  e'_aff by simp
    have v2: "proj_add (τ (x, y), Not l) (τ (x', y'), Not l') = (add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')"
      using ds proj_add.simps taus
            inversion_invariance_1 nz tau_idemp proj_add.simps xor_def
      by (auto simp add: c_eq_1 t_nz )

    consider (aaa) "delta x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y')))  0" |
             (bbb) "delta' x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y')))  0" 
                   "delta x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) = 0" |
             (ccc) "delta' x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) = 0" 
                   "delta x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) = 0" by blast
    then show ?thesis
      case aaa
      have tau_conv: "τ (add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))) = add (x,y) (x',y')"
        using aaa in_aff ld_nz 
        unfolding c_eq_1 e'_aff_def e'_def delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def 
        apply(simp_all add: divide_simps t_nz nz)
         apply(simp_all add: algebra_simps t_expr d_nz flip: t_expr)
        by algebra+
      have v3: "proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), Not l') = (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))"    
        using proj_add.simps(1)[OF aaa (x,y)  e'_aff,simplified prod.collapse,OF (τ (x', y'))  e'_aff]
        by (smt (verit, del_insts) tau_conv tau_idemp_point xor_def)

      have ds': "delta (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) x' y'  0"
        using aaa unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
        by (metis delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def in_aff(2) split_pairs2
            tau_idemp_point tau_tau_d taus(2))

      have v4: "proj_add (τ (x, y), Not l) ((x', y'), l') = (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))"
      proof -
        have "proj_add (τ (x, y), Not l) ((x', y'), l') = (add (τ (x, y)) (x', y'), Not (xor l l'))" 
          using proj_add.simps τ (x,y)  e'_aff (x', y')  e'_aff ds' xor_def by auto
        moreover have "add (τ (x, y)) (x', y') = τ (add (x, y) (x', y'))"
          by (metis inversion_invariance_1 nz tau_conv tau_idemp_point)
        ultimately show ?thesis by argo          

      have add_closure: "add (x,y) (x',y')  e'_aff"
        using in_aff add_closure ld_nz e_e'_iff unfolding delta_def e'_aff_def by auto

      have add_nz: "fst (add (x,y) (x',y'))  0"
                   "snd (add (x,y) (x',y'))  0"
        using ld_nz unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def   
        using aaa in_aff ld_nz
        unfolding c_eq_1 e'_aff_def e'_def delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def 
        apply(simp_all add: t_expr nz t_nz divide_simps)
         apply(simp_all add: algebra_simps t_expr d_nz flip: t_expr) 
        by algebra+

      have class_eq: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} =
            {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}" 
        using  add_nz add_closure gluing_class_2 by auto
      have class_proj: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}  e_proj"
        using add_closure e_proj_aff by auto

      have dom_eq: "{proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
       ((x1, y1), i)  {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)} 
       ((x2, y2), j)  {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}  ((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1} = 
          {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))}"      
        (is "?s = ?c")
        show "?s  ?c"
          fix e
          assume "e  ?s" 
          then obtain x1 y1 x2 y2 i j where
            "e = proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j)" 
            "((x1, y1), i)  {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
            "((x2, y2), j)  {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
            "((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1" by blast
          then have "e = (add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')  
                     e = (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))" 
            using v1 v2 v3 v4 in_aff taus(1,2) 
                aaa ds ds' ld_nz by fastforce
          then show "e  ?c" by blast
        show "?s  ?c"
          fix e
          assume "e  ?c"    
          show "e  ?s"
          proof(cases "e = (add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')")
            case True
            have "(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l') = proj_add ((x, y), l) ((x', y'), l')"
              using v1 by presburger
            then show ?thesis 
              using True b by blast
            case False
            then have "e = (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), ¬ xor l l')" 
              using e  ?c by fastforce
            have eq: "(τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), ¬ xor l l') = proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), ¬ l')" 
              using v3 by presburger
            have "((x, y), τ (x', y'))  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1" 
            proof(cases "((x, y), τ (x', y'))  e'_aff_0")
              case True
              then show ?thesis by blast
              case False
              then have "((x, y), τ (x', y'))  e'_aff_1" 
                unfolding e'_aff_1_def e'_aff_0_def
                using aaa in_aff(1) taus(1) by force
              then show ?thesis        
                by blast
            then show ?thesis 
              using eq False e = (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), ¬ xor l l')
              by force

      show "proj_addition ?p ?q = gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
        unfolding proj_addition_def
        unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF assms(3,4)]
        unfolding assms
        using v1 v2 v3 v4 in_aff taus(1,2)  aaa ds ds' ld_nz
        using dom_eq class_eq class_proj eq_class_simp by force 
      case bbb
      from bbb have v3: 
        "proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), Not l') = (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))" 
        using proj_add.simps (x,y)  e'_aff (τ (x', y'))  e'_aff xor_def by auto
      have pd: "delta (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) x' y' = 0"
        using bbb unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
                           delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
        by (metis delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def in_aff(1) split_pairs2 tau_idemp_point
            tau_tau_d taus(1)) 
      have pd': "delta' (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) x' y'  0"
        using bbb unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
        by(simp add: t_nz nz field_simps)
      then have pd'': "delta' x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y')))  0"
        using bbb(1) delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def by force
      have v4: "proj_add (τ (x, y), Not l) ((x', y'), l') = (ext_add (τ (x, y)) (x', y'), Not(xor l l'))"
        using proj_add.simps in_aff taus pd pd' xor_def by auto
      have v3_eq_v4: "(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not(xor l l')) = (ext_add (τ (x, y)) (x', y'), Not(xor l l'))" 
        using inversion_invariance_2 nz by auto
      have add_closure: "ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))  e'_aff"
      proof -
        obtain x1 y1 where z2_d: "τ (x', y') = (x1,y1)" by fastforce
        define z3 where "z3 = ext_add (x,y) (x1,y1)"
        obtain x2 y2 where z3_d: "z3 = (x2,y2)" by fastforce
        have d': "delta' x y x1 y1  0"
          using bbb z2_d by auto
        have "(x1,y1)  e'_aff"
          unfolding z2_d[symmetric]
          using τ (x', y')  e'_aff by auto
        have e_eq: "e' x y = 0" "e' x1 y1 = 0"
          using (x,y)  e'_aff (x1,y1)  e'_aff unfolding e'_aff_def by(auto)
        have "e' x2 y2 = 0" 
          using z3_d z3_def ext_add_closure[OF d' e_eq, of x2 y2] by blast
        then show ?thesis 
          unfolding e'_aff_def using e_e'_iff z3_d z3_def z2_d by simp

      have eq: "x * y' + y * x'  0"  "y * y'  x * x'"
        using bbb unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
        by(simp add: t_nz nz divide_simps)+

      have add_nz: "fst(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')))  0"    
                   "snd(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')))  0"
        apply(simp_all add: algebra_simps t_expr)
        apply(simp_all add: divide_simps d_nz t_nz nz)
        using ld_nz eq unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def
        unfolding t_expr[symmetric]
        by algebra+
        have trans_add: "τ (add (x, y) (x', y')) = (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')))" 
                        "add (x, y) (x', y') = τ (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')))" 
        proof -
          show "τ (add (x, y) (x', y')) = (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')))"
            using add_ext_add_2 inversion_invariance_2 assms e_proj_elim_2 in_aff by auto
          then show "add (x, y) (x', y') = τ (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')))" 
            using tau_idemp_point[of "add (x, y) (x', y')"] by argo 
      have dom_eq: "{proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
       ((x1, y1), i)  {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)} 
       ((x2, y2), j)  {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}  ((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1} = 
        {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}" 
      (is "?s = ?c")
        show "?s  ?c"
          fix e
          assume "e  ?s" 
          then obtain x1 y1 x2 y2 i j where
            e: "e = proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j)" 
            and "((x1, y1), i)  {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
                "((x2, y2), j)  {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
                "((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1" by blast
          then have additional: 
            "((x1,y1)  e'_aff  (x2,y2)  e'_aff  delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0)  
             ((x1,y1)  e'_aff  (x2,y2)  e'_aff  delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0)"
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def by auto
          then have "proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j)  { (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), xor i j),
                                                              (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), xor i j) }"
          proof(cases "proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) = (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), xor i j)")
            case True
            then show ?thesis by blast
            case False
            then have "((x1,y1)  e'_aff  (x2,y2)  e'_aff  delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0)"            
              using additional proj_add.simps(1) by blast
            then have "proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) = (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), xor i j)"
              using proj_add.simps(1)[of x1 y1 x2 y2 i j] proj_add.simps(2)[of x1 y1 x2 y2 i j]
              by blast
            then show ?thesis 
              by blast 
            (1) "((x1, y1), i) = ((x, y), l)" "((x2, y2), j) = ((x', y'), l')" |
            (2) "((x1, y1), i) = ((x, y), l)" "((x2, y2), j) = (τ (x', y'), Not l')" |
            (3) "((x1, y1), i) = (τ (x, y), ¬ l)" "((x2, y2), j) = ((x', y'), l')" |
            (4) "((x1, y1), i) = (τ (x, y), ¬ l)" "((x2, y2), j) = (τ (x', y'), Not l')"
            using ((x1, y1), i)  {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), ¬ l)} 
                  ((x2, y2), j)  {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')} 
            by auto
          then have "e  { (add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}" 
          proof cases
            case 1
            then show ?thesis 
              using e v1 by fastforce
            case 2
            then show ?thesis 
              using e trans_add(1) v3 by auto
            case 3
            then show ?thesis 
              using e trans_add(1) v3_eq_v4 v4 by auto
            case 4
            then show ?thesis 
              using e v2 by auto
          then show "e  ?c" by blast
        show "?s  ?c"
          fix e
          assume "e  ?c"         
          then have cases: "e = (add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')  
                            e = (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))" by blast

          have "(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')  ?s"        
          proof -
            have "((x,y),x',y')  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1"
              by (simp add: b)
            then show ?thesis using v1 
              unfolding mem_Collect_eq by (metis insertI1)

          moreover have "(τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))  ?s"     
          proof -
            have "(τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l')) = proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), ¬ l')"
              using trans_add(1) v3 by presburger
            moreover have "((x, y), τ (x', y'))  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1"
              by (metis Un_iff dichotomy_1 in_aff(1) pd'' prod.exhaust_sel taus(1) wd_d'_nz) 
            ultimately show ?thesis
              by fastforce

          ultimately show "e  ?s"
            using local.cases by presburger          

      have ext_eq: "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))} =
            {(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l')), (τ (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))), xor l l')}" 
        using add_nz add_closure gluing_class_2 by auto
      have class_eq: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} =
            {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))}" 
      proof -
        have "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} =
              gluing `` {(τ (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))), xor l l')}"
          using trans_add by argo
        also have " = gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
          using gluing_inv add_nz add_closure by auto
        also have " = {(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not(xor l l')), (τ (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))), xor l l')}"
          using ext_eq by blast
        also have " = {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}" 
          using trans_add by force
        finally show ?thesis .
      have ext_eq_proj: "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))}  e_proj"
        using add_closure e_proj_aff by auto
      then have class_proj: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}  e_proj"
      proof -
        have "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} =
              gluing `` {(τ (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))), xor l l')}"
          using trans_add by argo
        also have " = gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))}"
          using gluing_inv add_nz add_closure by auto
        finally show ?thesis using ext_eq_proj by argo
      show ?thesis
        unfolding proj_addition_def
        unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF assms(3,4)]
        unfolding assms
        using v1 v2 v3 v4 in_aff taus(1,2)  bbb ds ld_nz
        using class_eq class_proj dom_eq eq_class_simp by auto
      case ccc
      then have v3: "proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), Not l') = undefined" by simp 
      from ccc have ds': "delta (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) x' y' = 0"
                     "delta' (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) x' y' = 0"
        unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
                  delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def 
        by(simp_all add: t_nz nz field_simps power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)   
      then have v4: "proj_add (τ (x, y), Not l) ((x', y'), l') = undefined" by simp 

      have add_z: "fst (add (x, y) (x', y')) = 0  snd (add (x, y) (x', y')) = 0"
        using b ccc unfolding e'_aff_0_def 
                                 delta_def delta'_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
                                 delta_x_def delta_y_def e'_aff_def e'_def
        apply(simp add: t_nz nz field_simps)
        apply(simp add: c_eq_1)
        by algebra

      have add_closure: "add (x, y) (x', y')  e'_aff"
        using b(1) (x,y)  e'_aff (x',y')  e'_aff add_closure e_e'_iff
        by (auto simp: e'_aff_0_def delta_def e'_aff_def)
      have class_eq: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} = {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
        using add_z add_closure gluing_class_1 by simp
      have class_proj: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}  e_proj"
        using add_closure e_proj_aff by simp

      have dom_eq: 
        "{proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
       ((x1, y1), i)  {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)} 
       ((x2, y2), j)  {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}  ((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1} = 
         {(add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
        (is "?s = ?c")
        show "?s  ?c"
          fix e
          assume "e  ?s" 
          then obtain x1 y1 x2 y2 i j where
            "e = proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j)" 
            "((x1, y1), i)  {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
            "((x2, y2), j)  {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
            "((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1" by blast
          then have "e = (add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l') " 
            using v1 v2 v3 v4 in_aff taus(1,2) 
                  ld_nz ds ds' ccc
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def by auto
          then show "e  ?c" by blast
        show "?s  ?c"
          fix e
          assume "e  ?c"         
          then have "e = (add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')" by blast
          moreover have "proj_add ((x, y), l) ((x', y'), l') = (add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')"
            using v1 by blast
          moreover have "((x,y),x',y')  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1"
            by (simp add: b)
          ultimately show "e  ?s"
            unfolding mem_Collect_eq by (metis insertI1)
      show ?thesis
        unfolding proj_addition_def 
        unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF assms(3,4)]
        unfolding assms
        using class_eq class_proj dom_eq eq_class_simp by auto
    case c
    have "False"
      using c assms unfolding e'_aff_1_def e'_aff_0_def by simp
    then show ?thesis by simp

lemma gluing_add:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)}  e_proj" "gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)}  e_proj" "delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0"
  shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)}) (gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)}) = 
         (gluing `` {(add (x1,y1) (x2,y2), xor l j)})"
proof -
  have  p_q_expr: "(gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l)}  
                    gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l), (τ (x1, y1), Not l)})" 
                  "(gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j)}  
                    gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j), (τ (x2, y2), Not j)})"
    using assms(1,2) gluing_cases_explicit by auto
  then consider
           (1) "gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l)}" 
               "gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j)}" |
           (2) "gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l)}" 
               "gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j), (τ (x2, y2), Not j)}" |
           (3) "gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l), (τ (x1, y1), Not l)}" 
               "gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j)}" |
           (4) "gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l), (τ (x1, y1), Not l)}" 
               "gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j), (τ (x2, y2), Not j)}" by argo 
    then show ?thesis
      case 1 
      then show ?thesis using gluing_add_1 assms by presburger
      case 2 then show ?thesis using gluing_add_2 assms by presburger
      case 3 then show ?thesis
      proof -
        have pd: "delta x2 y2 x1 y1   0" 
          using assms(3) unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
        have add_com: "add (x2, y2) (x1, y1) = add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)"
          using commutativity by simp
        have aux: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), j)}) (gluing `` {((x1, y1), l)}) =
              gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), xor j l)}"
          using gluing_add_2[OF 3(2) 3(1) assms(2) assms(1) pd] add_com 
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          unfolding proj_addition_def
          by (smt (verit) assms aux proj_add_class_comm proj_addition_def xor_def)
      case 4 then show ?thesis using gluing_add_4 assms by presburger

lemma gluing_ext_add_1: 
  assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x, y), l)}" "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')} = {((x', y'), l')}" 
          "gluing `` {((x,y),l)}  e_proj" "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}  e_proj" "delta' x y x' y'  0"
  shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x,y),l)}) (gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}) = 
           (gluing `` {(ext_add (x,y) (x',y'), xor l l')})"
proof -
  have in_aff: "(x,y)  e'_aff" "(x',y')  e'_aff" 
    using assms e_proj_eq e_proj_aff by blast+
  then have zeros: "x = 0  y = 0" "x' = 0  y' = 0"
    using e_proj_elim_1 assms by presburger+
  have ds: "delta' x y x' y' = 0" "delta' x y x' y'  0"     
      using delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def zeros(1) zeros(2) apply fastforce
      using assms(5) by simp
    (a) "(x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y))" |
    (b) "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_0" 
        "¬ ((x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y)))" |
    (c) "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_1" "¬ ((x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y)))" 
        "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_0"
    using dichotomy_1[OF (x,y)  e'_aff (x',y')  e'_aff] by argo
  then show ?thesis
    case a
    then have "False"
      using in_aff zeros unfolding e_circ_def by force
    then show ?thesis by simp
    case b 
    from ds show ?thesis by simp
    case c
    from ds show ?thesis by simp

lemma gluing_ext_add_2:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x, y), l)}" "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')} = {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}" 
          "gluing `` {((x,y),l)}  e_proj" "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}  e_proj" "delta' x y x' y'  0"
  shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x,y),l)}) (gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}) = (gluing `` {(ext_add (x,y) (x',y'), xor l l')})"
proof -
  have in_aff: "(x,y)  e'_aff" "(x',y')  e'_aff" 
    using assms e_proj_eq e_proj_aff by blast+
  then have add_in: "ext_add (x, y) (x', y')  e'_aff"
    using ext_add_closure delta' x y x' y'  0 delta_def e_e'_iff e'_aff_def by auto
  from in_aff have zeros: "x = 0  y = 0" "x'  0"  "y'  0"
    using e_proj_elim_1 e_proj_elim_2 assms by presburger+
  have e_proj: "gluing `` {((x,y),l)}  e_proj"
               "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}  e_proj"
               "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}  e_proj"
    using e_proj_aff in_aff add_in by auto

      (a) "(x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y))" |
      (b) "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_0" "¬ ((x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y)))" 
          "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_1" |
      (c) "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_1" "¬ ((x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y)))" 
      using dichotomy_1[OF (x,y)  e'_aff (x',y')  e'_aff] by fast
  then show ?thesis
    case a
    then have "False"
      using in_aff zeros unfolding e_circ_def by force
    then show ?thesis by simp
    case b
    have ld_nz: "delta' x y x' y' = 0" 
     using (x,y)  e'_aff (x',y')  e'_aff b
     unfolding e'_aff_1_def by force
    then have "False"
      using assms e_proj_elim_1 in_aff
      unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def by blast
    then show ?thesis by blast
   case c   
    then have ld_nz: "delta' x y x' y'  0" unfolding e'_aff_1_def by auto    

    have v1: "proj_add ((x, y), l) ((x', y'), l') = (ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')"
      by(simp add: (x,y)  e'_aff (x',y')  e'_aff  ld_nz del: add.simps)

    have ecirc: "(x',y')  e_circ" "x'  0" "y'  0"
      unfolding e_circ_def using zeros (x',y')  e'_aff by blast+
    then have "τ (x', y')  e_circ" 
      using zeros τ_circ by blast
    then have in_aff': "τ (x', y')  e'_aff"
      unfolding e_circ_def by force

    have add_nz: "fst (ext_add (x, y) (x', y'))  0" 
                 "snd (ext_add (x, y) (x', y'))  0" 
      using zeros ld_nz in_aff
      unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def e'_aff_def e'_def
      by auto

    have add_in: "ext_add (x, y) (x', y')  e'_aff"
      using ext_add_closure in_aff e_e'_iff ld_nz unfolding e'_aff_def delta_def by simp

    have ld_nz': "delta' x y (fst (τ (x',y'))) (snd (τ (x',y')))  0"
      using ld_nz
      unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
      using zeros by(auto simp add: divide_simps t_nz) 
    have tau_conv: "τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')) = ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))"
      using zeros e'_aff_x0[OF _ in_aff(1)] e'_aff_y0[OF _ in_aff(1)] 
      apply(simp_all add: c_eq_1 divide_simps d_nz t_nz)
      apply(elim disjE) 
      by (auto simp add: t_nz zeros) 

    have v2: "proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), Not l') = (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))"
      using proj_add.simps τ (x', y')  e'_aff in_aff tau_conv 
            delta' x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y')))  0 xor_def by auto    
    obtain gl_class: "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'),xor l l')} =
                {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))}"
           "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}  e_proj" 
      by (metis prod.collapse gluing_class_2 add_nz add_in e_proj_aff add_in)
    show ?thesis          
    proof -
      have "{proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
       ((x1, y1), i)  {((x, y), l)} 
       ((x2, y2), j)  {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')} 
       ((x1, y1), x2, y2)
        e'_aff_0  {((x1, y1), x2, y2). (x1, y1)  e'_aff  (x2, y2)  e'_aff  delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0}} =
      {proj_add ((x, y), l) ((x', y'), l'), proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
        (is "?t = _")
        using ld_nz ld_nz' in_aff in_aff' 
        by force
      also have " = {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))}"
        using v1 v2 by presburger
      finally have eq: "?t = {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))}"
        by blast
      show ?thesis
       unfolding proj_addition_def
       unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF e_proj(1,2)]
       unfolding assms(1,2) gl_class e'_aff_1_def
       using eq_class_simp gl_class eq by force

lemma gluing_ext_add_4:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}" 
          "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')} = {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}" 
          "gluing `` {((x,y),l)}  e_proj" "gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}  e_proj" 
          "delta' x y x' y'  0"
  shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x,y),l)}) (gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}) = (gluing `` {(ext_add (x,y) (x',y'),xor l l')})"
 (is "proj_addition ?p ?q = _")
proof -
  have in_aff: "(x,y)  e'_aff" "(x',y')  e'_aff"
    using e_proj_aff assms by meson+
  then have nz: "x  0" "y  0" "x'  0" "y'  0" 
    using assms e_proj_elim_2 by auto
  then have circ: "(x,y)  e_circ" "(x',y')  e_circ"
    using in_aff e_circ_def nz by auto
  then have taus: "(τ (x', y'))  e'_aff" "(τ (x, y))  e'_aff" "τ (x', y')  e_circ"
    using τ_circ circ_to_aff by auto

   (a) "(x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y))" 
   | (b) "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_0" "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_1" 
   | (c) "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_1" 
    using dichotomy_1[OF in_aff] by auto
  then show ?thesis
    case a 
    then obtain g where sym_expr: "g  symmetries" "(x', y') = (g  i) (x, y)" by auto        
    then have ds: "delta x y x' y' = 0" "delta' x y x' y' = 0"
      using wd_d_nz wd_d'_nz a by auto 
    then have "False" 
      using assms by auto
    then show ?thesis by blast    
    case b
    have "False"
      using b assms unfolding e'_aff_1_def e'_aff_0_def by simp
    then show ?thesis by simp
    case c
    then have ld_nz: "delta' x y x' y'  0" 
      unfolding e'_aff_1_def by auto    
    then have ds: "delta' (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y')))  0" 
      unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def 
      by(simp add: t_nz field_simps nz)
    have v1: "proj_add ((x, y), l) ((x', y'), l') = (ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')"
      using ld_nz proj_add.simps (x,y)  e'_aff (x',y')  e'_aff by simp
    have v2: "proj_add (τ (x, y), Not l) (τ (x', y'), Not l') = (ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')"
      using inversion_invariance_2[OF nz(1,2), of "fst (τ (x',y'))" "snd (τ (x',y'))"]
      using ds nz(3,4) tau_idemp_point taus(1,2) xor_def by force

    consider (aaa) "delta' x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y')))  0" |
             (bbb) "delta x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y')))  0" 
                   "delta' x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) = 0" |
             (ccc) "delta' x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) = 0" 
                   "delta x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y'))) = 0" by blast
    then show ?thesis
      case aaa
      have tau_conv: "τ (ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))) = ext_add (x,y) (x',y')"
        using aaa in_aff ld_nz 
        unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def 
         apply(simp_all add: divide_simps t_nz nz)
        by algebra+

      have tauI: "τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')) = ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))"
        using tau_idemp_point[of "ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))"]
        using tau_conv by argo
      have v3: 
        "proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), Not l') = (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))"
        using aaa in_aff(1) tauI taus(1) xor_def by auto 

      have ds': "delta' (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) x' y'  0"
        using aaa unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
        by(simp add: field_simps t_nz nz)

      have v4: "proj_add (τ (x, y), Not l) ((x', y'), l') = (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))"
      proof -
        have "proj_add (τ (x, y), Not l) ((x', y'), l') = (ext_add (τ (x, y)) (x', y'), Not (xor l l'))" 
          using proj_add.simps τ (x,y)  e'_aff (x', y')  e'_aff ds' xor_def by auto
        moreover have "ext_add (τ (x, y)) (x', y') = τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y'))"
          using inversion_invariance_2 nz tauI by presburger
        ultimately show ?thesis by argo          

      have add_closure: "ext_add (x,y) (x',y')  e'_aff"
        using in_aff ext_add_closure ld_nz e_e'_iff unfolding delta'_def e'_aff_def by auto

      have add_nz: "fst (ext_add (x,y) (x',y'))  0"
                   "snd (ext_add (x,y) (x',y'))  0"
        using ld_nz unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def   
        using aaa in_aff ld_nz unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def 
        apply(simp_all add: t_expr nz t_nz divide_simps d_nz) 
        by algebra+

      have class_eq: "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} =
            {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}" 
        using add_nz add_closure gluing_class_2 by auto
      have class_proj: "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}  e_proj"
        using add_closure e_proj_aff by auto

      have dom_eq: "{proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
       ((x1, y1), i)  {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)} 
       ((x2, y2), j)  {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}  ((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1} = 
          {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"      
        (is "?s = ?c")
        show "?s  ?c"
          fix e
          assume "e  ?s" 
          then obtain x1 y1 x2 y2 i j where
            "e = proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j)" 
            "((x1, y1), i)  {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
            "((x2, y2), j)  {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
            "((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1" by blast
          then have "e = (ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')  
                     e = (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))" 
            using v1 v2 v3 v4 in_aff taus(1,2) 
                aaa ds ds' ld_nz by fastforce
          then show "e  ?c" by blast
        show "?s  ?c"
          fix e
          assume as: "e  ?c" 
          then have cases: "e = proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), ¬ l') 
                            e = proj_add (τ (x, y), ¬ l) (τ (x', y'), ¬ l')"
            using v2 v3 by auto
          have as1: "((x, y), τ (x', y'))  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1"
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def
            using ds taus aaa in_aff(1) by auto
          have as2: "(τ (x, y), τ (x', y'))  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1"
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def
            using ds taus(1) taus(2) by auto
            (1) "e = proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), ¬ l')" |
            (2) "e = proj_add (τ (x, y), ¬ l) (τ (x', y'), ¬ l')" 
            using cases by auto
          then show "e  ?s"
          by (cases) (use as2 as1 in force)+

      show "proj_addition ?p ?q = gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
        unfolding proj_addition_def
        unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF assms(3,4)]
        unfolding assms
        using v1 v2 v3 v4 in_aff taus(1,2) aaa ds ds' ld_nz
        using class_eq class_proj dom_eq eq_class_simp by auto
      case bbb
      from bbb have v3: 
        "proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), Not l') = (add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))" 
        using proj_add.simps (x,y)  e'_aff (τ (x', y'))  e'_aff xor_def by auto
      have pd: "delta' (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) x' y' = 0"
        using bbb unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
                           delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def 
        by (simp add: t_nz nz field_simps t_expr d_nz) 
      have pd': "delta (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) x' y'  0"
        using bbb unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
                            delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def 
        by(simp add: t_nz nz field_simps power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
      then have pd'': "delta x y (fst (τ (x', y'))) (snd (τ (x', y')))  0"
        unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
        by(simp add: field_simps t_nz nz t_expr power2_eq_square[symmetric] d_nz)
      have v4: "proj_add (τ (x, y), Not l) ((x', y'), l') = (add (τ (x, y)) (x', y'), Not(xor l l'))"
        using proj_add.simps in_aff taus pd pd' xor_def by auto
      have v3_eq_v4: "(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not(xor l l')) = (add (τ (x, y)) (x', y'), Not(xor l l'))" 
        using inversion_invariance_1 nz by auto
      have add_closure: "add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))  e'_aff"
      proof -
        obtain x1 y1 where z2_d: "τ (x', y') = (x1,y1)" by fastforce
        define z3 where "z3 = add (x,y) (x1,y1)"
        obtain x2 y2 where z3_d: "z3 = (x2,y2)" by fastforce
        have d': "delta x y x1 y1  0"
          using bbb z2_d by auto
        have "(x1,y1)  e'_aff"
          unfolding z2_d[symmetric]
          using τ (x', y')  e'_aff by auto
        have e_eq: "e' x y = 0" "e' x1 y1 = 0"
          using (x,y)  e'_aff (x1,y1)  e'_aff unfolding e'_aff_def by(auto)
        have "e' x2 y2 = 0" 
          using d' z3_d z3_def add_closure e_e'_iff e_eq unfolding delta_def by auto
        then show ?thesis 
          unfolding e'_aff_def using e_e'_iff z3_d z3_def z2_d by simp

      have add_nz: "fst(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')))  0"    
                   "snd(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')))  0"
        apply(simp_all add: algebra_simps power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr)
        apply(simp_all add: divide_simps d_nz t_nz nz c_eq_1)
        using bbb ld_nz unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
                            delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def 
        by(simp_all add: field_simps t_nz nz power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)

        have trans_add: "τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')) = (add (x, y) (τ (x', y')))" 
                        "ext_add (x, y) (x', y') = τ (add (x, y) (τ (x', y')))" 
        proof -
          show "τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')) = (add (x, y) (τ (x', y')))" 
            using inversion_invariance_1 assms add_ext_add nz tau_idemp_point by presburger
          then show "ext_add (x, y) (x', y') = τ (add (x, y) (τ (x', y')))"  
            using tau_idemp_point[of "ext_add (x, y) (x', y')"] by argo
      have dom_eq: "{proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
       ((x1, y1), i)  {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)} 
       ((x2, y2), j)  {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}  ((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1} = 
        {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}" 
      (is "?s = ?c")
        show "?s  ?c"
          fix e
          assume "e  ?s" 
          then obtain x1 y1 x2 y2 i j where cases:
            "e = proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j)" 
            "((x1, y1), i)  {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
            "((x2, y2), j)  {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
            "((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1" by blast
            (1) "((x1, y1), i) = ((x, y), l)" "((x2, y2), j) = ((x', y'), l')" |
            (2) "((x1, y1), i) = ((x, y), l)" "((x2, y2), j) = (τ (x', y'), Not l')" |
            (3) "((x1, y1), i) = (τ (x, y), Not l)" "((x2, y2), j) = ((x', y'), l')" |
            (4) "((x1, y1), i) = (τ (x, y), Not l)" "((x2, y2), j) = (τ (x', y'), Not l')"
            using cases by fast
          then have "e = (ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')  
                     e = (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))"
            by (metis local.cases(1) trans_add(1) v1 v2 v3 v3_eq_v4 v4) 
          then show "e  ?c" by fast
        show "?s  ?c"
          fix e
          assume "e  ?c"         
          then consider
            (1) "e = (ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')" |
            (2) "e = (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))" by blast
          then show "e  ?s"
            case 1
            have eq: "(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'),xor l l') = proj_add ((x,y),l) ((x',y'),l')"
              using ds taus(1) taus(2) v1 by auto
            show ?thesis
              using "1" c eq by blast  
            case 2
            have eq: "(τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')),Not (xor l l')) = proj_add ((x,y),l) (τ (x',y'),Not l')"
              using taus in_aff(1) pd'' trans_add(1) v3 by presburger
            have ina: "((x, y), τ (x', y'))  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1"
              by (metis UnI1 UnI2 dichotomy_1 in_aff(1) pd'' prod.collapse taus(1) wd_d_nz)
            show ?thesis
              using "2" eq ina by fastforce

      have ext_eq: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))} =
            {(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l')), (τ (add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))), xor l l')}" 
        using add_nz add_closure gluing_class_2 by auto
      have class_eq: "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} =
            {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}" 
      proof -
        have "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} =
              gluing `` {(τ (add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))), xor l l')}"
          using trans_add by argo
        also have " = gluing `` {(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
          using gluing_inv add_nz add_closure by auto
        also have " = {(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l')), (τ (add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))), xor l l')}"
          using ext_eq by blast
        also have " = {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l'), (τ (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}" 
          using trans_add by force
        finally show ?thesis .
      have ext_eq_proj: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}  e_proj"
        using add_closure e_proj_aff by auto
      then have class_proj: "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}  e_proj"
      proof -
        have "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} =
              gluing `` {(τ (add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))), xor l l')}"
          using trans_add by argo
        also have " = gluing `` {(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
          using gluing_inv add_nz add_closure by auto
        finally show ?thesis using ext_eq_proj by argo
      show ?thesis
        unfolding proj_addition_def
        unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF assms(3,4)]
        unfolding assms
        using v1 v2 v3 v4 in_aff taus(1,2) 
              bbb ds  ld_nz
        using class_eq class_proj dom_eq eq_class_simp by auto
      case ccc
      then have v3: "proj_add ((x, y), l) (τ (x', y'), Not l') = undefined" by simp 
      from ccc have ds': "delta (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) x' y' = 0"
                     "delta' (fst (τ (x, y))) (snd (τ (x, y))) x' y' = 0"
        unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
                  delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def 
        by(simp_all add: t_nz nz field_simps power2_eq_square[symmetric] t_expr d_nz)
      then have v4: "proj_add (τ (x, y), Not l) ((x', y'), l') = undefined" by simp 

      have add_z: "fst (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')) = 0  snd (ext_add (x, y) (x', y')) = 0"
        using c ccc ld_nz unfolding e'_aff_0_def
                                 delta_def delta'_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
                                 delta_x_def delta_y_def e'_aff_def e'_def
        apply(simp_all add: field_simps t_nz nz)
        unfolding t_expr[symmetric] power2_eq_square 
        apply(simp_all add: divide_simps d_nz t_nz) 
        by algebra

      have add_closure: "ext_add (x, y) (x', y')  e'_aff"
        using c(1) (x,y)  e'_aff (x',y')  e'_aff ext_add_closure e_e'_iff
        unfolding e'_aff_1_def delta_def e'_aff_def by simp
      have class_eq: "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')} = {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
        using add_z add_closure gluing_class_1 by simp
      have class_proj: "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}  e_proj"
        using add_closure e_proj_aff by simp

      have dom_eq: 
        "{proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j) |x1 y1 i x2 y2 j.
       ((x1, y1), i)  {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)} 
       ((x2, y2), j)  {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}  ((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1} = 
         {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
        (is "?s = ?c")
        show "?s  ?c"
          fix e
          assume "e  ?s" 
          then obtain x1 y1 x2 y2 i j where
            "e = proj_add ((x1, y1), i) ((x2, y2), j)" 
            "((x1, y1), i)  {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
            "((x2, y2), j)  {((x', y'), l'), (τ (x', y'), Not l')}"
            "((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_0  e'_aff_1" by blast
          then have "e = (ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l') " 
            using v1 v2 v3 v4 in_aff taus(1,2) ld_nz ds ds' ccc
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def 
            by fastforce
          then show "e  ?c" by blast
        show "?s  ?c"
          fix e
          assume "e  ?c"         
          then have eq: "e = (ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l')" by blast
          have "(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), xor l l') = 
                proj_add ((x, y), l) ((x', y'), l')"
            using v1 by presburger
          show "e  ?s"
            apply (simp add: eq)
            by (metis c ext_add.simps v1)
      show ?thesis
        unfolding proj_addition_def 
        unfolding proj_add_class.simps(1)[OF assms(3,4)]
        unfolding assms
        using class_eq class_proj dom_eq eq_class_simp by auto

lemma gluing_ext_add:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)}  e_proj" "gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)}  e_proj" "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0"
  shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)}) (gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)}) = 
         (gluing `` {(ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2),xor l j)})"
proof -
  have  p_q_expr: "(gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l)}  
                    gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l), (τ (x1, y1), Not l)})" 
                  "(gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j)}  
                    gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j), (τ (x2, y2), Not j)})"
    using assms(1,2) gluing_cases_explicit by auto
  then consider
           (1) "gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l)}" 
               "gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j)}" |
           (2) "gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l)}" 
               "gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j), (τ (x2, y2), Not j)}" |
           (3) "gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l), (τ (x1, y1), Not l)}" 
               "gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j)}" |
           (4) "gluing `` {((x1,y1),l)} = {((x1, y1), l), (τ (x1, y1), Not l)}" 
               "gluing `` {((x2,y2),j)} = {((x2, y2), j), (τ (x2, y2), Not j)}" by argo 
    then show ?thesis
      case 1 
      then show ?thesis using gluing_ext_add_1 assms by presburger
      case 2 then show ?thesis using gluing_ext_add_2 assms by presburger
      case 3 then show ?thesis
      proof -
        have pd: "delta' x2 y2 x1 y1  0"
          using assms(3) unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def by algebra
        have "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), l)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), j)}) = 
              proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), j)}) (gluing `` {((x1, y1), l)})"
          unfolding proj_addition_def
          using assms proj_add_class_comm by presburger
        also have " = gluing `` {(ext_add (x2, y2) (x1, y1), xor j l)}"
          using gluing_ext_add_2[OF 3(2,1) assms(2,1) pd] by blast
        also have " = gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), xor l j)}"
          by (smt (verit) ext_add_comm_points xor_def)
        finally show ?thesis by fast
      case 4 then show ?thesis using gluing_ext_add_4 assms by presburger

lemma gluing_ext_add_points:
  assumes "gluing `` {(p1,l)}  e_proj" "gluing `` {(p2,j)}  e_proj" "delta' (fst p1) (snd p1) (fst p2) (snd p2)  0"
  shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {(p1,l)}) (gluing `` {(p2,j)}) = 
         (gluing `` {(ext_add p1 p2,xor l j)})"
proof -
  obtain x1 y1 x2 y2 where "p1 = (x1,y1)" "p2 = (x2,y2)"
    by fastforce
  then show ?thesis
    using assms gluing_ext_add by auto

subsubsection ‹Basic properties›

theorem well_defined:
  assumes "p  e_proj" "q  e_proj"
  shows "proj_addition p q  e_proj"
proof -
  obtain x y l x' y' l'
    where p_q_expr: "p = gluing `` {((x,y),l)}"
                    "q = gluing `` {((x',y'),l')}"
    using e_proj_def assms
    by (metis quotientE surj_pair)
  then have in_aff: "(x,y)  e'_aff" 
                    "(x',y')  e'_aff" 
    using e_proj_aff assms by auto

   (a) "(x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y))" 
   | (b) "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_0" 
         "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_1" 
         "(x, y)  e_circ  ¬ (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y))" 
   | (c) "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_1" 
    using dichotomy_1[OF in_aff] by auto
  then show ?thesis
    case a
    then obtain g where sym_expr: "g  symmetries" "(x', y') = (g  i) (x, y)" by auto        
    then have ds: "delta x y x' y' = 0" "delta' x y x' y' = 0"
      using wd_d_nz wd_d'_nz a by auto
    have nz: "x  0" "y  0" "x'  0" "y'  0" 
    proof -
      from a show "x  0" "y  0"
        unfolding e_circ_def by auto
      then show "x'  0" "y'  0" 
        using sym_expr t_nz
        unfolding symmetries_def e_circ_def 
        by auto
    have taus: "τ (x',y')  e'_aff"
      using in_aff(2) e_circ_def nz(3,4) τ_circ by force
    then have proj: "gluing `` {(τ (x', y'), Not l')}  e_proj"
                    "gluing `` {((x, y), l)}  e_proj"
      using e_proj_aff in_aff by auto

    have alt_ds: "delta x y (fst (τ (x',y'))) (snd (τ (x',y')))  0 
                  delta' x y (fst (τ (x',y'))) (snd (τ (x',y')))  0"
      (is "?d1  0  ?d2  0")
      using covering_with_deltas ds assms p_q_expr by blast

    have "proj_addition p q = proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) (gluing `` {((x', y'), l')})"
      (is "?lhs = proj_addition ?p ?q")
      unfolding p_q_expr by simp
    also have " = proj_addition ?p (gluing `` {(τ (x', y'), Not l')})"
      (is "_ = ?rhs")
      using gluing_inv nz in_aff by presburger
    finally have eq: "?lhs = ?rhs"
      by auto

    have closure1: "?d1  0  add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))  e'_aff"
      using e_proj_aff add_closure in_aff taus delta_def e'_aff_def e_e'_iff  by fastforce      
    have closure2: "?d2  0  ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y'))  e'_aff"
      using e_proj_aff ext_add_closure in_aff taus delta_def e'_aff_def e_e'_iff by fastforce
    have eq1:
      "?d1  0  ?lhs = gluing `` {(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
      using proj
      apply (simp add: eq gluing_add)
      by (smt (verit, best) xor_def) 
    have eq2:
      "?d2  0  ?lhs = gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not (xor l l'))}"
      using proj
      apply (simp add: eq gluing_ext_add)
      by (smt (verit, best) xor_def)

    have "?d1  0  gluing `` {(add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))}  e_proj"
         "?d2  0  gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (τ (x', y')), Not(xor l l'))}  e_proj"
      using e_proj_aff closure1 closure2 by force+
    then show ?thesis
      using eq1 eq2 alt_ds by auto
    case b
    then have ds: "delta x y x' y'  0"
      unfolding e'_aff_0_def by auto

    have eq: "proj_addition p q = gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x',y'), xor l l')}" 
      (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
      unfolding p_q_expr
      using gluing_add assms p_q_expr ds by meson
    have add_in: "add (x, y) (x',y')  e'_aff"
        using add_closure in_aff ds e_e'_iff 
        unfolding delta_def e'_aff_def by auto
    then show ?thesis
      using eq e_proj_aff by auto  
    case c
    then have ds: "delta' x y x' y'  0"
      unfolding e'_aff_1_def by auto

    have eq: "proj_addition p q = gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x',y'), xor l l')}" 
      unfolding p_q_expr
      using gluing_ext_add assms p_q_expr ds by meson
    have add_in: "ext_add (x, y) (x',y')  e'_aff"
        using ext_add_closure in_aff ds e_e'_iff 
        unfolding delta_def e'_aff_def by auto
    then show ?thesis
      using eq e_proj_aff by auto  

lemma proj_add_class_inv:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)}   e_proj"
  shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x,y),l)}) (gluing `` {(i (x,y),l')}) = {((1, 0), xor l l')}"
        "gluing `` {(i (x,y),l')}  e_proj"  
proof -
  have in_aff: "(x,y)  e'_aff" 
    using assms e_proj_aff by blast
  then have i_aff: "i (x, y)  e'_aff"
    using i_aff by blast
  show i_proj: "gluing `` {(i (x,y),l')}  e_proj"
    using e_proj_aff i_aff by simp

  consider (1) "delta x y x (-y)  0" | (2) "delta' x y x (-y)  0"
    using add_self in_aff by blast
  then show "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x,y),l)}) (gluing `` {(i (x,y),l')}) = {((1, 0), xor l l')}"
    case 1
    have "add (x,y) (i (x,y)) = (1,0)"
      using "1" delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def in_aff inverse_generalized by auto
    then show ?thesis 
      using "1" assms gluing_add i_proj identity_equiv by auto
    case 2
    have "ext_add (x,y) (i (x,y)) = (1,0)"
      using "2" delta'_def delta_x_def by auto
    then show ?thesis 
      using "2" assms gluing_ext_add i_proj identity_equiv by auto

lemma proj_add_class_inv_point:
  assumes "gluing `` {(p,l)}   e_proj" "ne = (1,0)"
  shows "proj_addition (gluing `` {(p,l)}) (gluing `` {(i p,l')}) = {(ne, xor l l')}"
        "gluing `` {(i p,l')}  e_proj"  
proof -
  obtain x y where p: "p = (x,y)" by fastforce
  then show "proj_addition (gluing `` {(p,l)}) (gluing `` {(i p,l')}) = {(ne, xor l l')}"
    using assms(1) assms(2) prod.collapse proj_add_class_inv(1) by simp
  from p show "gluing `` {(i p,l')}  e_proj"  
    using assms proj_add_class_inv(2) surj_pair by blast

lemma proj_add_class_identity:
  assumes "x  e_proj"
  shows "proj_addition {((1, 0), False)} x = x"
proof -
  obtain x0 y0 l0 where 
    x_expr: "x = gluing `` {((x0,y0),l0)}"
    using assms e_proj_def by (metis prod.exhaust_sel quotientE)
  then have in_aff: "(x0,y0)  e'_aff"
    using e_proj_aff assms by blast

  have "proj_addition {((1, 0), False)} x = 
        proj_addition (gluing `` {((1, 0), False)}) (gluing `` {((x0,y0),l0)})"
    using identity_equiv[of False] x_expr by argo
  also have " = gluing `` {(add (1,0) (x0,y0),l0)}"
  proof (subst gluing_add)
    show "gluing `` {((1, 0), False)}  e_proj"
      by (simp add: identity_equiv identity_proj)
    show "gluing `` {((x0, y0), l0)}  e_proj"
      using assms x_expr by auto
    show "delta 1 0 x0 y0  0"
      by (simp add: delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def)
  qed (simp add: xor_def)
  also have " = gluing `` {((x0,y0),l0)}"
    using inverse_generalized in_aff 
    unfolding e'_aff_def by simp
  also have " = x" 
    using x_expr by simp
  finally show ?thesis by simp

corollary proj_addition_comm:
  assumes "c1  e_proj" "c2  e_proj" 
  shows "proj_addition c1 c2 = proj_addition c2 c1"
  using proj_add_class_comm[OF assms]
  unfolding proj_addition_def by auto

section ‹Group law›

subsection ‹Class invariance on group operations›

definition tf  where
  "tf g = image (λ p. (g (fst p), snd p))"

lemma tf_comp:
  "tf g (tf f s) = tf (g  f) s"
  unfolding tf_def by force

lemma tf_id:
  "tf id s = s"
  unfolding tf_def by fastforce

lemma tf_cong:
  "f = f'  s = s'  tf f s = tf f' s'"
  by auto

definition tf' where
  "tf' = image (λ p. (fst p, Not (snd p)))"

lemma tf_tf'_commute:
  "tf r (tf' p) = tf' (tf r p)"
  unfolding tf'_def tf_def image_def
  by auto

lemma rho_preserv_e_proj:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x, y), l)}  e_proj"
  shows "tf ρ (gluing `` {((x, y), l)})  e_proj"
proof -
  have in_aff: "(x,y)  e'_aff" 
      using assms e_proj_aff by blast
  have rho_aff: "ρ (x,y)  e'_aff" 
      using rot_aff[of ρ,OF _ in_aff] rotations_def by blast
  have eq: "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x, y), l)}  
            gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
    using assms gluing_cases_explicit by auto
  from eq consider  
    (1) "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x, y), l)}" | 
    (2) "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
    by fast
  then show "tf ρ (gluing `` {((x, y), l)})  e_proj"
    case 1
    have zeros: "x = 0  y = 0"
      using in_aff e_proj_elim_1 assms e_proj_aff 1 by auto
    show ?thesis 
      unfolding tf_def
      using rho_aff zeros e_proj_elim_1 1 by auto
    case 2
    have zeros: "x  0" "y  0"
      using in_aff e_proj_elim_2 assms e_proj_aff 2 by auto
    show ?thesis 
      unfolding tf_def
      using rho_aff zeros e_proj_elim_2 2 by fastforce

lemma rho_preserv_e_proj_point:
  assumes "gluing `` {p}  e_proj"
  shows "tf ρ (gluing `` {p})  e_proj"
proof -
  obtain x y l where "p = ((x,y),l)"
    using surj_pair[of p] by force
  then show ?thesis
    using rho_preserv_e_proj assms by blast

lemma insert_rho_gluing:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x, y), l)}  e_proj"
  shows "tf ρ (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) = gluing `` {(ρ (x, y), l)}"
proof -
  have in_aff: "(x,y)  e'_aff" 
      using assms e_proj_aff by blast
  have rho_aff: "ρ (x,y)  e'_aff" 
      using rot_aff[of ρ,OF _ in_aff] rotations_def by blast
  have eq: "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x, y), l)}  
            gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
    using assms gluing_cases_explicit by auto
  from eq consider  
    (1) "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x, y), l)}" | 
    (2) "gluing `` {((x, y), l)} = {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
    by fast
  then show "tf ρ (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) = gluing `` {(ρ (x, y), l)}"
    case 1
    have zeros: "x = 0  y = 0"
      using in_aff e_proj_elim_1 assms e_proj_aff 1 by auto
    have "gluing `` {(ρ (x, y), l)} = {(ρ (x, y), l)}"
      using gluing_class_1[of "fst (ρ (x, y))" "snd (ρ (x, y))"]
      by (metis ρ.simps add.inverse_neutral fst_eqD rho_aff snd_conv zeros)
    then show ?thesis 
      unfolding tf_def image_def 1 by simp
    case 2
    have zeros: "x  0" "y  0"
      using in_aff e_proj_elim_2 assms e_proj_aff 2 by auto
    then have "gluing `` {(ρ (x, y), l)} = {(ρ (x, y), l), (τ (ρ (x, y)), Not l)}"
      using gluing_class_2[of "fst (ρ (x, y))" "snd (ρ (x, y))",
                            simplified prod.collapse, OF _ _ rho_aff] by force
    then show ?thesis 
      unfolding tf_def image_def 2 by force

lemma insert_rho_gluing_point:
  assumes "gluing `` {(p, l)}  e_proj"
  shows "tf ρ (gluing `` {(p, l)}) = gluing `` {(ρ p, l)}"
  by (metis assms insert_rho_gluing prod.collapse)

lemma rotation_preserv_e_proj:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x, y), l)}  e_proj" "r  rotations"
  shows "tf r (gluing `` {((x, y), l)})  e_proj"
  (is "tf ?r ?g  _")
proof -
  have "tf id (gluing `` {((x, y), l)})  e_proj"
    by (simp add: assms(1) tf_id)
  moreover have "tf ρ (gluing `` {((x, y), l)})  e_proj"
    by (simp add: assms(1) rho_preserv_e_proj_point)
  moreover have "tf (ρ  ρ) (gluing `` {((x, y), l)})  e_proj"
    by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assms(1) insert_rho_gluing rho_preserv_e_proj_point
  moreover have "tf (ρ  ρ  ρ) (gluing `` {((x, y), l)})  e_proj"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(1) insert_rho_gluing_point rho_preserv_e_proj_point
  ultimately show ?thesis  
    using assms by (auto simp: rotations_def)

lemma rotation_preserv_e_proj_point:
  assumes "gluing `` {p}  e_proj" "r  rotations"
  shows "tf r (gluing `` {p})  e_proj"
proof -
  obtain x y l where "p = ((x,y),l)"
    using surj_pair[of p] by force
  then show ?thesis
    using rotation_preserv_e_proj assms by blast

lemma insert_rotation_gluing:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x, y), l)}  e_proj" "r  rotations"
  shows "tf r (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) = gluing `` {(r (x, y), l)}"
proof -
  have in_proj: "gluing `` {(ρ (x, y), l)}  e_proj" "gluing `` {((ρ  ρ) (x, y), l)}  e_proj"
      using rho_preserv_e_proj assms insert_rho_gluing by auto+

  consider "r = id" |"r = ρ" | "r = ρ  ρ" | "r = ρ  ρ  ρ" 
    using assms(2) unfolding rotations_def by fast
  then show ?thesis
    case 1
    then show ?thesis using tf_id by auto
    case 2
    then show ?thesis using insert_rho_gluing assms by presburger 
    case 3    
    with assms show ?thesis
      using assms
      using in_proj(1) insert_rho_gluing by (force simp flip: tf_comp)
    case 4
    with assms show ?thesis 
      using in_proj insert_rho_gluing_point by (auto simp flip: tf_comp)

lemma insert_rotation_gluing_point:
  assumes "gluing `` {(p, l)}  e_proj" "r  rotations"
  shows "tf r (gluing `` {(p, l)}) = gluing `` {(r p, l)}"
  by (metis assms i.cases insert_rotation_gluing)

lemma tf_tau:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)}  e_proj" 
  shows "gluing `` {((x,y), Not l)} = tf' (gluing `` {((x,y),l)})"
  using assms unfolding symmetries_def
proof -
  have in_aff: "(x,y)  e'_aff" 
    using e_proj_aff assms by simp

  have gl_expr: "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x,y),l)}  
                 gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x,y),l),(τ (x,y), Not l)}"
    using assms(1) gluing_cases_explicit by simp

  consider (1) "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x,y),l)}" | 
           (2) "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x,y),l),(τ (x,y), Not l)}" 
    using gl_expr by argo
  then show "gluing `` {((x,y), Not l)} = tf' (gluing `` {((x,y), l)})"
    case 1   
    then have zeros: "x = 0  y = 0"
      using e_proj_elim_1 in_aff assms by auto
    show ?thesis 
      apply(simp add: 1 tf'_def del: τ.simps)
      using gluing_class_1 zeros in_aff by auto
    case 2
    then have zeros: "x  0" "y  0" 
      using assms e_proj_elim_2 in_aff by auto
    show ?thesis 
      apply(simp add: 2 tf'_def del: τ.simps)
      using gluing_class_2 zeros in_aff by auto

lemma tf_preserv_e_proj:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)}  e_proj" 
  shows "tf' (gluing `` {((x,y),l)})  e_proj"
  by (metis assms e_proj_aff tf_tau)

lemma tf_preserv_e_proj_point:
  assumes "gluing `` {p}  e_proj" 
  shows "tf' (gluing `` {p})  e_proj"
  by (metis assms prod.collapse tf_preserv_e_proj)

lemma remove_rho:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)}  e_proj"
  shows "gluing `` {(ρ (x,y),l)} = tf ρ (gluing `` {((x,y),l)})"
  using assms unfolding symmetries_def
proof -
  have in_aff: "(x,y)  e'_aff" using assms e_proj_aff by simp
  have rho_aff: "ρ (x,y)  e'_aff"
    using in_aff unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def by(simp,algebra)

  consider (1) "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x,y),l)}" | 
           (2) "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x,y),l),(τ (x,y), Not l)}" 
    using assms gluing_cases_explicit by blast
  then show "gluing `` {(ρ (x,y), l)} = tf ρ (gluing `` {((x,y), l)})"
    using assms insert_rho_gluing by presburger 

lemma remove_rotations:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)}  e_proj" "r  rotations"
  shows "gluing `` {(r (x,y),l)} = tf r (gluing `` {((x,y),l)})"
  by (simp add: assms insert_rotation_gluing_point)

lemma remove_tau:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)}  e_proj" "gluing `` {(τ (x,y),l)}  e_proj"
  shows "gluing `` {(τ (x,y),l)} = tf' (gluing `` {((x,y),l)})"
  (is "?gt = tf' ?g")
proof -
  have in_aff: "(x,y)  e'_aff" "τ (x,y)  e'_aff" 
    using assms e_proj_aff by simp+

  consider (1) "?gt = {(τ (x,y),l)}" | (2) "?gt = {(τ (x,y),l),((x,y), Not l)}"
    using tau_idemp_point gluing_cases_points[OF assms(2), of "τ (x,y)" l] by presburger 
  then show ?thesis
    case 1
    then have zeros: "x = 0  y = 0"
      using e_proj_elim_1 in_aff assms by(simp add: t_nz) 
    have "False"
      using zeros in_aff t_n1 d_n1 
      unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def 
      by (simp add: field_split_simps t_def t_intro split: if_split_asm)
    then show ?thesis by simp
    case 2
    then have zeros: "x  0" "y  0"
      using e_proj_elim_2 in_aff assms gluing_class_1 by auto
    then have gl_eq: "gluing `` {((x,y),l)} = {((x,y),l),(τ (x,y), Not l)}"
      using in_aff gluing_class_2 by auto
    then show ?thesis 
      by(simp add: 2 gl_eq tf'_def del: τ.simps,fast) 

lemma remove_add_rho:
  assumes "p  e_proj" "q  e_proj"
  shows "proj_addition (tf ρ p) q = tf ρ (proj_addition p q)"
proof -
  obtain x y l x' y' l' where 
    p_q_expr: "p = gluing `` {((x, y), l)}" 
              "q = gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}"
    using assms
    unfolding e_proj_def by (metis prod.collapse quotientE)
  have e_proj:
    "gluing `` {((x, y), l)}  e_proj" 
    "gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}  e_proj"
    using p_q_expr assms by auto
  then have rho_e_proj: 
    "gluing `` {(ρ (x, y), l)}  e_proj"
    using remove_rho rho_preserv_e_proj by auto

  have in_aff: "(x,y)  e'_aff" "(x',y')  e'_aff" 
    using assms p_q_expr e_proj_aff by auto

    (a) "(x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y))" |
    (b) "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_0" "¬ ((x, y)  e_circ  
         (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y)))" |
    (c) "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_1" "¬ ((x, y)  e_circ  
         (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y)))" "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_0"
    using dichotomy_1[OF (x,y)  e'_aff (x',y')  e'_aff] by argo
  then show ?thesis
    case a
    then have e_circ: "(x,y)  e_circ" by auto 
    then have zeros: "x  0" "y  0" unfolding e_circ_def by auto
    from a obtain g where g_expr: 
      "g  symmetries" "(x', y') = (g  i) (x, y)" by blast
    then obtain r where r_expr: "(x', y') = (τ  r  i) (x, y)" "r  rotations"
      using sym_decomp by blast
    have ds: "delta x y x' y' = 0" "delta' x y x' y' = 0" 
      using wd_d_nz[OF g_expr e_circ] wd_d'_nz[OF g_expr e_circ] by auto
    have ren: "τ (x',y') = (r  i) (x, y)"
        using r_expr tau_idemp_point by auto
    have ds'': "delta x y (fst ((r  i) (x, y))) (snd ((r  i) (x, y)))  0 
                delta' x y (fst ((r  i) (x, y))) (snd ((r  i) (x, y)))  0"
      (is "?ds1  0  ?ds2  0")
      using ren covering_with_deltas ds e_proj by fastforce

    have ds''': "delta (fst (ρ (x,y))) (snd (ρ (x,y))) (fst ((r  i) (x, y))) (snd ((r  i) (x, y)))  0  
                 delta' (fst (ρ (x,y))) (snd (ρ (x,y))) (fst ((r  i) (x, y))) (snd ((r  i) (x, y)))  0"
      (is "?ds3  0  ?ds4  0")
      using ds'' rotation_invariance_5 rotation_invariance_6 by force
    have ds: "?ds3  0  delta x y x (-y)  0"
             "?ds4  0  delta' x y x (-y)  0"
             "?ds1  0  delta x y x (-y)  0"
             "?ds2  0  delta' x y x (-y)  0"
      using ds'''  r_expr
      unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
                delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def rotations_def
      by (auto simp: field_simps t_nz zeros two_not_zero)

    have eq: "gluing `` {((τ  r  i) (x, y), l')} =  gluing `` {((r  i) (x, y), Not l')}"
    proof -
      have "fst ((r  i) (x, y))  0" "snd ((r  i) (x, y))  0"
        using zeros r_expr unfolding rotations_def by fastforce+
      moreover have "(r  i) (x, y)  e'_aff"
        using i_aff in_aff(1) r_expr(2) rot_aff by force
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using ext_curve_addition.gluing_inv ext_curve_addition_axioms by force
    have e_proj': "gluing `` {(ρ (x, y), l)}  e_proj"
      "gluing `` {((r  i) (x, y), Not l')}  e_proj"
      using e_proj(1,2) eq r_expr(1) insert_rho_gluing rho_preserv_e_proj by auto

    have add_case: "add (ρ (x, y)) ((r  i) (x, y)) = (ρ  r) (1,0)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
      if "delta x y x (-y)  0" 
    proof -
      have "?lhs = ρ (add (x, y) (r (i (x, y))))" 
        using rho_invariance_1_points o_apply[of r i] by presburger
      also have " = (ρ  r) (add (x, y) (i (x, y)))"
        by (metis comp_def curve_addition.commutativity r_expr(2) rotation_invariance_1_points)
      also have " = ?rhs"
        using inverse_generalized[OF in_aff(1)] that in_aff 
        unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def by simp
      finally show ?thesis .

    have ext_add_case: "ext_add (ρ (x, y)) ((r  i) (x, y)) = (ρ  r) (1,0)"
      (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
    proof -
      have "?lhs = ρ (ext_add (x, y) (r (i (x, y))))" 
        using rho_invariance_2_points o_apply[of r i] by presburger
      also have " = (ρ  r) (ext_add (x, y) (i (x, y)))"
        using ext_add_comm_points r_expr(2) rotation_invariance_2_points by auto
      also have " = ?rhs"
        using ext_add_inverse[OF zeros] by argo
      finally show ?thesis .

    have simp1: "proj_addition (gluing `` {(ρ (x, y), l)})
                               (gluing `` {((r  i) (x, y), Not l')}) =
            gluing `` {((ρ  r) (1,0), Not (xor l l'))}"
        (is "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = ?g3")
    proof(cases "?ds3  0")      
      case True
      have "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = gluing `` {(add (ρ (x, y)) ((r  i) (x, y)), Not (xor l l'))}"
      proof -
        have "delta (fst (ρ (x, y))) (snd (ρ (x, y))) (fst ((r  i) (x, y))) (snd ((r  i) (x, y)))  0"
          using True by linarith
        moreover have "gluing `` {(add (ρ (x, y)) ((r  i) (x, y)), local.xor l (¬ l'))} = gluing `` {(add (ρ (x, y)) ((r  i) (x, y)), ¬ local.xor l l')}"
          by (smt (verit, best) xor_def)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by (metis e_proj'(2) gluing_add prod.collapse rho_e_proj)
      also have " = ?g3"
        using True add_case ds(1) by presburger
      finally show ?thesis .
      case False
      have "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = gluing `` {(ext_add (ρ (x, y)) ((r  i) (x, y)), Not (xor l l'))}"
      proof -
        have "delta' (fst (ρ (x, y))) (snd (ρ (x, y))) (fst ((r  i) (x, y))) (snd ((r  i) (x, y)))  0"
          using False ds''' by blast
        moreover have "gluing `` {(ext_add (ρ (x, y)) ((r  i) (x, y)), local.xor l (¬ l'))} = gluing `` {(ext_add (ρ (x, y)) ((r  i) (x, y)), ¬ local.xor l l')}"
          by (smt (verit, best) xor_def)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using e_proj'(2) gluing_ext_add_points rho_e_proj by presburger
        also have " = ?g3"
          using ext_add_case by presburger
        finally show ?thesis .
    have e_proj': "gluing `` {((x, y), l)}  e_proj"
                  "gluing `` {((r  i) (x, y), Not l')}  e_proj"
      using e_proj eq r_expr(1) by auto
    have simp2: "tf ρ
     (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) (gluing `` {((r  i) (x, y), Not l')})) = 
      gluing `` {((ρ  r) (1,0), Not (xor l l'))}"
      (is "tf _ (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) = ?g3")
    proof(cases "?ds1  0")    
      case True
      then have us_ds: "delta x y x (-y)  0" using ds by blast
      then have aux: "delta x y x y  0" 
        using delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def by auto
      have "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = gluing `` {(add (x, y) ((r  i) (x, y)), Not (xor l l'))}"
      proof -
        have "delta x y (fst ((r  i) (x, y))) (snd ((r  i) (x, y)))  0"
          using True by auto
        have "gluing `` {(add (x, y) ((r  i) (x, y)), local.xor l (¬ l'))} 
            = gluing `` {(add (x, y) ((r  i) (x, y)), ¬ local.xor l l')}"
          by (smt (verit, best) xor_def)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by (metis e_proj' gluing_add prod.collapse)
      also have " = gluing `` {(r (1, 0), Not (xor l l'))}"
        by (metis add_case comp_def i.cases i_idemp_explicit inverse_rule_2
            rho_invariance_1_points us_ds)
      finally have eq': "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = gluing `` {(r (1, 0), Not (xor l l'))}" .
      have "gluing `` {(r (1, 0), ¬ local.xor l l')}  e_proj"
        using e_proj' eq' well_defined by force
      with eq' show ?thesis
        by (simp add: insert_rho_gluing_point) 
      case False
      then have us_ds: "delta' x y x (-y)  0" using ds ds'' by argo
      then have 2: "ext_add (x, y) ((r  i) (x, y)) = r (1,0)"
        using ext_add_comm_points ext_add_inverse r_expr(2) rotation_invariance_2_points zeros by auto
      have "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = 
            gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) ((r  i) (x, y)), Not (xor l l'))}"
      proof -
        have "gluing `` {((x, y), l)}  e_proj" "gluing `` {((r  i) (x, y), ¬ l')}  e_proj"
          using e_proj' by auto
        moreover have "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) ((r  i) (x, y)), local.xor l (¬ l'))} = gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) ((r  i) (x, y)), ¬ local.xor l l')}"
          by (smt (verit, best) xor_def)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using False ds'' gluing_ext_add_points by auto
      also have " = gluing `` {(r (1, 0), Not (xor l l'))}"
        using "2" by auto      
      finally have eq': "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = gluing `` {(r (1, 0), Not (xor l l'))}"
        by auto
      have "gluing `` {(r (1, 0), ¬ local.xor l l')}  e_proj"
        by (metis assms(1) e_proj'(2) eq' p_q_expr(1) well_defined)
      with eq' show ?thesis
        by (simp add: insert_rho_gluing_point)
    show ?thesis
      using e_proj'(1) eq insert_rho_gluing_point p_q_expr r_expr(1) simp1 simp2
      by presburger
  case b
    then have ds: "delta x y x' y'  0"
      unfolding e'_aff_0_def by auto
    have eq1: "proj_addition (tf ρ (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}))
                        (gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}) = 
               gluing `` {(add (ρ (x,y)) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
      using ds e_proj(1,2) gluing_add insert_rho_gluing_point rho_e_proj rotation_invariance_6
      by auto

    have eq2: "tf ρ
     (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) (gluing `` {((x', y'), l')})) =
     gluing `` {(add (ρ (x,y)) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
      by (metis ds e_proj gluing_add insert_rho_gluing_point rho_invariance_1_points

    then show ?thesis 
      unfolding p_q_expr
      using eq1 eq2 by auto
    case c
    then have ds: "delta' x y x' y'  0"
      unfolding e'_aff_1_def by auto
    have eq1: "proj_addition (tf ρ (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}))
                        (gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}) = 
          gluing `` {(ext_add (ρ (x,y)) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
    proof (subst insert_rho_gluing)
      show "gluing `` {((x, y), l)}  e_proj"
        by (simp add: e_proj(1))
      show "proj_addition (gluing `` {(ρ (x, y), l)}) (gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}) 
          = gluing `` {(ext_add (ρ (x, y)) (x', y'), local.xor l l')}"
        using ds e_proj(2) gluing_ext_add_points rho_e_proj rotation_invariance_5 by auto
    have eq2: "tf ρ (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) (gluing `` {((x', y'), l')})) =
               gluing `` {(ext_add (ρ (x,y)) (x', y'), xor l l')}"
      by (metis ds e_proj gluing_ext_add insert_rho_gluing_point rho_invariance_2_points
    show ?thesis 
      unfolding p_q_expr using eq1 eq2 by auto

lemma remove_add_rotation:
  assumes "p  e_proj" "q  e_proj" "r  rotations"
  shows "proj_addition (tf r p) q = tf r (proj_addition p q)"
proof -
  obtain x y l x' y' l' where p_q_expr: "p = gluing `` {((x, y), l)}" "p = gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}"
    by (metis assms(1) e_proj_def prod.collapse quotientE)
  consider (1) "r = id" | (2) "r = ρ" | (3) "r = ρ  ρ" | (4) "r = ρ  ρ  ρ" 
    using assms(3) unfolding rotations_def by fast
  then show ?thesis
    case 1
    then show ?thesis using tf_id by metis
    case 2
    then show ?thesis using remove_add_rho assms(1,2) by auto
    case 3        
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(1,2) p_q_expr(1) remove_add_rho
          rho_preserv_e_proj_point tf_comp) 
    case 4
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assms insert_rho_gluing_point p_q_expr(2)
          remove_add_rho rho_preserv_e_proj_point tf_comp) 

lemma remove_add_tau:
  assumes "p  e_proj" "q  e_proj"
  shows "proj_addition (tf' p) q = tf' (proj_addition p q)"
proof -
  obtain x y l x' y' l' where 
    p_q_expr: "p = gluing `` {((x, y), l)}" "q = gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}"
    using assms unfolding e_proj_def by (metis quotientE surj_pair)
  have e_proj:
    "gluing `` {((x, y), s)}  e_proj" 
    "gluing `` {((x', y'), s')}  e_proj" for s s'
    using p_q_expr assms e_proj_aff by auto
  then have i_proj:
    "gluing `` {(i (x, y), Not l')}  e_proj" 
    using proj_add_class_inv(2) by auto

  have in_aff: "(x,y)  e'_aff" "(x',y')  e'_aff" 
    using assms p_q_expr e_proj_aff by auto

  have other_proj:
    "gluing `` {((x, y), Not l)}  e_proj" 
    using in_aff e_proj_aff by auto

    (a) "(x, y)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y))" |
    (b) "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_0" "¬ ((x, y)  e_circ  
         (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y)))" |
    (c) "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_1" "¬ ((x, y)  e_circ  
         (gsymmetries. (x', y') = (g  i) (x, y)))" "((x, y), x', y')  e'_aff_0"
    using dichotomy_1[OF (x,y)  e'_aff (x',y')  e'_aff] by argo
  then show ?thesis
    case a
    then have e_circ: "(x,y)  e_circ" by auto 
    then have zeros: "x  0" "y  0" unfolding e_circ_def by auto
    from a obtain g where g_expr: 
      "g  symmetries" "(x', y') = (g  i) (x, y)" by blast
    then obtain r where r_expr: "(x', y') = (τ  r  i) (x, y)" "r  rotations"
      using sym_decomp by blast   
    have eq: "gluing `` {((τ  r  i) (x, y),s)} =  gluing `` {((r  i) (x, y), Not s)}" for s
      proof -
        have "fst ((r  i) (x, y))  0" "snd ((r  i) (x, y))  0"
        using zeros r_expr unfolding rotations_def by fastforce+
      have "(r  i) (x, y)  e'_aff"
           "gluing `` {((τ  r  i) (x, y), s)} = gluing `` {(τ ((r  i) (x, y)), ¬ ¬ s)}"
          using i_aff in_aff(1) r_expr(2) rot_aff by force+
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by (smt (verit) gluing_inv surjective_pairing)

    have "proj_addition (tf' (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}))
                        (gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}) = 
          proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), Not l)})
                        (gluing `` {((τ  r  i) (x, y), l')})"     
      (is "?lhs = _")
      using assms(1) p_q_expr(1) tf_tau r_expr by auto
    also have " =
          proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), Not l)})
                        (gluing `` {(r (i (x, y)), Not l')})" 
      using eq by auto
    also have " =  
          tf r (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), Not l)})
                        (gluing `` {(i (x, y), Not l')}))"
    proof -
      have "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), ¬ l)}) (tf r (gluing `` {(i (x, y), ¬ l')})) 
            = tf r (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), ¬ l)}) (gluing `` {(i (x, y), ¬ l')}))"
        by (metis e_proj(1) proj_add_class_inv(2) proj_addition_comm r_expr(2)
            remove_add_rotation rotation_preserv_e_proj_point)
      then show ?thesis
        using i_proj insert_rotation_gluing_point r_expr(2) by auto
    also have " = tf r {((1, 0), local.xor (¬ l) (¬ l'))}"
      using e_proj(1) proj_add_class_inv(1) by presburger
    also have " = tf r {((1,0), xor l l')}"
      (is "_ = ?rhs")
      by (smt (verit, del_insts) xor_def)
    finally have simp1: "?lhs = ?rhs" .

    have "tf' (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), l)})
          (gluing `` {((x', y'), l')})) = 
          tf' (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), l)})
          (gluing `` {((τ  r  i) (x, y), l')}))"     
      (is "?lhs = _")
      using assms(1) p_q_expr(1) tf_tau r_expr by auto
    also have " =
          tf' (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), l)})
          (gluing `` {(r (i (x, y)), Not l')}))" 
      using eq by auto
    also have "... = tf' (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}) (tf r (gluing `` {(i (x, y), ¬ l')})))"
      using i_proj insert_rotation_gluing_point r_expr(2) by force
    also have "... = tf' (tf r (proj_addition (gluing `` {(i (x, y), ¬ l')}) (gluing `` {((x, y), l)})))"
      by (metis e_proj(1) i_proj proj_addition_comm r_expr(2) remove_add_rotation
    also have "... = tf' (tf r {((1, 0), local.xor l (¬ l'))})"
      using e_proj(1) i_proj proj_add_class_inv(1) proj_addition_comm by presburger
    also have "... = tf r {((1, 0), xor l l')}"
      by (smt (verit) identity_equiv identity_proj tf_tau tf_tf'_commute xor_def) 
    finally have simp2: "?lhs = ?rhs" 
      by auto

    show ?thesis 
      unfolding p_q_expr
      unfolding remove_rho[OF e_proj(1),symmetric] 
      unfolding simp1 simp2 by auto
    case b
    then have ds: "delta x y x' y'  0"
      unfolding e'_aff_0_def by auto
    have add_proj: "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), s)}  e_proj" for s
      using e_proj add_closure_points ds e_proj_aff by auto
    have "gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), local.xor (¬ l) l')} =
          tf' (gluing `` {(add (x, y) (x', y'), local.xor l l')})"
      by (smt (verit, best) add_proj i.cases tf_tau xor_def)
    then show ?thesis
      unfolding p_q_expr by (metis ds e_proj gluing_add tf_tau) 
    case c
    then have ds: "delta' x y x' y'  0"
      unfolding e'_aff_1_def by auto
    have add_proj: "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), s)}  e_proj" for s
      using e_proj ext_add_closure_points ds e_proj_aff by auto
    have "gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), local.xor (¬ l) l')} =
          tf' (gluing `` {(ext_add (x, y) (x', y'), local.xor l l')})"
      by (smt (verit, best) add_proj i.cases tf_tau xor_def)
    then show ?thesis
      unfolding p_q_expr by (metis ds e_proj gluing_ext_add tf_tau) 

lemma remove_add_tau':
  assumes "p  e_proj" "q  e_proj"
  shows "proj_addition p (tf' q) = tf' (proj_addition p q)"  
proof -
  obtain r where "gluing `` {r} = q"
    by (metis assms(2) e_proj_def quotientE)
  then have inp: "tf' q  e_proj"
    using assms(2) tf_preserv_e_proj_point by blast
  show ?thesis
    by (metis assms inp proj_addition_comm remove_add_tau)

lemma tf'_idemp:
  assumes "s  e_proj"
  shows "tf' (tf' s) = s"
proof -
  obtain x y c l where "s = {((x, y), l)}  s = {((x, y), l), (τ (x, y), Not l)}"
    using assms gluing_cases by blast 
  then show ?thesis
    by (force simp: tf'_def)

definition tf'' where
  "tf'' g s = tf' (tf g s)"

lemma remove_sym:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x, y), l)}  e_proj" "gluing `` {(g (x, y), l)}  e_proj" "g  symmetries"
  shows "gluing `` {(g (x, y), l)} = tf'' (τ  g) (gluing `` {((x, y), l)})"
  using assms remove_tau remove_rotations sym_decomp
proof -
  obtain r where r_expr: "r  rotations" "g = τ  r"
    using assms sym_decomp by blast
  then have e_proj: "gluing `` {(r (x, y), l)}  e_proj"
    using rotation_preserv_e_proj insert_rotation_gluing assms by simp
  have "gluing `` {(g (x, y), l)} = tf' (gluing `` {(r (x, y), l)})"
    using assms r_expr
    by (metis remove_tau  e_proj comp_def i.cases) 
  also have " = tf' (tf r (gluing `` {((x, y), l)}))"
    using remove_rotations r_expr assms(1) by force
  also have " = tf'' (τ  g) (gluing `` {((x, y), l)})"
    using r_expr(2) tf''_def tau_idemp_explicit 
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) comp_assoc id_comp tau_idemp)
  finally show ?thesis.

lemma remove_add_sym:
  assumes "p  e_proj" "q  e_proj" "g  rotations"
  shows "proj_addition (tf'' g p) q = tf'' g (proj_addition p q)"
proof -
  obtain x y l x' y' l' where p_q_expr: "p =  gluing `` {((x, y), l)}" "q =  gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}"
    by (metis assms(1,2) e_proj_def prod.collapse quotientE)+
  then have e_proj: "(tf g p)  e_proj"
    using rotation_preserv_e_proj assms by fast  
  have "proj_addition (tf'' g p) q = proj_addition (tf' (tf g p)) q"
    unfolding tf''_def by simp
  also have " = tf' (proj_addition (tf g p) q)"
    using remove_add_tau assms e_proj by blast
  also have " = tf' (tf g (proj_addition p q))"
    using remove_add_rotation assms by presburger
  also have " = tf'' g (proj_addition p q)"
    using tf''_def by auto
  finally show ?thesis by simp

lemma tf''_preserv_e_proj:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x,y),l)}  e_proj" "r  rotations"
  shows "tf'' r (gluing `` {((x,y),l)})  e_proj"
  unfolding tf''_def
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms rotation_preserv_e_proj_point
      tf_preserv_e_proj_point tf_tau tf_tf'_commute)

lemma tf'_injective:
  assumes "c1  e_proj" "c2  e_proj"
  assumes "tf' c1 = tf' c2"
  shows "c1 = c2"
  using assms by (metis tf'_idemp)

subsection ‹Associativities›

lemma add_add_add_add_assoc:
  assumes "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" "(x3,y3)  e'_aff"
  assumes "delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0" "delta x2 y2 x3 y3  0"
          "delta (fst (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) (snd (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) x3 y3  0"
          "delta x1 y1 (fst (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) (snd (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)))  0"
        shows "add (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) = add (x1,y1) (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
  using assms unfolding e'_aff_def delta_def
  using associativity e_e'_iff by fastforce

lemma fstI: "x = (y, z)  y = fst x"
  by simp

lemma sndI: "x = (y, z)  z = snd x"
  by simp

 The other associative cases are more difficult. 
 But they can be still performed. 
 In each case one only needs to vary what to simplify. 
 The following ML code generates proofs for the 15 cases.

ML fun basic_equalities assms ctxt z1' z3' =
  (* Basic equalities *)

  val th1 = @{thm fstI}  OF  [(nth assms 0)]
  val th2 = Thm.instantiate' [SOME @{ctyp "'a"}] 
                             [SOME @{cterm "fst::'a×'a  'a"}]  
                             (@{thm arg_cong} OF [(nth assms 2)])
  val x1'_expr = Goal.prove ctxt [] [] (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop 
                             (HOLogic.mk_eq (@{term "x1'::'a"},HOLogic.mk_fst z1')))
                            (fn _ =>
                                    EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [1] [th1] 1
                                    THEN EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [1] [th2] 1
                                    THEN simp_tac ctxt 1)
  val th3 = @{thm sndI}  OF  [(nth assms 0)]
  val th4 = Thm.instantiate' [SOME @{ctyp "'a"}] 
                             [SOME @{cterm "snd::'a×'a  'a"}]  
                             (@{thm arg_cong} OF [(nth assms 2)])
  val y1'_expr = Goal.prove ctxt [] []
                                 (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (@{term "y1'::'a"},HOLogic.mk_snd z1')))
                            (fn _ => EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [1] [th3] 1
                                    THEN EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [1] [th4] 1
                                    THEN simp_tac ctxt 1)

  val th5 = @{thm fstI}  OF  [(nth assms 1)]
  val th6 = Thm.instantiate' [SOME @{ctyp "'a"}] 
                             [SOME @{cterm "fst::'a×'a  'a"}]  
                             (@{thm arg_cong} OF [(nth assms 3)])
  val x3'_expr = Goal.prove ctxt [] []
                                 (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (@{term "x3'::'a"},HOLogic.mk_fst z3')))
                            (fn _ => EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [1] [th5] 1
                                    THEN EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [1] [th6] 1
                                    THEN simp_tac ctxt 1)
  val th7 = @{thm sndI}  OF  [(nth assms 1)]
  val th8 = Thm.instantiate' [SOME @{ctyp "'a"}] 
                             [SOME @{cterm "snd::'a×'a  'a"}]  
                             (@{thm arg_cong} OF [(nth assms 3)])
  val y3'_expr = Goal.prove ctxt [] []
                                 (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (@{term "y3'::'a"},HOLogic.mk_snd z3')))
                            (fn _ => EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [1] [th7] 1
                                    THEN EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [1] [th8] 1
                                    THEN simp_tac ctxt 1)

fun rewrite_procedures ctxt =
  val rewrite1 =
      val pat = [Rewrite.In,Rewrite.Term 
                  (@{const divide('a)} $ Var (("c", 0), typ'a) $ Rewrite.mk_hole 1 (typ'a), []),
      val to = NONE
      CCONVERSION (Rewrite.rewrite_conv ctxt (pat, to) @{thms delta_x_def[symmetric] delta_y_def[symmetric] 
                                                              delta_minus_def[symmetric] delta_plus_def[symmetric]}) 1 
  val rewrite2 =
      val pat = [Rewrite.In,Rewrite.Term 
                  (@{const divide('a)} $ Var (("c", 0), typ'a) $ Rewrite.mk_hole 1 (typ'a), []),
      val to = NONE
      CCONVERSION (Rewrite.rewrite_conv ctxt (pat, to) @{thms delta_x_def[symmetric] delta_y_def[symmetric] 
                                                              delta_minus_def[symmetric] delta_plus_def[symmetric] 
                               }) 1 

  val rewrite3 =
      val pat = [Rewrite.In,Rewrite.Term (@{const divide('a)} $ Var (("c", 0), typ'a) $ 
                                          Rewrite.mk_hole 1 (typ'a), []),Rewrite.At]
      val to = NONE
      CCONVERSION (Rewrite.rewrite_conv ctxt (pat, to) @{thms delta_x_def[symmetric] delta_y_def[symmetric] 
                                                              delta_minus_def[symmetric] delta_plus_def[symmetric]}) 1 
  val rewrite4 =
      val pat = [Rewrite.In,Rewrite.Term (@{const divide('a)} $ Var (("c", 0), typ'a) $ 
                                         Rewrite.mk_hole 1 (typ'a), []),Rewrite.In]
      val to = NONE
      CCONVERSION (Rewrite.rewrite_conv ctxt (pat, to) @{thms delta_x_def[symmetric] delta_y_def[symmetric] 
                                                              delta_minus_def[symmetric] delta_plus_def[symmetric]}) 1 

fun concrete_assoc first second third fourth =
  val ctxt0 = @{context};
  val ctxt = ctxt0;
  val (_,ctxt) = Variable.add_fixes ["z1'","x1'","y1'",
                                     "z3'","x3'", "y3'", 
                                     "x1", "y1", "x2", "y2", "x3", "y3"] ctxt

  val z1' = if first = "ext" then @{term "ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)"} else @{term "add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)"}
  val z3' = if fourth = "ext" then @{term "ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)"} else @{term "add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)"}
  val lhs = if second = "ext" then (fn z1' => @{term "ext_add"} $ z1' $ @{term "(x3::'a,y3::'a)"}) 
                              else (fn z1' => @{term "add"} $ z1' $ @{term "(x3::'a,y3::'a)"})
  val rhs = if third = "ext" then (fn z3' => @{term "ext_add (x1,y1)"} $ z3')
                             else (fn z3' => @{term "add (x1,y1)"} $ z3') 

  val delta1 = case z1' of @{term "ext_add"} $ _ $ _ => [@{term "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2"},@{term "delta_x x1 y1 x2 y2"},@{term "delta_y x1 y1 x2 y2"}]
                         | @{term "add"} $ _ $ _     => [@{term "delta x1 y1 x2 y2"},@{term "delta_minus x1 y1 x2 y2"},@{term "delta_plus x1 y1 x2 y2"}]
                         | _ => [] 
  val delta2 = case (lhs @{term "z1'::'a × 'a"}) of 
                           @{term "ext_add"} $ _ $ _ => [@{term "delta_x x1' y1' x3 y3"},@{term "delta_y x1' y1' x3 y3"}]
                         | @{term "add"} $ _ $ _     => [@{term "delta_minus x1' y1' x3 y3"},@{term "delta_plus x1' y1' x3 y3"}]
                         | _ => [] 
  val delta3 = if third = "ext" then [@{term "delta_x x1 y1 x3' y3'"},@{term "delta_y x1 y1 x3' y3'"}]
                                else [@{term "delta_minus x1 y1 x3' y3'"},@{term "delta_plus x1 y1 x3' y3'"}]

  val delta4 = if fourth = "ext" then [@{term "delta' x2 y2 x3 y3"},@{term "delta_x x2 y2 x3 y3"},@{term "delta_y x2 y2 x3 y3"}]
                                 else [@{term "delta x2 y2 x3 y3"},@{term "delta_minus x2 y2 x3 y3"},@{term "delta_plus x2 y2 x3 y3"}]

  val assms3 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq(@{term "z1'::'a × 'a"},z1')))
  val assms4 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq(@{term "z3'::'a × 'a"},z3')))
  val assms5 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_not (HOLogic.mk_eq (nth delta1 1,@{term "0::'a"}))))
  val assms6 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_not (HOLogic.mk_eq (nth delta1 2,@{term "0::'a"}))))
  val assms7 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_not (HOLogic.mk_eq (nth delta4 1,@{term "0::'a"}))))
  val assms8 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_not (HOLogic.mk_eq (nth delta4 2,@{term "0::'a"}))))
  val assms9 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_not (HOLogic.mk_eq (nth delta2 0,@{term "0::'a"}))))
  val assms10 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_not (HOLogic.mk_eq (nth delta2 1,@{term "0::'a"}))))
  val assms11 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_not (HOLogic.mk_eq (nth delta3 0,@{term "0::'a"}))))
  val assms12 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_not (HOLogic.mk_eq (nth delta3 1,@{term "0::'a"}))))

  val (assms,ctxt) = Assumption.add_assumes 
                         [@{cprop "z1' = (x1'::'a,y1'::'a)"}, @{cprop "z3' = (x3'::'a,y3'::'a)"},
                          assms3,assms4,assms5,assms6,assms7, assms8,assms9, assms10,assms11, assms12,
                          @{cprop "e' x1 y1 = 0"}, @{cprop "e' x2 y2 = 0"}, @{cprop "e' x3 y3 = 0"} 
                         ] ctxt;

  val normalizex = List.foldl (HOLogic.mk_binop "Groups.times_class.times") @{term "1::'a"} [nth delta2 0, nth delta3 0, nth delta1 0, nth delta4 0] 
  val normalizey = List.foldl (HOLogic.mk_binop "Groups.times_class.times") @{term "1::'a"} [nth delta2 1, nth delta3 1, nth delta1 0, nth delta4 0]

  val fstminus = HOLogic.mk_binop "Groups.minus_class.minus"
                  (HOLogic.mk_fst (lhs @{term "z1'::'a × 'a"}), HOLogic.mk_fst (rhs @{term "z3'::'a × 'a"}))
  val sndminus = HOLogic.mk_binop "Groups.minus_class.minus" 
                  (HOLogic.mk_snd (lhs @{term "z1'::'a × 'a"}), HOLogic.mk_snd (rhs @{term "z3'::'a × 'a"}))
  val goal = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop(HOLogic.mk_eq(lhs z1',rhs z3'))

  val gxDeltax =
     HOLogic.mk_exists ("r1",@{typ 'a},
      HOLogic.mk_exists("r2",@{typ 'a},
       HOLogic.mk_exists("r3",@{typ 'a},
        HOLogic.mk_eq(HOLogic.mk_binop "Groups.times_class.times" (fstminus,normalizex), 
                      @{term "r1 * e' x1 y1 + r2 * e' x2 y2 + r3 * e' x3 y3"})))))

  val gyDeltay = 
     HOLogic.mk_exists ("r1",@{typ 'a},
      HOLogic.mk_exists("r2",@{typ 'a},
       HOLogic.mk_exists("r3",@{typ 'a},
        HOLogic.mk_eq(HOLogic.mk_binop "Groups.times_class.times" (sndminus,normalizey), 
                      @{term "r1 * e' x1 y1 + r2 * e' x2 y2 + r3 * e' x3 y3"})))))

  val (x1'_expr,y1'_expr,x3'_expr,y3'_expr) = basic_equalities assms ctxt z1' z3'
  val (rewrite1,rewrite2,rewrite3,rewrite4) = rewrite_procedures ctxt
  (* First subgoal *)
  val div1 = Goal.prove ctxt [] [] gxDeltax
   (fn _ => asm_full_simp_tac (ctxt addsimps [nth assms 0,nth assms 1]) 1
            THEN REPEAT rewrite1
            THEN asm_full_simp_tac (ctxt
                     addsimps (@{thms divide_simps} @ [nth assms 8, nth assms 10])) 1
            THEN REPEAT (EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [0] 
                (@{thms left_diff_distrib delta_x_def delta_y_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def} @ [x1'_expr,y1'_expr,x3'_expr,y3'_expr]) 1)
            THEN simp_tac ctxt 1
            THEN REPEAT rewrite2
            THEN asm_full_simp_tac (ctxt
                     addsimps (@{thms divide_simps} @ map (nth assms) [4,5,6,7] @ 
                               [@{thm delta'_def}, @{thm delta_def}])) 1
            THEN asm_full_simp_tac (ctxt addsimps
                      [@{thm c_eq_1},@{thm t_expr(1)},@{thm delta_x_def},
                       @{thm delta_y_def}, @{thm delta_plus_def}, 
                       @{thm delta_minus_def}, @{thm e'_def}]) 1
            THEN Groebner.algebra_tac [] [] ctxt 1

  val goal1 = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (fstminus, @{term "0::'a"}))
  val eq1 = Goal.prove ctxt [] [] goal1
                (fn _ => Method.insert_tac ctxt [div1] 1
                        THEN asm_full_simp_tac (ctxt addsimps 
                            (map (nth assms) [4,5,6,7,8,10,12,13,14]) @ @{thms delta'_def delta_def}) 1 )
  val div2 = Goal.prove ctxt [] [] gyDeltay
   (fn _ => asm_full_simp_tac (@{context} addsimps [nth assms 0,nth assms 1]) 1
            THEN REPEAT rewrite3
            THEN asm_full_simp_tac (@{context} addsimps (@{thms divide_simps} @ [nth assms 9,nth assms 11])) 1
            THEN REPEAT (EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [0] (@{thms left_diff_distrib delta_x_def delta_y_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def} @ [x1'_expr,y1'_expr,x3'_expr,y3'_expr]) 1)
            THEN simp_tac @{context} 1
                        THEN REPEAT rewrite4
            THEN asm_full_simp_tac (@{context}  addsimps (@{thms divide_simps delta'_def delta_def} @ (map (nth assms) [4,5,6,7]))) 1
            THEN asm_full_simp_tac (@{context} addsimps
                                [@{thm c_eq_1},@{thm t_expr(1)},@{thm delta_x_def},
                                 @{thm delta_y_def}, @{thm delta_plus_def}, 
                                 @{thm delta_minus_def}, @{thm e'_def}]) 1
            THEN Groebner.algebra_tac [] [] ctxt 1

  val goal2 = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (sndminus, @{term "0::'a"}))
  val eq2 = Goal.prove ctxt [] [] goal2
                (fn _ => Method.insert_tac ctxt [div2] 1
                        THEN asm_full_simp_tac (ctxt addsimps 
                            (map (nth assms) [4,5,6,7,9,11,12,13,14]) @ @{thms delta'_def delta_def}) 1 );
  val goal = Goal.prove ctxt [] [] goal
                (fn _ => Method.insert_tac ctxt ([eq1,eq2] @ [nth assms 2,nth assms 3]) 1
                        THEN asm_full_simp_tac ctxt 1 );  

 singleton (Proof_Context.export ctxt ctxt0) goal

local_setup Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "ext_ext_ext_ext_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "ext" "ext" "ext" "ext"]) #> snd

local_setup Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "ext_add_ext_ext_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "add" "ext" "ext" "ext"]) #> snd

local_setup Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "ext_ext_ext_add_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "ext" "ext" "ext" "add"]) #> snd

local_setup Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "add_ext_add_ext_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "ext" "add" "add" "ext"]) #> snd

lemma add_ext_add_ext_assoc_points:
  assumes "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" "(x3,y3)  e'_aff"
  assumes "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0" "delta' x2 y2 x3 y3  0"
          "delta (fst (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) (snd (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) x3 y3  0"
          "delta x1 y1 (fst (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) (snd (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)))  0"
  shows "add (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) = add (x1,y1) (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
  apply(rule add_ext_add_ext_assoc refl)+
  using assms delta_def delta'_def e'_aff_def by force+

local_setup Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "add_ext_ext_ext_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "ext" "add" "ext" "ext"]) #> snd

local_setup Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "add_ext_add_add_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "ext" "add" "add" "add"]) #> snd

lemma add_ext_add_add_assoc_points:
  assumes "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" "(x3,y3)  e'_aff"
  assumes "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0" "delta x2 y2 x3 y3  0"
          "delta (fst (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) (snd (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) x3 y3  0"
          "delta x1 y1 (fst (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) (snd (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)))  0"
        shows "add (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) = add (x1,y1) (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
  apply(rule add_ext_add_add_assoc refl)+
  using assms delta_def delta'_def e'_aff_def by force+

local_setup Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "add_add_ext_add_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "add" "add" "ext" "add"]) #> snd

lemma add_add_ext_add_assoc_points:
  assumes "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" "(x3,y3)  e'_aff"
  assumes "delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0" "delta x2 y2 x3 y3  0"
          "delta (fst (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) (snd (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) x3 y3  0"
          "delta' x1 y1 (fst (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) (snd (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)))  0"
  shows "add (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) = ext_add (x1,y1) (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
  apply(rule add_add_ext_add_assoc refl)+
  using assms delta_def delta'_def e'_aff_def by force+

local_setup Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "add_add_ext_ext_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "add" "add" "ext" "ext"]) #> snd

local_setup Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "add_add_add_ext_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "add" "add" "add" "ext"]) #> snd

lemma add_add_add_ext_assoc_points:
  assumes "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" "(x3,y3)  e'_aff"
  assumes "delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0" "delta' x2 y2 x3 y3  0"
          "delta (fst (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) (snd (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) x3 y3  0"
          "delta x1 y1 (fst (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) (snd (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)))  0"
        shows "add (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) = add (x1,y1) (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
  apply(rule add_add_add_ext_assoc refl | simp)+
  using assms delta_def delta'_def e'_aff_def by force+

local_setup Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "ext_add_add_ext_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "add" "ext" "add" "ext"]) #> snd

lemma ext_add_add_ext_assoc_points:
  assumes "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" "(x3,y3)  e'_aff"
  assumes "delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0" "delta' x2 y2 x3 y3  0"
          "delta' (fst (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) (snd (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) x3 y3  0"
          "delta x1 y1 (fst (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) (snd (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)))  0"
        shows "ext_add (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) = add (x1,y1) (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
  apply(rule ext_add_add_ext_assoc refl | simp)+
  using assms delta_def delta'_def e'_aff_def by force+

local_setup Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "ext_add_add_add_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "add" "ext" "add" "add"]) #> snd

lemma ext_add_add_add_assoc_points:
  assumes "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" "(x3,y3)  e'_aff"
  assumes "delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0" "delta x2 y2 x3 y3  0"
          "delta' (fst (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) (snd (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) x3 y3  0"
          "delta x1 y1 (fst (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) (snd (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)))  0"
  shows "ext_add (add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) = add (x1,y1) (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
  by (metis add_add_ext_add_assoc_points assms curve_addition.commutativity
      curve_addition.delta_com delta'_com ext_add_comm_points)

local_setup Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "ext_add_ext_add_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "add" "ext" "ext" "add"]) #> snd

local_setup Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "ext_ext_add_add_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "ext" "ext" "add" "add"]) #> snd

lemma ext_ext_add_add_assoc_points:
  assumes "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" "(x3,y3)  e'_aff"
  assumes "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0" "delta x2 y2 x3 y3  0"
          "delta' (fst (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) (snd (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) x3 y3  0"
          "delta x1 y1 (fst (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) (snd (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)))  0"
        shows "ext_add (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) = add (x1,y1) (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
  apply(rule ext_ext_add_add_assoc refl | simp)+
  using assms delta_def delta'_def e'_aff_def by force+

local_setup Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "ext_ext_add_ext_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "ext" "ext" "add" "ext"]) #> snd

lemma ext_ext_add_ext_assoc_points:
  assumes "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" "(x3,y3)  e'_aff"
  assumes "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0" "delta' x2 y2 x3 y3  0"
          "delta' (fst (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) (snd (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2))) x3 y3  0"
          "delta x1 y1 (fst (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))) (snd (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)))  0"
  shows "ext_add (ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) (x3,y3) = add (x1,y1) (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))"
  apply(rule ext_ext_add_ext_assoc refl | simp)+
  using assms delta_def delta'_def e'_aff_def by force+

local_setup Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "add_ext_ext_add_assoc"}, []), [concrete_assoc "ext" "add" "ext" "add"]) #> snd

subsection ‹Lemmas for associativity›

lemma cancellation_assoc:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x1,y1), False)}  e_proj" 
          "gluing `` {((x2,y2), False)}  e_proj" 
          "gluing `` {(i (x2,y2), False)}  e_proj"
  shows "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1,y1), False)}) 
                                      (gluing `` {((x2,y2), False)})) (gluing `` {(i (x2,y2), False)}) = 
         gluing `` {((x1,y1), False)}"
  (is "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = ?g1")
proof -
  have in_aff: "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" "i (x2,y2)  e'_aff" 
    using assms e_proj_aff by auto

  have one_in: "gluing `` {((1, 0), False)}  e_proj"
    using identity_proj identity_equiv by auto

  have e_proj: "gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}  e_proj"
               "gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}  e_proj"
               "gluing `` {(i (x1, y1), False)}  e_proj"
               "{((1, 0), False)}  e_proj"
               "gluing `` {(i (x2, y2), False)}  e_proj"                   
    using e_proj_aff in_aff apply(simp,simp)
    using assms proj_add_class_inv apply blast
    using identity_equiv one_in apply auto[1]
    using assms(2) proj_add_class_inv by blast

    assume "(gsymmetries. (x2, y2) = (g  i) (x1, y1))" 
    then obtain g where g_expr: "g  symmetries" "(x2, y2) = (g  i) (x1, y1)" by auto
    then obtain g' where g_expr': "g'  symmetries" "i (x2,y2) = g' (x1, y1)" "g  g' = id"
      using symmetries_i_inverse[OF g_expr(1), of x1 y1] 
            i_idemp pointfree_idE by force      

    obtain r where r_expr: "r  rotations" "(x2, y2) = (τ  r) (i (x1, y1))" "g = τ  r"
      using g_expr sym_decomp by force
    have e_proj_comp: 
      "gluing `` {(g (i (x1, y1)), False)}  e_proj"
      "gluing `` {(g (i (x2, y2)), False)}  e_proj"
      using assms g_expr' pointfree_idE g_expr(2) by fastforce+

    have g2_eq: "?g2 = tf'' r (gluing `` {(i (x1, y1), False)})"
      (is "_ = tf'' _ ?g4")
      using remove_sym[of "fst (i (x1,y1))" "snd (i (x1,y1))" False "τ  r", 
                     simplified prod.collapse]
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) comp_assoc e_proj(2,3) g_expr(1) id_comp r_expr(2,3)
    have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' r ?g4)) ?g3 = ?g1"
      apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
      using e_proj g2_eq[symmetric] apply(simp,simp)
      apply(subst remove_add_sym)
      using e_proj r_expr apply(simp,simp,simp)
      apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
      using e_proj apply(simp,simp)
      apply(subst proj_add_class_inv(1))
      using e_proj apply simp
      apply(subst remove_add_sym)
      using e_proj r_expr xor_def apply(simp,simp,simp)
      apply(simp add: xor_def del: i.simps)
      apply(subst proj_add_class_identity)
      using e_proj apply simp
      apply(subst remove_sym[symmetric, of "fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))" False "τ  r",
                  simplified prod.collapse comp_assoc[of τ τ r,symmetric] tau_idemp id_o])
      using e_proj apply simp
      using e_proj_comp(2) r_expr(3) apply auto[1]
      using g_expr(1) r_expr(3) apply auto[1]
      using g_expr'(2) g_expr'(3) pointfree_idE r_expr(3) by fastforce
    have ?thesis 
      unfolding g2_eq eq1 by auto
  note dichotomy_case = this
  consider (1) "x1  0" "y1  0" "x2  0" "y2  0" | (2) "x1 = 0  y1 = 0  x2 = 0  y2 = 0" by fastforce
  then show ?thesis
    case 1
    have taus: "τ (i (x2, y2))  e'_aff"
    proof -
      have "i (x2,y2)  e_circ"
        using e_circ_def in_aff 1 by auto
      then show ?thesis
        using τ_circ circ_to_aff by blast
      (a) "(gsymmetries. (x2, y2) = (g  i) (x1, y1))" |
      (b) "((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_0" 
          "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x2, y2) = (g  i) (x1, y1)))" |
      (c) "((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_1" 
          "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x2, y2) = (g  i) (x1, y1)))" "((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_0"
        using dichotomy_1 in_aff by blast
    then show ?thesis 
      case a 
      then show ?thesis 
        using dichotomy_case by auto
      case b      
      have pd: "delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0"
        using b(1) unfolding e'_aff_0_def by simp

      have ds: "delta x2 y2 x2 (-y2)  0  delta' x2 y2 (x2) (-y2)  0 "
        using in_aff d_n1 
        unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
                  delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
                  e'_aff_def e'_def
        by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) add_self curve_addition.delta_minus_def
            curve_addition.delta_plus_def delta'_def delta_def delta_x_def delta_y_def

      have eq1: "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}" 
        (is "_ = ?g_add")
        using gluing_add[OF assms(1,2) pd] xor_def by force
      then obtain rx ry where r_expr: 
        "rx = fst (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))"
        "ry = snd (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))"
        "(rx,ry) = add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)"
        by simp
      have in_aff_r: "(rx,ry)  e'_aff"
        using in_aff add_closure_points pd r_expr by auto  
      have e_proj_r: "gluing `` {((rx,ry), False)}  e_proj"
        using e_proj_aff in_aff_r by auto
        (aa) "(rx, ry)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. i (x2, y2) = (g  i) (rx, ry))" |
        (bb) "((rx, ry), i (x2, y2))  e'_aff_0" "¬ ((rx, ry)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. i (x2, y2) = (g  i) (rx, ry)))" |
        (cc) "((rx, ry), i (x2, y2))  e'_aff_1" "¬ ((rx, ry)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. i (x2, y2) = (g  i) (rx, ry)))" "((rx, ry), i (x2, y2))  e'_aff_0"        
        using dichotomy_1[OF in_aff_r in_aff(3)] by fast        
      then show ?thesis 
        case aa
        then obtain g where g_expr: 
          "g  symmetries" "(i (x2, y2)) = (g  i) (rx, ry)" by blast
        then obtain r where rot_expr: 
          "r  rotations" "(i (x2, y2)) = (τ  r  i) (rx, ry)" "τ  g = r" 
          using sym_decomp pointfree_idE sym_to_rot tau_idemp by fastforce
        from aa have pd': "delta rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) = 0"
          using wd_d_nz by auto
          (aaa) "(rx, ry)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. τ (i (x2, y2)) = (g  i) (rx, ry))" |
          (bbb) "((rx, ry), τ (i (x2, y2)))  e'_aff_0" "¬ ((rx, ry)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. τ (i (x2, y2)) = (g  i) (rx, ry)))" |
          (ccc) "((rx, ry), τ (i (x2, y2)))  e'_aff_1" "¬ ((rx, ry)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. τ (i (x2, y2)) = (g  i) (rx, ry)))" "((rx, ry), τ (i (x2, y2)))  e'_aff_0"        
          using dichotomy_1[OF in_aff_r taus] by fast
        then show ?thesis 
          case aaa 
          have pd'': "delta rx ry (fst (τ (i (x2, y2)))) (snd (τ (i (x2, y2)))) = 0"
            using wd_d_nz aaa by auto
          from aaa obtain g' where g'_expr: 
            "g'  symmetries" "τ (i (x2, y2)) = (g'  i) (rx, ry)" 
            by blast
          then obtain r' where r'_expr: 
            "r'  rotations" "τ (i (x2, y2)) = (τ  r'  i) (rx, ry)" 
            using sym_decomp by blast
          from r'_expr have 
            "i (x2, y2) = (r'  i) (rx, ry)" 
            using tau_idemp_point by (metis comp_apply)
          from this rot_expr have "(τ  r  i) (rx, ry) = (r'  i) (rx, ry)" 
            by argo
          then obtain ri' where "ri'  rotations" "ri'( (τ  r  i) (rx, ry)) = i (rx, ry)"
            by (metis comp_def rho_i_com_inverses(1) r'_expr(1) rot_inv tau_idemp tau_sq)
          then have "(τ  ri'  r  i) (rx, ry) = i (rx, ry)"
            by (metis comp_apply rot_tau_com)
          then obtain g'' where g''_expr: "g''  symmetries" "g'' (i ((rx, ry))) = i (rx,ry)"
            using ri'  rotations rot_expr(1) rot_comp tau_rot_sym by force
          have in_g: "g''  G"
            using g''_expr(1) unfolding G_def symmetries_def by blast
          have in_circ: "i (rx, ry)  e_circ"
            using aa i_circ by blast
          then have "g'' = id"
            using g_no_fp in_g in_circ g''_expr(2) by blast
          then have "False"
            using sym_not_id sym_decomp  g''_expr(1) by fastforce
          then show ?thesis by simp
          case bbb  
          then have pd': "delta rx ry (fst (τ (i (x2,y2)))) (snd (τ (i (x2,y2))))  0"
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def by simp          
          then have pd'': "delta' rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2)))  0"
            using 1 delta_add_delta'_1 in_aff pd r_expr by auto            
          have "False"
            using aa pd'' wd_d'_nz by auto
          then show ?thesis by auto
          case ccc 
          then have pd': "delta' rx ry (fst (τ (i (x2,y2)))) (snd (τ (i (x2,y2))))  0"
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def by auto
          then have pd'': "delta rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2)))  0"
            using 1 delta_add_delta'_2 in_aff pd r_expr by auto
          have "False"
            using aa pd'' wd_d_nz by auto      
          then show ?thesis by auto
        case bb        
        then have pd': "delta rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2)))  0"
          using bb unfolding e'_aff_0_def r_expr by simp
        have add_assoc: "add (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (i (x2, y2)) = (x1,y1)"
        proof(cases "delta x2 y2 x2 (-y2)  0")
          case True
          have inv: "add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2)) = (1,0)"
            using inverse_generalized[OF in_aff(2)] True
            unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def by auto
          show ?thesis
            apply(subst add_add_add_add_assoc[OF in_aff(1,2), 
                 of "fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))",
                 simplified prod.collapse])  
            using in_aff(3) pd True pd' r_expr apply force+
            using inv unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def apply simp
            using inv neutral by presburger
          case False
          then have ds': "delta' x2 y2 x2 (- y2)  0"
            using ds by auto
          have inv: "ext_add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2)) = (1,0)"
            using ext_add_inverse 1 by simp
          show ?thesis
            apply(subst add_add_add_ext_assoc_points[of x1 y1 x2 y2 
                  "fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))", simplified prod.collapse]) 
            using in_aff pd ds' pd' r_expr apply force+
            using inv unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def apply simp
            using inv neutral by presburger

        show ?thesis
          using add_assoc e_proj(5) e_proj_r gluing_add pd' r_expr(3) xor_def 
          by (force simp add: gluing_add e_proj pd)
        case cc 
        then have pd': "delta' rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2)))  0"
          using cc unfolding e'_aff_1_def r_expr by simp
        have add_assoc: "ext_add (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (i (x2, y2)) = (x1,y1)"
        proof(cases "delta x2 y2 x2 (-y2)  0")
          case True
          have inv: "add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2)) = (1,0)"
            using inverse_generalized[OF in_aff(2)] True
            unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def by auto
          show ?thesis
            apply(subst ext_add_add_add_assoc_points[OF in_aff(1,2), 
                 of "fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))",
                 simplified prod.collapse])  
            using in_aff(3) pd True pd' r_expr apply force+
            using inv unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def apply simp
            using inv neutral by presburger
          case False
          then have ds': "delta' x2 y2 x2 (- y2)  0"
            using ds by auto
          have inv: "ext_add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2)) = (1,0)"
            using ext_add_inverse 1 by simp
          show ?thesis
            apply(subst ext_add_add_ext_assoc_points[of x1 y1 x2 y2 
                  "fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))", simplified prod.collapse]) 
            using in_aff pd ds' pd' r_expr apply force+
            using inv unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def apply simp
            using inv neutral by presburger

        show ?thesis
          using add_assoc e_proj(5) e_proj_r gluing_ext_add_points pd' r_expr(3) xor_def 
          by (force simp add: gluing_add e_proj pd)
      case c
      have pd: "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0"
        using c unfolding e'_aff_1_def by simp

      have ds: "delta x2 y2 x2 (-y2)  0 
                delta' x2 y2 (x2) (-y2)  0 "
        using in_aff d_n1 add_self by blast
      have eq1: "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}" 
        (is "_ = ?g_add")
        using gluing_ext_add[OF assms(1,2) pd] xor_def by presburger
      then obtain rx ry where r_expr: 
        "rx = fst (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))"
        "ry = snd (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))"
        "(rx,ry) = ext_add (x1,y1) (x2,y2)"
        by simp
      have in_aff_r: "(rx,ry)  e'_aff"
        using in_aff ext_add_closure_points pd r_expr by auto  
      have e_proj_r: "gluing `` {((rx,ry), False)}  e_proj"
        using e_proj_aff in_aff_r by auto
        (aa) "(rx, ry)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. i (x2, y2) = (g  i) (rx, ry))" |
        (bb) "((rx, ry), i (x2, y2))  e'_aff_0" 
             "¬ ((rx, ry)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. i (x2, y2) = (g  i) (rx, ry)))" |
        (cc) "((rx, ry), i (x2, y2))  e'_aff_1" 
             "¬ ((rx, ry)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. i (x2, y2) = (g  i) (rx, ry)))" "((rx, ry), i (x2, y2))  e'_aff_0"        
        using dichotomy_1[OF in_aff_r in_aff(3)] by fast        
      then show ?thesis 
        case aa
        then obtain g where g_expr: 
          "g  symmetries" "(i (x2, y2)) = (g  i) (rx, ry)" by blast
        then obtain r where rot_expr: 
          "r  rotations" "(i (x2, y2)) = (τ  r  i) (rx, ry)" "τ  g = r" 
          using sym_decomp pointfree_idE sym_to_rot tau_idemp by fastforce
        from aa have pd': "delta rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) = 0"
          using wd_d_nz by auto
          (aaa) "(rx, ry)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. τ (i (x2, y2)) = (g  i) (rx, ry))" |
          (bbb) "((rx, ry), τ (i (x2, y2)))  e'_aff_0" "¬ ((rx, ry)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. τ (i (x2, y2)) = (g  i) (rx, ry)))" |
          (ccc) "((rx, ry), τ (i (x2, y2)))  e'_aff_1" "¬ ((rx, ry)  e_circ  (gsymmetries. τ (i (x2, y2)) = (g  i) (rx, ry)))" "((rx, ry), τ (i (x2, y2)))  e'_aff_0"        
          using dichotomy_1[OF in_aff_r taus] by fast
        then show ?thesis 
          case aaa 
          have pd'': "delta rx ry (fst (τ (i (x2, y2)))) (snd (τ (i (x2, y2)))) = 0"
            using wd_d_nz aaa by auto
          from aaa obtain g' where g'_expr: 
            "g'  symmetries" "τ (i (x2, y2)) = (g'  i) (rx, ry)" 
            by blast
          then obtain r' where r'_expr: 
            "r'  rotations" "τ (i (x2, y2)) = (τ  r'  i) (rx, ry)" 
            using sym_decomp by blast
          from r'_expr have 
            "i (x2, y2) = (r'  i) (rx, ry)" 
            using tau_idemp_point by (metis comp_apply)
          from this rot_expr have "(τ  r  i) (rx, ry) = (r'  i) (rx, ry)" 
            by argo
          then obtain ri' where "ri'  rotations" "ri'( (τ  r  i) (rx, ry)) = i (rx, ry)"
            by (metis comp_def rho_i_com_inverses(1) r'_expr(1) rot_inv tau_idemp tau_sq)
          then have "(τ  ri'  r  i) (rx, ry) = i (rx, ry)"
            by (metis comp_apply rot_tau_com)
          then obtain g'' where g''_expr: "g''  symmetries" "g'' (i ((rx, ry))) = i (rx,ry)"
            using ri'  rotations rot_expr(1) rot_comp tau_rot_sym by force
          then show ?thesis 
          proof -
            have in_g: "g''  G"
              using g''_expr(1) unfolding G_def symmetries_def by blast
            have in_circ: "i (rx, ry)  e_circ"
              using aa i_circ by blast
            then have "g'' = id"
              using g_no_fp in_g in_circ g''_expr(2) by blast
            then have "False"
              using sym_not_id sym_decomp  g''_expr(1) by fastforce
            then show ?thesis by simp
          case bbb  
          then have pd': "delta rx ry (fst (τ (i (x2,y2)))) (snd (τ (i (x2,y2))))  0"
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def by simp          
          then have pd'': "delta' rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2)))  0"
            using 1 delta'_add_delta_2 in_aff pd r_expr by meson
          have "False"
            using aa pd'' wd_d'_nz by auto
          then show ?thesis by auto
          case ccc 
          then have pd': "delta' rx ry (fst (τ (i (x2,y2)))) (snd (τ (i (x2,y2))))  0"
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def by auto
          then have pd'': "delta rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2)))  0"
            using 1 delta'_add_delta_1 in_aff pd r_expr by auto
          have "False"
            using aa pd'' wd_d_nz by auto      
          then show ?thesis by auto
        case bb        
        then have pd': "delta rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2)))  0"
          using bb unfolding e'_aff_0_def r_expr by simp
        have add_assoc: "add (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (i (x2, y2)) = (x1,y1)"
        proof(cases "delta x2 y2 x2 (-y2)  0")
          case True
          have inv: "add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2)) = (1,0)"
            using inverse_generalized[OF in_aff(2)] True
            unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def by auto
          have "delta x1 y1 (fst (add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2))))
                  (snd (add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2))))  0"
            using inv unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def by simp
          moreover have "add (x1, y1) (add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2))) = (x1, y1)"
            using inv neutral by presburger
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using add_ext_add_add_assoc_points[OF in_aff(1,2), 
                 of "fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))"]  
            using in_aff(3) pd True pd' r_expr by force
          case False
          then have ds': "delta' x2 y2 x2 (- y2)  0"
            using ds by auto
          have inv: "ext_add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2)) = (1,0)"
            using ext_add_inverse 1 by simp
          have "delta x1 y1 (fst (ext_add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2))))
                      (snd (ext_add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2))))  0"
            using inv unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def by simp
          moreover have "add (x1, y1) (ext_add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2))) = (x1, y1)"
            using inv neutral by presburger
          show ?thesis
            using add_ext_add_ext_assoc_points[of x1 y1 x2 y2 
                  "fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))"]
            using in_aff pd ds' pd' r_expr by force
        show ?thesis 
          using add_assoc e_proj(5) e_proj_r gluing_add pd' r_expr xor_def
          by (auto simp add: gluing_ext_add e_proj pd)
        case cc 
        then have pd': "delta' rx ry (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2)))  0"
          using cc unfolding e'_aff_1_def r_expr by simp
        have add_assoc: "ext_add (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (i (x2, y2)) = (x1,y1)"
        proof(cases "delta x2 y2 x2 (-y2)  0")
          case True
          have inv: "add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2)) = (1,0)"
            using inverse_generalized[OF in_aff(2)] True
            unfolding delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def by auto
          have "delta x1 y1 (fst (add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2))))
                      (snd (add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2))))  0"
            using inv unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def by simp
          moreover have "add (x1, y1) (add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2))) = (x1, y1)"
            using inv neutral by presburger
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using ext_ext_add_add_assoc_points[OF in_aff(1,2), of "fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))"]
            using in_aff(3) pd True pd' r_expr by force
          case False
          then have ds': "delta' x2 y2 x2 (- y2)  0"
            using ds by auto
          have inv: "ext_add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2)) = (1,0)"
            using ext_add_inverse 1 by simp
          have "delta x1 y1 (fst (ext_add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2))))
                (snd (ext_add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2))))  0"
            using inv unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def by simp
          have "add (x1, y1) (ext_add (x2, y2) (i (x2, y2))) = (x1, y1)"
            using inv neutral by presburger
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using ext_ext_add_ext_assoc_points[of x1 y1 x2 y2 "fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))"]
            using in_aff pd ds' pd' r_expr by force

        show ?thesis
          using add_assoc e_proj(5) e_proj_r eq1 gluing_ext_add_points pd' r_expr(3) xor_def
          by auto
    case 2
    then have "( r  rotations. (x1,y1) = r (1,0))  ( r  rotations. (x2,y2) = r (1,0))"
      using in_aff(1,2) unfolding e'_aff_def e'_def 
      unfolding rotations_def
    then consider 
      (a) "( r  rotations. (x1,y1) = r (1,0))" | 
      (b) "( r  rotations. (x2,y2) = r (1,0))" by argo      
    then show ?thesis 
        case a
        then obtain r where rot_expr: "r  rotations" "(x1, y1) = r (1, 0)" by blast

        have "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) =
              proj_addition (tf r (gluing `` {((1, 0), False)})) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})" 
          using remove_rotations[OF one_in rot_expr(1)] rot_expr(2) by presburger
        also have " = tf r (proj_addition (gluing `` {((1, 0), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}))"  
          using remove_add_rotation assms rot_expr one_in by presburger
        also have " = tf r (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})"
          using proj_add_class_identity 
          by (simp add: e_proj(2) identity_equiv)
        finally have eq1: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) =
                           tf r (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})" by argo

        have "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})) 
                            (gluing `` {(i (x2, y2), False)}) =
              proj_addition (tf r (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})) (gluing `` {(i (x2, y2), False)})"
          using eq1 by argo
        also have " = tf r (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {(i (x2, y2), False)}))"
          using remove_add_rotation rot_expr well_defined proj_addition_def assms one_in by simp
        also have " = tf r (gluing `` {((1, 0), False)})"
          using proj_addition_def proj_add_class_inv assms xor_def
          by (simp add: identity_equiv)
        finally have eq2: "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})) 
                                         (gluing `` {(i (x2, y2), False)}) =
                           tf r (gluing `` {((1, 0), False)})".
        show ?thesis
          using eq2 one_in remove_rotations rot_expr by auto 
        case b
        then obtain r where rot_expr: "r  rotations" "(x2, y2) = r (1, 0)" by blast
        then obtain r' where rot_expr': "r'  rotations" "i (x2, y2) = r' (i (1, 0))" "r  r' = id" 
          using rotations_i_inverse[OF rot_expr(1)]
          by (metis comp_def id_def rot_inv)
        have "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) =
              proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (tf r (gluing `` {((1, 0), False)}))" 
          using remove_rotations[OF one_in rot_expr(1)] rot_expr(2) by presburger
        also have " = tf r (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((1, 0), False)}))"  
          using remove_add_rotation assms rot_expr one_in          
          by (metis proj_addition_comm remove_rotations)
        also have " = tf r (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})"
          using proj_add_class_identity assms 
                identity_equiv one_in proj_addition_comm by metis
        finally have eq1: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) =
                           tf r (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})" by argo

        have "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})) 
                            (gluing `` {(i (x2, y2), False)}) =
              proj_addition (tf r (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})) (gluing `` {(i (x2, y2), False)})"
          using eq1 by argo
        also have " = tf r (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {(i (x2, y2), False)}))"
          using remove_add_rotation rot_expr well_defined proj_addition_def assms one_in by simp
        also have " = tf r (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (tf r' (gluing `` {(i (1, 0), False)})))"
          using remove_rotations one_in rot_expr' by simp
        also have " = tf r (tf r' (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) ((gluing `` {(i (1, 0), False)}))))"
          using proj_add_class_inv assms 
          by (metis insert_rotation_gluing_point one_in proj_addition_comm remove_add_rotation rot_expr'(1) rot_expr'(2))
        also have " = tf (id) (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) ((gluing `` {((1, 0), False)})))"
          using tf_comp rot_expr'  by force
        also have " = (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})"
          by (simp add: assms(1) identity_equiv identity_proj proj_add_class_identity
              proj_addition_comm tf_id)
        finally have eq2: "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) 
                                         (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})) (gluing `` {(i (x2, y2), False)}) =
                           (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})".
        show ?thesis
          using eq2 by blast 

lemma e'_aff_0_invariance:
  "((x,y),(x',y'))  e'_aff_0  ((x',y'),(x,y))  e'_aff_0"
  unfolding e'_aff_0_def
  apply(subst (1) prod.collapse[symmetric])
  unfolding delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def
  by algebra

lemma e'_aff_1_invariance:
  "((x,y),(x',y'))  e'_aff_1  ((x',y'),(x,y))  e'_aff_1"
  unfolding e'_aff_1_def
  apply(subst (1) prod.collapse[symmetric])
  unfolding delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def
  by algebra

lemma assoc_1:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}   e_proj" 
          "gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}  e_proj" 
          "gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}  e_proj"
  assumes a: "g  symmetries" "(x2, y2) = (g  i) (x1, y1)"
    "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) = 
     tf'' (τ  g) {((1,0),False)}" (is "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = _")
    "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}) =
     tf'' (τ  g) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)})" 
    "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)})) =
     tf'' (τ  g) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)})" (is "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = _")
proof -
  have in_aff: "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" "(x3,y3)  e'_aff" 
    using assms(1,2,3) e_proj_aff by auto

  have one_in: "{((1, 0), False)}  e_proj" 
    using identity_proj by force

  have rot: "τ  g  rotations" using sym_to_rot assms by blast

  obtain e_proj: "gluing `` {(g (i (x1, y1)), False)}   e_proj"
               "gluing `` {(i (x1, y1), False)}   e_proj" (is "?ig1  _") 
               "proj_addition (gluing `` {(i (x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)})  e_proj"
    using assms proj_add_class_inv_point(2) well_defined by force

  show 1: "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2 = tf'' (τ  g) {((1,0),False)}" 
  proof -
    have eq1: "?g2 = tf'' (τ  g) ?ig1"
      using assms e_proj(2) remove_sym by auto
    have eq2: "proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ  g) ?ig1) = 
               tf'' (τ  g) (proj_addition ?g1 ?ig1)"
      using assms(1) e_proj(2) proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot tf''_preserv_e_proj
      by fastforce
   have eq3: "tf'' (τ  g) (proj_addition ?g1 ?ig1) = tf'' (τ  g) {((1,0),False)}"
     using assms(1) proj_add_class_inv xor_def by auto
   show ?thesis using eq1 eq2 eq3 by presburger

  have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
        proj_addition (tf'' (τ  g) {((1,0),False)}) ?g3"
    using 1 by force
  also have " = tf'' (τ  g) (proj_addition ({((1,0),False)}) ?g3)"
    by (simp add: assms(3) one_in remove_add_sym rot)
  also have " = tf'' (τ  g) ?g3"
    using assms(3) identity_equiv proj_add_class_identity by simp
  finally show 2: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = tf'' (τ  g) ?g3"
    by blast

  have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = 
    proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition (gluing `` {(g (i (x1, y1)), False)}) ?g3)"
      using assms by simp
  also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ  g) (proj_addition (gluing `` {(i (x1, y1), False)}) ?g3))"
  proof -
    have eq1: "gluing `` {(g (i (x1, y1)), False)} = tf'' (τ  g) ?ig1"
      using assms(4) e_proj(1,2) remove_sym by force
    have eq2: "proj_addition (tf'' (τ  g) ?ig1) ?g3 = 
               tf'' (τ  g) (proj_addition ?ig1 ?g3)"
      using assms(3) e_proj(2) ext_curve_addition.remove_add_sym ext_curve_addition_axioms rot
      by blast

    show ?thesis using eq1 eq2 by presburger
  also have " = tf'' (τ  g)  (proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?ig1 ?g3))"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) "1" assms(1,2) e_proj(3) one_in proj_add_class_identity
        proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot well_defined)
  also have " = tf'' (τ  g) ?g3"
  proof -
    have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?ig1 ?g3) = ?g3"
      by (metis assms(1,3) cancellation_assoc e_proj(2,3) i.simps i_idemp_explicit
    then show ?thesis by argo
  finally show 3: "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = 
                   tf'' (τ  g) ?g3" by blast

lemma assoc_11:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}   e_proj" 
          "gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}  e_proj" 
          "gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}  e_proj"
  assumes a: "g  symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g  i) (x2, y2)"
    "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}) = 
     proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}))"
    (is "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = _")
proof -
  have in_aff: "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" "(x3,y3)  e'_aff" 
    using assms(1,2,3) e_proj_aff by auto

  have one_in: "{((1, 0), False)}  e_proj" 
    using identity_equiv identity_proj by auto

  have rot: "τ  g  rotations" using sym_to_rot assms by blast

  obtain e_proj: "gluing `` {(g (i (x2, y2)), False)}   e_proj"
               "gluing `` {(i (x2, y2), False)}   e_proj" (is "?ig2  _") 
               "proj_addition ?g1 ?g2  e_proj"
    using assms proj_add_class_inv(2) well_defined by force

  have eq1: "?g3 = tf'' (τ  g) ?ig2"
    using assms e_proj(2) remove_sym by auto
  have eq2: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) (tf'' (τ  g) ?ig2) = 
             tf'' (τ  g) ?g1"
    apply(subst (2) proj_addition_comm)
    using e_proj eq1 assms(3) apply(simp,simp)
    apply(subst remove_add_sym)
    using e_proj rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
    apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
    using e_proj apply(simp,simp)
    apply(subst cancellation_assoc)
    using assms(1,2) e_proj by(simp,simp,simp,simp)
  have eq3: "proj_addition ?g2 (tf'' (τ  g) ?ig2) = 
             tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}"
    apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
    using e_proj eq1 assms(2,3) apply(simp,simp)
    apply(subst remove_add_sym)
    using e_proj rot assms(2) apply(simp,simp,simp)
    apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
    using e_proj eq1 assms(2,3) apply(simp,simp)
    apply(subst proj_add_class_inv(1)) 
    using assms(2) apply blast
    using xor_def by simp

  have "tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}  e_proj"
    using tf''_preserv_e_proj[OF _ rot] one_in identity_equiv by metis

  then show ?thesis
    by (metis assms(1) eq1 eq2 eq3 i.simps identity_proj proj_add_class_identity
        proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot)

lemma assoc_111_add:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}   e_proj" 
          "gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}  e_proj" 
          "gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}  e_proj"
  assumes 22: "gsymmetries" "(x1, y1) = (g  i) (add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))" "((x2, y2), x3, y3)  e'_aff_0"
    "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}) = 
     proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}))"
    (is "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = _") 
proof -
  have in_aff: "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" "(x3,y3)  e'_aff" 
    using assms(1,2,3) e_proj_aff by auto

  have e_proj_0: "gluing `` {(i (x1,y1), False)}  e_proj" (is "?ig1  _")
                 "gluing `` {(i (x2,y2), False)}  e_proj" (is "?ig2  _")
                 "gluing `` {(i (x3,y3), False)}  e_proj" (is "?ig3  _")
    using assms proj_add_class_inv by blast+
  have p_delta: "delta x2 y2 x3 y3  0"
                "delta (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) 
                       (fst (i (x3,y3))) (snd (i (x3,y3)))  0" 
        using 22 unfolding e'_aff_0_def apply simp
        using 22 unfolding e'_aff_0_def delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def by simp

  define add_2_3 where "add_2_3 = add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)"
  have add_in: "add_2_3  e'_aff"
    unfolding e'_aff_def add_2_3_def
    apply(simp del: add.simps)
    apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
    apply(simp del: add.simps add: e_e'_iff[symmetric])        
    apply(subst add_closure)
    using in_aff e_e'_iff 22 unfolding e'_aff_def e'_aff_0_def delta_def by(fastforce)+
  have e_proj_2_3: "gluing `` {(add_2_3, False)}  e_proj" 
                   "gluing `` {(i add_2_3, False)}  e_proj" 
    using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff apply simp
    using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff proj_add_class_inv by auto
  from 22 have g_expr: "g  symmetries" "(x1,y1) = (g  i) add_2_3" unfolding add_2_3_def by auto
  then have rot: "τ  g  rotations" using sym_to_rot by blast

  have e_proj_2_3_g: "gluing `` {(g (i add_2_3), False)}  e_proj" 
    using e_proj_2_3 g_expr assms(1) by auto

  have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = 
        proj_addition (gluing `` {((g  i) add_2_3, False)}) (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)" 
    using g_expr by simp
  also have " = proj_addition (gluing `` {((g  i) add_2_3, False)}) (gluing `` {(add_2_3, False)}) " 
    using gluing_add add_2_3_def p_delta assms(2,3) xor_def by force
  also have " = tf'' (τ  g) (proj_addition (gluing `` {(i add_2_3, False)}) (gluing `` {(add_2_3, False)}))"
    apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])          
    apply(subst remove_sym)
    using g_expr e_proj_2_3 e_proj_2_3_g apply(simp,simp,simp)
    apply(subst remove_add_sym)
    using e_proj_2_3 e_proj_2_3_g rot by auto
  also have " = tf'' (τ  g) {((1,0), False)}"    
    apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
    using add_2_3_def e_proj_2_3(1) proj_add_class_inv xor_def by auto
  finally have eq1: "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = 
                     tf'' (τ  g) {((1,0), False)}"
    by auto

  have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
  proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((g  i) add_2_3, False)}) ?g2) ?g3"
    using g_expr by argo
  also have " = proj_addition (tf'' (τ  g)
      (proj_addition (gluing `` {(i add_2_3, False)}) ?g2)) ?g3"
    apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])          
    apply(subst remove_sym)
    using g_expr e_proj_2_3 e_proj_2_3_g apply(simp,simp,simp)
    apply(subst remove_add_sym)
    using e_proj_2_3 e_proj_2_3_g assms(2) rot by auto
  also have " =  proj_addition (tf'' (τ  g)
      (proj_addition (proj_addition ?ig2 ?ig3) ?g2)) ?g3"        
    unfolding add_2_3_def
    apply(subst inverse_rule_3)
    using gluing_add e_proj_0 p_delta xor_def by force
  also have " = proj_addition (tf'' (τ  g) ?ig3) ?g3"    
    using cancellation_assoc 
  proof -
    have "proj_addition ?g2 (proj_addition ?ig3 ?ig2) = ?ig3"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(2) cancellation_assoc e_proj_0(2) e_proj_0(3) i.simps i_idemp_explicit proj_addition_comm well_defined)
    then show ?thesis
      using assms(2) e_proj_0(2) e_proj_0(3) proj_addition_comm well_defined by auto
  also have " = tf'' (τ  g) (proj_addition ?ig3 ?g3)"
    apply(subst remove_add_sym)
    using assms(3) rot e_proj_0(3) by auto
  also have " = tf'' (τ  g) {((1,0), False)}"
    apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
    using assms(3) proj_add_class_inv xor_def by auto
  finally have eq2: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
                     tf'' (τ  g) {((1,0), False)}" by blast
  show ?thesis using eq1 eq2 by argo

lemma assoc_111_ext_add:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}   e_proj" 
          "gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}  e_proj" 
          "gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}  e_proj"
  assumes 22: "gsymmetries" "(x1, y1) = (g  i) (ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3))" "((x2, y2), x3, y3)  e'_aff_1"
    "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}) = 
     proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}))" 
  (is "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = _") 
proof -
  have in_aff: "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" "(x3,y3)  e'_aff" 
    using assms(1,2,3) e_proj_aff by auto

  have one_in: "gluing `` {((1, 0), False)}  e_proj"
    using identity_equiv identity_proj by force

  have e_proj_0: "gluing `` {(i (x1,y1), False)}  e_proj" (is "?ig1  e_proj")
                 "gluing `` {(i (x2,y2), False)}  e_proj" (is "?ig2  e_proj")
                 "gluing `` {(i (x3,y3), False)}  e_proj" (is "?ig3  e_proj")
    using assms proj_add_class_inv by blast+
  have p_delta: "delta' x2 y2 x3 y3  0"
                "delta' (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) 
                        (fst (i (x3,y3))) (snd (i (x3,y3)))  0" 
        using 22 unfolding e'_aff_1_def apply simp
        using 22 unfolding e'_aff_1_def delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def by force

  define add_2_3 where "add_2_3 = ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)"
  have add_in: "add_2_3  e'_aff"
    unfolding e'_aff_def add_2_3_def
    apply(simp del: ext_add.simps)
    apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
    apply(subst ext_add_closure)
    using in_aff 22 unfolding e'_aff_def e'_aff_1_def by(fastforce)+

  have e_proj_2_3: "gluing `` {(add_2_3, False)}  e_proj" 
                   "gluing `` {(i add_2_3, False)}  e_proj" 
    using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff apply simp
    using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff proj_add_class_inv by auto
  from 22 have g_expr: "g  symmetries" "(x1,y1) = (g  i) add_2_3" unfolding add_2_3_def by auto
  then have rot: "τ  g  rotations" using sym_to_rot by blast

  have e_proj_2_3_g: "gluing `` {(g (i add_2_3), False)}  e_proj" 
    using e_proj_2_3 g_expr assms(1) by auto

  have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = 
        proj_addition (gluing `` {((g  i) add_2_3, False)}) (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)" 
    using g_expr by simp
  also have " = proj_addition (gluing `` {((g  i) add_2_3, False)}) (gluing `` {(add_2_3, False)}) " 
    using gluing_ext_add add_2_3_def p_delta assms(2,3) xor_def by force
  also have " = tf'' (τ  g) (proj_addition (gluing `` {(i add_2_3, False)}) (gluing `` {(add_2_3, False)}))"
    apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])          
    apply(subst remove_sym)
    using g_expr e_proj_2_3 e_proj_2_3_g apply(simp,simp,simp)
    apply(subst remove_add_sym)
    using e_proj_2_3 e_proj_2_3_g rot by auto
  also have " = tf'' (τ  g) {((1,0), False)}"     
    apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
    using add_2_3_def e_proj_2_3(1) proj_add_class_inv xor_def by auto
  finally have eq1: "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = 
                     tf'' (τ  g) {((1,0), False)}"
    by auto

  have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
        proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((g  i) add_2_3, False)}) ?g2) ?g3"
    using g_expr by argo
  also have " = proj_addition (tf'' (τ  g)
                   (proj_addition (gluing `` {(i add_2_3, False)}) ?g2)) ?g3"
    apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])          
    apply(subst remove_sym)
    using g_expr e_proj_2_3 e_proj_2_3_g apply(simp,simp,simp)
    apply(subst remove_add_sym)
    using e_proj_2_3 e_proj_2_3_g assms(2) rot by auto
  also have " =  proj_addition (tf'' (τ  g)
      (proj_addition (proj_addition ?ig2 ?ig3) ?g2)) ?g3"        
    unfolding add_2_3_def
    apply(subst inverse_rule_4)
    using gluing_ext_add e_proj_0 p_delta xor_def by force
  also have " = proj_addition (tf'' (τ  g) ?ig3) ?g3"    
  proof -
    have "proj_addition ?g2 (proj_addition ?ig3 ?ig2) = ?ig3"
      apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
      using assms e_proj_0 well_defined apply(simp,simp)
      apply(subst cancellation_assoc[of "fst (i (x3,y3))" "snd (i (x3,y3))"
                                "fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))",  
                             simplified prod.collapse i_idemp_explicit])
      using assms e_proj_0 by auto
    then show ?thesis
      using assms(2) e_proj_0(2) e_proj_0(3) proj_addition_comm well_defined by auto
  also have " = tf'' (τ  g) (proj_addition ?ig3 ?g3)"
    apply(subst remove_add_sym)
    using assms(3) rot e_proj_0(3) by auto
  also have " = tf'' (τ  g) {((1,0), False)}"
    using assms(3) proj_add_class_inv proj_addition_comm xor_def by auto
  finally have eq2: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
                     tf'' (τ  g) {((1,0), False)}" by blast

  show ?thesis using eq1 eq2 by argo

lemma assoc_with_zeros:
  assumes "gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}  e_proj" 
          "gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}  e_proj" 
          "gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}  e_proj"
        shows "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})) 
                             (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}) = 
         proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) 
                       (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}))"
  (is "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
       proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)")
proof -
  have in_aff: "(x1,y1)  e'_aff" "(x2,y2)  e'_aff" "(x3,y3)  e'_aff" 
    using assms(1,2,3) e_proj_aff by auto

  have e_proj_0: "gluing `` {(i (x1,y1), False)}  e_proj" (is "?ig1  e_proj")
                 "gluing `` {(i (x2,y2), False)}  e_proj" (is "?ig2  e_proj")
                 "gluing `` {(i (x3,y3), False)}  e_proj" (is "?ig3  e_proj")    
    using assms proj_add_class_inv by auto
    (1) "(gsymmetries. (x2, y2) = (g  i) (x1, y1))" |
    (2) "((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_0" 
        "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x2, y2) = (g  i) (x1, y1)))" |
    (3) "((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_1" 
        "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x2, y2) = (g  i) (x1, y1)))" "((x1, y1), x2, y2)  e'_aff_0"
    using dichotomy_1 in_aff by blast
  then show ?thesis
    case 1 then show ?thesis using assoc_1(2,3) assms by force
    case 2
    have p_delta_1_2: "delta x1 y1 x2 y2  0"
                      "delta (fst (i (x1, y1))) (snd (i (x1, y1))) 
                             (fst (i (x2, y2))) (snd (i (x2, y2)))  0" 
        using 2 unfolding e'_aff_0_def apply simp
        using 2 in_aff unfolding e'_aff_0_def delta_def delta_minus_def delta_plus_def   
        by auto

    define add_1_2 where "add_1_2 = add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)"
    have add_in_1_2: "add_1_2  e'_aff"
    proof -
      have "e (fst (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))) (snd (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))) = 0"
        apply(rule add_closure)
        using in_aff p_delta_1_2(1) e_e'_iff 
        by (force simp: delta_def e'_aff_def)+
      then show ?thesis
        using add_1_2_def add_closure_points in_aff p_delta_1_2(1) by blast
    have e_proj_1_2: "gluing `` {(add_1_2, False)}  e_proj" 
                     "gluing `` {(i add_1_2, False)}  e_proj" 
      using add_in_1_2 add_1_2_def e_proj_aff proj_add_class_inv by auto

      (11) "(gsymmetries. (x3, y3) = (g  i) (x2, y2))" |
      (22) "((x2, y2), (x3, y3))  e'_aff_0" 
           "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x3, y3) = (g  i) (x2, y2)))" |
      (33) "((x2, y2), (x3, y3))  e'_aff_1" 
           "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x3, y3) = (g  i) (x2, y2)))" "((x2, y2), (x3, y3))  e'_aff_0"
      using dichotomy_1 in_aff by blast
    then show ?thesis 
      case 11
      then obtain g where g_expr: "g  symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g  i) (x2, y2)" by blast
      then show ?thesis  using assoc_11 assms by force
      case 22
      have p_delta_2_3: "delta x2 y2 x3 y3  0"
                    "delta (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) 
                           (fst (i (x3,y3))) (snd (i (x3,y3)))  0" 
        using 22 unfolding e'_aff_0_def delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def by auto

      define add_2_3 where "add_2_3 = add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)"
      have "e (fst (add (x2, y2) (x3, y3))) (snd (add (x2, y2) (x3, y3))) = 0"
        apply(subst add_closure)
        using in_aff e_e'_iff 22 unfolding e'_aff_def e'_aff_0_def delta_def by(fastforce)+
      then have add_in: "add_2_3  e'_aff"
        unfolding e'_aff_def add_2_3_def
        by (metis add_closure_points e'_aff_def in_aff(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1))
      have e_proj_2_3: "gluing `` {(add_2_3, False)}  e_proj" 
                       "gluing `` {(i add_2_3, False)}  e_proj" 
        using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff apply simp
        using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff proj_add_class_inv by auto

        (111) "(gsymmetries. (x1,y1) = (g  i) add_2_3)" |
        (222) "(add_2_3, (x1,y1))  e'_aff_0" "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x1,y1) = (g  i) add_2_3))" |
        (333) "(add_2_3, (x1,y1))  e'_aff_1" "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x1,y1) = (g  i) add_2_3))" 
              "(add_2_3, (x1,y1))  e'_aff_0"
        using add_in in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast        
      then show ?thesis   
        case 111                
        then show ?thesis using assoc_111_add using "22"(1) add_2_3_def assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) by blast
        case 222
        have assumps: "((x1, y1),add_2_3)  e'_aff_0"
          by (metis "222"(1) e'_aff_0_invariance surj_pair) 

          (1111) "(gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2)" |
          (2222) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_0" "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2))" |
          (3333) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_1" 
                 "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2))" "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_0"
          using add_in_1_2 in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast 
        then show ?thesis 
          case 1111 
          then obtain g where g_expr: "g  symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g  i) add_1_2" by blast
          then have rot: "τ  g  rotations" using sym_to_rot assms by blast

          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
                proj_addition (gluing `` {(add_1_2, False)}) (gluing `` {((g  i) add_1_2, False)})"
            using g_expr p_delta_1_2 gluing_add assms(1,2) add_1_2_def xor_def by force
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) ({((1, 0), False)})"
            apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
            using e_proj_1_2(1) g_expr(2) assms(3) apply(simp,simp)
            apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst remove_sym)
            using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
            by (simp add: e_proj_1_2(1,2) ext_curve_addition.proj_add_class_inv_point(1)
                ext_curve_addition.proj_addition_comm ext_curve_addition_axioms remove_add_sym rot
          finally have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
                             tf'' (τ  g) ({((1, 0), False)})" by blast

          have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = 
                proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 (gluing `` {((g  i) add_1_2, False)}))" 
            using g_expr by auto
          also have " =  proj_addition ?g1
                            (tf'' (τ  g)
                              (proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)})
            apply(subst comp_apply,subst (6) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst (3) remove_sym) 
            using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
            using add_1_2_def assms(2) e_proj_1_2(2) inverse_rule_3 proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym
              rot tf''_preserv_e_proj by fastforce
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ  g)
                              (proj_addition (proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2)
          proof -
            have "gluing `` {(add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)} = 
                  proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2"
              using gluing_add[symmetric,of "fst (i (x1,y1))" "snd (i (x1,y1))" False
                                            "fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))" False,
                               simplified prod.collapse] e_proj_0(1,2) p_delta_1_2(2) xor_def
              by simp
            then show ?thesis by presburger
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ  g) ?ig1)"
            using cancellation_assoc 
            by (metis assms(2) e_proj_0(1) e_proj_0(2) i.simps i_idemp_explicit)
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) (proj_addition ?g1 ?ig1)"
            using assms(1) e_proj_0(1) proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot tf''_preserv_e_proj by fastforce
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) ({((1, 0), False)})"
            using assms(1) proj_add_class_comm proj_add_class_inv xor_def by simp
          finally have eq2: "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = 
                             tf'' (τ  g) ({((1, 0), False)})" using xor_def by auto
          then show ?thesis 
            using eq1 eq2 by blast
          case 2222
          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
            proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
            using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
          also have " = gluing `` {(add (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
            apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
            using 2222 unfolding e'_aff_0_def add_1_2_def xor_def by(simp,force)
          also have " = gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
            apply(subst add_add_add_add_assoc)
            using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 2222(1) assumps in_aff
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def 
                      add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
            by auto
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
            apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def by(simp,simp,force,simp)
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
            by (simp add: assms(2,3) gluing_add p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def)
          finally show ?thesis .
          case 3333

          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
            proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
            using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
          also have " = gluing `` {(ext_add (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
            apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) 
            using 3333 unfolding e'_aff_1_def add_1_2_def xor_def by(simp,force)
          also have " = gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
            apply(subst ext_add_add_add_assoc)
            apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
            using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 3333(1) assumps in_aff
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def 
                      add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
            by auto
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1
                              (gluing `` {(add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
            apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def by(simp,simp,force,simp)
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
          finally show ?thesis .
        case 333 
        have assumps: "((x1, y1),add_2_3)  e'_aff_1" 
          using 333(1) e'_aff_1_invariance  add_2_3_def by auto

          (1111) "(gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2)" |
          (2222) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_0" 
                 "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2))" |
          (3333) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_1" 
                 "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2))" 
                 "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_0"
          using add_in_1_2 in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast 
        then show ?thesis 
          case 1111 
          then obtain g where g_expr: "g  symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g  i) add_1_2" by blast
          then have rot: "τ  g  rotations" using sym_to_rot assms by blast

          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
                proj_addition (gluing `` {(add_1_2, False)}) (gluing `` {((g  i) add_1_2, False)})"
            using g_expr p_delta_1_2 gluing_add assms(1,2) add_1_2_def xor_def by force
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}"
            apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
            using e_proj_1_2(1) g_expr(2) assms(3) apply(simp,simp)
            apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst remove_sym)
            using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst remove_add_sym)
            using e_proj_1_2 rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst prod.collapse, subst (2 4) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            using e_proj_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2(2) proj_add_class_inv_point(1) proj_addition_comm xor_def by auto
          finally have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
                             tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}" by blast

          have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = 
                proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 (gluing `` {((g  i) add_1_2, False)}))" 
            using g_expr by auto
          also have " =  proj_addition ?g1
                            (tf'' (τ  g)
                              (proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)})
            apply(subst comp_apply,subst (6) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst (3) remove_sym) 
            using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            apply(subst (2) proj_addition_comm) 
            using assms(2) apply simp
            using tf''_preserv_e_proj rot e_proj_1_2(2) 
            apply (metis prod.collapse)
            apply(subst remove_add_sym)
            using assms(2) e_proj_1_2(2) rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
            unfolding add_1_2_def 
            by(subst inverse_rule_3,blast)  
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ  g)
                              (proj_addition (proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2) ?g2))"
          proof -
            have "gluing `` {(add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)} = 
                  proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2"
              using gluing_add[symmetric, of "fst (i (x1,y1))" "snd (i (x1,y1))" False
                                             "fst (i (x2, y2))" "snd (i (x2, y2))" False,
                               simplified prod.collapse] e_proj_0(1,2) p_delta_1_2(2) xor_def
              by simp
            then show ?thesis by presburger
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ  g) ?ig1)"
            using cancellation_assoc 
            by (metis assms(2) e_proj_0(1) e_proj_0(2) i.simps i_idemp_explicit)
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) (proj_addition ?g1 ?ig1)"
            using assms(1) e_proj_0(1) proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot tf''_preserv_e_proj by fastforce
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}"
            using assms(1) proj_add_class_comm proj_addition_def proj_add_class_inv xor_def by simp
          finally have eq2: "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = 
                             tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}" using xor_def by auto
          then show ?thesis using eq1 eq2 by blast
          case 2222
          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
            proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
            using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
          also have " = gluing `` {(add (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
            apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
            using 2222 unfolding e'_aff_0_def add_1_2_def xor_def by(simp,force)
          also have " = gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
            apply(subst add_add_ext_add_assoc)
            apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
            using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 2222(1) assumps in_aff
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def 
                      add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
            by force+
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
            apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
            using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
            unfolding e'_aff_1_def by(blast,auto)
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
          finally show ?thesis .
          case 3333
          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
            proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
            using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
          also have " = gluing `` {(ext_add (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
            apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
            using 3333 unfolding e'_aff_1_def add_1_2_def xor_def by(simp,force)
          also have " = gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
            apply(subst ext_add_ext_add_assoc)
            apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
            using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 3333(1) assumps in_aff
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def 
                      add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
            apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
            using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
            unfolding e'_aff_1_def by(simp,simp,force,simp)
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
          finally show ?thesis .
      case 33
      have p_delta_2_3: "delta' x2 y2 x3 y3  0"
                        "delta' (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) 
                                (fst (i (x3,y3))) (snd (i (x3,y3)))  0" 
        using 33 unfolding e'_aff_1_def apply simp
        using 33 unfolding e'_aff_1_def delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def by force

      define add_2_3 where "add_2_3 = ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)"
      have add_in: "add_2_3  e'_aff"
        unfolding e'_aff_def add_2_3_def
        apply(simp del: ext_add.simps)
        apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
        apply(subst ext_add_closure)
        using in_aff e_e'_iff 33 unfolding e'_aff_def e'_aff_1_def delta'_def by(fastforce)+
      have e_proj_2_3: "gluing `` {(add_2_3, False)}  e_proj" 
                       "gluing `` {(i add_2_3, False)}  e_proj" 
        using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff proj_add_class_inv by auto

        (111) "(gsymmetries. (x1,y1) = (g  i) add_2_3)" |
        (222) "(add_2_3, (x1,y1))  e'_aff_0" 
              "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x1,y1) = (g  i) add_2_3))" |
        (333) "(add_2_3, (x1,y1))  e'_aff_1" 
              "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x1,y1) = (g  i) add_2_3))" 
              "(add_2_3, (x1,y1))  e'_aff_0"
        using add_in in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast        
      then show ?thesis   
        case 111                
        then show ?thesis using assoc_111_ext_add using "33"(1) add_2_3_def assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) by blast
        case 222
        have assumps: "((x1, y1),add_2_3)  e'_aff_0" 
          apply(subst (3) prod.collapse[symmetric])
          using 222 e'_aff_0_invariance by fastforce 
          (1111) "(gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2)" |
          (2222) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_0" 
                 "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2))" |
          (3333) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_1" 
                 "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2))" "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_0"
          using add_in_1_2 in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast 
        then show ?thesis 
          case 1111 
          then obtain g where g_expr: "g  symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g  i) add_1_2" by blast
          then have rot: "τ  g  rotations" using sym_to_rot assms by blast

          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
                proj_addition (gluing `` {(add_1_2, False)}) (gluing `` {((g  i) add_1_2, False)})"
            using g_expr p_delta_1_2 gluing_add assms(1,2) add_1_2_def xor_def by force
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}"
            apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
            using e_proj_1_2(1) g_expr(2) assms(3) apply(simp,simp)
            apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst remove_sym)
            using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst remove_add_sym)
            using e_proj_1_2 rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst prod.collapse, subst (2 4) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
            using e_proj_1_2 apply(simp,simp)
            apply(subst proj_add_class_inv(1)) 
            using e_proj_1_2 apply simp
            using e_proj_1_2(1) xor_def by auto
          finally have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
                             tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}" by blast

          have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = 
                proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 (gluing `` {((g  i) add_1_2, False)}))" 
            using g_expr by auto
          also have " =  proj_addition ?g1
                            (tf'' (τ  g)
                              (proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)})
            apply(subst comp_apply,subst (6) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst (3) remove_sym) 
            using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            apply(subst (2) proj_addition_comm) 
            using assms(2) apply simp
            using tf''_preserv_e_proj rot e_proj_1_2(2) apply (metis prod.collapse)
            apply(subst remove_add_sym)
            using assms(2) e_proj_1_2(2) rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
            unfolding add_1_2_def 
            by(subst inverse_rule_3,blast)  
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ  g)
                              (proj_addition (proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2) ?g2))"
          proof -
            have "gluing `` {(add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)} = 
                  proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2"
              using gluing_add[symmetric, of "fst (i (x1,y1))" "snd (i (x1,y1))" False
                                             "fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))" False,
                               simplified prod.collapse] e_proj_0(1,2) p_delta_1_2(2) xor_def
              by simp
            then show ?thesis by presburger
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ  g) ?ig1)"
            using cancellation_assoc 
            by (metis assms(2) e_proj_0(1) e_proj_0(2) i.simps i_idemp_explicit)
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) (proj_addition ?g1 ?ig1)"
            using assms(1) e_proj_0(1) proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot tf''_preserv_e_proj by fastforce
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}"
            using assms(1) proj_add_class_comm proj_addition_def proj_add_class_inv xor_def by auto
          finally have eq2: "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = 
                             tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}" by blast
          then show ?thesis using eq1 eq2 by blast
          case 2222

          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
            proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
            using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
          also have " = gluing `` {(add (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
            apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
            using 2222 unfolding e'_aff_0_def add_1_2_def xor_def by(simp,force)
          also have " = gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
            apply(subst add_add_add_ext_assoc)
            apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
            using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 2222(1) assumps in_aff
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def 
                      add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
            by auto
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
            apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def by auto
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
            apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
            using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def  by auto
          finally show ?thesis .
          case 3333

          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
            proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
            using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
          also have " = gluing `` {(ext_add (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
            apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
            using 3333 xor_def unfolding e'_aff_1_def add_1_2_def by(simp,force)
          also have " = gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
            apply(subst ext_add_add_ext_assoc)
            apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
            using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 3333(1) assumps in_aff
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def 
                      add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
            by auto
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
            apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def by(simp,simp,force,simp)
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
            apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
            using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
          finally show ?thesis .
        case 333
        have assumps: "((x1, y1),add_2_3)  e'_aff_1" 
          using 333(1) e'_aff_1_invariance  add_2_3_def by auto

          (1111) "(gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2)" |
          (2222) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_0" 
                 "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2))" |
          (3333) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_1" 
                 "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2))" 
                 "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_0"
          using add_in_1_2 in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast 
        then show ?thesis 
          case 1111 
          then obtain g where g_expr: "g  symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g  i) add_1_2" by blast
          then have rot: "τ  g  rotations" using sym_to_rot assms by blast

          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
                proj_addition (gluing `` {(add_1_2, False)}) (gluing `` {((g  i) add_1_2, False)})"
            using g_expr p_delta_1_2 gluing_add assms(1,2) add_1_2_def xor_def by force
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}"
            apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
            using e_proj_1_2(1) g_expr(2) assms(3) apply(simp,simp)
            apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst remove_sym)
            using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst remove_add_sym)
            using e_proj_1_2 rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst prod.collapse, subst (2 4) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
            using e_proj_1_2 rot apply(simp,simp)
            apply(subst proj_add_class_inv(1))
            using e_proj_1_2(1) xor_def by auto
          finally have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
                             tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}" by blast

          have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = 
                proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 (gluing `` {((g  i) add_1_2, False)}))" 
            using g_expr by auto
          also have " =  proj_addition ?g1
                            (tf'' (τ  g)
                              (proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)})
            apply(subst comp_apply,subst (6) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst (3) remove_sym) 
            using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            apply(subst (2) proj_addition_comm) 
            using assms(2) apply simp
            using tf''_preserv_e_proj rot e_proj_1_2(2) apply (metis prod.collapse)
            apply(subst remove_add_sym)
            using assms(2) e_proj_1_2(2) rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
            unfolding add_1_2_def 
            by(subst inverse_rule_3,blast)  
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ  g)
                              (proj_addition (proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2) ?g2))"
          proof -
            have "gluing `` {(add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)} = 
                  proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2"
              using gluing_add[symmetric, of "fst (i (x1, y1))" "snd (i (x1, y1))" False 
                                             "fst (i (x2, y2))" "snd (i (x2, y2))" False,
                               simplified prod.collapse] e_proj_0(1,2) p_delta_1_2(2) xor_def
              by simp
            then show ?thesis by presburger
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ  g) ?ig1)"
            using cancellation_assoc 
            by (metis assms(2) e_proj_0(1) e_proj_0(2) i.simps i_idemp_explicit)
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) (proj_addition ?g1 ?ig1)"
            using assms(1) e_proj_0(1) proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot tf''_preserv_e_proj by fastforce
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}"
            using assms(1) proj_add_class_comm proj_addition_def proj_add_class_inv xor_def by auto
          finally have eq2: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})
                              (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)})) = 
                        tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}" by blast
          then show ?thesis using eq1 eq2 by blast
          case 2222
          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
            proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
            using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
          also have " = gluing `` {(add (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
            apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
            using 2222 xor_def unfolding e'_aff_0_def add_1_2_def by(simp,force)
          also have " = gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
            apply(subst add_add_ext_ext_assoc)
            apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
            using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 2222(1) assumps in_aff
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def 
                      add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
            by force+
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
            apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
            using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def      
            unfolding e'_aff_1_def by(blast,auto)
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
            apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
            using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
          finally show ?thesis .
          case 3333

          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
                proj_addition (gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
            using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
          also have " = gluing `` {(ext_add (add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
            apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
            using 3333 xor_def unfolding e'_aff_1_def add_1_2_def by(simp,force)
          also have " = gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
            apply(subst ext_add_ext_ext_assoc)
            apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
            using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 3333(1) assumps in_aff
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def 
                      add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
            apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
            using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
            unfolding e'_aff_1_def by(simp,simp,force,simp)
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
            apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
            using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
          finally show ?thesis .
    case 3
    have p_delta_1_2: "delta' x1 y1 x2 y2  0"
                      "delta' (fst (i (x1, y1))) (snd (i (x1, y1))) 
                             (fst (i (x2, y2))) (snd (i (x2, y2)))  0" 
      using 3 unfolding e'_aff_1_def apply simp
      using 3 in_aff unfolding e'_aff_1_def delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def   
      by auto

    define add_1_2 where "add_1_2 = ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)"
    have add_in_1_2: "add_1_2  e'_aff"
      unfolding e'_aff_def add_1_2_def
      apply(simp del: ext_add.simps)
      apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
      apply(subst ext_add_closure)
      using in_aff p_delta_1_2(1) e_e'_iff 
      unfolding delta'_def e'_aff_def by(blast,(simp)+) 

    have e_proj_1_2: "gluing `` {(add_1_2, False)}  e_proj" 
                     "gluing `` {(i add_1_2, False)}  e_proj" 
      using add_in_1_2 add_1_2_def e_proj_aff proj_add_class_inv by auto

      (11) "(gsymmetries. (x3, y3) = (g  i) (x2, y2))" |
      (22) "((x2, y2), (x3, y3))  e'_aff_0" 
           "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x3, y3) = (g  i) (x2, y2)))" |
      (33) "((x2, y2), (x3, y3))  e'_aff_1" 
           "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x3, y3) = (g  i) (x2, y2)))" "((x2, y2), (x3, y3))  e'_aff_0"
      using dichotomy_1 in_aff by blast
    then show ?thesis 
      case 11
      then obtain g where g_expr: "g  symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g  i) (x2, y2)" by blast
      then show ?thesis  using assoc_11 assms by force
      case 22
      have p_delta_2_3: "delta x2 y2 x3 y3  0"
                    "delta (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) 
                           (fst (i (x3,y3))) (snd (i (x3,y3)))  0" 
        using 22 unfolding e'_aff_0_def apply simp
        using 22 unfolding e'_aff_0_def delta_def delta_plus_def delta_minus_def by simp

      define add_2_3 where "add_2_3 = add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)"
      have add_in: "add_2_3  e'_aff"
        unfolding e'_aff_def add_2_3_def
        apply(simp del: add.simps)
        apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
        apply(simp del: add.simps add: e_e'_iff[symmetric])        
        apply(subst add_closure)
        using in_aff e_e'_iff 22 unfolding e'_aff_def e'_aff_0_def delta_def by(fastforce)+
      have e_proj_2_3: "gluing `` {(add_2_3, False)}  e_proj" 
                       "gluing `` {(i add_2_3, False)}  e_proj" 
        using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff apply simp
        using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff proj_add_class_inv by auto

        (111) "(gsymmetries. (x1,y1) = (g  i) add_2_3)" |
        (222) "(add_2_3, (x1,y1))  e'_aff_0" 
              "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x1,y1) = (g  i) add_2_3))" |
        (333) "(add_2_3, (x1,y1))  e'_aff_1" 
              "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x1,y1) = (g  i) add_2_3))" "(add_2_3, (x1,y1))  e'_aff_0"
        using add_in in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast        
      then show ?thesis   
        case 111                
        then show ?thesis using assoc_111_add using "22"(1) add_2_3_def assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) by blast
        case 222
        have assumps: "((x1, y1),add_2_3)  e'_aff_0" 
            apply(subst (3) prod.collapse[symmetric])
          using 222 e'_aff_0_invariance by fastforce 

          (1111) "(gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2)" |
          (2222) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_0" 
                 "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2))" |
          (3333) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_1" 
                 "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2))" "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_0"
          using add_in_1_2 in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast 
        then show ?thesis 
          case 1111 
          then obtain g where g_expr: "g  symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g  i) add_1_2" by blast
          then have rot: "τ  g  rotations" using sym_to_rot assms by blast

          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
                proj_addition (gluing `` {(add_1_2, False)}) (gluing `` {((g  i) add_1_2, False)})"
            using g_expr p_delta_1_2 gluing_ext_add assms(1,2) add_1_2_def xor_def by auto
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) ({((1, 0), False)})"
            apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
            using e_proj_1_2(1) g_expr(2) assms(3) apply(simp,simp)
            apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst remove_sym)
            using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst remove_add_sym)
            using e_proj_1_2 rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst prod.collapse, subst (2 4) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            using e_proj_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2(2) proj_add_class_inv_point(1) proj_addition_comm xor_def by auto
          finally have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
                             tf'' (τ  g) ({((1, 0), False)})" by blast

          have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = 
                proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 (gluing `` {((g  i) add_1_2, False)}))" 
            using g_expr by auto
          also have " =  proj_addition ?g1
                            (tf'' (τ  g)
                              (proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)})
            apply(subst comp_apply,subst (6) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst (3) remove_sym) 
            using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            apply(subst (2) proj_addition_comm) 
            using assms(2) apply simp
            using tf''_preserv_e_proj rot e_proj_1_2(2) apply (metis prod.collapse)
            apply(subst remove_add_sym)
            using assms(2) e_proj_1_2(2) rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
            unfolding add_1_2_def 
            by(subst inverse_rule_4,blast)  
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ  g)
                              (proj_addition (proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2)
          proof -
            have "gluing `` {(ext_add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)} = 
                  proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2"
              using gluing_ext_add[symmetric,of "fst (i (x1,y1))" "snd (i (x1,y1))" False
                                            "fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))" False,
                               simplified prod.collapse] e_proj_0(1,2) p_delta_1_2(2) xor_def
              by simp
            then show ?thesis by presburger
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ  g) ?ig1)"
            using cancellation_assoc 
            by (metis assms(2) e_proj_0(1) e_proj_0(2) i.simps i_idemp_explicit)
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) (proj_addition ?g1 ?ig1)"
            using assms(1) e_proj_0(1) proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot tf''_preserv_e_proj by fastforce
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) ({((1, 0), False)})"
            using assms(1) proj_add_class_comm proj_add_class_inv xor_def by simp
          finally have eq2: "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = 
                             tf'' (τ  g) ({((1, 0), False)})" by auto
          then show ?thesis 
            using eq1 eq2 by blast
          case 2222
          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
            proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
            using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
          also have " = gluing `` {(add (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
            apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
            using 2222 unfolding e'_aff_0_def add_1_2_def xor_def by(simp,force)
          also have " = gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
            apply(subst add_ext_add_add_assoc_points)
            using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3 2222  assumps in_aff 
            unfolding add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_0_def 
            by auto
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
            apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def by(simp,simp,force,simp)
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
          finally show ?thesis .
          case 3333

          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
            proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
            using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
          also have " = gluing `` {(ext_add (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
            apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
            using 3333 unfolding e'_aff_1_def add_1_2_def xor_def by(simp,force)
          also have " = gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
            apply(subst ext_ext_add_add_assoc)
            apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
            using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 3333(1) assumps in_aff
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def 
                      add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
            by auto
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
            apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def by(simp,simp,force,simp)
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
          finally show ?thesis .
        case 333 
        have assumps: "((x1, y1),add_2_3)  e'_aff_1" 
          using 333(1) e'_aff_1_invariance  add_2_3_def by auto

          (1111) "(gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2)" |
          (2222) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_0" 
                 "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2))" |
          (3333) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_1" 
                 "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2))" 
                 "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_0"
          using add_in_1_2 in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast 
        then show ?thesis 
          case 1111 
          then obtain g where g_expr: "g  symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g  i) add_1_2" by blast
          then have rot: "τ  g  rotations" using sym_to_rot assms by blast

          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
                proj_addition (gluing `` {(add_1_2, False)}) (gluing `` {((g  i) add_1_2, False)})"
            using g_expr p_delta_1_2 gluing_ext_add assms(1,2) add_1_2_def xor_def by force
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}"
            apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
            using e_proj_1_2(1) g_expr(2) assms(3) apply(simp,simp)
            apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst remove_sym)
            using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst remove_add_sym)
            using e_proj_1_2 rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst prod.collapse, subst (2 4) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            by (simp add: e_proj_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2(2) proj_add_class_inv_point(1) proj_addition_comm xor_def)
          finally have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
                             tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}" by blast

          have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = 
                proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 (gluing `` {((g  i) add_1_2, False)}))" 
            using g_expr by auto
          also have " =  proj_addition ?g1
                            (tf'' (τ  g)
                              (proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)})
            apply(subst comp_apply,subst (6) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst (3) remove_sym) 
            using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            apply(subst (2) proj_addition_comm) 
            using assms(2) apply simp
            using tf''_preserv_e_proj rot e_proj_1_2(2) 
            apply (metis prod.collapse)
            apply(subst remove_add_sym)
            using assms(2) e_proj_1_2(2) rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
            unfolding add_1_2_def 
            by(subst inverse_rule_4,blast)  
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ  g)
                              (proj_addition (proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2) ?g2))"
          proof -
            have "gluing `` {(ext_add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)} = 
                  proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2"
              using gluing_ext_add[symmetric, of "fst (i (x1,y1))" "snd (i (x1,y1))" False
                                             "fst (i (x2, y2))" "snd (i (x2, y2))" False,
                               simplified prod.collapse] e_proj_0(1,2) p_delta_1_2(2) xor_def
              by simp
            then show ?thesis by presburger
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ  g) ?ig1)"
            using cancellation_assoc 
            by (metis assms(2) e_proj_0(1) e_proj_0(2) i.simps i_idemp_explicit)
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) (proj_addition ?g1 ?ig1)"
            using assms(1) e_proj_0(1) proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot tf''_preserv_e_proj by fastforce
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}"
            using assms(1) proj_add_class_comm proj_addition_def proj_add_class_inv xor_def by simp
          finally have eq2: "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = 
                             tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}" by auto
          then show ?thesis using eq1 eq2 by blast
          case 2222
          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
            proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
            using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
          also have " = gluing `` {(add (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
            apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
            using 2222 xor_def unfolding e'_aff_0_def add_1_2_def by(simp,force)
          also have " = gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
            apply(subst add_ext_ext_add_assoc)
            apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
            using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 2222(1) assumps in_aff
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def 
                      add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
            by force+
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
            apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
            using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
            unfolding e'_aff_1_def by(blast,auto)
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
          finally show ?thesis .
          case 3333
          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
            proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
            using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
          also have " = gluing `` {(ext_add (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
            apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            using gluing_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
            using 3333 unfolding e'_aff_1_def add_1_2_def xor_def by(simp,force)
          also have " = gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
            apply(subst ext_ext_ext_add_assoc)
            apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
            using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 3333(1) assumps in_aff
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def 
                      add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
            apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_ext_add)
            using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
            unfolding e'_aff_1_def by(simp,simp,force,simp)
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            using assms(2,3) p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def by auto
          finally show ?thesis .
      case 33
      have p_delta_2_3: "delta' x2 y2 x3 y3  0"
                        "delta' (fst (i (x2,y2))) (snd (i (x2,y2))) 
                                (fst (i (x3,y3))) (snd (i (x3,y3)))  0" 
        using 33 unfolding e'_aff_1_def apply simp
        using 33 unfolding e'_aff_1_def delta'_def delta_x_def delta_y_def by fastforce

      define add_2_3 where "add_2_3 = ext_add (x2,y2) (x3,y3)"
      have add_in: "add_2_3  e'_aff"
        unfolding e'_aff_def add_2_3_def
        apply(simp del: ext_add.simps)
        apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
        apply(subst ext_add_closure)
        using in_aff e_e'_iff 33 unfolding e'_aff_def e'_aff_1_def delta'_def by(fastforce)+
      have e_proj_2_3: "gluing `` {(add_2_3, False)}  e_proj" 
                       "gluing `` {(i add_2_3, False)}  e_proj" 
        using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff apply simp
        using add_in add_2_3_def e_proj_aff proj_add_class_inv by auto

        (111) "(gsymmetries. (x1,y1) = (g  i) add_2_3)" |
        (222) "(add_2_3, (x1,y1))  e'_aff_0" 
              "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x1,y1) = (g  i) add_2_3))" |
        (333) "(add_2_3, (x1,y1))  e'_aff_1" 
              "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x1,y1) = (g  i) add_2_3))" 
              "(add_2_3, (x1,y1))  e'_aff_0"
        using add_in in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast        
      then show ?thesis   
        case 111                
        then show ?thesis using assoc_111_ext_add using "33"(1) add_2_3_def assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) by blast
        case 222
        have assumps: "((x1, y1),add_2_3)  e'_aff_0" 
          apply(subst (3) prod.collapse[symmetric])
          using 222 e'_aff_0_invariance by fastforce 
          (1111) "(gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2)" |
          (2222) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_0" 
                 "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2))" |
          (3333) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_1" 
                 "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2))" 
                 "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_0"
          using add_in_1_2 in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast 
        then show ?thesis 
          case 1111 
          then obtain g where g_expr: "g  symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g  i) add_1_2" by blast
          then have rot: "τ  g  rotations" using sym_to_rot assms by blast

          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
                proj_addition (gluing `` {(add_1_2, False)}) (gluing `` {((g  i) add_1_2, False)})"
            using g_expr p_delta_1_2 gluing_ext_add assms(1,2) add_1_2_def xor_def by force
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}"
            apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
            using e_proj_1_2(1) g_expr(2) assms(3) apply(simp,simp)
            apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst remove_sym)
            using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst remove_add_sym)
            using e_proj_1_2 rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst prod.collapse, subst (2 4) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
            using e_proj_1_2 apply(simp,simp)
            apply(subst proj_add_class_inv(1)) 
            using e_proj_1_2 apply simp
            using e_proj_1_2(1) xor_def by auto
          finally have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
                             tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}" by blast

          have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = 
                proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 (gluing `` {((g  i) add_1_2, False)}))" 
            using g_expr by auto
          also have " =  proj_addition ?g1
                            (tf'' (τ  g)
                              (proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)})
            apply(subst comp_apply,subst (6) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst (3) remove_sym) 
            using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            apply(subst (2) proj_addition_comm) 
            using assms(2) apply simp
            using tf''_preserv_e_proj rot e_proj_1_2(2) apply (metis prod.collapse)
            apply(subst remove_add_sym)
            using assms(2) e_proj_1_2(2) rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
            unfolding add_1_2_def 
            by(subst inverse_rule_4,blast)  
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ  g)
                              (proj_addition (proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2) ?g2))"
          proof -
            have "gluing `` {(ext_add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)} = 
                  proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2"
              using gluing_ext_add[symmetric, of "fst (i (x1,y1))" "snd (i (x1,y1))" False
                                             "fst (i (x2,y2))" "snd (i (x2,y2))" False,
                               simplified prod.collapse] e_proj_0(1,2) p_delta_1_2(2) xor_def
              by simp
            then show ?thesis by presburger
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ  g) ?ig1)"
            using cancellation_assoc 
            by (metis assms(2) e_proj_0(1) e_proj_0(2) i.simps i_idemp_explicit)
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) (proj_addition ?g1 ?ig1)"
            using assms(1) e_proj_0(1) proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot tf''_preserv_e_proj by fastforce
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}"
            using assms(1) proj_add_class_comm proj_addition_def proj_add_class_inv xor_def by auto
          finally have eq2: "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = 
                             tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}" by blast
          then show ?thesis using eq1 eq2 by blast
          case 2222

          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
            proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
            using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
          also have " = gluing `` {(add (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
            apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
            using 2222 xor_def unfolding e'_aff_0_def add_1_2_def by(simp,force)
          also have " = gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
            apply(subst add_ext_add_ext_assoc)
            apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
            using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 2222(1) assumps in_aff
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def 
                      add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
            by auto
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
            apply(subst (10) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            using assms(1) e_proj_2_3(1) add_2_3_def assumps xor_def
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def by auto
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
            by (simp add: assms ext_curve_addition.gluing_ext_add ext_curve_addition_axioms
                p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def)
          finally show ?thesis .
          case 3333

          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
            proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
            using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
          also have " = gluing `` {(ext_add (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
          proof -
            have "gluing `` {((fst (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)), snd (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))), False)}  e_proj"
              using add_1_2_def e_proj_1_2(1) by force
            moreover have "delta' (fst (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))) (snd (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))) x3 y3  0"
              using 3333 unfolding e'_aff_1_def add_1_2_def by force
            ultimately show ?thesis
              by (simp add: assms gluing_ext_add xor_def)
          also have " = gluing `` {(add (x1, y1) (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
            apply(subst ext_ext_add_ext_assoc)
            apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
            using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 3333(1) assumps in_aff
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def 
                      add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
            by auto
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
          proof -
            have "gluing `` {((fst (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), snd (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3))), False)}  e_proj"
              using add_2_3_def e_proj_2_3(1) by auto
            moreover have "delta x1 y1 (fst (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3))) (snd (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)))  0"
              using add_2_3_def assumps unfolding e'_aff_0_def by force
            ultimately show ?thesis
              by (simp add: assms gluing_add xor_def)
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
            by (simp add: assms(2,3) gluing_ext_add p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def)
          finally show ?thesis .
        case 333
        have assumps: "((x1, y1),add_2_3)  e'_aff_1" 
          using 333(1) e'_aff_1_invariance  add_2_3_def by auto

          (1111) "(gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2)" |
          (2222) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_0" 
                 "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2))" |
          (3333) "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_1" 
                 "¬ ((gsymmetries. (x3,y3) = (g  i) add_1_2))" 
                 "(add_1_2, (x3,y3))  e'_aff_0"
          using add_in_1_2 in_aff dichotomy_1 by blast 
        then show ?thesis 
          case 1111 
          then obtain g where g_expr: "g  symmetries" "(x3, y3) = (g  i) add_1_2" by blast
          then have rot: "τ  g  rotations" using sym_to_rot assms by blast

          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
                proj_addition (gluing `` {(add_1_2, False)}) (gluing `` {((g  i) add_1_2, False)})"
            using g_expr p_delta_1_2 gluing_ext_add assms(1,2) add_1_2_def xor_def by force
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}"
            apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
            using e_proj_1_2(1) g_expr(2) assms(3) apply(simp,simp)
            apply(subst comp_apply,subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst remove_sym)
            using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst remove_add_sym)
            using e_proj_1_2 rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst prod.collapse, subst (2 4) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst proj_addition_comm)
            using e_proj_1_2 rot apply(simp,simp)
            apply(subst proj_add_class_inv(1))
            using e_proj_1_2(1) xor_def by auto
          finally have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
                             tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}" using xor_def by blast

          have "proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3) = 
                proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 (gluing `` {((g  i) add_1_2, False)}))" 
            using g_expr by auto
          also have " =  proj_addition ?g1
                            (tf'' (τ  g)
                              (proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)})
            apply(subst comp_apply,subst (6) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst (3) remove_sym) 
            using e_proj_1_2(2) g_expr assms(3) apply(simp,simp,simp)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            apply(subst (2) proj_addition_comm) 
            using assms(2) apply simp
            using tf''_preserv_e_proj rot e_proj_1_2(2) apply (metis prod.collapse)
            apply(subst remove_add_sym)
            using assms(2) e_proj_1_2(2) rot apply(simp,simp,simp)
            unfolding add_1_2_def 
            by(subst inverse_rule_4,blast)  
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ  g)
                              (proj_addition (proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2) ?g2))"
          proof -
            have "gluing `` {(ext_add (i (x1, y1)) (i (x2, y2)), False)} = 
                  proj_addition ?ig1 ?ig2"
              using gluing_ext_add[symmetric, of "fst (i (x1, y1))" "snd (i (x1, y1))" False 
                                             "fst (i (x2, y2))" "snd (i (x2, y2))" False,
                               simplified prod.collapse] e_proj_0(1,2) p_delta_1_2(2) xor_def
              by simp
            then show ?thesis by presburger
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (tf'' (τ  g) ?ig1)"
            using cancellation_assoc 
            by (metis assms(2) e_proj_0(1) e_proj_0(2) i.simps i_idemp_explicit)
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) (proj_addition ?g1 ?ig1)"
            using assms(1) e_proj_0(1) proj_addition_comm remove_add_sym rot tf''_preserv_e_proj by fastforce
          also have " = tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}"
            using assms(1) proj_add_class_comm proj_addition_def proj_add_class_inv xor_def by auto
          finally have eq2: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})
                              (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)})) = 
                        tf'' (τ  g) {((1, 0), False)}" by blast
          then show ?thesis using eq1 eq2 by blast
          case 2222
          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
            proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
            using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
          also have " = gluing `` {(add (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
            apply(subst (2) prod.collapse[symmetric])
            apply(subst gluing_add)
            apply(subst prod.collapse)
            using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2,3) apply(simp,simp)
            using 2222 unfolding e'_aff_0_def add_1_2_def xor_def by(simp,force)
          also have " = gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
            apply(subst add_ext_ext_ext_assoc)
            apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
            using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 2222(1) assumps in_aff
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def 
                      add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
            by force+
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
          proof -
            have "gluing `` {((fst (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), snd (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3))), False)}  e_proj"
              using add_2_3_def e_proj_2_3(1) by auto
            moreover have "delta' x1 y1 (fst (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3))) (snd (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)))  0"
              using add_2_3_def assumps unfolding e'_aff_1_def by auto
            ultimately show ?thesis
              by (simp add: assms gluing_ext_add_points xor_def)
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
            by (simp add: assms ext_curve_addition.gluing_ext_add ext_curve_addition_axioms
                p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def)
          finally show ?thesis .
          case 3333

          have "proj_addition (proj_addition ?g1 ?g2) ?g3 = 
                proj_addition (gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2), False)}) ?g3"
            using gluing_ext_add p_delta_1_2(1) e_proj_1_2 add_1_2_def assms(1,2) xor_def by simp
          also have " = gluing `` {(ext_add (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (x3, y3), False)}"
          proof -
            have "gluing `` {((fst (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2)), snd (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))), False)}  e_proj"
              using add_1_2_def e_proj_1_2(1) by force
            moreover have "delta' (fst (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))) (snd (ext_add (x1, y1) (x2, y2))) x3 y3  0"
              using 3333 by (force simp:  e'_aff_1_def add_1_2_def)
            ultimately show ?thesis
              by (simp add: assms gluing_ext_add_points xor_def)
          also have " = gluing `` {(ext_add (x1, y1) (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), False)}"
            apply(subst ext_ext_ext_ext_assoc)
            apply(subst prod.collapse[symmetric],subst prod.inject,fast)+
            using p_delta_1_2 p_delta_2_3(1) 3333(1) assumps in_aff
            unfolding e'_aff_0_def e'_aff_1_def delta_def delta'_def 
                      add_1_2_def add_2_3_def e'_aff_def
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (gluing `` {(ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3), False)})"
          proof -
            have "gluing `` {((fst (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)), snd (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3))), False)}  e_proj"
              using add_2_3_def e_proj_2_3(1) by auto
            moreover have "delta' x1 y1 (fst (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3))) (snd (ext_add (x2, y2) (x3, y3)))  0"
              using add_2_3_def assumps by (force simp: e'_aff_1_def)
            ultimately show ?thesis
              by (simp add: assms gluing_ext_add xor_def)
          also have " = proj_addition ?g1 (proj_addition ?g2 ?g3)"
            by (simp add: assms(2,3) gluing_ext_add p_delta_2_3(1) xor_def)
          finally show ?thesis .

lemma general_assoc:
 assumes "gluing `` {((x1, y1), l)}  e_proj" "gluing `` {((x2, y2), m)}  e_proj" "gluing `` {((x3, y3), n)}  e_proj"
 shows "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), l)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), m)}))
                      (gluing `` {((x3, y3), n)}) =
        proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), l)})
                      (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), m)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), n)}))"
proof -
  let ?t1 = "(proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}))
                                      (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}))"
  let ?t2 = "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})
              (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}))"
  have e_proj_0: "gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}  e_proj"
                 "gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}  e_proj"
                 "gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}  e_proj"
                 "gluing `` {((x1, y1), True)}  e_proj"
                 "gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}  e_proj"
                 "gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)}  e_proj"
    using assms e_proj_aff by blast+
  have e_proj_add_0: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)})  e_proj" 
                     "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)})  e_proj"
                     "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)})  e_proj"
                     "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)})  e_proj" 
                     "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)})  e_proj"
                     "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)})  e_proj" 
    using e_proj_0 well_defined proj_addition_def by blast+

  have complex_e_proj: "?t1  e_proj"
                       "?t2  e_proj"
    using e_proj_0 e_proj_add_0 well_defined proj_addition_def by blast+

  have eq3: "?t1 = ?t2"
    by(subst assoc_with_zeros,(simp add: e_proj_0)+)

  show ?thesis
  proof(cases "l = False")
    case l: True
    show ?thesis 
    proof(cases "m = False")
      case m: True
      show ?thesis 
      proof(cases "n = False")
        case True
        then show ?thesis 
          using l m assms assoc_with_zeros by simp 
        case n: False
        have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}))
                                 (gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)}) = tf' (?t1)" 
          using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
          using remove_add_tau' well_defined by force

        have eq2: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})
                            (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)})) =
          using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
          using e_proj_add_0(2) remove_add_tau' by presburger

        show ?thesis
          using n by (simp add: eq1 eq2 eq3 l m) 
      case m: False
      then show ?thesis 
      proof(cases "n = False")
        case n: True

        have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}))
                                 (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}) = tf'(?t1)"
          using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
          using e_proj_add_0(1,4) proj_addition_comm remove_add_tau' by force
        have eq2: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})
                    (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)})) = 
          using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
          using remove_add_tau remove_add_tau' well_defined by presburger

        with l m show ?thesis
          by (simp add: eq1 eq3 n)
        case n: False
        have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}))
                   (gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)}) = ?t1"
          using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
          by (smt (verit, best) e_proj_add_0(4) remove_add_tau remove_add_tau' tf'_idemp)

        have eq2: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), False)})
             (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)})) = 
          using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0 
          using remove_add_tau remove_add_tau' tf'_idemp e_proj_add_0 by presburger

        then show ?thesis
          using eq1 eq3 l m n by presburger
    case l: False
    show ?thesis 
    proof(cases "m = False")
      case m: True
      show ?thesis 
      proof(cases "n = False")
        case n: True
        have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), True)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}))
                        (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}) = tf'(?t1)"
          using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
          using e_proj_add_0(1) remove_add_tau by presburger

        have eq2: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), True)})
           (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)})) = 
          using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
          by (simp add: e_proj_add_0(2) ext_curve_addition.remove_add_tau

        then show ?thesis
          using l eq1 eq3 m n by force
        case n: False
        have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), True)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}))
                     (gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)}) = ?t1"
          using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
          using remove_add_tau remove_add_tau' tf'_idemp well_defined by presburger

        have eq2: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), True)})
           (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), False)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)})) = 
          using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
          by (metis e_proj_add_0(2) proj_addition_comm remove_add_tau' tf'_idemp)

        with l n show ?thesis
          by (simp add: eq1 eq3 m)
      case m: False
      show ?thesis 
      proof(cases "n = False")
        case True
        have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), True)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}))
                   (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)}) = ?t1"
          using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
          by (metis (no_types, lifting) remove_add_tau remove_add_tau' tf'_idemp)

        have eq2: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), True)})
            (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), False)})) = 
          using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
          using e_proj_add_0(1,2,4) eq1 eq3 remove_add_tau remove_add_tau' by auto

        with l m show ?thesis
          by (simp add: eq1 eq3 True)
        case False
        have eq1: "proj_addition (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), True)}) (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}))
                  (gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)}) = tf'(?t1)"
          using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
          using e_proj_add_0(1) remove_add_tau remove_add_tau' tf'_idemp by presburger

        have eq2: "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x1, y1), True)})
                   (proj_addition (gluing `` {((x2, y2), True)}) (gluing `` {((x3, y3), True)})) = 
          using tf_tau[of _ _ False] e_proj_0
          using e_proj_add_0(2) remove_add_tau remove_add_tau' tf'_idemp by presburger

        with l m False show ?thesis
          by (simp add: eq1 eq3)

lemma proj_assoc: 
  assumes "x  e_proj" "y  e_proj" "z  e_proj" 
  shows "proj_addition (proj_addition x y) z = proj_addition x (proj_addition y z)"
proof -
  obtain x1 y1 l x2 y2 m x3 y3 n where 
    "x = gluing `` {((x1, y1), l)}"
    "y = gluing `` {((x2, y2), m)}"
    "z = gluing `` {((x3, y3), n)}"
    by (metis assms e_proj_def prod.collapse quotientE)

  then show ?thesis
    using assms general_assoc by force

subsection ‹Group law›

theorem projective_group_law:
  shows "comm_group carrier = e_proj, mult = proj_addition, one = {((1,0),False)}" 
  show one_in: "{((1, 0), False)}  e_proj"
    using identity_proj by auto 

  show comm: "proj_addition x y = proj_addition y x" 
              if "x  e_proj" "y  e_proj" for x y
    using proj_addition_comm that by simp
  show id_1: "proj_addition {((1, 0), False)} x = x" 
              if "x  e_proj" for x
    using proj_add_class_identity that by simp
  show id_2: "proj_addition x {((1, 0), False)} = x"
              if "x  e_proj" for x
     using comm id_1 one_in that by simp

  show "e_proj  Units carrier = e_proj, mult = proj_addition, one = {((1, 0), False)}"
    unfolding Units_def 
    fix x
    assume "x  e_proj"
    then obtain x' y' l' where "x = gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}"
      by (metis e_proj_def quotientE surj_pair)
    then have "proj_addition (gluing `` {(i (x', y'), l')}) 
                                 (gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}) = 
                                 {((1, 0), False)}" 
              "proj_addition (gluing `` {((x', y'), l')}) 
                                 (gluing `` {(i (x', y'), l')}) = 
                                 {((1, 0), False)}"
                  "gluing `` {(i (x', y'), l')}  e_proj"
      using proj_add_class_inv proj_addition_comm x  e_proj xor_def by simp+
    then show "x  {y  e_proj. xe_proj. proj_addition x y = {((1, 0), False)}  
                                            proj_addition y x = {((1, 0), False)}}"
      using x = gluing `` {((x', y'), l')} x  e_proj by blast

  show "proj_addition x y  e_proj"
    if "x  e_proj" "y  e_proj" for x y
    using well_defined that by blast

  show "proj_addition (proj_addition x y) z = proj_addition x (proj_addition y z)"
    if "x  e_proj" "y  e_proj" "z  e_proj" for x y z
    using proj_assoc that by simp

