Theory Limit

theory Limit

section ‹Slightly adjusted content from AFP/LocalLexing›

fun funpower :: "('a  'a)  nat  ('a  'a)" where
  "funpower f 0 x = x"
| "funpower f (Suc n) x = f (funpower f n x)"

definition natUnion :: "(nat  'a set)  'a set" where
  "natUnion f =  { f n | n. True }"

definition limit  :: "('a set  'a set)  'a set  'a set" where
  "limit f x = natUnion (λ n. funpower f n x)"

definition setmonotone :: "('a set  'a set)  bool" where
  "setmonotone f = ( X. X  f X)"

lemma subset_setmonotone: "setmonotone f  X  f X"
  by (simp add: setmonotone_def)

lemma[simp]: "funpower id n = id"
  by (rule ext, induct n, simp_all)

lemma[simp]: "limit id = id"
  by (rule ext, auto simp add: limit_def natUnion_def)

definition chain :: "(nat  'a set)  bool"
  "chain C = ( i. C i  C (i + 1))"

definition continuous :: "('a set  'b set)  bool"
  "continuous f = ( C. chain C  (chain (f o C)  f (natUnion C) = natUnion (f o C)))"

lemma natUnion_upperbound: 
  "( n. f n  G)  (natUnion f)  G"
by (auto simp add: natUnion_def)

lemma funpower_upperbound:
  "( I. I  G  f I  G)  I  G  funpower f n I  G"
proof (induct n)
  case 0 thus ?case by simp
  case (Suc n) thus ?case by simp

lemma limit_upperbound:
  "( I. I  G  f I  G)  I  G  limit f I  G"
by (simp add: funpower_upperbound limit_def natUnion_upperbound)

lemma elem_limit_simp: "x  limit f X = ( n. x  funpower f n X)"
by (auto simp add: limit_def natUnion_def)

definition pointwise :: "('a set  'b set)  bool" where
  "pointwise f = ( X. f X =  { f {x} | x. x  X})" 

lemma natUnion_elem: "x  f n  x  natUnion f"
using natUnion_def by fastforce
lemma limit_elem: "x  funpower f n X  x  limit f X"
by (simp add: limit_def natUnion_elem)

definition pointbase :: "('a set  'b set)  'a set  'b set" where
  "pointbase F I =  { F X | X. finite X  X  I }"

definition pointbased :: "('a set  'b set)  bool" where
  "pointbased f = ( F. f = pointbase F)"  

lemma chain_implies_mono: "chain C  mono C"
by (simp add: chain_def mono_iff_le_Suc)

lemma setmonotone_implies_chain_funpower:
  assumes setmonotone: "setmonotone f"
  shows "chain (λ n. funpower f n I)"
by (simp add: chain_def setmonotone subset_setmonotone)  

lemma natUnion_subset: "( n.  m. f n  g m)  natUnion f  natUnion g"
  by (meson natUnion_elem natUnion_upperbound subset_iff)

lemma natUnion_eq[case_names Subset Superset]: 
  "( n.  m. f n  g m)  ( n.  m. g n  f m)  natUnion f = natUnion g"
by (simp add: natUnion_subset subset_antisym)
lemma natUnion_shift[symmetric]: 
  assumes chain: "chain C"
  shows "natUnion C = natUnion (λ n. C (n + m))"
proof (induct rule: natUnion_eq)
  case (Subset n)
    show ?case using chain chain_implies_mono le_add1 mono_def by blast 
  case (Superset n)
    show ?case by blast 

definition regular :: "('a set  'a set)  bool"
  "regular f = (setmonotone f  continuous f)"

lemma regular_fixpoint:
  assumes regular: "regular f"
  shows "f (limit f I) = limit f I"
proof -
  have setmonotone: "setmonotone f" using regular regular_def by blast
  have continuous: "continuous f" using regular regular_def by blast

  let ?C = "λ n. funpower f n I"
  have chain: "chain ?C"
    by (simp add: setmonotone setmonotone_implies_chain_funpower)
  have "f (limit f I) = f (natUnion ?C)"
    using limit_def by metis
  also have "f (natUnion ?C) = natUnion (f o ?C)"
    by (metis continuous continuous_def chain)
  also have "natUnion (f o ?C) = natUnion (λ n. f(funpower f n I))"
    by (meson comp_apply)
  also have "natUnion (λ n. f(funpower f n I)) = natUnion (λ n. ?C (n + 1))"
    by simp
  also have "natUnion (λ n. ?C(n + 1)) = natUnion ?C"
    apply (subst natUnion_shift)
    using chain by (blast+)
  finally show ?thesis by (simp add: limit_def)
lemma fix_is_fix_of_limit:
  assumes fixpoint: "f I = I"   
  shows "limit f I = I"
proof -
  have funpower: " n. funpower f n I = I" 
  proof -  
    fix n :: nat
    from fixpoint show "funpower f n I = I"
      by (induct n, auto)
  show ?thesis by (simp add: limit_def funpower natUnion_def)

lemma limit_is_idempotent: "regular f  limit f (limit f I) = limit f I"
by (simp add: fix_is_fix_of_limit regular_fixpoint)

definition mk_regular1 :: "('b  'a  bool)  ('b  'a  'a)  'a set  'a set" where
  "mk_regular1 P F I = I  { F q x | q x. x  I  P q x }"

definition mk_regular2 :: "('b  'a  'a  bool)  ('b  'a  'a  'a)  'a set  'a set" where
  "mk_regular2 P F I = I  { F q x y | q x y. x  I  y  I  P q x y }"
