Theory Derivations

theory Derivations

section β€ΉAdjusted content from AFP/LocalLexingβ€Ί

type_synonym 'a derivation = "(nat Γ— 'a rule) list"

lemma is_word_empty: "is_word 𝒒 []" by (auto simp add: is_word_def)

lemma derives1_implies_derives[simp]:
  "derives1 𝒒 a b ⟹ derives 𝒒 a b"
  by (auto simp add: derives_def derivations_def derivations1_def)

lemma derives_trans:
  "derives 𝒒 a b ⟹ derives 𝒒 b c ⟹ derives 𝒒 a c"
  by (auto simp add: derives_def derivations_def)

lemma derives1_eq_derivations1:
  "derives1 𝒒 x y = ((x, y) ∈ derivations1 𝒒)"
  by (simp add: derivations1_def)

lemma derives_induct[consumes 1, case_names Base Step]:
  assumes derives: "derives 𝒒 a b"
  assumes Pa: "P a"
  assumes induct: "β‹€y z. derives 𝒒 a y ⟹ derives1 𝒒 y z ⟹ P y ⟹ P z"
  shows "P b"
proof -
  note rtrancl_lemma = rtrancl_induct[where a = a and b = b and r = "derivations1 𝒒" and P=P]
  from derives Pa induct rtrancl_lemma show "P b"
    by (metis derives_def derivations_def derives1_eq_derivations1)

definition Derives1 :: "'a cfg β‡’ 'a list β‡’ nat β‡’ 'a rule β‡’ 'a list β‡’ bool" where
  "Derives1 𝒒 u i r v ≑ βˆƒ x y A Ξ±. 
    u = x @ [A] @ y ∧
    v = x @ α @ y ∧
    (A, Ξ±) ∈ set (β„œ 𝒒) ∧ r = (A, Ξ±) ∧ i = length x"  

lemma Derives1_split:
  "Derives1 𝒒 u i r v ⟹ βˆƒ x y. u = x @ [fst r] @ y ∧ v = x @ (snd r) @ y ∧ length x = i"
  by (metis Derives1_def fst_conv snd_conv)

lemma Derives1_implies_derives1: "Derives1 𝒒 u i r v ⟹ derives1 𝒒 u v"
  by (auto simp add: Derives1_def derives1_def)

lemma derives1_implies_Derives1: "derives1 𝒒 u v ⟹ βˆƒ i r. Derives1 𝒒 u i r v"
  by (auto simp add: Derives1_def derives1_def)

fun Derivation :: "'a cfg β‡’ 'a list β‡’ 'a derivation β‡’ 'a list β‡’ bool" where
  "Derivation _ a [] b = (a = b)"
| "Derivation 𝒒 a (d#D) b = (βˆƒ x. Derives1 𝒒 a (fst d) (snd d) x ∧ Derivation 𝒒 x D b)"

lemma Derivation_implies_derives: "Derivation 𝒒 a D b ⟹ derives 𝒒 a b"
proof (induct D arbitrary: a b)
  case Nil thus ?case 
    by (simp add: derives_def derivations_def)
  case (Cons d D)
  note ihyps = this
  from ihyps have "βˆƒ x. Derives1 𝒒 a (fst d) (snd d) x ∧ Derivation 𝒒 x D b" by auto
  then obtain x where "Derives1 𝒒 a (fst d) (snd d) x" and xb: "Derivation 𝒒 x D b" by blast
  with Derives1_implies_derives1 have d1: "derives 𝒒 a x" by fastforce
  from ihyps xb have d2:"derives 𝒒 x b" by simp
  show "derives 𝒒 a b" by (rule derives_trans[OF d1 d2])

lemma Derivation_Derives1: "Derivation 𝒒 a S y ⟹ Derives1 𝒒 y i r z ⟹ Derivation 𝒒 a (S@[(i,r)]) z"
proof (induct S arbitrary: a y z i r)
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons s S) thus ?case 
    by (metis Derivation.simps(2) append_Cons) 

lemma derives_implies_Derivation: "derives 𝒒 a b ⟹ βˆƒ D. Derivation 𝒒 a D b"
proof (induct rule: derives_induct)
  case Base
  show ?case by (rule exI[where x="[]"], simp)
  case (Step y z)
  note ihyps = this
  from ihyps obtain D where ay: "Derivation 𝒒 a D y" by blast
  from ihyps derives1_implies_Derives1 obtain i r where yz: "Derives1 𝒒 y i r z" by blast
  from Derivation_Derives1[OF ay yz] show ?case by auto

lemma Derives1_rule [elim]: "Derives1 𝒒 a i r b ⟹ r ∈ set (β„œ 𝒒)"
  using Derives1_def by metis

lemma Derivation_append: "Derivation 𝒒 a (D@E) c = (βˆƒ b. Derivation 𝒒 a D b ∧ Derivation 𝒒 b E c)"
  by (induct D arbitrary: a c E) auto

lemma Derivation_implies_append: 
  "Derivation 𝒒 a D b ⟹ Derivation 𝒒 b E c ⟹ Derivation 𝒒 a (D@E) c"
  using Derivation_append by blast

section β€ΉAdditional derivation lemmasβ€Ί

lemma Derives1_prepend:
  assumes "Derives1 𝒒 u i r v"
  shows "Derives1 𝒒 (w@u) (i + length w) r (w@v)"
proof -
  obtain x y A Ξ± where *:
    "u = x @ [A] @ y" "v = x @ Ξ± @ y"
    "(A, Ξ±) ∈ set (β„œ 𝒒)" "r = (A, Ξ±)" "i = length x"
    using assms Derives1_def by (smt (verit))
  hence "w@u = w @ x @ [A] @ y" "w@v = w @ x @ Ξ± @ y"
    by auto
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding Derives1_def using *
    apply (rule_tac exI[where x="w@x"])
    apply (rule_tac exI[where x="y"])
    by simp

lemma Derivation_prepend:
  "Derivation 𝒒 b D b' ⟹ Derivation 𝒒 (a@b) (map (Ξ»(i, r). (i + length a, r)) D) (a@b')"
  using Derives1_prepend by (induction D arbitrary: b b') (auto, fast)

lemma Derives1_append:
  assumes "Derives1 𝒒 u i r v"
  shows "Derives1 𝒒 (u@w) i r (v@w)"
proof -
  obtain x y A Ξ± where *: 
    "u = x @ [A] @ y" "v = x @ Ξ± @ y"
    "(A, Ξ±) ∈ set (β„œ 𝒒)" "r = (A, Ξ±)" "i = length x"
    using assms Derives1_def by (smt (verit))
  hence "u@w = x @ [A] @ y @ w" "v@w = x @ Ξ± @ y @ w"
    by auto
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding Derives1_def using *
    apply (rule_tac exI[where x="x"])
    apply (rule_tac exI[where x="y@w"])
    by blast

lemma Derivation_append':
  "Derivation 𝒒 a D a' ⟹ Derivation 𝒒 (a@b) D (a'@b)"
  using Derives1_append by (induction D arbitrary: a a') (auto, fast)

lemma Derivation_append_rewrite:
  assumes "Derivation 𝒒 a D (b @ c @ d) " "Derivation 𝒒 c E c'"
  shows "βˆƒF. Derivation 𝒒 a F (b @ c' @ d)"
  using assms Derivation_append' Derivation_prepend Derivation_implies_append by fast

lemma derives1_if_valid_rule:
  "(A, Ξ±) ∈ set (β„œ 𝒒) ⟹ derives1 𝒒 [A] Ξ±"
  unfolding derives1_def
  apply (rule_tac exI[where x="[]"])
  apply (rule_tac exI[where x="[]"])
  by simp

lemma derives_if_valid_rule:
  "(A, Ξ±) ∈ set (β„œ 𝒒) ⟹ derives 𝒒 [A] Ξ±"
  using derives1_if_valid_rule by fastforce

lemma Derivation_from_empty:
  "Derivation 𝒒 [] D a ⟹ a = []"
  by (cases D) (auto simp: Derives1_def)

lemma Derivation_concat_split:
  "Derivation 𝒒 (a@b) D c ⟹ βˆƒE F a' b'. Derivation 𝒒 a E a' ∧ Derivation 𝒒 b F b' ∧
     c = a' @ b' ∧ length E ≀ length D ∧ length F ≀ length D"
proof (induction D arbitrary: a b)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    by (metis Derivation.simps(1) order_refl)
  case (Cons d D)
  then obtain ab where *: "Derives1 𝒒 (a@b) (fst d) (snd d) ab" "Derivation 𝒒 ab D c"
    by auto
  then obtain x y A Ξ± where #:
    "a@b = x @ [A] @ y" "ab = x @ Ξ± @ y" "(A,Ξ±) ∈ set (β„œ 𝒒)" "snd d = (A,Ξ±)" "fst d = length x"
    using * unfolding Derives1_def by blast
  show ?case
  proof (cases "length a ≀ length x")
    case True
    hence ab_def: 
      "a = take (length a) x" 
      "b = drop (length a) x @ [A] @ y"
      "ab = take (length a) x @ drop (length a) x @ Ξ± @ y"
      using #(1,2) True by (metis append_eq_append_conv_if)+
    then obtain E F a' b' where IH:
      "Derivation 𝒒 (take (length a) x) E a'"
      "Derivation 𝒒 (drop (length a) x @ Ξ± @ y) F b'"
      "c = a' @ b'"
      "length E ≀ length D"
      "length F ≀ length D"
      using Cons *(2) by blast
    have "Derives1 𝒒 b (fst d - length a) (snd d) (drop (length a) x @ Ξ± @ y)"
      unfolding Derives1_def using *(1) #(3-5) ab_def(2) by (metis length_drop)
    hence "Derivation 𝒒 b ((fst d - length a, snd d) # F) b'"
      using IH(2) by force
    moreover have "Derivation 𝒒 a E a'"
      using IH(1) ab_def(1) by fastforce
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using IH(3-5) by fastforce
    case False
    hence a_def: "a = x @ [A] @ take (length a - length x - 1) y"
      using #(1) append_eq_conv_conj[of a b "x @ [A] @ y"] take_all_iff take_append
      by (metis append_Cons append_Nil diff_is_0_eq le_cases take_Cons')
    hence b_def: "b = drop (length a - length x - 1) y"
      using #(1) by (metis List.append.assoc append_take_drop_id same_append_eq)
    have "ab = x @ Ξ± @ take (length a - length x - 1) y @ drop (length a - length x - 1) y"
      using #(2) by force
    then obtain E F a' b' where IH:
      "Derivation 𝒒 (x @ Ξ± @ take (length a - length x - 1) y) E a'"
      "Derivation 𝒒 (drop (length a - length x - 1) y) F b'"
      "c = a' @ b'"
      "length E ≀ length D"
      "length F ≀ length D"
      using Cons.IH[of "x @ Ξ± @ take (length a - length x - 1) y" "drop (length a - length x - 1) y"] *(2) by auto
    have "Derives1 𝒒 a (fst d) (snd d) (x @ Ξ± @ take (length a - length x - 1) y)"
      unfolding Derives1_def using #(3-5) a_def by blast
    hence "Derivation 𝒒 a ((fst d, snd d) # E) a'"
      using IH(1) by fastforce
    moreover have "Derivation 𝒒 b F b'"
      using b_def IH(2) by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using IH(3-5) by fastforce

lemma Derivation_𝔖1:
  assumes "Derivation 𝒒 [𝔖 𝒒] D Ο‰" "is_word 𝒒 Ο‰"
  shows "βˆƒΞ± E. Derivation 𝒒 Ξ± E Ο‰ ∧ (𝔖 𝒒,Ξ±) ∈ set (β„œ 𝒒)"
proof (cases D)
  case Nil
  thus ?thesis
    using assms by (auto simp: is_word_def nonterminals_def)
  case (Cons d D)
  then obtain Ξ± where "Derives1 𝒒 [𝔖 𝒒] (fst d) (snd d) Ξ±" "Derivation 𝒒 Ξ± D Ο‰"
    using assms by auto
  hence "(𝔖 𝒒, Ξ±) ∈ set (β„œ 𝒒)"
    unfolding Derives1_def
    by (simp add: Cons_eq_append_conv)
  thus ?thesis
    using β€ΉDerivation 𝒒 Ξ± D Ο‰β€Ί by auto
