Theory Stopping_Time

(*  Author:     Ata Keskin, TU München 

section ‹Stopping Times and Hitting Times›

text ‹In this section we formalize stopping times and hitting times. A stopping time is a random variable that represents the time at which a certain event occurs within a stochastic process. 
      A hitting time, also known as first passage time or first hitting time, is a specific type of stopping time that represents the first time a stochastic process reaches a particular state or crosses a certain threshold.›

theory Stopping_Time
imports Martingales.Stochastic_Process

subsection ‹Stopping Time›

text ‹The formalization of stopping times here is simply a rewrite of the document HOL-Probability.Stopping_Time› cite"hoelzl2011measuretheory".
      We have adapted the document to use the locales defined in our formalization of filtered measure spaces citekeskin2023formalization cite"Martingales-AFP".
      This way, we can omit the partial formalization of filtrations in the original document. Furthermore, we can include the initial time index termt0 that we introduced as well.›

context linearly_filtered_measure

― ‹A stopping time is a measurable function from the measure space (possible events) into the time axis.›

definition stopping_time :: "('a  'b)  bool" where
  "stopping_time T = ((T  space M  {t0..})  (tt0. Measurable.pred (F t) (λx. T x  t)))"

lemma stopping_time_cong: 
  assumes "t x. t  t0  x  space (F t)  T x = S x"
  shows "stopping_time T = stopping_time S"
proof (cases "T  space M  {t0..}")
  case True
  hence "S  space M  {t0..}" using assms space_F by force
  then show ?thesis unfolding stopping_time_def 
    using assms arg_cong[where f="(λP. tt0. P t)"] measurable_cong[where M="F _" and f="λx. T x  _" and g="λx. S x  _"] True by metis
  case False
  hence "S  space M  {t0..}" using assms space_F by force
  then show ?thesis unfolding stopping_time_def using False by blast

lemma stopping_time_ge_zero:
  assumes "stopping_time T" "ω  space M"
  shows "T ω  t0"
  using assms unfolding stopping_time_def by auto

lemma stopping_timeD: 
  assumes "stopping_time T" "t  t0"
  shows "Measurable.pred (F t) (λx. T x  t)"
  using assms unfolding stopping_time_def by simp

lemma stopping_timeI[intro?]: 
  assumes "x. x  space M  T x  t0"
          "(t. t  t0  Measurable.pred (F t) (λx. T x  t))"
  shows "stopping_time T"
  using assms by (auto simp: stopping_time_def)

lemma stopping_time_measurable:
  assumes "stopping_time T"
  shows "T  borel_measurable M"
proof (rule borel_measurableI_le)
    fix t assume "¬ t  t0"
    hence "{x  space M. T x  t} = {}" using assms dual_order.trans[of _ t "t0"] unfolding stopping_time_def by fastforce
    hence "{x  space M. T x  t}  sets M" by (metis sets.empty_sets)
    fix t assume asm: "t  t0"
    hence "{x  space M. T x  t}  sets M" using stopping_timeD[OF assms asm] sets_F_subset unfolding Measurable.pred_def space_F[OF asm] by blast
  ultimately show "{x  space M. T x  t}  sets M" for t by blast

lemma stopping_time_const: 
  assumes "t  t0"
  shows "stopping_time (λx. t)" using assms by (auto simp: stopping_time_def)

lemma stopping_time_min:
  assumes "stopping_time T" "stopping_time S"
  shows "stopping_time (λx. min (T x) (S x))"
  using assms by (auto simp: stopping_time_def min_le_iff_disj intro!: pred_intros_logic)

lemma stopping_time_max:
  assumes "stopping_time T" "stopping_time S"
  shows "stopping_time (λx. max (T x) (S x))"
  using assms by (auto simp: stopping_time_def intro!: pred_intros_logic max.coboundedI1) 

subsection σ›-algebra of a Stopping Time›

text ‹Moving on, we define the σ›-algebra associated with a stopping time termT.
      It contains all the information up to time termT, the same way termF t contains all the information up to time termt.›

definition pre_sigma :: "('a  'b)  'a measure" where
  "pre_sigma T = sigma (space M) {A  sets M. tt0. {ω  A. T ω  t}  sets (F t)}"

lemma measure_pre_sigma[simp]: "emeasure (pre_sigma T) = (λ_. 0)" by (simp add: pre_sigma_def emeasure_sigma)

lemma sigma_algebra_pre_sigma:
  assumes "stopping_time T"
  shows "sigma_algebra (space M) {A  sets M. tt0. {ωA. T ω  t}  sets (F t)}"
proof -
  let  = "{A  sets M. tt0. {ωA. T ω  t}  sets (F t)}"
    fix A assume asm: "A  "
      fix t assume asm': "t  t0"
      hence "{ωA. T ω  t}  sets (F t)" using asm by blast
      then have "{ω  space (F t). T ω  t} - {ω  A. T ω  t}  sets (F t)" using assms[THEN stopping_timeD, OF asm'] by auto
      also have "{ω  space (F t). T ω  t} - {ω  A. T ω  t} = {ω  space M - A. T ω  t}" using space_F[OF asm'] by blast
      finally have "{ω  (space M) - A. T ω  t}  sets (F t)" .
    hence "space M - A  " using asm by blast
    fix A :: "nat  'a set" assume asm: "range A  "
      fix t assume "t  t0"
      then have "(i. {ω  A i. T ω  t})  sets (F t)" using asm by auto
      also have "(i. {ω  A i. T ω  t}) = {ω  (A ` UNIV). T ω  t}" by auto
      finally have "{ω  (range A). T ω  t}  sets (F t)" .
    hence "(range A)  " using asm by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding sigma_algebra_iff2 by (auto intro!: sets.sets_into_space[THEN PowI, THEN subsetI])

lemma space_pre_sigma[simp]: "space (pre_sigma T) = space M" unfolding pre_sigma_def by (intro space_measure_of_conv)

lemma sets_pre_sigma: 
  assumes "stopping_time T"
  shows "sets (pre_sigma T) = {A  sets M. tt0. {ωA. T ω  t}  F t}"
  unfolding pre_sigma_def using sigma_algebra.sets_measure_of_eq[OF sigma_algebra_pre_sigma, OF assms] by blast

lemma sets_pre_sigmaI: 
  assumes "stopping_time T"
      and "t. t  t0  {ω  A. T ω  t}  F t"
    shows "A  pre_sigma T"
proof (cases "tt0. t'. t'  t")
  case True
  then obtain t where "t  t0" "{ω  A. T ω  t} = A" by blast
  hence "A  M" using assms(2)[of t] sets_F_subset[of t] by fastforce
  thus ?thesis using assms(2) unfolding sets_pre_sigma[OF assms(1)] by blast
  case False
  hence *: "{t<..}  {}" if "t  t0" for t by (metis not_le empty_iff greaterThan_iff)
  obtain D :: "'b set" where D: "countable D" "X. open X  X  {}  D  X  {}" by (metis countable_dense_setE disjoint_iff)
  have **: "D  {t<..}  {}" if "t  t0" for t using * that by (intro D(2)) auto
    fix ω
    obtain t where t: "t  t0" "T ω  t" using linorder_linear by auto
    moreover obtain t' where "t'  D  {t<..}  {t0..}" using ** t by fastforce
    moreover have "T ω  t'" using calculation by fastforce
    ultimately have "t. t'  D  {t<..}  {t0..}. T ω  t'" by blast
  hence "(t'(t. D  {t<..}  {t0..}). {ω  A. T ω  t'}) = A" by fast
  moreover have "(t'(t. D  {t<..}  {t0..}). {ω  A. T ω  t'})  M" using D assms(2) sets_F_subset by (intro sets.countable_UN'', fastforce, fast) 
  ultimately have "A  M" by argo
  thus ?thesis using assms(2) unfolding sets_pre_sigma[OF assms(1)] by blast

lemma pred_pre_sigmaI:
  assumes "stopping_time T"
  shows "(t. t  t0  Measurable.pred (F t) (λω. P ω  T ω  t))  Measurable.pred (pre_sigma T) P"
  unfolding pred_def space_pre_sigma using assms by (auto intro: sets_pre_sigmaI[OF assms(1)])

lemma sets_pre_sigmaD: 
  assumes "stopping_time T" "A  pre_sigma T" "t  t0" 
  shows "{ω  A. T ω  t}  sets (F t)"
  using assms sets_pre_sigma by auto

lemma borel_measurable_stopping_time_pre_sigma:
  assumes "stopping_time T" 
  shows "T  borel_measurable (pre_sigma T)"
proof (intro borel_measurableI_le sets_pre_sigmaI[OF assms])
  fix t t' assume asm: "t  t0"
    assume "¬ t'  t0"
    hence "{ω  {x  space (pre_sigma T). T x  t'}. T ω  t} = {}" using assms dual_order.trans[of _ t' "t0"] unfolding stopping_time_def by fastforce
    hence "{ω  {x  space (pre_sigma T). T x  t'}. T ω  t}  sets (F t)" by (metis sets.empty_sets)
    assume asm': "t'  t0"
    have "{ω  space (F (min t' t)). T ω  min t' t}  sets (F (min t' t))"
      using assms asm asm' unfolding pred_def[symmetric] by (intro stopping_timeD) auto
    also have "  sets (F t)"
      using assms asm asm' by (intro sets_F_mono) auto
    finally have "{ω  {x  space (pre_sigma T). T x  t'}. T ω  t}  sets (F t)"
      using asm asm' by simp
  ultimately show "{ω  {x  space (pre_sigma T). T x  t'}. T ω  t}  sets (F t)" by blast

lemma mono_pre_sigma:
  assumes "stopping_time T" "stopping_time S"
      and "x. x  space M  T x  S x"
    shows "pre_sigma T  pre_sigma S"
  fix A assume "A  pre_sigma T"
  hence asm: "A  sets M" "t  t0  {ω  A. T ω  t}  sets (F t)" for t using assms sets_pre_sigma by blast+
    fix t assume asm': "t  t0"
    then have "A  space M" using sets.sets_into_space asm by blast
    have "{ωA. T ω  t}  {ωspace (F t). S ω  t}  sets (F t)"
      using asm asm' stopping_timeD[OF assms(2)] by (auto simp: pred_def)
    also have "{ωA. T ω  t}  {ωspace (F t). S ω  t} = {ωA. S ω  t}"
      using sets.sets_into_space[OF asm(1)] assms(3) order_trans asm' by fastforce
    finally have "{ωA. S ω  t}  sets (F t)" by simp
  thus "A  pre_sigma S" by (intro sets_pre_sigmaI assms asm) blast

lemma stopping_time_measurable_le: 
  assumes "stopping_time T" "s  t0" "t  s" 
  shows "Measurable.pred (F t) (λω. T ω  s)"
  using assms stopping_timeD[of T] sets_F_mono[of _ t] by (auto simp: pred_def)

lemma stopping_time_measurable_less:
  assumes "stopping_time T" "s  t0" "t  s"
  shows "Measurable.pred (F t) (λω. T ω < s)"
proof -
  have "Measurable.pred (F t) (λω. T ω < t)" if asm: "stopping_time T" "t  t0" for T t
  proof - 
    obtain D :: "'b set" where D: "countable D" "X. open X  X  {}  D  X  {}" by (metis countable_dense_setE disjoint_iff)
    show ?thesis
    proof cases
      assume *: "t'{t0..<t}. {t'<..<t}  {}"
      hence **: "D  {t'<..< t}  {}" if "t'  {t0..<t}" for t' using that by (intro D(2)) fastforce+
      show ?thesis
      proof (rule measurable_cong[THEN iffD2])
        show "T ω < t  (rD  {t0..<t}. T ω  r)" if "ω  space (F t)" for ω 
          using **[of "T ω"] that less_imp_le stopping_time_ge_zero asm by fastforce
        show "Measurable.pred (F t) (λw. rD  {t0..<t}. T w  r)"
          using stopping_time_measurable_le asm D by (intro measurable_pred_countable) auto
      assume "¬ (t'{t0..<t}. {t'<..<t}  {})"
      then obtain t' where t': "t'  {t0..<t}" "{t'<..<t} = {}" by blast
      show ?thesis
      proof (rule measurable_cong[THEN iffD2])
        show "T ω < t  T ω  t'" for ω using t' by (metis atLeastLessThan_iff emptyE greaterThanLessThan_iff linorder_not_less order.strict_trans1)
        show "Measurable.pred (F t) (λw. T w  t')" using t' by (intro stopping_time_measurable_le[OF asm(1)]) auto
  thus ?thesis
  using assms sets_F_mono[of _ t] by (auto simp add: pred_def)

lemma stopping_time_measurable_ge:
  assumes "stopping_time T" "s  t0" "t  s"
  shows "Measurable.pred (F t) (λω. T ω  s)"
  by (auto simp: not_less[symmetric] intro: stopping_time_measurable_less[OF assms] Measurable.pred_intros_logic)

lemma stopping_time_measurable_gr: 
  assumes "stopping_time T" "s  t0" "t  s"
  shows "Measurable.pred (F t) (λx. s < T x)"
  by (auto simp add: not_le[symmetric] intro: stopping_time_measurable_le[OF assms] Measurable.pred_intros_logic)

lemma stopping_time_measurable_eq:
  assumes "stopping_time T" "s  t0" "t  s"
  shows "Measurable.pred (F t) (λω. T ω = s)"
  unfolding eq_iff using stopping_time_measurable_le[OF assms] stopping_time_measurable_ge[OF assms]
  by (intro pred_intros_logic)

lemma stopping_time_less_stopping_time:
  assumes "stopping_time T" "stopping_time S"
  shows "Measurable.pred (pre_sigma T) (λω. T ω < S ω)"
proof (rule pred_pre_sigmaI)
  fix t assume asm: "t  t0"
  obtain D :: "'b set" where D: "countable D" and semidense_D: "x y. x < y  (bD. x  b  b < y)"
    using countable_separating_set_linorder2 by auto
  show "Measurable.pred (F t) (λω. T ω < S ω  T ω  t)"
  proof (rule measurable_cong[THEN iffD2])
    let ?f = "λω. if T ω = t then ¬ S ω  t else sD  {t0..t}. T ω  s  ¬ (S ω  s)"
      fix ω assume "ω  space (F t)" "T ω  t" "T ω  t" "T ω < S ω"
      hence "t0  T ω" "T ω < min t (S ω)" using asm stopping_time_ge_zero[OF assms(1)] by auto
      then obtain r where "r  D" "t0  r" "T ω  r" "r < min t (S ω)" using semidense_D order_trans by blast
      hence "sD  {t0..t}. T ω  s  s < S ω" by auto 
    thus "(T ω < S ω  T ω  t) = ?f ω" if "ω  space (F t)" for ω using that by force
    show "Measurable.pred (F t) ?f"
      using assms asm D
      by (intro pred_intros_logic measurable_If measurable_pred_countable countable_Collect
                stopping_time_measurable_le predE stopping_time_measurable_eq) auto
qed (intro assms)


lemma (in enat_filtered_measure) stopping_time_SUP_enat:
  fixes T :: "nat  ('a  enat)"
  shows "(i. stopping_time (T i))  stopping_time (SUP i. T i)"
  unfolding stopping_time_def SUP_apply SUP_le_iff by (auto intro!: pred_intros_countable)

lemma (in enat_filtered_measure) stopping_time_Inf_enat:
  assumes "i. Measurable.pred (F i) (P i)"
  shows "stopping_time (λω. Inf {i. P i ω})"
proof -
    fix t :: enat assume asm: "t  "
      fix i ω assume "Inf {i. P i ω}  t"
      moreover have "a < eSuc b  (a  b  a  )" for a b by (cases a) auto
      ultimately have "(it. P i ω)" using asm unfolding Inf_le_iff by (cases t) (auto elim!: allE[of _ "eSuc t"])
    ultimately have *: "ω. Inf {i. P i ω}  t  (i{..t}. P i ω)" by (auto intro!: Inf_lower2)
    have "Measurable.pred (F t) (λω. Inf {i. P i ω}  t)" unfolding * using sets_F_mono assms by (intro pred_intros_countable_bounded) (auto simp: pred_def)
  moreover have "Measurable.pred (F t) (λω. Inf {i. P i ω}  t)" if "t = " for t using that by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis by (blast intro: stopping_timeI[OF i0_lb])

lemma (in nat_filtered_measure) stopping_time_Inf_nat:
  assumes "i. Measurable.pred (F i) (P i)" 
          "i ω. ω  space M  n. P n ω"
  shows "stopping_time (λω. Inf {i. P i ω})"
proof (rule stopping_time_cong[THEN iffD2])
  show "stopping_time (λx. LEAST n. P n x)"
    fix t
    have "((LEAST n. P n ω)  t) = (it. P i ω)" if "ω  space M" for ω by (rule LeastI2_wellorder_ex[OF assms(2)[OF that]]) auto
    moreover have "Measurable.pred (F t) (λw. i{..t}. P i w)" using sets_F_mono[of _ t] assms by (intro pred_intros_countable_bounded) (auto simp: pred_def)
    ultimately show "Measurable.pred (F t) (λω. (LEAST n. P n ω)  t)" by (subst measurable_cong[of "F t"]) auto
  qed (simp)
qed (simp add: Inf_nat_def)

definition stopped_value :: "('b  'a  'c)  ('a  'b)  ('a  'c)" where
  "stopped_value X τ ω = X (τ ω) ω"

subsection ‹Hitting Time›

text ‹Given a stochastic process X› and a borel set A›, hitting_time X A s t› is the first time X› is in A› after time s› and before time t›.
      If X› does not hit A› after time s› and before t› then the hitting time is simply t›. The definition presented here coincides with the definition of hitting times in mathlib cite"ying2022formalization".›

context linearly_filtered_measure

definition hitting_time :: "('b  'a  'c)  'c set  'b  'b  ('a  'b)" where
  "hitting_time X A s t = (λω. if i{s..t}  {t0..}. X i ω  A then Inf ({s..t}  {t0..}  {i. X i ω  A}) else max t0 t)"

lemma hitting_time_def':
  "hitting_time X A s t = (λω. Inf (insert (max t0 t) ({s..t}  {t0..}  {i. X i ω  A})))"
proof cases
  assume asm: "t0  s  s  t"
  hence "{s..t}  {t0..} = {s..t}" by simp
    fix ω
    assume *: "{s..t}  {t0..}  {i. X i ω  A}  {}"
    then obtain i where "i  {s..t}  {t0..}  {i. X i ω  A}" by blast
    hence "Inf ({s..t}  {t0..}  {i. X i ω  A})  t" by (intro cInf_lower[of i, THEN order_trans]) auto
    hence "Inf (insert (max t0 t) ({s..t}  {t0..}  {i. X i ω  A})) = Inf ({s..t}  {t0..}  {i. X i ω  A})" using asm * inf_absorb2 by (subst cInf_insert_If) force+ 
    also have "... = hitting_time X A s t ω" using * unfolding hitting_time_def by auto
    finally have "hitting_time X A s t ω = Inf (insert (max t0 t) ({s..t}  {t0..}  {i. X i ω  A}))" by argo
    fix ω
    assume "{s..t}  {t0..}  {i. X i ω  A} = {}"
    hence "hitting_time X A s t ω = Inf (insert (max t0 t) ({s..t}  {t0..}  {i. X i ω  A}))" unfolding hitting_time_def by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by fast
  assume "¬ (t0  s  s  t)"
    assume asm: "s < t0" "t  t0"
    hence "{s..t}  {t0..} = {t0..t}" by simp
      fix ω
      assume *: "{s..t}  {t0..}  {i. X i ω  A}  {}"
      then obtain i where "i  {s..t}  {t0..}  {i. X i ω  A}" by blast
      hence "Inf ({s..t}  {t0..}  {i. X i ω  A})  t" by (intro cInf_lower[of i, THEN order_trans]) auto
      hence "Inf (insert (max t0 t) ({s..t}  {t0..}  {i. X i ω  A})) = Inf ({s..t}  {t0..}  {i. X i ω  A})" using asm * inf_absorb2 by (subst cInf_insert_If) force+ 
      also have "... = hitting_time X A s t ω" using * unfolding hitting_time_def by auto
      finally have "hitting_time X A s t ω = Inf (insert (max t0 t) ({s..t}  {t0..}  {i. X i ω  A}))" by argo
      fix ω
      assume "{s..t}  {t0..}  {i. X i ω  A} = {}"
      hence "hitting_time X A s t ω = Inf (insert (max t0 t) ({s..t}  {t0..}  {i. X i ω  A}))" unfolding hitting_time_def by auto
    ultimately have ?thesis by fast  
  moreover have ?thesis if "s < t0" "t < t0" using that unfolding hitting_time_def by auto
  moreover have ?thesis if "s > t" using that unfolding hitting_time_def by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by fastforce

― ‹The following lemma provides a sufficient condition for an injective function to preserve a hitting time.›

lemma hitting_time_inj_on:
  assumes "inj_on f S" "ω t. t  t0  X t ω  S" "A  S"
  shows "hitting_time X A = hitting_time (λt ω. f (X t ω)) (f ` A)"
proof -
  have "X t ω  A  f (X t ω)  f ` A" if "t  t0" for t ω using assms that inj_on_image_mem_iff by meson
  hence "{t0..}  {i. X i ω  A} = {t0..}  {i. f (X i ω)  f ` A}" for ω by blast
  thus ?thesis unfolding hitting_time_def' Int_assoc by presburger

lemma hitting_time_translate: 
  fixes c :: "_ :: ab_group_add"
  shows "hitting_time X A = hitting_time (λn ω. X n ω + c) (((+) c) ` A)"
  by (subst hitting_time_inj_on[OF inj_on_add, of _ UNIV]) (simp add: add.commute)+

lemma hitting_time_le: 
  assumes "t  t0"
  shows "hitting_time X A s t ω  t"
  unfolding hitting_time_def' using assms 
  by (intro cInf_lower[of "max t0 t", THEN order_trans]) auto

lemma hitting_time_ge: 
  assumes "t  t0" "s  t"
  shows "s  hitting_time X A s t ω"
  unfolding hitting_time_def' using assms 
  by (intro le_cInf_iff[THEN iffD2]) auto

lemma hitting_time_mono:
  assumes "t  t0" "s  s'" "t  t'"
  shows "hitting_time X A s t ω  hitting_time X A s' t' ω"
  unfolding hitting_time_def' using assms by (fastforce intro!: cInf_mono)

context nat_filtered_measure

― ‹Hitting times are stopping times for adapted processes.›

lemma stopping_time_hitting_time:
  assumes "adapted_process M F 0 X" "A  borel"
  shows "stopping_time (hitting_time X A s t)"
proof -
  interpret adapted_process M F 0 X by (rule assms)
  have "insert t ({s..t}  {i. X i ω  A}) = {i. i = t  i  ({s..t}  {i. X i ω  A})}" for ω by blast
  hence "hitting_time X A s t = (λω. Inf {i. i = t  i  ({s..t}  {i. X i ω  A})})" unfolding hitting_time_def' by simp
  thus ?thesis using assms by (auto intro: stopping_time_Inf_nat)

lemma stopping_time_hitting_time':
  assumes "adapted_process M F 0 X" "A  borel" "stopping_time s" "ω. s ω  t"
  shows "stopping_time (λω. hitting_time X A (s ω) t ω)"
proof -
  interpret adapted_process M F 0 X by (rule assms)
    fix n
    have "s ω  hitting_time X A (s ω) t ω" if "s ω > n" for ω using hitting_time_ge[OF _ assms(4)] by simp
    hence "(i{n<..}. {ω. s ω = i}  {ω. hitting_time X A i t ω  n}) = {}" by fastforce
    hence *: "(λω. hitting_time X A (s ω) t ω  n) = (λω. in. s ω = i  hitting_time X A i t ω  n)" by force
    have "Measurable.pred (F n) (λω. s ω = i  hitting_time X A i t ω  n)" if "i  n" for i
    proof -
      have "Measurable.pred (F i) (λω. s ω = i)" using stopping_time_measurable_eq assms by blast
      hence "Measurable.pred (F n) (λω. s ω = i)" by (meson less_eq_nat.simps measurable_from_subalg subalgebra_F that)
      moreover have "Measurable.pred (F n) (λω. hitting_time X A i t ω  n)" using stopping_timeD[OF stopping_time_hitting_time, OF assms(1,2)] by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
    hence "Measurable.pred (F n) (λω. in. s ω = i  hitting_time X A i t ω  n)" by (intro pred_intros_countable) auto
    hence "Measurable.pred (F n) (λω. hitting_time X A (s ω) t ω  n)" using * by argo
  thus ?thesis by (intro stopping_timeI) auto

― ‹If termX hits termA at time termj  {s..t}, then the stopped value of termX at the hitting time of termA in the interval term{s..t} is an element of termA.›

lemma stopped_value_hitting_time_mem:
  assumes "j  {s..t}" "X j ω  A"
  shows "stopped_value X (hitting_time X A s t) ω  A"
proof -
  have "i{s..t}  {0..}. X i ω  A" using assms by blast
  moreover have "Inf ({s..t}  {i. X i ω  A})  {s..t}  {i. X i ω  A}" using assms by (blast intro!: Inf_nat_def1)
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding hitting_time_def stopped_value_def by simp

lemma hitting_time_le_iff:
  assumes "i < t"
  shows "hitting_time X A s t ω  i  (j  {s..i}. X j ω  A)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  assume ?lhs
  moreover have "hitting_time X A s t ω  insert t ({s..t}  {i. X i ω  A})" by (metis hitting_time_def' Int_atLeastAtMostR2 inf_sup_aci(1) insertI1 max_0L wellorder_InfI)
  ultimately have "hitting_time X A s t ω  {s..i}  {i. X i ω  A}" using assms by force
  thus ?rhs by blast
  assume ?rhs
  then obtain j where j: "j  {s..i}" "X j ω  A" by blast
  hence "hitting_time X A s t ω  j" unfolding hitting_time_def' using assms by (auto intro: cInf_lower)
  thus ?lhs using j by simp

lemma hitting_time_less_iff:
  assumes "i  t"
  shows "hitting_time X A s t ω < i  (j  {s..<i}. X j ω  A)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  assume ?lhs
  moreover have "hitting_time X A s t ω  insert t ({s..t}  {i. X i ω  A})" by (metis hitting_time_def' Int_atLeastAtMostR2 inf_sup_aci(1) insertI1 max_0L wellorder_InfI)
  ultimately have "hitting_time X A s t ω  {s..<i}  {i. X i ω  A}" using assms by force
  thus ?rhs by blast
  assume ?rhs
  then obtain j where j: "j  {s..<i}" "X j ω  A" by blast
  hence "hitting_time X A s t ω  j" unfolding hitting_time_def' using assms by (auto intro: cInf_lower)
  thus ?lhs using j by simp

― ‹If termX already hits termA in the interval term{s..t}, then termhitting_time X A s t = hitting_time X A s t' for termt'  t.›

lemma hitting_time_eq_hitting_time:
  assumes "t  t'" "j  {s..t}" "X j ω  A"
  shows "hitting_time X A s t ω = hitting_time X A s t' ω" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
  have "hitting_time X A s t ω  {s..t'}" using hitting_time_le[THEN order_trans, of t t' X A s] hitting_time_ge[of t s X A] assms by auto
  moreover have "stopped_value X (hitting_time X A s t) ω  A" by (blast intro: stopped_value_hitting_time_mem assms)
  ultimately have "hitting_time X A s t' ω  hitting_time X A s t ω" by (fastforce simp add: hitting_time_def'[where t=t'] stopped_value_def intro!: cInf_lower)
  thus ?thesis by (blast intro: le_antisym hitting_time_mono[OF _ order_refl assms(1)])

