Theory Disintegration

(*  Title:   Disintegration.thy
    Author:  Michikazu Hirata, Tokyo Institute of Technology

section ‹ Disintegration Theorem ›

theory Disintegration
  imports "S_Finite_Measure_Monad.Kernels"

subsection ‹ Definition 14.D.2. (Mixture and Disintegration) ›
context measure_kernel

definition mixture_of :: "[('a ×'b) measure, 'a measure]  bool" where
"mixture_of ν μ  sets ν = sets (X M Y)  sets μ = sets X  (Csets (X M Y). ν C = (+x. +y. indicator C (x,y) (κ x) μ))"

definition disintegration :: "[('a ×'b) measure, 'a measure]  bool" where
"disintegration ν μ  sets ν = sets (X M Y)  sets μ = sets X  (Asets X. Bsets Y. ν (A × B) = (+xA. (κ x B) μ))"

lemma disintegrationI:
  assumes "sets ν = sets (X M Y)" "sets μ = sets X"
      and "A B. A  sets X  B  sets Y  ν (A × B) = (+xA. (κ x B) μ)"
    shows "disintegration ν μ"
  by(simp add: disintegration_def assms)

lemma mixture_of_disintegration:
  assumes "mixture_of ν μ"
  shows "disintegration ν μ"
  unfolding disintegration_def
proof safe
  fix A B
  assume [simp]:"A  sets X" "B  sets Y"
  have [simp,measurable_cong]: "sets μ = sets X" "space μ = space X"
    using assms by(auto simp: mixture_of_def intro!: sets_eq_imp_space_eq)
  have "A × B  sets (X M Y)" by simp
  with assms have "ν (A × B) = (+x. +y. indicator (A × B) (x,y) (κ x) μ)"
    by(simp add: mixture_of_def)
  also have "... = (+x. +y. indicator A x * indicator B y (κ x) μ)"
    by(simp add: indicator_times)
  also have "... =  (+xA. (κ x B) μ)"
    by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong simp: kernel_sets nn_integral_cmult_indicator mult.commute)
  finally show "emeasure ν (A × B) = (+xA. emeasure (κ x) Bμ)" .
qed(use assms[simplified mixture_of_def] in auto)

  shows mixture_of_sets_eq: "mixture_of ν μ  sets ν = sets (X M Y)" "mixture_of ν μ  sets μ = sets X"
    and mixture_of_space_eq: "mixture_of ν μ  space ν = space (X M Y)" "mixture_of ν μ  space μ = space X"
    and disintegration_sets_eq: "disintegration ν μ  sets ν = sets (X M Y)" "disintegration ν μ  sets μ = sets X"
    and disintegration_space_eq: "disintegration ν μ  space ν = space (X M Y)" "disintegration ν μ  space μ = space X"
  by(auto simp: mixture_of_def disintegration_def intro!: sets_eq_imp_space_eq)

  shows mixture_ofD: "mixture_of ν μ  C  sets (X M Y)  ν C = (+x. +y. indicator C (x,y) (κ x) μ)"
    and disintegrationD: "disintegration ν μ  A  sets X  B  sets Y  ν (A × B) = (+xA. (κ x B) μ)"
  by(auto simp: mixture_of_def disintegration_def)

lemma disintegration_restrict_space:
  assumes "disintegration ν μ" "A  space X  sets X"
  shows "measure_kernel.disintegration (restrict_space X A) Y κ (restrict_space ν (A × space Y)) (restrict_space μ A)"
proof(rule measure_kernel.disintegrationI[OF restrict_measure_kernel[of A]])
  have "sets (restrict_space ν (A × space Y)) = sets (restrict_space (X M Y) (A × space Y))"
    by(auto simp: disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(1)] intro!: sets_restrict_space_cong)
  also have "... = sets (restrict_space X A M Y)"
    using sets_pair_restrict_space[of X A Y "space Y"]
    by simp
  finally show "sets (restrict_space ν (A × space Y)) = sets (restrict_space X A M Y)" .
  show "sets (restrict_space μ A) = sets (restrict_space X A)"
    by(auto simp: disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(1)] intro!: sets_restrict_space_cong)
  fix a b
  assume h:"a  sets (restrict_space X A)" "b  sets Y"
  then have "restrict_space ν (A × space Y) (a × b) = ν (a × b)"
    using sets.sets_into_space
    by(auto intro!: emeasure_restrict_space  simp: disintegration_space_eq[OF assms(1)] disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(1)] sets_restrict_space)
      (metis Sigma_Int_distrib1 assms(2) pair_measureI space_pair_measure)
  also have "... = (+xa. emeasure (κ x) b μ)"
    using sets_restrict_space_iff[OF assms(2)] h assms(1)
    by(auto simp: disintegration_def)
  also have "... = (+xA. (emeasure (κ x) b * indicator a x) μ)"
    using h(1) by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong simp: sets_restrict_space)
                 (metis IntD1 indicator_simps(1) indicator_simps(2) mult.comm_neutral mult_zero_right)
  also have "... = (+xa. emeasure (κ x) b restrict_space μ A)"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms disintegration_sets_eq(2) disintegration_space_eq(2) nn_integral_cong nn_integral_restrict_space)
  finally show "restrict_space ν (A × space Y) (a × b) = (+xa. emeasure (κ x) b restrict_space μ A)" .


context subprob_kernel
lemma countable_disintegration_AE_unique:
  assumes "countable (space Y)" and [measurable_cong]:"sets Y = Pow (space Y)"
      and "subprob_kernel X Y κ'" "sigma_finite_measure μ"
      and "disintegration ν μ" "measure_kernel.disintegration X Y κ' ν μ"
    shows "AE x in μ. κ x = κ' x"
proof -
  interpret κ': subprob_kernel X Y κ' by fact
  interpret s: sigma_finite_measure μ by fact
  have sets_eq[measurable_cong]: "sets μ = sets X" "sets ν = sets (X M Y)"
    using assms(5) by(auto simp: disintegration_def)
  have 1:"AE x in μ. y  space Y. κ x {y} = κ' x {y}"
    unfolding AE_ball_countable[OF assms(1)]
    fix y
    assume y: "y  space Y"
    show "AE x in μ. emeasure (κ x) {y} = emeasure (κ' x) {y}"
    proof(rule s.sigma_finite)
      fix J :: "nat  _"
      assume J:"range J  sets μ" "  (range J) = space μ" "i. emeasure μ (J i)  "
      from y have [measurable]: "(λx. κ x {y})  borel_measurable X" "(λx. κ' x {y})  borel_measurable X"
        using emeasure_measurable κ'.emeasure_measurable by auto
      define A where "A  {x  space μ. κ x {y}  κ' x {y}}"
      have [measurable]:"A  sets μ"
        by(auto simp: A_def)
      have A: "x. x  space μ  x  A   κ' x {y}  κ x {y}"
        by(auto simp: A_def)
      have 1: "AE xA in μ. κ x {y} = κ' x {y}"
      proof -
        have "AE x in μ. n. (x  A  J n  κ x {y} = κ' x {y})"
          unfolding AE_all_countable
          fix n
          have ninf:"(+xA  J n. (κ x) {y}μ) < "
          proof -
            have "(+xA  J n. (κ x) {y}μ)  (+xA  J n. (κ x) (space Y) μ)"
              using kernel_sets y by(auto intro!: nn_integral_mono emeasure_mono simp: indicator_def disintegration_space_eq(2)[OF assms(5)])
            also have "...  (+xA  J n. 1 μ)"
              using subprob_space by(auto intro!: nn_integral_mono simp: indicator_def disintegration_space_eq(2)[OF assms(5)])
            also have "... = μ (A  J n)"
              using J by simp
            also have "...  μ (J n)"
              using J by (auto intro!: emeasure_mono)
            also have "... < "
              using J(3)[of n] by (simp add: top.not_eq_extremum)
            finally show ?thesis .
          have "(+x. (κ' x) {y} * indicator (A  J n) x - (κ x) {y} * indicator (A  J n) x μ) = (+xA  J n. (κ' x) {y} μ) - (+xA  J n. (κ x) {y}  μ)"
            using J ninf by(auto intro!: nn_integral_diff simp: indicator_def A_def)
          also have "... = 0"
          proof -
            have 0: "ν ((A  J n) × {y}) = (+xA  J n. (κ x) {y} μ)"
              using J y sets_eq by(auto intro!: disintegrationD[OF assms(5),of "A  J n" "{y}"])
            have [simp]: "(+xA  J n. (κ' x) {y} μ) = ν ((A  J n) × {y})"
              using J y sets_eq by(auto intro!: κ'.disintegrationD[OF assms(6),of "A  J n" "{y}",symmetric])
            show ?thesis
              using ninf by (simp add: 0 diff_eq_0_iff_ennreal)
          finally have assm:"AE x in μ. (κ' x) {y} * indicator (A  J n) x - (κ x) {y} * indicator (A  J n) x = 0"
            using J by(simp add: nn_integral_0_iff_AE)
          show "AE xA  J n in μ. (κ x) {y} = (κ' x) {y}"
          proof(rule AE_mp[OF assm])
            show "AE x in μ. emeasure (κ' x) {y} * indicator (A  J n) x - emeasure (κ x) {y} * indicator (A  J n) x = 0  x  A  J n  emeasure (κ x) {y} = emeasure (κ' x) {y}"
            proof -
                fix x
                assume h: "(κ' x) {y} - (κ x) {y} = 0" "x  A"
                have "(κ x) {y} = (κ' x) {y}"
                  using h(2) by(auto intro!: antisym ennreal_minus_eq_0[OF h(1)] simp: A_def)
              thus ?thesis
                by(auto simp: indicator_def)
        hence "AE xA  ( (range J))in μ. κ x {y} = κ' x {y}"
          by auto
        thus ?thesis
          using J(2) by auto
      have 2: "AE x (space μ - A) in μ. κ x {y} = κ' x {y}"
      proof -
        have "AE x in μ. n. x  (space μ - A)  J n  κ x {y} = κ' x {y}"
          unfolding AE_all_countable
          fix n
          have ninf:"(+x(space μ - A)  J n. (κ' x) {y}μ) < "
          proof -
            have "(+x(space μ - A)  J n. (κ' x) {y}μ)  (+x(space μ - A)  J n. (κ' x) (space Y) μ)"
              using kernel_sets y by(auto intro!: nn_integral_mono emeasure_mono simp: indicator_def disintegration_space_eq(2)[OF assms(5)])
            also have "...  (+x(space μ - A)  J n. 1 μ)"
              using κ'.subprob_space by(auto intro!: nn_integral_mono simp: indicator_def disintegration_space_eq(2)[OF assms(5)])
            also have "... = μ ((space μ - A)  J n)"
              using J by simp
            also have "...  μ (J n)"
              using J by (auto intro!: emeasure_mono)
            also have "... < "
              using J(3)[of n] by (simp add: top.not_eq_extremum)
            finally show ?thesis .
          have "(+x. (κ x) {y} * indicator ((space μ - A)  J n) x - (κ' x) {y} * indicator ((space μ - A)  J n) x μ) = (+x(space μ - A)  J n. (κ x) {y} μ) - (+x(space μ - A)  J n. (κ' x) {y}  μ)"
            using J ninf A by(auto intro!: nn_integral_diff simp: indicator_def)
          also have "... = 0"
          proof -
            have 0: "(+x(space μ - A)  J n. (κ' x) {y} μ) = ν (((space μ - A)  J n) × {y})"
              using J y sets_eq by(auto intro!: κ'.disintegrationD[OF assms(6),of "(space μ - A)  J n" "{y}",symmetric])
            have [simp]: "ν (((space μ - A)  J n) × {y}) = (+x(space μ - A)  J n. (κ x) {y} μ)"
              using J y sets_eq by(auto intro!: disintegrationD[OF assms(5),of "(space μ - A)  J n" "{y}"])
            show ?thesis
              using ninf by (simp add: 0 diff_eq_0_iff_ennreal)
          finally have assm:"AE x in μ. (κ x) {y} * indicator ((space μ - A)  J n) x - (κ' x) {y} * indicator ((space μ - A)  J n) x = 0"
            using J by(simp add: nn_integral_0_iff_AE)
          show "AE x(space μ - A)  J n in μ. (κ x) {y} = (κ' x) {y}"
          proof(rule AE_mp[OF assm])
            show "AE x in μ. emeasure (κ x) {y} * indicator ((space μ - A)  J n) x - emeasure (κ' x) {y} * indicator ((space μ - A)  J n) x = 0  x  (space μ - A)  J n  emeasure (κ x) {y} = emeasure (κ' x) {y}"
            proof -
                fix x
                assume h: "(κ x) {y} - (κ' x) {y} = 0" "x  space μ" "x  A"
                have "(κ x) {y} = (κ' x) {y}"
                  using A[OF h(2,3)] by(auto intro!: antisym ennreal_minus_eq_0[OF h(1)] simp: A_def)
              thus ?thesis
                by(auto simp: indicator_def)
        hence "AE x(space μ - A)  ( (range J))in μ. κ x {y} = κ' x {y}"
          by auto
        thus ?thesis
          using J(2) by auto
      show "AE x in μ. κ x {y} = κ' x {y}"
        using 1 2 by(auto simp: A_def)
  show ?thesis
  proof(rule AE_mp[OF 1])
      fix x
      assume x: "x  space X"
        and h: "yspace Y. κ x {y} = κ' x {y}"
      have "κ x = κ' x "
        by (simp add: κ'.kernel_sets assms h kernel_sets measure_eqI_countable x)
    thus " AE x in μ. (yspace Y. emeasure (κ x) {y} = emeasure (κ' x) {y})  κ x = κ' x"
      by(auto simp: sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF sets_eq(1)])


lemma(in subprob_kernel) nu_mu_spaceY_le:
  assumes "disintegration ν μ" "A  sets X"
  shows "ν (A × space Y)  μ A"
proof -
  have "ν (A × space Y) = (+xA. (κ x (space Y)) μ)"
    using assms by(simp add: disintegration_def)
  also have "...  (+xA. 1 μ)"
    using assms subprob_space by(auto intro!: nn_integral_mono simp:  disintegration_space_eq) (metis dual_order.refl indicator_simps(1) indicator_simps(2) mult.commute mult_1 mult_zero_right)
  also have "... = μ A"
    using assms by (simp add: disintegration_def) 
  finally show ?thesis .

context prob_kernel

lemma countable_disintegration_AE_unique_prob:
  assumes "countable (space Y)" and [measurable_cong]:"sets Y = Pow (space Y)"
      and "prob_kernel X Y κ'" "sigma_finite_measure μ"
      and "disintegration ν μ" "measure_kernel.disintegration X Y κ' ν μ"
    shows "AE x in μ. κ x = κ' x"
  by(auto intro!: countable_disintegration_AE_unique[OF assms(1,2) _ assms(4-6)] prob_kernel.subprob_kernel assms(3))


subsection ‹ Lemma 14.D.3. ›
lemma(in prob_kernel) nu_mu_spaceY:
  assumes "disintegration ν μ" "A  sets X"
  shows "ν (A × space Y) = μ A"
proof -
  have "ν (A × space Y) = (+xA. (κ x (space Y)) μ)"
    using assms by(simp add: disintegration_def)
  also have "... = (+xA. 1 μ)"
    using assms by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong simp: prob_space disintegration_space_eq)
  also have "... = μ A"
    using assms by (simp add: disintegration_def) 
  finally show ?thesis .

corollary(in subprob_kernel) nu_finite:
  assumes "disintegration ν μ" "finite_measure μ"
  shows "finite_measure ν"
  have "ν (space ν) = ν (space (X M Y))"
    using assms by(simp add: disintegration_space_eq)
  also have "...  μ (space μ)"
    using assms by(simp add: nu_mu_spaceY_le disintegration_space_eq space_pair_measure)
  finally show "ν (space ν)  "
    using assms(2) by (metis finite_measure.emeasure_finite infinity_ennreal_def neq_top_trans)

corollary(in subprob_kernel) nu_subprob_space:
  assumes "disintegration ν μ" "subprob_space μ"
  shows "subprob_space ν"
  have "ν (space ν) = ν (space (X M Y))"
    using assms by(simp add: disintegration_space_eq)
  also have "...  μ (space μ)"
    using assms by(simp add: nu_mu_spaceY_le disintegration_space_eq space_pair_measure)
  finally show "ν (space ν)  1"
    using assms(2) order.trans subprob_space.emeasure_space_le_1 by auto
  show "space ν  {}"
    using Y_not_empty assms by(auto simp: disintegration_space_eq subprob_space_def subprob_space_axioms_def space_pair_measure)

corollary(in prob_kernel) nu_prob_space:
  assumes "disintegration ν μ" "prob_space μ"
  shows "prob_space ν"
  have "ν (space ν) = ν (space (X M Y))"
    using assms by(simp add: disintegration_space_eq)
  also have "... = μ (space μ)"
    using assms by(simp add: nu_mu_spaceY disintegration_space_eq space_pair_measure)
  finally show "ν (space ν) = 1"
    by (simp add: assms(2) prob_space.emeasure_space_1)

lemma(in subprob_kernel) nu_sigma_finite:
  assumes "disintegration ν μ" "sigma_finite_measure μ"
  shows "sigma_finite_measure ν"
  obtain A where A:"countable A" "A  sets μ" " A = space μ" "aA. emeasure μ a  "
    using assms(2) by (meson sigma_finite_measure.sigma_finite_countable)
  have "countable {a × space Y |a. a  A}"
    using countable_image[OF A(1),of "λa. a × space Y"]
    by (simp add: Setcompr_eq_image)
  moreover have "{a × space Y |a. a  A}  sets ν"
    using A(2) assms(1) disintegration_def by auto
  moreover have " {a × space Y |a. a  A} = space ν"
    using assms A(3) by(simp add: disintegration_space_eq space_pair_measure) blast
  moreover have "b{a × space Y |a. a  A}. emeasure ν b  "
    using neq_top_trans[OF _ nu_mu_spaceY_le[OF assms(1)]] A(2,4) assms disintegration_sets_eq(2) by auto
  ultimately show "B. countable B  B  sets ν   B = space ν  (bB. emeasure ν b  )"
    by blast

subsection ‹ Theorem 14.D.4. (Measure Mixture Theorem) ›
lemma(in measure_kernel) exist_nu:
  assumes "sets μ = sets X"
  shows "ν. disintegration ν μ"
proof -
  define ν where "ν = extend_measure (space X × space Y) {(a, b). a  sets X  b  sets Y} (λ(a, b). a × b) (λ(a, b). +xa. emeasure (κ x) bμ) "
  have 1: "sets ν = sets (X M Y)"
  proof -
    have "sets ν = sigma_sets (space X × space Y) ((λ(a, b). a × b) ` {(a, b). a  sets X  b  sets Y})"
      unfolding ν_def
      by(rule sets_extend_measure) (use sets.space_closed[of X] sets.space_closed[of Y] in blast)
    also have "... = sigma_sets (space X × space Y) {a × b |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}"
      by(auto intro!: sigma_sets_eqI)
    also have "... = sets (X M Y)"
      by(simp add: sets_pair_measure)
    finally show ?thesis .
  have 2: "ν (A × B) = (+xA. (κ x B) μ)" if "A  sets X" "B  sets Y" for A B
  proof(rule extend_measure_caratheodory_pair[OF ν_def])
    fix i j k l
    assume "i  sets X  j  sets Y" "k  sets X  l  sets Y" "i × j = k × l"
    then consider "i = k" "j = l" | "i × j = {}" "k × l = {}" by blast
    thus "(+xi. emeasure (κ x) j μ) = (+xk. emeasure (κ x) l μ)" 
      by cases auto
    fix A B j k
    assume h: "n::nat. A n  sets X  B n  sets Y" "j  sets X  k  sets Y" "disjoint_family (λn. A n × B n)" "(i. A i × B i) = j × k"
    show "(n. +xA n. emeasure (κ x) (B n)μ) = (+xj. emeasure (κ x) kμ)"
         (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
    proof -
      have "?lhs = (+x. (n. κ x (B n) * indicator (A n) x)μ)"
      proof(rule nn_integral_suminf[symmetric])
        fix n
        have [measurable]:"(λx. emeasure (κ x) (B n))  borel_measurable μ" "indicator (A n)  borel_measurable μ"
          using h(1)[of n] emeasure_measurable[of "B n"] assms(1) by auto
        thus "(λx. emeasure (κ x) (B n) * indicator (A n) x)  borel_measurable μ"
          by simp
      also have "... = ?rhs"
      proof(safe intro!: nn_integral_cong)
        fix x
        assume "x  space μ"
        consider "j = {}" | "k = {}" | "j  {}" "k  {}" by auto
        then show "(n. emeasure (κ x) (B n) * indicator (A n) x) = emeasure (κ x) k * indicator j x"
        proof cases
          case 1
          then have "n. A n × B n = {}"
            using h(4) by auto
          have "emeasure (κ x) (B n) * indicator (A n) x = 0" for n
            using A n × B n = {} by(auto simp: Sigma_empty_iff)
          thus ?thesis
            by(simp only: 1,simp)
          case 2
          then have "n. A n × B n = {}"
            using h(4) by auto
          have "emeasure (κ x) (B n) * indicator (A n) x = 0" for n
            using A n × B n = {} by(auto simp: Sigma_empty_iff)
          thus ?thesis
            by(simp only: 2,simp)
          case 3
          then have xinjiff:"x  j  (i. yB i. (x,y)  A i × B i)"
            using h(4) by blast
          have bunk:" (B ` {i. x  A i}) = k" if "x  j"
            using that 3 h(4) by blast
          show ?thesis
          proof(cases "x  j")
            case False
            then have "n. x  A n  B n = {}"
              using h(4) 3 xinjiff by auto
            have "emeasure (κ x) (B n) * indicator (A n) x = 0" for n
              using x  A n  B n = {} by auto
            thus ?thesis
              by(simp only:)(simp add: False)
            case True
            then have [simp]: "emeasure (κ x) k * indicator j x = emeasure (κ x) k"
              by simp
            have "(n. emeasure (κ x) (B n) * indicator (A n) x) = (n. emeasure (κ x) (if x  A n then B n else {}))"
              by(auto intro!: suminf_cong)
            also have "... = emeasure (κ x) (n. if x  A n then B n else {})"
            proof(rule suminf_emeasure)
              show "disjoint_family (λi. if x  A i then B i else {})"
                using disjoint_family_onD[OF h(3)] by (auto simp: disjoint_family_on_def)
              show "range (λi. if x  A i then B i else {})  sets (κ x)"
                using h(1) kernel_sets[of x] x  space μ sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF assms(1)] by auto
            also have "... = emeasure (κ x) k"
              using True by(simp add: bunk)
            finally show ?thesis by simp
      finally show ?thesis .
  qed(use that in auto)
  show ?thesis
    using 1 2 assms
    by(auto simp: disintegration_def)

lemma(in subprob_kernel) exist_unique_nu_sigma_finite':
  assumes "sets μ = sets X" "sigma_finite_measure μ"
  shows "∃!ν. disintegration ν μ"
proof -
  obtain ν where disi: "disintegration ν μ"
    using exist_nu[OF assms(1)] by auto
  with assms(2) interpret sf: sigma_finite_measure ν
    by(simp add: nu_sigma_finite)
  interpret μ: sigma_finite_measure μ by fact
  show ?thesis
  proof(rule ex1I[where a=ν])
    fix ν'
    assume disi':"disintegration ν' μ"
    show "ν' = ν"
    proof(rule μ.sigma_finite_disjoint)
      fix A :: "nat  _"
      assume A: "range A  sets μ" " (range A) = space μ" "i. emeasure μ (A i)  " "disjoint_family A"
      define B where "B  λi. A i × space Y"
      show "ν' = ν"
      proof(rule measure_eqI_generator_eq[where E=" {a × b|a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}" and A=B and Ω="space X × space Y"])
        show "C. C  {a × b |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}  emeasure ν' C = emeasure ν C"
             "sets ν' = sigma_sets (space X × space Y) {a × b |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}"
             "sets ν = sigma_sets (space X × space Y) {a × b |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}"
          using disi disi' by(auto simp: disintegration_def sets_pair_measure)
        show "range B  {a × b |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}"
             " (range B) = space X × space Y"
          using A(1,2) by(auto simp: B_def assms(1) sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF assms(1)])
        fix i
        show "emeasure ν' (B i)  "
          using A(1) nu_mu_spaceY_le[OF disi',of "A i"] A(3)[of i] by(auto simp: B_def assms top.extremum_uniqueI)
      qed(simp_all add: Int_stable_pair_measure_generator pair_measure_closed)
  qed fact

lemma(in subprob_kernel) exist_unique_nu_sigma_finite:
  assumes "sets μ = sets X" "sigma_finite_measure μ"
  shows "∃!ν. disintegration ν μ  sigma_finite_measure ν"
  using assms exist_unique_nu_sigma_finite' nu_sigma_finite by blast

lemma(in subprob_kernel) exist_unique_nu_finite:
  assumes "sets μ = sets X" "finite_measure μ"
  shows "∃!ν. disintegration ν μ  finite_measure ν"
  using assms nu_finite finite_measure.sigma_finite_measure[OF assms(2)] exist_unique_nu_sigma_finite' by blast

lemma(in subprob_kernel) exist_unique_nu_sub_prob_space:
  assumes "sets μ = sets X" "subprob_space μ"
  shows "∃!ν. disintegration ν μ  subprob_space ν"
  using assms nu_subprob_space subprob_space_imp_sigma_finite[OF assms(2)] exist_unique_nu_sigma_finite' by blast

lemma(in prob_kernel) exist_unique_nu_prob_space:
  assumes "sets μ = sets X" "prob_space μ"
  shows "∃!ν. disintegration ν μ  prob_space ν"
  using assms nu_prob_space prob_space_imp_sigma_finite[OF assms(2)] exist_unique_nu_sigma_finite' by blast

lemma(in subprob_kernel) nn_integral_fst_finite':
  assumes "f  borel_measurable (X M Y)" "disintegration ν μ" "finite_measure μ"
  shows "(+z. f z ν) = (+x. +y. f (x,y) (κ x) μ)"
  using assms(1)
proof induction
  case (cong f g)
  have "integralN ν f = integralN ν g"
    using cong(3) by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong simp: disintegration_space_eq(1)[OF assms(2)])
  with cong(3) show ?case
    by(auto simp: cong(4) kernel_space disintegration_space_eq(2)[OF assms(2)] space_pair_measure intro!: nn_integral_cong)
  case (set A)
  show ?case
  proof(rule sigma_sets_induct_disjoint[of "{a × b|a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}" "space X × space Y"])
    show "A  sigma_sets (space X × space Y) {a × b |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}"
      using set by(simp add: sets_pair_measure)
    fix A
    assume "A  {a × b |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}"
    then obtain a b where ab: "A = a × b" "a  sets X" "b  sets Y"
      by auto
    with assms(2) have "integralN ν (indicator A) = (+xa. (κ x b) μ)"
      by(simp add: disintegration_def)
    also have "... = (+ x. + y. indicator A (x, y) κ x μ)"
      by(auto simp: ab(1) indicator_times disintegration_space_eq(2)[OF assms(2)] ab(3) kernel_sets mult.commute nn_integral_cmult_indicator intro!: nn_integral_cong)
    finally show "integralN ν (indicator A) = (+ x. + y. indicator A (x, y) κ x μ)" .
    fix A
    assume h: "A  sigma_sets (space X × space Y) {a × b |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}" "integralN ν (indicator A) = (+ x. + y. indicator A (x, y) κ x μ)"
    show "integralN ν (indicator (space X × space Y - A)) = (+ x. + y. indicator (space X × space Y - A) (x, y) κ x μ)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
    proof -
      have "?lhs = (+ z. 1 - indicator A z ν)"
        by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong simp: disintegration_space_eq(1)[OF assms(2)] space_pair_measure indicator_def)
      also have "... = (+ z. 1 ν) - (+ z. indicator A z ν)"
      proof(rule nn_integral_diff)
        show "integralN ν (indicator A)  "
          using h(1)[simplified sets_pair_measure[symmetric]] disintegration_sets_eq(1)[OF assms(2)] finite_measure.emeasure_finite[OF nu_finite[OF assms(2,3)]]
          by auto
        show "indicator A  borel_measurable ν"
          using h(1)[simplified sets_pair_measure[symmetric]] disintegration_sets_eq(1)[OF assms(2)] by simp
      qed(simp_all add: indicator_def)
      also have "... = (+ z. 1 ν) - (+ x. + y. indicator A (x, y) κ x μ)"
        by(simp add: h(2))
      also have "... = ν (space X × space Y) - (+ x. + y. indicator A (x, y) κ x μ)"
        using nn_integral_indicator[OF[of ν]] by(simp add: space_pair_measure disintegration_space_eq(1)[OF assms(2)])
      also have "... = (+ x. κ x (space Y) μ) - (+ x. + y. indicator A (x, y) κ x μ)"
      proof -
        have "ν (space X × space Y) = (+ x. κ x (space Y) μ)"
          using assms(2) by(auto simp: disintegration_def disintegration_space_eq(2)[OF assms(2)] intro!: nn_integral_cong)
        thus ?thesis by simp
      also have "... = (+ x. + y. indicator (space X × space Y) (x, y) κ x μ) - (+ x. + y. indicator A (x, y) κ x μ)"
      proof -
        have "(+ x. κ x (space Y) μ) = (+ x. + y. indicator (space X × space Y) (x, y) κ x μ)"
          using kernel_sets by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong simp: indicator_times disintegration_space_eq(2)[OF assms(2)] )
        thus ?thesis by simp
      also have "... = (+ x. (+ y. indicator (space X × space Y) (x, y) κ x) - (+ y. indicator A (x, y) κ x) μ)"
      proof(rule nn_integral_diff[symmetric])
        show "(λx. + y. indicator (space X × space Y) (x, y) κ x)  borel_measurable μ"
             "(λx. + y. indicator A (x, y) κ x)  borel_measurable μ"
           by(use disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(2)] nn_integral_measurable_f h(1)[simplified sets_pair_measure[symmetric]] in auto)+
         have "(+ x. + y. indicator A (x, y) κ x μ)  (+ x. + y. 1 κ x μ)"
           by(rule nn_integral_mono)+ (simp add: indicator_def)
         also have "...  (+ x. 1 μ)"
           by(rule nn_integral_mono) (simp add: subprob_spaces disintegration_space_eq(2)[OF assms(2)] subprob_space.subprob_emeasure_le_1)
         also have "... < "
           using finite_measure.emeasure_finite[OF assms(3)]
           by (simp add: top.not_eq_extremum) 
         finally show "(+ x. + y. indicator A (x, y) κ x μ)  "
           by auto
         have "A  space X × space Y"
           by (metis h(1) sets.sets_into_space sets_pair_measure space_pair_measure)
         hence "x. (+ y. indicator A (x, y) κ x)  (+ y. indicator (space X × space Y) (x, y) κ x)"
           by(auto intro!: nn_integral_mono)
         thus "AE x in μ. (+ y. indicator A (x, y) κ x)  (+ y. indicator (space X × space Y) (x, y) κ x)"
           by simp
       also have "... = (+ x. (+ y. indicator (space X × space Y) (x, y) - indicator A (x, y) κ x) μ)"
       proof(intro nn_integral_cong nn_integral_diff[symmetric])
         fix x
         assume "x  space μ"
         then have "x  space X"
           by(auto simp: disintegration_space_eq(2)[OF assms(2)])
         with kernel_sets[OF this] h(1)[simplified sets_pair_measure[symmetric]]
         show "(λy. indicator (space X × space Y) (x, y))  borel_measurable (κ x)"
              "(λy. indicator A (x, y))  borel_measurable (κ x)"
           by auto
         fix x
         assume "x  space μ"
         then have "x  space X"
           by(auto simp: disintegration_space_eq(2)[OF assms(2)])
         have "(+ y. indicator A (x, y) κ x)  (+ y. 1 κ x)"
           by(rule nn_integral_mono) (simp add: indicator_def)
         also have "...  1"
           using subprob_spaces[OF x  space X] by (simp add: subprob_space.subprob_emeasure_le_1)
         also have "... < "
           by auto           
         finally show "(+ y. indicator A (x, y) κ x)  "
           by simp
         have "A  space X × space Y"
           by (metis h(1) sets.sets_into_space sets_pair_measure space_pair_measure)
         thus "AE y in κ x. indicator A (x, y)  (indicator (space X × space Y) (x, y) :: ennreal)"
           by auto
       also have "... = ?rhs"
         by(auto simp: indicator_def intro!: nn_integral_cong)
       finally show ?thesis .
    fix A
    assume h:"disjoint_family A" "range A  sigma_sets (space X × space Y) {a × b |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}"
              "i::nat.  integralN ν (indicator (A i)) = (+ x. + y. indicator (A i) (x, y) κ x μ)"
    show "integralN ν (indicator ( (range A))) = (+ x. + y. indicator ( (range A)) (x, y) κ x μ)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
    proof -
      have "?lhs = (+ z. (i. indicator (A i) z) ν)"
        by(simp add: suminf_indicator[OF h(1)])
      also have "... = (i. (+ z. indicator (A i) z ν))" 
        by(rule nn_integral_suminf) (use disintegration_sets_eq(1)[OF assms(2)] h(2)[simplified sets_pair_measure[symmetric]] in simp)
      also have "... = (i. (+ x. + y. indicator (A i) (x, y) κ x μ))"
        by(simp add: h)
      also have "... = (+ x. (i. (+ y. indicator (A i) (x, y) κ x)) μ)"
        by(rule nn_integral_suminf[symmetric]) (use h(2)[simplified sets_pair_measure[symmetric]] disintegration_sets_eq(2)[OF assms(2)] nn_integral_measurable_f in simp)       
      also have "... = (+ x. + y. (i.  indicator (A i) (x, y)) κ x μ)"
        using h(2)[simplified sets_pair_measure[symmetric]] kernel_sets
        by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong nn_integral_suminf[symmetric] simp: disintegration_space_eq(2)[OF assms(2)])
      also have "... = ?rhs"
        by(simp add: suminf_indicator[OF h(1)])
      finally show ?thesis .
  qed(simp_all add: Int_stable_pair_measure_generator pair_measure_closed)   
  case (mult u c)
  show ?case (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  proof -
    have "?lhs = c * (+ z. u z ν)"
      using disintegration_sets_eq(1)[OF assms(2)] mult
      by(simp add: nn_integral_cmult)
    also have "... = c * ( + x. + y. u (x, y) κ x μ)"
      by(simp add: mult)
    also have "... = ( + x. c * (+ y. u (x, y) κ x) μ)"
      using nn_integral_measurable_f'[OF mult(2)] disintegration_sets_eq(2)[OF assms(2)]
      by(simp add: nn_integral_cmult)
    also have "... = ?rhs"
      using mult by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong nn_integral_cmult[symmetric] simp: disintegration_space_eq(2)[OF assms(2)])
    finally show ?thesis .
  case (add u v)
  show ?case (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  proof -
    have "?lhs = (+ z. v z ν) + (+ z. u z ν)"
      using add disintegration_sets_eq(1)[OF assms(2)] by (simp add: nn_integral_add)
    also have "... = (+ x. + y. v (x, y) κ x μ) + (+ x. + y. u (x, y) κ x μ)"
      by(simp add: add)
    also have "... = (+ x. (+ y. v (x, y) κ x) + (+ y. u (x, y) κ x) μ)"
      using nn_integral_measurable_f'[OF add(1)] nn_integral_measurable_f'[OF add(3)] disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(2)]
      by(auto intro!: nn_integral_add[symmetric])
    also have "... = (+ x. (+ y. v (x, y) + u (x, y) κ x) μ)"
      using add by(auto intro!: nn_integral_add[symmetric] nn_integral_cong simp: disintegration_space_eq(2)[OF assms(2)])
    finally show ?thesis .
  case (seq fi)
  have "(+ y. ( range fi) (x, y) κ x) = (i. + y. fi i (x, y) κ x)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs") if "x  space X" for x
  proof -
    have "?lhs = (+ y. (i. fi i (x, y)) κ x)"
      by(metis SUP_apply)
    also have "... = ?rhs"
    proof(rule nn_integral_monotone_convergence_SUP)
      show "incseq (λi y. fi i (x, y))"
        using seq mono_compose by blast 
      fix i
      show "(λy. fi i (x, y))  borel_measurable (κ x)"
        using seq(1)[of i] that kernel_sets[OF that] by simp
    finally show ?thesis .
  have "integralN ν ( range fi) = (+ x. (i. fi i x) ν)"
    by (metis SUP_apply)
  also have "... = (i. integralN ν (fi i))"
    using disintegration_sets_eq(1)[OF assms(2)] seq(1,3)
    by(auto intro!: nn_integral_monotone_convergence_SUP)
  also have "... = (i. + x. + y. fi i (x, y) κ x μ)"
    by(simp add: seq)
  also have "... = (+ x. (i. + y. fi i (x, y) κ x) μ)"
  proof(safe intro!: nn_integral_monotone_convergence_SUP[symmetric])
    show "incseq (λi x. + y. fi i (x, y) κ x)"
      using le_funD[OF incseq_SucD[OF seq(3)]]
      by(auto intro!: incseq_SucI le_funI nn_integral_mono)
  qed(use disintegration_sets_eq(2)[OF assms(2)] nn_integral_measurable_f'[OF seq(1)] in auto)
  also have "... = (+ x. + y. (i. fi i (x, y)) κ x μ)"
    using kernel_sets seq(1)
    by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong nn_integral_monotone_convergence_SUP[symmetric] simp: disintegration_space_eq(2)[OF assms(2)] mono_compose seq(3))
  also have "... = (+ x. + y. ( range fi) (x, y) κ x μ)"
    by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong simp: image_image)
  finally show ?case .

lemma(in prob_kernel) nn_integral_fst:
  assumes "f  borel_measurable (X M Y)" "disintegration ν μ" "sigma_finite_measure μ"
  shows "(+z. f z ν) = (+x. +y. f (x,y) (κ x) μ)"
proof(rule sigma_finite_measure.sigma_finite_disjoint[OF assms(3)])
  fix A
  assume A:"range A  sets μ" " (range A) = space μ" "i::nat. emeasure μ (A i)  " "disjoint_family A"
  then have A': "range (λi. A i × space Y)  sets ν" " (range (λi. A i × space Y)) = space ν" "disjoint_family (λi. A i × space Y)"
    by(auto simp: disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(2)] disjoint_family_on_def disintegration_space_eq[OF assms(2)] space_pair_measure) blast
  show ?thesis (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  proof -
    have "?lhs = (+z (range (λi. A i × space Y)). f z ν)"
      using A'(2) by auto
    also have "... = (i. +z A i × space Y. f z ν)"
      using A'(1,3) assms(1) disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(2)]
      by(auto intro!: nn_integral_disjoint_family)
    also have "... = (i. +z. f z restrict_space ν (A i × space Y))"
      using A'(1) by(auto intro!: suminf_cong nn_integral_restrict_space[symmetric])
    also have "... = (i. +x. +y. f (x,y) (κ x) restrict_space μ (A i))"
    proof(safe intro!: suminf_cong)
      fix n
      interpret pk: prob_kernel "restrict_space X (A n)" Y κ
        by(rule restrict_probability_kernel)
      have An:"A n  space X  sets X" "A n  space X = A n"
        using A(1) by(auto simp: disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(2)])
      have f:"f  borel_measurable (restrict_space X (A n) M Y)"
      proof -
        have 1:"sets (restrict_space X (A n) M Y) = sets (restrict_space (X M Y) (A n × space Y))"
          using sets_pair_restrict_space[where Y=Y and B="space Y"] by simp
        show ?thesis
          using assms(1) by(simp add: measurable_cong_sets[OF 1 refl] measurable_restrict_space1)
      have fin: "finite_measure (restrict_space μ (A n))"
        by (metis A(1) A(3) UNIV_I emeasure_restrict_space finite_measureI image_subset_iff space_restrict_space space_restrict_space2 subset_eq)
      show "(+z. f z restrict_space ν (A n × space Y)) = (+x. +y. f (x,y) (κ x) restrict_space μ (A n))"
        by(rule pk.nn_integral_fst_finite'[OF f disintegration_restrict_space[OF assms(2) An(1)] fin])
    also have "... = (i. +xA i. +y. f (x,y) (κ x) μ)"
      using A(1) by(auto intro!: suminf_cong nn_integral_restrict_space)
    also have "... = (+x (range A). +y. f (x,y) (κ x) μ)"
      using A(1,4) nn_integral_measurable_f'[OF assms(1)] disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(2)]
      by(auto intro!: nn_integral_disjoint_family[symmetric])
    also have "... = ?rhs"
      using A(2) by simp
    finally show ?thesis .

lemma(in prob_kernel) integrable_eq1:
  fixes f :: "_  _::{banach, second_countable_topology}"
  assumes [measurable]:"f  borel_measurable (X M Y)"
      and "disintegration ν μ" "sigma_finite_measure μ"
    shows "(+ z. ennreal (norm (f z)) ν) <   (+x. +y. ennreal (norm (f (x,y))) (κ x) μ) < "
  by(simp add: nn_integral_fst[OF _ assms(2,3)])

lemma(in prob_kernel) integrable_kernel_integrable:
  fixes f :: "_  _::{banach, second_countable_topology}"
  assumes "integrable ν f" "disintegration ν μ" "sigma_finite_measure μ"
  shows "AE x in μ. integrable (κ x) (λy. f (x,y))"
proof -
  have [measurable]:"f  borel_measurable (X M Y)"
    using integrable_iff_bounded assms(1) disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(2)] by simp
  show ?thesis
    unfolding integrable_iff_bounded
  proof -
    have 1:"(+ x. + y. ennreal (norm (f (x,y))) κ x μ) < "
      using assms(1) integrable_eq1[OF _ assms(2,3),of f] by(simp add: integrable_iff_bounded)
    have "AE x in μ. (+ y. ennreal (norm (f (x,y))) κ x)  "
      by(rule nn_integral_PInf_AE) (use 1 disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(2)] nn_integral_measurable_f in auto)
    thus "AE x in μ. (λy. f (x, y))  borel_measurable (κ x)  (+ y. ennreal (norm (f (x,y))) κ x) < "
      using top.not_eq_extremum by(fastforce simp: disintegration_space_eq[OF assms(2)])

lemma(in prob_kernel) integrable_lebesgue_integral_integrable':
  fixes f :: "_  _::{banach, second_countable_topology}"
  assumes "integrable ν f" "disintegration ν μ" "sigma_finite_measure μ"
  shows "integrable μ (λx. y. f (x,y) (κ x))"
  unfolding integrable_iff_bounded
  show "(λx. y. f (x,y) (κ x))  borel_measurable μ"
    using disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(2)] assms(1) integral_measurable_f'[of f]
    by(auto simp: integrable_iff_bounded)
  have "(+ x. ennreal (norm (y. f (x,y) (κ x))) μ)  (+ x. +y. ennreal (norm (f (x,y))) (κ x) μ)"
    using integral_norm_bound_ennreal integrable_kernel_integrable[OF assms]
    by(auto intro!: nn_integral_mono_AE)
  also have "... < "
    using integrable_eq1[OF _ assms(2,3),of f] assms(1) disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(2)]
    by(simp add: integrable_iff_bounded)
  finally show "(+ x. ennreal (norm (y. f (x,y) (κ x))) μ) < " .

lemma(in prob_kernel) integrable_lebesgue_integral_integrable:
  fixes f :: "_ _  _::{banach, second_countable_topology}"
  assumes "integrable ν (λ(x,y). f x y)" "disintegration ν μ" "sigma_finite_measure μ"
  shows "integrable μ (λx. y. f x y (κ x))"
  using integrable_lebesgue_integral_integrable'[OF assms] by simp

lemma(in prob_kernel) integral_fst:
  fixes f :: "_  _::{banach, second_countable_topology}"
  assumes "integrable ν f" "disintegration ν μ" "sigma_finite_measure μ"
  shows "(z. f z ν) = (x. y. f (x,y) (κ x) μ)"
  using assms(1)
proof induct
  case b:(base A c)
  then have 0:"integrable ν (indicat_real A)"
    by blast
  then have 1[measurable]: "indicat_real A  borel_measurable  (X M Y)"
    using disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(2)] by auto
  have eq:"(z. indicat_real A z ν) = (x. y. indicat_real A (x,y) κ x μ)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  proof -
    have "?lhs = enn2real (+ z. ennreal (indicat_real A z) ν)"
      by(rule integral_eq_nn_integral) (use b in auto)
    also have "... = enn2real (+ x. + y. ennreal (indicat_real A (x,y)) κ x μ)"
      using nn_integral_fst[OF _ assms(2,3)] b disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(2)] by auto
    also have "... = enn2real (+ x. ennreal ( y. indicat_real A (x,y) κ x) μ)"
    proof -
      have "(+ x. + y. ennreal (indicat_real A (x,y)) κ x μ) = (+ x. ennreal ( y. indicat_real A (x,y) κ x) μ)"
     proof(safe intro!: nn_integral_cong nn_integral_eq_integral)
        fix x
        assume "x  space μ"
        then have "x  space X"
          by(simp add:  disintegration_space_eq[OF assms(2)])
        hence [simp]:"prob_space (κ x)" "sets (κ x) = sets Y" "space (κ x) = space Y"
          by(auto intro!: prob_spaces sets_eq_imp_space_eq kernel_sets)
        have [simp]:"{y. (x, y)  A}  sets Y"
        proof -
          have "{y. (x, y)  A} = (λy. (x,y)) -` A  space Y"
            using b(1)[simplified disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(2)]]
            by auto
          also have "...  sets Y"
            using b(1)[simplified disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(2)]] x  space X
            by auto
          finally show ?thesis .
        have [simp]: "(λy. indicat_real A (x, y)) = indicat_real {y. (x,y)  A}"
          by (auto simp: indicator_def)
        show "integrable (κ x) (λy. indicat_real A (x, y))"
          using prob_space.emeasure_le_1[of "κ x" "{y. (x, y)  A}"]
          by(auto simp add: integrable_indicator_iff order_le_less_trans)
      qed simp
      thus ?thesis by simp
    also have "... = ?rhs"
      using disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(2)] integral_measurable_f'[OF 1]
      by(auto intro!: integral_eq_nn_integral[symmetric])
    finally show ?thesis .
  show ?case (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  proof -
    have "?lhs = (z. indicat_real A z ν) *R c"
      using 0 by auto
    also have "... = (x. y. indicat_real A (x,y) κ x μ) *R c"
      by(simp only: eq)
    also have "... = (x. (y. indicat_real A (x,y) κ x) *R c μ)"
      using integrable_lebesgue_integral_integrable'[OF 0 assms(2,3)]
      by(auto intro!: integral_scaleR_left[symmetric])
    also have "... = ?rhs"
      using integrable_kernel_integrable[OF 0 assms(2,3)] integral_measurable_f'[of " indicat_real A"] integral_measurable_f'[of "λz. indicat_real A z *R c"] disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(2)]
      by(auto intro!: integral_cong_AE)
    finally show ?thesis .
  case fg:(add f g)
  note [measurable] = integrable_lebesgue_integral_integrable'[OF fg(1) assms(2,3)] integrable_lebesgue_integral_integrable'[OF fg(3) assms(2,3)] integrable_lebesgue_integral_integrable'[OF Bochner_Integration.integrable_add[OF fg(1,3)] assms(2,3)]
  show ?case (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  proof -
    have "?lhs = (x. (y. f (x,y) (κ x)) + (y. g (x,y) (κ x)) μ)"
      by(simp add: Bochner_Integration.integral_add[OF fg(1,3)] fg Bochner_Integration.integral_add[OF integrable_lebesgue_integral_integrable'[OF fg(1) assms(2,3)] integrable_lebesgue_integral_integrable'[OF fg(3) assms(2,3)]])
    also have "... = ?rhs"
      using integrable_kernel_integrable[OF fg(1) assms(2,3)] integrable_kernel_integrable[OF fg(3) assms(2,3)]
      by(auto intro!: integral_cong_AE)
    finally show ?thesis .
  case (lim f s)
  then have [measurable]: "f  borel_measurable ν" "i. s i  borel_measurable ν"
    by auto
  show ?case
  proof (rule LIMSEQ_unique)
    show "(λi. integralL ν (s i))  integralL ν f"
    proof (rule integral_dominated_convergence)
      show "integrable ν (λx. 2 * norm (f x))"
        using lim(5) by auto
    qed(use lim in auto)
    have "(λi.  x.  y. s i (x, y) (κ x) μ)   x.  y. f (x, y) (κ x) μ"
    proof (rule integral_dominated_convergence)
     have "AE x in μ. i. integrable (κ x) (λy. s i (x, y))"
        unfolding AE_all_countable using integrable_kernel_integrable[OF lim(1) assms(2,3)] ..
      with AE_space integrable_kernel_integrable[OF lim(5) assms(2,3)]
      show "AE x in μ. (λi.  y. s i (x, y) (κ x))   y. f (x, y) (κ x)"
      proof eventually_elim
        fix x assume x: "x  space μ" and
          s: "i. integrable (κ x) (λy. s i (x, y))" and f: "integrable (κ x) (λy. f (x, y))"
        show "(λi.  y. s i (x, y) (κ x))   y. f (x, y) (κ x)"
        proof (rule integral_dominated_convergence)
          show "integrable (κ x) (λy. 2 * norm (f (x, y)))"
             using f by auto
          show "AE xa in (κ x). (λi. s i (x, xa))  f (x, xa)"
            using x lim(3) kernel_space by (auto simp: space_pair_measure disintegration_space_eq[OF assms(2)])
          show "i. AE xa in (κ x). norm (s i (x, xa))  2 * norm (f (x, xa))"
            using x lim(4) kernel_space by (auto simp: space_pair_measure disintegration_space_eq[OF assms(2)])
        qed (use x disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(2)] disintegration_space_eq[OF assms(2)] in auto)
      show "integrable μ (λx. ( y. 2 * norm (f (x, y)) (κ x)))"
        using integrable_lebesgue_integral_integrable'[OF _ assms(2,3),of "λz. 2 * norm (f (fst z, snd z))"] lim(5)
        by auto
      fix i show "AE x in μ. norm ( y. s i (x, y) (κ x))  ( y. 2 * norm (f (x, y)) (κ x))"
        using AE_space integrable_kernel_integrable[OF lim(1) assms(2,3),of i] integrable_kernel_integrable[OF lim(5) assms(2,3)]
      proof eventually_elim
        case sf:(elim x)
       from sf(2) have "norm ( y. s i (x, y) (κ x))  (+y. norm (s i (x, y)) (κ x))"
          by (rule integral_norm_bound_ennreal)
        also have "  (+y. 2 * norm (f (x, y)) (κ x))"
          using sf lim kernel_space by (auto intro!: nn_integral_mono simp: space_pair_measure disintegration_space_eq[OF assms(2)])
        also have " = (y. 2 * norm (f (x, y)) (κ x))"
          using sf by (intro nn_integral_eq_integral) auto
        finally show "norm ( y. s i (x, y) (κ x))  ( y. 2 * norm (f (x, y)) (κ x))"
          by simp
    qed(use integrable_lebesgue_integral_integrable'[OF lim(1) assms(2,3)] integrable_lebesgue_integral_integrable'[OF lim(5) assms(2,3)] disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(2)] in auto)
    then show "(λi. integralL ν (s i))   x.  y. f (x, y) (κ x) μ"
      using lim by simp

subsection ‹ Marginal Measure ›
definition marginal_measure_on :: "['a measure, 'b measure, ('a × 'b) measure, 'b set]  'a measure" where
"marginal_measure_on X Y ν B = measure_of (space X) (sets X) (λA. ν (A × B))"

abbreviation marginal_measure :: "['a measure, 'b measure, ('a × 'b) measure]  'a measure" where
"marginal_measure X Y ν  marginal_measure_on X Y ν (space Y)"

lemma space_marginal_measure: "space (marginal_measure_on X Y ν B) = space X"
  and sets_marginal_measure: "sets (marginal_measure_on X Y ν B) = sets X"
  by(simp_all add: marginal_measure_on_def)

lemma emeasure_marginal_measure_on:
  assumes "sets ν = sets (X M Y)" "B  sets Y" "A  sets X"
  shows "marginal_measure_on X Y ν B A = ν (A × B)"
  unfolding marginal_measure_on_def
proof(rule emeasure_measure_of_sigma)
  show "countably_additive (sets X) (λA. emeasure ν (A × B))"
  proof(rule countably_additiveI)
    fix A :: "nat  _"
    assume h:"range A  sets X" "disjoint_family A" " (range A)  sets X"
    have [simp]: "(i. A i × B) = ( (range A) × B)"
      by blast
    have "range (λi. A i × B)  sets ν" "disjoint_family (λi. A i × B)"
      using h assms(1,2) by(auto simp: disjoint_family_on_def)
    from suminf_emeasure[OF this]
    show " (i. ν (A i × B)) = ν ( (range A) × B)"
      by simp
qed(insert assms, auto simp: positive_def sets.sigma_algebra_axioms)

lemma emeasure_marginal_measure:
  assumes "sets ν = sets (X M Y)" "A  sets X"
  shows "marginal_measure X Y ν A = ν (A × space Y)"
  using emeasure_marginal_measure_on[OF assms(1) _ assms(2)] by simp

lemma finite_measure_marginal_measure_on_finite:
  assumes "finite_measure ν" "sets ν = sets (X M Y)" "B  sets Y"
  shows "finite_measure (marginal_measure_on X Y ν B)"
  by (simp add: assms emeasure_marginal_measure_on finite_measure.emeasure_finite finite_measureI space_marginal_measure)

lemma finite_measure_marginal_measure_finite:
  assumes "finite_measure ν" "sets ν = sets (X M Y)"
  shows "finite_measure (marginal_measure X Y ν)"
  by(rule finite_measure_marginal_measure_on_finite[OF assms])

lemma marginal_measure_restrict_space:
  assumes "sets ν = sets (X M Y)" "B  sets Y"
  shows "marginal_measure X (restrict_space Y B) (restrict_space ν (space X × B)) = marginal_measure_on X Y ν B"
proof(rule measure_eqI)
  fix A
  assume "A  sets (marginal_measure X (restrict_space Y B) (restrict_space ν (space X × B)))"
  then have "A  sets X"
    by(simp add: sets_marginal_measure)
  have 1:"sets (restrict_space ν (space X × B)) = sets (X M restrict_space Y B)"
    by (metis assms(1) restrict_space_space sets_pair_restrict_space sets_restrict_space_cong)
  show "emeasure (marginal_measure X (restrict_space Y B) (restrict_space ν (space X × B))) A = emeasure (marginal_measure_on X Y ν B) A"
    apply(simp add: emeasure_marginal_measure_on[OF assms(1) assms(2) A  sets X] emeasure_marginal_measure[OF 1  A  sets X])
    apply(simp add: space_restrict_space)
    by (metis Sigma_cong Sigma_mono A  sets X assms(1) assms(2) emeasure_restrict_space inf_le1 pair_measureI sets.Int_space_eq2 sets.sets_into_space
qed(simp add: sets_marginal_measure)

lemma restrict_space_marginal_measure_on:
  assumes "sets ν = sets (X M Y)" "B  sets Y" "A  sets X"
  shows "restrict_space (marginal_measure_on X Y ν B) A = marginal_measure_on (restrict_space X A) Y (restrict_space ν (A × space Y)) B"
proof(rule measure_eqI)
  fix A'
  assume "A'  sets (restrict_space (marginal_measure_on X Y ν B) A)"
  then have h:"A'  sets.restricted_space X A"
    by(simp add: sets_marginal_measure sets_restrict_space)
  show "emeasure (restrict_space (marginal_measure_on X Y ν B) A) A' = emeasure (marginal_measure_on (restrict_space X A) Y (restrict_space ν (A × space Y)) B) A'" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  proof -
    have 1:"sets (restrict_space ν (A × space Y)) = sets (restrict_space X A M Y)"
      by (metis assms(1) restrict_space_space sets_pair_restrict_space sets_restrict_space_cong)
    have "?lhs = emeasure (marginal_measure_on X Y ν B) A'"
      using h by(auto intro!: emeasure_restrict_space simp: space_marginal_measure sets_marginal_measure assms)
    also have "... = ν (A' × B)"
      using emeasure_marginal_measure_on[OF assms(1,2),of A'] h assms(3) by auto
    also have "... = restrict_space ν (A × space Y) (A' × B)"
      using h assms sets.sets_into_space
      by(auto intro!: emeasure_restrict_space[symmetric])
    also have "... = ?rhs"
      using emeasure_marginal_measure_on[OF 1 assms(2),simplified sets_restrict_space,OF h] ..
    finally show ?thesis .
qed(simp add: sets_marginal_measure sets_restrict_space)

lemma restrict_space_marginal_measure:
  assumes "sets ν = sets (X M Y)" "A  sets X"
  shows "restrict_space (marginal_measure X Y ν) A = marginal_measure (restrict_space X A) Y (restrict_space ν (A × space Y))"
  using restrict_space_marginal_measure_on[OF assms(1) _ assms(2)] by simp

lemma marginal_measure_mono:
  assumes "sets ν = sets (X M Y)" "A  sets Y" "B  sets Y" "A  B"
  shows "emeasure (marginal_measure_on X Y ν A)  emeasure (marginal_measure_on X Y ν B)"
proof(rule le_funI)
  fix U
  show "emeasure (marginal_measure_on X Y ν A) U  emeasure (marginal_measure_on X Y ν B) U"
  proof -
    have 1:"U × A  U × B" using assms(4) by auto
    show ?thesis
    proof(cases "U  sets X")
      case True
      then show ?thesis
        by (simp add: "1" assms emeasure_marginal_measure_on emeasure_mono) 
      case False
      then show ?thesis
        by (simp add: emeasure_notin_sets sets_marginal_measure)

lemma marginal_measure_absolutely_countinuous:
  assumes "sets ν = sets (X M Y)" "A  sets Y" "B  sets Y" "A  B"
  shows "absolutely_continuous (marginal_measure_on X Y ν B) (marginal_measure_on X Y ν A)"
  using emeasure_marginal_measure[OF assms(1)] assms(2,3) le_funD[OF marginal_measure_mono[OF assms]]
  by(auto intro!: mono_absolutely_continuous simp: sets_marginal_measure)

lemma marginal_measure_absolutely_continuous':
  assumes "sets ν = sets (X M Y)" "A  sets Y"
  shows "absolutely_continuous (marginal_measure X Y ν) (marginal_measure_on X Y ν A)"
  by(rule marginal_measure_absolutely_countinuous[OF assms sets.sets_into_space[OF assms(2)]])

subsection ‹ Lemma 14.D.6. ›
locale sigma_finite_measure_on_pair =
  fixes X :: "'a measure" and Y :: "'b measure" and ν :: "('a × 'b) measure"
  assumes nu_sets[measurable_cong]: "sets ν = sets (X M Y)"
      and sigma_finite: "sigma_finite_measure ν"

abbreviation "νx  marginal_measure X Y ν"


locale projection_sigma_finite =
  fixes X :: "'a measure" and Y :: "'b measure" and ν :: "('a × 'b) measure"
  assumes nu_sets[measurable_cong]: "sets ν = sets (X M Y)"
      and marginal_sigma_finite: "sigma_finite_measure (marginal_measure X Y ν)"

sublocale νx : sigma_finite_measure "marginal_measure X Y ν"
  by(rule marginal_sigma_finite)

lemma ν_sigma_finite: "sigma_finite_measure ν"
proof(rule νx.sigma_finite[simplified sets_marginal_measure space_marginal_measure])
  fix A :: "nat  _"
  assume A: "range A  sets X" " (range A) = space X" "i. marginal_measure X Y ν (A i)  "
  define C where "C  range (λn. A n × space Y)"
  have 1:"C  sets ν" "countable C" " C = space ν"
    using nu_sets A(1,2) by(auto simp: C_def sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF nu_sets] space_pair_measure)
  show "sigma_finite_measure ν"
    unfolding sigma_finite_measure_def
  proof(safe intro!: exI[where x=C,simplified C_def])
    fix n
    assume "ν (A n × space Y) = "
    moreover have "ν (A n × space Y)  "
      using A(3)[of n] emeasure_marginal_measure[OF nu_sets,of "A n"] A(1) by auto
    ultimately show False by auto
  qed (use 1 C_def in auto)

sublocale sigma_finite_measure_on_pair
  using ν_sigma_finite by(auto simp: sigma_finite_measure_on_pair_def nu_sets)

definition κ' :: "'a  'b set  ennreal" where
 "κ' x B  RN_deriv νx (marginal_measure_on X Y ν B) x"
(* Notice that κ' has the type "'a ⇒ 'b set ⇒ ennreal" not "'a ⇒ 'b measure"
   because κ' x is not a measure in general. *)

lemma kernel_measurable[measurable]:
 "(λx. RN_deriv (marginal_measure X Y ν) (marginal_measure_on X Y ν B) x)  borel_measurable νx"
  by simp

corollary κ'_measurable[measurable]:
 "(λx. κ' x B)  borel_measurable X"
  using sets_marginal_measure[of X Y ν "space Y"] by(auto simp: κ'_def)

lemma kernel_RN_deriv:
  assumes "A  sets X" "B  sets Y"
  shows "ν (A × B) = (+xA. κ' x B νx)"
  unfolding κ'_def
proof -
  have "emeasure ν (A × B) = emeasure (density νx (RN_deriv νx (marginal_measure_on X Y ν B))) A"
    by (simp add: νx.density_RN_deriv assms emeasure_marginal_measure_on marginal_measure_absolutely_continuous' nu_sets sets_marginal_measure)
  then show "emeasure ν (A × B) = set_nn_integral νx A (RN_deriv νx (marginal_measure_on X Y ν B))"
    by (simp add: assms(1) emeasure_density sets_marginal_measure)

lemma empty_Y_bot:
  assumes "space Y = {}"
  shows "ν = "
proof -
  have "sets ν = {{}}"
    using nu_sets space_empty_iff[of "X M Y",simplified space_pair_measure] assms
    by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by(simp add: sets_eq_bot)

lemma empty_Y_nux:
  assumes "space Y = {}"
  shows "νx A = 0"
proof(cases "A  sets X")
  case True
  from emeasure_marginal_measure[OF nu_sets this]
  show ?thesis
    by(simp add: assms)
  case False
  with sets_marginal_measure[of X Y ν "space Y"]
  show ?thesis 
    by(auto intro!: emeasure_notin_sets)

lemma kernel_empty0_AE:
  "AE x in νx. κ' x {} = 0"
  unfolding κ'_def by(rule AE_symmetric[OF νx.RN_deriv_unique]) (auto intro!: measure_eqI simp: sets_marginal_measure emeasure_density emeasure_marginal_measure_on[OF nu_sets])

lemma kernel_Y1_AE:
  "AE x in νx. κ' x (space Y) = 1"
  unfolding κ'_def by(rule AE_symmetric[OF νx.RN_deriv_unique]) (auto intro!: measure_eqI simp: emeasure_density)

lemma kernel_suminf_AE:
  assumes "disjoint_family F"
      and "i. F i  sets Y"
    shows "AE x in νx. (i.  κ' x (F i)) = κ' x ( (range F))"
  unfolding κ'_def
proof(rule νx.RN_deriv_unique)
  show "density νx (λx. i. RN_deriv local.νx (marginal_measure_on X Y ν (F i)) x) = marginal_measure_on X Y ν ( (range F))"
  proof(rule measure_eqI)
    fix A
    assume [measurable]:"A  sets (density νx (λx. i. RN_deriv νx (marginal_measure_on X Y ν (F i)) x))"
    then have [measurable]:"A  sets νx" "A  sets X" by(auto simp: sets_marginal_measure)
    show "(density νx (λx. i. RN_deriv νx (marginal_measure_on X Y ν (F i)) x)) A = (marginal_measure_on X Y ν ( (range F))) A"
         (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
    proof -
      have "?lhs = (+xA. (i. RN_deriv νx (marginal_measure_on X Y ν (F i)) x)νx)"
        by(auto intro!: emeasure_density)
      also have "... = (+x. (i. RN_deriv νx (marginal_measure_on X Y ν (F i)) x * indicator A x)νx)"
        by simp
      also have "... = (i. (+xA. RN_deriv νx (marginal_measure_on X Y ν (F i)) x νx))"
        by(rule nn_integral_suminf) auto
      also have "... = (i. ν (A × F i))"
        using kernel_RN_deriv[of A "F _"] assms by(auto intro!: suminf_cong simp: κ'_def)
      also have "... = ν (i. A × F i)"
        using assms nu_sets by(fastforce intro!: suminf_emeasure simp: disjoint_family_on_def)
      also have "... = ν (A × (i. F i))"
      proof -
        have "(i. A × F i) = (A × (i. F i))" by blast
        thus ?thesis by simp
      also have "... = ?rhs"
        using nu_sets assms by(auto intro!: emeasure_marginal_measure_on[symmetric])
      finally show ?thesis .
  qed(simp add: sets_marginal_measure)
qed auto

lemma kernel_finite_sum_AE:
  assumes "disjoint_family_on F S" "finite S"
      and "i. i  S  F i  sets Y"
    shows "AE x in νx. (iS. κ' x (F i)) = κ' x (iS. F i)"
proof -
  consider "S = {}" | "S  {}" by auto
  then show ?thesis
  proof cases
    case 1
    then show ?thesis
      by(simp add: kernel_empty0_AE)
    case S:2
    define F' where "F'  (λn. if n < card S then F (from_nat_into S n) else {})"
    have F'[simp]:"i. F' i  sets Y"
      using assms(3)
      by (metis F'_def bot.extremum_strict bot_nat_def card.empty from_nat_into sets.empty_sets)
    have F'_disj: "disjoint_family F'"
      unfolding disjoint_family_on_def
    proof safe
      fix m n x
      assume h:"m  n" "x  F' m" "x  F' n"
      consider "n < card S" "m < card S" | "n  card S" | "m  card S" by arith
      then show "x  {}"
      proof cases
        case 1
        then have "S  {}"
          by auto
        with 1 have "from_nat_into S n  S" "from_nat_into S m  S"
          using from_nat_into[of S ] by blast+
        moreover have "from_nat_into S n  from_nat_into S m"
          by (metis "1"(1) "1"(2) assms(2) bij_betw_def h(1) lessThan_iff to_nat_on_finite to_nat_on_from_nat_into)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using h assms(1) 1 by(auto simp: disjoint_family_on_def F'_def)
      qed(use h F'_def in simp_all)
    have 1:"(iS. κ' x (F i)) = (i<card S. κ' x (F' i))" for x
      unfolding F'_def by auto (metis (no_types, lifting) sum.card_from_nat_into sum.cong)
    have 2: "( (range F')) = (iS. F i)"
    proof safe
      fix x n
      assume h:"x  F' n"
      then have "S  {}" "n < card S"
        by(auto simp: F'_def) (meson empty_iff)
      with h show "x   (F ` S)"
        by(auto intro!: exI[where x="from_nat_into S n"] simp: F'_def from_nat_into S  {})
      fix x s
      assume "s  S" "x  F s"
      with bij_betwE[OF to_nat_on_finite[OF assms(2)]]
      show "x   (range F')"
        by(auto intro!: exI[where x="to_nat_on S s"] simp: F'_def from_nat_into_to_nat_on[OF countable_finite[OF assms(2)]])
    have "AE x in νx. (i<card S. κ' x (F' i)) = (i. κ' x (F' i))"
    proof -
      have "AE x in νx. icard S. κ' x (F' i) = 0"
        using kernel_empty0_AE by(auto simp: F'_def)
      hence "AE x in νx. (i. κ' x (F' i)) = (i<card S. κ' x (F' i))"
        show "AE x in νx. (icard S. κ' x (F' i) = 0)  (i. κ' x (F' i)) = (i<card S. κ' x (F' i))"
        proof -
            fix x
            assume "icard S. κ' x (F' i) = 0"
            then have "(i. κ' x (F' i)) = (i<card S. κ' x (F' i))"
              using suminf_offset[of "λi. κ' x (F' i)" "card S"]
              by(auto simp: F'_def)
          thus ?thesis
            by auto
      thus ?thesis
        by auto
    moreover have "AE x in νx. (i. κ' x (F' i)) = κ' x ( (range F'))"
      using kernel_suminf_AE[OF F'_disj] by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by(auto simp: 1 2)

lemma kernel_disjoint_sum_AE:
  assumes "B  sets Y" "C  sets Y"
      and "B  C = {}"
    shows "AE x in νx. κ' x (B  C) = κ' x B + κ' x C"
proof -
  define F where "F  λb. if b then B else C"
  have [simp]:"disjoint_family F" "i. F i  sets Y" "x. (iUNIV. κ' x (F i)) = κ' x B + κ' x C" " (range F) = B  C"
    using assms by(auto simp: F_def disjoint_family_on_def comm_monoid_add_class.sum.Int_Diff[of UNIV _ "{True}"])
  show ?thesis
    using kernel_finite_sum_AE[of F UNIV] by auto

lemma kernel_mono_AE:
  assumes "B  sets Y" "C  sets Y"
      and "B  C"
    shows "AE x in νx. κ' x B  κ' x C"
proof -
  have 1: "B  (C - B) = C" using assms(3) by auto
  have "AE x in νx. κ' x C = κ' x B + κ' x (C - B)"
    using assms by(auto intro!: kernel_disjoint_sum_AE[of B "C - B",simplified 1])
  thus ?thesis
    by auto

lemma kernel_incseq_AE:
  assumes "range B  sets Y" "incseq B"
  shows  "AE x in νx. incseq (λn. κ' x (B n))"
  using assms(1) by(auto simp: incseq_Suc_iff AE_all_countable intro!: kernel_mono_AE[OF _ _ incseq_SucD[OF assms(2)]])

lemma kernel_decseq_AE:
  assumes "range B  sets Y" "decseq B"
  shows  "AE x in νx. decseq (λn. κ' x (B n))"
  using assms(1) by(auto simp: decseq_Suc_iff AE_all_countable intro!: kernel_mono_AE[OF _ _ decseq_SucD[OF assms(2)]])

corollary kernel_01_AE:
  assumes "B  sets Y"
  shows "AE x in νx. 0  κ' x B  κ' x B  1"
proof -
  have "{}  B" "B  space Y"
    using assms sets.sets_into_space by auto
  from kernel_empty0_AE kernel_Y1_AE kernel_mono_AE[OF _ _ this(1)] kernel_mono_AE[OF _ _ this(2)] assms
  show ?thesis
    by auto

lemma kernel_get_0: "0  κ' x B"
  by simp

lemma kernel_le1_AE:
  assumes "B  sets Y"
  shows "AE x in νx. κ' x B  1"
  using kernel_01_AE[OF assms] by auto

corollary kernel_n_infty:
  assumes "B  sets Y"
  shows "AE x in νx. κ' x B  "
  by(rule AE_mp[OF kernel_le1_AE[OF assms]],standard) (auto simp: neq_top_trans[OF ennreal_one_neq_top])

corollary kernel_le_infty:
  assumes "B  sets Y"
  shows "AE x in νx. κ' x B < "
  using kernel_n_infty[OF assms] by (simp add: top.not_eq_extremum)

lemma kernel_SUP_incseq:
  assumes "range B  sets Y" "incseq B"
  shows "AE x in νx. κ' x ( (range B)) = (n. κ' x (B n))"
proof -
  define Bn where "Bn  (λn. if n = 0 then {} else B (n - 1))"
  have "incseq Bn"
    using assms(2) by(auto simp: Bn_def incseq_def)
  define Cn where "Cn  (λn. Bn (Suc n) - Bn n)"
  have Cn_simp: "Cn 0 = B 0" "Cn (Suc n) = B (Suc n) - B n" for n
    by(simp_all add: Cn_def Bn_def)
  have Cn_sets:"Cn n  sets Y" for n
    using assms(1) by(induction n) (auto simp: Cn_simp)
  have Cn_disj: "disjoint_family Cn"
    by(auto intro!: disjoint_family_Suc[OF ] incseq_SucD[OF incseq Bn] simp: Cn_def)
  have Cn_un: "(k<Suc n. Cn k) = B n" for n
    using incseq_SucD[OF assms(2)]
    by (induction n) (auto simp: Cn_simp lessThan_Suc sup_commute)
  have Cn_sum_Bn:"AE x in νx. n. (i<Suc n. κ' x (Cn i)) = κ' x (B n)"
    unfolding AE_all_countable
    using kernel_finite_sum_AE[OF disjoint_family_on_mono[OF _ Cn_disj],of "{..<Suc _}"] Cn_sets
    by(auto simp: Cn_un)
  have Cn_bn_un: "( (range B)) = ( (range Cn))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  proof safe
    fix n x
    assume "x  B n"
    with Cn_un[of n] show "x   (range Cn)"
      by blast
    fix n x
    assume "x  Cn n"
    then show "x   (range B)"
      by(cases n,auto simp: Cn_simp)
  hence "AE x in νx. κ' x ( (range B)) =  κ' x ( (range Cn))"
    by simp
  moreover have "AE x in νx. κ' x ( (range Cn)) = (n. κ' x (Cn n))"
    by(rule AE_symmetric[OF kernel_suminf_AE[OF Cn_disj]]) (use Cn_def Bn_def assms(1) in auto)
  moreover have "AE x in νx. (n. κ' x (Cn n)) = (n. i<n. κ' x (Cn i))"
    by(auto simp: suminf_eq_SUP)
  moreover have "AE x in νx. (n. i<n. κ' x (Cn i)) = (n. i<Suc n. κ' x (Cn i))"
  proof(intro AE_I2 antisym)
    fix x
    show "(n. i<n. κ' x (Cn i))  (n. i<Suc n. κ' x (Cn i))"
      by(rule complete_lattice_class.Sup_mono, auto, use le_iff_add  in blast)
    fix x
    show "(n. i<n. κ' x (Cn i))  (n. i<Suc n. κ' x (Cn i))"
      by(rule complete_lattice_class.Sup_mono) blast
  moreover have "AE x in νx. (n. i<Suc n. κ' x (Cn i)) = (n. κ' x (B n))"
    by(rule AE_mp[OF Cn_sum_Bn]) (standard+, auto)
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma kernel_lim_incseq:
  assumes "range B  sets Y" "incseq B"
  shows "AE x in νx. (λn. κ' x (B n))  κ' x ( (range B))"
  by(rule AE_mp[OF AE_conjI[OF kernel_SUP_incseq[OF assms] kernel_incseq_AE[OF assms]]],auto simp: LIMSEQ_SUP)

lemma kernel_INF_decseq:
  assumes "range B  sets Y" "decseq B"
  shows "AE x in νx. κ' x ( (range B)) = (n. κ' x (B n))"
proof -
  define C where "C  (λk. space Y - B k)"
  have C:"range C  sets Y" "incseq C"
    using assms by(auto simp: C_def decseq_def incseq_def)
  have eq1: "AE x in νx. 1 - κ' x ( (range B)) = κ' x ( (range C))"
  proof -
    have "AE x in νx. κ' x ( (range C)) + κ' x ( (range B)) - κ' x ( (range B)) = κ' x ( (range C))"
      using assms(1) kernel_n_infty[of " (range B)"] by auto
    moreover have "AE x in νx. κ' x ( (range C)) + κ' x ( (range B)) = 1"
    proof -
      have [simp]:"( (range C))  ( (range B)) = space Y" "( (range C))  ( (range B)) = {}"
        by(auto simp: C_def) (meson assms(1) range_subsetD sets.sets_into_space subsetD)
      from kernel_disjoint_sum_AE[OF _ _ this(2)] C(1) assms(1) kernel_Y1_AE
      show ?thesis by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by auto
  have eq2: "AE x in νx. κ' x ( (range C)) = (n. κ' x (C n))"
    using kernel_SUP_incseq[OF C] by auto
  have eq3: "AE x in νx. (n. κ' x (C n)) = (n. 1 -  κ' x (B n))"
  proof -
    have "AE x in νx. n. κ' x (C n) = 1 -  κ' x (B n)"
      unfolding AE_all_countable
    proof safe
      fix n
      have "AE x in νx. κ' x (C n) + κ' x (B n) - κ' x (B n) = κ' x (C n)"
        using assms(1) kernel_n_infty[of "B n"] by auto
      moreover have "AE x in νx. κ' x (C n) + κ' x (B n) = 1"
      proof -
        have [simp]: "C n  B n = space Y" "C n  B n = {}"
          by(auto simp: C_def) (meson assms(1) range_subsetD sets.sets_into_space subsetD)
        thus ?thesis
          using kernel_disjoint_sum_AE[of "C n" "B n"] C(1) assms(1) kernel_Y1_AE by fastforce
      ultimately show "AE x in νx. κ' x (C n) = 1 - κ' x (B n)" by auto
    thus ?thesis by auto
  have [simp]: "(n. 1 -  κ' x (B n)) = 1 - (n. κ' x (B n))" for x
    by(auto simp: ennreal_INF_const_minus)
  have eq: "AE x in νx. 1 - κ' x ( (range B)) = 1 - (n. κ' x (B n))"
    using eq1 eq2 eq3 by auto
  have le1: "AE x in νx. (n. κ' x (B n))  1"
  proof -
    have "AE x in νx. n. κ' x (B n)  1"
      using assms(1) by(auto intro!: kernel_le1_AE simp: AE_all_countable)
    thus ?thesis
      by (auto simp: INF_lower2)
  show ?thesis
    by(rule AE_mp[OF AE_conjI[OF AE_conjI[OF eq le1] kernel_le1_AE[of " (range B)"]]])
      (insert assms(1),auto simp: ennreal_minus_cancel[OF ennreal_one_neq_top])

lemma kernel_lim_decseq:
  assumes "range B  sets Y" "decseq B"
  shows "AE x in νx. (λn. κ' x (B n))  κ' x ( (range B))"
  by(rule AE_mp[OF AE_conjI[OF kernel_INF_decseq[OF assms] kernel_decseq_AE[OF assms]]],standard,auto simp: LIMSEQ_INF)


lemma qlim_eq_lim_mono_at_bot:
  fixes g :: "rat  'a :: linorder_topology"
  assumes "mono f" "(g  a) at_bot" "r::rat. f (real_of_rat r) = g r"
  shows "(f  a) at_bot"
proof -
  have "mono g"
    by(metis assms(1,3) mono_def of_rat_less_eq)
  have ga:"r. g r  a"
  proof(rule ccontr)
    fix r
    assume "¬ a  g r"
    then have "g r < a" by simp
    from order_topology_class.order_tendstoD(1)[OF assms(2) this]
    obtain Q :: rat where q: "q. q  Q  g r < g q"
      by(auto simp: eventually_at_bot_linorder)
    define q where "q  min r Q"
    show False
      using q[of q] mono g
      by(auto simp: q_def mono_def) (meson linorder_not_less min.cobounded1)
  show ?thesis
  proof(rule decreasing_tendsto)
    show "F n in at_bot. a  f n"
      unfolding eventually_at_bot_linorder
      by(rule exI[where x=undefined],auto) (metis Ratreal_def assms(1,3) dual_order.trans ga less_eq_real_def lt_ex monoD of_rat_dense) (*metis assms(1) assms(3) ga less_eq_real_def lfp.leq_trans lt_ex monoD of_rat_dense*)
    fix x
    assume "a < x"
    with topological_space_class.topological_tendstoD[OF assms(2),of "{..<x}"]
    obtain Q :: rat where q: "q. q  Q  g q < x"
      by(auto simp: eventually_at_bot_linorder)
    show "F n in at_bot. f n < x"
      using q assms(1,3) by(auto intro!: exI[where x="real_of_rat Q"] simp: eventually_at_bot_linorder) (metis dual_order.refl monoD order_le_less_trans)

lemma qlim_eq_lim_mono_at_top:
  fixes g :: "rat  'a :: linorder_topology"
  assumes "mono f" "(g  a) at_top" "r::rat. f (real_of_rat r) = g r"
  shows "(f  a) at_top"
proof -
  have "mono g"
    by(metis assms(1,3) mono_def of_rat_less_eq)
  have ga:"r. g r  a"
  proof(rule ccontr)
    fix r
    assume "¬ g r  a"
    then have "a < g r" by simp
    from order_topology_class.order_tendstoD(2)[OF assms(2) this]
    obtain Q :: rat where q: "q. Q  q  g q < g r"
      by(auto simp: eventually_at_top_linorder)
    define q where "q  max r Q"
    show False
      using q[of q] mono g by(auto simp: q_def mono_def leD)
  show ?thesis
  proof(rule increasing_tendsto)
    show "F n in at_top. f n  a"
      unfolding eventually_at_top_linorder
      by(rule exI[where x=undefined],auto) (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assms(1) assms(3) dual_order.trans ga gt_ex monoD of_rat_dense order_le_less)
    fix x
    assume "x < a"
    with topological_space_class.topological_tendstoD[OF assms(2),of "{x<..}"]
    obtain Q :: rat where q: "q. Q  q  x < g q"
      by(auto simp: eventually_at_top_linorder)
    show "F n in at_top. x < f n"
      using q assms(1,3) by(auto simp: eventually_at_top_linorder intro!: exI[where x="real_of_rat Q"]) (metis dual_order.refl monoD order_less_le_trans)

subsection ‹ Theorem 14.D.10. (Measure Disintegration Theorem) ›
locale projection_sigma_finite_standard = projection_sigma_finite + standard_borel_ne Y

theorem measure_disintegration:
    "κ. prob_kernel X Y κ  measure_kernel.disintegration X Y κ ν νx 
       (κ''. prob_kernel X Y κ''  measure_kernel.disintegration X Y κ'' ν νx  (AE x in νx. κ x = κ'' x))"
proof -
  have *:"κ. prob_kernel X (borel :: real measure) κ  measure_kernel.disintegration X borel κ ν (marginal_measure X borel ν) 
             (κ''. prob_kernel X borel κ''  measure_kernel.disintegration X borel κ'' ν (marginal_measure X borel ν)  (AE x in (marginal_measure X borel ν). κ x = κ'' x))"
        if nu_sets': "sets ν = sets (X M borel)" and marginal_sigma_finite': "sigma_finite_measure (marginal_measure X borel ν)" for X :: "'a measure" and ν

  proof -
    interpret r: projection_sigma_finite X borel ν
      using that by(auto simp: projection_sigma_finite_def)
    define φ :: "'a  rat  real"
      where "φ  (λx r. enn2real (r.κ' x {..real_of_rat r}))"
    have as1: "AE x in r.νx. r s. r  s  φ x r  φ x s"
      unfolding AE_all_countable
    proof(safe intro!: AE_impI)
      fix r s :: rat
      assume "r  s"
      have "AE x in r.νx. r.κ' x {..real_of_rat k} < top" for k
        using atMost_borel r.kernel_le_infty by blast
      from this[of s] r.kernel_mono_AE[of "{..real_of_rat r}" "{..real_of_rat s}"] r  s
      show "AE x in r.νx. φ x r  φ x s"
        by(auto simp: φ_def of_rat_less_eq enn2real_mono)
    have as2: "AE x in r.νx. r. (λn. φ x (r + 1 / rat_of_nat (Suc n)))  φ x r"
      unfolding AE_all_countable
    proof safe
      fix r
      have 1:"(n. {..real_of_rat (r + 1 / rat_of_nat (Suc n))}) = {..real_of_rat r}"
      proof safe
        fix x
        assume h:" x  (n. {..real_of_rat (r + 1 / rat_of_nat (Suc n))})"
        show "x  real_of_rat r"
        proof(rule ccontr)
          assume "¬ x  real_of_rat r"
          then have "0 < x - real_of_rat r" by simp
          then obtain n where "(1 / (real (Suc n))) < x - real_of_rat r"
            using nat_approx_posE by blast
          hence "real_of_rat (r + 1 / (1 + rat_of_nat n)) < x"
            by (simp add: of_rat_add of_rat_divide)
          with h show False
            using linorder_not_le by fastforce
        fix x n
        assume "x  real_of_rat r"
        then  show " x  real_of_rat (r + 1 / rat_of_nat (Suc n))"
          by (metis le_add_same_cancel1 of_nat_0_le_iff of_rat_less_eq order_trans zero_le_divide_1_iff)
      have "AE x in r.νx. (λn. r.κ' x {..real_of_rat (r + 1 / rat_of_nat (Suc n))})  r.κ' x {..real_of_rat r}"
        unfolding 1[symmetric] by(rule r.kernel_lim_decseq) (auto simp: decseq_Suc_iff of_rat_less_eq frac_le)
      from AE_conjI[OF r.kernel_le_infty[of "{..real_of_rat r}",simplified] this] 
      show "AE x in r.νx. (λn. φ x (r + 1 / (rat_of_nat (Suc n))))  φ x r"
        unfolding φ_def by eventually_elim (rule tendsto_enn2real, auto)

    have as3: "AE x in r.νx. (φ x  0) at_bot"
    proof -
      have 0: "range (λn. {..- real n})  sets borel" "decseq (λn. {..- real n})"
        by(auto simp: decseq_def)
      show ?thesis
      proof(safe intro!: AE_I2[THEN AE_mp[OF AE_conjI[OF r.kernel_empty0_AE AE_conjI[OF r.kernel_lim_decseq[OF 0] as1]]]])
        fix x
        assume h: "r.κ' x {} = 0" " (λn. r.κ' x {..- real n})  r.κ' x (n. {..- real n})" "r s. r  s  φ x r  φ x s"
        have [simp]: "(n. {..- real n}) = {}" by auto (meson le_minus_iff linorder_not_less reals_Archimedean2)
        show "(φ x  0) at_bot"
        proof(rule decreasing_tendsto)
          fix r :: real
          assume "0 < r"
          with h(2) eventually_sequentially
          obtain N where N:"n. n  N  r.κ' x {..- real n} < r"
            by(fastforce simp: order_tendsto_iff h(1))
          show "F q in at_bot. φ x q < r"
            unfolding eventually_at_bot_linorder
          proof(safe intro!: exI[where x="- rat_of_nat N"])
            fix q
            assume "q  - rat_of_nat N"
            with h(3) have "φ x q  φ x (- rat_of_nat N)" by simp
            also have "... < r"
              by(auto simp: φ_def) (metis N[OF order_refl] 0 < r enn2real_less_iff enn2real_top of_rat_minus of_rat_of_nat_eq top.not_eq_extremum)
            finally show "φ x q < r" .
        qed(simp add: φ_def)

    have as4: "AE x in r.νx. (φ x  1) at_top"
    proof -
      have 0: "range (λn. {..real n})  sets borel" "incseq (λn. {..real n})"
        by(auto simp: incseq_def)
      have [simp]: "(n. {..real n}) = UNIV" by (auto simp: real_arch_simple)
      have 1: "AE x in r.νx. n. r.κ' x {..real n}  1" "AE x in r.νx. q. r.κ' x {..real_of_rat q}  1"
        by(auto simp: AE_all_countable intro!: r.kernel_le1_AE)
      show ?thesis
      proof(safe intro!: AE_I2[THEN AE_mp[OF AE_conjI[OF AE_conjI[OF 1] AE_conjI[OF r.kernel_Y1_AE AE_conjI[OF r.kernel_lim_incseq[OF 0] as1]]],simplified]])
        fix x
        assume h: "q. r.κ' x {..real_of_rat q}  1" "n. r.κ' x {..real n}  1"
                  "(λn. r.κ' x {..real n})  r.κ' x UNIV" "r s. r  s  φ x r  φ x s" "r.κ' x UNIV = 1"
        then have h3: "(λn. r.κ' x {..real n})  1"
          by auto
        show "(φ x  1) at_top"
        proof(rule increasing_tendsto)
          fix r :: real
          assume "r < 1"
          with h3 eventually_sequentially
          obtain N where N: "n. n  N  r < r.κ' x {..real n}"
            by(fastforce simp: order_tendsto_iff)
          show "F n in at_top. r < φ x n"
            unfolding eventually_at_top_linorder
          proof(safe intro!: exI[where x="rat_of_nat N"])
            fix q
            assume "rat_of_nat N  q"
            have "r < φ x (rat_of_nat N)"
              by(auto simp: φ_def) (metis N[OF order_refl] h(2) enn2real_1 enn2real_ennreal enn2real_positive_iff ennreal_cases ennreal_leI linorder_not_less zero_less_one)
            also have "...  φ x q"
              using h(4) rat_of_nat N  q by simp
            finally show "r < φ x q" .
        qed(use h(1) enn2real_leI φ_def in auto)
    from AE_E3[OF AE_conjI[OF as1 AE_conjI[OF as2 AE_conjI[OF as3 as4]]],simplified space_marginal_measure]
    obtain N where N: "N  null_sets r.νx" "x r s. x  space X - N  r  s  φ x r  φ x s"
                      "x r. x  space X - N   (λn. φ x (r + 1 / rat_of_nat (Suc n)))  φ x r"
                      "x. x  space X - N  (φ x  0) at_bot" "x. x  space X - N  (φ x  1) at_top"
      by metis
    define F where "F  (λx y. indicat_real (space X - N) x * Inf {φ x r |r. y  real_of_rat r} + indicat_real N x * indicat_real {0..} y)"
    have [simp]: "{φ x r |r. y  real_of_rat r}  {}" for x y
      by auto (meson gt_ex less_eq_real_def of_rat_dense)
    have [simp]: "bdd_below {φ x r |r. y  real_of_rat r}" if "x  space X - N" for x y
    proof -
      obtain r' where "real_of_rat r'  y"
        by (metis less_eq_real_def lt_ex of_rat_dense)
      from order_trans[OF this] of_rat_less_eq show ?thesis
        by(auto intro!: bdd_belowI[of _ "φ x r'"] N(2)[OF that])
    have Feq: "F x (real_of_rat r) = φ x r" if "x  space X - N" for x r
      using that N(2)[OF that] by(auto intro!: cInf_eq_minimum simp: of_rat_less_eq F_def)
    have Fmono: "mono (F x)" if "x  space X" for x
      by(auto simp: F_def mono_def indicator_def intro!: cInf_superset_mono) (meson gt_ex less_eq_real_def of_rat_dense)

    have F1: "(F x  0) at_bot" if "x  space X" for x
    proof(cases "x  N")
      case True
      with that show ?thesis
        by(auto simp: F_def tendsto_iff eventually_at_bot_dense indicator_def intro!: exI[where x=0])
      case False
      with qlim_eq_lim_mono_at_bot[OF Fmono[OF that] N(4)] Feq that
      show ?thesis by auto
    have F2: "(F x  1) at_top" if "x  space X" for x
    proof(cases "x  N")
      case True
      with that show ?thesis
        by(auto simp: F_def tendsto_iff eventually_at_top_dense indicator_def intro!: exI[where x=0])
      case False
      with qlim_eq_lim_mono_at_top[OF Fmono[OF that] N(5)] Feq that
      show ?thesis by auto
    have F3: "continuous (at_right a) (F x)" if "x  space X" for x a
    proof(cases "x  N")
      case x:True
        fix e :: real
        assume e:"0 < e"
        consider "a  0" | "a < 0" by fastforce
        then have "d>0. indicat_real {0..} (a + d) - indicat_real {0..} a < e"
        proof cases
          case 1
          with e show ?thesis
            by(auto intro!: exI[where x=1])
          case 2
          then obtain b where "b > 0" "a + b < 0"
            by (metis add_less_same_cancel2 of_rat_dense real_add_less_0_iff)
          with e 2 show ?thesis
            by(auto intro!: exI[where x=b])
      with x show ?thesis
        unfolding continuous_at_right_real_increasing[of "F x",OF monoD[OF Fmono[OF that]],simplified]
        by(auto simp: F_def)
      case x:False
        fix e :: real
        assume e: "e > 0"
        have "k. a  real_of_rat k   {φ x r |r. a  real_of_rat r} +  e / 2  φ x k"
        proof(rule ccontr)
          assume "k. a  real_of_rat k  φ x k   {φ x r |r. a  real_of_rat r} + e / 2"
          then have cont: "k. a  real_of_rat k  φ x k - e / 2 >  {φ x r |r. a  real_of_rat r}"
            by auto
          hence "a  real_of_rat k  r. a  real_of_rat r  φ x r  < φ x k - e / 2" for k
            using cont x  space X x cInf_less_iff [of "{φ x r |r. a  real_of_rat r}" "φ x k - e / 2"]
            by auto
          then obtain r where r:"k. a  real_of_rat k  a  real_of_rat (r k)" "k. a  real_of_rat k  φ x (r k) < φ x k - e / 2"
            by metis
          obtain k where k:"a  real_of_rat k"
            by (meson gt_ex less_eq_real_def of_rat_dense)
          define f where "f  rec_nat k (λn fn. r fn)"
          have f_simp: "f 0 = k" "f (Suc n) = r (f n)" for n
            by(auto simp: f_def)
          have f1: "a  real_of_rat (f n)" for n
            using r(1) k by(induction n) (auto simp: f_simp)
          have f2: "n  1  φ x (f n) < φ x k - real n * e / 2" for n
          proof(induction n)
            case ih:(Suc n)
            consider "n = 0" | "n  1" by fastforce
            then show ?case
            proof cases
              case 1
              with r k show ?thesis
                by(simp add: f_simp)
              case 2
              show ?thesis
                using less_trans[OF r(2)[OF f1[of n]] diff_strict_right_mono[OF ih(1)[OF 2],of "e / 2"]]
                by(auto simp: f_simp ring_distribs(2) add_divide_distrib)
          qed simp
          have "¬ bdd_below {φ x r |r. a  real_of_rat r}"
            unfolding bdd_below_def
          proof safe
            fix M
            obtain n where "φ x k - M < real n * e / 2"
              using f2 e reals_Archimedean3 by fastforce
            then have "φ x k - M < real (Suc n) * e / 2"
              using divide_strict_right_mono pos_divide_less_eq e by fastforce
            thus "Ball {φ x r |r. a  real_of_rat r} ((≤) M)  False"
              using f2[of "Suc n"] f1[of "Suc n"] by(auto intro!: exI[where x="φ x (f (Suc n))"])
          with that x show False
            by simp
        then obtain k where k: "a  real_of_rat k" " {φ x r |r. a  real_of_rat r} +  e / 2  φ x k"
          by auto
        obtain no where no:"n. nno  (φ x (k + 1 / rat_of_nat (Suc n))) - (φ x k) < e / 2"
          using x  space X x metric_LIMSEQ_D[OF N(3)[of x k],of "e/2"] e N(2)[of x k "k + 1 / rat_of_nat (Suc _)"]
          by(auto simp: dist_real_def)
        have "d>0.  {φ x r |r. a + d  real_of_rat r} -  {φ x r |r. a  real_of_rat r} < e"
        proof(safe intro!: exI[where x="real_of_rat (1 / rat_of_nat (Suc no))"])
          have "φ x (k + 1 / rat_of_nat (Suc no)) - e < φ x k - e / 2"
            using no[OF order_refl] by simp
          also have "...   {φ x r |r. a  real_of_rat r}"
            using k by simp
          finally have "φ x (k + 1 / rat_of_nat (Suc no)) -  {φ x r |r. a  real_of_rat r} < e" by simp
          moreover have " {φ x r |r. a + real_of_rat (1 / (1 + rat_of_nat no))  real_of_rat r}  φ x (k + 1 / rat_of_nat (Suc no))"
            using k that x by(auto intro!: cInf_lower simp: of_rat_add)
          ultimately show " {φ x r |r. a + real_of_rat (1 / (rat_of_nat (Suc no)))  real_of_rat r} -  {φ x r |r. a  real_of_rat r} < e"
            by simp
        qed simp
      with that x show ?thesis
        unfolding continuous_at_right_real_increasing[of "F x",OF monoD[OF Fmono[OF that]],simplified]
        by(auto simp: F_def)

    define κ where "κ  (λx. interval_measure (F x))"

    have κ: "x. x  space X  κ x UNIV = 1"
            "x r. x  space X  κ x {..r} = ennreal (F x r)"
 and[simp]: "x. sets (κ x) = sets borel" "x. space (κ x) = UNIV"
      using emeasure_interval_measure_Iic[OF _ F3 F1] interval_measure_UNIV[OF _ F3 F1 F2] Fmono
      by(auto simp: mono_def κ_def)
    interpret κ: prob_kernel X borel κ
      unfolding prob_kernel_def'
    proof(rule measurable_prob_algebra_generated[OF _ atMostq_Int_stable,of _ UNIV])
      show "a. a  space X  prob_space (κ a)"
        by(auto intro!: prob_spaceI κ(1))
      fix A
      assume "A  {{..r} |r::real. r  }"
      then obtain r where r: "A = {..real_of_rat r}"
        using Rats_cases by blast
      have "(λx. ennreal (indicat_real (space X - N) x * φ x r + indicat_real N x * indicat_real {0..} (real_of_rat r)))  borel_measurable X" 
      proof -
        have "N  sets X"
          using null_setsD2[OF N(1)] by(auto simp: sets_marginal_measure)
        thus ?thesis by(auto simp: φ_def)
      moreover have "indicat_real (space X - N) x * φ x r + indicat_real N x * indicat_real {0..} (real_of_rat r) = emeasure (κ x) A" if "x  space X" for x
        using Feq[of x r] κ(2)[OF that,of "real_of_rat r"]
        by(cases "x  N") (auto simp: r indicator_def F_def)
      ultimately show " (λx. emeasure (κ x) A)  borel_measurable X"
        using measurable_cong[of _ "λx. emeasure (κ x) A" "λx. ennreal (indicat_real (space X - N) x * φ x r + indicat_real N x * indicat_real {0..} (real_of_rat r))"]
        by simp
    qed(auto simp: rborel_eq_atMostq)
    have κ_AE:"AE x in r.νx. κ x {..real_of_rat r} = r.κ' x {..real_of_rat r}" for r
    proof -
      have "AE x in r.νx. κ x {..real_of_rat r} = ennreal (F x (real_of_rat r))"
        by(auto simp: space_marginal_measure κ(2))
      moreover have "AE x in r.νx. ennreal (F x (real_of_rat r))= ennreal (φ x r)"
        using Feq[of _ r] by(auto simp add: space_marginal_measure intro!: AE_I''[OF N(1)])
      moreover have "AE x in r.νx. ennreal (φ x r) = ennreal (enn2real (r.κ' x  {..real_of_rat r}))"
        by(simp add: φ_def)
      moreover have "AE x in r.νx. ennreal (enn2real (r.κ' x  {..real_of_rat r})) = r.κ' x {..real_of_rat r}"
        using r.kernel_le_infty[of "{..real_of_rat r}",simplified]
        by(auto simp: ennreal_enn2real_if)
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
    have κ_dis: "κ.disintegration ν r.νx"
    proof -
      interpret D: Dynkin_system UNIV "{B  sets borel. A sets X. ν (A × B) = (+xA. (κ x) Br.νx)}"
          fix A
          assume h:"A sets X"
          then have "ν (A × UNIV) = (+xA. 1 r.νx)"
            using emeasure_marginal_measure[OF nu_sets' h] sets_marginal_measure[of X borel ν "space borel"] by auto
          also have "... = (+xA. (κ x) UNIVr.νx)"
            by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong simp: κ space_marginal_measure)
          finally have "ν (A × UNIV) = (+xA. emeasure (κ x) UNIVr.νx)" .
        thus "UNIV  {B  sets borel. Asets X. emeasure ν (A × B) = (+xA. emeasure (κ x) Br.νx)}"
          by auto
        hence univ:"A. A  sets X  ν (A × UNIV) = (+xA. emeasure (κ x) UNIVr.νx)" by auto
        show "B. B  {B  sets borel. Asets X. emeasure ν (A × B) = (+xA. emeasure (κ x) Br.νx)}
             UNIV - B  {B  sets borel. Asets X. emeasure ν (A × B) = (+xA. emeasure (κ x) Br.νx)}"
        proof(rule r.νx.sigma_finite_disjoint)
          fix B and J :: "nat  _"
          assume "B  {B  sets borel. Asets X. emeasure ν (A × B) = (+xA. emeasure (κ x) B r.νx)}" "range J  sets r.νx" " (range J) = space r.νx"
                 "(i. emeasure r.νx (J i)  )" "disjoint_family J"
          then have B: "B  sets borel" " Asets X. ν (A × B) = (+xA. (κ x) Br.νx)"
             and J: "range J  sets X" " (range J) = space X" "i. emeasure r.νx (J i)  " "disjoint_family J"
            by (auto simp: sets_marginal_measure space_marginal_measure)
            fix A
            assume A: "A  sets X"
            have "ν (A × (UNIV - B)) = (+xA. (κ x) (UNIV - B)r.νx)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
            proof -
              have AJi1: "disjoint_family (λi. (A  J i) × (UNIV - B))"
                using B(1) J(4) by(fastforce simp: disjoint_family_on_def)
              have AJi2[simp]: "(i. ((A  J i) × (UNIV - B))) = A × (UNIV - B)"
                using J(2) sets.sets_into_space[OF A] by blast
              have AJi3: "(range (λi. (A  J i) × (UNIV - B)))  sets ν"
                using B(1) J(1) A by(auto simp: nu_sets')

              have "?lhs = (i. ν ((A  J i) × (UNIV - B)))"
                by(simp add: suminf_emeasure[OF AJi3 AJi1])
              also have "... = (i. (+x A  J i. (κ x) (UNIV - B) r.νx))"
              proof(safe intro!: suminf_cong)
                fix n
                have Jn: "J n  sets X"
                  using J by auto
                have fin: "ν ((A  J n) × C)  " for C
                proof(cases "(A  J n) × C  sets ν")
                  case True
                  then have "ν ((A  J n) × C)  ν ((A  J n) × UNIV)"
                    using Jn nu_sets' A by(intro emeasure_mono) auto
                  also have "ν ((A  J n) × UNIV)  ν (J n × UNIV)"
                    using Jn nu_sets' by(intro emeasure_mono) auto
                  also have "... = r.νx (J n)"
                    using emeasure_marginal_measure[OF nu_sets' Jn] by simp
                  finally show ?thesis
                    by (metis J(3)[of n] infinity_ennreal_def neq_top_trans)
                qed(simp add: emeasure_notin_sets)
                show "ν ((A  J n) × (UNIV - B)) = (+x A  J n. (κ x) (UNIV - B) r.νx)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
                proof -
                  have "?lhs = ν ((A  J n) × UNIV) - ν ((A  J n) × B)"
                  proof -
                    have [simp]: "?lhs + ν ((A  J n) × B) = ν ((A  J n) × UNIV)"
                    proof -
                      have [simp]:"((A  J n) × (UNIV - B))  ((A  J n) × B) = ((A  J n) × UNIV)" by blast
                      show ?thesis
                        using B(1) A Jn nu_sets' by(intro plus_emeasure[of "(A  J n) × (UNIV - B)" _ "(A  J n) × B",simplified]) auto
                    have "?lhs = ?lhs + ν ((A  J n) × B) - ν ((A  J n) × B)"
                      by(simp only: ennreal_add_diff_cancel[OF fin[of B]])
                    also have "... = ν ((A  J n) × UNIV) - ν ((A  J n) × B)"
                      by simp
                    finally show ?thesis .
                  also have "... = (+x A  J n. (κ x) UNIV r.νx) - (+x A  J n. (κ x) B r.νx)"
                    using B(2) A Jn univ by auto
                  also have "... = (+x. ((κ x) UNIV * indicator (A  J n) x - (κ x) B * indicator (A  J n) x) r.νx)"
                  proof(rule nn_integral_diff[symmetric])
                    show "(λx. (κ x) UNIV * indicator (A  J n) x)  borel_measurable r.νx" "(λx. (κ x) B * indicator (A  J n) x)  borel_measurable r.νx"
                      using sets_marginal_measure[of X borel ν "space borel"] κ.emeasure_measurable[OF B(1)] κ.emeasure_measurable[of UNIV] A Jn
                      by(auto simp del: space_borel)
                    show "(+xA  J n. (κ x) Br.νx)  "
                      using B(2) A Jn univ fin[of B] by auto
                    show "AE x in r.νx. (κ x) B * indicator (A  J n) x  (κ x) UNIV * indicator (A  J n) x"
                      by(standard, auto simp: space_marginal_measure indicator_def intro!: emeasure_mono)
                  also have "... = (+x A  J n. ((κ x) UNIV - (κ x) B) r.νx)"
                    by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong simp: indicator_def)
                  also have "... = ?rhs"
                  proof(safe intro!: nn_integral_cong)
                    fix x
                    assume "x  space r.νx"
                    then have "x  space X"
                      by(simp add: space_marginal_measure)
                    show "((κ x) UNIV - (κ x) B) * indicator (A  J n) x = (κ x) (UNIV - B) * indicator (A  J n) x"
                      by(auto intro!: emeasure_compl[of B "κ x",simplified,symmetric] simp: B κ.prob_spaces x  space X prob_space_imp_subprob_space subprob_space.emeasure_subprob_space_less_top indicator_def)
                  finally show ?thesis .
              also have "... = (+x. (i. (κ x) (UNIV - B) * indicator (A  J i) x)r.νx)"
                using κ.emeasure_measurable[of "UNIV - B"] B(1) sets_marginal_measure[of X borel ν "space borel"] A J
                by(intro nn_integral_suminf[symmetric]) (auto simp del: space_borel)
              also have "... = (+x. (κ x) (UNIV - B) * indicator A x *  (i. indicator (A  J i) x) r.νx)"
                by(auto simp: indicator_def intro!: nn_integral_cong)
              also have "... = (+x. (κ x) (UNIV - B) * indicator A x * (indicator (i. A  J i) x) r.νx)"
              proof -
                have "(i. indicator (A  J i) x) = (indicator (i. A  J i) x :: ennreal)" for x
                  using J(4) by(intro suminf_indicator) (auto simp: disjoint_family_on_def)
                thus ?thesis
                  by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong)
              also have "... = ?rhs"
                using J(2) by(auto simp: indicator_def space_marginal_measure intro!: nn_integral_cong)
              finally show ?thesis .
          thus "UNIV - B  {B  sets borel. Asets X. emeasure ν (A × B) = (+xA. emeasure (κ x) B r.νx)}"
            using B by auto
        fix J :: "nat  _"
        assume J1: "disjoint_family J" "range J  {B  sets borel. Asets X. ν (A × B) = (+xA. (κ x) Br.νx)}"
        then have J2: "range J  sets borel" " (range J)  sets borel" "n A. A  sets X  ν (A × (J n)) = (+xA. (κ x) (J n) r.νx)"
          by auto
        show " (range J)  {B  sets borel. Asets X. ν (A × B) = (+xA. (κ x) Br.νx)}"
        proof -
            fix A
            assume A:"A  sets X"
            have "ν (A ×  (range J)) = (+xA. (κ x) ( (range J)) r.νx)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
            proof -
              have "?lhs = ν (n. A × J n)"
              proof -
                have "(A ×  (range J)) = (n. A × J n)" by blast
                thus ?thesis by simp
              also have "... = (n. ν (A × J n))"
                using J1(1) J2(1) A nu_sets' by(fastforce intro!: suminf_emeasure[symmetric] simp: disjoint_family_on_def)
              also have "... = (n. (+xA. (κ x) (J n) r.νx))"
                by(simp add: J2(3)[OF A])
              also have "... = (+x. (n. (κ x) (J n) * indicator A x) r.νx)"
                using κ.emeasure_measurable J2(1) A sets_marginal_measure[of X borel ν "space borel"]
                by(intro nn_integral_suminf[symmetric]) auto
              also have "... = (+xA. (n. (κ x) (J n)) r.νx)"
                by auto
              also have "... = (+xA. (κ x) ( (range J)) r.νx)"
                using J1 J2 by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong suminf_emeasure simp: space_marginal_measure indicator_def)
              finally show ?thesis .
          thus ?thesis
            using J2(2) by auto
      qed auto
      have "{ {..r} | r::real. r  }  {B  sets borel. A sets X. ν (A × B) = (+xA. (κ x) Br.νx)}"
      proof -
          fix r ::real and A
          assume h: "r  " "A  sets X"
          then obtain r' where r':"r = real_of_rat r'"
            using Rats_cases by blast
          have "ν (A × {..r}) = (+xA. (κ x) {..r} r.νx)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
          proof -
            have "?lhs = (+xA. r.κ' x {..r}r.νx)"
              using h by(simp add: r.kernel_RN_deriv)
            also have "... = ?rhs"
              using κ_AE[of r'] by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong_AE simp: r' simp del: space_borel)
            finally show ?thesis .
        thus ?thesis
          by auto
      from D.Dynkin_subset[OF this] rborel_eq_atMostq[symmetric]
      show ?thesis
        by(auto simp: κ.disintegration_def sets_marginal_measure nu_sets' sigma_eq_Dynkin[OF _ atMostq_Int_stable,of UNIV,simplified,symmetric] rborel_eq_atMostq_sets simp del: space_borel)
    show ?thesis
    proof(intro exI conjI strip)
      fix κ''
      assume "prob_kernel X (borel :: real measure) κ''"
      interpret κ'':  prob_kernel X borel κ'' by fact
      assume disi: "κ''.disintegration ν r.νx"
      have eq_atMostr_AE:"AE x in r.νx. r. κ x {..real_of_rat r} = κ'' x {..real_of_rat r}"
        unfolding AE_all_countable
      proof safe
        fix r
        have "AE x in r.νx. (κ'' x) {..real_of_rat r} = r.κ' x {..real_of_rat r}"
        proof(safe intro!: r.νx.RN_deriv_unique[of "λx. κ'' x {..real_of_rat r}" "marginal_measure_on X borel ν {..real_of_rat r}",simplified r.κ'_def[of _ "{..real_of_rat r}",symmetric]])
          show 1:"(λx. emeasure (κ'' x) {..real_of_rat r})  borel_measurable r.νx"
            using κ''.emeasure_measurable[of "{..real_of_rat r}"] sets_marginal_measure[of X borel ν "space borel"] by simp
          show "density r.νx (λx. emeasure (κ'' x) {..real_of_rat r}) = marginal_measure_on X borel ν {..real_of_rat r}"
          proof(rule measure_eqI)
            fix A
            assume "A  sets (density r.νx (λx. (κ'' x) {..real_of_rat r}))"
            then have A [measurable]:"A  sets X"
              by(simp add: sets_marginal_measure)
            show "emeasure (density r.νx (λx. emeasure (κ'' x) {..real_of_rat r})) A = emeasure (marginal_measure_on X borel ν {..real_of_rat r}) A" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
            proof -
              have "?lhs = (+xA. (κ'' x) {..real_of_rat r} r.νx)"
                using emeasure_density[OF 1,of A] A 
                by(simp add: sets_marginal_measure)
              also have "... = ν (A × {..real_of_rat r})"
                using disi A by(auto simp: κ''.disintegration_def)
              also have "... = ?rhs"
                by(simp add: emeasure_marginal_measure_on[OF nu_sets' _ A])
              finally show ?thesis .
          qed(simp add: sets_marginal_measure)
        with κ_AE[of r]
        show "AE x in r.νx. κ x {..real_of_rat r} = κ'' x {..real_of_rat r}"
          by auto
      { fix x
        assume h:"x  space r.νx" " r. (κ x) {..real_of_rat r} = (κ'' x) {..real_of_rat r}"
        then have x: "x  space X"
          by(simp add: space_marginal_measure)
        have "κ x = κ'' x"
        proof(rule measure_eqI_generator_eq[OF atMostq_Int_stable,of UNIV _ _ "λn. {..real n}"])
          show "A. A  {{..r} |r. r  }  (κ x) A = (κ'' x) A"
            using h(2) Rats_cases by auto
          show "(n. {..real n}) = UNIV"
            by (simp add: real_arch_simple subsetI subset_antisym)
          fix n
          have "(κ x) {..real n}  κ x UNIV"
            by(auto intro!: emeasure_mono)
          also have "... = 1"
            by(rule κ(1)[OF x])
          finally show "(κ x) {..real n}  "
            using linorder_not_le by fastforce
          show "range (λn. {..real n})  {{..r} |r. r  }"
            using Rats_of_nat by blast
        qed(auto simp: κ.kernel_sets[OF x] κ''.kernel_sets[OF x] rborel_eq_atMostq_sets)
      then show "AE x in r.νx. κ x = κ'' x"
        using eq_atMostr_AE by fastforce
    qed(auto simp del: space_borel simp add: κ_dis κ.prob_kernel_axioms)

  show ?thesis
  proof -
    define ν' where "ν' = distr ν (X M borel) (λ(x,y). (x, to_real y))"
    have ν_distr:"ν = distr ν' (X M Y) (λ(x,y). (x, from_real y))"
      using nu_sets sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF nu_sets] from_real_to_real
      by(auto simp: ν'_def distr_distr space_pair_measure intro!: distr_id'[symmetric])
    have νx_eq:"(marginal_measure X borel ν') = νx"
      using emeasure_marginal_measure[of ν' X borel] emeasure_marginal_measure[OF nu_sets] sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF nu_sets]
      by(auto intro!: measure_eqI simp: sets_marginal_measure ν'_def emeasure_distr map_prod_vimage[of id to_real,simplified map_prod_def id_def] space_pair_measure Times_Int_Times)
    interpret ν' : projection_sigma_finite X borel ν'
      by(auto simp: projection_sigma_finite_def νx_eq νx.sigma_finite_measure_axioms simp del: space_borel,auto simp add: ν'_def)
    obtain κ' where κ': "prob_kernel X borel κ'" "measure_kernel.disintegration X borel κ' ν' ν'.νx"
         "κ''. prob_kernel X borel κ''  measure_kernel.disintegration X borel κ'' ν' ν'.νx  (AE x in ν'.νx. κ' x = κ'' x)"
      using *[of ν' X] ν'.nu_sets ν'.νx.sigma_finite_measure_axioms by blast
    interpret κ': prob_kernel X borel κ' by fact
    define κ where "κ  (λx. distr (κ' x) Y from_real)"
    interpret κ: prob_kernel X Y κ
      by(auto simp: prob_kernel_def' κ_def)
    have disi: "κ.disintegration ν νx"
    proof(rule κ.disintegrationI)
      fix A B
      assume A[measurable]:"A  sets X" and B[measurable]: "B  sets Y"
      have [measurable]: "from_real -` B  sets borel"
        by(simp add: measurable_sets_borel[OF _ B])
      show "ν (A × B) = (+xA. κ x Bνx)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
      proof -
        have "?lhs = ν' (A × (from_real -` B))"
          by(auto simp: ν_distr emeasure_distr map_prod_vimage[of id from_real,simplified map_prod_def id_def])
        also have "... = (+xA. κ' x (from_real -` B) νx)"
          using κ'.disintegrationD[OF κ'(2),of A "from_real -` B"]
          by(auto simp add: νx_eq simp del: space_borel)
        also have "... = ?rhs"
          by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong simp: space_marginal_measure κ_def emeasure_distr)
        finally show ?thesis .
    qed(simp_all add: sets_marginal_measure nu_sets)

    show ?thesis
    proof(safe intro!: exI[where x=κ])
      fix κ''
      assume h:"prob_kernel X Y κ''"
               "measure_kernel.disintegration X Y κ'' ν νx"
      interpret κ'': prob_kernel X Y κ'' by fact
      show "AE x in νx. κ x = κ'' x"
      proof -
       define κ''' where "κ'''  (λx. distr (κ'' x) borel to_real)"
        interpret κ''': prob_kernel X borel κ'''
          by(auto simp: prob_kernel_def' κ'''_def)
        have κ''_def: "κ'' x = distr (κ''' x) Y from_real" if "x  space X" for x
          using distr_distr[of from_real borel Y to_real "κ'' x",simplified measurable_cong_sets[OF κ''.kernel_sets[OF that] refl,of borel]] 
          by(auto simp: κ'''_def comp_def κ''.kernel_sets[OF that] measurable_cong_sets[OF κ''.kernel_sets[OF that] κ''.kernel_sets[OF that]] sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF κ''.kernel_sets[OF that]] intro!: distr_id'[symmetric])
        have κ'''_disi: "κ'''.disintegration ν' ν'.νx"
        proof(rule κ'''.disintegrationI)
          fix A and B :: "real set"
          assume A[measurable]:"A  sets X" and B[measurable]:"B  sets borel"
          show "ν' (A × B) = (+xA. (κ''' x) B ν'.νx)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
          proof -
            have "?lhs = ν (A × (to_real -` B  space Y))"
              by(auto simp: ν'_def emeasure_distr map_prod_vimage[of id to_real,simplified map_prod_def id_def] sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF nu_sets] space_pair_measure Times_Int_Times)
            also have "... = (+xA. (κ'' x) (to_real -` B  space Y) νx)"
              using κ''.disintegrationD[OF h(2) A,of "to_real -` B  space Y"] by auto
            also have "... = ?rhs"
              by(auto simp: νx_eq[symmetric] space_marginal_measure κ'''_def emeasure_distr sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF κ''.kernel_sets] intro!: nn_integral_cong)
            finally show ?thesis .
        qed(auto simp: ν'_def sets_marginal_measure) 
        show ?thesis
          by(rule AE_mp[OF κ'(3)[OF κ'''.prob_kernel_axioms κ'''_disi,simplified νx_eq]],standard) (auto simp: space_marginal_measure κ''_def κ_def)
    qed(simp_all add: disi κ.prob_kernel_axioms)


subsection ‹ Lemma 14.D.12. ›
lemma ex_finite_density_measure:
  fixes A :: "nat  _"
  assumes A: "range A  sets M" " (range A) = space M" "i. emeasure M (A i)  " "disjoint_family A"
  defines "h  (λx. (n. (1/2)^(Suc n) * (1 / (1 + M (A n))) * indicator (A n) x))"
  shows "h  borel_measurable M"
        "x. x  space M  0 < h x"
        "x. x  space M  h x < 1"
        "finite_measure (density M h)"
proof -
  have less1:"0 < 1 / (1 + M (A n))" "1 / (1 + M (A n))  1" for n
    using A(3)[of n] ennreal_zero_less_divide[of 1 "1 + M (A n)"]
    by (auto intro!: divide_le_posI_ennreal simp: add_pos_nonneg)
  show [measurable]:"h  borel_measurable M"
    using A by(simp add: h_def)
    fix x
    assume x:"x  space M"
    then obtain i where i: "x  A i"
      using A(2) by auto
    show "0 < h x"
      using A(3)[of i] less1[of i]
      by(auto simp: h_def suminf_pos_iff i ennreal_divide_times ennreal_zero_less_divide power_divide_distrib_ennreal power_less_top_ennreal intro!: exI[where x=i])
    have "h x = (n. (1/2)^(Suc n + 2) * (1 / (1 + M (A (n + 2)))) * indicator (A (n + 2)) x) + (1/2) * (1 / (1 + M (A 0))) * indicator (A 0) x + (1/2)^2 * (1 / (1 + M (A 1))) * indicator (A 1) x"
      by(auto simp: h_def suminf_split_head suminf_offset[of "λn. (1/2)^(Suc n) * (1 / (1 + M (A n))) * indicator (A n) x" 2] simp del: power_Suc sum_mult_indicator) (auto simp: numeral_2_eq_2)
    also have "...  1/4 +  (1/2) * (1 / (1 + M (A 0))) * indicator (A 0) x + (1/2)^2 * (1 / (1 + M (A 1))) * indicator (A 1) x"
    proof -
      have "(n. (1/2)^(Suc n + 2) * (1 / (1 + M (A (n + 2)))) * indicator (A (n + 2)) x)  (n. (1/2)^(Suc n + 2))"
        using less1(2)[of "Suc (Suc _)"] by(intro suminf_le,auto simp: indicator_def) (metis mult.right_neutral mult_left_mono zero_le)
      also have "... = (n. ennreal ((1 / 2) ^ (Suc n + 2)))"
        by(simp only: ennreal_power[of "1/2",symmetric]) (metis divide_ennreal ennreal_1 ennreal_numeral linorder_not_le not_one_less_zero zero_less_numeral)
      also have "... = ennreal (n. (1 / 2) ^ (Suc n + 2))"
        by(rule suminf_ennreal2) auto
      also have "... = ennreal (1/4)"
        using nsum_of_r'[of "1/2" "Suc (Suc (Suc 0))" 1] by auto
      also have "... = 1 / 4"
        by (metis ennreal_divide_numeral ennreal_numeral numeral_One zero_less_one_class.zero_le_one)
      finally show ?thesis by simp
    also have "... < 1" (is "?lhs < _")
    proof(cases "x  A 0")
      case True
      then have "x  A 1"
        using A(4) by (auto simp: disjoint_family_on_def)
      hence "?lhs =  1 / 4 + 1 / 2 * (1 / (1 + emeasure M (A 0)))"
        by(simp add: True)
      also have "...  1 / 4 + 1 / 2"
        using less1(2)[of 0] by (simp add: divide_right_mono_ennreal ennreal_divide_times)
      also have "... = 1 / 4 + 2 / 4"
        using divide_mult_eq[of 2 1 2] by simp
      also have "... = 3 / 4"
        by(simp add: add_divide_distrib_ennreal[symmetric])
      also have "... < 1"
        by(simp add: divide_less_ennreal)
      finally show ?thesis .
      case False
      then have "?lhs = 1 / 4 + (1 / 2)2 * (1 / (1 + emeasure M (A 1))) * indicator (A 1) x"
        by simp
      also have "...   1 / 4 + (1 / 2)2"
        by (metis less1(2)[of 1] add_left_mono indicator_eq_0_iff indicator_eq_1_iff mult.right_neutral mult_eq_0_iff mult_left_mono zero_le)
      also have "... = 2 / 4"
        by(simp add: power_divide_distrib_ennreal add_divide_distrib_ennreal[symmetric])
      also have "... < 1"
        by(simp add: divide_less_ennreal)
      finally show ?thesis .
    finally show "h x < 1" .
  show "finite_measure (density M h)"
    show "emeasure (density M h) (space (density M h))  "
    proof -
      have "integralN M h  " (is "?lhs  _")
      proof -
        have "?lhs = (n. (+ xA n. ((1/2)^(Suc n) * (1 / (1 + M (A n)))) M))"
          using A by(simp add: h_def nn_integral_suminf)
        also have "... = (n. (1/2)^(Suc n) * (1 / (1 + M (A n))) * M (A n))"
          by(rule suminf_cong,rule nn_integral_cmult_indicator) (use A in auto)
        also have "... = (n. (1/2)^(Suc n) * ((1 / (1 + M (A n))) * M (A n)))"
          by (simp add: mult.assoc)
        also have "...  (n. (1/2)^(Suc n))"
        proof -
          have "(1 / (1 + M (A n))) * M (A n)  1" for n
            using A(3)[of n] by (simp add: add_pos_nonneg divide_le_posI_ennreal ennreal_divide_times)
          thus ?thesis
            by(intro suminf_le) (metis mult.right_neutral mult_left_mono zero_le,auto)
        also have "... = (n. ennreal ((1/2)^(Suc n)))"
          by(simp only: ennreal_power[of "1/2",symmetric]) (metis divide_ennreal ennreal_1 ennreal_numeral linorder_not_le not_one_less_zero zero_less_numeral)
        also have "... = ennreal (n. (1/2)^(Suc n))"
          by(rule suminf_ennreal2) auto
        also have "... = 1"
          using nsum_of_r'[of "1/2" 1 1] by auto
        finally show ?thesis
          using nle_le by fastforce
      thus ?thesis
        by(simp add: emeasure_density)

lemma(in sigma_finite_measure) finite_density_measure:
  obtains h where "h  borel_measurable M"
                  "x. x  space M  0 < h x"
                  "x. x  space M  h x < 1"
                  "finite_measure (density M h)"
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) sigma_finite_disjoint ex_finite_density_measure)

subsection ‹ Lemma 14.D.13. ›
lemma (in measure_kernel)
  assumes "disintegration ν μ"
  defines "νx  marginal_measure X Y ν"
  shows disintegration_absolutely_continuous: "absolutely_continuous μ νx"
    and disintegration_density: "νx = density μ (λx. κ x (space Y))"
    and disintegration_absolutely_continuous_iff:
        "absolutely_continuous νx μ  (AE x in μ. κ x (space Y) > 0)"
proof -
  note sets_eq[measurable_cong] = disintegration_sets_eq[OF assms(1)]
  note [measurable] = emeasure_measurable[OF]
  have νx_eq: "νx A = (+xA. (κ x (space Y)) μ)" if A:"A  sets X" for A
    by(simp add: disintegrationD[OF assms(1) A] emeasure_marginal_measure[OF sets_eq(1) A] νx_def)
  thus 1:"νx = density μ (λx. κ x (space Y))"
    by(auto intro!: measure_eqI simp: sets_marginal_measure νx_def sets_eq emeasure_density)
  hence sets_νx:"sets νx = sets X"
    using sets_eq by simp
  show "absolutely_continuous μ νx"
    unfolding absolutely_continuous_def
  proof safe
    fix A
    assume A: "A  null_sets μ"
    have "0 = (+xA. (κ x (space Y)) μ)"
      by(simp add: A nn_integral_null_set)
    also have "... = νx A"
      using A νx_eq[of A,simplified sets_eq(2)[symmetric]]
      by auto
    finally show "A  null_sets νx"
      using A by(auto simp: null_sets_def νx_def sets_marginal_measure sets_eq)
  show "absolutely_continuous νx μ  (AE x in μ. κ x (space Y) > 0)"
    assume h:"absolutely_continuous νx μ"
    define N where "N = {x  space μ. (κ x) (space Y) = 0}"
    have "N  null_sets μ"
    proof -
      have "νx N = (+xN. (κ x (space Y)) μ)"
        using νx_eq[of N] by(simp add: N_def sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF sets_eq(2)])
      also have "... = (+xN. 0 μ)"
        by(rule nn_integral_cong) (auto simp: N_def indicator_def)
      also have "... = 0" by simp
      finally have "N  null_sets νx"
        by(auto simp: null_sets_def 1 N_def)
      thus ?thesis
        using h by(auto simp: absolutely_continuous_def)
    then show "AE x in μ. 0 < (κ x) (space Y)"
      by(auto intro!: AE_I'[OF _ subset_refl] simp: N_def)
    assume "AE x in μ. 0 < (κ x) (space Y)"
    then show "absolutely_continuous νx μ"
      using νx_eq by(auto simp: absolutely_continuous_def intro!: null_if_pos_func_has_zero_nn_int[where f="λx. emeasure (κ x) (space Y)"]) (auto simp: null_sets_def sets_νx)

subsection ‹ Theorem 14.D.14. ›
locale sigma_finite_measure_on_pair_standard = sigma_finite_measure_on_pair + standard_borel_ne Y

sublocale projection_sigma_finite_standard  sigma_finite_measure_on_pair_standard
  by (simp add: sigma_finite_measure_on_pair_axioms sigma_finite_measure_on_pair_standard_def standard_borel_ne_axioms)

context sigma_finite_measure_on_pair_standard

lemma measure_disintegration_extension:
   "μ κ. finite_measure μ  measure_kernel X Y κ  measure_kernel.disintegration X Y κ ν μ 
               (xspace X. sigma_finite_measure (κ x)) 
               (xspace X. κ x (space Y) > 0) 
                μ ~M νx" (is "?goal")
proof(rule sigma_finite_measure.sigma_finite_disjoint[OF sigma_finite])
  fix A :: "nat  _"
  assume A:"range A  sets ν" " (range A) = space ν" "i. emeasure ν (A i)  " "disjoint_family A"
  define h where "h  (λx. n. (1 / 2) ^ Suc n * (1 / (1 + emeasure ν (A n))) * indicator (A n) x)"
  have h: "h  borel_measurable ν" "x y. x  space X  y  space Y  0 < h (x,y)" "x y. x  space X  y  space Y  h (x,y) < 1" "finite_measure (density ν h)"
    using ex_finite_density_measure[OF A] by(auto simp: sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF nu_sets] h_def space_pair_measure)

  interpret psfs_νx: finite_measure "marginal_measure X Y (density ν h)"
    by(rule finite_measure_marginal_measure_finite[OF h(4),simplified,OF nu_sets])

  interpret psfs: projection_sigma_finite_standard X Y "density ν h"
    by(auto simp: projection_sigma_finite_standard_def projection_sigma_finite_def standard_borel_ne_axioms nu_sets finite_measure.sigma_finite_measure[OF finite_measure_marginal_measure_finite[OF h(4),simplified,OF nu_sets]])
  from psfs.measure_disintegration
  obtain κ' where κ': "prob_kernel X Y κ'" "measure_kernel.disintegration X Y κ' (density ν h) psfs.νx" by auto
  interpret pk: prob_kernel X Y κ' by fact
  define κ where "κ  (λx. density (κ' x) (λy. 1 / h (x,y)))"
  have κB: "κ x B = (+yB. (1 / h (x, y))κ' x)" if "x  space X" and [measurable]:"B  sets Y" for x B
    using nu_sets pk.kernel_sets[OF that(1)] that h(1) by(auto simp: κ_def emeasure_density)
  interpret mk: measure_kernel X Y κ
    fix B
    assume [measurable]:"B  sets Y"
    have 1:"(λx. +yB. (1 / h (x, y))κ' x)  borel_measurable X"
      using h(1) nu_sets by(auto intro!: pk.nn_integral_measurable_f'[of "λz. (1 / h z) * indicator B (snd z)",simplified])
    show "(λx. (κ x) B)  borel_measurable X"
      by(rule measurable_cong[THEN iffD1,OF _ 1],simp add: κB)
  qed(simp_all add: κ_def pk.kernel_sets space_ne)

  have disi: "mk.disintegration ν psfs.νx"
  proof(rule mk.disintegrationI)
    fix A B
    assume A[measurable]:"A  sets X" and B[measurable]:"B  sets Y"
    show "ν (A × B) = (+xA. (κ x) Bpsfs.νx)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
    proof -
      have "?lhs = (+zA × B. 1 ν)"
        by auto
      also have "... = (+zA × B. (1 / h z * h z) ν)"
      proof -
        have 1: "a * (1 / a) = 1" if "0 < a" "a < 1" for a :: ennreal
        proof -
          have "a * (1 / a) = ennreal (enn2real a * 1 / (enn2real a))"
            by (simp add: divide_eq_1_ennreal enn2real_eq_0_iff ennreal_times_divide)
          also have "... = ennreal 1"
            using enn2real_eq_0_iff that by fastforce
          finally show ?thesis
            using ennreal_1 by simp
        show ?thesis
          by(rule nn_integral_cong,auto simp add: sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF nu_sets] space_pair_measure ennreal_divide_times indicator_def 1[OF h(2,3)])
      also have "... = (+z. h z * ((1 / h z) * indicator (A × B) z) ν)"
        by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong simp: indicator_def mult.commute)
      also have "... = (+zA × B. (1 / h z) (density ν h))"
        using h(1) by(simp add: nn_integral_density)
      also have "... = (+ x. + y. (1 / h (x,y) * indicator (A × B) (x,y)) κ' x psfs.νx)"
        using h(1) by(simp add: pk.nn_integral_fst_finite'[OF _ κ'(2) psfs_νx.finite_measure_axioms])
      also have "... = (+ xA. (+ yB. (1 / h (x,y)) κ' x) psfs.νx)"
        by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong simp: indicator_def)
      also have "... = ?rhs"
        by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong simp: κB[OF _ B] space_marginal_measure)
      finally show ?thesis .
  qed(simp_all add: nu_sets sets_marginal_measure)
  have geq0: "0 < (κ x) (space Y)" if "x  space X" for x
  proof -
    have "0 = (+ y. 0 κ' x)" by simp
    also have "... < (+ y. (1 / h (x,y)) κ' x)"
    proof(rule nn_integral_less)
      show "¬ (AE y in κ' x. 1 / h (x, y)  0)"
        assume "AE y in κ' x. 1 / h (x, y)  0"
        moreover have "h (x,y)  " if "y  space (κ' x)" for y
          using h(3)[OF x  space X that[simplified sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF pk.kernel_sets[OF x  space X]]]] top.not_eq_extremum
          by fastforce
        ultimately show False
          using prob_space.AE_False[OF pk.prob_spaces[OF that]] by simp
    qed(use h(1) pk.kernel_sets[OF that] that in auto)
    also have "... = (κ x) (space Y)"
      by(simp add: κB[OF that]) (simp add: sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF pk.kernel_sets[OF that],symmetric])
    finally show ?thesis .

  show ?goal
  proof(safe intro!: exI[where x=psfs.νx] exI[where x=κ] disi)
    show "absolutely_continuous νx psfs.νx"
      unfolding mk.disintegration_absolutely_continuous_iff[OF disi]
      by standard (simp add: space_marginal_measure geq0)
    fix x
    assume x:"x  space X"
    define C where "C  range (λn. Pair x -` (A n)  space Y)"
    have 1:"countable C" "C  sets Y"
      using A(1,2) x by (auto simp: nu_sets sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF nu_sets] space_pair_measure C_def)
    have 2: " C = space Y"
      using A(1,2)  by(auto simp: sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF nu_sets] space_pair_measure C_def) (use x in auto)

    show "sigma_finite_measure (κ x)"
      unfolding sigma_finite_measure_def
    proof(safe intro!: exI[where x=C])
      fix c
      assume "c  C" "(κ x) c = "
      then obtain n where c:"c = Pair x -` (A n)  space Y" by(auto simp: C_def)
      have "(κ x) c = (+yc. (1 / h (x, y))κ' x)"
        using κB[OF x,of c] 1 c  C by auto
      also have "... = (+yPair x -` (A n). (1 / h (x, y))κ' x)"
        by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong simp: c indicator_def sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF pk.kernel_sets[OF x]])
      also have "... = (+yPair x -` (A n). (1 / ((1 / 2) ^ Suc n * (1 / (1 + emeasure ν (A n))))) κ' x)"
      proof -
          fix y
          assume xy:"(x, y)  A n"
          have "1 / h (x, y) = 1 / ((1 / 2) ^ Suc n * (1 / (1 + emeasure ν (A n))))"
          proof -
            have "h (x, y) = (1 / 2) ^ Suc n * (1 / (1 + emeasure ν (A n)))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
            proof -
              have "?lhs = (m. (1 / 2) ^ Suc m * (1 / (1 + emeasure ν (A m))) * indicator (A m) (x,y))"
                by(simp add: h_def)
              also have "... = (m. if m = n then (1 / 2) ^ Suc n * (1 / (1 + emeasure ν (A n))) else 0)"
                using xy A(4) by(fastforce intro!: suminf_cong simp: disjoint_family_on_def indicator_def)
              also have "... = (j. if j + Suc n = n then (1 / 2) ^ Suc n * (1 / (1 + emeasure ν (A n))) else 0) + (j<Suc n. if j = n then (1 / 2) ^ Suc n * (1 / (1 + emeasure ν (A n))) else 0)"
                by(auto simp: suminf_offset[of "λm. if m = n then (1 / 2) ^ Suc n * (1 / (1 + emeasure ν (A n))) else 0" "Suc n"] simp del: power_Suc)
              also have "... = ?rhs"
                by simp
              finally show ?thesis .
            thus ?thesis by simp
        thus ?thesis
          by(intro nn_integral_cong) (auto simp: sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF pk.kernel_sets[OF x]] indicator_def simp del: power_Suc)
      also have "...  (+y. (1 / ((1 / 2) ^ Suc n * (1 / (1 + emeasure ν (A n))))) κ' x)"
        by(rule nn_integral_mono) (auto simp: indicator_def)
      also have "... = (1 / ((1 / 2) ^ Suc n * (1 / (1 + emeasure ν (A n)))))"
        by(simp add: prob_space.emeasure_space_1[OF pk.prob_spaces[OF x]])
      also have "... < "
        by (metis A(3) ennreal_add_eq_top ennreal_divide_eq_0_iff ennreal_divide_eq_top_iff ennreal_top_neq_one infinity_ennreal_def mult_eq_0_iff power_eq_0_iff top.not_eq_extremum top_neq_numeral)
      finally show False
        using (κ x) c =  by simp
    qed(insert 1 2, auto simp: mk.kernel_sets[OF x] sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF mk.kernel_sets[OF x]])
  qed(auto simp: psfs_νx.finite_measure_axioms geq0 mk.measure_kernel_axioms mk.disintegration_absolutely_continuous[OF disi])


(* TODO: ‹AE x in μ. ∀B ∈ sets Y. ... = ...› for a standard Borel Y. *)
lemma(in sigma_finite_measure_on_pair) measure_disintegration_extension_AE_unique:
  assumes "sigma_finite_measure μ" "sigma_finite_measure μ'"
          "measure_kernel X Y κ" "measure_kernel X Y κ'"
          "measure_kernel.disintegration X Y κ ν μ" "measure_kernel.disintegration X Y κ' ν μ'"
      and "absolutely_continuous μ μ'" "B  sets Y"
    shows "AE x in μ. κ' x B * RN_deriv μ μ' x = κ x B"
proof -
  interpret s1: sigma_finite_measure μ by fact
  interpret s2: sigma_finite_measure μ' by fact
  interpret mk1: measure_kernel X Y κ by fact
  interpret mk2: measure_kernel X Y κ' by fact
  have sets[measurable_cong]:"sets μ = sets X" "sets μ' = sets X"
    using assms(5,6) by(auto dest: mk1.disintegration_sets_eq mk2.disintegration_sets_eq)
  have 1:"AE x in μ. κ x B = RN_deriv μ (marginal_measure_on X Y ν B) x"
    using sets mk1.emeasure_measurable[OF assms(8)] mk1.disintegrationD[OF assms(5) _ assms(8)]
    by(auto intro!: measure_eqI s1.RN_deriv_unique  simp: emeasure_density emeasure_marginal_measure_on[OF nu_sets assms(8)] sets sets_marginal_measure)
  have 2:"AE x in μ. κ' x B * RN_deriv μ μ' x = RN_deriv μ (marginal_measure_on X Y ν B) x"
  proof -
      fix A
      assume A: "A  sets X"
      have "(+xA.  ((κ' x) B * RN_deriv μ μ' x) μ) = (+x. RN_deriv μ μ' x * (κ' x B * indicator A x)μ)"
        by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong simp: indicator_def mult.commute)
      also have "... = (+xA. κ' x B μ')"
        using mk2.emeasure_measurable[OF assms(8)] sets A
        by(auto intro!: s1.RN_deriv_nn_integral[OF assms(7),symmetric])
      also have "... = ν (A × B)"
        by(simp add: mk2.disintegrationD[OF assms(6) A assms(8)])
      finally have "(+xA.  ((κ' x) B * RN_deriv μ μ' x) μ) = ν (A × B)" .
    thus ?thesis
      using sets mk2.emeasure_measurable[OF assms(8)] 
      by(auto intro!: measure_eqI s1.RN_deriv_unique  simp: emeasure_density emeasure_marginal_measure_on[OF nu_sets assms(8)]sets sets_marginal_measure)
  show ?thesis
    using 1 2 by auto
