Theory L1_norm_list

 Last Updated: July 3, 2024
 Author: Tetsuya Sato

theory L1_norm_list
  imports "HOL-Analysis.Abstract_Metric_Spaces"

section‹ L1-norm on Lists with fixed length ›

lemma list_sum_dist_Cons:
  fixes a b xs ys n assumes xn: "length xs = n" and yn: "length ys = n"
  shows "(i = 1..Suc n. d ((a # xs) ! (i - 1)) ((b # ys) ! (i - 1))) = d a b + (i = 1..n. d (xs ! (i - 1)) (ys ! (i - 1)))"
  have 0: "{ 0.. n} = {0} {1.. n}"
    by auto
  show "(i = 1..(Suc n). d ((a # xs) ! (i - 1)) ((b # ys) ! (i - 1))) = d a b + (i = 1.. n. d (xs ! (i - 1)) (ys ! (i - 1)))"
    by(subst sum.reindex_bij_witness[of _ Suc "λi. i - 1" "{0..n}"],auto simp: 0)

subsection‹ A locale for L1-norm of Lists ›

locale L1_norm_list = Metric_space +
  fixes n::nat

definition space_L1_norm_list ::"('a list) set" where
  "space_L1_norm_list = {xs. xs lists M  length xs = n}"

lemma in_space_L1_norm_list_iff:
  shows "x  space_L1_norm_list (x lists M  length x = n) "
  unfolding space_L1_norm_list_def by auto

definition dist_L1_norm_list ::"('a list)  ('a list)  real" where
  "dist_L1_norm_list xs ys = ( i{1..n}. d (nth xs (i-1)) (nth ys (i-1)))"

lemma dist_L1_norm_list_nonneg:
  shows " x y. 0  dist_L1_norm_list x y "
  unfolding dist_L1_norm_list_def by(auto intro!: sum_nonneg)

lemma dist_L1_norm_list_commute:
  shows " x y. dist_L1_norm_list x y = dist_L1_norm_list y x "
  unfolding dist_L1_norm_list_def using commute by presburger

lemma dist_L1_norm_list_zero:
  shows " x y. length x = n  length y = n  x  lists M  y  lists M  (dist_L1_norm_list x y = 0 = (x = y))"
  fix x y::"'a list" assume xm: "length x = n" and x: "x  lists M" and ym: "length y = n" and y: "y  lists M"
  show "(dist_L1_norm_list x y = 0) = (x = y)"
    using xm ym x y
  proof(intro iffI)
    show "length x = n  length y = n  x  lists M  y  lists M  x = y  dist_L1_norm_list x y = 0"
      unfolding dist_L1_norm_list_def
    proof(induction x arbitrary: n y)
      case Nil
      then show ?case by auto
      case (Cons a x2)
      then obtain m where n: "n = Suc m" and y: "y = (a # x2)" and x2m: "length x2 = m" and x2M: "x2  lists M" and aM: "a  M"
        by fastforce
      have *: "(i = 1..n. d ((a # x2) ! (i - 1)) (y ! (i - 1))) = (d a a) + (i = 1..m. d ( x2 ! (i-1)) (x2 ! (i-1)))"
        unfolding n y using list_sum_dist_Cons[OF x2m x2m] by blast
      then show ?case
        using Cons.IH[of m x2, OF x2m x2m x2M x2M] aM by auto
    show " length x = n  length y = n  x  lists M  y  lists M  dist_L1_norm_list x y = 0  x = y"
      unfolding dist_L1_norm_list_def
    proof(induction x arbitrary: n y)
      case Nil
      then show ?case by auto
      case (Cons a x2)
      then obtain m b y2 where n: "n = Suc m" and y: "y = (b # y2)" and x2m: "length x2 = m" and y2m: "length y2 = m" and aM: "a  M" and bM: "b  M" and x2M: "x2  lists M" and y2M:"y2 lists M"
        by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Cons_in_lists_iff Suc_length_conv)
      have "0  (i = 1..n. d ((a # x2) ! (i - 1)) (y ! (i - 1)))" and 1: "0  (i = 1..m. d (x2 ! (i - 1)) (y2 ! (i - 1))) "
        by(rule sum_nonneg,auto)+
      hence 0: "(i = 1..n. d ((a # x2) ! (i - 1)) (y ! (i - 1))) = 0"
        using Cons.prems(5) by blast
      have *: "(i = 1..n. d ((a # x2) ! (i - 1)) (y ! (i - 1))) = (d a b) + (i = 1..m. d ( x2 ! (i-1)) (y2 ! (i-1)))"
        unfolding y n using list_sum_dist_Cons[of x2 m y2 d a b , OF x2m y2m ] by blast
      have 2: " (i = 1..m. d (x2 ! (i - 1)) (y2 ! (i - 1)))  0"
        using nonneg[of a b] Cons.prems(5) unfolding * by linarith
      with 1 have 3: "(i = 1..m. d (x2 ! (i - 1)) (y2 ! (i - 1))) = 0"
        by auto
      have "a = b" and "y2 = x2"
        unfolding y using 0 * nonneg[of a b] zero[of a b,OF aM bM] Cons.IH[of m y2,OF x2m y2m x2M y2M] 3 by auto
      thus ?case by(auto simp: y)

lemma dist_L1_norm_list_trans:
  shows" x y z. length x = n  length y = n  length z = n x  lists M  y  lists M  z  lists M  (dist_L1_norm_list x z  dist_L1_norm_list x y + dist_L1_norm_list y z)"
  fix x y z::"'a list" assume xm: "length x = n" and x: "x  lists M" and ym: "length y = n" and y: "y  lists M" and zm: "length z = n" and z: "z  lists M"
  show "dist_L1_norm_list x z  dist_L1_norm_list x y + dist_L1_norm_list y z"
    using xm ym zm x y z triangle unfolding dist_L1_norm_list_def
  proof(induction n arbitrary:x y z)
    case 0
    then show ?case by auto
    case (Suc n)
    then obtain a b c::'a and xs ys zs::"'a list" where x: "x = a#xs" and y: "y = b#ys" and z:"z = c#zs"
      and xn: "length xs = n" and yn: "length ys = n" and zn: "length zs = n"
      using Suc_length_conv[of n x] Suc_length_conv[of n y] Suc_length_conv[of n z] by auto
    hence aM: "a  M" and bM: "b  M" and cM: "c  M" and xsM: "xs  lists M" and ysM: "ys  lists M" and zsM: "zs  lists M"
      using listsE Suc.prems(4,5,6) unfolding x y z by auto
    have " (i = 1..Suc n. d (x ! (i - 1)) (z ! (i - 1))) = d a c + (i = 1..n. d (xs ! (i - 1)) (zs ! (i - 1)))"
      unfolding x z using list_sum_dist_Cons[of xs n zs d a c, OF xn zn] by blast
    also have "...  (d a b + d b c) + ( (i = 1.. n. d (xs ! (i - 1)) (ys ! (i - 1))) + (i = 1.. n. d (ys ! (i - 1)) (zs ! (i - 1))))"
      using Suc.IH[of xs ys zs, OF xn yn zn xsM ysM zsM] Suc.prems(7)
        triangle[of a b c, OF aM bM cM] by auto
    also have "...  (d a b + (i = 1.. n. d (xs ! (i - 1)) (ys ! (i - 1)))) + ( d b c + (i = 1.. n. d (ys ! (i - 1)) (zs ! (i - 1))))"
      by auto
    also have "... = (i = 1..Suc n. d (x ! (i - 1)) (y ! (i - 1))) + (i = 1..Suc n. d (y ! (i - 1)) (z ! (i - 1)))"
      unfolding x y z using list_sum_dist_Cons[of ys n zs d b c, OF yn zn,THEN sym] list_sum_dist_Cons[of xs n ys d a b, OF xn yn,THEN sym] by presburger
    finally show ?case.

lemma Metric_L1_norm_list : "Metric_space space_L1_norm_list dist_L1_norm_list"
  by (simp add: Metric_space_def dist_L1_norm_list_commute dist_L1_norm_list_nonneg dist_L1_norm_list_trans dist_L1_norm_list_zero in_space_L1_norm_list_iff)

end (*end of locale L1_norm_list *)

sublocale L1_norm_list  MetL1: Metric_space "space_L1_norm_list" "dist_L1_norm_list"
  by (simp add: Metric_L1_norm_list)

subsection‹ Lemmas on L1-norm on lists of natural numbers ›

lemma L1_dist_k:
  fixes x y k::nat
  assumes "real_of_int ¦int x - int y¦  k"
  shows "(x,y)  {(x,y) | x y. ¦int x - int y¦  1} ^^ k"
  using assms proof(induction k arbitrary: x y)
  case 0
  then have " x = y"
    by auto
  then show ?case
    by auto
  case (Suc k)
  then show ?case
  proof(cases "real_of_int ¦int x - int y¦  k" )
    case True
    then have "(x,y)  {(x,y) | x y. ¦int x - int y¦  1} ^^ k"
      using Suc.IH[of x y] by auto
    thus ?thesis
      by auto
    case False
    hence "¦int x - int y¦ > k"
      by auto
    moreover have " ¦int x - int y¦  Suc k"
      using Suc.prems by linarith
    ultimately have absSuck: "¦ int x - int y¦ = Suc k"
      unfolding Int.zabs_def using int_ops(4) of_int_of_nat_eq of_nat_less_of_int_iff by linarith
    have "z::nat. ¦ int x - int z¦ = k  ¦ int z - int y¦ = 1"
    proof(cases "x  y")
      case True
      thus ?thesis
        using absSuck by(intro exI[of _ "x + k"],auto)
      case False
      thus ?thesis
        using absSuck by(intro exI[of _ "y + 1"],auto)
    then obtain z::nat where a: "¦ int x - int z¦ = k" and b: "¦ int z - int y¦ = 1"
      by blast
    then have "(x,z)  {(x,y) | x y. ¦int x - int y¦  1} ^^ k" and "(z,y)  {(x,y) | x y. ¦int x - int y¦  1} ^^ 1"
      using Suc.IH[of x z] by auto
    thus ?thesis
      by auto

  fixes n::nat

interpretation L11nat: L1_norm_list "(UNIV::nat set)" "(λx y. ¦int x - int y¦)" n
interpretation L11nat2: L1_norm_list "(UNIV::nat set)" "(λx y. ¦int x - int y¦)" "Suc n"

abbreviation "adj_L11nat  {(xs, ys) |xs ys. xs  L11nat.space_L1_norm_list  ys  L11nat.space_L1_norm_list  L11nat.dist_L1_norm_list xs ys  1}"
abbreviation "adj_L11nat2  {(xs, ys) |xs ys. xs  L11nat2.space_L1_norm_list  ys  L11nat2.space_L1_norm_list  L11nat2.dist_L1_norm_list xs ys  1}"

lemma L1_adj_iterate_Cons1:
  assumes "xs  L11nat.space_L1_norm_list" 
    and "ys  L11nat.space_L1_norm_list"
    and "(xs, ys)  adj_L11nat ^^ k"
  shows "(x#xs, x#ys)  adj_L11nat2 ^^ k"
  using assms
proof(induction k arbitrary: xs ys)
  case 0
  then have 1: "x # xs = x # ys" and "x # xs  L11nat2.space_L1_norm_list"
    by (auto simp: L11nat.space_L1_norm_list_def L11nat2.space_L1_norm_list_def)
  then show ?case
    by auto
  case (Suc k)
  then obtain zs where k: "(xs , zs)  adj_L11nat ^^ k" and 1: "(zs , ys)  adj_L11nat" and zs: "zs  L11nat.space_L1_norm_list"
    by auto
  have A: "(x # xs , x # zs)  adj_L11nat2 ^^ k"
    by(rule Suc.IH [of xs zs,OF Suc(2) zs, OF k])
  have "x # zs  L11nat2.space_L1_norm_list " and "x # ys  L11nat2.space_L1_norm_list "
    using Suc(3) zs by(auto simp: L11nat2.space_L1_norm_list_def L11nat.space_L1_norm_list_def )
  moreover have "L11nat2.dist_L1_norm_list (x # zs)(x # ys)  1"
    using 1 L1_norm_list.list_sum_dist_Cons[of zs n ys "(λx y. real_of_int ¦int x - int y¦)" x x] Suc(3) zs L11nat.space_L1_norm_list_def
      L11nat2.dist_L1_norm_list_def L11nat.dist_L1_norm_list_def
    by auto
  ultimately show ?case
    using A by auto

lemma L1_adj_Cons1:
  assumes "xs  L11nat.space_L1_norm_list" 
    and "real_of_int ¦int x - int y¦  1"
  shows "(x # xs, y # xs)  adj_L11nat2"
  using L1_norm_list.list_sum_dist_Cons[of xs n xs "(λx y. real_of_int ¦int x - int y¦)" x y] assms
  unfolding L11nat.dist_L1_norm_list_def L11nat2.space_L1_norm_list_def L11nat2.dist_L1_norm_list_def L11nat.space_L1_norm_list_def lists_UNIV by auto

lemma L1_adj_iterate_Cons2:
  assumes "xs  L11nat.space_L1_norm_list" and "real_of_int ¦int x - int y¦  k"
  shows "(x # xs, y # xs)  adj_L11nat2 ^^ k"
  have "(x,y)  {(x,y) | x y. ¦int x - int y¦  1} ^^ k"
    using L1_dist_k[of x y k] assms(2) by auto
  thus ?thesis
  proof(induction k arbitrary: x y)
    case 0
    then have "x = y"
      by auto
    then show ?case
      by auto
    case (Suc k)
    then obtain z where k: "(x, z)  {(x, y) |x y. ¦int x - int y¦  1} ^^ k" and "(z, y)  {(x, y) |x y. ¦int x - int y¦  1}"
      using L1_dist_k[of x y k] by auto
    then have "(x#xs, z#xs)  adj_L11nat2 ^^ k" and "(z#xs, y#xs)  adj_L11nat2"
      using Suc.IH[of x z, OF k] L1_adj_Cons1[of xs z y, OF assms(1)]
      by auto
    then show ?case
      by auto

lemma L1_adj_iterate:
  fixes k::nat
  assumes "xs  L11nat.space_L1_norm_list"
    and "ys  L11nat.space_L1_norm_list"
    and " L11nat.dist_L1_norm_list xs ys  k"
  shows "(xs,ys)  adj_L11nat ^^ k"
  using assms
proof(induction n arbitrary: xs ys k)
  case 0
  interpret L1_norm_list "UNIV::nat set" "(λx y. real_of_int ¦int x - int y¦)" 0
  let ?R = "{(xs, ys) |xs ys. xs  space_L1_norm_list  ys  space_L1_norm_list  dist_L1_norm_list xs ys  1}"
  from 0 have 1: "xs = []" and 2: "ys = []"
    by (auto simp: space_L1_norm_list_def)
  then show ?case
  proof(induction k)
    case 0
    then show ?case
      by auto
    case (Suc k)
    then have 1: "(xs, ys)  ?R ^^ k"
      by auto
    moreover from Suc have "dist_L1_norm_list ys ys = 0"
      by(subst MetL1.mdist_zero,auto simp: space_L1_norm_list_def)
    moreover hence 2: "(ys, ys)  ?R"
      using space_L1_norm_list_def 2 unfolding lists_UNIV by auto
    ultimately show ?case
      by auto
  case (Suc n)
  interpret sp: L1_norm_list "UNIV::nat set" "(λx y. real_of_int ¦int x - int y¦)" n
  interpret sp2: L1_norm_list "UNIV::nat set" "(λx y. real_of_int ¦int x - int y¦)" "Suc n"
  let ?R = "{(xs, ys) |xs ys. xs  sp.space_L1_norm_list  ys  sp.space_L1_norm_list  sp.dist_L1_norm_list xs ys  1}"
  let ?R2 = "{(xs, ys) |xs ys. xs  sp2.space_L1_norm_list  ys  sp2.space_L1_norm_list  sp2.dist_L1_norm_list xs ys  1}"
  show ?case
    using Suc proof(induction k)
    case 0
    from 0(2,3,4) have "sp2.dist_L1_norm_list xs ys = 0"
      using sp2.MetL1.mdist_pos_eq sp2.MetL1.mdist_zero by fastforce
    moreover have "sp2.dist_L1_norm_list xs ys  0"
      by(rule sp2.MetL1.nonneg)
    ultimately have "sp2.dist_L1_norm_list xs ys = 0"
      by auto
    hence "xs = ys"
      using[of xs ys] 0(2,3) by auto
    then show ?case by auto
    case (Suc k)
    then obtain x y xs2 ys2 where xs: "xs = x # xs2" and ys: "ys = y # ys2" and xs2: "xs2  sp.space_L1_norm_list" and ys2: "ys2  sp.space_L1_norm_list"
      using Suc.prems(1) Suc.prems(2) length_Suc_conv[of xs n] length_Suc_conv[of ys n] sp.space_L1_norm_list_def sp2.space_L1_norm_list_def by auto
    hence *: " ¦int x - int y¦ + sp.dist_L1_norm_list xs2 ys2 = sp2.dist_L1_norm_list xs ys"
      using L1_norm_list.list_sum_dist_Cons[of xs2 n ys2 "(λx y. real_of_int ¦int x - int y¦)" x y] xs2 ys2
      unfolding sp.dist_L1_norm_list_def sp2.dist_L1_norm_list_def xs ys sp.space_L1_norm_list_def lists_UNIV by auto
    show ?case
    proof(cases "x = y")
      case True
      hence "sp.dist_L1_norm_list xs2 ys2  (Suc k)"
        using Suc(5) * by auto
      with Suc.prems(1)[of xs2 ys2 "Suc k"] xs2 ys2 have "(xs2, ys2)  ?R ^^ Suc k"
        by auto
      thus ?thesis
        unfolding True xs ys
        using L1_norm_list.L1_adj_iterate_Cons1[of xs2 n ys2 "Suc k" y,OF xs2 ys2] by blast
      case False
      then obtain k2::nat where k2: "¦int x - int y¦ = k2"
        by (meson abs_ge_zero nonneg_int_cases)
      moreover then have en: "sp.dist_L1_norm_list xs2 ys2  Suc k - k2"
        using * Suc.prems(4) by auto
      moreover have "0  sp.dist_L1_norm_list xs2 ys2"
        by(rule sp.MetL1.nonneg)
      ultimately have plus: "Suc k  k2"
        using * Suc.prems(4) by linarith
      have p: "k2  1"
        using * False k2 by auto
      then obtain k3::nat where k3: "k2 = Suc k3"
        using not0_implies_Suc by force
      with plus en have en: "k  k3" and "sp.dist_L1_norm_list xs2 ys2  k - k3"
        by auto
      hence "(xs2, ys2)  ?R ^^ (k - k3)"
        using Suc.prems(1)[of xs2 ys2 "k - k3" ] xs2 ys2 by auto
      hence A: "(y # xs2, y # ys2)  ?R2 ^^ (k - k3)"
        using L1_norm_list.L1_adj_iterate_Cons1[of xs2 n ys2 " (k - k3)" y ] xs2 ys2 by blast

      have "¦int x - int y¦ = (Suc k3)"
        by(auto simp: k2 k3)
      then have B: "(x # xs2, y # xs2)  ?R2 ^^ Suc k3"
        by(intro L1_norm_list.L1_adj_iterate_Cons2 xs2,auto)

      have "(x # xs2, y # ys2)  ?R2 ^^ (Suc k3 + (k - k3))"
        by(intro relpow_trans[of _ "y#xs2"] A B )
      thus "(xs, ys)  ?R2 ^^ (Suc k)"
        unfolding xs ys using en k3 by auto

end (*end of context*)

hide_fact (open) list_sum_dist_Cons
