Theory Additional_Lemmas_for_Integrals

 Author: Tetsuya Sato
 Author: Yasuhiko Minamide

theory Additional_Lemmas_for_Integrals

section ‹Lemmas for Integrals›

subsection ‹Lemmas on Nonnegative Integrals›

 The below lemma is for integrals on intervals of type {.. a}.
 It is a modification of Equivalence_Lebesgue_Henstock_Integration.nn_integral_FTC_atLeast,
 which is for integrals on intervals of type {a ..}. The proof is also borrowed from it.

lemma nn_integral_FTC_atGreatest:
  fixes f :: "real  real"
  assumes f_borel: "f  borel_measurable borel"
  assumes f: "x. x  a  DERIV F x :> f x"
  assumes nonneg: "x. x  a  0  f x"
  assumes lim: "(F  T) at_bot"
  shows "(+x. ennreal (f x) * indicator {..a} x lborel) = F a - T"
  let ?f ="λ(i :: nat) (x :: real). ennreal (f x) * indicator {(a - real i)..a} x"
  let ?fR ="λx. ennreal (f x) * indicator {.. a} x"

  have F_mono: "x  a  y  x  F y  F x"for x y
    using f nonneg by (intro DERIV_nonneg_imp_nondecreasing[of y x F]) (auto intro: order_trans)
  hence F_le_T: "x  a  T  F x"for x
    by (intro tendsto_upperbound[OF lim]) (auto simp: eventually_at_bot_linorder)
  have "(SUP i. ?f i x) = ?fR x"for x
  proof (rule LIMSEQ_unique[OF LIMSEQ_SUP])
    obtain n where"a - x < real n"
      using reals_Archimedean2[of"a - x"] ..
    hence "eventually (λn. ?f n x = ?fR x) sequentially"
      by (auto intro!: eventually_sequentiallyI[where c=n] split: split_indicator)
    thus"(λn. ?f n x)  ?fR x"
      by (rule tendsto_eventually)
  qed (auto simp: nonneg incseq_def le_fun_def split: split_indicator)
  hence "integralN lborel ?fR = (+ x. (SUP i. ?f i x) lborel)"
    by auto
  also have " = (SUP i. (+ x. ?f i x lborel))"
  proof (rule nn_integral_monotone_convergence_SUP)
    show "incseq ?f"
      using nonneg by (auto simp: incseq_def le_fun_def split: split_indicator)
    show "i. (?f i)  borel_measurable lborel"
      using f_borel by auto
  also have " = (SUP i. ennreal (F a - F (a - real i)))"
    by (subst nn_integral_FTC_Icc[OF f_borel f nonneg]) auto
  also have " = F a - T"
  proof (rule LIMSEQ_unique[OF LIMSEQ_SUP])
    show "incseq (λi. ennreal (F a - F (a - real i)))"
      by (auto simp: incseq_def intro!: ennreal_le_iff[THEN iffD2] F_mono)
    have P: "LIM x sequentially. a - real x :> at_bot"
    proof(subst filterlim_at_bot_lt[where c = 0],safe)
      fix Z :: real assume "Z < 0"
      show "F x in sequentially. a - real x  Z"
      proof (rule eventually_sequentiallyI[where c ="nat (a - Z) + 1"])
        fix x assume "nat a - Z + 1  x"
        show "a - real x  Z"
          using nat a - Z + 1  x by linarith
    have "(λx. F (a - real x))  T"
      by(intro filterlim_compose[OF lim P])
    thus"(λi. ennreal (F a - F (a - real i)))  ennreal (F a - T)"
      by (auto simp: F_mono F_le_T tendsto_diff)
  finally show ?thesis by auto

lemma nn_integral_split_null_intersection:
  assumes [measurable]: "f  borel_measurable M"
    "B  sets M" "C  sets M"
    "B  C  null_sets M"
  shows "(+x  B  C. f x M) = (+x  B. f x M) + (+x  C. f x M)"
  let ?D ="B  C"
  have eq1: "(+x  B. f x M) = (+x  (B - ?D). f x M)"
  proof(rule nn_integral_null_delta)
    have "sym_diff B (B - ?D) = ?D"by auto
    thus"sym_diff B (B - ?D) null_sets M"using assms by auto
  have "B  C = (B - ?D)  C"by auto
  hence "(+x  B  C. f x M) = (+x  (B - ?D)  C. f x M)"
    by auto
  also have "... =(+x  (B - ?D). f x M) + (+x  C. f x M)"
    by(rule nn_integral_disjoint_pair,auto)
  thus ?thesis using eq1 calculation by auto

lemma nn_integral_split_null_intersection2:
  assumes [measurable]: "f  borel_measurable M"
    "B  sets M" "C  sets M"
    "B  C  null_sets M"
    "A = B  C"
  shows "(+x  A. f x M) = (+x  B. f x M) + (+x  C. f x M)"
  by (auto simp: assms(4) assms(5) nn_integral_split_null_intersection)

lemma nn_integral_interval_lessThan_atMost:
  fixes m :: "real"
  assumes "f  borel_measurable lborel"
  shows "(+ x {..m}. f x lborel) = (+ x  {..<m}. f x lborel)"
proof(rule nn_integral_null_delta)
  have "sym_diff {..m} {..<m} = {m}"by auto
  also have "...  null_sets lborel"
    by auto
  finally show "sym_diff {..m} {..<m}  null_sets lborel".

lemma nn_integral_interval_greaterThan_atLeast:
  fixes m :: "real"
  assumes "f  borel_measurable lborel"
  shows "(+ x {m..}. f x lborel) = (+ x  {m<..}. f x lborel)"
proof(rule nn_integral_null_delta)
  have "sym_diff {m..} {m<..} = {m}"by auto
  also have "...  null_sets lborel"
    by auto
  finally show "sym_diff {m..} {m<..}  null_sets lborel".

lemma nn_set_integral_lborel_split:
  fixes m :: "real"
  assumes [measurable]: "f  borel_measurable lborel"
  shows "(+ xUNIV. f x lborel) = (+ x  {..m}. f x lborel) + (+ x  {m..}. f x lborel)"
proof(rule nn_integral_split_null_intersection2)
  have "{..m}  {m..} = {m}"by auto
  thus"{..m}  {m..}  null_sets lborel"by auto

lemma nn_set_integral_lborel_split_AtMost:
  fixes m n :: "real"
  assumes [measurable]: "f  borel_measurable lborel"
    and "n  m"
  shows "(+ x{..m}. f x lborel) = (+ x  {..n}. f x lborel) + (+ x  {n..m}. f x lborel)"
proof(rule nn_integral_split_null_intersection2)
  show "{..m} = {..n}  {n..m}"using assms(2) by auto
qed(auto simp add: assms(2))

lemma nn_set_integral_lborel_split_AtLeast:
  fixes m n :: "real"
  assumes [measurable]: "f  borel_measurable lborel"
    and "n  m"
  shows "(+ x{n..}. f x lborel) = (+ x  {n..m}. f x lborel) + (+ x  {m..}. f x lborel)"
proof(rule nn_integral_split_null_intersection2)
  show "{n..} = {n..m}  {m..}"using assms(2) by auto
qed(auto simp add: assms(2))

lemma nn_set_integral_lborel_split_AtMostAtLeast:
  fixes l m n :: "real"
  assumes [measurable]: "f  borel_measurable lborel"
    and "l  m"
    and "m  n"
  shows "(+ x{l..n}. f x lborel) = (+ x  {l..m}. f x lborel) + (+ x  {m..n}. f x lborel)"
proof(rule nn_integral_split_null_intersection2, auto simp: assms(2,3))
  show "x. l  x  x  m  x  n"using assms(2,3) by auto
  show "x. m  x  x  n  l  x"using assms(2,3) by auto

lemma nn_integral_lborel_split:
  fixes m :: "real"
  assumes [measurable]: "f  borel_measurable lborel"
  shows "(+ x. f x lborel) = (+ x  {..m}. f x lborel) + (+ x  {m..}. f x lborel)"
  using nn_set_integral_lborel_split by force

subsection ‹Lemmas on Bochner Integrals›

lemma integral_split_indicator[simp]:
  assumes "Ω  sets M" "(f :: _ real)  borel_measurable M" "integrable M f"
  shows "( x. f x M) = ( x  Ω. f x M) + ( x  space M - Ω. f x M)"
proof -
  have "(Ω  (space M - Ω)) = space M"
    using assms(1) sets.sets_into_space by blast
  hence "( x. f x M) = ( x (Ω  (space M - Ω)). f x M)"
    by (auto simp: assms(3) set_integral_space)
  also have "... =( x  Ω. f x M) + ( x  space M - Ω. f x M)"
  proof(rule set_integral_Un)
    have P: "set_integrable M (space M) f"unfolding set_integrable_def
      using integrable_mult_indicator assms by blast
    thus"set_integrable M Ω f"using set_integrable_subset assms sets.sets_into_space by metis
    have "(space M - Ω)  sets M"
      using assms by auto
    thus"set_integrable M (space M - Ω) f"using P set_integrable_subset sets.sets_into_space by metis
  finally show "( x. f x M) = ( x  Ω. f x M) + ( x  space M - Ω. f x M)".

lemma integral_drop_negative_part:
  assumes "(f :: _real)  borel_measurable M"
    and "integrable M f"
  shows "( x. f x M)  (x{x  space M. 0 < f x}. f x M)"
  let ?A ="{x  space M. 0 < f x}"
  have PM: "?A  sets M"
    using assms(1) assms(2) borel_measurable_le by auto
  have splitP: "( x. f x M) = ( x ?A. f x M) + ( x  space M - ?A. f x M)"
    using assms by auto
  have negpart: " x space M.(indicator (space M - ?A) x)* (f x)  0"
    fix x assume A: "x  space M"
    show "indicat_real (space M - ?A) x *(f x)  0"
      assume "x  ?A"
      hence "indicat_real (space M - ?A) x = 0"by auto
      thus ?thesis by auto
    next assume A1: "x  ?A"
      hence "x  space M - ?A"using A by auto
      hence "indicat_real (space M - ?A) x = 1"by auto moreover
      have "f x  0"using A1 A by auto
      thus ?thesis
        by (auto simp: calculation)
  have "( x  space M - ?A. f x M)  ( x  space M - ?A. (λ x.0)x M)"
  proof(rule set_integral_mono)
    show "set_integrable M (space M - ?A) f"
      unfolding set_integrable_def
      using assms integrable_mult_indicator sets.compl_sets PM by blast
    show "set_integrable M (space M - ?A) (λx. 0)"
      unfolding set_integrable_def
      by auto
    show "x. x  space M - ?A  f x  0"
      using negpart by auto
  also have "...  0"
    by auto
  finally have ineq0: "( x  space M - ?A. f x M)  0".
  show "( x. f x M)  ( x ?A. f x M)"
    using splitP ineq0 by auto

lemma integral_drop_negative_part2:
  assumes "(f :: _real)  borel_measurable M"
    and "integrable M f"
    and "A  sets M"
    and "{x  space M. 0 < f x}  A"
    and "A  {x  space M. 0  f x}"
  shows "( x. f x M)  (x  A. f x M)"
  have meas: "A - {x  space M. 0 < f x}  sets M"
    using assms by measurable
  have meas2: "{x  space M. 0 < f x}  sets M"
    using assms by measurable
  have eq0: " x  (A - {x  space M. 0 < f x}). f x = 0"
    fix x assume A: "x  (A - {x  space M. 0 < f x})"
    show "f x = 0"
      using assms A by auto
  have "(x(A - {x  space M. 0 < f x}). f x M) = (x(A - {x  space M. 0 < f x}). (λ x. 0) x M)"
  proof(rule eq0 set_lebesgue_integral_cong)
    show "A - {x  space M. 0 < f x}  sets M"
      using meas by auto
    show "x. x  A - {x  space M. 0 < f x}  f x = 0"
      using eq0 by blast
  hence eq1: "(x(A - {x  space M. 0 < f x}). f x M) = 0"
    by auto
  have ineq1: "( x. f x M)  (x{x  space M. 0 < f x}. f x M)"
    by(auto intro!: integral_drop_negative_part simp: assms)
  also have "... = (x{x  space M. 0 < f x}. f x M) + (x(A - {x  space M. 0 < f x}). f x M)"
    using eq1 by auto
  also have "... = (x({x  space M. 0 < f x}(A - {x  space M. 0 < f x})). f x M)"
  proof(rule set_integral_Un[THEN sym])
    show "{x  space M. 0 < f x}  (A - {x  space M. 0 < f x}) = {}"
      by auto
    have t: "set_integrable M (space M) f"
      unfolding set_integrable_def assms
      using assms(2) integrable_mult_indicator by blast
    show "set_integrable M {x  space M. 0 < f x} f"
      using set_integrable_subset t meas2 by blast
    show "set_integrable M (A - {x  space M. 0 < f x}) f"
      using set_integrable_subset[OF t meas] meas sets.sets_into_space by blast
  also have "... = (xA. f x M)"
    by (auto simp: Un_absorb2 Un_commute assms(4))
  finally show "( x. f x M)  (xA. f x M)".

lemma set_integral_indicator:
	fixes M :: "'a measure" and c :: "real"
	assumes "B  sets M"
	  and "emeasure M B < "
	shows "( x B. c M) = c * measure M B"
	have "( x B. c M) = ( x. c * indicator B x M)"
		by (auto simp: set_lebesgue_integral_def)
	also have "... = c *( x. indicator B x M)"
		using integral_mult_right_zero by blast
	also have "... = c * measure M B"
	  have "( x. indicator B x M) = measure M B"
	  proof(rule has_bochner_integral_integral_eq,rule has_bochner_integral_real_indicator)
	    show "B  sets M"using assms(1) by auto
	    show "emeasure M B < "using assms(2) by auto
	  thus ?thesis by auto
	finally show "( x B. c M) = c * measure M B".
