Theory FW_More

theory FW_More

section ‹Partial Floyd-Warshall Preserves Zones›

lemma fwi_len_distinct:
  " ys. set ys  {k}  fwi m n k n n i j = len m i j ys  i  set ys  j  set ys  distinct ys"
  if "i  n" "j  n" "k  n" "m k k  0"
  using fwi_step'[of m, OF that(4), of n n n i j] that
  apply (clarsimp split: if_splits simp: min_def)
  by (rule exI[where x = "[]"] exI[where x = "[k]"]; auto simp: add_increasing add_increasing2)+

lemma FWI_mono:
  "i  n  j  n  FWI M n k i j  M i j"
  using fwi_mono[of _ n _ M k n n, folded FWI_def, rule_format] .

lemma FWI_zone_equiv:
  "[M]⇘v,n= [FWI M n k]⇘v,n⇙" if surj_on: " k  n. k > 0  ( c. v c = k)" and "k  n"
proof safe
  fix u assume A: "u  [FWI M n k]⇘v,n⇙"
  { fix i j assume "i  n" "j  n"
    then have "FWI M n k i j  M i j" by (rule FWI_mono)
    hence "FWI M n k i j  M i j" by (simp add: less_eq)
  with DBM_le_subset[of n "FWI M n k" M] A show "u  [M]⇘v,n⇙" by auto
  fix u assume u:"u  [M]⇘v,n⇙"
  hence *:"DBM_val_bounded v u M n" by (simp add: DBM_zone_repr_def)
  note ** = DBM_val_bounded_neg_cycle[OF this _ _ _ surj_on]
  have cyc_free: "cyc_free M n" using ** by fastforce
  from cyc_free_diag[OF this] k  n have "M k k  0" by auto

  have "DBM_val_bounded v u (FWI M n k) n" unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def
  proof (safe, goal_cases)
    case 1
    with k  n M k k  0 cyc_free show ?case
      unfolding FWI_def neutral[symmetric] less_eq[symmetric]
      by - (rule fwi_cyc_free_diag[where I = "{0..n}"]; auto)
    case (2 c)
    with k  n M k k  0 fwi_len_distinct[of 0 n "v c" k M] obtain xs where xs:
      "FWI M n k 0 (v c) = len M 0 (v c) xs" "set xs  {0..n}" "0  set xs"
      unfolding FWI_def by force
    with surj_on v c  n show ?case unfolding xs(1)
      by - (rule DBM_val_bounded_len'2[OF *]; auto)
    case (3 c)
    with k  n M k k  0 fwi_len_distinct[of "v c" n 0 k M] obtain xs where xs:
      "FWI M n k (v c) 0 = len M (v c) 0 xs" "set xs  {0..n}"
      "0  set xs" "v c  set xs"
      unfolding FWI_def by force
    with surj_on v c  n show ?case unfolding xs(1)
      by - (rule DBM_val_bounded_len'1[OF *]; auto)
    case (4 c1 c2)
    with k  n M k k  0 fwi_len_distinct[of "v c1" n "v c2" k M] obtain xs where xs:
      "FWI M n k (v c1) (v c2) = len M (v c1) (v c2) xs" "set xs  {0..n}"
      "v c1  set xs" "v c2  set xs" "distinct xs"
      unfolding FWI_def by force
    with surj_on v c1  n v c2  n show ?case
      unfolding xs(1) by - (rule DBM_val_bounded_len'3[OF *]; auto dest: distinct_cnt[of _ 0])
  then show "u  [FWI M n k]⇘v,n⇙" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by simp
