Theory The_Proof
section ‹The Proof of Theorem 1.1›
theory The_Proof
imports From_Diagonal
subsection ‹The bounding functions›
definition "H ≡ λp. -p * log 2 p - (1-p) * log 2 (1-p)"
definition dH where "dH ≡ λx::real. -ln(x)/ln(2) + ln(1 - x)/ln(2)"
lemma dH [derivative_intros]:
assumes "0<x" "x<1"
shows "(H has_real_derivative dH x) (at x)"
unfolding H_def dH_def log_def
by (rule derivative_eq_intros | use assms in force)+
lemma H0 [simp]: "H 0 = 0" and H1 [simp]: "H 1 = 0"
by (auto simp: H_def)
lemma H_reflect: "H (1-p) = H p"
by (simp add: H_def)
lemma H_ge0:
assumes "0 ≤ p" "p ≤ 1"
shows "0 ≤ H p"
unfolding H_def
by (smt (verit, best) assms mult_minus_left mult_le_0_iff zero_less_log_cancel_iff)
text ‹Going up, from 0 to 1/2›
lemma H_half_mono:
assumes "0≤p'" "p'≤p" "p ≤ 1/2"
shows "H p' ≤ H p"
proof (cases "p'=0")
case True
then have "H p' = 0"
by (auto simp: H_def)
then show ?thesis
by (smt (verit) H_ge0 True assms(2) assms(3) divide_le_eq_1_pos)
case False
with assms have "p'>0" by simp
have "dH(1/2) = 0"
by (simp add: dH_def)
have "dH x ≥ 0" if "0<x" "x≤1/2" for x
using that by (simp add: dH_def divide_right_mono)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (smt (verit) dH DERIV_nonneg_imp_nondecreasing ‹p'>0› assms le_divide_eq_1_pos)
text ‹Going down, from 1/2 to 1›
lemma H_half_mono':
assumes "1/2 ≤ p'" "p'≤p" "p ≤ 1"
shows "H p' ≥ H p"
using H_half_mono [of "1-p" "1-p'"] H_reflect assms by auto
lemma H_half: "H(1/2) = 1"
by (simp add: H_def log_divide)
lemma H_le1:
assumes "0 ≤ p" "p ≤ 1"
shows "H p ≤ 1"
by (smt (verit, best) H0 H1 H_ge0 H_half_mono H_half_mono' H_half assms)
text ‹Many thanks to Fedor Petrov on mathoverflow›
lemma H_12_1:
fixes a b::nat
assumes "a ≥ b"
shows "log 2 (a choose b) ≤ a * H(b/a)"
proof (cases "a=b ∨ b=0")
case True
with assms show ?thesis
by (auto simp: H_def)
let ?p = "b/a"
case False
then have p01: "0 < ?p" "?p < 1"
using assms by auto
then have "(a choose b) * ?p ^ b * (1-?p) ^ (a-b) ≤ (?p + (1-?p)) ^ a"
by (subst binomial_ring) (force intro!: member_le_sum assms)
also have "… = 1"
by simp
finally have §: "(a choose b) * ?p ^ b * (1-?p) ^ (a-b) ≤ 1" .
have "log 2 (a choose b) + b * log 2 ?p + (a-b) * log 2 (1-?p) ≤ 0"
using Transcendental.log_mono [OF _ _ §] False assms
by (force simp add: p01 log_mult log_nat_power)
then show ?thesis
using p01 False assms unfolding H_def by (simp add: divide_simps)
definition "gg ≡ GG (2/5)"
lemma gg_eq: "gg x y = log 2 (5/2) + x * log 2 (5/3) + y * log 2 ((2 * (x+y)) / (5*y))"
by (simp add: gg_def GG_def)
definition "f1 ≡ λx y. x + y + (2-x) * H(1/(2-x))"
definition "f2 ≡ λx y. f1 x y - (1 / (40 * ln 2)) * ((1-x) / (2-x))"
definition "ff ≡ λx y. if x < 3/4 then f1 x y else f2 x y"
text ‹Incorporating Bhavik's idea, which gives us a lower bound for @{term γ} of 1/101›
definition ffGG :: "real ⇒ real ⇒ real ⇒ real" where
"ffGG ≡ λμ x y. max 1.9 (min (ff x y) (GG μ x y))"
text ‹The proofs involving @{term Sup} are needlessly difficult because ultimately
the sets involved are finite, eliminating the need to demonstrate boundedness.
Simpler might be to use the extended reals.›
lemma f1_le:
assumes "x≤1"
shows "f1 x y ≤ y+2"
unfolding f1_def
using H_le1 [of "1/(2-x)"] assms
by (smt (verit) divide_le_eq_1_pos divide_nonneg_nonneg mult_left_le)
lemma ff_le4:
assumes "x≤1" "y≤1"
shows "ff x y ≤ 4"
proof -
have "ff x y ≤ f1 x y"
using assms by (simp add: ff_def f2_def)
also have "… ≤ 4"
using assms by (smt (verit) f1_le)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma ff_GG_bound:
assumes "x≤1" "y≤1"
shows "ffGG μ x y ≤ 4"
using ff_le4 [OF assms] by (auto simp: ffGG_def)
lemma bdd_above_ff_GG:
assumes "x≤1" "u≤1"
shows "bdd_above ((λy. ffGG μ x y + η) ` {0..u})"
using ff_GG_bound assms
by (intro bdd_above.I2 [where M = "4+η"]) force
lemma bdd_above_SUP_ff_GG:
assumes "0≤u" "u≤1"
shows "bdd_above ((λx. ⨆y∈{0..u}. ffGG μ x y + η) ` {0..1})"
using bdd_above_ff_GG assms
by (intro bdd_aboveI [where M = "4 + η"]) (auto simp: cSup_le_iff ff_GG_bound Pi_iff)
text ‹Claim (62). A singularity if $x=1$. Okay if we put $\ln(0) = 0$›
lemma FF_le_f1:
fixes k::nat and x y::real
assumes x: "0 ≤ x" "x ≤ 1" and y: "0 ≤ y" "y ≤ 1"
shows "FF k x y ≤ f1 x y"
proof (cases "nat⌊k - x*k⌋ = 0")
case True
with x show ?thesis
by (simp add: FF_def f1_def H_ge0 log_def)
case False
let ?kl = "k + k - nat ⌈x*k⌉"
have kk_less_1: "k / ?kl < 1"
using x False by (simp add: field_split_simps, linarith)
have le: "nat⌊k - x*k⌋ ≤ k - nat⌈x*k⌉"
using floor_ceiling_diff_le x
by (meson mult_left_le_one_le mult_nonneg_nonneg of_nat_0_le_iff)
have "k>0"
using False zero_less_iff_neq_zero by fastforce
have RN_gt0: "RN k (nat⌊k - x*k⌋) > 0"
by (metis False RN_eq_0_iff ‹k>0› gr0I)
then have §: "RN k (nat⌊k - x*k⌋) ≤ k + nat⌊k - x*k⌋ choose k"
using RN_le_choose by force
also have "… ≤ k + k - nat⌈x*k⌉ choose k"
using False Nat.le_diff_conv2 binomial_right_mono le by fastforce
finally have "RN k (nat ⌊real k - x*k⌋) ≤ ?kl choose k" .
with RN_gt0 have "FF k x y ≤ log 2 (?kl choose k) / k + x + y"
by (simp add: FF_def divide_right_mono nat_less_real_le)
also have "… ≤ (?kl * H(k/?kl)) / k + x + y"
proof -
have "k ≤ k + k - nat⌈x*k⌉"
using False by linarith
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: H_12_1 divide_right_mono)
also have "… ≤ f1 x y"
proof -
have 1: "?kl / k ≤ 2-x"
using x by (simp add: field_split_simps)
have 2: "H (k / ?kl) ≤ H (1 / (2-x))"
proof (intro H_half_mono')
show "1 / (2-x) ≤ k / ?kl"
using x False by (simp add: field_split_simps, linarith)
qed (use x kk_less_1 in auto)
have "?kl / k * H (k / ?kl) ≤ (2-x) * H (1 / (2-x))"
using x mult_mono [OF 1 2 _ H_ge0] kk_less_1 by fastforce
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: f1_def)
finally show ?thesis .
text ‹Bhavik's @{text "eleven_one_large_end"}›
lemma f1_le_19:
fixes k::nat and x y::real
assumes x: "0.99 ≤ x" "x ≤ 1" and y: "0 ≤ y" "y ≤ 3/4"
shows "f1 x y ≤ 1.9"
proof -
have A: "2-x ≤ 1.01"
using x by simp
have "H (1 / (2-x)) ≤ H (1 / (2-0.99))"
using x by (intro H_half_mono') (auto simp: divide_simps)
also have "… ≤ 0.081"
unfolding H_def by (approximation 15)
finally have B: "H (1 / (2-x)) ≤ 0.081" .
have "(2-x) * H (1 / (2-x)) ≤ 1.01 * 0.081"
using mult_mono [OF A B] x
by (smt (verit) A H_ge0 divide_le_eq_1_pos divide_nonneg_nonneg)
with assms show ?thesis by (auto simp: f1_def)
text ‹Claim (63) in weakened form; we get rid of the extra bit later›
lemma (in P0_min) FF_le_f2:
fixes k::nat and x y::real
assumes x: "3/4 ≤ x" "x ≤ 1" and y: "0 ≤ y" "y ≤ 1"
and l: "real l = k - x*k"
assumes p0_min_101: "p0_min ≤ 1 - 1/5"
defines "γ ≡ real l / (real k + real l)"
defines "γ0 ≡ min γ (0.07)"
assumes "γ > 0"
shows "FF k x y ≤ f2 x y + ok_fun_10_1 γ k / (k * ln 2)"
proof -
have "l>0"
using ‹γ>0› γ_def less_irrefl by fastforce
have "x>0"
using x by linarith
with l have "k≥l"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) of_nat_0_le_iff of_nat_le_iff pos_prod_lt)
with ‹0 < l› have "k>0" by force
have RN_gt0: "RN k l > 0"
by (metis RN_eq_0_iff ‹0 < k› ‹0 < l› gr0I)
define δ where "δ ≡ γ/40"
have A: "l / real(k+l) = (1-x)/(2-x)"
using x ‹k>0› by (simp add: l field_simps)
have B: "real(k+l) / k = 2-x"
using ‹0 < k› l by (auto simp: divide_simps left_diff_distrib)
have γ: "γ ≤ 1/5"
using x A by (simp add: γ_def)
have "1 - 1 / (2-x) = (1-x) / (2-x)"
using x by (simp add: divide_simps)
then have Heq: "H (1 / (2-x)) = H ((1-x) / (2-x))"
by (metis H_reflect)
have "RN k l ≤ exp (-δ*k + ok_fun_10_1 γ k) * (k+l choose l)"
unfolding δ_def γ_def
proof (rule Closer_10_1_unconditional)
show "0 < l / (real k + real l)" "l / (real k + real l) ≤ 1/5"
using γ ‹γ > 0› by (auto simp: γ_def)
have "min (l / (k + real l)) 0.07 > 0"
using ‹l>0› by force
qed (use p0_min_101 in auto)
with RN_gt0 have "FF k x y ≤ log 2 (exp (-δ*k + ok_fun_10_1 γ k) * (k+l choose l)) / k + x + y"
unfolding FF_def
by (intro add_mono divide_right_mono Transcendental.log_mono; simp flip: l)
also have "… = (log 2 (exp (-δ*k + ok_fun_10_1 γ k)) + log 2 (k+l choose l)) / k + x + y"
by (simp add: log_mult)
also have "… ≤ ((-δ*k + ok_fun_10_1 γ k) / ln 2 + (k+l) * H(l/(k+l))) / k + x + y"
using H_12_1
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) log_exp divide_right_mono le_add2 of_nat_0_le_iff)
also have "… = (-δ*k + ok_fun_10_1 γ k) / k / ln 2 + (k+l) / k * H(l/(k+l)) + x + y"
by argo
also have "… = -δ / ln 2 + ok_fun_10_1 γ k / (k * ln 2) + (2-x) * H((1-x)/(2-x)) + x + y"
proof -
have "(-δ*k + ok_fun_10_1 γ k) / k / ln 2 = -δ / ln 2 + ok_fun_10_1 γ k / (k * ln 2)"
using ‹0 < k› by (simp add: divide_simps)
with A B show ?thesis
by presburger
also have "… = - (log 2 (exp 1) / 40) * (1-x) / (2-x) + ok_fun_10_1 γ k / (k * ln 2) + (2-x) * H((1-x)/(2-x)) + x + y"
using A by (force simp: δ_def γ_def field_simps)
also have "… ≤ f2 x y + ok_fun_10_1 γ k / (real k * ln 2)"
by (simp add: Heq f1_def f2_def mult_ac)
finally show ?thesis .
text ‹The body of the proof has been extracted to allow the symmetry argument.
And 1/12 is 3/4-2/3, the latter number corresponding to @{term "μ=2/5"}›
lemma (in Book_Basis) From_11_1_Body:
fixes V :: "'a set"
assumes μ: "0 < μ" "μ ≤ 2/5" and η: "0 < η" "η ≤ 1/12"
and ge_RN: "Suc nV ≥ RN k k"
and Red: "graph_density Red ≥ 1/2"
and p0_min12: "p0_min ≤ 1/2"
and Red_E: "Red ⊆ E" and Blue_def: "Blue = E∖Red"
and no_Red_K: "¬ (∃K. size_clique k K Red)"
and no_Blue_K: "¬ (∃K. size_clique k K Blue)"
and big: "Big_From_11_1 η μ k"
shows "log 2 (RN k k) / k ≤ (SUP x ∈ {0..1}. SUP y ∈ {0..3/4}. ffGG μ x y + η)"
proof -
have 12: "3/4 - 2/3 = (1/12::real)"
by simp
define η' where "η' ≡ η/2"
have η': "0 < η'" "η' ≤ 1/12"
using η by (auto simp: η'_def)
have "k>0" and big101: "Big_Closer_10_1 (1/101) (nat⌈k/100⌉)" and ok_fun_10_1_le: "3 / (k * ln 2) ≤ η'"
using big by (auto simp: Big_From_11_1_def η'_def)
interpret No_Cliques where l=k
using assms unfolding No_Cliques_def No_Cliques_axioms_def
using Book_Basis_axioms P0_min_axioms by blast
obtain X0 Y0 where card_X0: "card X0 ≥ nV/2" and card_Y0: "card Y0 = gorder div 2"
and "X0 = V ∖ Y0" "Y0⊆V"
and p0_half: "1/2 ≤ gen_density Red X0 Y0"
and "Book V E p0_min Red Blue k k μ X0 Y0"
proof (rule to_Book)
show "p0_min ≤ graph_density Red"
using p0_min12 Red by linarith
show "0 < μ" "μ < 1"
using μ by auto
qed (use infinite_UNIV p0_min Blue_def Red μ in auto)
then interpret Book V E p0_min Red Blue k k μ X0 Y0
by meson
define ℛ where "ℛ ≡ Step_class {red_step}"
define 𝒮 where "𝒮 ≡ Step_class {dboost_step}"
define t where "t ≡ card ℛ"
define s where "s ≡ card 𝒮"
define x where "x ≡ t/k"
define y where "y ≡ s/k"
have sts: "(s + real t) / s = (x+y) / y"
using ‹k>0› by (simp add: x_def y_def divide_simps)
have "t<k"
by (simp add: ℛ_def μ t_def red_step_limit)
then obtain x01: "0≤x" "x<1"
by (auto simp: x_def)
have big41: "Big_Blue_4_1 μ k" and big61: "Big_Y_6_1 μ k"
and big85: "Big_ZZ_8_5 μ k" and big11_2: "Big_From_11_2 μ k"
and ok111_le: "ok_fun_11_1 μ k / k ≤ η'"
and powr_le: "(2 / (1-μ)) * k powr (-1/20) ≤ η'" and "k>0"
using big by (auto simp: Big_From_11_1_def Big_Y_6_1_def Big_Y_6_2_def η'_def)
then have big53: "Big_Red_5_3 μ k"
by (meson Big_From_11_2_def)
have "μ < 1"
using μ by auto
have "s<k"
unfolding s_def 𝒮_def
by (meson μ le_less_trans bblue_dboost_step_limit big41 le_add2)
then obtain y01: "0≤y" "y<1"
by (auto simp: y_def)
text ‹Now that @{term x} and @{term y} are fixed, here's the body of the outer supremum›
define w where "w ≡ (⨆y∈{0..3/4}. ffGG μ x y + η)"
show ?thesis
proof (intro cSup_upper2 imageI)
show "w ∈ (λx. ⨆y∈{0..3/4}. ffGG μ x y + η) ` {0..1}"
using x01 by (force simp: w_def intro!: image_eqI [where x=x])
have μ23: "μ / (1-μ) ≤ 2/3"
using μ by (simp add: divide_simps)
have beta_le: "bigbeta ≤ μ"
using ‹μ<1› μ big53 bigbeta_le by blast
have "s ≤ (bigbeta / (1 - bigbeta)) * t + (2 / (1-μ)) * k powr (19/20)"
using ZZ_8_5 [OF big85] μ by (auto simp: ℛ_def 𝒮_def s_def t_def)
also have "… ≤ (μ / (1-μ)) * t + (2 / (1-μ)) * k powr (19/20)"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) ‹μ<1› μ beta_le frac_le mult_right_mono of_nat_0_le_iff)
also have "… ≤ (μ / (1-μ)) * t + (2 / (1-μ)) * (k powr (-1/20) * k powr 1)"
unfolding powr_add [symmetric] by simp
also have "… ≤ (2/3) * t + (2 / (1-μ)) * (k powr (-1/20)) * k"
using mult_right_mono [OF μ23, of t] by (simp add: mult_ac)
also have "… ≤ (3/4 - η') * k + (2 / (1-μ)) * (k powr (-1/20)) * k"
proof -
have "(2/3) * t ≤ (2/3) * k"
using ‹t < k› by simp
then show ?thesis
using 12 η' by (smt (verit) mult_right_mono of_nat_0_le_iff)
finally have "s ≤ (3/4 - η') * k + (2 / (1-μ)) * k powr (-1/20) * k"
by simp
with mult_right_mono [OF powr_le, of k]
have †: "s ≤ 3/4 * k"
by (simp add: mult.commute right_diff_distrib')
then have "y ≤ 3/4"
by (metis † ‹0 < k› of_nat_0_less_iff pos_divide_le_eq y_def)
have k_minus_t: "nat ⌊real k - real t⌋ = k-t"
by linarith
have "nV div 2 ≤ card Y0"
by (simp add: card_Y0)
then have §: "log 2 (Suc nV) ≤ log 2 (RN k (k-t)) + s + t + 2 - ok_fun_61 k"
using From_11_3 [OF _ big61] p0_half μ by (auto simp: ℛ_def 𝒮_def p0_def s_def t_def)
define l where "l ≡ k-t"
define γ where "γ ≡ real l / (real k + real l)"
have "γ < 1"
using ‹t < k› by (simp add: γ_def)
have "nV div 2 ≤ card X0"
using card_X0 by linarith
then have 112: "log 2 (Suc nV) ≤ k * log 2 (1/μ) + t * log 2 (1 / (1-μ)) + s * log 2 (ratio μ s t)
+ ok_fun_11_2 μ k"
using From_11_2 [OF _ big11_2] p0_half μ
unfolding s_def t_def p0_def ℛ_def 𝒮_def by force
have "log 2 (Suc nV) / k ≤ log 2 (1/μ) + x * log 2 (1 / (1-μ)) + y * log 2 (ratio μ s t)
+ ok_fun_11_2 μ k / k"
using ‹k>0› divide_right_mono [OF 112, of k]
by (simp add: add_divide_distrib x_def y_def)
also have "… = GG μ x y + ok_fun_11_2 μ k / k"
by (metis GG_def sts times_divide_eq_right)
also have "… ≤ GG μ x y + ok_fun_11_1 μ k / k"
by (simp add: ok_fun_11_1_def divide_right_mono)
finally have le_GG: "log 2 (Suc nV) / k ≤ GG μ x y + ok_fun_11_1 μ k / k" .
have "log 2 (Suc nV) / k ≤ log 2 (RN k (k-t)) / k + x + y + (2 - ok_fun_61 k) / k"
using ‹k>0› divide_right_mono [OF §, of k] add_divide_distrib x_def y_def
by (smt (verit) add_uminus_conv_diff of_nat_0_le_iff)
also have "… = FF k x y + (2 - ok_fun_61 k) / k"
by (simp add: FF_def x_def k_minus_t)
finally have DD: "log 2 (Suc nV) / k ≤ FF k x y + (2 - ok_fun_61 k) / k" .
have "RN k k > 0"
by (metis RN_eq_0_iff ‹k>0› gr0I)
moreover have "log 2 (Suc nV) / k ≤ ffGG μ x y + η"
proof (cases "x < 0.99")
case True
have ‡: "Big_Closer_10_1 (min γ 0.07) (nat ⌈γ * real k / (1 - γ)⌉)"
proof (intro Big_Closer_10_1_upward [OF big101])
show "1/101 ≤ min γ 0.07"
using ‹k>0› ‹t<k› True by (simp add: γ_def l_def x_def divide_simps)
with ‹γ < 1› less_eq_real_def have "k/100 ≤ γ * k / (1 - γ)"
by (fastforce simp: field_simps)
then show "nat ⌈k/100⌉ ≤ nat ⌈γ * k / (1 - γ)⌉"
using ceiling_mono nat_mono by blast
have 122: "FF k x y ≤ ff x y + η'"
proof -
have "FF k x y ≤ f1 x y"
using x01 y01
by (intro FF_le_f1) auto
have "FF k x y ≤ f2 x y + ok_fun_10_1 γ k / (k * ln 2)" if "x ≥ 3/4"
unfolding γ_def
proof (intro FF_le_f2 that)
have "γ = (1-x) / (2-x)"
using ‹0 < k› ‹t < k› by (simp add: l_def γ_def x_def divide_simps)
then have "γ ≤ 1/5"
using that ‹x<1› by simp
show "real l = real k - x * real k"
using ‹t < k› by (simp add: l_def x_def)
show "0 < l / (k + real l)"
using ‹t < k› l_def by auto
qed (use x01 y01 p0_min12 in auto)
moreover have "ok_fun_10_1 γ k / (k * ln 2) ≤ η'"
using ‡ ok_fun_10_1_le by (simp add: ok_fun_10_1_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
using η' by (auto simp: ff_def)
have "log 2 (Suc nV) / k ≤ ff x y + η' + (2 - ok_fun_61 k) / k"
using "122" DD by linarith
also have "… ≤ ff x y + η' + ok_fun_11_1 μ k / k"
by (simp add: ok_fun_11_1_def divide_right_mono)
finally have le_ff: "log 2 (Suc nV) / k ≤ ff x y + η' + ok_fun_11_1 μ k / k" .
then show ?thesis
using η ok111_le le_ff le_GG unfolding η'_def ffGG_def by linarith
case False
have "log 2 (Suc nV) / k ≤ FF k x y + (2 - ok_fun_61 k) / k"
by (metis DD)
also have "… ≤ f1 x y + (2 - ok_fun_61 k) / k"
using x01 y01 FF_le_f1 [of x y] by simp
also have "… ≤ 1.9 + (2 - ok_fun_61 k) / k"
using x01 y01 by (smt (verit) False ‹y ≤ 3/4› f1_le_19)
also have "… ≤ ffGG μ x y + η"
by (smt (verit) P0_min.intro P0_min.ok_fun_11_1_def η'(1) η'_def divide_right_mono ffGG_def field_sum_of_halves of_nat_0_le_iff ok111_le p0_min(1) p0_min(2))
finally show ?thesis .
ultimately have "log 2 (RN k k) / k ≤ ffGG μ x y + η"
using ge_RN ‹k>0›
by (smt (verit, best) Transcendental.log_mono divide_right_mono of_nat_0_less_iff of_nat_mono)
also have "… ≤ w"
unfolding w_def
proof (intro cSup_upper2)
have "y ∈ {0..3/4}"
using divide_right_mono [OF †, of k] ‹k>0› by (simp add: x_def y_def)
then show "ffGG μ x y + η ∈ (λy. ffGG μ x y + η) ` {0..3/4}"
by blast
show "bdd_above ((λy. ffGG μ x y + η) ` {0..3/4})"
by (simp add: bdd_above_ff_GG less_imp_le x01)
qed auto
finally show "log 2 (real (RN k k)) / k ≤ w" .
show "bdd_above ((λx. ⨆y∈{0..3/4}. ffGG μ x y + η) ` {0..1})"
by (auto intro: bdd_above_SUP_ff_GG)
theorem (in P0_min) From_11_1:
assumes μ: "0 < μ" "μ ≤ 2/5" and "0 < η" "η ≤ 1/12"
and p0_min12: "p0_min ≤ 1/2" and big: "Big_From_11_1 η μ k"
shows "log 2 (RN k k) / k ≤ (SUP x ∈ {0..1}. SUP y ∈ {0..3/4}. ffGG μ x y + η)"
proof -
have "k≥3"
using big by (auto simp: Big_From_11_1_def)
define n where "n ≡ RN k k - 1"
define V where "V ≡ {..<n}"
define E where "E ≡ all_edges V"
interpret Book_Basis V E
proof qed (auto simp: V_def E_def comp_sgraph.wellformed comp_sgraph.two_edges)
have "RN k k ≥ 3"
using ‹k≥3› RN_3plus le_trans by blast
then have "n < RN k k"
by (simp add: n_def)
moreover have [simp]: "nV = n"
by (simp add: V_def)
ultimately obtain Red Blue
where Red_E: "Red ⊆ E" and Blue_def: "Blue = E∖Red"
and no_Red_K: "¬ (∃K. size_clique k K Red)"
and no_Blue_K: "¬ (∃K. size_clique k K Blue)"
by (metis ‹n < RN k k› less_RN_Red_Blue)
have Blue_E: "Blue ⊆ E" and disjnt_Red_Blue: "disjnt Red Blue" and Blue_eq: "Blue = all_edges V ∖ Red"
using complete by (auto simp: Blue_def disjnt_iff E_def)
have "nV > 1"
using ‹RN k k ≥ 3› ‹nV=n› n_def by linarith
with graph_size have "graph_size > 0"
by simp
then have "graph_density E = 1"
by (simp add: graph_density_def)
then have "graph_density Red + graph_density Blue = 1"
using graph_density_Un [OF disjnt_Red_Blue] by (simp add: Blue_def Red_E Un_absorb1)
then consider (Red) "graph_density Red ≥ 1/2" | (Blue) "graph_density Blue ≥ 1/2"
by force
then show ?thesis
proof cases
case Red
show ?thesis
proof (intro From_11_1_Body)
show "RN k k ≤ Suc nV"
by (simp add: n_def)
show "∄K. size_clique k K Red"
using no_Red_K by blast
show "∄K. size_clique k K Blue"
using no_Blue_K by blast
qed (use Red Red_E Blue_def assms in auto)
case Blue
show ?thesis
proof (intro From_11_1_Body)
show "RN k k ≤ Suc nV"
by (simp add: n_def)
show "Blue ⊆ E"
by (simp add: Blue_E)
show "Red = E ∖ Blue"
by (simp add: Blue_def Red_E double_diff)
show "∄K. size_clique k K Red"
using no_Red_K by blast
show "∄K. size_clique k K Blue"
using no_Blue_K by blast
qed (use Blue Red_E Blue_def assms in auto)
subsection ‹The monster calculation from appendix A›
subsubsection ‹Observation A.1›
lemma gg_increasing:
assumes "x ≤ x'" "0 ≤ x" "0 ≤ y"
shows "gg x y ≤ gg x' y"
proof (cases "y=0")
case False
with assms show ?thesis
unfolding gg_eq by (intro add_mono mult_left_mono divide_right_mono Transcendental.log_mono) auto
qed (auto simp: gg_eq assms)
text ‹Thanks to Manuel Eberl›
lemma continuous_on_x_ln: "continuous_on {0..} (λx::real. x * ln x)"
proof -
have "continuous (at x within {0..}) (λx. x * ln x)"
if "x ≥ 0" for x :: real
proof (cases "x = 0")
case True
have "continuous (at_right 0) (λx::real. x * ln x)"
unfolding continuous_within by real_asymp
thus ?thesis
using True by (simp add: at_within_Ici_at_right)
qed (auto intro!: continuous_intros)
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: continuous_on_eq_continuous_within)
lemma continuous_on_f1: "continuous_on {..1} (λx. f1 x y)"
proof -
have §: "(λx::real. (1 - 1/(2-x)) * ln (1 - 1/(2-x))) = (λx. x * ln x) o (λx. 1 - 1/(2-x))"
by (simp add: o_def)
have cont_xln: "continuous_on {..1} (λx::real. (1 - 1/(2-x)) * ln (1 - 1/(2-x)))"
unfolding §
proof (rule continuous_intros)
show "continuous_on {..1::real} (λx. 1 - 1/(2-x))"
by (intro continuous_intros) auto
show "continuous_on ((λx::real. 1 - 1/(2-x)) ` {..1}) (λx. x * ln x)"
by (rule continuous_on_subset [OF continuous_on_x_ln]) auto
show ?thesis
apply (simp add: f1_def H_def log_def)
by (intro continuous_on_subset [OF cont_xln] continuous_intros) auto
definition df1 where "df1 ≡ λx. log 2 (2 * ((1-x) / (2-x)))"
lemma Df1 [derivative_intros]:
assumes "x<1"
shows "((λx. f1 x y) has_real_derivative df1 x) (at x)"
proof -
have "(2 - x * 2) = 2 * (1-x)"
by simp
then have [simp]: "log 2 (2 - x * 2) = log 2 (1-x) + 1"
using log_mult [of 2 "1-x" 2] assms by (smt (verit, best) log_eq_one)
show ?thesis
using assms
unfolding f1_def H_def df1_def
apply -
apply (rule derivative_eq_intros | simp)+
apply (simp add: log_divide divide_simps)
apply (simp add: algebra_simps)
definition delta where "delta ≡ λu::real. 1 / (ln 2 * 40 * (2 - u)⇧2)"
lemma Df2:
assumes "1/2≤x" "x<1"
shows "((λx. f2 x y) has_real_derivative df1 x + delta x) (at x)"
using assms unfolding f2_def delta_def
apply -
apply (rule derivative_eq_intros Df1 | simp)+
apply (simp add: divide_simps power2_eq_square)
lemma antimono_on_ff:
assumes "0 ≤ y" "y < 1"
shows "antimono_on {1/2..1} (λx. ff x y)"
proof -
have §: "1 - 1 / (2-x) = (1-x) / (2-x)" if "x<2" for x::real
using that by (simp add: divide_simps)
have f1: "f1 x' y ≤ f1 x y"
if "x ∈ {1/2..1}" "x' ∈ {1/2..1}" "x ≤ x'" "x' ≤ 1" for x x'::real
proof (rule DERIV_nonpos_imp_decreasing_open [OF ‹x ≤ x'›, where f = "λx. f1 x y"])
fix u :: real
assume "x < u" "u < x'"
with that show "∃D. ((λx. f1 x y) has_real_derivative D) (at u) ∧ D ≤ 0"
by - (rule exI conjI Df1 [unfolded df1_def] | simp)+
show "continuous_on {x..x'} (λx. f1 x y)"
using that by (intro continuous_on_subset [OF continuous_on_f1]) auto
have f1f2: "f2 x' y ≤ f1 x y"
if "x ∈ {1/2..1}" "x' ∈ {1/2..1}" "x ≤ x'" "x < 3/4" "¬ x' < 3/4" for x x'::real
using that
apply (simp add: f2_def)
by (smt (verit, best) divide_nonneg_nonneg f1 ln_le_zero_iff pos_prod_lt that)
have f2: "f2 x' y ≤ f2 x y"
if A: "x ∈ {1/2..1}" "x' ∈ {1/2..1}" "x ≤ x'" and B: "¬ x < 3/4" for x x'::real
proof (rule DERIV_nonpos_imp_decreasing_open [OF ‹x ≤ x'› , where f = "λx. f2 x y"])
fix u :: real
assume u: "x < u" "u < x'"
have "((λx. f2 x y) has_real_derivative df1 u + delta u) (at u)"
using u that by (intro Df2) auto
moreover have "df1 u + delta u ≤ 0"
proof -
have "df1 (1/2) ≤ -1/2"
unfolding df1_def by (approximation 20)
moreover have "df1 u ≤ df1 (1/2)"
using u that unfolding df1_def
by (intro Transcendental.log_mono) (auto simp: divide_simps)
moreover have "delta 1 ≤ 0.04"
unfolding delta_def by (approximation 4)
moreover have "delta u ≤ delta 1"
using u that by (auto simp: delta_def divide_simps)
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
ultimately show "∃D. ((λx. f2 x y) has_real_derivative D) (at u) ∧ D ≤ 0"
by blast
show "continuous_on {x..x'} (λx. f2 x y)"
unfolding f2_def
using that by (intro continuous_on_subset [OF continuous_on_f1] continuous_intros) auto
show ?thesis
using f1 f1f2 f2 by (simp add: monotone_on_def ff_def)
subsubsection ‹Claims A.2--A.4›
text ‹Called simply @{term x} in the paper, but are you kidding me?›
definition "x_of ≡ λy::real. 3*y/5 + 0.5454"
lemma x_of: "x_of ∈ {0..3/4} → {1/2..1}"
by (simp add: x_of_def)
definition "y_of ≡ λx::real. 5 * x/3 - 0.909"
lemma y_of_x_of [simp]: "y_of (x_of y) = y"
by (simp add: x_of_def y_of_def add_divide_distrib)
lemma x_of_y_of [simp]: "x_of (y_of x) = x"
by (simp add: x_of_def y_of_def divide_simps)
lemma Df1_y [derivative_intros]:
assumes "x<1"
shows "((λx. f1 x (y_of x)) has_real_derivative 5/3 + df1 x) (at x)"
proof -
have "(2 - x * 2) = 2 * (1-x)"
by simp
then have [simp]: "log 2 (2 - x * 2) = log 2 (1-x) + 1"
using log_mult [of 2 "1-x" 2] assms by (smt (verit, best) log_eq_one)
show ?thesis
using assms
unfolding f1_def y_of_def H_def df1_def
apply -
apply (rule derivative_eq_intros refl | simp)+
apply (simp add: log_divide divide_simps)
apply (simp add: algebra_simps)
lemma Df2_y [derivative_intros]:
assumes "1/2≤x" "x<1"
shows "((λx. f2 x (y_of x)) has_real_derivative 5/3 + df1 x + delta x) (at x)"
using assms unfolding f2_def delta_def
apply -
apply (rule derivative_eq_intros Df1 | simp)+
apply (simp add: divide_simps power2_eq_square)
definition "Dg_x ≡ λy. 3 * log 2 (5/3) / 5 + log 2 ((2727 + y * 8000) / (y * 12500))
- 2727 / (ln 2 * (2727 + y * 8000))"
lemma Dg_x [derivative_intros]:
assumes "y ∈ {0<..<3/4}"
shows "((λy. gg (x_of y) y) has_real_derivative Dg_x y) (at y)"
using assms
unfolding x_of_def gg_def GG_def Dg_x_def
apply -
apply (rule derivative_eq_intros refl | simp)+
apply (simp add: field_simps)
text ‹Claim A2 is difficult because it comes *real close*: max value = 1.999281, when y = 0.4339.
There is no simple closed form for the maximum point
(where the derivative goes to 0).
text ‹Due to the singularity at zero, we need to cover the zero case analytically,
but at least interval arithmetic covers the maximum point›
lemma A2:
assumes "y ∈ {0..3/4}"
shows "gg (x_of y) y ≤ 2 - 1/2^11"
proof -
have ?thesis if "y ∈ {0..1/10}"
proof -
have "gg (x_of y) y ≤ gg (x_of (1/10)) (1/10)"
proof (rule DERIV_nonneg_imp_increasing_open [of y "1/10"])
fix y' :: real
assume y': "y < y'" "y' < 1/10"
then have "y'>0"
using that by auto
show "∃D. ((λu. gg (x_of u) u) has_real_derivative D) (at y') ∧ 0 ≤ D"
proof (intro exI conjI)
show "((λu. gg (x_of u) u) has_real_derivative Dg_x y') (at y')"
using y' that by (intro derivative_eq_intros) auto
define Num where "Num ≡ 3 * log 2 (5/3) / 5 * (ln 2 * (2727 + y' * 8000)) + log 2 ((2727 + y' * 8000) / (y' * 12500)) * (ln 2 * (2727 + y' * 8000)) - 2727"
have A: "835.81 ≤ 3 * log 2 (5/3) / 5 * ln 2 * 2727"
by (approximation 25)
have B: "2451.9 ≤ 3 * log 2 (5/3) / 5 * ln 2 * 8000"
by (approximation 25)
have C: "Dg_x y' = Num / (ln 2 * (2727 + y' * 8000))"
using ‹y'>0› by (simp add: Dg_x_def Num_def add_divide_distrib diff_divide_distrib)
have "0 ≤ -1891.19 + log 2 (2727 / 1250) * (ln 2 * (2727))"
by (approximation 6)
also have "… ≤ -1891.19 + 2451.9 * y' + log 2 ((2727 + y' * 8000) / (y' * 12500)) * (ln 2 * (2727 + y' * 8000)) "
using y' ‹0 < y'›
by (intro add_mono mult_mono Transcendental.log_mono frac_le order.refl) auto
also have "… = 835.81 + 2451.9 * y' + log 2 ((2727 + y' * 8000) / (y' * 12500)) * (ln 2 * (2727 + y' * 8000))
- 2727"
by simp
also have "… ≤ Num"
using A mult_right_mono [OF B, of y'] ‹y'>0›
unfolding Num_def ring_distribs
by (intro add_mono diff_mono order.refl) (auto simp: mult_ac)
finally have "Num ≥ 0" .
with C show "0 ≤ Dg_x y'"
using ‹0 < y'› by auto
let ?f = "λx. x * log 2 ((16*x/5 + 2727/2500) / (5*x))"
have †: "continuous_on {0..} ?f"
proof -
have "continuous (at x within {0..}) ?f"
if "x ≥ 0" for x :: real
proof (cases "x = 0")
case True
have "continuous (at_right 0) ?f"
unfolding continuous_within by real_asymp
thus ?thesis
using True by (simp add: at_within_Ici_at_right)
qed (use that in ‹auto intro!: continuous_intros›)
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: continuous_on_eq_continuous_within)
show "continuous_on {y..1/10} (λy. gg (x_of y) y)"
unfolding gg_eq x_of_def using that
by (force intro: continuous_on_subset [OF †] continuous_intros)
qed (use that in auto)
also have "… ≤ 2 - 1/2^11"
unfolding gg_eq x_of_def by (approximation 10)
finally show ?thesis .
have ?thesis if "y ∈ {1/10 .. 3/4}"
using that unfolding gg_eq x_of_def
by (approximation 24 splitting: y = 12)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (meson assms atLeastAtMost_iff linear)
lemma A3:
assumes "y ∈ {0..0.341}"
shows "f1 (x_of y) y ≤ 2 - 1/2^11"
proof -
define D where "D ≡ λx. 5/3 + df1 x"
define I where "I ≡ {0.5454 .. 3/4::real}"
define x where "x ≡ x_of y"
then have yeq: "y = y_of x"
by (metis y_of_x_of)
have "x ∈ {x_of 0 .. x_of 0.341}"
using assms by (simp add: x_def x_of_def)
then have x: "x ∈ I"
by (simp add: x_of_def I_def)
have D: "((λx. f1 x (y_of x)) has_real_derivative D x) (at x)" if "x ∈ I" for x
using that Df1_y by (force simp: D_def I_def)
have Dgt0: "D x ≥ 0" if "x ∈ I" for x
using that unfolding D_def df1_def I_def by (approximation 10)
have "f1 x y = f1 x (y_of x)"
by (simp add: yeq)
also have "… ≤ f1 (3/4) (y_of (3/4))"
using x Dgt0
by (force simp: I_def intro!: D DERIV_nonneg_imp_nondecreasing [where f = "λx. f1 x (y_of x)"])
also have "… < 1.994"
by (simp add: f1_def H_def y_of_def) (approximation 50)
also have "… < 2 - 1/2^11"
by (approximation 50)
finally show ?thesis
using x_def by auto
text ‹This one also comes close: max value = 1.999271, when y = 0.4526.
The specified upper bound is 1.99951›
lemma A4:
assumes "y ∈ {0.341..3/4}"
shows "f2 (x_of y) y ≤ 2 - 1/2^11"
unfolding f2_def f1_def x_of_def H_def
using assms by (approximation 18 splitting: y = 13)
context P0_min
text ‹The truly horrible Lemma 12.3›
lemma 123:
assumes "δ ≤ 1 / 2^11"
shows "(SUP x ∈ {0..1}. SUP y ∈ {0..3/4}. ffGG (2/5) x y) ≤ 2-δ"
proof -
have "min (ff x y) (gg x y) ≤ 2 - 1/2^11" if "x ∈ {0..1}" "y ∈ {0..3/4}" for x y
proof (cases "x ≤ x_of y")
case True
with that have "gg x y ≤ gg (x_of y) y"
by (intro gg_increasing) auto
with A2 that show ?thesis
by fastforce
case False
with that have "ff x y ≤ ff (x_of y) y"
by (intro monotone_onD [OF antimono_on_ff]) (auto simp: x_of_def)
also have "… ≤ 2 - 1/2^11"
proof (cases "x_of y < 3/4")
case True
with that have "f1 (x_of y) y ≤ 2 - 1/2^11"
by (intro A3) (auto simp: x_of_def)
then show ?thesis
using True ff_def by presburger
case False
with that have "f2 (x_of y) y ≤ 2 - 1/2^11"
by (intro A4) (auto simp: x_of_def)
then show ?thesis
using False ff_def by presburger
finally show ?thesis
by linarith
moreover have "2 - 1/2^11 ≤ 2-δ"
using assms by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
by (fastforce simp: ffGG_def gg_def intro!: cSUP_least)
subsection ‹Concluding the proof›
text ‹we subtract a tiny bit, as we seem to need this gap›
definition delta'::real where "delta' ≡ 1 / 2^11 - 1 / 2^18"
lemma Aux_1_1:
assumes p0_min12: "p0_min ≤ 1/2"
shows "∀⇧∞k. log 2 (RN k k) / k ≤ 2 - delta'"
proof -
define p0_min::real where "p0_min ≡ 1/2"
interpret P0_min p0_min
proof qed (auto simp: p0_min_def)
define δ::real where "δ ≡ 1 / 2^11"
define η::real where "η ≡ 1 / 2^18"
have η: "0 < η" "η ≤ 1/12"
by (auto simp: η_def)
define μ::real where "μ ≡ 2/5"
have "∀⇧∞k. Big_From_11_1 η μ k"
unfolding μ_def using η by (intro Big_From_11_1) auto
moreover have "log 2 (real (RN k k)) / k ≤ 2-δ + η" if "Big_From_11_1 η μ k" for k
proof -
have *: "(⨆y∈{0..3/4}. ffGG μ x y + η) = (⨆y∈{0..3/4}. ffGG μ x y) + η"
if "x≤1" for x
using bdd_above_ff_GG [OF that, of "3/4" μ 0]
by (simp add: add.commute [of _ η] Sup_add_eq)
have "log 2 (RN k k) / k ≤ (SUP x ∈ {0..1}. SUP y ∈ {0..3/4}. ffGG μ x y + η)"
using that p0_min12 η μ_def
by (intro From_11_1) (auto simp: p0_min_def)
also have "… ≤ (SUP x ∈ {0..1}. (SUP y ∈ {0..3/4}. ffGG μ x y) + η)"
proof (intro cSUP_subset_mono bdd_above.I2 [where M = "4+η"])
fix x :: real
assume x: "x ∈ {0..1}"
have "(⨆y∈{0..3/4}. ffGG μ x y + η) ≤ 4 + η"
using bdd_above_ff_GG ff_GG_bound x by (simp add: cSup_le_iff)
with * x show "(⨆y∈{0..3/4}. ffGG μ x y) + η ≤ 4 + η"
by simp
qed (use * in auto)
also have "… = (SUP x ∈ {0..1}. SUP y ∈ {0..3/4}. ffGG μ x y) + η"
using bdd_above_SUP_ff_GG [of "3/4" μ 0]
by (simp add: add.commute [of _ η] Sup_add_eq)
also have "… ≤ 2-δ + η"
using 123 [of "1 / 2^11"]
unfolding δ_def ffGG_def by (auto simp: δ_def ffGG_def μ_def)
finally show ?thesis .
ultimately have "∀⇧∞k. log 2 (RN k k) / k ≤ 2-δ + η"
by (metis (lifting) eventually_mono)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: δ_def η_def delta'_def)
text ‹Main theorem 1.1: the exponent is approximately 3.9987›
theorem Main_1_1:
obtains ε::real where "ε>0" "∀⇧∞k. RN k k ≤ (4-ε)^k"
let ?ε = "0.00134::real"
have "∀⇧∞k. k>0 ∧ log 2 (RN k k) / k ≤ 2 - delta'"
unfolding eventually_conj_iff using Aux_1_1 eventually_gt_at_top by blast
then have "∀⇧∞k. RN k k ≤ (2 powr (2-delta')) ^ k"
proof (eventually_elim)
case (elim k)
then have "log 2 (RN k k) ≤ (2-delta') * k"
by (meson of_nat_0_less_iff pos_divide_le_eq)
then have "RN k k ≤ 2 powr ((2-delta') * k)"
by (smt (verit, best) Transcendental.log_le_iff powr_ge_zero)
then show "RN k k ≤ (2 powr (2-delta')) ^ k"
by (simp add: mult.commute powr_power)
moreover have "2 powr (2-delta') ≤ 4 - ?ε"
unfolding delta'_def by (approximation 25)
ultimately show "∀⇧∞k. real (RN k k) ≤ (4-?ε) ^ k"
by (smt (verit) power_mono powr_ge_zero eventually_mono)
qed auto