Theory Decreasing_Diagrams_II_Aux

(* Title:      Decreasing Diagrams II  
   Author:     Bertram Felgenhauer (2015)
   Maintainer: Bertram Felgenhauer <>
   License:    LGPL or BSD

License clarification: This file is also licensed under the BSD license to facilitate reuse
and moving snippets from here to more suitable places.

section ‹Preliminaries›

theory Decreasing_Diagrams_II_Aux

subsection ‹Trivialities›

(* move to Relation.thy? *)
abbreviation "strict_order R  irrefl R  trans R"

(* move to Relation.thy? *)
lemma strict_order_strict: "strict_order q  strict (λa b. (a, b)  q=) = (λa b. (a, b)  q)"
unfolding trans_def irrefl_def by fast

(* move to Wellfounded.thy? *)
lemma mono_lex1: "mono (λr. lex_prod r s)"
by (auto simp add: mono_def)

(* move to Wellfounded.thy? *)
lemma mono_lex2: "mono (lex_prod r)"
by (auto simp add: mono_def)

lemmas converse_inward = rtrancl_converse[symmetric] converse_Un converse_UNION converse_relcomp
  converse_converse converse_Id

subsection ‹Complete lattices and least fixed points›

context complete_lattice

subsubsection ‹A chain-based induction principle›

abbreviation set_chain :: "'a set  bool" where
  "set_chain C  x  C. y  C. x  y  y  x"
lemma lfp_chain_induct:
  assumes mono: "mono f"
  and step: "x. P x  P (f x)"
  and chain: "C. set_chain C   x  C. P x  P (Sup C)" 
  shows "P (lfp f)"
unfolding lfp_eq_fixp[OF mono]
proof (rule fixp_induct)
  show "monotone (≤) (≤) f" using mono unfolding order_class.mono_def monotone_def .
  show "P (Sup {})" using chain[of "{}"] by simp
  show "ccpo.admissible Sup (≤) P"
  by (auto simp add: chain ccpo.admissible_def Complete_Partial_Order.chain_def)
qed fact

subsubsection ‹Preservation of transitivity, asymmetry, irreflexivity by suprema›

lemma trans_Sup_of_chain:
  assumes "set_chain C" and trans: "R. R  C  trans R"
  shows "trans (Sup C)"
proof (intro transI)
  fix x y z
  assume "(x,y)  Sup C" and "(y,z)  Sup C"
  from (x,y)  Sup C obtain R where "R  C" and "(x,y)  R" by blast
  from (y,z)  Sup C obtain S where "S  C" and "(y,z)  S" by blast
  from R  C and S  C and set_chain C have "R  S = R  R  S = S" by blast
  with R  C and S  C have "R  S  C" by fastforce
  with (x,y)  R and (y,z)  S and trans[of "R  S"]
  have "(x,z)  R  S" unfolding trans_def by blast
  with R  S  C show "(x,z)  C" by blast 

lemma asym_Sup_of_chain:
  assumes "set_chain C" and asym: " R. R  C  asym R"
  shows "asym (Sup C)"
proof (intro asymI notI)
  fix a b
  assume "(a,b)  Sup C" then obtain "R" where "R  C" and "(a,b)  R" by blast
  assume "(b,a)  Sup C" then obtain "S" where "S  C" and "(b,a)  S" by blast
  from R  C and S  C and set_chain C have "R  S = R  R  S = S" by blast
  with R  C and S  C have "R  S  C" by fastforce
  with (a,b)  R and (b,a)  S and asym[THEN asymD] show "False" by blast

lemma strict_order_lfp:
  assumes "mono f" and "R. strict_order R  strict_order (f R)"
  shows "strict_order (lfp f)"
proof (intro lfp_chain_induct[of f strict_order])
  fix C :: "('b × 'b) set set"
  assume "set_chain C" and "R  C. strict_order R"
  from this show "strict_order (Sup C)"
    using asym_on_iff_irrefl_on_if_trans_on[of UNIV]
    by (metis asym_Sup_of_chain trans_Sup_of_chain)
qed fact+

lemma trans_lfp:
  assumes "mono f" and "R. trans R  trans (f R)"
  shows "trans (lfp f)"
by (metis lfp_chain_induct[of f trans] assms trans_Sup_of_chain)

end (* complete_lattice *)

subsection ‹Multiset extension›

lemma mulex_iff_mult: "mulex r M N  (M,N)  mult {(M,N) . r M N}"
by (auto simp add: mulex_on_def restrict_to_def mult_def mulex1_def tranclp_unfold)

lemma multI:
  assumes "trans r" "M = I + K" "N = I + J" "J  {#}" "k  set_mset K. j  set_mset J. (k,j)  r"
  shows "(M,N)  mult r"
using assms one_step_implies_mult by blast

lemma multE:
  assumes "trans r" and "(M,N)  mult r"
  obtains I J K where "M = I + K" "N = I + J" "J  {#}" "k  set_mset K. j  set_mset J. (k,j)  r"
using mult_implies_one_step[OF assms] by blast

lemma mult_on_union: "(M,N)  mult r  (K + M, K + N)  mult r"
using mulex_on_union[of "λx y. (x,y)  r" UNIV] by (auto simp: mulex_iff_mult)

lemma mult_on_union': "(M,N)  mult r  (M + K, N + K)  mult r"
using mulex_on_union'[of "λx y. (x,y)  r" UNIV] by (auto simp: mulex_iff_mult)

lemma mult_on_add_mset: "(M,N)  mult r  (add_mset k M, add_mset k N)  mult r"
unfolding add_mset_add_single[of k M] add_mset_add_single[of k N] by (rule mult_on_union')

lemma mult_empty[simp]: "(M,{#})  mult R"
by (metis mult_def not_less_empty trancl.cases)

lemma mult_singleton[simp]: "(x, y)  r  (add_mset x M, add_mset y M)  mult r"
unfolding add_mset_add_single[of x M] add_mset_add_single[of y M]
apply (rule mult_on_union)
using mult1_singleton[of x y r] by (auto simp add: mult_def mult_on_union)

lemma empty_mult[simp]: "({#},N)  mult R  N  {#}"
using empty_mulex_on[of N UNIV "λM N. (M,N)  R"] by (auto simp add: mulex_iff_mult)

lemma trans_mult: "trans (mult R)"
unfolding mult_def by simp

lemma strict_order_mult:
  assumes "irrefl R" and "trans R"
  shows "irrefl (mult R)" and "trans (mult R)"
proof -
  show "irrefl (mult R)" unfolding irrefl_def
  proof (intro allI notI, elim multE[OF trans R])
    fix M I J K
    assume "M = I + J" "M = I + K" "J  {#}" and *: "k  set_mset K. j  set_mset J. (k, j)  R"
    from M = I + J and M = I + K have "J = K" by simp
    have "finite (set_mset J)" by simp
    then have "set_mset J = {}" using * unfolding J = K
      by (induct rule: finite_induct)
         (simp, metis assms insert_absorb insert_iff insert_not_empty irrefl_def transD)
    then show "False" using J  {#} by simp
qed (simp add: trans_mult)

lemma mult_of_image_mset:
  assumes "trans R" and "trans R'"
  and "x y. x  set_mset N  y  set_mset M  (x,y)  R  (f x, f y)  R'"
  and "(N, M)  mult R"
  shows "(image_mset f N, image_mset f M)  mult R'"
proof (insert assms(4), elim multE[OF assms(1)])
  fix I J K
  assume "N = I + K" "M = I + J" "J  {#}" "k  set_mset K. j  set_mset J. (k, j)  R"
  thus "(image_mset f N, image_mset f M)  mult R'" using assms(2,3)
    by (intro multI) (auto, blast)

subsection ‹Incrementality of @{term mult1} and @{term mult}

lemma mono_mult1: "mono mult1"
unfolding mono_def mult1_def by blast

lemma mono_mult: "mono mult"
unfolding mono_def mult_def
proof (intro allI impI subsetI)
  fix R S :: "'a rel" and x
  assume "R  S" and "x  (mult1 R)+"
  then show "x  (mult1 S)+"
  using mono_mult1[unfolded mono_def] trancl_mono[of x "mult1 R" "mult1 S"] by auto

subsection ‹Well-orders and well-quasi-orders›

lemma wf_iff_wfp_on:
  "wf p  wfp_on (λa b. (a, b)  p) UNIV"
unfolding wfp_on_iff_inductive_on wf_def inductive_on_def by force

lemma well_order_implies_wqo:
  assumes "well_order r"
  shows "wqo_on (λa b. (a, b)  r) UNIV"
proof (intro wqo_onI almost_full_onI)
  show "transp (λa b. (a, b)  r)" using assms
  by (auto simp only: well_order_on_def linear_order_on_def partial_order_on_def preorder_on_def
    trans_def transp_def)
  fix f :: "nat  'a"
  show "good (λa b. (a, b)  r) f"
  using assms unfolding well_order_on_def wf_iff_wfp_on wfp_on_def not_ex not_all de_Morgan_conj
  proof (elim conjE allE exE)
    fix x assume "linear_order r" and "f x  UNIV  (f (Suc x), f x)  r - Id"
    then have "(f x, f (Suc x))  r" using linear_order r
    by (force simp: linear_order_on_def Relation.total_on_def partial_order_on_def preorder_on_def
    then show "good (λa b. (a, b)  r) f" by (auto simp: good_def)

subsection ‹Splitting lists into prefix, element, and suffix›

fun list_splits :: "'a list  ('a list × 'a × 'a list) list" where
  "list_splits [] = []"
| "list_splits (x # xs) = ([], x, xs) # map (λ(xs, x', xs'). (x # xs, x', xs')) (list_splits xs)"

lemma list_splits_empty[simp]:
  "list_splits xs = []  xs = []"
by (cases xs) simp_all

lemma elem_list_splits_append:
  assumes "(ys, y, zs)  set (list_splits xs)"
  shows "ys @ [y] @ zs = xs"
using assms by (induct xs arbitrary: ys) auto

lemma elem_list_splits_length:
  assumes "(ys, y, zs)  set (list_splits xs)"
  shows "length ys < length xs" and "length zs < length xs"
using elem_list_splits_append[OF assms] by auto

lemma elem_list_splits_elem:
  assumes "(xs, y, ys)  set (list_splits zs)"
  shows "y  set zs"
using elem_list_splits_append[OF assms] by force

lemma list_splits_append:
  "list_splits (xs @ ys) = map (λ(xs', x', ys'). (xs', x', ys' @ ys)) (list_splits xs) @
                           map (λ(xs', x', ys'). (xs @ xs', x', ys')) (list_splits ys)"
by (induct xs) auto

lemma list_splits_rev:
  "list_splits (rev xs) = map (λ(xs, x, ys). (rev ys, x, rev xs)) (rev (list_splits xs))"
by (induct xs) (auto simp add: list_splits_append comp_def prod.case_distrib rev_map)

lemma list_splits_map:
  "list_splits (map f xs) = map (λ(xs, x, ys). (map f xs, f x, map f ys)) (list_splits xs)"
by (induct xs) auto

end (* Decreasing_Diagrams_II_Aux *)