Theory Differential_Privacy.Laplace_Distribution
theory Laplace_Distribution
imports "HOL-Probability.Probability"
section ‹Laplace Distribution›
subsection ‹ Desity Function and Cumulative Distribution Function ›
text ‹ We refer {\tt HOL/Probability/Distributions.thy} in the standard library. ›
definition laplace_density :: "real ⇒ real ⇒ real ⇒ real" where
"laplace_density l m x = (if l > 0 then exp(-¦x - m¦ / l) / (2 * l) else 0)"
definition laplace_CDF :: "real ⇒ real ⇒ real ⇒ real" where
"laplace_CDF l m x =
(if l > 0 then
if x < m then exp((x - m) / l) / 2 else 1 - exp(-(x - m) / l) / 2 else 0)"
lemma laplace_density_nonneg[simp]:
shows "0 ≤ laplace_density l m x"
unfolding laplace_density_def by auto
lemma laplace_CDF_nonneg[simp]:
shows "0 ≤ laplace_CDF l m x"
unfolding laplace_CDF_def
consider"0 ≥ l"|"0 < l ∧ x < m" | "0 < l ∧ x ≥ m"
by linarith
thus "0 ≤ (if 0 < l then if x < m then exp ((x - m) / l) / 2 else 1 - exp (- (x - m) / l) / 2 else 0)"
assume "l ≤ 0"
thus ?thesis by auto
next assume "0 < l ∧ x < m"
thus ?thesis by auto
next assume "0 < l ∧ x ≥ m"
hence "exp (- (x - m) / l) ≤ 1"
by (auto simp: divide_nonpos_pos)
hence "exp (- (x - m) / l)/2 ≤ 1"
by linarith
thus ?thesis by auto
lemma borel_measurable_laplace_density[measurable]:
shows "laplace_density l m ∈ borel →⇩M borel"
unfolding laplace_density_def by auto
lemma borel_measurable_laplace_density2[measurable]:
shows "(λ m :: real. (laplace_density l m x)) ∈ borel →⇩M borel"
unfolding laplace_density_def by auto
lemma laplace_density_mirror:
shows "laplace_density l m (2 * m - x) = laplace_density l m x"
unfolding laplace_density_def by auto
lemma laplace_density_shift:
shows "laplace_density l (m + c) (x + c) = laplace_density l m x"
unfolding laplace_density_def by auto
lemma borel_measurable_laplace_CDF[measurable]:
shows "laplace_CDF l m ∈ borel →⇩M borel"
unfolding laplace_CDF_def by auto
lemma borel_measurable_laplace_CDF2[measurable]:
shows "(λ m :: real. laplace_CDF l m x)∈ borel →⇩M borel"
unfolding laplace_CDF_def by auto
lemma laplace_CDF_mirror:
assumes "l > 0"
shows "laplace_CDF l m (2 * m - x) = 1 - laplace_CDF l m x"
unfolding laplace_CDF_def
using assms by auto
lemma laplace_CDF_shift:
shows "laplace_CDF l (m + c) (x + c) = laplace_CDF l m x"
unfolding laplace_CDF_def by auto
lemma nn_integral_laplace_density_pos:
assumes pos[arith]: "0 < l" and 1: "a ≥ m"
shows "(∫⇧+ x ∈ {a..}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel) = 1 - laplace_CDF l m a"
from 1 have "(∫⇧+ x ∈ {a..}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel) = (∫⇧+ x ∈ {a..}. (exp ((m - x) / l)/ (2 * l)) ∂lborel)"
by(intro nn_integral_cong,unfold laplace_density_def)(auto simp add: field_simps split: split_indicator)
also have "... = 0 - (- exp ((m - a) / l) / 2)"
proof(rule nn_integral_FTC_atLeast)
show "((λa. - exp ((m - a) / l) / 2) ⤏ 0) at_top"
proof(rule tendstoI,subst eventually_at_top_linorder)
fix e :: real assume A0: "0 < e"
show "∃N. ∀n≥N. dist (- exp ((m - n) / l) / 2) 0 < e"
proof(intro exI allI impI)
fix n assume A1: "m - ln (e * 2) * l + 1 ≤ n"
have "(m - n) / l ≤ (m - (m - ln (e * 2) * l + 1)) / l"
using A1 pos by (auto simp: divide_le_cancel)
also have "... =(m - m + ln (e * 2) * l - 1) / l"
by auto
also have "... =(ln (e * 2) * l - 1) / l"
by auto
also have "... <(ln (e * 2) * l) / l"
by (auto simp: mult_imp_div_pos_less)
also have "... ≤ln (e * 2)"
using pos by auto
finally have "(m - n) / l < ln (e * 2)".
hence "exp ((m - n) / l) < exp (ln (e * 2))"
by auto
also have "... = e * 2"
using A0 by auto
finally show "dist (- exp ((m - n) / l) / 2) 0 < e"by auto
fix x :: real assume "a ≤ x"
have "DERIV (exp ∘ (λx. x * (1 / l)) ∘ (λ x. (m-x))) x :> exp ((m-x) * (1 / l)) * (1 / l) * (-1)"
proof(intro DERIV_chain)
show "(exp has_real_derivative exp ((m - x) * (1 / l))) (at ((m - x) * (1 / l)))"
by auto
show "((λx. x * (1 / l)) has_real_derivative 1 / l) (at (m - x))"
by (metis DERIV_cmult_Id mult_commute_abs)
have P21: "((-) m) = (λ x. m - x)"
by auto
have "((λ x. m - x) has_real_derivative 0 - 1) (at x)"
by (rule DERIV_diff,auto intro!:DERIV_const DERIV_ident)
thus"((-) m has_real_derivative - 1) (at x)"
using P21 by auto
hence P1: "DERIV (λ y. (-1/2) * (exp ∘ (λx. x * (1 / l)) ∘ (λ x. (m-x))) y) x :> (-1/2) * (exp ((m-x) * (1 / l)) * (1 / l) * (-1))"
by(rule DERIV_cmult)
have P2: "(λ y. (-1/2) * (exp ∘ (λx. x * (1 / l)) ∘ (λ x. (m-x))) y) = ((λa. - (exp ((m - a) / l) / 2)))"
by auto
have P3: "(-1/2) * (exp ((m-x) * (1 / l)) * (1 / l) * (-1)) = exp ((m - x) / l) / (2 * l)"
by auto
from P1 P2 P3 show "((λa. - exp ((m - a) / l) / 2) has_real_derivative exp ((m - x) / l) / (2 * l)) (at x)"
by auto
also have "... = ennreal (exp ((m - a) / l) / 2)"
by auto
also have "... = ennreal (1 - laplace_CDF l m a)"
using laplace_CDF_def pos 1 by auto
finally show "(∫⇧+x∈{a..}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x)∂lborel) = ennreal (1 - laplace_CDF l m a)" by auto
lemma nn_integral_laplace_density_pos_center:
assumes pos[arith]: "0 < l"
shows "(∫⇧+ x ∈ {m..}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel) = 1/2"
have "(∫⇧+ x ∈ {m..}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel) = ennreal (1 - laplace_CDF l m m)"
using nn_integral_laplace_density_pos by auto
also have "... = 1/2"
by (auto simp: laplace_CDF_def assms divide_ennreal_def)
finally show ?thesis.
lemma nn_integral_laplace_density_neg:
assumes pos[arith]: "0 < l" and 1: "a ≤ m"
shows "(∫⇧+ x ∈ {..a}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel) = laplace_CDF l m a"
from 1 have "(∫⇧+ x ∈ {..a}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel) = (∫⇧+ x ∈ {..a}. (exp ((x - m) / l)/ (2 * l)) ∂lborel)"
by(intro nn_integral_cong,unfold laplace_density_def)(auto simp add: field_simps split: split_indicator)
also have "... = (exp ((a - m) / l) / 2) - 0"
proof(rule nn_integral_FTC_atGreatest)
show "((λa. exp ((a - m) / l) / 2) ⤏ 0) at_bot"
proof(rule tendstoI,subst eventually_at_bot_linorder)
fix e :: real assume A0: "0 < e"
show "∃N. ∀n≤N. dist (exp ((n - m) / l) / 2) 0 < e"
proof(intro exI allI impI)
fix n assume "n ≤ m + ln (e * 2) * l - 1"
hence "(n - m) ≤((m + ln (e * 2) * l - 1) - m)"
by auto
hence "(n - m)/l ≤(ln (e * 2) * l - 1) /l"
by (auto simp: pos divide_le_cancel)
also have "... = ln (e * 2) - 1/l"
by (auto simp: diff_divide_distrib)
also have "... < ln (e * 2) "
by auto
finally have "(n - m)/l <ln (e * 2)".
hence "exp ((n - m) / l) < exp(ln (e * 2))"
by auto
also have "... = e * 2"
by (auto simp: A0)
finally show "dist (exp ((n - m) / l) / 2) 0 < e"by auto
fix x :: real assume A1: "x ≤ a"
have "DERIV (exp ∘ (λx. x * (1 / l)) ∘ (λ x. (x - m))) x :> exp ((x-m) * (1 / l)) * (1 / l) * 1"
proof(rule DERIV_chain)
show "((λx. x - m) has_real_derivative 1) (at x)"
using DERIV_const DERIV_ident Deriv.field_differentiable_diff
proof -
have "∃r ra. r - ra = 1 ∧ ((λr. m) has_real_derivative ra) (at x) ∧ ((λr. r) has_real_derivative r) (at x)"
using DERIV_const DERIV_ident diff_zero by blast
then show ?thesis
using Deriv.field_differentiable_diff by force
show "(exp ∘ (λx. x * (1 / l)) has_real_derivative exp ((x - m) * (1 / l)) * (1 / l)) (at (x - m))"
proof(rule DERIV_chain)
show "((λx. x * (1 / l)) has_real_derivative 1 / l) (at (x - m))"
by (metis DERIV_cmult_Id mult_commute_abs)
show "(exp has_real_derivative exp ((x - m) * (1 / l))) (at ((x - m) * (1 / l)))"
by auto
hence P1: "DERIV (λ y. (1/2) * (exp ∘ (λx. x * (1 / l)) ∘ (λ x. (x - m))) y) x :> (1/2) *(exp ((x-m) * (1 / l)) * (1 / l) * 1)"
by(rule DERIV_cmult)
have P2: "(λ y. (1/2) * (exp ∘ (λx. x * (1 / l)) ∘ (λ x. (x - m))) y) = ((λa. exp ((a - m) / l) / 2))"
by auto
have P3: "(1/2) *(exp ((x-m) * (1 / l)) * (1 / l) * 1) = exp ((x - m) / l) / (2 * l)"
by auto
from P1 P2 P3
show "((λa. exp ((a - m) / l) / 2) has_real_derivative exp ((x - m) / l) / (2 * l)) (at x)"
by auto
also have "... = ennreal (exp ((a - m) / l) / 2)"
by auto
also have "... = ennreal (laplace_CDF l m a)"
using laplace_CDF_def pos 1 by auto
finally show ?thesis.
lemma nn_integral_laplace_density_neg_center:
assumes pos[arith]: "0 < l"
shows "(∫⇧+ x ∈ {..m}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel) = 1/2"
have "(∫⇧+ x ∈ {..m}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel) = ennreal (laplace_CDF l m m)"
using nn_integral_laplace_density_neg by auto
also have "... = 1/2"
by (auto simp: laplace_CDF_def assms divide_ennreal_def)
finally show ?thesis.
proposition nn_integral_laplace_density_mass_1:
assumes pos[arith]: "0 < l"
shows "(∫⇧+ x. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel) = 1"
have "(∫⇧+ x. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel) = (∫⇧+ x ∈ {..m}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel) + (∫⇧+ x ∈ {m..}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel)"
by(rule nn_integral_lborel_split,auto)
also have "... = 1/2 + 1/2"
by(auto simp:nn_integral_laplace_density_neg_center[of l m,OF pos] nn_integral_laplace_density_pos_center[of l m,OF pos])
also have "... = 2/2"
by (auto simp: add_divide_distrib_ennreal[THEN sym])
also have "... = 1"
by auto
finally show ?thesis.
lemma emeasure_laplace_density_mass_1:
"0 < l ⟹ emeasure (density lborel (laplace_density l m)) UNIV = 1"
by(auto simp: emeasure_density nn_integral_laplace_density_mass_1)
proposition nn_integral_laplace_density:
assumes pos[arith]: "0 < l"
shows "(∫⇧+ x ∈ {..a}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel) = laplace_CDF l m a"
proof(cases"a ≤ m")
case True
thus ?thesis using nn_integral_laplace_density_neg pos by auto
case False
have eq0: "1 - laplace_CDF l m a = (∫⇧+ x ∈ {a..}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel)"
using nn_integral_laplace_density_pos pos False by auto
also have "... = (∫⇧+ x ∈ {a<..}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel)"
by(auto simp: nn_integral_interval_greaterThan_atLeast)
finally have eqA: "1 - laplace_CDF l m a = (∫⇧+ x ∈ {a<..}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel)".
hence eqA2: "1 = (∫⇧+ x ∈ {a<..}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel) + laplace_CDF l m a"
proof(intro ennreal_diff_add_transpose)
show "ennreal (laplace_CDF l m a) ≤ (1 :: ennreal)"
using False laplace_CDF_def by auto
show "1 - ennreal (laplace_CDF l m a) = (∫⇧+x :: real∈{a<..}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x)∂lborel)"
using eqA ennreal_1 ennreal_minus laplace_CDF_nonneg by metis
have "1 = (∫⇧+ x. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel)"
using nn_integral_laplace_density_mass_1 pos by auto
also have "... = (∫⇧+ x∈{..a}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel) + (∫⇧+ x∈ {a<..} . ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel)"
using nn_integral_lborel_split nn_integral_interval_greaterThan_atLeast by auto
finally have eqB: "1 = (∫⇧+ x∈{..a}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel) + (∫⇧+ x∈ {a<..} . ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel)".
from eqA2 eqB
have "(∫⇧+ x ∈ {a<..}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel) + laplace_CDF l m a = (∫⇧+ x∈{..a}. ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel) + (∫⇧+ x∈ {a<..} . ennreal (laplace_density l m x) ∂lborel)"
by auto
thus ?thesis
using eqA by fastforce
lemma emeasure_laplace_density:
assumes "0 < l"
shows "emeasure (density lborel (laplace_density l m)) {.. a} = laplace_CDF l m a"
by (auto simp: emeasure_density nn_integral_laplace_density assms)
subsection ‹ Moments ›
lemma laplace_moment_0_a:
assumes pos[arith]: "0 < l"
and posa[arith]: "0 ≤ a"
shows "has_bochner_integral lborel (λ x. (indicator {0..a} x *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 x)))(1/2 - exp(-a / l) /2)"
proof(rule has_bochner_integral_nn_integral)
show "(λx. indicat_real {0..a} x *⇩R laplace_density l 0 x) ∈ borel_measurable lborel"
by measurable
show "AE x in lborel. 0 ≤ indicat_real {0..a} x *⇩R laplace_density l 0 x"
by auto
show "0 ≤1 / 2 - exp (- a / l) / 2"
by(auto simp add: pos posa)
have "(∫⇧+ x ∈ {0..}. ennreal (laplace_density l 0 x) ∂lborel) = (∫⇧+ x ∈ {0..a}. ennreal (laplace_density l 0 x) ∂lborel) + (∫⇧+ x ∈ {a..}. ennreal (laplace_density l 0 x) ∂lborel)"
by(rule nn_set_integral_lborel_split_AtLeast,auto)
hence "1/2 = (∫⇧+ x ∈ {0..a}. ennreal (laplace_density l 0 x) ∂lborel) + (1 - laplace_CDF l 0 a)"
by(auto simp: nn_integral_laplace_density_pos_center[of l 0,OF pos] nn_integral_laplace_density_pos[of l 0 a,OF pos posa])
also have "... = (∫⇧+ x ∈ {0..a}. ennreal (laplace_density l 0 x) ∂lborel) + (1 - (1 - exp(- a / l) / 2))"
unfolding laplace_CDF_def by auto
finally have "ennreal (1/2) - exp(- a / l) / 2 = (∫⇧+ x ∈ {0..a}. ennreal (laplace_density l 0 x) ∂lborel) + (1 - (1 - exp(- a / l) / 2)) - exp(- a / l) / 2"
by (metis ennreal_divide_numeral ennreal_numeral numeral_One zero_le_numeral)
hence "ennreal (1/2) - exp(- a / l) / 2 = (∫⇧+ x ∈ {0..a}. ennreal (laplace_density l 0 x) ∂lborel)"
by auto
hence eq0a: "1/2 - exp(- a / l) / 2 = (∫⇧+ x ∈ {0..a}. ennreal (laplace_density l 0 x) ∂lborel)"
by (metis (full_types) ennreal_minus exp_ge_zero zero_le_divide_iff zero_le_numeral)
also have "... = (∫⇧+ x. ennreal (indicat_real {0..a} x *⇩R laplace_density l 0 x) ∂lborel)"
by (auto simp: mult.commute nn_integral_set_ennreal)
finally show "(∫⇧+ x. ennreal (indicat_real {0..a} x *⇩R laplace_density l 0 x) ∂lborel) = (1/2 - exp(- a / l) / 2)"
by presburger
lemma laplace_moment_0_pos:
assumes pos[arith]: "0 < l"
shows "has_bochner_integral lborel (λ x. (indicator {0..} x *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 x)))(1/2 :: real)"
proof(rule has_bochner_integral_nn_integral)
have "(∫⇧+ x. ennreal (laplace_density l 0 x * indicat_real {0..} x) ∂lborel) = 1 / 2"
using nn_integral_laplace_density_pos_center
by (auto simp: nn_integral_set_ennreal)
thus"(∫⇧+ x. ennreal (indicat_real {0..} x *⇩R laplace_density l 0 x) ∂lborel) = ennreal (1 / 2)"
by (auto simp: divide_ennreal_def mult.commute)
show "(λx. indicat_real {0..} x *⇩R laplace_density l 0 x) ∈ borel_measurable lborel"
by measurable
show "0 ≤ (1/2 :: real)"
by auto
show "AE x in lborel. 0 ≤ indicat_real {0..} x *⇩R laplace_density l 0 x"
by auto
lemma laplace_moment_0:
fixes k :: nat
assumes pos[arith]: "0 < l"
shows "has_bochner_integral lborel (λ x. (indicator {0..} x *⇩R ((laplace_density l 0 x) * x^k)))(fact k * l^k/2)"
and "(λa. LBINT x. indicator {0..a} x *⇩R ((laplace_density l 0 x) * x^k)) ⇢ (LBINT y. (indicator {0..} y *⇩R ((laplace_density l 0 y) * y^k)))"
proof(induction k)
let ?f ="λ (k :: nat) (x :: real). (1/(2 * l)) * (exp(- x / l) * x^k)"
show cond0: "has_bochner_integral lborel (λx. indicat_real {0..} x *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 x * x ^ 0)) (fact 0 * l ^ 0 / 2)"
using laplace_moment_0_pos by auto
show cond1: "(λx. LBINT xa. indicat_real {0..real x} xa *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 xa * xa ^ 0)) ⇢ (LBINT y. indicat_real {0..} y *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 y * y ^ 0))"
proof(rule tendstoI, subst eventually_at_top_linorder, intro exI allI impI)
fix e :: real and n :: nat
assume pose: "0 < e"
assume ineqn: "nat(floor (l * ln (1 / (2 * e)))) + 1 ≤ n"
hence posn: "0 ≤ real n"by auto
from ineqn have ineqn2: "l * ln (1 / (2 * e)) < real n"
by linarith
show "dist (LBINT xa. indicat_real {0..real n} xa *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 xa * xa ^ 0)) (LBINT y. indicat_real {0..} y *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 y * y ^ 0)) < e"
proof(unfold dist_real_def)
have eq1: "(LBINT y. indicat_real {0..} y * laplace_density l 0 y) = 1/2"
using has_bochner_integral_integral_eq cond0 by force
hence eq2: "(LBINT x. indicat_real {0..real n} x * laplace_density l 0 x) = 1/2 - exp(- real n / l) /2"
using has_bochner_integral_integral_eq[OF laplace_moment_0_a[of l"real n", OF pos posn] ] by auto
from eq1 eq2 dist_real_def have "¦(LBINT x. indicat_real {0..real n} x * laplace_density l 0 x) - (LBINT y. indicat_real {0..} y * laplace_density l 0 y)¦ = exp(- real n / l) /2"
proof -
have f1: "(LBINT r. indicat_real {0..real n} r * laplace_density l 0 r) - (LBINT r. indicat_real {0..} r * laplace_density l 0 r) < 0"
by (auto simp: eq1 eq2)
have f2: "exp (- real n / l) / 2 = - ((LBINT r. indicat_real {0..real n} r * laplace_density l 0 r) - (LBINT r. indicat_real {0..} r * laplace_density l 0 r))"
using eq1 eq2 by linarith
show ?thesis
using f2 f1 by auto
also have "... < exp(ln (2 * e)) /2"
have "l * ln (1 / (2 * e)) < real n"
using ineqn2 by auto
hence "l * ln (1 / (2 * e)) / l < real n / l"
using pos divide_strict_right_mono by blast
hence "ln (inverse(2 * e)) < real n / l"
by (auto simp: inverse_eq_divide)
hence "-ln (2 * e) < real n / l"
by (metis ln_inverse mult_pos_pos pose zero_less_numeral)
hence "ln (2 * e) > - real n / l"
by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
also have "... = e"
by (auto simp: pose)
finally show "¦(LBINT xa. indicat_real {0..real n} xa *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 xa * xa ^ 0)) - (LBINT y. indicat_real {0..} y *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 y * y ^ 0))¦ < e"by auto
fix k :: nat
assume khasBoh: "has_bochner_integral lborel (λx. indicat_real {0..} x *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 x * x ^ k)) (fact k * l ^ k / 2)" and kconverge: "(λx. LBINT xa. indicat_real {0..real x} xa *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 xa * xa ^ k)) ⇢ (LBINT y. indicat_real {0..} y *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 y * y ^ k))"
have kconverge2: "(λx. LBINT xa. 1 / (2 * l) * (exp (- xa / l) * xa ^ k) * indicat_real {0..real x} xa) ⇢(LBINT y. indicat_real {0..} y * (laplace_density l 0 y * y ^ k))"
proof(subst tendsto_cong)
show "(λx. LBINT xa. indicat_real {0..real x} xa * (laplace_density l 0 xa * xa ^ k)) ⇢ (LBINT y. indicat_real {0..} y * (laplace_density l 0 y * y ^ k))"
using kconverge by auto
have eq1: "⋀x. (LBINT xa. 1 / (2 * l) * (exp (- xa / l) * xa ^ k) * indicat_real {0..real x} xa) = (LBINT xa. indicat_real {0..real x} xa * (laplace_density l 0 xa * xa ^ k))"
unfolding laplace_density_def by(rule Bochner_Integration.integral_cong,auto simp: split: split_indicator)
thus "∀⇩F x in sequentially. (LBINT xa. 1 / (2 * l) * (exp (- xa / l) * xa ^ k) * indicat_real {0..real x} xa) = (LBINT xa. indicat_real {0..real x} xa * (laplace_density l 0 xa * xa ^ k))"
by(rule eventually_sequentiallyI)
have "(LBINT y. indicat_real {0..} y * (laplace_density l 0 y * y ^ k)) = (LBINT x. 1 / (2 * l) * (exp (- x / l) * x ^ k) * indicat_real {0..} x)"
unfolding laplace_density_def by(rule Bochner_Integration.integral_cong,auto simp: split: split_indicator)
hence kconverge3: "(λx. LBINT xa. 1 / (2 * l) * (exp (- xa / l) * xa ^ k) * indicat_real {0..real x} xa) ⇢(LBINT x. 1 / (2 * l) * (exp (- x / l) * x ^ k) * indicat_real {0..} x)"
using kconverge2 by presburger
from khasBoh have A0: "has_bochner_integral lborel (λx. indicat_real {0..} x *⇩R (?f k x)) (fact k * l ^ k / 2)"
by(subst has_bochner_integral_cong, auto intro: simp: assms laplace_density_def split:split_indicator)
have A01: "integrable lborel (λx. indicat_real {0..} x *⇩R (?f k x))"
using has_bochner_integral_iff A0 by blast
have A02: "(LBINT x. indicat_real {0..} x *⇩R (?f k x)) = (fact k * l ^ k / 2)"
using has_bochner_integral_iff A0 by blast
let ?AF ="λ (x :: real). x^(Suc k)"
let ?Ag ="λ (x :: real). exp(- x / l)"
let ?Af ="λ (x :: real). (Suc k) * x^k"
let ?AG ="λ (x :: real). (- l) * exp(- x / l)"
have FgfSuc: "(λ x :: real. (1/(2 * l)) * (?AF x * ?Ag x)) = ?f(Suc k)"
by (auto simp: mult.commute)
have fgSucf: "(λ x :: real. (1/(2 * l)) * (?Af x * ?Ag x)) = (λ x :: real. (Suc k) * ?f k x)"
by fastforce
have fglSucf: "(λ x :: real. (1/(2 * l)) * (?Af x * ?AG x)) = (λ x :: real. (- l) * (Suc k) * ?f k x)"
by fastforce
have cont_f: "⋀x. isCont ?Af x"
by auto
have cont_g: "⋀x. isCont ?Ag x"
by auto
have drv_F: "⋀x. DERIV ?AF x :> ?Af x"
fix x :: real
show "DERIV ?AF x :> ?Af x"
by (metis DERIV_pow add_0 add_Suc add_diff_cancel_left')
have drv_G: "⋀x. DERIV ?AG x :> ?Ag x"
fix x :: real
have "(exp o (λx. (- x / l)) has_real_derivative exp (- x / l) * (- 1 / l)) (at x)"
proof(rule DERIV_chain)
show "(exp has_real_derivative exp (- x / l)) (at (- x / l))"by auto
show "((λx. - x / l) has_real_derivative - 1 / l) (at x)"
using DERIV_cdivide DERIV_ident DERIV_mirror by blast
hence drv_G2: "((λx. - l * (exp o (λx. (- x / l)))x) has_real_derivative - l * (exp (- x / l) * (- 1 / l))) (at x)"
by(rule DERIV_cmult)
thus"DERIV ?AG x :> ?Ag x"
have "(λx. - l * (exp o (λx. (- x / l)))x) = ?AG"
unfolding comp_def by auto
moreover have "- l * (exp (- x / l) * (- 1 / l)) = ?Ag x"
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using drv_G2 by auto
fix a :: real assume posa: "0 ≤ a"
have "integrable lborel (λx.((?AF x) * (?Ag x) + (?Af x) * (?AG x)) * indicator {0 .. a} x)"
by(intro integral_by_parts_integrable cont_f cont_g drv_F drv_G posa)
hence A2: "integrable lborel (λx. (?f(Suc k) x + (- l) * (Suc k) * (?f k x)) * indicator {0 .. a} x)"
by(auto simp:field_simps)
hence "integrable lborel (λx. ((?f(Suc k) x + (- l) * (Suc k) * (?f k x)) * indicator {0 .. a} x) - ((- l) * (Suc k) * (?f k x) * indicator {0 .. a} x))"
show "integrable lborel (λx. ((?f(Suc k) x + (- l) * (Suc k) * (?f k x)) * indicator {0 .. a} x) - ((- l) * (Suc k) * (?f k x) * indicator {0 .. a} x))"
proof(intro Bochner_Integration.integrable_diff A2 posa)
have A03: "integrable lborel (λx. (indicator {0 ..} x) *(?f k x) * indicator {0 .. a} x)"
proof(rule integrable_real_mult_indicator)
show "{0..a} ∈ sets lborel"by auto
show "integrable lborel (λx. indicat_real {0..} x * (?f k x))"
using A01 by auto
have A04: "integrable lborel (λx. (?f k x) * indicator {0 .. a} x)"
have "(λx. (indicator {0 ..} x) *(?f k x) * indicator {0 .. a} x) = (λx. (?f k x) * indicator {0 .. a} x)"
by(auto simp:field_simps split: split_indicator)
thus ?thesis
using A03 by auto
hence "integrable lborel (λx. (- l) * (Suc k) *((?f k x) * indicat_real {0..a} x))"
by(intro integrable_mult_right A04)
thus "integrable lborel (λx. (- l) * (Suc k) * (?f k x) * indicat_real {0..a} x)"
by(auto simp:field_simps split: split_indicator)
hence "integrable lborel (λx. (?f(Suc k) x * indicator {0 .. a} x))"
by (auto simp:field_simps)
} note integrabledSuck = this
fix a :: real assume posa: "0 ≤ a"
have "(∫x. (?AF x * ?Ag x) * indicator {0 .. a} x ∂lborel) = ?AF a * ?AG a - ?AF 0 * ?AG 0 - ∫x. (?Af x * ?AG x) * indicator {0 .. a} x ∂lborel"
by(intro integral_by_parts cont_f cont_g drv_F drv_G posa)
hence "(∫x. ?f(Suc k) x * indicator {0 .. a} x ∂lborel) = (1/(2 * l)) *(?AF a * ?AG a - ?AF 0 * ?AG 0) - ∫x. (- l) * (Suc k) * (?f k x) * indicator {0 .. a} x ∂lborel"
by (auto simp:field_simps)
also have "... = (1/(2 * l)) *(?AF a * ?AG a - ?AF 0 * ?AG 0) - (- l) * ∫x. (Suc k) * (?f k x) * indicator {0 .. a} x ∂lborel"
using integral_scaleR_right by auto
also have "... = (1/(2 * l)) *(?AF a * ?AG a - ?AF 0 * ?AG 0) + l * ∫x. (Suc k) * ((?f k x) * indicator {0 .. a} x) ∂lborel"
by (auto simp:field_simps)
also have "... = (1/(2 * l)) *(?AF a * ?AG a - ?AF 0 * ?AG 0) + l * (Suc k) * ∫x. (?f k x) * indicator {0 .. a} x ∂lborel"
using integral_scaleR_right by auto
finally have "(∫x. ?f(Suc k) x * indicator {0 .. a} x ∂lborel) = (1/(2 * l)) *(?AF a * ?AG a - ?AF 0 * ?AG 0) + l * (Suc k) * ∫x. (?f k x) * indicator {0 .. a} x ∂lborel".
} note integralfSuck = this
let ?H ="λ (i :: nat). λ x :: real. ?f(Suc k) x * indicator {0 .. i} x"
have Hi: "⋀i. integrable lborel (?H i)"
using exp_ge_zero exp_total integrabledSuck by force
have Hmono: "AE x in lborel. mono (λn. ?H n x)"
by(auto simp: mono_def split: split_indicator)
have Intervallim: "⋀x. (λxa. indicat_real {0..real xa} x) ⇢ indicat_real {0..} x"
fix x::real show "(λxa. indicat_real {0..real xa} x) ⇢ indicat_real {0..} x"
proof(unfold tendsto_def eventually_sequentially,intro allI impI)
fix S :: "real set" assume "open S" and inInt: "indicat_real {0..} x ∈ S"
show "∃N. ∀n≥N. indicat_real {0..real n} x ∈ S"
proof(cases"x < 0")
case True
thus ?thesis
using inInt by auto
case False
hence "1 ∈ S"
using inInt by auto
hence "∀n ≥ nat(floor x + 1). indicat_real {0..real n} x ∈ S"
using False
by (metis add1_zle_eq atLeastAtMost_iff atLeast_iff floor_less_cancel floor_of_nat inInt indicator_simps(1) indicator_simps(2) less_eq_real_def nat_le_iff)
thus ?thesis by auto
have Hlim: "AE x in lborel. (λi. ?H i x) ⇢ ?f(Suc k) x * indicator {0 ..} x"
by(intro AE_I2 tendsto_intros Intervallim)
fix k :: nat and x :: real
assume posx: "0 ≤ x"
have 1: "{0 :: nat..k} = {0..<(Suc k)}"
by auto
have ineq1: "inverse(fact k) *⇩R ((x / l) ^ k) ≤ (∑n< (Suc k). inverse(fact n) *⇩R ((x / l) ^ n))"
by(rule sum_nonneg_leq_bound[of"{0..k}"],auto simp: lessThan_atLeast0 posx 1)
have ineq2: "0 ≤ (∑n. inverse(fact (n + (Suc k))) *⇩R ((x / l) ^ (n + (Suc k))))"
proof(rule suminf_nonneg)
show "summable (λn. (x / l) ^ (n + (Suc k)) /⇩R fact (n + (Suc k)))"
by(subst summable_iff_shift, rule summable_exp_generic)
show "⋀n. 0 ≤ (x / l) ^ (n + (Suc k)) /⇩R fact (n + (Suc k))"
by (auto simp: posx)
from ineq1 ineq2 have "inverse(fact k) *⇩R ((x / l) ^k) ≤ (∑n<(Suc k). inverse(fact n) *⇩R ((x / l) ^ n)) + (∑n. inverse(fact (n +(Suc k))) *⇩R ((x / l) ^ (n + (Suc k))))"
by linarith
also have "... = exp(x / l)"
using exp_first_terms[of"x / l" "(Suc k)"] by auto
finally have "inverse(fact k) * ((x / l) ^ k) ≤ exp(x / l)" by auto
hence "(x / l) ^k / fact k ≤ exp(x / l)"
by(auto simp: field_simps)
hence ineq3: "(x / l) ^k ≤ exp(x / l) * fact k"
by(auto simp: pos_divide_le_eq)
have "(x / l) ^k * exp(-x / l) = (x / l) ^k / exp(x / l)"
by (auto simp: exp_minus field_class.field_divide_inverse)
also have "... ≤ exp(x / l) * fact k / exp(x / l)"
using ineq3 by (metis divide_right_mono exp_ge_zero)
finally have "(x / l) ^ k * exp(-x / l) ≤ fact k"by auto
} note expineq = this
have Hilim01: "(λi :: nat. (1/(2 * l)) *(?AF i * ?AG i - ?AF 0 * ?AG 0) + l * (Suc k) * ∫x. (?f k x) * indicator {0 .. i} x ∂lborel) ⇢ (1/(2 * l)) *(0 - ?AF 0 * ?AG 0) + l * (Suc k) * ∫x. (?f k x) * indicator {0 ..} x ∂lborel"
proof(intro tendsto_intros integralfSuck)
fix k :: nat
have "(λx. (real x / l) ^ k * (exp (- real x / l))) ⇢ 0"
proof(rule tendstoI, subst eventually_at_top_linorder,rule exI)
fix e :: real assume pose: "0 < e"
show "∀n ≥ (λ e :: real. nat ⌊l * fact (Suc k) / e⌋ + 1) e. dist ((real n / l) ^ k * exp (- real n / l)) 0 < e"
proof(intro allI impI)
fix n :: nat
assume assmsn: "nat ⌊l * fact (Suc k) / e⌋ + 1 ≤ n"
hence npos: "0 < real n"by auto
have "((real n / l) * ((real n / l) ^ k) * exp(- (real n) / l)) ≤ fact (Suc k)"
using expineq[of"real n" "(Suc k)"] by auto
hence ineq1: "((real n / l) ^ k * exp(- (real n) / l)) ≤ fact (Suc k) / (real n / l) "
using pos npos le_divide_eq mult.commute divide_pos_pos
by (metis vector_space_over_itself.scale_scale)
also have "... ≤ fact (Suc k) / (real (nat ⌊l * fact (Suc k) / e⌋ + 1) / l) "
using ineq1 assmsn pos by (auto simp: frac_le)
also have "... < fact (Suc k) / (fact (Suc k) / e) "
proof(rule divide_strict_left_mono)
show "(0 :: real) < fact (Suc k)"by auto
show "(0 :: real) < real (nat ⌊l * fact (Suc k) / e⌋ + 1) / l * (fact (Suc k) / e)"
by (auto simp: pos pose)
have "fact (Suc k) / e ≤ (l * fact (Suc k) / e) / l"
by auto
also have "... < real (nat ⌊l * fact (Suc k) / e⌋ + 1) / l"
proof -
have "l * fact (Suc k) / e < real (nat ⌊l * fact (Suc k) / e⌋ + 1)"
by linarith
thus ?thesis
using divide_strict_right_mono pos by blast
finally show "fact (Suc k) / e < real (nat ⌊l * fact (Suc k) / e⌋ + 1) / l".
also have "... = e"
by auto
finally have ineq3: "((real n / l) ^ k * exp(- real n / l)) < e".
thus"dist ((real n / l) ^ k * exp (- real n / l)) 0 < e"
by auto
} note limit1 = this
have eqlim: "(λx. real x ^ Suc k * (- l * exp (- real x / l))) = (λx. ((l^Suc k) * (- l)) * (((real x / l) ^ Suc k) * exp (- real x / l)))"
by (auto simp add: power_divide)
have "(λx. ((l^Suc k) * (- l)) * (((real x / l) ^ Suc k) * exp (- real x / l))) ⇢ (((l^Suc k) * (- l)) * 0)"
proof(intro tendsto_intros)
show "(λx. (real x / l) ^ Suc k * exp (- real x / l)) ⇢ 0"
using limit1[of"Suc k"] by auto
with eqlim show "(λx. real x ^ Suc k * (- l * exp (- real x / l))) ⇢ 0"by auto
show "(λx. LBINT xa. 1 / (2 * l) * (exp (- xa / l) * xa ^ k) * indicat_real {0..real x} xa) ⇢ (LBINT x. 1 / (2 * l) * (exp (- x / l) * x ^ k) * indicat_real {0..} x)"
using kconverge3 by auto
have "(1/(2 * l)) * (0 - ?AF 0 * ?AG 0) + l * (Suc k) * (∫x. (?f k x) * indicator {0 ..} x ∂lborel) = (1/(2 * l)) * (0 - ?AF 0 * ?AG 0) + l * (Suc k) * (∫x. indicator {0 ..} x *⇩R (?f k x) ∂lborel)"
proof -
have "∀r. 1 / (2 * l) * (exp (- r / l) * r ^ k) * indicat_real {0..} r = indicat_real {0..} r * (1 / (2 * l) * (exp (- r / l) * r ^ k))"
by auto
thus ?thesis
using real_scaleR_def by presburger
also have "... =(1/(2 * l)) * (0 - ?AF 0 * ?AG 0) + l * (Suc k) * (fact k * l ^ k / 2)"
by (metis A02)
also have "... = l * (Suc k) * (fact k * l ^ k / 2)"
by auto
also have "... = (Suc k) * (fact k) * l * l ^ k / 2"
by(auto simp: field_simps)
also have "... = fact (Suc k) * l ^ Suc k / 2"
by(auto simp: field_simps)
finally have Hilim02: "(1/(2 * l)) * (0 - ?AF 0 * ?AG 0) + l * (Suc k) * (∫x. (?f k x) * indicator {0 ..} x ∂lborel) = (fact (Suc k)) * l ^ (Suc k) / 2".
have Hilim: "(λi :: nat. ∫x. ?H i x ∂lborel) ⇢ (fact (Suc k)) * l ^ (Suc k) / 2"
have "(λi :: nat. ∫x. ?H i x ∂lborel) = (λi :: nat. (1/(2 * l)) *(?AF i * ?AG i - ?AF 0 * ?AG 0) + l * (Suc k) * ∫x. (?f k x) * indicator {0 .. i} x ∂lborel)"
using integralfSuck by auto
thus ?thesis
using Hilim01 Hilim02 by metis
have Hu: "(λ x. ?f(Suc k) x * indicator {0 ..} x) ∈ borel_measurable lborel"
by measurable
thus cond3: "has_bochner_integral lborel (λx. indicat_real {0..} x *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 x * x ^ Suc k)) (fact (Suc k) * l ^ Suc k / 2)"
proof(subst has_bochner_integral_cong)
show boch2: "has_bochner_integral lborel (λx. ?f(Suc k) x * indicator {0 ..} x) (fact (Suc k) * l ^ Suc k / 2)"
by(rule has_bochner_integral_monotone_convergence[OF Hi Hmono Hlim Hilim Hu])
show "lborel = lborel"by auto
fix x :: real assume "x ∈ space lborel"
show "indicat_real {0..} x *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 x * x ^ Suc k) = 1 / (2 * l) * (exp (- x / l) * x ^ Suc k) * indicat_real {0..} x"
unfolding laplace_density_def by(auto simp: field_simps split: split_indicator)
show "fact (Suc k) * l ^ Suc k / 2 = fact (Suc k) * l ^ Suc k / 2"by auto
show "(λx. LBINT xa. indicat_real {0..real x} xa *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 xa * xa ^ Suc k)) ⇢ (LBINT y. indicat_real {0..} y *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 y * y ^ Suc k))"
have eq1: "(λi :: nat. ∫x. ?H i x ∂lborel) = (λx. LBINT xa. indicat_real {0..real x} xa * (laplace_density l 0 xa * (xa * xa ^ k)))"
proof fix i :: nat show "(LBINT x. 1 / (2 * l) * (exp (- x / l) * x ^ Suc k) * indicat_real {0..real i} x) = (LBINT xa. indicat_real {0..real i} xa * (laplace_density l 0 xa * (xa * xa ^ k)))"
by(rule Bochner_Integration.integral_cong,unfold laplace_density_def, auto split: split_indicator)
have "(LBINT y. indicat_real {0..} y * (laplace_density l 0 y * (y ^ (Suc k)))) = ((1 + real k) * fact k * (l * l ^ k) / 2)"
using cond3 has_bochner_integral_integral_eq by force
also have "... = (fact (Suc k)) * l ^ (Suc k) / 2"
by auto
finally have eq2: "(LBINT y. indicat_real {0..} y * (laplace_density l 0 y * (y ^ (Suc k)))) = (fact (Suc k)) * l ^ (Suc k) / 2".
from Hilim eq2[THEN sym] eq1 show "(λx. LBINT xa. indicat_real {0..real x} xa *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 xa * xa ^ Suc k)) ⇢ (LBINT y. indicat_real {0..} y *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 y * y ^ Suc k))"
by auto
lemma laplace_moment_even:
fixes k :: nat
assumes pos[arith]: "0 < l"
shows "has_bochner_integral lborel (λ x. ((laplace_density l m x) * (x - m)^(2 * k)))(fact (2 * k) * l^(2 * k))"
have "has_bochner_integral lborel (λ x. ((laplace_density l 0 x) * x^(2 * k)))(2 *⇩R (fact (2 * k) * l^(2 * k) /2))"
proof(rule has_bochner_integral_even_function)
show "has_bochner_integral lborel (λx. indicat_real {0..} x *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 x * x ^ (2 * k))) (fact (2 * k) * l ^ (2 * k) / 2)"
using laplace_moment_0(1)[of l"(2 * k)"] pos by auto
show "⋀x. laplace_density l 0 (- x) * (- x) ^ (2 * k) = laplace_density l 0 x * x ^ (2 * k)"
unfolding laplace_density_def by auto
hence "has_bochner_integral lborel (λ x. ((laplace_density l 0 (x - m)) * (x - m)^(2 * k)))(2 *⇩R (fact (2 * k) * l^(2 * k) /2))"
by(subst lborel_has_bochner_integral_real_affine_iff[where c ="1 :: real" and t ="m"],auto)
thus ?thesis
using laplace_density_shift[of l m"-m",simplified] by auto
lemma laplace_moment_odd:
fixes k :: nat
assumes pos[arith]: "0 < l"
shows "has_bochner_integral lborel (λ x. ((laplace_density l m x) * (x - m)^(2 * k + 1)))(0)"
have "has_bochner_integral lborel (λ x. ((laplace_density l 0 x) * x^(2 * k + 1)))(0)"
proof(rule has_bochner_integral_odd_function)
show "has_bochner_integral lborel (λx. indicat_real {0..} x *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 x * x ^ (2 * k + 1))) (fact (2 * k + 1) * l ^ (2 * k + 1) / 2)"
using laplace_moment_0(1)[of l"(2 * k + 1)"] pos by auto
show "⋀x. laplace_density l 0 (- x) * (- x) ^ (2 * k + 1) = - (laplace_density l 0 x * x ^ (2 * k + 1))"
unfolding laplace_density_def by auto
hence "has_bochner_integral lborel (λ x. ((laplace_density l 0 (x - m)) * (x - m)^(2 * k + 1)))(0)"
by(subst lborel_has_bochner_integral_real_affine_iff[where c ="1 :: real" and t ="m"],auto)
thus ?thesis
using laplace_density_shift[of l m"-m",simplified] by auto
lemma laplace_moment_abs_odd:
fixes k :: nat
assumes pos[arith]: "0 < l"
shows "has_bochner_integral lborel (λ x. ((laplace_density l m x) * ¦x - m¦^(2 * k + 1)))(fact (2 * k + 1) * l ^ (2 * k + 1))"
have "has_bochner_integral lborel (λ x. ((laplace_density l 0 x) * ¦x¦^(2 * k + 1)))(2 *⇩R (fact (2 * k + 1) * l^(2 * k + 1) /2))"
proof(rule has_bochner_integral_even_function)
have "has_bochner_integral lborel (λx. indicat_real {0..} x *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 x * x ^ (2 * k + 1)))(fact (2 * k + 1) * l ^ (2 * k + 1) / 2)"
using laplace_moment_0(1)[of l"(2 * k + 1)"] pos by auto
thus"has_bochner_integral lborel (λx. indicat_real {0..} x *⇩R (laplace_density l 0 x * ¦x¦ ^ (2 * k + 1)))(fact (2 * k + 1) * l ^ (2 * k + 1) / 2)"
by(subst has_bochner_integral_cong,auto)
show "⋀x. laplace_density l 0 (- x) * ¦- x¦ ^ (2 * k + 1) = laplace_density l 0 x * ¦x¦ ^ (2 * k + 1)"
unfolding laplace_density_def by auto
hence "has_bochner_integral lborel (λ x. ((laplace_density l 0 (x - m)) * ¦x - m¦^(2 * k + 1)))(2 *⇩R (fact (2 * k + 1) * l^(2 * k + 1) /2))"
by(subst lborel_has_bochner_integral_real_affine_iff[where c ="1 :: real" and t ="m"],auto)
thus ?thesis
using laplace_density_shift[of l m"-m",simplified] by auto
lemma integral_laplace_moment_even:
assumes pos[arith]: "0 < l"
shows "integral⇧L lborel (λx.(laplace_density l m x) * (x - m)^(2 * k)) = fact (2 * k) * l^(2 * k)"
using laplace_moment_even[of l m k] pos by (auto simp: has_bochner_integral_integral_eq)
lemma integral_laplace_moment_odd:
assumes pos[arith]: "0 < l"
shows "integral⇧L lborel (λx.(laplace_density l m x) * (x - m)^(2 * k + 1)) = 0"
using laplace_moment_odd[of l m k] pos by (auto simp: has_bochner_integral_integral_eq)
lemma integral_laplace_moment_abs_odd:
assumes pos[arith]: "0 < l"
shows "integral⇧L lborel (λx.(laplace_density l m x) * ¦x - m¦^(2 * k + 1)) =fact (2 * k + 1) * l^(2 * k + 1)"
using laplace_moment_abs_odd[of l m k] pos by (auto simp: has_bochner_integral_integral_eq)
lemma integrable_laplace_moment:
fixes k :: nat
assumes pos[arith]: "0 < l"
shows "integrable lborel (λ x. ((laplace_density l m x) * (x - m)^(k)))"
proof cases
assume "even k"thus ?thesis
using integrable.intros[OF laplace_moment_even] by (auto elim: evenE)
assume "odd k"thus ?thesis
using integrable.intros[OF laplace_moment_odd] by (auto elim: oddE)
lemma integrable_laplace_moment_abs:
fixes k :: nat
assumes pos[arith]: "0 < l"
shows "integrable lborel (λ x. ((laplace_density l m x) * ¦ x - m ¦^(k)))"
proof cases
assume "even k"thus ?thesis
using integrable.intros[OF laplace_moment_even] by (auto simp add: power_even_abs elim: evenE)
assume "odd k"thus ?thesis
using integrable.intros[OF laplace_moment_abs_odd] by (auto elim: oddE)
lemma integrable_laplace_density[simp, intro]:
assumes pos[arith]: "0 < l"
shows "integrable lborel (laplace_density l m)"
using integrable_laplace_moment[of l m 0,OF pos] by auto
lemma integral_laplace_density[simp, intro]:
assumes pos[arith]: "0 < l"
shows "(∫x. laplace_density l m x ∂lborel) = 1"
using integral_laplace_moment_even[of l m 0,OF pos] by auto
subsection ‹The Probability Space Distributed by Laplace Distribution›
lemma prob_space_laplacian_density:
assumes pos[arith]: "0 < l"
shows "prob_space (density lborel (laplace_density l m))"
show "emeasure (density lborel (laplace_density l m)) (space (density lborel (laplace_density l m))) = 1"
by(auto simp:emeasure_laplace_density_mass_1[OF pos])
lemma (in prob_space) laplace_distributed_le:
assumes D: "distributed M lborel X (laplace_density l m)"
and [simp, arith]: "0 < l"
shows "𝒫(x in M. X x ≤ a) = laplace_CDF l m a"
have "emeasure M {x ∈ space M. X x ≤ a} = emeasure (distr M lborel X) {.. a}"
using distributed_measurable[OF D]
by (subst emeasure_distr) (auto intro!: arg_cong2[where f=emeasure])
also have "... = emeasure (density lborel (laplace_density l m)) {.. a}"
unfolding distributed_distr_eq_density[OF D] by auto
also have "... = laplace_CDF l m a"
using emeasure_laplace_density assms by auto
finally show ?thesis
by (auto simp: emeasure_eq_measure)
lemma (in prob_space) laplace_distributed_gt:
assumes D: "distributed M lborel X (laplace_density l m)"
and [simp, arith]: "0 < l"
shows "𝒫(x in M. X x > a) = 1 - laplace_CDF l m a"
have "1 - laplace_CDF l m a = 1- 𝒫(x in M. X x ≤ a)"
using laplace_distributed_le assms by auto
also have "... = prob (space M - {x ∈ space M. X x ≤ a})"
using distributed_measurable[OF D]
by (auto simp: prob_compl)
also have "... = 𝒫(x in M. X x > a)"
by (auto intro!: arg_cong[where f=prob] simp: not_le)
finally show ?thesis
by auto