Theory MachineEquations

section ‹Arithmetization of Register Machines›

subsection ‹A first definition of the arithmetizing equations›

theory MachineEquations
  imports MultipleStepRegister MultipleStepState MachineMasking
definition mask_equations :: "nat  (register  nat)  (register  nat)
                               nat  nat  nat  nat  bool" (* 4.15, 4.17 and 4.20 *)
  where "(mask_equations n r z c d e f) = ((l<n. (r l)  d)
                                            (l<n. (z l)  e)
                                            (l<n. 2^c * (z l) = (r l + d) && f))"

definition reg_equations :: "program  (register  nat)  (register  nat)  (state  nat)
                               nat  nat  nat  nat  bool" where
  "(reg_equations p r z s b a n q) = (
    ― ‹4.22› (l>0. l < n  r l =     b*r l + b*∑R+ p l (λk. s k) - b*∑R- p l (λk. s k && z l))
   ― ‹4.23› (      r 0 = a + b*r 0 + b*∑R+ p 0 (λk. s k) - b*∑R- p 0 (λk. s k && z 0))
   (l<n. r l < b ^ q)) ― ‹Extra equation not in Matiyasevich's book.
                                      Needed to show that all registers are empty at time q›"

(* STATE EQUATIONS -- todo from here on *)
definition state_equations :: "program  (state  nat)  (register  nat)  
                              nat  nat  nat  nat  bool" where
  "state_equations p s z b e q m = (
― ‹4.24› (d>0. dm  s d =     b*∑S+ p d (λk. s k) + b*∑S- p d (λk. s k && z (modifies (p!k)))
                                                 + b*∑S0 p d (λk. s k && (e - z (modifies (p!k)))))
      ― ‹4.25› (       s 0 = 1 + b*∑S+ p 0 (λk. s k) + b*∑S- p 0 (λk. s k && z (modifies (p!k)))
                                                 + b*∑S0 p 0 (λk. s k && (e - z (modifies (p!k)))))
      ― ‹4.27› (s m = b^q)
      (km. s k  e)   (k<m. s k < b ^ q) ― ‹these equations are not from the book›
      (Mm. (kM. s k)  e) ― ‹this equation is added, too› )"

(* The following two equations do not appear in Matiyasevich's book, this duplicated definition
   (note that they are also included just above) is, for now, only a reminder. *)
definition state_unique_equations :: "program  (statenat)  nat  nat bool" where
  "state_unique_equations p s m e = ((k=0..m. s k)  e  (km. s k  e))"

definition rm_constants :: "nat  nat  nat  nat  nat  nat  nat  bool" where
  "rm_constants q c b d e f a = (
       ― ‹4.14› (b = B c)
      ― ‹4.16› (d = D q c b)
      ― ‹4.18› (e = E q b) ― ‹4.19 left out (compare book)›
      ― ‹4.21› (f = F q c b)
      ― ‹extra equation not in the book› c > 0
      ― ‹4.26› (a < 2^c)  (q>0))"

definition rm_equations_old :: "program  nat  nat  nat  bool" where
  "rm_equations_old p q a n = (
     b c d e f :: nat.
     r z :: register  nat.
     s :: state  nat.
     mask_equations n r z c d e f
      reg_equations p r z s b a n q 
      state_equations p s z b e q (length p - 1)
      rm_constants q c b d e f a)"
