Theory CubicalCategories

Title: Cubical Categories
Authors: Tanguy Massacrier, Georg Struth
Maintainer: Georg Struth <g.struth at>

section‹Cubical Categories›

theory CubicalCategories
  imports ICatoids


text ‹All categories considered in this component are single-set categories.›

subsection ‹Semi-cubical $\omega$-categories›

text ‹We first define a class for cubical $\omega$-categories without symmetries.›

class semi_cubical_omega_category = icategory +
  assumes face_comm: "i  j   i α   j β =  j β   i α"
  and face_func: "i  j  DD j x y   i α (x ⊗⇘jy) =  i α x ⊗⇘j i α y"
  and interchange: "i  j  DD i w x  DD i y z  DD j w y  DD j x z 
                            (w ⊗⇘ix) ⊗⇘j(y ⊗⇘iz) = (w ⊗⇘jy) ⊗⇘i(x ⊗⇘jz)"
  and fin_fix: "k.i. k  i  fFx i x"


lemma pcomp_face_func_DD: "i  j  DD j x y  DD j ( i α x) ( i α y)"
  by (metis comp_apply icat.st_local local.face_comm)

lemma comp_face_func: "i  j  (∂∂ i α) (x ⊙⇘jy)   i α x ⊙⇘j i α y"
  using local.icat.pcomp_def_var local.icat.pcomp_def_var4 local.face_func pcomp_face_func_DD by fastforce

lemma interchange_var: 
  assumes "i  j"
  and "(w ⊙⇘ix) ⋆⇘j(y ⊙⇘iz)  {}"
  and "(w ⊙⇘jy) ⋆⇘i(x ⊙⇘jz)  {}"
  shows "(w ⊙⇘ix) ⋆⇘j(y ⊙⇘iz) = (w ⊙⇘jy) ⋆⇘i(x ⊙⇘jz)" 
  have h1: "DD i w x"
    using assms(2) local.ims.conv_def by force
  have h2: "DD i y z"
    using assms(2) multimagma.conv_distl by force
  have h3: "DD j w y"
    using assms(3) multimagma.conv_def by force
  have h4: "DD j x z"
    using assms(3) local.icid.stopp.conv_def by force
  have "(w ⊙⇘ix) ⋆⇘j(y ⊙⇘iz) = {w ⊗⇘ix} ⋆⇘j{y ⊗⇘iz}"
    using h1 h2 local.icat.pcomp_def_var4 by force
  also have " = {(w ⊗⇘ix) ⊗⇘j(y ⊗⇘iz)}"
    using assms(2) calculation local.icat.pcomp_def_var4 by force
  also have " = {(w ⊗⇘jy) ⊗⇘i(x ⊗⇘jz)}"
    by (simp add: assms(1) h1 h2 h3 h4 local.interchange)
  also have " = {w ⊗⇘jy} ⋆⇘i{x ⊗⇘jz}"
    by (metis assms(3) h3 h4 local.icat.pcomp_def_var4 multimagma.conv_atom)
  also have " = (w ⊙⇘jy) ⋆⇘i(x ⊙⇘jz)"
    using h3 h4 local.icat.pcomp_def_var4 by force
  finally show ?thesis.

lemma interchange_var2: 
  assumes "i  j"
  and "(a  w ⊙⇘ix. b  y ⊙⇘iz. a ⊙⇘jb)  {}"
  and "(c  w ⊙⇘jy. d  x ⊙⇘jz. c ⊙⇘id)  {}"
  shows "(a  w ⊙⇘ix. b  y ⊙⇘iz. a ⊙⇘jb) = (c  w ⊙⇘jy. d  x ⊙⇘jz. c ⊙⇘id)"
  have "{(w ⊗⇘ix) ⊗⇘j(y ⊗⇘iz)} = {(w ⊗⇘jy) ⊗⇘i(x ⊗⇘jz)}"
    using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) local.interchange by fastforce
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) interchange_var multimagma.conv_def)

lemma face_compat: " i α   i β  =  i β"
  by (metis (full_types, lifting) ext comp_def[of " i tt" " i tt"] comp_def[of " i tt" " i ff"]
      comp_def[of " i ff" " i tt"] comp_def[of " i ff" " i ff"] icid.ts_compat[of i]
      local.icid.stopp.ts_compat[of i])

lemma face_compat_var [simp]: " i α ( i β x) =  i β x"
  by (metis (full_types) icid.ts_compat local.icid.stopp.ts_compat)

lemma face_comm_var: "i  j   i α ( j β x) =  j β ( i α x)"
  by (meson comp_eq_dest local.face_comm)

lemma face_comm_lift: "i  j  ∂∂ i α (∂∂ j β X) = ∂∂ j β (∂∂ i α X)"
  by (simp add: image_comp local.face_comm)

lemma face_func_lift: "i  j  (∂∂ i α) (X ⋆⇘jY)  ∂∂ i α X ⋆⇘j∂∂  i α Y"
  using ims.conv_def comp_face_func dual_order.refl image_subset_iff by fastforce

lemma pcomp_lface: "DD i x y   i ff (x ⊗⇘iy) =  i ff x"
  by (simp add: icat.st_local local.icat.sscatml.locall_var)

lemma pcomp_uface: "DD i x y   i tt (x ⊗⇘iy) =  i tt y"
  using icat.st_local local.icat.sscatml.localr_var by force

lemma interchange_DD1:
  assumes "i  j"
  and "DD i w x"
  and "DD i y z"
  and "DD j w y"
  and "DD j x z"
  shows "DD j (w ⊗⇘ix) (y ⊗⇘iz)"
  have a: " j tt (w ⊗⇘ix) =  j tt w ⊗⇘i j tt x"
    using assms(1) assms(2) face_func by simp
  also have "  =  j ff y ⊗⇘i j ff z"
    using assms(4) assms(5) local.iDst by simp
  also have " =  j ff (y ⊗⇘iz)"
    using assms(1) assms(3) face_func by simp
  finally show ?thesis
    using local.locality by simp

lemma interchange_DD2:
  assumes "i  j"
  and "DD i w x"
  and "DD i y z"
  and "DD j w y"
  and "DD j x z"
  shows "DD i (w ⊗⇘jy) (x ⊗⇘jz)"
  using assms interchange_DD1 by simp
lemma face_idem1: " i α x =  i β y   i α x ⊙⇘i i β y = { i α x}"
  by (metis face_compat_var local.it_absorb)

lemma face_pidem1: " i α x =  i β y   i α x ⊗⇘i i β y =  i α x"
  by (metis face_compat_var local.icat.sscatml.l0_absorb)

lemma face_pidem2: " i α x   i β y   i α x ⊙⇘i i β y = {}"
  using icat.st_local by force

lemma face_fix_comp_var: "i  j  ∂∂ i α ( i α x ⊙⇘j i α y) =  i α x ⊙⇘j i α y"
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) comp_face_func empty_is_image face_compat_var local.icat.pcomp_def_var4 subset_singletonD)

lemma interchange_lift_aux: "x  X  y  Y  DD i x y  x ⊗⇘iy  X ⋆⇘iY"
  using local.icat.pcomp_def_var local.ims.conv_exp2 by blast

lemma interchange_lift1:
  assumes "i  j"
  and "w  W. x  X. y  Y. z  Z. DD i w x  DD i y z  DD j w y  DD j x z"
  shows "((W ⋆⇘iX) ⋆⇘j(Y ⋆⇘iZ))  ((W ⋆⇘jY) ⋆⇘i(X ⋆⇘jZ))  {}"
  obtain w x y z where h1: "w  W  x  X  y  Y  z  Z  DD i w x  DD i y z  DD j w y  DD j x z"
    using assms(2) by blast
  have h5: "(w ⊗⇘ix) ⊗⇘j(y ⊗⇘iz)  (W ⋆⇘iX) ⋆⇘j(Y ⋆⇘iZ)"
    using assms(1) h1 interchange_lift_aux interchange_DD2 by presburger
  have "(w ⊗⇘jy) ⊗⇘i(x ⊗⇘jz)  (W ⋆⇘jY) ⋆⇘i(X ⋆⇘jZ)"
    by (simp add: assms(1) h1 interchange_lift_aux interchange_DD2)
  thus ?thesis
    using assms(1) h1 h5 local.interchange by fastforce

lemma interchange_lift2:
  assumes "i  j"
  and "w  W. x  X. y  Y. z  Z. DD i w x  DD i y z  DD j w y  DD j x z"
  shows "((W ⋆⇘iX) ⋆⇘j(Y ⋆⇘iZ)) = ((W ⋆⇘jY) ⋆⇘i(X ⋆⇘jZ))"
  {fix t
    have "(t  (W ⋆⇘iX) ⋆⇘j(Y ⋆⇘iZ)) = (w  W. x  X. y  Y. z  Z. DD i w x  DD i y z  DD j (w ⊗⇘ix) (y ⊗⇘iz)  t = (w ⊗⇘ix) ⊗⇘j(y ⊗⇘iz))"
    unfolding iconv_prop by force
  also have " = (w  W. x  X. y  Y. z  Z. DD i w x  DD i y z  DD j w y  DD j x z  t = (w ⊗⇘ix) ⊗⇘j(y ⊗⇘iz))"
    using assms(1) assms(2) interchange_DD2 by simp
  also have " = (w  W. x  X. y  Y. z  Z. DD j w y  DD j x z  DD j w y  DD j x z  t = (w ⊗⇘jy) ⊗⇘i(x ⊗⇘jz))"
    by (simp add: assms(1) assms(2) local.interchange)
  also have " = (w  W. x  X. y  Y. z  Z. DD j w y  DD j x z  DD i (w ⊗⇘jy) (x ⊗⇘jz)  t = (w ⊗⇘jy) ⊗⇘i(x ⊗⇘jz))"
    using assms(1) assms(2) interchange_DD1 by simp
  also have " = (t  (W ⋆⇘jY) ⋆⇘i(X ⋆⇘jZ))"
    unfolding iconv_prop by force
  finally have "(t  (W ⋆⇘iX) ⋆⇘j(Y ⋆⇘iZ)) = (t  (W ⋆⇘jY) ⋆⇘i(X ⋆⇘jZ))"
    by blast}
  thus ?thesis
    by force

lemma double_fix_prop: "( i α ( j β x) = x) = (fFx i x  fFx j x)"
  by (metis face_comm_var face_compat_var)


subsection ‹Type classes for cubical $\omega$-categories›

abbreviation diffSup :: "nat  nat  nat  bool" where
  "diffSup i j k  (i - j  k  j - i  k)"

class symmetry_ops =
  fixes symmetry :: "nat  'a  'a" (σ)
  and inv_symmetry :: "nat  'a  'a" (θ) 


abbreviation "σσ i  image (σ i)"

abbreviation "θθ i  image (θ i)"

text ‹symcomp i j composes the symmetry maps from index i to index i+j-1.›

primrec symcomp :: "nat  nat  'a  'a" (Σ) where
    "Σ i 0 x = x"
  | "Σ i (Suc j) x = σ (i + j) (Σ i j x)"

text ‹inv-symcomp i j composes the inverse symmetries from i+j-1 to i.›

primrec inv_symcomp :: "nat  nat  'a  'a" (Θ) where
    "Θ i 0 x = x"
  | "Θ i (Suc j) x = Θ i j (θ (i + j) x)"


text ‹Next we define a class for cubical $\omega$-categories.›

class cubical_omega_category = semi_cubical_omega_category + symmetry_ops +
  assumes sym_type: "σσ i (face_fix i)  face_fix (i + 1)"
  and inv_sym_type: "θθ i (face_fix (i + 1))  face_fix i"
  and sym_inv_sym: "fFx (i + 1) x  σ i (θ i x) = x"
  and inv_sym_sym: "fFx i x   θ i (σ i x) = x"
  and sym_face1: "fFx i x   i α (σ i x) = σ i ( (i + 1) α x)"
  and sym_face2: "i  j  i  j + 1  fFx j x   i α (σ j x) = σ j ( i α x)"
  and sym_func: "i  j  fFx i x  fFx i y  DD j x y  
                     σ i (x ⊗⇘jy) = (if j = i + 1 then σ i x ⊗⇘iσ i y else σ i x ⊗⇘jσ i y)"
  and sym_fix: "fFx i x  fFx (i + 1) x  σ i x = x"
  and sym_sym_braid: "diffSup i j 2  fFx i x  fFx j x   σ i (σ j x) = σ j (σ i x)"


text ‹First we prove variants of the axioms.›

lemma sym_type_var: "fFx i x  fFx (i + 1) (σ i x)"
  by (meson image_subset_iff local.face_fix_prop local.sym_type)

lemma sym_type_var1 [simp]: " (i + 1) α (σ i ( i α x)) = σ i ( i α x)"
  by (metis local.face_compat_var sym_type_var)

lemma sym_type_var2 [simp]: " (i + 1) α  σ i   i α = σ i   i α"
  unfolding comp_def fun_eq_iff using sym_type_var1 by simp

lemma sym_type_var_lift_var [simp]: "∂∂ (i + 1) α (σσ i (∂∂ i α X)) = σσ i (∂∂ i α X)"
  by (metis image_comp sym_type_var2)

lemma sym_type_var_lift [simp]: 
  assumes "FFx i X"
  shows "∂∂ (i + 1) α (σσ i X) = σσ i X"
  have "∂∂ (i + 1) α (σσ i X) = { (i + 1) α (σ i x) |x. x  X}"
    by blast
  also have "  = {σ i x |x. x  X}"
    by (metis assms local.fFx_prop sym_type_var)
  also have " = σσ i X"
    by (simp add: setcompr_eq_image)
  finally show ?thesis.

lemma inv_sym_type_var: "fFx (i + 1) x  fFx i (θ i x)"
  by (meson image_subset_iff local.face_fix_prop local.inv_sym_type)

lemma inv_sym_type_var1 [simp]: " i α (θ i ( (i + 1) α x)) = θ i ( (i + 1) α x)"
  by (metis inv_sym_type_var local.face_compat_var)

lemma inv_sym_type_var2 [simp]: " i α  θ i   (i + 1) α = θ i   (i + 1) α"
  unfolding comp_def fun_eq_iff using inv_sym_type_var1 by simp

lemma inv_sym_type_lift_var [simp]: "∂∂ i α (θθ i (∂∂ (i + 1) α X)) = θθ i (∂∂ (i + 1) α X)"
  by (metis image_comp inv_sym_type_var2)

lemma inv_sym_type_lift: 
  assumes "FFx (i + 1) X"
  shows "∂∂ i α (θθ i X) = θθ i X"
  by (smt (verit, best) assms image_cong image_ident inv_sym_type_lift_var

lemma sym_inv_sym_var1 [simp]: "σ i (θ i ( (i + 1) α x)) =  (i + 1) α x"
  by (simp add: local.sym_inv_sym)

lemma sym_inv_sym_var2 [simp]: "σ i  θ i   (i + 1) α =  (i + 1) α"
  unfolding comp_def fun_eq_iff using sym_inv_sym_var1 by simp

lemma sym_inv_sym_lift_var: "σσ i (θθ i (∂∂ (i + 1) α X)) = ∂∂ (i + 1) α X"
  by (metis image_comp sym_inv_sym_var2)

lemma sym_inv_sym_lift: 
  assumes "FFx (i + 1) X"
  shows "σσ i (θθ i X) = X"
  have "σσ i (θθ i X) = {σ i (θ i x) |x. x  X}"
    by blast
  thus ?thesis
    using assms local.sym_inv_sym by force

lemma inv_sym_sym_var1 [simp]: "θ i (σ i ( i α x)) =  i α x"
  by (simp add: local.inv_sym_sym)

lemma inv_sym_sym_var2 [simp]: "θ i  σ i   i α =  i α"
  unfolding comp_def fun_eq_iff by simp

lemma inv_sym_sym_lift_var [simp]: "θθ i (σσ i (∂∂ i α X)) = ∂∂ i α X"
  by (simp add: image_comp)

lemma inv_sym_sym_lift: 
  assumes "FFx i X"
  shows "θθ i (σσ i X) = X"
  by (metis assms image_cong image_ident inv_sym_sym_lift_var)

lemma sym_fix_var1 [simp]: "σ i ( i α ( (i + 1) β x)) =  i α ( (i + 1) β x)"
  by (simp add: local.face_comm_var local.sym_fix)

lemma sym_fix_var2 [simp]: "σ i   i α   (i + 1) β =  i α   (i + 1) β"
  unfolding comp_def fun_eq_iff using sym_fix_var1 by simp

lemma sym_fix_lift_var: "σσ i (∂∂ i α (∂∂ (i + 1) β X)) = ∂∂ i α (∂∂ (i + 1) β X)"
  by (metis image_comp sym_fix_var2)

lemma sym_fix_lift: 
  assumes "FFx i X"
  and "FFx (i + 1) X"
  shows "σσ i X = X"
  using assms local.sym_fix by simp

lemma sym_face1_var1: " i α (σ i ( i β x)) = σ i ( (i + 1) α ( i β x))"
  by (simp add: local.sym_face1)

lemma sym_face1_var2: " i α  σ i   i β  = σ i   (i + 1) α   i β"
  by (simp add: comp_def local.sym_face1)

lemma sym_face1_lift_var: "∂∂ i α (σσ i (∂∂ i β X)) = σσ i (∂∂ (i + 1) α (∂∂ i β X))"
  by (metis image_comp sym_face1_var2)

lemma sym_face1_lift: 
  assumes "FFx i X"
  shows "∂∂ i α (σσ i X) = σσ i (∂∂ (i + 1) α X)"
  by (metis (lifting) ext assms inv_sym_sym_lift inv_sym_type_lift_var sym_face1_lift_var

lemma sym_face2_var1: 
  assumes "i  j"
  and "i  j + 1"
  shows " i α (σ j ( j β x)) = σ j ( i α ( j β x))"
  using assms local.sym_face2 by simp

lemma sym_face2_var2: 
  assumes "i  j"
  and "i  j + 1"
  shows  " i α  σ j   j β = σ j   i α   j β"
  unfolding comp_def fun_eq_iff using assms sym_face2_var1 by simp

lemma sym_face2_lift_var: 
  assumes "i  j"
  and "i  j + 1"
  shows "∂∂ i α (σσ j (∂∂ j β X)) = σσ j (∂∂ i α (∂∂ j β X))"
  by (metis assms image_comp sym_face2_var2)

lemma sym_face2_lift: 
  assumes "i  j"
  and "i  j + 1"
  and "FFx j X"
  shows "∂∂ i α (σσ j X) = σσ j (∂∂ i α X)"
  by (smt (z3) assms image_cong image_image sym_face2_var1)

lemma sym_sym_braid_var1: 
  assumes "diffSup i j 2"
  shows "σ i (σ j ( i α ( j β x))) = σ j (σ i ( i α ( j β x)))"
  using assms local.face_comm_var local.sym_sym_braid by force

lemma sym_sym_braid_var2: 
  assumes "diffSup i j 2"
  shows "σ i  σ j   i α   j β = σ j  σ i   i α   j β"
  using assms sym_sym_braid_var1 by fastforce

lemma sym_sym_braid_lift_var: 
  assumes "diffSup i j 2"
  shows "σσ i (σσ j (∂∂ i α (∂∂ j β X))) = σσ j (σσ i (∂∂ i α (∂∂ j β X)))"
  have "σσ i (σσ j (∂∂ i α (∂∂ j β X))) = {σ i (σ j ( i α ( j β x))) |x. x  X}"
    by blast
  also have " = {σ j (σ i ( i α ( j β x))) |x. x  X}"
    by (metis (full_types, opaque_lifting) assms sym_sym_braid_var1)
  finally show ?thesis
    by (simp add: Setcompr_eq_image image_image)

lemma sym_sym_braid_lift: 
  assumes "diffSup i j 2"
  and "FFx i X"
  and "FFx j X"
  shows "σσ i (σσ j X) = σσ j (σσ i X)"
  by (smt (verit, best) assms(1,2,3) comp_apply image_comp image_cong local.sym_sym_braid)

lemma sym_func2: 
  assumes "fFx i x" 
  and "fFx i y" 
  and "DD (i + 1) x y"
  shows "σ i (x ⊗⇘(i + 1)y) = σ i x ⊗⇘iσ i y"
  using assms local.sym_func by simp

lemma sym_func3: 
  assumes "i  j"
  and "j  i + 1"
  and "fFx i x"
  and "fFx i y"
  and "DD j x y" 
  shows "σ i (x ⊗⇘jy) = σ i x ⊗⇘jσ i y"
  using assms local.sym_func by simp

lemma sym_func2_var1:
  assumes "DD (i + 1) ( i α x) ( i β y)"
  shows "σ i ( i α x ⊗⇘(i + 1) i β y) = σ i ( i α x) ⊗⇘iσ i ( i β y)"
  using assms local.face_compat_var local.sym_func2 by simp

lemma sym_func3_var1: 
  assumes "i  j" 
  and "j  i + 1"
  and "DD j ( i α x) ( i β y)" 
  shows "σ i ( i α x ⊗⇘j i β y) = σ i ( i α x) ⊗⇘jσ i ( i β y)"
  using assms local.face_compat_var local.sym_func3 by simp

lemma sym_func2_DD: 
  assumes "fFx i x"
  and "fFx i y" 
  shows "DD (i + 1) x y = DD i (σ i x) (σ i y)"
  by (metis assms icat.st_local local.face_comm_var local.sym_face1 sym_fix_var1)

lemma func2_var2: "σσ i ( i α x ⊙⇘(i + 1) i β y) = σ i ( i α x) ⊙⇘iσ i ( i β y)"
proof (cases "DD (i + 1) ( i α x) ( i β y)")
  case True
  have "σσ i ( i α x ⊙⇘(i + 1) i β y) = σσ i { i α x ⊗⇘(i + 1) i β y}"
    using True local.icat.pcomp_def_var4 by simp
  also have " = {σ i ( i α x ⊗⇘(i + 1) i β y)}"
    by simp
  also have " = {σ i ( i α x) ⊗⇘iσ i ( i β y)}"
    using True sym_func2_var1 by simp
  also have " = σ i ( i α x) ⊙⇘iσ i ( i β y)"
    using True local.icat.pcomp_def_var4 sym_func2_DD by simp
  finally show ?thesis.
  case False
  thus ?thesis
    using local.sym_func2_DD by simp

lemma sym_func2_lift_var1: "σσ i (∂∂ i α X ⋆⇘(i + 1)∂∂ i β Y) = σσ i (∂∂ i α X) ⋆⇘iσσ i (∂∂ i β Y)"
  have "σσ i (∂∂ i α X ⋆⇘(i + 1)∂∂ i β Y) = σσ i {x ⊗⇘(i + 1)y |x y. x  ∂∂ i α X  y  ∂∂ i β Y  DD (i + 1) x y}"
    using local.iconv_prop by presburger
  also have " = {σ i ( i α x ⊗⇘(i + 1) i β y) |x y. x  X  y  Y  DD (i + 1) ( i α x) ( i β y)}"
    by blast
  also have " = {σ i ( i α x) ⊗⇘iσ i ( i β y) |x y. x  X  y  Y  DD i (σ i ( i α x)) (σ i ( i β y))}"
    using func2_var2 sym_func2_var1 by fastforce
  also have " = {x ⊗⇘iy |x y. x  σσ i (∂∂ i α X)  y  σσ i (∂∂ i β Y)  DD i x y}"
    by blast
  also have " = σσ i (∂∂ i α X) ⋆⇘iσσ i (∂∂ i β Y)"
    using local.iconv_prop by presburger
  finally show ?thesis.

lemma sym_func2_lift: 
  assumes "FFx i X"
  and "FFx i Y"
  shows "σσ i (X ⋆⇘(i + 1)Y) = σσ i X ⋆⇘iσσ i Y"
  have "σσ i (X ⋆⇘(i + 1)Y) = σσ i (∂∂ i tt X ⋆⇘(i + 1)∂∂ i tt Y)"
    by (smt (verit) assms image_cong image_ident local.icid.stopp.ST_compat)
  also have " = σσ i (∂∂ i tt X) ⋆⇘iσσ i (∂∂ i tt Y)"
    using sym_func2_lift_var1 by simp
  also have " = σσ i X ⋆⇘iσσ i Y"
    using assms icid.st_eq1 by simp
  finally show ?thesis.

lemma func3_var1: 
  assumes "i  j"
  and "j  i + 1" 
  shows "σσ i ( i α x ⊙⇘j i β y) = σ i ( i α x) ⊙⇘jσ i ( i β y)"
proof (cases "DD j ( i α x) ( i β y)")
  case True
  have "σσ i ( i α x ⊙⇘j i β y) = σσ i { i α x ⊗⇘j i β y}"
    using True local.icat.pcomp_def_var4 by simp
  also have " = {σ i ( i α x ⊗⇘j i β y)}"
    by simp
  also have " = {σ i ( i α x) ⊗⇘jσ i ( i β y)}"
    using True assms sym_func3_var1 by simp
  also have " = σ i ( i α x) ⊙⇘jσ i ( i β y)"
    using True assms icat.st_local local.icat.pcomp_def_var4 sym_face2_var1 by simp
  finally show ?thesis.
  case False
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis assms empty_is_image icat.st_local inv_sym_sym_var1 local.face_comm_var sym_face2_var1)

lemma sym_func3_lift_var1: 
  assumes "i  j"
  and "j  i + 1" 
  shows "σσ i (∂∂ i α X ⋆⇘j∂∂ i β Y) = σσ i (∂∂ i α X) ⋆⇘jσσ i (∂∂ i β Y)"
  have "σσ i (∂∂ i α X ⋆⇘j∂∂ i β Y) = σσ i {x ⊗⇘jy |x y. x  ∂∂ i α X  y  ∂∂ i β Y  DD j x y}"
    using local.iconv_prop by presburger
  also have " = {σ i ( i α x ⊗⇘j i β y) |x y. x  X  y  Y  DD j ( i α x) ( i β y)}"
    by force
  also have " = {σ i ( i α x) ⊗⇘jσ i ( i β y) |x y. x  X  y  Y  DD j (σ i ( i α x)) (σ i ( i β y))}"
    using assms func3_var1 sym_func3_var1 by fastforce
  also have " = {x ⊗⇘jy |x y. x  σσ i (∂∂ i α X)  y  σσ i (∂∂ i β Y)  DD j x y}"
    by force
  also have " = σσ i (∂∂ i α X) ⋆⇘jσσ i (∂∂ i β Y)"
    using local.iconv_prop by presburger
  finally show ?thesis.

lemma sym_func3_lift: 
  assumes "i  j"
  and "j  i + 1"
  and "FFx i X"
  and "FFx i Y"
  shows "σσ i (X ⋆⇘jY) = σσ i X ⋆⇘jσσ i Y"
  have "σσ i (X ⋆⇘jY) = σσ i (∂∂ i tt X ⋆⇘j∂∂ i tt Y)"
    by (smt (verit) assms(3) assms(4) image_cong image_ident local.icid.stopp.ST_compat)
  also have " = σσ i (∂∂ i tt X) ⋆⇘jσσ i (∂∂ i tt Y)"
    using assms(1) assms(2) sym_func3_lift_var1 by presburger
  also have " = σσ i X ⋆⇘jσσ i Y"
    using assms(3) assms(4) icid.st_eq1 by simp
  finally show ?thesis.

lemma sym_func3_var2: "i  j  σσ i ( i α x ⊙⇘j i β y) = (if j = i + 1 then σ i ( i α x) ⊙⇘iσ i ( i β y) else σ i ( i α x) ⊙⇘jσ i ( i β y))"
  using func2_var2 func3_var1 by simp

text ‹Symmetries and inverse symmetries form a bijective pair on suitable fixpoints of the face maps.›

lemma sym_inj: "inj_on (σ i) (face_fix i)"
  by (smt (verit, del_insts) CollectD inj_onI local.inv_sym_sym)

lemma sym_inj_var: 
  assumes "fFx i x"
  and "fFx i y"
  and "σ i x = σ i y"
  shows "x = y"
  by (metis assms inv_sym_sym_var1)

lemma inv_sym_inj: "inj_on (θ i) (face_fix (i + 1))"
  by (smt (verit, del_insts) CollectD inj_onI local.sym_inv_sym)

lemma inv_sym_inj_var: 
  assumes "fFx (i + 1) x"
  and "fFx (i + 1) y"
  and "θ i x = θ i y"
  shows "x = y"
  by (metis assms local.sym_inv_sym)

lemma surj_sym: "image (σ i) (face_fix i) = face_fix (i + 1)"
  by (safe, metis sym_type_var1, smt (verit, del_insts) imageI inv_sym_type_var1 mem_Collect_eq sym_inv_sym_var1)

lemma surj_inv_sym: "image (θ i) (face_fix (i + 1)) = face_fix i"
  by (safe, metis inv_sym_type_var1, smt (verit, del_insts) imageI inv_sym_sym_var1 mem_Collect_eq sym_type_var1)

lemma sym_adj: 
  assumes "fFx i x"
  and "fFx (i + 1) y "
  shows "(σ i x = y) = (x = θ i y)"
  using assms local.inv_sym_sym local.sym_inv_sym by force

text ‹Next we list properties for inverse symmetries corresponding to the axioms.›

lemma inv_sym: 
  assumes "fFx i x"
  and "fFx (i + 1) x"
  shows "θ i x = x"
  have "x = σ i x"
    using assms local.sym_fix by simp
  thus ?thesis
    using assms sym_adj by force

lemma inv_sym_face2:
  assumes "i  j"
  and "i  j + 1"
  and "fFx (j + 1) x"
  shows " i α (θ j x) = θ j ( i α x)"
  have "σ j ( i α (θ j x)) = σ j ( i α ( j ff (θ j x)))"
    using assms(3) inv_sym_type_var by simp
  also have " =  i α (σ j ( j α (θ j x)))"
    by (metis assms inv_sym_type_var local.fFx_prop sym_face2_var1)
  also have " =  i α (σ j (θ j x))"
    using assms calculation inv_sym_type_var local.sym_face2 by presburger
  also have " =  i α ( (j + 1) α x)"
    by (metis assms(3) local.face_compat_var sym_inv_sym_var1)
  finally have "σ j ( i α (θ j x)) =  i α ( (j + 1) α x)".
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis assms(3) inv_sym_type_var local.fFx_prop local.face_comm_var local.inv_sym_sym)

lemma sym_braid: 
  assumes "fFx i x"
  and "fFx (i + 1) x"
  shows "σ i (σ (i + 1) (σ i x)) = σ (i + 1) (σ i (σ (i + 1) x))"
  using assms local.sym_face2 local.sym_fix sym_type_var by simp

lemma inv_sym_braid:
  assumes "fFx (i + 1) x"
  and "fFx (i + 2) x"
  shows "θ i (θ (i + 1) (θ i x)) = θ (i + 1) (θ i (θ (i + 1) x))"
  using assms inv_sym inv_sym_face2 inv_sym_type_var by simp

lemma sym_inv_sym_braid: 
  assumes "diffSup i j 2" 
  and "fFx (j + 1) x"
  and "fFx i x"
  shows "σ i (θ j x) = θ j (σ i x)"
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) ext assms(1,2,3) diff_add_0 diff_add_inverse inv_sym_face2
      inv_sym_type_var local.inv_sym_sym local.sym_face2 local.sym_inv_sym not_numeral_le_zero
      numeral_le_one_iff semiring_norm(69) sym_sym_braid_var1)

lemma sym_func1: 
  assumes "fFx i x"
  and "fFx i y"
  and "DD i x y"
  shows "σ i (x ⊗⇘iy) = σ i x ⊗⇘(i + 1)σ i y"
  by (metis assms icid.ts_compat local.iDst local.icat.sscatml.l0_absorb sym_type_var1)

lemma sym_func1_var1: "σσ i ( i α x ⊙⇘i i β y) = σ i ( i α x) ⊙⇘(i + 1)σ i ( i β y)"
  by (metis icid.t_idem image_empty image_insert inv_sym_sym_var1 local.face_compat_var local.icid.stopp.Dst sym_type_var1)

lemma inv_sym_func2_var1: "θθ i ( (i + 1) α x ⊙⇘i (i + 1) β y) = θ i ( (i + 1) α x) ⊙⇘(i + 1)θ i ( (i + 1) β y)"
  have "σσ i (θ i ( (i + 1) α x) ⊙⇘(i + 1)θ i ( (i + 1) β y)) =  (i + 1) α x ⊙⇘i (i + 1) β y"
    by (metis func2_var2 inv_sym_type_var1 sym_inv_sym_var1)
  hence "σσ i (∂∂ i ff (θ i ( (i + 1) α x) ⊙⇘(i + 1)θ i ( (i + 1) β y))) = ∂∂ (i + 1) ff ( (i + 1) α x ⊙⇘i (i + 1) β y)"
    by (smt (verit) diff_add_0 diff_add_inverse inv_sym_type_var1 local.face_fix_comp_var
        local.icid.stopp.ts_compat numerals(1) zero_neq_numeral)
  hence "∂∂ i ff (θ i ( (i + 1) α x) ⊙⇘(i + 1)θ i ( (i + 1) β y)) = θθ i (∂∂ (i + 1) ff ( (i + 1) α x ⊙⇘i (i + 1) β y))"
    by (metis inv_sym_sym_lift_var)
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis add_cancel_right_right dual_order.eq_iff inv_sym_type_var1 local.face_compat_var local.face_fix_comp_var not_one_le_zero)

lemma inv_sym_func3_var1: "θθ i (( (i + 1) α x) ⊙⇘(i + 1)( (i + 1) β y)) = θ i ( (i + 1) α x) ⊙⇘iθ i ( (i + 1) β y)"
  by (smt (z3) empty_is_image image_insert inv_sym_type_var1 local.face_idem1 local.face_pidem2 sym_inv_sym_var1)

lemma inv_sym_func_var1: 
  assumes "i  j"
  and "j  i + 1"
shows "θθ i (( (i + 1) α x) ⊙⇘j( (i + 1) β y)) = θ i ( (i + 1) α x) ⊙⇘jθ i ( (i + 1) β y)"
  by (smt (z3) assms(1) assms(2) inv_sym_sym_lift_var inv_sym_type_var1 local.face_fix_comp_var local.icid.stopp.ts_compat sym_func3_var2 sym_inv_sym_var1)

lemma inv_sym_func2:
  assumes "fFx (i + 1) x"
  and "fFx (i + 1) y"
  and "DD i x y"
  shows "θ i (x ⊗⇘iy) = θ i x ⊗⇘(i + 1)θ i y"
  have "{θ i (x ⊗⇘iy)} = θθ i (x ⊙⇘iy)"
    using assms(3) local.icat.pcomp_def_var4 by fastforce
  also have " = θ i x ⊙⇘(i + 1)θ i y"
    by (metis assms(1) assms(2) inv_sym_func2_var1)
  also have " = {θ i x ⊗⇘(i + 1)θ i y}"
    by (metis calculation insert_not_empty local.icat.pcomp_def_var4)
  finally show ?thesis
    by simp

lemma inv_sym_func3: 
  assumes "fFx (i + 1) x"
  and "fFx (i + 1) y"
  and "DD (i + 1) x y"
  shows "θ i (x ⊗⇘(i + 1)y) = θ i x ⊗⇘iθ i y"
  by (metis assms icat.st_local icid.st_fix inv_sym_type_var1 local.icat.sscatml.l0_absorb)

lemma inv_sym_func: 
  assumes "i  j"
  and "j  i + 1"
  and "fFx (i + 1) x"
  and "fFx (i + 1) y"
  and "DD j x y"
  shows "θ i (x ⊗⇘jy) = θ i x ⊗⇘jθ i y"
  have "{θ i (x ⊗⇘jy)} = θθ i (x ⊙⇘jy)"
    using assms(5) local.icat.pcomp_def_var4 by fastforce
  also have " = θ i x ⊙⇘jθ i y"
    by (metis assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) inv_sym_func_var1)
  also have " =  {θ i x ⊗⇘jθ i y}"
    by (metis calculation insert_not_empty local.icat.pcomp_def_var4)
  finally show ?thesis
    by simp

text ‹The following properties are related to faces and braids.›

lemma sym_face3:
  assumes "fFx i x"
  shows " (i + 1) α (σ i x) = σ i ( i α x)"
  by (metis assms local.fFx_prop sym_type_var1)

lemma sym_face3_var1: " (i + 1) α (σ i ( i β x)) = σ i ( i α ( i β x))"
  have " (i + 1) α (σ i ( i β x)) =  (i + 1) α (σ i ( i α ( i β x)))"
    by simp
  also have " = σ i ( i α ( i β x))"
    using local.sym_type_var1 by fastforce
  also have " = σ i ( i β x)"
    by simp
  thus ?thesis
    using calculation by simp

lemma sym_face3_simp [simp]: 
  assumes "fFx i x"
  shows " (i + 1) α (σ i x) = σ i x"
  by (metis assms local.fFx_prop sym_face3)

lemma sym_face3_simp_var1 [simp]: " (i + 1) α (σ i ( i β x)) = σ i ( i β x)"
  using sym_face3 by simp

lemma inv_sym_face3: 
  assumes "fFx (i + 1) x"
  shows " i α (θ i x) = θ i ( (i + 1) α x)"
  by (metis assms inv_sym_type_var1 local.face_compat_var)

lemma inv_sym_face3_var1: " i α (θ i ( (i + 1) β x)) = θ i ( (i + 1) α ( (i + 1) β x))"
  by (metis inv_sym_type_var1 local.face_compat_var)

lemma inv_sym_face3_simp: 
  assumes "fFx (i + 1) x"
  shows " i α (θ i x) = θ i x"
  using assms inv_sym_type_var local.fFx_prop by force
lemma inv_sym_face3_simp_var1 [simp]: " i α (θ i ( (i + 1) β x)) = θ i ( (i + 1) β x)"
  using inv_sym_face3 local.face_compat_var by simp

lemma inv_sym_face1: 
  assumes "fFx (i + 1) x"
  shows " (i + 1) α (θ i x) = θ i ( i α x)"
  by (metis assms inv_sym_face3_simp inv_sym_sym_var1 local.face_comm_var local.sym_inv_sym sym_face1_var1)

lemma inv_sym_face1_var1: " (i + 1) α (θ i ( (i + 1) β x)) = θ i ( i α ( (i + 1) β x))"
  using inv_sym_face1 local.face_compat_var by simp

lemma inv_sym_sym_braid: 
  assumes "diffSup i j 2"
  and "fFx j x"
  and "fFx (i + 1) x"
  shows "θ i (σ j x) = σ j (θ i x)"
  using assms sym_inv_sym_braid by force

lemma inv_sym_sym_braid_var1: "diffSup i j 2  θ i (σ j ( (i + 1) α ( j β x))) = σ j (θ i ( (i + 1) α ( j β x)))"
  using local.face_comm_var local.sym_inv_sym_braid by force

lemma inv_sym_inv_sym_braid: 
  assumes "diffSup i j 2"
  and "fFx (i + 1) x"
  and "fFx (j + 1) x"
  shows "θ i (θ j x) = θ j (θ i x)"
  by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 add_right_cancel assms inv_sym_face2 inv_sym_face3 inv_sym_sym_braid_var1 local.inv_sym_sym local.sym_inv_sym nat_le_linear not_less_eq_eq)

lemma inv_sym_inv_sym_braid_var1: "diffSup i j 2  θ i (θ j ( (i + 1) α ( (j + 1) β x))) = θ j (θ i ( (i + 1) α ( (j + 1) β x)))"
  using inv_sym_inv_sym_braid local.face_comm_var by force

text ‹The following properties are related to symcomp and inv-symcomp.›

lemma symcomp_type_var: 
  assumes "fFx i x"
  shows "fFx (i + j) (Σ i j x)" using fFx i x
  apply (induct j)
  using sym_face3 by simp_all

lemma symcomp_type: "image (Σ i j) (face_fix i)  face_fix (i + j)"
  using symcomp_type_var by force

lemma symcomp_type_var1 [simp]: " (i + j) α (Σ i j ( i β x)) = Σ i j ( i β x)"
  by (metis local.face_compat_var symcomp_type_var)

lemma inv_symcomp_type_var: 
  assumes "fFx (i + j) x"
  shows "fFx i (Θ i j x)" using fFx (i + j) x
  by (induct j arbitrary: x, simp_all add: inv_sym_type_var)

lemma inv_symcomp_type: "image (Θ i j) (face_fix (i + j))  face_fix i"
  using inv_symcomp_type_var by force

lemma inv_symcomp_type_var1 [simp]: " i α (Θ i j ( (i + j) β x)) = Θ i j ( (i + j) β x)"
  by (meson inv_symcomp_type_var local.fFx_prop local.face_compat_var)

lemma symcomp_inv_symcomp: 
  assumes "fFx (i + j) x"
  shows "Σ i j (Θ i j x) = x" using fFx (i + j) x
  by (induct j arbitrary: i x, simp_all add: inv_sym_type_var local.sym_inv_sym)

lemma inv_symcomp_symcomp: 
  assumes "fFx i x"
  shows "Θ i j (Σ i j x) = x" using fFx i x
  by (induct j arbitrary: i x, simp_all add: local.inv_sym_sym symcomp_type_var)

lemma symcomp_adj: 
  assumes "fFx i x"
  and "fFx (i + j) y "
  shows "(Σ i j x = y) = (x = Θ i j y)"
  using assms inv_symcomp_symcomp symcomp_inv_symcomp by force

lemma decomp_symcomp1: 
  assumes "k  j" 
  and "fFx i x"
  shows " Σ i j x = Σ (i + k) (j - k) (Σ i k x)" using k  j
  apply (induct j)
  using Suc_diff_le le_Suc_eq by force+

lemma decomp_symcomp2:
  assumes "1  k"
  and "k  j"
  and "fFx i x"
  shows "Σ i j x = Σ (i + k) (j - k) (σ (i + k - 1) (Σ i (k - 1) x))"
  by (metis Nat.add_diff_assoc add_diff_cancel_left' assms decomp_symcomp1 local.symcomp.simps(2) plus_1_eq_Suc)

lemma decomp_symcomp3:
  assumes "i  l"
  and "l + 1  i + j"
  and "fFx i x"
  shows "Σ i j x = Σ (l + 1) (i + j - l - 1) (σ l (Σ i (l - i) x))"
  by (smt (verit, del_insts) add.commute add_le_cancel_left assms decomp_symcomp2 diff_add_inverse2 diff_diff_left le_add1 le_add_diff_inverse)

lemma symcomp_face2: 
  assumes "l < i  i + j < l"
  and  "fFx i x" 
  shows " l α (Σ i j x) = Σ i j ( l α x)" using l < i  i + j < l
proof (induct j)
  case 0
  show ?case 
    by simp
  case (Suc j)
  have " l α (Σ i (Suc j) x) =  l α (σ (i + j) (Σ i j x))"
    by simp
  also have " = σ (i + j) ( l α (Σ i j x))"
    using Suc.prems add.commute assms(2) local.sym_face2 symcomp_type_var by auto
  also have " = σ (i + j) (Σ i j ( l α x))"
    using Suc.hyps Suc.prems by fastforce
  also have " = (Σ i (Suc j) ( l α x))"
    by simp
  finally show ?case.

lemma symcomp_face3: "fFx i x   (i + j) α (Σ i j x) = Σ i j ( i α x)"
  by (metis local.face_compat_var symcomp_type_var1)

lemma symcomp_face1:
  assumes "i  l"
  and "l < i + j"
  and "fFx i x"
  shows " l α (Σ i j x) = Σ i j ( (l + 1) α x)"
  have " l α (Σ i j x) =  l α (Σ (l + 1) (i + j - l - 1) (σ l (Σ i (l - i) x)))"
    using Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_leI assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) decomp_symcomp3 by presburger
  also have " = Σ (l + 1) (i + j - l - 1) ( l α (σ l (Σ i (l - i) x)))"
    by (metis assms(1) assms(3) less_add_one ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_diff_class.add_diff_inverse sym_type_var symcomp_face2 symcomp_face3)
  also have " = Σ (l + 1) (i + j - l - 1) (σ l ( (l + 1) α (Σ i (l - i) x)))"
    by (metis assms(1) assms(3) local.sym_face1 ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_diff_class.add_diff_inverse symcomp_face3)
  also have " = Σ (l + 1) (i + j - l - 1) (σ l (Σ i (l - i) ( (l + 1) α x)))"
    by (simp add: assms(1) assms(3) symcomp_face2)
  also have " = Σ i j ( (l + 1) α x)"
    by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_leI assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) decomp_symcomp3 local.fFx_prop local.face_comm_var)
  finally show ?thesis.

lemma inv_symcomp_face2: 
  assumes "l < i  i + j < l"
  and "fFx (i + j) x"
  shows " l α (Θ i j x) = Θ i j ( l α x)" using l < i  i + j < l fFx (i + j) x
proof (induct j arbitrary: x)
  case 0
  show ?case
    using local.inv_sym_face2 by force
  case (Suc j)
  have " l α (Θ i (Suc j) x) = Θ i j ( l α (θ (i + j) x))"
    using Suc.hyps Suc.prems(1) Suc.prems(2) inv_sym_type_var by force
  also have " = Θ i j (θ (i + j) ( l α x))"
    using Suc.prems inv_sym_face2 by force
  also have " = (Θ i (Suc j) ( l α x))"
    by simp
  finally show ?case.

lemma inv_symcomp_face3: "fFx (i + j) x   i α (Θ i j x) = Θ i j ( (i + j) α x)"
  by (metis inv_symcomp_type_var1 local.face_compat_var)

lemma inv_symcomp_face1:
  assumes "i < l"
  and "l  i + j"
  and "fFx (i + j) x"
  shows " l α (Θ i j x) = Θ i j ( (l - 1) α x)"
  have "( (l - 1) α (Σ i j (Θ i j x)) =  (l - 1) α x)"
    using assms(3) symcomp_inv_symcomp by force
  hence "(Σ i j ( l α (Θ i j x)) =  (l - 1) α x)"
    using assms inv_symcomp_type_var symcomp_face1 by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis assms(1) assms(3) inv_symcomp_symcomp inv_symcomp_type_var local.face_comm_var nat_neq_iff)

lemma symcomp_comp1: 
  assumes "fFx i x"
  and "fFx i y"
  and "DD i x y"
  shows "Σ i j (x ⊗⇘iy) = Σ i j x ⊗⇘(i + j)Σ i j y"
  by (induct j, simp, metis assms local.face_compat_var local.iDst local.icat.sscatml.r0_absorb symcomp_type_var1)

lemma symcomp_comp2: 
  assumes "k < i"
  and "fFx i x"
  and "fFx i y"
  and "DD k x y"
  shows "Σ i j (x ⊗⇘ky) = Σ i j x ⊗⇘kΣ i j y"
proof (induct j)
  case 0
  show ?case
    by simp
  case (Suc j)
  have "Σ i (Suc j) (x⊗⇘ky) = σ (i + j) ((Σ i j x) ⊗⇘k(Σ i j y))"
    by (simp add: Suc)
  also have " = σ (i + j) (Σ i j x) ⊗⇘kσ (i + j) (Σ i j y)"
    apply (rule sym_func3)
    using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) symcomp_type_var apply presburger+
    using assms local.iDst local.locality symcomp_face2 by presburger
  finally show ?case
    by simp

lemma symcomp_comp3: 
  assumes "i + j < k"
  and "fFx i x"
  and "fFx i y"
  and "DD k x y"
  shows "Σ i j (x ⊗⇘ky) = Σ i j x ⊗⇘kΣ i j y" using k > i + j
proof (induct j)
  case 0
  show ?case
    by simp
  case (Suc j)
  have "Σ i (Suc j) (x⊗⇘ky) = σ (i + j) ((Σ i j x) ⊗⇘k(Σ i j y))"
    using Suc.hyps Suc.prems by force
  also have " = σ (i + j) (Σ i j x) ⊗⇘kσ (i + j) (Σ i j y)"
    apply (rule sym_func3)
    using Suc.prems apply linarith+
    using assms(2) assms(3) symcomp_type_var apply presburger+
    using Suc.prems assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) local.icid.ts_msg.st_locality_locality symcomp_face2 by simp
  finally show ?case
    by simp

lemma fix_comp:
  assumes "i  j"
  and "fFx i x"
  and "fFx i y"
  and "DD j x y"
  shows "fFx i (x ⊗⇘jy)"
  using face_func assms by simp

lemma symcomp_comp4: 
  assumes "i < k"
  and "k  i + j"
  and "fFx i x"
  and "fFx i y"
  and "DD k x y"
  shows "Σ i j (x ⊗⇘ky) = Σ i j x ⊗⇘(k - 1)Σ i j y" 
  using k  i + j fFx i x fFx i y DD k x y
proof (induct j arbitrary: x y)
  case 0
  thus ?case
    using assms(1) by linarith
  case (Suc j)
  have a: "fFx i (x ⊗⇘ky)"
    using Suc.prems(2) Suc.prems(3) Suc.prems(4) assms(1) fix_comp by force
  have b: "fFx (k - 1) (Σ i (k - 1 - i) x)"
    using Suc.prems(2) assms(1) less_imp_Suc_add symcomp_type_var by fastforce
  have c: "fFx (k - 1) (Σ i (k - 1 - i) y)"
    using Suc.prems(3) assms(1) less_imp_Suc_add symcomp_type_var by fastforce
  have d: "DD k (Σ i (k - 1 - i) x) (Σ i (k - 1 - i) y)"
    by (metis Suc.prems(2) Suc.prems(3) Suc.prems(4) add_diff_cancel_left' assms(1) lessI less_imp_Suc_add local.iDst local.locality plus_1_eq_Suc symcomp_face2)
  have "Σ i (Suc j) (x ⊗⇘ky) = Σ k (i + j + 1 - k) (σ (k - 1) (Σ i (k - 1 - i) (x ⊗⇘ky)))"
    by (smt (verit) Suc.prems(1) Suc_eq_plus1 a add_Suc_right add_le_imp_le_diff assms(1) decomp_symcomp3 diff_diff_left le_add_diff_inverse2 less_eq_Suc_le plus_1_eq_Suc)
  also have " = Σ k (i + j + 1 - k) (σ (k - 1) (Σ i (k - 1 - i) x ⊗⇘kΣ i (k - 1 - i) y))"
    using Suc.prems(2) Suc.prems(3) Suc.prems(4) assms(1) symcomp_comp3 by force
  also have " = Σ k (i + j + 1 - k) (σ (k - 1) (Σ i (k - 1 - i) x ⊗⇘((k - 1) + 1)Σ i (k - 1 - i) y))"
    using assms(1) by auto
  also have " = Σ k (i + j + 1 - k) (σ (k - 1) (Σ i (k - 1 - i) x) ⊗⇘(k - 1)σ (k - 1) (Σ i (k - 1 - i) y))"
    using assms(1) b c d less_iff_Suc_add sym_func2 by fastforce
  also have " = Σ k (i + j + 1 - k) (σ (k - 1) (Σ i (k - 1 - i) x)) ⊗⇘(k - 1)Σ k (i + j + 1 - k) (σ (k - 1) (Σ i (k - 1 - i) y))"
    apply (rule symcomp_comp2)
    using assms(1) b sym_face3 apply fastforce+
    apply (metis assms(1) c le_add1 le_add_diff_inverse2 less_imp_Suc_add plus_1_eq_Suc sym_face3)
    by (metis assms(1) b c d le_add1 le_add_diff_inverse2 less_imp_Suc_add plus_1_eq_Suc sym_func2_DD)
  also have " = Σ k (i + j + 1 - k) (Σ i (k - i) x) ⊗⇘(k - 1)Σ k (i + j + 1 - k) (Σ i (k - i) y)"
    using assms(1) less_imp_Suc_add by fastforce
  also have " = (Σ i (j + 1) x) ⊗⇘(k - 1)Σ k (i + j + 1 - k) (Σ i (k - i) y)"
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Nat.diff_diff_eq Suc.prems(1) Suc.prems(2) add.comm_neutral add_left_mono assms(1) decomp_symcomp1 diff_add_inverse diff_le_mono group_cancel.add2 linordered_semidom_class.add_diff_inverse order_less_imp_le order_less_imp_not_less plus_1_eq_Suc zero_less_Suc)
  also have " = (Σ i (j + 1) x) ⊗⇘(k - 1)(Σ i (j + 1) y)"
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Nat.add_0_right Nat.diff_diff_eq Suc.prems(1) Suc.prems(3) add_Suc add_Suc_shift add_diff_inverse_nat add_mono_thms_linordered_semiring(2) assms(1) decomp_symcomp1 diff_add_inverse diff_le_mono nless_le order.asym plus_1_eq_Suc trans_less_add2 zero_less_one)
  finally show ?case
    by simp

lemma symcomp_comp: 
  assumes "fFx i x"
  and "fFx i y"
  and "DD k x y"
  shows "Σ i j (x ⊗⇘ky) = (if k = i then Σ i j x ⊗⇘(i + j)Σ i j y
                                else (if (i < k  k  i + j) then Σ i j x ⊗⇘(k - 1)Σ i j y
                                  else Σ i j x ⊗⇘kΣ i j y))"
  by (metis assms linorder_not_le not_less_iff_gr_or_eq symcomp_comp1 symcomp_comp2 symcomp_comp3 symcomp_comp4)

lemma inv_symcomp_comp1: 
  assumes "fFx (i + j) x"
  and "fFx (i + j) y"
  and "DD (i + j) x y"
  shows "Θ i j (x ⊗⇘(i + j)y) = Θ i j x ⊗⇘iΘ i j y"
  by (metis assms inv_symcomp_type_var local.fFx_prop local.iDst local.icat.sscatml.l0_absorb)

lemma inv_symcomp_comp2:
  assumes "k < i"
  and "fFx (i + j) x"
  and "fFx (i + j) y"
  and "DD k x y"
  shows "Θ i j (x ⊗⇘ky) = Θ i j x ⊗⇘kΘ i j y"
  have a: "DD k (Θ i j x) (Θ i j y)"
    using assms inv_symcomp_face2 local.iDst local.locality by presburger
  have "x ⊗⇘ky = Σ i j (Θ i j x) ⊗⇘kΣ i j (Θ i j y)"
    by (simp add: assms(2) assms(3) symcomp_inv_symcomp)
  hence "x ⊗⇘ky = Σ i j ((Θ i j x) ⊗⇘k(Θ i j y))"
    using a assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) inv_symcomp_type_var symcomp_comp2 by presburger
  thus ?thesis
    using a assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) fix_comp inv_symcomp_face3 inv_symcomp_symcomp by simp

lemma inv_symcomp_comp3:
  assumes "i + j < k"
  and "fFx (i + j) x"
  and "fFx (i + j) y"
  and "DD k x y"
  shows "Θ i j (x ⊗⇘ky) = Θ i j x ⊗⇘kΘ i j y"
  have h: "DD k (Θ i j x) (Θ i j y)"
    using assms inv_symcomp_face2 local.iDst local.locality by presburger
  have "x ⊗⇘ky = Σ i j (Θ i j x) ⊗⇘kΣ i j (Θ i j y)"
    by (simp add: assms(2) assms(3) symcomp_inv_symcomp)
  hence "x ⊗⇘ky = Σ i j ((Θ i j x) ⊗⇘k(Θ i j y))"
    using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) h inv_symcomp_face3 symcomp_comp3 by simp
  thus ?thesis
    using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) fix_comp h inv_symcomp_face3 inv_symcomp_symcomp by simp

lemma inv_symcomp_comp4:
  assumes "i  k"
  and "k < i + j"
  and "fFx (i + j) x"
  and "fFx (i + j) y"
  and "DD k x y"
  shows "Θ i j (x ⊗⇘ky) = Θ i j x ⊗⇘(k + 1)Θ i j y"
  have h: "DD (k + 1) (Θ i j x) (Θ i j y)"
    using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) assms(5) inv_symcomp_face1 local.icat.sts_msg.st_local by auto
  have "x ⊗⇘ky = Σ i j (Θ i j x) ⊗⇘kΣ i j (Θ i j y)"
    by (simp add: assms(3) assms(4) symcomp_inv_symcomp)
  hence "x ⊗⇘ky = Σ i j ((Θ i j x) ⊗⇘(k + 1)(Θ i j y))"
   apply (subst symcomp_comp4)
    using assms h inv_symcomp_type_var by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_n_not_le_n assms(1) assms(3) assms(4) fix_comp h inv_symcomp_face3 inv_symcomp_symcomp)

