Theory Count_Circle
theory Count_Circle imports
subsection ‹Polynomial roots within a circle (open ball)›
definition proots_ball::"complex poly ⇒ complex ⇒ real ⇒ nat" where
"proots_ball p z0 r = proots_count p (ball z0 r)"
definition proots_ball_card ::"complex poly ⇒ complex ⇒ real ⇒ nat" where
"proots_ball_card p z0 r = card (proots_within p (ball z0 r))"
lemma proots_ball_code1[code]:
"proots_ball p z0 r = ( if r ≤ 0 then
else if p≠0 then
proots_upper (fcompose (p ∘⇩p [:z0, of_real r:]) [:𝗂,-1:] [:𝗂,1:])
Code.abort (STR ''proots_ball fails when p=0.'')
(λ_. proots_ball p z0 r)
proof (cases "p=0 ∨ r≤0")
case False
have "proots_ball p z0 r = proots_count (p ∘⇩p [:z0, of_real r:]) (ball 0 1)"
unfolding proots_ball_def
using False proots_uball_eq by auto
also have "... = proots_upper (fcompose (p ∘⇩p [:z0, of_real r:]) [:𝗂,-1:] [:𝗂,1:])"
unfolding proots_upper_def
apply (rule proots_ball_plane_eq[THEN arg_cong])
using False pcompose_eq_0[of p "[:z0, of_real r:]"]
by (simp add: pcompose_eq_0_iff)
finally show ?thesis using False by auto
qed (auto simp:proots_ball_def ball_empty)
lemma proots_ball_card_code1[code]:
"proots_ball_card p z0 r =
( if r ≤ 0 ∨ p=0 then
proots_upper_card (fcompose (p ∘⇩p [:z0, of_real r:]) [:𝗂,-1:] [:𝗂,1:])
proof (cases "p=0 ∨ r≤0")
case True
moreover have ?thesis when "r≤0"
proof -
have "proots_within p (ball z0 r) = {}"
by (simp add: ball_empty that)
then show ?thesis unfolding proots_ball_card_def using that by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "r>0" "p=0"
unfolding proots_ball_card_def using that infinite_ball[of r z0]
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by argo
case False
then have "p≠0" "r>0" by auto
have "proots_ball_card p z0 r = card (proots_within (p ∘⇩p [:z0, of_real r:]) (ball 0 1))"
unfolding proots_ball_card_def
by (rule proots_card_uball_eq[OF ‹r>0›, THEN arg_cong])
also have "... = proots_upper_card (fcompose (p ∘⇩p [:z0, of_real r:]) [:𝗂,-1:] [:𝗂,1:])"
unfolding proots_upper_card_def
apply (rule proots_card_ball_plane_eq[THEN arg_cong])
using False pcompose_eq_0[of p "[:z0, of_real r:]"] by (simp add: pcompose_eq_0_iff)
finally show ?thesis using False by auto
subsection ‹Polynomial roots on a circle (sphere)›
definition proots_sphere::"complex poly ⇒ complex ⇒ real ⇒ nat" where
"proots_sphere p z0 r = proots_count p (sphere z0 r)"
definition proots_sphere_card ::"complex poly ⇒ complex ⇒ real ⇒ nat" where
"proots_sphere_card p z0 r = card (proots_within p (sphere z0 r))"
lemma proots_sphere_card_code1[code]:
"proots_sphere_card p z0 r =
( if r=0 then
(if poly p z0=0 then 1 else 0)
else if r < 0 ∨ p=0 then
(if poly p (z0-r) =0 then 1 else 0) +
proots_unbounded_line_card (fcompose (p ∘⇩p [:z0, of_real r:]) [:𝗂,-1:] [:𝗂,1:])
0 1
proof -
have ?thesis when "r=0"
proof -
have "proots_within p {z0} = (if poly p z0 = 0 then {z0} else {})"
by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding proots_sphere_card_def using that by simp
moreover have ?thesis when "r≠0" "r < 0 ∨ p=0"
proof -
have ?thesis when "r<0"
proof -
have "proots_within p (sphere z0 r) = {}"
by (auto simp add: ball_empty that)
then show ?thesis unfolding proots_sphere_card_def using that by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "r>0" "p=0"
unfolding proots_sphere_card_def using that infinite_sphere[of r z0]
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using that by argo
moreover have ?thesis when "r>0" "p≠0"
proof -
define pp where "pp = p ∘⇩p [:z0, of_real r:]"
define ppp where "ppp=fcompose pp [:𝗂, - 1:] [:𝗂, 1:]"
have "pp≠0" unfolding pp_def using that pcompose_eq_0
by force
have "proots_sphere_card p z0 r = card (proots_within pp (sphere 0 1))"
unfolding proots_sphere_card_def pp_def
by (rule proots_card_usphere_eq[OF ‹r>0›, THEN arg_cong])
also have "... = card (proots_within pp {-1} ∪ proots_within pp (sphere 0 1 - {-1}))"
by (simp add: insert_absorb proots_within_union)
also have "... = card (proots_within pp {-1}) + card (proots_within pp (sphere 0 1 - {-1}))"
apply (rule card_Un_disjoint)
using ‹pp≠0› by auto
also have "... = card (proots_within pp {-1}) + card (proots_within ppp {x. 0 = Im x})"
using proots_card_sphere_axis_eq[OF ‹pp≠0›,folded ppp_def] by simp
also have "... = (if poly p (z0-r) =0 then 1 else 0) + proots_unbounded_line_card ppp 0 1"
proof -
have "proots_within pp {-1} = (if poly p (z0-r) =0 then {-1} else {})"
unfolding pp_def by (auto simp:poly_pcompose)
then have "card (proots_within pp {-1}) = (if poly p (z0-r) =0 then 1 else 0)"
by auto
moreover have "{x. Im x = 0} = unbounded_line 0 1"
unfolding unbounded_line_def
apply auto
by (metis complex_is_Real_iff of_real_Re of_real_def)
then have "card (proots_within ppp {x. 0 = Im x})
= proots_unbounded_line_card ppp 0 1"
unfolding proots_unbounded_line_card_def by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
finally show ?thesis
apply (fold pp_def,fold ppp_def)
using that by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
subsection ‹Polynomial roots on a closed ball›
definition proots_cball::"complex poly ⇒ complex ⇒ real ⇒ nat" where
"proots_cball p z0 r = proots_count p (cball z0 r)"
definition proots_cball_card ::"complex poly ⇒ complex ⇒ real ⇒ nat" where
"proots_cball_card p z0 r = card (proots_within p (cball z0 r))"
lemma proots_cball_card_code1[code]:
"proots_cball_card p z0 r =
( if r=0 then
(if poly p z0=0 then 1 else 0)
else if r < 0 ∨ p=0 then
( let pp=fcompose (p ∘⇩p [:z0, of_real r:]) [:𝗂,-1:] [:𝗂,1:]
(if poly p (z0-r) =0 then 1 else 0)
+ proots_unbounded_line_card pp 0 1
+ proots_upper_card pp
proof -
have ?thesis when "r=0"
proof -
have "proots_within p {z0} = (if poly p z0 = 0 then {z0} else {})"
by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding proots_cball_card_def using that by simp
moreover have ?thesis when "r≠0" "r < 0 ∨ p=0"
proof -
have ?thesis when "r<0"
proof -
have "proots_within p (cball z0 r) = {}"
by (auto simp add: ball_empty that)
then show ?thesis unfolding proots_cball_card_def using that by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "r>0" "p=0"
unfolding proots_cball_card_def using that infinite_cball[of r z0]
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using that by argo
moreover have ?thesis when "p≠0" "r>0"
proof -
define pp where "pp=fcompose (p ∘⇩p [:z0, of_real r:]) [:𝗂,-1:] [:𝗂,1:]"
have "proots_cball_card p z0 r = card (proots_within p (sphere z0 r)
∪ proots_within p (ball z0 r))"
unfolding proots_cball_card_def
apply (simp add:proots_within_union)
by (metis Diff_partition cball_diff_sphere sphere_cball)
also have "... = card (proots_within p (sphere z0 r)) + card (proots_within p (ball z0 r))"
apply (rule card_Un_disjoint)
using ‹p≠0› by auto
also have "... = (if poly p (z0-r) =0 then 1 else 0) + proots_unbounded_line_card pp 0 1
+ proots_upper_card pp"
using proots_sphere_card_code1[of p z0 r,folded pp_def,unfolded proots_sphere_card_def]
proots_ball_card_code1[of p z0 r,folded pp_def,unfolded proots_ball_card_def]
by simp
finally show ?thesis
apply (fold pp_def)
using that by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto