Theory Subset_Boolean_Algebras.Subset_Boolean_Algebras
theory Subset_Boolean_Algebras
imports Stone_Algebras.P_Algebras
section ‹Boolean Algebras›
text ‹
We show that Isabelle/HOL's ‹boolean_algebra› class is equivalent to Huntington's axioms \<^cite>‹"Huntington1933"›.
See \<^cite>‹"WamplerDoty2016"› for related results.
subsection ‹Huntington's Axioms›
text ‹Definition 1›
class huntington = sup + uminus +
assumes associative: "x ⊔ (y ⊔ z) = (x ⊔ y) ⊔ z"
assumes commutative: "x ⊔ y = y ⊔ x"
assumes huntington: "x = -(-x ⊔ y) ⊔ -(-x ⊔ -y)"
lemma top_unique:
"x ⊔ -x = y ⊔ -y"
proof -
have "x ⊔ -x = y ⊔ -(--y ⊔ -x) ⊔ -(--y ⊔ --x)"
by (smt associative commutative huntington)
thus ?thesis
by (metis associative huntington)
subsection ‹Equivalence to ‹boolean_algebra› Class›
text ‹Definition 2›
class extended = sup + inf + minus + uminus + bot + top + ord +
assumes top_def: "top = (THE x . ∀y . x = y ⊔ -y)"
assumes bot_def: "bot = -(THE x . ∀y . x = y ⊔ -y)"
assumes inf_def: "x ⊓ y = -(-x ⊔ -y)"
assumes minus_def: "x - y = -(-x ⊔ y)"
assumes less_eq_def: "x ≤ y ⟷ x ⊔ y = y"
assumes less_def: "x < y ⟷ x ⊔ y = y ∧ ¬ (y ⊔ x = x)"
class huntington_extended = huntington + extended
lemma top_char:
"top = x ⊔ -x"
using top_def top_unique by auto
lemma bot_char:
"bot = -top"
by (simp add: bot_def top_def)
subclass boolean_algebra
show 1: "⋀x y. (x < y) = (x ≤ y ∧ ¬ y ≤ x)"
by (simp add: less_def less_eq_def)
show 2: "⋀x. x ≤ x"
proof -
fix x
have "x ⊔ top = top ⊔ --x"
by (metis (full_types) associative top_char)
thus "x ≤ x"
by (metis (no_types) associative huntington less_eq_def top_char)
show 3: "⋀x y z. x ≤ y ⟹ y ≤ z ⟹ x ≤ z"
by (metis associative less_eq_def)
show 4: "⋀x y. x ≤ y ⟹ y ≤ x ⟹ x = y"
by (simp add: commutative less_eq_def)
show 5: "⋀x y. x ⊓ y ≤ x"
using 2 by (metis associative huntington inf_def less_eq_def)
show 6: "⋀x y. x ⊓ y ≤ y"
using 5 commutative inf_def by fastforce
show 8: "⋀x y. x ≤ x ⊔ y"
using 2 associative less_eq_def by auto
show 9: "⋀y x. y ≤ x ⊔ y"
using 8 commutative by fastforce
show 10: "⋀y x z. y ≤ x ⟹ z ≤ x ⟹ y ⊔ z ≤ x"
by (metis associative less_eq_def)
show 11: "⋀x. bot ≤ x"
using 8 by (metis bot_char huntington top_char)
show 12: "⋀x. x ≤ top"
using 6 11 by (metis huntington bot_def inf_def less_eq_def top_def)
show 13: "⋀x y z. x ⊔ y ⊓ z = (x ⊔ y) ⊓ (x ⊔ z)"
proof -
have 2: "⋀x y z . x ⊔ (y ⊔ z) = (x ⊔ y) ⊔ z"
by (simp add: associative)
have 3: "⋀x y z . (x ⊔ y) ⊔ z = x ⊔ (y ⊔ z)"
using 2 by metis
have 4: "⋀x y . x ⊔ y = y ⊔ x"
by (simp add: commutative)
have 5: "⋀x y . x = - (- x ⊔ y) ⊔ - (- x ⊔ - y)"
by (simp add: huntington)
have 6: "⋀x y . - (- x ⊔ y) ⊔ - (- x ⊔ - y) = x"
using 5 by metis
have 7: "⋀x y . x ⊓ y = - (- x ⊔ - y)"
by (simp add: inf_def)
have 10: "⋀x y z . x ⊔ (y ⊔ z) = y ⊔ (x ⊔ z)"
using 3 4 by metis
have 11: "⋀x y z . - (- x ⊔ y) ⊔ (- (- x ⊔ - y) ⊔ z) = x ⊔ z"
using 3 6 by metis
have 12: "⋀x y . - (x ⊔ - y) ⊔ - (- y ⊔ - x) = y"
using 4 6 by metis
have 13: "⋀x y . - (- x ⊔ y) ⊔ - (- y ⊔ - x) = x"
using 4 6 by metis
have 14: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (- (- x ⊔ y) ⊔ - - (- x ⊔ - y)) = - x ⊔ y"
using 6 by metis
have 18: "⋀x y z . - (x ⊔ - y) ⊔ (- (- y ⊔ - x) ⊔ z) = y ⊔ z"
using 3 12 by metis
have 20: "⋀x y . - (- x ⊔ - y) ⊔ - (y ⊔ - x) = x"
using 4 12 by metis
have 21: "⋀x y . - (x ⊔ - y) ⊔ - (- x ⊔ - y) = y"
using 4 12 by metis
have 22: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (- (y ⊔ - x) ⊔ - - (- x ⊔ - y)) = y ⊔ - x"
using 6 12 by metis
have 23: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (- x ⊔ (- y ⊔ - (y ⊔ - x))) = y ⊔ - x"
using 3 4 6 12 by metis
have 24: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (- (- x ⊔ - y) ⊔ - - (- x ⊔ y)) = - x ⊔ - y"
using 6 12 by metis
have 28: "⋀x y . - (- x ⊔ - y) ⊔ - (- y ⊔ x) = y"
using 4 13 by metis
have 30: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (- y ⊔ (- x ⊔ - (- x ⊔ y))) = - x ⊔ y"
using 3 4 6 13 by metis
have 32: "⋀x y z . - (- x ⊔ y) ⊔ (z ⊔ - (- y ⊔ - x)) = z ⊔ x"
using 10 13 by metis
have 37: "⋀x y z . - (- x ⊔ - y) ⊔ (- (y ⊔ - x) ⊔ z) = x ⊔ z"
using 3 20 by metis
have 39: "⋀x y z . - (- x ⊔ - y) ⊔ (z ⊔ - (y ⊔ - x)) = z ⊔ x"
using 10 20 by metis
have 40: "⋀x y z . - (x ⊔ - y) ⊔ (- (- x ⊔ - y) ⊔ z) = y ⊔ z"
using 3 21 by metis
have 43: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (- y ⊔ (- x ⊔ - (y ⊔ - x))) = y ⊔ - x"
using 3 4 6 21 by metis
have 47: "⋀x y z . - (x ⊔ y) ⊔ - (- (- x ⊔ z) ⊔ - (- (- x ⊔ - z) ⊔ y)) = - x ⊔ z"
using 6 11 by metis
have 55: "⋀x y . x ⊔ - (- y ⊔ - - x) = y ⊔ - (- x ⊔ y)"
using 4 11 12 by metis
have 58: "⋀x y . x ⊔ - (- - y ⊔ - x) = x ⊔ - (- x ⊔ y)"
using 4 11 13 by metis
have 63: "⋀x y . x ⊔ - (- - x ⊔ - y) = y ⊔ - (- x ⊔ y)"
using 4 11 21 by metis
have 71: "⋀x y . x ⊔ - (- y ⊔ x) = y ⊔ - (- x ⊔ y)"
using 4 11 28 by metis
have 75: "⋀x y . x ⊔ - (- y ⊔ x) = y ⊔ - (y ⊔ - x)"
using 4 71 by metis
have 78: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ (y ⊔ - (- x ⊔ (y ⊔ - - (- x ⊔ - y)))) = - x ⊔ - (- x ⊔ - y)"
using 3 4 6 71 by metis
have 86: "⋀x y . - (- x ⊔ - (- y ⊔ x)) ⊔ - (y ⊔ - (- x ⊔ y)) = - y ⊔ x"
using 4 20 71 by metis
have 172: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (- x ⊔ - y) = y ⊔ - (- - x ⊔ y)"
using 14 75 by metis
have 201: "⋀x y . x ⊔ - (- y ⊔ - - x) = y ⊔ - (y ⊔ - x)"
using 4 55 by metis
have 236: "⋀x y . x ⊔ - (- - y ⊔ - x) = x ⊔ - (y ⊔ - x)"
using 4 58 by metis
have 266: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (- (- x ⊔ - (y ⊔ - - x)) ⊔ - - (- x ⊔ - - (- - x ⊔ y))) = - x ⊔ - (- - x ⊔ y)"
using 14 58 236 by metis
have 678: "⋀x y z . - (- x ⊔ - (- y ⊔ x)) ⊔ (- (y ⊔ - (- x ⊔ y)) ⊔ z) = - y ⊔ (x ⊔ z)"
using 3 4 37 71 by smt
have 745: "⋀x y z . - (- x ⊔ - (- y ⊔ x)) ⊔ (z ⊔ - (y ⊔ - (- x ⊔ y))) = z ⊔ (- y ⊔ x)"
using 4 39 71 by metis
have 800: "⋀x y . - - x ⊔ (- y ⊔ (- (y ⊔ - - x) ⊔ - (- x ⊔ (- - x ⊔ (- y ⊔ - (y ⊔ - - x)))))) = x ⊔ - (y ⊔ - - x)"
using 3 23 63 by metis
have 944: "⋀x y . x ⊔ - (x ⊔ - - (- (- x ⊔ - y) ⊔ - - (- x ⊔ y))) = - (- x ⊔ - y) ⊔ - (- (- x ⊔ - y) ⊔ - - (- x ⊔ y))"
using 4 24 71 by metis
have 948: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (- (y ⊔ - (y ⊔ - - x)) ⊔ - - (- x ⊔ (- y ⊔ - x))) = - x ⊔ - (- y ⊔ - x)"
using 24 75 by metis
have 950: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (- (y ⊔ - (- - x ⊔ y)) ⊔ - - (- x ⊔ (- x ⊔ - y))) = - x ⊔ - (- x ⊔ - y)"
using 24 75 by metis
have 961: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (- (y ⊔ - (- - x ⊔ y)) ⊔ - - (- x ⊔ (- - - x ⊔ - y))) = y ⊔ - (- - x ⊔ y)"
using 24 63 by metis
have 966: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (- (y ⊔ - (y ⊔ - - x)) ⊔ - - (- x ⊔ (- y ⊔ - - - x))) = y ⊔ - (y ⊔ - - x)"
using 24 201 by metis
have 969: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (- (- x ⊔ - (y ⊔ - - x)) ⊔ - - (- x ⊔ (- - y ⊔ - - x))) = - x ⊔ - (y ⊔ - - x)"
using 24 236 by metis
have 1096: "⋀x y z . - x ⊔ (- (- x ⊔ - y) ⊔ z) = y ⊔ (- (- - x ⊔ y) ⊔ z)"
using 3 172 by metis
have 1098: "⋀x y z . - x ⊔ (y ⊔ - (- x ⊔ - z)) = y ⊔ (z ⊔ - (- - x ⊔ z))"
using 10 172 by metis
have 1105: "⋀x y . x ⊔ - x = y ⊔ - y"
using 4 10 12 32 172 by metis
have 1109: "⋀x y z . x ⊔ (- x ⊔ y) = z ⊔ (- z ⊔ y)"
using 3 1105 by metis
have 1110: "⋀x y z . x ⊔ - x = y ⊔ (z ⊔ - (y ⊔ z))"
using 3 1105 by metis
have 1114: "⋀x y . - (- x ⊔ - - x) = - (y ⊔ - y)"
using 7 1105 by metis
have 1115: "⋀x y z . x ⊔ (y ⊔ - y) = z ⊔ (x ⊔ - z)"
using 10 1105 by metis
have 1117: "⋀x y . - (x ⊔ - - x) ⊔ - (y ⊔ - y) = - x"
using 4 13 1105 by metis
have 1121: "⋀x y . - (x ⊔ - x) ⊔ - (y ⊔ - - y) = - y"
using 4 28 1105 by metis
have 1122: "⋀x . - - x = x"
using 4 28 1105 1117 by metis
have 1134: "⋀x y z . - (x ⊔ - y) ⊔ (z ⊔ - z) = y ⊔ (- y ⊔ - x)"
using 18 1105 1122 by metis
have 1140: "⋀x . - x ⊔ - (x ⊔ (x ⊔ - x)) = - x ⊔ - x"
using 4 22 1105 1122 1134 by metis
have 1143: "⋀x y . x ⊔ (- x ⊔ y) = y ⊔ (x ⊔ - y)"
using 37 1105 1122 1134 by metis
have 1155: "⋀x y . - (x ⊔ - x) ⊔ - (y ⊔ y) = - y"
using 1121 1122 by metis
have 1156: "⋀x y . - (x ⊔ x) ⊔ - (y ⊔ - y) = - x"
using 1117 1122 by metis
have 1157: "⋀x y . - (x ⊔ - x) = - (y ⊔ - y)"
using 4 1114 1122 by metis
have 1167: "⋀x y z . - x ⊔ (y ⊔ - (- x ⊔ - z)) = y ⊔ (z ⊔ - (x ⊔ z))"
using 1098 1122 by metis
have 1169: "⋀x y z . - x ⊔ (- (- x ⊔ - y) ⊔ z) = y ⊔ (- (x ⊔ y) ⊔ z)"
using 1096 1122 by metis
have 1227: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (- x ⊔ (y ⊔ (x ⊔ - (- x ⊔ - (y ⊔ x))))) = - x ⊔ - (y ⊔ x)"
using 3 4 969 1122 by smt
have 1230: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (- x ⊔ (- y ⊔ (- x ⊔ - (y ⊔ - (y ⊔ x))))) = y ⊔ - (y ⊔ x)"
using 3 4 966 1122 by smt
have 1234: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (- x ⊔ (- x ⊔ (- y ⊔ - (y ⊔ - (x ⊔ y))))) = y ⊔ - (x ⊔ y)"
using 3 4 961 1122 by metis
have 1239: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (- x ⊔ - y) = y ⊔ - (x ⊔ y)"
using 3 4 950 1122 1234 by metis
have 1240: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (- y ⊔ - x) = y ⊔ - (y ⊔ x)"
using 3 4 948 1122 1230 by metis
have 1244: "⋀x y . x ⊔ - (x ⊔ (y ⊔ (y ⊔ - (x ⊔ y)))) = - (- x ⊔ - y) ⊔ - (y ⊔ (y ⊔ - (x ⊔ y)))"
using 3 4 944 1122 1167 by metis
have 1275: "⋀x y . x ⊔ (- y ⊔ (- (y ⊔ x) ⊔ - (x ⊔ (- x ⊔ (- y ⊔ - (y ⊔ x)))))) = x ⊔ - (y ⊔ x)"
using 10 800 1122 by metis
have 1346: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (x ⊔ (y ⊔ (y ⊔ (x ⊔ - (x ⊔ (y ⊔ x)))))) = - x ⊔ - (x ⊔ y)"
using 3 4 10 266 1122 1167 by smt
have 1377: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ (y ⊔ - (- x ⊔ (y ⊔ (- x ⊔ - y)))) = y ⊔ - (x ⊔ y)"
using 78 1122 1239 by metis
have 1394: "⋀x y . - (- x ⊔ - y) ⊔ - (y ⊔ (y ⊔ (- x ⊔ - (x ⊔ y)))) = x"
using 3 4 10 20 30 1122 1239 by smt
have 1427: "⋀x y . - (- x ⊔ - y) ⊔ - (y ⊔ - (x ⊔ (x ⊔ - (x ⊔ y)))) = x ⊔ (x ⊔ - (x ⊔ y))"
using 3 4 30 40 1240 by smt
have 1436: "⋀x . - x ⊔ - (x ⊔ (x ⊔ (- x ⊔ - x))) = - x ⊔ (- x ⊔ - (x ⊔ - x))"
using 3 4 30 1140 1239 by smt
have 1437: "⋀x y . - (x ⊔ y) ⊔ - (x ⊔ - y) = - x"
using 6 1122 by metis
have 1438: "⋀x y . - (x ⊔ y) ⊔ - (y ⊔ - x) = - y"
using 12 1122 by metis
have 1439: "⋀x y . - (x ⊔ y) ⊔ - (- y ⊔ x) = - x"
using 13 1122 by metis
have 1440: "⋀x y . - (x ⊔ - y) ⊔ - (y ⊔ x) = - x"
using 20 1122 by metis
have 1441: "⋀x y . - (x ⊔ y) ⊔ - (- x ⊔ y) = - y"
using 21 1122 by metis
have 1568: "⋀x y . x ⊔ (- y ⊔ - x) = y ⊔ (- y ⊔ x)"
using 10 1122 1143 by metis
have 1598: "⋀x . - x ⊔ - (x ⊔ (x ⊔ (x ⊔ - x))) = - x ⊔ (- x ⊔ - (x ⊔ - x))"
using 4 1436 1568 by metis
have 1599: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ (y ⊔ - (x ⊔ (- x ⊔ (- x ⊔ y)))) = y ⊔ - (x ⊔ y)"
using 10 1377 1568 by smt
have 1617: "⋀x . x ⊔ (- x ⊔ (- x ⊔ - (x ⊔ - x))) = x ⊔ - x"
using 3 4 10 71 1122 1155 1568 1598 by metis
have 1632: "⋀x y z . - (x ⊔ - x) ⊔ - (- y ⊔ (- (z ⊔ - z) ⊔ - (y ⊔ - (x ⊔ - x)))) = y ⊔ - (x ⊔ - x)"
using 43 1157 by metis
have 1633: "⋀x y z . - (x ⊔ - x) ⊔ - (- y ⊔ (- (x ⊔ - x) ⊔ - (y ⊔ - (z ⊔ - z)))) = y ⊔ - (x ⊔ - x)"
using 43 1157 by metis
have 1636: "⋀x y . x ⊔ - (y ⊔ (- y ⊔ - (x ⊔ x))) = x ⊔ x"
using 43 1109 1122 by metis
have 1645: "⋀x y . x ⊔ - x = y ⊔ (y ⊔ - y)"
using 3 1110 1156 by metis
have 1648: "⋀x y z . - (x ⊔ (y ⊔ (- y ⊔ - x))) ⊔ - (z ⊔ - z) = - (y ⊔ - y)"
using 3 1115 1156 by metis
have 1657: "⋀x y z . x ⊔ - x = y ⊔ (z ⊔ - z)"
using 1105 1645 by metis
have 1664: "⋀x y z . x ⊔ - x = y ⊔ (z ⊔ - y)"
using 1115 1645 by metis
have 1672: "⋀x y z . x ⊔ - x = y ⊔ (- y ⊔ z)"
using 3 4 1657 by metis
have 1697: "⋀x y z . - x ⊔ (y ⊔ x) = z ⊔ - z"
using 1122 1664 by metis
have 1733: "⋀x y z . - (x ⊔ y) ⊔ - (- (z ⊔ - z) ⊔ - (- (- x ⊔ - x) ⊔ y)) = x ⊔ - x"
using 4 47 1105 1122 by metis
have 1791: "⋀x y z . x ⊔ - (y ⊔ (- y ⊔ z)) = x ⊔ - (x ⊔ - x)"
using 4 71 1122 1672 by metis
have 1818: "⋀x y z . x ⊔ - (- y ⊔ (z ⊔ y)) = x ⊔ - (x ⊔ - x)"
using 4 71 1122 1697 by metis
have 1861: "⋀x y z . - (x ⊔ - x) ⊔ - (y ⊔ - (z ⊔ - z)) = - y"
using 1437 1657 by metis
have 1867: "⋀x y z . - (x ⊔ - x) ⊔ - (- y ⊔ - (z ⊔ y)) = y"
using 1122 1437 1697 by metis
have 1868: "⋀x y . x ⊔ - (y ⊔ - y) = x"
using 1122 1155 1633 1861 by metis
have 1869: "⋀x y z . - (x ⊔ - x) ⊔ - (- y ⊔ (- (z ⊔ - z) ⊔ - y)) = y"
using 1632 1868 by metis
have 1870: "⋀x y . - (x ⊔ - x) ⊔ - y = - y"
using 1861 1868 by metis
have 1872: "⋀x y z . x ⊔ - (- y ⊔ (z ⊔ y)) = x"
using 1818 1868 by metis
have 1875: "⋀x y z . x ⊔ - (y ⊔ (- y ⊔ z)) = x"
using 1791 1868 by metis
have 1883: "⋀x y . - (x ⊔ (y ⊔ (- y ⊔ - x))) = - (y ⊔ - y)"
using 1648 1868 by metis
have 1885: "⋀x . x ⊔ (x ⊔ - x) = x ⊔ - x"
using 4 1568 1617 1868 by metis
have 1886: "⋀x . - x ⊔ - x = - x"
using 1598 1868 1885 by metis
have 1890: "⋀x . - (x ⊔ x) = - x"
using 1156 1868 by metis
have 1892: "⋀x y . - (x ⊔ - x) ⊔ y = y"
using 1122 1869 1870 1886 by metis
have 1893: "⋀x y . - (- x ⊔ - (y ⊔ x)) = x"
using 1867 1892 by metis
have 1902: "⋀x y . x ⊔ (y ⊔ - (x ⊔ y)) = x ⊔ - x"
using 3 4 1122 1733 1886 1892 by metis
have 1908: "⋀x . x ⊔ x = x"
using 1636 1875 1890 by metis
have 1910: "⋀x y . x ⊔ - (y ⊔ x) = - y ⊔ x"
using 1599 1875 by metis
have 1921: "⋀x y . x ⊔ (- y ⊔ - (y ⊔ x)) = - y ⊔ x"
using 1275 1875 1910 by metis
have 1951: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (y ⊔ x) = - x"
using 1227 1872 1893 1908 by metis
have 1954: "⋀x y z . x ⊔ (y ⊔ - (x ⊔ z)) = y ⊔ (- z ⊔ x)"
using 745 1122 1910 1951 by metis
have 1956: "⋀x y z . x ⊔ (- (x ⊔ y) ⊔ z) = - y ⊔ (x ⊔ z)"
using 678 1122 1910 1951 by metis
have 1959: "⋀x y . x ⊔ - (x ⊔ y) = - y ⊔ x"
using 86 1122 1910 1951 by metis
have 1972: "⋀x y . x ⊔ (- x ⊔ y) = x ⊔ - x"
using 1902 1910 by metis
have 2000: "⋀x y . - (- x ⊔ - y) ⊔ - (y ⊔ (- x ⊔ y)) = x ⊔ - (y ⊔ (- x ⊔ y))"
using 4 1244 1910 1959 by metis
have 2054: "⋀x y . x ⊔ - (y ⊔ (- x ⊔ y)) = x"
using 1394 1921 2000 by metis
have 2057: "⋀x y . - (x ⊔ (y ⊔ - y)) = - (y ⊔ - y)"
using 1883 1972 by metis
have 2061: "⋀x y . x ⊔ (- y ⊔ x) = x ⊔ - y"
using 4 1122 1427 1910 1959 2054 by metis
have 2090: "⋀x y z . x ⊔ (- (y ⊔ x) ⊔ z) = x ⊔ (- y ⊔ z)"
using 1122 1169 1956 by metis
have 2100: "⋀x y . - x ⊔ - (x ⊔ y) = - x"
using 4 1346 1868 1885 1910 1959 1972 2057 by metis
have 2144: "⋀x y . x ⊔ - (y ⊔ - x) = x"
using 1122 1440 2000 2061 by metis
have 2199: "⋀x y . x ⊔ (x ⊔ y) = x ⊔ y"
using 3 1908 by metis
have 2208: "⋀x y z . x ⊔ (- (y ⊔ - x) ⊔ z) = x ⊔ z"
using 3 2144 by metis
have 2349: "⋀x y z . - (x ⊔ y) ⊔ - (x ⊔ (y ⊔ z)) = - (x ⊔ y)"
using 3 2100 by metis
have 2432: "⋀x y z . - (x ⊔ (y ⊔ z)) ⊔ - (y ⊔ (z ⊔ - x)) = - (y ⊔ z)"
using 3 1438 by metis
have 2530: "⋀x y z . - (- (x ⊔ y) ⊔ z) = - (y ⊔ (- x ⊔ z)) ⊔ - (- y ⊔ z)"
using 4 1122 1439 2090 2208 by smt
have 3364: "⋀x y z . - (- x ⊔ y) ⊔ (z ⊔ - (x ⊔ y)) = z ⊔ - y"
using 3 4 1122 1441 1910 1954 2199 by metis
have 5763: "⋀x y z . - (x ⊔ y) ⊔ - (- x ⊔ (y ⊔ z)) = - (x ⊔ y) ⊔ - (y ⊔ z)"
using 4 2349 3364 by metis
have 6113: "⋀x y z . - (x ⊔ (y ⊔ z)) ⊔ - (z ⊔ - x) = - (y ⊔ z) ⊔ - (z ⊔ - x)"
using 4 2432 3364 5763 by metis
show "⋀x y z. x ⊔ y ⊓ z = (x ⊔ y) ⊓ (x ⊔ z)"
proof -
fix x y z
have "- (y ⊓ z ⊔ x) = - (- (- y ⊔ z) ⊔ - (- y ⊔ - z) ⊔ x) ⊔ - (x ⊔ - - z)"
using 1437 2530 6113 by (smt commutative inf_def)
thus "x ⊔ y ⊓ z = (x ⊔ y) ⊓ (x ⊔ z)"
using 12 1122 by (metis commutative inf_def)
show 14: "⋀x. x ⊓ - x = bot"
proof -
fix x
have "(bot ⊔ x) ⊓ (bot ⊔ -x) = bot"
using huntington bot_def inf_def by auto
thus "x ⊓ -x = bot"
using 11 less_eq_def by force
show 15: "⋀x. x ⊔ - x = top"
using 5 14 by (metis (no_types, lifting) huntington bot_def less_eq_def top_def)
show 16: "⋀x y. x - y = x ⊓ - y"
using 15 by (metis commutative huntington inf_def minus_def)
show 7: "⋀x y z. x ≤ y ⟹ x ≤ z ⟹ x ≤ y ⊓ z"
by (simp add: 13 less_eq_def)
context boolean_algebra
sublocale ba_he: huntington_extended
show "⋀x y z. x ⊔ (y ⊔ z) = x ⊔ y ⊔ z"
by (simp add: sup_assoc)
show "⋀x y. x ⊔ y = y ⊔ x"
by (simp add: sup_commute)
show "⋀x y. x = - (- x ⊔ y) ⊔ - (- x ⊔ - y)"
by simp
show "top = (THE x. ∀y. x = y ⊔ - y)"
by auto
show "bot = - (THE x. ∀y. x = y ⊔ - y)"
by auto
show "⋀x y. x ⊓ y = - (- x ⊔ - y)"
by simp
show "⋀x y. x - y = - (- x ⊔ y)"
by (simp add: diff_eq)
show "⋀x y. (x ≤ y) = (x ⊔ y = y)"
by (simp add: le_iff_sup)
show "⋀x y. (x < y) = (x ⊔ y = y ∧ y ⊔ x ≠ x)"
using sup.strict_order_iff sup_commute by auto
subsection ‹Stone Algebras›
text ‹
We relate Stone algebras to Boolean algebras.
class stone_algebra_extended = stone_algebra + minus +
assumes stone_minus_def[simp]: "x - y = x ⊓ -y"
class regular_stone_algebra = stone_algebra_extended +
assumes double_complement[simp]: "--x = x"
subclass boolean_algebra
show "⋀x. x ⊓ - x = bot"
by simp
show "⋀x. x ⊔ - x = top"
using regular_dense_top by fastforce
show "⋀x y. x - y = x ⊓ - y"
by simp
context boolean_algebra
sublocale ba_rsa: regular_stone_algebra
show "⋀x y. x - y = x ⊓ - y"
by (simp add: diff_eq)
show "⋀x. - - x = x"
by simp
section ‹Alternative Axiomatisations of Boolean Algebras›
text ‹
We consider four axiomatisations of Boolean algebras based only on join and complement.
The first three are from the literature and the fourth, a version using equational axioms, is new.
The motivation for Byrne's and the new axiomatisation is that the axioms are easier to understand than Huntington's third axiom.
We also include Meredith's axiomatisation.
subsection ‹Lee Byrne's Formulation A›
text ‹
The following axiomatisation is from \<^cite>‹‹Formulation A› in "Byrne1946"›; see also \<^cite>‹"Frink1941"›.
text ‹Theorem 3›
class boolean_algebra_1 = sup + uminus +
assumes ba1_associative: "x ⊔ (y ⊔ z) = (x ⊔ y) ⊔ z"
assumes ba1_commutative: "x ⊔ y = y ⊔ x"
assumes ba1_complement: "x ⊔ -y = z ⊔ -z ⟷ x ⊔ y = x"
subclass huntington
show 1: "⋀x y z. x ⊔ (y ⊔ z) = x ⊔ y ⊔ z"
by (simp add: ba1_associative)
show "⋀x y. x ⊔ y = y ⊔ x"
by (simp add: ba1_commutative)
show "⋀x y. x = - (- x ⊔ y) ⊔ - (- x ⊔ - y)"
proof -
have 2: "∀x y. y ⊔ (y ⊔ x) = y ⊔ x"
using 1 by (metis ba1_complement)
hence "∀x. --x = x"
by (smt ba1_associative ba1_commutative ba1_complement)
hence "∀x y. y ⊔ -(y ⊔ -x) = y ⊔ x"
by (smt ba1_associative ba1_commutative ba1_complement)
thus "⋀x y. x = -(-x ⊔ y) ⊔ -(-x ⊔ - y)"
using 2 by (smt ba1_commutative ba1_complement)
context huntington
sublocale h_ba1: boolean_algebra_1
show "⋀x y z. x ⊔ (y ⊔ z) = x ⊔ y ⊔ z"
by (simp add: associative)
show "⋀x y. x ⊔ y = y ⊔ x"
by (simp add: commutative)
show "⋀x y z. (x ⊔ - y = z ⊔ - z) = (x ⊔ y = x)"
fix x y z
have 1: "⋀x y z. -(-x ⊔ y) ⊔ (-(-x ⊔ -y) ⊔ z) = x ⊔ z"
using associative huntington by force
have 2: "⋀x y. -(x ⊔ -y) ⊔ -(-y ⊔ -x) = y"
by (metis commutative huntington)
show "x ⊔ - y = z ⊔ - z ⟹ x ⊔ y = x"
by (metis 1 2 associative commutative top_unique)
show "x ⊔ y = x ⟹ x ⊔ - y = z ⊔ - z"
by (metis associative huntington commutative top_unique)
subsection ‹Lee Byrne's Formulation B›
text ‹
The following axiomatisation is from \<^cite>‹‹Formulation B› in "Byrne1946"›.
text ‹Theorem 4›
class boolean_algebra_2 = sup + uminus +
assumes ba2_associative_commutative: "(x ⊔ y) ⊔ z = (y ⊔ z) ⊔ x"
assumes ba2_complement: "x ⊔ -y = z ⊔ -z ⟷ x ⊔ y = x"
subclass boolean_algebra_1
show "⋀x y z. x ⊔ (y ⊔ z) = x ⊔ y ⊔ z"
by (smt ba2_associative_commutative ba2_complement)
show "⋀x y. x ⊔ y = y ⊔ x"
by (metis ba2_associative_commutative ba2_complement)
show "⋀x y z. (x ⊔ - y = z ⊔ - z) = (x ⊔ y = x)"
by (simp add: ba2_complement)
context boolean_algebra_1
sublocale ba1_ba2: boolean_algebra_2
show "⋀x y z. x ⊔ y ⊔ z = y ⊔ z ⊔ x"
using ba1_associative commutative by force
show "⋀x y z. (x ⊔ - y = z ⊔ - z) = (x ⊔ y = x)"
by (simp add: ba1_complement)
subsection ‹Meredith's Equational Axioms›
text ‹
The following axiomatisation is from \<^cite>‹‹page 221 (1) \{A,N\}› in "MeredithPrior1968"›.
class boolean_algebra_mp = sup + uminus +
assumes ba_mp_1: "-(-x ⊔ y) ⊔ x = x"
assumes ba_mp_2: "-(-x ⊔ y) ⊔ (z ⊔ y) = y ⊔ (z ⊔ x)"
subclass huntington
show "⋀x y z. x ⊔ (y ⊔ z) = x ⊔ y ⊔ z"
by (metis ba_mp_1 ba_mp_2)
show "⋀x y. x ⊔ y = y ⊔ x"
by (metis ba_mp_1 ba_mp_2)
show "⋀x y. x = - (- x ⊔ y) ⊔ - (- x ⊔ - y)"
by (metis ba_mp_1 ba_mp_2)
context huntington
sublocale mp_h: boolean_algebra_mp
show 1: "⋀x y. - (- x ⊔ y) ⊔ x = x"
by (metis h_ba1.ba1_associative h_ba1.ba1_complement huntington)
show "⋀x y z. - (- x ⊔ y) ⊔ (z ⊔ y) = y ⊔ (z ⊔ x)"
proof -
fix x y z
have "y = -(-x ⊔ -y) ⊔ y"
using 1 h_ba1.ba1_commutative by auto
thus "-(-x ⊔ y) ⊔ (z ⊔ y) = y ⊔ (z ⊔ x)"
by (metis h_ba1.ba1_associative h_ba1.ba1_commutative huntington)
subsection ‹An Equational Axiomatisation based on Semilattices›
text ‹
The following version is an equational axiomatisation based on semilattices.
We add the double complement rule and that ‹top› is unique.
The final axiom ‹ba3_export› encodes the logical statement $P \vee Q = P \vee (\neg P \wedge Q)$.
Its dual appears in \<^cite>‹"BalbesHorn1970"›.
text ‹Theorem 5›
class boolean_algebra_3 = sup + uminus +
assumes ba3_associative: "x ⊔ (y ⊔ z) = (x ⊔ y) ⊔ z"
assumes ba3_commutative: "x ⊔ y = y ⊔ x"
assumes ba3_idempotent[simp]: "x ⊔ x = x"
assumes ba3_double_complement[simp]: "--x = x"
assumes ba3_top_unique: "x ⊔ -x = y ⊔ -y"
assumes ba3_export: "x ⊔ -(x ⊔ y) = x ⊔ -y"
subclass huntington
show "⋀x y z. x ⊔ (y ⊔ z) = x ⊔ y ⊔ z"
by (simp add: ba3_associative)
show "⋀x y. x ⊔ y = y ⊔ x"
by (simp add: ba3_commutative)
show "⋀x y. x = - (- x ⊔ y) ⊔ - (- x ⊔ - y)"
by (metis ba3_commutative ba3_double_complement ba3_export ba3_idempotent ba3_top_unique)
context huntington
sublocale h_ba3: boolean_algebra_3
show "⋀x y z. x ⊔ (y ⊔ z) = x ⊔ y ⊔ z"
by (simp add: h_ba1.ba1_associative)
show "⋀x y. x ⊔ y = y ⊔ x"
by (simp add: h_ba1.ba1_commutative)
show 3: "⋀x. x ⊔ x = x"
using h_ba1.ba1_complement by blast
show 4: "⋀x. - - x = x"
by (metis h_ba1.ba1_commutative huntington top_unique)
show "⋀x y. x ⊔ - x = y ⊔ - y"
by (simp add: top_unique)
show "⋀x y. x ⊔ - (x ⊔ y) = x ⊔ - y"
using 3 4 by (smt h_ba1.ba1_ba2.ba2_associative_commutative h_ba1.ba1_complement)
section ‹Subset Boolean Algebras›
text ‹
We apply Huntington's axioms to the range of a unary operation, which serves as complement on the range.
This gives a Boolean algebra structure on the range without imposing any further constraints on the set.
The obtained structure is used as a reference in the subsequent development and to inherit the results proved here.
This is taken from \<^cite>‹"Guttmann2012c" and "GuttmannStruthWeber2011b"› and follows the development of Boolean algebras in \<^cite>‹"Maddux1996"›.
text ‹Definition 6›
class subset_boolean_algebra = sup + uminus +
assumes sub_associative: "-x ⊔ (-y ⊔ -z) = (-x ⊔ -y) ⊔ -z"
assumes sub_commutative: "-x ⊔ -y = -y ⊔ -x"
assumes sub_complement: "-x = -(--x ⊔ -y) ⊔ -(--x ⊔ --y)"
assumes sub_sup_closed: "-x ⊔ -y = --(-x ⊔ -y)"
text ‹uniqueness of ‹top›, resulting in the lemma ‹top_def› to replace the assumption ‹sub_top_def››
lemma top_unique:
"-x ⊔ --x = -y ⊔ --y"
by (metis sub_associative sub_commutative sub_complement)
text ‹consequences for join and complement›
lemma double_negation[simp]:
"---x = -x"
by (metis sub_complement sub_sup_closed)
lemma complement_1:
"--x = -(-x ⊔ -y) ⊔ -(-x ⊔ --y)"
by (metis double_negation sub_complement)
lemma sup_right_zero_var:
"-x ⊔ (-y ⊔ --y) = -z ⊔ --z"
by (smt complement_1 sub_associative sub_sup_closed top_unique)
lemma sup_right_unit_idempotent:
"-x ⊔ -x = -x ⊔ -(-y ⊔ --y)"
by (metis complement_1 double_negation sub_sup_closed sup_right_zero_var)
lemma sup_idempotent[simp]:
"-x ⊔ -x = -x"
by (smt complement_1 double_negation sub_associative sup_right_unit_idempotent)
lemma complement_2:
"-x = -(-(-x ⊔ -y) ⊔ -(-x ⊔ --y))"
using complement_1 by auto
lemma sup_eq_cases:
"-x ⊔ -y = -x ⊔ -z ⟹ --x ⊔ -y = --x ⊔ -z ⟹ -y = -z"
by (metis complement_2 sub_commutative)
lemma sup_eq_cases_2:
"-y ⊔ -x = -z ⊔ -x ⟹ -y ⊔ --x = -z ⊔ --x ⟹ -y = -z"
using sub_commutative sup_eq_cases by auto
text ‹Definition 7›
class subset_extended = sup + inf + minus + uminus + bot + top + ord +
assumes sub_top_def: "top = (THE x . ∀y . x = -y ⊔ --y)"
assumes sub_bot_def: "bot = -(THE x . ∀y . x = -y ⊔ --y)"
assumes sub_inf_def: "-x ⊓ -y = -(--x ⊔ --y)"
assumes sub_minus_def: "-x - -y = -(--x ⊔ -y)"
assumes sub_less_eq_def: "-x ≤ -y ⟷ -x ⊔ -y = -y"
assumes sub_less_def: "-x < -y ⟷ -x ⊔ -y = -y ∧ ¬ (-y ⊔ -x = -x)"
class subset_boolean_algebra_extended = subset_boolean_algebra + subset_extended
lemma top_def:
"top = -x ⊔ --x"
using sub_top_def top_unique by blast
text ‹consequences for meet›
lemma inf_closed:
"-x ⊓ -y = --(-x ⊓ -y)"
by (simp add: sub_inf_def)
lemma inf_associative:
"-x ⊓ (-y ⊓ -z) = (-x ⊓ -y) ⊓ -z"
using sub_associative sub_inf_def sub_sup_closed by auto
lemma inf_commutative:
"-x ⊓ -y = -y ⊓ -x"
by (simp add: sub_commutative sub_inf_def)
lemma inf_idempotent[simp]:
"-x ⊓ -x = -x"
by (simp add: sub_inf_def)
lemma inf_absorb[simp]:
"(-x ⊔ -y) ⊓ -x = -x"
by (metis complement_1 sup_idempotent sub_inf_def sub_associative sub_sup_closed)
lemma sup_absorb[simp]:
"-x ⊔ (-x ⊓ -y) = -x"
by (metis sub_associative sub_complement sub_inf_def sup_idempotent)
lemma inf_demorgan:
"-(-x ⊓ -y) = --x ⊔ --y"
using sub_inf_def sub_sup_closed by auto
lemma sub_sup_demorgan:
"-(-x ⊔ -y) = --x ⊓ --y"
by (simp add: sub_inf_def)
lemma sup_cases:
"-x = (-x ⊓ -y) ⊔ (-x ⊓ --y)"
by (metis inf_closed inf_demorgan sub_complement)
lemma inf_cases:
"-x = (-x ⊔ -y) ⊓ (-x ⊔ --y)"
by (metis complement_2 sub_sup_closed sub_sup_demorgan)
lemma inf_complement_intro:
"(-x ⊔ -y) ⊓ --x = -y ⊓ --x"
proof -
have "(-x ⊔ -y) ⊓ --x = (-x ⊔ -y) ⊓ (--x ⊔ -y) ⊓ --x"
by (metis inf_absorb inf_associative sub_sup_closed)
also have "... = -y ⊓ --x"
by (metis inf_cases sub_commutative)
finally show ?thesis
lemma sup_complement_intro:
"-x ⊔ -y = -x ⊔ (--x ⊓ -y)"
by (metis inf_absorb inf_commutative inf_complement_intro sub_sup_closed sup_cases)
lemma inf_left_dist_sup:
"-x ⊓ (-y ⊔ -z) = (-x ⊓ -y) ⊔ (-x ⊓ -z)"
proof -
have "-x ⊓ (-y ⊔ -z) = (-x ⊓ (-y ⊔ -z) ⊓ -y) ⊔ (-x ⊓ (-y ⊔ -z) ⊓ --y)"
by (metis sub_inf_def sub_sup_closed sup_cases)
also have "... = (-x ⊓ -y) ⊔ (-x ⊓ -z ⊓ --y)"
by (metis inf_absorb inf_associative inf_complement_intro sub_sup_closed)
also have "... = (-x ⊓ -y) ⊔ ((-x ⊓ -y ⊓ -z) ⊔ (-x ⊓ -z ⊓ --y))"
using sub_associative sub_inf_def sup_absorb by auto
also have "... = (-x ⊓ -y) ⊔ ((-x ⊓ -z ⊓ -y) ⊔ (-x ⊓ -z ⊓ --y))"
by (metis inf_associative inf_commutative)
also have "... = (-x ⊓ -y) ⊔ (-x ⊓ -z)"
by (metis sub_inf_def sup_cases)
finally show ?thesis
lemma sup_left_dist_inf:
"-x ⊔ (-y ⊓ -z) = (-x ⊔ -y) ⊓ (-x ⊔ -z)"
proof -
have "-x ⊔ (-y ⊓ -z) = -(--x ⊓ (--y ⊔ --z))"
by (metis sub_inf_def sub_sup_closed sub_sup_demorgan)
also have "... = (-x ⊔ -y) ⊓ (-x ⊔ -z)"
by (metis inf_left_dist_sup sub_sup_closed sub_sup_demorgan)
finally show ?thesis
lemma sup_right_dist_inf:
"(-y ⊓ -z) ⊔ -x = (-y ⊔ -x) ⊓ (-z ⊔ -x)"
using sub_commutative sub_inf_def sup_left_dist_inf by auto
lemma inf_right_dist_sup:
"(-y ⊔ -z) ⊓ -x = (-y ⊓ -x) ⊔ (-z ⊓ -x)"
by (metis inf_commutative inf_left_dist_sup sub_sup_closed)
lemma case_duality:
"(--x ⊓ -y) ⊔ (-x ⊓ -z) = (-x ⊔ -y) ⊓ (--x ⊔ -z)"
proof -
have 1: "-(--x ⊓ --y) ⊓ ----x = --x ⊓ -y"
using inf_commutative inf_complement_intro sub_sup_closed sub_sup_demorgan by auto
have 2: "-(----x ⊔ -(--x ⊔ -z)) = -----x ⊓ ---z"
by (metis (no_types) double_negation sup_complement_intro sub_sup_demorgan)
have 3: "-(--x ⊓ --y) ⊓ -x = -x"
using inf_commutative inf_left_dist_sup sub_sup_closed sub_sup_demorgan by auto
hence "-(--x ⊓ --y) = -x ⊔ -y"
using sub_sup_closed sub_sup_demorgan by auto
thus ?thesis
by (metis double_negation 1 2 3 inf_associative inf_left_dist_sup sup_complement_intro)
lemma case_duality_2:
"(-x ⊓ -y) ⊔ (--x ⊓ -z) = (-x ⊔ -z) ⊓ (--x ⊔ -y)"
using case_duality sub_commutative sub_inf_def by auto
lemma complement_cases:
"((-v ⊓ -w) ⊔ (--v ⊓ -x)) ⊓ -((-v ⊓ -y) ⊔ (--v ⊓ -z)) = (-v ⊓ -w ⊓ --y) ⊔ (--v ⊓ -x ⊓ --z)"
proof -
have 1: "(--v ⊔ -w) = --(--v ⊔ -w) ∧ (-v ⊔ -x) = --(-v ⊔ -x) ∧ (--v ⊔ --y) = --(--v ⊔ --y) ∧ (-v ⊔ --z) = --(-v ⊔ --z)"
using sub_inf_def sub_sup_closed by auto
have 2: "(-v ⊔ (-x ⊓ --z)) = --(-v ⊔ (-x ⊓ --z))"
using sub_inf_def sub_sup_closed by auto
have "((-v ⊓ -w) ⊔ (--v ⊓ -x)) ⊓ -((-v ⊓ -y) ⊔ (--v ⊓ -z)) = ((-v ⊓ -w) ⊔ (--v ⊓ -x)) ⊓ (-(-v ⊓ -y) ⊓ -(--v ⊓ -z))"
using sub_inf_def by auto
also have "... = ((-v ⊓ -w) ⊔ (--v ⊓ -x)) ⊓ ((--v ⊔ --y) ⊓ (-v ⊔ --z))"
using inf_demorgan by auto
also have "... = (--v ⊔ -w) ⊓ (-v ⊔ -x) ⊓ ((--v ⊔ --y) ⊓ (-v ⊔ --z))"
by (metis case_duality double_negation)
also have "... = (--v ⊔ -w) ⊓ ((-v ⊔ -x) ⊓ ((--v ⊔ --y) ⊓ (-v ⊔ --z)))"
by (metis 1 inf_associative sub_inf_def)
also have "... = (--v ⊔ -w) ⊓ ((-v ⊔ -x) ⊓ (--v ⊔ --y) ⊓ (-v ⊔ --z))"
by (metis 1 inf_associative)
also have "... = (--v ⊔ -w) ⊓ ((--v ⊔ --y) ⊓ (-v ⊔ -x) ⊓ (-v ⊔ --z))"
by (metis 1 inf_commutative)
also have "... = (--v ⊔ -w) ⊓ ((--v ⊔ --y) ⊓ ((-v ⊔ -x) ⊓ (-v ⊔ --z)))"
by (metis 1 inf_associative)
also have "... = (--v ⊔ -w) ⊓ ((--v ⊔ --y) ⊓ (-v ⊔ (-x ⊓ --z)))"
by (simp add: sup_left_dist_inf)
also have "... = (--v ⊔ -w) ⊓ (--v ⊔ --y) ⊓ (-v ⊔ (-x ⊓ --z))"
using 1 2 by (metis inf_associative)
also have "... = (--v ⊔ (-w ⊓ --y)) ⊓ (-v ⊔ (-x ⊓ --z))"
by (simp add: sup_left_dist_inf)
also have "... = (-v ⊓ (-w ⊓ --y)) ⊔ (--v ⊓ (-x ⊓ --z))"
by (metis case_duality complement_1 complement_2 sub_inf_def)
also have "... = (-v ⊓ -w ⊓ --y) ⊔ (--v ⊓ -x ⊓ --z)"
by (simp add: inf_associative)
finally show ?thesis
lemma inf_cases_2: "--x = -(-x ⊓ -y) ⊓ -(-x ⊓ --y)"
using sub_inf_def sup_cases by auto
text ‹consequences for ‹top› and ‹bot››
lemma sup_complement[simp]:
"-x ⊔ --x = top"
using top_def by auto
lemma inf_complement[simp]:
"-x ⊓ --x = bot"
by (metis sub_bot_def sub_inf_def sub_top_def top_def)
lemma complement_bot[simp]:
"-bot = top"
using inf_complement inf_demorgan sup_complement by fastforce
lemma complement_top[simp]:
"-top = bot"
using sub_bot_def sub_top_def by blast
lemma sup_right_zero[simp]:
"-x ⊔ top = top"
using sup_right_zero_var by auto
lemma sup_left_zero[simp]:
"top ⊔ -x = top"
by (metis complement_bot sub_commutative sup_right_zero)
lemma inf_right_unit[simp]:
"-x ⊓ bot = bot"
by (metis complement_bot complement_top double_negation sub_sup_demorgan sup_right_zero)
lemma inf_left_unit[simp]:
"bot ⊓ -x = bot"
by (metis complement_top inf_commutative inf_right_unit)
lemma sup_right_unit[simp]:
"-x ⊔ bot = -x"
using sup_right_unit_idempotent by auto
lemma sup_left_unit[simp]:
"bot ⊔ -x = -x"
by (metis complement_top sub_commutative sup_right_unit)
lemma inf_right_zero[simp]:
"-x ⊓ top = -x"
by (metis inf_left_dist_sup sup_cases top_def)
lemma sub_inf_left_zero[simp]:
"top ⊓ -x = -x"
using inf_absorb top_def by fastforce
lemma bot_double_complement[simp]:
"--bot = bot"
by simp
lemma top_double_complement[simp]:
"--top = top"
by simp
text ‹consequences for the order›
lemma reflexive:
"-x ≤ -x"
by (simp add: sub_less_eq_def)
lemma transitive:
"-x ≤ -y ⟹ -y ≤ -z ⟹ -x ≤ -z"
by (metis sub_associative sub_less_eq_def)
lemma antisymmetric:
"-x ≤ -y ⟹ -y ≤ -x ⟹ -x = -y"
by (simp add: sub_commutative sub_less_eq_def)
lemma sub_bot_least:
"bot ≤ -x"
using sup_left_unit complement_top sub_less_eq_def by blast
lemma top_greatest:
"-x ≤ top"
using complement_bot sub_less_eq_def sup_right_zero by blast
lemma upper_bound_left:
"-x ≤ -x ⊔ -y"
by (metis sub_associative sub_less_eq_def sub_sup_closed sup_idempotent)
lemma upper_bound_right:
"-y ≤ -x ⊔ -y"
using sub_commutative upper_bound_left by fastforce
lemma sub_sup_left_isotone:
assumes "-x ≤ -y"
shows "-x ⊔ -z ≤ -y ⊔ -z"
proof -
have "-x ⊔ -y = -y"
by (meson assms sub_less_eq_def)
thus ?thesis
by (metis (full_types) sub_associative sub_commutative sub_sup_closed upper_bound_left)
lemma sub_sup_right_isotone:
"-x ≤ -y ⟹ -z ⊔ -x ≤ -z ⊔ -y"
by (simp add: sub_commutative sub_sup_left_isotone)
lemma sup_isotone:
assumes "-p ≤ -q"
and "-r ≤ -s"
shows "-p ⊔ -r ≤ -q ⊔ -s"
proof -
have "⋀x y. ¬ -x ≤ -y ⊔ -r ∨ -x ≤ -y ⊔ -s"
by (metis (full_types) assms(2) sub_sup_closed sub_sup_right_isotone transitive)
thus ?thesis
by (metis (no_types) assms(1) sub_sup_closed sub_sup_left_isotone)
lemma sub_complement_antitone:
"-x ≤ -y ⟹ --y ≤ --x"
by (metis inf_absorb inf_demorgan sub_less_eq_def)
lemma less_eq_inf:
"-x ≤ -y ⟷ -x ⊓ -y = -x"
by (metis inf_absorb inf_commutative sub_less_eq_def upper_bound_right sup_absorb)
lemma inf_complement_left_antitone:
"-x ≤ -y ⟹ -(-y ⊓ -z) ≤ -(-x ⊓ -z)"
by (simp add: sub_complement_antitone inf_demorgan sub_sup_left_isotone)
lemma sub_inf_left_isotone:
"-x ≤ -y ⟹ -x ⊓ -z ≤ -y ⊓ -z"
using sub_complement_antitone inf_closed inf_complement_left_antitone by fastforce
lemma sub_inf_right_isotone:
"-x ≤ -y ⟹ -z ⊓ -x ≤ -z ⊓ -y"
by (simp add: inf_commutative sub_inf_left_isotone)
lemma inf_isotone:
assumes "-p ≤ -q"
and "-r ≤ -s"
shows "-p ⊓ -r ≤ -q ⊓ -s"
proof -
have "∀w x y z. (-w ≤ -x ⊓ -y ∨ ¬ -w ≤ -x ⊓ -z) ∨ ¬ -z ≤ -y"
by (metis (no_types) inf_closed sub_inf_right_isotone transitive)
thus ?thesis
by (metis (no_types) assms inf_closed sub_inf_left_isotone)
lemma least_upper_bound:
"-x ≤ -z ∧ -y ≤ -z ⟷ -x ⊔ -y ≤ -z"
by (metis sub_sup_closed transitive upper_bound_right sup_idempotent sup_isotone upper_bound_left)
lemma lower_bound_left:
"-x ⊓ -y ≤ -x"
by (metis sub_inf_def upper_bound_right sup_absorb)
lemma lower_bound_right:
"-x ⊓ -y ≤ -y"
using inf_commutative lower_bound_left by fastforce
lemma greatest_lower_bound:
"-x ≤ -y ∧ -x ≤ -z ⟷ -x ≤ -y ⊓ -z"
by (metis inf_closed sub_inf_left_isotone less_eq_inf transitive lower_bound_left lower_bound_right)
lemma less_eq_sup_top:
"-x ≤ -y ⟷ --x ⊔ -y = top"
by (metis complement_1 inf_commutative inf_complement_intro sub_inf_left_zero less_eq_inf sub_complement sup_complement_intro top_def)
lemma less_eq_inf_bot:
"-x ≤ -y ⟷ -x ⊓ --y = bot"
by (metis complement_bot complement_top double_negation inf_demorgan less_eq_sup_top sub_inf_def)
lemma shunting:
"-x ⊓ -y ≤ -z ⟷ -y ≤ --x ⊔ -z"
proof (cases "--x ⊔ (-z ⊔ --y) = top")
case True
have "∀v w. -v ≤ -w ∨ -w ⊔ --v ≠ top"
using less_eq_sup_top sub_commutative by blast
thus ?thesis
by (metis True sub_associative sub_commutative sub_inf_def sub_sup_closed)
case False
hence "--x ⊔ (-z ⊔ --y) ≠ top ∧ ¬ -y ≤ -z ⊔ --x"
by (metis (no_types) less_eq_sup_top sub_associative sub_commutative sub_sup_closed)
thus ?thesis
using less_eq_sup_top sub_associative sub_commutative sub_inf_def sub_sup_closed by auto
lemma shunting_right:
"-x ⊓ -y ≤ -z ⟷ -x ≤ -z ⊔ --y"
by (metis inf_commutative sub_commutative shunting)
lemma sup_less_eq_cases:
assumes "-z ≤ -x ⊔ -y"
and "-z ≤ --x ⊔ -y"
shows "-z ≤ -y"
proof -
have "-z ≤ (-x ⊔ -y) ⊓ (--x ⊔ -y)"
by (metis assms greatest_lower_bound sub_sup_closed)
also have "... = -y"
by (metis inf_cases sub_commutative)
finally show ?thesis
lemma sup_less_eq_cases_2:
"-x ⊔ -y ≤ -x ⊔ -z ⟹ --x ⊔ -y ≤ --x ⊔ -z ⟹ -y ≤ -z"
by (metis least_upper_bound sup_less_eq_cases sub_sup_closed)
lemma sup_less_eq_cases_3:
"-y ⊔ -x ≤ -z ⊔ -x ⟹ -y ⊔ --x ≤ -z ⊔ --x ⟹ -y ≤ -z"
by (simp add: sup_less_eq_cases_2 sub_commutative)
lemma inf_less_eq_cases:
"-x ⊓ -y ≤ -z ⟹ --x ⊓ -y ≤ -z ⟹ -y ≤ -z"
by (simp add: shunting sup_less_eq_cases)
lemma inf_less_eq_cases_2:
"-x ⊓ -y ≤ -x ⊓ -z ⟹ --x ⊓ -y ≤ --x ⊓ -z ⟹ -y ≤ -z"
by (metis greatest_lower_bound inf_closed inf_less_eq_cases)
lemma inf_less_eq_cases_3:
"-y ⊓ -x ≤ -z ⊓ -x ⟹ -y ⊓ --x ≤ -z ⊓ --x ⟹ -y ≤ -z"
by (simp add: inf_commutative inf_less_eq_cases_2)
lemma inf_eq_cases:
"-x ⊓ -y = -x ⊓ -z ⟹ --x ⊓ -y = --x ⊓ -z ⟹ -y = -z"
by (metis inf_commutative sup_cases)
lemma inf_eq_cases_2:
"-y ⊓ -x = -z ⊓ -x ⟹ -y ⊓ --x = -z ⊓ --x ⟹ -y = -z"
using inf_commutative inf_eq_cases by auto
lemma wnf_lemma_1:
"((-x ⊔ -y) ⊓ (--x ⊔ -z)) ⊔ -x = -x ⊔ -y"
proof -
have "∀u v w. (-u ⊓ (-v ⊔ --w)) ⊔ -w = -u ⊔ -w"
by (metis inf_right_zero sub_associative sub_sup_closed sup_complement sup_idempotent sup_right_dist_inf)
thus ?thesis
by (metis (no_types) sub_associative sub_commutative sub_sup_closed sup_idempotent)
lemma wnf_lemma_2:
"((-x ⊔ -y) ⊓ (-z ⊔ --y)) ⊔ -y = -x ⊔ -y"
using sub_commutative wnf_lemma_1 by fastforce
lemma wnf_lemma_3:
"((-x ⊔ -z) ⊓ (--x ⊔ -y)) ⊔ --x = --x ⊔ -y"
by (metis case_duality case_duality_2 double_negation sub_commutative wnf_lemma_2)
lemma wnf_lemma_4:
"((-z ⊔ -y) ⊓ (-x ⊔ --y)) ⊔ --y = -x ⊔ --y"
using sub_commutative wnf_lemma_3 by auto
class subset_boolean_algebra' = sup + uminus +
assumes sub_associative': "-x ⊔ (-y ⊔ -z) = (-x ⊔ -y) ⊔ -z"
assumes sub_commutative': "-x ⊔ -y = -y ⊔ -x"
assumes sub_complement': "-x = -(--x ⊔ -y) ⊔ -(--x ⊔ --y)"
assumes sub_sup_closed': "∃z . -x ⊔ -y = -z"
subclass subset_boolean_algebra
show "⋀x y z. - x ⊔ (- y ⊔ - z) = - x ⊔ - y ⊔ - z"
by (simp add: sub_associative')
show "⋀x y. - x ⊔ - y = - y ⊔ - x"
by (simp add: sub_commutative')
show "⋀x y. - x = - (- - x ⊔ - y) ⊔ - (- - x ⊔ - - y)"
by (simp add: sub_complement')
show "⋀x y. - x ⊔ - y = - - (- x ⊔ - y)"
proof -
fix x y
have "∀x y. -y ⊔ (-(--y ⊔ -x) ⊔ -(---x ⊔ -y)) = -y ⊔ --x"
by (metis (no_types) sub_associative' sub_commutative' sub_complement')
hence "∀x. ---x = -x"
by (metis (no_types) sub_commutative' sub_complement')
thus "-x ⊔ -y = --(-x ⊔ -y)"
by (metis sub_sup_closed')
text ‹
We introduce a type for the range of complement and show that it is an instance of ‹boolean_algebra›.
typedef (overloaded) 'a boolean_subset = "{ x::'a::uminus . ∃y . x = -y }"
by auto
lemma simp_boolean_subset[simp]:
"∃y . Rep_boolean_subset x = -y"
using Rep_boolean_subset by simp
setup_lifting type_definition_boolean_subset
text ‹Theorem 8.1›
instantiation boolean_subset :: (subset_boolean_algebra) huntington
lift_definition sup_boolean_subset :: "'a boolean_subset ⇒ 'a boolean_subset ⇒ 'a boolean_subset" is sup
using sub_sup_closed by auto
lift_definition uminus_boolean_subset :: "'a boolean_subset ⇒ 'a boolean_subset" is uminus
by auto
show "⋀x y z::'a boolean_subset. x ⊔ (y ⊔ z) = x ⊔ y ⊔ z"
apply transfer
using sub_associative by blast
show "⋀x y::'a boolean_subset. x ⊔ y = y ⊔ x"
apply transfer
using sub_commutative by blast
show "⋀x y::'a boolean_subset. x = - (- x ⊔ y) ⊔ - (- x ⊔ - y)"
apply transfer
using sub_complement by blast
text ‹Theorem 8.2›
instantiation boolean_subset :: (subset_boolean_algebra_extended) huntington_extended
lift_definition inf_boolean_subset :: "'a boolean_subset ⇒ 'a boolean_subset ⇒ 'a boolean_subset" is inf
using inf_closed by auto
lift_definition minus_boolean_subset :: "'a boolean_subset ⇒ 'a boolean_subset ⇒ 'a boolean_subset" is minus
using sub_minus_def by auto
lift_definition bot_boolean_subset :: "'a boolean_subset" is bot
by (metis complement_top)
lift_definition top_boolean_subset :: "'a boolean_subset" is top
by (metis complement_bot)
lift_definition less_eq_boolean_subset :: "'a boolean_subset ⇒ 'a boolean_subset ⇒ bool" is less_eq .
lift_definition less_boolean_subset :: "'a boolean_subset ⇒ 'a boolean_subset ⇒ bool" is less .
show 1: "top = (THE x. ∀y::'a boolean_subset. x = y ⊔ - y)"
proof (rule the_equality[symmetric])
show "∀y::'a boolean_subset. top = y ⊔ - y"
apply transfer
by auto
show "⋀x::'a boolean_subset. ∀y. x = y ⊔ - y ⟹ x = top"
apply transfer
by force
have "(bot::'a boolean_subset) = - top"
apply transfer
by simp
thus "bot = - (THE x. ∀y::'a boolean_subset. x = y ⊔ - y)"
using 1 by simp
show "⋀x y::'a boolean_subset. x ⊓ y = - (- x ⊔ - y)"
apply transfer
using sub_inf_def by blast
show "⋀x y::'a boolean_subset. x - y = - (- x ⊔ y)"
apply transfer
using sub_minus_def by blast
show "⋀x y::'a boolean_subset. (x ≤ y) = (x ⊔ y = y)"
apply transfer
using sub_less_eq_def by blast
show "⋀x y::'a boolean_subset. (x < y) = (x ⊔ y = y ∧ y ⊔ x ≠ x)"
apply transfer
using sub_less_def by blast
section ‹Subset Boolean algebras with Additional Structure›
text ‹
We now discuss axioms that make the range of a unary operation a Boolean algebra, but add further properties that are common to the intended models.
In the intended models, the unary operation can be a complement, a pseudocomplement or the antidomain operation.
For simplicity, we mostly call the unary operation `complement'.
We first look at structures based only on join and complement, and then add axioms for the remaining operations of Boolean algebras.
In the intended models, the operation that is meet on the range of the complement can be a meet in the whole algebra or composition.
subsection ‹Axioms Derived from the New Axiomatisation›
text ‹
The axioms of the first algebra are based on ‹boolean_algebra_3›.
text ‹Definition 9›
class subset_boolean_algebra_1 = sup + uminus +
assumes sba1_associative: "x ⊔ (y ⊔ z) = (x ⊔ y) ⊔ z"
assumes sba1_commutative: "x ⊔ y = y ⊔ x"
assumes sba1_idempotent[simp]: "x ⊔ x = x"
assumes sba1_double_complement[simp]: "---x = -x"
assumes sba1_bot_unique: "-(x ⊔ -x) = -(y ⊔ -y)"
assumes sba1_export: "-x ⊔ -(-x ⊔ y) = -x ⊔ -y"
text ‹Theorem 11.1›
subclass subset_boolean_algebra
show "⋀x y z. - x ⊔ (- y ⊔ - z) = - x ⊔ - y ⊔ - z"
by (simp add: sba1_associative)
show "⋀x y. - x ⊔ - y = - y ⊔ - x"
by (simp add: sba1_commutative)
show "⋀x y. - x = - (- - x ⊔ - y) ⊔ - (- - x ⊔ - - y)"
by (smt sba1_bot_unique sba1_commutative sba1_double_complement sba1_export sba1_idempotent)
thus "⋀x y. - x ⊔ - y = - - (- x ⊔ - y)"
by (metis sba1_double_complement sba1_export)
definition "sba1_bot ≡ THE x . ∀z . x = -(z ⊔ -z)"
lemma sba1_bot:
"sba1_bot = -(z ⊔ -z)"
using sba1_bot_def sba1_bot_unique by auto
text ‹Boolean algebra operations based on join and complement›
text ‹Definition 10›
class subset_extended_1 = sup + inf + minus + uminus + bot + top + ord +
assumes ba_bot: "bot = (THE x . ∀z . x = -(z ⊔ -z))"
assumes ba_top: "top = -(THE x . ∀z . x = -(z ⊔ -z))"
assumes ba_inf: "-x ⊓ -y = -(--x ⊔ --y)"
assumes ba_minus: "-x - -y = -(--x ⊔ -y)"
assumes ba_less_eq: "x ≤ y ⟷ x ⊔ y = y"
assumes ba_less: "x < y ⟷ x ⊔ y = y ∧ ¬ (y ⊔ x = x)"
class subset_extended_2 = subset_extended_1 +
assumes ba_bot_unique: "-(x ⊔ -x) = -(y ⊔ -y)"
lemma ba_bot_def:
"bot = -(z ⊔ -z)"
using ba_bot ba_bot_unique by auto
lemma ba_top_def:
"top = --(z ⊔ -z)"
using ba_bot_def ba_top by simp
text ‹Subset forms Boolean Algebra, extended by Boolean algebra operations›
class subset_boolean_algebra_1_extended = subset_boolean_algebra_1 + subset_extended_1
subclass subset_extended_2
show "⋀x y. - (x ⊔ - x) = - (y ⊔ - y)"
by (simp add: sba1_bot_unique)
subclass semilattice_sup
show "⋀x y. (x < y) = (x ≤ y ∧ ¬ y ≤ x)"
by (simp add: ba_less ba_less_eq)
show "⋀x. x ≤ x"
by (simp add: ba_less_eq)
show "⋀x y z. x ≤ y ⟹ y ≤ z ⟹ x ≤ z"
by (metis sba1_associative ba_less_eq)
show "⋀x y. x ≤ y ⟹ y ≤ x ⟹ x = y"
by (simp add: sba1_commutative ba_less_eq)
show "⋀x y. x ≤ x ⊔ y"
by (simp add: sba1_associative ba_less_eq)
thus "⋀y x. y ≤ x ⊔ y"
by (simp add: sba1_commutative)
show "⋀y x z. y ≤ x ⟹ z ≤ x ⟹ y ⊔ z ≤ x"
by (metis sba1_associative ba_less_eq)
text ‹Theorem 11.2›
subclass subset_boolean_algebra_extended
show "top = (THE x. ∀y. x = - y ⊔ - - y)"
by (smt ba_bot ba_bot_def ba_top sub_sup_closed the_equality)
thus "bot = - (THE x. ∀y. x = - y ⊔ - - y)"
using ba_bot_def ba_top_def by force
show "⋀x y. - x ⊓ - y = - (- - x ⊔ - - y)"
by (simp add: ba_inf)
show "⋀x y. - x - - y = - (- - x ⊔ - y)"
by (simp add: ba_minus)
show "⋀x y. (- x ≤ - y) = (- x ⊔ - y = - y)"
using le_iff_sup by auto
show "⋀x y. (- x < - y) = (- x ⊔ - y = - y ∧ - y ⊔ - x ≠ - x)"
by (simp add: ba_less)
subsection ‹Stronger Assumptions based on Join and Complement›
text ‹
We add further axioms covering properties common to the antidomain and (pseudo)complement instances.
text ‹Definition 12›
class subset_boolean_algebra_2 = sup + uminus +
assumes sba2_associative: "x ⊔ (y ⊔ z) = (x ⊔ y) ⊔ z"
assumes sba2_commutative: "x ⊔ y = y ⊔ x"
assumes sba2_idempotent[simp]: "x ⊔ x = x"
assumes sba2_bot_unit: "x ⊔ -(y ⊔ -y) = x"
assumes sba2_sub_sup_demorgan: "-(x ⊔ y) = -(--x ⊔ --y)"
assumes sba2_export: "-x ⊔ -(-x ⊔ y) = -x ⊔ -y"
text ‹Theorem 13.1›
subclass subset_boolean_algebra_1
show "⋀x y z. x ⊔ (y ⊔ z) = x ⊔ y ⊔ z"
by (simp add: sba2_associative)
show "⋀x y. x ⊔ y = y ⊔ x"
by (simp add: sba2_commutative)
show "⋀x. x ⊔ x = x"
by simp
show "⋀x. - - - x = - x"
by (metis sba2_idempotent sba2_sub_sup_demorgan)
show "⋀x y. - (x ⊔ - x) = - (y ⊔ - y)"
by (metis sba2_bot_unit sba2_commutative)
show "⋀x y. - x ⊔ - (- x ⊔ y) = - x ⊔ - y"
by (simp add: sba2_export)
text ‹Theorem 13.2›
lemma double_complement_dist_sup:
"--(x ⊔ y) = --x ⊔ --y"
by (metis sba2_commutative sba2_export sba2_idempotent sba2_sub_sup_demorgan)
lemma maddux_3_3[simp]:
"-(x ⊔ y) ⊔ -(x ⊔ -y) = -x"
by (metis double_complement_dist_sup sba1_double_complement sba2_commutative sub_complement)
lemma huntington_3_pp[simp]:
"-(-x ⊔ -y) ⊔ -(-x ⊔ y) = --x"
using sba2_commutative maddux_3_3 by fastforce
class subset_boolean_algebra_2_extended = subset_boolean_algebra_2 + subset_extended_1
subclass subset_boolean_algebra_1_extended ..
subclass bounded_semilattice_sup_bot
show "⋀x. bot ≤ x"
using sba2_bot_unit ba_bot_def sup_right_divisibility by auto
text ‹Theorem 13.3›
lemma complement_antitone:
"x ≤ y ⟹ -y ≤ -x"
by (metis le_iff_sup maddux_3_3 sba2_export sup_monoid.add_commute)
lemma double_complement_isotone:
"x ≤ y ⟹ --x ≤ --y"
by (simp add: complement_antitone)
lemma sup_demorgan:
"-(x ⊔ y) = -x ⊓ -y"
using sba2_sub_sup_demorgan ba_inf by auto
subsection ‹Axioms for Meet›
text ‹
We add further axioms of ‹inf› covering properties common to the antidomain and pseudocomplement instances.
We omit the left distributivity rule and the right zero rule as they do not hold in some models.
In particular, the operation ‹inf› does not have to be commutative.
text ‹Definition 14›
class subset_boolean_algebra_3_extended = subset_boolean_algebra_2_extended +
assumes sba3_inf_associative: "x ⊓ (y ⊓ z) = (x ⊓ y) ⊓ z"
assumes sba3_inf_right_dist_sup: "(x ⊔ y) ⊓ z = (x ⊓ z) ⊔ (y ⊓ z)"
assumes sba3_inf_complement_bot: "-x ⊓ x = bot"
assumes sba3_inf_left_unit[simp]: "top ⊓ x = x"
assumes sba3_complement_inf_double_complement: "-(x ⊓ --y) = -(x ⊓ y)"
text ‹Theorem 15›
lemma inf_left_zero:
"bot ⊓ x = bot"
by (metis inf_right_unit sba3_inf_associative sba3_inf_complement_bot)
lemma inf_double_complement_export:
"--(--x ⊓ y) = --x ⊓ --y"
by (metis inf_closed sba3_complement_inf_double_complement)
lemma inf_left_isotone:
"x ≤ y ⟹ x ⊓ z ≤ y ⊓ z"
using sba3_inf_right_dist_sup sup_right_divisibility by auto
lemma inf_complement_export:
"--(-x ⊓ y) = -x ⊓ --y"
by (metis inf_double_complement_export sba1_double_complement)
lemma double_complement_above:
"--x ⊓ x = x"
by (metis sup_monoid.add_0_right complement_bot inf_demorgan sba1_double_complement sba3_inf_complement_bot sba3_inf_right_dist_sup sba3_inf_left_unit)
lemma "x ≤ y ⟹ z ⊓ x ≤ z ⊓ y" nitpick [expect=genuine] oops
lemma "x ⊓ top = x" nitpick [expect=genuine] oops
lemma "x ⊓ y = y ⊓ x" nitpick [expect=genuine] oops
subsection ‹Stronger Assumptions for Meet›
text ‹
The following axioms also hold in both models, but follow from the axioms of ‹subset_boolean_algebra_5_operations›.
text ‹Definition 16›
class subset_boolean_algebra_4_extended = subset_boolean_algebra_3_extended +
assumes sba4_inf_right_unit[simp]: "x ⊓ top = x"
assumes inf_right_isotone: "x ≤ y ⟹ z ⊓ x ≤ z ⊓ y"
lemma "x ⊔ top = top" nitpick [expect=genuine] oops
lemma "x ⊓ bot = bot" nitpick [expect=genuine] oops
lemma "x ⊓ (y ⊔ z) = (x ⊓ y) ⊔ (x ⊓ z)" nitpick [expect=genuine] oops
lemma "(x ⊓ y = bot) = (x ≤ - y)" nitpick [expect=genuine] oops
section ‹Boolean Algebras in Stone Algebras›
text ‹
We specialise ‹inf› to meet and complement to pseudocomplement.
This puts Stone algebras into the picture; for these it is well known that regular elements form a Boolean subalgebra \<^cite>‹"Graetzer1971"›.
text ‹Definition 17›
class subset_boolean_algebra_5_extended = subset_boolean_algebra_3_extended +
assumes sba5_inf_commutative: "x ⊓ y = y ⊓ x"
assumes sba5_inf_absorb: "x ⊓ (x ⊔ y) = x"
subclass distrib_lattice_bot
show "⋀x y. x ⊓ y ≤ x"
by (metis sba5_inf_commutative sba3_inf_right_dist_sup sba5_inf_absorb sup_right_divisibility)
show "⋀x y. x ⊓ y ≤ y"
by (metis inf_left_isotone sba5_inf_absorb sba5_inf_commutative sup_ge2)
show "⋀x y z. x ≤ y ⟹ x ≤ z ⟹ x ≤ y ⊓ z"
by (metis inf_left_isotone sba5_inf_absorb sup.orderE sup_monoid.add_commute)
show "⋀x y z. x ⊔ y ⊓ z = (x ⊔ y) ⊓ (x ⊔ z) "
by (metis sba3_inf_right_dist_sup sba5_inf_absorb sba5_inf_commutative sup_assoc)
lemma inf_demorgan_2:
"-(x ⊓ y) = -x ⊔ -y"
using sba3_complement_inf_double_complement sba5_inf_commutative sub_sup_closed sub_sup_demorgan by auto
lemma inf_export:
"x ⊓ -(x ⊓ y) = x ⊓ -y"
using inf_demorgan_2 sba3_inf_complement_bot sba3_inf_right_dist_sup sba5_inf_commutative by auto
lemma complement_inf[simp]:
"x ⊓ -x = bot"
using sba3_inf_complement_bot sba5_inf_commutative by auto
text ‹Theorem 18.2›
subclass stone_algebra
show "⋀x. x ≤ top"
by (simp add: inf.absorb_iff2)
show "⋀x y. (x ⊓ y = bot) = (x ≤ - y)"
by (metis (full_types) complement_bot complement_inf inf.cobounded1 inf.order_iff inf_export sba3_complement_inf_double_complement sba3_inf_left_unit)
show "⋀x. - x ⊔ - - x = top"
by simp
text ‹Theorem 18.1›
subclass subset_boolean_algebra_4_extended
show "⋀x. x ⊓ top = x"
by simp
show "⋀x y z. x ≤ y ⟹ z ⊓ x ≤ z ⊓ y"
using inf.sup_right_isotone by blast
context stone_algebra_extended
text ‹Theorem 18.3›