Theory Core_DOM_Functions
section‹Querying and Modifying the DOM›
text‹In this theory, we are formalizing the functions for querying and modifying
the DOM.›
theory Core_DOM_Functions
text ‹If we do not declare show\_variants, then all abbreviations that contain
constants that are overloaded by using adhoc\_overloading get immediately unfolded.›
declare [[show_variants]]
subsection ‹Various Functions›
lemma insort_split: "x ∈ set (insort y xs) ⟷ (x = y ∨ x ∈ set xs)"
apply(induct xs)
lemma concat_map_distinct:
"distinct (concat (map f xs)) ⟹ y ∈ set (concat (map f xs)) ⟹ ∃!x ∈ set xs. y ∈ set (f x)"
apply(induct xs)
lemma concat_map_all_distinct: "distinct (concat (map f xs)) ⟹ x ∈ set xs ⟹ distinct (f x)"
apply(induct xs)
lemma distinct_concat_map_I:
assumes "distinct xs"
and "⋀x. x ∈ set xs ⟹ distinct (f x)"
and "⋀x y. x ∈ set xs ⟹ y ∈ set xs ⟹ x ≠ y ⟹ (set (f x)) ∩ (set (f y)) = {}"
shows "distinct (concat ((map f xs)))"
using assms
apply(induct xs)
lemma distinct_concat_map_E:
assumes "distinct (concat ((map f xs)))"
shows "⋀x y. x ∈ set xs ⟹ y ∈ set xs ⟹ x ≠ y ⟹ (set (f x)) ∩ (set (f y)) = {}"
and "⋀x. x ∈ set xs ⟹ distinct (f x)"
using assms
apply(induct xs)
lemma bind_is_OK_E3 [elim]:
assumes "h ⊢ ok (f ⤜ g)" and "pure f h"
obtains x where "h ⊢ f →⇩r x" and "h ⊢ ok (g x)"
using assms
by(auto simp add: bind_def returns_result_def returns_heap_def is_OK_def execute_def pure_def
split: sum.splits)
subsection ‹Basic Functions›
subsubsection ‹get\_child\_nodes›
locale l_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
definition get_child_nodes⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ unit ⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog"
"get_child_nodes⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r element_ptr _ = get_M element_ptr RElement.child_nodes"
definition get_child_nodes⇩c⇩h⇩a⇩r⇩a⇩c⇩t⇩e⇩r⇩_⇩d⇩a⇩t⇩a⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r :: "(_) character_data_ptr ⇒ unit ⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog"
"get_child_nodes⇩c⇩h⇩a⇩r⇩a⇩c⇩t⇩e⇩r⇩_⇩d⇩a⇩t⇩a⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r _ _ = return []"
definition get_child_nodes⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ unit ⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog"
"get_child_nodes⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r document_ptr _ = do {
doc_elem ← get_M document_ptr document_element;
(case doc_elem of
Some element_ptr ⇒ return [cast element_ptr]
| None ⇒ return [])
definition a_get_child_nodes_tups :: "(((_) object_ptr ⇒ bool) × ((_) object_ptr ⇒ unit
⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog)) list"
"a_get_child_nodes_tups = [
(is_element_ptr, get_child_nodes⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast),
(is_character_data_ptr, get_child_nodes⇩c⇩h⇩a⇩r⇩a⇩c⇩t⇩e⇩r⇩_⇩d⇩a⇩t⇩a⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast),
(is_document_ptr, get_child_nodes⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast)
definition a_get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog"
"a_get_child_nodes ptr = invoke a_get_child_nodes_tups ptr ()"
definition a_get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
"a_get_child_nodes_locs ptr ≡
(if is_element_ptr_kind ptr then {preserved (get_M (the (cast ptr)) RElement.child_nodes)} else {}) ∪
(if is_document_ptr_kind ptr then {preserved (get_M (the (cast ptr)) RDocument.document_element)} else {}) ∪
{preserved (get_M ptr RObject.nothing)}"
definition first_child :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr option) dom_prog"
"first_child ptr = do {
children ← a_get_child_nodes ptr;
return (case children of [] ⇒ None | child#_ ⇒ Some child)}"
locale l_get_child_nodes_defs =
fixes get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog"
fixes get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
locale l_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_type_wf type_wf +
l_known_ptr known_ptr +
l_get_child_nodes_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs +
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set" +
assumes known_ptr_impl: "known_ptr = DocumentClass.known_ptr"
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = DocumentClass.type_wf"
assumes get_child_nodes_impl: "get_child_nodes = a_get_child_nodes"
assumes get_child_nodes_locs_impl: "get_child_nodes_locs = a_get_child_nodes_locs"
lemmas get_child_nodes_def = get_child_nodes_impl[unfolded a_get_child_nodes_def]
lemmas get_child_nodes_locs_def = get_child_nodes_locs_impl[unfolded a_get_child_nodes_locs_def]
lemma get_child_nodes_split:
"P (invoke (a_get_child_nodes_tups @ xs) ptr ()) =
((known_ptr ptr ⟶ P (get_child_nodes ptr))
∧ (¬(known_ptr ptr) ⟶ P (invoke xs ptr ())))"
by(auto simp add: known_ptr_impl get_child_nodes_impl a_get_child_nodes_def a_get_child_nodes_tups_def
known_ptr_defs CharacterDataClass.known_ptr_defs ElementClass.known_ptr_defs
split: invoke_splits)
lemma get_child_nodes_split_asm:
"P (invoke (a_get_child_nodes_tups @ xs) ptr ()) =
(¬((known_ptr ptr ∧ ¬P (get_child_nodes ptr))
∨ (¬(known_ptr ptr) ∧ ¬P (invoke xs ptr ()))))"
by(auto simp add: known_ptr_impl get_child_nodes_impl a_get_child_nodes_def
a_get_child_nodes_tups_def known_ptr_defs CharacterDataClass.known_ptr_defs
ElementClass.known_ptr_defs NodeClass.known_ptr_defs
split: invoke_splits)
lemmas get_child_nodes_splits = get_child_nodes_split get_child_nodes_split_asm
lemma get_child_nodes_ok [simp]:
assumes "known_ptr ptr"
assumes "type_wf h"
assumes "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
shows "h ⊢ ok (get_child_nodes ptr)"
using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3)
apply(auto simp add: known_ptr_impl type_wf_impl get_child_nodes_def a_get_child_nodes_tups_def)[1]
apply(split invoke_splits, rule conjI)+
apply((rule impI)+, drule(1) known_ptr_not_document_ptr, drule(1) known_ptr_not_character_data_ptr,
drule(1) known_ptr_not_element_ptr)
apply(auto simp add: NodeClass.known_ptr_defs)[1]
apply(auto simp add: get_child_nodes⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def dest: get_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok
split: list.splits option.splits intro!: bind_is_OK_I2)[1]
apply(auto simp add: get_child_nodes⇩c⇩h⇩a⇩r⇩a⇩c⇩t⇩e⇩r⇩_⇩d⇩a⇩t⇩a⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def)[1]
apply (auto simp add: get_child_nodes⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def CharacterDataClass.type_wf_defs
DocumentClass.type_wf_defs intro!: bind_is_OK_I2 split: option.splits)[1]
using get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok ‹type_wf h›[unfolded type_wf_impl] by blast
lemma get_child_nodes_ptr_in_heap [simp]:
assumes "h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children"
shows "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
by(auto simp add: get_child_nodes_impl a_get_child_nodes_def invoke_ptr_in_heap
dest: is_OK_returns_result_I)
lemma get_child_nodes_pure [simp]:
"pure (get_child_nodes ptr) h"
apply (auto simp add: get_child_nodes_impl a_get_child_nodes_def a_get_child_nodes_tups_def)[1]
apply(split invoke_splits, rule conjI)+
by(auto simp add: get_child_nodes⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def get_child_nodes⇩c⇩h⇩a⇩r⇩a⇩c⇩t⇩e⇩r⇩_⇩d⇩a⇩t⇩a⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def
get_child_nodes⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def intro!: bind_pure_I split: option.splits)
lemma get_child_nodes_reads: "reads (get_child_nodes_locs ptr) (get_child_nodes ptr) h h'"
apply(simp add: get_child_nodes_locs_impl get_child_nodes_impl a_get_child_nodes_def
a_get_child_nodes_tups_def a_get_child_nodes_locs_def)
apply(split invoke_splits, rule conjI)+
apply(auto simp add: get_child_nodes⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def intro: reads_subset[OF reads_singleton]
reads_subset[OF check_in_heap_reads]
intro!: reads_bind_pure reads_subset[OF return_reads] split: option.splits)[1]
apply(auto simp add: get_child_nodes⇩c⇩h⇩a⇩r⇩a⇩c⇩t⇩e⇩r⇩_⇩d⇩a⇩t⇩a⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def intro: reads_subset[OF check_in_heap_reads]
intro!: reads_bind_pure reads_subset[OF return_reads] )[1]
apply(auto simp add: get_child_nodes⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def intro: reads_subset[OF reads_singleton]
reads_subset[OF check_in_heap_reads] intro!: reads_bind_pure reads_subset[OF return_reads]
split: option.splits)[1]
locale l_get_child_nodes = l_type_wf + l_known_ptr + l_get_child_nodes_defs +
assumes get_child_nodes_reads: "reads (get_child_nodes_locs ptr) (get_child_nodes ptr) h h'"
assumes get_child_nodes_ok: "type_wf h ⟹ known_ptr ptr ⟹ ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h
⟹ h ⊢ ok (get_child_nodes ptr)"
assumes get_child_nodes_ptr_in_heap: "h ⊢ ok (get_child_nodes ptr) ⟹ ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
assumes get_child_nodes_pure [simp]: "pure (get_child_nodes ptr) h"
global_interpretation l_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs defines
get_child_nodes = l_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_child_nodes and
get_child_nodes_locs = l_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_child_nodes_locs
i_get_child_nodes?: l_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
by(auto simp add: l_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def get_child_nodes_def get_child_nodes_locs_def)
declare l_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma get_child_nodes_is_l_get_child_nodes [instances]:
"l_get_child_nodes type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs"
using get_child_nodes_reads get_child_nodes_ok get_child_nodes_ptr_in_heap get_child_nodes_pure
by blast+
paragraph ‹new\_element›
locale l_new_element_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma get_child_nodes_new_element:
"ptr' ≠ cast new_element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩r new_element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
by (auto simp add: get_child_nodes_locs_def new_element_get_M⇩O⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t new_element_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t
new_element_get_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t split: prod.splits if_splits option.splits
elim!: bind_returns_result_E bind_returns_heap_E intro: is_element_ptr_kind_obtains)
lemma new_element_no_child_nodes:
"h ⊢ new_element →⇩r new_element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩h h'
⟹ h' ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_element_ptr) →⇩r []"
apply(auto simp add: get_child_nodes_def a_get_child_nodes_tups_def
split: prod.splits elim!: bind_returns_result_E bind_returns_heap_E)[1]
apply(split invoke_splits, rule conjI)+
apply(auto intro: new_element_is_element_ptr)[1]
by(auto simp add: new_element_ptr_in_heap get_child_nodes⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def check_in_heap_def
new_element_child_nodes intro!: bind_pure_returns_result_I
intro: new_element_is_element_ptr elim!: new_element_ptr_in_heap)
locale l_new_element_get_child_nodes = l_new_element + l_get_child_nodes +
assumes get_child_nodes_new_element:
"ptr' ≠ cast new_element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩r new_element_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩h h' ⟹ r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
assumes new_element_no_child_nodes:
"h ⊢ new_element →⇩r new_element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩h h'
⟹ h' ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_element_ptr) →⇩r []"
interpretation i_new_element_get_child_nodes?:
l_new_element_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
declare l_new_element_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma new_element_get_child_nodes_is_l_new_element_get_child_nodes [instances]:
"l_new_element_get_child_nodes type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs"
using new_element_is_l_new_element get_child_nodes_is_l_get_child_nodes
apply(auto simp add: l_new_element_get_child_nodes_def l_new_element_get_child_nodes_axioms_def)[1]
using get_child_nodes_new_element new_element_no_child_nodes
by fast+
paragraph ‹new\_character\_data›
locale l_new_character_data_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma get_child_nodes_new_character_data:
"ptr' ≠ cast new_character_data_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩r new_character_data_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩h h' ⟹ r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
by (auto simp add: get_child_nodes_locs_def new_character_data_get_M⇩O⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t
new_character_data_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t new_character_data_get_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t
split: prod.splits if_splits option.splits
elim!: bind_returns_result_E bind_returns_heap_E
intro: is_character_data_ptr_kind_obtains)
lemma new_character_data_no_child_nodes:
"h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩r new_character_data_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩h h'
⟹ h' ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_character_data_ptr) →⇩r []"
apply(auto simp add: get_child_nodes_def a_get_child_nodes_tups_def
split: prod.splits elim!: bind_returns_result_E bind_returns_heap_E)[1]
apply(split invoke_splits, rule conjI)+
apply(auto intro: new_character_data_is_character_data_ptr)[1]
by(auto simp add: new_character_data_ptr_in_heap get_child_nodes⇩c⇩h⇩a⇩r⇩a⇩c⇩t⇩e⇩r⇩_⇩d⇩a⇩t⇩a⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def
check_in_heap_def new_character_data_child_nodes
intro!: bind_pure_returns_result_I
intro: new_character_data_is_character_data_ptr elim!: new_character_data_ptr_in_heap)
locale l_new_character_data_get_child_nodes = l_new_character_data + l_get_child_nodes +
assumes get_child_nodes_new_character_data:
"ptr' ≠ cast new_character_data_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩r new_character_data_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩h h' ⟹ r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
assumes new_character_data_no_child_nodes:
"h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩r new_character_data_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩h h'
⟹ h' ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_character_data_ptr) →⇩r []"
interpretation i_new_character_data_get_child_nodes?:
l_new_character_data_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
declare l_new_character_data_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma new_character_data_get_child_nodes_is_l_new_character_data_get_child_nodes [instances]:
"l_new_character_data_get_child_nodes type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs"
using new_character_data_is_l_new_character_data get_child_nodes_is_l_get_child_nodes
apply(simp add: l_new_character_data_get_child_nodes_def l_new_character_data_get_child_nodes_axioms_def)
using get_child_nodes_new_character_data new_character_data_no_child_nodes
by fast
paragraph ‹new\_document›
locale l_new_document_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma get_child_nodes_new_document:
"ptr' ≠ cast new_document_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_document →⇩r new_document_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ new_document →⇩h h' ⟹ r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
by (auto simp add: get_child_nodes_locs_def new_document_get_M⇩O⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t new_document_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t
new_document_get_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t split: prod.splits if_splits option.splits
elim!: bind_returns_result_E bind_returns_heap_E
intro: is_document_ptr_kind_obtains)
lemma new_document_no_child_nodes:
"h ⊢ new_document →⇩r new_document_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_document →⇩h h'
⟹ h' ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_document_ptr) →⇩r []"
apply(auto simp add: get_child_nodes_def a_get_child_nodes_tups_def
split: prod.splits
elim!: bind_returns_result_E bind_returns_heap_E)[1]
apply(split invoke_splits, rule conjI)+
apply(auto intro: new_document_is_document_ptr)[1]
by(auto simp add: new_document_ptr_in_heap get_child_nodes⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def check_in_heap_def
intro!: bind_pure_returns_result_I
intro: new_document_is_document_ptr elim!: new_document_ptr_in_heap split: option.splits)
locale l_new_document_get_child_nodes = l_new_document + l_get_child_nodes +
assumes get_child_nodes_new_document:
"ptr' ≠ cast new_document_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_document →⇩r new_document_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ new_document →⇩h h' ⟹ r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
assumes new_document_no_child_nodes:
"h ⊢ new_document →⇩r new_document_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_document →⇩h h'
⟹ h' ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_document_ptr) →⇩r []"
interpretation i_new_document_get_child_nodes?:
l_new_document_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
declare l_new_document_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma new_document_get_child_nodes_is_l_new_document_get_child_nodes [instances]:
"l_new_document_get_child_nodes type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs"
using new_document_is_l_new_document get_child_nodes_is_l_get_child_nodes
apply(simp add: l_new_document_get_child_nodes_def l_new_document_get_child_nodes_axioms_def)
using get_child_nodes_new_document new_document_no_child_nodes
by fast
subsubsection ‹set\_child\_nodes›
locale l_set_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
definition set_child_nodes⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ::
"(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"set_child_nodes⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r element_ptr children = put_M element_ptr RElement.child_nodes_update children"
definition set_child_nodes⇩c⇩h⇩a⇩r⇩a⇩c⇩t⇩e⇩r⇩_⇩d⇩a⇩t⇩a⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ::
"(_) character_data_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"set_child_nodes⇩c⇩h⇩a⇩r⇩a⇩c⇩t⇩e⇩r⇩_⇩d⇩a⇩t⇩a⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r _ _ = error HierarchyRequestError"
definition set_child_nodes⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"set_child_nodes⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r document_ptr children = do {
(case children of
[] ⇒ put_M document_ptr document_element_update None
| child # [] ⇒ (case cast child of
Some element_ptr ⇒ put_M document_ptr document_element_update (Some element_ptr)
| None ⇒ error HierarchyRequestError)
| _ ⇒ error HierarchyRequestError)
definition a_set_child_nodes_tups ::
"(((_) object_ptr ⇒ bool) × ((_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog)) list"
"a_set_child_nodes_tups ≡ [
(is_element_ptr, set_child_nodes⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast),
(is_character_data_ptr, set_child_nodes⇩c⇩h⇩a⇩r⇩a⇩c⇩t⇩e⇩r⇩_⇩d⇩a⇩t⇩a⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast),
(is_document_ptr, set_child_nodes⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast)
definition a_set_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"a_set_child_nodes ptr children = invoke a_set_child_nodes_tups ptr (children)"
lemmas set_child_nodes_defs = a_set_child_nodes_def
definition a_set_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
"a_set_child_nodes_locs ptr ≡
(if is_element_ptr_kind ptr
then all_args (put_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t (the (cast ptr)) RElement.child_nodes_update) else {}) ∪
(if is_document_ptr_kind ptr
then all_args (put_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t (the (cast ptr)) document_element_update) else {})"
locale l_set_child_nodes_defs =
fixes set_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
fixes set_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
locale l_set_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_type_wf type_wf +
l_known_ptr known_ptr +
l_set_child_nodes_defs set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs +
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and set_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
and set_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set" +
assumes known_ptr_impl: "known_ptr = DocumentClass.known_ptr"
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = DocumentClass.type_wf"
assumes set_child_nodes_impl: "set_child_nodes = a_set_child_nodes"
assumes set_child_nodes_locs_impl: "set_child_nodes_locs = a_set_child_nodes_locs"
lemmas set_child_nodes_def = set_child_nodes_impl[unfolded a_set_child_nodes_def]
lemmas set_child_nodes_locs_def = set_child_nodes_locs_impl[unfolded a_set_child_nodes_locs_def]
lemma set_child_nodes_split:
"P (invoke (a_set_child_nodes_tups @ xs) ptr (children)) =
((known_ptr ptr ⟶ P (set_child_nodes ptr children))
∧ (¬(known_ptr ptr) ⟶ P (invoke xs ptr (children))))"
by(auto simp add: known_ptr_impl set_child_nodes_impl a_set_child_nodes_def
a_set_child_nodes_tups_def known_ptr_defs CharacterDataClass.known_ptr_defs
ElementClass.known_ptr_defs NodeClass.known_ptr_defs split: invoke_splits)
lemma set_child_nodes_split_asm:
"P (invoke (a_set_child_nodes_tups @ xs) ptr (children)) =
(¬((known_ptr ptr ∧ ¬P (set_child_nodes ptr children))
∨ (¬(known_ptr ptr) ∧ ¬P (invoke xs ptr (children)))))"
by(auto simp add: known_ptr_impl set_child_nodes_impl a_set_child_nodes_def
a_set_child_nodes_tups_def known_ptr_defs CharacterDataClass.known_ptr_defs
ElementClass.known_ptr_defs NodeClass.known_ptr_defs split: invoke_splits)[1]
lemmas set_child_nodes_splits = set_child_nodes_split set_child_nodes_split_asm
lemma set_child_nodes_writes: "writes (set_child_nodes_locs ptr) (set_child_nodes ptr children) h h'"
apply(simp add: set_child_nodes_locs_impl set_child_nodes_impl a_set_child_nodes_def
a_set_child_nodes_tups_def a_set_child_nodes_locs_def)
apply(split invoke_splits, rule conjI)+
apply(auto simp add: set_child_nodes⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def intro!: writes_bind_pure
intro: writes_union_right_I split: list.splits)[1]
apply(auto intro: writes_union_right_I split: option.splits)[1]
apply(auto intro: writes_union_right_I split: option.splits)[1]
apply(auto intro: writes_union_right_I split: option.splits)[1]
apply(auto intro: writes_union_right_I split: option.splits)[1]
apply(auto intro: writes_union_right_I split: option.splits)[1]
apply(auto intro: writes_union_right_I split: option.splits)[1]
apply(auto simp add: set_child_nodes⇩c⇩h⇩a⇩r⇩a⇩c⇩t⇩e⇩r⇩_⇩d⇩a⇩t⇩a⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def intro!: writes_bind_pure)[1]
apply(auto simp add: set_child_nodes⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def intro: writes_union_left_I
intro!: writes_bind_pure split: list.splits option.splits)[1]
lemma set_child_nodes_pointers_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ set_child_nodes_locs object_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
using assms(1) object_ptr_kinds_preserved[OF writes_singleton2 assms(2)]
by(auto simp add: set_child_nodes_locs_impl all_args_def a_set_child_nodes_locs_def
split: if_splits)
lemma set_child_nodes_typess_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ set_child_nodes_locs object_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "type_wf h = type_wf h'"
using assms(1) type_wf_preserved[OF writes_singleton2 assms(2)]
by(auto simp add: set_child_nodes_locs_impl type_wf_impl all_args_def a_set_child_nodes_locs_def
split: if_splits)
locale l_set_child_nodes = l_type_wf + l_set_child_nodes_defs +
assumes set_child_nodes_writes:
"writes (set_child_nodes_locs ptr) (set_child_nodes ptr children) h h'"
assumes set_child_nodes_pointers_preserved:
"w ∈ set_child_nodes_locs object_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟹ object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
assumes set_child_nodes_types_preserved:
"w ∈ set_child_nodes_locs object_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟹ type_wf h = type_wf h'"
global_interpretation l_set_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs defines
set_child_nodes = l_set_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_set_child_nodes and
set_child_nodes_locs = l_set_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_set_child_nodes_locs .
i_set_child_nodes?: l_set_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs
by (auto simp add: set_child_nodes_def set_child_nodes_locs_def)
declare l_set_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_child_nodes_is_l_set_child_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_child_nodes type_wf set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs"
using set_child_nodes_pointers_preserved set_child_nodes_typess_preserved set_child_nodes_writes
by blast+
paragraph ‹get\_child\_nodes›
locale l_set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M = l_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M + l_set_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
lemma set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes:
assumes "known_ptr ptr"
assumes "type_wf h"
assumes "h ⊢ set_child_nodes ptr children →⇩h h'"
shows "h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children"
proof -
have "h ⊢ check_in_heap ptr →⇩r ()"
using assms set_child_nodes_impl[unfolded a_set_child_nodes_def] invoke_ptr_in_heap
by (metis (full_types) check_in_heap_ptr_in_heap is_OK_returns_heap_I is_OK_returns_result_E
then have ptr_in_h: "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
by (simp add: check_in_heap_ptr_in_heap is_OK_returns_result_I)
have "type_wf h'"
apply(unfold type_wf_impl)
apply(rule subst[where P=id, OF type_wf_preserved[OF set_child_nodes_writes assms(3),
unfolded all_args_def], simplified])
by(auto simp add: all_args_def assms(2)[unfolded type_wf_impl]
set_child_nodes_locs_impl[unfolded a_set_child_nodes_locs_def]
split: if_splits)
have "h' ⊢ check_in_heap ptr →⇩r ()"
using check_in_heap_reads set_child_nodes_writes assms(3) ‹h ⊢ check_in_heap ptr →⇩r ()›
apply(rule reads_writes_separate_forwards)
by(auto simp add: all_args_def set_child_nodes_locs_impl[unfolded a_set_child_nodes_locs_def])
then have "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h'"
using check_in_heap_ptr_in_heap by blast
with assms ptr_in_h ‹type_wf h'› show ?thesis
apply(auto simp add: get_child_nodes_impl set_child_nodes_impl type_wf_impl known_ptr_impl
a_get_child_nodes_def a_get_child_nodes_tups_def a_set_child_nodes_def
del: bind_pure_returns_result_I2
intro!: bind_pure_returns_result_I2)[1]
apply(split invoke_splits, rule conjI)
apply(split invoke_splits, rule conjI)
apply(split invoke_splits, rule conjI)
apply(auto simp add: NodeClass.known_ptr_defs
dest!: known_ptr_not_document_ptr known_ptr_not_character_data_ptr
apply(auto simp add: NodeClass.known_ptr_defs
dest!: known_ptr_not_document_ptr known_ptr_not_character_data_ptr
apply(auto simp add: get_child_nodes⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def set_child_nodes⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def get_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok
split: list.splits option.splits
intro!: bind_pure_returns_result_I2
dest: get_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok; auto dest: returns_result_eq
dest!: document_put_get[where getter = document_element])[1]
apply(auto simp add: get_child_nodes⇩c⇩h⇩a⇩r⇩a⇩c⇩t⇩e⇩r⇩_⇩d⇩a⇩t⇩a⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def set_child_nodes⇩c⇩h⇩a⇩r⇩a⇩c⇩t⇩e⇩r⇩_⇩d⇩a⇩t⇩a⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def)[1]
by(auto simp add: get_child_nodes⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def set_child_nodes⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def dest: element_put_get)
lemma set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes_different_pointers:
assumes "ptr ≠ ptr'"
assumes "w ∈ set_child_nodes_locs ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
assumes "r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr'"
shows "r h h'"
using assms
apply(auto simp add: get_child_nodes_locs_impl set_child_nodes_locs_impl all_args_def
a_set_child_nodes_locs_def a_get_child_nodes_locs_def
split: if_splits option.splits )[1]
apply(rule is_document_ptr_kind_obtains)
apply(rule is_document_ptr_kind_obtains)
apply(rule is_element_ptr_kind_obtains)
apply(rule is_element_ptr_kind_obtains)
lemma set_child_nodes_element_ok [simp]:
assumes "known_ptr ptr"
assumes "type_wf h"
assumes "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
assumes "is_element_ptr_kind ptr"
shows "h ⊢ ok (set_child_nodes ptr children)"
proof -
have "is_element_ptr ptr"
using ‹known_ptr ptr› assms(4)
by(auto simp add: known_ptr_impl known_ptr_defs CharacterDataClass.known_ptr_defs
ElementClass.known_ptr_defs NodeClass.known_ptr_defs split: option.splits)
then show ?thesis
using assms
apply(auto simp add: set_child_nodes_def a_set_child_nodes_tups_def set_child_nodes⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def
split: option.splits)[1]
by (simp add: DocumentMonad.put_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok local.type_wf_impl)
lemma set_child_nodes_document1_ok [simp]:
assumes "known_ptr ptr"
assumes "type_wf h"
assumes "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
assumes "is_document_ptr_kind ptr"
assumes "children = []"
shows "h ⊢ ok (set_child_nodes ptr children)"
proof -
have "is_document_ptr ptr"
using ‹known_ptr ptr› assms(4)
by(auto simp add: known_ptr_impl known_ptr_defs CharacterDataClass.known_ptr_defs
ElementClass.known_ptr_defs NodeClass.known_ptr_defs split: option.splits)
then show ?thesis
using assms
apply(auto simp add: set_child_nodes_def a_set_child_nodes_tups_def set_child_nodes⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def
split: option.splits)[1]
by (simp add: DocumentMonad.put_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok local.type_wf_impl)
lemma set_child_nodes_document2_ok [simp]:
assumes "known_ptr ptr"
assumes "type_wf h"
assumes "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
assumes "is_document_ptr_kind ptr"
assumes "children = [child]"
assumes "is_element_ptr_kind child"
shows "h ⊢ ok (set_child_nodes ptr children)"
proof -
have "is_document_ptr ptr"
using ‹known_ptr ptr› assms(4)
by(auto simp add: known_ptr_impl known_ptr_defs CharacterDataClass.known_ptr_defs
ElementClass.known_ptr_defs NodeClass.known_ptr_defs split: option.splits)
then show ?thesis
using assms
apply(auto simp add: set_child_nodes_def a_set_child_nodes_tups_def set_child_nodes⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def)[1]
apply(split invoke_splits, rule conjI)+
apply(auto simp add: is_element_ptr_kind⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def set_child_nodes⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def split: option.splits)[1]
apply(auto simp add: is_element_ptr_kind⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def set_child_nodes⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def split: option.splits)[1]
apply (simp add: local.type_wf_impl put_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok)
apply(auto simp add: is_element_ptr_kind⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def set_child_nodes⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def split: option.splits)[1]
by(auto simp add: is_element_ptr_kind⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def set_child_nodes⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def split: option.splits)[1]
locale l_set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes = l_get_child_nodes + l_set_child_nodes +
assumes set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes:
"type_wf h ⟹ known_ptr ptr
⟹ h ⊢ set_child_nodes ptr children →⇩h h' ⟹ h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children"
assumes set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes_different_pointers:
"ptr ≠ ptr' ⟹ w ∈ set_child_nodes_locs ptr ⟹ h ⊢ w →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
i_set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes?: l_set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes_is_l_set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs"
using get_child_nodes_is_l_get_child_nodes set_child_nodes_is_l_set_child_nodes
apply(auto simp add: l_set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes_def l_set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes_axioms_def)[1]
using set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes apply blast
using set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes_different_pointers apply metis
subsubsection ‹get\_attribute›
locale l_get_attribute⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
definition a_get_attribute :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ attr_key ⇒ (_, attr_value option) dom_prog"
"a_get_attribute ptr k = do {m ← get_M ptr attrs; return (fmlookup m k)}"
lemmas get_attribute_defs = a_get_attribute_def
definition a_get_attribute_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
"a_get_attribute_locs element_ptr = {preserved (get_M element_ptr attrs)}"
locale l_get_attribute_defs =
fixes get_attribute :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ attr_key ⇒ (_, attr_value option) dom_prog"
fixes get_attribute_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
locale l_get_attribute⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_type_wf type_wf +
l_get_attribute_defs get_attribute get_attribute_locs +
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_attribute :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ attr_key ⇒ (_, attr_value option) dom_prog"
and get_attribute_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set" +
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = DocumentClass.type_wf"
assumes get_attribute_impl: "get_attribute = a_get_attribute"
assumes get_attribute_locs_impl: "get_attribute_locs = a_get_attribute_locs"
lemma get_attribute_pure [simp]: "pure (get_attribute ptr k) h"
by (auto simp add: bind_pure_I get_attribute_impl[unfolded a_get_attribute_def])
lemma get_attribute_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h ⟹ h ⊢ ok (get_attribute element_ptr k)"
apply(unfold type_wf_impl)
unfolding get_attribute_impl[unfolded a_get_attribute_def] using get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok
by (metis bind_is_OK_pure_I return_ok ElementMonad.get_M_pure)
lemma get_attribute_ptr_in_heap:
"h ⊢ ok (get_attribute element_ptr k) ⟹ element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h"
unfolding get_attribute_impl[unfolded a_get_attribute_def]
by (meson DocumentMonad.get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ptr_in_heap bind_is_OK_E is_OK_returns_result_I)
lemma get_attribute_reads:
"reads (get_attribute_locs element_ptr) (get_attribute element_ptr k) h h'"
by(auto simp add: get_attribute_impl[unfolded a_get_attribute_def]
get_attribute_locs_impl[unfolded a_get_attribute_locs_def]
intro!: reads_bind_pure)
locale l_get_attribute = l_type_wf + l_get_attribute_defs +
assumes get_attribute_reads:
"reads (get_attribute_locs element_ptr) (get_attribute element_ptr k) h h'"
assumes get_attribute_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h ⟹ h ⊢ ok (get_attribute element_ptr k)"
assumes get_attribute_ptr_in_heap:
"h ⊢ ok (get_attribute element_ptr k) ⟹ element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h"
assumes get_attribute_pure [simp]: "pure (get_attribute element_ptr k) h"
global_interpretation l_get_attribute⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs defines
get_attribute = l_get_attribute⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_attribute and
get_attribute_locs = l_get_attribute⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_attribute_locs .
i_get_attribute?: l_get_attribute⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_attribute get_attribute_locs
by (auto simp add: get_attribute_def get_attribute_locs_def)
declare l_get_attribute⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma get_attribute_is_l_get_attribute [instances]:
"l_get_attribute type_wf get_attribute get_attribute_locs"
using get_attribute_reads get_attribute_ok get_attribute_ptr_in_heap get_attribute_pure
by blast+
subsubsection ‹set\_attribute›
locale l_set_attribute⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
a_set_attribute :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ attr_key ⇒ attr_value option ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"a_set_attribute ptr k v = do {
m ← get_M ptr attrs;
put_M ptr attrs_update (if v = None then fmdrop k m else fmupd k (the v) m)
definition a_set_attribute_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
"a_set_attribute_locs element_ptr ≡ all_args (put_M element_ptr attrs_update)"
locale l_set_attribute_defs =
fixes set_attribute :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ attr_key ⇒ attr_value option ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
fixes set_attribute_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
locale l_set_attribute⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_type_wf type_wf +
l_set_attribute_defs set_attribute set_attribute_locs +
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and set_attribute :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ attr_key ⇒ attr_value option ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
and set_attribute_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set" +
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = DocumentClass.type_wf"
assumes set_attribute_impl: "set_attribute = a_set_attribute"
assumes set_attribute_locs_impl: "set_attribute_locs = a_set_attribute_locs"
lemmas set_attribute_def = set_attribute_impl[folded a_set_attribute_def]
lemmas set_attribute_locs_def = set_attribute_locs_impl[unfolded a_set_attribute_locs_def]
lemma set_attribute_ok: "type_wf h ⟹ element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h ⟹ h ⊢ ok (set_attribute element_ptr k v)"
apply(unfold type_wf_impl)
unfolding set_attribute_impl[unfolded a_set_attribute_def] using get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok put_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok
by(metis (no_types, lifting) DocumentClass.type_wf⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t ElementMonad.get_M_pure bind_is_OK_E
bind_is_OK_pure_I is_OK_returns_result_I)
lemma set_attribute_writes:
"writes (set_attribute_locs element_ptr) (set_attribute element_ptr k v) h h'"
by(auto simp add: set_attribute_impl[unfolded a_set_attribute_def]
set_attribute_locs_impl[unfolded a_set_attribute_locs_def]
intro: writes_bind_pure)
locale l_set_attribute = l_type_wf + l_set_attribute_defs +
assumes set_attribute_writes:
"writes (set_attribute_locs element_ptr) (set_attribute element_ptr k v) h h'"
assumes set_attribute_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h ⟹ h ⊢ ok (set_attribute element_ptr k v)"
global_interpretation l_set_attribute⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs defines
set_attribute = l_set_attribute⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_set_attribute and
set_attribute_locs = l_set_attribute⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_set_attribute_locs .
i_set_attribute?: l_set_attribute⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf set_attribute set_attribute_locs
by (auto simp add: set_attribute_def set_attribute_locs_def)
declare l_set_attribute⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_attribute_is_l_set_attribute [instances]:
"l_set_attribute type_wf set_attribute set_attribute_locs"
using set_attribute_ok set_attribute_writes
by blast+
paragraph ‹get\_attribute›
locale l_set_attribute_get_attribute⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_attribute⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_attribute_get_attribute:
"h ⊢ set_attribute ptr k v →⇩h h' ⟹ h' ⊢ get_attribute ptr k →⇩r v"
by(auto simp add: set_attribute_impl[unfolded a_set_attribute_def]
get_attribute_impl[unfolded a_get_attribute_def]
elim!: bind_returns_heap_E2
intro!: bind_pure_returns_result_I
elim: element_put_get)
locale l_set_attribute_get_attribute = l_get_attribute + l_set_attribute +
assumes set_attribute_get_attribute:
"h ⊢ set_attribute ptr k v →⇩h h' ⟹ h' ⊢ get_attribute ptr k →⇩r v"
i_set_attribute_get_attribute?: l_set_attribute_get_attribute⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
get_attribute get_attribute_locs set_attribute set_attribute_locs
declare l_set_attribute_get_attribute⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_attribute_get_attribute_is_l_set_attribute_get_attribute [instances]:
"l_set_attribute_get_attribute type_wf get_attribute get_attribute_locs set_attribute set_attribute_locs"
using get_attribute_is_l_get_attribute set_attribute_is_l_set_attribute
apply(simp add: l_set_attribute_get_attribute_def l_set_attribute_get_attribute_axioms_def)
using set_attribute_get_attribute
by blast
paragraph ‹get\_child\_nodes›
locale l_set_attribute_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_attribute⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_attribute_get_child_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_attribute_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: set_attribute_locs_def get_child_nodes_locs_def all_args_def
intro: element_put_get_preserved[where setter=attrs_update])
locale l_set_attribute_get_child_nodes =
l_set_attribute +
l_get_child_nodes +
assumes set_attribute_get_child_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_attribute_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
i_set_attribute_get_child_nodes?: l_set_attribute_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
set_attribute set_attribute_locs known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_attribute_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_attribute_get_child_nodes_is_l_set_attribute_get_child_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_attribute_get_child_nodes type_wf set_attribute set_attribute_locs known_ptr
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs"
using set_attribute_is_l_set_attribute get_child_nodes_is_l_get_child_nodes
apply(simp add: l_set_attribute_get_child_nodes_def l_set_attribute_get_child_nodes_axioms_def)
using set_attribute_get_child_nodes
by blast
subsubsection ‹get\_disconnected\_nodes›
locale l_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
definition a_get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr
⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog"
"a_get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr = get_M document_ptr disconnected_nodes"
lemmas get_disconnected_nodes_defs = a_get_disconnected_nodes_def
definition a_get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
"a_get_disconnected_nodes_locs document_ptr = {preserved (get_M document_ptr disconnected_nodes)}"
locale l_get_disconnected_nodes_defs =
fixes get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog"
fixes get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
locale l_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_type_wf type_wf +
l_get_disconnected_nodes_defs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs +
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set" +
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = DocumentClass.type_wf"
assumes get_disconnected_nodes_impl: "get_disconnected_nodes = a_get_disconnected_nodes"
assumes get_disconnected_nodes_locs_impl: "get_disconnected_nodes_locs = a_get_disconnected_nodes_locs"
get_disconnected_nodes_def = get_disconnected_nodes_impl[unfolded a_get_disconnected_nodes_def]
get_disconnected_nodes_locs_def = get_disconnected_nodes_locs_impl[unfolded a_get_disconnected_nodes_locs_def]
lemma get_disconnected_nodes_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h ⟹ h ⊢ ok (get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr)"
apply(unfold type_wf_impl)
unfolding get_disconnected_nodes_impl[unfolded a_get_disconnected_nodes_def] using get_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok
by fast
lemma get_disconnected_nodes_ptr_in_heap:
"h ⊢ ok (get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr) ⟹ document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
unfolding get_disconnected_nodes_impl[unfolded a_get_disconnected_nodes_def]
by (simp add: DocumentMonad.get_M_ptr_in_heap)
lemma get_disconnected_nodes_pure [simp]: "pure (get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr) h"
unfolding get_disconnected_nodes_impl[unfolded a_get_disconnected_nodes_def] by simp
lemma get_disconnected_nodes_reads:
"reads (get_disconnected_nodes_locs document_ptr) (get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr) h h'"
by(simp add: get_disconnected_nodes_impl[unfolded a_get_disconnected_nodes_def]
get_disconnected_nodes_locs_impl[unfolded a_get_disconnected_nodes_locs_def]
reads_bind_pure reads_insert_writes_set_right)
locale l_get_disconnected_nodes = l_type_wf + l_get_disconnected_nodes_defs +
assumes get_disconnected_nodes_reads:
"reads (get_disconnected_nodes_locs document_ptr) (get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr) h h'"
assumes get_disconnected_nodes_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h ⟹ h ⊢ ok (get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr)"
assumes get_disconnected_nodes_ptr_in_heap:
"h ⊢ ok (get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr) ⟹ document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
assumes get_disconnected_nodes_pure [simp]:
"pure (get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr) h"
global_interpretation l_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs defines
get_disconnected_nodes = l_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_disconnected_nodes and
get_disconnected_nodes_locs = l_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_disconnected_nodes_locs .
i_get_disconnected_nodes?: l_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_disconnected_nodes
by (auto simp add: get_disconnected_nodes_def get_disconnected_nodes_locs_def)
declare l_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_get_disconnected_nodes [instances]:
"l_get_disconnected_nodes type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs"
apply(simp add: l_get_disconnected_nodes_def)
using get_disconnected_nodes_reads get_disconnected_nodes_ok get_disconnected_nodes_ptr_in_heap
by blast+
paragraph ‹set\_child\_nodes›
locale l_set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
CD: l_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
lemma set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes:
"∀w ∈ a_set_child_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ a_get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: a_set_child_nodes_locs_def a_get_disconnected_nodes_locs_def all_args_def)
locale l_set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes = l_set_child_nodes + l_get_disconnected_nodes +
assumes set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_child_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
i_set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes?: l_set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
known_ptr set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
declare l_set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes type_wf set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs"
using set_child_nodes_is_l_set_child_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_get_disconnected_nodes
apply(simp add: l_set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_def
using set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes
by fast
paragraph ‹set\_attribute›
locale l_set_attribute_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_attribute⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_attribute_get_disconnected_nodes:
"∀w ∈ a_set_attribute_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ a_get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: a_set_attribute_locs_def a_get_disconnected_nodes_locs_def all_args_def)
locale l_set_attribute_get_disconnected_nodes = l_set_attribute + l_get_disconnected_nodes +
assumes set_attribute_get_disconnected_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_attribute_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
i_set_attribute_get_disconnected_nodes?: l_set_attribute_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
set_attribute set_attribute_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
declare l_set_attribute_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_attribute_get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_set_attribute_get_disconnected_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_attribute_get_disconnected_nodes type_wf set_attribute set_attribute_locs
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs"
using set_attribute_is_l_set_attribute get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_get_disconnected_nodes
apply(simp add: l_set_attribute_get_disconnected_nodes_def
using set_attribute_get_disconnected_nodes
by fast
paragraph ‹new\_element›
locale l_new_element_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma get_disconnected_nodes_new_element:
"h ⊢ new_element →⇩r new_element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
by(auto simp add: get_disconnected_nodes_locs_def new_element_get_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t)
locale l_new_element_get_disconnected_nodes = l_get_disconnected_nodes_defs +
assumes get_disconnected_nodes_new_element:
"h ⊢ new_element →⇩r new_element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
interpretation i_new_element_get_disconnected_nodes?:
l_new_element_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_disconnected_nodes
by unfold_locales
declare l_new_element_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma new_element_get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_new_element_get_disconnected_nodes [instances]:
"l_new_element_get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs"
by (simp add: get_disconnected_nodes_new_element l_new_element_get_disconnected_nodes_def)
paragraph ‹new\_character\_data›
locale l_new_character_data_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma get_disconnected_nodes_new_character_data:
"h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩r new_character_data_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
by(auto simp add: get_disconnected_nodes_locs_def new_character_data_get_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t)
locale l_new_character_data_get_disconnected_nodes = l_get_disconnected_nodes_defs +
assumes get_disconnected_nodes_new_character_data:
"h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩r new_character_data_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
interpretation i_new_character_data_get_disconnected_nodes?:
l_new_character_data_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_disconnected_nodes
by unfold_locales
declare l_new_character_data_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma new_character_data_get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_new_character_data_get_disconnected_nodes [instances]:
"l_new_character_data_get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs"
by (simp add: get_disconnected_nodes_new_character_data l_new_character_data_get_disconnected_nodes_def)
paragraph ‹new\_document›
locale l_new_document_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma get_disconnected_nodes_new_document_different_pointers:
"new_document_ptr ≠ ptr' ⟹ h ⊢ new_document →⇩r new_document_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_document →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
by(auto simp add: get_disconnected_nodes_locs_def new_document_get_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t)
lemma new_document_no_disconnected_nodes:
"h ⊢ new_document →⇩r new_document_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_document →⇩h h'
⟹ h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes new_document_ptr →⇩r []"
by(simp add: get_disconnected_nodes_def new_document_disconnected_nodes)
interpretation i_new_document_get_disconnected_nodes?:
l_new_document_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
by unfold_locales
declare l_new_document_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
locale l_new_document_get_disconnected_nodes = l_get_disconnected_nodes_defs +
assumes get_disconnected_nodes_new_document_different_pointers:
"new_document_ptr ≠ ptr' ⟹ h ⊢ new_document →⇩r new_document_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_document →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
assumes new_document_no_disconnected_nodes:
"h ⊢ new_document →⇩r new_document_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_document →⇩h h'
⟹ h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes new_document_ptr →⇩r []"
lemma new_document_get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_new_document_get_disconnected_nodes [instances]:
"l_new_document_get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs"
apply (auto simp add: l_new_document_get_disconnected_nodes_def)[1]
using get_disconnected_nodes_new_document_different_pointers apply fast
using new_document_no_disconnected_nodes apply blast
subsubsection ‹set\_disconnected\_nodes›
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
definition a_set_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"a_set_disconnected_nodes document_ptr disc_nodes =
put_M document_ptr disconnected_nodes_update disc_nodes"
lemmas set_disconnected_nodes_defs = a_set_disconnected_nodes_def
definition a_set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
"a_set_disconnected_nodes_locs document_ptr ≡ all_args (put_M document_ptr disconnected_nodes_update)"
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes_defs =
fixes set_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
fixes set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_type_wf type_wf +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_defs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs +
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and set_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
and set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set" +
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = DocumentClass.type_wf"
assumes set_disconnected_nodes_impl: "set_disconnected_nodes = a_set_disconnected_nodes"
assumes set_disconnected_nodes_locs_impl: "set_disconnected_nodes_locs = a_set_disconnected_nodes_locs"
lemmas set_disconnected_nodes_def = set_disconnected_nodes_impl[unfolded a_set_disconnected_nodes_def]
lemmas set_disconnected_nodes_locs_def =
set_disconnected_nodes_locs_impl[unfolded a_set_disconnected_nodes_locs_def]
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h ⟹
h ⊢ ok (set_disconnected_nodes document_ptr node_ptrs)"
by (simp add: type_wf_impl put_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok
set_disconnected_nodes_impl[unfolded a_set_disconnected_nodes_def])
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_ptr_in_heap:
"h ⊢ ok (set_disconnected_nodes document_ptr disc_nodes) ⟹ document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
by (simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_impl[unfolded a_set_disconnected_nodes_def]
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_writes:
"writes (set_disconnected_nodes_locs document_ptr) (set_disconnected_nodes document_ptr disc_nodes) h h'"
by(auto simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_impl[unfolded a_set_disconnected_nodes_def]
set_disconnected_nodes_locs_impl[unfolded a_set_disconnected_nodes_locs_def]
intro: writes_bind_pure)
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_pointers_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs object_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
using assms(1) object_ptr_kinds_preserved[OF writes_singleton2 assms(2)]
by(auto simp add: all_args_def set_disconnected_nodes_locs_impl[unfolded
split: if_splits)
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_typess_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs object_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "type_wf h = type_wf h'"
using assms(1) type_wf_preserved[OF writes_singleton2 assms(2)]
apply(unfold type_wf_impl)
by(auto simp add: all_args_def
set_disconnected_nodes_locs_impl[unfolded a_set_disconnected_nodes_locs_def]
split: if_splits)
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes = l_type_wf + l_set_disconnected_nodes_defs +
assumes set_disconnected_nodes_writes:
"writes (set_disconnected_nodes_locs document_ptr)
(set_disconnected_nodes document_ptr disc_nodes) h h'"
assumes set_disconnected_nodes_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h ⟹
h ⊢ ok (set_disconnected_nodes document_ptr disc_noded)"
assumes set_disconnected_nodes_ptr_in_heap:
"h ⊢ ok (set_disconnected_nodes document_ptr disc_noded) ⟹
document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
assumes set_disconnected_nodes_pointers_preserved:
"w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs document_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟹
object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
assumes set_disconnected_nodes_types_preserved:
"w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs document_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟹ type_wf h = type_wf h'"
global_interpretation l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs defines
set_disconnected_nodes = l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_set_disconnected_nodes and
set_disconnected_nodes_locs = l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_set_disconnected_nodes_locs .
i_set_disconnected_nodes?: l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf set_disconnected_nodes
apply unfold_locales
by (auto simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_def set_disconnected_nodes_locs_def)
declare l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_is_l_set_disconnected_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_disconnected_nodes type_wf set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs"
apply(simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_def)
using set_disconnected_nodes_ok set_disconnected_nodes_writes
set_disconnected_nodes_ptr_in_heap set_disconnected_nodes_typess_preserved
by blast+
paragraph ‹get\_disconnected\_nodes›
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M = l_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
+ l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes:
assumes "h ⊢ a_set_disconnected_nodes document_ptr disc_nodes →⇩h h'"
shows "h' ⊢ a_get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
using assms
by(auto simp add: a_get_disconnected_nodes_def a_set_disconnected_nodes_def)
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_different_pointers:
assumes "ptr ≠ ptr'"
assumes "w ∈ a_set_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
assumes "r ∈ a_get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr'"
shows "r h h'"
using assms
by(auto simp add: all_args_def a_set_disconnected_nodes_locs_def a_get_disconnected_nodes_locs_def
split: if_splits option.splits )
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes = l_get_disconnected_nodes
+ l_set_disconnected_nodes +
assumes set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes:
"h ⊢ set_disconnected_nodes document_ptr disc_nodes →⇩h h'
⟹ h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
assumes set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_different_pointers:
"ptr ≠ ptr' ⟹ w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr ⟹ h ⊢ w →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
interpretation i_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes?:
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes
"l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs"
using set_disconnected_nodes_is_l_set_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_get_disconnected_nodes
apply(simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_def
using set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes
by fast+
paragraph ‹get\_child\_nodes›
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_locs_impl[unfolded a_set_disconnected_nodes_locs_def]
get_child_nodes_locs_impl[unfolded a_get_child_nodes_locs_def] all_args_def)
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes = l_set_disconnected_nodes_defs + l_get_child_nodes_defs +
assumes set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes [simp]:
"∀w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
i_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes?: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes_is_l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_child_nodes_locs"
using set_disconnected_nodes_is_l_set_disconnected_nodes get_child_nodes_is_l_get_child_nodes
apply(simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes_def)
using set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes
by fast
subsubsection ‹get\_tag\_name›
locale l_get_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
definition a_get_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, tag_name) dom_prog"
"a_get_tag_name element_ptr = get_M element_ptr tag_name"
definition a_get_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
"a_get_tag_name_locs element_ptr ≡ {preserved (get_M element_ptr tag_name)}"
locale l_get_tag_name_defs =
fixes get_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, tag_name) dom_prog"
fixes get_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
locale l_get_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_type_wf type_wf +
l_get_tag_name_defs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs +
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, tag_name) dom_prog"
and get_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set" +
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = DocumentClass.type_wf"
assumes get_tag_name_impl: "get_tag_name = a_get_tag_name"
assumes get_tag_name_locs_impl: "get_tag_name_locs = a_get_tag_name_locs"
lemmas get_tag_name_def = get_tag_name_impl[unfolded a_get_tag_name_def]
lemmas get_tag_name_locs_def = get_tag_name_locs_impl[unfolded a_get_tag_name_locs_def]
lemma get_tag_name_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h ⟹ h ⊢ ok (get_tag_name element_ptr)"
apply(unfold type_wf_impl get_tag_name_impl[unfolded a_get_tag_name_def])
using get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok
by blast
lemma get_tag_name_pure [simp]: "pure (get_tag_name element_ptr) h"
unfolding get_tag_name_impl[unfolded a_get_tag_name_def]
by simp
lemma get_tag_name_ptr_in_heap [simp]:
assumes "h ⊢ get_tag_name element_ptr →⇩r children"
shows "element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
by(auto simp add: get_tag_name_impl[unfolded a_get_tag_name_def] get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ptr_in_heap
dest: is_OK_returns_result_I)
lemma get_tag_name_reads: "reads (get_tag_name_locs element_ptr) (get_tag_name element_ptr) h h'"
by(simp add: get_tag_name_impl[unfolded a_get_tag_name_def]
get_tag_name_locs_impl[unfolded a_get_tag_name_locs_def] reads_bind_pure
locale l_get_tag_name = l_type_wf + l_get_tag_name_defs +
assumes get_tag_name_reads:
"reads (get_tag_name_locs element_ptr) (get_tag_name element_ptr) h h'"
assumes get_tag_name_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h ⟹ h ⊢ ok (get_tag_name element_ptr)"
assumes get_tag_name_ptr_in_heap:
"h ⊢ ok (get_tag_name element_ptr) ⟹ element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h"
assumes get_tag_name_pure [simp]:
"pure (get_tag_name element_ptr) h"
global_interpretation l_get_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs defines
get_tag_name = l_get_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_tag_name and
get_tag_name_locs = l_get_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_tag_name_locs .
i_get_tag_name?: l_get_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
by (auto simp add: get_tag_name_def get_tag_name_locs_def)
declare l_get_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma get_tag_name_is_l_get_tag_name [instances]:
"l_get_tag_name type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs"
using get_tag_name_reads get_tag_name_ok get_tag_name_ptr_in_heap get_tag_name_pure
by blast+
paragraph ‹set\_disconnected\_nodes›
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name:
"∀w ∈ a_set_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ a_get_tag_name_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: a_set_disconnected_nodes_locs_def a_get_tag_name_locs_def all_args_def)
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name = l_set_disconnected_nodes + l_get_tag_name +
assumes set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name:
"∀w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
i_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name?: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name_is_l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name [instances]:
"l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name type_wf set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs"
using set_disconnected_nodes_is_l_set_disconnected_nodes get_tag_name_is_l_get_tag_name
apply(simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name_def l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name_axioms_def)
using set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name
by fast
paragraph ‹set\_child\_nodes›
locale l_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_child_nodes_get_tag_name:
"∀w ∈ set_child_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: set_child_nodes_locs_def get_tag_name_locs_def all_args_def
intro: element_put_get_preserved[where getter=tag_name and setter=child_nodes_update])
locale l_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name = l_set_child_nodes + l_get_tag_name +
assumes set_child_nodes_get_tag_name:
"∀w ∈ set_child_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
i_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name?: l_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr
set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_child_nodes_get_tag_name_is_l_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name [instances]:
"l_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name type_wf set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs"
using set_child_nodes_is_l_set_child_nodes get_tag_name_is_l_get_tag_name
apply(simp add: l_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name_def l_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name_axioms_def)
using set_child_nodes_get_tag_name
by fast
subsubsection ‹set\_tag\_type›
locale l_set_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
definition a_set_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ tag_name ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"a_set_tag_name ptr tag = do {
m ← get_M ptr attrs;
put_M ptr tag_name_update tag
lemmas set_tag_name_defs = a_set_tag_name_def
definition a_set_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
"a_set_tag_name_locs element_ptr ≡ all_args (put_M element_ptr tag_name_update)"
locale l_set_tag_name_defs =
fixes set_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ tag_name ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
fixes set_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
locale l_set_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_type_wf type_wf +
l_set_tag_name_defs set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs +
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and set_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
and set_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set" +
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = DocumentClass.type_wf"
assumes set_tag_name_impl: "set_tag_name = a_set_tag_name"
assumes set_tag_name_locs_impl: "set_tag_name_locs = a_set_tag_name_locs"
lemma set_tag_name_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h ⟹ h ⊢ ok (set_tag_name element_ptr tag)"
apply(unfold type_wf_impl)
unfolding set_tag_name_impl[unfolded a_set_tag_name_def] using get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok put_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok
by (metis (no_types, lifting) DocumentClass.type_wf⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t ElementMonad.get_M_pure bind_is_OK_E
bind_is_OK_pure_I is_OK_returns_result_I)
lemma set_tag_name_writes:
"writes (set_tag_name_locs element_ptr) (set_tag_name element_ptr tag) h h'"
by(auto simp add: set_tag_name_impl[unfolded a_set_tag_name_def]
set_tag_name_locs_impl[unfolded a_set_tag_name_locs_def] intro: writes_bind_pure)
lemma set_tag_name_pointers_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ set_tag_name_locs element_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
using assms(1) object_ptr_kinds_preserved[OF writes_singleton2 assms(2)]
by(auto simp add: all_args_def set_tag_name_locs_impl[unfolded a_set_tag_name_locs_def]
split: if_splits)
lemma set_tag_name_typess_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ set_tag_name_locs element_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "type_wf h = type_wf h'"
apply(unfold type_wf_impl)
using assms(1) type_wf_preserved[OF writes_singleton2 assms(2)]
by(auto simp add: all_args_def set_tag_name_locs_impl[unfolded a_set_tag_name_locs_def]
split: if_splits)
locale l_set_tag_name = l_type_wf + l_set_tag_name_defs +
assumes set_tag_name_writes:
"writes (set_tag_name_locs element_ptr) (set_tag_name element_ptr tag) h h'"
assumes set_tag_name_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h ⟹ h ⊢ ok (set_tag_name element_ptr tag)"
assumes set_tag_name_pointers_preserved:
"w ∈ set_tag_name_locs element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟹ object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
assumes set_tag_name_types_preserved:
"w ∈ set_tag_name_locs element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟹ type_wf h = type_wf h'"
global_interpretation l_set_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs defines
set_tag_name = l_set_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_set_tag_name and
set_tag_name_locs = l_set_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_set_tag_name_locs .
i_set_tag_name?: l_set_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs
by (auto simp add: set_tag_name_def set_tag_name_locs_def)
declare l_set_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_tag_name_is_l_set_tag_name [instances]:
"l_set_tag_name type_wf set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs"
apply(simp add: l_set_tag_name_def)
using set_tag_name_ok set_tag_name_writes set_tag_name_pointers_preserved
by blast
paragraph ‹get\_child\_nodes›
locale l_set_tag_name_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_tag_name_get_child_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_tag_name_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: set_tag_name_locs_impl[unfolded a_set_tag_name_locs_def]
get_child_nodes_locs_impl[unfolded a_get_child_nodes_locs_def] all_args_def
intro: element_put_get_preserved[where setter=tag_name_update and getter=child_nodes])
locale l_set_tag_name_get_child_nodes = l_set_tag_name + l_get_child_nodes +
assumes set_tag_name_get_child_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_tag_name_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
i_set_tag_name_get_child_nodes?: l_set_tag_name_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs known_ptr
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_tag_name_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_tag_name_get_child_nodes_is_l_set_tag_name_get_child_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_tag_name_get_child_nodes type_wf set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs known_ptr get_child_nodes
using set_tag_name_is_l_set_tag_name get_child_nodes_is_l_get_child_nodes
apply(simp add: l_set_tag_name_get_child_nodes_def l_set_tag_name_get_child_nodes_axioms_def)
using set_tag_name_get_child_nodes
by fast
paragraph ‹get\_disconnected\_nodes›
locale l_set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_tag_name_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: set_tag_name_locs_impl[unfolded a_set_tag_name_locs_def]
get_disconnected_nodes_locs_impl[unfolded a_get_disconnected_nodes_locs_def]
locale l_set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes = l_set_tag_name + l_get_disconnected_nodes +
assumes set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_tag_name_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
i_set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes?: l_set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs get_disconnected_nodes
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes type_wf set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs get_disconnected_nodes
using set_tag_name_is_l_set_tag_name get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_get_disconnected_nodes
apply(simp add: l_set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes_def
using set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes
by fast
paragraph ‹get\_tag\_type›
locale l_set_tag_name_get_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M = l_get_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
+ l_set_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
lemma set_tag_name_get_tag_name:
assumes "h ⊢ a_set_tag_name element_ptr tag →⇩h h'"
shows "h' ⊢ a_get_tag_name element_ptr →⇩r tag"
using assms
by(auto simp add: a_get_tag_name_def a_set_tag_name_def)
lemma set_tag_name_get_tag_name_different_pointers:
assumes "ptr ≠ ptr'"
assumes "w ∈ a_set_tag_name_locs ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
assumes "r ∈ a_get_tag_name_locs ptr'"
shows "r h h'"
using assms
by(auto simp add: all_args_def a_set_tag_name_locs_def a_get_tag_name_locs_def
split: if_splits option.splits )
locale l_set_tag_name_get_tag_name = l_get_tag_name + l_set_tag_name +
assumes set_tag_name_get_tag_name:
"h ⊢ set_tag_name element_ptr tag →⇩h h'
⟹ h' ⊢ get_tag_name element_ptr →⇩r tag"
assumes set_tag_name_get_tag_name_different_pointers:
"ptr ≠ ptr' ⟹ w ∈ set_tag_name_locs ptr ⟹ h ⊢ w →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
interpretation i_set_tag_name_get_tag_name?:
l_set_tag_name_get_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_tag_name
get_tag_name_locs set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_tag_name_get_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_tag_name_get_tag_name_is_l_set_tag_name_get_tag_name [instances]:
"l_set_tag_name_get_tag_name type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs"
using set_tag_name_is_l_set_tag_name get_tag_name_is_l_get_tag_name
apply(simp add: l_set_tag_name_get_tag_name_def
using set_tag_name_get_tag_name
by fast+
subsubsection ‹set\_val›
locale l_set_val⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
definition a_set_val :: "(_) character_data_ptr ⇒ DOMString ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"a_set_val ptr v = do {
m ← get_M ptr val;
put_M ptr val_update v
lemmas set_val_defs = a_set_val_def
definition a_set_val_locs :: "(_) character_data_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
"a_set_val_locs character_data_ptr ≡ all_args (put_M character_data_ptr val_update)"
locale l_set_val_defs =
fixes set_val :: "(_) character_data_ptr ⇒ DOMString ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
fixes set_val_locs :: "(_) character_data_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
locale l_set_val⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_type_wf type_wf +
l_set_val_defs set_val set_val_locs +
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and set_val :: "(_) character_data_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
and set_val_locs :: "(_) character_data_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set" +
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = DocumentClass.type_wf"
assumes set_val_impl: "set_val = a_set_val"
assumes set_val_locs_impl: "set_val_locs = a_set_val_locs"
lemma set_val_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ character_data_ptr |∈| character_data_ptr_kinds h ⟹ h ⊢ ok (set_val character_data_ptr tag)"
apply(unfold type_wf_impl)
unfolding set_val_impl[unfolded a_set_val_def] using get_M⇩C⇩h⇩a⇩r⇩a⇩c⇩t⇩e⇩r⇩D⇩a⇩t⇩a_ok put_M⇩C⇩h⇩a⇩r⇩a⇩c⇩t⇩e⇩r⇩D⇩a⇩t⇩a_ok
by (metis (no_types, lifting) DocumentClass.type_wf⇩C⇩h⇩a⇩r⇩a⇩c⇩t⇩e⇩r⇩D⇩a⇩t⇩a CharacterDataMonad.get_M_pure
bind_is_OK_E bind_is_OK_pure_I is_OK_returns_result_I)
lemma set_val_writes: "writes (set_val_locs character_data_ptr) (set_val character_data_ptr tag) h h'"
by(auto simp add: set_val_impl[unfolded a_set_val_def] set_val_locs_impl[unfolded a_set_val_locs_def]
intro: writes_bind_pure)
lemma set_val_pointers_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ set_val_locs character_data_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
using assms(1) object_ptr_kinds_preserved[OF writes_singleton2 assms(2)]
by(auto simp add: all_args_def set_val_locs_impl[unfolded a_set_val_locs_def] split: if_splits)
lemma set_val_typess_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ set_val_locs character_data_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "type_wf h = type_wf h'"
apply(unfold type_wf_impl)
using assms(1) type_wf_preserved[OF writes_singleton2 assms(2)]
by(auto simp add: all_args_def set_val_locs_impl[unfolded a_set_val_locs_def] split: if_splits)
locale l_set_val = l_type_wf + l_set_val_defs +
assumes set_val_writes:
"writes (set_val_locs character_data_ptr) (set_val character_data_ptr tag) h h'"
assumes set_val_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ character_data_ptr |∈| character_data_ptr_kinds h ⟹ h ⊢ ok (set_val character_data_ptr tag)"
assumes set_val_pointers_preserved:
"w ∈ set_val_locs character_data_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟹ object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
assumes set_val_types_preserved:
"w ∈ set_val_locs character_data_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟹ type_wf h = type_wf h'"
global_interpretation l_set_val⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs defines
set_val = l_set_val⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_set_val and
set_val_locs = l_set_val⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_set_val_locs .
i_set_val?: l_set_val⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf set_val set_val_locs
by (auto simp add: set_val_def set_val_locs_def)
declare l_set_val⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_val_is_l_set_val [instances]: "l_set_val type_wf set_val set_val_locs"
apply(simp add: l_set_val_def)
using set_val_ok set_val_writes set_val_pointers_preserved set_val_typess_preserved
by blast
paragraph ‹get\_child\_nodes›
locale l_set_val_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_val⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_val_get_child_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_val_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: set_val_locs_impl[unfolded a_set_val_locs_def]
get_child_nodes_locs_impl[unfolded a_get_child_nodes_locs_def] all_args_def)
locale l_set_val_get_child_nodes = l_set_val + l_get_child_nodes +
assumes set_val_get_child_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_val_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
i_set_val_get_child_nodes?: l_set_val_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf set_val set_val_locs known_ptr
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_val_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_val_get_child_nodes_is_l_set_val_get_child_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_val_get_child_nodes type_wf set_val set_val_locs known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs"
using set_val_is_l_set_val get_child_nodes_is_l_get_child_nodes
apply(simp add: l_set_val_get_child_nodes_def l_set_val_get_child_nodes_axioms_def)
using set_val_get_child_nodes
by fast
paragraph ‹get\_disconnected\_nodes›
locale l_set_val_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_val⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_val_get_disconnected_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_val_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: set_val_locs_impl[unfolded a_set_val_locs_def]
get_disconnected_nodes_locs_impl[unfolded a_get_disconnected_nodes_locs_def]
locale l_set_val_get_disconnected_nodes = l_set_val + l_get_disconnected_nodes +
assumes set_val_get_disconnected_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_val_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
i_set_val_get_disconnected_nodes?: l_set_val_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf set_val
set_val_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_val_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_val_get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_set_val_get_disconnected_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_val_get_disconnected_nodes type_wf set_val set_val_locs get_disconnected_nodes
using set_val_is_l_set_val get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_get_disconnected_nodes
apply(simp add: l_set_val_get_disconnected_nodes_def l_set_val_get_disconnected_nodes_axioms_def)
using set_val_get_disconnected_nodes
by fast
subsubsection ‹get\_parent›
locale l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_get_child_nodes_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
for get_child_nodes :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
definition a_get_parent :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ (_, (_::linorder) object_ptr option) dom_prog"
"a_get_parent node_ptr = do {
check_in_heap (cast node_ptr);
parent_ptrs ← object_ptr_kinds_M ⤜ filter_M (λptr. do {
children ← get_child_nodes ptr;
return (node_ptr ∈ set children)
(if parent_ptrs = []
then return None
else return (Some (hd parent_ptrs)))
"a_get_parent_locs ≡ (⋃ptr. get_child_nodes_locs ptr ∪ {preserved (get_M⇩O⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t ptr RObject.nothing)})"
locale l_get_parent_defs =
fixes get_parent :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ (_, (_::linorder) object_ptr option) dom_prog"
fixes get_parent_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
locale l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_child_nodes type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs +
l_known_ptrs known_ptr known_ptrs +
l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs +
l_get_parent_defs get_parent get_parent_locs
for known_ptr :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_child_nodes
and get_child_nodes_locs
and known_ptrs :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_parent :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr option) prog"
and get_parent_locs +
assumes get_parent_impl: "get_parent = a_get_parent"
assumes get_parent_locs_impl: "get_parent_locs = a_get_parent_locs"
lemmas get_parent_def = get_parent_impl[unfolded a_get_parent_def]
lemmas get_parent_locs_def = get_parent_locs_impl[unfolded a_get_parent_locs_def]
lemma get_parent_pure [simp]: "pure (get_parent ptr) h"
using get_child_nodes_pure
by(auto simp add: get_parent_def intro!: bind_pure_I filter_M_pure_I)
lemma get_parent_ok [simp]:
assumes "type_wf h"
assumes "known_ptrs h"
assumes "ptr |∈| node_ptr_kinds h"
shows "h ⊢ ok (get_parent ptr)"
using assms get_child_nodes_ok get_child_nodes_pure
by(auto simp add: get_parent_impl[unfolded a_get_parent_def] known_ptrs_known_ptr
intro!: bind_is_OK_pure_I filter_M_pure_I filter_M_is_OK_I bind_pure_I)
lemma get_parent_ptr_in_heap [simp]: "h ⊢ ok (get_parent node_ptr) ⟹ node_ptr |∈| node_ptr_kinds h"
using get_parent_def is_OK_returns_result_I check_in_heap_ptr_in_heap
by (metis (no_types, lifting) bind_returns_heap_E get_parent_pure node_ptr_kinds_commutes pure_pure)
lemma get_parent_parent_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ get_parent child_node →⇩r Some parent"
shows "parent |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using assms get_child_nodes_pure
by(auto simp add: get_parent_def elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
dest!: filter_M_not_more_elements[where x=parent]
intro!: filter_M_pure_I bind_pure_I
split: if_splits)
lemma get_parent_child_dual:
assumes "h ⊢ get_parent child →⇩r Some ptr"
obtains children where "h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children" and "child ∈ set children"
using assms get_child_nodes_pure
by(auto simp add: get_parent_def bind_pure_I
dest!: filter_M_holds_for_result
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
intro!: filter_M_pure_I
split: if_splits)
lemma get_parent_reads: "reads get_parent_locs (get_parent node_ptr) h h'"
using get_child_nodes_reads[unfolded reads_def]
by(auto simp add: get_parent_def get_parent_locs_def
intro!: reads_bind_pure reads_subset[OF check_in_heap_reads]
reads_subset[OF get_child_nodes_reads] reads_subset[OF return_reads]
reads_subset[OF object_ptr_kinds_M_reads] filter_M_reads filter_M_pure_I bind_pure_I)
lemma get_parent_reads_pointers: "preserved (get_M⇩O⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t ptr RObject.nothing) ∈ get_parent_locs"
by(auto simp add: get_parent_locs_def)
locale l_get_parent = l_type_wf + l_known_ptrs + l_get_parent_defs + l_get_child_nodes +
assumes get_parent_reads:
"reads get_parent_locs (get_parent node_ptr) h h'"
assumes get_parent_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ known_ptrs h ⟹ node_ptr |∈| node_ptr_kinds h ⟹ h ⊢ ok (get_parent node_ptr)"
assumes get_parent_ptr_in_heap:
"h ⊢ ok (get_parent node_ptr) ⟹ node_ptr |∈| node_ptr_kinds h"
assumes get_parent_pure [simp]:
"pure (get_parent node_ptr) h"
assumes get_parent_parent_in_heap:
"h ⊢ get_parent child_node →⇩r Some parent ⟹ parent |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
assumes get_parent_child_dual:
"h ⊢ get_parent child →⇩r Some ptr ⟹ (⋀children. h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children
⟹ child ∈ set children ⟹ thesis) ⟹ thesis"
assumes get_parent_reads_pointers:
"preserved (get_M⇩O⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t ptr RObject.nothing) ∈ get_parent_locs"
global_interpretation l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs defines
get_parent = "l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_parent get_child_nodes" and
get_parent_locs = "l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_parent_locs get_child_nodes_locs" .
i_get_parent?: l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr type_wf get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs known_ptrs
get_parent get_parent_locs
using instances
apply(simp add: l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def)
apply(simp add: get_parent_def get_parent_locs_def)
declare l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma get_parent_is_l_get_parent [instances]:
"l_get_parent type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs get_parent get_parent_locs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs"
using instances
apply(auto simp add: l_get_parent_def l_get_parent_axioms_def)[1]
using get_parent_reads get_parent_ok get_parent_ptr_in_heap get_parent_pure
get_parent_parent_in_heap get_parent_child_dual
using get_parent_reads_pointers
by blast+
paragraph ‹set\_disconnected\_nodes›
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
+ l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
type_wf set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
+ l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
known_ptr type_wf get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs known_ptrs get_parent get_parent_locs
for known_ptr :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and set_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and known_ptrs :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_parent :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr option) prog"
and get_parent_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent [simp]:
"∀w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_parent_locs. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: get_parent_locs_def set_disconnected_nodes_locs_def all_args_def)
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent = l_set_disconnected_nodes_defs + l_get_parent_defs +
assumes set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent [simp]:
"∀w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_parent_locs. r h h'))"
interpretation i_set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent?:
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr type_wf set_disconnected_nodes
set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs known_ptrs get_parent get_parent_locs
using instances
by (simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def)
declare l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent_is_l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent [instances]:
"l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_parent_locs"
by(simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent_def)
subsubsection ‹get\_root\_node›
locale l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_get_parent_defs get_parent get_parent_locs
for get_parent :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_::linorder) object_ptr option) prog"
and get_parent_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
partial_function (dom_prog)
a_get_ancestors :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr list) dom_prog"
"a_get_ancestors ptr = do {
check_in_heap ptr;
ancestors ← (case cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr of
Some node_ptr ⇒ do {
parent_ptr_opt ← get_parent node_ptr;
(case parent_ptr_opt of
Some parent_ptr ⇒ a_get_ancestors parent_ptr
| None ⇒ return [])
| None ⇒ return []);
return (ptr # ancestors)
definition "a_get_ancestors_locs = get_parent_locs"
definition a_get_root_node :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr) dom_prog"
"a_get_root_node ptr = do {
ancestors ← a_get_ancestors ptr;
return (last ancestors)
definition "a_get_root_node_locs = a_get_ancestors_locs"
locale l_get_ancestors_defs =
fixes get_ancestors :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr list) dom_prog"
fixes get_ancestors_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
locale l_get_root_node_defs =
fixes get_root_node :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr) dom_prog"
fixes get_root_node_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
locale l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_parent +
l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs +
l_get_ancestors_defs +
l_get_root_node_defs +
assumes get_ancestors_impl: "get_ancestors = a_get_ancestors"
assumes get_ancestors_locs_impl: "get_ancestors_locs = a_get_ancestors_locs"
assumes get_root_node_impl: "get_root_node = a_get_root_node"
assumes get_root_node_locs_impl: "get_root_node_locs = a_get_root_node_locs"
lemmas get_ancestors_def = a_get_ancestors.simps[folded get_ancestors_impl]
lemmas get_ancestors_locs_def = a_get_ancestors_locs_def[folded get_ancestors_locs_impl]
lemmas get_root_node_def = a_get_root_node_def[folded get_root_node_impl get_ancestors_impl]
lemmas get_root_node_locs_def = a_get_root_node_locs_def[folded get_root_node_locs_impl
lemma get_ancestors_pure [simp]:
"pure (get_ancestors ptr) h"
proof -
have "∀ptr h h' x. h ⊢ get_ancestors ptr →⇩r x ⟶ h ⊢ get_ancestors ptr →⇩h h' ⟶ h = h'"
proof (induct rule: a_get_ancestors.fixp_induct[folded get_ancestors_impl])
case 1
then show ?case
by(rule admissible_dom_prog)
case 2
then show ?case
by simp
case (3 f)
then show ?case
using get_parent_pure
apply(auto simp add: pure_returns_heap_eq pure_def
split: option.splits
elim!: bind_returns_heap_E bind_returns_result_E
dest!: pure_returns_heap_eq[rotated, OF check_in_heap_pure])[1]
apply (meson option.simps(3) returns_result_eq)
by (metis get_parent_pure pure_returns_heap_eq)
then show ?thesis
by (meson pure_eq_iff)
lemma get_root_node_pure [simp]: "pure (get_root_node ptr) h"
by(auto simp add: get_root_node_def bind_pure_I)
lemma get_ancestors_ptr_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ ok (get_ancestors ptr)"
shows "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
by(auto simp add: get_ancestors_def check_in_heap_ptr_in_heap
elim!: bind_is_OK_E dest: is_OK_returns_result_I)
lemma get_ancestors_ptr:
assumes "h ⊢ get_ancestors ptr →⇩r ancestors"
shows "ptr ∈ set ancestors"
using assms
apply(simp add: get_ancestors_def)
by(auto elim!: bind_returns_result_E2 split: option.splits intro!: bind_pure_I)
lemma get_ancestors_not_node:
assumes "h ⊢ get_ancestors ptr →⇩r ancestors"
assumes "¬is_node_ptr_kind ptr"
shows "ancestors = [ptr]"
using assms
apply(simp add: get_ancestors_def)
by(auto elim!: bind_returns_result_E2 split: option.splits)
lemma get_root_node_no_parent:
"h ⊢ get_parent node_ptr →⇩r None ⟹ h ⊢ get_root_node (cast node_ptr) →⇩r cast node_ptr"
apply(auto simp add: check_in_heap_def get_root_node_def get_ancestors_def
intro!: bind_pure_returns_result_I )[1]
using get_parent_ptr_in_heap by blast
locale l_get_ancestors = l_get_ancestors_defs +
assumes get_ancestors_pure [simp]: "pure (get_ancestors node_ptr) h"
assumes get_ancestors_ptr_in_heap: "h ⊢ ok (get_ancestors ptr) ⟹ ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
assumes get_ancestors_ptr: "h ⊢ get_ancestors ptr →⇩r ancestors ⟹ ptr ∈ set ancestors"
locale l_get_root_node = l_get_root_node_defs + l_get_parent_defs +
assumes get_root_node_pure[simp]:
"pure (get_root_node ptr) h"
assumes get_root_node_no_parent:
"h ⊢ get_parent node_ptr →⇩r None ⟹ h ⊢ get_root_node (cast node_ptr) →⇩r cast node_ptr"
global_interpretation l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_parent get_parent_locs
defines get_root_node = "l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_root_node get_parent"
and get_root_node_locs = "l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_root_node_locs get_parent_locs"
and get_ancestors = "l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_ancestors get_parent"
and get_ancestors_locs = "l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_ancestors_locs get_parent_locs"
declare a_get_ancestors.simps [code]
i_get_root_node?: l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs get_parent get_parent_locs
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_ancestors get_ancestors_locs
get_root_node get_root_node_locs
using instances
apply(simp add: l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def)
by(simp add: get_root_node_def get_root_node_locs_def get_ancestors_def get_ancestors_locs_def)
declare l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma get_ancestors_is_l_get_ancestors [instances]: "l_get_ancestors get_ancestors"
unfolding l_get_ancestors_def
using get_ancestors_pure get_ancestors_ptr get_ancestors_ptr_in_heap
by blast
lemma get_root_node_is_l_get_root_node [instances]: "l_get_root_node get_root_node get_parent"
apply(simp add: l_get_root_node_def)
using get_root_node_no_parent
by fast
paragraph ‹set\_disconnected\_nodes›
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_parent get_parent_locs
+ l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs get_parent get_parent_locs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
get_ancestors get_ancestors_locs get_root_node get_root_node_locs
+ l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
type_wf set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
for known_ptr :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and set_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_parent :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr option) prog"
and get_parent_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptrs :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_ancestors :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr list) prog"
and get_ancestors_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_root_node :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr) prog"
and get_root_node_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors:
"∀w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_ancestors_locs. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: get_parent_locs_def set_disconnected_nodes_locs_def get_ancestors_locs_def
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors = l_set_disconnected_nodes_defs + l_get_ancestors_defs +
assumes set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors:
"∀w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_ancestors_locs. r h h'))"
i_set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors?: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_parent
get_parent_locs type_wf known_ptrs get_ancestors
get_ancestors_locs get_root_node get_root_node_locs
using instances
by (simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def)
declare l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors_is_l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors [instances]:
"l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_ancestors_locs"
using instances
apply(simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors_def)
using set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors
by fast
subsubsection ‹get\_owner\_document›
locale l_get_owner_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_get_disconnected_nodes_defs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_get_root_node_defs get_root_node get_root_node_locs
for get_root_node :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr) prog"
and get_root_node_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
definition a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ unit ⇒ (_, (_) document_ptr) dom_prog"
"a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r node_ptr _ = do {
root ← get_root_node (cast node_ptr);
(case cast root of
Some document_ptr ⇒ return document_ptr
| None ⇒ do {
ptrs ← document_ptr_kinds_M;
candidates ← filter_M (λdocument_ptr. do {
disconnected_nodes ← get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr;
return (root ∈ cast ` set disconnected_nodes)
}) ptrs;
return (hd candidates)
a_get_owner_document⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ unit ⇒ (_, (_) document_ptr) dom_prog"
"a_get_owner_document⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r document_ptr _ = do {
document_ptrs ← document_ptr_kinds_M;
(if document_ptr ∈ set document_ptrs then return document_ptr else error SegmentationFault)}"
a_get_owner_document_tups :: "(((_) object_ptr ⇒ bool) × ((_) object_ptr ⇒ unit
⇒ (_, (_) document_ptr) dom_prog)) list"
"a_get_owner_document_tups = [
(is_element_ptr, a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast),
(is_character_data_ptr, a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast),
(is_document_ptr, a_get_owner_document⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast)
definition a_get_owner_document :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) document_ptr) dom_prog"
"a_get_owner_document ptr = invoke a_get_owner_document_tups ptr ()"
locale l_get_owner_document_defs =
fixes get_owner_document :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) document_ptr) dom_prog"
locale l_get_owner_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_known_ptr known_ptr +
l_get_disconnected_nodes type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_get_root_node get_root_node get_root_node_locs +
l_get_owner_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_root_node get_root_node_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_get_owner_document_defs get_owner_document
for known_ptr :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_root_node :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr) prog"
and get_root_node_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_owner_document :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) document_ptr) prog" +
assumes known_ptr_impl: "known_ptr = a_known_ptr"
assumes get_owner_document_impl: "get_owner_document = a_get_owner_document"
lemmas known_ptr_def = known_ptr_impl[unfolded a_known_ptr_def]
lemmas get_owner_document_def = a_get_owner_document_def[folded get_owner_document_impl]
lemma get_owner_document_split:
"P (invoke (a_get_owner_document_tups @ xs) ptr ()) =
((known_ptr ptr ⟶ P (get_owner_document ptr))
∧ (¬(known_ptr ptr) ⟶ P (invoke xs ptr ())))"
by(auto simp add: get_owner_document_def a_get_owner_document_tups_def known_ptr_def
CharacterDataClass.known_ptr_defs ElementClass.known_ptr_defs
split: invoke_splits option.splits)
lemma get_owner_document_split_asm:
"P (invoke (a_get_owner_document_tups @ xs) ptr ()) =
(¬((known_ptr ptr ∧ ¬P (get_owner_document ptr))
∨ (¬(known_ptr ptr) ∧ ¬P (invoke xs ptr ()))))"
by(auto simp add: get_owner_document_def a_get_owner_document_tups_def known_ptr_def
CharacterDataClass.known_ptr_defs ElementClass.known_ptr_defs
split: invoke_splits)
lemmas get_owner_document_splits = get_owner_document_split get_owner_document_split_asm
lemma get_owner_document_pure [simp]:
"pure (get_owner_document ptr) h"
proof -
have "⋀node_ptr. pure (a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r node_ptr ()) h"
by(auto simp add: a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def
intro!: bind_pure_I filter_M_pure_I
split: option.splits)
moreover have "⋀document_ptr. pure (a_get_owner_document⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r document_ptr ()) h"
by(auto simp add: a_get_owner_document⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def bind_pure_I)
ultimately show ?thesis
by(auto simp add: get_owner_document_def a_get_owner_document_tups_def
intro!: bind_pure_I
split: invoke_splits)
lemma get_owner_document_ptr_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ ok (get_owner_document ptr)"
shows "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
by(auto simp add: get_owner_document_def invoke_ptr_in_heap dest: is_OK_returns_heap_I)
locale l_get_owner_document = l_get_owner_document_defs +
assumes get_owner_document_ptr_in_heap:
"h ⊢ ok (get_owner_document ptr) ⟹ ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
assumes get_owner_document_pure [simp]:
"pure (get_owner_document ptr) h"
global_interpretation l_get_owner_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_root_node get_root_node_locs
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
defines get_owner_document_tups =
"l_get_owner_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_owner_document_tups get_root_node get_disconnected_nodes"
and get_owner_document =
"l_get_owner_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_owner_document get_root_node get_disconnected_nodes"
and get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r =
"l_get_owner_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r get_root_node get_disconnected_nodes"
i_get_owner_document?: l_get_owner_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_parent get_parent_locs known_ptr type_wf
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_root_node
get_root_node_locs get_owner_document
using instances
apply(auto simp add: l_get_owner_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_get_owner_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def)[1]
by(auto simp add: get_owner_document_tups_def get_owner_document_def get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def)[1]
declare l_get_owner_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma get_owner_document_is_l_get_owner_document [instances]:
"l_get_owner_document get_owner_document"
using get_owner_document_ptr_in_heap
by(auto simp add: l_get_owner_document_def)
subsubsection ‹remove\_child›
locale l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_get_child_nodes_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs +
l_set_child_nodes_defs set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs +
l_get_parent_defs get_parent get_parent_locs +
l_get_owner_document_defs get_owner_document +
l_get_disconnected_nodes_defs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_defs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
for get_child_nodes :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and set_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and get_parent :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr option) prog"
and get_parent_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_owner_document :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) document_ptr) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and set_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
definition a_remove_child :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"a_remove_child ptr child = do {
children ← get_child_nodes ptr;
if child ∉ set children then
error NotFoundError
else do {
owner_document ← get_owner_document (cast child);
disc_nodes ← get_disconnected_nodes owner_document;
set_disconnected_nodes owner_document (child # disc_nodes);
set_child_nodes ptr (remove1 child children)
definition a_remove_child_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) document_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
"a_remove_child_locs ptr owner_document = set_child_nodes_locs ptr
∪ set_disconnected_nodes_locs owner_document"
definition a_remove :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"a_remove node_ptr = do {
parent_opt ← get_parent node_ptr;
(case parent_opt of
Some parent ⇒ do {
a_remove_child parent node_ptr;
return ()
| None ⇒ return ())
locale l_remove_child_defs =
fixes remove_child :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
fixes remove_child_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) document_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
locale l_remove_defs =
fixes remove :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
locale l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs +
l_remove_child_defs +
l_remove_defs +
l_get_parent +
l_get_owner_document +
l_set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes +
l_set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes +
assumes remove_child_impl: "remove_child = a_remove_child"
assumes remove_child_locs_impl: "remove_child_locs = a_remove_child_locs"
assumes remove_impl: "remove = a_remove"
lemmas remove_child_def = a_remove_child_def[folded remove_child_impl]
lemmas remove_child_locs_def = a_remove_child_locs_def[folded remove_child_locs_impl]
lemmas remove_def = a_remove_def[folded remove_child_impl remove_impl]
lemma remove_child_ptr_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ ok (remove_child ptr child)"
shows "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
proof -
obtain children where children: "h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children"
using assms
by(auto simp add: remove_child_def)
moreover have "children ≠ []"
using assms calculation
by(auto simp add: remove_child_def elim!: bind_is_OK_E2)
ultimately show ?thesis
using assms(1) get_child_nodes_ptr_in_heap by blast
lemma remove_child_child_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ remove_child ptr' child →⇩h h'"
shows "child |∈| node_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
apply(auto simp add: remove_child_def
elim!: bind_returns_heap_E bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_child_nodes_pure, rotated]
split: if_splits)[1]
by (meson is_OK_returns_result_I local.get_owner_document_ptr_in_heap node_ptr_kinds_commutes)
lemma remove_child_in_disconnected_nodes:
assumes "h ⊢ remove_child ptr child →⇩h h'"
assumes "h ⊢ get_owner_document (cast child) →⇩r owner_document"
assumes "h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes owner_document →⇩r disc_nodes"
shows "child ∈ set disc_nodes"
proof -
obtain prev_disc_nodes h2 children where
disc_nodes: "h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes owner_document →⇩r prev_disc_nodes" and
h2: "h ⊢ set_disconnected_nodes owner_document (child # prev_disc_nodes) →⇩h h2" and
h': "h2 ⊢ set_child_nodes ptr (remove1 child children) →⇩h h'"
using assms(1)
apply(auto simp add: remove_child_def
elim!: bind_returns_heap_E
dest!: returns_result_eq[OF assms(2)]
pure_returns_heap_eq[rotated, OF get_owner_document_pure]
pure_returns_heap_eq[rotated, OF get_child_nodes_pure]
split: if_splits)[1]
by (metis get_disconnected_nodes_pure pure_returns_heap_eq)
have "h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes owner_document →⇩r disc_nodes"
apply(rule reads_writes_separate_backwards[OF get_disconnected_nodes_reads
set_child_nodes_writes h' assms(3)])
by (simp add: set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes)
then show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) h2 set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes
list.set_intros(1) select_result_I2)
lemma remove_child_writes [simp]:
"writes (remove_child_locs ptr |h ⊢ get_owner_document (cast child)|⇩r) (remove_child ptr child) h h'"
apply(auto simp add: remove_child_def intro!: writes_bind_pure[OF get_child_nodes_pure]
writes_bind_pure[OF get_owner_document_pure]
writes_bind_pure[OF get_disconnected_nodes_pure])[1]
by(auto simp add: remove_child_locs_def set_disconnected_nodes_writes writes_union_right_I
set_child_nodes_writes writes_union_left_I
intro!: writes_bind)
lemma remove_writes:
"writes (remove_child_locs (the |h ⊢ get_parent child|⇩r) |h ⊢ get_owner_document (cast child)|⇩r)
(remove child) h h'"
by(auto simp add: remove_def intro!: writes_bind_pure split: option.splits)
lemma remove_child_children_subset:
assumes "h ⊢ remove_child parent child →⇩h h'"
and "h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children"
and "h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children'"
and known_ptrs: "known_ptrs h"
and type_wf: "type_wf h"
shows "set children' ⊆ set children"
proof -
obtain ptr_children owner_document h2 disc_nodes where
owner_document: "h ⊢ get_owner_document (cast child) →⇩r owner_document" and
ptr_children: "h ⊢ get_child_nodes parent →⇩r ptr_children" and
disc_nodes: "h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes owner_document →⇩r disc_nodes" and
h2: "h ⊢ set_disconnected_nodes owner_document (child # disc_nodes) →⇩h h2" and
h': "h2 ⊢ set_child_nodes parent (remove1 child ptr_children) →⇩h h'"
using assms(1)
by(auto simp add: remove_child_def
elim!: bind_returns_heap_E
dest!: pure_returns_heap_eq[rotated, OF get_owner_document_pure]
pure_returns_heap_eq[rotated, OF get_disconnected_nodes_pure]
pure_returns_heap_eq[rotated, OF get_child_nodes_pure]
split: if_splits)
have "parent |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using get_child_nodes_ptr_in_heap ptr_children by blast
have "object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h2"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'",
OF set_disconnected_nodes_writes h2])
using set_disconnected_nodes_pointers_preserved set_child_nodes_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
have "type_wf h2"
using type_wf writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. type_wf h ⟶ type_wf h'",
OF set_disconnected_nodes_writes h2]
using set_disconnected_nodes_types_preserved
by(auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
have "h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children"
using get_child_nodes_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h2 assms(2)
apply(rule reads_writes_separate_forwards)
by (simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes)
moreover have "h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes parent →⇩r ptr_children"
using get_child_nodes_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h2 ptr_children
apply(rule reads_writes_separate_forwards)
by (simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes)
moreover have
"ptr ≠ parent ⟹ h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children = h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children"
using get_child_nodes_reads set_child_nodes_writes h'
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by (metis set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes_different_pointers)
moreover have "h' ⊢ get_child_nodes parent →⇩r remove1 child ptr_children"
using h' set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes known_ptrs type_wf known_ptrs_known_ptr
‹parent |∈| object_ptr_kinds h› ‹object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h2› ‹type_wf h2›
by fast
moreover have "set ( remove1 child ptr_children) ⊆ set ptr_children"
by (simp add: set_remove1_subset)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis assms(3) order_refl returns_result_eq)
lemma remove_child_pointers_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ remove_child_locs ptr owner_document"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
using assms
using set_child_nodes_pointers_preserved
using set_disconnected_nodes_pointers_preserved
unfolding remove_child_locs_def
by auto
lemma remove_child_types_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ remove_child_locs ptr owner_document"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "type_wf h = type_wf h'"
using assms
using set_child_nodes_types_preserved
using set_disconnected_nodes_types_preserved
unfolding remove_child_locs_def
by auto
locale l_remove_child = l_type_wf + l_known_ptrs + l_remove_child_defs + l_get_owner_document_defs
+ l_get_child_nodes_defs + l_get_disconnected_nodes_defs +
assumes remove_child_writes:
"writes (remove_child_locs object_ptr |h ⊢ get_owner_document (cast child)|⇩r)
(remove_child object_ptr child) h h'"
assumes remove_child_pointers_preserved:
"w ∈ remove_child_locs ptr owner_document ⟹ h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟹ object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
assumes remove_child_types_preserved:
"w ∈ remove_child_locs ptr owner_document ⟹ h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟹ type_wf h = type_wf h'"
assumes remove_child_in_disconnected_nodes:
"known_ptrs h ⟹ h ⊢ remove_child ptr child →⇩h h'
⟹ h ⊢ get_owner_document (cast child) →⇩r owner_document
⟹ h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes owner_document →⇩r disc_nodes
⟹ child ∈ set disc_nodes"
assumes remove_child_ptr_in_heap: "h ⊢ ok (remove_child ptr child) ⟹ ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
assumes remove_child_child_in_heap: "h ⊢ remove_child ptr' child →⇩h h' ⟹ child |∈| node_ptr_kinds h"
assumes remove_child_children_subset:
"known_ptrs h ⟹ type_wf h ⟹ h ⊢ remove_child parent child →⇩h h'
⟹ h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children
⟹ h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children'
⟹ set children' ⊆ set children"
locale l_remove
global_interpretation l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs set_child_nodes
set_child_nodes_locs get_parent get_parent_locs
get_owner_document get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes
defines remove =
"l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_remove get_child_nodes set_child_nodes get_parent get_owner_document
get_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes"
and remove_child =
"l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_remove_child get_child_nodes set_child_nodes get_owner_document
get_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes"
and remove_child_locs =
"l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_remove_child_locs set_child_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes_locs"
i_remove_child?: l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs set_child_nodes
set_child_nodes_locs get_parent get_parent_locs get_owner_document
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes
set_disconnected_nodes_locs remove_child remove_child_locs remove type_wf
known_ptr known_ptrs
using instances
apply(simp add: l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def)
by(simp add: remove_child_def remove_child_locs_def remove_def)
declare l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma remove_child_is_l_remove_child [instances]:
"l_remove_child type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs remove_child remove_child_locs get_owner_document
get_child_nodes get_disconnected_nodes"
using instances
apply(auto simp add: l_remove_child_def l_remove_child_axioms_def)[1]
using remove_child_pointers_preserved apply(blast)
using remove_child_pointers_preserved apply(blast)
using remove_child_types_preserved apply(blast)
using remove_child_types_preserved apply(blast)
using remove_child_in_disconnected_nodes apply(blast)
using remove_child_ptr_in_heap apply(blast)
using remove_child_child_in_heap apply(blast)
using remove_child_children_subset apply(blast)
subsubsection ‹adopt\_node›
locale l_adopt_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_get_owner_document_defs get_owner_document +
l_get_parent_defs get_parent get_parent_locs +
l_remove_child_defs remove_child remove_child_locs +
l_get_disconnected_nodes_defs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_defs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
for get_owner_document :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) document_ptr) prog"
and get_parent :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr option) prog"
and get_parent_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and remove_child :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and remove_child_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and set_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
definition a_adopt_node :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"a_adopt_node document node = do {
old_document ← get_owner_document (cast node);
parent_opt ← get_parent node;
(case parent_opt of
Some parent ⇒ do {
remove_child parent node
} | None ⇒ do {
return ()
(if document ≠ old_document then do {
old_disc_nodes ← get_disconnected_nodes old_document;
set_disconnected_nodes old_document (remove1 node old_disc_nodes);
disc_nodes ← get_disconnected_nodes document;
set_disconnected_nodes document (node # disc_nodes)
} else do {
return ()
a_adopt_node_locs :: "(_) object_ptr option ⇒ (_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) document_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
"a_adopt_node_locs parent owner_document document_ptr =
((if parent = None
then {}
else remove_child_locs (the parent) owner_document) ∪ set_disconnected_nodes_locs document_ptr
∪ set_disconnected_nodes_locs owner_document)"
locale l_adopt_node_defs =
adopt_node :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
adopt_node_locs :: "(_) object_ptr option ⇒ (_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) document_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
global_interpretation l_adopt_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_owner_document get_parent get_parent_locs remove_child
remove_child_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes
defines adopt_node = "l_adopt_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_adopt_node get_owner_document get_parent remove_child
get_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes"
and adopt_node_locs = "l_adopt_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_adopt_node_locs
remove_child_locs set_disconnected_nodes_locs"
locale l_adopt_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
get_owner_document get_parent get_parent_locs remove_child remove_child_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
+ l_adopt_node_defs
adopt_node adopt_node_locs
+ l_get_owner_document
+ l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
known_ptr type_wf get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs known_ptrs get_parent get_parent_locs
+ l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs get_parent
get_parent_locs get_owner_document get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs remove_child remove_child_locs remove type_wf
known_ptr known_ptrs
+ l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes
type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes
for get_owner_document :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) document_ptr) prog"
and get_parent :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr option) prog"
and get_parent_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and remove_child :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and remove_child_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and set_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and adopt_node :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and adopt_node_locs :: "(_) object_ptr option ⇒ (_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) document_ptr
⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and known_ptr :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and known_ptrs :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and set_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and remove :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog" +
assumes adopt_node_impl: "adopt_node = a_adopt_node"
assumes adopt_node_locs_impl: "adopt_node_locs = a_adopt_node_locs"
lemmas adopt_node_def = a_adopt_node_def[folded adopt_node_impl]
lemmas adopt_node_locs_def = a_adopt_node_locs_def[folded adopt_node_locs_impl]
lemma adopt_node_writes:
shows "writes (adopt_node_locs |h ⊢ get_parent node|⇩r |h
⊢ get_owner_document (cast node)|⇩r document_ptr) (adopt_node document_ptr node) h h'"
apply(auto simp add: adopt_node_def adopt_node_locs_def
intro!: writes_bind_pure[OF get_owner_document_pure] writes_bind_pure[OF get_parent_pure]
writes_bind_pure[OF get_disconnected_nodes_pure]
split: option.splits)[1]
apply(auto intro!: writes_bind)[1]
apply (simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_writes writes_union_right_I)
apply (simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_writes writes_union_left_I writes_union_right_I)
apply(auto intro!: writes_bind)[1]
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) remove_child_writes select_result_I2 writes_union_left_I)
apply (simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_writes writes_union_right_I)
by(auto intro: writes_subset[OF set_disconnected_nodes_writes] writes_subset[OF remove_child_writes])
lemma adopt_node_children_subset:
assumes "h ⊢ adopt_node owner_document node →⇩h h'"
and "h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children"
and "h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children'"
and known_ptrs: "known_ptrs h"
and type_wf: "type_wf h"
shows "set children' ⊆ set children"
proof -
obtain old_document parent_opt h2 where
old_document: "h ⊢ get_owner_document (cast node) →⇩r old_document" and
parent_opt: "h ⊢ get_parent node →⇩r parent_opt" and
h2: "h ⊢ (case parent_opt of Some parent ⇒ do { remove_child parent node } |
None ⇒ do { return ()}) →⇩h h2"
h': "h2 ⊢ (if owner_document ≠ old_document then do {
old_disc_nodes ← get_disconnected_nodes old_document;
set_disconnected_nodes old_document (remove1 node old_disc_nodes);
disc_nodes ← get_disconnected_nodes owner_document;
set_disconnected_nodes owner_document (node # disc_nodes)
} else do { return () }) →⇩h h'"
using assms(1)
by(auto simp add: adopt_node_def
elim!: bind_returns_heap_E
dest!: pure_returns_heap_eq[rotated, OF get_owner_document_pure]
pure_returns_heap_eq[rotated, OF get_parent_pure])
have "h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children'"
proof (cases "owner_document ≠ old_document")
case True
then obtain h3 old_disc_nodes disc_nodes where
old_disc_nodes: "h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes old_document →⇩r old_disc_nodes" and
h3: "h2 ⊢ set_disconnected_nodes old_document (remove1 node old_disc_nodes) →⇩h h3" and
old_disc_nodes: "h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes owner_document →⇩r disc_nodes" and
h': "h3 ⊢ set_disconnected_nodes owner_document (node # disc_nodes) →⇩h h'"
using h'
by(auto elim!: bind_returns_heap_E
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_disconnected_nodes_pure, rotated] )
have "h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children'"
using get_child_nodes_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h' assms(3)
apply(rule reads_writes_separate_backwards)
by (simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes)
show ?thesis
using get_child_nodes_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h3 ‹h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children'›
apply(rule reads_writes_separate_backwards)
by (simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes)
case False
then show ?thesis
using h' assms(3) by(auto)
show ?thesis
proof (insert h2, induct parent_opt)
case None
then show ?case
using assms
by(auto dest!: returns_result_eq[OF ‹h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children'›])
case (Some option)
then show ?case
using assms(2) ‹h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children'› remove_child_children_subset known_ptrs
by simp
lemma adopt_node_child_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ ok (adopt_node document_ptr child)"
shows "child |∈| node_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
apply(auto simp add: adopt_node_def elim!: bind_is_OK_E)[1]
using get_owner_document_pure get_parent_ptr_in_heap pure_returns_heap_eq
by fast
lemma adopt_node_pointers_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ adopt_node_locs parent owner_document document_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
using assms
using set_disconnected_nodes_pointers_preserved
using remove_child_pointers_preserved
unfolding adopt_node_locs_def
by (auto split: if_splits)
lemma adopt_node_types_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ adopt_node_locs parent owner_document document_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "type_wf h = type_wf h'"
using assms
using remove_child_types_preserved
using set_disconnected_nodes_types_preserved
unfolding adopt_node_locs_def
by (auto split: if_splits)
locale l_adopt_node = l_type_wf + l_known_ptrs + l_get_parent_defs + l_adopt_node_defs +
l_get_child_nodes_defs + l_get_owner_document_defs +
assumes adopt_node_writes:
"writes (adopt_node_locs |h ⊢ get_parent node|⇩r
|h ⊢ get_owner_document (cast node)|⇩r document_ptr) (adopt_node document_ptr node) h h'"
assumes adopt_node_pointers_preserved:
"w ∈ adopt_node_locs parent owner_document document_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟹ object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
assumes adopt_node_types_preserved:
"w ∈ adopt_node_locs parent owner_document document_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟹ type_wf h = type_wf h'"
assumes adopt_node_child_in_heap:
"h ⊢ ok (adopt_node document_ptr child) ⟹ child |∈| node_ptr_kinds h"
assumes adopt_node_children_subset:
"h ⊢ adopt_node owner_document node →⇩h h' ⟹ h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children
⟹ h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children'
⟹ known_ptrs h ⟹ type_wf h ⟹ set children' ⊆ set children"
i_adopt_node?: l_adopt_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_owner_document get_parent get_parent_locs remove_child
remove_child_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs adopt_node adopt_node_locs
known_ptr type_wf get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs known_ptrs set_child_nodes
set_child_nodes_locs remove
by(auto simp add: adopt_node_def adopt_node_locs_def)
declare l_adopt_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma adopt_node_is_l_adopt_node [instances]:
"l_adopt_node type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs get_parent adopt_node adopt_node_locs get_child_nodes
using instances
by (simp add: l_adopt_node_axioms_def adopt_node_child_in_heap adopt_node_children_subset
adopt_node_pointers_preserved adopt_node_types_preserved adopt_node_writes
subsubsection ‹insert\_before›
locale l_insert_before⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_get_parent_defs get_parent get_parent_locs
+ l_get_child_nodes_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
+ l_set_child_nodes_defs set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs
+ l_get_ancestors_defs get_ancestors get_ancestors_locs
+ l_adopt_node_defs adopt_node adopt_node_locs
+ l_set_disconnected_nodes_defs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
+ l_get_disconnected_nodes_defs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
+ l_get_owner_document_defs get_owner_document
for get_parent :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_::linorder) object_ptr option) prog"
and get_parent_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and set_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and get_ancestors :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr list) prog"
and get_ancestors_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and adopt_node :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and adopt_node_locs :: "(_) object_ptr option ⇒ (_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) document_ptr
⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and set_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_owner_document :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) document_ptr) prog"
definition a_next_sibling :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr option) dom_prog"
"a_next_sibling node_ptr = do {
parent_opt ← get_parent node_ptr;
(case parent_opt of
Some parent ⇒ do {
children ← get_child_nodes parent;
(case (dropWhile (λptr. ptr = node_ptr) (dropWhile (λptr. ptr ≠ node_ptr) children)) of
x#_ ⇒ return (Some x)
| [] ⇒ return None)}
| None ⇒ return None)
fun insert_before_list :: "'xyz ⇒ 'xyz option ⇒ 'xyz list ⇒ 'xyz list"
"insert_before_list v (Some reference) (x#xs) = (if reference = x
then v#x#xs else x # insert_before_list v (Some reference) xs)"
| "insert_before_list v (Some _) [] = [v]"
| "insert_before_list v None xs = xs @ [v]"
definition a_insert_node :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr option
⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"a_insert_node ptr new_child reference_child_opt = do {
children ← get_child_nodes ptr;
set_child_nodes ptr (insert_before_list new_child reference_child_opt children)
definition a_ensure_pre_insertion_validity :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ (_) object_ptr
⇒ (_) node_ptr option ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"a_ensure_pre_insertion_validity node parent child_opt = do {
(if is_character_data_ptr_kind parent
then error HierarchyRequestError else return ());
ancestors ← get_ancestors parent;
(if cast node ∈ set ancestors then error HierarchyRequestError else return ());
(case child_opt of
Some child ⇒ do {
child_parent ← get_parent child;
(if child_parent ≠ Some parent then error NotFoundError else return ())}
| None ⇒ return ());
children ← get_child_nodes parent;
(if children ≠ [] ∧ is_document_ptr parent
then error HierarchyRequestError else return ());
(if is_character_data_ptr node ∧ is_document_ptr parent
then error HierarchyRequestError else return ())
definition a_insert_before :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr
⇒ (_) node_ptr option ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"a_insert_before ptr node child = do {
a_ensure_pre_insertion_validity node ptr child;
reference_child ← (if Some node = child
then a_next_sibling node
else return child);
owner_document ← get_owner_document ptr;
adopt_node owner_document node;
disc_nodes ← get_disconnected_nodes owner_document;
set_disconnected_nodes owner_document (remove1 node disc_nodes);
a_insert_node ptr node reference_child
definition a_insert_before_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) object_ptr option ⇒ (_) document_ptr
⇒ (_) document_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
"a_insert_before_locs ptr old_parent child_owner_document ptr_owner_document =
adopt_node_locs old_parent child_owner_document ptr_owner_document ∪
set_child_nodes_locs ptr ∪
set_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr_owner_document"
locale l_insert_before_defs =
fixes insert_before :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr option ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
fixes insert_before_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) object_ptr option ⇒ (_) document_ptr
⇒ (_) document_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
locale l_append_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
definition "a_append_child ptr child = insert_before ptr child None"
locale l_append_child_defs =
fixes append_child :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
locale l_insert_before⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
get_parent get_parent_locs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs set_child_nodes
set_child_nodes_locs get_ancestors get_ancestors_locs adopt_node adopt_node_locs
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_owner_document
+ l_insert_before_defs
insert_before insert_before_locs
+ l_append_child_defs
+ l_set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes
type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs
+ l_get_ancestors
get_ancestors get_ancestors_locs
+ l_adopt_node
type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs get_parent get_parent_locs adopt_node adopt_node_locs
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_owner_document
+ l_set_disconnected_nodes
type_wf set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
+ l_get_disconnected_nodes
type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
+ l_get_owner_document
+ l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
known_ptr type_wf get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs known_ptrs get_parent get_parent_locs
+ l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
for get_parent :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_::linorder) object_ptr option) prog"
and get_parent_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and set_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and get_ancestors :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr list) prog"
and get_ancestors_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and adopt_node :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and adopt_node_locs :: "(_) object_ptr option ⇒ (_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) document_ptr
⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and set_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_owner_document :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) document_ptr) prog"
and insert_before ::
"(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr option ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and insert_before_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) object_ptr option ⇒ (_) document_ptr
⇒ (_) document_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
and append_child :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and known_ptrs :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool" +
assumes insert_before_impl: "insert_before = a_insert_before"
assumes insert_before_locs_impl: "insert_before_locs = a_insert_before_locs"
lemmas insert_before_def = a_insert_before_def[folded insert_before_impl]
lemmas insert_before_locs_def = a_insert_before_locs_def[folded insert_before_locs_impl]
lemma next_sibling_pure [simp]:
"pure (a_next_sibling new_child) h"
by(auto simp add: a_next_sibling_def get_parent_pure intro!: bind_pure_I split: option.splits list.splits)
lemma insert_before_list_in_set: "x ∈ set (insert_before_list v ref xs) ⟷ x = v ∨ x ∈ set xs"
apply(induct v ref xs rule: insert_before_list.induct)
lemma insert_before_list_distinct: "x ∉ set xs ⟹ distinct xs ⟹ distinct (insert_before_list x ref xs)"
apply(induct x ref xs rule: insert_before_list.induct)
by(auto simp add: insert_before_list_in_set)
lemma insert_before_list_subset: "set xs ⊆ set (insert_before_list x ref xs)"
apply(induct x ref xs rule: insert_before_list.induct)
lemma insert_before_list_node_in_set: "x ∈ set (insert_before_list x ref xs)"
apply(induct x ref xs rule: insert_before_list.induct)
lemma insert_node_writes:
"writes (set_child_nodes_locs ptr) (a_insert_node ptr new_child reference_child_opt) h h'"
by(auto simp add: a_insert_node_def set_child_nodes_writes
intro!: writes_bind_pure[OF get_child_nodes_pure])
lemma ensure_pre_insertion_validity_pure [simp]:
"pure (a_ensure_pre_insertion_validity node ptr child) h"
by(auto simp add: a_ensure_pre_insertion_validity_def
intro!: bind_pure_I
split: option.splits)
lemma insert_before_reference_child_not_in_children:
assumes "h ⊢ get_parent child →⇩r Some parent"
and "ptr ≠ parent"
and "¬is_character_data_ptr_kind ptr"
and "h ⊢ get_ancestors ptr →⇩r ancestors"
and "cast node ∉ set ancestors"
shows "h ⊢ insert_before ptr node (Some child) →⇩e NotFoundError"
proof -
have "h ⊢ a_ensure_pre_insertion_validity node ptr (Some child) →⇩e NotFoundError"
using assms unfolding insert_before_def a_ensure_pre_insertion_validity_def
by auto (simp | rule bind_returns_error_I2)+
then show ?thesis
unfolding insert_before_def by auto
lemma insert_before_ptr_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ ok (insert_before ptr node reference_child)"
shows "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
apply(auto simp add: insert_before_def elim!: bind_is_OK_E)[1]
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ensure_pre_insertion_validity_pure is_OK_returns_result_I
local.get_owner_document_ptr_in_heap next_sibling_pure pure_returns_heap_eq return_returns_heap)
lemma insert_before_child_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ ok (insert_before ptr node reference_child)"
shows "node |∈| node_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
apply(auto simp add: insert_before_def elim!: bind_is_OK_E)[1]
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ensure_pre_insertion_validity_pure is_OK_returns_heap_I
l_get_owner_document.get_owner_document_pure local.adopt_node_child_in_heap
local.l_get_owner_document_axioms next_sibling_pure pure_returns_heap_eq return_pure)
lemma insert_node_children_remain_distinct:
assumes insert_node: "h ⊢ a_insert_node ptr new_child reference_child_opt →⇩h h2"
and "h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children"
and "new_child ∉ set children"
and "⋀ptr children. h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children ⟹ distinct children"
and known_ptr: "known_ptr ptr"
and type_wf: "type_wf h"
shows "⋀ptr children. h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children ⟹ distinct children"
proof -
fix ptr' children'
assume a1: "h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children'"
then show "distinct children'"
proof (cases "ptr = ptr'")
case True
have "h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r (insert_before_list new_child reference_child_opt children)"
using assms(1) assms(2) apply(auto simp add: a_insert_node_def elim!: bind_returns_heap_E)[1]
using returns_result_eq set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes known_ptr type_wf
using pure_returns_heap_eq by fastforce
then show ?thesis
using True a1 assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) insert_before_list_distinct returns_result_eq
by fastforce
case False
have "h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children'"
using get_child_nodes_reads insert_node_writes insert_node a1
apply(rule reads_writes_separate_backwards)
by (meson False set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes_different_pointers)
then show ?thesis
using assms(4) by blast
lemma insert_before_writes:
"writes (insert_before_locs ptr |h ⊢ get_parent child|⇩r
|h ⊢ get_owner_document (cast child)|⇩r |h ⊢ get_owner_document ptr|⇩r) (insert_before ptr child ref) h h'"
apply(auto simp add: insert_before_def insert_before_locs_def a_insert_node_def
intro!: writes_bind)[1]
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) ensure_pre_insertion_validity_pure local.adopt_node_writes
local.get_owner_document_pure next_sibling_pure pure_returns_heap_eq
select_result_I2 sup_commute writes_union_right_I)
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) ensure_pre_insertion_validity_pure next_sibling_pure
pure_returns_heap_eq select_result_I2 set_disconnected_nodes_writes
apply (simp add: set_child_nodes_writes writes_union_left_I writes_union_right_I)
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) adopt_node_writes ensure_pre_insertion_validity_pure
get_owner_document_pure pure_returns_heap_eq select_result_I2 writes_union_left_I)
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) ensure_pre_insertion_validity_pure pure_returns_heap_eq
select_result_I2 set_disconnected_nodes_writes writes_union_right_I)
by (simp add: set_child_nodes_writes writes_union_left_I writes_union_right_I)
locale l_append_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_append_child_defs +
l_append_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs +
assumes append_child_impl: "append_child = a_append_child"
lemmas append_child_def = a_append_child_def[folded append_child_impl]
locale l_insert_before = l_insert_before_defs
locale l_append_child = l_append_child_defs
global_interpretation l_insert_before⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_parent get_parent_locs get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs get_ancestors get_ancestors_locs
adopt_node adopt_node_locs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_owner_document
next_sibling = "l_insert_before⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_next_sibling get_parent get_child_nodes" and
insert_node = "l_insert_before⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_insert_node get_child_nodes set_child_nodes" and
ensure_pre_insertion_validity = "l_insert_before⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_ensure_pre_insertion_validity
get_parent get_child_nodes get_ancestors" and
insert_before = "l_insert_before⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_insert_before get_parent get_child_nodes
set_child_nodes get_ancestors adopt_node set_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes get_owner_document" and
insert_before_locs = "l_insert_before⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_insert_before_locs set_child_nodes_locs
adopt_node_locs set_disconnected_nodes_locs"
global_interpretation l_append_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs insert_before
defines append_child = "l_append_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_append_child insert_before"
i_insert_before?: l_insert_before⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_parent get_parent_locs get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs get_ancestors get_ancestors_locs
adopt_node adopt_node_locs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_owner_document insert_before insert_before_locs append_child
type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs
apply(simp add: l_insert_before⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_insert_before⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def instances)
by (simp add: insert_before_def insert_before_locs_def)
declare l_insert_before⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
interpretation i_append_child?: l_append_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M append_child insert_before insert_before_locs
apply(simp add: l_append_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances append_child_def)
declare l_append_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
subsubsection ‹create\_element›
locale l_create_element⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_get_disconnected_nodes_defs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_defs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_set_tag_name_defs set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs
for get_disconnected_nodes ::
"(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs ::
"(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and set_disconnected_nodes ::
"(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_disconnected_nodes_locs ::
"(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and set_tag_name ::
"(_) element_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_tag_name_locs ::
"(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
definition a_create_element :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ tag_name ⇒ (_, (_) element_ptr) dom_prog"
"a_create_element document_ptr tag = do {
new_element_ptr ← new_element;
set_tag_name new_element_ptr tag;
disc_nodes ← get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr;
set_disconnected_nodes document_ptr (cast new_element_ptr # disc_nodes);
return new_element_ptr
locale l_create_element_defs =
fixes create_element :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ tag_name ⇒ (_, (_) element_ptr) dom_prog"
global_interpretation l_create_element⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs
create_element = "l_create_element⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_create_element get_disconnected_nodes
set_disconnected_nodes set_tag_name"
locale l_create_element⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_create_element⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs +
l_get_disconnected_nodes type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_set_tag_name type_wf set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs +
l_create_element_defs create_element +
l_known_ptr known_ptr
for get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and set_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and set_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and create_element :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr) prog"
and known_ptr :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool" +
assumes known_ptr_impl: "known_ptr = a_known_ptr"
assumes create_element_impl: "create_element = a_create_element"
lemmas create_element_def = a_create_element_def[folded create_element_impl]
lemma create_element_document_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ ok (create_element document_ptr tag)"
shows "document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
proof -
obtain h' where "h ⊢ create_element document_ptr tag →⇩h h'"
using assms(1)
by auto
obtain new_element_ptr h2 h3 disc_nodes_h3 where
new_element_ptr: "h ⊢ new_element →⇩r new_element_ptr" and
h2: "h ⊢ new_element →⇩h h2" and
h3: "h2 ⊢ set_tag_name new_element_ptr tag →⇩h h3" and
disc_nodes_h3: "h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes_h3" and
h': "h3 ⊢ set_disconnected_nodes document_ptr (cast new_element_ptr # disc_nodes_h3) →⇩h h'"
by(auto simp add: create_element_def
elim!: bind_returns_heap_E
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_disconnected_nodes_pure, rotated] )
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "object_ptr_kinds h2 = object_ptr_kinds h |∪| {|cast new_element_ptr|}"
using new_element_new_ptr h2 new_element_ptr by blast
moreover have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "object_ptr_kinds h3 = object_ptr_kinds h2"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h' = object_ptr_kinds h",
OF set_tag_name_writes h3])
using set_tag_name_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
moreover have "document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h3"
by (meson disc_nodes_h3 is_OK_returns_result_I local.get_disconnected_nodes_ptr_in_heap)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_def)
lemma create_element_known_ptr:
assumes "h ⊢ create_element document_ptr tag →⇩r new_element_ptr"
shows "known_ptr (cast new_element_ptr)"
proof -
have "is_element_ptr new_element_ptr"
using assms
apply(auto simp add: create_element_def elim!: bind_returns_result_E)[1]
using new_element_is_element_ptr
by blast
then show ?thesis
by(auto simp add: known_ptr_impl DocumentClass.known_ptr_defs CharacterDataClass.known_ptr_defs
locale l_create_element = l_create_element_defs
i_create_element?: l_create_element⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs type_wf
create_element known_ptr
by(auto simp add: l_create_element⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_create_element⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def create_element_def instances)
declare l_create_element⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
subsubsection ‹create\_character\_data›
locale l_create_character_data⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_set_val_defs set_val set_val_locs +
l_get_disconnected_nodes_defs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_defs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
for set_val :: "(_) character_data_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_val_locs :: "(_) character_data_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and set_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
definition a_create_character_data :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ string ⇒ (_, (_) character_data_ptr) dom_prog"
"a_create_character_data document_ptr text = do {
new_character_data_ptr ← new_character_data;
set_val new_character_data_ptr text;
disc_nodes ← get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr;
set_disconnected_nodes document_ptr (cast new_character_data_ptr # disc_nodes);
return new_character_data_ptr
locale l_create_character_data_defs =
fixes create_character_data :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ string ⇒ (_, (_) character_data_ptr) dom_prog"
global_interpretation l_create_character_data⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs set_val set_val_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
defines create_character_data = "l_create_character_data⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_create_character_data
set_val get_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes"
locale l_create_character_data⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_create_character_data⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs set_val set_val_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_get_disconnected_nodes type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_set_val type_wf set_val set_val_locs +
l_create_character_data_defs create_character_data +
l_known_ptr known_ptr
for get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and set_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and set_val :: "(_) character_data_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_val_locs :: "(_) character_data_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and create_character_data :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) character_data_ptr) prog"
and known_ptr :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool" +
assumes known_ptr_impl: "known_ptr = a_known_ptr"
assumes create_character_data_impl: "create_character_data = a_create_character_data"
lemmas create_character_data_def = a_create_character_data_def[folded create_character_data_impl]
lemma create_character_data_document_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ ok (create_character_data document_ptr text)"
shows "document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
proof -
obtain h' where "h ⊢ create_character_data document_ptr text →⇩h h'"
using assms(1)
by auto
obtain new_character_data_ptr h2 h3 disc_nodes_h3 where
new_character_data_ptr: "h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩r new_character_data_ptr" and
h2: "h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩h h2" and
h3: "h2 ⊢ set_val new_character_data_ptr text →⇩h h3" and
disc_nodes_h3: "h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes_h3" and
h': "h3 ⊢ set_disconnected_nodes document_ptr (cast new_character_data_ptr # disc_nodes_h3) →⇩h h'"
by(auto simp add: create_character_data_def
elim!: bind_returns_heap_E
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_disconnected_nodes_pure, rotated] )
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "object_ptr_kinds h2 = object_ptr_kinds h |∪| {|cast new_character_data_ptr|}"
using new_character_data_new_ptr h2 new_character_data_ptr by blast
moreover have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "object_ptr_kinds h3 = object_ptr_kinds h2"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h' = object_ptr_kinds h",
OF set_val_writes h3])
using set_val_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
moreover have "document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h3"
by (meson disc_nodes_h3 is_OK_returns_result_I local.get_disconnected_nodes_ptr_in_heap)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_def)
lemma create_character_data_known_ptr:
assumes "h ⊢ create_character_data document_ptr text →⇩r new_character_data_ptr"
shows "known_ptr (cast new_character_data_ptr)"
proof -
have "is_character_data_ptr new_character_data_ptr"
using assms
apply(auto simp add: create_character_data_def elim!: bind_returns_result_E)[1]
using new_character_data_is_character_data_ptr
by blast
then show ?thesis
by(auto simp add: known_ptr_impl DocumentClass.known_ptr_defs CharacterDataClass.known_ptr_defs
locale l_create_character_data = l_create_character_data_defs
i_create_character_data?: l_create_character_data⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs set_val set_val_locs
type_wf create_character_data known_ptr
by(auto simp add: l_create_character_data⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_create_character_data⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def
create_character_data_def instances)
declare l_create_character_data⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
subsubsection ‹create\_character\_data›
locale l_create_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
definition a_create_document :: "(_, (_) document_ptr) dom_prog"
"a_create_document = new_document"
locale l_create_document_defs =
fixes create_document :: "(_, (_) document_ptr) dom_prog"
global_interpretation l_create_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
defines create_document = "l_create_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_create_document"
locale l_create_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_create_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs +
l_create_document_defs +
assumes create_document_impl: "create_document = a_create_document"
create_document_def = create_document_impl[unfolded create_document_def, unfolded a_create_document_def]
locale l_create_document = l_create_document_defs
i_create_document?: l_create_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M create_document
by(simp add: l_create_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def)
declare l_create_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
subsubsection ‹tree\_order›
locale l_to_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_get_child_nodes_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
for get_child_nodes :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
partial_function (dom_prog) a_to_tree_order :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr list) dom_prog"
"a_to_tree_order ptr = (do {
children ← get_child_nodes ptr;
treeorders ← map_M a_to_tree_order (map (cast) children);
return (ptr # concat treeorders)
locale l_to_tree_order_defs =
fixes to_tree_order :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr list) dom_prog"
global_interpretation l_to_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs defines
to_tree_order = "l_to_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_to_tree_order get_child_nodes" .
declare a_to_tree_order.simps [code]
locale l_to_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_child_nodes type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs +
l_to_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs +
l_to_tree_order_defs to_tree_order
for known_ptr :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and to_tree_order :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr list) prog" +
assumes to_tree_order_impl: "to_tree_order = a_to_tree_order"
lemmas to_tree_order_def = a_to_tree_order.simps[folded to_tree_order_impl]
lemma to_tree_order_pure [simp]: "pure (to_tree_order ptr) h"
proof -
have "∀ptr h h' x. h ⊢ to_tree_order ptr →⇩r x ⟶ h ⊢ to_tree_order ptr →⇩h h' ⟶ h = h'"
proof (induct rule: a_to_tree_order.fixp_induct[folded to_tree_order_impl])
case 1
then show ?case
by (rule admissible_dom_prog)
case 2
then show ?case
by simp
case (3 f)
then have "⋀x h. pure (f x) h"
by (metis is_OK_returns_heap_E is_OK_returns_result_E pure_def)
then have "⋀xs h. pure (map_M f xs) h"
by(rule map_M_pure_I)
then show ?case
by(auto elim!: bind_returns_heap_E2)
then show ?thesis
unfolding pure_def
by (metis is_OK_returns_heap_E is_OK_returns_result_E)
locale l_to_tree_order =
fixes to_tree_order :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr list) dom_prog"
assumes to_tree_order_pure [simp]: "pure (to_tree_order ptr) h"
i_to_tree_order?: l_to_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr type_wf get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
by (simp add: to_tree_order_def)
declare l_to_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma to_tree_order_is_l_to_tree_order [instances]: "l_to_tree_order to_tree_order"
using to_tree_order_pure l_to_tree_order_def by blast
subsubsection ‹first\_in\_tree\_order›
locale l_first_in_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_to_tree_order_defs to_tree_order
for to_tree_order :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr list) prog"
definition a_first_in_tree_order :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) object_ptr
⇒ (_, 'result option) dom_prog) ⇒ (_, 'result option) dom_prog"
"a_first_in_tree_order ptr f = (do {
tree_order ← to_tree_order ptr;
results ← map_filter_M f tree_order;
(case results of
[] ⇒ return None
| x#_⇒ return (Some x))
locale l_first_in_tree_order_defs =
fixes first_in_tree_order :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, 'result option) dom_prog)
⇒ (_, 'result option) dom_prog"
global_interpretation l_first_in_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs to_tree_order defines
first_in_tree_order = "l_first_in_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_first_in_tree_order to_tree_order" .
locale l_first_in_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_first_in_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs to_tree_order +
l_first_in_tree_order_defs first_in_tree_order
for to_tree_order :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr list) prog"
and first_in_tree_order :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, 'result option) prog)
⇒ ((_) heap, exception, 'result option) prog" +
assumes first_in_tree_order_impl: "first_in_tree_order = a_first_in_tree_order"
lemmas first_in_tree_order_def = first_in_tree_order_impl[unfolded a_first_in_tree_order_def]
locale l_first_in_tree_order
interpretation i_first_in_tree_order?:
l_first_in_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M to_tree_order first_in_tree_order
by unfold_locales (simp add: first_in_tree_order_def)
declare l_first_in_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
subsubsection ‹get\_element\_by›
locale l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_first_in_tree_order_defs first_in_tree_order +
l_to_tree_order_defs to_tree_order +
l_get_attribute_defs get_attribute get_attribute_locs
for to_tree_order :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr list) prog"
and first_in_tree_order :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) object_ptr
⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr option) prog)
⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr option) prog"
and get_attribute :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, char list option) prog"
and get_attribute_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
definition a_get_element_by_id :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ attr_value ⇒ (_, (_) element_ptr option) dom_prog"
"a_get_element_by_id ptr iden = first_in_tree_order ptr (λptr. (case cast ptr of
Some element_ptr ⇒ do {
id_opt ← get_attribute element_ptr ''id'';
(if id_opt = Some iden then return (Some element_ptr) else return None)
| _ ⇒ return None
definition a_get_elements_by_class_name :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ attr_value ⇒ (_, (_) element_ptr list) dom_prog"
"a_get_elements_by_class_name ptr class_name = to_tree_order ptr ⤜
map_filter_M (λptr. (case cast ptr of
Some element_ptr ⇒ do {
class_name_opt ← get_attribute element_ptr ''class'';
(if class_name_opt = Some class_name then return (Some element_ptr) else return None)
| _ ⇒ return None))"
definition a_get_elements_by_tag_name :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ attr_value ⇒ (_, (_) element_ptr list) dom_prog"
"a_get_elements_by_tag_name ptr tag = to_tree_order ptr ⤜
map_filter_M (λptr. (case cast ptr of
Some element_ptr ⇒ do {
this_tag_name ← get_M element_ptr tag_name;
(if this_tag_name = tag then return (Some element_ptr) else return None)
| _ ⇒ return None))"
locale l_get_element_by_defs =
fixes get_element_by_id :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ attr_value ⇒ (_, (_) element_ptr option) dom_prog"
fixes get_elements_by_class_name :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ attr_value ⇒ (_, (_) element_ptr list) dom_prog"
fixes get_elements_by_tag_name :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ attr_value ⇒ (_, (_) element_ptr list) dom_prog"
l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs to_tree_order first_in_tree_order get_attribute get_attribute_locs
get_element_by_id = "l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_element_by_id first_in_tree_order get_attribute"
get_elements_by_class_name = "l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_elements_by_class_name
to_tree_order get_attribute"
get_elements_by_tag_name = "l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_elements_by_tag_name to_tree_order" .
locale l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs to_tree_order first_in_tree_order get_attribute get_attribute_locs +
l_get_element_by_defs get_element_by_id get_elements_by_class_name get_elements_by_tag_name +
l_first_in_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M to_tree_order first_in_tree_order +
l_to_tree_order to_tree_order +
l_get_attribute type_wf get_attribute get_attribute_locs
for to_tree_order :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr list) prog"
and first_in_tree_order ::
"(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr option) prog)
⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr option) prog"
and get_attribute :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, char list option) prog"
and get_attribute_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_element_by_id ::
"(_) object_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr option) prog"
and get_elements_by_class_name ::
"(_) object_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr list) prog"
and get_elements_by_tag_name ::
"(_) object_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr list) prog"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool" +
assumes get_element_by_id_impl: "get_element_by_id = a_get_element_by_id"
assumes get_elements_by_class_name_impl: "get_elements_by_class_name = a_get_elements_by_class_name"
assumes get_elements_by_tag_name_impl: "get_elements_by_tag_name = a_get_elements_by_tag_name"
get_element_by_id_def = get_element_by_id_impl[unfolded a_get_element_by_id_def]
get_elements_by_class_name_def = get_elements_by_class_name_impl[unfolded a_get_elements_by_class_name_def]
get_elements_by_tag_name_def = get_elements_by_tag_name_impl[unfolded a_get_elements_by_tag_name_def]
lemma get_element_by_id_result_in_tree_order:
assumes "h ⊢ get_element_by_id ptr iden →⇩r Some element_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ to_tree_order ptr →⇩r to"
shows "cast element_ptr ∈ set to"
using assms
by(auto simp add: get_element_by_id_def first_in_tree_order_def
elim!: map_filter_M_pure_E[where y=element_ptr] bind_returns_result_E2
dest!: bind_returns_result_E3[rotated, OF assms(2), rotated]
intro!: map_filter_M_pure map_M_pure_I bind_pure_I
split: option.splits list.splits if_splits)
lemma get_elements_by_class_name_result_in_tree_order:
assumes "h ⊢ get_elements_by_class_name ptr name →⇩r results"
assumes "h ⊢ to_tree_order ptr →⇩r to"
assumes "element_ptr ∈ set results"
shows "cast element_ptr ∈ set to"
using assms
by(auto simp add: get_elements_by_class_name_def first_in_tree_order_def
elim!: map_filter_M_pure_E[where y=element_ptr] bind_returns_result_E2
dest!: bind_returns_result_E3[rotated, OF assms(2), rotated]
intro!: map_filter_M_pure map_M_pure_I bind_pure_I
split: option.splits list.splits if_splits)
lemma get_elements_by_tag_name_result_in_tree_order:
assumes "h ⊢ get_elements_by_tag_name ptr name →⇩r results"
assumes "h ⊢ to_tree_order ptr →⇩r to"
assumes "element_ptr ∈ set results"
shows "cast element_ptr ∈ set to"
using assms
by(auto simp add: get_elements_by_tag_name_def first_in_tree_order_def
elim!: map_filter_M_pure_E[where y=element_ptr] bind_returns_result_E2
dest!: bind_returns_result_E3[rotated, OF assms(2), rotated]
intro!: map_filter_M_pure map_M_pure_I bind_pure_I
split: option.splits list.splits if_splits)
lemma get_elements_by_tag_name_pure [simp]: "pure (get_elements_by_tag_name ptr tag) h"
by(auto simp add: get_elements_by_tag_name_def
intro!: bind_pure_I map_filter_M_pure
split: option.splits)
locale l_get_element_by = l_get_element_by_defs + l_to_tree_order_defs +
assumes get_element_by_id_result_in_tree_order:
"h ⊢ get_element_by_id ptr iden →⇩r Some element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ to_tree_order ptr →⇩r to
⟹ cast element_ptr ∈ set to"
assumes get_elements_by_tag_name_pure [simp]: "pure (get_elements_by_tag_name ptr tag) h"
i_get_element_by?: l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M to_tree_order first_in_tree_order get_attribute
get_attribute_locs get_element_by_id get_elements_by_class_name
get_elements_by_tag_name type_wf
using instances
apply(simp add: l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def)
by(simp add: get_element_by_id_def get_elements_by_class_name_def get_elements_by_tag_name_def)
declare l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma get_element_by_is_l_get_element_by [instances]:
"l_get_element_by get_element_by_id get_elements_by_tag_name to_tree_order"
using get_element_by_id_result_in_tree_order get_elements_by_tag_name_pure
by fast+